red bank register - Articles I Done Writ (and Other Nice Things Too)
red bank register - Articles I Done Writ (and Other Nice Things Too) RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXVI, NO. 27 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1953 Children Receive $300 for Clothes Parsons Elected Director of R. B. Savings and Loan Christmas Mail Sets New Record MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP — Members of the Lions club here last week presented gift certificates worth $300 to 41 children of 9 less privileged township families in time for Christinas purchases. The sift certificates ran from $10 to a family with one child to $35 to a family with six children, Jack Lawley, a club member, said this week. The certificates entitled families to purchase clothing at Lynch's department store, Atlantic Highlands, Mr. Lawley added that Andrew Lynch, department store proprietor, added 20 per cent to the value of each certificate purchased by the Lions club to .bring the total value to $300. The gift certificates replaced a Christmas party held in the past by club members at Leonardo school. This year's activity was thought to be of more lasting value than a Christmas party. David LaRue of Leonardo and George Edwards of Belford were in charge of the project, conducted by the club's health and welfare committee. 10c PER COPY For All Departments CaU RE 6-0013 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Entertains at Richman, Camden Lawyer, Named Monthly Session Attorney General by Meyner Mrs. John 'J. Knodell entertained the members of the Family and -• TRENTON (A.P.)-Grove* CleveChildren's Society, Inc., at the home land Richman, Jr., 42-year-oM forof her daughter, Mrs, Charles F. Association Is mer U. S. attorney, has been namEdelmann, Little Silver Point rd., ed by Gov-Elect Robert B. Meyntr Little Silver, for the monthly meetO n e * f the Oldest as attorney general of New Jersey ng of the board Monday, Dec. 21. and head of the Department ef Mrs. Marion Thompson, executive In This Locality Law and Publio Safety. director, expressed her appreciation 22 years' association with Moyner also announced yesterday to the members who had purchased theAfter Attorney General Theodore D. law flrm of Applegate, Foster, the appointment of Milton B. Congifts of clothing and toys for tho Roussillo and Cormvcll, Mlaa Ida P a r s o n s of Little Silver last week ford, mayor of Hillside, as first aschildren under tho care, of^ tho soa member of the flrm, sistant attorney general and counw a s elected a director of t h e R e d ciety to make a merrier Christmas Hlldebrandt, Is leaving to' establish her own Bank Savings and Loan associasel to the governor. William P. for them. Mrs. Thompson reported ofllce. tion. Mr. Parsons is senior member Rclss. a Newark attorney, w»s that many organizations had been of Parsons, Labrecque, Canzona named assistant attorney general. very generous In their contribuand Combs, which firm h a s been "I trust that these appointment* tions for Christmas for these chilcounsel for t h e . association since will form the nucleus of the finest dren. the death of Howard S. Higglnson law firm In the state of New JerThe Exchange club of Long In Mar., 1948. Mr. Parsons' term sey," Meyner said. "We have often Branch gave a party for five chilaa attorney general expires Jan. spoken with prldo of our judicial dren and at that time presented 19. Theodore D. Parsons system. It is my hope that it won't them with gifts of clothing and R e d B a n k Savings a n d Loan is be too long before we talk with toys. Contributions were also reone o f t h e oldest associations in dividend, which is compounded great pride of our law enforcement ceived from the Women's club of t h i s area. I t w a s organized in 188? seml-annually, system in New Jersey." Long Branch, telephone operators, and started business i n March of 5. Everyone Is.better off. The Under the 1947 constitution, tb* from Kcansburg Women's club of that year, with William T. CorHes saver has everything he savis plus Little Silver and many interested statols attorney general has powa s president, James L . Terhune, liberal earnings and the borrower Individuals, In addition the Suners second only to the governor. day-school children ef the First treasurer, T h o m a s Davis, Jr., sec- has a home that makes a happy The attorney general supervises Presbyterian church of Red Bank retary, a n d Daniel H. Applegate, family and a better community. such agencies and divisions as sent gifts of toys for all the chilsolicitor. State Police, Motor Vehicles, Alco"In brief," Mr. Conover contindren. holic Beverago Control, Weight* Mr. Corlies served a s president ued, "this is the function of the and Measures, and the bureau of until h i s death in 1913. On July 8, association in the community it Mrs. Thompson also stated that Tenement House Supervision and serves. It is a local, mutual insti1913, Samuel Sabbath w a s elected the society had received a check Hotel Fire Safety as well an Mte> tution dedicated to the encouragefor JSOO from the junior auxiliary president a n d served until h i s death Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutias proceeds from their recent in 1926, w h e n Harry Campbell suc- ment of thrift, and home ownership cal boards. and controlled by the saving and dance, and that a donation of ofllce ceeded him, aa president. Serving under the sjtate'i ohief equipment and office furniture was The sale of Christmas Seals In In Mar., 1930, Edwin B . Conover borrowing members of the association. made by tho Driver-Harris corporalaw enforcement officer, are torn* Monmouth county was almost $5,000 w a s elected president a n d still tion of Harrison, N. J. 50 deputies, many of them attachshort of the $34,000 goal Monday. holds that position, thus serving Million in Loans Annually ed as counsel to division! or Extra effort is being made to make his 24th y e a r a s head o f t h e assoPlans for interested board mem*"For the past several years the agencies. it possible to achieve the goal by ciation. Mr. Conover flrat became bere to attend sessions of the EastThe department of law and pubern Regional Conference of the affiliated w i t h t h e association Mar. association has loaned on an aver- the New Year. Mlsa Ida HUdebrand age of well over one million dollars lic safety also exercises regulatory Returns tabulated Monday to, Child Welfare League of America, 30, 1909, w h e n he w a s elected aa a year on first mortgage loans to powers over ten professional to be held at the Berkeley Cartaled $2i»,32T, which la $4,673 short one o f i t s auditors. The resignation is effective boards, consisting people In this area lu assist them of architects, teret hotel in Asbury Park Feb. 8, 9 Thursday, Of t h e director! serving in 1930 In acquiring their homes or for im-of the goal. The annual seal sale but Miss Hildebrand will and 10, were discussed. Mrs. contlnuo at her present address, dentists, embalmers and funeral diraises funds to support the program w h e n Mr. Conover w a s elected provements thereon. Thompson stated that Tuesday, 34 Broad st., until Jan. 15 to com- rectors, professional engineers and to fight and cure tuberculosis. president, only Mr. Conover a n d "For the welfare and protection Feb. 9, was especially planned with plete firm matters In her charge. land surveyors, optometrists, nurees The program helps hundreds of W i l l i a m ' H . Hintelmann, Sr., sur- of its officers and employees the the, interest of board members In veterinarians. vive. Those deceased are Harry association carries hospltalization, persons who have tuberculosis, Mrs. After a vacation, her own ofllce and mind. Richman, the son of an attorney, Campbell, Marcus M. Davidson, medical-surgical insurance, life in- Edward M. Crane of Middletown, will bo opened about Feb. 1 at 96 was born in Wenonah (Gloucester Mrs. Thompson discussed with the West Front st. P e t e r Forbes, Howard S. Higgin- surance to the extent of one year's county chairman, said today. It county) Oct. 1, 1911. The) senior board members tho provisions of lon, E u g e n e M. Magee, Ensley E . salary and retirement benefits after assists their families in numerous Misa Hildebrand was graduated Richman was deputy attorney gentho now adoption law which will from Fordham university's school ways and, by checking the spread Morris, Charles K. S t r a w , William reaching the age of 65 or over." go into effect Jan. 1, 1954, and it*of law in 1933 and served her clerk- eral from 1920 to 1929 and assistH. R. White, Robert F. Wilbur a n d . Members of the present.board of of the disease, protects the health implications for the society. of everyone.: '. '"', corresponding increase in the f ^ ^ l : secAlbert W . Worden. .:•-: •••'.? ship with the present flrm as it ant counsel to the Public UUliUef directors are James H, Anderson, Those attending were Mra. Raoul wag then constituted. She was ad- Commission. Much of the work in Monmouth tion In the Red Bank post office af- amount received for delivery. Five In 1940, William H . Hlntelmwin, Paul J. de la Reussille; Edwin R. Tho attorney general designate, *Sr., retired a n d h i s s o n , William Cooover, Martin: VanBuren Smock, county, Mrs, Crane explained, is ter all mail for delivery; In, MiV trucks Irom Fort Monmouth and Pletrl, Mrs. Alton Evans, Mrs. Ed mitted to the bar in 1934 and cona graduata of Amherst and the H.. Hintelmann,. Jr., w a s elected t o Louis S.Cooover, Harold A. Hen-done by public health nurses who borough had been .sorted the day' three 'from,;• Earl* .'were used in Davles, Mrs. Philip Schlenger, Mrs, tinued her connection with the University of Pennsylvania Law John Giordano, Mrs. Melvin Bal firm," fire'i. as an associate and take h i s place on t h e boare-'orr de- drleksori, A. Alvln Whiting, David play, an important part in making before Christmas. Job was com-,addition to the regular post, office arrangements for care of tubercu- pleted shortly before 10 a.'m'. Left fleet of live -trucks 'to deliver the lard, Mrs. II. H. Belzer, Mrs. Mar eventual'}' as a partner, commenc- school, has been practicing law In tectors. , ..;.•!. W; Russell, William H, Hintelmann, losis patients and In interpreting to right: J. Olln Holbrook, J. Ed- mall. Assistant postmaster . is ion Thompson, Mrs, Alfred H. Moy ing in 1942. In private life she Is Camden since 1936. He waa Chief Jr.,.Frank Fl Blaisdell, Edward H. the disease Outstanding Record • Mrs. How- the wifo of Trovonlan Crawford counsel to the Office of Prtc* Adto patients and their ward Dixon, William Riordan, Charles A. Relss and the superin- er, Mrs. William Proctor, N The record of the association Conway and Theodore D. Parsons. families. ministration for seven South Jersey tendent of' mails Is Walter A ard Dutcher, Mrs. Marshall Van and resides in Leonardo. Winkle, Mrs. John Oaborne, Mrs. M during good and bad times has been Its officers .are Edwin R. Conover, Mrs. Jeanette Adamakos, county Mclvln Stout, William Darby and Schroeder. counties during 1942. In 1M4 he • .• Joseph Canning. Photo below J. Nevins and Mrs. X. S. Smith. outstanding. It not only survived president; Martin VanBuren Smock, TB supervlser, directs the program was named assistant United States shows the other side of the pigeonvice president; Louis S. Conover, the depression of - the 1930's, but attorney and seven years later he of control. Many times, she exnever failed to pay a dividend all vice president and treasurer; Noel plained, it is necessary to arrange holed sections as carriers prepare became U. S. attorney for the' state. through the 6^ years of its exist- J. Lartaud, secretary; Marjorle G. for the care of children when a to make the final delivery that day. Ho resigned last June. ence. Since 1930 the association Cullington, assistant secretary, and mother is hospitalized. When a Left to right:-Charles'Allaire, EdAs a federal prosecutor, Richhas paid out in dividends to its Anna W. VanNotc, assistant treas- father must go to the tuberculosis ward J. Plccollc, Walter Bosltey • Mrs. Olga T, 'Black of 24 Carmen man conducted Investigations of and Albert Bloom. . : urer. members, $1,448,833, while at. the hospital, she added, it is often neHIGHLANDS — Mrs. Catherine crime and corruption In the atat* pi. received an award of $1,400 here lame time absorbing losses, on the cessary to help the family.obtain Schultz, who has made her home which led to a number of indictBusiness this Christmas season Friday in Workmen's Compensareal estate taken back during the ments. Two convictions against support. waa the biggest in history of the tion court: SHREWSBURY — Winners In with her daughter, Mrs. Sophie Communist-dominated laboro leaddepression years. In addition, It For every case of diagnosed tu- post office, Fred A. Crlne, postmasBlcler, on Baysldo dr., here many Mrs. Black -was employed by this borough's first annual Christhas increased its reserves and unberculosis, Mrs. Adamakos de- ter, stated. Stamp sale receipts Bendix Aviation corporation at the mas lighting contest—sponsored by years, celebrated her 99th birthday ers were obtained under his direcdivided profits from $1,980 on Mar. tion. He helped convict Leo Link • clared, numerous visits by public were nine per cent over last year. Long Branch plant as an installa- the Civic Organization, Inc.—were Tuesday of last week. 25, 1930, to over $400,000, as of tohealth nurses are necessary in or- During the period Dec. 1 to 24, tor May 27, 1952, when she suffered announced this week-end by the Mrs. Schultz was born In Den-of Teaneck, a bookmaker. day. Conford was born in New York Emll Kctolalnen of Llncroft, a der to examine and test other mem- 1,800,000 pieces of outgoing letter an accident. judges, Mrs. Frank Dean, Dean's mark In 1854. She came to this 45 years ago, Like Meyner, he She testified that while working Florists; Harold B. Perry, Colonial country with her husband when city From Mar., 1944, to date the as- carpenter, received an award in bers of the family to determine mall were dispatched and more Is a graduate of the Columbia Unisets of the association have in< Workmen's Compensation court whether or not they have contract- than 2,000,000 pieces were received at the plant, she fell back into a Flowers, and Stanley Mclntosh, she was 25, and lived in Jersey un- versity Law school. til 1927. When she moved here. ed the disease. For every case of for delivery. All outgoing mall was metal box, suffering injuries to her Turner's nursery. creased from $1,440,000 to over, $5,- here Wednesday of $4,500. Conford is a specialist in tax The award was for an eye in- tuberculosis, she said, there is a dispatched before the close of busi- neck, left shoulder and back, Also the mother of Mrs. Emma 500,000. Net earnings during the Harold Mclstrich, chairman of Mrs. Black was treated by Dr. the contest, yesterday issued a Emrlch of Cuyler, N. Y., Mrs. laws and has served as special,tax same period have been $943,500, of jury Mr. Kctolalnen suffered while source of infection, someone -with ness Dec. 24, and all incoming mail, Including parcel post, re- John B. Boyd of Red Bank. Wil- statement in which he thanked lo- Schultz has nine grandchildren, 21 counsel for the cities of Newark, which $666,500 has been paid out working for Elno Massa, Eaton- tuberculosis. town building contractor. "The public health nurse's job Is ceived up to 6 a. m., Dec. 24, was liam T. Wlchmann of the firm of cal residents for participating. He great-grandchildren and 16 great- Jersey City, Hoboken and Union to the savings members of the assoCtty. He also represented the taxMr. Kctolalnen testified that not complete until the source of In- delivered that day. Wise & Wise represented Mrs said the widespread Interest re- great-grandchildren. ciation in the form of semi-annual Guest* at her birthday party last payers of 'Burlington county In Mr. Crine said that outgoing par- Black. The Bendix Aviation cor- sulted in considerably more decoradividends, -nd $277,000 added to Its while working Oct. 7, 1652, a piece fection is located," Mrs. Crane week included Mrs. Edward Bruntz their court action to Invalidate the reserves and undivided profits as of steel lodged In his left eye. He said, and added, "these are the cel post dispatched from Red Bank poration was represented by Du- tions than in previous years. Mrs. George Plltzocker of Leo- Burlington bridge deal In 1948. He additional protection to its mem-was taken to Newark where Dr. things your Christmas seal dollars was approximately 15 per cent rand, Ivins * Carton of Asbury Winners were selected in three and Mrs. Allen Llmtng, Mrs. was a consultant to the judiciary A. Russell Sherman removed the buy for all of us. Start the new above lost year with a more than Park. bers over and above the insurance categories. First place for homes nardo, Sickles, Mrs. Henry committee of the constitutional of every member's account up to steel; Since that time he has been year in the knowledge that you went to Edward E. Edmunds, 55 Catherine Rocmmele and Mrs. Harold Oakes convention of 1947. $10,000 by the Federal Savings and under the care of Dr. William Mat- have done your part to combat the Queen Anne dr.; honorable men- of Relss, a 34-year-old Navy veterthis place, and Mrs. Emrlch. thews of Red Bank, He is. current- nation's number one infectious Loan Insurance corporation. tion, Oscar H. Newman, Jr., 184 an, interrupted his studies at Harkiller. 'Contribute to the Christmas In 1937, the association made ap- ly employed as a carpenter. Garden rd. Grounds, first place, Col. vard Law school to serve aa execuMr. Ketolainen was represented seal fund." plication to the Federal Savings Lyman B. Lockwood, 57 Shadowtive olllcer aboard a mine sweeper by William T. Wlchmann of tho and Loan Insurance corporation brook rd.; honorable mention, Josduring World War II. He Is a mem1 firm of Wise & Wise, Red Bank, for insurance of Its accounts up to eph T. Gauss, 35 Park ave. Front ber of the Newark flrm of Pitney, $5,000. After a thorough examina- Mr. Massa was represented by Andoor, first place, Kenneth MaughHardln and Ward. His specialty la tion by the insurance corporation drew Lawrie of Newark. lcr, 20 Alomeda ct.; honorable menlabor relations. they accepted tho association* as a tion, Curtis Bradley, 51 Henry st. Relss was associated with Sumember without any reorganizaThe awards will bo mado at tho LITTLE SILVER — Eugene D. preme Court Justice William J. Design Director Fl/tean new mombers united with tion or write-down of share value January meeting of the Civic Or- Badgley has been appointed direc- Brennan, Jr., at the time the law the fellowship of the Red Bank and Insured its members' accounts ganization by Mayor John Haw- tor of tho agency special services firm attacked the constitutionality Presbyterian church at the 11 up to $5,000. The association was k'lns. of the compulsory arbitration proo'clock - service Sunday morning. among the first in New Jersey to visions of the atnta pubHo utility They are Mr. and Mrs, James be granted Insurance of shares and antl-strlke law. Campbell, Jr., James Campbell, 3d, at that tlmo was the largest InIn the past few years, Rein parGeorge W. Campbell and Mr. and sured association in the state. In ticipated In numerous national laMrs. Herbert H. Johnson, Jr., of 1950, the Insurance of every mini: bor relations board matters. He Is Fair Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Royal A. bar's account was increased from a member of the labor relations McOraW and Mr. and Mrs. Roger $5,000 to $10,000 by the insurance 1 committee of the State Bar assoA. Sherman, Little Silver , Mr. and corporation. SHREWSBURY — Frederick C. ciation. Mrs, David M. Phillip and Miss Bradloy of Lawos Coal compnny Explains Operation) Nancy Phillip, Rumson, rand Mn. was awarded a graduato feeding Edmund vomStoog, Jr., and Miss Mr. Conover told Tlib Register advisor diploma In ceremonies at Joanne R. Sorpico, Red Bank. that he feds there are many pootho Francis Scott Key hotel In pie who aro still not familiar with Rov, Charles S. Wobiter, minister Froderlck, Md., Dec. 7, upon sucthe operation of a saving* and loan also received Into tho church mem cessful completion of an oxtcnslvo asioclatlon even though savings bemhlp a month ago 25 other real training course In livestock and Tho sale of two properties In Litand loan groups in the United dents of this section. They Includ poultry foodlnp and management tle Sllvor and two plots In Fair States today have over 22 Vi billion od Mr. and Mra, Cllve J. Grant, Mr. sponsored by tho Ralston Purina Haven was announced this week by of savings of 15 million, American and Mra^Paul F. flwlti, Mr, and company. the Ooorge Schanck agency of • people, Ha also said were It not Mrs. Roblrt S, Telfer, Mlaa Anne Thirty-one men from the Central Linden pi, for the savings of these thlrfty O, Telfor and Mils Mary C. Telfer, and Enrtern seaboiird people home ownership would have Mr. and Mra. Joseph Sovlero, forRed Bank! Mrs. William M, Preea- NEW YORK CITY-At a dinner sales manager, From, 1932 to 1035 Atlanticaolected by tho Purina comno doubt been Impossible to the mer residents of West at., have puron, Mlaa Helen M. Schmltt and Mr.laat week at the University club, he handled special sales assign- aroaa, pany to take the training, rocolved vait majority of American! who chased a ranch type cottage at and Mra, Earl O, Tyree, Fall'Ho. Louis M, Hague of Bellevue ave,, ments In various offices. In 1035 he diplomas and gold rings at the now own or are buylnc their homes Cross at. and SUverton ave,, Little von | Mf. and Mn, Charles F, Bdel Rumson, right, proaldcnt of Han- was put in chargo of polishing sales graduating ceremonies. through savings and loan associaSilver, from the eatata of James mann, Mr. and M M . W. Ctordon eon-Vari Wlnklo-Munnlng company and services and In 1930 bocamo Tho training courso continued tions. On the average It takes the Bonnctt, Second National bank, exPaRdln and Richard F. Stewart, of Matawn, rocolvos a gold watch sales manager, vice proaldont and ovor a 12-month porlod and Includsavings of eight persona to finance ecutor, Mr. Sdvlorj le associated Little Silver; Mr. and Mra. William by his follow directors and a pair director, He waa elected president John E. Da'vli ed four councils of talks by speone home mortgage loan, There Is with Seaboard sorvlco, 37 North H, 8. Greenwood, Eatontownj Mr. of silver candelabra by tho corpor- In 1911. cialists as well ns several montha1 a clou relationship between tho Bridge avt. The cottage contains Eugcna I), llmlglpy nnd Mn, Thomas B, Atkirm, Sea savers and the borrowers In most LITTLK StLVER-Jolm E. Da- Bright; Mn. Robert T. Kuohman ation In commemoration of 25 yoara Mr, Hnguo'n olhof activities In- oti-the-Job project experience n living room, with colonial brlek saving! and loan associations be- via, son ot Mr, and Mra. 0. E, Davis Shrewsbury; Mra. Franel! Bcala with tho firm, Hanson-Van Winkle- clude membership In the Amui'lnAii Successful completion of the division of The Equitable Life As- fireplace, dining room, two bedcauio they both benefit from Ut of Clardon rd., has bean appointed Port Monmouth, and Mr, and Mn MunnliiR Company engineer! and Hleetroplatera' aoolety, American training equips the feeding adviser surance 3ocloty of tho United rooma and bath, manufacturers equipment and aup-Ordnance association, Presidents' to furnish assistance to farmera States, Rny D. Murphy, president, operation, This Is What aotually director of The Houio of Doslgn, Robert J. Crawford, Llnoroft. Stanley Graham of Rumaoti, a happens, Mr, Conovor explained! 71 Irving pi,, New, dopllea for the motal flnlahlng and eounall, American Inatltute of Man- and feeders In sottlns up and car-announced today, former Little Sliver realdent, has algn headquarters for Commercial Durlnf the laat 15 montha 9*0 metal plntliiR Aelda, The presenta- HRement, Industrial Bruih aeotlon rying out more profitable feeding A native of Chatham, Mr, Badgley sold a bungalow at 134 North Sun1, The people a m their money Deoal, Inc.) it firm which produces peraona have united with the tion waj made by VanWInkle Todd, of WPB (World War II), and Prl-operations, enrolled as a student In the Cqult- nycrest dr,, Little Sliver, to Andocorutlve docalconianlna for tho ohurohi a record which makes It chairman of tho board, ftndwaa at- mary Comumora of Nickel for with us. thony J, DeStefano of Oakland at. ublo's caahlor trulnlnv courso In 3. Tin aaaoolatlon pooli these nation's dlnnorwaro manufnoturon, ono of the faatoat growing oliuroh- tended by board membora, Ohemloala nnd HSlectroplatlnfc In- Lumber Finn Aivui'ch Buffalo upon graduating from Ri- Mr, DitStofano la associated with Mr. Davis formerly waa itudlo es In the state, Tho next reoeptlon saving! nnd niter a thorough InMr. Hague started with the Mat- duatry advliory committee, Ho la a der college In 1032, Trnnsforro't William Ferro In the Fort Mon* vent Igat Ion of tho applicant and tht isioclito of Katconbach A Warren, of new member! will be held Bun- awan flrm In 1938 aa n aaleaman, World War I veteran, and a former from Buffalo to the Nashville, mouth barber ihop, The bungalow Truint lu Dr, property, If both tro found to be a New York wallpaper conoorn, Pri- day, Fob, 31, out of the Plttaburgh oflloo Prior mayor of Rumaon, Tennvomco In 3039, he came to tho oonalata of. living room, tilt bath good rink, holps local p«opM to buy or to that, ho wai with Imporlnl to joining tho firm, ho had com- In lummurltlMg advances mnde Dr. Bernard Visitor of 40 Branch home office In 1036 an itanlatnnt su- and two bedrooms,'and has autoT««|i«V«N_»»« Brliht Bsrauik or build homci they might not oth- Paper ahd Color corporation of pleted nearly 15 yonri'ln the In- during the laat 95 yoara, Mr, Hague itve, waa awarded n set of Lionel pervisor In the auditor's depurt- mutlo heat, llHvlner comiiletad my n i i i i i n m m for Olon Falls, N, Y,, aa assistant finerwlae bo able to aoqulro, the yssr 1)04, my lioolts will be oinn for duatry, utartlng us an apprentice In pointed out that the Industry haa trains Deo, 10, gift of the Ited George J, Lang of Fair Haven From 1043 to 1048 he served I, Dor rowers from tho association algn director, Several new deilgni liuutiitlnn at my horn* 109s Uceitn »vi,, hi! father'! job plating ahop, Both expanded morn than (100 per eent Bank Lumber company of Pearl mint, In tho Army, and upon his return and Loula A. DeVlto of Rumaon pay a fair Interest charge for tho completed by Mr, DAVIS will be In- Unit Urliilit, N, J,, Jsnunry 3, I t i l , b e III* fnthei1 and urandfatlier were In nnd referred to the return of morn and Wall its, have purchased plot! on Lake av»,, Joined tho agency department, M. and 19 noun, uio of the money, At present con- troduood at th« Pittsburgh China twsen 10 Ac The presentation waa nmdo by ' Aithur U, Axilien, Aiunor. tlte plating Held, apoulalltliig In ill- brilliant decorative nnlahlng and In 10-18, Mr. Budgloy waa named Pair Hav n, from the aatatt of ventional loans are five por cent and Ulais ahow In Jnnuary, vet' worit, ' the trend toward moru fully auto- Wllllnm and John Frank, president consultant to the newly established Alice M, Ungan, and veterini' loam •!& por oent In lOao, Mi', llflKUi became dla- matlo loading, tiroceaalng mid un- nnd SK'|'<H»",V, respectively, ot the Hgriicy special service* division, January I'lMranm on nil mllllntry, FlotiMil frnpin IIKHII. The mndtra 4, Part of this Intercut Income la fliv» _ hltvlilM RMaii RMaiiMaiWaalii 9ft III Ml>, tlnnn>R Hhnp, U Mt. Ironn food* vrlth aid faihleaid loodnw, trlol nuimgci' of the Cleveland of- loading r«cUltlea In the larger In- firm, which offered the set as part becoming assistant director In 1091 Rmmewn TeliHilea paid to the l a v i n in the form of a ehanlo il,, fled Dtnk,_A<jviiUiimtM, floe and In 1DS0 aaalitant Kaitirn attlltUoni. ol a m a t promotion ot train table*, and associate director In 1DHI, —AdHftliuniat, liHil Go, IJt l-0il», AlMfllllBUtt Ida Hildebrand Opens Own Office Seal Sale $5,000 Short of Coal Bendix Worker Awarded Jl,400 Carpenter Gets Award of Lighting Contest Winners Named Mrs. Sclmltz Marks 99th Year Present Watch to Louis M. Hague Promotion Won By Badgley Church Growing In Membership Purina Honors Lawes Salesman Agency Reports 4 Realty Sales RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 30,1953 Pflgt St. Mary's Pupils Give Program second grade girls dressed like giant bells told the "Message of the Bells," the Christmas pageant of "Twaa the Night Before Christmas" was presented by the fifth and sixth grades and the finale of the entertainment was the singing of "Silent Night." With the closing of the school for the holidays, each class was entertained by a visit from Santa Claus, who presented gifts, candy and fruit. Lawmakers to Meet Again Jan. 8, 4 Dayg Before 1954 Session Starts In which mercury, zinc or an equivalent material U used as a promoting agent that vaporizes before the final product If achieved. It 1* claimed that the. catalysts of this invention possess numerous outWilliam'P. Burton of Prlncest., standing advantages and have a Little Silver, was the co-recipient wide utility. Thus, they may be on Dec. 15, U. S, patent No. 2,«62,- used satisfactorily In a wide vari861, entitled "Platinum and Palla- ety of chemical operations; and in many instances they enable the dium Catalysts." . This invention pertains to plati- employment of less severe condinum and palladium catalysts that tions such u lower temperatures are adapted for use in chemical and shorter contact times than processing operations such as the were heretofore permissible. They refining and treating of petroleum may be regenerated repeatedly with products. A catalyst Is a substance substantially full restoration of which is used to speed up or other- their activity. In addition, econowine aid in the performance of a. mies in Investment and operating chemical reaction; platinum, as is cost are realized because of the well known, is a rare soft and duc- smaller reaction equipment that is tile whltlsh-gray metal that Is re- needed and the longer useful lift siftant to attack by most chemical j of the catalysts. reagents; and palladium la also a This patent'has been assigned rare metal which resembles plati- to • — —Tho -M. — W. Kellogg company, num but is lighter In weight and Jersey City, N. J. less costly. These platinum and palladium catalysts usually include a major proportion of aluminum oxide,'with or without silica,, in their composition; and for come reasons not yet fully understood, according to Mr. Burton and his associates, they produce different results in chemical reactions even when they are of the same metal content and are prepared by methods which appear to differ only slightly. To provide an Improvement over the prior practices, Mr. Burton and his co-inventors have devised a novel method of preparing these platinum and palladium catalysts Patent Granted Little Silver Man ! NEW MONMOUTH — The first TRENTON (AP)— Gov. Alfred E. lines from parodies »ung by the phrlstmas play and pageant was Dtiscoll la going: out of office the newsmen at the party: presented by the pupils of St. hard way—fighting almost to the To nameless pl*r.ei Ve'll I»T.« upon "Mary's Parochial school last week ast day for legislation he believes Those empty BPAC.I; rieflp inlid., aUrrrIn the parish hall. -More than BOO il.i administration should sponsor. We'llcyerl, know «Vve. loit a guy in whom parents and friends attended the It nan been many years since the »e felt irrent pride. performance of the children of the New Jersey legislature met into And then this-one: <lx grades of the school. and beyond the Christmas holidays. Homo. I'm going horn., I The welcome was given by the from the Bold State houil domi! That goes back to the days of Gov. Kar Jooys of the kindergarten. "Christ- JOINED BY WIFE IN TOKYO Where you never n.ed ahoei. harles Edison. And there'll no Newark' inas Bells" was sung by the girls Army First Lieut. Lcroy D. Ii's Ronri back In lUddon*«t4—home, bf the kindergarten. "Little Jesus" Brown recently was joined in To- The legislature began a special Oh. Hfldrionfleld'H home— jwas presented by the first grade, kyo, Japan, by his wife, Mrs. Fran- lesalon last Dec. 4 and came to Home, From my hair Bergen county I'll comb. •'What Christmas Means to Us" was ces Blown and daughter Valerie Trenton with high hopes of wrap|the selection of the third and fourth of 81 Monmouth st. Lieut. Brown ping: It up in at least two meetings. There were others, too. These grades, Christmas recitations were is stationed In the Tokyo area with But that didn't work. The session were far from the kind that cut ;nado by the third and fourth Uic Far East Command Signal Ser- meets again Jan. 8, just four days deep into Driscoll problems of forgrades, Christmas carols were sung vice battalion. He has been over- before the regular 1954 session be- mer years. Perhaps it indicated the newsmen wanted to go easy on *>y the third and fourth grades," seas since last January and serv- gins. Useful Things and Clothes" was ed in Korea prior to his assign- Why the long special session? Driacoll now that he is retiring after seven years as governor. "given by the second grade boys, ment to Japan. 'olitics for one thing. An opporunity by some legislators to get But, oven though he was kidded their pet projects approved or at to the quick by tunes in former years, he appeared to enjoy them cast aired. and several times asked It ht could Take the bills that were passed sing along on encores. That lUittJt sat week to reduce from four to hree the number of race tracks . . . with TODAY'S ARCHITKTWI that may operate In the state. When Drlscoll called the special session he had no notion about such a bill. The measure came because one senator made a campaign promise about It. TRENTON—A state-wide conferDriscoll was Interested in getting ence on farm labor has been plana water bill approved, getting a nod for Jan. 7. r:* the Hotel Hllde$500,000 appropriation to meet the brccht in Trenton. The conference, cost of handling unemployment sponsored by the New Jersey Farm compensation backlog claims, and bureau, will feature talks by a getting the court system of which number of authorities and a panel discussion on "Farmer-Employee he Is so proud more streamlined. Relations." Farmers have been InANYTHING MIRACLE WEDGE* Wnter Bill Passes vited to attend. W.alh.rtltht CloHlr* The water bill, Intended to end New Jersey Farm Bureau Presl. WIRE INTO SALT SPRAY STEEL* court litigation between New Jer-dent Herbert W. Voorhees will open Track, and H . r d w . r . sey, New York and Pennsylvania I the conference at 10 a. tn. The over rights to drinking water from morning program includes lntroduc the upper Delaware river, had little tory remarks by Wlllard H. Allen, LAMPS trouble passing. secretary of agriculture; a talk on BE-WIBED Tho unemployment compensation child labor by Acting Commission OVER 28 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE appropriation was approved on the pi' of Labor J. L. Brown, speakers 465 SHREWSBURY AVE. RE 6-4888 RED BANK flrat day. The court system bills on selective service, safety, and a ran Into trouble and may die Jan. message from Col. Russell A. Snook, 8. Objectors to the court bills say superintendent of the New Jersey RADIO & ELECTRIC sriOP they not only put district court state police. U Front St, Bed Bank 6-S7U Judges on full time, but they give An industrialist will open the afthe chief Justice the right to assign ternoon session with a discussion of them to county court benches. industry's view of the labor supply That's court Integration through Riving the farmer attendants an the back door, said one senator. idea- of the extent Industry will Drlscoll'i court integration plan compete with them for labor. Arthur J. White of Red Bank, regional —to have the Superior court, rnvelop the present county court sys- director Wage arid Hour division of tem—fell by the wayside during U. S. Department of Labor, will discuss the federal Child Labor law as the regular session. Lawyers and jurists are Interest- it affects New Jersey farmers. The MOLLY PITCHER HOTEL'S GAY ed In the court bills, but to the New Jersey farm labor supply for NEARLY ACCURATE average layman, they mean very the year ahead will be predicted little. They apply, for Instance, by Russell Eldridge, director of the IS NOT ENOUGH/ New Jersey state employment servonly to counties like Bergen, Hudice. Welfare and housing requireson, Middlesex and Union. i l l k ments for New Jersey migrants Thi special session was thrown will be presented by J. G. Sholl, suinto an uproar by the race track pervisor of the state migrant labor • Deluxe Dinner - 10 P. M. to I A. M. bills. The Democrats were up In bureau. •k Dancing from t P. M. 'til Closing arms over what they called a Republican smoke screen to cover Members of the "farmer-employ* Femout Orchestra some kind of horse trading when ee" panel will be William G. La•k IncioWel Entertainment Democratic Gov.-Elect Robert B. Tourette, manager, Garden State •k Noiiemeken • Fun for All Meyner takes over from Drlscoll in service, moderator; Joseph OarofaJanuary. What kind of horse trad- lo, manager, Glassboro Service Asing? Thg. Democrats would not soc, Inc.; Joseph K. Hepner, Jr., 36 BROAD - REDJANK AU for -Uy Ij.OO Per P i r w i * Ccdarvillc; Willard B. Kllle, elaborate.- . ,"! ' '• Swcdesboro, and Tomas R, GoniaThe sponsor of the senate bill on Icz, Puerto Rico. IN OjO* t>AH.Y MCOftATK) MAIN •AUIQpM the race tracks was Sen. Frank Sherihln of Passalc county. He introduced «. similar bill in the reg- Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Bremer ular session lait winter. It died. But, laid Sherihln, he had made a Now Living in Florida r n f i t i m a m TW99rTJmT^*H campaign promise to knock out the Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Brcmer, •! fourth track, and, by gum, that's formerly of Port-au-Peck, are now H»r*'t what's causing At the l a v •arly as possible. what he was going to do. established in their new home in C.N Red lank 4-2M0. Driscoll, who was opposed to Boynton Beach, Fla. Thsy are all tht) talk about th* 'hiMk parl-mutuel horse race betting spending the holiday season with when he i u a senator from Cam- their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. den county, »&>•» he'll sign either and Mrs. Fred Devenport, and their Shershln's bill or Its twin, which son Dennis of South Miami, Fla was Introduced by Assemblyman Mr. Bremer hai now retired after Samuel Salber, Essex Republican. 41 years with the Prudential In aurance company of Newark. He Drlicoll Lampooned ON TH6 SHMWMUftY MD IANK and Mr». Bremer nre former resiThe governor took quite a bit of dents of Red Bank, where they kidding at his annual Christmas were very active In the American party last wc.k. The party, given Legion post No. 1M and Its auxilfor mtmberi of his executive staff iary. and for state, house newsmen, has The Bremen will shortly eele been for several years the center brats their 36th wedding anniverIt's th« flrtt, and »wly lewprltari tar t * for lampooning the governor, sary and are planning to hold Here, for instance, are a few open house. ••tor "OWIR IRAKIS, AUTOMATIC MAT Farm-Labor Talks At Trenton Jan. 7 • IS9 SOUTH MAIN ST., NEPTUNE, N.J. ASSUftY PARK 1-0047 LAMP MOUNTING M -°-u.".T.!P.4l.'..H*J!l!Jf£Bli' ? o t D • •" LV "» • • »*•» M I N T " •IAUTIFUL HAND MADE SHADES • ALL STYLES VISIT GALLERY IN REAR OIL MINTINOt, FURNITURE, ORIENTAL RUOt PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE SUBURBAIlin TIRES by GOOD/YIAR Avoid disappointment order yours NOW I HAROLDS New Year's EveParty LWATCH ._ Th» damand for the» great winter tlrM It htavy. lait year w« ran out •qrly. Thli y«ar w«'r» stocking them •arly IO you can get youn NOW and avoid tht ruth. Don't go through another winter without th» extra traction - extra skid protection of Subur* banitti by Goodyear. TOP ALLOWANCES for your present tirosi . ALSO MCAPPIN4 DONI WITH JUIUMANIT! THREAD MOUNT TIRE SERVICE Reussilles' 75 WHITE ST. Phone RE 6-0484 RED BANK Drm Optimal NEW 1954 CHEVROLET Molly Pitcher Hotel The let Atr 4-Oeer Setfe* The brilliant new styling front and. rear, and gay new colon. People are looking and liking what they see. The ner front-end and rear-end designs. The colorful new styling all around the car. Here's Body by Fisher at its beautiful best! •it* WINDOW CONTROLS? NIW HICHIR HORSIPOWIR In TWO ORIAT INOINIS . . . plus all thtsa •thtr n«w •eWa>nt«g*it . 1*e k l Air leer) Ce»es Celerful new Interior* and automatic window and toot controli. Tine new fabrics and vinyl trim. New custom colon keyed to exterior colon. And Chevrolet is the first low-priced car to offer automatic front window and seat control*! (Optional on Bel Air and "Two-Ten" models at extra coat) Frithdt In Monmouth County A PLEDGE FOR THE NEW YEAR As the New Year approaches we pledge ourselves to an even greater and more efficient service than ever before. In maintaining this policy we trust that we may continue to-merit your friendship and patronage. "Toe-Ten" MeneVmin Shrill* Wee»» Tho thrifty new power In two advanced, engines. New. power and finer performance with important gat savings! Powerglidt models now offer the most powerful Chevrolet passenger car engine ever built-thc "Blue-Flame 125." There's far more power too, in the "Blue-Flame 115" engine in gtarshift models. Both bring you smoother, quieter performance. Wt V Hkt f skirt n* right by witktXTym all a happy and pmptrms turn yarjilki H tht brim with ill th* |*rW thing* <•/ lift. Thanks Hjmfir* vmdtrful year just fmn. 7h simon PURITAN MILK COMPANY J5H BHOAD S T . The "Twe-Ten" J-Beer teee* Power Irakas, lewer-prlctd Power Steering, Power* glide for all models. Now, on Powerglide models and for the first time in any low-priced car, you can have Power Braket. Power Steering costs leu and you can have Powerglide on til models, Au three features optional at extra coit Tho many new ways Chevrolet offer* more of tho thing* you want. No other ear ofleri to many things you want it such low cost. Chevrolet It the lowest-priced line in Us field, and It MVM you money on operation and upkeep, Com* in and Sad four favorite Chevrolet model for 19541 Mere tMngs mere • • » • • • went, thet's why The brond-ntw Delray Club Coitae-one of two new bealy styles, Now, Club Coupe imartneii with alMht back teat xnee-room of a two-door «ed»n and colorful, tll-vlnyl Interiors! There's a hrand-new 1954 Utility Sedan, too, it'i a three-pattcnger model with e*tr»-l»rgc hauling ipact, MORI N O M IUY CHIVROLITI THAN ANY OTHIR CAR I fYMMt Of ycnrvROLET A lAVmai IWMIM OP IXCIUINCI •Ottlfintl tl «<Ki m, Hail krikll •vslltkle CIRCLE CHEVROLET COMPANY HKI) BANK 32S MAPLI AVIN0I, MID IANK - rIFT t / ANTIQUE SHOP Get set NOW for winter driving... LAMPS! • ALADDINS LAMP Get the Extra Tractionof OVERHEAD DOOR PRODUCTS CORP. • IB ! • RED BANK EEGISTER, DECEMBER 30,1953 Santa Visits x Cub Pack 52 EATONTOWN—At the meeting of Cub pack 52 Monday, Mrs. W. Lester Whitfleld led and Mr'. Whitfield played the piano for carols and Christmas songs. With the singing of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," Santa arrived and presented presents. Santa asked the boys to remember that presenting gifts originated •when the Wise Men brought gifts to Christ and that it Is better to give then receive. Santa said his friend, "Jack Frost," is not really "a blustery demon" as most people think, •but ft kind fellow who Is now considering parents' fuel . bills. He promised, however, that he would bring some snow and Ice soon so the boys and girls could use their new sleighi skates.' Santa made his exit with the singing of Jingle Bells." At the beginning of the meeting, the Cubs decorated the Christmas tree with ornaments they had made at den meetings. Awards were made to Stanley Croydon, Jrl, bear badge and one gold arrow; Mickey Dietz,, lion badge; Gerald Mullln, Harry Layton, Joseph Liga, Howard Wilkinson and Anderson Thetford, oneyear service stars. , The pack committee •will meet Monday at the Methodist church. GUESTS OF PATTERSONS ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS'— Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blacksmith of Anna Maria, Fla., former borough residents, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earle Patterson of 61 Eighth ave. They will be here several weeks. FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SALE and SERVICE YORK BURNERS 'blue coal' FRED D, WIKOFF CO. RED BANK, N. J. 1897 • 56 Yean of Service •• 1953 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm •• H* fCu»U» km* a ASVMS plitd milk /MOM, cotdttd- J. H. KELLY COMPANY Car. trawl St. * Har«*« M. Rml PHONI 4.JW0 RESOLVED: Make this your first New Year'* resolution and stick to it. Saving makes the difference between "getting by" and gelling AHEAD . . . and here at Mainstay you get AHEAD faster with regular dividends compounded iemi>an« nually. You can save regularly, occasionally or Invest accummu* luted sums. « Physician's Hobby Is Painting HAVE YOUR PLUMBING, HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORK A&BURY PARK—The Episcopal diocese ot New Jersey is sponsoring a series of three Christian Living Conferences Jan. 6, 7 and 8, in the Crystal Terrace room of tlie Berkcley-Cartcret hotel. Those conerences will be under the direction of the Department of Christian Education of the National Council of the Episcopal church. • Conferences will start at 8 p. m. nightly. Members of all the Episcopal churches in Monmouth Convocation have been alerted of this opportunity presented by these conferences, and have been reminded to contact their own parishes if they plan to attend and need transportation In order to do so. DONE BY MARTIN J McGUIRE REGISTERED Manmotuh County'* Largest Plumbing and Heuting Contractor* for Hornet and Industrial Plants Colt's Neck Pupils Present Yule Pageant COLT'S NECK—Pupils of all eight grades at the grammar school here presented a Christmas pageant Wednesday of last week at the school. Taking part in the pageant, "In Bethlehem Town," were: Bobby Buck as narrator, Gail Flicdner, Gerry Movad, Angle Bafbuto', June Soamon, Katherino Riley, Betty El Us. Rosemary Hamilton, Warren Giloley, Terry Hunt, Billy Hebclcr, Tommy Broyor, Anthony Barbuto, Billy Reed, Norman Smith, Henry Kirk, Ray Martin, Michael Coleman, Terry Buckalow, Janet Sachcs Carolyn Boyvitt, Regina Cichoski Barbara Freer, Hope VanBrunt Patty Walling, Yvonne Kelly, Polly Engel, Linda Applegate, Loreen Wylic, Grace Leibcl, Peggy Rlchens Dotty Patterson, Evelyn Sacncs Joanne Harmata, Helen Wcston Tory Parcnteau and Patsy Pate. ON HIGHWAY 35—2 MILES NORTH OF RED BANK Let Us Give You An Estimate On Your Work Today , Dr. Ernttt F. Heyman of 345 Broad it., who wai a mem- PHONE RED BANK 6-3767 school. School's ucond farm btgint Fob. I. BOILERS - RADIATORS - FIXTURES - PIPE - VALVES AND FITTINGS FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES Several ntw courses will b« given in addition to present subjects. Enrollment datai are Jan. 18 and 25. Colt's Neck Miss Sandra Gemmell, a fi-cah man at Houghton college, Hough ton, N. Y., is spending the holiday vacation, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gemmell of Vander burg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barth spen Christmas.with Mr. and Mrs. Gran villc LeMcune, Sr., of Long Branch at a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quabeck were Christina* guests of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Barth and Mr. and Mrs. William Barth'of New gt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hammond, Jr., and Mr. and- Mrs. Charles Sproul of Manalapan attended Christmas family party Saturday the home of Col. and Mrs. Ernest Hlggins of Mountain Lakes. Donald Rogers, a Princeton uni versity senior, is spending the Christmas vacation with his par cnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Rogcra, Dutch lano id. A friend, Pvt. Charles Rlngwalt of San Francisco, Cal., has been a house guest four days. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hammond, Sr., entertained' the following guests at Christmas dinner: Mi and Mrs. Clarence Sutton and daughter Carolyn of Trenton and Miss Claudia Hammond of Metuchen. The Atlantic township (Ire company Ladies' auxiliary will meet next Wednesday night at tlip home of Mrs. Ben Richards on Church St., Fair Haven, . Mrs. Myra Reynolds spent Christma.1! with her son, Lloyd Reynolds of Huntington, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bielgeldt were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M, Smith of Harrison acres, Freehold. Mr. and Mrs. William Banks of Airport rd. entertained Mr. and Ml*. Alfred B. Anderson of Taylornvillc, and Mr. and Mrs. John Cochran of Bloomftcld Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. William Miles entertained Mr. and Mis. William Miles, Sr., of Marlboro and Mis Daisy Pottle and Capt. Nicholas Conover of Englishtown Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Reynolds of Montroso rd. nnd their son, a veteran of Korean combat, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W, C. Snydcr of Montrosc rd. Christmas, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Brett, Tr, of New at. visited Mr. and Mti Peter Brett, Sr. of North Arlington Christmas. They returned with their daughtcr-injlaw, Mrs. Edward Brett, to Colt's Nock Christmas night to complete the. holiday weekend here. Atlantic township flvcmch an swered a call to a Ire In a labor camp on the Barkalow farm, Scobeyvllle, last Thursday. The (lie was beyond control on their arrival and tho shack burned to the ground. Mark Randolph Hiller, the Infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Llcwcllen HIIIcr of New at., was baptized Sunday at St. Catherine's Csthollc church, Farminffdale, by Rev, Jo scph, Brzozowskl. Sponsors wore Miss Mnrgarct Lcavy and Paul Lcavy of Matawnn. V UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY bar of th« painting class of the FUd Bank Community Adult RED BANK. 4? January White Sale 4 Tremendous savings on your linen closet needs Stock up now on famous brands of merchandise 1st quality muslin sheets 1st quality percale sheets CANNON MUSLIN Cannon scalloped Rto.. «»3IVi - *3*M "«10l •OKIOC 69 .55 2,19 2.39 1.84 2.19 ~1 2.79 2.39 i '. •'«»«• Salt „ 2.99 Reg. 45x3l'/i 72x101 •lxlM 2.69 2.59 3.19 2.89 Salt l,(ft 3.69 3.99 .99 3.19 3.49 Spring Maid colored percale Cannon muslin fitted sh«*ts Spring Maid heavy duty 2.79 2.39 r2.99 : R«g. Twin Donblt 2.39 2.69 Pink—a,rttn—yellow 45X3I'/J Salt 1.99 2.29 99 .89 72x101 3.69 3.19 •1x101 3.99 3.49 Hob nail bedspreads Full size bed pillows 100% white gooic down. 4.95 Regularly 12.00 5 0 % goose down, 5 0 % goose feathers. Regularly 8.95 6.95 Thickly tufted hob nail bedspreads with fringed borders! Lung'lasting and easy to launder. Twin and dmililc size*. Choice of while, pink, maize, red, green. , Heavy wool blankets Chatham blankets V,i 1295 15.oo Regularly 15.95 If Perfect 25.00 First quality, all wool blankets in the extra long, 72x90 size—with wide satin binding. Blanket is mothproofed. Choice of red, blue, pink, avocado, yellow, green. Chatham, all nuol 4'/> pound blanket in full 72x81 size. Hudson-Bay type. Hudson-Bay type (>}/> pound bluuket. If perfect 39.00 ...25.00. Dlvimmrf Paymtnr • r ri» Rats «f Irish lintn dish towels Cotton quilttd pads Firmly stitched and piped, Twin sice. 2 iirl Cannon terry towels Payafclt, Dtc s I I Account* ntartcd by Jan. 10 will mm dividend* from ion, ht, MAINSTAY FEDERAL SAVINS & LOAN ASSN. 21 tyOtyMOUTH ST. Episcopal Church Plans Conferences Paee Three RID IANK 4.0441 :ioih» » Hand towel* 2 3 for for 35c 1.00 Dulh loweh 2 for 1.00 Pint quality mlid color towvh in « matched cnmnblu. green, flamingo, l*lnk, uqim, yellow, 95 Multi-colored stripe in standard size. 50 7te Martex terry towels HAM) SIZK ly 79u "7'<UIT/* »l 50 Quality— Tlwy Uo Wear Lonmr" tixtrn /ictit,= ifiiiih by llw Jitml brand of all, Whllo with tlrl/wil borders in grvvn, blue, ml, RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 80,1958 •ah Vnnf sea* auicnmtnt, Lieut. Farrell joined the Air Force in June, 1&51. She was graduated from Officer* Candidate school at Lackland Air Force base, Tex., and EATONTOWN—Three-motor ac10UDCLBTOWN TOWNSHIP — served as a laboratory and medi- cidents within an hour here Christcal supply officer at Ctovls Air U»ut. Dorothy G. Farrell, daughmas eve kept police busy. ter of l l n . Dorothy L. Farrollof Force base in New Mexico, before The first, at 2:30 p.m., resulted In •7 Apple Parm rd., recently ar- her assignment to the Philippines. the Issuance of a careless driving Prior to entering the service, rived in the HiHlpj>lne§ to «rve for Domlnick O'Doherty a tour of duty with the U. S. Air Lieut, Farrell was a medical tech- summons nician at the clinical laboratory of of the Bronx. He was traveling Force. She is a laboratory officer on Pine Brook rd. and failed wtth 6200th USAF hospital at Clark Dr. Carlo* Pons of Asbury Park. east to negotiate a bend in the road. JUr Force base, $0 miles north of Although his car rolled over, O'DohThe Boy Scout movement started Manila. erty was not Injured. Currently iervinj her first over- in England in 1908. At 3:20 p.m., John E. Edwards, Sr., of Neptune had a similar difficulty on Wall at. He failed to make a curve near the S.P.C.A. headquarters and also received a careless driving summons. The car rolled over and ended up against a utility pole. He was uninjured. At 3:30' p.m., a car driven by Starting Friday at *ho Carlfon theatar it th* Warnar Howard Terry of 17 Richardson ave., this pjace, rode Into the rear Bro«.' film, "Thra* Sailsri and a Girl," iterring Gordon Maeof a car driven by Carl Sims, Jr., of OFFICE & YARD Fort Monmouth, in front of Crystal •Rao,, Jana Powall and Sam Lavana, abova. Tha film it in tach15 NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD Brook Farm Inn. The Terry car nicolor. ' .. had to be towed from the scene. OUR ONLY LOCATION Special Officer 'William Hutting Investigated. Tinton Falls , Lincroft 3 Accidents Within Hour Lieut. Farrell In Philippines 'Three Sailors and a Girl' FRANK B. LAWES PREMIUM QUALITY FUELS COAL-FUEL OIL U\: RE 6-2875 6 Motorists Fined $77 by Judge Leuin EATONTOWN — Six motorists paid fines totaling $77 here Saturday night before Magistrate Harvey D. Leuln. Robert Delacruz of Fort Monmouth paid |36 for careless driving and driving without a license. Morris Rldder of Brooklyn paid $lt for passing a stopped school bus. Rudolph Whl£e of Fort Monmouth paid $13 for driving with a permit and without a licensed driver with him. Maxwell Bryant, Jr., of Asbury Park paid $10 for speeding. Gerald Kamber of Baltimore, Md., paid $10 for Improper passing. William R. Bullard of Brooklyn paid $8 for speeding. Beasley Promoted To First Lieutenant GERMANT —Lewis E. Beasley, whose wife,-Telry, lives on Sycamore ave., Shrewsbury, recently was promoted to first lieutenant while serving with the First Infantry division here. The son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beasley, Lamar, S. C, he I*.a platoon leader with the division's First Reconnaissance company. Th* 34year-old officer has been oversea* since July. A 1952 graduate of the V. S. Military academy at West Point, Beasley wears the Army of Occupation medal for duty in Germany. ' Christmas holiday guests of Mr. Many, local residents were among and Mrs. George Reiner were Miss those who attended the wedding Ruth Reiner of Newark, Mr. andSaturday at Rumson of Alan CanMrs. Robert Reiner and daughter, field, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell If you hear a sound like pistol and Mr. and Mrs. William and Canncld. shots in the backyard some 'cold daughter Diane of Irvlngton, George Mrs. H. H. Waddell spent Sunday winter night, l£ may be Jack Frost Reiner of Harrisburg, Pa, and visiting friends In Brooklyn. prowling outside, Mrs. Ruth Stover and daughter Miss Carol Ford of Linden spent . One of Jack's favorite prank* Is Sandy of Irvington. the holiday with her parents, Mr. to take a tree and crack it open George Reiner celebrated his and Mrs. L. O. Ford, Sycamore ave. when the temperature falls well Irthday with the family last' Mr. and Mrs, Jack'' Casewell of It P»yi to Advirtln in The Dtarliltr below th* freezing line, The split Thursday. . Cheyenne, Wyo,, is spending the often sound* loud as gunfire. The Ladies' auxiliary of the fire holidays with Mrs. Casewell's parFrost cracks occur because of un company' a Christmas party ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Osborn. even contraction of cells following at the fireheld house Dec. 21. Gifts The Ladles' auxiliary of the fire a iudden drop in temperature. Even were exchanged singing and company will meet Monday, Jan. tough hardwoods will snap under dancing enjoyed. and Hostesses were 11, at the home of Mrs. Fred SerlFRI.-SAT. / FBI. CONT. the pressure* according to H. JMrs! John Lamken and Mrs. Harry ano. Other hostesses'will be Mrs. SATURDAY—MATINEE Rice, field representative of thSeylaz. Mrs. Seylaz was appointed H. H. Waddell'and Mrs. Dorothy Davey Tree Expert company. JOHN PAYNE publicity chairman. Others at- Burrihardt. Among those tree* most vulner tending were Mrs. Eugene Ford, Edward Carney and daughRHONDA FUMING able to thl* winter torture are ma-Mrs. Florence Owens, Mrs. John terMrs.Jeanette are vacationing In ple*, elms, horsechestnuts, linden*, Cosehtlno, Mrs. Andrew Capelll, Florida. SPECIAL THIS WEEK oak* and plane trees. Vigorous Mrs: Edward Boy Ian, Mrs. Thomas "THOStTiilDHUDS trees six to -18 inches In trunk Daly, Mrs. William Diem, Miss Lelghton Wlllgerodt, a student at FROM SEATTLE" diameter are more subject to frost Madge Smith, Mrs. Garret Coraon Rutgers university, is spending the holidays at home. cracks thai! old or very young trees. and Mrs. Adolf Braun. - In Technicolor Clyde Cobb, son of Mr. and Mr*. And trees growing In rather moist Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Molson are Walter Cobb, was married Satursoil are victims more frequently JOHN IRELAND than trees growing in drier loca-parents of a son, born at River- day at Philadelphia. view hospital Dec. 22. They have L. 6. Ford entertained the tions. Fortunately, the cracks dose "COMIATlOUAD" DELIVERED CALLED FOR Shrewsbury Gun club at his home with the return of warmer weather another son, Henry. I , Werner A. Birch celebrated hi* Sunday. but the same area may reopen durSUN.-MON. SUN. CONT. ing- following winters, particular^ birthday with the family Christmas Robert Osborn is spending The JEANNI CRAIN day. ' holidays with his parents. He is if temperature* are severe. Saturday visitor* of Mr. and Mr*. stationed at Syracuse, N. T., with i JEAN PITHS Special care following cracking I | not necessarily essential or even Werner A. Birch were Mr. and Mrs. the Air Force. Paul Rigby, son of Mayor and George Kreeman of King's Park, desirable. But the areas should b checked to make sure that deca; N. Y., Mrs. Mary Aaman and Syl-Mrs. J. Lester Rigby, who is In the via and Algl Aaman of the Bronx, Marines In Texas, is spending the does not become established. and Mrs. Trlna Vali of Red Bank. week at home. LITTLE SILVER JEFFRFY HUNTER Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daly and Mr. and Mrs. George O'Callaghan WINS FLAY CABIN Major B. B. Jackson, 48 Prlnce- children attended the christening and son have moved from EatonRed Bank 6-1832 town to Tinton aye. here. of a niece, Karen Elizabeth, daugh. ton rd., Fair Haven, was awarded "SAILOR OP THE KING" the Play Cabin, which was dls-ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gatz Mr. and Mrs. Harold Park and at St. Joseph's Catholic church at family of Plalnfleld spent Sunday posed of at the Trading Port. "~ Keyport Sunday. Rev. Richard A. with Mrs. Park's parents, Mr. and TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY JOAN FONTAINE Ewlng officiated. Mr. Daly waa aMrs. Anthony Monzo, Sr. JACK PALANCE sponsor, A reception followed at School will resume here Monday. the home of the parents. "FLIGHT TO TANGIER" Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Stryker RETURNS HOME —la TMknlMlir— and Miss. Mary Kelly are (pending • ALSO. KEANSBURG^A guest: of Mr. a month vacationing In Florida. GLENN FORD Mr. and Mrs. Charles Landau and Mrs. Henry Guenther, Mrs.' Lilvisited relatives on - Long Island lian Ochiai returned Monday to "PLUNDER OF THE SUN" her home at Miami, Fla. par£ of last week. Saturday night dinner guert* of Mis* Mae Smack were Mr. and OPIN. TIL. Mn. James' Duck of Evtrttt and 35 •it* DRIVE ROUTt •ATOMMilton Gray of Red Bank. . AT THfc •TART I TOWN The Lincroft 4-H club will meet CIRCLE OPEN TO 5:00 A. M. * P. M.I S-STaS at th* fire house next Tuesday. The 11 a. m. service Sunday at A WALTER READE THEATRE Lincroft Community church will be THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURBAT DICIMBIR a i , JANUARY 1 . a lid by Stanley Stllwell. HI* sermon Reservation* Call ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 1-0388 EXTRAORDINARY! OALA HOLIBAY WEEKEND ENTIRTAINMENTI topic will be on "Inward Peace." Sunday-school will be held' i t 10 a. m. 0 The Ladles' Aid society of the Community church will mtrt Thursday, Jan. 7, In the church hall. Hostesses will be Mrs. Ralph Laytonand Mrs. Charles Cox. . • • DRIVE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS •Mr. and Mr*. Clarence Francjsco of Marlu farm had a* dinner guests PLUS 1KB M B HIT—MARIE WILSON, "MARRY M l M A I N " Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S«.SO PER PERSON •' Morgan • of Holmdel and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Willis and family and J NIW YIAR'S I V I PARTY—AT MIBNIBHT THURIDAV, DtC. »1 \ ! Mr. and Mr*. Ouli Danmeyer of TRAPKD . . . A DISPCBATB MAN ANB A HALF-ANIMAL OIRL i Lincroft. . • • • VINBINIA LIITM • • • Mr.' and' Mr*. Robert Dord of Hopewell, Pa., visited Mr. and Mr*. Lowell Willis over the week-end. • ' AND A STONY OF PASSION Miss Kitty Wataon of Asbury Park visited Joan Willis part of laatweek.. : ; • Mr. and Mr*. E. Dougla* Brandt EXTRA A D B i a — F R I K BREAKFAST • ! JalM, C*R*t, B U f h i n l * and daughter* visited Mr. and Mr*. Ctarttsy * f BALBANIA BROS. BAKIRV, Lraf. Bramh Robert Flood, Jr., at Mlddlebrook I (ABMISSION S t . * * 'arm, Asbury Park, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Bohn and SUNDAY, MONDAY, J M . S • 4 BIB NIBNTS Starllat TUESBAV daughter Joan are spending part IN TtCMNICOLOR EACH IN IXCITINB TtCNNICOLOR of thli week with Mr. ano Mr*. Howard. Bohn on Long Island. RANBOLPH SCOTT Outdoor Shots May be Frost Cracking Trees . . . . to brighten a dark day send her ATLANTIC FLOWERS .00. 2-50 VICKI • THIS WEEK AT WALTER READE THEATRES * CARLTON PARAMOUNT M O BANK LONO BRANCH LONQ BRANCH *.*4M M D BANK • • • • • a • LAST TIMES TODAY "TAKE THE HIGH GROUND" MALBIN mtBt • THURSDAY MATINEE ONLY DANCING SINGING STARS NOISE MAKERS For EATONTOWN THE HIGH GROUND'^ The Casino SCENIC • BOYS AND OJRLS. CELEBRATE NEW YEARS M M MOM AND DAB AT O * B SPECIAL NEW V I A * SNOW JUST FOR VOOI r a n F A V O R S — NOIIC M A M K I MO INCREASE I N PRICE . CARTOON-COMEDIES AND WESTERN SHOW START AT 2 P. M. THURSDAY—NEW YEAR'S EVE ONLY • • SPECIAL SPECIAL PRE-RELEASE PRI-RELEASE BNBABEMENT.STARTINB BNaABEMENTSTARTINB AT T •>. M. • PRIOR TO REOULAR NUN MAUREEN WAR ARROW ttwr CHANDLER O'MARAJ COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY • ItfltfEfAl PIUS _ - "CITY OF MCN" "BLACK FURY" THE CIRCUS TO IS COMING THE STAGE OF THE ' CARLTON AND PARAMOUNT THEATRES SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 2ND i t A. M. BOOR OPINS ana WILL HILL-'s SOaETY" CIRCUS TRAINED EDUCATED WANA, THE PONIES . DOBS • • • IADY ELEPHANT • PLUS—A TREMENDOUS SCREEN SHOW ABMISSION I M TAX INCLUDED TICKETS NOW ON .SALE AT THIATWES • SUNDAY AND MONDAY • PREVUE SATURDAY NITE ("VEILS OF BAODAB") NOCK MANCIA VICTOR MARI p HUDSON HENDERSON MATURE BIANCHARB \ "BACK TO "VEILS OF BAGDAD" " GOD'S COUNTRY" C«l«r CARLTON PARAMOUNT RIB Bniiak • • • 4 * * LONO BRANCH RED BANK BANK • • • • • • TUESDAY M i WEDHESDAV MARK STEVEN TUESBAY JACK SLADE New Year's Eve Party STEAK PLATTER • PLUS SNB NIT IDA HOWARD - Burr COOKMAN AVENUE THE ST. JAMES ASBURY PABK a-SSSS HELD OVER SECOND WEEK IXCLUSIVi SHOWING CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE STARTING 2 P. M. (KARL MAIDEN TEAR A N D DESIRE" THE MALE BRUTE BANK The RtgiiUr'i Cltiilfl.d Want <«p«rt- Special purchase sale nunt li Monmouth County'* Market rinci whtr* hundrtd. of bujr«r» and a.ll.ri m i l <varf Thuridtr. 8ur»ly 300 Gabardine dresses •omtoni hit what you want or want! whit you him for Ml*. Mora than H,«00 famlllu read Th» lUiltttr'i want column! (ten Uim._JUTirtlf«n»t permitted name to mention MT mm. mi by a famous we a r t because as. ROBIRT NORTON "MIGHT ROAD" Mil Snidil G i u u i MM***BII Formerly to 22.95 whose "Utf«fi •( IM Nik" FURY" .TECHNICOLOR 795 manufacturer £ ± RNONBAg FLIMINB BOCK HUDSON "GUN ELECTRIC IN-CAR HEATHS FOR YOUR COMPORT OOMTS FOTO Theit dresses were made "THUNDER OVER THE PLAINS" EVM\Vas,\V. BM SHaMlVsaV STUBINTiaa* W I N BAY not MAT. T4. urn • MM mm • BW IT. m • U 0 I "",1 , ,'" W All. TIMES AVI TIMIB of their extremely low price—you will easily recognixo them. THEMAYFAIR , STARTS THURSDAY EVE., DEC. 31ST Some are factory samples, some with slight Imperfections. They are impeccably tailored casual dresses with taped belts and fine detailing. Sixes "Har ,<(rlnl(i ara'n'l I watch h»r mU tttaml" JOHNWilYMK seams, leather In all solid colors. 10 to 4 4 . -Sieond Floor- ,,,T/ity called lil/n If you wint (a iss lomithina. tfiaf l( r*«lly nlea ana alia tmaunU fa lamsthlna, itao utWARHRCOlOR hara. Darn'i Phato Shop, I I Wallacs Final clftwanct gal* on coati now under wuy St. THE LYRIC R«d lank 4.227). Cam- marel«l A Portrait Photograph, arii,. C i m t r u , Suppllii I Fln> lihlng far ths AnAitaur a tto< imlanil. Hem* M S Y I M . * HIIJUJI^VI IIIHU PAULITTI aOBDARB "UN OP JEZBIBL" IN OBLBR fOOKMAN a|OROI PLUS BArT; "MAN PR9M CAIRO" J! RED BANK REGISTER. DECEMBER 30,1953 larenilecner Joiili l f | e Chess Club NEWARK—Kurt A. BarenitMhT r, 479 Branch ave., Little Silver, IU been accepted u a member of he. Newark Collage of Engineering- Ctiiii elU6 tor 1M3-M, aeeordln* to President T. Tiwtnky. The NCB club, a member-of the New ftriey IntercoUeflaU Chess learue, schedules vawlty matches wtth »uch college! a» Rutgers, Seton Hall, Princeton and: Drew. Sunbeam-Talbot scores again! TEAM PRIZE I 1st 12nd I 1st 12nd Manufacturers I Sedan Class I Sports Glass I awa-MMccI I (IM0-«MNec) M JUMMU'I M M INTUNimtUU lOTMOIIll M U t tfireualiilOO nllM •f New !«»t««€ iiwuntelimiid wow. Y.u e*n rld» whh MAnHEWSBROS. • winder, M * - t f Asbury Teacher Named Miss WRTV Mrs. Magner Will Filed | Since 1911 PHONE RE 6-2316 J. H. WHITE FREEHOLD—The will of Mrs. LONG. BRANCH—The full reGertrude Magner of Eatontown, mrces of Monmouth Council of Newman Springs Road who died Dec; 8, was filed for proSoy Scouts will be geared Into a bate last week In the office of Surirogram of conservation for MonRED B A N K rogate Dorman McFaddln. nouth county during 1954, accordig to an announcement by.E. DonIn it, Mrs. Magnei willed $300 * Complete warm air * Roofing of all kinds Id Sterner, president. to Evergreen cemetery, New York, heating systems The conservation theme will be and ISO to a Catholic church to be * Leaders, Gutters 1 part of a nation-wide program of Ductwork determined by the executor. Her the Boy' Scouts which will be ofsens, Frank and Arthur Hass, will lclally launched here as part of the share the rest. icout-O-Rama show set for ConJohanna Morris ofj Ocean port, entlon Hall, Asbury Park, from who died Nov. 13, willed her estate laturday, Apr. 1, to Nov. 1. . to her children, Gladys Dombroski Kendall Lee, Asbury Park, chairand George, Eugene and Albert an of the activities committee of Morris. the council, and the executive staff Mrs. Maria Albertl of Long have started to plan for this comBranch, who died June 4, 1981, munity service project. At a minwilled her .estate to her 13 children. imum, Lee stated, the scouts will Her sons John and Joseph will each build and service 3,000 bird houses receive two-fifteenths of the estate. in the spring, and plant at least The others will receive one-fif5,500 seedling trees, one for each teenth. icout member. Other projects In Sarah Douglas of Wall township, the program Include both unit and who died Nov. 29, willed her estate individual conservation items. to her children, Jean, John and Scout Executive J. Fred' Billett Hiss i WRTV Robert. ; stated that the Boy Scout moveThe respective husbands will re ment has been requested to take Hiss Jan Leonakis, 23-year-old Reade theaters. She is a former eeive the estates of Barbara Wayer upon themselves the conservation Asbury Park high school teacher, winner of a four-year scholarship of Union Beach, who died Dec. 10, 2 FOR MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN "good turn" by President Dwight is shown with Harold C. Burke, at Jordan college and Butler uni- and Marie Meyer, who died Oct. 28. D. 'Eisenhower, who stated in a vice president in charge of opera- versity in Indianapolis. She studied Tha retpectlve widows will reBROAD ft FRONT STRUTS June IS letter to Dr. Arthur A. tions for television, station WRTV, one year with Mischa Mlschakoff ceive the- estates- of Frederick Schuck, chief scout executive: RIO RANK 4-20M after she had been crowned Miss as .concert violinist, after which Neaves of Long Branch, who died "The wise and judicious use of WRTV. She received a 13-week she gave concerts in . New York Dec, 11; Lonnle Cousins of Nepour natural resources if of para- contract to. appear on the newand Detroit. Open Friday Evenings Till 9 P. M. tune City, who died Dec. S, and mount concern to all Americans. station,- which. start3 operations The judges—Grahd'in K. Ham-Charles Marks of Spring Lake The Boy Scouts, as heirs to the next month; a one-week expense- mel and Harry Donoghua of the Heights, who died Nov. 20. KISLIN'S, Red Bank future, have much to lose or gain paid vacation in Bermuda, and a Monmouth Players and Mrs.'.Virin the years ahead, depending on television set equipped to receive ginia Barry, drama critic for'the how those natural resources are WRTV on channel ;58: . Asbury Park Press—chose her over managed today. , Miss Lednakls won the.title Dec. three vocalist finalists, Miss' Ar"As a member of your national 22 at the St. J*mes theater tin As- lene Lefante, Jersey City, Mils executive board and as honorary bury Park, climaxing four weeks of Ann Bucco; Red Bank, and Miss president of the Boy Scouta, I am elimination. contests at Walter Jewell Pelllda, Neptune. , familiar with your three-year program, under the slogan "Forward HOLIDAY DINNER on' Liberty's Team." In the final Auxiliary Marks Yule, year of this program I believe that COLT'S NECK-Mr.' and Mrs. it would be particularly fitting if Birthdays at Party Ernest T.. brgo of Freehold-Eaton' TO THE RESIDENTS OF MONMOUTH COUNTY the Boy Scouts would undertake by W E S T ' K E A N S B U R G — T h e town rd. here entertained 19 guests concerted action to arouse public Ladies' auxiliary of the (Ire com-Sunday at s holiday dinner party. recognition of the need for ade-pany here last week held a com- Present were Mr. and Mrs. RichFROM THE STAFF OF „ quate protection and wise manage- bined Christmas party, birthday ard Flock, Mr. and Mrs. Donald ment of our soil, water, mineral, party and business meeting. forest, grassland, and wildlife re- Celebrating birthdays were Mrs. Updike, Hans Papenhagen, Walter Herzberg and William Flock of sources." Lenovich, Mrs. Camille Lutz, Coifs Neck, Mr. and Mrs. Walter The council commissioner staff, Mary Mrs., Marie Gimmele, Mrs, Helen under the direction of William Mat- Torsiello and Mrs. Peggy Calamari. Wall, Mr. and Mrs, George Bird tlson, West Allenhurst, will meet They received a, birthday gift and and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Sihler of with Mr. Lee at the county staff cake,.. Members also exchanged Freehold, Capt. Jack R'Mass of For Making Our Grand Opening A Hug* Success meeting Monday, Jan. 18, at the agifts and sang carols. A covered Red Bank, Misa Yvonne Wylie of Boy Scout headquarters here. Vahderburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Matdish.supper was served. Irving Feist, Shrewsbury, treasHostesses were Mrs. Olga Perno, thews Rice of Florham Park. • • urer of Monmouth Council and member of the regional executive Mrs. Evelyn Strongoli, Mrs. Vera committee for the states of NewWerthweln, Mrs.'Anna Blrger and YOUR CHOICE York and New Jersey, has been in- Mrs. Bertha Cere. At the next meet, strumental with others In the de-ing election of officers willibe held. YOUR PARTICIPATION PERMITS US TO CONTINUE WITH To celebrate birthdays next month velopment of the conservation proYour choice of insurare Mi-3, Alice Dowd; Mrs. Josegram °n a national level. phine Purdy, Mrs. Agnes Fanning, ance agent is just as TREMENDOUS VALUES COMBINING UNEQUALLED SERVICE!. Mrs. Darlene Diane and lire. EleaRiver Plaza important as your nor Smith. , A Christmas party was held last Also present at the meeting were Thursday at the fire house by mem-Mrs. Agnes Czarkowski, Mrs. Em- "choice of doctor or bers of troop 30 of the Girl Scouts, ma Devine, Mrs. Catherine Fltzlawyer. who exchanged gifts and completed slmmons, Mrs. Ethel Jayc, Mrs. hand-made baskets to be given to Helen King, Mrs. Vlcki Kusick, Your , entire financial their parents as gifts. A guest .was Mrs. Mary McCarthy, Mrs. Edna structure may some day ' George T. Denner, • Jr., of Red Mallcy, Mrs. Florence Murphy, Mrs. depend on how well ha .• Bank, who gave the girls Instruc- Frances-.Olbry,' Mrs. Lucille Page, hat performed his Job. tion in basketry. The next meet- Mrs. Catherine Phillips, Mrs. Helen ing will be Jan. 7. : , Rosato, Mrs. Alice Schultz, Mrs. George Makely of Shadow Lake Harriett Till, .Mrs. Jean Wethwein, dr., ;in the role of Santa, distrib- Mrs. Catherine Werthwcin,. Mrs. Broad & Mechanic Stt. uted gifts Christmas eve to mem- Edna Wh'eatley, Mrs. Hilda White, bers of his family who live in varl- Mrs.' Anita Howard, Mn.., Alice Red Bank, N. J. . uiis sections of the neighborhood. Randolph and Mrs. Helen Williams. Mr. and Mrs. John Doscher of . Tel. RE 6-2100 "Eight out of'ten readers consult The Shadow Lake dr. spent Sunday with Register Classlntd Ads.—Advertisement. members of their families In Jersey City. '\ Thirteen children sang Christmas carols In the Alexander dr. neighborhood Christmas eve. Among the carolers were Rickl and Jeff Olir, Tonl Smith, William Kidd, Linda and Gail Grleamer, Donna and Richard Burger, Robert and Sally Shenk, William Searles and Joyanne and Mary Lou Socolchik, ON FAMOUS MAKE FLOOR MODELS The children were accompanied by Mrs. Frederick Gill, Mrs. Kenneth Burger and Mrs. John Socolchik. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Briller, formerly of Nutswamp rd., have moved into their new residence on Shadow Lake dr. William Stobo of Carpenter st. has been appointed fire inspector by William Pape, chief of the Mtddletown township fire department. Miss Connie Adams of Manning st. and Walter Stobo spent Sunday at Atlantic City with members of Mias Adams' family. KISLIN'S yen drive f SunbMn-TitbotI RID IANK M500 NIWMAN SPRINGS RP. couts to Aid in Conservation Page Fhrt "A SHREWD MOVE" MANY THANKS EATONTOWN RADIO & TELEVISION SAYS SAINT NICK! AT No. 50, HIGHWAY 35, EATONTOWN Y»i, saving • IrHlt money *ich w»»k in Tli* Second National1! Christmas Club is good businasi! It moans that naxt year you'll matt up with' Gift-Buying tim* and year-end holiday •xpeniei without tha usuil financial haadachai. Our 1954 s CHRISTMAS CLUB HERE IS THE WAY YOUR MONEY GROWS Deposit ' Weekly . $ .50.... 1.00... 2.00 3.00....... 5.00.....: 10.00 ............ 20.00 .:........ Receive in 50 Warts $ 25.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 250.00 500.00 1000.00 SAVE NOW OPEN/ Grossinger & Heller 00R NO INTRANCI K l l NOW THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF RED BANK, NEW JERSEY SERVING MONMOUTH COUNTY SINCE 1864 Ofwn Friday IvtalRft fram 4:30 f 1:00 SAFI DIPOSIT IOXIS UP TO TV REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC RANGES Automatic & Wringer WASHERS ntONERS-AIR CONDITIONERS HOME FREEZERS,e t c Many local Arms or their direct successors have been customers of The Register's commerclnl job printing department tor over 76 years. Satisfied customers Bre our best advertisements. ^-Advertisement. CHOOSE FROM SUCH NATIONALLY FAMOUS BRANDS AS— R.CA, PHILCO, G.E. ADMIRAL, FEDDERS DUMONT, EMERSON ZENITH, NORGE! FREE PARKING LOT FOR 2 0 0 CARS livord«r thtt our ittff m«y «n|oy «n. unlnitrrupttd holiday, Sh«rmin'i will b* Horns Decoraton 4S BROAD ST. RED DANK CLOSED ALL DAY IH1. Si SAT. E And Many Other Makes • OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 10 P. M. ATONTOWKJ RADIO «c TELEVISION I ^ 50 HIGHWAY 35 IATONTOWN, N. J. Phone Eatontown $-0400 USE OUR EASY CHARGE PLAN! RED BANK REGISTER. DECEMBER 30.1953 Pam Six RiED BANK REGISTER THE KANK^SPACESHIP Willis A. Clayton Retires LETTERS FROM EVENTS OF YEARS AQO; FROM REQISTER .FILES; One of Red Bank's loyal public servants, :OUR READERS Willis A. Clayton, retires tomorrow as secESTABLISHED 1871 retary of the board of health and registrar .'FOR THE,WHOLE PEOPLE' By Jehu H. Cook and Henry Clay of vital statistics after 37 years' service. In ' HF. O. Box 21, Fifty Years Ago. vious and was first used a*' a grc-. " ..'. Rumson, N. J. THOMAS IRVING BROWN, Publisher his capacity as registrar he issued Heyeral' ".' ''•'..'• . D e c . 28, 1 9 5 3 . JAMES 3. HOGAN, Editor ; The ushers union of the First eery store as well aa a residence. thousand marriage licenses and signed sevCapt. Thomas W. Collins of MidTo the Editor: A Methodist church, was entertained M. HAROLD KELLY, Business Manager eral thousand birth and death certificates. The' obvious. dissension through at the parsonage by Rev. and Mr*. dletown township, and John B. ColW. HARRY PENNIKGTON, Plant Supt out the Republican party, from the Alfred Wagg. 'Each member was lins, Hiram Smith, and William Of modest nature, with no flare for the highest national elected office down privileged to bring a lady with him. Randolph of Keanaburg, left for a - T k . Red Bank Rtgiittr «num«i no financial rtiponiibllU through the various stages to-the Uti for typographical «rrora In adr«rtli«menti, but will r«. limelight, Mr. Clayton is one of a large games were enjoyed as.well hunting trip of six weeks in North small country town constable, Is one Parlor Carolina. They had arranged a »rlnt that p a n oi an <dTertlitnient In which tti. typography of the best assets that the good old as a short instrumental and vocal "house on wheels" In which they eal error occun, Advcrtlicn will plcatt notify tha.tnanagt- army of public servantscwho say little, but program, rendered by Misles Mabel mint Immediately of any trror which may occur. Democratic party could have. to have their quarters while accomplish a lot. In addition to his duties • Some small evidence of this gen- and Beatrice Halhes, Mrs. • Fred were Mtmkar ol Ib. Anoclattd Prti> eral feeling was shown in your news Tramm and Llle Heisley. ' . ' . away. Their temporary abode cost ii the board of health, Mr. Clayton's activicolumn of your Dec. 23d issue, '. William Curehln, Sr., of Fulr Ha- them in excess of 17,000. Tha Miociattd Praia i i tntitltd txclusWtly to tha «m William H. R. White w u sworn for republlcatlon of all tht local new. printed in thli ntwl- ties in public life in Red Bank included wherein our Monmouth county ven had all his children home to paper, a. well ai all AP n.wi dlspatchea. representative in Washington, as dinner on Christmas day. Mr. and in on New Tear* day for his third; well a* our state assemblyman in membership on the planning board 18 years, term as mayor of Red Bank. ChrisTrenton, critleiied their own party's Mrs. Curchin had six children, and tian L. Berge was sworn in as a Blember Audit Bureau of Circulation .oning board of adjustment 19 years, board outgoing irbvernor for his notice- with Mr. . Curchin'* father and new member of the council. Mr. Thli ntwapipir . i i u n m no rtaponittillltlai Tor able lack of Interest In making no grandchildren, there were IT gathof assessors and the sinking fund. Berge wai elected en a platform In ataunnanta of oplnloni In Icttera from Itt readers* effort to obtain government relief ered around the festive, board. which he regarded as the three for the stricken coast area from the Subscription Prices In Adranct On. Tear 15.00: A shooting match was held at Mr. Clayton has played an important early November storm,' needs of the town as besii months, U . 6 0 Sinule copy, at counter, 10 centi. Fred Luther's hotel at Colt'* Neck greatest ing more adequate parking apace, part in religious and civic affairs in Red Criticism coming at this late date for three turkey*, .two of which better garbage disposal, and a thorlimed Weekly, entered e . Second Clat. Matter at tha Polloffice at Red Bank, N. I., under the Act of March I. U 7 t . Bank, having served in an official capacity sound* like "sour, grapes'' as the were won by William McKay and ough xonlng of the borough. time for action was a day or two the other by Mr. Luther. . Foltmaitcrs and Subscribers in forwarding change of addrene at one time or another in the Methodist Tht entire first floor of thi forafter this terrible., storm, when Daniel Allaire, Fair Haven't ro- mer Hane'e building on Broad at. " please die Postal Form 3547 these gentlemen should have taken church, River-view hospital, Lions club and tund butcher, celebrated hit 40th their governor'by the ' hand and was being converted for the use of WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1963 Monmouth -Boat chili. walked fi!m a few blocks through birthday with a house party. He the Broad Street. National bank. the. storm area, which would have invited all-the women folk of the The bank had recently bought the »«•>«/*-» been aample enough to show the village to his home and had ex- building and had divided the fourth The Register joins with the officials and wreck and .havoc caused by the pected to enjoy the same expercitizenry in paying tribute to a man who storm In many miles of coastal area. ience which' Abe Bennett had a and fifth floors Into 34 offices, •; Ringing In the New Year Edward O'Brien, Jr., of Rumson, It is hard to believe that a gov- week previous on his birthday, that cast (1148) that "a utilisation of the las devoted many years of his life as a ernor of New. Jersey, had he viewed of being hugged by each lady pres- rendered a group of Irish folk tax-supported public school system Another bright new year is almost with faithful and efficient public servant. the storm area, could have closed ent. However, Mr. Allaire'* lady songs at a farewell banquet at the to aid religious groups" (inthatcase his and not made a supreme friends failed him for not one of Hotel Roosevelt In New York city, us, one which—like others which have prethrough releued-tlme classes on efforteyes to apply for aid for this them even gave him a kiss, let given in honor of Timothy R. Smldschool property) "fails squarely un- damaged coast.'. ceded it—offers promise of greater daje, dy, governor of the - Irlih Free alone the expected hug. der the ban." On the other hand, the state of state, who had been transferrtd more brilliant accomplishiiieittK. \Alm most Thomas Grapel, aged 75 years, In that ruling the court further New Jersey has two U. S. Senators, from Washington, D. C, to London. new things, 1H54 will need a "breaking in1' declared: "The ' First Amendment elected by the people, who have died at the home of his brother Gov. Driscoll's Mutake and Mrs. Herbert H. Hunttr traveled thousands o f miles to John C. Grapel of Washington i t , of Mr. rests upon the premise that both Fair Haven; returned from a period. Its usefulness will depend on just lands on different investi- with whom he made his home. Sometime early next, year it U religion and government can beat foreign two months tour of Japan. They committees, 'bringing back what you do with it, how you start it off. The failure of Gov.-Alfred E. Driscoll, hoped that a joint laihor-managc- work to achieve their alms it each gating The children and grandchildren had accompanied several profesto their colleagues In Washington is left free from the o^her within of Ijpnlel Wilson of Middletown, It is traditional in this great nation of outgoing Republican, to declare a disaster ment committee, working with U. its respective sphere."—The Chris- suggestions and recommendations gathered at the Wilson homestead sional ball players who erotisd S. Attorney William F. Totnpklns, as to how to upend the good old bats in exhibition game* with Japours to cherish a new start in 'any endeavor. after the'Nov.- •i-7 storm tore up our coast will have finalized plan* (or an all- tian Science Monitor, U.S.A. dollars in these foreign on Christmas and when they sat anese teams. countries for relief;' With the down at the table there was a crisp war on the gamblers and rack.So must it be in this most important job line, has been, criticized by two "of the out . Ferd S. Salmon was Inducted into eteers who Infiltrate Industrial DIVVV UP THE TAX,,GOUGES "know how" that these gentlemen $20 bill under, each plate a* a ofllee as Fair Haven'* hew mayor. possess, and seeing their own state Christmas remembrance from him. of living our lives. state's prominently-placed Republicans, plants and take away about $000 The Eisenhower Administration's government Arthur Sickle* was elected precefail, it would have been million a year from workers. In New tax experts have been at work for a simple matter for either one of Mr, Wilson was 78 year* old and in dent of the council. As citizens of the United States, we Rep. James C. Aucliincloss of Rumson and Jersey alone. tome months on a plan for top-to- these U. S. Senators to recommend exceptionally good health for hi* A contract wa* given to erect a face a responsibility that spreads around Assemblyman Alfred >'.-tBeadlcston of As the committee pointed out in bottom revision of the tat law*. and get help for this atorm-tcsscd years. steel hangar at the Alrvlew flying statement, " . . . , there must be They hope to have it ready to part of their own state. Capt. David A. Walling of Tlnton field on- Shrewsbury 'ave. at' a cott the whole world. This is a land of great Shrewsbury. They left no doubt that they amore than a negative prosecution present to Congress when that One encouraging note Is the fact Falls had a large demand for his exceeding $12,800. The building things. Here burns the light o( liberty whieh thought the- governor made a bad mistake. of ganVblera to make the drive suc- eminent body convene*! again. that our state of New Jersey is applejack at his distillery, most of was to be large enough to accomcessful. There must aUo be a posiabout to be governed by a new which was for holiday use. He re- modate 12 plane*. must Rend, sparks to all people who believe Still to be heard from are the top-drawer tive We hope these gentlemen will ' . Democratic governor, who from ceived one order of 20 gallons from attack on the erroneous besome careful and constructive past Mr. and Mr*. Marcus It. Davidhistory, represents a party that an important politician in the natas we do in human dignity and freedom. Democrats. liefs and naive Ignorance that'leads pay attention to a string of suggeshas always been for the whole peoson of Mount st., entertained durpeople to' condone gambling syndiOur municipal, .county, state and federal recently offered In public by ple. While It may be too'late for ional capitol. Proclamation of a disaster has a singu cates, which subvert our.economy." tions The pupils of the Reformed ing the holidays, Mr. Davidson's our new governor to obtain ,the Representative Noah M. Mason (R.governments must make certain we remain lar purpose.. It sets up machinery through For a long time, there has been IH.), who is a good deal of a tax needed aid and help, it is to be church dtinday-school In west Red sister, . Mrs. Louis • T.' King of hoped that he will be able to plan Bank, presented.a cantata entitled, Scheneciady, and Mrs. David Grant a nation like none other in the world. Our which a hard-hit area may, qualify for a mistaken Impression that there expert himself. and have put Into, action enough "The Toys' Rebellion." Taking part of New Tork city. Mrs. King was is nothing wvonf with "innocent" elected officials need your co-operation and money assistance from the President's Dis- gambling within tht confines of In- Mr. Mason has been aiming' a help that will build up the ocean in the entertainment were Mar: accompanied by her daughter, Hit* lot of hla thinking at the fact that section and help allay the fears of jorie Soffel, Ada Predmore, Alberta Dorothy King. dustrial plants., help if they arc to do their jobs. residents that they will be betaster fund, for the repair or replacement ' However, those ,who think that the U. S. and '48 state governments the Edgar V. Denise of Washington for decades have been levying taxes ter protected tor any future storms, Bennett, Mabel Abbey, Warren and st., an employee in the clerical dt: Happiness to each of us comes in differ- of damaged or wrecked public installations. way are in serious error. .For a* whieh Myron' Beckman, Myrtle Aller, overlap one another In far Of course, we know that a govpartment of the Broad Street Natcommittee also pointed out, Craig, Emma Gisleson, Hasel ent forms, hut the finished product is wo.vcn Gov. Driscoll's view was that the storm the ernor cannot be expected to do Mabel plant gambling not only affects too many case*. McQueen, Minnie Thompson, Mar1 ional bank:'and *ho had been out these thlnga alone. He will need from the same thread. Working together, wasn't severe enough to cause him to call those who gamble, but bookmaklng Washington takes Its bit* out co-operation and not opposition ion McQueen, Helen Grause and for several, months dut to Hint**, returned to work. and numbers operations—the moat of your Income. So does New York from the majority of his state legis- Marguerite Lucas. : today's troubles may be drowned out and upon Washington. for help and to qualify common Percy Sherman, who had been form of gambling—make state, among many other*. There lator*' < Mr. and Mrs, John B. Orover of manager hammered into tomorrow's true satisfac- the area for such aid, On that ground, he "the greatest contrt>utlon to cor- are federal and state taxes on gaa- , , of the Ruby Lane store Sincerely, Irving place, entertained in celeBread it., waa promoted to tht rupting public officials; they Im- oHne. The Federal Government tion. We have a new year to exercise our stood against a tempest of public criticism. poverish William J. Finegan. bration of their BOth wedding an- on those who can least afford taxes theatre admissions—and to poiltion of district manager of tha niversary. Mrs. Crover was the aspirations. Jt is the sincere wish of The It; they cut down productivity and do one-third of the state*. These Ruby Lane store* in tht. metroformer Miss Sarah Borden, daugh- politan APPRECIATION district. . Mr. Auchindoss, widely known as a wages; they deprive the govern- art onVy a few Illustrations of duRegister's publisher, officers and employees ter, of the late William Borden, and ment of tax revenues, and they plicate taxation. , A baby clinic was.started at Sea THE SALVATION ARMY her husband was the xon of the man who works in Washington but who that 1954 will be a year of happiness, good bring into disrepute the company Mr. Mason1 urges!'that Federal 30 Riverside ave., Red Bank, N. J. late James Grover of Red Bank. Bright by the Rumson-Sea Bright leaves his heart home in' Mon mouth county; or union whose officials condone or and health and prosperity for you. stat*' field,* of taxation be Mias Gussie Plntard, daughter of and Fair Haven nursing association. December 22, 1953. participate in their operation." a: tpttdily marked off, with Wash- To The saw things quite differently. He sent to Albert Pintard of Oceanic, was mar- Th* clinic was held twice montMjr Editor: ; .Trarwetnding even tht above con- ington tax-gatherer* forbidden to ried to William H. Griffiths by the and filled a much needed want In Sea Bright, one of the damaged townsji siderations, . . ' , ,,, however,'' is the fact trtapaa* on katt preserves and Please accept on behalf of The Rev. William J. Kulp at tht^par- that district. Salvation Army, our sincere appreThe Red.Bank chess club which that the so-called ''Innocent" gambvict versa. • copy of Public Law 875, which provides for aonage of the Grace Methodist ciation for the wealth of publicity •Reitudy Needed waa organized three years previous, ling lend* itself to racketeering. The states, he thinks, should bt The Register has given our organ- church, Red Bank. the President's fund, and said: "As you Sooner or later the racketeers ob- booted ' out of the personal Income izatiqn. Miss Anns, McLaughlin of Free- waa having • tournamtnt, playing The Register recently investigated can readily see * * * this fund was created tain or try to obtain control of tha domain entirely; the Government'* Recently, during National Salva- hold, became the bride on Christ- it* gamea In Alfred flchaffer'a real union and the result Is the Involve- gougtra should bt shooed away tion Army Week, Mr. Hogan wrote mas eve of Howard Matthewt of estate office In the Cooper, buildcomplaint against Red Bank which is to relieve disasters as a result of a disas ment of company and union officials, theatre ticket*. Mr. Mason a splendid editorial and gave con- Mount at. The ceremony was per- ing at Broad and Whit* at*. Benserious from a moral standpoint as well trous storm, such as recently occurred and unreasonable demand* which from would leave liquor and tobacco siderable coverage to special event* formed by Rev. 8. H. Thompson, jamin VanVllet wa* leading In th* ara met without consideration of ta*ta exclusively to Washington, we were having, We have always tournament. Other player* war* as from a matter of jr ineral health. I t con- along the New Jersey coast," their effect en tht rest of tht com- estate and gift taxes to the slates; found Mr. Hogan to be most co- pastor of the Red Bank Presbyter- Edwin L. Beckman, Charle* Croft, Broad Street, Bed Bank, N. f. Editorial Views Of Oihei Papers _>_^__e> cerns public rest rooms in Red Bank, particularly those now in 'operation beneath the borough hall. < In the three weeks since • we conferred with Police Chief Frank W. Reuther as to the disgu ting condition of the rest rooms they have been painted and plumbing and % electrical work has been done. To stress the perpetual nature of the complaint, we men tion that, since then, plumbers have had to return four times and electricians twice to make repairs. 8uch vandalism is repre hcnsiblc and costly. Vulgar pencil markings, coupled with the behavior of some males and females who use the rest rooms indicate that degenerated frequent the rooms. The police have tried to cope with the sorry mess, but difficulties of making legal arrests are niuny, TVe result is that decent citizens are embarrassed to use the rooms. The danger of impairing the morals of our young is evident. Thus a service that should lend good advertise ment to Red Bank actually has worked di redly to the contrary. We believe there is hut one euro, thai being to have mule and femulc attendants on duty whenever the rooms lire open. Public'rest room's principally should benefit shoppers. Thut being the cuse, we do not think they should lie open after shopping liojirn. ' Along with this general problem In the pro|H>Hiil to liulld a, public rest room in Marine park. In order to get |>ru|x>r sewage the building must he located, ntiip (he hill, Hucli coiiHtriiction so. far from the river front will grciitly IUHMCII Intended sorvlce to the gfiipi'nl public AlU'iulunU will him to IH; posted (here, too, if ih<< xhiiuicfill niltuition a! borough Jin 11 is not to lie duplicated. If public room* arc a necessity hero, we'd like to HCO our miiyor am] council its Hi inly iliu problem. OHO miRgoHtlnii we pre wilt for roiiNidwiitldiiau'oiild Include Hi roe nU'|m; IIrM, iilmiidojinii'ii! of I ho prcKuii rent rooiiiH in Ixii'oiitfh hull; second, nhim (IOIIIIH'III of Dm |iro|i<>M'il Mni'lnc |iut'k rent rooms; third, ('(iiiMnicllmi of niiidcrn, nl tended 'rout mourn In Iliu liurotigh ing lot. Wo rcKUi'd (IIIN iiiullu1 IIN one of utmost urgency HIM] Impi; ui'ilmi will nut lio dolu.ved, Those who might d u n k It* «I>HOUN> IICKH are nuked lo COIIHIIK police (lepni'lnicnl nfilc'lnl*, or (hi? Imiilih oflln'i1, Correction I long overdue > t ian church.. Mr. Matthews was employed as driver by the Adam* Ex- Edwin Herr, Leon and Paul de la press Co, in the Red Bank district. Reussilte, Clarence Plllett, John Ferguson, Walter T. Robert Van Schoick, who for Nay, William Harrison Banet and Harmany years, conducted a * wheel- .Pilgrim, Dow. : right and carriage building .busi- oldMisa May Hoote, daughter of ness on Gold st., moved to Caniden, Montgomery Hoose of Campbell's The Cosmos club waa rehearsing Junction, and William Fix of Rtd for an entertainment which .they Bank, were married at St. Mary's were to present on New Years night Catholic church, New Monmouth, by REGIONAL PLANNING The hearing* held before the New NEEDED: A CONGRESSIONAL at the Baptist church. Arch Brown Rev; Robert F. Marron. Th* eouplt Tork Metropolitan Rapid Transit NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION waa down for four recitations. Mrs. were attended by Ella Hoe**, a s i * Theodore Colyer waa to render a ter of the bride, and, Henry Ite, Commlulan, with a twin commission from New Jersey fitting in, With a solvent America aa the solo and Walter B. Parson* or- • brother of th* groom. . renewed interest In the desirabil- ultimate objective, Congress could chestra waa to'accompany a quar- Announcement wa* mad* of th* ity of seeing the region'* mac* present the.American people with tet, composed of Mrs. Colyer, Mia* marriage of Miss Florence Firikeltransportation need* whole, rather a real New Year'* resolution by Viola Headley, Ernest Hllidorf and stetn, daughter of Mr*. Bertha T. than a* bit* and piece*. This adopting legislation leading to a Prof. H. K. Allatrom. Finkelsteln of Red Bank, and Benthought also dominated the annual balanced Federal budget and a con- Miss Delia Carson, who made her jamin Pachman of Rahway, which home with Mr. and Mrt. Henry N. took place Christmas . afternoon. meeting of the Regional Plan as- trolled Federal debt. sociation, one of our more useful son's ahade and growth, Supported in principle by tax- Nevlus of East Front it., was home The bride wa* a graduate of Red ' We think all of this proves Gov. Driscoll There Is something.about a hill- civic agencies. > payers and their organizations in for the holidays from her itudie* Bank high school, of the Savage woodland In winter that re- The central question to he decid- many states such a bill (HR-2) by at Colcman's Business college at school of physical training, and stumbled badly. He should know by now side Columbia university. She had been veals the nature of the land and Its ed first of all, It seam* to, tu, I* Congressman Frederic Coudert, Jr., Newark. that finances of shore counties and town* growth. In tht, full leaf of tum- one of public policy toward the of New York, would seek to cure Miss Nellie Jarvey of Chapel teaching school near Perth Amboy.. Hill, Miss Lydia Woolley of Monrailroad*. Thl* I* posed moat th*' nation's "chronic insolvency." mtr It la less obvious; but now ont Bradley M. Fischer and John V. are under such strain as to make costs of can at* how tht undergrowth urgently, of course, by th* Long It would require that beginning mouth, Miss Phoebe Ferry two Red Bank lawytri, emergency storm repairs almost prohibitive: creeps out along the pasture edge, Island railroad. It Is the question with the 1958 fiscal year on June. of Set Bright, Miss Ella Connors Crowtll, formed a partnership under th* tht sumac spreads Its twlsttd whether, and to what extent, rail- It next, Congress limit annual Fed- of Everett and Mitt Mary Dugan firm name of Fi*cher * Crowtll and It seems clear his had decision may have how canopy, how tht gray and leaning road* carrying commuter* to and eral expenditures to anticipated of Nutswamp were employed In opened office* In th* George Hanet) cost the shore area many thousands of dol- birch take* over a neglected cor- from New Tork city shall be *ub- revenues, except In time of war or Miss Mary, Wood's dressmaking Patterson building at (0 Broad it. ddlied. The argument'la put this other declared emergency. This re- establishment at Red Bank. ner. lars in relief assistance. Fischer waa a graduate of Coway: travel on rubber .1* subsidised quirement Is similar to those now Rev. A. B, McLaurin, pastor of Mr. Hare art tht generations of the at great cost to th* taxpayer; tho operative In many states, Including Central Baptist church of Atlantic lumbia university and Mr. Crowell trtti. Stand in the valley and you automobile, waa a graduate of Rutger* college. Congratulations are due to Rep. Anon-can however, create* In- New Jersey, ' Highlands, tendered his resigna- Both tea them, treetop level after creasing congestion, men were graduate* of th* whose cost to tion as pastor to accept a, call to iucloss and Mr. I toadies ton for fearlessly level. How. they maintain their the public in'New. Tork It put at "If this bill is passed," explains the sixteenth Baptist church of New New Jersey law school uniformity Is a mystery of growth culling to public attention an obvious error and "the soil lUelf, but there they a billion dollar* a year; why sub-Congressman Coudert, "the federal York city, Although Rev. McLaurin Stanley O, Wllklns, son of Weland encourage thi* undesir- government, like the cltlien, wduld had been pastor at Atlantic High- lington Wilklns, returned to his by a fellow Republican, thus placing duty art, Those hilltops ttand clipped sidise able Increase In travel by private have to live within It* Income. It lands only, two years, he had cleaned studies at Hahnemann medical coltrim In tht winter itatknots, over party, mid daring to do it almost on and to the detriment of the rail- Is up to | Congress to effect this up an Indebtedness against tht legs at Philadelphia, after spendhill after hill with Its own crewcut, car, which, from the standpoint startling 'change and .reassert IU church of $17,500 and during hi* ing, the holidays with his parent*, the eve or 1951, a political year of national neat as though a,master barber roads of public policy, are the moat econ- constitutional. power of the purse," pastorate M members had been Mr. and Mr*. Wellington Wllklni imiiortiiiice. Their action should save the. had done tht job.—N, Y, Times, of Tlnton Falls. . omical and efficient means of mass The' Coudert, bill was approved added to the church roll. transportation? Finally, why not by the House of Representative*' The pupils of the Naveilnk pub- Mr. and Mr*. Llewelyn B. Jone* Republicans many friends, who, otherwise, UWriMO A SAFEGUARD subsidise tht rallroadsT Government Operations committee lic school presented a handsome ot Chapel Hill, entertained a Itrgt In Rutherford, New Jersey, tht might have been lout, group of friends at a Ntw Ttara at the IMS session after acampalgn Baud of Kducttton proposed to per- Tht Idea of subsidy I* unpalat- by, economy advocate* Imldo and eilk umbrella to Frank O, Sleh, tv* party, Dancing and a social mit Oldtont International to dle- able, The thought of public owner- outside Congrett, The ; measure, school principal. Tha presentation time wire • enjoyed with % supper trlbutt copies ot tht Xing James ship of tht railroads it obnoxious. however,' was later sidetracked was made In behalf of the puplla being served at midnight, Mr, Jones Vtrtlon of tht New Tettamtnt, But there It so future for New from floor consideration by a nar- by Grace Sweeney, ' wa* tuperlntendent of the Hasktll Psalms, and Proverbs to children Tork city In crowding It* streets row vote In the House Rule* com- Johnson's fertilizer' factory, at estate and'tht employees preitnted 'Rati, Not Witch.i' through - tha public schools, Tht with more automobile*, tlther. mittee.' With, the'reconvening of Swimming river was exceptionally him with a gold wateh during tht N»w Jersey Supreme Court hat There I* tht dilemma, and .It It the Md Congrett for IU second toe- busy. The principal reason' wa* tvtnlng. • rultd that this plan It unconsti- worthy of study by thi but mlnda lion Jrin, 7 the. battle will returns the high price of feed and hay and "Neither France nor any other nation tutional, many residents of the ihore dis^ , of our three neighboring states, to aecure teleaee of the bill, •; , —N. T. Times. "Economy advocates In Congrosji trict were Bonding their old horses Private Duly Nitriea lias Clio right to link us for a limn, or a gun, Praiseworthy u such an underto the factory to he done away with taking may appear to many Protttare again counting on tho Now because of llio'exceiilve, upkeep of Adopt | I 4 Day Hate or it tlolliiv with which to COHIHI ftovlut a t tantt, It Is viewed In'a different THR PUBUO BE DAMNED Jersey Taxpayer*. association nnd ' NHWAnK-PrlVatt duty nursti tuck if she herself won't light Hie Com- light by Hainan Catholic . parents, If. tht people In tht liquor busl- similar orgahliatlois1 throughout tho animals. whett church uses the Oouay trans- net* wonder why their buelness It the nation to lead the fight at homo ' Oeorge Aumtoli, who had been In New'Jersey havt adopted a ' • • munists within her border*, bookkeeper for the T,|,R, Brown of | U for tight hour* « servlct latlon of Ih* Blblt, and by Jtwlsh often suspect, they might ponder a for sound national fiscal policies," estate at Keynort, gav* up hi* post to prlvttt patltnu, It was anparents, who accept only tht Old statement attributed to tht presi- tsys Congressman Coudert, "That goes double for those who tcl| Testament, for * position at Baranae Lad* In nounced today by Ron Coylt, R,N, Both groups protested dent of the National Lictnttd BevThe alternative to Imposition of IIN that our flglit against unbvi'rulon Imi th* Oldtona project, We support erage of the N*w Jtriey at*.t* association, at Itt recent con- strong legislative' limitations upon Now York utate, for th* benefit of president Nursii1 aaaoctatfon, . hl« health, , • brought American prcntlgc nhroiid 'to an th* vltw of tht eturt that to breach vention, Federal (pending I K "continued unEdwnrd Pnnnaol, of Ben Bright, tht itptratlon between churoh and Tht ntwly adopted day rat* "It's about time the responsibility nlMlino low,* •tat* (• to lost tht progress nude for puroheici by minors It placid controlled Inflation with Ite ever- told Ilia privilege of .cutting lot equali an hourly wnge of $l.7S, cott of llvlntt, nnrnlyilng Inx- from hln pond In East numton to by America In rtllglouc toleration' wheia It belonn-on the parents," rising front, which private duty inunet atlon »nd the resulting menaon to, the Monmouth Ice Company for «. "And It g w s triple for tliooe MO-VHIIPI! and freedom, The responsibility for the ealc of eonurlly and, tho liberty of term of yearn, reserving the right will pay for their own, The A vigorous and Kilroll oriumenl liquor to minors already I* where national AmurlviuiA who (jo H|> HIK! down (lie H previous rale woe $ia, In addition the oltlxon," oxpliiliu, wnrnlnji: IIM bien made .that th« Plrnl It belongs and where It la going "A long-rangeho national dofenne pro- of filling hla own Ice house first. to which the patient paid for tht HpoluglxliiK for the flglll iifjnliml Amendment lo the Conntliullon w«« lo nUy-on the people who ««ll tlin »inn\ limed upon lnfl«.tlonniy ilrflnuree'i meali, < TMTM(,v-r'lve Venn Ago, lMt«nd«t1 only lo forbid r«ta1>ll«h. liquor, \\r In (.'oii|»i'<)8«. HIT milking," oil* and rulnoiiA Inxntlon Ii • lie* A», self-employed practitioners, maul of a smte church, and tint Tavern ketptre and liquor store fenee built upon «und," I lurry i\ Upnlncult of Uttie SII-1 |)rtv»(e duty niiiMi pnyfor their TIIIHM' Hi'u tin1 wonU i»f Hen. Wlllliim conitquintly tlitrt la no objection operator* who are unwilling lo nover, iitllod on the «te*m«hl|> Berenown toedal security, hoipltallsatlon, to Ms of punllo fund* to aid nolnnn oept that obligation would be wine Bitrln fur Murope, where he planned retirement, slok leave, vacation H. .h'liiK.'i1 (II., Jud.) ulinlmiHii of the Hen Catholic and other private toliools to remind thnmeelve* that their HKAVKII OLA88 NUOHKTAKV to ipend nt thret month! buy*' Imt, and alt tht other benefits ulu iiitornul, swui'llv fnilxHiiiiiiilUce, 'Who io long u no denoniuiRtlon la given "right1" to >ell alcoholic lievertgtt JKNK1NTOWN, PA.—Minn Mary Ing article* for hit Import shop thai form p u t »( the nourlty of over wiolhor, le *. temporary one, tht regularly ArleelA Olnen, daughter of Mr, nnd hero, g l y imployed p y e d De iDerion, n 1 wo wild IIIN Niibcoiiiinltlcu IN limiting "rntN| preference In nrnollce Any exact quitllty In For the Mice of tlio large ma- Mm, Exol O, Olson, of New Mon- The old Foolo lioinegtend north* Developed through tht eominlt. D l d th llol Wltclll'H," distributing favor* would prove Ini- jority of liquor dealeri and tavern mouth rd,, Mlddlelown, hn« been went of Mlddlelown village, nl tin tee on pereonnel pollolty of tht jionlble and msiiy email «roiipa uoenern, who do not apil to minors tlooted icorutary uf thi, frenhiimn eornei1 of the elate highway nnd prlvnu duty station of. lite mine*1 Tin! wiialui' Nhuuld IM> ciircful of I would be left out, llenoe tlm lm- mid who do nol dealre to, we hop* olAMH a. i Denver collude, Laurel avo, near Centeryllle, w«i tiMoclallon, tht fee Hi' been apfiorUneeof the ruling, not by a tlmt the term of thin particular uf WOI'IIK, lent we he fiircd with Mlii Olsen U n member ol the being torn down to provide for the proved by the aMO«f*tlon'« board •tun bench but by the. United Htitti "inokfimtn" In • short one,~N, Y, kindergarten-elementary education widening of (he elite highway, Till et dlrestors, m d will | o Into if•upreme Court In. th* MoCollum WoHu-TelHrun, • •»•»->• •Wrtment, house w u built about 7S yitri pre- feet fridiy, munity. Mr. Bcadleston, a man whose reputa Only tflleitnt, law enforcement tht co-operation of managetion is growing with his public service, and ment and labor will eliminate this came right out and said: "I cannot under- vicious sore.—Newark Star-Ledger. stand why our shore area was not declared . THE CUPPED HILLS a disaster area. I think it was a serious Tht hllla stand clean and open mistake." now, their Miapes and outlines obvious/ and the winds course the Val Peterson, U. 8. Civil Defense ad' rtdfta with a minimum of interThe leaves He low, bedministrator, the man in direct charge of ruption. ding tha root* against the cold. handling the disaster fund said such aid ii The anew will follow tht contours tht land, amoothlng then, suing possible "only when requested of the Presi of thalr harshness, aa • th« leave* dent by the governor of a state," thus toss- smoothed them only a few months For over all stand the trees, ing the responsibility right into Mr. Dris- ago. the stout boles, tht lifting branches, coil's lap; the lacing twigs, pattern of a sea- and #o on. ' Second thi* .motion. And how about tome action on it in the upcoming Congress, Instead of just a lot more of the pious, resultless talk we've been hearing for yean? - N . T. Dally New*. operative and fair, You are to be congratulated for such an excellent staff which reflects your our efficiency and good judgment. Sincerely yours, Robert Rightmire, Captala Know Your Government RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 30,1953 HAPPY SAFEWAY SUGGESTS Mrs. Oakes Wins Jackpot Sunday -School HaiYule Program 'COLT'S NECK—Young people of trfe Reformed church gave their Christmas program and pageant last week at the church. Mrs. Harold Gunther and Mrs. Stanley/Herbert were directors. The Sunday-school and youth choir sang carols, and Miss.Marialnna Bills was organist. Participating in the pageant, "The Invited Guest," were Lea Fa* VanNote, Emilie Smith, Allan Dreibelb|i and members of the choir. Janice Schanck was pageant soloist. ~ ' Others participating in a profram of songs and recitations were La Laha Flock, Janet Hammond, Thomas Orgo, Donna Matthews, Danny Grinde, Mitchel Zelaski, Joseph Ripley,' Nancy Smith, Gary QrindelKathy Wade, Bucky Buck, Harveen Dreibelbls, Joseph Moreau, Elaine Thompson, Harold Gunther, Gloria Updike, Beverly Bahrenburg, Karen Leibel, Micky Miles, Jack Buck, Joyce Thompson/Tom Chamber, Stephen Grlnde, Judy Richens, Stephen: Smith, Ann .Grinde, John Seaman, Henry Quabeck. Lester Richens, Lynn Miles, Barbara Gunther, James Grinde, Gary Cash, Ray Martin, Theresa Hamilton!' David Herbert, Sherry Seaman, Frank VanNote and Connie Mae Drelbelbls. Questions and Answers To Vets' Problems The ' following questions and answers to veterans' problems have been released by the Veterans Ad ministration: Q—I'm planning to train under the Korean GI Bill, and I want to claim my mother as a dependent, She earns a little money, but not enough to get along without my help. What are the requirements as to dependency of parents? A—Dependency is held to exist If your mother Joes not.have an income large enough to provide for her "reasonable maintenance." That term Includes not only the bare necessities of life, but also a reasonable amount of the conveniences and comforts in keeping with her standard of living. <J—I am the widow of a World War II veteran. In figuring out my yearly Income for V.A. pension purposes, am I supposed to count the proceeds of my late husband's commercial Insurance, which I receive each month? A—Yes: Commercial Insurance proceeds must be Included as income, In determining whether you meet the income' celling' requirements of the law for a V.A. pension. : Q—If I go to school under the Korean GI Bill, will I be allowed to earn: money on the aide, to supplement my GI allowances? A—Yes. There are no restrictions on the amount of money a veteran may earn, to supplement his monthly GI education and training allowance. But there is a celling for on-the-job trainees only. - If training pay plus allowances exceed $310 a month, }he V.A. allowances' will be pared down accordingly. • " • • '••;• [> Q—I u n d e r s t a n d that I'll need m y original discharge paper, In order to get a GI home loan. I lost mine, What should I do? 1 A—Apply for a certificate In lieu ef the' discharge paper from the branch of service from which you were discharged. This is acceptable, In place of your original discharge. W. C. Chandler Receives Army Reserve Promotion ; FAIR ' HAVEN — William C. Chandler of 74 Hance rd., who is assigned to the 324th Ordnance group, Newark, ban received a onerank Army Reserve promotion to lieutenant colonel. A veteran of World War II, during .which he served In the Pacific and China-Burma-India campaigns/ Col. Chandler Is employed in civilian life as a sales engineer by the Gulf Oil corporation In Elizabeth. CHRISTMAS IN KOREA 'Army Pvt. Melvin E. Yard, son of Mrs. Nettle Yard of 82 Morford pi., spent Christmas north of the 38th parallel in Korea on ..icurlty duty with thr 45th Iniantry division. A rifleman with company F of the 180th Regiment, Pvt. Yard entered the Army In Nov., 1952, and arrived overseas last April from Fort Dix, where he completed basic training. Just Wait! "A*. ALL STORIS OPEN 9TILp.m. Dee. 3 O H i Claud Ml Diy Friday Jar). 1lt-N»w Yoan Da/ MORE OUTSTANDING BUYS AT MEAT SECTION, OVEN-READY MWVVWMArV Mrs. Daniel C. Oakes of 43 Navetink avt., Atlantic Highlands, it shown with Tom Moor* at th» was {pttrviewad recently on the nation-wide Mutual Broadcasting System radio program, "Ladies' Fair," at Winter Haven, He. Mrs. OalcM won the program's jackpot, a $300 gat range. MONEY! Repraitntlng tha Howard Savins! Inatitutlon of Ntwarlc. N. J. (Mortsag* Loan Correspondents). We have MORTGAGE money avalUblt. If you need fundl for purchasing — refinancing, or for eomtructlnn of • new home or Commercial bullnlnn, write or tall u> for annlicatlnn. NO INSPECTION FEE neceEiary. Let ul iolve your Mortnaco problem!. Call AS 2-3300 T FRANK APPLEBY AGENCY, Inc. MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENTS IN MONMOUTH AND OMAN COUMTII* FOB . T H I HOWARD tAVINOS INSTITUTION OF NKWAHR, N. I. MAIN ST. t MATTISON AVE. ,#«•• • • • I I I ASIURY PARR ••%. START THI I RED BANK s 6-0203 4-5 Ib. Aveuj. PhipLvan*) FBYINS - Ov»n-fu«dy UllllfllGIIO Cud. A - Cov't Inipaclad ROEDING , ,. „ CALIMYRNA . ' lb c e l l ° ROEDING 1 Ib CALIMYRNA cello PLANTER'S I oz can COCKTAIL Savt20a/oOnYourUHiidryCathewdCaiTy • OVEN-READY l .. O5 CANNED HAM 9-11 LB AVER. EAT COLD or IAKE lb IDC >IQ. IIJC b c 0 .«OLDI*IUPI IB -15C lb > 3 29c 7c i JUICY CRUNCHY VERMONT 2 35c 2 27c O r a n a 6 S WICY-FIOWDAS 5 buii HIGHWAY - SECTIONS LAKEMEAO GREEN PEAS MIRACLE WHIP •EL-AIR - FROZEN ' KRAFT'S SALAD DRESSING 4 53« 3 53« 11b.' 4"::53< V i a pUntiful supply of all popular brand* awaiting your taladion at th» . . . RED BANK SAFEWAY 362 BROAD STREET TOMATO JUICE HART'S - FULL FLAVOR 4 r. 1.00 2.89 cat* of 12 cam Beverages quirt jtr (ALL BOTTLE lEVERASiS PLUS DEPOSIT) LORD MOTT'S FRENCH STYLE GREENWOOD HOME STYLE or HARVARD FOR THAT N I W 53 i> 6 3 c Layered Figs 45c Finger Style Figs 33c Saltefj Peanuts CALIF, BABY LARGE DIAMOND Walnuts i n>. «uo49 c 1 , .u IOW I Ib callo 43c Pecans in Shell REDLARGE I Ib. callo 45c Jumbo Filberts <- *» I Ib callo 49c Mixed Nuts Hudson Napkins *° ° " ° 2 23c Welch's Grape Juice 24 01. bol. 39c THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO BUY PRODUCE IS SAFEWAY! RONZONI or LA ROSA REGULAR or THlN M M UNDIR i us. Beef Roast *...«»- «.s 85 Beef Short Ribs «•»• m 39c Fancy Bucks E M >>59c Corned Beef "•• * 75c Smoked Picnics Ground Beef S K »39<: >-49e 39 Lamb Chops «»«*!,.„!<„ ib. 65« Smoked BeefNulrilioul, Tongue Dolicioui -29c and Economical Beef Liver Fish S p e c i a l s U. S. Choica laal ib43e Chuck Roast Top or lollom Fresh Smelts « " " »43e i b 85c U. S. Choica laal Round Roast French Fried Smelts ."."., >> 65c k U. S. Choica laaf Sirloin Steak 79c Fresh Scallops >» 79e Oven-Raady - 7 Inch Cut U. S. Choic* laol Rib »77c French Fried ScallopsX»89c UlllUKCnS in.u*. 47c GRAPEFRUIT APPLE SAUCE [ DONALD'S De LUKE LAUNDRY SERVICE 1 Tel. 4-0203 F R E S H H A M TENDER ,k a f l ^ ^ S — WHOLE OR HALF » MEMY W a 9 ' Ring Out the Old with these BIG 53c Values! AND 44 MtwlM Stmr REGULAR STYLE U. S. Choice Grapefruit «»«»-' » * >» 7c Iceberg Lettuce »•» |b 15c Tangerines |ASVT0MtL 2 >k< 23c Rome Apples 'ANCY 2 b -27e Yellow Turnips f*NCY . *-4c Fresh Dates SWHT llk--k« 33c LAUNDRY SERVICE . LEG of LAMB l0 lB DRY CLEANING I Medium Shrimp DRIVER Over 17 lbs. BELTSVILLI MAYER It oz. far Weiners IN OSCAR BARBECUE SAUCE 12 OUNCE SIZE can 45c Armour's Treet Boned Chicken SWANSON S ot. can41c 25c Flat Anchovies <»oLivf CIL BahonaS Per fkt N i t !• I Bate & Nut Roll . K L V < « < < » GREEN CABBAGE SWEET POTATOES REP GRAPES . ^M MclNTOSH APPLES NEW YEAR RIGHT PHONE I TURKEYS 9-15 lbs. 3 «153c White Rose Tea Bags <•'° *> 53c Coca Cola coKt<s A NATL COKE'S A NATURAL 5 3 '^53c Aluminum Foil JSSffiS " " / or SPARKLING WATER IIIB 2 CRAGMONT Ocean Spray 3 »n. 53c Beverly Peanut Butter 20 or. | MORE IOUNCE TO THE OUNCE 6 Edwards Instant Coffee 2o<i«53e Bel Monte Catsup 3 hot! 5 3 * ASSORTED FLAVORS Fancjf Salmon w..«-53« Tomato Sauce ™«™ 7 ' £ 53c ALE ROCK or CLUI SODA h M T CLUI SODA ' Marcal Toilet Tissue 5 «<» 53« Bial Beodorant Soap 3 o. , 53c or GINGER ALE JH$$0 Ring In the New with these BIG 54c Values! THIS COUPON WORTH 10. HIGHWAY CORN ™ 4 :54« W0W NV BLACK PEPPER ^r - • 54« COOKIES T^oZT-u";:: 2 »54< 5izt CHEER ILUEMAGC I OETERGENT URGE - Tiwartf Pirekiii il Sunnybank Margarine 1 Ib pkg L I • rtf. »r!<s - lla 2 P1"*- 54tc ^ o. p., 3 9 « Sunshine Brownies W QUAKER STATI 1i43i Mushrooms PIECES S M» ^ ' s 2 ^ . 5 4 * UmaBeim , V , ^ o ^ < 2 ^: 54. Hellmann's Mayonnaise STEMS HIGHWAY Cling Poaches Sliced ei Halvai 2"." 54o Brussels Sprouts "OZIN 2V,'54e Cocktail Onions SZ8S& I7oi |ar31c Birtlett Pears H A ' K U » 2 iani 54c Corn on Cob 'j^RV/o^a 2 "k" 54« Mixed Pickles no> * | 4 HIOHWAY Pineapple 2::i,0', 54c Richardson Mints A . S S 6 ^V. 54c Candied Bill Chips RAINIO HALF SLICES 4 ^.. 54c Tomato Juice SUNNVOAWN 2"«.n\54c Scottiot « « 3y PRINCE PAUL 3 ?.n.54c Ivory Soap MIWUMHH 7 "«'54e Sardines N0RW10IAN SILO fruit Cake \ a Ntw OMsmtMb for 1954 Moktt Dtbut T* Dtiltn in C s l O I M l MUliCtl SiMWl CHICAGO, HA,...CUmM of thsOldimobikDMlm Show la ths revelation of Uie '54 "Rocket." Evon Oldamobilo doalon, •ocuatotned to new model announcement* through many y«nr», horaklod tlio now car with itandlng ovationi. And no wondor... for tho new 1004 Oldimoblle la out a full year ahond with enllroly new Iow4ovol styling.,. iiow "Rooket" Englno powor.. • now power foaturml Juit wait till you wait Ull you drlvo Kl-Thon you'll know why Olds doalera ohoerodl Set your Oldimoblle dealer January 2 0 . . . ths big announcement (Intel I III.' Advcrllud Prices Elfactlvt At SAFEWAY STORES in NlW Vtrh »nd NlW il»M)f, through SATURDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1934. Wt rtitrv* iht rlghl lo limit qutnlllltt Egg Nog LUCERNE quart eln 5 T * MM. MeOONAlDi V > SAFEWAY 1 Ik. II* • • Apple Cider MOTT'S RED BANK REGISTER. DECEMBER 30,1953 Potato Farmers Advised to Give Careful Study to 1954 Acreage Awarded Bronze Johnny Johnson Returns to Molly Pru Employees Hold Yule Party Garrison Tells Method For Address Change FREEHOLD—Earl B. Garrison, county superintendent of schools, FREEHOLD—In view of the low ntcrior is almost solid, fine grain- Employees of the Red Bank dis- this we.elc explained the status of prices for the 1953 potato crop in ed flesh with a superb, sweet, trict of the Prudential Insurance voters who have changed their resNew Jersey, growers will need to musky or typical melon flavor. A company held their Christmas par- idence from one school district to consider carefully beforo they make mid-season variety maturing; in ty Wednesday night of last week at another school district. decisions about next year's acreage. about 90 days, It is a reliable pro- the Old Union house. They were guests of the district management Any person who is permanently A. G. Waller, chairman of the ducer. registered in the county and who agricultural economics department The Delicious 51, a new fusarium for cocktails after which a buffet changes his residence from one muat Rutgers university, makes this resistant variety has been tried by supper was served. nicipality to another municipality Present were Mayor and Mrs. statement in his discussion of the a number of growers where a file or forward a change of potato outlook for 1954. smaller melon Is preferred. This Edgar V. Dcnise of Fair Haven. must at least forty (40) days Continuing, he points out that melon Is round to slightly oval, Mayor Dcnise who is the Red Bank residence prior to the date of the school electa Bad Bank It* merchantable stocks of potatoes on well netted and moderately ribbed. district manager, thanked the em- tion. This may be done only at the HOWNAirSfor Jan. 1 will be larger than those Its flesh I) thick and the quality ployees for the best sales year in office of the clerk or at of a year earlier. Waller quotes a even better, with a juice and de-the district's history. Other mem- the office of municipal • CURTAINS the county board of bers of the management staff presU. S. Department of Agriculture lightfully sweet musk flavor. Garrison said. ._._ COVERS statement: This melon, however, is not ent included J. Henry Lippincott elections, Mr. of the county seat may VENETIAN BLINDS, . "Unless the early commercial po- recommended for shipping because and Mrs. Llppiqcott, Chris Jaeger fileResidents only at the office of the county tato crop in 1954 is considerably it does not seem to stand hand- and daughter Nonna Jean Jaeger, board of elections. F*r smaller than in 1953, prices in 1954 ling as well as the Iroquois. But Thomas Glassey and Mrs. Glasaey, 45 S. MAIN ST. Sk*»-at-Horoe Sanlca for new and old potatoes may be it is a good melon to grow for Joseph Menzzopane and Mrs. Menz- "Eight out ef tan readera eonault Tha P i n t RB ••ZB4« about as low as the depressed the home garden, roadside stand, zopane, Richard Thompson and Rcgliter CluiMed Adi.—Advertisement. Mrs. Thompson , and Cornelius prices in spring of 1953." and local markets. Sherman's Brltton and Mrs. Britton. Intentions of growers in Texas Hoint Dtcerators Cow Bedding Material Also present were Mr. and Mrs. V arid Florida seem to Indicate an 4» SROAD STREET RED BANK acreage reduction of about 25 per Choice of bedding for cows de- Lester Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. George Egner, Mr. and Mrs. Harcent, Waller says. However, New pends upon the material available MsJ. Ljle A. Tarkcr Jevsey's outlook will depend more and its water absorbing capacity, ry Boskey, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES— upon what takes place In the Caro- states E. J. Perry, extension dairy Herzog, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Donley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ranieri, Maj. Lyle A. Parker, husband of linas and along the coast from specialist at Rutgers university. SCFPORTS GABTERBELTs? Mrs. Lillian Parker of 19 East Virginia u.p through Long Island, For example, 100 pounds of wheat Miss Jean Denlse,. William Rue, Roosevelt circle here, has been together with prospects for the straw will absorb 210 pounds of Joseph Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Ran•BAR LINGERIE awarded the Bronze Star Medal for northern late crop of 1954. water. The same amount of cut dolph Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Mark meritorious service with the Kor- With the trend of generally In- wheat straw will take up 200 Crook, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Looiean military advisory group. Maj. creasing potato yields under nor- pounds of water; oat straw 250 lento, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bahr, Parker has been signal adviser with mal conditions of weather, real pounds, and cut oat straw, 244 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnes, Mr. the 1st Republic of Korea division caution should be exorcised by the pounds. Flax straw absorbs more and Mrs. George Lahcy, Mr. and COB8ET • LINGERIE Mrs. Donald Poland, Mr. and Mrs. since July, and is due to return New Jersey growers with respect water than any of these. US B-WAY LONG BRANCH soon to this country. to acreage put in for 1954 harvest, Also, continues Perry, 100 pounds John Hird, Mr. and Mrs. Charles the state, university economist of. shavings wiill take up 119 to 220 Davison, Mr, and Mrs. Everett Alwarns. Efficiency in producing and pounds of water. Peanut shells are len, Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire, marketing the crop will be more about equal, with less variation in Mrs. George Carney, Mrs. Ward Miller, Miss Alcne Patterson, Miss important than ever, he concludes. absorption capacity. A hundred pounds of sawdust Terry Werleman, Miss Mildred Egg Breakage ' in the stable will soak up 80 to Newman, Miss Mildred Moore, Mr. Poultry farm records show that 160 pounds of moisture; shredded and Mrs. Nathaniel McCqttcr, Mr. Monmouth County's Leading Obedience Association 1V4 to two per cent of eggs pro- coin stover, 250 pounds, and dried and Mrs. Andrew Aulen, Mr. and Mrs. Richard West, Mr. and Mrs. duced are broken. Another three peat moss, 500 to 1,000 pounds. Anthony Grandinetti, Mr. and Mrs. to five per cent are cracked. The ANNOUNCES' Research Shows Cost of Vincent Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. only way to lower this loss Is to Bryant Newcomb, Mr. snd Mrs. Freezer Operation use more care In handling eggs, Moran, Mr. and Mrs. Charles observes Richard O. Rice, assocl The bigger the home freezer the James Mr. and Mrs. Richard ate agricultural agent. more electricity it can be expected Lavoie, He offers these suggestions for to use. This fact may not be sur- Stout, Mr. and Mrs. John Schick, reducing farm breakage: prising, but other figures gathered George Albach, Mr. and Mrs. LeonKeep nest well padded with in a study of costs of home freezer ard Massom, Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egan and clean bedding. operation may be less obvious, says Heil, Mr. and Mrs. William Renwick. Collect eggs four times a day, County Agent Olark. at 8, 11, 2, and 4. W. C. Krucgcr, extension farm Handle eggs with care when engineer at Rutgers university, who According to American Kennel Club Regulations placing in baskets. cites the cost study, says It was Put no more than 12 dozen In found that the amount of food Everybody loves a baby.. .especially one basket. frozen and stored has relatively Keep eggs level In basket. little effect on the electric bill. a baby New Year! Here comes one Avoid jarring baskets in trans- However,- the cumulative cost of portation from laying house to ownership, Including depreciation, n o w . . . hale, hearty and hopeful... egg room. Interest on investment and services Remove egg baskets from wash and repair charges are from t,wo chock full of pep and promise. It is er carefully. to three times the annual costs of Keep grader adjusted to prevent electricity. dropping of, eggs on tray. our sincere wish that every one of its No, significant difference • was Keep slope of tray to minimum found in theoperation costs of to prevent breakage by eggs roll' chest and upright types. Records 36$ days will prove a milestone in * ing-down and hitting other eggs also showed that differences in Be careful when handling eggs • Children's Junior Group your forward march to the goals, types and thicknesses of insulation Resistant Melon Varieties used in freezers of reputable manENROLL NOW1 were not enough to afnearest and dearest to your heart. Muskmelons cannot be grown In ufacturers fect appreciably the amount of some areas because of ttie destruc electricity used. tive fusarium • wilt disease. Grow TRAININS DIRECTOR Freezers of less than ten cubic ers In these areas can continue to grow melons by selecting fusar feet capacity In unheated locations MR. KARL SCHMID used up to 62 kilowatt hours a Hum wilt resistant varieties now Something obtainable, advises M. A. Clark, month. Those from 10 to 15 cubic feet used between 16 and 68. kwh; agricultural agent. Mure The Iroquois variety has. been those from 15 to 20 ranged from FOR INFORMATION CALL: Than Just grown in Monmouth county for 70 to 94 kwh, while the 20 to 30 a number of years.. An extension cubio feet freezers used 82 to 122 a Bottle of MRS. A L M I D KING, JR., President Rumson 1-1445 service .test of the variety by the kwh average per month. 'Where freezers were located In Milk Ambroslno Brothers at Keyport MRS. ANITA LISSNIR, Secretary Rumson 1*0371 last season again proved its worth. heated rooms, 'cost of operation 4 6 MONMOUTH ST. TEL. 6 4 3 1 0 Its only drawback seems to be went up ten to 17 per cent that it grows too large, equaling MISS J I A N N I DU101$ Freehold 1-0340 MILK CO. if not surpassing the Pride of Wis- Tha Hegitter'a Claiaified Want department ii Monmouth County's Market Rtd lank .-0414 consin variety. According to authorities Iroquois Flaca where hundred! ef buyera and "A Trained Dog Is A Better Dog" . Upper seems to be the most popular and lellera meet averj Thunder. Surely Broad Street most widely grown melon, promi- aomeone hat what you want or wante nently ribbed with good netting what you have ^(or aala. Mora than UTILITY COMPANIONSHIP and protected by a firm rind tha 14.BOO famlllea read Tha Reglater'a want stands handling and shipping, Tin column! each iaiue. Advertliement. Jatmny Johnion returned as pl'Illlt at Molly Pitcher hotel ChrlstVJnu night. after a two-month abl e n e e due to Illness. Formerly a lationally known areheitra leader, Mr. Johnson the put several years has limited his professional activity to solo engagements and teaching. He operates a studio In New York's Carnefie hall. ' FOR MODERN NEON SIGNS * MAINTENANCE COLD CATHODE LIGHTING ROAD-AD SERVICE, Inc. ASBURY PARK 1-1180 MATERNITY TUCKERS Old Monmouth Dog Training Club WEEKLY CLASSES STARTING THURS, JAN. 14 Y.M.C.A., RED BANK J9S4 • BEGINNERS • INTERMEDIATE • ADVANCED BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP Puritan RED BANK ffiffifflt itrike the hour lh«i tubers in the New Year rrtui . feeling of cMUnUMnl ihit will The beginning (A the new year M a time to think back, not only of the past year but the yean kmtf paat. It ii good to remember the good things with which we have been Mewed, Our actii and d e c * ?l today will be the memoriae M the future. Let'a make 1951 • memorable year of peace and liil throughout .ll>e next twelve montnt. ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOP Rul link'i Ltidlno. EUetrle Shop HAROLD $, ALLEN, Prep, 36 WHITE SWEET PHONE 0.1122 HEDHANK 18 WHITE STREET * RED BANK PHONE HED BANK 6 0 6 1 2 , '7TnbHd4jngmitifri**dly*t*..,tlutiut*for rt*twinioldfri4*4tkipt**dmtkiHt*tw<mn. Tht vtltu •fftitndsklp h btyond mnuurt in our rtligiom, bu$i*0u tttdtockl lift. ' ' Wa treasure our (ria,ndi and wish (hum u t i t and tvery one a H*M $nd hosprrm Stw Ym, MINER SUPPLY CO. PLUMBERS* SUPPLIES 129 Weil Front Street Phono lied Hank 6.3333 Red Dunk J RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 30,1853 Plan Mink Show At New Brunswick We'd like to chime in with a cheery note to wish you all the best the New Year brings. May the coming year find its bright beginnings for your health, wealth and happiness this New Year's Day! Port Monmouth ragf Mine No person shall b« appointed pointed challengers and such eer« challenger who is not a legal voter tiflcatlon shall be submitted by th« of the district and no challenger challengers to the election officials' shall serve In any polling place of the respective polling distrWU other than that to which he Is ap- to which they are assigned. * FREEHOLD—Earl B. Garrinon, pointed. The secretary of the board county superintendent of schools,! of education shall certify such ap- "Ei»ht nut o( ten rtadera coniult T>« Regiiter Claialned Adi Advertiiemflit detailed this week the appointment of challengers for annual school elections. The revised school law regarding school elections provides that the candidate may net a.i a chalFOB • ^ lenger and may appoint also one challenger for each polling place. World Wide Airline Sfaamthip Hotel Resoiti \ The appointment of challengers shall be In writing under the hand Rail Tours Bui Tours Cruim — 'is the '• of the person malting the same and shall specify the names and addresses of the challengers and the polling districts for which they are severally appointed, Mr. Garrison 12 IrMd St. 3 U Cookmtm Ave. said. Til. RE 4-5080 Tel. AS 2-74J5 The appointment of the challenRED IANK gers shall be filed with the local ASIURY PARK secretary of the board of education BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE no later than Thursday, Jan. 28, for regional high school districts There Is NEVER a, charge for our service. and Thursday, Feb. 4, for other districts. Mrs. Adrian Schnoor of Grace ave., celebrated hl« 13th birthday Dec. TRENTON — Approximately «00 21 with a family dinner. iv» mink of various natural colors Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Richardwill be exhibited in competition for son and children, Tom, Shirley and rophiea and ribboni at the fourth Robert, of Main st., spent Sunday annual live mink show at the Rlit- of last week with Mrs. Gerald Duger* University Commone, New gan of Fords. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brand, and Brunswick, Jan. 1, 2 and 3. Jack, Barbara and Jesse, The New Jersey Fur Breeders as- children, Willow St., were Christmas dinsociation is sponsoring the event to of assist mink ranchers with their pro- ner guests of Mrs. Cora Wagner of gram of breeding and itlcction, ac- Eatontown, Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Petruzzl cording to Samuel J. Westock of ""ranbury, secretary of the organi- were week-end guests of Mr, and zation and chairman of the show. Mrs. Francis Pctruizl of Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shannon Seven natural colors of mink— of Belleville and Mr. and Mrs, Richwhite, pastel, sapphire, platinum, ard Quade and children, Rick/ and aleutian, standard dark and topate, Beverley, of East Paterson were the newest color—will be exhibited quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. at the show. Other fur-bearing ani- Robert Beam at a family reunion mals, such ss flshcr, marten, nutria and raccoon also will be shown, ac Sunday. cording to Westock, but on a non- Guc3ts at the home of Mr. and competive basis. •' Commercial ex- Mrs. Robert Hyneman of Collins hibits will feature the latest equip- avc. Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. ment, feeds and supplies for the Robert Hathaway and children, Betty and Robert, Jr.. of Ctntcrfur farming .industry. ville, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas yanServing with Mr. Westock on the Portfliet, Keanaburg; Mr. and Mrs. show committee are Ralph Space, John Patrick Murphy and children, Sussex; Arthur LeBailly, Milltown; John Phyllis and Thomas, Atlantic Betty Young, Gouldsboro, Pa.; Olen highlands; Miss Beverly Bonn, W. Huebech, Marlboro; Ben Llp- Staten Inland; Sgt. Robert Morales, tak, Port Jcrvis, N.. Y.; Arthur Walter Reed hospital; Miss Marie Tunis, Farmingdale; Michael.Pin- Ola/, Highlands; Roy Isaacson, dale, MUlvllle; William Frenick, Leonardo; Seaman J. MacDonalcl, New Brunswick; William Carroll, Fort Hancock; Mr. and Mrs, SidCream Ridge; Mrs. Hans Krimmel, ney VanPclt and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Matawan; Mrs. Philip Tron, Mays Abrams, .Port Monmouth; Eonnld Landing, and Mrs, Anna Wcnzcn, Downcs, Atalntlc Highlands; Hugh Rahway. McKittrlck, Union Bench, and Show headquarters will be at the Louis Checkman, Jersey City. Smith hotel, New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fink and children, Eileen and Richard, of Wilson ave., and Mr. snd Mrs, John Headden's Corner hency of Brainard ave.. were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopen of fruests of Mr. and Mrs. William Lcwiston, N. T., are guests this Goebcl of Palisades Sunday. week of Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Christmas dinner guests at the Henderson.'' home of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper MorGeorge Perronl of Chapel Hill rell were Mr. and Mrs. Richard rd. has returned from Italy, where Cole of Irvlngton and Mr. and Mrs. he visited relatives and. friends James McGovern and Mr. and Mrs. during a four-month visit, Robert Morrcll and daughter Linda. Laurence Flanagan, who recent- Mr. and Mrs. John Klaus of ly entered the Army, Is stationed Brainard ave., entertained Mr, and at Camp Pickett, Va. Mrs. Joseph Gorecki and daughter Mrs. Viola Johnson of Francis Dolores of Elizabeth. ct. is on vacation in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Abram of ColMr. and Mrs. Lars Olsen re- lins ave,, entertained over Christcently visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mas: Mrs. Julia Borowaki and Alliam Philips of Newark. bert Borowaki and daughter Diana Mrs, Lester Bell of Phonecla, N. of Avenel; Mr. and Mrs. Knudc T., was a Christmas guest of her Michelsen and non Knudc, Westson-in-law and daughter, Mr. and field; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Muglla Mrs. George Mott. and son Allen and daughter Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corcoran and Patrick Gordon, Mctuchen, and were week-end guests of relatives Seaman J. MacDonald, Fort Hanat Roslyn, L. I, cock. • Mr. and Mrs. Leo Finn of AtMr. and Mrs. David Miner left lanta, Ga., are visiting relatives Monday for a vacation in Florida. here. Mr. and Mrs. J. William Runge William Barto, stationed with the and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rungc Navy at Quonset, R. I., spent the and children, Robert and Joyce, holiday week-end with his par- spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Barto. Arthur Runge of Stamford, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runge enMarcello Falconetti of Brooklyn was a Christmas guest of his broth- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Steve Buer and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. bernak and children, Paula and John, of Avenel at dinner SiturFrank Falconettt of Cooper rd. day, and Mr. and Mrs. J. William Th* Register hut » modarnty «qtiippcd Runge and Mr, and Mrs. William orintini der&rtmtnl, cupKbta^ot tupply- E. Vallance of East Kcansburg at ing every printing need of horn* buiineM dinner Christmas. flrmi. Advertisement. Garrigon Details Challenger Rules YOUR LOCAL BONDED TRAVEL AGENT O'DONNELL TRAVEL AGENCY RESOLVE... MAKE THOSE NEEDED HOME REPAIRS and HOME IMPROVEMENTS! ]\]akc this practical New Year's resolution right new . . . then call one of Monmouth County's oldest home repair and home moderniiation companies . . . M o n m o u t h Construction Company . . . serving the shore for more than 10 years! y o u ' l l find that our prices are Hie lowest anywhere . . . our workmanship the finest! Don't delay . . . start the New Year in a home the way you'd like it to be . . . and you start by calling us for a free estimate. NO MONEY DOWN! PAYMENTS START AFTER 10 DAYS anywhere I You can have No easier terms > or attic conversion • . • your extra roam or any home repair with no money down • • • yean to pay I v~*Mfe»9 jar*" * * 9 ASK ABOUT OUK LOW COST CUSTOM BUILT SHELL HOMES ITIonmouth fonstruction fo. I I I RID • BANK (, !)0b0 V M.I'MMOWN N , V ASIURY PARK 2-IMO — Call Either Number Day or Night I WHY PAY MORE TORECEIVE WRTV SS? NO MONEY DOWN! than IF YOUR SET CAN BE CONVERTED BY A STRIP - - than IF YOUR SET C A N T T A K E A STRIP (fuH channel converter 14-63) We'll dothe Complete Job, Including Antenna, Lead in Wire andLabor! MMMt ITEC TELEVISION • FULLY GUARANTEED! Reception Must Be Satisfactory-Or You Pay Nothing! WRW CHANNIl II CALL INTERSTATE TELEVISION ELECTRONICS COMPANY RT. 35 AT THE EATONTOWN CIRCLE, EATONTOWN EATONTOWN 3-1474 DEAL 7-3195 WRTV—CHANNIl. SI THI WALTIR RIADI THIATRI OF THI AIR lotontown - Aibury Park NOW ON TIST PATTIRN OPERATION Gaiitf Commercial Soon Why Pay More?? WRTV—CHANNIL S I YOUR NEW TELEVISION STATION FOR Local Ntwi, Local Ptopla, Local Programs YOUR COMMUNITY STATION RED BANK REGISTER. PECEMBER 30,1953 Cage Scores ; 5 ; Hy - r SURF, FIELD AND STREAM ROOKBT9 G —• 9 » 4 0 J 3 T f Deer in New Jersey Are Victims Of Illegal Gunfire All Year Long DISBROW AGENCY l l WMT LONQ BRANCH, N. 1. • • • * • * Timely Note* On The Great Outdoor* • TRENTON — N e w Jersey 1 * deer herd is aubjeeted to an .extensive Capt. Hill Makes V 1 l barrage of illegal gunfire all year o s Hole in One long, tJie state division of fish and KISLIN'S Red Eank T .. he dives down to catch his live game, Department of Conservation CHRISTMAS TURKEY, 18« 2 8 EATONTOWN—Capt. BUI Hill shiners. Only live fish for him. and Economic Development, report13 Christmas dinthis week Joined the select group 1 Tl You will note that for each one of ed today. • GOING SOUTH? /MOHAWKS ner, 1908, was one of golfers who have registered G these diving terns there Is a larger to be long rememThe charge is baaed upon official hole* In one by dropping In an . 2 F P Long, f. and faster flying gull following BATHING SUITS • 1 0 4 bered. The place, reports that a majority of deer ace on the ISO-yard 17th hole here. every move the little tern makes, 8 1 a SPECTATOR SPORTS SUFFER LOSS—1947 to 1953—A desire to McCray, e our cattle and skinned a t the division of fish u i d He used a n eight Iron for the 5 These larger gulls are not able Mi It • 7 23 Rose Marie Reid of California. Cantfdo" rather than to "watch" has changed the entire recreational beft^.V" : horse ranch 9,500 game lockers at Hackettstown dur- magic, shot. 4 1 11 ner, Sea Nymph, Carolyn Schnurtr, Savior of American men and women. It has taken them out of l.-ie Manovlno, Manovlno. gg 0 0 8 feet above sea to catch their own food, but are ing the year contain pellets of birdFlaying with him were Capt. parasites, living off the efforts of M alloy, e . ... 1 1 Beatlyne, Cole of California. ' • level, situated at shot and buckshot. grandstands and put them into participating recreations. Marcel Bougols, MaJ. John OerCanonico, g. 0 0 the head waters others. As soon as the little tern The animals processed at Hackstrier, and Capt. Spick. 4 20 . Sliea 10 to 20. I t le I I Over the last Ave years, attendance at professional baseatches a nice, juicy morsel and 21 14 «0 i of the Rio Pecos ettstown. for distribution to sportsi. ball, football, hockey, basketball and boxing has dropped drasMOHAWKS ;',• in the Sangra de lies away with it, the gull starts men's clubs at a nominal fee on a Aim Maternity Bathln* Suits P £'" Neatly while the sale of ftshlng and hunting licenses and the Christa range of ifter him In swift pursuit. Away first come, first served basis, are Son Born Dec. 19 „.., Phllipa, f, t ' ft hey go with the little bird screamLong, f, the Rocky Moun* number of recreational boats afloat has Increased tremendously. Lone, f _ o » 0 among those fatally injured In KISLIN'S. Rtd Bonk ' t a i n s in N e w ng and dodging this way and that, highway accidents or picked up by To Douglas E. Craik McCray. e l> 2 It ;{; A new, evolutionary concept has taken hold of America In the Miner, g. mtil the chase becomes too hot and 0 14 Mexico, 35 miles Broad « V E. Front LOS ANGELES, Cal.—A R. B.8.20M Canonicn, game wardens from violators of son, 3 U -" post-World War II era—that of going out into the open to Mannind, Stew VanVliet from the little he is forced to drop his catch, the state's deer hunting law*. <1 2 Douglas E. Craik, 3d, was born Malloy. g. :*' participate In active recreations rather than obtaining vicarious 0 0 M e x i c a n settle- which is promptly picked out of here'Dec. 19 to Mr. and Mrs! DougDirector A. Heaton Underbill of the air by the speedy gull before :i exercise watching skilled athletes go through their pace* com' 55 S 49 ment of Glorietta. the state division of fish and game las E. Craik, Jr. It was one of the toughest win- It hits the ground. JOKERS Mr. Craik, former Rumson rest; peHttvely. deplored t h e wanton slaughter of There are the laughing gulls, the F P ters I put in of the six years we 'Ji ' Attendance at major and minor league baseball games has dropped Lehman, f wildlife by so-called ident, formerly starred on the grid, fi 2 14 ikimmer gulls and the pigeon gulls, protected owned the ranch, because of the 1 5 iron for Leonardo Field club. A Ma84 per cent from an all-time high in 1949 and professional football Burger, f. _ 2 .1 7 fact that during November, while each getting its food, in' its own "thrill" hunters. Several wardens rine corps veteran, he also boxed ' ahows a decline of 21 per cent in the same period. Since 1947, national S" 1 ' 1 ^' c5 5 riding the range, my horse fell on particular manner. The skimmer recently concurred In the opinion 1 in the Golden Gloves tournament. gats receipts from boxing matches has withered by more than 65 per U o B a r i , g,; 3 2 my foot, tearing the ligaments of files with long, swift strokes along that a number of deer of both sexes He is the son of Douglas E. Craik cent. Ushig Madison Square Garden in New York as an average for 11 11 33 the right ankle so that I waa un- the shore line s.bout six inches are shot every \week, usually at of Blossom Cove rd., Middletown indoor sports arenas, their* boxing attendance dropped 65 per cent, cogrit, by young violators for the Drive Out to the CELTICS able to navigate without the use above the surface of the water, As heer joy of shooting at an Illegal township, and the late Mrs. Craik. Incident&Uy corresponding with the national figure for that sport, and G he goes over a school of spawn fish Country for • Fin* ••. 11 r T of crutches. their hockey and basketball attendance has declined o3 and 44 per Patton, f. ....'. iflng target. 4 C 28 Being unable to hunt we had no he sticks his bill in the water and Mama, f cent, respectively. NOMINATED TO BOARD scoops them up. The laughing gull The harvesting and commerclal.... 8 01 8 DuPrce. c DINNER 7 fresh meat. Of course we had a On the other side of the ledger, the participant sport* have Sh«a. It atlon of the animals are incidentI 9 supply of salt pork (sow belly), depends upon scraps of fish which OOBANPORT—John E. Bailly, Daily, • U 1:3.0 Collier, g 0 0 are cut up by feeding flsh. The to the macabre thrill that these _ loomed In popularity over the same period, with 85 per cent Jr., Horseneck Point', representing Sunday. IXtlO «•'•:«• ' Wamhauien, g. ..... 0 0 Mexican beans (frijoles) and bak- dainty pigeon gull fairly dances on people experience from playing the Shrewsbury Power Squadron, more boat* afloat now than six years ago, 35 per cent more 21 10 62 ing powder biscuits, and as Christ- the water a i he picks up scraps of 'cowboys and Indians" from swiftin the American Room was nominated recently as a-memmas approached it looked like we ; fresh-water flshlng licenses sold all over the country and 15 TIGERS moving vehicles, the director ber on the 1954 governing body of F P would have to settle for sow belly food. or the GRILL ROOM ; per cent more hunting licenses. 2 12 and beans for our Christmas dinThe fiercest of them all is the aid. A grim example of this the United States Power Squadrons. Famtd for II* Currier * l y w 0 1 1 osprey, which flies some 50 feet thrill" killing was the recent 41s• When attendance figures l o r major spectato'r sports ,are compared B. Philln»,"f.'".7.'.'.'.V.V.V. ner. 1 15 Farley, c 7 HORSI MINT* md SSJ univery In the wildlands of North•le the number of persons getting outdoors and actually participating Hammond, Ty Cabb won 12 American league K 4 1 9 Every spring several flocks of above the surface of the ocean and matched ctlltctltn • • An recreational sports, It can be seen that the latter has increased Nixon, it « 1 9 wild turkeys migrated from the when he spots a fish, plunges like irn New Jersey of a 250-pound batting 'championships, nine of 0 2 HORSE RACING M U M overall by about 46 per cent in five years while the attendance has co- Kins, I. .-•••• 1 plains south of Albuquerque to sum- a bolt of lightning and secures it ilack bear by hunters. The dead, them In a row (1907-1915). He finlnelde.nta.lly decreased by the same percentage. In spite of the mass There have bandoned animal was still -warm ished his career -with a lifetime 21 6 48 mer In the deep forests of the in his strong talons. FREEHOLD, N. J . r acceptance of television In the home for watching sports activities mark of .367, highest in the hisRocky Mountains and return be- been instances when his prey was , hen hunters chanced upon it. RsiarvatlMti Freehold • • • • ! • which, according to some authorities, has had a deleterious effect on In connection with people ablarger than he could handle, and tory of the majors. fore snow fell in the fall. Our gate receipts, millions more persons today are taking active part in Ice Fishing ranch was directly in the path of being unable to release his talons, sconding with deer killed by autooutdoor healthful recreation than was the case before the boom in Opens Jan. 1 . • their migration and this year one he has been dragged below the mobiles before the arrival of. a videc. Apparently TV is not keeping the "doers" at home. warden, Chief Protector Fred Craig old gobbler remained in the vicinity surface and drowned. . TRENTON—Ice fishermen arc reWatch him closely a s he rises in ras adamant in stating that, whenA record of 17,000,000 fishing license* were sold last year minded by the Division of Fish of the ranch. He could have, the air with his meal. Off he files, ver apprehended, the culprits will to both resident* and non-resident* of state* compared to about and Game, Department of Conser- strayed from the flock or decided screaming at the top of his lungs. charged with Illegal possession W.fjOO.OOO in 1841. ' vation and Economic Development, that the long trip was too much for First he will' shake off the water md fined $100, as well a s another R. W. Eschmeyer, executive vice president of the Sport Fishing that the ice fishing season,In New him. We always kept two rifles in read- from his feathers and then straight- i 0 0 for not reporting the kill to Institute, Washington, D. C, stated recently that more than one-thira Jersey will open Jan. 1. .During the en his catch so that the head of he state division of flsh and game of all persons in Wyoming applied for Ashing licenses in their home eeason, .which lasts through Jan. iness, a 30-30 Marlin at the window the victim la facing forward,' then compliance with the law. If the of our bedroom and a 30-40 Crag at 31 a 1954 fishing license will be rcstate last year as did more than a quarter ol the total populations ot he starts for his nest. When he Einimal has been butchered they Montana and Idaho.- In addition to a general rise in the number of quired and thc daily bag limits the door of our kitchen and they reaches several hundred feet altiill draw an additional $100 fine and often paid' off in food dividends. fishermen, there has' been a notable increase in both salt and fresh will be ten in all of pickerel or mutilation of game. ith p i l i i t On* year we dropped a big Virginia tude, a black, swift flying sea caulc water fishing 'contests, sponsored by local and national organizations. walleyed pike, with swoops down out of the sky. The size- limits mule deer from the window. He Boating, a s either a family or an Individual recreation, hat: varying in different bodies of wa- was feeding in <our pasture about' chase starts, and soon the fishLeast Bittern ter throughout the state, Tiicre Is 200 yards from th« cabin. We hav hawk Is forced to drop his catch, almost doubled In the number of craft afloat'today compared which nine times out' of ten is no bag limit on yellow perch other his antlers tacked on the wall ai to flvft year* ago, John W. Mulford, president of the National Not Infrequently during the fall caught in mid-air by the eagle. than In Lake Hopatcong, where the our home in Shrewsbury. Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers, says that today Then there are the gannets and ir spring migration of birds some daily limit is 25. For many mornings, when w there are 4,160,000 recreational boat* of all type* on the federal The Division of Fish and Game opened the kitchen door, the ol the merganzers, who never fail to me may come upon an ungainly, suggests that the prospective ang- gobbler would be sunning hlmseli get their fish.while swimming un- itreaked. brown bird about a foot and Inland waterway* of the United States, while at the end ler check the current compendium on the mountain side near the cor- derneath the surface, Some times >ng, most of which length is taken af 1MT there were 2,440,000. This I* a gain of almost t5 per of fishing regulations for size limits ral and each morning we would they -will come up with a salt water lp by the neck and head. The tail tent in specific bodies o f water, and the empty the Crag at him without catfish, which has sharp spears be- s only- a couple of Inches long and Once known as the "sport of kings," horse racing Is the only spec- division is hopeful that anglers low the gills. What a time they he wings, when fully spread, exend about 18 Inches. Usually the tator diversion to have gone against the downward trend In attend- will see fit to return walleyed pike disturbing a feather. It becami have trying to swallow It! quite a game and each time, afte >lrd holds'its b«ak erect-with Ita ance. This form of gambling having become available in many states, to the waters of Lake Hopatcong There are the cranes, which when the attendance surge at race tracks could easily be attributed to tftls and Swartswood lake, where they he had reached the top of the hill the tide runs out and the bait leek bent to form the letter "S." he would gobble at us at the top ol legal on-track betting. Only a small percentage of this attendance can have only recently been stocked* starts running, will stand in a foot ho behavior leads one to ciupect his lungs. be said to be Interested in horse racing and trotting; for the "betteror two of water never batting an omethlng of the snake about to One morning, a few days befori ment of the breed." With law Enforcement agencies all over the counThey look like statues, but trlke when the bird i« in a deChristmas, we tried again an<! eye. try cracking down on illegal betting, the "gambling instinct" in AmertBOWLING just as soon as a small flsh swims enslve or hiding position. managed to hit him, Which solve .- .cans Is finding a legal outlet at the track. past, yeu will see his snake-like the problem of our dinner. He was BEND1X NITE LEAGUE Professional baseball, with two major leagues and about a tough old bird but a symbol of neck .and bill shoot out'' and spear STANDINGS his prey. £,,, M minor league*, reached an all-time peak attendance In 1M» Christmas and "meat on the taW I. I watched a little heron catch his ble." i when tt,M,l27 'an* paid to *ee games. The majors reached Bombera 28 14 dinner. He was on a sand bar with SalnU 24 18 £ their high In IMS with 3O,»2O,M2, but a surge In minor league Short Circuit! 24 18 a companion—a little Seagull, which Unnatoms 23 1 9 ' TWO STATES HAVE SALT WA tried to imitate him in every move, attendance waa made In '48, the top year for organized baseU-Hootic« •.. 22!i 19\i TER FISHING LICENSE hey seemed to be great friend* % \. ball paid attendance. Last year, the total attendance was down Old Tlmera 22 20 For years we have been a staunch iccause whenever another gull Nite Fly«r« 21 21 * ' to 40,140,185—a 34 per cent drop from IU peak year. advocate of a salt water flshlng li- :ried to horn In, the heron chased Jet. 21 21 21 21 £ Big league professional football showed a similar wane as a box KnlithU cense, Our reasons being that It is There were 2»U 2H4 unfair to use fresh water and hunt- the intruder away. i eftlce attraction. While two leagues were operating from 1946-1849, the Chamm Nlte Hawkl 20 22 schools of spawn running close to ; National Football league and the All-Amcrlcan Conference, the field Chip Fllpperi ing license fees to enforce salt wa- shore. The heron would walk along 20 * 22 To friends and customers: Our hearty thanta for their 19 28 ; ha* now merged to one league:- Professional football'attendance has. Moon Beami ter laws and that there ia not suf- :hc edge of the shore, slowly folloot! Bittern ACM18 24 » dropped by 21 per cent since 1849. , Hot Shot« 19Vi 22!4 ficient money to properly enforce owed by the gull, and when he saw CltJJ National Wlldlif* rstitraltt* loyalty in the year that is passing and our best wishes Flylnn Bulk H',3 3 0 ' i them. |t Ring Magazine, semi-official organ of thejhoxlng game, reschool, he would crouch down Individual With linnle game—J. liulWe have long known that the low and sneak up to the edge and j - ports that national gross gate receipt* from professional fight* for their good fortune in the year that is coming. This smallest of our bittern*, the llami, Sr.. 2S9: G. Corion 256. Team state of California has a successful Jart his bill out, The gull did ex ;; were 118^00,000 In 1847, but slipped to only 14,600,000 last year— hinh tingle game—Bombers 762. Iniast bittern, has many of the char" , a a* per cent decline. There are no national attendance figure* dividual hlnh three aamn—J. Gullllams, working salt water fishing law, i d l y the same, When the heron cteristics of the American Bittern, Sr.. 60S: G. Comon BOO. T««m high three but it was not until we read an lew away, the gull' accompanies] * far-boxing, but this decrease corresponds directly to the boxing whose length Is twice that of the Kam«i—Bomberi, 2,144. article written by Bill Wolf in the im. *• 7 attendance decrease in Nenr York's Madison Square Garden over least bittern. It walk* like an unINDIVIDUAL AVERAGES becembcr 28 issue of Saturday ? MM iame period. Garden official* state that 3(3,316 fan* paid Jewelers SilvtnmMi. Then there are the big, brown gainly wet hen but Infinitely more D. McCuo 177, S. Calabreie 174, II. Evening Post entitled "The Para3 their way Into S3 different fight night* during 1047, while last itupld-looklng pelicans which are autiously. It may hold a given Flckena 172.30, J. Gullllama, Sr., 172.25. i >«*>r only 137,311 persons were on hand for 21 date*. This, G. Corion 165.H. B. Rouvell 185.2, K. dise the Promotera Overlooked" erocious feeders. They hit the wa position for a long time, during £ too, I* a 85 per cent decrease. ' Shibla 184, J. GulUUm». Jr., 162, K. that we learned that Louisiana also :er when feeding over a school o which if It Is in Ita natural setting SINCE 1193 159.26, E. Webb 150.26, R. Hull has a salt water license law. The main sport* attractions on Madison Square Garden's calendar Sutphln ive bait with such force that spray if reeds and rushes It may prac168, A. Pletrovlch 156.38, J. rastana To quote in part: "Louisiana Is •hew that this type of spectator recreation has decreased all along the 166.31, L. Brynn 151.31, W. Boulcy is thrown up in all directions. As Ically vanish from sight. I U hidlint. Not only has boxing attendance fallen way off Its 1947 level, but 161.26. A. Kluai 151.20, O. Balle 150.29, one of the two states—California :hey bounce to the surface they ng ability is such it may live long 15 BROAD STREET RED BANK McAndrews 150.8, A, Cummin* 160.8, is the other—that charge* a license ntend their, big bills straight up » so have hockey and basketball. The '52-'53 hockey card at 'the Garden J. In an area without Its presence beJ. Panteleo 150.1, P. Cecero 149, R. ' boasted five more home dates than In 1947-48, but still the attendance Chrlitonher 148, C. U c k 147.24, M. fee for salt water fishing; one dollar n the air, squirting water out of ng even suspected. During the dropped from 467,054 five years ago to 305,451 this year—a decline of Earle 147.23, B. Taylor 147.11. N. Eld- for residents, two dollars for a he sides of their mouths, while they migration seaeon it file* at low al147.10, R. Alvlno 146.11. J. Francil * 58 per cent. Attendance at basketball, Including both college and pro- ridge MS P. Harrison 143.17, K. Dugan 143.9, seven-day non-resident permit, five iuggle their catch into position fo1 titudes at night, with the result It feaalonal games, was off'the 1947-48 mark of 823,000 to the low figure D. Hernandei 143.7. J. Hollovrar 142. dollars for a non-resident season wallowing It. At times a sea gul that not too uncommonly it .crashes will alight on the top of his heai into some obstruction, and ia found license. i ot 460,800—44 per cent. C. Hoffman 141, T. P a g e 140,32, Chlmentl 140, H. Buchanan 139.29, "There Is one peculiarity about nd on his back, attempting to taki n difficulties in an environment not Beating, a growing sport, boomed and to prove the Interest Hoffman 119,21. J. Spencer 139.1). 11. G G. Louisiana's licensing system that ;he catch away. ' auited to satisfy ita hiding Instinct*. la ltd* type of (port, Joseph E. Choate, manager of the NaMacl should be pointed out. Only rod 1S5.40, S. Greenwood 135.33, J . Gngllnh I Noflal Motor Boat show held each January In New York, IndlIt Is Interesting to note how all The Corey's l o o t bittern I* a rare U 6 . 2 4 . U Siddeni 135.2. A. Fopok 1 3 2 , and reel fishermen are charged. blrda of the sea take their dally 1 eated that not only are there mote boats and sportsmen's show* / M. Mulllni 131.24, J. Mohrbeck 131.17, Anyone, resident or non-resident, color phase of the least bittern and * being held each year, but that most of the major ones are aetbaths, One would hardly think la characterized by being deep R. Norcroin 130.28, R. Dohlfr 130.3, V, Mclnerney 130. R. Y«r»on 129. M. Smeri- can take a skiff, a can of shrimp hat aea birds, who are in the wate { ting new attendance records. He said that manufacturers, dlsgllo 124.36, R. Roie 124.27, J. O'Brien bait and a 'slaughter pole1—a long half of the time, would take baths chestnut, where the more typical i tributor* and dealer* of marine equipment had reported to him 124.5, I,. Pyle 123, W. V a n Note 122, form is light brown, There are two * the demand on tho part of the public for small, local c«mJ. l'arkfr 120. R. Mazza 119.34 F. cane pole—and Ash to his heart's but they do. It Is amusing to watc sub-species, the western, ranging Patt«n 119.11, ¥. ScharlT 119.1, I), (ireen content without paying a fee. As a big, white headed pelican com | muntty boat shows In addition to the large-city exposition* that more or lesa generally from Ore118, T. Mahan 117, J. Levlnon 116, C. cane pole angling supplies a good plete hi* morning toilet. Ho wl I have been established for some years. Martin 116, S. Johnaon 1 1 4 , K. DcCapua gon south, through central lower J Attendance figures at the two largest, boat shows In the country, 110, R, Mlnton 103, J. Benner 98, T. part of the food needs of much of splash the water with hia powerful California for Its nesting range, »«, ftavlt 84. Glyllnf 8 3 . H « v o - Louslana's poorer population, the wings, throwing spray all over him —th* National Motor Boat Show in New York and the Chicago National Rreilln and on to Western Guatemala for lick 7 1 , J . C a n l d y 7S. state does not charge for it." aelf. Then he will duck,his head its winter range, Beat Show, highlight the rising Interest In recreational boating. Comunder the water and then rise u If Louisiana and California can pared to 1949, the New York show attendance was up 30 per cent in It may -winter aj-far North a i RED BANK BUSINESSMEN'S LEAGUE pass a law requiring a license to and shake himself like a dog, A l t U and 55, per cent in 1993. Standlnn Dec. 28 ' fish In the jurisdiction*! salt water ter several repetitions ot this hi Arizona and Southern California. Americans are taking to the fields, the wood* and the waW I, limits of the state, why can't New will fly to a sandbar and proceei The Eastern »ub-*pecies breeds IS Olobf Moton »... 27 toft'for their recreation. The "grandstand fullback" and (he Jersey pass a law of the same na- to fix himself up right pretty. Hi from Maine through Southern Que1« Red Bank Rooflnr 26 ' "reserved seat umpire" srem to have eschewed theac role* for 17 Arnont'a Texaco Service .... 29 ture? Why allow hundred* of will scratch the back of his heai bec to Central Minnesota and South a place In the more active, participant outdoor recreations of 17 Sal'i Tavern 29 thousands of out-of-atata anglers to with the elbows of his wings, H to Southern Mtxico and the Weat 17 >i Airport Inn 24 H flshlng, hunting, goUIni, swimming and boating. A* Jan JaeIndies, i t winter* from Texas to use these elbows like a pe n flsh our salt water, take our fish can D»Fntco'« Hardware 23 a.«ea Bmisseau, the French philosopher, advocated, the people 20 Crati'a BeverSKm 22 and not spend a nickel In the son can use his hand*. Then hi E&itorn Guatemala and Eaat to . are "getting back to nature." the West Indies, 21 Sal'i Barhert 21 will spend considerable time li state? 21 Tallori 21 preening hi* feathers with his loni x Attendance drops alto take place In this neck of the woods and It Doncore'a For 17 day* th* three to ilx egga Monmouth Lumher 20^2 21 >A bill. When he Is at last satlsflei may be Incubated by both parents wa* particularly noticed when attending local high school games, semi- Nat'n Jiwelera . 20 THE BIRD WATCHERS S3 with the results he will stick h pro bucball and, only a couple of years ago, the Shore Football league, Alvlno'» Texco Service 11) M In a plant platform .nest among We were talking to Spann Jet24 Frogrrlllvt Iilfr IK head behind hla wing and go ti plants In 'a- marsh or swamp. The Dewn on the riverfront you'll nollcu an activity Increase when you see fera of Mlddletown tha other day sleep, Danlel'a Men'i Shop 1* it numerous small craft skimming over the water, and with young pilots Crllll ogg* ara bluish-green lo blue, and Cnnitruclloci 14 n and happened to mention that huntdoing the skippering. 28 Sherwood'a Sportlnii Oooda 14 one by 1 1/5 Inches in ali«, The Ing and nulling news at thli time' • 0 0 SERIES young are awkward, naked, or nearCLEANING ,OVT TIIK SHORT 8NORT8 FOR IMS-.Murof the year la aa acarc* as hen'a ALONG THE WATERFRONT .ICdnar Allen—HO, 211, 221—601. ly naked youngatera, and there may ray Leeds, of South si,, our former high school sports corresteeth. Highlight* along the waterfront 100 CLUB pondent for the lluccanrrr*, will he nn hand at Ihn nose Bowl "Jeff," wjio apenda *a much o for t»M—4>n« of thn very nc*t rum be two annual brooda In the South, Lew Hendrlcka 812. llowanl 0»»t though there la but one In the rrtday with a large group of Michigan State college slurimt*. f l k northern part of tha rang*, The L'02, Andy Carey 209, V i n e Alvlnn 212, his spnre time aa possible In thi ol Mueflah In many year*, In the New Year* day content, Michigan will meet If, ('. I,. A. Marry Greenwood 210, •)«• l.«fay«lu 201, "great outdoors," suggested that an and porgle* big drawing card of Mlch| iJl.!!10!* w n backers left for the Rose Bawl hattleHam dalsm! 2 U , lioh Lantrank 221, article on hlrda might prove Inter- Bonltn returned after several yeara iood consiata of th« amaller aniMake Kerrliino 20(1, nay PcnrM 201, mals of the blrd'a wtt envlronmtnt, NcM the day after Christmas, .lulti DUtel Sr., 201, Put Ambroila 204, oatlng. Not being too familiar with absence, Alhacore not «n# plenti- Tha bird can hardly be considered Pro Andy'Blkora of Bcncon Hill, aayai "For a lower score In '1)4— L«« Rtt|ih«ll> SO?, Jo;. Me«ill 224, 20H, song blrda, we have deolded to aak ful, Striped baaa far below ave ot economlo Importance because of * f Mdlll 'JStt "' nlRn our readora to contribute, In th< age. HlKh K»m«—Jn U M loini.i loaaona and practice more," Slkora'a g r o u p \ m m n am growWeakilah appear In he. headrlti—Kilvar Allen Alien «0«l hlvh team meantime we have conaulted ou ing for extinction. Mackerel a aad IU small number* and bacauaa It »« with Red Bank Cathollo high aohool, 81, nose of Belmar; Middle- tirln—Kilvar ,m>—S«l»i narbiri liarbirR 8J"i high team notes, which we have, fathered ova IIVM In terrain that usually yield* town high achool and Leonardo nnd Holy Croaa grammur schools bolng xam«-*Sal disappointment. On tap at th) i»rl«—Sal'i llarlirr* 2,174, a number or yaara, on blrda of tin present, whiting heads the Hal wild little that man aaci At to cultivate. bitten with tha golf hug, a«a, Mott of them art from Be cfldAsh and Maokltah Improving. Whim frightened, th* leaM bittern YUI-K VAKTY Mlddletown lownshln grlddcru of 1M4 will mr*t Anbury bastlan Inlet, Fla, Striped has*, aqulrrcla, grouse may fly a ahort distance awkwardly Park Nov. II. This school la really growing by leap* and KBANfiBURO—Members of lha and apparently with effort. It may and sjuall aeaann rlosr* tomorrow. Beacon Bench tennla club held a bounds, According in reports, we were told lhal (hern a m FKKDINO HAnTrS O r SKA Klvo a aofl, repeated "coo" while Duck fteanon doses ,l*n, 4th, Ohrlatmit* pnrty Sunday at tha RIHDS Mm« 100 pupils In thn Ar>t grade throuahout the township, Wildlife, fttamp» off thn presi In flight, Even In flight It la somehomo of Mr, and Mrs, G. A, \V«ttimes noinlblft by thoaa who' know It la Inlorcstlni to aee how <mcl Mow Mg can you gel? tern, 62 Oreauent at, Presont were type of sea. bird secures Ita liveli- One nuek hny« a beautiful *<>(. NPI tho hlrda well to distinguish tha for aoveral arta, Addreaa Nation* William I* Htout, son of Mr, mid Mrs, Bayard Rlnul, Monmouih Mr. nnd Mrs, Dnvld Unmnnky IDWAI.D I. CARLILI nnd Uy rnnlM from the remain and young, jv*,, numaon, received his frosh footlmll numeral At Trinity college, (Inuithtern I h t H l d ' M d off hood, There are countless varletlci Wildlife Pedcrallon, Takoma I'ark Tha h*,cu and «om« other •pot* th*t Inuithern Hurju nd nnd'Mnda of gulls, terns, giant cranes, stand Washington, U, (,'. Hartford, Conn. J*ine« l>, McfJuliwcaa received his football letter at New N York Y k city, Mi', nnd Mia, Rle urn dark brown In the female and Brown unlvirallv, Jim played u c k l r and waa In almosl every varsity phen Nosier, Mr, nnd Mra, Allnn Ing threo or four feet high) th young urn lighter In tha males, IIAPPV NKW VKAtt smnlloi' varieties of the, heron f»m iame, Both lada are former Hunison IIIKII achool srldders, Miu'DflhMld, Mln/t Muriel Acker- lly In many colorai thousands oi TIIMR hlrda art not |«n« blrda The Snorting New* lima l>rny Nateliel l'»lge'« »|» rules mutt, Mr, nnd Mi'', Acker- lirnwn pelicans and many kinds ol NPOHT OIIAMI'IONM In any «en«e, uml In a. way they M "Mow to NUy Vniinir," Here they are, so help tin I (II avoid man, llobert Wlll(pn«, M I M Dorla diving wnter-fowl, sucli aa nannet exni'Ma the uplrit of tin swamps Listed among clinniplnns ilurln, fried ni'«la which angry up HIM IIKMMII (J) If your nlomarh Jianrlkaen, Mm, Hylvln Meeker, JCd- hooded merannten. ami other*. IBM In tlie «ttorl* world were Hi and mmaffiM In which they live, •latwlte you, III* dmvii mid pwlfy It with eool IhouihUl ID) gnr 'I'lftinni, Mr, nnd Mil, John Akovn them nil hover oapre. . Anaon Hoyt, Ilumson, who wo They iir» proteoled by law, »nd tha . kMp Inn iuli't* flowing by JNiifllng around grnUy as you move, Mayer nnd Urnle Mayor, Jame* flsli-liAwk, unit It you will look NAllonni Wildlife KcdernUon hope* (4) go HgNi an vlee*, such *> currying 4m In *oelely, The aoelal Orute, Tom droll. Hob Nny, Louis closely you will tee a dot up In th tho Now York A, O, Ulook ilium Dial they may lonfr mrvlva In their rambl« Ain't m t f u l i it) KVDIII running nt all Umeai in) don't l i h d l Jim Oflonolo, i5dnn aky, A ievcsKle sours patiently orulaer rnoe, nnd Onnny Ardolln native territory, look b*ek, SomeUilitf might IM gaining on you, Hlial, Phyllis Hrennnn, Adr- waiting to swoon down on the oa< of Long Drnnoh, who copped th •port* figure* who will take partner* In Ilia utmr future lire Mau- lenne llerr, Patrloln Corcoran, prey us ho files off with Ills otttoli Jersey Speed Skiff title. .Ir Father* of two Srnndela Unlvera. reen O'Brien and wally H»uer. Maureen, former national swimming Janice Vitelll nnd Cheryll Wnlttii, It la A beautiful and thrilling altht l M Gretthlno, pitcher (or II lly ImihctbHll players are police offor Imndmlni rtetlvid * ring from Hubert Owens Heesch of Pulm lleaeli. 'Die club will to watch when they «r« all Ir Ynnlines' farm In IlliiBlimntoii, ; flueTA Dob ftherldan'a dad li a no. "reianled one lo Dolly Ann Doff of It ml Dunk, Wally was A lun iilay on the Indoor court* At smell of their dally bread, y,i hit two home rum In one gtn lleemnn In Roman, Don lleAly'a former »ihlnt i t l\n\ |}»nk Calhells 11, B. " A HAPPV AND BAFK H*A Hrlght Hunday afUrnoom durTELEPHONE HE 6.5010 Them la the little lern, whlcli during 1UM. Ill* aeeond horn In a ]|auttn*.nt 'In M»noh»«. NKW YJBAJt TO ALU ing tin wlnttr, hlti tin water with tirrlAo tote* bioki ik 8-3 lie u t l n i t •chinutidy, ttr, N, H, \ Spotting Sports Thorne, f Caaeidy, « Andros, e. Gill, ( Apjrar g Delmeler, g. - , a o 6 n s. » BY STEW VAN VLIET By Hy Cunningham WILBUR'S our wish for you * * • A PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR MOBILE RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE 65 WEST STREET RED BANK, N. J. » " • • Page Eleven RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 30,1953 Alex Rosa U 1S2.10 Alfred Zilly J5 144.32 Harold Keckman, Jr. »1 l.eo Tllton _... 39 131.211 Clifford Cook. 2« 144.23 Owen Dunfee ,„ „.;».'.. 29 12M William Uillan ,1J r,1.2S Fred Rradley 37 144.18 John Korpon .. IS 121.3* 38 143.19 Elmer Bshrenburg Itobert Msrss _ .If, 1.11.12 Pred Bruno ., 27 128.29 29 143.17 Wllllsm Brldley : ... so 12S.& Kenneth Iloasman 1.1 1,11.10 Calvin Ohlaen _ 35 14.1.9 Henry Woolley 27 127.7 2t 151.H lisrold Peters, Sr 2 8 163.1.1 Joseph Ahlem 156.15 Herbert North Itudt Saundtrt TOAIC STANDINGS 2S 127.8 14 142.18 Hi Montedora .":.". Milton Hsmpton 17 151.7F. Johnumi 30 163.10 Itat-ry Aumack *roy Ward 156.6 "A" Dlvltln J2 1 1 2 . 1 5 William Cheeieman SO 130.17 (ii.oi-Ke Will! 28 27 163.1 Gordon Wilnon W L John Bruhl 155.19 Frsncla Palmer l."> 142.11 John G. Baumgarth 32 12l!9 Alfred Kobblns 2 3 150,Tl WilliBrri Kane 33 162.23 William Metcaif Alton Smith 155.9 ^tontown 1 .,.:: !t IS „_... SO121.21 Earl Wilson ja 140.11 John Slocum .16 111.31 Richard King 3 4 162.16 Hownrd . Noble fohn Morty 154.1 Iranchport SI It I I MI.I Donald Wright _ 31 124.14 Wllgus 28 l u . c , William Hirnn GcorKe Jobes 15 162. Richard Klcfer 154.13 Frank Hajhlandi 1 22 14 22 141. Al Parker. Sr. 8t 121.3 Davidson „ 27 118.1.. ' AuteuatiiB Dreyer J6 161.24 Wlnfleld Reynolds 153.25 Clay hit Daljs 1 2114 14',iWilliam Palmtr 10 122.4 Warren R e i n h a r d t ..._ JO 117,26 II, ItalUon 3« 140.37 Irving Konner 34 161.20 Robert Vnn Bnlnt Raglnald Pylt 153.7 ,lhtrty 1 i: It ltO.1'2 ,..t 3'2 Raymond Stewart 38 121.11 W l l l l s m Vfendt SO 1 4 7 . 1Hay Kruliovsliy Clnretice Cosentino 35 161.Bill Frank 153.2 ndtptndtnta 1 16 It Aildrcn- Dcl'onti 16 110.1 Edward McSorley 17 121.5 Oliver Marcelli „ 3 7 M6.31 Geoi-Ke Mnnnfleld 21 161.7 Raymond Fltrca 152.19 William D. Lyon rt.hold 1 15 21 v Alf?x Helnbnchcr 36 139.26 Leon Walling 22 121.11 J2 HC.17 Chnrles Hoffman 36 161.5 Arthur Rouiatll iradley Beach II 28 152.2 37 135.13 Philip Najidllton , 1! 111.11 Joseph Capeatro 25 116.15 Wllllsm FHlerer 34 160.33 Frank Lnne . 1 Babt Matthtwt 151.25 Lylo Salmona lakhurat 1 . . . . * It /* 2SVs n Louis Myers . to 1U.2» 27 139.3 U 116.11 W'lllium Lindhardt 26 160.20 Robert Holdsworth 'torirt Saundtrt 181.21 Richard Johnson 2li 139. Norman Predham 28 1M.24 32 llfi.10 Lftwri'ncc Pick 85 160.20 JampR (iRn-ity Well, folki, thli 1« the last column for 1953; a good time to look cesnport 1 11 22 Pruley IS1.21 Hubert Conover SB 134.20 Arthur Totarelli 1J 115.11 30 Mfi. Hpinsnl Mar\ .Inmcs Ihirkin 32 High team, 3-gamti—Eatontown 1, HO.13 Willis Alkln«on A.... back on the paat bowling year. A» the bowUng «eason tovera the cool 1.11.17 Joatsih Whalen 3'J 138.H William Conover 12 11S.4 : 32 U 5 . l l Milliard Wllli.. John Ptinlc . 12 160.1 06!; high, Ind: 8-gamsa, Flora Corclont >nneth Wy Wymbii 151.14 Andrew Chrlatenaen months, (we can't aay cold these past few years) It means that we 20 133.12 John McBrlde 11 1D.11 Jamftiv Rnltentine 20 145.KRob<Tt Kvcnli'll 25 i GO.:I !2; high, tttm gsmt, Eatontown 1, Altx l 'H 'Henry E 151.13 Hobert StllhvsiDn .Inme* Srrivn*1!' .10 138.2 Lester McDavitt, Jr 2« lOt.t Fred Wood . tl 115.7 ZA 160.1 ttart rolling at the end of one year and finish after the beginning ot 098; high lama, l'lot* Cotclotje 210. Morris Moreman 151.13 Joaeph Holiday. 38 138.1 S. Moglll 18 104," f 10 145.1Lylf Cooper Jill 160.33 Clnwnce Cornell the next. Tbia has one point In its favor; should you have a bad INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGES I itorgt. White l o l . l t Itollln Shumard, Sr 29 138. Lester McDavitt, Sr. 2ft 102jlt 3S 111.28 William Hiii'Hhmnn 21 159.20 WIHinm Veron G AVE Ruutll Francis 1S0.17 Roy King season it is aUU possible to have a portion of a good one the same 37 137.22 Itouert gPcrry , 38 141,21 .lumen Mrnnrtt .10 I."0.4 mis Emmoni 3 204.2 Robtrt DenblEh 149.18 John OeBruin, Jr ,. 2il 137.10 KuKft'ic ^'ntteriion 12 U l . , 1Lester .Mankfy year We are presently in one of our bad seasons. Let's see how •ward Meyers 19 191.37 Ktnnath McKesn 1.13 15 8.30 Kred HnlniRn 1411.4 3(J 137.10 Charles Huhn „ 21 144. Henry Sodcn some of the leagues are doing as the old year rings out. lore Corclont :. !» 192.2 34 ir.S.'M (JcorKe Wood Madfot* Cattty MS,7 II 1.17. a Clnude Herhert 2!) 113.28 l,o«t,r Hurley !arl Schneider SI 187.23 Joatph Goodnough 34 i r, s . i o Dnle Hisney 147.18 Dsrrol Dundaa 23 U7.I .11 14! 5 Louis Scottl The Bed Bank Recreation league la moving along with Bal13 IS 8.4 Mward Taylor «» 187.11 Jacob Batdorf Arthur HntAelii 147.11 John DIcU Sf, 13S.3:, 21 U S . 5Victor S m u r Urtlne's Ale * Beer holding a amalt lead of one game over 20 158. Vllbur Smith Jl U7.I0 Donald Pyl« „ .Inmeii Bty . 147.H 30 136.19 Arthur Meillsh 2» U 2 . 0l.oui« DpLorrnio 38 157.21 Hownl-d WnlllnK ntpk Tomaino I I 187.1 Odgtn B. Johnson ' Forrar's Liquors. Three game* further back are Bassas BrothH7.1 .13 136.11 Harold Norcrosa . . . - _ 37 111.21 Hurry Sntrt' •• 29 157.13 Robert Sntrurton lenry Farttnfildtr II 186.8 John Grtndlntttl 146.1 33 133.211 e n Mid Hancock'a Badlo. Curlev Homes shown sUJI another Edward Klump SS 141.IS Stpvpn Idvmltertson 37 157.10 Mnrahnll Woat ostph RufSnl l « 185.J4 Al bavlson 146.8 ,. 22 135.15 Charles Devoy 27 141.18 Robprt r.lrndin came deficit, Bogel's Club Metro la seven games off the pace, S 19 157.1 Arch Shaw * 1'rc.l Kielmtnikt William Woodward 24 1.13.13 145.2 Jnmfia Wsttner 3.1 Joaeph Frank 2R 141.15 Boneore's Tailors nine, and i. H. Kelly Co., ten. This looks fieortre Morrli 15 154.7 tumll Hlbbttti 10 184.20 John Plancty 33 133.12 145.1 Frank B a l c e n l 12 141.1John Wnollty Edwnrd Snttmlers Jostph Pact 39 154.5 lharles Howard 37 184.4 .', 135.3 like • ttfht race and we. would not like to pick the winner at 145.1 Theodore Lewla 27 140.4 Anitelo Ciaxlia ..._ 183.12 Kdwin Walling Allen Griffin IS 154.5 'ex Tomaino I t 183.1 39 134.31 144.1 Harold Huntley 30 140.3 Robert Scott thl» stage. The handicap system It being tried thli Mtson Frtd Bowtn S4 168.22 Walter Smnlf ilbert Dsngler 19 183.1 31 134.13 Krnncla Golden _.„ 31 139,4John St.ronttolla 144.4 and It teems to have aided at least one team. Forrar's occuBtnnttt Van Brunt 23 153.17 Roicmond While 36 134.9 Varren Wjrekolt i t 182.X Dnvlil Lnrue 143. WlllUm Fltsgerald .11 138.25 pied the cellar last season and here we find them In second . . 27 134.0 15.1.11 Edwin Peterson Rnymoml Tyler 'at Aanbroila • tl 182.1 . U o n Pylt 142. John Newman _ 31 1.18.IB . 3 5 133.26 Chsrlfa I.nmhcrlaon 153.11) CHITnrd Rray Dllllont I I 181.38 Harbart Kotht 142. place. The high average team l» also the leaders, Ballantine's, Robert Dangler 24 138.16 Charlea Curtii . 27 133.10 Clarinet Gerblg Woolscy Thompson 153.8 •lorn Mostr 19 140. Frank Zebrowaki 21) 138.9 181.21 and this proves to ut that no matter what system Is used the .11 Frtd Btndtr 133.8 165.31 Italo Gullucclo Btn Gruber IS Fred Chatey 27 137.16 Elmer Ulumt-I 140. Harry Jnhniton lalDh Ltwlt . I t 180.28 high average team will be up there when they come down to •ID 1J3.6 Jottph Rtllly 153.3 Harold Aumack 29 137.11 John Kfllm 180.7 189. • Chdrlen AnoleRSta ,oult Agnlnt IS 1S0.7 . 3H 132.25 John Laytort '. 152.4 Harold Hurt the line. Paul Sehlsaler It handling the relnt this season with Ben MofTett "39 136.21 1.19. Lamhertson [arry Rublt7 20 . as 112.29 Charltl Lee _ Wllcalt IVarc<! 151.21 •Inck* Joaeph Kraker 2 1 U5.16 U9. . Eddy Wade aa footman and Ed Kelly, Jr., a> secretary-treasurer. ('larenpp Tnylor uhby ^Golln* :.. *« U9.2S . no 132.23 151.15 John .1. E. W. Kuper 28 135.14 Albfrt Klrnii, Jr 179.21 wallaet Conntr 139. FluUer , Gus Schmidt teems to be ihowlng his old time form as his loop jtnt Coicntlno II 179.20 Mlehatl Nastatlo .15 132.15 151. Fred THtnn. Richard Tetley ..._ 21 135,1 1.16. I'^rnnciK .Diopel SO 119.11 Albtrt K.i.l.r high single effort of S43 will attest. Jack Kennedy appears to be fully Edward Firltjr I!1*." 141!. 8 William Slrohmenger I* 13t.fl 1J7. Wlllinm Kozabo Gtorgt CooU :1S U2..1 171.15 Bdward Cook 145.10 JnmKH Cnrney • recovered from his operation as he is leading.the average race with Fred Beyer 21 134.7 Dominic Foirtria 137. Ltittr Gliyton II 178.27 Paul Rldner 131.29 : 145.3 John Allen 1) 134. K,|>v»r,l Miller 1ST. llurnett llnrknlow ' 178 and alao haa high three games with «1«. Third place Rassas Bros., )avt Egktrt 19 17J.4 Byron Holmes „ SI 133.15 II«. Fred Wanner with 2,624, Is the top threesome for teams while Ballantines enters trrr Smith i o 171.1 3.1 1.11.20 "D" Dlvlalta George Woodward 23 133.1Donnlil Schmiilt Frank Curlej U S . • Drum : .'. at 178. 27 130.20 the picture once again with high team game of 957. The brewers who W Bernard Rosenberg 31 132.Ill l.nrry HftclfrHlui>i ... It.',. 130.11 tisrtni. Wllklns IS 177.27 Port Monmouth I 25 Robert Stout 25 132.If, Jnmes Warnork are holding thia team up there are Ray Birchlei-, Joe Talerlco, John Arthur 133. 1 Sleo i 81 177.13 Liberty 2, Red Bank 3D 130..1 tfnmuH Woolky 24 15 Stanley Duaaman 20 132.12 nmeR Lewis 130. Monahan, George Buckalew, Bruce Crlspell, and Bill and Dave Mac- Anthony Suoiso 129/20 31 tl R. Thunipaon Eatontown 2 24 15 Frank Fitzgerald 8 ( 132.2 'ames Ford 129. 30 129.20 Dtnnls Arnona t . 2S 16 Llbtrty ?„ Red Bank M Cliff Heckman ..._ 14 132.2Howard Flrehock .... ^«ter Kor.nbn 123. alter Warden 10 17 Junior Hoit 3, Laktwood .... 22 Raymond Gllarlno IK 127.1.1 Bdward Koch 120. ouph Ufaytttt I ] , 171.1 15 Wathlngton S 21 H y s t t Cunningham 20%126.16 There It one team In the A dlvltlon of the Shore Firemen's 'ttic Malta It l i t . t is Alltnhurtt 1 21 Andrew B u r d g t II 125.2 league that I* out to make it tough for any other team to take "F" Dlvlaien 'rtd.Hurlty II 17(.2 Btlford 1 21 Ted Zebrowaki It 123.1 the championship. We are speaking of Eatontown. It was Itorgt Ptnttrman 27 174.5 I. Mtnaaquin Exemptt 20 Charles Fugat »«. 122.28 1!) w Port Monmouth 1 25',J ' • M i Emmett Spies MacFhtrion S 174.1 enly % tew weekt ago that U i k e Meyers and Flore Corclone rarmtnirdtle 20 20 Her. lfl Jllloil Hnse 2 Idwin Ryan 10 172.14 Sta Girt m IS rolled 714 and MS the lame night, and'yet failed to beat the George Kiehdala i s 21 >arld Stnuto 10 1 7 2 . 1 5 Wtst Long Branch 3 is " H " Divisisa 21 high three game* that wan held by Branchport Last week "1 '"!'.'.'..!!!!'.""""!7 16 2.1 lam Ualissi 11 172.2 W I. Wast Lonif Braneh 1 IS 21 llnmllton t they succeeded In cracking- the S.OOO mark, and without the aid 21 li I T 1A Neptune City 3 indrtw Bruno 27 172.2 25 29 19 Rescue 2, Laktirood 14 HAPPY N I W I.lttlr Silver .1 20 1!) [oward Honahin 11 171.2 as Hook a. Ladder 1 Ocean. Sea Brlnlit It 10 of a single 700 set. Just one more proof that it take* live men 'It, 2 20 19 falter Us!as l« 170.22 Avon Fire Dtpl 3d iiook A Ladder 3 9 • to win a league championship. Collaborating on their 3,065 was 20 I!) klvah Vsndtrvttr Itc 170.7 ' Adelnhla , 2 i li lili Another year Is almost her*' High team, 3*games, Ocefcn, Sea 19 Vi 19',-j WnsVtlngton 2 Flore Corclone, 80S; Balph Lewis, 357; Fred Morris, 551; Luke tinier Klehardt 2( 169. II -right, 2,160; high, Ind. 3-games, Hurt South Rrlmnr 1 ..„ 24 13 tnd may it Mnok ft Luldnr 2 20 19 'rtd S. Morris It 169.8 Oliver Ryron 2 23 Meyer, 67J, and Eddy Taylor, Ml. This Is what we call "Every U Emmons, 6S4; high, team game. Mftnna- L'borly 2, Neptune S I 13 give you plea'ohn Komandtttl 19 Unexcelled t 22 169. 17 quan Exempts, 971; high, Ind. gnme, Durt Monmouth Uoach 2 man doing hit part.'" There It a little story attached to Flore's 2 2 17 Indrsw Data 21 161.21 hmmons. 2(6. % , , 22 sure and bring 17 Hamilton -3 22 part In this scoring. He had been knocking splinters out of the 17 Mward J. Bahr 24 1(7.20 Independents 2, Red Bank . 20 IB Now is the perfect timt) to plan you health Atlantic Illuhlaml! .INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES 17 22 wood for quite a few weekt until week before last That night landolph. Str«mbar| II 161.10 Humilton 2 lOli llrevent Tivrk-laonnrdo I 24 and joy and ti your tall and wlnttr parties, borv AVB 15 .nthony Mtllna l i 114.20 llenhursl 2 .15 24 '* he arrived at the alley* a little early and when It came time to » l l ' i 27 ',5 West Jostph Domonlco 39 l s i . 3 7 K. 11. Stokes w e a l t h In. Ilka Bruno . V . 32 End Ladder 14 Z'I 1(4.19 quels and receptions, W e have bowl hit ball wan missing. He ended-up with an alley ball and HlKll tenm, three names—Union Hoae Glendola 2 John Dowens 3a 177.34 'eter Urbellt I I 162.3 ta 2:1 more abun-, 2. 2,650; high three games— Freewood Acrea 3g 177.2 , 11 2» unique facilities for parties from Joitph Anaitaila .'. I t 16t.ll Grtsory Figaro : didn't do to well. After the night's action was completed a datnt meaiure. 3d 175.24 Hay Miner. C04: lillth team mine— Eatontown 4 » 23 Harry Hugglns 21 155.21 Robert Ormsbat 10 spare ball, bag and shoes were found. Investigation proved that Robtrt Lanfrank : 39 17 4.23 Union Hone 2. 0.12; hi[rh Individual game Marlboro 2 10 to 100 in our beautiful new May fifty-four, 7 n Ptttr Jan-It 12 16S.S Charles Miller 3;| 173.13 —•William Trlmblo, 243. one of the members of the afternoon league had taken Flore'a High teum three srnmra—Hook .. . at _ dining rooms, The food is justly Pot Shltlds I 155.2 be lot* of fun, Chester Henry 3B 170.22 equipment by mistake. Thli was the first night he rolled with INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES I, 2,471; high individual three games Edward Chatty 8 151.4 and flU your Pepper zn 170.14 O, famous, the service superior and AVE. —Edward Bloom, Rfj2: high team came Georga Camburn ....; 2& 149.21 George ' hit awn ball and ahoea In a week. Just goes to show you what h e a r t wlt'tf, Carl Htndrlckaon 9 160.4 (Icorjrn Pnteraon 33 175. —Hook * Ladder 1. 0 0 5 : hlch Individual Edwards 12 149.1 your own equipment meant to you. Nice rolling, boys. the moderate prices will please Edward Wenger '. 30 108.20 .ln.«r|ih L^rtch 36 174.20 nmc— Wililtril Sickels. 2.13. laughter. May you not mlta Ttd Wilson 3« US.l'J William Wivvner 3a 174.8 IND1V1DUAI, AVERAGF.S •'»•' Dtvlslta even the most budget minded. • The gentle sex will open thtlr county tournament on Mar. 13 with one bit of bliss thla year or Ltittr Wileox 24 ir.s.T Kennrth Thompson HA 171.33 AVB. : W W h the J. Stanley Herbert trophy at Belmar. This opening event is similar Anthony Christopher 3fi I6X.6 x 25 168.10 Alfred Itatea tf •ver after, Robertt F f iix 8« 171.19 Wanamaua 1 26 10 Nyla Garrlsoh 39 •.lames B o u r n e 39 167.25 Joaeph CorriKan ... The Incomparable to the men's Tetley trophy event. For the first time in the history of Union Host 1 8S 171.17 82 17 Paul Albrtchl '. a« W. M c y r r , 39 167.4 167.17 Robert Oliver SI 1*9.34 -the women's tournament it will be on the handicap basis and we pre- Hook * Ladder 4 17 it Gllbtrt Twelvtt 23 JC7.17 F.lmpr K o c h c l 39 166.31 Harry Hover W« wi»h each and every 34 U S . 17 l« • diet that It will far surpass any tournament they have held to date, Fair Havtn 1 Butt Emmons 24 167.4 M U l 35 K5.32 Ralph Parsons 28 161.16 20 Hailat 4 : 1» one of you a moat projperat far as the number of entries Is concerned. For any further In' Shrtwskury 1 Russsll Woollty : 28 Wllllsm Hnnsen ... 32 165.31 34 161.20 167.2 Bmll Munch 20 It ft Btrt Skidmort .; BU 166.34 Raymond Miner ... SI UD.8 16S.ll! Edwardfc Bloom II ou», healthy and HAPPT • formation on thit tournament Fay Cogan and June Burdge, co-chair- Unexcelled S 18 Wlillem l l t r b m 20 166.20 William nrvunlg .. 34 159.31 , 38 164.25 clc Sfoye 22 Deal 1 ; 14 men, wilt be only too glad to furnish It. NEW YEAR. 38 153.30 Warrtn Brand . 39 Amo lank^rn 31 164.« 166.10 20 Alfred Ulrich Unexcelled 1 II 14 H 3 . 2 2 Carl Ardollno 39 166.2 Vincent White ,18 8 ua.n 2S ack Cramer ; In the Bed Bank City loop It It sUU Eltner'i that It showPhil Dalra I '. 14 88 132.19 » a n k Smith 30 16,-,.in Alfrrd Pound >7 118.11 •ene Lasco High team, |.«amea_Unlon Host Ing the way. They a n currently out In front by nine garnet 34 130.27 B. H. Morris /. 30 165.22 Ei-erett Dnvison 89 168.10 Donald Moore Lincreft Ene Sirv!etn(«r,> 2,909: high, l-gamei, Frank Roberts, Vlnctnt Moyat 82 1S9.2S i so 161.27 Angela DePontl SO 1«1.U Al White ..._.; • and thow all Indications of staying there They alao have the 810: high, tean tana. Union Hoss 1, Walttr Conrow 24 160.6 »1 161.11 William Carlone ... 39 164.25 Milton Coeyman Niwrntn Springs Read * 82 ,0!8; high, Ind. (abt, Kenneth Ormt< 161.4 Arthur Cotartav* s i John Iln«lKalupi ft* Edmund Fette high fame and aeries In their record book: M4 and *,7M. 16J.25 149.9 35 149.2 * t 245, Raymond Peart* 211. William Moves 30 163.28 Chester Mnrtln _ 1 161. Ed Leroy A Tradition In Fine Food in th* heart of 14 14K.I ; Dom Lafayette keeps Eisner1! from being first In all departSI 160.3 Grttton tobert Truex ....'. ; . 39 ' INDIVIDUAL AVIRAGES 163.23 Dominic Clrmente Open Every Day Serving' Kenneth Lukcr 82 159.27 Wilton Moore 34 1 .29. 148. G AVE Gtorga Colt ment* by leading the average n e e with M5.H, jutt noting out Linerofi Villtgt -, 2S 1S9.1 John llorter, Jr u 16.1.10 Frank Holl Ll.ner.eon - CocKtalll - Dlnntiy ieorgt Woods .', l a 188.18 Albert WMtt) 34 147.17 _... 17 159. Frank 'Top" Palandrano of Eisner's, who haa 185.!. Dom doei 37 U2.20 William Trimble Orllnth Bates 15 147.6 ftaymond Tearca 19 187.10 John Wyman TliLisell Cottrair S9 15S.2R Louis DeSheulo William Clayton 39 162.9 It 147,3 Dominic Lafsyatta 32 187.2 hit rolling for the Commuters. Fop goes one step further by 158.27 „ 83 John Btnnttt 34 162.20 Stan Dombroski Anthony Mattviky 21 l Frank Cnlandrlello 83 146.25 32 158.1!) Robert Cmimin William Harnett ,i« 161.21 Hnrolil Tclley j s 146.22 Frank Robtrts > SO 1(6.7 being In possession of high Individual set with 65*. Jack Ken39 1.1S.17 Oliver Hoppach 7,1 160.21 II. Morris SR H5.34 Hobart House 119..'. Raymond Hurley ; 137.28 nedy bring* M a n Bnthtra Into the picture with high Individual 83 ir, IBO.IO George Cole Walter Boakey 37 Ben DfAiiglls lit.2 William Brown 145.12 Allioi't Nolsn 8t 157.4 Joaeph Shafto 3fi 160.7 22 145.1 Kenneth Ormibee 14 118.18 Gilbert Boyer : game of MT. Thia lt«p hat the greatest gap between first William Marsh 87 15S.2 Charles O'Keefa s« 1C0.0 13 144.25 *2 118.11 Joaeph Shltldi Raymond Maglll 155.84 Neil Jelllff at Stanity Fowltr 27 160.5 George Johnson ....„.'. 27 144.9 II 17S.S and aeeond place of any league we know; Phil Handrleks Wlllinm Miner/ , » 7 155.23 _ 3 160.2 William Mockridgs 17 144.3 H l .„ , . . .:- .; tl 177.30 Marthall Peters l! That meeting of the Monmswth- County Bowling aasociatlon which iMIk S2 115.4 II 117.20 letlnaM Hydt , J3 1S8.28 EdERr Phillips Prank Blddlo *1 143.28 Wirrtr Cktntlar ......:.... 154.27 ?.wo mentioned last week will be held Sunday, afternoon at Oceanport Jostph Hobko .........:„ ..... IS 177.1 30 154.21 William Walling SS 148.7 Ktnntth Ortndorr? 19 157.30 Norman Sickles Clarence Kmmons 89 , Inn at 2:30 p. m. Tht lurpiiati we mentioned will be: The presence Lukt Fryor 34 167.2 82 141.2 it 171.11 Charlti Brown 154.21 Edward Hamlet William Larson i : »0 164.13 Frank Wtst ...Jarry Soden 35 157.4 : of the next president of tht American Bowling Congreu. John J. Me- Harry Hoaklna ..;» 82 142.2. 89 iu: 3 1 154.0 Georpe Coder ..... 38 15C.30 W. Greener li 175,21 9anttl Kauffflann 84 112.20 Manut la the first vice president thli seaaon and at the convention In' Amur Oibtrn: Edmund Blom ....* _ 12 31 156.29 142.20 153.17 Richard Cassldy Htnry Canonlta ..;....; 18 175.11 Louit Cusaon a.'i 168.8 Andrew Wilson .'.'.'.'..r.*.'.',..'".'.7 2 2 142.14 Robtrt Wilson „ 33 156.24 Thomas Tomaino ..;........ • Seattle this spring .will be elected president. This will be the first Joitph Mitoviky ......... II 17i.2 , 80 152.20 Francis Hoffman .-. Ltahj 31) 30 156.44 George Boyle .• 8 3 141.30 14 114.10 Jay Ltah; time In the 81-year history of. the ABC that a New Jersey man will William Addlt Fred Beam 81 152.5 Ralph Johnson ... 141.30 8» 156.4 32 R«ir. G. Ctlenltna 81 173.1! Claude Blrchardt Additional guests will be George. Bancroft, Jamti Cltary Donald Spalton 14 152. Cert Huber : hold th* office ot president. 141.17 sc 156.1 .14 35 172.81 Chteter Smith Wllllflm Bloom . 81 151.22 K. Horroeks 141.11 32 , ~ ABC representative for South Jersey, and Bob Lynch, head of the cott- Tkomas Btrtt'n 156. 14 171.14 Harry Garrtau Joseph Culver 82 151.10 William Motion „ 141.5 ISC. 10 170,24 Herman Strudwlck : am branch office of the ABC. At an additional treat a newly-released lohn Mulvlhllt Willli.m Anderson 8* 161.8 Walter Horn II 140.12 U w l t Htndrickt I t 110. IS.', .31 Nnll picture, entitled "Stars and Strlkei," will be thown. This film h u Howard Hundtrtpfund Russo 30 160.7 Wayne Miller IS 140.10 Edward Murphy St 1C9.3I William Conway 155.30 Edwnnl E«tlow .•„. 20 150.4 just been released and contains many tlpt from the top liars of th Havry Sickles 21 140.4 Gtorgt Moor* .... Robart Forbsi IT. 155.21 Kenneth Smith 83 150.4 Jnmes Atoore . 2R 140.1 Nlltt Colt country On the best way to bowl. Those of you who would like ti Michael Guoccl 154.8 21 1C9.1 Chester Sunlrnaki 2D Robert. Smldt _ SI 139.25 Htnry Allen li I.-, 4..1 improve your bowiing can get tome valuable tlpt from this film. The Randy Cook Ccorge Itartolf S« Thomas Braach 2* 139.18 »5 1(9.31 Dirk Hoffman .... 154.2 : Frnnk Cyons 32 149.2 James Newman entry blankt for the county tournament and the state tournament will Frsnk Buono 25 130.17 2* 168.24 Rrncst Flerglorl 15.1.19 Jnmpjt Milne Thomai Fry 2R 148.30 John Genovest 2t 139.13 bt distributed. Those who with to enter a team in the Tetley trophy Lswrtnet Farlty IS 1(8.22 Richard Byrk .... 153.15 CIIITonl Heed ..! J l 148.25 Htorge Rosslter , 2S 139.6 William Hooptr IT 1«8. event would do wall to attend as there will be room for only 1« teams Mauriet Cuoeel 15.1.13 John W. Nepp 8» 148.24 William Wood 2S 189.4 II 1(7.15 Frank Mazea , so 15.1.0 Fred T Tore ori and it will bt run on th* flrtt comt, first served b u l l . Refreshment! Frtd 148.8 Thomas Davis 3S John Hsnd . . . . . . . 81 1.19.3 I* 1(7.34 Newton Millttt 32 153.8 Pony Iiifantl 148.2 Jnck Lovcraidge : 2ft after the muting.' 88 139.1 1(7.34 Abner Alllgood ; . 39 15,1.7 , 11 1(7.21 Jamti Robins Donald Hussars' . Everett Donahay » SB 147.13 William Lyons 25 138.21 Jostph M m a ,1,1 152.29 John It Harold Van Hsta Adubnto 28 146.9 Ltsttr , Herbert The Shore Firemen's loop hat III fair share of tight racet, 2« 138.20 167.11 Btktor Wrifht 8am Y«rf I I 116.1 .Inmca Jonea IK 146.8 Carl Hoist 22 138.10 even In A where Eatontown It knocking over the opposition 152,14 Thomni Knox Paul Waltt II 1*5.21 Spencer Carpenter ID 145.27 Jamet HendHckson 82 137.21. like,ten pint. Three of the top live average men are on tali U2.2 Dan Inftntl II 116.22 Robtrt Newman Joaeph Dnngler 84 145.26 Clyde Fscktrd 2» 181,26' Franclt Dlttrlch : 151.22 Joaoph I'olldorll 145.21 Bd Randolph Fit! Hurley 1( team: Howard Meyer, n o t e Corelone and Ed Taylor. Howard Ill 137.24 ~ 27 Gtorg* Farwtll .. 151.30 Chec«'r Aoderaon Sptnctr Morttn 12 1(8,2 82 137.28 37 141.14 Runaell Tomaino It on top with UT. More-alto It In pooaeoslon ft high game and Btn Wtollty .: I ! 158.31 Albtrt Matki Kobert V e s t ...^ „ 21 145.11 Joseph ph Domxal D m x a l 2 0 137.14 Mriaa with t i t a r t IM. Tough Korea to beat. In B division Carl Brutekmr llil.5 Jostph Mundirtpfun* t l 116. Fred Williamson 15 145.3 R Robert o b t Robinson .... 29 151.1 II U Wanatnatsa by one game over Vnloa 1 and Hook * U d Frank O'Brlm l» 1J2.29 Btn Covert Jnmes Ealdlo IS 144.3,4 Ernest E Dodd d • 27 136.29 Jack Douglas , . 144,24 .',7 ,150,19 Jamti Gunn : *s 1(2.21 Bernard Wolfard ...: SR der 4, both of Bed Bank. George. Woods Is leading Bay Fearce JOHN T. LAW LEV, JR. John Nledemann 19 136.H » 1S0.1 n"" 2H 152.10 William Dowens ...„ Jamti Turnock •William Ouyet .'. 34 144.17 Albert Fsxsont 8.1 1.15,26 by one pin In the average light, 188 to 187. Union has high Harry Cuttrtll 27 UQ.24 George Hull Stiiihtr Earl S ishtr 24, 1(1.11 Harry 3» HO THEODORE E. HALL, JK. Jamea DeForrest 88; Dominic Figaro '144.4 140,22 game and high serlei with 1,«8 and SJO*. Frank "Shirts" James Katskl IS IS8.1 George Rchlilti _ JO 143.24 26 Royce 27 14(1,10 Everett L'ljsler Bobtrts taorte high Individual series of *J0 while Ken ortntke Gtns Testino 27 157.21 Larry Stauch 8» 143.23 Lester Bmh 1» t3S.l Alex TUniM an MX..10 Rlrhard Kelly Alfrtd Atkinson 54 13!.9 8« 143.19 Janfuea Gulrs 83 134.9 ' and Bay Pearce are Ned for high game with 385. H I % John Foriman 2% John Crowtll 25 Harry Hoffman .'. aft U5,« 21 134.9 NATALIE G. CONWAY Robert peane , 143. , li HS.-I Anthony Suplenakl 3 * 142.18 Charles Lang 2» 154.21 Jay Whit 22 133.21 In C.division It is the Eagles who arc shoving'the way, but Oceanli Leo O'Connor FI.f.GY I . ROBrJRTSO.V „ „ 11 147.7 Daniel Schumann '. 211 141,2 Ifi 13J.9. 14 154.15 Georne Mwrnhy , oales and Wayside have high terlet and high game, respectively, with 2,71' William Brand HP.IS Thtodort Millar as Phil Yanowltt !i 141.13 .arry Braty 2!» 133.2 Milton Mtuiler 20 192.5 and 998, John Speck's 888 and Stuart Blair's 268 are the highs in th 21 11(1.17 Wsrren Assy !R 141.8 11 133. James Curley 24 151.22 John Robertson Joseph Howe 34 HS.27 Charlea Hnrth 24 , . . . Sit 1*1.3 William llauck Individual testa. Joe Baker1* 111 I* topi for high average. The D d Demlnle Paolucei .*... 17 151.14 Dan Rsvaiehltrt 1* 4 1 • 14, ,M Charlea Hull 35 141,8 «0 148.11 Lafaytttt Danlty J. Jernstedt _ . , . IIS 132.1 vision la about the tightest of all nln* divisions. Port Monmouth h u Alien Bagger 35 1. < ' Arthur Crelln 1» 140.1 24 144.8 Jay Russell Peter Tomaino IS 132.3 100 HIGHWAY 35 a one-game lead ovtr LJbtrty 2 and Eatontown 2 and two games over David Emmons Frank Lasttlla 13 , 1.1'. Thoman Jennings 34 140.1 Leater Joate .'2ft 131.24 Liberty 8. There at* about t h r * or four other t«tmi that art within 3. Stanlty Herbert 14 "•'.••.27 Editnr Kuiton 21 U S . t l C. Selti. Sr. "C" Dlvlslw RED BANK 4-0410 81 131.19 Melvln Ely £.„;... 28 Ralph Dnto ' . 24 I. W >- five gamea ot the top. Any taam't raet to date. Sta Bright't honor Is 139. I ." i l Robert Keuiher 24 131,16 Noel Briden ..•....., 29 De.i- 1 Sheehan —. 15 138.3 7 » 21 Fred Conte 23 131.12 upheld by Oceanic with a 1,7(0 t h m t o m t ; Manasquan Exempts hold Eagles I Erie Jtnsin 3< I IE Earlay „ 10 181.14 William Tsggsrt II Oetanle 1, Long Braneh 28 25 130.52 high game, 171;' Burt Emmoni hat both Individual honors, 114 and Aroa t „ William 32 IS , 21 Ill 130.12 -. ••..•*••• Ssimons s>nnsiui4« • ,)£ M I1 • (an McCnnn it l e v Him * an, 137.13 Renjnmln Van Keunn 2M, and Joe Dominic* Ii th* only on* with better than 180 for 116.12 Myron TnllmsdRe Otkhurat t > ,. 25 130.11 g«or«t Geor«t Nbl Kablt) « \t, . ,..^rd Botilen SS 1 7 ' Parker _ 18 1J4.28 Ocean 1, Point P l t t u n t 1 , Nelson Kmmons t 130.8 avtragi,,182, ' ' '• William Huttlnr 7 17 John Polhcmus .1A 1.13.32 Jnmes Csttansch Oltndoli I 38 130.2 Anthony Coaentlno u 1 It . 1 . 1 ! C. J . Hurley »•> Bed Bank'! Independent 1 b tttU thawing the way.torth* Portauptek V Con Verrey _ H 128.24 Thomss Maasey S3 11 Jamea Vanttnt 17 Llttlt Silver 1 rest of E division .and Mem I* he content with thli honor. John Chsnaka 81 121.13 Edward Frelbott 22 :»3.i 20 'E" Dlvlaltn Wtyilde 1 .:.... • Wllllard HlcUea 30 12!,IJ W*st Ltfig Branch » ha* high set with *,Ul and Watt End Chsrlea W e n t * 182.2 21 W T OllTtr lyton 1 L. Lovelsnd 2* 128,1 Engine htgh game with (M. Al CatenUno, l i t , and Harry 129,2 Finnk N u h r 89 Jndtptndtnlt 1, Rtd Rank .101, n'lj 2S Neptune Hast, Lang Iraneh 1* Joaeph Palcser 30 126,14 Wotley, !5t, are the Individual leaders with George WyotH at Weit End Englnt 27 18 Independents 1, L. I \<<\i is; James Dore Jr 29 155,21 • " f i " Dlvlalta Monmouth Btaeh 1 , 2B 13 Lakeweod I U 24 Wllllsm Harriet 24 12,1,14 m leading th* average parade. Port Monmouth hat another W Oettn S, Tolnt Plssaint .... 2.1 IB John Boyle SI, 1124.2 124.21 Oikaunt I « I* U Jh B l 4 leader In F. Their 1 team It 1% gamm to the good over Bed « Oskhurst 5 . 3* Community, Leonardo 22 17 Waihlnnton 1 II 24 Llseny LsMoln J4 124,8 """ 10 Bank's Union Hone S. But Vnlon rolled a game of Mi a»d Oalthllrit . 211 . Hailat 1 ti • u galr llsvtn 8 Frank Poer 2 » 27 123.7 II 21 I, Neptune 21 in three gamea totaling t,imtolead both these department*. Bay John Hogg 34 129.2,1 High tesm, S.gamtl, Ocetnle 1, 3,7171 Liberty 141.4 2«',i Vriluntttrs I \ toi,J j t i j Rutontown 5 Minor at fat and Bill Trimble with SIS are the trader* for throe S3 120.31 high, Ind, J-Btmti, John Rptek, I I I : Wail Long Branch I Rtllanin 4, Laktwood . 2!V4 I ! " Bomili t» jfi Wslter Hulie !» 130,14 high, Ham gimt,. Wtytlda I, t i l l high, Frathold 2 hontn while * George Pateraoa, at ITS, I* tops for average. lit, Llttlo Sliver 4 to go John Miller .'. 10 130.1 11 F.nslra 4 Ooesnrort 1 '. js, Oakhurtt S la making that town proud of them by being on to] Ini, gsmt. J, Stuart Blair, a l l . S) Robert Emmoni 2(1 130.5 17 INDIVIDUAL AVEMOIg Bradley I John Jackson ft 120,5 in O division but the rttt of th* raest go to two namti! Rtlltnet 20 Weil Long Branch 4 Charles Selts, Jr. 52 130.8 with 2,«01 and 923, and Art Davlson with «S8, 25« and 17«, to lead al William Rlbetion 20 i«a,i Fair Haven 3 . i» William llodetp 14 118,10 S3 races, H division shows Neptune City 3 on top by a small margin oval Joitph Baker 181,21 Relief 1 11 Wlllinm Klvmenta 21 111.1 14 3« 21 ,. 171,10 M"lkO"> 1 Neptune Cll« I 15 Hook dt Ladder 1 and S. H * L 1 Is high for n m e and aerie* with Robert Miller Patterson 2* 3A UK,14 Wansmssii j 13 «• Ooeanlc 1, numnon 14 Mnrday fltorge llnidln _ I) 113 t MS and 2,471, . Ed Bloom just mado the select 800 oount by two pint, lohn l-irimts, Weat Lonir Imlentndenta 1, llrad. Belch 12 27 177,81 UntsrilltdItim, Robert jiouiitll Msrvln Wilson 8A 113.23 j >, «1 , ' I I | hlsh, Iml. S-nnrnr,., Al Avon 8 31 and li out In front in the high series fight. Bill Sickles, 385, ii high Asgtlo Rlceilrdl 177.JO 8 109.11 Jsi'vy .lonlin IK High o ttim, (101 tilth, tsim » m t , West Kntonlown 8 1!ii 22 ilnglt gam*, and Al Bates hit tht beat average with 173, Wetttldt Richard Mists , 01,1 Bdwsrd Divldaon II Branch I, 115,30 Costntlno Browtr „ High Itam three gamra—Reliance 4 Hot* Co, Is still keeping Red Bank's name at tin head of all Hats In Melvln 1 B|t n hl n l (l n«,ii Er * •P i * ' • ' • ' » ' " ' Ksnii,'lfarrir 3,tot I high Imllvliluil three «am>« Waller Gilbert " I " DIvliltH tht newest division, I, These boys are showing the way In ijaimi wo J, HI 111 it BUIr 178. Ill Wnolltr 3J9, 1 W Arlhui' Usvlmii,H.UI high trim unmi INWVinUAL AVRIlAflKS and lout, high game and high serin: 30-0, 2,374, and'MB, lied Bank I Frank Van Hrunt ' ii4,an 10 Itcllsnri" I. dJ.ii high Inillvlrlual g a m e - W n l l l i U Una* 174,31 ,1 M (I11 AVK 1? proud of them boya, Din Wltklim lias 572 for high three, Nell Qettli Thomas Klltdntr Itununn 1 Arthur Dttvlann ' i t t , IU.2'1 Albert lluryia 14 HS,5 * Kdwarrl Hhiltii 3A Rdforil 3 II 234 for high game, and Dont Matiea 141 for high average, INDIVIDUAL AVenAUK.1 Wllllim Vin Hrunt „ 170,34 Hll,,11 lldwird Wiilt ..,, n J4 KIKIM tl l\ „.,., M Ktnnttk Hmth ,., , It 1111,1 Albirt Cnitntlnn , Jl Hhrewaliury ,1 l< »» I t u t " We mentioned at the start of the season, that Red Bank • 3 A M h in- DHVIIOII 20 Harold Chadffltk «« I7J.J7 (Ihirlti Limhtrtioii , Little Sllvrr 3 l» Sntn i l a i t i i ,...'. ,1» 1)0,17 IM 31 had a good chann* to bring horn* quit* a few of th*> trophl** William Vinner „„„;,„„„,„„ 91 no,is Itoutrt Vollmtr Volunteer) I H M or Htiiiklna 30 letT.I0 30 (It . 1 Lowls tlnvlimi Rummn i .', It 111,11 Jamn Jullsnn 19 from, the banquet* thl* spring and at Mils writing th* tMmt . RKtitrd MtOcmttl 17 1(10,3 At tht iifiy fllttm of 1954 btqlni r» flit ovtr (h« • • i t t r n Rlthard Mornan 90 IN H M O Millet 8 Urrlwi, Jl 1TI.IT 19 MlIT Kk'llnlil I'ottlgrow ID l«A,t are making us look Ilk* a good prophet, A* there are five , Harry 1« IT 1,1 Ifjula Trejilrio 11111,10 Hiu Mlcldli-turn U m«har. farler .„ I* l« Mlcldli-turn 1« Culmui'Ktn > ,»>».,.„.. IK lfln,l horlion our httrft «rt fillitl with hopt—hop* th«r thli Now trophies In each dlvMon there ar« ten of II Red Bank team* , 1AIM4 l)nvlil l l y n m It I' It 110.11 Mwsr* T «»nl • Critiit ntriil > 31 Itiavrnt I'lrk'Leomrdo 1 . . . | 8 II it 110,14 wiiii«m mrks „:...::::::::"..;::: n« 11111,4 John Himk ,„„ 'JJ In tht> money. Only Independent | , Rclltf f, and Hook * Ladliny lliMiaac I M . I i InilfPrnilrnla J, IIrid, llfich 17 Yo«r will grow Info tht grttr light of World r*t«et. I f l U * Jnrk rlivle* Mnrittn nil 14 110,0 U Mm Ktsntnn , N*|ituna City 1 U llrni'v ,..., der I are out of the monty at prmmti MnMir I la In fifth I nil, Ifl Ktlmulul 'rliumiiBiiii mi 1* It 170,11 jtnhsrt Woml Thomsi K(i««l» „„ 14 u\;ii<\ Fortnuii'rk 3 And now, «t th« btglnnlng of thli yotr th.r m«y briny nlaeo In A, Union I and Hook * Ladder « a n lied ftr second mi,an n,i Tlnrv.y Walllnir "L""Z Albtrt "Itsntrs Hoiilh llrliiiii- a , II 'J> Wlllinm Cnircii ..., in t i im tvtilvln r«rh«rl , M B, Liberty I and I s r « socond and third In I), Independent 1 Martin Ilira fin Itnlph Huhn moll OtMiilr j » l/iii» I t r i n c n , . . S t o tatting pt.ct, wt htrt «t Th* Rtd lank Stvlngi tnd Lo«n mi M m WIIIIIIK 1 no!is ' Kijltr ,'.„ It T Mluh '^sni Ihree gimaa—Wralalil fa loading K, Unlim HOM I I* tooond In F, Hook * Udder I 1*0,1 Dannlil D'llnn nit MIIIIMI Nsaldkis 1 Ktrbtrl ., , ID I H I . I N JiKrph llicl||slii|il IIIKI'I ' j . i i i hi if h Individual Hirer vamr I ,Mr,H and I are second *ntl third In Hi unit, of coiirif, W>s.t«ldn Host) Aiioclttlen p*utt In our etltorttloni to with you H t t l t h , l ItsllH H H HI,II . . - . . . / Wtit ,.,„„.„ — tlan WHV'ns. t i l l high I ' lll gam " gam* • I'IIIIH llnlrnuiTii In -I, Nice going, boy», wnii'sm TII'H ",!'"."'.!!•"]',".'"," 111 1 m i . " ' ,1. H || Wiiulliy tt Wfiton Hinilar „„ WMll W>Malil< M II < . <)A h i h Indlvliliml Idlll itD.a Wtrillh, Htppintti. M«y I*S4 bring th* bur of tvtry.', IT Art u Manrlnl „..„ ji 1fld,17 lluorll Tlliun Wllllim Kmlth , g a i m - Nfll (IKIIII, 3 ) 1 , Tht Monmouth County Catholic league thowx • CIIAIW In (lie l«». tt ittn.n lltto HclintMer n'« a« Mmlth , , , I»«!JII , ti llnliri'l llnllirniik ., INDIVIDOAI, thing lo you tnd youn. » «r. III, Joseph's la now on top, wllli St, Agne« 9 tnd t, mid Bt, Joieph' ll»nl»l Ls/tiw , , „ . l,, Wllllim tlihrtm I en ' l U r m n n d Hill AVK, 1 right behind, John Byrna* It (he average trader with 170, The torWarren M««»» IO. i,u!i Jnllll VMInrl ,. 9 I I.Ul l Iliimlnli' Mina ,. ... Knitu Putin , ,, nil ni 1*1,9 ntiMsll Wright I'lilll Whll Dnlil ,.., It HO.'.'K ;t««m hta. tilth gam* knd terltn with IM unit .,637, »nd Stun KerncM , Man WHUn. Mnyrl llolnihtfrif .,. MUFHII , mi MM I ,l«mi Wllflim Mldiltr „ illln'y /rlimwalil , \'u':i *» nio.j jtht tame In thf .Individuals: with lit and 610, Tlie HlRhlimli Women'! Urinariin Phil Mini'liil n« I.MIJIII •1 «7,« llsrnlil P«(»rinn Roblnttn It I M , I Ad, t T MrMii rlrlulill ,..,. (league ihowa tlit lllKlilnnd* Recreation out In front by IwWg itanlflinn l'hl Wailing l'h«rlM IT I AM.'I J(M»|ilt Kellinyl ... t,Mi' . 11 IM»I ISJ, himii (letmrth* over Roniao'i Borvletnter, They ilio own the oother flrad will l:Mlla imiiinn JJ iw It I NtllOB NtLioil . t . ,. nil I Ml, III I'm l,«>ifll» ..,,..... 11 I.U.'JJ r'Mnffs" Mill"* ',„',',',',',', ('hnrl*t Konnlckl Illlil»m noiinliruin < ,„„ It IM,' It in tis-l'a Jnhnion )T«I and 2,187. Shirley Bahr, Dili Dot dtnrk, 1151 Flo Kolilenbuieh, 141 I AIMII V , ll«nntlt „ IMt rtl nil Itollln miumm'dj'ilr,'"!"!!!!"""! ,11 IAD, HUM Iliillfr ,,„,„,„ /.nd Id". Remak, 143, art topi In (ha Individual flihti, Wt had quit t AS, 10 ttoliNl llrgwir ,,.,,,,,,,,„,„,, «m Htviriaui ,,,„.,„,,,,, It Krjwln VnllrniP ,,, it •rrc Csimll „ it 113, 'a ftw other loopt wt wished lo mention thia wttfi but ip«oe h u rui 11,1 William MnF«in IT I (IF,II Itatnry Kllslsnil ,,„„ tit Ut, JltrUrt St;»lll „ in lA.jIt Claudf w h t l i i out, We wl«h to takt what remtlni to thank nil thoit who have aldei Jam»« ffili'ii kit ",','.'.',',',! 19 55 IM, 44 u, aa r U HI,ill htjlitafil W1II1 , IM, Htiif)' Tllltiti ui thli patt year and with to point out (hat thin column could' not Il Uahnir 1U.I9 nut Willis in Tsnafy ,,„,„ t l Itt.l !s»ul< t'ltnilil VlUfTUl 11,91 poHtbly bt written without thl etwptrallon ot (he Ittgu* aeorttarlei I.M.Ifl llnljtri liiint , , „,, I I IM, m l vVinnn' . . . . . . i'.li IIT It li (Itai* lioyn and n i l who give ui our ammunition, To all bowliri, _,. 'an Cur»tt I,M.I4 John •' n» .,...,,,.,,„. „ il .jyim I m i i h i m ... ('•I IM.fl Jnillin llniui,« ,,, < It •virywhirii \ vtry nappy, proiptrsua and healthy Ntw Yitr In IM f.djiKl ;;«»« Ullii' A n s r i i r M n f f l i >,,,,, Jnhn Jnhtinn . \HM U He ailing you n.xt ytar, llobift Ridl.alt 111.14 \\ Htrr> Watllti ' •VTSBS: . '' • ' Shore Firemen's Bowling Averages GREAT DANE PUPS; AKC R e g . - S Months Old ! Long Braneh 6-5368 PARTIES! PARTIES! PARTIES! 51 Happy New Year SEASONS GREETINGS from th* LAWLEY AGENCY KEALTOKS — INSUKOKS RED BANK mX?ni=z \\\\ si;, : IV' •?J A m.n n II n 'J JW .'Hit... ....... !!i n i S?:i! ar «n<j L O A N IS iii; in. RED BAJ^K. SAVINGS to Security BANr\*NlW RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 80.1958 Page Twelve HOSTESS TO ABT GBOCP MIDDLETOWN.— Mn. Edward Dodd n i l hostess to members of an lirt group Wednesday night of last week at her home on New Monmouth rd. Present were Mrs. Mar- Bis Gunkel, Mrs. Mary Lou Beckman, Mrs. Margaret Savareae, Miss Helen Henslcr, Mrs. Helen Swartzel, Mrs. Mary Kissel and Mrs. Mary Gould. Red Cross Volunteers Bring Cheer to Veterans LITTLE SHATCR-Student recognition services were held in most Methodist churches throughout the nation Sunday. This service was observed at Embury Methodist church here wtien irtudentj participated In the morning worship lervice. Joseph Martella of Alfred university led in the reading of the responsive, readings^ Miss Marilyn Taylor of the Northfleld School for Girl* read the Scripture lesson and Miss Nancy Darrah of the same school played a piano solo, "Nocturne" by Reaplghl. Ronnie Choquttte, president of the Methodist Youth fellowship and a student at Red Bank high school, gave the morning prayer. Rev. James W. Marshall in his sermon challenged the student* to remember that "the Wise Men who saw the star followed it until they found the Christ and that these Wise Men were foreigners yet they realized that Christ was for the world and that Christians should be citizens of the world in which we save ourselves only a* we save others." It P«yi to Advertise in The Regllter HOUSE ALL DAY New Year's Day at the RUMSON FIRE CO. CENTER STREET MONEY LOANED Student Recognition At Embury Methodist on Jewelry, Silver, Mtutcal UutroiBmte, Camera*, Binoculars, etc. UcwMd and fcasM by State el N. J. WE PAY CASH FOB OLD GOLD and 8O.VEB Broadway Loan Go. 'SOS Broadway When Buying or Selling REMEMBER Frank Friscia Red Men's Hill • ALL FIREMEN & FAMILIES WELCOME DO YOU NEED GLASS FOR YOUR HOME CALL RED BANK 6-1063 ALL WORK We Carry A Complete Line Of • WINDOW GLASS • PLATE GLASS • SHADID AUTO GLASS •MIRRORS • GLASS TOPS FOR DESKS AND FURNITURE • MIRRORS RISILVIRID • AUTO GLASS INSTALLED WHILE-U-WAIT J Happy New Year I. I MORRIS PLATE GLASS CO. 10 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK OUR ONLY PLACE OF IUSINESS Oceanport Everett Mr. and Mrs. John V. Hauser and daughters, Judith and Jacqueline, of Dwyane st. were recent dinner guests of Mrs. Hauser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gomboz of Finderne. " • M-Sgt. and Mrs, .Tames O. Karl of Main st. had as their dinner guests Mrs. Karl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Sickles, (Jail and Sandra Karl, and Mrs. Fred Kneer of Jersey City. Mayor Edward C. Wilson, Sr., and i Mrs. Wilson were holiday guests of their son-in-law and daughter, -Mr. and Mrs. Morton A. Barries of Long Branch. Also a guest was )Mr. Barnes' mother, Mi's. Raymond B. Barnes of West Long Branch. Prizes' were awarded for' the | Christmas decoration of homes in I the borough at the adjourned meet! ing Monday, of the borough council to Harry E. VanBrunt, 12 Comanche dr., first prize; C. • F. Ellenberger, 64 Comanche dr., second prize, and Joseph Tober, 44 Springfield ave., Hillcrest section, third prize. - These were . the winners chosen by the .. committee on Christmas decorations, Henry J. Anderson, Bernard J. Scarsi and Robert McKee. At the recent election of officers of Hook, and Ladder company No. 1, Charles VanBrackle was reelected president; George Hurley, Jr., vice president and treasurer; William Reilly, secretary; John N. Franks, assistant secretary; Albert Cosentino, captain; John N.'Franks, first lieutenant; Frederick Hurley, second lieutenant; Lester Hurley, engineer; James Finn, first assistant engineer; George, Morris, sec- Mr. and Mrs. Austin of Boston spent; part of last week with Sgt' and Mrs. Franck Shotto. Kenneth Ganson, U. S. Navy, petty officer second class, of Maryland visited Charles Conover Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farrell and children are spending two weeks at Towanda, Fa., with her parents. Evelyn Laubmeister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Laubmeister, spent a.week at Pittsburg, Pa., T with friends. Mr. and Mr*. Schuvart and daughter and Mrs. Joseph Mehdres, Sr., NOW! BAKING ON PREMISES AT THE FAIR HAVEN BAKERY 582 RIVER RD. (FAIR HAVEN SHOPPING CENTER), THOMAS COCHENELLI, Proprietor 1 PIES - CAKIS -> MEAD - SOFT ROLLS - IUNS, etc. RAKED FRESH DAILY OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAYS fc EVES. ond assistant engineer; Lester Hurley and John Hauser, trustees, and Charles VanBrackle, delegate to the Firemen's Relief association. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guillaudeu of Maple ave. was the scene of a family dinner party which included Mr. and Mrs. James Stapleton ' and daughters, Judith and Eileen, and Mrs. Robert Byram and children, Barbara, Thomas and Timothy, Long Branch; Mrs. Grace Covert and children, Kathy and Gregory, and Miss Helen Guillaudeu and Mrs. Margaret Hughes, Leonardo, Sunday guests were Sgt. and Mrs. Harry VanNote, who had just arrived from two years In Japan. Lieut J Elizabeth Berry . «s re-" turned to Fort' Lee, Va., after spending the holiday* with her mother, Mrs. Edward M. Berry, Sr., of Arcana.ave. On Christmas eve, the 80th anniversary of the Beers Christmas party was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Beers, Eatontown blvd. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bonney, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bonney, Jr., and children, Carolyn and Joseph, 3d, Interlaken; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonney and children, Robert and Oebra, Allenhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conover and children, Betsy and Jimmy; Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Reid and children, Roberta and Gall, Cranbury; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tindall an.1 children, Arthur and Rodger, Mlddletown; Mrs. Margaret Conover, Ked Bank, and Mrs. Hulda Tindall, Mlddletown, • - Mrs. Charles P. VanBrackle entertained membiri of the Thimble club at her home on Main st. Tuesday afternoon. Mayor and Mn. Edward C. Wilson, Sr., •will be hosts to the. Canasta club at their home on Oceanport ave. New Years eve. Guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Slcklei, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guillaudeu and Mr, and Mrs. Charles P. VanBrackle. of Jamaica, L. I., spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mehdres, Jr. Mrs. Charlotte, Mehler' has received word from her son's commander at Waco Air Base, Tex.. that Airman Second Class John T. Mehler has received a flying award, This is the aecond award he has received. Edward Viner is home for the holidays with his parents. He U student at Tale university. ' , Mr. and Mrs. John Duerden and daughter Jean of Moscow, Pa,, and Edward Knight of Buffalo were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Boylan. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Williams and children spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Suidym at Yonkers. Dinner gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Antonides Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Asher Wooley of Mat&wan, Mrs, Frank Sherman awl John Antonides of Long Branch and Mrs. Florence Lufburrow of Fair Haven. : Lott u 4 Found We «incereljr hop* It docin't- tiippin to you, but if you ihoiild lose loraethlns remember chances are in your favor that you will recover it through the .Lost and Found columni of The Reiieter.—Advertisement. Church Street SORRY WE INCONVENIENCED YOU.,. Nine volunteer hospital hoiteuei from ,tht entertainment and supply service of the county Red Cross gave a New Years tea Sunday afternoon at the Fort Monmouth hospital. This was the second tea in a series for patients there. Misses Lisa Portin of Holmdel and Doris Cherry of Red Bank were in charge of ihe tea, and the Lincroft-Holmdel Kiwanis club participated in furnishing the.eggnog. • • • Left to right are Mist Muriel Clausen of Adelphia, Sgt. Robert Dickenon, New .York city; Pvt. Willis Smith, Atlanta, Ga., seated; .Mist Mary Byrne, Rumson; Miss Senevieve Ow'< ens, vice chairman, Leonardo, and Miss Portin. Other volunteers serving were Misses Jeanne and Patricia- Ronan of Rumson, and Rose Zenga of Freehold, and Mrs. Orpha Hanson, Red Bank. Established a Quartet* of a Centura 1 CAIINfcT MAKIR - RINNISHIR - ANTI9UIS YULE PARTY KEANSBURG — The Wotqen'i Parish House elub held a Christmas party at Peterson's restaurant, Red Bank, last week. Mrs. Freida Krayl was hostess at a meeting of the club Monday of last week. Mrs. Louise Nichols will be hostess at the club's next meeting Monday. Present at the Christmas party were Mrs. Claire Guenther, Mrs. Martha Brakefleld, Mrs. Alice Foley, Mrs. Kay Blersach, Mrs. Peggy Feeley and Mrs. Krayl. RUMSON Rnnuon W e wish to thank our customers in Rumson, Little Silver and Fair Haven for being so patient with us during our emergency shut down due to repairs of a break in our 18-inch main on Prospect ave. COMING YOUR WAY end aimed lo male* th» Naw Yaar'i advent outstanding — •r* many stellar TV attractions you won't want to miss. But, how about your TV? It it performing up to expectation!? If not, now's tha tima to call RIVIR ROAD RADIO ft TV— for prompt, dependable, low. cost TV-Rsdio Rtpairi * Sar> MONMOUTH CONSOLIDATED vice! RIVER ROAD RADIO I TELEVISION, h e . WATER COMPANY M i RIVH RD-fAM HAVIN Mien* III 6-4247 with flowing BIG-CAR lines! TAOUIMANrNllNM, Franklyn D. Haviland Real Eitate • Inturancc 75 McLARDN STREET RED IANK, N. J. T.I. REd l«nlc W H O A ftODucT or m i M O W O«OU» OUR BEST WISHES the HILLMAN-m^oc for 1953 TO OUR MANY FRIENDS 1 t) CASH AND CAW SAW ti*< ******* \m NION LAUNDRY MY CUANINft » UUNftltINO • PUR ITMAOI • IU0 ClUNINO The handsomest Hillman in history—that's the brand ne / Hillman Minx! Just look at those longer, 4ovelier big-car l i n e s . . . the flowing grace unique v among the lighter cars! This 1953 Hillman has 32 new features in engine, chassis and body. Holds the road like a coat of paint-easy to steer and park. And it gives you all the wonderful economy for which the Hillman Minx is famous-up to 35 miles to a gallon of gas. ' • You ge( more car per. dollar when you buy a Hillman Minx-more miles per dollar when you drive it. Top trade-in value, toot Come down and see the handsome new Hillman today. ' , IIOUP'IR IROAD STRUT, RID IANK AIK tflMONITRATION TODAV AT MATTHEWS BROS, RED .BANK NIWMAN IMINaS ROAD-RID IANK PHONI RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 30,1953 CALL-TR AVERS PAINTING & PAPERHANGING FURNITURE RIFINISHING WHEN YOU A M IN NEED OP A PAINT Oft PAPIft< HANGING JOI, CALL US FOR AN ESTIMATE. PHONE RED BANK 6-0236 SHELL HOMES LARGE 3 BEDROOM .,. INCLUDING GARAGE and PROPERTY At Incomparable how Cost!! Homai arictad br raputabla, cartlfiad and bandad bulldtr. 100 »«utlful lecatlana in LlttU Silv«r and Shrawrtury, nt«r achoola and traniporUtln. Wa'll «rtct shall bom. complata with maaonry work and larfa plat. • FOR APPOINTMENT TO SEE MODEL HOMJ£> AND COMPLETE MONEY-SAVING INFORMATION CALL RE 6-5214 »** on EASY TIRMS AVAILAILI Happy New Year To our many friend* throughout Monmouth County, we, at Ruscil's, wish the very best of New Year's . . Good Health, Happinesi and Prosperity in Abundance to all. RUSCIL'S FURNITURE 6- ART GALLERIES RED IANK 25 I . FRONT ST. CALENDARS Dnwan sra roomy and |lla> billy. Tlia • • d a m lilond agio with •craw f lldai « * M Ida deik'i M g M tnm 11' H XVi'. I H sue., she, •mitasla . . . CIKIM i l k f *WI mald»< «r itjuara «dt«t, In ( n * * i pay, f»l"»d walnut *r trained I M »k ra**f kabto deit md tfhwi I* 4M> Mrarallaar lariat ID Mr dlt- At Shtwii DOUM.I HMSTAL M" MOOtt $ 158 1.50 WRTV MOVES Country Club Estates Yuletide Display Missionary Society NTOWN — TO Mr. and.Mrs. John J. Simmons, Winners Listed Gives Holiday Party "Walter Reads Theatre of the Air" 3d, of Atlantio City spent Christan channel 58, h u transferred lta MARLBORO— Members of the mas with Mrs. Simmons' parents, MIDDUyTOWN TOWNSHIP — production, engineering, film and William Woodward of. 37 Cooper Missionary society of the Shlloh Dr. and Mrs. George N. Wagner sales departments to ita transmit- blvd., Country Cluh Estate*, Mtd- Baptist church of Mansequan, of of Weat Wilson circle. ter and temporary studio here to dletown township policeman, won which Rev. J. W. Scott is pastor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bowen achieve maximum ''operating" ef- first prize in the annual Yuletide gave a Christmas party Thursday and children Dwlght and Jill spent ficiency at the newly-opened tele- outdoor lighting contest of the afternoon for patients of cottages Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. vision station when It begins com- Country Club-Riverside Civic asso- one and 13 at the state hospital. Anderson of Merchantvllle, parents menial operations, A small busi- ciation.- His display featured two More than 250 patients,. together of Mra. Bowen. ness office will be maintained at outdoor Christmas trees Illumi- with their nurses and attendants, Miss Thelma Carlson of Ridge.he Walter Reade office building at nated, in blue lights, and a rooftop attended. wood is spending the hoMdays with . ' . 710 Mattison ave., in Asbury Park. Santa Claus. her brother and family, Mr. and Rev, Charles E. Bourne, pastor Long-range plans contemplate enof Zlon Methodist church of Red Mrs. Arthur V. Carlson of West Judging -MILS done Saturday by . : larged WRTV offices and studios in Mrs. Raymond Kennedy, vice presi- Bank, • offered Yuletide prayers. Wilson circle. Asbury Park. WRTV began HB teat- dent of. the Fair Haven Garden Patients were served refreshments Mr. and Mra. Roger Walwark,. : pattern operations Dec. 14. club; Wlllard Browning,, dean of and given candies and cookies. Re Jr., of St. Louis, Mo., are visiting the Red Bank Adult, school, and freshments were, contributed by the through the holidays with their Eatontown Richard1 Wood, Neftune florist. following:' Lulgl Nannanl, Mok- son and family, Mr, and Mrs. Roger ler's, F. W; Woolworth, .Davidson Walwark, 3d, of'East-Wilson circle. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Wolcott of Monte''B.' Jones- was committee Brothers, Atlantic and Pacific Tea Mr. and Mrs. William Allison of Columbia, S. C, visited over Christ- chairman.' company, American 3tore», Safe- Elizabeth, Pa., spent Christmas Albert Menna of Victoria pi., Riv- way stores, the Missionary societies week with their son-in-law and mas with Mr. Wolcott's parents, Mr. erside Heights, won second place; and Mrs. J. N. Wolcott, Sr., Buttonof. Calvary Baptist church of. Red daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Ralph H. Weaeman, Poricy lane, Bank and Second Baptist church, Harkin of Wilson pi.; : •wood ave. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Meeks, Jr., Country Cli*. Estates, was third. Long Branch, and Mrs. Louise Tay- , Maj. Lyle A. Parker returned reReynolds dr., entertained at a In the entrance way class, Stuart lor, Mrs. John Green, Mrs; Charles cently from Korea (o spend the Christmas party Saturday evening. Robertson .of, Catherine ave., Riv-E. Bourne, Mrs. Ruth Ramsey. Mrs, holidays Mvith his. family at his . Mr. and Mn. William Hutting erside HedghU, was the winner. Albertha Hawks' and Mrs. Clara home on East Roosevelt circle. and. Mrs. Kel Hutting,. South st., Prizes were contributed by Honey Coy. • entertained Christmas day foe Mr, Bee Flower shop' of Shrewsbury. Holmdcl and. Mrs. Eugene Gregory and ion Young's pharmacy and Scott's Dr. Richard Hunter of Blair Steven and Mr. and Mrs. George market, Red Bank. Helping Circle academy led tHe services at HolmW i n s and daughters Sharon Joy del church Sunday at 11 a. m. and Elects Officers and Faith Ann.. at a candlelight service at 4 p. m. Highlands Mr., and Mra. Donald Greer and COLT'S NECK— Mrs. Alfred Buck The pulpit committee mot at. Feldaughter Debbie,' .Grant ave., were The ladies' auxiliary, of the Vet-was elected president of the Help- lowship hall Monday night to make guests Christmas day of Mrs. erans of Foreign Wars post here ing Circle >of'the Colt's Neck Re- plans for future services. Greer's parents, Mr. and Mra. Rob- held a Christmas party at Bahrs' formed church at a recent meeting , Stanley StllwcU and son, contracert .O'Boyle of Fair Haven. Landing restaurant Tuesday of last at the home of Mrs. Harvey Drle- tors; arc'building homes at PeneMrs. Martha Melonc, Throckmor- week. Secret pals revealed their bclbls. Also elected, were Mrs. E. C. lope park for Mr. and Mrs. Paul ton ave., gave a Christmas party Identities. There was an exchange "Fitch, vice prosldent; Mrs. John Rotherman bf Springfield, and Mr. for her Intermediate Sunday-school of small gifts, and Mrs. Louis Kin- Sherman, secretary, and Mrs. War- and Mrs. Randall Halncs of Boonclass Monday. Attending were noy,' president, presented her of- ren Gcrow,. treasurer. ton. • Caroline Dllger, Florence Bchrens, ficers with glft«, . . The members plan to sell decorMrs. Lena -Warwick of Malawan Ruth Rockhill, Joyce Mullina, Joan "Our Club" mot last week at the ative: plates, bearing an etching of Bowater and Airs. Mclonc's niece, home , of • Mrs. Harold Oalioa on' the church,'.to. mark.the church's is visiting; Mr. and Mi's. Stanley Agnes Pattcraon, Beach, blvd. ', Present were 'Mrs. 100th anniversary in 1954. Also Stllwell. ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meyer an Edna Hutchinson, Mrs. Rita Bis- present were Mra. Lewis Snyder, children, Sally Ann, Mary Jane am sctt, Mrs. Robert Machette, Mra. Mrs. William Ntckau, Mrs. John Howard, Jr., Throckmorton ave., Otto Reutand Mrs. Charles Yeingst. Sherman, Mrs. Irving Gemmell, spent Christmas with Mrs. Meyer's The club hold a Christmas din- Mrs. Charles Flock, Mra. R.' D. father, John Johnson, of Mauch ner and party at the Cedar inn Heulitt, Mrs. Joseph Moreau, Sr., on Navesink ave. Wednesday of Mrs. Emily Weeks and Miss MarChunk, Pa. Mr. arid Mrs. L. S. Anthony of last week. All members of the club garet Sickles. Westerly, R . I . , en route to .their attended, and secret pals revealed winter home In Sarasota, Fla., aretheir names. The next meeting of Hazlet ^. spending several days with Mr. and the club will be held Wednesday, Jan. 6, at the home of Mrs. A Christmas cantata, "The Choir Mrs. Ray Tupper, Grant ave.', of Bethlehem," was presented Sun S. D. Mayers and son Dan of Charles Yeingst on Ocean ave. Washington, ' D. C, Iwere guests Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Parker of day by the youth choir of St. John's over Christmas of Mr, Mayers' Baysldo.dr. spent the Christmas Methodist church under the direcbrother-in-law and sister, Mr. andholidays with friends and relatives tion of Mrs. Rhca Wandermark. To our clients Miss Barbara Wilson entertained Mrs. Dewey Nelson, Clinton ave. in Irvington. Mils Elizabeth Higginson, South Mr. and Mrs. Charles Biclcr and at a Christmas party at her home r/o si n c e r e st., last' evening attended the wed-daughter Mclva, and Mra, Belle on Bethany rd. Attending were thanks [or their ding of her great nephew, Robert Curtiss o f Cranford were house Wanda Young, Shirley Ludewig, Howard Thomson, and Miss Alice, guests of Mrs. Sophie Bleler of Lynn. Olscn, Frances Infantl, An friendship durtolnette Infantl; Wanda Peseux and Roberta Boerr at the Persbyterian Bayslde dr. last Thursday. in (j th r, pa a t church, Westflcld, and reception at Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Geene of Arlene Stoinmitz. Mr. and;Mrs. Ernest E. Peseux the Monday Afternoon club, Plain- Ocean ave. spent the. holidays with year. Muy- -ice of Bethany rd. entertained Mr. and field. Miss Higginson and her great relatives and friends in Passaic. : con tinu e to • niece, Miss Joyce Scott of. Red Mrs. Edna Hutchinson of Ocean Mrs. Peter O. Welgand, Sr., Mr. and Bank, -who also attended, were ave. spent Christmas with her sonMrs. Malcolm W. Peaeux and , . please in 195%. overnight, guests of Mr. Thomson's and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr«.daughter Susan, Mr. and-Mrs. Donparents, Mr. and Mrs. Trowbrldge Harry Hutchinson ot Neptune. • ald W. Peseux and daughter Mich Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dean of Fifth ele.of Rumson and Wanda Peseux Thomson of. Short Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoneham, st. spent the/ holidays with friends Christmas day. in Elizabeth. Marie Plscitelll, daughter of Mr. Reynolds dr., gave ah eggnog party early Christmas eve for their chil- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roemmele and Mrs. Joseph Plscitelll of Bethdren, Charles, Clinton, Patricia and of Beach blvd. spent Christmas any rd., celebrated her ninth birth16 lost lorgon Place Tommy, and their children's with their son-in-law and daughter, day lost Wednesday evening with RE 6-5098 Mr. and Mrs, Harry Rowland of a family gathering. Attending were friends, Dorothy Cartwight, Karen Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Iaderosa, Mr. "Open 7 Days and Evenings* Bakker, Gary Garofalo, Catherine Eatontown, Carlozzo and Barbara 'Taylor. Mr. Mrs. Rita .Blssett apent Christ- and Mrs.Alfred Crcacl and children Rentals • Hornet • Farms and Mrs. Stoneham later enter- mas with her, son-in-law and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Plscitelll and Angela tained at an eggnog party for Mr.ter, Mr. and Mrs. William Black of Dorothy and Anthony Plscitelll. Hazlet Boy Scout troop 92, with and Mrs. Jan Bakker, Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo. Anthony Rattl and Mayor and Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nagel of their leader, Norman Rathbone, Jr.* F. Bliss Price and daughter Pa- Jersey City and. Mrs, Robert Zehut- sang Christmas carols around Haztrlclal Christmas day guests of ncr of Whippany were guests Sat- let last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stoneham were Mr. urday of Mrs. Sophie Bleler of Bayand Mrs. Thomas Klernan ot Or- slde dr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lees of Cenange. Dr. and Mrs. Clinton Smith of Jersey City and Mr. and Mrs.tral ave. spent Christmas with Mr. Robert Stoneham o: South Plain- Lees' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theofield were Sunday dinner guests. dore Baker of Kearny. Stanley Richards,- Throckmorton Charles Emrlck of Jersey City ave., who Injured his, hand In a car spant Hie week-end with hla mothdoor, has returned to wcrk at Fort er, Mrs. Emma Emrlck, at the home of Mrs, Sophie Bieler of BayMonmouth. C. Edward Pichltr Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz, Sr., Mr.slde dr. and Mrs. John Dletz, Jr., and chil- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson Harold H. EUynton dren, Mickey and Florence, and of Ocean ave. spent the holidays J. Letter Rigby Miss Ruth Dletz, Throckmorton with Mrs. Thompson's mother in ave., visited Sunday with Misses Wsht New York. Louise and Josephine Neelan of A meeting of the sixth district Wish you alt a ot the Ladle*' .auxiliary ot the V. Staten Island. F. W. will be held Monday, Jan. Sgt. and Mrs. Clyde Williamson Happy, Proaperoui of Throckmorton ave., now resid- 11, at the Belmar Community Cening In Okinawa wher the sergeant ter. NEW YEAR ts stationed, are parents of a son, Leaf and Found Douglas, born Nov. 25. They have 36 Herding Road W« ilnetralr hopa it doesn't happen another son, Kim. to you, but If you ihould lota •omethlne Red Bank, N. J. ADAMS Real Estate Agency "Say Mommy, why can't we belike the Jones? They can receive WRTVI" WRTV.Chinn*:, 5 8 . The Walter Reade Thtatre of the Air! Now Telecasting- with Test Patterns MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY STOCK and RIQHTS SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF RED BANK BOUGHT—SOLD—QUOTED I. GEORGE WESTON &SONS INVESTMENT SECURITIES LONG IRANCH 4-0211 TOMS RIVER l<203« Members National Aaioclatlon of Securities Dealer), In*. Real Estate Associates TO START THE NEW YEAR WITH SUPPLIES AND STATIONERY FROM TETLEY'S A ft* arablem In yaw aMcat... I k * GloWWarnitka 43-lnck S i m * Ifaar M lev will lelTa'tket for y w la • |ifry, ll't • wsisact laeta-Mvar, yal It da. ampla wafklaf eras. Maa' tor say t#ki> where ipaca I. at s araxloi — pierfatl h f r.ttattanlil and Mtotstat) aw. Paee Thirteen r i m n b n ehnncti ar« ID your favor that you will rtcovar It throuih tha Lout and Found columna of Tha Regliter.—Adver- RE 6-3356 TUCKER'S ft 9 to Extra 52 JANUARY *PEI •DESK LAMPS •FILES • CASH BOXES • Dictionaries • BLOTTERS • Payroll Books • TIME BOORS • IKK I GLIE SALE • Recount Books 2-WAY STRETCH MMM GIRDLES 5 6* w We propose a toait to y o u . . . lor your health, happiness and prosperity in the coming new year. M a y Reg. 10,00 CQRSELETTES 1093 • W R e g . 13.50 your future be bright a i a Mar and rosy aa the dawn of a new day. . We don't b o w of a better time than (he May the joy and happinwa of the holi- day icason live with youthrough the whole new year. Ntw Yter 4o five recognition to our many frlendi who, through their consideration and OPEN WKDNKSDAY TILL 9 P. M. CLOSKD AT 6 P. M. NEW YEAR'S EVB patronage, have made It poiilble for ui to enjoy a vary tueceitful year. We have tat our goal to tirve you more efficiently In the futura nnd wo truit that our YOUR F R I E N D L Y - P E R S O N A L STORE efforts will miot with your approval. Hcg. 3,75 TUCKER'S MEN'S SHOP Corsets&ingerie 17 IIHOAD STREET Kill) BANK 6-0001 IS? IrM.wty a Long trench 23 MONMOUTH ST. (Juir o# lre«d St.) RID IANK RID RANK SILVM •I RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 30,1953 REFORMED METHODIST METHODIST Mtddletown Naveslnk Fair Haven The Junior. Bible Bees will meet • Rev. Howard Shoemaker, pastor, Sunday-school with classes for n the church room Saturday mornWill deliver a sermon, "What Is those of all ages will meet Sunday Ing at 10 o'clock ready to go on a Tithing?" at the morning service at 9:45 a, m. Sunday at 9:45. : "Marks of a Disciple" will be the Held trip. topic of the sermon by Rev. Wil- Church school meets every Sunliam B. Magsam at the 11 a. m. ly morning at 9:30 under the Th» It«d Bank Rtsiittr li » vromiiiv« wtflktj, working ftt all times for service Sunday. Music selections by upervision of Karl Helwig. Sunday jnorning service begins th* bait inttniti of Red Bank and viMn. Alma Baker, organist, will include "Chanson Celeste" by Ras- at 11 o'clock. Rev. Walter W. Feig- cinity. AdTtrtiumant. ley;. prelude, "Bastiste," offertory, ner will preach the sermon entiand "God Will Take Oars of You" tled, "How to Have a Happy New Year." The choir will sing various by Martin, anthem. . selections and responses. Mrs, Charles B. Gallagher, Jr., will play ST. JAMES CATHOLIC EMBURY METHODIST PRESBYTERIAN the organ. Ushers are George* KinMETHODIST FRESBYTERIAN Red Bank " Harold Hillyer and Melvin Little Silver Rumson All formi of Red Sunday masses are at 6:30, 8, kade, Red Bank The sanctuary of the church will 9, 10 and 11 o'clock in the church Layton. A nursery class for young Dr. Wilbert Beeners of Princeton 1 "Where to Find Courage to Face Communion will be administered children is held in the church room 'f« - Casualty • Fir* the Future" will be the Commun- by Rev. Roger J. Squire, pastor, seminary will be the guest minis- >e open from 8 p. m. to midnight and 9, 10 and 11 o'clock in the high during the morning service. ion theme of Rev. Charles S. Web- at the 11 a. m. service Sunday. ter at the 11 a. m. service Sunday hursday for informal worship. A school auditorium. Sunday-school The Donald Ross MacNeil MisIftwrinct ster at the 9:30 and! 11 'o'clock Rev. Mr. Squire will deliver a ser- in the absence of Rev. A. Kenneth community Communion service for children attending public Sunday services. Tho ' Sacrament mon on the subject, "Jesus, the Magner, Jr., pastor, who is a med- will be held at 11:45 p. m. at the schools follows the 9 o'clock mass. sionary society will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Good Shepherd." The chancel choir, R M I IsKrt* Red Bank Methodist church to ical patient at Rivervlew hospital. of the Lord's Supper will be celeBaptisms are at 1 p. m. Sundays. SM What Marie Ustels* The senior choir will meet in John H. Watson, 3d, minister of which everybody is invited. Rev. Confessions are heard Saturdays brated at both services. Dr. Carl directed by John Ferris, will sing a F. Mueller's organ \ selections will Communion anthem. "Some Guide music, will play an organ prelude, James W. Marshall will be the from 4 to t p. m'. and from 7 to the church Wednesday evening at «M BUer Boad Bed Bank, t*. 3. with 8 o'clock. be, "Pastorale," from II Organ Posts for 1954" will be the pastor's "Mystic Night," by Pecters. The preacher and Rev. Roger J. Squire 8:45 p. m. . B B M i n subject at the chapel service at will conduct the service of worThe ordination and Installation chancel choir will present the an"MODIRNFOLD" DOORS Symphony, Wldor, and "Communservice of Rev. Mr. Feigner will be them, "IncllrPj Thine Ear," by Him- ship. ion," Torres. His postlude will be 8 p. m. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC Hie «een Ihsl ' held in the church Sunday, Jan. 10, "itarche Religleuse," Jongen. Ushers for January will be Ev- mcl. Mr. Watson's organ offertory Sunday-school for grades one to •Red Bank 4 p. m. A social time will follow Isle Use t " ecitrslaa At the 9:30 service Mrs. Robert erett C. Baynton, head usher,, as- selection will be "allegretto" by nine will be held at 9:45 a. m., Sunday, masses are at 7, 8, 9, 10 at the service, • ' • by Roscoe Angle, Percy Beethoven, and Mendelssohn's "Sol- and the nursery and preliminary and 11 o'clock. Confessions are L. Reynolds will render the so- sisted groups will meet at 11 a. m. in heard Saturdays from 4:30 to 6 p. The next Communion service wilt Peace Have Gray, Earl Morris, Robert KSrkland emn March" for the postlude. prano solo, "Great Ge be held Sunday morning, Jan. 17, and Harold Williams. Every Sunday there Is a church the church hall. They Wliich Love Thy Law," Rogm. and from 7:30 to 9 p. m. 11 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Feigner Memorial flowers will be gifts of hour nursery under adult superers. Dr. Mueller's organ offertory At the 11 a. m. Sunday worship The Miraculous Medal novena Is at Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Rigby, in vision in Bingham hall at 10:45 a-m. service, Mrs. George Ivins, organ- held Mondays at 7:30 p. m, and the will conduct the service. will be "Canzone," Loret. At the 11 o'clock service the 50- memory of their parents, and of to enable parents of young chil- ist, will, use as her prelude, "An- perpetual novena to St. Anthony krNIWCAIUI BAPTIST volce Tower Hill choir will sing, Mrs. B. Fletcher Moore, in remem- dren to attend church, dante" by Mendelssohn and her Tuesdays at 7:30 p. m. -MeMs * Repairs •attartee. Middletown "God So Loved the World," Stain- brance of her father, John H. Fish. All departments, of the church postlude will be Keats' "March Baptisms are at 11:45 a. m. SunFer M y Mske Hwriiig Ala Mml.r B (old Doart Sold Eiclmtvity I * Sunday-school will now convene school meet at 9:30 a.m. Kinder- Joyous," The senior, choir will sing "Let's Take Another Route" will er, and "Create in Me a Clem Monmoulh. Ocaas ana Soutkar* Mlddl days, be the theme of Rev. John E. Bates' Heart, 0 God," Carl T. Mueller. between 9:30 and 10:30 a. m., to garten and primary departments the spiritual "Boundless Mercy," AeesiHeea Otarlu tax CftuatUt by relieve traffic congestion when ParaviK Analvei New Year sermon at the 11 o'clock During both services baby sitter* meet at Bingham hall. The junior arranged by John Jacob Miles. ConCHAPEL OF *a«te Car Aunt, classes are dismissed. Sunday morning service. Church are provided by the 20-40 club. department meets on the second gregational singing will include "O THE HOLY COMMUNION Beiene school will meet at 9:45 a. :».. in There will be a Watch Night ser- floor of the Oceanic Hook and God Our Help in Ages Past" and Ttt.K Sunday at 9:30 and 11 o'clock MalM Fair Haven the chapel under supervision of Mlcrmle UlIM two sessions of the church school vice in the church tomorrow Ladder company building on Rive "Guide Me, O Thou Great JehoHoly Communion will be celeMltraten* Wntvim IlMtfls will be held in the Westminster (Thursday) between 11:15 p. m. rd., and the junior high and lenior vah." The altar flowers will be pre- brated Sunday morning at 11 Clement Barlow. NstlMsl Zmltk house under supervision of Mr«. and midnight. Rev. James W, departments meet in the church, Over 25 Yuri of Continuous Sanies sented by Mrs, Theodore Doon in o'clock by Rev. Christopher H. Sny- Mrs, George Deaney will be in Marshall, pastor of Embury Methof the flowers for the Kotoert S. Douglas. Asa AH athar Makes Tonight (Wednesday) the board memory of her sister. der as celebrant, assisted by Joseph charge odist church, Little Silver, will dechurch and Mra. Clement Barlow 4*5 SHREWSBURY AVENUE Sunday at 7 p. m. the weekly of trustees will meet In Bingham The songster choir will rehearse Hunter and John Sangston as servt e i COOKMAN AVC. conduct the nursery during the meeting of Westminster youth fel- liver the sermon. hall at 7:30. Tuesday from 6:45 to 7:30 p. m. ers. The vicar will preach on "The will RED RANK AMwr Park a-llSS morning service. lowship will be held in Westmin- Circle O of the Women's Society The junior high Westminster fel- and the chapel choir will rehearse Passing of Time," Music by Mrs. RED BANK Ph. RE M i l l ster house, with Robert Goodell, of Christian Service will' hold a lowship will meet in Bingham hal from 7:30 to 8 p. m. These choirs Gertrude Meetze, organist,, offerYouth fellowship will meet SunChristmas party. tonight (Wednesmoderator, in charge. day at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Sunday at 4 p. m. under the spon are directed by M8ss Marjorie tory anthem, "O Come Let Us Wor- Robert Deaney. Tonight (Wednesday) at 8 o'clock day) at 8 o'clock at the home of sorshlp of Mrs. Alfred Reinhart t( Frantr. ship." Church school at 9:45. the weekly rehearsal of .the Tower Mrs, Herbert Kerr on Madison make plans for the coming year. , The guild will meet next ThursThe Woman's Society of ChrisHill choir will be held in the church ave, The society executive board day at 8 p. m, at the home of Mrs. The senior youth fellowship will tian Service will meet at 2 p. m. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL under the direction of Dr. Mueller. will meet Monday at 8 p. m. in the meet Albert Henddckson. The meeting Sunday at 8 p.m. in Bingham Wednesday at the home of Mrs. ; Women's Bible class room at the Navesink will be devoted to a "work night" New Years eve at 11:15 o'clock hall, with Walter Shlnn presiding. George Innmn, 36 ' Woodbine ave, • Holy Communion will be observ- for an adopted German family. the Protestant community watch- church. Mrs. Robert Rlghtmire of The annual meeting of the con Mrs. Pauline Schlessinger will be ed New Years day at 10 a. m. night service will be held in the the Salvation Army will speak on gregatlon, The executive committee will originally scheduled foi "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," co-hoetess. Mn. F, W. Krill, secreSunday's services will be: 8:30 meet Monday, Jan. 11, at I p. m. Methodist church with Rev. James 4, has been postponed until tary of student work for the New a. m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a. m.,at W. Marshall, pastor of Embury at the society meeting Wednesday, Jan. the parsonage In preparation for Jan. 13 at 8:30 p.m. Jan. 8, in Fellowship hall. Circle Jersey Conference, will speak. church school; 10 a. m., parents' the church business session to be Methodist church, Little Silver, deBoy Scout troop 11 will meet !• D members w3H be hostesses. and children's service, and l i a. m., held Friday, Jan, 29. livering the sermon. . Bingham hall at 7:30 p.m. Monday Holy Communion and sermon by . The next meeting of the adult Saturday e>t 4 p. m. members of BAPTIST men's bowling team will meel the rector, Rev. Charles P. John- fellowship will take place Friday, the Session will meet In the church FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, in The New Monmouth intcr-church competition at th< SCIENTIST . Jan. 22, at 8 p. m, at the residence sanctuary to rehearse for the ComBible school meets at 9:45 a. m. son. Red Bank bowling center Mouda; Red Bank Holy Communion will be cele- of Mr. and Mrs. George Deaney, munion sen-ice Sunday. with classes for all ages. at I p.m. brated Wednesday, Jan. 6, at 10 Tuesday at 8 p, m. the board of Services in First Church of At the morning service at 10:50 a. m. in observance of the Feaa t i l meett In I the th CombsC b Christ, Scientist, 211 Broad st., are trustees will METHODIST METHODIST a. m., Rev. William E. Bisgrove of the Epiphany. DeVoe memorial room of West- held Sundays at 11 a. m. SundayEatontown will preach on "Be Te Steadfast" Bclford minster house, with George W. school, meets at 11 a. m. Wednes' A group of young people, under for the. Communion ' message. The ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup. day evening testimonial meetings Grimm, Jr., president, presiding. the leadership of the church school per will be celebrated Sunday morn organ prelude will be "Come, at 8:15. ' Highlands superintendent, Stanley Croydon, HOLY TRINITY EVANGELICAL ' The spiritual basis of genuine ing at 10:45 o'clock. Rev. Dr. Robert Dearest Lord" by Bach, and the The service of ,morn«ng praye brought cheer to many homes here senior choir will sing "Surely He LUTHERAN peace and brotherhood will be L. Backman will deliver a short Hath Borne Our Grief" by Pas- will be held on Sunday at 9 o'clock Christinas eve by singing Christbrought out in the Lesson-Sermon Communion meditation on the quet. The offertory will be "Adagio The vicar's message will be deliv- mas carols. At the New Years serRed Bank r Holy Communion will he admin- entitled "God," which will be read theme, "Examine Yourselves." The q F th Gldy S t " gb ered by William Rauscher, postu- vice next Sunday at 11 a. m. the istered at the 11 a. m. service Sun- at Christian Science church serv- young adult choir, under the d From the Golden Sonata" by lant. Music by Mrs. Ruth Lucas, youth choir, under the leadership rcctlon of Mrs. Edna Malone, wH Purcell. organist, offertory anthem, "All My of Mrs. W. Lester Whltfield, will day. Rev. Harold Hornberger, pas- ices on Sunday. At the evening service at 7:45, Heart." Church school at 10 o'clock, sing "Hark, Hark, My Soul," by tor, will preach on "This Year of The Golden Text is from Exodus: sing the anthem. The nursery • be open during the service. S the pastor will use as the topic, Grace." Sunday-school will be held "I am the Lord thy God, which Faber. The pastor, Rev. C. R. METHODIST "Do All to the Glory to God," at 9:45 a. m. The children's choir have brought thee out of the land day-school meets at 9:30. ' Beat-more, will preach ' the New Highlands of Egypt, out of the house of bond- The official board will meet Mon and the verse of scripture will be will practice'at 9:15 a. m, Years sermon on the subject, at 8 p.m. and Tuesday the sen suggested as a motto'for the New Watch night service will begin "Which Way Now?" The evening There will be no practice of the age. Thou shalt have no other gods day lor choir will rehearse at 7:15 Year. The young people will have at 10:30 tomorrow (Thursday) services will open at 7:30 with a MtltLllt ~JJAJJ senior choir tonight (Wednesday). before me." (20:2, 3.) meeting next Wednesda; charge of the music, and they will night. Practice will resume Jan. 7, at 8 Among the selections from "Sci- Prayer sing "Guide Me, O Thou Great , Rev. Howard Shoemaker, pastor, 20-minute song service including at 7:30 p. m. and next Thursdaj ence and Health with Key to the p. m. at the parsonage. special numbers. A brief message the junior "choir ,will meet for re Jehovah" by Owen. will deliver a sermon, "What Is by the pastor will follow. On New Years eve there will be Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy hearsal at 3 o'clock, .followed bj There will be a watch night ser- Tithing?" at the morning servici a Communion service for the Eston- to be read will be the following: the confirmation class at 3:45. vice at the church New Years Sunday at 11 o'clock. ian group at 6:30 p. m. At 8 p. m. "With one Father, even God, the EMMANUEL BAFT1ST ' OFFICE AND PLANT CLOSED ALL DAY eve from 9:30 p. m. to midnight. there will be the 50th wedding ob- whole family of man would be METHODIST PRESBYTERIAN The worship hour is planned from Atlantic Highlands servance of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave brethren; and with one Mind and SATURDAY. JANUARY 2 Tlnton Falls Atlantic Highlands 11 to 13. A fellowship supper is scheduled, that God, or good, the brotherhood Spiess at the church. ' Mayor J. Lesteri Rigby will be for 9 p. m. New Years eve, to be Church school and adult Bibli . Saturday evening, Jan. 2, the of man would consist of Love and class The Christian Couples group will meet at 10 a. m. Topic meet Monday at the home of Mr. soloist at ths New Years servic followed by a watch night service Shore District Luther league will Truth, and have unity of Principle "God will at 9:45 a. m. Sunday. The pastor, in Christ." and Mrs. Walter Junle on Greene Rev. C. R. Bearmore, will preach and Communion beginning at 11. hold a social dance in the fellow- and spiritual power which consti- , Rev.Revealed Elmer T. Schlck, pastor ave., Belford, at 8 p. m. Rev. Howard M. Ervln will ship hall of the Aabury Park Lu- tute divine Science." (489:30). on the eubject,"Whlch Way Now?" preach Sunday at 11 a. m. and deliver a sermon, "The Gat« theran church, beginning at 7:30 The following verses from the will The Ladies' Aid society will meet Ait Invitation is extended to all. 7:30 p. m. King James version .of the Bible That Opened Itself," nt the morn- at the church Jan. 8 at 1 p. m. p. m, Youth wxiinet Tuesday from 7 ml will also be read: "Look unto me, ing service at 11 o'clock. The hostesses ars Mrs. Dora , METHODIST ,i BAPTIST to 8:30 p. m. for a.: young people Officers of the Ladies' Aid soci- Grlggs, Mrs. Esther Herbert and and be ye saved, all the ends of Ctanm • Lwii*J«r«rt • Rucj Ctauitn Sea Bright ten years of age and up. !l Red Bank the earth: for I am God, and there ety will be elected Tuesday afte Mrs. Martha Bisgrove. Church school with classes for Church school meets at 9:45 a. m. "Affirmations That Inspire" will Is none else. I have sworn by my- noon at 2 o'clock. Choir rehearsal 64-76 White •Street, lied Bank, N. J. those of all ages will meet Sunday with classes for all ages. Dennis be Rev. W. Clintcn Power's sermon self, the word is gone but of my will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. CENTRAL BAPTIST at 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Eleanor Lindsay M. Lingo is superintendent. tople Sunday at the 11 a. m. ser- mouth in righteousness, and shall High school Westminster fellowAtlantic Highlands is superintendent. The morning Mid-week prayer service Wedvice, Ushers will be Wellington W. not return, That unto me every ship will be held next Thursday Kennedy, John Harkin/ Charles knee shall bow, every tongue shall at 7:30 p. m. The board of trustees Sunday-school will meet at MS worship service i.eld at 11 nesday at 8 p. m. o'clock. Rev. Robert S. Judge Is Smith, Charles Miller and Vernon swear." (Isaiah 46: 22, 23). Soul Winners' class Friday at will meet next Thursday at 8 p. m. a. m. Loud. Communion will b« admin8 p. m. Rev. Harry W. Kraft, pastor, will pastor. FIRST CHURCH ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL istered by the pastor. deliver a sermon at the morning OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Red Bank worship and Communion service at Church school meets at 9:45 Keyport , a. m. Junior Hi fellowship, 6:80 Rer, Kenneth E. MacDonald, 11 o'clock. P. m., and Senior HI fellowship, rector, has announced the following The morning service will be held Youth fellowship groups will meet 7:30. services for Sunday: Matins, 4 a.m., Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday- at 7 p. m. The board of trustees will meet and church school, 10:30 a.m. Mrs. school will meet at 9:30 a. m. The pastor again will deliver a Monday at 8 p. m. In the church Floreth Y. MacDonald, .organist, A testimonial service will be held sermon at the evening gospel seredict; church executive board meet- will play "Meditation," by Mendel- next Wednesday at 8 p. m. vice at 8 o'clock. ins;, Tuesday, 8 p. m., in the church ssohn, and Poatlude in F, Handel. World Wide guild girls will meet METHODIST office; carol choir rehearsal, Wed- There will be a candlelight servTuesday at 8 p. m. Prayer and nesday, Jan. e, 3:80 p. m. and ice at 7 p.m. The choir of St. AuOceanport Bible study meeting will be held at chancel choir rehearsal, 7:49 p. m., gustine's Episcopal church of As- Church school, under the direction 7:45 p. m. Wednesday. Choir reWednesday, Jan. 6; and Boy Scout bury Park will present the Nativity of George C. D. Hurley, general hearsal will follow. troop 23 meeting, Thursday, Jan. 7, Scene by Frederick Fay Swift. superintendent, will meet at 9:45 a. The Women's Missionary society 7:30 p. m. m. Sunday. The Sunday worship will meet next Thursdsy afternoon CHURCH OF CHRIST service will be held at 7:30 p. m, at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. J, H. • TRINITY EPISCOPAL Eatontown Rev. Robert S. Judge is pastor. VanMater, 9 Second ave. ' Red Bank The public Is invited to attend Holy Eucharist will be eelebrat- meetings of this church, which are •d at T and 10 a. m. New Years day. held Sundays at 1:80 and 10:30 a. m. Services for Sunday will be as The first hour Is for Bible itudy, follows: Holy Eucharist, 8 a. m.; ths sjecond fer.preachint and.Comchurch school, 9:30 a. m.; Holy Eu- munion. At 8 p. m. an open forum charist and sermon by the rector, discussion Is held. Bibls study Is Rev, Charles Best, 11 *. m. There held Wednesdays at 8 p. m. ALTERATIONS XEMODEUKO will be a second kindergarten for This group of Christians conduct children whose parents are attend- services on the basis of New Testaing the 11 a. m. service Sunday ment Scriptures alone, tpetking in the parish hall, where the Bible speaks and being A Christinas party for the prim- silent where the Bible Is silent. HELEN IENZINS ary and beginners' department pu- Undenominational, Miyone desirpils will be held tomorrow (Thurs- ing to worship Ood In "spirit and l i t PAIR HAVIN ROAD MIR HAVIN. N. J. day) afternoon between 2 and 3:30truth" will find the worship aco'clock. ceptable, DRESS, LENGTHS BEMNANTf Th« church Is located on rt. 18, CALVARY BAPTIST Just south ef the buelness section, Red Bank Calvary, Pilgrim and St Paul's Batitlat churches will' hold New RELIGIOUS SOCIETY O» Team eve services at the ShrewsEMENDS (Quakers) bury Avenue A.M.E. Zlon church Shrewsbury •t 10:30 p. m. Tht Shrewsbury meeting of ReBov, J, B. Gllctirtst, pastor, will ligious Society of Friends (Quakdeliver a sermon on "The Thirteen ers), meets for worship at 11 a, m, L tt " at the Sunday theTlrit-dsy (Sunday) in the meetLetters off Paul" morning urvlce ftt 11 o'clock. ing home at Broad'it. and SycaSunday-school vim meet at »:30 more eve,, preceded at 10 a, m, by a. m, the Flrst-dey echool, Mid-week eek The pastor will offer Holy Com- meltings ireyheld at the meeting mUnlon at 3:30 p, m. The senior home Wa'aj Ilk. t . keep this halo of geod Intention, avtr at I p, m. the fourth-day choir wilt bo heard. (Wednesday), All art welcome, •ur hate] all through tha now yo«r <« and bolltva ui Mn, Pattlo Bradley will epon.or the evening aervlct at 7:80. CHRISTIAN BOiKHCB SOCIETY wo tra tjelnf to try. Wo hope te m«ko 1954 tha Atlantic Highlands "moit arogroiilvo end proiporoui year over for ill JMIOVAtlTwiTNEfMES Tht Sunday strvlct and SundayTkMlN fricndi for y«ir wonderful patron* n«d Bank aur loyal cuitomort and frltndi. school will be held at 11 a. m, at Mr. Bradloy, a special represenloolety'e building, IS Ocean blvd. a * in the part, We hive rincerely tppreci* tative of tin Watohlower Bible and thtWednesday, meotlnge Traot Moiety of Brooklyn, will visit are held at Stlfitestimony •led your bmincaj and we ire making every p, in, the lied Dank congregation this week, Ho Is recofrnltod M the Tht reading room 1» open Tueseffort to aerve you tven better in circuit servant throughout New days except holldayi from 3 to 1 Jersey ajid hl» Job Is to (Ivs In- p. m, elrudlons nnd n/iilMsnce to other MISSION minuter* In the congregation, Port Monmoulh Saturday at 8 p. in.. Mr. Hmd nev. A. Donald MKI»W, p»Mor; lev will Inalruotlvi Ulk to Uwrenc* Win, Sundny-iehoot sulilt connrroi'&Mon rejrardlnv field perintendent, ••rvlce. Munday at 8 |i, m, Tt« will 8und»y-idiool nt 1130 «., m. Mornrive » publlo ulk on the subjeof, ing worship al 10I48 a. m. r H»pplne« in a World of aioom." Following the Ulk will be tht MKTIIOIHMT Watahlawir itudy, The tulijiot will Ooeanporl CaaMt* Ui Abort Your Hiatlni PrabltmitoM t* "Beeomt nwonotled to Ood." "Three wlit Resolutions" will be BIMs itudlM will be held Tun- the lemon toplo or Itev. Hubert s. I HIRIIRT IT. PHONI 4.0410 «*y_at a Maple avt. and 10 St. Judie al Hie 7i30 p. m, p, m, nt> EVERY WEEK MIX IENOWITZ ACOUSTICON HMHItt MDCENTER OVERHEAD DOOR PRODUCTS CORP. LION'S NOW OPEN SEW SHOP Conuifete ELECTRICAL SERVICE PHONI MD SANK 6-0611 OIL DELIVERY, Inc.. ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOP vJoa Sunday, "Had Uunk's Lauding Electric Shop" 18 WHITE SWEET — RED DANK 17 BROAD ST. HED DANK RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 30,1953 NOTICE Will Hold Opeii House Woman Sentenced In Manslaughter Page Fifteen Committee OK's Bookies Warned Development Map By Judge Simmill Mrs. Norman Beevey, one of tha ruitces of the Reeveytown church, states that *he appreciates what the good people have done to help her FREEHOLD — Mrs. Elizabeth renovate the inside, of the church, MIDDLETO\VN — The township FREEHOLD—Two North Jersey Moss, 2B, who was convicted Dec. and she U having an open house committee completed Its business men charged with taking beta from 2 of manslaughter In the stabbing for the public on Sunday, Jan.10, In record time last Wednesday as Leonardo pier workers in Atlantic f of.John Kcnen, 33, on Oct. 4, was rom 3 to ^ p. m, the last regular meeting of the Highlands were warned to avoid She says to many who .have year was the shortest of the year. trouble when sentenced Wednesday sentenced ; Wednesday by Judge helped financially to renovate the A development map for the for-by County Judge Elvin R. SimFrank T. Lloyd, Jr., to seven to ten THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31st years in state prison. Judge Lloyd church have not yet seen the im-mer Ralph W. Morford farm on mill. ordered that she be committed to provements, and she is hoping that Old Cherry Tree Farm rd., New The men, Theodore Brudnlckl, they will attend her celebration and Monmouth, was approved. The de-Teaneck, and Samuel Levy, HoClinton reformatory. According to police, Mrs. Moss sec how nice the church looks. will be known as Lone boken, were given suspended one She saya "You will be amazed to velopment had been living with Kenon for to three-year state prison senOak Village "states. ee what help h u been done for the OFFICE AND GARDEN SHOW . OFFICE AND PLANT several months on the Dcniae.fa.rm The corporation, which will build tences, fined $1,000 each and court Kingdom of God." two miles east of here. While at FAIR HAVEN SHOPPING CTR. the development, is headed by S. S. costs' and put on probation for five i Sycamore A v i . the home of her brother, Ozzle CanAtkins of Fairlawn. The nisp was years. : 541 RWtr Rood Shrewsbury ada, 30 Ave. A, Mrs. Moss and Frank Braun Heads presented by Craig Finnegan, Bel- The men were arrested July 24 Kenon argued when she refused ford. The ' tract has about 30 by local police i.nd county detec;to return to the farm with • Mm. Lincroft l'irc Co. acres, 4rhich arc to be divided In- tives In the Atlantic Highland* She said she used the knife in self to 64 lots. railroad station, where they took defense when he threw her.down LINCROFT —Frank .Braun will The approval was granted sub- bets from pier workers who arrived ake office as president of the flre ject to' the following conditions: there In buses during their lunch a flight of stairs. - • Carnio Adollito, 57, of 137 Branch- company here Friday. Concrete monuments be placed at hour. Levy and Brudnicki pleaded port ave., Long Branch, was given Other officers elected at a meet- Intersections' and curves of the no defense. ng in mid-December were: Walter a suspended' sentence of two to streets; six-inch gravel surface be three years in state prison on hisAngcrole, vice president; Harold laid on streets before Sept. 30 and Judge Simmill told them if he no-defense plea to a charge of aid-WUlgerodt, secretary, Matthew bituminous treatment of surfaces hears oC either one getting in trouble In any county In the state he ing and abetting the operation of Mullin, treasurer; Edward Ban- must be done by June, 1955: 36 WEST FRONT ST. RED BANK an nett,_ captain; John B. Kelly, first A letter- was received from the would Impose the suspended senOceanport still. He was also put on probation1 for five years and ieutenant; Joseph Karriey, second Jersey Central Power and -Light tence. "In Monmouth county we . " , .. Will b« Located In rlw given a ' year in which to piy-a ieutenant; Edward Fields, third company that seven new street try to keep what we think is a ieutenant; William McCarroit, en- lights were installed and two more clean county. The counties where $1,000 fine. COOK It OAKLEY BUILDING • Adellito and three others were gineer; John Fowler, first assistant approved by the company are about you come from don't have that reparrested when a house on Portau- engineer; Lawrence Mahoney, sec- to be installed. Installation of 14 utation . . . They have enough trou20-1 WEST FRONT STREET ON peck' ave. was raided Apr. 18 andond assistant engineer; Adolf more lights was approved by the bles from what I understand from reading the papers," Judge Simmill Braun, Henry Carney and Mr. Mul- committee. revealed a large still. Ellis L. Simmons, Porter rd., lin, fire pollc, and Adolph Braun, The committee decided to write said. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31ST Howcll township, was sentenced to Ralph. Layton and Mr. Carney, to the River Plaza flre company to A pica of no defense waj changed 15 to 22 years In state prison on trustees. We Invite you to visit our new modern shop where we will be ask where it wants to place fire to not guilty on a charge of possesmeet hydrants^ in the Davis lane section. sion of narcotics by George R. py . pleased to serve all our old friends and customers and new two morals charges involving his The flre company Lubischcr, 313 Poole ave., Long daughter. Ho was given ten to 15Thursday, Jan. 77, att th the fire house. one* too. Thank you. ' ,; '; . Branch. A date for the trial will years for incest and five to leven Nursing Association be fixed, years for permitting his daughter Runison Youth Hurt Frank Nicolctti, Proprietor to engage in prostitution. The Gives Holiday Gifts It Is estimated that the United sentences are to run consecutively. In Accident Here RUMSON — The Public Health States produced 2,291,907,000 barrels A suspended indeterminate senof crude oil in 1952. Robert Spiw'ak, 19, of 93 Ave:Nursing association of Rumso'n, tence to Annandalc reformatory was ordered for Paul, Dclchanty, of-Two-Rivers, Runison, suffered Sea Bright and Fair Haven dls21, of 518 Patten ave., Long cuts on the face last Thursday ributed 29 Christmas basket* and Branch, who was charged with afternoon in a two-car crash at gifts to 123 individuals, according breaking, entering with intent, to the intersection of Bridge ave. and to reports given at a recent mcet,njf of the board of directors. Chestnut at. steal and grand larceny. The nurses' report for November According to police, cars driven by Splwak and Albert S. Barnett showed that 210 visits had been New Monmouth , of 5 Rose ter., West Long'Branch, made by nurses to homes and schools. Six sessions were held for collided at the crossing. The Christmas entertainment of Sptwak was treated at River- the dental clinic and 26 children the primary department of the view hospital. received dental care. At the schools Baptist church was held last Wedof the three boroughs, nurses asnesday evening in the church. sisted when physicians examined HELD FOR GRAND JURY Scripture readings, recitations, children". Nurses also weighed songs nnd exercises were given by KEANSBURG — Magistrate Ed- 53 measured 30 children, and the various groups under the di-ward F. Ambrose held Mrs. Cath- and W* minuficluri, an pr.mlm, all rection of Miss Nana Mclwlg, su- erine McGurk, 27, of 38 Oak St.,gave 89 vision testa. trW.i, ill cater* and all tli.i. Th.y perintendent of the primary de- for-the action of the grand jury »r« cuitam nuat, . H . kfinmtd finpartment. Santa Claus made his Monday night on a charge of ne- Allen Filled $28 iihtd. usual appearance with a bag full glecting her three children. She • WILL NOT CURL :of gifts for the little ones. Candy was freed in $1,000 ball. Chief of For Reckless Driving . and -oranges were also given to the Police Alphonsus McGrath lodged * C O L T : S , NECK—Henry Allo,n of • WILL NOT RAVIL children. a, complaint against Mrs. McGurk. Long Branch was fined $28 last week by Magistrate Stanley StllMr. and Mrs. Ralph Woodward • WIAR LONOIR \v«ll in. Atlantic . township court of Fryburg, Me.,-are spending sevhere for reckless driving. Our cuitam maea .»•<!.• cut laci East Keansburg eral days this week with,Mr. and Fined.$13 each for speeding were: tbin buylnf rtasV mala lactary Mrs. L. L. Buck; Mr. an* Mm. Edward Duva spent •John H. Berrlnger. or Brlellef •had» In .tor.i. , Mrs.' Margaret • Cosby and Mr*.Christmas day with Charlts Duva Timothy Rcddlngton entertained and Mr. and, Mrs. Walter Walsh Franklin Y. Barnes, Bloomfleld; Rose Ann Desidero, Glen Ridge; over the holiday week-end Mr. and of Jersey City. David Wallls, Sr., Mctedeconk; Mrs. Joseph Reddington of Jersey City, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Red- Miss Wanda Lee Culp of Kansas Joel Spho, Neptune; Fred R. Ray, City, Mo., Is spending the ChristEdgewater; Harry Huelner, Point ding-ton of Rockvillo Center, N. Y., and Mrs. John Reddington of New mas and New Year holidays with Pleasant; Edwin D. AVoelff, West r Our Offices & Plant WILL CLOSE 1 P. M. LAWES COAL CO., Inc. NOTIC! FRANKS BARBER SHOP WINDOW SHADES OUR SPECIALTY 1954 12 Months of Good Fellowship 52 Weeks of Peace 365 Days of Good Luck 8,784 Hours of Prosperity 527,040 Minutes ofGood Health 31,622,400 Seconds of Happiness 32,158,653 WISHES * FOR A Happy New Year from ATLANTIC GLASS CO. "GLASS k MIRRORS IN EVERY SIZE YOU CAN BREAK" 21 MAFil AVI. 1113 H STRUT (Corner of White St.) (On State H'wy II) RED BANK 6-3860 , her mother, Mrs. Ethel Culp. Mrs. Elizabeth Laidlaw and daughter Sharon Anne of Annapolis are spending the holidays at her home on Wood ave. Christen Larson will return with them to make her residence there. , Mr. and Mrs. Demlniek DeVito and Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson lUub visited relatives in Newark Saturday. Sunday they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winkler of Saddle River and Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly and family of River Plasa. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hendrlcki entertained during the Christmas holiday week-end, Mr. and Mrs Charles Anderton and daughter Vn-btlincti wheels, beat kncei, mif Debra of Connecticut, Mr. and illtned fumes, sten't just nuiuncet 10 Mrs. William Turea of Newark and , the driver. They weir'out cir snd tirii, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patterson and ciuse steering ptrtiftilure.lossof control. daughters Donna and Patricia' of - ' . • • | blow-outs-ACCIDENTS! BEFORE that Belford. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Mover enuppens, come in for Sifety check-up en tertained at Christmas dinner, Mr I; our scientific BEAK Equipment! and Mrs. Henry Irving, Mr. and Thank Yaiir Nuiir Man Fir Mrs. Alfred Rlbuffo of North Bergen and Mn. Mary Stover.and "Th» Aecc/anr That Tony Vaceerelll of West Xeans Didn't Happon'} burg. The Women'! guild of the Bayshore Community church held i turkey .dinner ln; the tiefrly com pleted kitchen to the church reIt'a Been "Quality'; sine. 1M3 cently In conjunction with a Christmas party. Rev. and Mrs.' John York. '• •" MMHAM New York; Charles L. Swayjser, Aabury Park; Suianne B. Holmes, Freehold, and Harry R, Garjean, Belmar. GLOBE AWNING & SHADE CO. 1 IT W. rrent t k Has Bank t o t o t ANNOUNCEMENT the offices of DR. MILDRED HULSART 37 East Front Si. Red Bank W I L L BE C L O S E D for rtdocorotinq from Doc. 23 and will rtopon on Jan. SHi Please phone for appointment — RE 6-0905 BELL FINANCE 25 to 500 • ^^•^>»iB">»>BBBBMa«Ba^HMaa>aBVnB^BaW> 9 9 out of every 100 Cre4M Cre4M reme't r e m ' tfcew fc rimt ri ff ** • • ! «f ever* s eamee fa m for M M y eaa t e l it, BELL will Und you LITTLE or MUCH U tit, T— awfara « a t m t • • • • M * w lOANS up to $500 with 20 MONTHS TO M Y MO U » t I WtOAM MONDAY TO THUaiOAY O A.M. TO S P.M. FRIDAY • A.M. TO a i l * P.M. HMO. I IS I rM Mil tew !•.!» MM ait ffi- I •it lie •ATUMBAY 1744 mn owfttai i n * • MOM* «• • • A.M. TO I S NOON ft/flftt in the <vi*i mnd ACY of your own H O M I I TELEPHONi CALIi LOAN H A N Vow • our own twnIwnw noma H i» tho mo lost •Osl B»OC« BMco « . ^ . _ . _ , f you totalk lktousfc for otout o loan. " > • • • • . • • * • » OOf P W twk Of] You can k*ep it ei pnVofa oi yo« FraahoidoHlc«r..if)*oMn«orJ lib. ot • conffc/enttarai you Mo. «it yew torn* ttr worV. AMroval • / jour hen rtmmt k m*i» white sen an M tin tktu. BELL FINANCE COMPANY aUmlt Ofilc*: 77 IROAD STRUT PHONI! a » IANK tUVIHC MOMMOI'fM *tfIT» COVKTIlt It Pays to Advertise in The Register BECAUSE Of A I SENT STIEftfNG BELMAR 9-0910 OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY' Joseph Wildanger Co. P. Euler of Belford wera guMt* Gifts were exchanged and a short business meeting held, • Mr. and' Mn. Charles Oberle en , Rebuilding . . . Rennlsalng Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara of Gallon Ifblsts and Dump Bodies tertatned North Arlington, Sgt, George De I3S Shrewsbury Ave.) Phone Spaven of Tennessee, Miss Barbara, Bed Bank, N. i. BE MM1 Moran of Irvington, and Mr, and Mrs. Edward Magenhelmer and sons and Miss Jane, Nay of this place Christmas. '..••• Body Builden . . . To hava couio for celebration! From tho momtnt of ontraneo Until tho last adiou . . . With a Holiday Oraii from Janot Vradlayaipaeitlly for yeu. P. S. They're priced to slip into your allowance without a worry. SAFETY HEADQUARTERS' HOW MUCH SPACE DOIS IT TAKE . . TO IE A WOODWORKING GENIUS? That cUptnjii. If you're- HU thofollowon tht loft you might netd to movoyour family into tht itreit «6 malta room for« workihop. IF Y6U O W N A SHOPSMITH... the compact 5-ln-l power tool that makes avaryena • woodworking, qonlui... all you ne«d li an art* S fott by I'/i fttf! Stt SHOPSMITH In action at our store. Comt in ana* sot how ooiy it li to bo t woodworking gonitn with thoimtilngSHOPSMITHI THE BRIGHT ACRE IE HAPPY, GO LOVELY AT JANET DUDLEY'S will be CLOSED DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY . • - — . — - » # ; • WIIKDAY NITI I OMN IVIRY Mm. »» fri. It NASH tn • r.M. _ S T A N L E Y " :.«-.:V Satariayo « . « AM, to « P.M. Sundays . . . It Noon to « r.M. fiti font to California iintJ DEMONSTRATIONS FRIDAY NIGHT AND SATURDAY MORNING It terry ho could not toko all .of you with him. . . Wait and Sec Otir New 1954 Items at llic Acre When We Re-Open Janet Bradley ' Coats' Suits' D f i m i ' Sportiwear * Acciiiorlit IROAD ST., SHMWSBURY Ntxt to Ray Stlllman't PHONI RID IANK 4.1121 Oitn Nlghti (FORMIRLY WRIGHT'S) •Ml All Day Fria Dallvtry On IvirytMitf Suntky 10 MONMOUTH ST., RID IANK OMN IVIRY NITI 'TIL XMAS PHONa RID IANK 4.2222 ROUTE 35, 1/2-Milo North of Asbury Circle (NEAR SUNSET AVENUE! ' # 2 Rod B«nk-Aibury Bus Slops a I Our Duor, Ample Free Parking Facilities RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 80,1953 :V d I Save on all your linen needs in Steinhach's annual &z ^a^W^WlW^y^^^WP^^M I TC AB.liztard 0/ Bargains...i)ricea s* low you can stock up on white goods for the whole year! Pacific Top and Bottom Contour Sheets Long-wearing Muslin Top and Bottom C ontours • Won*t wrinkle or pull out! 19ft irtrtiJifJ twin lllfi .*- .^thread 6^UJQ *rf ^ 0*1 s~\ * 128*TiiT6fld full SIZ6! Each, 2.29 140-thread {win size Each, 2.29 6 FOR 1 3 . 4 6 Each, 2 59 f ^ 'I 6 FOR 1 J 140-thread full size; s 1^^11 6 FOR 1 5 . 2 2 trousseau-quality Percale Contours 180-thread 180-thread twin sixe Each: 2.79 • Cut bedmaking time in half! Welcome 19541 1953 was a wonderful year • . . thanks To Our Loyal Friends full size Each, 2.99 6 FOR 1 7 . 5 8 v •* . And 1954 shows signs of being even brighter, happier, more prosperous! For it comes in peace • Pastel Percale Contour Sheets S • Look so nice! JFeelsogoodl . . . bearing promises of a world united for Ihe greatest good of all! So to all our faithfu1 Full 3.19 6F0R 18.76 Each.3.49 6™ 20.52 £ X 89c 6 FOR 5.23 friends and customers we wish • . • A Very Happy New Year) Save I Semuanmud CLEARANCE 6.98 Seersucker Tula or Full She Spreadi 5*98 Twin iize, re%.-3.98 Full size, reg. 4.98 3.M Double-box stitched for longer wear! whit* rufflt. with washed and bleached cotton. t« wash! Grtan, maiit, rid, blut cr pink. Filled Buy two and save 6.00! Soft and thick! Maixf, Now 6.85and 7.85 Handy hunter green, blue, white, red or pink. Lustrous GROUP OF SHOIS THAT Wlftl M S AND I M S ! 2.98 Ne-Iren niriucktr in d«cor«tcr colon with So pretty to look « t . . , to eaiy 15.95 Chatham Blankets Muslin Mattress Pads Air Step Shoes plastic carrying caio that's'useful later! 100% wool "Plainfield" 1 ^ . 9 5 rayon satin bindings in matching shades. Air Step . . . the shot with the: magic sole . • • in dressy or casual styles at great sale prices! Not every size in every style, so choose early. All sales final. Semiannual Clearance! Buster Brown Shoes CHILDMN'S SHOIS THAT WIRI Striped Martex Towels Ralh Towel, tm 2.39 Guest Tuwel, was 1.19 49c Murfcex Dish Towels 1.91 91c Whimilcal circus itripas . , . decorator colors en while. Thick, thinly terrycloth In charcoal, nutmeg, main, aqua, Nile green, lll«c or pink. Side priced 3 for 1,00 Dayton Foam Pillows ' Regularly 6,95 , 4.95 Absorbent as blotters,..'. 20" by 40" dish and Non-allergic foam pillows . • . for the softest gUit towels thit won't teive lint on dishes. sleep of your llfel Mildew and moth proof. White with gold, green or,blue borders. Buoyant rilrcells for cool comfort. Plastic ease. Mull and Phono Orders filled! SOLD AT PWC1S TO M l PR. Now 2.95 to 4.95 Teen Age Sheo: Velues • • 7 , t I 4.95 Red Bonk 64000; Long Branch 6-1745i 'Asbury Park 2-4000, The foremost line of children's ihoes , • , at special savings In thli record-breaking clearance. Ti will ntt Prlfcy STEII Miny fine patterns .In this clearance groupl Shop dally fi30 to Si30. Asbury fmM IHOI SALON, Slntl .fleer, mtf ItnN «nty •tort ofiin Wtdntieky 'til h RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXVI, NO. 27 Willis Clayton to Retire Tomorrow After 37 Years of Public Service Willis A. Clayton of 29 Peters pi., will retire tomorrow after 37 years" as Red Bank's registrar of vital statistics and secretary of the board of healtti. •f- RED BANK, N. J.f WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1953 Little Silver Winners 10c PER COPY Adult School PJans 2d Term TOT All Departments Call RE 6-0013 SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO 8. Boro Defers Action on Abandonment Of Highlands-Water Witch Rail lines The Red Bank Adu:t school exloutive committee will meet Jan. to consider the curriculum for he second term, which will befin Feb. 1. Registration for classes will be leld Monday, Jan. 18, and Monday, fan. 25, from 7 to 9 p. m. at the high school. Immedlato registration by mail has been recommended because many classes will be limited Irving L. Krakowltch will become In size. sergeant In the Red Bank police Courses approved by tho curricu- department Now Years day. lum committee for the second tsrm •ff1'*****^ Include auto mechanics, ceramics, contract _ bridge, conversational ranch, effective speaking, gardenIng and landscaping, irtterior decjration, improving your English, labor management relations in 1954, law for the layman, music Lppreciatlon, painting for fun (beginners and advanced), photography for beginners, physics for the imateur, psychology for everyday ivlng, real estate and related subRalph Belknap, chairman of the Christmas lighting contest committee in Little Silver, lec'ts, sewing for beginners, shortland for beginners (continuation it shown presenting Mrs. John A. Dunigan, Sycamore ave., the grand priic in this year's con:ourse), shorthand (refresher test, sponsored by the Little Silver Citizens' association. Pictured, left to right, are Mrs. Ar- :ourse), social dancing, textile typing for beginners, upthur Hotaling, third prize; Mrs. Donald Hembling, first overall; Mrs. Charles Edelmann, sec-' painting, holstery, woodworking and world ond for doors; Mr. Belknap; Mrs. Dunigan; E. Allaire Cornwall, fourth overall;^. Bourne Ruthold tics. rauff, president of the association; George W. Browne, second overall, and Edward L. Lohmeyer. Honorable mention prize winners included Mr. and Mrs. Austin Boice, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Torpey, Mr. and Mrs. Nat Gayfies, Lawrence Pick, Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Altschul, Gabriel A. Molnar, H. A. Allem and Arthur Lind. HIGHLANDS — The proposed .bandonment of the railroad line Dotween Water Witch and Highlands stations must await consideration by the new borough council o go Into office here Friday. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—MayAction on the proposal—through or Waldron P. Smith will begin his x resolution which also would have fifth term here Friday at noon when brought the sale ot the railroad he is administered the oath of office right of way to the borough for $1 by Borough Clerk Nelson H. Rob—was deferred at an adjourned erts. session of borough council Monday Alto to be sworn in are Councilnight. man Patrick J. McConnell, who will Council voted to continue the begin his second term, and H." E. earing after objections to the proDnnoghue, elected to borough counposal "In the resolution's present cil in November to succeed Coun:orm" wore raised by former Borcilman Robert J. Corre, who did ugh Attorney Benjamin Gruber. not seek re-election, due to the Mr. Gruber reminded council of pressure of business. concessions made by Jersey CenThe ceremonies will follow a short tral Lines when abandonment of meeting scheduled for 11:45 a. m. the line was proposed In the past. to wind up business for 1953. CounHe urged council to learn further cil's organization meeting will foldetails of the abandonment of tha low the swearing in. line before adopting the resolution. Objections also were raised by four persons—residents of the most easterly section of the borough and users of the line. While continuing the hearing on the resolution until the new council can hear tha lews of residents, council instructEATONTOWN—One person died ed Borough Clerk Frank Bolen to and three others were injured, two WIUIs A. Clayton protest to the railroad that council critically, as'the result of an acciobjects: To not being informed that Mr. Clayton, who accepted the dent here Sunday night when cars he railroad planned to substitute borough posts in WIT, came to Red driven by George Gill, 17, ot Hope signal lights for a watchman at the Bank in 1899 from Toms River, rd.. New Shrewsbury, and Charles FAIR HAVEN — Division of Miller st. crossing; to the lnstallawhere h e w i g b o m atnl educated. Fowler of Bradley Beach collided tho third election district into two ion of the signal lights In any Prior t o his appointment to the head-on.on rt. 35. districts—the third and fourthevent, and to "dangerous" condiFrancis P. Martin, 18, of IS Barthen part-time jobs, Mr. Clayton was approved by resolution at the A member of the department tions at the Water Witch ave. crossoperated a real estate business With ker ave., Shrewsbury township, a meeting of the mayor and council since April, 1943, Sgt. Krakowltch ing, where ths signal of reversean office'In the Patterson business passenger In the Gill vehicle, died HIGHLANDS—Walter E. Behrens Monday night. Boundaries of the has been a member of the detective bound trains is held to be not on Broad at. He gave up that busi- 20 minutes after arrival at Mon- Mrs. Arthur H. Hershon will be first and second districts will reof 44 Miller st. here, last month main the same. division the past two years under enough protection for drivers and ness about 18 years ago. For sev- mouth Memorial hospital. guest of honor at a program Tues- UNION BEACH—The resignation pedestrians. Listed as critical this morning day night at the Jewish Commun- of Police Sgt. Richard F. Trem- completed 30 years' service with the eral years, previous to giving up Tho third district In the past Deputy Chief George Clayton. AcRoyal Typewriter company, IncorIn other action, council: Petive in local affairs, tho 44-year-old the real estate business, he, with at Fitkin hospital was Mr. Fowler, ity Center on Riverside .we. by the bley, which was to become effeccomprised all of the borough west his brother, operated Clayton's who suffered compound fractures Ladies' Hebrew society, featuring tive Friday, was rejected Monday porated, 2 Park ave., New York of Hanco rd. The third district officer is a former president of the tlt!6ned the state board of Commerce and Navigation to IncreaseY.M. and Y.W.H.A., member of the meat market in the Truex build- of both legs, possible head injury an original script written by Mrs.night by borough council. now will consist of the territory participation in beach erosIng o n Broad st. near Wallace, and cuts of the right hand and Harold Segal) in her honor. south of a' line centering Poplar Red Bank lodge of Elks, member of state Sgt. Trembley had been active projects to a 70 per cent shar» being successors to the old'estab- lip. ave. and.Bcekman pi. The remain- Congregation B'Nai Israel, and ion head ot the police department more replacing the 50-50 basis now In Joseph Placentlno, tt, of 74 Popterrltory—north of the P o p I a r- member of Mystic Brotherhood effect; lished meat market of John Valthan two years When council earaccepted the resignation of Beekman line to the river—will be lodge 21; Ancient Accepted Scottish Mrs. Pauline lar ave., Fair Haven, who received entine. - . •'.•; lier this month named Walter HutColby, assistant to Rite, Valley of Trenton; Crescent known as the fourth district. In addition to h i s jobs u regis- a concussion, broken and dislocated ton, a returned Korean prisoner of he borough clerk, because of "Intrar and board of health secretary, left ankle, and cuts and bruises of Polling places for the two dis-Temple of Trenton, and Bay View sufficient war, to the post of captain. Hutchances for advancement, Mr. Clayton has taken a s active the face and head, was fair this tricts will be located in the Knoll- Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. ton was a patrolman when he took or otherwise," and heard part in other municipal affairs. He morning at Monmouth Memorial wood school, with third district Treasurer of the P.B.A. local financial a leave to rejoin the army in 1950. William E. Lee, secretary of the voters using the western entrance seven years, he has been chairman Lions club here, was a member of the planning hospital. GUI, who has cuts of the On Dec' 10 when he was apask that council to the building and the fourth rlsboard for 18 years. He was serving right eye, knees and hands, was of several testimonial dinners in pointed, captain, a position which an appropriation for a dotrict voters the eastern end. A dis- this area, including last year's af- Include on that body when zoning was put described as "fair" by Fitkin hosis tops in the department, Sgt. nation to Christmas decoration of trict Is divided whenever more fair for Attorney General Theodore the borough in next year's into effect here more than 20 years pital. budget Trembley handed Mayor Joseph than 600 votes are cast for two D. Parsons. The originator of the According to state police at Ago. H e was a member of.the tonScholer a letter of resignation, but consecutive years. ing board of adjustment for IB Shrewsbury, the crash occurred afHalloween parade and party here, the latter refused to read §.. When « • Building Permits year*, t h t board of assessors sev- ter an empty car owned by Harry he also was among the organizers the matter came up again Monday eral y e a n and of th« sinking fund S.. Evans of 97 Sunset ave.. Red Building permits totaling $130,- of the Polico Athletic league and night and the letter was not read, Bank, rolled onto the highway from commission. 300 were Issued in November and church sports leagues. Sgt. Trembley asked why It waB Mr. Clayton U a past president a driveway 'where it was parked. October by H. Lynnwood Minton, A native of Passale, he played not. Mayor Scholer said council of the Red Bank Lions club. He Is The Fowler car, traveling south, building inspector. The permits basketball with Fasaaic high felt there was no need to read the a member of Uie board of gover- struck the rear of the Evans vewerrJslued to: ' , . . school's "wonder team" Which regletter because the resignation would ;,Shrewsbury River Yacht club, istered 159 straight victories. nors of Rivervlew hospital and for hicle and collided head-on into the Mayor Katharine Elkus Whit* not be accepted. accessory buildings, $250; Robert «. number of yesrs was a member Gill car. urged local residents to • Councilman Joseph R.' Vigne, Prior to Joining the force, Sgt. yesterday Turnbull, 88 Hanco rd., addition, The Injured were taken to the of the board of trustees . of the respond an appeal from Gen. serving at his last meeting, reKrakowltch was employed at Fort James A.toVanFleet, $200; Patsy Longo, 406 Harding Methodist home for the aged in hospital by Eatontown and Oceanchairman of quested " It be-read, but no action Monmouth. Before that he manrd., alterations, $1,200; 'Louis A. Ocean Grove. He la still chairman port first aid squads. the American-Korean Foundation. was taken. However, a motion that aged the Klatsky shoe store. He Is DeVlto, 39-40 Lake ave., dwelling, of the board of trustees of the Red Born In Red Bank, Francis MarGen. VanFleot's request for aid the resignation be rejected was $13,000; Harold and Gladys D. married to the former Miss Ruth for victims of the Fusan fire came Bank Methodist church and Is a tin was a son of Edward J. and madti uy Councilman Carl .Dlbllng. Walter E. Behrent West, Third s t and Cedar ave., Klatsky. They and their children to Mayor White via a letter from former trustee of Monmouth Boat Mary E. Martin. A senior at Red Mayor Scholer said council was Mrs. Arthur H. Hershon dwelling, $8,750; George J. Lang, Sue, 14, and Larry, 11, live at 106 Gov. Alfred E. Drlscoll. It read: Bank Catholic high school he would club. satisfied with Sgt. Trembley's work Special assistant In the flrm'i Forrest ave., dwelling, $10,400; Al Harding rd. i The retiring official, who esti- have graduated in June. He was "Dear Mayor: Gen. James A. Vancomptroller's division, Mr. Behrens Mrs. Hershon, whose husband Is and that he should not sever relalen Bros., Buttonwood dr., two mates he has issued several thou- an altar boy at St. Dorothea's Fleet, chairman of the Americanthe rabbi of Congregation B'Nai tions' with the department unless joined the company's accounting dwellings, $15,000 each, Kemp ave. sand marriage licenses and signed Catholic church, Eatontown. Korean Foundation of 345 East 46th department Nov. 16, 1923, as an ashe wanted to quit. Surviving besides his parents, Israel, has served as society chap- The' sergeant said yesterday sistant bookkeeper. He was pro-and Hillcreat, dwelling, $15,000, and several thousand birth and death st., New York city 17, has received plain for the past 20 years and in River rd., addition, $9,000; William certificates during 4iis tenure, said are two brothers, James and Edtho following self-explanatory cablethat ha was still undecided, but moted to bookkeeper In May, 1925, R. Blair, Lake ave. and Harvard many other capacities. Besides gram from Gen. Taylor, commandthis week he has no definite plans ward Martin, and two sisters, Nora that he would probably leave the and In 1928, was * transferred to rd., dwelling, $13,000; William B. her activities with the society, Mrs. er, Eighth Army, Korea: for the future. H e said, however, and Eileen Martin, all livjng at cashier in the dealer's department. Trepp. dwelling, $20,000; Roy TrusHershon Is a member of the Redforce as scheduled Friday. he Intends to remain In Red Bank. home. " 'Appealing for urgent assistance Bank chapter of Hadassah, the Red Action on a mercantile ordinance He was cashier until Apr., 1929,well, Princeton rd. and Lake ave., A high mass of requiem was of- Bank Mr. Clayton eltes falling eyefor victims Pusan fire. Untold Council of Churchwomen, the was deferred and Mayor Scholer when he was appointed' assistant addition, $5,500; Charles and Viola EATONTOWN—Four persons are sight and age as. the reasons far fered at 10 o'clock this morning thousands desperately need shelter, said he -would appoint a committee chief clerk for the cpmptrollcr's Purcell, 60, Heights tor., alteraSalvation Army, of Red Bank, the at St. Dorothea's church by Rev.Red BanV branch ot the Red Cross to meet with businessmen to dis- division. Mr. Behrens was Newtions, $500; James Qulnn, 47 Kemp in Monmouth Memorial hospital as food, medicine to combat bitter winhis retirement. Frederick J. Child, pastor. Burial, and the Red Bank Community cuss such a code. He said there York cashier from 3933 to Jan., 1951, ave., addition, $1,000; William P. a result of an accident at 7:15 last ter conditions In this major disasunder the direction of the Robert "Y." During World War II, Mrs.was too much misunderstanding when he was appointed special' as- Scott, Lewis lane, dwelling, $15,000, night near Broad st. and Eton pi., ter area. (Stop). American-Korean Foundation today promptly reA. Braun home for funerals was Hershon served with the U.S.O., among the businessmen to pass the sistant in the comptroller's division. and Helen Bennett, Church st, re- involving a taxicab and auto. In Mt. Olivet cemetery. Addlaon S. Davidson ot 86 Pat-sponded by chartering first mercy A native of Jersey City, Mr. Beh- pairs, $5,000. assisting at the organization serv- proposed measure. He Bald it would terson ave., Shrewsbury, and the ship, departing San Francisco Jan. icemen's clubs in Red Bank, Eat- bo referred to Borough .Attorney rens is married to the former EleaCouncil voted It had no objee 15, to be loaded with four.million nor Cullen of Hoboken. They arc tion to the application of the Fair two passengers In his car—Mrs. pounds critically needed emergency ontown, Fort. Hancock and Fort Joseph F. iMattice for study. Matilda Miller, 71, and Mrs. Ethel former residents oT Jersey City am Monmouth. SHREWSBURY — This borough Haven flro company for a one-day relief supplies. (Stop). Whether or Lyndhurst, and have made theii liquor permit for the company's Reid, 45, of 44 LaFetra ave,, Eaton, not you have contributed before, will hiv« two election districts The Hadassah choral, directed by permanent home here since July 50th anniversary ball to bo hold town—are in fair condition. Mrs now, more than ever, your help Is shortly'after the New York and, Mrs. Sidney Komar, will dedicate 1947. Mr. Behrens is a membor ol Mar, 13, In the fire house. Appli- Frances Hardy, 42, of 42 Wallace needed for this and additional possibly, a new zoning ordinance. their program to Mrs. .Hershon. tlic executive board of St. Andrew'] cation for the permit will be made st, Red Bank, the taxi passenger, mercy ships. (Stop). Your gift, This was disclosed last night SEA BRIGHT—Mrs. Sarah Lay- Mrs. Edward Straus and Mrs. ShelEpiscopal church. to tho state division of Alcoholic is in good condition. The taxi large or small, at this time, In the when council met to wind up " i ton, 60, of 8 South st., this place, don Stern are program chairmen. driver, Frank Torrey, 35, of Long true spirit of Yuletide, will be renLONG BRANCH—Police Chief Mr. and Mrs. Behrens arc parenti Beverage Control. year's business. State law provides and Harold W. Applcgatc, 54, of Mrs. Jack Winters is chairman of that an election district which has Toms River were killed Sunday af- tho coffee hour, which will conclude Thomas J, Marks Informed the city of Mrs. Herbert Vaughan, Jr., of At An application for the transfer Branch, Buffered a possible frac- dered to the neediest causes In commission yesterday that ho will lantte Highlands, and Miss Doro of the retail consumption liquor ture of tho loft leg, but signed his Korea.' more than 800 ballots in two con-ternoon when cars driven by.Mr. the program. return to his position Friday. thy - Behrens, an employee of The license of Henry and Dorothy own release from the hospital. secutive elections be divided. Elec- Applegate and Mrs. Layton's hus"The assistance of you and your Chief Marks has Dccn on' leave' Register in the bookkeeping depart Stadler to Wlllowbrook Inn, Inc., Mr. Davidson suffers* head intions here the past few years have band, LeRoy Layton, collided on rt. Pupils to Describe of absenco since Aug. 2, 1051, when ment; Walter E. Behrens, Jr., an will be acted on at the next meet- juries; Mrs. Miller, possible frac fellow citizens is earnestly requestfar exceeded that total. Last No- 70, Brick township. Mr. Layton Would you kindly urge your three indictments were handed up Atlantic Highlands high school sen ing. Ownership remains within the turo of both legs and left hand; ed. vember, election workers were still was reported In critical condition Visit to U.N. Building citizens to make their contribution against him in connection with lor, and Charles Joseph Behrens, Stadler family. , Mrs. Reid, possible fracture of ribs directly to Gen, VanFleet. tallying as late as 9:30 a. m. the this morning at the Point Pleasant Arthur F. Kiger, noble grand of gambling activities In this city. freshman at Atlantic Highland! Councilman Tony Hunting re- and right leg, lacerations of face following day. hospital, where he was taken sufthe season's best wishes, I The last of the three indictments high school, who live at home, Naveslnk lodge of Odd Fellows, has ported that under an arrangement, and gums and three teeth extracted, am,"With Mayor John Hawkins last night erlng multiple Injuries. sincerely, Alfred E. Driscoll," was quashed by tho court last week, extended an Invitation to the pubwith Ronald Allen of Allen Broth- and Mrs, Hardy, possible Internal The accident, according to state said he hopes council will be able to DRIVER UNHURT ers, new rustic street signs in Wv- Injuries, introduce a new zoning ordinance police at Laurelton barrack», oc- lic to attend an open meeting ot and Commissioner Rocco N. BonOCEANPORT— Lieut. John W. cr Oaks and Heights terrace- wil early, in '54. He, members of coun- curred kbout a ijuarter of a mile the lodge Monday night, Jan. 11,forte announced at a commission According to Police Chief William be furnished by the Aliens, but Zadorozny, Mr. Davidson was trav- Dr. Pignataro Heads meeting yesterday that Chief Marks Morrison of Fort Monmouth escil,' members of the planning board north of, the Laurelton circle, Mr. at 8 o'clock, in the lodge hall at will bo painted at borough expense. submitted a letter stating his in18 Monmouth st. Marie Sovlcro caped Injury last night when t.h and Borough Attorney Leon Reus- and Mrs. Layton had been visiting eling east on Broad st. The taxi Councilman Eugene Mageo re exited from Main St., Occanport, Slate Psychiatrists sllle met in executive session last friends In Laurelton and were on and Joyce Aumack, Red Bank high tentions to return to the M500 a car he was driving struck a tree night In an attempt to get at least their way homo when tho accident school pupils, will describe their year job. Tho letter, which was here, According to police, Lieut ported installation of two street crossing Broad st. in tho path of Dr. Frank P. Pignataro of 342 recent visit to the United Nations read, said Chief Marks would re- Morrison was driving cast on Port- lights on Fair Haven rd. and onn Davidson's car, Tho local Volun- Broad st. recently was elected presa preliminary draft of the new occurred, Mrs. Layton was born In Sea building In New York city, The port for instructions from tho com- aupeck ave. and failed to negoti- at tho corner of Fair Haven and teer Ambulance corps and tho ident of tho Now Jersey Neurolaw, There has been considerable ate a turn. Rldgo rds. agitation for the creation of an In- Bright, daughter of the late Wil- trip was sponsored by the lodge mission. Oqeanpdrt first aid squad took the association. An ordinance was adopted pro- Injured to the hospital. Patrolman psychlatrlo duatrial zone here. There is oppo- liam R. and Matilda Woolley FowDr. Pignataro also Is director of viding a taxi stand on the west Frank Poer Investigated, sition to it, too; hence last'night's ler. She was custodian of the Sea the psychiatric service at Monside of Fair Haven rd. for a dismeeting of officials charged with Bright national bank. Treasurer mouth Memorial hospital; director tance SO feet from the north side of the Sunday-school of the Methopreparing the law. • of the Pollack Memorial clinic; of River rd. Council renewed tho Other than to pay bills, last dist church, Mrs. Layton also was Weather member of the board of managers taxi operator's 'license of Charlos a member of tho official board of night's meeting had little signifiLlebcck. » MoMly cloudy today, with high at the Arthur Brisbane Child Treatcance. Council will reorganize Tues- the church and the Women's SociCouncilman Jesse J, Mcllray an of 45-50, Cloudy, with chance of ment Center; follow of the Ameriday, at which time regular business ety of Christian Servlco. She also nouncod thoro would b6 no ccllcc few brief showers Into tonight; can College of Physicians and of will be transacted. Following the was a member of Long Branch pomlMo snow flurries, turning the American Psychiatric associatlon of gnrbago New Years day. meeting, council again went Into lodge, Order of Eastern Star; Naumuch colder, with low near 20 by tion, and diplomat of the AmeriReorganization of tho council voo Rebekah lodge, Sea Bright; executive session, this time with will take place at noon New Years tomorrow morning, Tomorrow can Board of Psychiatry and Joseph J. Seaman, auditor, to mako Sea Bright council, Sons and day, at which tlmo Councilmon Ar- fair, with high of 25-30. Gentle Neurology, Daughters of Liberty, and the Laup a tentative budget. thur H. Rlcman and Josso J, Mc- southwest winds today and todies' auxiliary of the flro depart Notice o( Annual Meeting Ilruy will bo Inducted for now night, hccAniliig fresh northerly* M i l n i U / Federal Saving! anil ment, . , early tomorrow, torms, Loan AnocUtlon Surviving, besides her husband, The annual meeting of the memben of aro a son, Ceoll Leroy Lnyton ot the Mnhutay Federal Saving! and Loan AnocUtlon for the election of director! Sea Bright! three daughters, Mrs, to All Bjclitlnn vacancies, and (or the Johnson and Mrs, Lillian traniactltin ot nidi other builneei «e HIGHLANDa — Borough Clerk Violet P«donen of Sea Bright and Mrs, may be neceiiary, <vlll be held at the Frank Bolen will administer the Fannie Birch of Dallaa, T«x,( «e* office of the allocation. 11 Monmouth oath of office u eounollmtn to on brothers, William R. Fowler, Htraet, Red Dunk, New Jeriey, on Wed. John Newton and Ntll Guiney here Jr., Stanley and Marvin Fowl.r of nenday, January tilth, 19H, a t SlOO o'clock I', M. Friday at noon to open borough Sea Bright, Harden and Herbert Raymond If. Hurley, Secretary, 'council's! organisation session. Fowlor of Rumnon, Oharlei Fowler —Advertisement, The moetlni? will follow tine die of DuMont i.nd Lawrtnco Fowler MIM)I,KTO\V!V - Ho »nld lie fulling U> kt«|i l o llio right. Why session scheduled for 11 a, rn. to of Trthtoii! threo ulsters, Mrs, Berwas driving nlowly mid ho Notice his uar was imrkiMl on tho right wind up buslneis for 1003. The ta.x aiieiiment liuolti nf the lown* thouRht It n "miller wi"«k (•»• MK h» wan Ulklng lo tho iwtrolth* Joerg of Long Branch and ihl|> of Mlilillatown, have been brought Mr, Nowton was summoned to Mn. Lllllim Youwr and Mrs. Knnnmnl MIID" fur Hlilt'h U\ ho l*Kuei| a up to dale (or 1034, and will be open Oeortla Sunday night by tho d««tli nl« B«nihaw of 8sa Bright, ind nummomt. So ho wan returning It. Of L'ourto It wua, 1'ntroliimn for Inireotlon In the collector'* office a l of hi* brolhci'-ln-law In a Uafflo six griredchlldran, ' , , . . . , the Mlddletiiwn Townehlii hall, Middle. Thuit did timnucl (J, Wolf of Look Mild till* Wi'i'U. "Ho |iullnil lawn vltliiu?, Wt<|heiilay night, Jan, 6, iroldsnt, Two of hla listers are Tim funeral will b« held thli «f. 1 A1A Ocean HV«,, l,im» llrnnch) ovrr when 1 told him In. I trnllod from 7 to II n'rlark, honplUiHiod u a result of tht (•moon (Wodnosdsy) at 2:30 »t hot ntt«Hi|>t in rlil liliiui'lf (if » mini. him fur tivu inlli'n In Unit leftWilliam C. Juhiuun, A i i m o r , ornsh, MtvBoltn said this morn- Itts homo, with Rev, Robert B. Imml Inno, Ami I limned him a —Auvtrtltement, Minim ItNUcd OH; to liy I'ulrulIng that h« was not iur« whothor Judge, pastor of tho Mtthodlst niirmiioiiM fur lulling to keep l<i IIIHII Molvln IAVU for fulllnir to Mr, Newton would bt proient for ohuroh, officiating. Burial, under Camp suoBorlira tlut right, unt for l » l i i | too fast kwp to I ho right on * nuirkrd fluid In our elian, titivate filling rooms Friday's moetlni, '' ths direction ot the funerur too tlow." foiir-liUMi hlKlnvny, by mpeii graduiie mail and female) flu ' The. Incoming oounulluisn will re- al home, will be In (Kenwood com. Kni'lonlnc lh« numinous In • Enrlnnliig tlut summon* In a tire. Alteration! to At »«u uettunalli, lerflee without waltlni, or (or bom* plnoo Councilman. Mittmw V, Hor- al homo, win bo In Olenw letter to pollen hrrr, rMrjvecl SatIctU'r lo Mr, U'olf, mulled MOIL For nttlnsr. tall RID |.'J«U, soulo Umi an, dofooUd In November's elec- otory, Woit Long Branoli, urday, Mr, Wolf rocouiilfd I hut day, I'utrolinuii Lv«k said tliat fcirsleal «UDD1», I I Kail front it., !ti( Baitorn Star lorvlooi wore liold Wllllim G. Sfona, left, co-cfulrmin of the Rid Bank M«n'i club Chrldmn party halt, tion, and Councilman Prank J, lit wan driving lo New York fnllurn to «|i|n<ar tonight at 8 Dank,—Adviriliimiat Uit night at h«r Uto homo. Hall, who did not eeek election. o'clock before MmUtrnlo W. Oll «lty, 11* mi* driving xlotvly, uml lair night at tha Waitilda Y, M. C, A., protonti a gift to C U i i l . Mat Chltholrn, while Dr. Mr, Hall was uppolnttri to council M e r l m e Money Ovtrilmkid Silt lierl Mniixuii tu mimvcr tlto lunilui tvnn In "hrnrly ii(re«iii«nt" ...ill. farmi, eounlry u l a t i i , buil< fee IIOHII early thlt year to i spines former1 VriuttrlMi'ii sddlhK nisuhlnei, I'JO.SO William E. Wright, right, commltloe msmbv, proitnfi a gift lo Jauli Mae Summay. Oth. mom will result In (lie luiuwicn nm wild ('florin In cinli motor vebulldlugi, Milling or new, Una Counollman William V, fUusohei to IOIi,Dn, Ntw mid rioniiilllloiifil, (lu>r< ut N tvnrmnl lot his arrent mid Itklc vtolfttoin, Hut li« thought on In tha photo, laft to right, «f« Donald Lewli 'and 'Miry Summay, Patrejman Hirrlion B. nliid, "llur >ni wniit i h i c Itx >m," when h* WM tlaeUd pr«t*l(ljnt of •Hit •itiplabTi iiropirllii, jossfh iioialbla revocation of hu driver'" lli» patrolnwn M M "fur fetched" up Hiiplen'), 101 MODp to to II';,, II tin board of education, Aitnir. RlMijii, MiititjM Glovar wai chairman of tha parly. In iHulm him a tuuuuont lor it, KB Smith to Begin Fifth Mayoralty Youth Killed, 3 Hurt in Crash Sergeant's Rank For Krakow itch Fair Haven Adds Election District Society to Honor Mrs. Hershon Council Rejects Cop's Resignation Behrens Marks 30 Years' Service Mayor Appeals For Korea Aid Taxi, Car Crash; 4 Hospitalized Move for New Election District Mrs. Lcroy Layton Killed in Crash Marks to Return To Chief's Post Red Bank Men's Club Holds Yule Party Newton, Guiney To Be Sworn In Driver Holds Charge 'Weak9, Returns Summons RED BANK REGISTER. DECEMBER 30.1953 Church Pupils Present Nativity Travel Program Meeting Planned Completes Army Course March of Dimes Boaril Assured Of Land Grant Begins Friday By Council COUNTY BIRTHS Re-elected Assistant Chief PERSONALS Mr. and Hr*. George Fetroaky of Milton L. Brown of Weaterlefgh,' Broad at., Matawan, are parents of Btaten Island, and Leon Gordon ef a son, born Sunday at Fitkln hosthe Bronx, both former residents, A travel program by the O'Donpital. NAVBBINK-GflOrge Gordon of were in town last week renewing "The 1954 fight against Infantile nell travel agency will be featured . Mr. and.Mr*. Jeue Beckelhymer Boy Scout troop 107 her* was re- acquaintance*. Mr. Gordon will «* 'SHREWSBURY — The Sundayparalysis -will ahlft dramatically of Asbury ave., Atlantic Highlands, elected assistant lodge chief of Na remembered as "Count" Gordon, school o* Old Christ. Episcopal at the supper meeting ot the Northfrom defense to attack." This Is are parents of a daughter, born Tsl Hi lodge, Order of the Arrow, when he attended school here som* church presented a. Nativity pag- ern Monmouth county, branch, the official announcement of the Association of University Transfer Subject Sunday at Monmouth Memorial at the annual meeting Monday 40 years ago, and was one of Red eant Sunday, at the church. Pro- American county chairman of the March of Women, Monday night, Jan. 11, at night U the Garfteld-Grant hotel, Bank high school's promising athhospital. duced Jointly by the Moth*™' club 7 o'clock, at the Red Bank MethDimes, Roland J. Hlnes of Aabury To Adoption Mr. and Mra. Melvin Stewart of Long Branch. letes In baseball and cross country end the Sunday-school faculty, it odist Fellowship hall. '• Final arParli, in opening the 1954 campaign Barker avc, Eatontown, are parJohn Brun* of Wanamassa,. a running. When the Gordon fampreceded a Christmas party at the rangements for the session will be Of Ordinance for funds this week. ents of a daughter, born Sunday at member of Explorer post 43, As- ily lived In Red Bank, the senior parish house. made at an executive board meetRUMSON — William Moncrieff, Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr, Hlnes, who Is also county bury Park, was elected lodge chief, Mr. Gordon was employed by ReusMrs. Robert Brandt and Mrs. ing next Tuesday night at the president of the board of educachairman for the National FoundaMr. and Mr*. George Sorby. of Other officers Installed were: James silles.' jewelry store In their repair George Blair directed and were as- home of Mrs. E. F. Torre on 78 tion,, was promised by members of tion for Infantile Paralysis, pointed Carr, troop 39, Long Branch, re- department. Mr. Brown Is a *on East End ave,, Belford, are parents sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Cyril T. Queens dr., Little Silver. out that this year several new the mayor and council Monday of a daughter, born Sunday at Men- cording secretary; Charles Roswcll, of the late Mrs. Emma V. Brown Lawes, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jornight that they will make available "Modernism in Modern Drama" techniques have been discovered to troop 39, Long Branch, correspond- of Marion st. He is an exeeutiv* mouth Memorial hospital. dan, Mrs. K. Evan Sutton, Mrs. will be discussed at the meeting fight the dread disease, and that grammar school a tract of approxiMr. and Mrs. George Humphrey ing secretary, and John Taylor, In the treasury department of th* Walter Defcs, Mrs. Charles Lose of the Red Bank literature group mately 16 aerei In Parmly park. scientists are working on even more of River rd., Fair Haven, are par- troop Jl, Spring Lake, treasurer. Singer Manufacturing company at and Mrs. John B. Myers, Jr. The Monday, Jan. 11, at 2 p. m. at the The land was acquired some time ents of a daughter, born Saturday Speak*™ included E. Donald It* New York office In the Singer startMng methods, to be revetted narrator was Rev. Theodore E. A. home ot Mrs. Leland Crafts, 170 ago, Mayor Francis J. Nary ex- at Moiynouth Memorial hoapital. -within the nejt month or two. \ Sterner of Bebnar, president of building. LeVan. Hudson ave., Red Bank. The replained for park purposes "through Mary was portrayed by Donna cent graduate group meeting will The chairman said the 1954 goal the Mr. and.Mr*. Julie* Chrlstensen Monmouth council; J. Fred Bil- Miss Chrlsta Joyce Worden of foreaightedneis of former MayBlair; Joseph, Timothy Annln; An- be Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 8 p. m. at will he $85,000, about 130,000 mort or Louis M. Hague." The borough, of Borden pi., Little. Silver, are lett, Scout executive, and Cart A. Eaat Front at., was a recent guest Thunell, camp ranger at the Scout of Charles Myers, of River rd, at gel Gabriel, Margaret Moller; Three the home of Mrs. R. G. Snycrs, than the $$(,000 given last year by added, is making the land avail- parents of a daughter, born Satur- training' center, Farmingdale. Wise Men, Mickey Matthewi, Jack 11 East River rd., Rum/son. The Lafayette college, Easton, Pa., for Monmouth county resident!. Mr. he day at Monmouth Memorial hosable for school purposes with the Color film* depleting activities of holiday festivities. Myers and Kenneth Sutton; Roman International relations group meetHlnes also released the names of realization it Is losing potential pital. emperor, William Ooslau; children ing will be Jan. 20, 8:15 p. m. at Mis* Ethel Mount Mozar and municipal chairmen. • ;. Mr. and Mr*. William Edwards of the lodge during the put year were park facilities with the realisation shown by J. Townley Carr of Long of the village, Gretehen McClellan, the home of Mrs. -C. A. Borgeson, Capt. Paul Zar They include, Aabury Park, May- It Is losing potential park facilities. West Concourse, Cllffwood Beach, Branch and Harold E, W**ton of Mia* Helen L, 'Fale* of Protptet Ltura Heller, Georgia Blair, Kitson 82 Garden rd., Little Silver, The ar* parent* of a daughter, bom Wtnamassa. An Indian dance wa* aye, spent several day* In New Walton and John Almy; inn keep- arts group will discusn "Furniture Capt. Paul Zar of 13 Spring ter., or Geurge A. Smock and Kendall By transfer of the plot, pointed out Monday at Riverview hoapital. York city, where they were gutsts ii§y; Mayor Nary, considerable expense presented by leveral member* in er. Melvin Ford, Jr.; angels, Deb- Reflnlshlng" at their Jan. 21 meet- Red Bank, recently was graduated H. Lee; Allenhunt, George Imlj to bordugh taxpayers will be saved. Mr. and Mra. Howard Helier of full regatta, a* part of th* eve- at the Barbizen-Plaza, hotel. They I orah Almy, Robin Blair, Leslie ing at the home of Mrs. H. J. from the comptroller staff officer Atlantic Highlands, Mr*. Ann ftienjoyed a performance of "KUmet," rt. IS, Matawan, are parents of a Gwyn-Willlams, Jill Jordan, Sally Diiboher, S Holly lane, Fair Haven. course, Air Command' and Staff meter; Belmar, Rev. Blaneherd Although the governing body gave daughter, born Sunday at River- ning's entertainment. saw the hockey game at Madison Seibert, David and Billy Wilson, school, Maxwell Air Force base, Ramalne; Bradley Beach, Mayor permission for the board to have view hoapital. F. Stanley Buff, field executive Square Garden'last night and atLouise Ellis, Amanda Guerry, RanAla. A member of the 9201st Trans- Eugene Lowensteln; Brlelle, Police test boringi made, it was explained was in charge of arrangements. tended several television show*. Mr. and Mra. Leo teddy of 118 dy Walton, John Yorg,, Gregory portation Staging area, Camp Kil- Chief George Legg; Colt's Neck, W. that transfer of the land would Rutledge dr., Mlddletown townihlp, Mr. and Mrs.-Charles F. F**ny Goslau. Linda Fedorko, Alice mer, Capt. Zar la the only Army D. Fields; Deal, Mrs. David Rosen- have to be dona by ordinance which are parents of a ion, born Sunday of East Westside ave., are on • Gwyn-Wtlllams, Audrey Wilson, Reserve officer to be recalled on helm; Engliihtown, Mayor Murray would be subject to a public hear- at Riverview hospital. two weeks' motor trip to Florida. Lynn and Peggy Santoro, Vieki short tour of active duty for.pur- Yacknowltt; Freehold, William ing. The grant also will be sub- Mr. and Mrs, Russell Peterson of They are expected home Sunday. Solinger, Susan James, Judy Barg, poses of attending the 15-week Lopatln; Fair Haven, Frank O. At West Palm, Beach they visited TanVat rd., Locust, are parents of Barbara Yorg and Mel Guerry; ASBURY PARK—The two con- training course, He Is a civilian Kingdon, Jr,; Farmlngdale,-Henry construction of the school. Mr. and Mrs, Charles LeMai*tr* a daughter, born Christmas day at shepherds, Carrie Beth Blair, Su- troversies over monumental pieces member of the comptroller's staff Wecksler; Highlands, Lewis D. Deny Subdivision* of M Sllverton ave., Little Silver, Riverview hospital. san Deiss, Hollace Hlndle, Charles In this city have been settled satis- at Fort Monmouth. Smith; Holmdel, Joseph Phillips; who are spending part of the winCouncil upheld planning board Mr. and Mra. Nicholas Perrlnl of Lose, Jacqueline Morris,. Patricia factorily within the past week. Keyport, Rev. James Guswtller; APPRECIATION ter there. ' • Sutton, Breck Ellis, Mark Bentley, Little Silver, Mrs. Joseph Daviaon; decisions denying Meador Wright Sea Breeze ave., East Keansburg, The Old George Potts statue, a Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Megill, forDonald Brandt, Ernest Raynor, 25-foot granite replica of a Clvi U. Donald Fined $41, Manalapah, Committeeman Howard permission to subdivide his prop- are' parent.i of a son, born last Dec. 28, 1983, mer residents of Red Bank, celePatricia Jordan, Ingrld Johnson, P. Woodward; Matawan, Dr. Jehu erty at Rumson rd. and Blngham Thursday at Riverview hospital. . Red Bank, N. J. brated their 25th . wedding anniWayne Edmunds and Susan Mc- War soldier, has been repaired and Has License Suspended P. Cooper; Matawan township, Mn. ave. and to Dr. Leonard Carlbon Mr. and Mra. Peter Cartmell of To the EditorsMonday was raised atop the shaft Laine. to split his property In the RumI wish to thank you, Miss Frey, versary Tuesday of last w»»k!at he has stood on since the 189O's. The EATONTOWN—Lleut. Gordon D. Dorothy Kenner; Marlboro; Mrs, son Ridge development. The Wright Park ave. are parents of a daugh- and all that were interested in the their home, 610 Third ave,, Asbury Lillian Hlbba;' Monmouth Beach, ter, born last.Wednesday at MonMusic was provided by the jun- monument Is at Cookman and Donald of Clover lane, Rumaon, Mrs. Old Lady, and put me on the front Park. A buffet supper was served. William George; Neptune map was disapproved on grounds mouth Memorial hospital. ior choir, directed by Mr*. John Grand aves. The statue'had been home on leave from the -Air Force, page, g , It wass so. nice,, e of you. I Guests included Mr. and Mr*. Arwas not In keeping, with good Mr. and Mr*. George Butch of Osborn, who also played the or- damaged when the head came apart was fined J41 and had his license City, Mrs. Chris Olson; Neptune, It i t it soo much, ch and such a thur Kiger and Mra, Harry PatIn addition, certain item*, Broadway, Keyport,, are parents of ppreciate *an. In the choir were Lori Ann trom the shoulders when firemen suspended for SO days here Sun- Mrs. Frank Berta; Ocean township, planning. I received manyy carda terson of Red Bank, Mr. and Mrs. a water line*, sonei, ease- a daughter, born Saturday tt Mon- ice article.Lyons, Elisabeth Lawes, Eileen lifted it from the shaft for repairs day by Magistrate Harvey D. Leu- Peter Arnold; Ocean Grove, Rich- including and telephone call* after Th The R Reg- Rusael L. Tetley and Mrs. Ann!* ments for water line* dimensions Jrandt, Hugh Gwyn-Wllllama, and it fell. in. He was charged with leaving ard F. Gibbons; Oceanport, Mn. of border lines and evidence of tax mouth Memorial hospital. ister came out Tetley, River Plasa; Mrs, Edward Bryan Brlggs; Rumson, Mn. John Mr. and Mrs. Roas Millhlser of Gregory Gwyn-Wllliami, Joyce The other issue was resolved the scene of an accident and reck- Galm; Reosevelt, Irving Plunglan; or title payment*, were not shown To all a Happy N«w Year. Turslow, Belmar; Mr.' and Mr*.. Spruce dr., Fair Haven, are parents Martin, Stanley Reid, Caryl and when Louis Abrams and Son, Nep- less driving. Sincerely, George Scheurling, New Shrewson the map. of a daughter, born Saturday at Patience Sheppard, Rosemary tune scrap metal dealers, decided Elliabeth F. Aul. Patrolman Harry Leo said he Sea Girt, Mrs. Elliabeth Warnkt; bury; Mrs. Harry Blakely,, Aibury The Carlbon request was denied Monmouth Memorial hospital. Warwick, Carol Cotob, Brenda and in keeping "with the spirit of the and Officer Henry Riddle 'chased Shrewsbury township, Rio CharPark; Mrs. Jessie Smith, Ardana, Sandra Lewis, Susan SUlnmuller, season," that they would give back Donald south from the traffic cir- land; Spring Lake, Mrs. Richard on ground* that the three-acre plot Mr. and Mrs. George Brown of and Mr. and Mn. Jack Tetley, Pamela White and John Bentley. to the city a large retired fire bell cle here to West Park avc., Oceah Leonard; Wall township, Rev. David was originally approved a* part Atlantic Highlands are parents of Woodbridge: and Port Monmouth, Rob- of the Rurhson Ridge development. a son, born Saturday at Monmouth they had purchased. After the bell township, Saturday night 'after Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sanelll of Approved were a map submitted Memorial hospital. ert Younr. Donald's car hit another car while was sold to the Abrams firm, the Newman Springs rd., are parents by Joieph C. Hoagland showing sub- Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Perfetto. of city Uniformed Firemen's associa- passing It on the right at the cirdivision ot hla tract near Old Farm Laurel dr,, Little Silver, are parents HIGHLANDS— The Men* and of a son, born Sunday at Men-, tion objected, saying it had been cle. He added that the litenant then Shrewsbury village and an application by Mrs. of a son, born Chrlstmaa day at Women'a Democratic club here will mouth Memorial hospital, premised the bell to be placed in a put his lights out and sped away, Mr. and Mrs. John Topp of NorMr. and Mrs, John C. Rohrey, Sr. Anna Ott to consolidate her three Monmouth Memorial hospital. be host at an open house Friday monument for deceased firemen in forcing the police car to reach a lot*'on Highland ave. onto two lot*. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Walling of afternoon - at Mendea". recreation -walk. Conn., and daughter ElisaSycamore ave., entertained at a speed of 85 miles p«r hour in the NEW YORK—Sunday, Jan. M, Sunset park. After a few days of family gathering Saturday. Attend- Albert A. Kerr, Jr., .borough clerk, Laonardvlll* rd, Belford, are par- hall on Fourth- St. immediately af- beth-Lynn spent Christmas day - • < Miss Marian Karma»ln, better controversy, the Abrams firm de- chase. " ' ' ing were 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert read a letter from Dr. Charle* A. ent* of a daughter, born last W*d- ter borough, council'* organisation with .Mra. Topp's "parents, Mr. and known as TV singer Marlon Ktng- cided to relinquish the bell, Mrs. Courtlandt White ef 14Strange and children'Margaret Ann Wolbach, acting steretary of th* neiday at Riverview hospital. meeting. sley, will become the bride of IrvBarbara Eschelbach and Michael of Mansfield, Pa., Mr. board of education, stating the Mr. and Mri. Francis Coons of Th* open hou»* will honor John royMaj.pi. and Mr*. Dale Schick and ing Wasserman, ton of Mr. and Red Bank Couple and • Mr*. . J. C. Rohrey, Jr., and board attorney would meet with th* Willow at;, Port Monmouth, sr* N*wton and Nell Guiney, who will Ha« Birthday Party Mrs, Harry Washerman, Main it., children Kathy and Marilyn of borough attorney to effect the trans- parent* of a son, born Thursday at ba sworn Into offlce as counctlmen daughter Michelle of Montgomery, Campbell's junction, Mlddletown Accept Settlement Ala., are spending the holidays With Verona; and Mr. and Mn. Richard fer of th* old school at River and Riverview hospital. Barbara Ruth Eschelbach, daughat the muting. Committee memtownship. MIM Klngsley l« the ter of Mr. and Mrc. Joseph -O. Brown*: and children Robert and Blaekpolnt rd*. to th* borough. Th* Mr. and Mrs. Max Hols of bers for the open houa* are Mrs, Mrs. Schlck's father, Frederic K. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George FREEHOLD — Mr. and Mrs. Bsohelbach; Adams of Hudson ave. ChrlMdajihir of South Orangi.. building, explained Mayor Nary, Franklin av*., Keamburg, are par- Mary White, Mr*. Harry Dean, Mr*. of Pearl st., was hs'stKarmaxln of USt President it., James'E. Melbourne of 120 River ees Monday at will be used for public purpoaea. ent* of. a aon, born' Saturday at Peter Blgmund, Mr*. Jame* Ktnlan Lieut. Allen B. Kendall of US a party at her home, st, Red Bank, received a settleMrs. Arjfui Smith of Clearwater, Brooklyn. Maple ave., who la in the Navy Medtoeing her ninth birth- Fla,, la spending;.a month with her Quutloned after the meeting, May- Riven-lew. hospital. and Mr*. Alton Parker. The wedding will take place In ment of. $1,800 in their suit against the occasion ical Corps, arrived i n San Diego, The party table was decorated son-in-law and daughter, Col. and or Nary aald plan* for the building Mr. and Mr*. John Brown ef Brooklyn, with Dr. Leventhal of the Walter C. Pavlowskl and the Car- day. Cat., aboard the attack transport In a Yuletlde motif with" ajlaraje Mn. Chart*!: Crone, QueM Anne are as yet being formulated tnd Ryeas pi., Eatontown, are,parents Eastern Parkway Jewish Center of- tcrct China co. in Superior court birthday U.S.S. Noble, Dec. 17, from a five Keansburg Council cake as the centerpiece. dr.Pyt. Stephen Lahmann of Fort will be announced on their comple- of a aon born Monday at Fitkla ficiating. Following the ceremony, here Monday, months' tour of duty in the WeiV tion. Guests enjoyed games and prizes hoapltal. The suit, resulted from an acciDlx vlaltta over Christmas with Winds Up Business an informal dinner •will b» held for ern Pacific. Council adjourned until 11:30 a. were awarded. Guests were'Susan Mr. and Mr*. Crone, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mri. John Gtllstt* of their Immediate families at the Ele- dent June 26, 1953, on rt. 35, South and KEANSBURG—At an adjourned Percy Wolcott of Elm pi. left Robert,Walters, Fl Main st, Port Monmouth, ar*'parAmboy. Mr. Melbourne was drivPaul ROM of Keeteville, N. T., are m. New Tear* day.gante there. driokson,; 'Jeanne Dzie ent* of a ion. bom Monday at muting called to wind up buaine** Sunday to spend the remainder of visltfng at the' Crone home now. The bride will wear a palt gray ing his car, and Mrs. Melbourne Nfioj*,' Patricia and BaL,^, for the year, borough council last the winter In St. Petersburg, Fla. Monmouth Memorial hospital. and white gown with light blue received Injuries as a result of the maino, Carol Inglidue, Cairo!: !«».»- Mr. and' Mrs. Irwln Schloater, Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Hara of night adopted a raaolutlon providcollision. Mr.and Mr*. Harry Zan* of Queen Anne dr., entertained Mr. accents, and will carry white oring temporary debt aervlce for pay- Worthley st. had as their guests towiitz, Genevleve Ostrander, Jo- and Mn. Nicholas Flood and chilThe suit was scheduled for trial Th|rd.av*., Atlantic Highlands,'an chids. Her matron of honor will o' about $80,000 for bond* and Christmas- dsy, Mr. and Mrs. Aubefore Judge Frank T. Lloyd, Jr., anne, Rosemary and Arthur Es- dren Marilyn and Nancy for Chrlatparents ef a ion born Monday tt ment be Mrs. Howard Baer. Intereit du* next year before the gust A. Esch, Tennent; Mr. and chelbach and Mra. Ohadwlck HenMonmouth Memorial hospital. Miss Klngsley, a nativ* sf Brook- Monday, but was settled between drlckson and Mrs. James Walters. laa. Mrs. James Fleming, South Amboy, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Farrell of adoption of th* 19M budget, Mr. and Mm, George Koenlg, lyn, has made personal appearances Edmund J. Caniona of Red Bank, rBXBHOLD—Six Red Bank men Council also: Confirmed the elec- and Mrs. Andrew Hill and son who represented the Melbourne!, Thomas ave,, Shrewibury, ar* parQueen Anne dr., entertained their war* among those sentenced by In a number of the larger cities of tion of An department officers; Andrew of Red Bank. familiM for Christina*. Attending Judge Frank T. Lloyd last Wed- ents of a daughter born Monday approved th* payment of $23,710 the U. 8., Canada and Central and Ervln Field of Newark, who Trout Sisters Mr*. Charles Giblin of Wallace were Mra.' Julia Koenlg, Joasph ntiday. Five of them w«re given at Monmouth Memorial hoapital. America, She has appeared on a represented the defendants. Mr. st. and her daughter, Mn. SsJvaMr. and Mri. Robert Slant ef In bills to date, and met in execu- tore Petrillo and family of PinckKoonlg of East Pateraon, Mr. and suspended sentences or probation number of radio and television Melbourne is now stationed at Fort Named to Honor Roll session with th* board of health , as Judg* Lloyd Mveral Rumaon rd., Little Silver, are par- tive shows, including the Ina Ray Hut- Devans, Mast. Mrs. Eitelle Trout of Spring ter. Mra. William Kissel and family of terms mentioned dltcuas the appointment of a ney rd., art on a two-week motor th* "Christmas ents of a aon born ye*t*rday to ton and Jerry Colonr.a TV programs, trip to Miami, Fla. has been notified that her daugh- Union City and Mr. and Mn. JuUus times health inspector. spirit" and said th* courts are not (Tuesday) at Rrvtrvlew hospital. from Hollywood. She la a featured Two Members Inducted A. Alvin Whiting of Buena pi, ters, Sandra' and Bonnie, both stu- Kiuel of Rumaon. Mr. and Mr*. Louis Hastrla ef "Immune" to It singer for Ntek Kenny's Goldmine spent the holiday with Ma son and dents at St. Dorothy's School for Mr. and Mr*.- Fred Kaunsi of Hanee rd,, Fair Haven, ar* parBy Shrewsbury Post Records. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ArThe only on* incarcerated was Girls at Wickatunk, have been New York city were week-end ent* of a daughter bom Monday Mr. Waiterman, a graduate of thur Whiting at Buffalo, N. Y. Shrewsbury post, American Le- placed on the school's honor roll guests of Mr. and Mr*. Chester L. Carl IdwardJ, 18, of 16 St. Mary'* at RlvervUw hospital. Mlddletown high school and Colum- gion of Red Bank, inducted Joseph for this term, aa both have aver- Forrar, Parker pi. at., who was *ent to Annandal* reMr. and Mra. Harold Ely of Tinbia university, served In the anti- Chrlstman of Shrewsbury and ages of 93. Sandra Is a student in Mr. and lira. J. Vf. Helm, Jr.; formatory for an indeUrmlnat* Mr. and H n . Anthony Chriitlano ton ave., Eatontown, motored In aircraft artillery In World War II, Thomas Darcy of Middletown at a the high achool section, and Bonnie Parker pi., entertained at an an- term. Jud«« Lloyd pointed to Kd- of Seely ave., Keanaburg, are parfrom South Carolina laat week to BRANCH—Th* Chamber •pend part of the holiday* in Red holding the rank of captain, He maetinc at the post Home on Riv- is in the eighth grade. nual Christmas party Saturday ave- warda' prtvioua record when h* ent* of a daughter born Monday ofLONG Cemmare* Monday elected Ar- Bank. Mr. Ely is a retired letter att Riverview hospital. p Mnt*ne*d him. was an executive for R. H. Mscy Co. erside *.ve. Monday night. ning. ' The girl's young sister, Linda, thur Harmon a* president and hired carrier here. They will leave ThursIn New York and the Heeht Co. In Vice Commander Charles Fuhr- who attends Mechanic Street school Mr. and Mn. Arthur AmbiMe, I d wards was with flv* others Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman of Washington, D. C, before opening mann, chairman of membership, re- In Red Bank, is spending this week Shadowbrook rd:, have returned eharftd with btatlng CUm J. Wll- Bingham ave;, Rumaon, are par- Harry M. Tallmadge as executive day for Florida and Texas. Mr. and his own store at Campbell's Junc- ported that membership has gone at the school with her sisters. Mrs. from a visit with relatives in New Ht, Fort. Monmouth soldier, Sept. ent* of a ion born Monday at Riv- aecretary. Mr*. Ely are employed by the W. G. Mr. Tallmadge held the job for lix Powell Co. of Klnaton, N. C. tion. Mr. Washerman Is a member well over 200. He reported that an Trout is manager and phototogra- .York and Northern New Jeraey., 38 with a baseball hat In Red Bank. erview hoapital. companions, Eugene ' Mr. and Mr*. John Feehan ef moatha previously, but resigned Oct. Mr. and Mr*. George Capra ef ' of the Mlddletown Llom elub. asTgrssilve campaign la beii\g con- pher for the Lorstan studio ot Red Mrs. U C. TtllOUon, Park av*., Two of10, hi* of It River at., and Dan- Pinckney rd., Little Silver, ar* 1, 1931 to enter .private -buiineaa. Linden, spent the holiday week-end After a wedding trip to'the Vir- ducted by his committee and will Bank, Tuesday gave a Christmas party Jones, iel Stenton, 18, of 38 Willow st., parent* of a daughter bom Mon- The $5,300 a year job had been un- with Mrs. Capra's parents, Mr. and gin Islands, the couple will reside continue In 1954. for Girl Scout troop 47, which ihe were favored with filled tinea then. th* Christmas day at Riverview hospital. at 22 Prospect ave., Attantie HighMr*. Anthony Finelli of Maple av*, Announcement of events sched- Dr. Altsclml Burned . lead*. Prixes were given for games spirit a* they wet* liven Other officer* electtd, besldea Mr. Medical patients at Riverview Mr. and Mr*. John Voorheei of lands, until work Is completed on uled wer* th« presentation of the and refreshments wert served. Mra. ed sentences at Annandale,impendar* p parents of a ion Harmon, who will be Inatalled at a holpltal this week Include Qeeiw.* their home, "Valentine Aeres," being motion picture, "The Cruel Sea," Aabury Alan Hanmer was a gueit. The on probation for three yearsplaced y As Tree Ignites and b R i i h * dinner meeting next month are: K. Allen, MS Broad at; Mr*. Sarah built outside of Red Bank, Jan. 20 at the Oarlton theater, and girls took a Christmas basket to a ordered to pay One* of 1360 *aeh bom Monday att Riverview ho*Harry W. Crawford, Drat vice pres- Connors, 37 Elm pi,; Mr*. Lucilla the annual Ground Hog ball Feb. LONG BRANCH-Dr. Prank 3. poor family in Rod Bank Dec. 23, plus costs of court. pltal. ident; Frsnk Holmes, second vie* * at the Middletown Are house, AHschul of Little Silver has re- and then went caroling. They Hospital Patients Mr. and Mr*. William Campa- president; John C. Seobey, general Conover, M Riverside av*.; Mra, turned to practice after suffering aerenaded their teachers and shut- Joieph Kuraary, 313 Broad st., nello of Atlantic at, Keyport, ar* Amy West, 41 Reckless pi.; Mrs. route SB.' C. Woolley, treas- Arllne White, 8 Newman Springs burns of the face and hand Mon- in*. , Troop member* then wars received, a suspended two-to-thr**- parent* of a daughter, born y*«- leeratary; Frank 1 Among the medical pitlents at urer, and Milton A. Stein, eounael. day afternoon when a. bulb on a guests ot Mr. and Mr*. Philip Help- ytar ttat* prison **nt*nc» and wa* terday (Tu**aay) at RivwvUw hosrd.; James Williams, 29 Prosp*et Riverview hospital this week are 'Rory' Bauer Critical, Christmas tree started a fire in er at a Chrlatmaa party. Partici- put on probation for five years for pital. ave,, and Mr*. R. Browning Wilson, J. Beverly Anderson, M Woodland impairing the morals of a minor his office at 177 Garfleld ave. here. pating in these activities were. Su41 Riverside ate. Among surgical and Mrs, Ctv ;!•• Touman* Crusaders' Guild dr., Fair Haven; Mn. John Coitello, Hospital Reports under 18, to which he ptepcie* to of Mr. zanne Barg, Joan Hannur, Ann The doctor was carrying an ofpatients are Albert Dunceji, ft Hanc* I V I . ; . 1 I M Shrewsbury, 610 Green ave., Belford; Theodore HAVEN—Rosemary Bau- fice Christmas tree when M caught Isclln, Patty Helper, Mary Ann Lo- definse. H* was ordered to eon are parents of a son, born today Has Holiday Party Washington at.; Edward Qarruto, I Fowler, 1ST Rumson rd., Runuon er,FAIR tlnu* psychiatric treatment. . daughter of Mr, fire from one of the bulbs. His Biondo, Elena .and Pamela MarBridge ave.; Joieph Patalano, Jr,, (Wcdneiday) at Rlvervitw hoapital, rd., Rumson; Elmer Oar re tt ion, 72 and four-year-old FAIR HAVEN —^Mra, Eleanore zulla, Joanne MaeManua, Beth MacMrs, Henry L. Bauer of Hance was burned by the blaze. DamA suspended *ent*nce to Annan-, 1 Branch ave,, ana MIM Charlotte Fourth st., Bel ford; Arthur Hulse, rd., who was seriously burned Mon- suit Vincent of Third it. was hostess Botticher, 38 Rector pi, Krllle, Linda Meiatrlch, Alexandra dale wa* also ordered for Norman age to the office included ft burned 268 First st., Keyport; George Lu- day morning when her nightgown rug nnd table, a broken window Meulna, Eileen Polln, Margaretta J, Tooker, 31, of IT Harding rd., Middletown last week at a Chrlatmai party for Mr*. Vera Wise nnd her daughter ker, East rd,, Belford; William went up in flames, is reported In nnd smoke damage. Independent Reed, Dlatfne TilloUon, Linda Wil- who pleaded no defense to a eharg* Mlaa Jetn VanDyke, daughter of th* Crusaders guild of Zlon Meth- Diane of 145 Hudson ave., flew Moellus, Matawan rd., Cllffwood; critical condition this morning at Engine nnd Truck company re- liams and Judy McLaughlln, of atroolou* aasault and battery. Rev. and Mrs, Andrew VsnDyhe, od l*t church or Red Bank. Gueata Christmas day from, IdlevlW AirMrs. Chris Panacelone, 26 West Monmouth Memorial hospital, sponded to the doctor's call to Anlell© Ruiso, 1M Lels-hton av*,, Is home from St. Mary's hall- in *s»hsng«d flrts and buffet-supper port on a Super-Constellation plan* Valley dr., Atlantic Highlands; RobNicholas Qiaccone, son of Mr, and nceivtd • *u»pend*d sentinea of Burlington fer th* Chrlttmu: holi- was served, According to authorities at Riv- police. to Florida. They wilt spend .tan A ert VanSchoIck, 40 East Oarfield erview hospital,' where she was Mra. N. J, Gtacconc, Park ave., one to two yearn In atata pr'ion. days. Attending were Rev. and Mrs. days at Key Blscayne, where they • ave., Atlantic Highlands, and Wil- treated before being transferred celebrated h>* *l*th birthday at a wsjs put on probation for' three ,y al Charles E. Bourne, Mr, and Mrs. will be the guest* of Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mr*. Robert Beck of LibAtlantic Highlands Man liam Waddeli, 30 Manning pi., to Monmouth Memorial, th» acciChristmas party Dec. 20. Nicholas year* and fined $280, He had pleadWilliam Vincent, Mr. and Mr*. C. lleho Keansburg. Burgles,! patients In- dent apparently occurred when Hit by Car at Leonardo and hi* guest* played games and ed no defena* to selling wine.with- erty »t, spent Chrlatmai with th*lr Vann, Mn. Florence Barren, Mrs. William Adam, former Red Bank and daughter-in-law, Mr. and residents. Mra, Wise and h*r clude Louis Armour, Matawan; the youngster was playing with danced, Hi* gduts wera Betty out a Hcena* In R*d Bank In •on frta Merrt*, Mrs. Nancy Mickens, daughter were introduced to Vie* Mrs.' Harold Beck of PemWton. LEONARDO—Samuel Olefrianko Booth; Christine end Carllne Bar- August. Daniel BrlgK*, 38 Bowne ave., Fret- matches, , Mr*, Ruby Jones, Mn, Thelma Preddent Nixon, who I* also vacaEdward Viner, aon of Mr. and of 9 Mount' ave., Atlantic Highland!, mann, Harold and Ronald Blankhold; Mrs. Elizabeth Cross, W ForMrs. Edward Vln*r, Sr., of Red Jackson, Mra. .Edna Smith, Mrs. tioning at Key Blfcayne. la In serious condition at River- leyr Ruth Hurault, Donna and man st., Fair Haven; Carl Davli, 12 SKA BRIGHT VISITORS Hill rd,, la home from Howard col- Virginia Rudrow and Misses India Carl W. Harris, Jr., aon of Mr*. view hospital whore he was taken Sandy Santangelo, Laura ZeUel and Scouts lo Collect Fifth st,,' Highlands; Mra. John let* to spend th* hoKdsya with hli Barea and Lulu Bowie*, Alma Harrl* of 138 North RiverSEA BRIOHT-Mr. and Mrs. Wedncnday night of last wenk af- Lynn Lascaro, Mr. and Mrs. Otae- Tree* for Burning Dowd, 48 Buena Vista ave,, Fair parinti, side ave,, ha* completed a court* Haven; Dudley Hager, Borden pi,, Wilton King, Mr, and Mra, Josdph ter ,being struck by a car on rt, cone spent Christmas .week-end ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS- Boy Mr. and Mr*. Joieph Cappelli and DEPARTMENT MEETINGS In television ai the U, S, Armed King and Mr.. and Mra. Arthur visiting Mr*. Anthony Mongelluno Scouts of troop* 33 and *T will 38, near Leonard ave., hers. Little Silver; Lloyd Mason, 252 First of.Iielln, and,Mra, J, Cap- Th* American horn* department Forces Institute i t Madison, Wii, at,, Keyport; Mra, Henry Mewei, 240 Ragrand of New at. had AS gueata The driver of the car, Albert of Long Island, .. canvai* the borough Sunday after- family York wer* holiday Ocean ave., Sea Bright, and Mra, on Christ man day: Mra, Alberts Adams, told police h« w«a traveling Richard Nclion, aon of Mr, tnd noon to collect Christmas trtM'fer petit of ofNew th* l.lttte Silver Woman's club Harris I* an electronic* technician Mr. and Mr*, Robert of Howard Rabone, Franklin ave,, Myrlck, Mlaa \nti Reed, Mr, and eaal on the highway when Mr, Mra. George Nelson, Park ave., who the traditional burning next Wed- guiata will meet Monday at the home of third class, U, S. Navy. K«ough of Liberty at, Mra, Edward Wilson, Harry Wilson Leonardo, Olefrennko atepped In front of hla la stationed st .th* Air Force haw nesday at T p, m. at the yacht Mr*, Chtrle* Hatpin en Wliaon ACCIDENT IN FOO Jsme* Mortord, aon of Mr. and circle, and J, T, Boone of Suffolk, Va,; car. The Injured man was taken at Syraouae, N, Y,, **a home for harbor here, Country Club EiUtii, MldMri, Thomai Morford, 8r>, I* home dtetown SHOWER FOR MISS WA1UN0 Mr. and Mra, James Wliaon and to the hoapital by the Leonardo first Christina*, KEANBBURO—A car drlv« by tswnshlp, A representative Mayor Waldron P. Smith wilt set colleie In Carllile, •on Edward iind Mr«, Anna John, Nlchola* OtUpeck of Hackeniaek .Carol Ann Kcksteln I* vlaitlng a torch to the pile of Ohrlitmaa fronvtoDickinson NEW MONMOUTH-Mias Joanne aon of Camdon, Mrs, Thelma Pax- aid aqund, He suffered scalp and spend the Ohrlatmu holi- ef th* Slngir Sewing Maehlna com- wa* towed ' from th* Men* of a . her grandparanta, Mr. and Mr*, A. tr*e», The burning, held on "twelfth Pa,, pany will *p*ak on "Fashion Walling was given a aurprlie bridal ton, Mr. and Mra, Jay Milter and leg Injuries. days with hi* patent*, I. Solomon ot New. York city, 8h* night," Is a project of the Garden The art* tnd craft* de- rear-end collision on rt, M near shower Monday at the horn* of daughter Sandra and Mr, and Mra, Mr, and Mr*, n. C, Balrd ef Stltchea." Is the daughter, of Mr, and Mr*. elub her* In memory of the late partment will dl*eua* "An Appreci- here early thl* morning, It wss MIM Peggy Stout, Bergen pi,, Red Jay Bevcly of Brooklyn «nd Mr, Chiarcllo's License HarUhorn* pi, eptnt a few day* Arthur Bc'.tattln, Park ave. Mr*, Jaok Xlrk, a member of th* ation of Art" Thuraday, Jin, T tt reported by police, They laid a Bunk, Mlaa Stout, dr«ai*d aa Binta and Mrs, Samuel Cameron and son laat waek at Atlantic City, Lifted for 4.1 Days Clnua, presented gifts to Ml** Wall- Wlnthrop of Voronn, Mr. and Mr*, Melvin Zeiael tnd club and a former r«*ld*nt of New Mlaaea Emily and Mae Hamm and tile home of Mr*, Robert Douglsaa, pisienger In Mr, OeUpecks car, Lol* Walker of Rldgefleld Park, England, where th* custom flouring. Attending were Mn, Harold TRENTON- Motor Vehicle Di- family, Park ave., w*re vUltlng at ish**,' Henrietta Nlenatedt of Elisabeth Broadway, We*t Long Branch, was injured) but refused medical Stout and Mm, Robert Stout, Red tho home of Scmuel Wclnateln of rector Wllllnm J, Den rile n Hnwen gueit* of Mri. Oeorge Haneo THIRD BIRTHDAY treatment hero, Mr, Oitaptck told Bank; Mrs, H. Laurence Scott, Jr., Th* high Khool glee club will of Liberty *t,, over the holiday*, New Yovk city for lh« holiday*, Little Silver nouncod Tlmrntlny that ha linn iopolice that ho wti driving weit Port Monmouth; Ml»a Wyanda MIDDL.HTOWN TOWNSHIP - voltcd the driver's llcenae of Jos- C'npt, and Mr*. Alfred E, Mac •Ing Rt next Wednesday's burnlm, Mr, ind Mm. James MaoMurray Mr, tnd Mr*.,Hug*n« Carroll and on tho highway when hi* oar was Culp, Hunt Koanaburjt! MIM Wllms, Janice Ann* MoLaughlln, daughter eph Krllle, Corn la,nc, entertained at Mra, Blbert Mutn and Mra, H, K. Chliucllo, 38, of 78 Avc, D,, Meyer, Dolford, and Mra, C'urtli of Mr, and Mra, John McLaughlln Clirlstman dinner for Mr, and Mrs, Donothue are In oharge of the and children Linda, and Tom- family of Prospect ave, apent itruok In tho roar by an auto mle of Weitwoorl v/ett gu*at* of OUrUtmai with Mr. Ctrroll'i tooth- driven by Dernle Stewart o( Went ,,i Walling and Mlaat* Peggy Alien of NRVMlnk River ril, hprc, cole Atlantic HlRhlnndii, for 4S rlnys. Alnn MacKtlllt, Mix June Wllion project, Chlnrollo \vnn convicted of cum* Mr, and Mrs, n, 8, Wood of Klnf'n er, Mn, Bugine Carroll, Sr,, of Keanaburg in heavy fog about nnd Anno Tlchenor, this place, bralnd hir third hlrllidny fluturday lc«» driving nnd nlmtiudlnir trnfllc, of New York city, Mr, and Mra highway 8«t\ir()iy, Brookilde. UU|«n« Carroll, 3d, li oils A.'m, nl K party at her home, CIIIOJU anon each, mid opocdlnii, twice. Kdwmd S, Hammond and d*.U|h< Mrs. Wny lo Kccclve ' Mr, and Mr*. RUnlny Wllllamion homo for tho holiday «eulon from Included John nnd Joyca Oouklln, ter Lietltla. of Brunawlok, Me, WBEK-ENO VISITORS Bulk o f f 190.000 of Spring tor,, n«d Bank, had ai Park* college In St. Louli, Mo,, Ba.rt)»r», nonnlc, Jerry, Michael Mr. milMM William Orathwohl BELFOnD-Harry A. Imr ef and ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - The their giieita m a, buffet tupper laat where he U a student, ' MONMOUTH MILLS r Mr, and Eiu*;»n« Kord, nnd Eileen, Dale Park Hve. WM gutil of honor Rt a. and Jill MoUughHn, B1CA Bniail'l'--Couiicllnmn mid Sycamore nve,, entertained at »n New York'aUt* tramfer tax de- wtek, Mr, and Mn. n> 8, Wtod Mlii Suitnne Stephen*, a »oplio- Mn, Jtmii B, VanMttir of Serlunclioon Monday at th« "Newarkot Kind's hlthwoy, Mra, Ralph W, Uuvicnco of Ocean eRgnog party Sunday, partment last week apprnlitd at p more tl Bouvt-Boiton lohool, which pentine dr, here vlalttd'Mr, Vanrr" realaurant, Port of Authority Mr, and Mn, Thomu O, MtMh- groa* nvo, entertained at a family Christ* go vvalue l th tt the eittt* off lUUM l Mr, tnd Mri. Bayard England of li afflllatid with Tuft* college lit Mutor'i «l*tor In ICImlm, N. Y,, durHKIOM ON BRIUUK hulldlnir, Newark, en bthalf of th« niAN party Snttndny night at Har- nm. Sycamore ave,, entertained at off th* Ghtrlei t h late lt G h l flhtrmtn Wny Conovtr ave, spent thi wa«k-tnd Midford, Mtai.i li honm tor tho hoi- ing Uio woelc-tind, Mr, VinMster l i . tntnintn nf Ihe. AUnlity Helmut LOOUBT-A c»r drlvon by Hot), ry'* Jjobiter home, Preaint were a oookt«ll party Bunday, of Monmouth tvt,, Ntvnlnk, tin In M yl n .d Idtyi wllli htr ptrtnti. Mi'. «nd proildent of tho Atlantic- Hlglilnndi • Pionftcra of AmtM'Ics, Mr, Loiw, •rt n, HoArdon of Unyslds dr,, Mr, and Mm, De» Sullivan And Mr*, Joieph LoPlooolo of th« hulk of which «o«a to hli wife, Mn, Mr. nnd Mri, R, B, Wood and Mn, Chtrlii W, BUphcna of Fox National bunk, ,wlm r«c«»lly rttlrtd ifUr IS yitri Highland*, «uffor«<l extenalve • nalve dam children of Caldwull, Mr und Mra, Cnndlollglit shop. Fair Haven, will Elan Wrty of thli place, Mn, 0, 8, Dookwlth w i n I U M U Hill, __________ nnd miven months' employment with Agt ' AWAHUKD~OA¥iN ly tnli t l morning i when h III Wllllum II. Ilnllcy and children of apoak on "The nonmnoo «nd HI*- Btocki' tnd bondi account for of Mr. and Ur«, Irving Matthowi the TcUuhuna company, wa» jir«Puitfiujioolc, Mr, nnd Mia, lMwHi'd MIDDLJJ1TOWN- -"Pop" Howill'l 1017 or C»ndl(»" at A meeting of SKA MRIUtlT VISITOR on from on Cluypit crock of tho grou amount, Tho «l » dinner pmty Ohrlilnui day, neiitcil a, lift nicmlHrahlp ccrtlfloiia kldf horiv lilt A curbing- mid Dillon nnd uhlldion, of Klorlmm tho Woman's n»«oi'li\Uon of Ihe $117,012 net valuo of tlin eitate li J100,080, •DA BlUaHT-Kurli P Atultr- trading pott on rt, 99 Inn l u t Mr, and Mr«, Howard Poll tnd and a pus which fntltlii hint to jumped A wivlk, MUMleiown town- I'nrh, N, N ,),, d Mr, M nndd M Mv«, Pi'MbyicrlM church h#r« next Mrn, Wr*.y will rfoilvn nil hut children Judith ind nui««ll of *on of St. PAUI, Minn,, li a holiday wuk Awarded i\ piny cabin, to M»J, vlalt «ny tiltphom comptny build- /thlp police mid ihe driver o»cn|ii(l lUlpli Wi<dnM(la,v nl*ht In I hi church About 13,000 nf lh» taut*. lUll W W. L Lawrence, Jc, of of Mr, tnd Mri, William n, JJ, J»ckmn of 48 Frlnetlon rd,, W«atwor)rl wtr» guisU of Mr, ind in |, home en Syotmort CVi, injury. Mr. Wrty died Si pi, 16, IPs:. ytlr Htvin. MM, n. 8, Wood Iht nut wi*k, Llndmui of Bush it. pl&et. Old George Potts Statue Restored LETTERS FROM OUR READERS Dems to Honor . Newton, Guiney Irving Wasserman To Wed TV Singer Lloyd Sentences Six Red Bank Men Tallmadge Named To Chamber Post RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 80,1953 A Christmas Bride Nurse Engaged , To Raymond Boetel ENQAQEMENTS ELIZABETH — Mr, and Mr*. George W. Frederick of 84S Livingston' rd. announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Sally ilarilyn Holland M Frederick, to Raymond F. Boeo" Wed "Anthony Sole tc son of Mrs. John Boetel of [south Woodland dr., River Oaks, RUMSON—Mrs. Patrick Holland Tur Haven, and the late Mr, if Ave. of Two Rivers has made boetel. mown the engagement of her Miss Frederick, a graduate of daughter, Miss' Marilyn Patricia B ittin high school in Elizabeth, Holland, to Anthony H. Sole, son v. LI graduated from Monmouth of Frank Sole o£ Monmouth St., Memorial hospital's school of nurs- fled Bank. An April wedding is injr in September. She is a mem- ilanned. Mis* Sally M. Frederick Mm. John Wilson Weatheriy, 3d Miss Jean Allaire Foster; daughter of Mr. and V-rs. Guy W. Foster of Spring ter., and John Wilson Weatheriy, 3d, «on of Mrs. Patty West Weatheriy of Louisville, Ky., and John Wilson Weatheriy, Jr., of Shelby, Tenn., were married Saturday, Dec. 19, at the Red Bank Presbyterian church iby the pastor, Rev Charles S. Webster. All white flowers decorated the church, with greens as a, background. „ Dr. Carl Mueller was organist and Mrs. Thomas McCUntock, Long Branch, was soloist. A . reception for 100 guests followed at Gibbs hall, Fort Monmouth Officer* club at Eatontown, Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a gown of white ChantMly lace over satin, made on Empire lines, and trimmed with •eed pearl embroidery. Her short veil was fastened to a matching lace cap and she carried white carnations. Mrs. Norman Smith of Bayonne was matron of honor. Her gown was Dior blue tulle and lace, embroidered with seed pearls. She wore a matching beaded cap and carried pink carnations and white English holly sprays, David Weatheriy of Mississippi (he 'bridegroom's brother, was best man. Warren Speer of Tarry'town, N. Y., and Addison Hubbard of North Carolina -were ushers. The bride's mother chose Dior blue lace for her - costume, with black accessories. The bridegroom's mother Wore sapphire blue velvet, with black accessories. When the couple' return from a wedding trip to Stowe, Vt., they will make their home In Elizabeth. For traveling the bride wore a mauve English tweed suit .with pur pie accessories.' The bride is a graduate of Red Bank high school. The bridegroom was graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology and Vanderbilt university. He is « chemical engineer employed by Esso-Standard Oil company. CAHIIX—TIBBETTS KEYPORT—The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Cahlll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Cahlll of Green Grove ave., to First Lieut. Frederic M. Tibbetts, • Jr., V. S. Air force, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tibbetts, of 13S Broadway, took place Sunday afternoon at St. Joseph'* Catholic church. Rev. Theodore Beauchamp, curate, officiated. Mrs. John Sagurton, of Keyport. was organist, and Mrs. William G. Schanck, alia of Keyport, was •ololst. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a wedding gown of white satin and tulle. The gown was designed'with a fitted bodice and long pointed sleeves of aatln, an Illusion neckline and a bouffant skirt of tulle over satin extending to a cathedral train. Her fingertip ' yell of illusion was caught to a pearl crown and she carried a colonial bouquet of white camellas and sweet peas. Miss Mary Cahill of Keyport was her sinter's) maid of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Judith Tibbetts of Keyport, sister of the bridegroom,, and Miss Giovanna Muscarella, also of Keyport. The attendant! all wjore mauve taffeta dresses, designed with strapless bodices, bouffant skirts and minkcollared fitted jackets. They also wore rhinestone crowns. The maid of honor carried a bouquet of mauve and white chrysanthemums and the bridesmaids, white chrysanthemums. Richard Painter of Washington, D. C, was best man and ushering were Thomas and Martin Murray, both of Keyport, For the wedding, the bride's mother chose an afternoon dress of navy blue crepe with a,beaded bolero. She wore navy accessories, The bridegroom's mother was attired In gray lace with blue accessories. After a reception at the Molly Pitcher hotel, the couple left on a weddlnj trip through the Southern •tates. For traveling, the bride swore a black princess-style wool dress, a matching hat and black fitted coat, When they return, the couple will reside in New Castle, Del., where Lieut. Tibbetts Is stationed. The bride was graduated from Keyport high school and was formerly employed at the Public National bank and Trust Co., New York. The bridegroom attended Keyport high school and was graduated from Admiral Farragut academy and the University of Maryland, He served In the U, 8. Navy In World War II. / and Is employed by E. R. Squibb k Sons. , The bridegroom was graduated from the Mercersburg academy and Lehigh university. He Is the senior job analyst for E. R. Squibb * Sons. After r. short honeymoon in Florida th*. couple will make their home In New Brunswick. KOHUT—SAWHIUi NEW BRUNSWICK-The marriage of MIM Janet A, Kohut, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth U, Kohut and tho late John Kohut of New Brunswick* to Malcolm 0, Sawhlll, ion of Dr. and Mrs, John E. Bawhlll, Monmouth Hllli and New York city, took place hart In the Livingston Avonuo Baptist church Saturday, Rov, P, B. Hondenon performed tho corcmony, A reception for the Imtnodlata fam% lly wiu held at • tho home of tho brldoVa 'brother, Mr, and Mn, Louis Kohut of Mllltown, Given in marrl»»g(L by hiy brothor, John F, Kohut, tno brldo woro A ballerina length town of white faille and carried a bridal bouquet of white polniottlM, MIM Carole 0, Kohut, nlcca of the bride, w»i maid o( honor nnd woro a drou of tur(|uolin blue illk organs* and carried rod polniottlM, Retort A. Sawhlll of Pekln, Hit., wm beat man (or hti brothor, The uihera w«re Joieph P, Kohut, broth or of the brldo, and A. Bryan Hen dewon of Red Bank. -.. .Th« bride wia graduated front 'th« N*w Brunswick tilth #0)1001 , CONDIT-BKADSHAW DOVER —Miss- Gwendolyn Carol Condit, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Kenneth^ Condit of Clark ave., Mine Hill, became the bride of Robert Allen' Brandshaw, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bradshaw, Sr., of Osbornc pi.. Sea Bright, Sunday afternoon at Mine Hill Presbyterian church. Rev. Allen E. Dana, pastor, performed the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Theodore Halsey of Morrlstown. She wore a Dior gray suit with navy blue and white accessories, and a white velvet hat, trimmed with seed-pearls and veilIng. She carried a white orchid on a Bible. Mrs. Eunice Ciaquinto of Rockaway Was matron of .honor and her costume was navy blue with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses.. John W. Thompson of Marlboro was best man, A reception followed, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Halsey on Washington Valley rd., Morristown. The bride's mother wore a powder blue wool suit with white accessories. The bridegroom's mother was dressed in a winter-white costume. The couple will make their home In Marlboro. The bride was graduated from Dover high school and Monmouth Junior college. She Is a psychiatric technician at the Marlboro state hospital. The bridegroom was graduated from Rumson high school and is in his senior year at Rutgers university CollegA ' of Pharmacy at Newark. He is a member of Delta Sigma Delta fraternity. ber of the hospital's pediatric staff. Mr. Boetel is a graduate of Rumson high sohool. and received his bachelor ot arts in journalism from the University, of Georgia. He is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and Sigma Delta Chi professional journalistic fraternity. He is serving in the Army with the Ordnance corps at Aberdeen, Md. Eileen R. Alexander January Bride-Elect Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Alexander erf 521 West Front "st. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Eileen R. Alexander, to Robert J. Herman, son of -' V Page Three Dorothy Goff Engaged To Walter D. Bauer BELFORD—Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sickles of Railroad ave. have announced' the engagement of their daughter, Miss Alva Sickles, to Pvt. Philip Marquette, son of Emery Marquette of Plttsfield, Mass. Miss Sickles is a senior in Middle- Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Goff of 62 Mnple ave., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Ann Goff, to Walter D. Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bauer of Rumson. Miss Goff, a graduate of Red Bank Catholic high school, attended Trinity college in Washington, D. C, and now Is a student at Katharine Gibbs school In New York city. Mr. Bauer is also a Red Bank Catholic high school graduate. He attended Stevens Institute Miss Alvah Sickles - Miss Dorothy A. Golt Miss Alva Sickles Of Belford Engaged Marilyn V. Holland Both Miss Holland and her fiance are Red Bank Catholic high school graduates. The bride-elect is employed by the telephone company in Red Bank. Mr. Sole, who also studied at Monmouth Junior college, served with the Army in Korea. He is employed at Fort Monmouth, June Walil Engaged To Ralph Ingles KEYPORT — Mr. and Mis. Charles V. Wahl of Poole ave., announce tho engagement of their daughter, Miss June Mary Wahl, o Ralph L. Ingles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mason ot 147 Osborn st. town township high school. Pvt. of Technology in Hoboken and now Mrs. Alan Dayton Canfleld Marquette, who is a graduate of is a student., at St. Peter's college, St. Joseph's high school in Massa- Jersey City. RUMSON—In a setting of Christ-, They, too, had gold accessories and chusetts, is stationed at Fort Lewis, mas greens and all white bouquets bouquets of red carnations. Wash. Miss Maureen O'Brien's of Miss Susan SteinmuMer at Tinton chrysanthemums and snapEngagement Announced dragons at Rumson Presbyterian Falls was a junior attendant. Her floor-length dress wiu rose taffeta, Shelia Hayes Is Mr. and Mrs. Willifun O'Brien of church Saturday, Miss Jeanne designed with a V neckline and a Frances Plant, daughter of Mr. 51 West Front st. announce the enfull skirt. She carried an old-fashEngineer's Fiancee gagement of their daughter, Mau- and Mrs. George R. Plant of Ward ioned bouquet of red and white ' RUMSON — Announcement has reen, to Rctocrt Owens Beesch of j ave., became the bride of Alan carnations. lecn made of the engagement of Palm Beach, Fla., son of Mrs. Dayton Canfleld, son of Mr. and For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Miss Sheila Kathleen Hayes, laude Vollmaycr of Buffalo and Mrs. Russell O, Canfleld of Way- Plant cKoso a slate blue taffeta endaughter of Mrs. Virginia Hayes the late A. R. Beesch of Toledo. semble with pink accessories and of 29 First st. and the late Joseph Miss O'Brien was graduated from sido id., Eatontown. Rev. Alan a corsage of white orchids. The Kenneth Magnor, pastor, performP. Hayes, to John A. Relferaberger, Red Bank Catholic high school and bridegroom's mother wore pink son of Mr. and Mrs. George VV. attended Monmouth Junior college ed the ceremony. faille with black accessories and a Reifentocrger of New Rochelle, and the Gregg Secretarial school in Mrs. Em II Gprdell sang "Be- corsage of purple orchids. N. Y. "ihlcago. Mr. Beesoh was gradu- cause" and "Uebestraum." A reRussell d. Canfleld, Jr.. of Pompception followed at Hie home of ton Plains, the bridegroom's broththe bride's parents. er, was best man. George R. Plant, The bride was given in marriage Jr., of Rumson, the bride's brother, by her father. Her princess style and Kenneth Peters, also of RumKown was made of Chantilly lace son, were ushers. and tulle over satin, with long The Plant home was decorated pointed sleeves and a chapel-length with Christmas greens and all train. She- wore a Juliet cap of white flowers for the reception. For matching lace and seed pearls and her wedding trip to tho Poconos a French Illusion fingertip length the bride was attired in a gray veil. Her flowera were white car- wool costume with a winter white nations and holly, made cascade top coat, navy blue accessories and style. a corsage ot white carnaUons. The Miss Mary Ann Jcwett of Little couple will live in Willlamsburg, Silvi>r was maid of honor. Her Va. waltz length gown was ros« quartz The bride was graduated from Iridescent taffeta, styled with a V Rumson high school and Red Bank neckline and a full skirt of im- Business Institute. She was em- • pressed pleats. Her accessories ployed In tho offices or the Metrowere gold «nd her flowers, red politan Wo Insurance company in carnations. Red Bank. The bridesmaids, Miss Joan Ca*eMr. Canfleld, also a Rumson high neuvo of Pialnfleld and Miss Mari- school graduate, Is a senior at the lyn Schelck of MllUngton, wore the College of William and Mary at samo styled frocks as the maid of Willlamsburg. He is a member of honor in green iridescent taffeta. Sigma. Nu fraternity. Miss Eileen R. Alexander Miss June M. Wahl MIM Sheila K. Hayea Mlaa Maureen O'Brien Mr. and Mn. John Herman o! Freehold, A January wedding' li planned. Miss Alexander was graduated from Red Bank Catholic high school and Holy Name hospital's school of nursing at Teaneck, Sh is nursing assistant to Dr, EHas Long of Red Bank. Mr. Herman was graduated from Mlddletown township high school. Miss Wahl is a graduate of Red Bank Catholic high school and is employed by the Singer Sewing Machine company,. Mr. Ingles is a graduate of Keyport high school and is stationed with the Air Force in Texas. Miss Hayes, a student at Dunbarton college of Holy Cross in Washington, D. C, is a Red Bank Catholic high school graduate. Mr. Reifenberger, a graduate of Manhattan college, served with the Army in Korea, He Is an electrical engineer, employed by Elliott com pany of Jeanette, Pa, ated from Georgetown prep and Georgetown university. Ml us O'Brien, former national women's 100-yard backstroke champion who still holds the American and national speed record for that distance, Is swimming instructor at the Sailftsh club, Palm Beach, Walker—Maffci Betrothal Announced SHREWSBURY-air. and Mrs. Kenneth ,L. Walker of Sycamore Evelyn Simmon*. ave., announce the engagement of To Wed N. J. Sickles their daughter, Miss Jeanne Walkto Airman' Second Class Peter UNION BEACH—Mrs. Kathryn er, Maffel, son of Mr. and Mrs. PeSimmons of Brook ave. has an- C. nounced the engagement of hei ter Maffci of Vista dr., Little Silver. Christmas Dinner Is Setting for Engagement At a dinner at theCr home Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stanley, Sr., of Throckmorton ave., announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Florence M. Stan- Jean Dcnise to Wed William Couovcr Rue FAIR HAVEN-Mayor and Mra. Edgar V. Denlse of 945 River rd., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Jean Havlland Denise, to William Conover Rue, son of Jacob B. Rue, Jr., of Holmdet, Summey—Seward Engagement Told Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Louise Anna Summey, daughter of Mr. MIM Evelyn R. Simmons and Mrs, Edward Summey of Lelghton ave., to Robert Beward, daughter, Miss Evelyn Rosemary son of Mrs. Hilda Seward of 330 Simmons, to Norman J. Sickles, Bridge ave. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Norma Sickles of Belford. Mis* Jeanne Walker Mlss Florence Stanley Mlvt Jean II. Itanlse Sturm—DeGano Miss Walker Is a graduate of Red Bank high school and Is attending Red Bank Business Institute. Mr. Maffel la a graduate ot Croydon Hall academy. Ho is In the Air force, ' statlonod at McGuire Air Forco base, Fort Dlx, await' Ing orders for pilot training, Betrothal Told • Mary Miller Engaged ley, to Charles J. Nlcot, son of Mr, and Mrs." C, C. Nlcol of Matawan. Miss Stan|ey Is a graduate of Red Bank Catholic high school »nd U a legal secretary employed by Qulnn, Doremua, McCue and Russell, Red Bank law firm, Mr. Ntcol Is a graduate of Matawan high sohool and served with the Air force four years. Ho la employed by Parlln DuPont at Soyrevllle, and Mrs. Grs.ce Conover Rue of Red Bank, Mlsa Denlse graduated from Rumson high school In 1951 and from Centenary Junior college In June, 1003. She l.i*ln the sub-contracting office of the Ret* Bank division, of tho Bendlx Aviation corporation, iMr. Rue graduated from Blair academy and from Rutgers university In Juno, 1053. He was president'of hln class in his senior year In collnge, nnd la a momber of Delta Kappa Epnllon fratornlty, He la connected with hla father on tholr dnlry fnrm in Holmdol, A spring wedding Is plannod. NEPTUNE—Mr. and** Mnr. Ern- To Airman Hoycc est, L. Sturm of «H Old CorllM BELFORD—Mr. and Mm, Marrd,> have announced the engagement of their daughtor, MIM Bar- vin Miller of 76 Park five, announce bara June Sturm, to Albert N. D« the engagement of tholr daughtor,, son of Mr, and MM, Um Mlaa Mary Mlllur, to Airman Secberto DoOano of 292 Wyckoff rd, ond Clasn Harvoy Boyco, Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Boyce of Hatontown. Eatontown, Mils Sturm, a graduate of Nop Milsi Miller Is a senior nt Mid tune high sohool, Is employed Evans Signal laboratory, Mr. De- dlotown township high school, Airman Boyce attended Woadlmry Qnno, a Red Bank Catholic hl<rh school graduate, Is nerving on the hitch nchool nml li stationed at LST 880, operating at tho U, 8, Buffollc County Air Forco baas on Long Island. NavM at Norfolli, Vn, Diillaiilliic Promotes Mis* LOMIM Dummey The brlde-etaot U a 'senior at Red Bank hlirh oohool, Mr, Hew ard li ft ned Bank high lohool (rrnduato nnd In employed by J, Ynnko of l\<!<l lfonk, 110TAIIV TO MKKT The ned Bank Itolary olub will hold lt» dual butlnciB mootliiK of i l i s year tomorrow (Thuridiy)) nt 13H0 p, m, At the Molly Pitcher hotel, Three Executive* Mutuuuu Glil to W«<d William A. Volkort MATAWAN - Mr, and Mm. Qeortifl Mum of Highland nve, anN H W A R K - c a r l W, Budcnhnu nounce tho eniinffcnient of Mr, •en, president of P, Ballontlne A Mn«'» Muter, Mlaa Gloria !!.> DoBona, haa announced throe execu norn, to William A. Volltort, ton of tive promotion! voted by the board Mr, 'and Mn, Herbert VolUert of of. dlroetori, Lnurence llnilioi1, Included lire Otto A, Undwlmu MIM Mam la a Rrudunte of Hi, aen, from vloe president In ohnrm Mary'* high itohoul In South Amof operation! to executive vlae proa boy, nnd I* nmployed by Video Itlent! llttymond N, Uoatooli, Iron Product* ooi'iKiratlon of Hod Unnli, aialatnnt vloe prtaldent to vine prci Mr, Vellioit \t n niHilUale of Matsldent, »i\u John E. Fftrroll, Iron wan htfrh achool mid la aervlns In •soreliry to vie* president, thi U, 1 , Navy, Bride of Alan D. Can field University Student Becomes Engaged SUMMIT — Mr. and Mrs, Curl Feldman of this plaoe, formerly of Windmill lane, Rumaon, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Jean Audrey Feldman, to Edgar MoWllllam, Jr., aon of Mr, and Mra, Kdipir McWIIIIam, Sr., of Rookvllln Conlrc, N, Y, ' Mlaa Ftltlman la a nnnlor at tho Unlveralty of Vormont and is momber of Delta Delta* Delta nororlty. Mr, MoWllllama la n graduate of tho Unlvor/ilty of Vermont and la a member ot Phi Delta Theta. M0N8 IIAVK PAHTV KATONTOWN — One hundred Llona nnd children attended tho club's Olirlftlmtia party Monday at 0, B, I, A enrol ilnylng contoit iMtween the Mona and the dill(Iren WRK won by the children Member* exchanged Rlfta ami Santa C'lsua nreaented a gift Id fftdi child, Four motion nlaturea wwi shown. CV B, I, gave candy •pplea to the children, Janet Huyiw Kngaged To Donald F. IMillipp CU8TER—KRAMPERT NEWARK — At a«double-rlng candlelight ceremony Saturday at Franklin Memorial M e t h o d i s t church here, Miss #Marie Cuater, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ruhl L. Custer ot Hillside, became the bride of Lawrence C. Krampert, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Krampert of Church at., Belford. Rev. George Harper, pastor, performed ehe ceremony, assisted by Rev. David Roberts of Wllkcs Barre, Pa. The bride was given in marriage by her father and had her sister, Mrs. Frederick Schlosshauer of Hillside, an her only attendant. William Krampert of East Brunswick, the bridegroom's brother, and Frederick Schlosshauer of Hillside, and Lawrence Priddy, Cranford, were the ushers. The bride was attired In a gown of white Chantilly neckline and cap sleeves, and a waltz-length bouffant skirt of nylon and net over taffeta. She wore a nylon tulle veil which was attached to a band of tulle and orange blossoms, and carried an old-fashioned bouquet of white carnations, gardenias and stephanotis. The matron of honor wore a bouffant-styled gown of pale pink nylori, the bodice of which was trimmed with seed pearls. The waltz-length skirt fell over matchIng, taffeta. Her headpiece was pink tulle and her old-fashioned bouquet, pink carnations a n d stephanotis. The bride's mother wore beige lace over tafteta with a black hat and corsage ot red roses. The bridegroom's mother wore blue lace with matching flowered hat, black accessories and a corsage of pink roses. After a reception at the home of the bride's parents, the couple left for a wedding trip to the Poconos. The bride was graduated from Hillside high school and Is a senior at State Teachers college, Trenton, where she in a member of Gamma Sigma sorority, Tho bridegroom l» a graduate of Hillside high school, He Is a senior at Bloomlleld college, where he Is president of hla class and editor of tho collogo year book. Pupils Present Yule Operetta KKANSHUna — Pupils of the third and fourth grade* of tho Franclo Place school prosented a Chrlntmas oporetta Tuesday of last wook at the achool auditorium. Taking pnrt In the operetta were: Harold Connor*, Mr, ttanta Claua; Rosemary Landwehr, Mr«, Bnntn Claua; Allen Johnion and nobert Snooks, heraldi; OoorRo McClusky, father of a poor family; Nnomi Mackett, mother of poor family; Rny Snover, kynn Turner, Shirley Kite, Jenn Tuinnk, children; dor I Molhlr, little rich girl, And Unrhma Bennett, Harbara Bohrolber, Valerln Klnlnmnn, Claudia Morgan, Judy Adama and Hnrbnrtt Caddie, doll*, othora taking part werei Dixie BlmpUIni, Marilyn Loder, Helen Kniak, Patricia Preyer, Loretta Lynn, Carol Hlmmuni, Patty Cameron, Helen ConUlln, Jncquennt Bituiii, Phyllli Rlnowikl, Maria LONG UflANCIt — Tho ongngoniont of MIKJI Janet Ann Mayo, dnuirhtcr of Mrs, Gnome 0, Hayea of Vcinon «t,, nnd the Into Mr. Ilnyon, to Donald Frederick PhilIpp, son of Mrs, Chnrlea N, Herrmann of IQatontown nnd Frederick n, Phillpi) of Albuquerque, N, M,, wi\» nnnounuml during the holidays at a dinner parly, Ml»» lluyoK lit n ttrnduntp of the HUtr of the Hea academy nt Long Branch, nnd la n aonlor at Highland Manor achool and Junior col1«K«, Mr, I'hlllp)), 11 graduate of Admiral Kurragut ucademy In Tom* River, In n ttudent At the University of Uoorgla, at Atheni, 0*. Booker, Jill Andrtwa, Fryor, Sharon Letis, Ruth Blessing, Marilyn Loder, Pat Osnoto, fairies; James Jnrvis, Rusty Robbins, George Andrews, Danny Downey, Fred Spiclman, Martin Lohsen, Larry Dalton and Howard Greene, jesters; Maureen Hogan, Blanche McConnell, Joan Nicholas, Lillian Comerford, Carolyn Stoll, Nancy Wilson, Joanne Catlna, Margaret Wingender, Mary Proper, Carol Graham, Patricia Gragnor, Norma Pruden, Patty Pedone, Sara Comerford, Gertrude Bumlller, Joanne Androwski and Blanche McConnell, Christmas choppers. Also, William Austin, Frank English, Spencer Glenn, Jacob Gasperon, Harry Snyder, John Immesberger, Ross Olcott, John Proper and Walter Lamp, bluebirds; Bruco Neilson, Larry Brelsack, William Grieg, Robert Harrison, Joseph Mahawash, John DiCapua, Robert Capraun, Salvatore Lanzetli, David Dill, Cortlandt Best, Eddie Fox and DeWoyne Mayer, wooden soldiers; Larry Goncllo, Wayne Wentworth and Jack DILoge, wise men; George Rossner and Paul Rinowski, shepherds, and Judy Langevla, Mary. The operetta was under tho direction of Mrs. Gladys Bennett, Miss Hazel Hoffmann and Mrs. Edna Bogdon. Girl Scouts Give Christina* Program FAIR HAVEN—Members of Girl Scout troop 135 gave a Christmas pageant and program last week at the new youth center here. Guests included Mrs. William Little, Sr., and Mrs. William Covert, two Fair Haven women who are both 83, and whom the troop has "adopted" as grandmothers. Mrs. Patricia Katz, representing the troop, presented gift* to the troop leader, Mrs. Clifford Grimmer, and tho assisting' leaders, Mrs. Clifton Lowla and Mrs, Ronald Smith. Tho scouts brought gifts for an elderly Fair Havon resident who is a hospital pntlont. Patricia Katz read a paper on safety. Eight troop members entertained with a square dance and carols wore sung. Attending woro Mrs. Barnoy Egeland, Mn. Frank Innncclll, Mra, John Domlco, Mrs. M. C. Jones, MM. C. H. Dunham, Mrs, William Rlley, Mrs. Hruce Maues, Sr,, Mra, John Hilller, Jr., Mrs, Robert Matthews, Mra. Robert Upson, Mr». Jack Wolnholmor, Mr«, E. C. Whltmore, Mra. Noel Lnrtnud, Mr». William Wren, Mr«, Gerald Cupplea nnd Mrs. Luke Pryor. '•"(•Mliiioniul Dinner IMUIIIMMI for Sen, Stout ASBUUY PARK -- 'Hie V.F.W. department of New Jwtty, In conJunction with the alxtri dlttrict nnd auxiliary and Monmouih rounty council of tho V.I'UV, will honor Stnte Sen, Mlehard It. Stout nt a teetlmonlnl dinner .Inn, 4 at the Unrold Unley post h»r«, Kd Duva la gencrnl chairman, naeleted by Krnncla Hauch, Walter Durkhnrt, Melvln Leek, Mra, VlrKinm Kruacnlta, Mr*, Hetty Lou Mllllken, Mra, Ituth Wyjimn, Bliolton DeUftun, Henry fluyro, William Kuike, John Aponte and Lou Patricia, Ultltr. RED BANK REGISTER; DECEMBER 30,1953 FOR SALE BUSINESS NOTICES AUTOMOBILES HELP WANTED PETS—LIVESTOCK APARTMENTS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IALESMAN_High calibre, age 25-70. 'HREE AND FOUR-ROOM furnished THREE-ACRE COMMUTER'S riverfront 1952 CHRYSLEH WINDSOR four-door OUSE MEAT—U. S. Inspected. Eresh property. Four-bedroom home - with Some traveling. National organization apartments. Utilities included. Near sedan. Wow! Feel the ease of that frozen, 1 Ib. packages, chopped '1 lbs. ntroduce financial service. Business-pro'ort Monmouth main gate. For couple. many livable features, Including* den, full time power steering. Liatcil to the c; chunks, 6 lbs. 11.10: heart and fessional men, Red Bank area. Qualified .ocated Oceanport. RE 6-48'6-R. fireplace, dining room; attached garage tune uf thnt radio. Boy, that heater ter, 25c 111. Special price on 50 ncn can earn upwards $100-$200 weekly URNISHED APARTMENT For young and basement; $39,000. Rsy Stlllman. makes it nice and warm. Stop in and lUnds or more. All Pet and aquarium in unique commission. Bonus arrangecouple. Conveniences and close to RE 6-5111. ico it today. This alx-cyllnder Chrysler pplics at low prices. Helen Miller's nent or work SI00 weekly drawing acransportatlon. Cheap rental to accept- FARM ESTATE Few minutes to slas a licuuty. Maurice Schwarti & tiona. :t Shop, an Highway 35, six miles :ount basis. Write experience to "Nat- ble party. Call LO 6-12S3-M after 6:30 Three Cents a Word tion. Four beautiful acres, with maffDirect factory dealers. Chrysler, Plyiorth of Red Bank, between Laurel and onal," Box 611, Red Bank. . niAcent trees. Outstanding- spacious home, M. mouth, International. 141 West Front 'aimer aves. Open dally and Sundays Minimum Charge: $1.00 includes large library and den, four masiELI'ORD _ I Unfurnished apartment. Bt., Red Bank. mtil 9 P. M. Closed Tuesdays. MI 6TELEVISION REPAIRMAN—Vaca. Three rooms and bath. All utilities ter bedrooms, three tile baths, servant'a Double Rate >or Double Spaclnf 1919 EVMoUtH BUSINESS - - - COUPE— 49. Six-room apartment nd refrigerator. Near churches, stores, room nnd bath. Blind «d«, using The Register's tion with pay, Eatontown Tele* Are you looking for a car with real OLOR BRED CANARIES. Oruuge, red chools, transportation. Young couple over four-car garage. Perfect condition* P. 0 Box, 25c extra. carrying space? This coupe has the orange frosts, bluo white, clear and Tlslon Co., EA 9-0400. ireferred. 84 Morris ave., Belford. Phone Inspection by appointment. Price $67,biggest trunk you've aeon In a long RUht to classify, edit or reject .rigated. Also few American singers, 500. Ray Stlllman, Highway 35. Shrew!CE 6-1G57-R. time. It wut) privately owned and as any advertisement Is reserved by • Hepburn. 391) Broad St., Keyport. lilARRIED FARM'ER—Thoroughly expercleun aa a whistle. Look at It today. WO LARGE CONNECTING rooms for bury. RE 6-51 IK The Register. ARAKEETS—Young. All colors. Also ienced with chickens and general fnrmMaurice Schwartz & Sons. Direct factory light housekeeping. Furnished, hot A~DA~MS AGENCY__Immediate occupancy. W« will not bo responsible for cages, rockets, seeds, . cuttle bone, ng. Good wages. Including produce of dealers. Chrysler, Plymouth, InternatTwo bedrooms, living room, dlninjr •atcr heat, bath. , With prlvato family. errors unless they nre detected belaltll grit. Open nfter 4 P. M. dur- [arm. New bungalow, with all modern Jear Broad St. and all buses. Soldier area, fireplace; washing machine, range, ional. 141 West Front »t,. Red Bank. fore the second Insertion -: week all day Saturdays and Sun- tpplianccs. Cledmar Farms, Scobcyvlllc. ouple preferred; $15 a week. 43 Linden refrigerator; and large attic. Garage. UUrJS YI>U1C CAH steer hard? l-'u youl N'o cancellation! will be accepted y i , 300 Laurel ave., V'sst Keansburg. -;A 3-1467-M-l. Call between 12:30 and d., Red Bank.* Practically new ranch home: $100 wheels shimmy t Let us correct the ,E 6-1541-W. or changes made in advertisements and 7-8 P. M. t . trouble Save your tires. Latest Boat URNISHED APARTMENT _ Living monthly. Just minutes from Red Bank. ABY PAIIAKEETS—Normal and rare. Charming neighborhood. Adams Agency* oni hour after receipt at oll'tcc, axle and frame straightening eauiprruit. room, bedroom, kitchen, scmt-prlvntc Also normal breeders and cages for CABINET MAKER_lPleaiant workFrank Van Sycklc, 14!) West Front it., lath, In residential section uf town, 16 East Bergen III, RE 6-5093. 24DEADLINE: le, Mrs. Lester Nelson, 23 Campbell ____ Red Bank, west of Maple ave, Our own tduits only, For appointment, lilcasc hour service. ing conditions; age no consideraReal Estate: Tuesday Noon. Port Monmouth. KK 6-0ir,8. bunding Ask for Jack Harder. Phone RE 6.-1404,* tion. Apply to Earl C. Waters AnClassified Display: Wednesday Noon OCKER PUPPIES^— ARC rcBUtcred. RK (i.12116 . MAY THE HAPPINESS of thll NFUHNISHED SECOND FLOOR of tique Shop, highway 35, Keyport, All .Others: 5 p. in. Wednesday. Very rensonableV RE 6-1870-B after two-family house. Private entrance. DolJtiU AND Plyniautb pas»eim«r uurk, Yuletide season be yours now and KE 1-0023-11, . Dod<« job-rated -trucks, authorized Ml utilities. AT 1-2200. all through the year. Grossinger Call Classiticd lUtATUKE ?INSCH«R arid Chihuahua icrvice; modern servlca station Frank -3-4-IiOOM APARTMENTS. Vear-'round puppies. Male* and females. Smalt & Heller, Realtors. Victor E. Gros. Van Syckle 149 West Front at. Red TUXEDO New, never worn, size rentals. Near bus line, schools, Btorcs, JALE OPERATOR For hand operated Red Bank 6-0013 -ecd, AKC registered. Also stud service, Bank. »«st of maple a t e . Phone RE singer, Milton Heller, Lawrence J. cont, 32 waist. Priced reasonable. SE :hurches and beaches, Furnished and label stamping machine. No exper[oun, Wilson ave., F8H Monmouth. 9« mfurnlshed: $45 and up. William K 2-0207 after 6 P. M. ence necessary. Economy Nursery ComSchilling, George B. Miller. ,B 6-1489.iebendahl Agency. HI 3-1201. 1963 FORD VICTORIA Excellent conATl~AS~~T~~~INCH BAND S A W _ D c l t a 4lutny, Branch ave.. Little Silver. ARROT Mexican yell6\v head. Very LOST AND FOUND dition, Overdrive, radio and heater, Inch joiner planer. Each complete y2-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment. SHREWSBURY Lovely home, on 60x189 LARGE BEAL ESTATE office has openwhite walls, black and Ivory. Call Lieut, good talker. KG 6-0750. with metal stands and motors. New coi ing for energetic real estate salesman, Available Jan. 1. Inquire Maurice lot. Living room, dining room, den, LOST Passbook No. 4572'.!. Second Nnt- dition. Reasonable. RE 6-1591. Call after Kaplan. RE 6-1U6-M/ ichwartz & Sons, 141 West front, st,, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath, cellar. OBERMAM PlNscHrrnpupTiES _ Experienced man preferred, but not esionnl bank, Red Bank. Kinder please 7 P.- M., or all day Friday, Saturday, 1048 BUICK SUPEft convertible. Black ted Bank, Eight weeks old. Thoroughbreds. Keas- sential, A good opportunity for a goHot water oil heat. Price $12,900. -The return to above bank. with white wall tires, red leather upSunday.* mble. 3o5 Carr ave., Keansburg. KK t'otter In an old established agency. No KEYPORT Three-room, furnished Massnr Agency, 6 Canal st. RG 6-2121. LOST—Small brown and white terrier MANHATTAN-VAN holstery. This one, owner car is in fine .•anvasslng. All prospects are furnished HEUSEN dress 0404. , apartment. On bus line. Heat, light, 24-hour service. with harness, vicinity Eatonlown, l a m shape all around and has economical OCKER PUPPIES AkC registered. Call .he salesman. For appointment, call R_ shirts. Two for J5. First quality. The rns furnished. Private entrance, KE 7MIDDLETOWN Beautiful Dutch coily pot 10 years. Name "Happy." lie- Red Blink Value Center, 25 West Front 6111. Ask for Mr. Corchess. stniulard transmission. Stop in and see after 5 P, M, or week-ends, EA 3-0447, 004-M. lonial home on 60x120 lot. Living ward. Phono F.A 3-04S5.' it today. Maurice Schwartz & Sons. 141 ht.. Red Bank. " National concern opening BILD'S f E t BOXER Reasonable. LO NFURNISHED APARTMENT . _ Four room, dining room, breakfast room, 1 Second NatPassboolTNo. 1 7 3 " Wofit Front fit., Red Bank. Chrysler, LOS : tales office in Long Blanch on Jan, rooms and bath. Corner Worthlcy R l ' G S — l l x H croon twist broadloom, 6-5314, kitchen and three bedroomi and hath. Plymouth, International. Direct factory ionitl Bank, Red Blink. l inder please LACK COCKER SPANIEL puppies. I, Needs el'icient, capable clerical —ork- and .McLaren sts.. Rod .Bank. Garage Brcezewny, with two-car garage. with pad. Also matching 7x!0 with Sale dealern. roturn to bank. Eligible for AKC registration, Pick of :r. Must bo fast typist, good stenog- Included. Rent $75. Martin J. McGulre. price $18,000. pad, Man's walnut cliirlorobc, reed The Massar Agency, 9 LOST—Passbook No. 6OS66. Finder pprch table, hall mirror, kitchen table, 1941 PLYMOUTH Good motor, good a litter, $20. RU I-OSS'J. rapher. For interview, daytime, phone RE 6-3512-M. Canal st. RE 6-2121. 24-hour service. please relurn to Second Naliontil Bank new electric Brill, all wool man's over_ t i r e s . Between 6.9 P. M. RE 6-2810.' Uigby 4-0766 (in New York.) Evenings, INE SIDE OF DOUBLE HOUSE Six SPRINK LAKE HElGHTS_Barn red Red Bonk. AUSTIN 1950 four-door sedan. A - l coats, size 40-42, good condition. Real ihone MO 1-4086. attractively furnished rooms, Gnrage. Cape Cod home on 80x100 corner lot. condition. Radio, heater. Used as LOST." i D u c k bout, 12 feet lone, two values. KE 7.1370^ .ilvine room, dining room, kitchen down* Living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and EAL ESTATE FOR RENT LADIES—Start the New Year in your r plunk side, ruck for outbotml on ster runabout on estate. "%Sil sacrifice, $500. tairs. Three bedrooms, bath upstairs, bath, BRAND NEW Unpnintcil, five-drawer own business. Devote four hours dally, Expansion attic space for two olive, drub. Call beforo noon. RE 6-4549. r u . Vicinity y of Sea Bright. Finder URNISHED and unfurnished homes and selling Avon Products. For further In- tary desirable, excellent location. Red bedrooms. chest. $20. EA 3-014-l-R. Full size cellar. Garage. RE C-323 C 3 2 3 7-P.. P please cull RE PONTIAC_1048 station wagon. Radio, lank. On bus line. No pets; $85. RE Price $12,500. The Massar Agency, 9 apartments. Yearly or winter basis. formation, Call Mrs. Dorothy Neuendorlf, let, papers. Snturduy NEW AMERICAN BICYCLE (glrTs.) ExLOSf-THInc hcnlcr, four good tires. Excellent me5149. cellent condition, (2(1, RU 1-1016. lay Stillmun, Highway 35, Shrewsbury. RB 0-441)I. Canal St. RE 6-2121. 24-hour service. •a i •»». "inftinls M. F. V. inside. Call RE 1 Cchnnicnl condition, $275. Call before fci 6-5111. • ^ SECRETARY-BOOKKEEPER SEARS 1 h. p. 115/230 3.4B0 Rumson WO-BEDttOOM FURNISHED apart- BUY Ol' THE YEAR_This beautiful 4804-R.' _ _ _ _ _ NEW. noon. RE 6-4540^ RPH motor, $30. RE M a O t - W . CLtiSlVETiEsrnjETTCE _ Kour-bedreal estate and insurance office remt-nt. Kitchen. All utilities. 250 _OST._C;imeo carrlnir. tel In cold, mi home, located on a hilt in Atlantic lOO'S* HUDSON" "J_'iy'"Radio" heater, room house. Home Neck Point,. OceanGOOD ROAOS__Tcn-foot Ill-Speed trip quires neat, polite and efficient worker; ridge avc., Red Bank. If no answer, Highlnnds. on a 80x100-foot lot. Large Broad Et.. or nciir Scars last Tuesday overdrive, white WIIIIB. LOW mileage; lort. 2 Vj acres, water front property HIIOW plow. Moilel # 7 0 1 . Brand new, legal experience helpful, but not essen- •M at 2.14 Bridge a v e . ' living room, with fireplace; dining room, IIOOII, RU_i-u_4$7-_M_aiiyjri nrning.* $1,850, Can be financed. Call RE 6,'ith dock, Furnished or unfurnished, tial. Reply in own hnnd, giving age, THR__-ROOM~APXtVrAlENT witll bath. sunporch, four hedrnnms and bath, hot Cull RB 6-2528. LOST. SmuN. ioiii: haired binwn puppy. never used. Cul 4 873 between 5 and 7 P. M. Ask for SI DO per month. RE 6-SaM. Furnished. Private entrance. All utlli- water oil heat. Cellar. Garatiu. Uwner qualifications nnd salary expected. Write, Answers to n:une of "Hex." Finder APPROXIMATELY 300 crcosoted 6xS Don.' les included. Electric refrigerator. HiDh- has moved. For quick sale, reduced to looms. Duplex "Secretary-Bookkeeper," Box 511, Red long railroad tics. Suitable for bulk HOW TO DO-IT YOURSELF." rians 1037 1IESOTO SEI)AN_ln good running UNl'URNlSHED_Six tileu«e_cul!_KE_G.i::92-R. way_35. On bus line. RE 6-240S-J.* home. Available now, Adults preB Bank. , cads, piers or heavy fencing. Ilahr's. $11,500. The Massar Agency. 9 Canal for hoUBes, garages, furniture, reL"OST Lnrge, rhiuestone double clip pin. condition. Bent offer. AT 1-0358.' APA'RTfiEN'r _ Three st. RE 6-2121. 24-hour service. erred. Near high school. 58 Harding SECRETARY Insurance office. Age 30- FUTTNlSlIEf) II I1-1245. modeling, kitchen cabinets, boats. Our 1-*OP-D Model A. Rndio, heater. Goon Thursday between Eisner's anil Stein•d.. Red IliinK rooms, bath and kitchen. Ail utilities, 4o. Efficient. Send outline nf cducaWETlNCI! PUSH-PULL oscilloscouc in tile spot allvisery service Koca with bacll's. Sentimental value. Rcwnrd. Airs. condition.. Call a f t e r 6 P. M., A T 1 EW COTTAGE__One bedroom, comblnion, experience if any, present salary. f-'or couple. Complete privacy; $75. AT HOUSE OF THE WEEK!_Here Is a buy new. never used. COHI $80, sell SCO, >ur 35 years of service. C. l i £nglcr A. Bromnn. RE_B-1 Hill. in West Long Branch. A two-family KiSU-M. U04. ntion livinK-dining room, kitchen, bath, (). Hot 287, Red Hunk. BOKCII, lot 54, Circle Trailer court, .umber Co. KEfi-OOOG. FOUND In Red Bank. .Slniiil while Brick and stucco construction. 1 » D ! STUDKBAKER. Land Cruiser MS djolning garage. Lo"Htion, Rivcrdaie SEAMSTRESS For upholstery shop, Ex'URNISHED __• Three-room apartment, home; Uxhwny 35. Kntontown.* i pupl>>'. part lerrier. black spot on Owner lives on first floor. Llvins* room, EXPERT DRIVING Instructions. Learn Must ticll a t once. A l c o n d i t i o n . S e e ve., near Tinton Falls, Ntn- Shrewsbury, *>70fepor month, Including nil utilities. perienced in slipcovers and draperies. OY'S ATL WOOL suit*. Only $12.50 back, black patch around left eye. Call sunporch, dining room, kitchen, two bedin safety, to drive safely. Look for Kridny, .Saturday o r S u n d a y and m a k e tdult couple only. Rental $05. Refer- Oil River rd., Fair Haven. RE 6-49J7.' Call AT I-0H6I. The Red Bank Value Center, 25 West ' RE C-1031.* tho ear with two steering wheels. Pion- offer. L o c a t e d a t 6 8 3 Branch a v c . , L i t t l e ences requj^ed rooms, bath. Second floor rents for $S5 RE 6-349B. •t d B k CLERK-TYPlST—Five-day week or part- PURNISHED—Threa rooms. Full utilities. n month. Living room, kitchen, bedroom, eers In auto driving Instructions since Silver." time. Apply Nervo Bros., 146 MonOUNTER SCALE_Cnn Be seen" Private entrance. Parking, space. Reas- bath. 1033 Easy Method Autn Driver Train- 1912 liUJClC FOUR-DOOR SEfjAN—Futly ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS_Four-bedroom House has basement with hot house, Gas G heat. . Good l location. Near mouth Bt.. Mokler Bakery, 40 Broad at,, Red ing School 51 East Front it onable. KE C-1138-M.RE 6. wnter oil heat. Two-car garage. Large , mt .. Red Bank. FOR SALE equipped and In very good running Innk." tB«l. choola and transportation i t&0 per WANTED For tool and dya shop, man FURNISHED APARTMENTS _ condition. New Interior. At $225 for Four lot. Near Fort Monmouth. Asking $16,AT 1-0465-J.* HE WONDER S H O P _ 7 3 First nve., Call The Massar Agency. 9 Canal lonth. experienced ip tool room, machining SEWING MACHINE Treadle type. Good quick buy. RU 1-0707-* rooms, everything supplied, $17 week- 300. E O VILLAGE—Plensnnt home for nnil surfnee grinding. Steady work and Atlantic Highlands, will give 20% (iff GENERAL CONTRACTOR and cesspools St. RE 0-2121. 24-hour service. condition, ?16. Call RE C-4S0S-R afcleaned; carting and grading, lop 1948 CHEVROLET CLU11 COUPE _ amall family. Modern and In excellent welfare benefits'. Architectural Tile Co., y. Two rooms, $12 weekly. ,Also sleepm any article in the store for ono week loit. ng rooms $7 weekly. Suitable for adults LINCROFT APARTMENT_Lar S e llvlnu manure, fill dirt, cinders griivcl anil ter 6 P. M,* . , heater and defroster, Phone ondltion; $100 month, on lease. Willis nly with this ndvcrtiBemflnt. Casa anil Jackson sts., Keyport. , nnly. Apply Huddie's Bar and Grill, 08 land. F.stimatCB Riven. Phone HE 6. Ml 5-017C-R.'room, two bedrooms, kitchen: $70, inFAN UKLTS ANU fULLKYS tut ilec^onover Agency, 75 West Front st. RE ENERGETIC MAN To take complete ilaplewood ave.. Kennsburif. KER-964 4. cluding utilities. Also four-room apartELEVISION_17--Inch table model, per- 1464. l Oscar Becker, 47 Second it., Fair trie motors In stock, Douglas Elec19 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE _ i-5141, feet, $55; General Electric, 12-inch Haven operation of gasoline pumps. Apply ment, $110: including- utilities, Jones trie Co. 35 Ea.t Front >t. Phont RE Lntcst Inspection. Good tires. $350 ISATONTOWN Four-bedroom house. Maurice Schwarti & Sons, 141 West UNFURNISHED APARTMENT _ . Two Agency. Llncroft. RE 6-222?, eeds minor repair, $16. UHF converJ-0128 tons Chevrolet two-door, perfect-shape, bedrooms, kitchen,, bathroom. ReasonTwo baths, oil burner. Interior redec Front st.. Red Bank. « . for all makes, Antennas Installed CUbTOM MADE FURNITURE _ Exclu- $175. k o S P l T A L BEDS RENTED—New mod1948 Hudson club coupe, radio able rental, $50 rental. Including hent. 63 sive contemporary coflTce tables, stdeirated. Good neighborhood. Stove, re- LABORERS For small chemical facern adjustable hospital beds for rent. RE 6-2175.• THE JOHN L. MINUGH Agency, hourda, TV cabinets and other fine fur- und heater, 1375. Howard, Wilson ave., 'rigerator, washing machine. House tory. Write, "Laborers," Box 611, Red iQciiat ave., Red Bank. RB H-278.1-J. Mew and used beds tor sale. Call RE STAMPS, COINS, mineral speciments. niture designed hand-crafted to Port Monmouth.* partly furnished or unfurnished. -Yearly Hank. Realtor*, John L. Mlnugh, Flor> Fine stock U. S. stnmps, covers, colnB. i'OUR ROOMS AND BATH_.Third floor 6-8614, i s k for "Patient Service." Free IJJSM GUILE—Goon" condttron, lease,. Two-car garage. Owner leaving suit yo - requirements. Choice oi woods 1940 Ol.DSMOBILE_Gond v icott, Mlnkus, White Ace albums. caUence Marie Mlnugh, Albert A. Kerr, IiXPERIENC. .I) ELECTRICIAN'S helper. of Rumson estate home, No children. delivery. South Jersey Surgical Supply. and finishes. John Canonlco. 26 Thomas Radio, heater. Xatest inspection; $17? state soon. EA 3 0 J S I i J . 3-0'JSIi.J. <gs, accessories, Whitman coin folderi See Lester kelson. 23 Campbell ave, Phone RU 1-0679.* 33 East Front bi.. Red Bank. Jr., Betty Petrucelll and Maude P. nve., Shrewsbury. BE-.6-31)21-J. KK 6.1468-M. l f L K Slt,VKR~Glvlng K ~ l room with fire-. Port LlfTLK i stock. Stamps, gold coins, and Monmouth. or phone KE 4-0158. WliEEL CHAIRS'RENTED—New deluxe RED BANK Three-room apartment. UnSparkes, takes thia means of wish* 1940 OLDSMOBTCE—Asking *8B. RE 6' place, tllnins. area, kitchen, three bed HOUSEKEEPER For business couple. chrurae wheel chairs for rent. Reason- velopeB with stamps before 1900. wanted TRENCHING, septic system, oil tank E61I-J. RU If ooms, tile hath. Unfurnished: (130 a furnished. RE 6-007B.* nnswer, Ing you a most prosperous; N e * from 1:30 to 6:30. Recommendations able. New and used chairs for sale. Call Highest prices paid. Monmouth Stam 1388-W. nonth. Call Walker & Walker, Realtors, required. K Interested, write 1'. O. Box and Coin Shop. 60 Monmouth st., opinstallations. Call for freo esti'OUR-R00M UNFURNrSHEP apartYear." P.E t-2614, ask for "Patient Service." hrewsbury, RE 6.5212. Open seven 44. Red Bank, for appointment. oslte Red Bank town hall. Open eve ment. Broad st.. Red Bank. Fireplace B CONVERTIBLE SEDAN _ Good Free delivery. South Jersey Surgical mates, Tu-Co, Excnvatlng, HE 6lays. ings and Saturrlaya. coiidltion. Radio, heater. Needs mino Supply. 33 East Front St., Red Bank. SALESGIRL Witll or without exper- garage. Just decorated. Phono RE 60610. 22» or RE 6-1575. UR COAT Dark brown. Size 18 _ repairs, $145. 13 Wharf ave., Ret LITTLE SILVER Living room, kitchen, SIX-ROOM HOUSE—Gsrage. Near highTIKES— RETREADING, vulcanizing our ience. Pleasant hours, steady. Capital three bedrooms, tile bath; two-car at- Bakery. RE 6-1138. n k " Extra Ions. Very good condition, $40 ways and schools. Spacious groundf. specialty. Your car tied up only 15 EA BRIGHT Best residential section. ,ached garage. Furnished: $125 month. 1919 HUDSON SEDAN—I75U, minutes to put loaners on wlsile we re- Call AT 1-0326-J. VACUUM cleaners repaired any make. Completely furnished, 4 or 5-room A bargain. RE 6-1647 any day a t anyJail Walker & Walker, Realtors. Shrews- SALESGIRL—Full time. Permanent, 40 1CII-M, time. Or RE 6-3213. cap jrour Mres. No charge for toaner FRIGn5A~lfiE_Good running order, $26, All'n Blectdo Shop, 18 White it., Red hour week, including Friday night and spartment, Air conditioning, oil he'it. itiry. RE 6-8212. Open seven days. Call RE 6 - I 2 0 I - R . ' _ ^ Bank service. Mount Tire Service, 75 White isklng $70 per month. Available for Saturday. Salary, plus commission. Must SHREWSBURY Business or residence. be able to sell better women's casual THE WEART-NEMETH AGENCY It Red Bank. Phone RE 6-04g4. 'Inter months. KE C-5106 or SE 2:ENMORE WASHING M A C H t N _ _ P r a c MAKE OLD FLOORS look like new. Kent Bis rooms, bath, porch. Call Walker wear. Apply in person, Mr. Natation., 224-M. POST AND RAIL fencing sold and •tlcnlly new. Guaranteed. In excellen' WANTED extenda wishes for a Happy and our high-speed floor sander and edger. & Walker, Realtors, Shrewsbury. RE J. Krldel. 2, Broad st. erected No charge for estimate! RE onditlon. Price $74. Phone RU 1-1S38-. Low rates. Engler Lurcter Col, phone Prosperous New Year In 1354 for all. •'URNISHED_Modcrn apartment. Two Iween 5 and 6 P. M.* «-4l42-R-2. _ HIGHEST PRICES (or Tour china-are, 6-5212. Open seven days. WAITRESS Apply In person. Caramel KE 6-O0O5 - • rooms nnd bath, $65. Price includes glftst}—are, antiques, flne linen*, furn! LONG BHSNCH Efvlng room, dining ATTENTION HUME O W N E K S I — S a v e TABLE $16, Victorian rockei CARPENTER AND JOBBERS_Estiniatm all utilities. Excellent location. Free Sweet Shop, Broad St.. Red Bank." room, kitchen, three bdrpoms, bath: 3y modernizing your house money fa: , walnut four-drawer chest $ t 0 : nil rriven General contractors. Carotcuuto ture, lamps, statues, silverware, brle-a THOMPSON AGENCY Shrewsbury. • Apply in person, parking spac. RE 6-9259, 100 month. Call -Walker & Walker, We- are equipped to- supply lamp $ 1 , what-not $12, marble top tables, brsc. paintings, jtwelrf For one plect yourself Cape Cod. living room, dining room, Entontown Television, No. 50 HighBros. Pimm Ml 6-0210 or KF, 6-1261-W. or m»ny Alice Sand. RB I-S238 Realtors, Shrewsbury, RE 6-5212. Open wa washstands, etc. 'Antinqiie Shoti, (Neat •'OUR ROOMS AND BATH, unfurnished. kitchen, two bedrooms, large expansion you with all the material! necessary >L 35 before 10 A. M. or after » P. M. seven days. $40. One room and bath, furnished attic. Attached garage; flagstone terSmall monthly payments arranged or fire house.) Main st,. Port Monmouth BRAKES BAD?_Don't wait until It's ton OLD FURNITURE, antiques china, NEAR RIVER Hiving room with flre- MAN To answer telephone calls. Apply $3,). Call at 1050 Ocean a v c , Sea rncc. Large lot. Good G, I. mortgage. late. Guaranteed expert service on all purchase of any materials. Hera are Dally, .Sundays. KE 6-I36D-.T. glasaware, art obiects and brlc-a-brac, in person. Eatontown Television, No, Bright. SE 2!0177. place, three bedrooms, $13,500. 81 Kast Front st. RE 6-0700.* •ome of the jobs you can dot Attic i n . MAN'S OVERCOAt. Blue, Like new. sL makes of cars. MiiBtcr cylinders and Immedian cash for anything and e««rj 50 Highway 33 befort 10 A. M. or afBest materials used. lichen, screened porch; J _ bulation, application of tiieboard In kitch40, >6; tan shoes, size 0, practlcall) wheel cylinders. iARAGE APARTMENT _ Unfurnished, THOMPSON AGENCY_Charm!ng older M. en or bath, finish your basement or attic new, $3. Call any time. Corner Leon A.t the P _ T Esso Service, 4'M Sluev.s- thing. Ituscll's 25 East Front St.. Dhon Call Walker & Walker, Realtors, Shrews- ter 6 I". . two-room apartment with bath and RE 6-I6U8. home. Living room and dining'room, Info a playroom, bedroom or den. Com- ardville rd. and Garfield ave, Campbell'; bury ave. RK 6-981G. bury. RE 6-5212. Open seven days. NUR'S"EMAiD For 15 months and JH lichen. RE 6-48,'ll-M. A.NTIQUES. BOOKS.>s and lamps. both with - fireplaces: modern kitchen.' plete Hue of lumber, millwork, hardware, function, Belford." COUNTY_Living room with fireplace year-old girls. Sleep in. On bus line, licit prices paid. Bring to the Hudson three bedrooms. Two-car garage. Larirft Mint, wall board roofing, siding, plyDUPLEX—Convcnlcnt location on bus MASON WORK_PlastcrIng, ctment dining room, kitchen, sunnorch, three Other help kept. References. RU 1-1332. — —Lood coi Shop. 137 Broad i t . . Red Bank RE C wood, doors, windows insulation, etc. line. Two bedrooms, newly converted. corner lot; $14,000, 81 East Front i t . bedrooms, bath, lavatory; $125 month. dition. Heats 4 to 5 rooms. AT 1 and general 'mason work, Mauro RE 6-0700.* 2003. Free estimates on your needs. American 23 Harding rd. Call Walker & Walker. Realtors, Shrews. Hasso, 13 Defon-cst avc., Red Hank. Lumber & Building Supply, Highway 35 583.* ATTENTION I—We buy lewlna ' _ £ ? • _ Ef" t-5212. Open seven days. ROOMS THOMPSON AGENCY_Hlgh on a HolmEATONTOWN_Two-room and kitchenat Headdcn's Corner. Mlddletown. RE 6- MALL sIZfi M A H O G A N V dining roo Phono RE G-39S0, cnines, typewriters, adders, registers, SHREWSBURY — Two bTTdrooms and del hill. Modern home on 2'fe acres. ette, furnished apartment, Lnrge light set, in gsjod condition. Table, foil rugs, vacuum cleaners, pianos. Ala bath, living room and kitchen. Large 53 HAPLE AVE.—Furnished room.. One rooms. Entirely privntc. 68 Broad st. Living room, fireplace; dining room, Will scl Wl4 'BUY ANYTHING and every t h i n , chairs, buffet, china closet. closed store merchandise. Almoit any- garage. Full basement. three bedrooms, extra large kitchen. Gn« of Red Bank's most convenient IocsOne block to and give the best prices. Call Swartz separately. Price for all $80, Can b< HOME REPAIRS_Pn!nting nnd all Jobs thins. Spot cash. Call us first. Wl rage: $16,000. 81 East F n n t st. RE bus; *80 per month. Walker & Walker lions. Call REM-1684, Mrs. Dowstra seen anytime Sunday. 65 Weil Be furniture. Highway 85, RE 6.8213. of nil types by Al llowcll. RE 6- go anywhere, anytime. 6-0700.* • Roberts, 62 Realtors. Shrewsbury. RE fi-5212. THE MARYLAND—Boarding (or retired W _ GIVE GOOD trnde-ins on your old •k 5CSS. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Alhtire rd., Spring Lake. Spring Lake 2 or business people. Very large, nicety iMEZSurtrble for three furniture a s we have an outlet for It. JANUARV CLEARANCE on all milliner 7399 RtVERFRONT—Owner moving out rmy couples. Elcctrio washer, oil furnished rooms. In center of the town LET US .PUT A SIX-ROOM home on Call s w a r t i Furnlturo Highway 35, RE Save 25 to 50%. Bonnclt Shop, ] GRAND PIANO—Any size for studio, heat, Best location In town, at Fort Mon- BE f-9218. Mechanic st.. Red Bank. of town. Like new. seven-room yuur lot and foundation for only $32U BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Alsu Spinet. Plione Parka Circle 7* mouth gate. Call EA 3-04-73-W. LARGE ROOM—For couple or couple down WOOD FIREPLACE; glove, kindling TEN STEEL BEDS and springs. $10 cac Call Emanual SwarU of Swarti colonial. Lovely view. Bulkhead, GOOIJ (N, Y.I or write, Boi 400, 147 t o n RfeNTBtrSA"CE_3Iew ranch Blyle, with child, Complete houiekeeplni Charles H. Wilson's wood yorrl, 39 Union HOIIM. Wharf a v c . Red Da Furniture RE « 3 3 U or RE 6-5485. sandy beach. Many unusual feature!. RAISB CHINCHILLAS _ The iimulent Broadway, New York city. five-room house with all latest im- Newly painted. Plenty of hot water. Peachh St., Boro New Shrewsbury, P Phone RCA CONSOLE RADlO_l'ressuro cook way there is uf obtaining n retirement P1ANUS— Highest prices paid. FHANKLYN D. HAVILAND. broker. Asking $25,500. Offers invited. Ray WT'ttn provement". Three bus lines, one block Near Molly Pitcher hotel, 63 Horford RE 6-1846. ' canncr. Both In excellent couditlo ncomc. C'hincliillns, cm. lio rniacd tirofResidential, acreage, farms and compi. RE 6-9180. zcr, 306 Main St.. Lakewood, or cal to train, llf 3-1333-M. Van Horn, Realtors, J-'alr Haven. p. SALT lTXY__"red D. Wikolt Co, RE and reasonable. Call any day this week. itnbly in your baaement, Btmre room or mercial ti.-operr.ici Listings solicited 75 LA 6.U1UU. ON _6_0St_8_or 0-0_55 4_. After 5:30 next week, RE 6-0769,* BLOCK Ot-'fr Broad st. SlHgTc McLaren st.. Red, Bant KHraEc. 1'or fiirtlicr itiformiitluti, visit RE 6-4100.* MONMOUTH BBACH—Furnlshcd. three ONE RE 6-IBZll rooms; clean and comfortable. Reason- INCOME pffoPERTY—Elghl-rnum houscT WEAR KNA~PP Acotrcd~ihoes for comoup ranch. Uavia ^hiiicUlllH Farm, OLD DOLL.S, doll clothes and acces bedroom housp. Available now. Lusorifs. Also doll furniture. All type: fort, quality and long service. Made Uucttn rd., Slu'itiK Luko llclghts, or ng*, dining, utility and powder rouin able rate (icntlpman preferred Garage Four-room apartment first floor; four of antiques. The Opportunity Shop oil burner, shower, newly decorated. Im phone Spring Luke _-276ti-J. with built-in arches and cushion inner avai'lnblr. RE. 6-53'J',!. 88 Wallace st, second floor: full cellar, garage. All im. BUSINESS NOTICES CHEERFUL. SIX-ROOM eoloniel. Antiques, 115 Broadway, Keyport. K provcmcnls, storm windows; garage; an soles. Priced from $l).95 and up. Call FURNISHED BEDROOM _ With kitchen provemenls: oil heat. Also throe-room MAKE ALL THE PROFITS_Your profits 7-1446. Two bedroomi on first floor; one tenna. LO 6-1005 or MO 1-3033-W, C. J. Clayton. LO 6-1160-M. privileges. Inquire 276 Mechanic it,, lungalow-qnd bnth; HI 3-1889, BULLUpZER SERVICG, excavating, laud ' with America's foremost continuous ArTTlQUES _ Beit prices paid. China, bedroom on second, £D2y lost burn* D S E B ~ T 7 O S l B E f t - 2 x 4 ' s , ~ . . 6 ' s , 4»4's Redjtank. _RJ3 «_1874. clearing, driveways built and repaired, direct-draw dairy freezer. Run your own elnaawnrc, pictures, stntucs, jewelry, MONMOUTH BEACH—Modcrn bungiT ONE OlTTWO ROOMS for young wornsheeting., good aa new, at $65 PC fill din. sand, xravel, (op soil and cin- soft ice crenm business. Draw a malt or ing fireplace, bath with shower, baselow. Four rooms and bath. Ono block MARIE COX AGENCY, realtor! and 1,000; roof shingle*, factory sub-standan ders. Trees and stumps removed. Gray*- shake, as easily as you would H cun of lamps, old revolvers, silver, fine furni- from school. Call SE 2-0117.W. an. Private home. Low rental. ItE ment. Garage. Lovely ground!. Im* insu'ors. Sa'.es yearlj and sumture. Monmouth county books, maps, at $4.50 per square. Wyde Lumber A Ing and seeding of laws, LO 6-I2S0, coffee, witll the continuous direct-draw 130-J. mediate possession,; 11.1,400. Ray GARAGE _ West Front st. Close to BELMAR Home for the Aged, Room Supply Corp. Highway 36. Bclford. KE CHAlIt CANlNG and rush work Wil. malt anil shake-maker. Own or rent your Oilman, 82 Spring at, RE 6-0145-M. mer rentals. Coraanche dr.. PortTwin Gnbles nnd Shrewsbury Manor bur Ivlnt, 19 West Sumei ave. Phone own building. Financing and location help IN EXCHANGE—For small cabin boa Van Horn, Realtors, Fair Haven. nnd board for elderly people. BE 6 fi-0820 aupick. Phone LO e-1602. Sleeps two, 1940 Oliver Ctertrac front- apartments. Apply Maurice Schwartz & C687. 319 Tenth ave. FILES. DESKS, CHAIRS.—Complete new RE 6-4388.R available. Write Immediately for full deRE 6-4109.' 141 West Front St., Red Bank line of office furniture. Serpico's Oflice SERVICE Write. "Frozen end londer. Model P 7 11210. Serial 'ons, LARGE, LIGHT housekeeping room. Hot _ WAI'r_R.duce tails. No obligation. YOU # D 6 4 7 : also two-wheel tilt trailer. Write, Equipment, 101 Monmouth i t , RE 6 and cold water in room, Frigldalre. service charges by bringing your ra- Justnrd Machines," Box 511, Red Bank, BUNGALOW_Flve large rooms. All tile PAUL P STKYKER. Realtor. Farms "Exchange," Bos H I . Red Bank. 0485 _ * pi.. dio or television set in for repairs. A. C. bath. Clasa 1-A zone, Storm'windows Apply ppy att 21 Peters p . Red e Bank. and farm eitatei. ' State H'gb',i-ACRE, NEAR RIVER_Excellent Vfc"irBRA?rTv'iEir"BUY most anythln FORMICA KITCHEN cabinet t o p s : re Radio and Television Company. Armanii nnd screens. RE 6-2407-J. FURNISHED ROOM_For couple or two . old. Marble top tables, wsshstands, place worn-out linoleum. You'll be sur A. Crupl, owner, 123 Shrewsbury ave. *»a> 14, Holmdel. Phone ilO * • , and convenient neighborhood. men, in private home with .or without AUTOMOBILES DUNCALOW—Four rooms. Batli. ol: picture frames, oil lamps, desks, hlrd RE 6-47C8. prised at the low COBI. Vvee estimates. •601. Seven-room ranch house. Colored tile heat. F, Marr. \0nll st.. Entontown kitchen privileges. Call RE 6-0773. caces, cutgtasB. china, Look in your al Crown Kitchens, 115 West Front st.. Red LONG l)RANCH_(iood home (or younv East nf Circle. Phnne RA S-riBMS-J." hath, insulation, oil heat, fireplaci. 10.-.0 PLYMOUTH KOUR-DOOB SEUAN tlo, tiarns. Call KB 6-UliO-J or writ Bank. RE ti-2552. 24-HOUR SERVICE on the repair of couple. Comfortable, furnished room. This sedan Is light blue, mutinied Hoi 271. Port Monmnllth.* G, K, kitchen, refrigerator, range; 1TVE ELECTRIC JTENTURY~ motors, IOUSE—Five rooms and 'oath. Garage.. Use nf kitchen, living room, television radios and electrical appliances. with a heater and all good tires. This WILLIS CONOVEIt—Kealtor. Comthree phase, tJO-cyclc. from 2 h. p. to Hot water oil heat. Unfurnished; ISO nnd all utilities Included. 110 per week TO BUY_Ccment mixer. Small slie, fo $18,500. Ray Van Horn, Realtors, has lots of economical transpnr? We call for and dellrir. Harold's fa h. li. Inquire Fred D. Wikoff, Co., monthly. EA n-Clli2S-W-l, •• plete real estate service. As near hnme use. Call KE 7-1215-M, 1,0 n-4C55.W. » Fair Haven. RE 6-4100.* tatlon to olfer. Come In today, Drive Radio and Electric Shop. II West corner Maple avc. and Bergen pi., Roc1 FURNISHED ROOM_Front. Three win aa your *ihone to serve you,: 7 j It. Maurice Schwartr. & • Sons, Went PORTABLE ELECTRIC ssnder. Give RUMSON Immediate possession. Nice Hank. RE ii.0551, Front it., Rf<< Cank. Phona RE I . dows, Uarage. Preferably business Front st., Red Bank, Chrysler, Plymouth, Incntlnn. Near bus. Eleht rooms, two make, condition and price, Write, P, West Front it. RE 6-5141. CONFIDENTIAL—Gel tho biggest TV International. Direct factory dealers. 2744. bnths, hot water heat, oil; garage; $100 woman. Evenings, week-cndi, 116 Spring (>. Box 17. Sea Bright.* HUGH OAKS, PINES snd Holly pro. trade in allowance in N. J., on a new monthly. Sweeny Agency, Phono RU st. RB 6-2077." 1048 PLYMOUTH Four-door sedan. A S T I L L M A N , KBAX.TOU _ Large 10f,4 .Motorola stand out picture teleTIIREi: RIDERS—Shsre expenses ti 1.1491. ride the holidays setting for thll FURNISHED ROOM _ • With running RAY special deluxe four-door !» a Bood - parking space for your convenience, vision set. See the complete line Miami, Fin. Leaving Jan, 4, RB 6 CESSPOOL CLEANING and building u p . solid cur, equipped with rndlo and hentseven-room (4 bedrooms) ranch ( water, Located in residential neigh- State Highway 35, Shrewsbury. All SlrauJ. Stores, 15 White St. RE 6-5340 tio tanks; dry and gravel wells and borhood, on bus lino. Garage available, types of properties throughout MonBody nnd motor nre In excellent r.6,',2-J or 134 N. Sunnycrest dr., Llttl, house. Excellent design, Flrepia(# loily WOOD—Fireplace and Hiker after 5, Coming back within tw ODreplace n d sseasoned e a s d oak, a , J $1 drains. 3D Peach .t INew Shrewsbury RF, 6-0084-J. • shape and will give many carefree miles. weeks, Round trip can be arranged. mouth county. Farms, town and country REAL ESTATE WANTED Garage, Basement; $23,500. Rny load. McGulre'a Market, Highway Borough.) Phone RE 6-13-16. C. H. Seo' it and drive* It today, Maurice LARGE, PLEASANT, furnished room. houses, waterfront properties; business HO 0-7233: evenings 110 9-8091 Wilton. 34. Van Horn, Realtors, Fair Haven. Schwartz & Sons, West Front St.. Red Full bedroom suits, very large closet, opportunities, Call, write your requireARE YOU SELLING OR RENT>NG7— SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, laterals. dry Ilank, Chrysler. Plymouth. International. HE 6-41O0.' ntact us. T k aadvantage Contact Take of our kitchen privileges for couple, Spanish ments. Large and competent stair to SHOTGUNS, RIFLES. _N«w, used. n t g e of wells: numultm hiillr" wells; pumping and building, Jacob Direct, factory dealers. WANTED TO RENT preferred. 105 Shrewsbury ave. RE 6 serve you, RE 6-5111. wo o active active offices. ffice Fre F inspection i i ser- 2844-J. Pel:r., trading as "Atlantic Cesspool lT49"DODGE fWO-iJQOR SEDAN—Hero Bought, sold and trnded. All kinds ' vice, Buyers waiting The Massnr service," Shrewsbury dr. Rumion. HU Two-bed is a , safety, stiro family cur. The FOR 1-EII. 1st occupancy, of ammunition and fishing tackle. NEWLY PAINTED __ Flve-room PROPERTIES OF ALL KINDS for room apartment, (iarage, In prlvHti Agency, 9 Canal st, RE «.;121 or 1020 large roil, sent has plenty of room for Leplck's Gulf Service, Route SO, siAK'JUI._'l'JRS sad magnetoi rebuilt. the kltl-. and you have no doors to residence nr npurtmenl house. Red lianl Main st AS 2-2216. home. Convenient to stores and sale. Listings wanted. Insurance MORE CLIENTS than APARTMENTS Quick (ai-tory workmanship, Douglsa worry about. Wo luiva juut overhauled anil vicinity. HE 6-S76I.' West Kcansburp. shops. Steam hent, new oil.fired all kinds. MortgagQ 1 'tins. Apply b ENT I than $ Klcclrlo Co.. 35 35 East Front it,. Red tho rtiklno completely, so you'll have hTt'lngs. We have furnace; 4% G. I. mortgage. Ask* R. V. R. It. Stout, 77-70 Ilmad St., Hank '"-" 6.0128. " RE man*' buyers In $12,000.$ 16.001) range I'UltNISHKU. four rooms and bath ..„ oil problem. Come, sro It1 now, A N T R J U E S — C h i n a , culiiliisn, etc. Hun heat nnd hot water. $65, Adults pre< Ing $0,300, Monthly nayminti $3(i, Red Dank, Phone RE 0.3141. '" L | t youi home with us for action, flusMaurice Schwartz & Sons, Wen . Front dreds of diKtiiu-livc itctiiK, suitiiblc fui SE 2-026B. 794 Ocean ave. BOATS «v * M Borui Agency. 600 River rd., erred. nt., Red Bnuk. Chrysler, Plymouth, In. OIL LAMPS converted for electriRay Van Horn, Realtors, Fair Ha* Christmai fifth. Also complete lino «lr neT1.4535. s f Haven, VNKw e c T i s r n r f o r Sea Bright. Ir-riiulliinnl Illrect farlory d^alr-m, city. Lumps rewired, We call for brass, iirepluco cijulpniciit HI speci vcn, III. 6-4100,* LAUSUN-The outboard of tht future hotter typo homes, Selling and list, APAKTtTlTNT Six i joins and linth fifr. 1 CftlR"YST"riR"\vTOT),<()R ilcfnio four. UISCOURAUEDT—Trylng to find a Chrlslmns prices. Brow^erc always wel and deliver. Harold's Radio and Kour-cycle, alr.coul/.d, (iuuraiilced Utilities furnished, On kcal bus line, nsfVNK~wxi^T ug exclinnco services. Amos Hoaulnnd, iloor. This six-cylinder sedan with Three models to select from, Easy term come. Blume's, 69 South Mnin st. A l f0 r y N Y > Fl loundly, constructed house at a olio hlou': from New York bus line, Ref* Elictrlo Shop, 111 West front st., Its Chrysler Spitfire engine has 20,000 As little m J'J.10 pir Keck, Liberal tradi i !"! ' ,"? iV! . "" ' C"-"' "»'« crrnces exchanged. AT 1-04911 untl 2-4640. _ . WATERFRONT _ I'J-ncre woodoil realistic price ? Invcstlcata Ounnlson" Red Bonk. Phone RE 1-2744. miles on It and Is equipped with radio In, Used oulbonrds for sail, Sie It to K, JJlonlnl,' RU t<0"4D. SIUSlCAL fN"STRUME"KTS_Four stulcnl 0lil» P M. Homes. Priced from $7,500 to $12,setting. colonial, d heater, It IK lu*h unvy blue, tins da/ at Strauis Stores, I t White et., Ret A T E ' l ' ( i n i M " W accordlous, pt'ufesalunnl, 120 bass, acAPARTMENT _ Small, you thought of selling "your home? BTCHEXOTI 1 brand new set of mitin scat covers, 700 complete on your location. three bathi, oil heat, Near Parkway, cordion, Jcirco xylophone, Deagun mlr- r'Looll WAXINU , Can HE e.unn tS tSuu: flank. ground floor, Rear of CO Wallace it, There ary very many people In this Come, see It today, Maurice Schwartz peilor Imlm. Low \t,\m, [IE 7-0914-J, Private ""••"" Hour Waxing Co. ~ Pi Everett It. Thorno, Kings Highway, Two miles to depot o n . Swimming . Mons, Weal Fruiit si,, Red llnnk, UOAT SUPPLIES _ All your lioatlm section who need and can alTord to buy I.H 0.0111)3. nonim our specialty, STBEL~TiJCKERS_Mnny H-doo n ur specialty. Mlddletown. Mt 6-0052, Let us sell your home or URNTMIIED APARTilGNT Overlook river, Bargain, Asking $22,500. Plymouth, Intornatlounl, Direct - noedi under one roof. Evirylhtnsf fo •i home. full*door, Low |irlv?s, Call MA 1 TILING—Fluor and wall, Sample.' shown, ChryBter, fartnry dealera, * the boiitmuil, Ne^ Jersey's Inrgett ma huslnesi property, Clmllln Agency, High* Ing Sandy Hook bay. All year around, liny Van Horn, Realtor!, HE I2340-W.I. Kim estlmntes glvun, Rudy Rlskumm, rlno supply houio, Week-dnys R A, M **»r J » _ _ C a l l E A 3-llIta. H I Linden nve., Highlands. Call II •4III4U Vol.!) v*8 two-door I'lmlom BOP 4100.' t u v y crconoled tlm" 12 Elm nl. Rod Hank, Phone KE B . t s n . nUMSON_Cholce '/,-acro, lightly woud3.IH0*- nr AT 1.0803. dan; Kqutiipcd wllh rndlo, healer and In 0 P. M. Tho noatman'e fihop, 2 bridges, SEP'I'IU TANKS~ind cesspooirTiesnuT. born, aiiltnlilo fur piers, eil, high, dry, plot In exclusive P'ne Wharf nve, III", t.5781), cy, We hnva uroipocti for all types 0"Nl'UltNISllKl)Z;Fij"ur-room- apartrnenl also drj wells,, drnlns Installed, Es- crouomy-uiviiiU overdrive. A renl valuo trestles, liahr's. llluhlnnda. I l l U-1245 "f, Property, Call us for Rumsnn, Little Iteady for uccupancy about Jan, I Ridge loctlon, Convenient to schools and Mniirlrc l-'lllKIl CLAHH IIOAT ciiverlng. dnoks «ti given. O Oscar ar B Becker 47 - c t . nt $7119. Drive II tudiiy, i mates mt k 47 (s,TtXHsij.sriteT«TiT timate pioferiod. Newly decor* transportation. RU l-00.*i,1.K, RIVER OAKS—llrook, Large wooded Silver. Fair Haven, Red lank nreni nnd lluxliicM I'liuple Kchwaiis & Suim, IMrci-t fitctiiry drill, rrrT:is'~TXHisi I'h RB 1 d «U Fair Haven I'hnne RB >.|4(H, hulls Inmlnntod. Old and now hunt; liart in slock. New nnd Uheil utuven, Hay Bluifo, K. R, Httydor ft Co,, 1115 ntcd. Ncnt 'Vines, nehnuli and. shopping LITTLE HII.VKIt-iNlcd retlnment homo. rlirynlcr, IMytiumth, Ititonwlloiiul, plot. 1 i-j-alnry, Iwo.tlltd hallt LAM1' SHXbUB" ouHonV'mucit, Also a ers. .idi i t ., apuco litntnvK. g » rnn«e». T h e Slt»v Phone HI W l'riint St., llnl llnnk. First nvn, Atlantlo lllnlilnnila AT 1- dlalrlct nf Allniitlo Illnlilniiilrf, Practically now, well built, best ma* vurltty of slock thndes for your n i c e colonial, Enclosed porch, Double Hlore, 1010 Siui gwood « v c , , Aabur, nflor « P. M, wr-ck-dnys, AT I.01IM-M 0900, terlnt nnd construction, Twn bndroonis, T l i l ( I H l i i U | l l ) t l U S K I I A N tlun, Prices from 96 up, Hllu Slcinir Park, "SITUATIONS" WANTED" WE" ICAVB' StsniOUS "liriipcfVs" f o T i l l nr nil day Saturdays and Kuutlaya, garage, Owner triinsferred, Want* large cltiiets, deluxo gojored tIIn bath, This hlni'k Mnidowliriink ncilitn linn i J n M T u V i r l r r r T T l e c o s f n tliciioT Stuilln 104 Shrewsbiir.ii ave., fled Hank, liecu lynei of listings. Promiu and -Illcl-nt rilBl^ltiJriMlUnNISiTIilalnTrinTeiri Combined living room nnd dinette with niters, Hay Van Horn, Monitor!, In our slinp tor «ci'vk-liu' blnco II y o u r s e l f IIIHII. C r o w n K l l v h c n s , 11 »'"}'•• Allaire a. Soni Agincy, Ino. IIB Tiled bath, ntudorii (ut'iilshlngs, Park lovely (kenlucc. Well eoAiltiucd kitchen, nan now mid wo know It t o lie a rent Ulit'MNT t:tJl,Ll:(it: gtnduati dMilrim l a i r Haven. IIB »*4100,'. KULK1M UONSTKUCTtON CU., INC, valiir, illlun u nfi'tMnry, (Inn yrnr'i rMri Wot I'I'IIII >l, UK il.'JfifiJ, Inn. l'l'lvnte ontrntivo. All ulllillei llf full, dry bniementi attached mirage, Hi* It liiiM a i-ndlri In nrnuno ynu Innup, tyidng and iliorthsud, Writ eluded, Available approximately Jan, V0 villont location, close In trnni|iiirtnll»n, General conlraotlni, Uulldlnd reand 11 geuiilno lirstiir tu imsuro you of it JALOUSIES llronowiiy ciiglosures. Y.t. nnd •hopping, Full details. Dti R_ warm winter, Hot, It nnw, Maurlcp "Hfcictury," Iliix n i t , ll'd llnnk,' Be«reit«n, lnauriin>'t and IQ6-1, lltiHlncsA rotinlo or gentlemen nre* school elusive fnctnry rcprrsenutlvo for Nasl modeling, Flnnniilng arranged. KB ACCESS TO RIVER—Excelle-nt loc«* Mchunrlr. A Maim, Wp>l l-'nint at., lied IIANIlV MAN — Cariieutry, llr-otrlcn mortaaii loam tin four prorurtr for forreil, Very deilrnble, Itomonsble, ItB 7-1)12*., Mfv, Co. In thlit «r«a, ld-Klil I'milucli • .B387-M, P, O. Boa 841, Red Bank, IIII'74J Ilank, ('hrysloi', I'lymoiilli, llitenuit. III'» wllh as. t l o n . w l l h ncceai to Shnwihtiry lutlnlliiii, Attlm, rolliim, unriim 'fWO-FAMILY _ 3', apartment Ctimpnny, 115 Wont Front il,, Rod Bank In lal, IHrn't fnutnry d l cUnnculi white wmhlniti tutu Blmonlu CONS'l'ANUi. HMI't'li {fllirluY-lt Ha. house, Newly remodeled. Conveniently Bl AI'ARTMBNT — Thr* IIK i-Wi't. Vn» Milliniitiiii, river, LIIIKO living room with (In* EuTltlU MOTOR rebuilding n our roomi, (nr reflneil b u i l n n i All odd>lt>, UK,' Pli a»t,. lair llnvin, IIB 1.1301 real l loenttrl to all liuiei, school*, nnd itoren, place, Inrue dining room, modern £VKIiai(EENH_Tnxus, nrliorvlciie, jun tuilnaai, Cull us for nulok iirvlct, •Hate Iniumnee morliaie loam, fluy. 1'hnrle IIB n-tlHflH.J, Very »nod Iriconte, RE fl.Oino, (Jrnucho sent us thla nno nnd ll'a it lierl, nKiilufm, etc, Will Plant, Aln Douglas Eleotrle Co,, «5 Kasi front it,, honiil, Tho fnmiius Klieilmno V.» noiliui YllUNO WOMAN wlihei dny'i veniri klohen, 3 bedroomi nnd tilid listh, «ri (or all tynei of1 oronerlr. Write oi lllil) HANK —. Tlirie.ruom (urnlihet TWO, THUF.K^KTOlLY nnnrtmeKl nnnrtme'Kl liiiiimwiirk, AT 1.110110,* fine topsull, Call lifter 0 I1, M., M Hud Hunk. I'hone RE tQUS nhnri» Information.* _ lliil"li"il In twu'liino Kiev, It linn full IIOUIII, K«nh has 4(4 rooms on first niHiilmoiit, linth nnd goraae, Prlvnti •oreehed porch. Hecnnil floor, one f i t r,.0K)3, Wrj 1.0AW VTJU tires, no ihitrge while limit iiower stpcrlni/i rnillu nnd hnntor. KX.MAII1NI'!, A (IB ,'il, dialrrs work a floor I Hcoml nnd thl/d flnor« linvs ii >a front and ranr entrnnoeit, Fltit floor WlI.Ii HXCUANdH nn nUmotlva ntveti linili'oom nnd batli with additional »ouri ure holm regnntitd, Mnunt 'I'lte 'l'hl» car with Ita lino r-nuliin la n I on) uI Ir- Msclinol IIII 'hllol I l l lunit lt W «WHHXIIIIII, » 0 l l l « U l ' C ILlroint, IM MOTOROLA 'tlAIl UAmO—Knerlnl fo Mhllol Illllt W«»H0llll«, U riiiim IMIIIUIIIIIW u l l h extra utility linnt nnd water furnished i 178 monthly, rooms esch. Newly remodeled, Convrii. room (nr twn Imlroomi, Full bni«* Snrvloc, V, White it,, Rid Bank. PhoiK tiaod Mil' huy, Miitirli'n Ki'hwnrli A drlV'ir ln'r with wllh fur, lyiiiiiK tyiilnu mill nnil ulllc* lofill Chovrnlol, maturn IIIIHII IIIHIIIIIII ulllca *»ntir niuii'tinrnt In rorir nt Full I'lnrcc, Miirldn, Illl ll.illUI.M, lontly Ircitlld tn all school", Inian, KM (MUM Hum, West Fruiil st,, Itnl Hunk, Cliry. Ixni'r, tlun nnd nnteiiiin, only $41,115 i'imipl*-ti In nny IIxni'r, Inlri'ntltil I l l e i l In k i d nt t wor •turn, Very irnnil Inconi", IIK (I.OIIIIO, mont with oil-find itiam heat, Two* Inlri'usleil nny kind kind nt win] fur' aomotlilng In thin vU'lnilv, 1'lieno TIIUI'I4..UOUM 1-UllNlHIIIII) nnititmen Direct tlther iiindel radios frnm |!J7.7fi up. Tim [•AiwiNirrnErronA'riNO,iiiriwirHhu. "lor, l'lyinnulh, Inleriiatliiunl, Arthur I), Aselaan, nwntr, ,Hlj ii.0147, J-IVK.ItOOM CUTTAUK_Illgllllll (inn riir uaraue, Aililnt 118,000, Allaire itrroroiir M j f i;«i_!!_J '«JLLi U J . I N . I _ W with iii'lvntn lililh, All utlllilM In imyniriili. Htrausi Hloroa, 15 While st or rrslilenin tl-UAII, Ing. Interior* and cMoiloi. fluty the facini'y driilpi'*. dition, tins new rnof, cement fntindn f l l A V K KVriNiNd'K, tTattirdnyn fr»«. itii I'luilr-il, I'nrkliiK fni'HIIUi, Ill'i 11.,1110'J.W r A Bon Au.nry, Ino, ItK « - S U 0 , host norkiniiiiihlp, Kitlninlen uhcri'fully lOiin niwiiTo I'ourt.iKum 'ni:ii\N ;' f it Mtr, Cnn tin Itori. mntlern kitchen nnd hnlhrnoiit, i n'n y T )nh ynu nitinf, Aii IHVIHirilONT AI'AIITMMNT- I'lilly fin uivoii, ltuinion Uicorntliiu Cti ItU I l i a r s hititnllld IIIIIF I'lmtuin Hi'iliin, ITIMIV 11,1, MIUTIOII, (•niilu'ci 1 , lionifi In lied linn llnrm mill nnd iiireom, HH U-O'J1I7 IU-UUT.AU »UU IHIX m'irliiitTiiil""i"iiVit' nlsheil aiillnlilii fur liiiilnrM rotiiili 11(14 In riill atvny, (li-niichn li|nii>r.|f uoiiiil W i l l n "AvMtliiliir." llu.v M l , ll«il llnnk f wnVsr:AFr«iiiririiitifwi(ii lifter r, P. M, HELP WANTED Mcdniiiiii, IWtiiK riiniii, I'lintplflir. kltcnr TONTrTrfl, undi^inii, loriiiiimMid H. i i i i n i i l c t r u l t h rmllu, muii'ltiuii Cnnn ('nil, I'lrm flour Ho' sura hcils H i l l regular 1450, Uim-.|il' riKTTTOATIOKrKiluiiliir .. Xl'KUCiKT nnil hnlli, lu'lvnlr. rnlranro, Nn I ml i Yini'll IIIVII II, Klnp hi nnd g r m l l i g tun tull, Illl dirt, ulnilurt, lirnlor, VIIIK loiiiii with Ill'tnlntl, In fun dining llvlhjf I'liolu mill 1 , Ml.ytiu* gun i a lit rt>, nii'i, Lllllo Hllvcr. II11111I I'liiniiiiilliig IWItlllHIH_ I'UHT KxtilimiKS IJailmr Twu lilm:kn flimi IIPII Ilank iimluill IS Hiui, illcd Ulcii M Mli'hcn, liuue. den den Inr Inr lirit gruvtl, mmiuri, ccisimnU nnd dry "Till d r i v e II liiilny, Mnuilri' K r h » n i l f , li1 Kniii, with air fnnni siiin-r i-ualilniilnu by (liuid. now l h c n IMK« In ' to Ntw'Yvrk, Atlranllvn hnvnt. Llvliig Itulltlluu lull, tort Munniuulli. ISA ynir nrmiiiil, IIH i l j x M b u l l u drlv«w»y« tttiulrtu. L l o m l Hlmtili, Wr-sl I'lini) »t., lltit linnli, I'liryiiri . I'ly- INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTAT! ymr f i l ' i t iit>«tilr>i< m m ilm-D-iilr-i rnoni illiilnB room, iv,n heilrnums, tiarn* room) rind ooiniilculy Mini hath will infti lniij(iM 1490, nintilli, liittiriiiitliifiiili I'lrr-H fntlury Ketionn (Inor, four hurl I'liiinn IIVJ n.ufle I niKlil! living niiiiii nnilo with fonin nil into lli<d linlli, kllclifin with uiiiiio, ro. •tall i h i n u r , TIlilllli.ltOOM Al'AltTMKNT-.WIth a. ilmtliija, _ U H T Milt IIKNT.-IIHulH, Hlry mtuoi fi nBCWT TOUC^i ii'lU'iattir nnil wmhlnv Innolilno, I'lmi* I'liuma and tllttl bath with alinwir, Full Innintln li'iit, Avnllable Inimeillaiely IInIIf loft. I'lmly nf Unlit. S.tiH I l»r witlli, Hiircli, Altni'liiil uarnili, Full, liaiemcnt with laundry room and liathi tanki eliamii and Imtallid, drain*, inniile nmi inalivifaiiy illnall* sets I.fill I1H il.IlKNi liflwMii 0 A, M, mid II I', ft iliy bailment ita Ifd, Phone any time day ur xeilau l i I'liiniiipir, w l l h ritillii, l i m n e r M, l!«i!«lliiil fur \tnnitn i it)|iar»l nn lll'ldere Muhoiiiiiiy Hiliii-rin I'liyfn illnln ment with with workihup, workihup, K»|)«nalnti K»|)«nalnti room, oil-find hoi watar hiat, Two. iy b I'luily »f ntui M A N . . W i t h urtr, Uutitl IKIUO, Illvh ill . Outdoor ijiullftilly cur uaraita, Onin porch, All In excll. ItU 1-U740, llarviy U, Tlllon, 17 a n i l ti) ruttiatlti Iraimmlnitltiii, II In a iifni'tuiliiK •iiicrnlloii. Irmni miltn I:l7f.I Duncan l'li>(- tiilil Outdoor Hr«|l Hr«|iliti'«, uijiullftilly ill nlora avitll«lilf| Altracllvi Istat' iUltNlHllKII APAIITMKNT..Conilitlni with imdi ami r l i t'hnlis l l ' . t l inshoiiah! if- Humiun, giiorf, I'lfnn, light, Mil" a n d lum limj pay, Ho InvHtininl, quick urnine* ll llH.tlOO, 74 Standlah nl,, lint, onndltlnn. Alliln a So mi of II v I it K> ruoiii, liiilrooim Mtehin, mill tlrnp.l'sf taliln with tln-*n leavr-n, wl Ktui> In Itiihiy iCIETNOTn maiiin wurk and i the liDtt nt rijre, i'«ri>, Ht ' anil Niitr wiilir, l'n»"|i ••mad Ini'lud'n .. tlun, KHIy, l i o HmiK, «v«,, A l nrlvMIs litilli, In riiliUntlnl notion m mat III |i»n|il», 11001 uprliiht iilniin | 4 u try il nul. Vim will Ilk* K imtehwork. iate ... lnuTH'1 l i m n l i n o inr inniilli, I.HIIK l « n n , Writ Nn lob tuo 1 tt ^nYcirRweiri(oMB7TTJimr LITTM-1 H l L V e t l - M u i l i r n run oh homt, bury 1'iuk, lll»for« D A- M,l tnwn, Ailulti only, I'or miimlntiiifii Alien with'l 1 100, nKuril irrit alia Frig or tnu miall, John Uunilo Jr., ohom Hi'hwiii'li A Huh*, Weal I'rniil al,, llr-d Kin'ik MlrallilL 41 Third. «v«,, Allan! i l v t r i lOOditil l n r m l n i t lliving llrlt'k and fr«m», llvln« room with (In* lOO.ditil lot, ((linrmlnit lilmiNti milI I'M 0-1 to4. dalre 175, llnvf'tilet'c iiin|il» IIVIIIOUII AT |.I71'J.W llnnk, (.'hiyalei', I'lyiniiiilli, 1 uloriihtKilml, 'limn with nr«|ilr «i nniplt plnce, illnlnt room, kltrhin with r«n«i ith unliiun l n l l illnll unites I H i wnlnul twin hrdriium «ull« lili'srt r*ninry IIMIIPIII, UUIt.UIMI KUII IIKNT - • Mill) tuna Inn room, •loutrlt* klk'li-n, tlirae b i d . nnil infrlidintui'i t h r u dotilili biilrooini, I loutl klkl tlir ItUMNON, A P A I I T M t i N ' I V M ii room i l i l i s t , Avt'l'lr-i'i' l o i n nn I'll) litdriion cKMPtKnrAT oom lor, Omiiooli dun and oliinni, 8i|i. lff01l_HT"l nit _N"(o>'»*iiur**il(l'tfi r\Vi • mill, j«iii'iilMNiy wllh BiiniiitmliiK imima, tilt ImlliI it*ll Uu.aiory, Coi'iifr Wiat f ur l l im/u / l i n l intiHitei imllo tllnl lintli, RltHsliail Buriiirr, All rnoini IItinilihr-il l l l u r itinftii'nliiicil, i f i i l i l l A l l f l l l • ultra 1 1 . 1 , I l u n l d ' s Waftlmiia*, I, liuy, we Mil! W» trailn, Cimtt Auii) at, anil I'tkil HI, Maiirli'* Brhttti'... til tinki ind.dfilni ly(illitii lit ytati1 kterlali t\t radio InifiiMry ilailritlili, (.'ail ll««, lluilnim (ouida Ida rji'ifti 'iftircd,AllNofaclll |>il anil ilrlv«*«y « * « y liliihiinlnlid l i l i i h i i n l n l i d In In UI'IIIKI UI'IIIKI low iiniKually <v«cliiua, llrtlr-msrs Itloti I I " , . H ttmm, , .(Inly II"IIII0 KH V Nllll "" "' ',_ iD ClBtlf, I n r , 1411 Moiiinuulli II,, Hid Dink. Him, 141 W»il n o n l tin ttid S i n i>(t_l fit lultivliw, I'liiimimlnllfin I'I'IMIUOII Mny lie ««'n «ll«r 11', H KHV NllllmM H . ((I I n lly II",IIII0, K NllllmMi Min, Allalrl A Ron A « . h c ) , Jnc, A l I1, il, all Td,UNi f M t l I'hum JIB M i l t hum lt_ i.ottTi it., AumnB, t&oii U U l l l h h w ) i j ) I t , S l i i n n w w i b u r y . 111 111. 0 06. 61111 1 . (•"4SI)i ,, tlirltioiu, t i l MHO, i U Itunnori. RED BANK REGISTER CLASSIFIED RATES ROYAL TYPEWRITERS—New n d ' r i built All makes adding mucblnti «nd portable typewriters. Guaranteed. Easy terms. Scrplco's, 101 Monmoulh it HE 6-0485. SOTOTflLLERS—Ncw sino used. All sizes. Tarn, shop nervlce, free pick, up. Local dtaler» In Mntawan, Elberon, ~igllshtown. Hotary Tiller Sales Co., rt. 37. Toms river 8-0021. Write for free 64 page book. SILVER PLA'l'EU alto saxaphnne. A-l condition, $45. Phono KE 6-1504-.I between 4*6 P. M.* EMERSON OR TELEKIFJG 12',i-inch TV set. Milbogany, tnble model with swivel top table. Both In excellent o|ieratliiE condition, $50 with table. RE li-4nri4-J.' iloTW'ATE'Il HEATING sys'tom. Seven cast, ,iron radiators and furnace boiler ready for oil. Sea Bright Pharmacy. Phone SE S-O00fl.* BLACK SEAL CAPE Size 16, A bnr"gaiu at $18. Site 16 Girl Scout,dress f;t, size 12 white strnplcss evening gown _ AT I-1B78-J. GIRL'S ICE S K A T E S _ S l z e 5. AINTING—Inside and outaide. Pauerhanglns contracted by roll. John alone. AT I-I7UU-W. •rHTiNS C U N T R A C T I N Q Comimny, 1U0 Broud at., Red Hunk. UK- 0-5633. _ enoral building contracting, alterations, loro flouts, reilecornllliK, plastering. maun work. Terms, KED BANK — Span Crufl Studies, picture framing; oil paintings, etchigs and engravings restored; full-size ramcless mantel mirrors, window valnccs, lawn signs, framed mirrors, 37 'nut Front 6t 1'honc RE 6-311115. "EAT1NU, AIR-CONDITIONING, leaders, gutters, pre-fabrlcntcd duct work, ucllcr furnaces. J. V, liogurt, 73 ostcr st. llivcr Plaza. RE 6-5337. r Al>lTEif~Di5CORAT0rt and paper, hanger: interior and exterior; 25 cars' experience. Estimates cheerfully vcn. Louis Cnssun, 448 Shrewsbury vc. Red ilank. Phone RE 6-4314-M. JUNKI JUNKI JUNK'l — Cettls. junk dealer. We Pay best prico for ruga, ron, uniier nnil mattresses. Call RE -031I2. U.SKl'll MANNS. Mason and plastcrei. No job too smHll or large. 1C9 Lin. oln nt. R. F 0. Ulddlctown Phone !E 6-93M. OOVEK CLEANERS repaired, brushes rebriKtled. Allen Eectrlc Shop. 18 ,Vhll< 81. fhone ItB 6.061!!. UAKAMTKED TELEVISION acrvlcinu within two hours from your call. A. 0. adio ana Television Company Arraand . Crupi, owner. 123 Shrewsbury ave. :E 6-47fia. AINTING—Exterior and interior: paper hanging; expert workmanship. Reason. ,blc rates. I-'or free estimali call RE ,-6209-J. J 'AINTBU-DECORATOR—ao years c.vPcrienuc in Metropolitan arctt. Ptastcrng, window glazing, etc. R. Salas, 30 ^hrewshury ave., Higlllands. Ill 3-14'Jl. iOT A DO-IT YOURSELF family? Rent our Ski) Hnwa, Banders, drills, iickerB, eMcnalon ladderti. Tho U5th year if C. i l Engler Lumber Co. KB 6-00O5.' BUILDING CONTRACTOR — New constructions, alteintlons, repairs, Herierf Elgenrauch. RE G-3203-^T lOOKBINDINO—Meiiicnl Journal!. Geographies, family Bibles, prayer books, w booka, atlases, etc. Rchound. All lids of hunt! book ii'ttiding. HO 935. The Country Bindery. Freehold W, - - ' . M i i i D M i i p i H I | | f I< " I U V l l I I ' I F T — * rtTfrll RED BANK REGISTER. DECEMBER 30.1953 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE FOB SALE Also atore for aale or for rent. Annly iit ll'J Shrevthury ave.. Red Bank. HOUSE AT 136 BROAD ST. for sale to the hifihest bidder. Bids open a» of todiiy. House to be removed from premises at B K'IVCII time or dismantled. KB li-OQ-C of RU 1-1209.' IIUMSON Kcsidcntial area splendidly conditioned. Eight-room dwelling, three h»ths, vapor heat, oil: two-car garage; shade trees. Asking »26,500. Sweeney Anency. Phnne RU 1-1402. • CENTURY/ OLD HOUSE Located in country village. Six rooms, bath, nil improvements, automatic Double garage. Near transportation. Lot 100x100. Price $5,500. l'railk B. Lawct. BE 6-2875.* .. . FAIR HAVEN Modern ranch horn* with large living room with fireplace, dining room, attractive kitchen, three good bedrooms, tiled bath, full basement with paneled recreation room. Attached garage. Sneciou* lot In good location; '$18,000. Allaire & Son Agency, inc. RE 63150, FAIR HAVEN_Uuusually •ttr»ctivo two-story colonial with center hall, large living room with fireplace, dining room, modem kitchen, powder room, screened porch, pine den. Second floor, three spacious bedrooms, two tiled baths. Full basement, hot water heat. Larife lot with excellent shrubbery »nd nuny large trees in absolutely A-l location; 531.000. Allaire 4 Son Agency, Inc. KB'6-3450. BUNGALOW In excellent condition. Largo living room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms and hath, basement. Garage. New hot air oil burning furnace; $7,500. Substantial mortgage available. Allaire & Son Agency, Inc. RE «.3450. BY THE ItlVER Good location. Near ahopninir and bul. Living room with fireplace, large dining room, modern kitchen, two bedrooms, tiled bath, screened porch. Second floor, onfl bedroom and bath with room for two additional large bedrooms ,(not an attic.) Full bailment with oil steam heat. Twocar gnrage. Nice lot with excellent view nnd large trees. Asking J18.000. Phone RU 1-1159 after 5 P. M. RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS Charming, three-bedroom ranch home, Fireplace: full cellar; spacious rooms, Venetian blinds, range; farage; screen! and utorrii window!. Excellent neighborhood. Adams Agency. RE C-5098. 16 East Bergen pi, 24hour service. LITTLE SlLVER_Exccllent home on corner lot. Largo living room; al•o a dining room and kitchen, lavutory on second floor; two bedrooms and bath ; one-car attached garugc. Exceptional bargain at $13,000. Cnll Walker & WnfOor, Realtors, Shrewsbury. KG 6*5212. Open seven dnys. LITTLE SILVER_Cnpo Cod. Two blocks to tchool. Living roum, lireplace, kitchen, three bedrooms, tilo bath, hot air oil heat, elenn, dry cellar. Storm windows, venetiun blinds. Asking $13,000. Call Walker & Wai. ker, Realtors, Shrewsbury. 1{E 62. Open seven duys. USED AUTOMOBILES F O l l SALE NEW YEAR STATVT THE YEAR RIGHT—Malta a resolution to ace this pretty Cape Cod in lovely section of Little Silver. liiiZ square living roum, with colonial mantel jiiccc. din ing roum. kitchen, larj*o study, bud room nnd bath downstairs; twu very Rood bedrooms upstaits. l-'ult cellar* oil heat'. Rttftchetl • tfaraire: pcrnmnciit drive. Convenient to ichauls. flG.QQO. 'ECIALt IN LITTLE SI[.VER_T\vo. Btory, three-year-old itubstnntial home, iree larite bedrooms with tuv^e tiosels, le bath nnd lavutoiy. br^e living room 1th fireplace, largo iliniiiK room, Innre le kitchen, aunnorch, hot water oil heat, aundry lubB. Hreexewny and Knrnge. Lot 2x176, Near school - and bus. Price 100. Term* ?5,000 down, 4',"f< mortage. ScliwarU-Mftcklin, S Whito et, IE 6-3121. Leonardo COLONY BUICK • HAPPY BOROUGH OP NEW SHItBSVSUUUY Beautiful, whito colonial homestead, nestled among stately, century old oakB, on three lamlsojipcil icres, Nenr to town and railroad itation. This snow white dwelling contains four master bedroonis nnd two baths, large living room with a homey fireplace, TV room anil mod-' em .kitchen, The property also has a guest apartment containing three rooms and bath, Make a New Years resolution to see this wondrtul buy of. 1554. Vn,500. Call Walker k Walker Realtors, Shrewsbury, RU 65212, Open seven dnys. Saiita Seaplanes lo Atlantic Highlands UUMSUN HILLTOP ranch home with two litres; dogwood galore. .Fnrtmlly livlj.K riMim,, fireplace; t cpncei modern kitclieii. with view nf woodn: Mec lovely iictlronms. Many clnsets. Full liitKcment with (ir-eplncc; two-car attuohed ^acntie. $28,000. LITTLE ENGLISH COTTAGE with c a s e menl windows. Hunljt living room, fireplace, dining room; three bedrorue*, modern tile bath and lavatory. J' ull basfment, automatic heat. Low taxes, Perfect for commuters. Only $11,000. DELIGHTFULLY SECLUDED colonial eoUaKf, with full view of the river. . Big livitiK room, beautiful fireplace; Dutch dnor leadintr to terrace porch; electric kitchen, little dinpUt; three bedrooms, modem bath; full cellar, nil hen!: oup-var SHTHKP. 'flutst. house nn lit'nolu Tail trees and lovely landRen pod Krnunds insure utmost privacy. Too good to last at only $16,500. USED CARS 1919 Buick Super Sedan 850. 1950 Buick Spec. 2-ilr. 995. 1950 Buick Spec. 4-dr. 1050. 1951 Buick Spec. 2-dr. 1395. 1950 Dodge Sedan 1095. 1919 Stinlc Lai'ul Cruiser 725. 1917 Kord Sedan '175. 1911 PonLiac Sedan 125. 1953 Buick Demonstrators At Greatly Reduced Prices COLONY BUICK,,Inc. 163 MONMOUTH STUEET RED BANK, N, J. ROLSTON WATERBURY RE 6-2089 REALTOR ' 1 APPRAISALS MORTGAGES • .INSUROR Opp. Red Bank Railroad Station 16 West Front Street Some of the more than 150 youngsters who greeted Santa Claus last Thursday af- Open Fridays lo S V. Id. ternoon when his seaplane landed at the Atlantic Highlands yacht harbor ar« shown with St. Saturdays to 5 P. M. Nick, in the person of Mayor Waldron P. Srr.ith, as he distributed candy canes, Center avo. Mrs. Rauach will be hero sfivorpl weeks. Mr. anil Mrs. Michael Horvat. of Ceonnrdville rd. syient Christmas with their son-ln-lau- nnd daughSanta and Mr. Curry tourned the borough in an open car, donated for the occasion by Joseph er, Mr. nnd Mrs, Stophen Mlhok of Rayonne. P. Dender, Atlantic Highlands auto dealer, t o visit ill youngsters and others confined to Mrs. Lena Boucher of Brevent their homes. ave. was a dinner guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Carhart, Oakland ave., ChriKtmns. NOTICE nd balloons. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Black of Mala wan NOTICE TO TKltSON.S IN MILITARY Cllen nml Davhl lCunilnshy, Tim Leonard nve. had ns dinner guesta officially welcomed to rhe borough by Councilman Everett C . Curry, who presented him with RF. 6-3500 a key to. the town. NOTICE To the Shareholders of Tha Second rational Bank of Red Bank, iled Bank, f. J , The regular annual meeting nf the acehol tiers or The Second National ink of Red Hank, for the election of Erectors for the ensuing yenr, and such -ther business as m»y properly be pre* tented, will be held nt its Imnkinp house n Red Bank, New Jersey, Tuesday, Junmry 26, 1954. The polls will be open, rom ten o'clock A, M. to eleven A. M. 8.32 WILLIAM B. LYMAN, Cashier. Santa was Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haviland of Kearny visited Mra. Jamni K. A\verson of Monmouth ave. during the week-end. The recently formed Brevent Park 4 Leonardo Rod and Gun club held an election of officer! Sunday. Elected were John Brown, president; Walter Lane, vice president; Thomas Jennings, secretary, and Chester Supienski, treasurer. A venison dinner will be held Feb. 20, Guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter L.inp of Bnllevue avc. for the Chri-stnins week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Al Lechlelter. Miss Margaret Dinley. Daniel Barry, William Gavin and William Walker of Jersey City. Mr. and Mrs. Carl VnnNess and children. Karon, Kathy and Robyn; Mrs. Katherine Clarkn and son, Kenneth, and daughter Margaret of Brookside ave,,. and Robert Chromczak of Florence ave. visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Clarke of Irvlngton .Saturday. John Albertson, airman first rlass, stationed at San Antonio, Tex., is vi.o.tint; his parents, Mr. and Mrn. Clifford Alhprtson of Bellevue ave., on a 15-day furloiiKh. Mr. an'! Mrs. Ocorce Black of Klkton. Md,. visited Mrs. Walter Koilon nf Mkldletovn nve. and Mr. and Mrs. George Black of Leonard avo. during the weoli-^nd. Mr. and Mrs. John Moran and children Joan and Margaret, of Hamilton pve,, visited William Mornn of Jersey City Christmas. Ssi. and Mrs. Harold Rausch at Parri.i Island, S. f,, spent the holiday with Mrs. Rausch'.i parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Miller of TERRIFIC PRICE THE RAY VAN HORN SLASHING AGENCY CLEARANCE!! After ceremonies at the water's edge and the distribution of canes, SKKVICE tJH PATIKNTS IN VKTKUANS' HOSPITALS ANH TO TtllilU KtiLATlVES AND FRIENDS. It ymi urn in the milUftvy MM'vire or are a pnlient in ;i veterans' hospital (vnd i.efiii'e Vo vole <it* if you m'p ft relative nr friend of a PCIHOII who is in tlie military service or is n patient in a veterans' hospital who. ymi holicvc, will tlcntre to vole in Humsun Public Schools 1" be hold on February ?, lltiii, kindly wrile tn the uixlersiK'icd i t <uice, innktnt: application for a mililiiry jicrvlec .mlltiL voted in Raid riot-lion i« lie forward H to ymi. if you arc in the military service nr nrn a patient In n veterans' hofliulal, fitntmil your uuinc, PKC Kcnul numlici\ home address nnd thn nddrpnn at which you are nt-ntioncd nr civn he found, or If you desire the military Her vice ballot for n volt-ill ve or frieiul then nmke nn npplicntion under oath for a military her vice ballot to he forwarded to him. Ktfitinjf in your application thnt he in over the nfce of Iwenty-ono yenrn nnd Hlntinjr his name, serial number, home n'Idress mid the address at which lie is stationed or can he found, ' Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Liizow ot Main ;hodorow, Georgi! Sandfaid Bloom, ^hrlstmm. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris at. entertained at a dinner party tacey Ogens nnd Nell Scllinger. nil Christiansen of Middletown. Mr. Christmas eve In celebration of the >t Matawan, nnd Judith nnd Jeff- nnrl Mrs. George Black of Elkton. rjNGV" »500 0 6 W N _ U n d e r construc194! Chevrolet 4-dr. 495. IStli birthday of Miss Jane Ander- •ey Kat/. of New Brunswick. REALTORS tion. Attractive colonial Cape Cod, Md., nnrl Mrs. Archie Black and NOTICE OF APPLICATION Radio and heater; very clean son of Kcyport, Guests wore Dr. /Mr. Rnd Mrs. Frank Gray, Sr.. of sons Archie nnd John. featuring spacious living room, kitchen with knotty pine cabinets, dining room, 'O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: and Mrs. William H. Pcngel and •larding blvd, entertained for their Mrs. Mary Cnvanagh and son Edtwo large hedvoom* and spacious ex1849 Nash 4-dr. 695, Extend PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the undaughter Jane and Misses Carol laughter Joan, who wns celebrating mund of Hamilton ave. were dinner pansion attic. Your choice of complete mik'iicd, will apply to the Monmouth Very clean; equipped Craig, Patricia Egan and JoAnn lcr 11th birthday. The quests cn- guests Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. interior color scheme. Adam* Agency. Jaunty Court on the Sth Jay of JnnRE 6-B098', 16 East Bergen pi. Open dry, 1954. at ten o'clock in tha furcnnd Debljy Lazow. ioyed supper, games and dancing. Herbert Altonburg of River Plaza. 1955 Chevrolet 4-dr., 895, 7 rinys nnt! evenings. loon, or us noon thcrcRftcr an counsel Mr. and Mra. Ralph Jannavonc of The guests were Hose Ann and THE SEASON'S \nn be h.eard at the Court House in Nell F. Ko»r>ncn. SN, n{ Royal Powcrgllde, H & H ; clean bloyd id. cnteitaihcd Sunday after- !hristlne Rainko, Patricia Tizzi. Oak, Mich., shipmate of Joseph. ?reshold New Jersey, for an Order LITTLE SILVER BARGAINt_Praf uthortainst Atthuc C<tt?at-(1 Bai-th. an Joan Lcmairc, Patricia Angelo, noon in honor of their son Russell, tlcally new, three-hedroom ranch, Kccnan, SN, visited Mr. Keenan's 1948 Pontlac Sta. Wag. 595. infant, to dssume another name: to wit, who was celebrating his third birth- Barbara Andrews, Diana Dlggln, parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Keefeaturing full cellar; attached ga,h« name of Peter Edward HaVth, pur< GREETINGS Hydramatlc, R * H ; day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.Nancy Bowie, Kathy Krlmmel, nnn of Brevent ave. for the holinmnt to the iirovlsions of the statute rage. Choice location; 115,50(1, in ftuch casts made find provided, many extras William Donahue, Bloomficld; jDhn Ruth Crawford, Mary Beth Mat days. Adami Agency. RE 6-5098. 16 East Dated; November 27, 1D5.J. Brown, Nutlcyj Mr. and Mrs. Wil-'HOWS, Carol Ann £viatko, Robert Bergen pi, 24-hour service. Mrs. John DeHotel and son John CLAliE U. BAtlTU. 1948 DeSoto Conv. 595 It You Arc Not Now Living In liam Rich and children Kikl, Billy Iray,, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray, of Hillside visited Mrs. DeHotel> Parsoni, Lnbrtcque. Canzuna Beautiful; nuid drive; Tully and Judy, Atlantic Highlands; Mr. r., and Mr. and Mrs. John Rainko, mother, Mrs, Mary Capenegro of hUMSON Kive-room Cane Cod colonial. ' & CombB. Large plot. Hot water heat, oil; fire- Attorneys for PlainttlT. nnd Mrs. Philip Jannaronc and chil- all of Matawan, and Miss Jane Washington ave. during the holiday equipped; many extras. Top place; insulated; garage; S13.000. Swee By Robert K, Maida, » member of the THE HOME OF YOUR practically new dren Peter, Lynn and Glenn, Co- Mauro, CUffwood, ney Agency. Thone RU 1-1492. rm, n«d Bank, New Jersey. JlO.Ofe. week-end. They were dinner guests Ionia, and Kathy Cortono and John Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Hanklns KUMSUN Tree-lined residential street of Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph and children of Clark's Summit, Chrislma.i Nine rooms, two biirtin. hot air heat, Form of application can bo obtained Codono, Jr., Matawan. NOTICE 1948 Ponllac Conv. 495. Cnpcnegro of Appleton ave. fireplace; two-car gnrage; shade treei. NOTICE TO PERSONS IN MILITARY DREAMS from the undcrsiKMCil. Pa., arc spending the holidays wilh Miss Suianne Price, of Eatontown Fully equipped Asking SIS,000. Sweeney Agency. Phone Dntctl: Decpmher US. lfl:..1. SERVICE OH PATIENTS IN VKTwas the, overnight guest Tuesday their parents, .Mr. and Mis. Nicholas The Ladies' auxiliary of Brevent ' LILLIAN M. 1'URNEK, IIU 1-1402. ERANS* HOSPITALS AND TO THEIR Munnlng of Crown pi., Mat.'uvan, Park A Leonardo fire company of Miss Patricia Egan. AsstBLmit .Scvi'ctnry. SlONMOUTH BEACH New fr«,me dwell 205 194« Chevrolet 2-dr. RELATIVES AND FRIENDS. Let Us Help You lo Attain Your Tlutnwin HijiU Sfhm.t, IfnUe ing. Large plot. Three bdrooms, ol Misa Mernan Hartley, daughter nnd Mr. and Mrs, Frederick llan- met Monday night. Mary A. AlIf you are In the military tevvice m Equipped Ttnad, Rum son, U, .1. H burner heat. Gnrase. Nice location, Own bcrtson was elected president. Othre a patient in n veterans' luispital of Mr. nnd Mra. James Hartley ot kins, Sr., Keyport, cr moving; $11,500, Excellent nppor und desire to vntfi or if yuu lire H rela- Goal'in llie New Year ot . , . ers elected were: Mrs. Anne T^anff, Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Egnn and Fierro ave., celebrated her 11th PUBLIC NOTICE G M A C TEHMS tunlty. Sweeney Agency. Phone RU 1 tive or friend cf a iiersmi who in in the 1492. ' An ordinance ciil'iUert "An Onlinanre birthday at a dinner party Mon- Mrs. Anna O'Neill of Broad st. were vice president; Mra. Mary Cavam.Utiuy service or is a patient in A See us before you hiakc a deal! nulirnnthiK a Taxi Stand in the llormmh day at Howard Johnson's lestaur Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- nngh, secretary, and Mrs. Rose ©tennis1 hospital who, you believe, will THE ELLA WILTSHIRE Agtncy of Kalr Ilnven" wan prescntod for IntroI954 desire to vote in the Annual School fred Mclaughlin of Yonkors, N. Y Koveksky, treasurer. A card parly ddclion anil first i-eadinK on December ant in New Brunswick for memRealtors of Red Bank and Sen Election to be held on February 3, M)b\, will be held Tuesday. Jan, 19. 14, 1053 by the Mayur and Council of bers of her class ata Rutgers ele- Mr. and Mrs. William Donohue kindly writs l o the undersigned at once, MANY OTHER CLEAN USED I-'jiir Bright, extends be«t wishes ^ for * Ilnven Hoiounh, and on iJecnmber mentary school in New Brunswick. of Bloomfleld nnd John Cotlono, Jr., Hostesses will be Mrs. Annrj t.nns, making application for a nillitury ncr* HiUiuy and Prosperous New Year. 2ft, l!)53, v«as linally ndoptcil anil ap Ballroom and novelty dancing fol of Matawan were Christmas day Mrs. Rosemary Kerrigan nnd Mrs. vice ballot to lie voted in said election M'. I U Y VAN HORN CAUS AT CHEAT SAVINGS proved. See our homes galore for 1954, o be forwarded to you, if you arc in Mae Murphy. After tho nicetlnp th«J KDGAR V, DENISE, Mayor. lowed. Her classmatca Include Jo- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jantht military service or itrc a patient in Ella Wiltshire Dijtgle, Samuel L. HAKOLD It. JAMES birthdays of Mrs. Mary Cavanagh Ann Varguas, James Smith, Ml- nnrorie of Lloyd rd, lle»t . « veterans' hospital, HUUIHK your name, Higgle. Jr., Rogers, H, and and Mrs.-Rosemary Kerrigan M. KLOYI) SMITH, Dorousll Clerk. tre, serial number, home address anil cliacl Schumann, Suzanne Hancock, Mr, nnd Mra. Kenneth Pike of JOSENI f. HUNTER «irx Joan Raymond, John J, Byan, Harry ,h« address nt which you IU*G aUVioncd were observed. The next meeting Wcldon id. entertained at open • CIRCLE William Lonjr, Peggy Dunn, 'John' can be fnund, or if you desire the A, Tracy. FLORENCE Z. DOLAN NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING ny Slherer, Ronald Smith, Brcnda house recently nt their home. Guests will be held Monday. Jan. 25, with military service ballot for a relative or The annual meeting "f the policyhold. H«rbour, then mnkc an application under Jacqueline Flcrmonti, Hr. and Mrn. Robert Cush- the following hostesses: Mrs. Ma« FLORENCE D. VAN HORN !MTirElJi7fTtnrccUMNCV_On this fin friend crs of l i e .Shrewsbury Muliiiil l'lre InCHEVROLET • CO., , urnaca Co., of Entonlimn, oath for a military service bnllot to tic foggy Burn, Peter Wintcnstlne, man, Princeton; filchard Mulligan, AnUa, Mrs. Eleanor Bclrno and four-bedroom. V'nl'e Cod. on large cor forwarded to him, itatiiiK in your applin, N, J., will ill bo ELEANOR T. MALONEV ner plot, Klne l-'air Haven location neal catipn that he is over thu nuo of twentyWhclen, John Drew, New York; Louis Boasi, Brooklyn, Mrs' Jean Bottino. i lTi off Elizabeth al tin cilTico ld January 4. 4. IO'4 IO,i4 al in 32S MAPLE AVE., KED BANK held Mr. and Mrs. George Black of school. Living room with fireplace, bath, one years and stathic his name, serial E N io comimny Main N. Frank Glrarclcau, Ricky Haiclton, end Mr. anil Mrs. Jac A. Cushman, M i Street, Ealnnlown, largo modern kitchen with dining nrcn, number, homo address and the addrefts Mr, ami Mr». Paul Judson Evans, Leonnrd ave. virited Saturday with . for the election of three ' directors I gtuart Nixon antl Nancy Lee. electric range. Kull cellar. ,hot water, at which he li statiuued nr can he fnund. ml tlio tranmvetinn of ,«rh other luis,, ,, , •»„_,,,,_ Open till 8:30 P, M. for your oil. Houso In fine condition. Aakin Mr. nnd. ills. J. Franklin Dom-Mr. and, Mrs. Carrctl J. McKcen MM. Howard Avers of East 6rang# nrt.i nn may ronio hefuJ'O il. Form of application enn bo obtaiucii * 14,501), Russell M. Borus, Realtor! THE RAY VAN HORN ' Dnlcil: December al, HOD, nlclt. Green and White VillaRrj, cn- Jr., Mr, and Mis. Walter Pike, Mr anil Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. convenience 'rom the under«lKned. Fair Haven. UK 6-4532. Duted; December 30. UT..1, .Sinned. Lortaincd nt a canasta party Satur- and Mrs. Alex S. MacFayden, Mr John Black of. Rutherford. TtET-BUbtK slTEs_OvT mTtENTBUlLbtKct Janici N. NVolcntt, Secretary. day evening. Guests were Mr. andand Mrs. William Ohsman, Jr., Mr Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith of .1. W. DAVIDIIEl.SEU, Secietary, two acres, in lineal Rumson location AGENCY Middletown Township Honrd of Mrs. Ralph Hcrrlck, Mr. and Mrs.nnd Mrs. Randolph Harris, Mr. and Bellcvuo ave. visited friends and 200x500. Beautiful view. Perffct foi NOTICE Education, Leonardo Crndc School, Mrs. Harvey Johnson and Mr. and tplil level. Priced at '4.000. Rlverfron relatives in Jersey City Christmas. Edwin Domlnlck and Mr. and Mrs. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKItNl Leonardo, Now Jeriey. ' $,4.80. BUSINESS NOTICES and river view plots priced from $2,500 Pursuant lo Revised Statutes of New Jay Hosteller of Matawan and Mrs. Mrs. Arthur E. Dal".i. Mr. nnd Mrs. Richnrd A. NorREALTORS >o $7,500: 110x165 Little Silver, 11,600, Jersey 'JA:6-»L «tc. Notice i* hereby NOTICE leoi'gQ Hostcttor of Lancaster, Pa Itnssdl M. BDrus, Realtors, Fair Haven, George Bronken of Edgcmerc dr., ton of Highland ave. had as guests ffiven thnt we shnll annly, to tho MunRE 6-4532. NOTICE TO PERSONS DESIRING AdCounty Court, Law Division, at Mra. Edwin Domlntck, Park ave. owner and proprietor of the Mala last week their son James Morion 801 River Road Fair Haven Fvnlturt • UpktUUrr • Sll» Cfvtri mouth SENTEE UALLOTS (Civilinna) WOYEAROOTfiATCirifOML-Fls ha Court Ilousa Houso In Freehold, F r e e d , New Jcr- entertained Monday at a luncheon wan bakery, Is » surgical patient of Brooklvn. and Mr. and Mrs. If you are a qualified and registered excellent rooms, Expansion attic, Overthe Sth off January, «y, on on the y, 1054, and card parly. Guests were Mrs In the Middlesex General hospital, i«y, ChnrlMt Riploy of New York city. voter of the Stale, who expects to he aUed attached garage. Patio. Storm ili itime, t 1n n:00 M. prevailing 0 0 o'clock A. M aash. Many extras. Large G. J. mortgag absent outside the State an' Kcbrimry 'J. William Black, Jr., son of Mr. ,r as Hoon thereafter an we can lie Donald Manaon, Woodbildgn; Mrs Mrs. Mildred Warno l« spending 1954, or a qualitlcd nnd vc«iiitcrctl voter LUXURIOUS QUALITY available. Monthly payment* 165, Ask icard, for a judgment authorlsinn us Bmll Blancliard, Perth Amboy; Iwo weeks with her aon-ln-law and and Mrs. William Black of Coning $13,500, Make an nfTer. Ruasel who will be within the State on Febn nsKumo the followlnu nuines, to wit1. Mra. Malcolm Dodpe, Garden City, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. cord ave., Is spending the holidays M. llorus, Kealtors, Fair Haven. RE « ruary 9, VJ&4, hut beciuiBe of Hlneas or Unliin anil Jmrph llolnn. physical disability will be unable to cast MERCHANDISE FOR SALE • «t • MAltTIN I)IH.KOIEWIO/.. Mao U I.; Mrs. Hnrry Jones, Freehold; Webster, In Winston-Salejti, N. C. at horn". Hs Is stationed at Baln4.-i32._ your ballot at the polling place hi your Innwn as MARTIN DDNKNliK- Mrs. Murray Todd and Mrs. Leroy Mrs. Floyd T. Taylor is visiting HOOD VALUE Three-bedroom bungi brdgp, Md. district nn mid (lute, nml you rtcalro to Wll"/,, and JOSEPH IIOI.ENIiH- Collins, Holtndcl; Mrs, J, Franklin low in fine I-'nir Haven location, Llvit vote in the Annual School election to he her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Robert Bndzlnskl, son of Mr. BUDGET PRICES WICZ. nl>n known as JOSBI'H room with fireplace, separate dlnln, held on February 9, llt.VI, Kindly write TJomlnlck, Mrs. Jny Hostctter and nnd Mrs. Edward A. Norman, Jr., nnd Mrs. William Kudzlnskl of ronni, c\lrn largo kitchen and den; fu or apply in perjitm to the mulerHitfnerl IMPOSSIBLE 7 Miss Mary Llsk, Matawan, nnd Miss In Columbus, O, rcllnr. hot water gan heat, Approx & Price Raritnn avp.. spent the holidny at at once requesting that a Civilian ahRcupholstering - Slip Covers AbrnmolT Helena Kraun, New York city. Af- Mrs. S. Bruce Eftgleston of Nev home. He Is undergoing basic trainmately $2,000 down for quAllfieil G. Attiirnpys for rUlnlilTs,' sentee ballot be forwarded to you. Such $75 per month carrying charges, Russel rerjucnt must state your home address, It Mnnmouth Stri-et, ter luncheon the guests enjoyed SURE IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! York is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Ing at Camp Gordon. Ga. M. Hums, ItcHlturs, l-'air Haven, EQ Drapes & Cornices fieil nnnk. N. J. lldl"! nnd the address to whirl. HUCII ballot cards. Isabel Breen, 4533. should be sent, and must ho alined with Gijesls of Mr. nnd Mra. Howard Nobody—But Nobody NOTICE your fllKnaturc, and stiite the rcjisnu why 1SAU8 RED COTTAC.E On overaizid lo No on«—but lio cm—can compart Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Harris, Hosslyn B. Hotallng Is spending Worth of Center ave. Tuesday wer« THE STA'l'K 01' NF.W JERSEV In best neighborhood. Comblnatlor you will hot be able to vote at your «tlh Altn « h m It coma* to quality Main st., entertained 60 guests at several days In Toronto, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lauterwald TO living.dining room 30' long w|th fire' usual pollinff place. No civilian absentee CAN MAKL: SUCH AN OFFER irorkmanahlp at budftt ptlceal If Mr. and Mrs. William Mnllett o and son, Herbert, of Plalnfleld. ballot will lie furnished or forwarded PIIIWP UOBEIl'l' CAltNIK. JU. open house Sunday afternoon. plnce. Two lovely bedrooms, tiled bat* four (urnitur* It thibbj and n««d« except tlic to mny applicant unless rcnuest there* VOU AUK 1IEIIBIIY SUMMONED Ip full cellar, expansion attic. Large G. Broad st. arc leaving Thursday t< itupboliarlnB . . . or If thtj nt«d Leon ChiiRllnat has returned lo Mr. and Mrs. C. D. ' O'Neil of fore Is received not lc»a than elnnt i\ny% * Civil Acllnn nrttl rlMmlreil to strvo unon mortgiuro mny bo nssumed. Only $14 n«w tlip coian, tall Alan . . . prior to the election, and cuntnins the Itolier'tj, rillslmry i.C'nrton, attorneys his homo on Ravine dr. from a busl Join their son Raymond In Call Center nve. vhltcd their daughterPOO. Russell M. Boruj. Realtor!, Fn you'll ( i t tha ftnaat for laaa, Our SURPRISE STORE! fornla, where lie lias boon sovera in-law, Mrs. Paul F. O'.Vell of Meforegoing inforniHtinn. or Iho plnlntlll, wliusn nililreas Is 85-111 ness trip to Sacramento, Cal. Haven. HI) 6-4532. IS »»an axvirltnc* In manufactuiUateril December DO, li'.U. Virst Avenue hi the Iloruudh of Atlnntlc Inn Ana furnltura la at your aartlc* Mr. nnd Mis. E. J. lames of Slat months, and we've, been doing it for r l 3 c T H 1 | frame1 c( tuchen on Christmas. Their son, :I1K)IIHIU)R, NOW Jersey, mi miswer to a l o u utth on* ol tha laraait . , . lonlnl In Krovn (IC huge oaks. -Tine J. \V. DAVimiElSEU. Secictary. the romplnlrit (1|prl In (lie matter on Ko> en Island nnd Mrs, J. C. Cunklcand Mrs, Grace H. Curran, I'rcpec Ueut. Col. Pnu! R O'Neil, Is on moit complet. itlaetlon of alW ]-'tlir Ilnven lucatinn. Foyer, living roon YKAHS! Middletown Township Ilnnrd of vembcr 7th, lit.'.'I In which Ihe Mnrlnn dnuchtcr Iluth of PJchmond Hill, Point Gardens, entertained st a eofir natarlalt. Call for out repaet'.ve w i v i i . 1 In fireiiliwet tllnlnj: rmim, ceramic til Kdticntlon, Lnoimfdn (irnflo Srhnn), "Beginners Loves Nost Grouping" View Hnvimts * Loan Ansorlntlon, n hndy U. I., were Christmas guests of Mr " ,nvr,vH in Korea. rvurca. raaantatlvt . . na obllnatlnn lo IJtrhen. Three oversized bedrooms, If! Lfionm-do, New Jersey. XI..1'.', cni'imrnto nt Ihs Ktntn of New Jersey Is you. Ha'll (lira you a frtt antlmata Chiistmns tea Monday In honorsuof North |»iurthe Wire of hath*. Screened »lilc iiorch nnd opci three complete rooms o£ , Philip C'nrdln.i of Lakcwood, M,.. nArlington m | M ,. s , W nlnlntllT. anil l'hlllli Unliprt Carnle, Jf, nnd Mrs. Milton F, Giinkle of •nil ahnw von a complita Una of spent holiday rmtin In rear. Full hnsemont finit a nail Helen J. L'arnlo. liuslinml ami wife. sldn'dr. brand now (urnlturo perintendent of lh» Raritnn town- week-end with Mrs. VVIre'n p.v.onls, NOTICE fabrlea from which you may ehooia. aad le Inehril gnrngr, orfercil nt $26,000, ftu 1 ill th« Superior ship schools, nnil the members of ar« defondants, icndlnu il p sell M, llorus, Realtors, Fair Ilsven, R Take nntlce thHt Application linn been Dr. and Mrs. 7/1111(1111 H. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawley of Cen(tills h Illl Court off New Jersey, Chnnrnry I>lvlslon, N J ntrn'i rftntle to the Dnrouiili Clerk nf llnrmjuh entertained Christmas eve at (he! the teaching staff. She WUA adulat- ter ave. Docket Number V-AiZ-H, vrllhln ».'i day» Tulr Hnvon, N. J. to Irannfer to VV11 your uhoicc of a new 1951 ror Quality, prle* * ScUctlona Call after C)Wr)ONriXVM^TNi^CaTir(55 of January 7th, )Q,'t4, exclusive nf home on Valley dr. for Dr. and Mrs. ed by Mrs. Harold D. Raymond of Inwbrnok Inn, Itm. for prcmlticfl luratqd Miss Marguerite Hawloy of Cenhome, Cuiivenlonl in rtcd Hank, Extr nl 740 Itlver Uonil. 1'nlr HHVCII. N. J., that date. If you (all In do sn, th« re- S, M. Lnzow and daughters JoAnn Keyport, Those ntteniling were ter nve. Is spending a week with ' rlillcn Telcvlilnn large c.\pnnt>lnii nttl'', full hatcment, twi tht rinnnry Rntnll CimHumnUiin I.itomc, lief demamlixl In tho cnmnlnlnt may ha nnd DoO>by, Mr. and Mis. WilliamMiss Elsie Bahrenbui'i;, Hazlet; M u , • Nnrt'o nrfrlRtrntor bedroums fihlshcri, tile hath, Only 12^30 ' ALAN UPHOLSTERY her brother-in-law nnd sister, Mr. tAHt>n aualnat you by default. with Bronil Tncknue Prlvlleito I.Iconic • Uondlx Waiher down for nou vet, RUHSCII M, Borui #C>2 herclofnro liaucl tn Henry H, Hlitl Th< acllun hna heen Inntltuteil fnr the R, Crnljr ami daughter Carol, Mr. Helen Wll.ion and Miss Joyce Clark, nnd Mrs. Wilbur Wire of North Henllnrs, Full- llavrn, RKB.4582. all for only nnd Mrs, Guslnvo Voelcker, Mr, IJorolhy I. Vtiidlcr. tnullnu nn Wllluvv* Keyporti Mrs. Mario Lucas, West |itir|)oaa of fnrecinslnir a rertaln mortArlington. SHOPS, INC. r;AU(rK U>T...Extra s p ' i brook Heitnunuil for tha proniUon Inusua mnde by I'hllln Hubert Cnrnle, Jr. nnd Mrs. Howard Kidmnnn nni Keunnbuigj Ervin Knmlson, New Members of Old Scout troon 111 cntetl nt 7*10 Klvor litwU i-'atr Hivvod, viilur. Immueulnte rnnch home, A and Helen 3, Parnlo, hiialianil and wire, daughter Nancy Jnne, Mr, and Mrs $295. Bruniwick; Fred Zimmerman. nllendfd n pevformnnce nt Rndlo H. J, wnsonry euiiHtrucllnn, Five excolle to thu Marina View SniiiiK» ft Loan As70 South Savfnth Aventu MR, UKNRY K, KTADI.KU, rrcrl'lcnt, snolntlnn, ilateil Ke|>lemhor lOlli, 10in, Paul A, Effan nnd daughter Colt's Neck; M l u Harriet Cook and City Music Hall In New York city ronms fmiijttcr, bedroom 14x14.) r'u and pay; only cnverlnir iiremUra Incitlcd In tile 1'riwn nnd Glluerl CinlK, nil of Mftlrtwnn! Miss MiirKiieilln Tniejiilnyn, I/ins biiMeniniit, Attached gnrtige, Ptrfect co 740 River f l . . Knit- Hiivon, N. J, Monday. LOni Branch •XttM alilli nf Mlilillilown, l.'ounty of Mon Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hoslock, Urn ftltlon Insldr iincl out, Owner trnnsferrfli MHH, UOHUTHY 1. STADl.KH, Vle« $2.95 III/inch; Miss Ruth \Vlllliim.«. mouth nnd Ktnla of New Jersey, nml OITrral ni *l5.n(i(i, Rii»<ell M, Borui Mr. nnd Mix. Nell Huf of Plain, Proililtnt mid 'I'IMIKIIIOI', 7 10 Jllvor Bunli; Mr. nnd Mm, Thomns-Andor. Everett; M M , Oliulys I'nluinbo, Inmore particularly descrlhcil us follows! Ttrnltoi-n, I'Vli' llnveii, m l A.4,1,12, n l , llnvon, N. i, weekly field wi>M' Hund.iv Kuests of Mr, nnd 1'OUH IIUOK" IIKIiliOOMH._'l>o MIIR, JUAN NTADLKIt I'ltllWi:!,),, Km'' All dial tannin triiel or |m''"l "> son «m| ohlltlri>n Jnni> nnil Wllllnm tr-iliiUcni Mis, Huth Pnmdlse, Me- Mi-'. Htnnloy Kuniplxhl of Hlfchtllr'l hlltllit, |ilun unwdel" runni. l-'m f t y Kryport.'nnii Mm. Klvii Hiirbanel "Colunlnl Collage Grouping" land and iirmnltes hrrelnaflr hrrelnafler finrtlrulnrly rtVnry. 7«D nivtf ill., Knlr llnvrn, N, ,1. Al'AHTMENT FOR RENT luchen; Mm. .Muillyn Hauimcll, lnnd nve. mill illiilnif t'onni, lurtro living reom wit l l b t , situate, i t ate, t lyluu ll and and d llining i iing In n Hi* Brooklyn, f>|jjectIOMH, If any, nliciiilii Im nuuln Ini* SO pinion of ni'i'cn.llHK quality (urnllur* MlddlrKiwii MIA. Kll/.ulu HI NI'III, ili, off Mliliiliitiiwn Mliliiliitin nnd e-Urnctlve llr<M»lncr-, wnml tmiielNl tie Mllil nndd II n' 'tt h e nioilhilcly In wi-illnu In Mr, l'luyil rimllh Ml', and Mm, U'llllnm Bnlrno JIADK Til LA.MT AND I,A»TI nf Mniuni)\iUi ami DID S u u u off !!,V lung, Twn.nir giu'agr, (Invereit twrc of Uornniili nf I'nli' Ilnven. N, ,1, U i D t'ounty t'ount nf I.ltttn HIIVIT, nml Mrn. Mmvln Mr. «ml Mrs. Rnndulph H n n i W I N Y K R RATK nnd family of llclli'vuo nvf, thrnt ' llomiiletn l:i.|n'. llo'lroiim Outfit l l l | and d nu rfllnr ami InU iif nlmnim upaee, [trim New Jerseyl h hi'lnir ilo«luiiiilp| WlliMlWiiRUOK INN, INC, I'rk'hunt, Mulnwviin, an< pn^nrtalnlnit her |mn>nl((, M the hnlldnv vinek-cnd In Jcriry City liermi ns Xlxty-llva h«iwi 1112,,'ilin, Tim llnrit In run Imm ID,III, 7111 Rlvoi' Ilil., In li- llnvnii, N, J, ' t'onu>li.<ln ll*pc. l.lvlntr Room (lrniii>'tc im tha T S l \ h Clinrlfs l $15 I'ER WEEK-UP nml Mrs. Kitrln Turitpr of Wl Minn Anne Guailnsno of Main it, vlaltlntt Mrs, Ciilheilne Murphy l ' t'omidcto SH-iM!, Klltlien (iroiiplng vtilitn wo imow nf. llussitlt hi, IJorui, tUdUnt KcAthtV) ltnfn« <lli<h«i. all MUU I ' M U M U I I M H l I I I a I I J I . V . I I I I | i , ' . . j , i . inlnRton, Orl. 'imlllNNINl'l lit n imlnt In tlio Nmlli. tloHltnrn, Fnlr Ilnven, ni; (I.<.1,1'J, t NQTICi; nnd family. nil lor only 1 llta fiiriilihed. Convtnlent. *cc«iilbl«, went ('(il'iifll1 nf l,i>(,iiHnl Avenuo firi'l llur> llHiriiANK..Off Hrnri'd~et~FlF<ntn"n?; LlvlllK riiniii, dining rimm, den, litric Hie kllrhon, lllo linlh, lieilrnnm, laund rnnmi hot wntnr oil l\otiti iinrvht tw car iMmttff, Htinnml flntii', tlirsn litt rnoma, hiitli. AskliiK 118,000, Niton1 Aucnrv, 41 Knit Front si, nti '•fiann t KKin,wKnim!Nr:wniwiE(iTr KKinrwK~nim!N:wn iwi'E(iTr~ 1'inii' iiiuittmvnin, two sl'ir», Mnnllil Iniinmt nvpr lltOI), Krcillint Inoallo Anklnir MO.nOO, Nicosia Auoimy, 41 Kai 1'MVATK 1.IICATIOK,.Off rriHln til. Kuollri'l t'mn Coil «|th nuny «x. Him, Duly fnui' fcKi'a old. l.lvlmr I'liniii, kllt'licin, iwn hdlrnnmi1 anil li'illti tiill crllni' with mime loom, niilmnnllu nil licnl, Heeuml dour Dn> Uluil wlih mlrK liiilrnom. Also tilers lit ft brsittway mill KaMIII lit.100, full Wnlk»r A Wnlkir, Umltori, I'lirsv^biiry, KB J-BJia, Optn i t v m FAHM«H'ii iiarsiii Vtach orolmrtJ, lluun far 1,000 dili'k-m, lUirlts, llmiit rum tctslv iniiilenilinl Iliti In li« IMII I f (H'lMttlnleill | I 6 , « 0 V . Ml k O l i t B NOTICH TO I'KUSOHH UKrilRINtf A1IHEMTKK IJALUJTS (Clvlliitmt) If y o u nco n <i,in.t!.ti<l iiml .'RHIIIUVMI v o t e r o f t h * H lit to, w\ut nxiiflct* l o I*P nltitM, «t.tnlUu tl.fl 8 U U 'Mi VVIii'UiiVy ft, I Oil 4, o r K nunltdad nml i'f«Mcr*"| votuiwho will n« within tha HtnWt nn I'cic I'linry I1. 11104. IMIL liffrittixr uf |IIIH>M HI1 liliynlnil i||»nh'()iiy will )tc mii.Mt* l o riml your Imllol Ht tliu iKtlllhK1 [ilftt'fl In ymil* i l h l r l r t nn unlit itntti. nnrl Vim I I M I M i n vnta In th# tlumiioii m-lumt HOI'IIIM. l u he ttetit on r M n i m r y I*, M'.'i I, kindly w r l u oi1 ni'i'ly In iiprinii in tli« nnilcc* *\\WH\ fit IllU'fl I'tUjUUNlltlU Iillll It ClVltlllli nliftfiitca tiHHnl lid fiu'MMl'ilnl tn y o u . Hut'li rciiiHMit in UK I uln In y o u r linino tut* fli'PNMi mill ( h a ml'ImM tn w h i c h uteh tinlli-1 ilmuld ltd M M . nml IIIIIHI hr MIKHIMJ with y o u r RlKiiitui'Qi nmt ntm*> t h e irnt unii w h y y o u wilt n o t l>e ndln tn vnie ul your unutU tmltdtu \ilnvti, N u vlvlllnii MiiMittAfi k i l l o t will Im finnUlifid nr furwardtil t o Itny n|f|tltt<iuA \\\\\*>* in* q i i i H thcrafflr In t«i<itvi>r| n o t lent lli«n • t i n t d a y t i*rl«p \Q \\)\ *\pt\Um, mitt oontfllrii ihn forfiwlnif U\tnrmn\Uuu LILIJAN M, TUIINKIf, AmlnljirHi HfnMiiry, KM mm it IIIMII Hi'tin»ii Jl }#l M #* 11 out), Ituiniun, K> Ji tUili j nnd pny only $4.90 weekly ATTENTION, KOIIKAN VKTHI llndfi' (ho KlnlK ,nf Nnw J»r«»v llllllrlKIIOIJi VKTHIIANH I1 LAN you inny IHIIIUIKH up to tt.lini) worth nf fiii-iillurn ami niiiilliuirfi I'AV NII MIlNHiY DOWN mill TAIUi TWU lillNtl YHAIW Tt> t'AYI AT Till!) SURPRISE STORE 7-11 I!. I I I I I I I «(„ Mr. a n d Mrs, Ndwnid Uurrlf of her homo n i ently, Her HUPHU wen I'vl, Krniu'th lli'iily and I'vl. Jack W'liHjii'iinnn Kurt Monniiiulli; Jo»i'|>h I'rllltni), Ni'Winli; Mini fiiulf l l r n n Hluvi-r, mm of Mr. find 1i n«• K Kgnn, Ml«< Dull* Mm, h'rnnrl* S l n v e r of Krttncln llnulnn Avmiiin anil riiniiliiK' HIPIII'H I I ) Northerly, iilonif the West sliln of I.eon- Kili;i'mrii' dr. nntri'lnlncil Hntlirdny nrcl Avaniif, llfty let! In l.ol Numli«r lit ii. buffet suppiT, dui'iitji wero Mr, 1 Ml, Mouth a l KstotUown M l s l y f n i i r i llii'iM'r (.'I Wi'slerly1 nml utitl Mi'H, I'limlt II, HIISH nnil Mr, liarallpl will) llui'Hiiuimi AVPIIIK . < KA (1-0139 nnd Mm. I'niil A, ICKiin, Mnlmvnn, Jiiinth'fil nml ritiiM fcfi hi Ilin Noillie mill Mi1, mill Mm, Nut 1,1 ppnuin. rnriipr nf l,nl. Nuinlii'r Hfiy.nniM Ilif (III .«<,iillii,il)' nml imri'lli'l v l l h III* Ilinl I'i'rtli ' ' ruurse, llfl>• f r ' l In Mil' linllhvrly slilr Mr, nnil M m , J o h n C'odomi (if uf llui'llnuitiit Avntuet tltfiu-p m I' ' ftrly, HliMllf lllp fninlp, nni, linlnlii'il l.liiyil i d . m i ' vlnliliitf i h i ' l r nluit fcM In ttm IIUI-P nf Ili'uliittlitu, I I T , M I * , Hiiynnitl M l l l o n iif j; ; _ ; f i,nt Nninltpr Slst> Kin, T l w y will n l t i ' n d i h n O m n i j i ' ntt t i m Mnl> tif l . u t s o f l.niiliHril n f n i e * Howl niiiiin In M l n m l N e w V i ' i t u i Tl'lP. Mil loll IllK III*" llPPn i l K l i l l l K i l III liny. M I * « P H .lime I'IMI|J«I|, |J|, A l.i\ l.i\ nlitaln iiosurMloii of Ilia Innil* slinva (('nnil ' l I ' l y.ow, I'rnlK nml 1'ntrleln Anil mm, I'll 11< •• I I I I I I P I I I'HIHIP, Jr., « I P IOKIIII w«i'f HnluriUy Itinelirun iniiile n imtly flprriMlnni In I n l i ficliiin lte'!»uaa you HIP, m1 rnny rlnlni I't IIP, of Minn ,lnni< Anilprson of Hit uuiirr nf Hi* Imiili ft ml inpiiilnca t>l*KiKnti mortertii $498 K«yi«nrt. N. J. I'llBr; HTOIIAtll! . 1'HKtJ IlKLIVKIIY TKUKPIIONK MOID H t w . l l o u n - l l n l l y !i A, M. tn « 1>, M. „ Wsilnoilnv nml I'rlilny 'til U I1, M, K»ymin I. Inciitnl Ju«t nit Illnliwuy nit, liflivouM llfil llnnk anil I'ti'lli A in boy VAN'S'EFFICIENCV Al'TS, llwy US USE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY . FOR htr'ln QUICK, EFFECTIVE RESULTS IIPSI'I'IIIIII, ll«leili limieinlifr I?, Iu.*.fi. I'lfik I, IIHANT Kl'UT'l', nr Ihit Hiiln.'iiiii' I'iniit lloliii'K, I'lll-lmiy A I'n Inn, A l l t n « t > * tin1 I'lKlnillti Uy l l o n i i i i l W, l l n h M K , ti.'M hut \\>IUIS, A l l l l i l H l l m h l m i l l l , H, U yi Me, mitl MID, JUIIUK MVIIIUNCI' of K r u n e m i HVf, (intel'Uliieil lluiiilny nt H iloliblti ,inMy In iPlftii'alluil uf Ih Ililnl lililliiinya. uf Ilinlr *on, Vl t U i r H fl lllll n g r r , unili Iliclr h U n w i n dl V IllflC. IlillrlPlt, tiHUIlimii Rl«it Of' J i n k W i n i i n r k , U e y p u i l ; M i , pi,, o l n o r v n l h i * n r i h b l t i h d t i y Dec, Mi*, l l i i b i ' i l Utisiimiin, I ' I I I H V - Vil nml n piiitv w i u held fur h i m K " i ; I l l c l u i i d M u l l l xxi t n , N e w Yin It; C h r i s t 111114 dity nt lhi> liunie of Mr, l<oul« Mousl, Hiuoklyn; Ml/* Cot- n m l M r s , cirneii* S t o v e r of H*n« iM'liit Mtliniolu, 0• itnM11 Mi, nnd bire»(i wny for nipinliprn uf t h t MIH, ttnnd(il|ili Iturila, Mr, nml Mm. family, Jni' A, Cimhiiinn, Mi', nriil Mm, Wm. Tli« J u s t V* (tli'U t'lliti IIPIII n iMI HiiH'liimiun, Mr, *ml Mm, fit tllnnor nrul ('III'IHIIIIH* jieirly limt iiilllo (IPHIIIP, Mr.nmt Mia, I'(IwnHI M ' t k Hi, Olil l i u l i ' h l i t v f i n , A no. llniiIn, Mr, nnd Mi*. II, II Vun cttil l M i l li>'»f n t IVIt, Mr,.iinil Mm, Ituhcil Moncll Mis* Maty Ann M*\t, Mini Uoiu thy Onlbimcu, Philip Ilonitioiim and Kinnk Ki'imno, M M PnlilrU A, r)tf«n of Hi nml Hi, mid tMwnid M. MiooK of Cull'a N«ili (llrflllrd H llUfffl «U|'|lrT Iillll t'l fainml itl I'Muli'iali , Mauwaii, Deuuinlluiii w«i« clowim Mumlny college In Ituvhet(ovtl hunig, nf Mia. Maiie Mtuv«r on |il, K M A l t l iy Mm, | l Altfiulliy ic M M, lkl M U e Xi-enlvkl, Mr*, Nell Krlnoli, Mr*, Will,mil KdhlbeeUri', Mr«, J o Onklcy, Mr«, lloliert l!fp|mli nnd Okl M l d MM, lUyniotul llalin, al¥i »»alil», wnrklnn a.1 II I M h n l iHltraMa ft Itttl Ulllk and f l i RED BANK REGISTER. DECEMBER 30,1953 Pa«rA S I T JOHN M. BCTHERFORD , FAIR HAVEN-^IoHn M. Rutherford, 43, died Monday afternoon at his home, %U Kemp ave. Born In Manasquan, Mr. Kuthertord was a son of Mrs. John Bright of Philadelphia and the late Rev. 'J. Marshall Rutherford. He was employed us assistant office manager by Merck and company, manufacturing chemists of Railway. Mr. Rutherford graduated in 1932 from Lafayette college, where he was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternity. He was a member of the Red Bank Presbyterian church. Prior to moving here •. nine months ago, Mr. Rutherford lived at 155 East Sixth avc., Roscllc. He was a member of Wheat Sheaf lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, o( Rosclle. Surviving besides his mother, are his wife, Mrs. Gladys B. Rutherford; a daughter, Gladys Jean Huthtrford, living at home, and a sister, Mrs. Henry M. Mathers, Hagcrstown, Md. The funeral will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the Adams memorial home, with Rev. Charles S. Web- ster, pastor of the Red Bank Presbyterian church, officiating-. That service will be followed by Masonic services. Burial tomorrow will be in Greenwood cemetery, Brlellc. MRS. MARY OALATRO Mrs, Mary Galatro, 72, Widow of Frank Galatro, died yesterday morning, at her home, 30 Marion st, Red Bank. Her husband died in 19M. Born in Italy, Mrs. Galatro was a daughter of the late Joseph and Rose Calandrlclo. She came to the United States 39 years ago and settled in Red Bank. Mrs. Galatro was a member of St. Anthony's latholio church. Surviving are A son, John Galatro of Hartford, Conn.; a daughter, Mrs. Antonio Abbatcmarco with whom she lived, nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held Saturday at 8:30 a. m. from the late residence and at 9 a. m. at St. Anthony's church, where a solemn high mass of requiem wil) be offered by Msgr. Salvatore DiLbremzo. Burial, under the direction of the Worden funeral home, will be In Mt. Olivet cemetery. Two Pedestrians Killed in 2 Days Belford CHURCH_NEWS . Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Watson, Green ave., entertained Chriatmas CONGREGATION B'NAI ISRAEL • Red Bank day for Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson,- Torrington, Conn.; Mr. and Irving Halpern, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Halpern, will chant KEYPORTAJames A. Connelly, Mrs. Arthur Brouard, Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT A. CAMERON "Kaballath Shabbst" and the 53, of Casa and Jackson *t«., was Jay Suderly and Mrs. Blanche Wln- the at Friday night services ELIZABETH GANT FAIR HAVEN—The funeral of MRS. LILLIAN LaFARGE HAYES killed instantly last Thursday night erton, Arlington; . Mrs. Harriett "klddush" in honor of his Bar Mitavah the Robert A. Cameron, 61, of 53 Clay when-he was struck by a car driven iuderley, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. foIlowSng A requiem mass was offered Mrs. Lillian LaFarge Hayes, wife morning. Services are at st., who was killed in an automo- of Leo LaFargo Hayes, died Friday Monday In St. James Catholic by John Corcoran on rt. 35 here. Joseph Clark, Andover, and Mr. bile accident Dec. 19, at Home- morning at her home,' 34 East church for Elizabeth DeKlent' The. death was the. second pedes- and Mrs. E. C. Johnson, Red Bank, 8 p. m. stead, Fla., was held Saturday af- Bergen pi., Red Bank. trian" fatality here in two days: schie Gant, 80, of 19-B Monmouth Mr and Mrs. WiflHam Eddy and Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon will ternoon at the Wordcn funeral Mrs. Virginia Callamaras, 60, of 96 son Rusaell spent several days last speak on, "Tho Name of GodBorn In Stcubcnvllle, O., Mrs. St., who died Christmas night in home. Rev. Christopher H. Snyder, Hayes was a daughter of the late her home after a short illness. Broadway, died Wednesday night week with Mr. and Mrs. John Does It Vary?" Miss Shirley Hal* vicar of the Episcopal Chapel of William and Dola McLeafi Steof last week after she was utruck 'aden of Wilkes Barre, Pa. S-Sgt. pern will pronounce the blessing She Is survived by » daughter, ' the Holy Communion, officiated. by a hit-run driver near her home. William Eddy, Jr., of Seward Air over the sabbath candles. Flowers phens. She had been a resident Mrs. Audrey Truex; <a grandson, be given by Mr. and Mrs. Burial was in Evergreen ceme- of Red Bank 25 years. For many Raymond W. Truex, Jr., and three A bartender at the Circle Inn, Mr. Force base, Tenn., spent the week- will Halpern in honor of their son. An tery, Little Silver. Bearers were years, Mrs. Hayes was on the stage great grandchildren. Rev. William Connelly had just left the inn .to end with Mr. and Mrs. Eddy. Fire Chief Robert A. Matthews, in dramatic productions and in Eelman, St. James curate, led in go home for supper when he walk- Doreen Carol Sutherland cele- oneg shaibbat will follow services. William Robbins, Matthew Baden, vaudeville. Shewas»a former man- the recitation of the rosary Suned into the side of Corooran's car, rated her 17th birthday Chriatmas The bar mltzvoh service SaturArthur D. Davison, Molvin P. Stout ager of the old Red Bank radio day night. police said. Mr. Connelly was pro- with members of the family. At- day will take place at 10 a. m., and Hubert M. Conovcr. station WBRB. Until her illness, Interment, under the direction of nounced dead by Dr. F. W. Hol- tending were Mrs. Lena Suther- with Rabbi Hershon officiating. man. Corcoran faces hearing of a land, Mrs. Donald Russell and son Irving will read from the prophet Members of the Fair Haven fire she was active In radio activities the William S. Anderson funeral charge of causing death by auto- Bruce John and Miss Barbara Anne Ezekiel 28. The cervices will be company, with Chief Matthews in is director and teacher for. the home, was In Mt. Olivet cemetery. mobile next Wednesday night be- Sutherland, Washington," D, C; followed by a reception in the charge, held services Wednesday MacLovy studio In Red Bank. She Bearers were Charles Giblin, ilso had a weekly program over fore Magistrate Seymour R. Klein- Mrs. Mary Bowles, Tibithia, Va.; auditorium. Charles Giblin, Jr., Walter Giblin, night of last week at the funeral berg. He is free In $500 bail. Salvatore Petrillo, John Egan and home. Mr. Snyder, company chap- tation WJLK, Asbury Park. William Dietz, Ocean Gate, Mr. and Junior saibbath services will ba Mr. Connelly was born at Belle- Mrs. Jack MacGrath, New Mon- held Saturday i t 9 a. m. air, officiated. Members of ShrewsMRS. JOSEPH SEFICK Mrs. Hayes was a member of the James Acerra, Jr. ville, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Conbury post, American Legion of Red Red Bank Presbyterian church, JOHNSTOWN, PA.—Mrs. Andrew nelly Campbell of that place and mouth; Mr. and Mrs. William ZION METHODIST Bank, also held services Wednes- Red Bank Woman's club and Red MRS. JENNIE KIZUKIEWICZ utherland and daughter Susan, Scflck, 66, mother of Joseph Seflck the late William Campbell. He was Mr. and Mra. Paul Bowles, Mrs. day night of last week, with Com- Bank court of Amaranth. Red Bank KEYPORT— Mrs. Jennie Klzu- of Red Bank, died yesterday in the husband of Josephlne»Bevins Sadie Hlnes and Mrs. Emma Mor- Holy Communion will be adminmander Alexander Wolohalt In Surviving besides her husband, hospital, Johnstown. Connelly. charge. are a son, Arthur Mayhew, San klewicz, 62, widow of Joseph kizu- Memorial istered by Rev. Charles E. Bourne, ris. Also surviving are her husband; Yanclsco, Cal.; a brother, Leroy kiewicz, died Thursday at her four Surviving, besides his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown pastor, at the 11 a. m. service Sunother sons, Stephen Seflck, Alhome, 34 East Front st. here. Mrs. Stephens, Clearwater, Fla., and a mother, are a son, James H. Con- and son Raymond, Miss Janet Lee day. The senior choir, directed by HENRY A. BENNETT sister, Mrs. Lcona S. HolUster, New Kizukiewicz was born in Poland, lontowi, Pa.; Robert and Richard nelly, Jr., of East Orange; a and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink and Mrs. Teresa Daniel, will sing. AlHenry Allen Bennett, 52, died York city. daughter of the late Julius and Seflck? Johnstown, and Edward daughter, Mrs. Fred Knight of Hlaflowers will be the gifts of Mrs. last Thursday morning at his home, Antoinette Sadkowski. ' Seflck, Salinas, Cal. Three daugh- leah, Fla.; a brother,. William F. daughter Dorothy of Livingston tar The funeral was held Sunday Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Carrie. Corbin. 20 Oakland st. Surviving are four sons, 'Joseph, ters, Mrs. John Henry Boyle, New Connelly of Belleville; a sister, spent Church school meeta at 9:45 a, m. afternoon at the Adams memorial P. W. Bleibdrey of Springfield ave. Born In Red Bank, Mr. Bennett city; Mrs. Dien Kanasut, Mra. John Smith of Newark, and with Rev. Charles S. Web- John and Albert Kizukiewicz of York A celebration was held for Ray- in charge of Mrs Clara Carter; was a son of Mrs. Amy Pcrrine home, Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Earl this place and Benjamin Kizukiefive grandchildren. ster, pastor of the Red Bank Pressuperintendent. Prayer clinic will mond Brown's 18th birthday. Bennett Dowons and the late Cy- byterian church, officiating. Burial, wicz of Cllffwood; four daughters, Adams, Johnstown, and 12 grandThe funeral was held yesterday Mr. and Mi's. Stephen Huber of be held at 6:30 p. m, and worship cnlus William Bennett. A resident Monday morning, Mrs. Frederic Mundl and Mrs. children. was in Fair View at St. Joseph's Catholic church, East Orange spent Christmas day services at 7:30. here all his life, Mr. Bennett had Samuel Minor of South Amboy, where Rev. Cdrnelius J. Kane, pas- with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Hu- There will be. a union New Years been omployed by the Red Bank cemetery. Mrs. Joseph Conzalina, who lives Murganville tor, offered a high mass of requiem. eve watch might service tomorrow sanitation department a number of in Germany,' and Mrs. Edward Mrs. Howard S. McCormick and Burial, under, the direction of the er. MHS. J. TOWNSENIi SMITH years and was an exempt member Baranowskl of Laurence Harbor; daugher Michelle Andria returned Day funeral home, was in Holy Mr. and Mrs. William Muhleisen (Thursday night) at 10 p. m. All of Union Hose company. He had and family spent Sunday with Mr. the churches of the ministers' RUMSON—Mis. Edith Grimlcy a brother, Frank' Sadkowski of We take pride in offering been an active member of the com Smith, 73, wife of J. Townscnd this place; a sister, Mrs. Stanley home Christmas day from Rivcr- Sepulchre cemetery, East Orange. and Mrs. Fred Muhleisen of Lynd- council will participate. vlew hospital. The baby was born The Mothers' guild Is sponsoring pany 17 years. Mr. Bennett also hurst. Smith of 20 Highland avc, died Kurdelskl of Winter Park, Fla.; Police Probe Hit-Run the finest tributes and memwas a member of the Reformed Wednesday afternoon of last week 20 grandchildren, and two great- Dec. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Krampe'rt, a trip to Radio Olty Music hall Keyport police are still investi- Church st., spent several days last Saturday. Buses will leave the Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crawford of orial services at whatever church. at the Neurological Institute of the grandchildren. Occanport were dinner guests Sat- gating Mrs. Callamaras' death. She church at 9 a. m. cost you may feel you can Surviving besides his mother, who Presbyterian hospital, New York The funeral was held Monday urday of Mr. and Mrs. William E. was found dead by a motorist a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ludwlg cily, where she had been a patient at St. Joseph's Catholic church, of Springfield. short time after she'left her home Steehn Crawford and family. afford. In doing so, we pro- lives on Shrewsbury avc, aro his two months. METHODIST wife, Mrs. Susan Crclin Bennett; a where Rev. Cornelius J. Kane, pas- Harry V. Demery has been con- to get a bus to go shopping, police Louis Littlejohn, C.P.O. of Philaspent four days last week vide the many thoughtful, daughter, Mrs. Doris Bennett Born in Marlborough, N. Y., Mrs. tor, offered a solemn high mass fined Keansburg to his home on Orchard park- said. Mrs. Callamaras died at Perth delphia, with his wife at their home on Smith was a daughter of the late New Year Communion service Amboy general hospital. considerate extras that can Doughty Hooper, wife of Roger Charles and Sarah L. DuBois Grim- of requiem. Burial, under the di- way by illness. Summit ave. will be held at 11 a. m. Sunday. Hooper, living at home; a grandrection of the Bedle funeral home, Mrs. Rosalia Schcurich and Mrs. Police said her brother, Peter be remembered with pride. son, Roger Doughty; a sister, Mrs. ley. She was a descendant of the was in St. Joseph's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle, Sum- Rev. Otto Janke, pastor, will de-' Marilyn Scheurich entertained the Blllias of Brooklyn, was killed by Hudson valley patentees. Every service here is one of Franklin P. Sniffen, River Plata original following at dinner Christmas eve: a car as he crossed rt. 35, Mld- mit ave., spent Sunday with Mr. liver a sermon, "Thy Kingdom and a brother, Cyrcnius V. Bennett, Mrs. Smith was a graduate of the and Mrs. Jack Qulnn of Yonkers, Come," at the evening service at I Miss Clara Weir and Mr. and Mrs. dlctown, June 21. FORMAN A, SUTPHIN New Paltz, N. Y., Normal school, rare beauty, complete — al- 72 Wallace st., Red Bank. Y. , 7 o'clock. William Dietz of Spring Lake, Mr. Mrs. Callamaras suffered multi- N. Mr. and was a former teacher at NewHOLMDEL — Forman A. Sut and Mrs. August Betsch of Tho offlolo.1 board will meet Monways. and Mrs. G. Kenneth Bissctt, Miss The funeral was held Monday af burgh. ple dnjuries to the left side of Her phln, 69, husband of Mabel Hughes Nancy Bissett and Harry HoltIcrnoon at the Wordcn funeral body. Members of her family told Newark visited Chief and Mrs. day at 8 p. m. Boy Scouts will meet Sutphin and retired superintendent A summer resident here since Conrad Betsch of Summit ave. Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Confirmation home, with Rev. Runyon L. Wolff, of the Maloney farm at Everett, hausen of Sayreville, Mrs. Robert police she probably was crossing class will meet next Thursday .at pastor of the Reformed church,,of- 1940 and permanently since 1951, did Monday at his home on Calmes and son Richard of Short Broadway from the west to east Christmas day. Mrs. Smith was a member of the Mrs. George Illmensee, Compton 7 p. m., and senior choir rehearsal and Mr. and Mrs. Walter side when she was struck. ficiating. Burial was in Fair view South st. here. Mr. Sutphin was Hills Presbyterian church and of Its st., was guest of honor recently at will follow, Junior choir will hold Swanson and daughter Barbara of cemetery. Bearers wore Howard J. born in Atlantic* township, son of Found By Kofoed a bridal shower given at her home a rehearsal at 3:15 p. m. Friday, Hurley, Azariall C. Hurley, Lcstc women's associations. She was a the late Aaron and Lidie Sickles Matawan. Crelin, Burt Crclin, Richard O'Con former president of the Women's Sutphin, and was a lifelong resi- Douglas Mendini, infant son of Mrs, Callamaras was found lying by Mrs. Ruth Helm and Miss Mary Jan. 7. Youth choir will rehearse League of the Flatbush Reformed nor and Stephen L. Grcclcy. 85 Riverside Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Mendini in the road by Jack Kofoed of West Conroy of this place. Gifts were at 7 p. m, and youth fellowship dent of this area. church, N. Y. • Members of thc.-Rcd Bank flic returned home Thursday from Monst., who called police. She placed in a large red and white will meet at 8 p. m. Phone 6-0332 Red Bank The funeral was held Saturday Surviving, besides his wife, are mouth Memorial hospital, where hi Front department, led by Chief Harry An was taken to Dr. Holman's office box. Other decorations were in a son, Walker H. Sutphin of this Keyport Branch-361 Maple VL mack, held services Sunday nighl morning at the late residence, with was a medical patient. FIRST METHODIST and then to the hospital by the Key. red and, white. Guests were Mrs. place; a brother, John H. Sutphin Daniel Shea, Rumson; Mrs.. Joseph at tha funeral home. Rev. Roger 3 Rev. A. Kenneth Magrier, pastor of Atlantic Highlands The Monmouth County Hunt club port first aid squad. Telephone 1-1352 of Colt's Neck; two sisters, Mrs. the Presbyterian church, officiatSquire, department chaplain, oil! Roswell, Miss Alta Schoettle and The first Sunday of the new yeal held a meeting Saturday at the The' accident occurred only a William Davis of Long Branch and ing. Burial under the direction of elated. > Mra. Rose Mazza, Red Bank; Mlsa Non-Sectarian estate In Holmdel, Among short distance from a delicatessen will bo observed with tho celebra- , the Wordcn funeral homo was in Mrs. Robert R. Voorhees of this Harding those taking part were Peter Bate, operated by Mrs. Callamaras' fam- Carol Collins, Highlands; Mrs. Fritz tion of the Lord's Supper. The serWoodlawn cemetery, Ncwbuigh. Dr. place, and three grandchildren. Gustln, Sea Bright; Miss Agnca son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman P, Wilbur Franklin, pastor of First The funeral will be held tomor- Bate; Robert and Barbara Whaley, ily. Police said there were no skid Harmyk, Mrs. Doris Halllday, Mld- mon will be "Some Obstacles ti Presbyterian church of Nowburgh, row (Thursday) at 2 p. m. at the children of Mr. and Mra. Stewart marks or glass or other clues to the dletown; Miss Carol Koegel, East Faith" at Ihe 11 a. m. service. officiated at services at the grave, Freeman funeral home, Freehold, Whaley; Sandra Chare, daughter ol Identity and that no one saw th Keansburg; Mrs. Ida Illmensee and Rev. Harry B. Zane announcei R O B E R T A. INI A U N with Rev. Richard Hunter, former Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Clare; George accident, although residents report Miss Barbara Illmensee, Colt's that^he hour,for the evening serpastor of the Consolidated church A, Murdock and children and Rob- hearing the roar of a "rattling Neck; Mrs. Lloyd Halllday, Mra. vice will be changed to S p. m. beMKS. IDA WILBER truck" about the time Mra. Callahere and now chaplain at Blair Sunday. The sermon foi "HOME FOR FUNERALS" William Halliday, Mrs. Joseph Hal- ginning FAIR HAVEN—Mrs. Ida Wilber, academy, Blairstown, officiating. ert Constande and Terry. maras was struck. the vesper hour Sunday will b« On Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Callamaras Is survived by llday, Jr., Mrs. Joseph Halliday, "Christ and Commercialism." 83, widow of Edmund Wilber, a Burial will be in Holmdel cemeDaniel P. Brewer and son William her husband, Peter; two sons, Paul Sr., Mrs. Leslie Parleman, Mrs. Church school will meet at 9:48 cigar manufacturer, and a resident tery. One of tbe county's most modern funeral and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F, Brewer Callamaras of Keyport and Georgi Norman Craig, Mrs. Thelma Mu- a. m. and youth fellowship at 6:49 at 1 Clay st. here more than' 60 and son Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. John Callamaras, who lives in California; sante, Mrs. Chester Henry, Mra. p. m. years, died Wednesday morning of MRS. PEARL CAMIN8KV lorman and ion John of Matawan, two daughters, Mrs. Mary Christ* Ralph Simon, Mrs. Gertrude Drake, last week nt Fltkln hospital. Mrs. homes with a completely lioiuc-like-atniospliLTc. KEYPORT—Mrs. Pearl Camin- and Mrs. Harold Ely of English- thakis of this place and Mrs, Con- Mra. William Paxton, Mrs. Edward Card of Thanks Wilber was born at Patcrson. She sky, 61) widow 'Of Jacob Caminsky Roche, Mrs. Andrew Halliday and town, had dinner at the Brewer stance Andredies of Hopelawn; was proprietor of a boarding house Our thanliS and deep appreciation t» and a resident' of this place 32 Mias Shirley Halliday. Mrs. Illhome and supper at the Gorman «>l relatives, friends, neighbors and orhere during the days of steamboat years, died Christmas at her home, brother, George, Blllias of Ker IN BROAD STREET EATONTOWN 3-0383 for their Mndnesa and aym. Li'avc) oil the Navesink river, enter- 24 Elizabeth st. Mrs. Caminsky was home in Matawan, where Mr. and honkson, N. Y., and nine grand- mensee was formerly Miss Mildred KantiaUamt pathy during 'oiir recent bereavement. Halliday. . ing to theatrical people. Mrs. Wil- born In Poland, daughter of the Mrs. Samuel Brewer and children children. Martha Cameron and Family. ber wns a member ot the Metho- late Morris and Esther Dora Berg- of East Freehold and Miss Nancy The Constandinles funeral home, . Chester Beaman, Red Bank, was Mvertlsenieat. Erdman of Matawan joined them. Brooklyn, was in charge of arrange- guest of honor for his birthday dist church and the Daughters of son Lichtensteln. Sunday at a dinner, party given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plosky enLiberty here. Surviving are two sons, Milton tertained at a family dinner Christ- ments. a group of friends at the home of Surviving are a son, ClintonH. Caminsky and Walter M, Ca- mas eve, Their guests were Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Otten, LeonWilber ot McLaren st, Red Bank, D. minsky; two daughters, Miss FrieSea Bright ardville rd. Attending were Mra. ii grandson and two grcat-grartfl- da Caminsky and Miss Jeannette and Mrs. James Smith and children Beaman and1 daughter Trudy Ann, Susan, George and Raymond, Mr. children. Caminsky, who live at home; a and Mra..Frank Paulski and chil- Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Woodward, The funeral was held Saturday sister, Mrs. Max Weiner, and a Claude Mlnaldl of Church st. MORTICIAN dren Janice and Frank, and Mr. Christmas day were Mr. and Mra. Cpl. and Mra. Charles Woodward, afternoon nt Adams memorial grandson. and Mrs. John Plosky, Clarence Douglas, Mr. and Mrs, Red Bank; Mr. and Mrs. Edward home, with Rev. William B. MagThe funeral was held Sunday at Guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Martin Albert Uloldl and Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller, Keansburg; Miss Pasam, pastor of the Methodist the Church Street. Bel ford, N. J. synagogtfe here, with Rabbi church, officiating. Burial was In Davidson, of Perth Amboy, officiat- Smith, Sr., Christmas eve were'Mr, Gerod Douglas, all of Long Island, tricia Barber, Bridgeton; Mr. and and Mrs. John Wilson and children N. Y.; Louis Schuff of Cleveland, Mrs. William Meyer, Miss Carolyn Fair View cemetery. ' AIR CONDITIONED ing. Burial, under tho direction of Mary Ann, Larry and Bobbu of East Ohio, and Mra. Rita Haley Douglas Otten and Robert Otten, this place, the Bedle funeral, home, waa In Freehold, Mr. and_ Mrs. Robert f Red Bank. and Charles Furman, New York. V MRS. CHARLES J. IRWIN Beth Israel cemetery, Woodbrldge. Owens and daughter Vivian, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Cole and Mrs. Helen Sawyer entcrtalne NEW MONMOUTH—Mrs. Mary Phone Keanshurg 6-0333 and Mrs. Donald Miller and son her pupils at a Christmas party family. East rd,, spent Christmas Jane Irwln, 77, of Tindall rd. here, MARTIN BUZOSKI Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tuesday afternoon at the ichoo day with Mr. and Mrs. William wife of Charles J. Irwln, died Jr., and children Martin, 3d, Game prizes were won by Thomas Cole of Jersey City, BRADEVELT — Martin Buxoakl, Smith, Wednesday of last week at Fltkin Christine and Barbara Lynn, Mrs. hospital. Mrs. Irwin was born at 77, who operated a farm here, died Loorctt Wilson, Rlchardt Cottrell Garland and Erik Woods. Refresh- Miss Emma Snowflack of Jersey Your Expression of :ity visited her nieces, Mrs. William Mlddlctown, daughter of the late Wednesday of last week at hia of Smithburg, Miss Iris Kramer of ments were served. Mrs. Ruth Hall's claaa gave a Meyer and Miss Mildred Morris, True Remembrance Charles and Eleanor Burke Tin- home after a long illness. Matawan and F. F. C. Thomas dall. She was a member of the Mr. Buzoskl was born in Poland, Smith, who was on Christmas leave arewell party last week for Rob-- four day a last week. ' No other act of a normal rt and Patricia Hartwlck who will Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly and Ladies' Aid society of the Middle- but had lived In this area most from, Chicago. man's life gives him more leave for Germany In the near daughter of Washington, D. C, town Reformed church. of his life. He was a member of complete a o u 1 satisfaction Mr. and Mrs. Garret Dcnise of future. spent the holiday week-end with Surviving, besides her husband, St. Gabriel's Catholic church here. Morganvllle thin the building of a Memarc the parents of a Grammar school pupils who had Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kelly, Main Surviving are hia wife, Mrs. Eva is a daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Pyle orial to his loved ones who Morofskii Buzoski, and two daugh- son, their first child, born Dec. 24 perfect attendance records for De- st. HARRY C. P. JAMES A. ROBERT F. of Elberon. have gone on. the Jersey Shore hospital, Point cember included, pre-flrst, first and The funeral was held Saturday ters, Mrs. William Blnger of Brad- at The infant has been second grades, Bonnie Bradshaw, BAY SHORE COMMUNITY Our select Barra Memorials nt the Bcdle funeral home with ley Beach and Mrs. Sari Sapolito Pleasant. named Garry. Mrs. Dcniae is the Barbara Johnson, Patricia Lovgren, .bear the Guild mark of apRev. Walter Feigner, pastor, of the of Fords. East Keansburg R E D B A N K 6-0557 former Joan VanPelt, daughter of proval, your guarantee of a Keith Beti, James Brennan and Church school will meet Sunday A solemn high mass of requiem Mlddletown Reformed church, offifiner Memorial at no extra Eric Swenson; third and fourth at »:45 a. m. ciating. Burial was In Fair View was offered Saturday at St. Ga- Mr. and Mrs. Leroy VanPelt, John Wilson, U. S. Navy, who is coat. Visit i our showroom grades, Peter Beekman, Frances briel's church by Rev. John J. cemetery, "The Adoration" will be the sub60 \. FRONT STREET RED 8ANK and see our displays of these Nowak, pastor. Burial, under the stationed at Norfolk, Va., spent the Layton, Evaroae Nelson, Catherine ject of the sermon by Rev, John certified memorials. Rock and Roger Rock, and fifth P. Euter at the 11 a. m. service direction of the James F. Hlgglns week-end at home. ANGEMA LEDUC OFIO memorial home, Rumson, was In The Methodist Sunday-tchool held and sixth grades, Sheldon Nelson, Sunday. The choir will present a A requiem mass was offered in the churchyard, ts Christmas program under the Gary Phlfer, Robert Rogers, Mich- special program. St. James Catholic church thla"Over Thirty Yean of direction of Walter Lamberaon. ael Nelson, Joseph White, Marlon A carol and candlelight service morning for Angclla Leduc Oplo, Rev, William Magsam gave the in- Lovgren, Caroline Rock and Char- will be held New Years eve at ( MATTHEW HOEFLER 77, of 9 Canal st., who died Saturvocation, benediction and prayer, lotte Swenson, N m M Ml. Ollvei Csmltrr o'clock. Dependable, Economical Service" KEYPORT-Matthew Hoefler, 65, Recitations were given by Helen day at her home. Phone Red Bank 6-031t Born In Puerto Rico, she wag a of 120 Second at., husband of An- Ouerin, Dale Carol Ginger, Violet Th* R«tlittr hti • moiUrnljr jijulpptd daughter of Jonquln and Juana na Henrlch Hoefler and a resident Ann Ludvlck, John Babrbsky, printing dvpftrtmtnt, eapnbla ot BupplyR. F. D. Bos 108 Red Bulk Marlboro Ini tv«rr printing nttd of homt builntii Caballolo Lcduc, She had lived In of this place 15 yeara, died Mon- Candy Preston, Doris Ann Klrchcr, day at Perth Amboy general hos- Bjirry Howardson, Wllma Van- Bobby Lolchle was a guest at a Armi. Advtrtlitmtnt. tho country the past ten years. She Is survived by two daugh- pital. Mr. Hoefler waa born in Hun- Brunt, Lorraine Russell, Kent Christmas luncheon at the home ters, Mrs, Svcn Storm, with whom gary, son of the late Peter and Stevenson, Rose Ann JomcBon, Carl of Mra, Lillian Joy of Elberon durshe lived, and Mrs, Gallto Colon, Catherine Hoefler. He was a bar- Joseph Spurgat, Susan Preaton, ing the holidays, Puerto Rico; a nloce, Mrs. Maria ber here. Nancy Button, Robert Moore, Susan George Weldenmayer, Jr., Roger Lcduc, Red Bonk, and two.grandSurviving, bealdcs hia wife, are a Quackcnbush, Linda Crocker, Mary Lolchle and Edward McDowell ton, Joacph Hoefler'of Rydal, Pa.; Man and Diane Wonzel, A four- were s.mong those who attended children, COMPANY of part exorciao waa glvon by Mlchey the 4-H Christmas meeting and Intormont, under the direction a daughter, Mrs, Anna Sohuater 1 of tho William S. Anderson funeral Hatboro, Pa.; a alater, Mrs . Lottie VanBrackel, Rose Klrchor, Alice party at the home of B«rt Swain Headden's Corner, Middletown, Koute 3 5 home, was In Mt, OHvct cemetery, Gotlor of Philadelphia, and a Mao Morris and Dorothy Spurgat, at Farmlngdale. grandson, Accordion aolos were played by PaThe' Ladles' auxiliary of tht flr« MRS. KLf.KN WYIJE JAMES J . HURLEY, Mtn««tr The funeral will b« held tomor- tricia Crocker, William Brewer and company held a Christmas party Successor to Mount Memorial Home VANDERBURG—Mrs. EllonWy- row (Thursday) at U a. m, at Dorothy Spurgat, Piano solos wore and meeting at the lira house last lie, 80, a rcaldant of this' place 13 the Bedle funeral hom«. Burial will rendered by Mary Ann Meyers, week, Mra. Walter VooriMM, Mrs, PHONE RED BANK 6-9810 Carolyn Moore, Diane Wonrol and Edward Tllton und Mrs, Chart** yours with her son and daughter- be In Cedarwood cemetery, Barbara, Romctta, and vocal tolos VanCurren were In charge of the in-law, Mr. unit Mra, HMwnrd A, MRS. WILLIAM If, BLALOOK by Phyllis duorln, Ann Klrchor and covered dlih supper and decoraLong Branch 6 4 9 7 8 • Day or N1R.II YVyllc, died Hnturdny at Olon Covo FUNERAL DIRECTORS Jay Hyland, A duet WM aung tions, hospital, Olon Covo, L, I, Mm, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Mrs, Mrs, Edward McDowell enttrtalned Wyllo wns born In Ireland And Elltaboth Blalock, 70, wife of Wll by Mabel Boal and Anna Mny and songs nlan woro aung by MJohael Hendrlokaon, Roger Lolenmn to thin country In 1007, Hum H, Blnlock, died this morning Quoi'ln tho clniutoa of Mn, Hannnh Lamchlo and George Weldenmayer, Jr., Surviving, healdtis nor non, nrn nt lior home, DO Eaat Garflold avo, bortaon and Mra, Hlltnboth Pont, at a birthday supper laat week, Mra, Blalock WBB born at Baltimore, DISTINCTIVE throo other none, Joaoph, William 310 Broad Stytt Tho church choir ffnvo Chrlatmna Red Bank, N. J. Wodneaday evening guests of and James Wyllo, who llvo on Long Md., daughter ot tho lalo John and "election*, with Raymond Schllko aa Mr, and Mra, Arthur Manclnl were lalnnd; n dmifflitor, Mmy, who llvos Elltaboth Brown Barrett, Sim waa •ololst. Mr. and Mra. Frank SohnoliUr of In lvoulfllnnu: a broltior nncl slater ft member of flt, Agnos Catholic in Iiolnml, 21 Rrnmlchllclron nml church. Otto J. Jlndrncok, U, 8, Navy, nr Tampa, Fla,, here to spend tho IS lllll Surviving hotldoa her hiuibnnd rived home Chrlitmna ovo .from holiday teaion with relatives tn rerfecilon of Material an* Burial ycsloiilay nfloinoono wita nro i\ dnuffhtor, Mra, ICvclyn K. Hoi' tho Aiii|ihll)loun Un/io, Coronado, Lambertvllle and Stockton, The following pupils of the WocluMmhlp In BtMiUful Idny of 'Orooklyni a, atator, Mrs, CM,, for A holltlny Icnvr, id WfdtlHiiy, U I, eighth grade received the Mlei' Nolllo Noi'den of Hlffhlanda, New Designs niAnshin award! Wanda Zlollnakl JOHN KUIIAIOA Ri'iuddtiUKhtor and two loan WhILon, dale Whltion, ArOur memorial! are manufaoKKYI'OJIT—John Kuhuldn, A2, grniulolilldron, TWIIIIIRIIL ppat, American Lo leno Conover, Cynthln Jonea, Karl Tho Condon funeral huiue la In Rlon, dli'il lust Thursday itl Htookdnlo imil Its Lftillon' auxiliary hold IDIaenman, Alan Holland tnd Stantured by ikllltd artlaam In our charge, of nrrangomeiita, tun King homo hoir, Ho win limn ft Joint moetlnir Wedneadny night Icy Yonoak, wall tqulputd plant tt Wut In A null In, MOM of tlin lulu John of last week at the post homo on UilRIHTKNBKN 1NKANT II ml Murln Hiilloy Ktihiilila, and la Bay avo, ' Donation* wero approved Long Branch. Holmdel Deaths in Red Bank and Vicinity dedicated to The finest John E. Day Funeral Home MONUMENTS H. Laurence Scott Worden Funeral Home JOHN VAN KIRK MONMOUTH MONUMENT The Adams Memorial Home ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS THE fllllERIU HOlTIE Of PERSOnflL SERVICE WILLIAM S. ANDERSON 3O.,'I2 HIKIROII Ave. PHONE RED SANK lied Hunk 6-2406 durvlvpd by ii «l«lcr, Mra, Julln Chi'latlnn Leroy fltriy OhrUten- for tho olilldron'a Ul)rl«tmni party Huron* Df New Yurl( (illy, *on, Infant «on or Christian Loroy at tho Urlabana child trentmen Tho funeiiil wan held Hntuiduy and Joan Munaflold Chrlatenaen ol center, Members held a Chrlntmni ill HI, C'ntliullo HI ,lii«i'|j|i'* l l ' C'tlll l h Circle Trailer onmp, Kalontown imrly for community children Huiv where Iti'V, (JoiMi'lIu* J, Kittle, pn«i died Monday at Fort Monmoutli •lay Afternoon at tho post home tor, uflMid n requiem inttta, Uurlnl Tho funeral wni held I'l'lce* were awiirdoi lo 34 young, under llii* (lliMutiun of the lledlo (Tutiday) «t the John uteri, Tho noat will hold a Now fuiiM'M humo wan In Calvary uemc« Day funeral home, and buila Y e a n danuo tomorrow night at lot/, Uroolilyn, . Hie poit liomi. w i i in Mt. Olivet loemolery, Mlea Uarbara Trautweln, who la studying ooituma design and Uluitrillion at the TrAphngen school In New York city. Ii apendlng the hot* Iday ieaaon with her paronti, Mr, and Mil, K H, Trautweln of Pleaaant Valley rd, She will reiumi het atudlei Jan, 4, LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO. die Wall Si. Tel. LO 6>H!>67 Win l.onH llrmirh 8BN1) r o t . ILLVIM HATED CATALOUUB :e Seven RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 30,1953 Fire Destroys Log Cabin Inn from the Piaverink HOME ECONOMICS Meyner and New Attorney General Know Your Heart HIAT PROOF TABLE PADS A previous article In this a«rle» Records Will TeU You Where by Karen Untdej described how the heart develops B«it workmanship. Mad* of fssulBi Your Money Goes a collateral circulation system to plt»Uc. All colon. ThU week, much as-I had hoped Do you know what your money make up for the damage caused, by GLOBE AWNING for It, no gklppers were cruising lought for you In 1953T If your a blocked artery. Amazing as this around our river. X gueu many of Ir SHADE CO. mswer Is yes your family has no In, it is only part, of the heart's rethem had too much Christ mas and IIT W. Frtut ft. Rid link e-lSIt loubt kept some sort of an acmarkable maintenance and repair were staying around home to re:ount. Not only will you have the system. cuperate. ' gures for the big itenu, but also For about a third of ench second The monthly meeting of the Tor .the other purchases that seem th« heart is working actively, conNorth Shrewsbury Ice Boat club insignificant at the time, says Mrs. tracting to create the pressure th»t will be held tomorrow night (ThursLorna K. White, home agent for pumps blood through the body. Durday). Monmouth county. ing thp. two-third of «. necoru! beI have heard from Inside sources Almost every homsmaker knows tween bents, the heart, relaxes and that "Red" Llpplncott has bought OFFICE FURN1TUHB within a dollar or two how much Its chamber* refill with blood. It himself a Lightning and will be i» spent to feed the family each Is In this brief time that the heart & EQUIPMENT racing against -the top skippers week. The rent or the payment on does its maintenance n'orlt, with this summer. h« mortgage is known. But -withIts cells Lnklng oxygen and other Desks, chairs, files, safes, Well, this is my last column for out a dally accounting it Is diffinutrients from the blood. H5J, folks, and I'd like to take this steal shelving, lockers, ere. cult, if not Impossible, to know Creating a collateral circulation opportunity ia say "thanks" to your entire financial picture for system to compensate for a blocked everyone who has helped me witw the past year. artery Is one of the two main kinds It I've really had a wonderful time The form of your account book of repair work done by the heart. writing it and I hope that maybe •will depend upon what you want Tho other is that required by dam- R«d Bonk 6-5906 it did a small part in getting a few to know about your (pending age to the valves. people interested In sailing again. habits. You can buy one which will I want to wish each and every one The valves, operated in part by cost anywhere from ten cents to of you a very happy New Years day muscular contraction and In part several dollars. Or you can make and hope you have the most wonby the pressure of the blood stream your own. Some families say that derful season ever in 1994. direct the blood In the proper chanthe more headings in an account nels and prevent It from flowing book, the easier it is to aee where cedar interior, Mr. Manigrasso said. ATLANTIC H I G H L A N D S — hack Into the heart. Injuries may Ruins of the Log Cabin inn on Firemen used booster, lines to the money actually goes. make the valve opening smaller Ocean blvd. here smoulder after fight the blaze whll« relay hoge If you are not sure what kind so that the normal amount of blood fire early Monday morning destroy- lines were run up the hill from of an account book you want to will not flow through in th« usual ed the bar-restaurant in a loss esti- rt. 38 hydrants half a mile away. try or if you are dissatisfied with time allotted. Or the valves them mated at $150,000 by Dr. Howard one you are using, you may want Dr. Wolcher said much of the selves may be shrunk by an Injury ASBURY PARK-Paced- by Following his appointment at New Jersey's new attorney Welcher of this place, proprietor loss equipment and supplies to purchase a New Jersey account •o that they do not completely 22-polnt production by Harou of the inn. stocked for the holiday trade. At- book at 20 Court St., Freehold. Mrs. general, Grover C . Richman, Jr., left, of Camden, sits beside close off the opening, thus allow Downes, Hoffman's Army and Ing blood to flow bsck Into a heart Spotted by Coast Guardsmen on lantic Highlands police reported White says home accounts can be Navy quintet of Red Bank defcate Sandy and by a bus driver patrollng the area about 5 a, m. started any day of the year. For Democratic Governor-elect Robc.v B. Meyner during a news chamber. Monmouth Beach Cold Storage, 65 on rt. Hook Income tax purposes, Jan. 1 is the 36, which runs" behind and without Incident. The inn was in conference in Trenton, Doc. 29. Richman will take over the In both these situations, the hear' 53, Monday night In a circuit con. best time. However, Mrs, 'White the Inn, the blaze summoned flames two hours later. responds by stepping up its efforts, test In the Asbury Park City below firemen from Highlands and this The inn was located near'the, top points out that the secrets of suc- office, of retiring Republican Attorney General Theodore D. so that the normal supply of blood league at the Convention hall. place, who were hampered in their ot Ml. Mitchell, the highest point cess is not the date but the desire Parsons of Little Silver, Jan. 19, whsn Meyner is inaugurated. is maintained. Eventually the The victors piled up margins i efforts by low water pressure. on the Atlantic Coast from Main of the family to knovf where ita heart may enlarge and become the first two periods. Then afte Michael M&nigrasso, who will be- to Florida. Dr. Welcher s«'.d h money goes. All must be willing to meet this strain, but In playing a 17-17 knotted third quar- come fire chief here Friday, was has no Immediate' plans for re- to report to the head bookkeeper ex- think he would over stay home if tre discarded because they lose stronger cases this does not happen ter, they trailed, 25-20, In the final in charge of firemen at the scene. building. Borough Clerk Nelson H. penses important to the entire fam- we didn't make some rules about Lhcir good looks than because they most for many years. stanza. ear out. He said the blaze apparently start- Roberts said zoning regulation ily. Dally accounting is the most homework.' As this Indicates, your heart li Downes paced the winners with ed in a laundry off the kitchen and now in effect would not prevent re- accurate and It is not difficult to To help you prolong; the good The friend replies, 1 don't think nine Held goals and four fouls toi dining room. Flames, already leap- building, since lire interrupted op- put into effect if a «ystem is de- you have anything to worry about. ooks of your shoes, Mrs. White of- one ot the .strongest muscles in your • «L»TI uttf TILE RCPAIR* body. Medical iclence. financed in hU » points. Lou Calabretta con ing out of windows when firemen eration of the business, and not an veloped according to the family. It's a good idea lor your son to 'ors the following suggestions. • OINIKAl A mDUVIRIAL part of public support of the anSales slips with proper notations tritmted « point* to the. victory o arrived, spread quickly through the act of Dr. Welcher. Properly fitted shoes wear longer. nual SMUT MITAL WORK go out with different girls. I wish New Jersey Heart Fund apfive baskets and seven charity flips. are a big help. Without sales slips my daughter would do that, but Make sure shoes fit well. Have at pcnl, is working constantly to learn east two pairs of shoes for alterAl Wicklund led the loaera wit It is hard for even the most en- she goes out with one boy for the best ways to keep this strong novel. This is unfortunate both thusiastic CLIFF SWALLOW Jl points fired through the nets oi to remember months. Then she changes, but goes lato daily wear. They need to air muscle in top-notch condition, so the swallows and for the men small itemsperson nd dry out to retain their shape that it may serve you well and long. ten deuces and a foul. In some areas this relatively com- [or and how fast they ROOFINO * SHUT MITAL CO. with that fellow all the time. She's nvolved. The food of these swal- add up. HOFFMAN'S mon swallow is known as the eaves ows been dating Tom now ' for six nd freshness. • I . 71 A Jlrtiy Avt. (Prepared by the N. J. Heart Asis almost exclusively insects, P Always give leather shoes a good swallow. . The names suggest that mong the insects found in som When preparing a shopping list, months. Of course, It's more diffisociation.) iprlug •>•><• HtlfMl fowl. I. I 2a :oat of polish before wenring them the birds may nest under the caves 175 stomaclis of these birds were leave a space to note the amount cult; for n girl because she has to Johnion, t " .1 ' Tal. t»rln| t-akt l-lioa if it is something easily wait until a boy asks her to so he first time. Subsequent pollsh- During the years of heavy Immilamtt, I - i 1 he following whose names are like spent, forgotten. Unless all spending is out. Although, girls don't wait near- ng kecpa tho leather soft, pliable gration to the United States, more Smith, c * 42 y to raise the ire of farmers an< done Dewnei, z J 0 only one person in the ly as much as when you and I ind water resistant. men than women were immigrant), hose whose living depends .on the family,by Wutt, * • 71 Have lifts replaced as soon as but since 1930, more women than which usually ian't the case, were in school. Ciltbretu, S » Rising of plant crops: Alfalfa wee confusion hey start to rui\ over or the shape and Irritation will be Variety is the spice of life as men have entered the country. Carroll, g. 0 • • Ms, chinch bugs, rice weevils, an less when the forms a habit far as dating is concerned for teen- md fit of the shoe H-111 be ruined. 21 S3 «5 :otton boll •weevils. With them wer of reporting Infamily Keep shoes in A shos bag or on Mattrnlt? RIftkM m u t t written rather than MONMOUTH BEACH agers. Sometimes this variety worpiders and now and then a few in the verbal form each day purF P Cittrlftg to MM ries parents, but just think of the racks. wild berries. Mture, f « a 15 :haaea are made. EXPECTANT M O T H M If shoes are not kept in a dry, concern other parents have over 2 4 Ona should not evaluate all of At the end of the month, dis- their youngsters going steady. .veil ventilated place, they will milr«h«. f • • Wllk m Cempht* L I M el nature solely on an economic basis cuss together as a family where When the custom in the communi- e-w. Wipe mildewed shoes with MATIRNITY * M « M L agyrt, f, ,*, S •PORTIWtA* — D R I M I I and anyone who has taken the op- the money h u gone. Everyone con- ty is to go steady, the teen-agers mild soap suds and dry the leather Wlcklund. c 1J IUITI — LINttRIK Bwllty, t J portunity of studying cliff swallows cerned will soon realize the value will do It. Even though this-is not in the open air. E««r. 1. _ • other swallows for that matter ot those columns of figures. You'll a permanent arrangement, the Wear rubbers or galoshes In ••? • * • • «!., Aikvry Perk l-4et»-J Oiborn, 1 « CUFF SWAUOW eed not be enlightened by lists of now where you stand financially. yaungstera lose a lot of fun. rainy weather. Water stiffens Pl * 12 81 © 1953 Notional Wildlif. ridirotloji t> oxious creatures that enter the The financial possibilities for the Also Important Is the fact that leather by taking out the oils and Sean if Qu»rt«n: Hsffimn'i 12 IS 11 20—«5 of buildings or on cliffs. The nests diet of the birds to become their' future weeks can be determined, the teen-ager who goes steady loses may completely ruin suede. Patent SSnm"th B»eh.... S a 11 2B—B8 are often more obvious than the champions. The birds are just good, too. Hie opportunity, to get to know leather Is sure to get brittle as It v Offieiill—Vitnslt, Minion. Surely it will take some time, people says Miss Phyllis P. Brad- dries out. blrda. They are usually gourd- rdinary, beautiful neighbors and as Suede shoes may be cleaned with such they deserve our friendship but won't it b« better business to shaw, specialist in human relations shaped structures of mud with a RADIO know wher* your money goes than at Rutgers university^ The young- a fine wire brush, the agent says. lining of grass, leaves, feathers and and co-operation. AUTO KADIO to wonder how it slipped away ster who has a variety of dates When the leather Is soiled, use a wool. Ot course, they differ from from you and for what? Perhaps learns through experience how to reliable suede cleaning preparation. BEN01X MEN'S LEAGUE & APPLIANCE the burrows of the bank swallows Know Your Heart your account' mil 'reveal leaks In get along •with others which is an Suede dressing will renew faded STANDINGS HEMIE'S SERVICE and the mud nests of the barn SALES . SERVICE color. If tho nap becomes flattened, family spending or it may Show asset needed throughout his whole swallows. Fear of heart disease has created where steam will raise It. the money has been spent The National Wildlife federation the mistaken impression that most lifetime. Dating is the first step All FUptirt don* en 11 — STATION — Nitofii — ••• Calf or kldskln should be polished is Interested in all kinds of wildlife heart attacks are fatal. Nothing to good advantage. on the path to courtship and marSporU — IIS Premises regularly with a wax-based paste. 37 Injun B«ri .:. Give* Tip* on Mending Children's whether this refers to game speriage. The youngster who has the 1« Corner Iridgt Avt. could be farther from the truth. audit*' : • 21 Colored polish helps to cover up cies or not and would welcome ob- Actually, 85 -per cent of all persons opportunity to become acquainted scuff . Clothes 18 24 Grinder. The occasional use of servations made on these birds. who suffer heart attacks recover, Tubcrt —. 23>4 with a variety of people will be saddle,marks. 14 Nails and stones, scissors and soap before polishing adds mi Oakland St. B. B.'t -- « The cliff swallow, petrochelldon and only a small portion of these sandpaper—that's what little chil- able to make a wiser and probably additional 21 finish and protection. Alltjr Dutttr pyrrhonota, is about six Inches are disabled. Most of them are dren are made of if the condition more lasting choice- of a marriage It Het Chip. • -•• At the Railroad Cold weather makes patent leathIt long with a wingspread ot just over able to continue with their regular of their clothes is any indication. partner. • Btrbj'i — V er brittle, so It Is best to save patID RADIO A ELECTRIC SHOP lloekrti .. one foot and a tail about 2!4 inches . . . »} Even if mending is not your favorbusiness and social activities. 21 • 8id S « k . A Good Carving Knife Is a Kitchen ent leather uhocs for mild days. Oil RED IANK long. The sexes are about equal in II Front St., Red Bank MIM >ll «.....- 1* A 21 tends to dull the finish and accumuThe uaual "heart attack," in med- ite job, it will b« less irksome if it l , 'lit, 22 V4 size. - The most distinguishing field ical terminology, is a coronary h u a special time in your homelates dust on patent leather. EithDid you ever try to carve a roas' character Is the light, brown to making schedule, says home agent Jim Duidlii 1J use a special patent leather prepwith a dull, thlck-bladed knife?' If er buffy rump and the square-tipped thrombosis. This means Jhat a Mrs. Lorna K. White. Vultum 1» aration or wipe with a damp cloth WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH tall. The upper parts are steel blue, clot, or thrombus, forma inside one Whatever tims you select, be carving is, an exasperating txperi or neutral soap. IS 1*1 Olub • I" of the major arteries, or coronarics, 2t SUiiwUcki — JJ IT IS NOT TRDE TO SAf "WE DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE* ence at your house, a new knife much like those of the barn swal sure that you do something about 24 low. While the bank swallow has which supply blood to the heart small holes, loose hems and but-may be the only solution. But Mrs. The baby's white leather shoes UNLESS ClOROrRACTIC WAS INCLUDED 21 1 Lorna K. White, believes you prob- should be cleaned before they are SS a whitish throat patch, the throal muscle. The clot blocks the artery tons before laundering garments. Pr» Duck* v - 1} too soiled. Oil polls* needs to be and keeps blood from reaching the 28 »2' abily have a knife that could maki of the cliff swallow is dark. For most of the children's cot2* wiped off with a cloth dampened in TKm" iiiih'&«eV «WM^D«ieei Wild, There are three subspecies of the heart. ton clothes, machine mending is carving a pleasant job, if the knlfi mild soap and water before a new To compensate for this loss of quick, easy and durable, says the were sharp. 1,101: Utm high g»mt—Pliton..- 924: in- cliff swallow recognized: the NorthSOS BROAD ST. PHONB 1 SlTUu.l Ms* Uiret f « n m - J . f A good carving knife has a stiff, coat is applied. ern, the Mexican and the Lesser. blood, smaller blood vessels In theagent. However, on woolens and MM1 Chiropractor Ml; Indi-ridual hljh iam»—W. area o f the heart expand and send thin blade not less than eight inchOf these, the northern has as its fine fabrics, hrfnd mending Is often For 20 years, Lloyd A. Griffin has lit. breeding ground the region from branches into muscles of the heart less noticeable. If properly applied, es long, ending in a sharp point traveled 144 miles from Raleigh, central Alaska to Cape Breton Is- which previously were supplied hot iron Rumtoit can be The sturdy blade has a slight con- N. C. to his old home town at Edenron mendingg tapes p blood from the artery, In useful and decorative, In any case, vex curve to a thin cutting edge ton and back each Sunday to teach _U« Oaiol Bwlkart, daughter of land south .through the United with relatively short amount of timeMr. and Mrs. Edward Swlkart of State* except for Florida and theusually about a month—the heart consider first whether the garment Knives that will keep an edge arc a Sunday-school class. is worth the time and additional, made of high-carbon steel or vansenior majoring In Rio Grande valley. In winter, th Baller'e way, S P E C I A L I Z I N G IN J O B B I N G Before World War II, the annual .T... at Endicott junior birds migrate south through Flor- can form a new circulation system material needed to make it wear- adium steel. If you do not have •photography to take the place of that blocked able. this kind of a knife, a sharp butch- value of world farm output per SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES Beverly, Mass., It spcnd- ida and Central America to Brazil off by the'coronary thrombosis. S ELM PLACE Try * bright, contrasting patch er knife can be used with good re- capita was about $16.27. Ing her Internship period at the and the Argentine, returning to the TEL, RED RANK 6-lMtJ In order to allow this new cir-or applique to cover a conspicuous sults. A carving set with fancy Nourmatr etudlo' tn Aabury Park. north in time /or the spring breedDoctors do not know exactly how culation system to develop, doctors hole or bad stain that won't come handles Isn't necessarily the best . Mr. and Mn. Jere J. Carew, now ing season. aspirin achieves its effects on the at Lanrinf, Mich., are spending In the nest, the female cliff swal prescribe at least a month ot com- out. For additional reinforcement, choice for you, especially If you do body, the holiday*- at their home on low lays four or five white 01 plete rest for persons who have make the patch as usual on theyour carving in the kitchen. Some smooth carvers prefer i creamy and pinkish eggs that an suffered heart attacki. When the inside of the garment. Then apply Alton ft, ft is our sincere with that the Ralph Lonfttreet of Lafayette marked with dark brown or reddls body is at rest, the. heart only has the decorative motif on the right slicing knife. The thin flexl-bl COMPLETE blade Is nine to nino and a hall •t. ii expected home today from brown. The eggs are about 4/5 to work at about a tenth of its side. Memorial hospital, Mew York city, inch by 2/3 inch at their maximum capacity. Tho other, nine-tenths of Elastic bands on undergarments inches long. It Is especially gooc NEW YEAR Hill »ee all your enwhere ho has been a surgical pa- and it would take 16 of them t its energy can be devoted to build- and pajamas frequently pull away for thin uniform slices of ham oi ' Y E A R • cold cuts. The rounded, non-taperc reach a.weight ot one ounce. Then ing up the new circulation system from the fabric, The agent sugtient several weeks. Mr. Longitreet dcavon crounal with success. la secretary of the Runuon board is but one annual brood and the In A heart that has repaired itself gcsls you lay the garment on a blade cuts firmly through larg< cubatlon and the care ot the youn in this manner is a damaged heart, surface to which It may be pinned roasts, It can be used on fowl a of education. though a sharp point on a knife 1 : Is shared by both parents. Incubabut a serviceable one,. Medical re- and anchor It with a straight pin. Councilman and Mrs. Peter TIL.. RI (.mi search, much of it paid for by con Then stretch the elastic and pinan advantage, in cutting around Cartmell of 38 Park avt., are th«tion takes from 12 to 14 days. parents of a daughter, born Wed- The fact that cliff swallows nest trlbutlons to the annual Heart Fund it to the fabric, (Hitch on the ma-joints. But any kind of knife must I nesday of last week at Monmouth In colonies is often to their disad- appeal, lisa provided doctors with chine, holding the elastic stretched be sharp, Sharpening a knife Is not difficult vantage. Such colonies are boun the Information they need In order out; Another row of stitching can Memorial hospital. and oven less troubte to keep sharp, Mr. and Mm, Joseph Ciejka have to attract attention and survival I to tell you how to live with a dam be ftdded for strength. SUARANTIIO r»R ONI VlftR moved from Lafayetu st. Into their any species Is more likely If atten- aged heart', And In most cases, per. When a button has pulled off, once it hay its good edge restored, Prlet* Frem l i e Mi up tion of potential enemies is avoided sons who have suffered heart at- leaving a hole, a small reinforced says the agent. Electric sharpennew home on Blngham ave, In the nest-making, muddy ma tacks find they can continue to do pstch should be made. on the In-ers or onca that turn by hand are Harry Collls, son of Mr. and I I S MOADWAY KBYPORT, N. J. available. A carborundum stone, Mrs. Harry Collls, Jr., of 32 Lafay- torials may bo dropped to the porcl most of the things they have si- nldg be fora sewing back the button. Or if tha tear will extend fine on one Dido and medium on the ette it., Is spending tho Christmas floors beneath the eves and tlili ways done—In moderation, beyond the button, make small other, Is not expensive and will do It.A MONMOUTH IT. M l BANK vacation at home from Rider col- creates a condition that Is not up (Prepared by the New Jersey decorative patches to go under each wondors to keep a keen cutting lege, Trenton, where he is In hispredated by tidy folk,. The resu' edge on any knife. of course Is that the cause Is re Heart association,) I button In the series, •jphomore year, Rev..Kenneth A. Magner, Jr., of The Spice of Life Lengthen Life of Shorn by FollowRiver rd,, pastor of the PresbyMy son worries me to much theit . Ing Theae Tip* terian church, Isft.medical patient days, «ays a mother to a friend. Each pair of shoes represents to tt Rlvervlew hospital, Ha Is 17 years old and girls are largo en investment from the doth. MII he seems to think about, And Ing budget thai care should be UkIt's always a different one. I don't en to protect them. More KcaniburR Mr, and Mn, Roy Hale and Mmlly of Belredare Beach, spent «evoral days last week with Rev, and Mn. R. C, Pltzsr of Lebanon, Ps. Mlsa Winifred McCarthy and Mlis Annei McCarthy of West Ktansburg attended the performance of "Almanao" In New York Saturday. Mr. and Mn, William F««lmn and family iptnt ChrUtmni Any with Mist Julia Flannally of Joney City, Biemi right tint a brand n«w unellon Th* Ltdy Jean MaeCorquodale of A)i])l«l;rook lodge held a ChrlstniM party and should be ononctl (or the now year, covered dlih nipper id tho W'cit Keansburff Are house. Olflu were flccm* particularly right exchanged and lonjrn nun ft, MIM lh»l we should hn gMnilnj Bylvls. Allen wni tlio winner or a Mr, mid Mm. (Jeorgo Miller itola doruUil by MM, Jenn Ad«m«, tha Aral comer*, Th« next, ragulitr meeting will be Jin, 11. May thoy flnd it Mn, Jonepli Stagci, Bolvodare tht happiest yutt of their li' •», Beach, ctltbraUd hai* birthday Tuoidny with mombori of the fane COMPLIMENTS OF THE HOUSE! Javob It, V. il, Lofforti lly, Attending were William O'Neill, Oharlct T. lUkoimnt Flushing, L, i,, Mr, and Mr* JAIHOH Pro Andy Sikor*, ueond frem lift, of Bttoon Hill Court* O'Nolll, nod Dunn, Mr, nnd Mn, Apptobrook Farm John O'Neill, Mr. Stager and Dor* try club, dtmomlrttd the eorroet grip lo Mn< Varnon I . 8«nolliy, Joanne, Jimci and William nttr of Little Silver, «t • reheeritl W e d n e i d • y night i f ltouts 35 O'Nslll, thlt plM«, Juit north of NSVHI WRTV'i itudlo, Eiiontown. Looking on ere M n . Robert W. Albert aillon, whb attend! InUntler|jR«i M:\VMAN dltnn 8 U U college, li ipeiidlus lornerd of Fair M«v«n end Pro Roddy Newm«n of HomoiUid HOAD Mldilleiutvu Township, Iho ClirhtfflM and New York holi- Country club. Pro Slkor* will conduct his TV program. "Your Hill) HANK New Jer#cy day with hi* mother. Mm, Alberl Golf G«mt," next month. Olllin of Coltiii pi, MACKAY MAPLE AVETTFRONT ST. Hoffman Five Wins, 65-58 APPROVED-BONDED BUILT-UP-ROOFS COAST TELEVISION BOWLING SCORES IS HAROLDS IS* DR. WARREN FOWLER TIMOTHY R. HOUMHAN Contractor. and Builder HAPPVJ BATTERY SERVICE WBrar WATCHES THE MATTHEWS Opportunity Shop Antiques BAIL'S Mm Yitrs Evi! Golfers Rehearse for TV Program JAMBORSS OPEN HOUSE New Year's Eve COME-JOIN THEFUN! After 12 O'clock Midnight SNACKS LUIGI'S RED BANK REGISTER. DECEMBER 30,1953 Want to Build or Remodel? W« art experti in new horn* centfruction and horn* remodeling. CaJI u» for a free etrimatc and consultation on any job. CAMPBELL BUILDING CORP RUMSON 1-048* • RED BANK 6-5355 SEE MODEL HOME - WOODMERE AVE., RUMSON 1/ you want fun, we have it Gala Time at the PARK BAR and GRILL New Year's Eve Entertainment & Band 19 WEST RIVER RD. RUMSON RU 1-9805 'Prospects Good For Ample Food' Pick Bermuda Trip Winner Treated at Riyerview THE VILLAGE SHOP Persons treated at Rlverview TREASURE MART hospital during the past week inNIMWAYII cluded Laura Dodd, 97, of Asbury CONflONMINTf ACCBPTID MIDPLITOWN Park, possible broken shoulder, fell Opm Oilly » - l | CUM* M«*«*y down stairs; Walter Holland, 35, of •Asbury Park, cut left ,hand with T.I. Ml •••IMVr ATI. HI. 1-SlSI-lt knife; Edward Laiwton, 27, of 19 Peters pi., Red Bank, dog bite; Robert Viscount, 2, of 34 Crest dr., How Christian Science Heals Little Silver, cut right thumb on glass bank; Mary1 Scotti, 136 "MAKING A Shrewsbury ave., Red Bank, in"FRESH START" jured knee cap, slipped and fell; Simon Sorenscn, 15 Fifth St., High- WOB (110 Kc) Sunday 13:45 p.m. lands, fractured skull and cut chin, fell, hitting chin; Sharon Hinds, WVNJ (620 Kc) Sunday 10:15 p.m. 64 Bergen at., East Keaturburg, cut right foot on broken bott.le; George Keamy, 159 Summit ave., Belford, cut right hand on glass door; Karen Wessel, 28 Clinton pi., Red Bank, cut upper lip, fell; Frances Repecher, 3, of Navesink River rd., MIddletown township, cut scalp, fell against metal toy; James Clark, 16, of Navesink River rd., Locust, broken nose, struck while playing hockey, and William Hendriclu, Jr. of Park pi., River Plaza, bruised temple, fell down stairs. NEW YORK CTTT—If America Is to maintain and improve iU high standard of living the entire food Industry must continue its efforts in 1054 to narrow the spread between farm and retalr prices, according to Ralph W. Burger, president of the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea company. "Prices are lower now than they were at the beginning of the year," Mr. . Burger said. ."In our own stores we have been able to reduce overall food pricci 3'/i per cent since December, 1952,Major reductions occurred during this period in fresh fruit and vegetable prices, which are down IS per cent, and meat prices which are' down 7 per cent. "There are many variables in the food picture that make it difficult to predict what 1954 will bring. At the moment, however, the outlook for adequate supplies of food in 1954 is good, and unlees some unforeseen changes take place in the Bora «r« «bl« to • mtk* pocktt nonty basic market* there is no reaion to bjr ••Hint Tin Rigitttr.—'Advertliraent. anticipate any great change In the general retail price level." "Farmers have proven time and again they can produce adequate supplies of food for our growing population," the A ft P president said. "Distributor* have worked All work don* on the premises hard to keap pace with the everEatontown's Mayor F/Wisi Price, right, and Jamet Franincreasing demand for more and gella, proprietor of the Eatontown Radio end Television combetter food, to keep operating costs down and to improve their facili- pany, are shown assisting Ann Herbert of Navesink ave., Atties for handling greater quantities, Discount* on all Jewelry better qualities and Increased va- lantic Highlands, pick the name of Steve Muceio, Monmbuth rieties of food." rd., West Long Branch, as winner of an all-expense paid trip Pointing out that the retail food to Bermuda. The award was made as part of Mr. FrangellaV Jeweler industry operates on an extremely low profit rate, Mr. Bulger cited celebration of the opening of his new salesroom on highway 18 W. Front St RE 8-007S-M A & P's net profit of less than one 35, Eatontown, formerly iiie American Legion home. Mr. Francent on each dollar of sales as an outstanding example "of the pat- gella said more than 5,000 visitors to the store entered th» tern that has built our high Amer- contest. ican standard of eating in the past and should guide us in our efforts to maintain it in the future. Col. and Mrs. Matthew Mautz and Eatontown "There are many people living toMaj. and Mrs. Charles Remlck day in. the generations of A & P The American Legion auxiliary were their guests. Mr. and Mrs. families who can recall food stores will meet Tuesday at the Legion Cadman attended a family gatherof yesteryear," he said. "They were home. ing Saturday at the home of Mr. filled, with premiums and many Mr. and Mis. Vincent Moyes, hwy. and Mrs. Robert L. Cadman of Red commodities that were not food. 35, held a family gathering Christ- Bank. Business was done to a large ex- mas day. Attending were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.-Benjamin VanKeutent with coupon* and trading Mrs, Edward Moyes and children, ren, South st., spent the holiday stamps, The percentage of the con- Karen, Edward, Jr., and Kathy Sue, week-end their son-in-law and sumer's dollar that went to cover and a guest, Cpl. Ronald Emery of daughter, with Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. distribution costs was almost twice Indiana. Werner and family of Belle Mead, as high as it Is today. Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Krueger Md. Mrs. VanKeuren's guests at "Our company pioneered in bring- and children, Robert and Carol, cards Monday were Mrs. Walter' ing wages up and food costs down Clinton ave, spent the holiday Bunnell, Mrs. Fred S. Morris and by concentrating on busi- week-end with Mrs. .Kruegcr's par- Mrs. Fred • Steelman. . ness, cutting out 'frills' and givea- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Skor- Mr. and Mrs. Fred StilweU and ways, and eliminating unnecessary upakl of Newark. Mr. and Mrs. daughters, Barbara and Fatty, Macost* and handling operation!." Krueger entertained Monday for ple ave., were Christmas guests of Dr. and Mrs. Norman Thetford, Mrs. Stilwell's parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Carting, Jr., Mr. Mrs. M. P. Cain of Long Branch. StilweU Fines Four; and Mrs. James Peters of Long Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowland, Branch, Leo Carltng, 3d, and Miss ST., Wyckoff rd., entertained at a Passed School Bus Sidmy Ann Coulter. family gathering Christmas day. CRAWFORD'S CORNER—MagMr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson Included were Mr. and Mra. Harry istrate Stanley StilweU last week and children, Jon and Bonnie, Rowland, Jr., and daughter Carol fined four drivers for passing a Campbell dr., spent Monday In Ann of Red Bank, Mr. and Mrs. halted school bua. Philadelphia, where Mr.. Anderson Matthew Hughes and children, Fined $10 and »3 costs of court addressed a meeting of Foreign Tommy, Chuckie and Peggy. Mr. in . Holmdel township court here Traders at the Hotel Sylvania. and Mrs. Elzie Chamn and Mr. and were: Fred Dioglardi of Kearny, • Ernest Graf, Broad st., is at home Mrs. William Bennett of Red Bank Murray Plotkin, Levittown, L.. I., recuperating from a recent opera- were Sunday guests. Robert L. Finger, Newark, and tion at Monmouth Memorial hos- Leslie Herrmann, who attends Stanley Mayowsky, Union Beach. pital. Carson Long Military academy at Fined $10 and $3 costs for speed- George Withcy of Throckmorton Carlisle, Pa., is spending the holiing were: Clyde Dcspotte of Miditd ith hi d days with his father, Col. Charles land Beach, Louis G. Welgel, RosHermann, South st. elle; William Cleary, Rumson; daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. W Twenty members of the local Charlotte Geer, Jersey City; Al- Withey of Long Branch, for Christ- Sons and Daughters of Liberty atbert J. Lawson, Neptune; Robert Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Adams and tended the past councilors' Christ Donahue^ Point Pleasant; Harold mas party held at the Oceanport Stricht, Engelwood; Robert W. Eton pi., spcrt the holiday weekDoris, Newark; Robert W. Holtera, end visiting relatives and friends Asbury Park; Herbert A. Downs, South St., entertained Christmas for South Plainfteld; Darnell D. Me- in Newark and Livingston. Mrs. C. A. Currie and daughter Mr, and Mrs. Walter Dangler of gargle, Bradley Beach; Anthony Portaupeck; Christmas eve for Maolrowskl, Avon; Rabert Keough, Jane of Philadelphia spent Christ- Mrs. Elton Green of Long Branch, Mlddtatown, and Douglas F. Bo- mas week-end with Mr. and Mrs, and Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Werner and family, Tinnara, Union Beach. Milan Hyers of Bridle. ton ave. Following their Christmas party Dr. and Mrs. Norman Thetford Fair Haven South st., entertained at Christmas for children Christmas morning, dinner for Mr. and Mrs, Clarence the firemen took candy and gifts Charles W. Eichele, radarman Slocum and family of Fanwood and at Farmingdale and a • basket of seaman,^ U. S. Navy, son of. Mr. fruit to their oldest member, Frank and Mra. William R. Eichele of Dr. H; E. Goodwin of England. * : , Hullck. The executive board of the teen Hullck Glen Ridge and grandson of CounMr. and Mrs. Anson V. Ransom, cilman and Mrs, Peter J. Eichele age committee met Monday at th Myrtle ave., entertained at a family of River rd., is serving aboard the homo oC Mrs. Norman Thetford destroyer Cotton in Korean waters. South st., to plan tonight's holiday gathering Christmas day Ing were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin BenThe Cotton was awarded the battle party at borough hall. W.S.C.S. will meet Tuesday at thft son, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollard efficiency plaque by Commander Destroyer Forces, Atlantic fleet, for home of Mrs. Roymand Bennett, and children, Melvin, Craig, Jeffrey and Pamela of Wanamassa. outstanding performance in 1953. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Anderson of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clementt Mrs, Dorothy Crook Grobert and Charles Dublin of Kearny were Long Branch and Mr. and Mrs. and family. Myrtle ave., spent the married Christmas eve by Mayor Charles Sliinn of Red Bank were Edgar V. Denlse at hia home on guests Christmas day of CouncilRiver rd. man and Mrs. Fred Morris, South Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frost and Mrs. Addie Jones of Clay at. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cadman, family, South st,, spent the holiday spent Christmas with her cousin, week-end with relatives at River Miss Beth Scowcroft of Fair Hagathering Wednesday evening when ven rd. ON ALL MILLINERY SAVE GUARANTEED for 1 YEAR 14 MECHANIC STREET RED BANK Sherman's Homt Decorators 4* BROAO STREET RED BANK Send a CORSAGE from HONEY BEE FLOWERS Ifofe fashion wise women bity clothes at CHARM FASHIONS. 26 Broad St., Red Bank BuueU T. Hodfldu 484 Broad St. Tel. Bed Ita-Jc (MOJO AVOID The Spring Painting Rush! NOW your room or rooms can be made beautiful on short notice* Paperhanging a Specialty 25% to 50% the BONNET SHOP • LINENS • VENETIAN BL1 Far Sfcop-*t-HonM Strvlca FkoM RB e.2«M EXPERT WATCH and CLOCK REPAIRS J. H. ROSIN JANUARY CLEARANCE la Bed Ban* If* 8HEBMAJTS for • CU AINS • S u V COVERS Estimates Cheerfully Given CALL RED BANK 6-3403 W A CROZIER FAIR HAVEN, N. J. 'New^earstve HARRY AND LOU SILVER WISH YOU A Happy New Year May the clear whit* page that is 1954 be filled with the xest of good health, the joy of accomplishment, the achievement of resolutions, the fulfillment of dreamt. May it take its place in your book of memories as one of your happiest years. SILVER JEWELERS "the little pink shop just a jew steps of} Broad Street" 11 MONMOUTH ST. ' RED IANK Wt'y. tof«t« rhli are yt«r mi with dl Hit Mr. and Mra. Buenos Crosa of Irvlngton spent Christmas with Mr. Cross's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Cross of Fair Haven rd. Miss Betty Cater, a student at Barnard college, New York city, U spending the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Btrkelty Cater of Fair Haven rd. Rev, and Mrs. Chrlatopher H, Snyder of River I'd. spent Christmas with their son rfnd daughterin-law, Mr. and, Mrs. Christopher H. Snyder, Jr., of Belmar. ' Mrs. Kenneth Mott of Portaupeck, formerly of this place, spent Christmas with Dr, Edwin F. Stewart and Miss Bernadlne Stewart of Fair Havon rd.' Installation of officers will take place at the annual dinner meeting of the flre company next Monday night at tho flre house, Robort VanBrunt will takn office »» president, Jumea B, Coatello will be Inducted a.a chief, and John P, Mulvlhlll, Jr., >tnd Fred Maffco as atalatnnt chief*. Mayor Edgar V. Donlae and members of the borough counoll have been Invited to attond, nobort Noll, who la taking a post graduate oo>irao at tho Bordontown military Institute, la spending tho hollunya with hla paronta, Mr, and Mra, Elmer Noll of 478. liivor rd, Klnx, ill',, Bpcneoryllte, Hudson, N, V.. rpont ClivlstMM day nnd. tha balance, of tho week vliltlnft hla tunta, Mia, Konnalh M, McQueen of Kemp live., nnd Mra, Thomas living Brown of River rd, Cub pick 24 will hold Ita Twelfth night oorsmony on tho groundi of tho Knollwood school Saturday, Jan, P, when Chilitman treea colUoti'tl by membiufs will fot> liunied, Itcaldcnls of llio boruuidi linvn beon InvlUd to put Ihalr trees on tho pile. Burning of the troea will bo •upm'vlaed by the (Ira company, Mr, and Mra, Norman SSumbrunnen of Belolt, Ohio, ma upending Ilia holiday wtek with Mra, Humlirunnan'a. par'tila, Mr, and Mra, Hi Norman Hallain of niver id, Disaster Law Signed JOIN OUR GALA New Year's Eve PARTY Dmhif Until I A. M 2 Orchestras 2 Onty • CteMt! Party 4.50 • Drm OptiMMl • S I T M H StMh «t Pet Tenon DtaMn Stmil Until,10 P. M. NEW YEAR'S DAY SPICIAL HOLIDAY DINNIR (ALSO A LA CARTE) ft Af< / U'k $erv»al from 7 to 10 P. M. M OPEN HOUSE 4 TO 6 P. M. BOBBY WILSONS ORCHESTRA DANNY MONROE '•" «•«• » > SATURDAY EVCNING-REGULAR DINNERS DANCING from 9 P. M. to 2 P. M. Bobby Wilson & His Orchestra I Danny Monro« In Tht Motsbunktr Room Gov, Alfred E, Drluoll 119m en •mondmen* to Hit Civil Defomo law giving civil dofenie rtiponilbllttUi to meet omorgenclii ciuiid by peae^tlm* d l i a i t t r i « i wall at war. Looking on It State Civil Dafamt Dlraetor Leonard Dreyfuii ( and In ro«r, left to right, Thomai S. Dlgnan, daputy ttate d|. rector of civil defonie, and Col. Ruuall A, Snook, luperlnlend. ent ol Slate Pollcei 11 WHARF AVE « & RED BANK.NJ. Mualntianien'* Luncheon from Noon 'Ml I T, M,—r-Mkaia Oeoda fold