Upriver Cruise — Cathlamet


Upriver Cruise — Cathlamet
October 2012
Vol. 62 No. 10
Upriver Cruise — Cathlamet
Photo by Terry Johnson
comes to an
end and autumn begins, I reflect on the number of
beautiful northwest summer days that
we had this year. Nearly a dozen PYC
boats ventured north this season and
traveled to familiar and some new locations. They have returned to their
berths with stories and photos of their
Upriver Cruise
August was a busy month for PYC
members on and off the water. The
upriver cruisers began their adventure
in Ilwaco and then stayed in Astoria for
three days before heading on to Cathlamet. The group enjoyed a wonderful
meal at Fulio’s restaurant which was
coordinated by Gayle Timmerman.
During the Cathlamet visit some of the
group traveled on the Trolley on a
route through the wildlife refuge to the
Duck Inn in Skamokawa. The fleet
visited the Longview Yacht Club and
were treated to a barbeque and music.
The LYC members are gracious hosts
and really rolled out the welcome mat.
PYC presented a plaque to LYC in recognition of their 80th anniversary.
LYC Rear Commodore Ken McCallister and the Port Captains Dave and
Donna Williams deserve big thanks for
their efforts in making our stay so enjoyable.
A handful of boats then visited St. Helens where Carole and Berkeley Smith
had arranged dinner at the Plantation
House. Most of us enjoyed the air conditioning as much as the meal. The
cruiser’s last stop was the Willow Bar
outstation, with a Friday cookout “just
like at home”, was well attended.
Lynda and Peter Hirst provided delicious fresh peach margaritas that were
perfect on the hot evening! Thanks go
out to the club staff for organizing the
provisions and to Gary Campbell for
delivering the food, including ice
2 • October 2012
I also want to thank all the members on
the cruise for helping with the events at
the various locations.
tickets please see the flyer on the clubhouse bulletin board or contact the
club office.
Classic Car and Boat Cookout
PYC at Work
The most popular Cookout of the year,
the Classic Car and Boat show set a
record with attendance of nearly 240.
This annual event was once again organized by Joe and Penny Spaziani and
team, including Navin R. Johnson.
The club staff did their best to keep up
with the replenishing of the salad bar
and supplying washed dishes. It should
be noted that there were over twentyfive members that showed up which
had not previously RSVP’d which
added to the challenge. Once again we
would like to remind members to
RSVP prior to events so that the staff
and the event’s committee can prepare,
purchase, and provide enough for all
the members and guests.
The Board of Trustees has been focusing on several projects and the Finance
Committee has begun the task of preparing the budget for 2013. In addition
the Open Moorage Design Committee
has been working diligently; please refer
to article in this issue. Mark your calendars to attend the Annual Meeting on
November 26th.
PYC Swap Meet
Deadline — October 10
The following day the PYC Swap Meet
was held in the club parking lot and
several members found some great
deals on boat gear and other items.
Labor Day Cruise
The Labor Day Cruise, “On the Boardwalk”, was hosted by Dale and Laura
Mack. Their large team of volunteers
provided the attendees with great food
and fun. The members danced to live
music to a band brought in to celebrate
Dick Dyer’s birthday. Please see article
and photos in this issue.
Looking Ahead
October events on the calendar include:
the season’s final regatta, the Robert A.
Smith memorial regatta on the 6th and
7th, the “Monster Mash” Halloween
party on Saturday the 26th, Cookouts
on the 5th and 19th. Two “no host”
cruises are scheduled to Schwitter
Landing on October 19-21 and to Willow Bar on November 2-4.
The CYRA Closing Day events will be
the weekend of October 6th. For information on the activities and raffle
Nancy MacGregor
S/V Child of the Mist
Email articles and photos to:
Dale Mack
published monthly by the
1241 NE Marine Drive
Portland, Oregon 97211
503.285.1922 | 503.283.4960 (fax)
EDITOR—Dale Mack
Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore
Nancy MacGregor (sail)
Larry Cirotski (power)
Chris Dorn
Rod Wells
Tom Winslow (power)
Michael Hahn (power)
Gerry Gregg
Frank Bocarde
Brian Hedges
Manager’s Report
ctober and closing day is just
around the corner. Welcome to
fall. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the
summer here at the club. It gave me great
pleasure to watch the membership come to life during the
boating season and I already look forward to next year’s festivities.
Sometimes difficult situations produce valuable results. That
was the case when a member was explaining his disappointing experience at the fuel dock. He was frustrated because
his printed receipt did not match the amount of gallons dispensed by the pump. There have been several situations surrounding the new pedestal at the fuel dock. I think we have
the kinks worked out but the only way I will know is if you
tell me about your experience. I don’t view frustrations as
complaints. I view them as opportunities to improve. So if
you do want to share your experiences with me, please know
I welcome your input. On the contrary I had a member go
out of his way to tell me how he had four great experiences
during one week’s time.
About a month ago I had the pleasure of working with the
Simonson’s as they celebrated 50 years of marriage. It was an
organized event with an informal reception. There was a time
for family and friends to share stories and roast David. The
family performed a musical ensemble, there was a slide presentation set to their favorite music, followed by a formal
cake cutting. I had the opportunity to view the action from
the comfort of the couch in the back of the ballroom. Someone said it sure is a shame you have to work on Sunday. I
smiled and said, “I don’t mind working on a Sunday once in
a while if this is what I get to experience.”
Your get together doesn’t have to be big. You don’t have to
pay for a room rental. If you want to have a birthday cake
and invite family and friends on Friday evening during happy
hour, that is easy for us to accommodate. We want you to
experience special occasions at the club. Big or small we
don’t mind, just let us know you are coming so we can have
staff on hand and provisions like cake plates, etc.. When you
get a chance ask Joe Spaziani what we did for his birthday.
FYI – we have time slots available for private holiday parties.
The club has received a Kindle that was donated to us by Bill
Chevalier. We will loan you the Kindle like a library book
and you can download the book by Dirk Winters. Thanks
Gary Campbell
Club Manager
in Color
Return Dock Carts
When you are finished using dock carts
please return them to the parking lot
Pickup Your Sails
Sails stored in the basement under the
Kelly Bar need to be removed by October
31st. Any articles left will be taken to a
resale shop.
Label Your Dinghy
PYC will be removing derelict dinghies
during October. Please label your dinghies
so we can identify them.
Moorage Rules
E. Dinghy Storage Docks
Members storing dinghies, tenders, kayaks and other small
boats on the docks designated as Dinghy Docks, located
within the Open Moorage, are required to seek prior
approval from the Club Manager before placing vessels on
the dock. All vessels shall be marked with the member’s
name. Vessels not identified may be removed at the Club
Manager’s or Open Moorage Chair’s discretion.
Fly Your Burgee
Boats at the outstation need to display the
club burgee when docked at the Willow
Bar outstation.
Outstation Rules
A full color version of the Portlight
is available online at:
Section 1. Yacht Identification
PYC Members’ yachts shall fly the PYC Burgee at all
appropriate times at the Outstation.
October 2012 • 3
Daughter of Neptune Candidates:
Time to Apply is Now!
Friday, November 9
Celebrate the adventures of the
Commodore and First Mate
YC is now seeking candidates for the 2013 Daughter
of Neptune. The Daughter
of Neptune representative must by
15 years old by June 2012. She will
need to be available during the year
for evening and weekend functions,
including the Kid Fest, Starlight
Parade, Opening Day, Astoria Regatta and various CRYA clubs’
events such as Ladies Dinners.
Young ladies wanting to apply should submit a letter to the
selection committee by Friday, October 28th. The letter
should include a brief personal background, including special
interests and achievements. The letter should also include
the reasons why she would like to be considered to represent
PYC as their Daughter of Neptune.
The 2013 Daughter of Neptune will be crowned at the 2012
Ladies Holiday Dinner, December 12.
Watch your November
Portlight for details
Letters should be submitted to the PYC office attention:
Daughter of Neptune selection committee.
PYC Library Continues to Grow
fter the PYC August Swap Meet we received an extraordinary donation of books from Charlotte Montgomery. The library at PYC is much enhanced with
this valuable donation. Thank you, Charlotte.
We'll soon be in need of another library shelf. If you are
moving office or home please keep PYC in mind.
Gloria Reich
PYC Librarian
M/V Transitions
October 5 • October 19
You provide the meat, PYC provides the Grill,
Salad Bar, Baked Potato, Garlic Bread, Beans,
and Dessert
$7.50 per person
Bar Opens at 3:00 • Dinner at 6:30
Sign up before noon on the Wednesday before the
cookout to be entered into the
“Free Cookout” drawing
4 • October 2012
RSVP 503.735.0632 or
Monster Mash
Halloween Dinner & Dance
Saturday, October 27th
5:30-6:30 Cocktail Hour ● 6:30-7:30 Buffet Dinner ● 7:30-10:30 Dancing
● Autumn Spinach Salad with Maple-Balsamic Vinaigrette
● Harvest Rolls with Butter
● Pork Tenderloin with Brandied Apple Cream Sauce
● Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Chives
● Garlicky Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Parmesan
● Spiced Pumpkin-Caramel Cheesecake
Costumes Encouraged, but Optional
$24 per person or register by Friday, October 19th, for the early-bird price of $22 per person
Reservations 503.735.0632 or admin@portlandyc.com ● Cancellation Policy in Effect
October 2012 • 5
Maritime Heritage Festival
6 • October 2012
Photos by Nancy MacGregor
Maritime Heritage Festival
Photos by Nancy MacGregor
October 2012 • 7
PYC Swap Meet
8 • October 2012
Photos by Nancy MacGregor
Photo by Robert Knauer
Heron Lakes — Great Blue Course
August 30
Is A Year Round Sport held
every Thursday
Larry Snyder
Open Moorage Design
he surveys of the PYC East and
North boundaries and the in
water survey of the open moorage have been completed by W.B.
Wells & Assoc. The Moorage Upgrade/Open Moorage design committees have sent the information on to
Flowing Solutions to be incorporated
in our permit request for the open
moorage. We also discovered that there
are a few discrepancies in our boundaries that need to be reconciled with our
neighbors and we are working on these
issues prior to completing our design.
In the mean time we have the E row
installation coming up. Dick Dyer is
looking for a delivery date at the end of
September or beginning of October
from our dock vendor, Shoreside, with
an installation work party shortly after
delivery. We have had a number of new
volunteers for the work party come
forward and we thank you. Anyone
who would like to volunteer for the E
row installation should contact Dick
Dyer or myself.
Frank Bocarde
S/V Bluefin
October 2012 • 9
Cruise In
Vintage Car & Boat Cookout
Photos by Robert Knauer
hank you to everyone that
brought their Classic Boat or
Car to PYC’s Annual CruiseIn. As usual the 25 cent beer was a
huge success thanks to our Beermeister Tom Kerns, as well our parking lot
attendants who did a super job, First
Mate Gil MacGregor aka Navin R.
Johnson and Jeffrey Spaziani. Also
thanks to Barbara Tillman and Sandy
Free for helping with the decorations
and clean up. They all deserve a clap
clap clap. Special callout to Gary who
tracked down the pink table cloths
and black napkins, woohoo, thank
you. Last but not least the biggest
round of applause goes to all of you
who attended. It was a perfect day
and everyone had a good time.
Joe and Penny Spaziani
M/V Arrested Developer
10 • October 2012
Cruise In
Photos by Stan Borys
October 2012 • 11
Upriver Cruise
Photos by Nancy MacGregor
12 • October 2012
Upriver Cruise
Photos by Terry Johnson
October 2012 • 13
On The Boardwalk
Labor Day Cruise
Photos by Dale Mack
ith twenty-eight boats and more than sixty PYC
members attending, the Labor Day Cruise at Willow Bar was a bash to remember. With nearperfect weather, it was an idyllic goodbye to summer.
● Two delicious meals (Saturday's Pigskin Brunch and
Sunday's Boardwalk Bash Dinner) prepared with the
assistance of many volunteer helpers, not to mention
some advance prep by PYC Chef Kym.
It was a wonderful long weekend punctuated with great food,
drink, music and all-around merriment. Highlights included:
● Three awesome potlucks (appetizers, dinner and
brunch), at which the broad culinary talent among
PYC members was showcased in abundance.
● Two balmy evenings that had everyone dining alfresco
on the new double-wide dock. So gorgeous.
(Continued on page 15)
● Three beautiful mornings that began with custommade gourmet coffee beverages prepared by the evercheerful Riverbuck's barista, Susan Dorn.
14 • October 2012
(Continued from page 14)
● One memorable birthday party
hosted by Dick Dyer and
Renee Menchen to celebrate
Dick's Big 7-0. What's not to
love about a keg of beer,
munchies, a live country/rock band and two giant
birthday cakes! The festivities were kicked off with a
nautical tribute to Dick
by Cliff Stephens and
Becky Belangy featuring
an inspired limerick they
created for the occasion.
The party came to a
close, reluctantly, after
hours of dancing in the
Pavillion. The place was
literally rockin' and
● And, last but not least, thirty-eight individuals who
volunteered onsite to help with decorating, galley duty,
carnival games, and all around setup and cleanup, not
to mention dock-mastering (thanks Larry Justice).
We've never seen a group of folks so willing to jump
in and help — it was truly inspiring.
● One rowdy Boardwalk Carnival featuring six different
games and lots of yummy refreshments. We knew the
kids would have a blast, but we had no idea that they'd
have to wait in line behind all of the 'grown-ups' eager
to play. We haven't heard that much hooting and hollering in a long time.
Thank you
for the help
All of this and more added up to a just-plain-fun weekend
that we'll not soon forget. Many thanks to all of you wonderful volunteers who were part of the team that made it a
success. We appreciate you!!
Your cruise leaders,
Laura and Dale Mack
M/V Celtic Myst & S/V Celtic Wind
October 2012 • 15
PYC Labor Day Cruise to Willow Bar
ime once again when kids go back to school, traffic
increases 25% on area freeways and of course, Dick
Dyer’s birthday rolls around. In honor of all this,
PYC held its annual Labor Day Cruise and renamed the outstation, Dyer Straits in honor of Dick’s 70th. For those of
you that weren’t there, we renamed the outstation after a
PYC member or a very successful rock band from the 70’s
and 80’s every year. In this case, it was both, kind of.
Because of the music theme, most of the attendees did their
best to adhere to famous rock band behavior, especially with
a full moon in play. On Friday night, this included a trashing
of Bob and Elaine Sudlow’s Big Easy by the female groupie
contingent. Due
there weren’t
to put a dent in the local wine inventory. Outside, the men were left to marvel at the full moon
over the Straits which, when looked at just right, appears
to be very similar to Keith Moon’s drum kit from the Who.
With lively conversation that included....uh, what did we talk
about? Oh right, that’s part of being with the band....nobody
knows, or more importantly, nobody remembers. Our fearless Portlight editor in chief Dale Mack was clearly overserved Coke Zero or that’s what he claimed it was or else
he’d surely remember too. Any comments editor?
On Saturday, which did eventually come around a bit later
than most were thinking it would due to the evening before,
the weather cooperated such that even the mosquitoes stayed
away. Perhaps Dick Dyer had something to do with it because our resident mosquito control officer, Chris Dorn, forgot to bring his electronic bug zapper. And I thought it was
because Susan Dorn had spent so much time washing dishes
that there was no food or trash to attract bugs.
Saturday evening, Dick
Photo by Steve Gordon
had his friends Tim
McGraw and Faith Hill
come in for a rockin’
country concert that got
everyone up and on their
feet. Amy and Mike Bradford brought their two
sons and daughter to the
event with one son obviously winning the audition
for this seasons’ So You Think You Can Dance...and he’s
only 8. With repeated attempts, the crowd believed that continual yelling of “Jolene” would somehow bring Dolly Parton
(Continued on page 17)
16 • October 2012
(Continued from page 16)
to the event but even if she did show up, the band didn’t
know the song. The band was great, even dipping into their
back catalog for some of Dick’s favorites: “Cat Scratch Fever”, “Feels Like the First Time” and “I’m Here for the
Party”. Happy 70th Dick!
Sunday night’s boardwalk dinner included an Iron Chef competition won by....Chef Laura again. It was a close competition especially given the fact that the surprise ingredient was
supposed to be salmon but Gary and Marilyn of course didn’t get one. So instead, the Iron Chef prepared a sumptuous
On Sunday, after the roadies had left and the party was dying
down, our Portlight Editor Dale Mack and his able assistants
put together an authentic walk down the Boardwalk. This
included games of chance that had everyone participating
and many yelling “FIX” when they couldn’t win what appeared to be an easy game of Three Card Monty. Vic Alfonso was in charge of the shooting game and smartly got
well out of the way when Sandi Free picked up the gun. The
dinner that included official Coney Island hot dogs direct
from Nathan’s in NY, shrimp rolls, coleslaw, corn on the
cob, and ice cream which in itself, is an amazing Iron Chef
feat given the fact that we don’t have a refrigerator or freezer
at the outstation. Thanks go to Vic for making that immaterial due to the fact that he converted his lazarette into a restaurant sized walk-in freezer. You really should go check it
Photo by Sandra Gordon
plastic bullets, or at least that’s what they told us they were,
are somewhere across the river in Ridgefield thanks to
Sandi’s shooting. Larry Cirotski ran a game of darts which
was for contestants like Vicki Justice to try and hit the dart
board instead of the fish in the Straits. Vicki must have
thought she was on Gary and Marilyn Erdahl’s charter fishing boat. I believe the Erdahls are still on the Columbia trying to find that elusive salmon they believe belongs to them.
Someone needs to tell them that fishing with darts is probably not a good idea.
By Sunday evening, nobody had enough energy left for the
rock star competition - throwing all the chairs and tables in
the water. Ken Free
thought he should throw
his television into the
Straits in honor of the
event but quickly remembered that the river
actually helped him do
that last year on the upriver cruise outside of
Martin Slough. Everyone was hoping that
Gary and Marilyn would
eventually come back
Photo by Gary Erdahl
with that sacred salmon
but it was for naught.
Caught on Tuesday
On Monday, it was pack up and leave day. It was another
gorgeous Portland summer day for all to enjoy so as the
boats pulled away, Jackson Browne so aptly put it:
Now the seats are all empty
Let the roadies take the stage
Pack it up and tear it down
They're the first to come and last to leave
Steve Gordon
M/V Conundrum
October 2012 • 17
Labor Day Cruise
Photos by Dale Mack
18 • October 2012
cluding the Saturday Farmer’s Market.
Unfortunately for Jim and Kelly, since
they live in Lake Oswego, they decided
to come on Friday along with the Frees
and as such, were treated to a rockin’
good time by the ski boats on the outside. It took all of Jim’s “Amazing
Grace” not to jump in the river with a
copy of the 2012 Oregon Boating Law
Enforcement rules (OAR 250-010-0025
a $260 fine) and stop everyone that
went by to read them the pertinent section.
Lake Oswego
Wake Me When It’s Over
wake [weyk] verb, waked or woke, waked or wok·en, wak·ing, noun
verb (used without object)
1. to become roused from sleep; awake; awaken; waken (often followed by up ).
2. to become roused from a tranquil or inactive state; awaken;
waken: to wake from one's daydreams.
3. to become cognizant or aware of something; awaken; waken: to
wake to the true situation.
4. to be or continue to be awake: Whether I wake or sleep, I think of
5. to remain awake for some purpose, duty, etc.: I will wake until
you return.
6. to hold a wake over a corpse.
7. to keep watch or vigil.
ep, I’m writing this while
asleep....no wait, it’s not that
kind of wake. Maybe I’m
dead....no, it’s not that kind of wake
either. It’s the kind that throws your
boat up on the docks. That pretty
much summarizes the Lake Oswego
mini-cruise visit at the end of July.
Funny thing is, I can’t seem to find the
definition that we all know and love in
the boating community on Dictionary.com. Maybe I ought to wake someone up over there.
Seemingly the warmer it is in Portland,
the crazier people get. So this minicruise was inhabited by these crazies:
Bob and Elaine Sudlow, Jim and Kelly
Johnson, Ken and Sandi Free, Larry
and Laura Cirotski, Andy and Maggie
Huck and of course yours truly plus
Sandra and our intrepid boat dog,
Greta. Jim and Julie Hinkley also came
but they took their land yacht for this
visit. Something about Jim having to
get back to Camas to check the latest
spirit prices (plus tax) at Costco, Safeway and Wal-Mart.
Most of us arrived early on Thursday
so we could grab some of the inside
slips as the new Lake Oswego docks
are not that large. However, their lack
of size is more than compensated by
their fabulous location, next to Foothills Park and a short walk to downtown where one has numerous opportunities to drop some serious cash inwww.portlandyc.com
Little did the sheriff know but he could
have covered their annual river patrol
expenses all in one weekend by ticketing everyone that thought the “SLOW
NO WAKE” sign referred to the ability
to wake up fast in the morning vs. that
of creating 10-15 foot waves big
enough for Laird Hamilton
(www.lairdhamilton.com) to do big
wave surfing on. In fact, Laird was
actually one of those surfing the big
waves that weekend and he stopped by
for a few cold ones. As the one surfer
to ride waves taller than most buildings,
it was hard to keep Sandra’s hands off
Fortunately, the evenings were glorious
and wave free which meant for some
very nice meals and happy hours, only
once disturbed by a party in the park
whose one goal was to see how high
they could either shoot fireworks or get
Greta to jump in the air, not sure which
but the two items were related.
On Sunday, I left early to catch a flight
to San Diego where Laird and I found
some really big waves off the coast of
Ensenada to surf on. Thankfully, the
rest of the crazies on the dock took
care of Sandra (and Julie Hinkley who
stayed over) while I was gone. Both
Sandra and Julie stayed over Sunday
night, patrolling the docks for additional craziness but by the end of the
evening, the big waves had subsided
and all was back to normal.
Hang ten all.
Steve Gordon
M/V Conundrum
October 2012 • 19
Portland Yacht Club
Sailboat Racing
also at PYC. In addition to great food and a chance to tell all
of your ‘war stories’ one more time, trophies will be awarded
by OCSA, RCYC, CYC and PYC. OCSA will also be holding
their annual election of Board officers at this time.
ere we are at the end of the regular racing season,
with only one PYC racing event left on the calendar
– the Robert A. Smith Regatta on October 6th and
7th. This has been a challenging year for racing, with a lot of
light air, hot weather and water that was either too high and
fast, or too low to navigate for
some of the bigger boats – but
then, that’s racing on the Columbia!
Registration for each of these events is being handled
through Regatta Networks. To register, simply follow the
directions used to enter the Robert A Smith Regatta above,
but select “register” next to the party you wish to attend.
Sailing on Sundays
The regular racing season may
be drawing to a close, but racing on the Columbia is far
from over! For the past several
years, there has been a semiinformal racing series during
the winter called SOS or Sailing On Sundays. Ryan Barnes
and CYC will be hosting the
series this year, with the first
race scheduled for Sunday,
October 14th. Participation has
grown steadily each year as
more and more skippers hear
about the fun being had on the
water! There is no registration
fee to race, so if you haven’t
yet tried it, pull together a
bunch of friends, acquaintances and folks looking for a
chance to get some ‘river time’,
and come on out!
Robert A. Smith Regatta
This is the last PYC event of
the 2012 racing season. In previous years, this event has been
named the Winners Invitational and Grand Prix, but this
year we have returned it to its
former name to honor one of
our top racers from the past.
As usual, there will be postrace events at the club after
each day of racing. Participants
will be able to purchase food
from the bar menu on Saturday evening, and we will be
serving a buffet dinner for
$5.00 after the race on Sunday.
The bar will be open from 4:00 PM to 8:30PM each night.
Winners will be announced during dinner on Sunday evening, with trophies to be presented at the OCSA Tropical
Awards Party on November 10th. If you haven’t yet entered,
but would like to participate, you still have a few days to enter. Registration is being handled through Regatta Networks
online. Simply go to www.sailpdx.org and select “Racing” at
the top of the page. From the pull-down menu that appears,
select “forms and Information”. Choose “Events Notice
Board” and scroll down to PYC Robert A Smith Regatta.
Click on the “register” and complete your application online.
With the closing of the regular racing season in Portland, it’s
time for trophies, and as has been the custom for the past
few years, there will be two awards parties this fall. The first
is the annual SYSCO AWARDS PARTY, to be held on Saturday, October 20th at PYC. Tickets are $25 in advance or
$35 at the door. There will be raffle prizes in addition to the
awarding of trophies for the 2012 SYSCO events.
The second trophy party is the annual OCSA TROPICAL
AWARDS PARTY being held on Saturday, November 10th,
20 • October 2012
Per the initial announcement from Ryan, the format will be
the same as last year:
Channel 72 for all race communications
Race starts at 1300 hours
Host Committee Boat for the week will pick the
course, run the race, and record results
Please email me at isr.committee@gmail.com for all
SOS matters
Feel free to post SOS information and discussion to
Results will be posted as soon as possible to
www.sailpdx.org (please be patient as this is a long
series and I may be busy some weeks)
Sign up for RC duty at Volunteer Spot, remember
you will receive a tie for first place in your class for
the day you are Host RC
That’s about it for this time! See you on the water!
Mike Stainsby
PYC Sailing Co-Captain
S/V Kermit
Portland Yacht Club
Robert A. Smith Regatta
October 6
First warning signal at 2 pm
Post race no host food and
beverages available at the
PYC clubhouse
Photo by Dale Mack
A Portland Yacht Club Fall Tradition
October 7
First warning signal at 1 pm
Post race no host food and beverages available at the
PYC clubhouse
Photo by Dale Mack
Register online at:
For More Information
Skip Nitchie
503.247.7008 or
October 2012 • 21
Cruise In Cookout
Photos by Nancy MacGregor
Penny Spanziani
Robert Knauer
Stan Borys
22 • October 2012
Kelly Bar Open
Saturday Lunch
Thursday Lunch
Board Meeting
Portlight Deadline
Every Friday
Every Saturday
Every Thursday (May-September)
Every Thursday, year round
Third Thursday every month
Third Thursday every month
10th of every month
3-9 pm
10 am
CRYA Closing Day
PYC Robert A. Smith Regatta
Mini Cruise — Sandy Beach
Halloween Party
No Host Cruise — Willow Bar
Commodore's Roast
OCSA Tropical Party @ PYC
Leftover Cruise — Willow Bar
PYC Annual Meeting
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Visit our website for details on services we provide www.rodgersmarine.com
3445 N.E. Marine Drive Portland, OR 97211
Phone 503-287-1101 FAX 503-288-3745 sales@rodgersmarine.com
Cruise In Cookout
Photos by Robert Knauer
Stan Borys
October 2012 • 23
Portland Yacht Club
1241 NE Marine Drive
Portland, OR 97211
Rocky Pointe
All Services — Boats 20’ - 60’
Upriver Cruise — Cathlamet
24 • October 2012
Photo by Terry Johnson