IAC - italian american club of boise


IAC - italian american club of boise
JULY 2012
PO Box 1661
Meridian, ID 83680
Happy Independence Day!
This is an important day for Americans. We celebrate with both private
and public gatherings. There are band concerts, speeches by community leaders - and who doesn’t like the picnics and
the fireworks! It is the birth of our nation’s freedom. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!!
We take pride in our AMERICAN citizenship as well as in our heritage. Doing a little research I learned that Italian
Americans are the fourth largest European ethnic group in the US; overall, we rank seventh, behind the German, Irish, African American,
English, American and Mexican. About 5.5 million Italians immigrated to the US from 1820-2004; the greatest surge (about 4 million) occurred between 1880 and 1920. Like other immigrants, Italian Americans began their life here (1890-1910) from the lower rungs of the economic scale. By 1970 they worked up to a level comparable to the national average. By 1990, more than 65% of Italian Americans were
managerial, professional, or white-collar works. Italians and their descendent helped shape our country, and we are in turn shaped by it. No
common identity is shared by all Italian Americans; rather, we are diverse as the American population itself. We have gained prominence in
politics, sports, the media, fine arts, culinary arts and numerous other fields of endeavor. Buon compleanno America!
Dan & Debbie Amhols
Peter & Annie Tarro
Norma Bailey
Karen Montano
Katie Zammiello
Mary Gaffney
Alice Simpson
Jason & Valerie Keeble
Richard & Pattie O’Hara
Raffaele Dore
Gary Hicks
Mary Jo Savijo
Alie & Tony Tenne
* * * * * * *
On June 16th, The IAC Board Members hosted a new
member dinner at Agostino & Marie Bonaminio’s
home. It was a good time and it was acknowledged by
a greeting card sent to the board by Ed & Brenda Romano. They wrote:
“We wanted to thank you for hosting the
‘New Members Social’. The food was fantastic and the hospitality awesome!! We
are having such a great experience with this
club and all its members! Thanks Again!”
Have you made your reservation yet?
Have you paid for the event yet?
Time is running out . . . Do it NOW!!
A Night at the Races
Les Bois Park (near fairgrounds)
Saturday, July 14th $25.00 per person (Pay Pal on website)
Or check made payable to IAC of Boise; mail check to
IAC Night at the Races, PO Box 1661, Meridian, ID 83680)
Deadline for tickets is Friday, July 6th
Patio tent seating begins @ 4:30pm
Racing Times: 5:30pm to 9:00pm
Your ticket includes Buffet, horse races, program, winner
circle photo. Full service bar, alcohol and non-alcohol beverages are available for purchase.
Contact: Jessica Rodriguez webmasteratiac.org or 343-6489
This is an IAC event open to members and friends.
Take me out to the ballgame!!
Friday, July 27th $25.00 per person
(includes both the game and dinner)
6:00pm Dinner in Hawks Nest—7:00pm Game
Deadline to confirm/pay Friday, July 20
Plan to arrive between 5:45pm and 6:00pm
You get a reserved seat in the shade, free baseball for the
group autograph session, all you care to eat dinner & drinks
that includes burgers, chicken, hot dogs, baked beans, tater
salad, dessert, fruit, mini corn on the cob—Pepsi and Beer.
IAC - - around the town
New Members dinner above
Annual Picnic—a great time
was had by all!!
When: Saturday, July 21
THE MOUSETRAP, by Agatha Christie, Directed by Drew Barr
Where: Shakespeare Festival Amphitheater at 5657 Warm Springs Ave.
IAC volunteers will help set-up, pass out programs, watch the performance, help clean-up afterwards.
Volunteers are entitled to a 10% discount on souvenirs from the gift shop or food from Café Shakespeare.
Contact: Harriet Americo at harenco@msn.com or phone 283-7511.
Harriet plans to contact those who signed up to volunteer for the performance as we get closer to the date.
The next Shakespeare Volunteer night is Saturday, August 18th. The Imaginary Invalid is billed as “a hysterical comedy, freely adapted
from Moliere by Oded Gross and Tracy Young. The wealthy Argan is a housebound hypochondriac with every disease imaginable. Literally. Lurking quacks are only too happy to (mis)treat him. Family troubles, a money-grubbing wife and headstrong daughters add to Argan’s miseries. Moliere’s comedy gets and injection of 1960’s pop culture. Original songs and satirical bites.” Harriet is in charge so contact her if you are interested.
New and/or gently used clothing needed!
Sally Gutierrez is once again gathering up clothing for
children from ages 6 to 16. These will be donated to
those needy students who attend Boise Schools and are
very much appreciated.
Please give any article of clothing you can—it can be
for any season - from summer to back-to-school to
winter. The kids will love you for it.
Please contact Sally Gutierrez
if you can help out:
sallyg@ctcweb.net or 229-0095
Announcing a Club Contest
“O, be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a
rose By any other name would smell as sweet.”
(from Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet II, ii, 1-2)
Take a look at the cover of this Newsletter … what do you see?
Our logo and Italian American Club of Boise. This little newspaper
has served us well over the years; it is time that we give it a name?
It should be a special name; possibly an Italian name or phrase.
One that is at once playful while at the same time clever, and a little
elegant. That is a tall order, but I now we can do it.
Submit your suggestion to newsletter@iac.org
or give me a call at 376-7069
All entries will be considered; the best ones will
be voted on by the membership and the winner
gets a little prize. Nice idea?
Grazie Mille! Alberta
The 40th Anniversary Committee, with the approval by the Board, has set the date for the celebration. The
Club was officially established in 1975; therefore the official celebration will be in 2015. The core Committee, with several Sub-Committees are in place. Al Ceriale was appointed Head of the Sub-Committees.
The survey to gather club member’s ideas and contributions is progressing. If you haven’t yet
completed this survey form, contact Jeanne Brandone or Phil Sansotta. Your input is important in making
final decisions on
The date seems a long way off, but this is a significant milestone and worthy of good planning. Members are asked to contact the
Committee if they have any photos or documents that should be included in the anniversary festivities. All members should be
aware of one important fact: The Charter Members, The Board and the Anniversary Committee want to make sure that nobody
plans to hold any anniversary celebration outside of the Committee planning. Do not go rogue! This will dilute the impact, and
thwart all the efforts of many working to make this a most special occasion. Another planning committee meeting is set for September. Please contact Phil Sansotta or Jeanne Brandone if you have any questions.
It’s always fun to get out of the kitchen and go out
for an IMPROMPTU DINNER on a weeknight.
Join us on Tuesday, August 14th, at 6 pm
at the Cottonwood Grille. Cost is $25/person—tip
and tax included. This includes salad, entrée (a
choice from 3 pre-selected offerings), tea or coffee.
Beverages and dessert not included.
This is an IAC event: members and friends invited.
We can reserve a place for 70 people max.
Contact Sally Gutieterriz
Or phone her at 229-0095
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
August 25th at Eagle Hills Golf Course
Our annual golf tournament is fast approaching.
Flyers have been distributed around town; letters
mailed to golfers in the Valley, as well as visits
to local businesses for support.
We want to make this an exciting and successful
event and appreciate your support.
Contact: Joe DeChristefero
or phone 229-1948
Open Forum (6:45 to 7:00)
Treasurer’s Report
President’s report
Committee Report
 Finance
 Nomination
Council Reports
 Membership
 Communications
 Telephone
 Ways and Means
Club Reports
 Golf
 Bocce
 40th Anniversary of the IAC
Upcoming events
New business for next meeting
All members of the Italian American Club are
welcome to attend the Board Meeting which is held at
the First United Congregational Church
2201 Woodlawn Ave., Boise (off 23rd Street)
BOCCE League - In full swing! Check out the website for details and standings.
August 14 Tuesday
August 18 Saturday
September 29 Saturday
October 5—8
October 7 Sunday
Impromptu Dinner at Cottonwood Grille
Shakespeare Festival (Volunteers) The Imaginary Invalid
Snake River Valley Wine Tour
Reno Bus to 31st Great Italian Festival
Columbus Day Dinner (this will be like an Impromtu Dinner)
IAC Christmas Party! Won’t be long before Marie Bonaminio will be calling a meeting to plan this event

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