Christmas Carols in the Community Nursery`s Whoops-A


Christmas Carols in the Community Nursery`s Whoops-A
Yateley Manor’s Weekly Newsletter •
Next Week’s Diary
Nursery Christmas Party
Christmas Lunch
Pre-Prep Christmas Party
Whole School Christmas
Pre-Prep Internal Assembly
The Big Bash
Vol. 31 Issue No. 13 • 13th December 2013
Christmas Carols in the Community
Members of Manor Singers, accompanied by Director of Music, Jen Hustler, and Choir
Director, Sarah Newman, visited elderly people in the community to share the spirit of
Christmas with them. On Monday a group visited Abercorn House in Hawley and on
Wednesday other children went to the WRVS lunch club at Hedgecroft in Yateley and
sang a programme of Christmas Carols and other festive songs. Their beautiful singing
was really appreciated by the older residents who enjoyed both the music and being
visited by young people. For the children it was a chance to give something back to
the community.
Carol Service
End of Term
PTA Discos
End of Term
Full details about the arrangements for the
final three days of term can be found on page
two of INAMOS.
After School Clubs
After school clubs are only running on
Monday next week:
Monday: Last night for clubs, late supervision
and late coaches
Tuesday: No clubs or late supervision for
Pre-Prep or Prep children tonight. Coaches
leave 4.30pm All children must be collected
by 4.40pm. No late coaches
Wednesday: No clubs or late supervision for
Pre-Prep or Prep children tonight. Coaches
leave 4.30pm All children must be collected
by 4.40pm. No late coaches
Blazers in School
All Prep children will need their blazers in
school on Wednesday’s to wear at the end of
term Carol Service.
St Peter’s Development
We will be holding an open forum on
Thursday 16th January for you to see the
proposals for the redevelopment of the St
Peter’s building.
Members of the development team will be
available to answer individual questions.
The forum will be on a ”drop-in” format
from 3.00pm to 7.00pm and will be open to
members of the public as well.
Nursery’s Whoops-A-Daisy Angel
Amid great excitement, the Nursery
children performed their nativity play,
Whoops-A-Daisy Angel, for parents and
The Whoops-A-Daisy Angel’s dress is
patched and untidy and her halo is
constantly crooked. She never quite gets
things right until one day she is given a
special job: to let the shepherds and the
kings know that baby Jesus had been
born and this time she does get it right!
The children looked adorable in their costumes and
sang with real enthusiasm. Performing on stage
was a great
and a huge
for such young
and their
play charmed
the whole
End of Term Timetable
Monday 16th December
• Christmas Parties: The Nursery Christmas Party starts at 10.30am and all Nursery
English - Ye Olde Sweetshoppe: Holly Davies
children are invited to attend. Each child will receive a Christmas biscuit and a visit
from Father Christmas. The Pre-Prep Party will take place in the afternoon when
Classics - Odysseus and the Cyclops:
the children will be treated to entertainment from Smartie Artie followed by a visit
Josh Gibson, Mbiuki Micheni,
from Father Christmas. Children in both Nursery and Pre-Prep may wear smart
Jenna Davis, Joshua O’Donoghue
party clothes on Monday and may come in to school wearing them. Please no
Classics - Odysseus and Polyphemus:
football kit or fancy dress.
Madeleine Eldridge-Head
• NB this is the last day for school clubs, late supervision and late coaches.
Independent Summary of John the Baptist:
Tuesday 17th December
Daniel Pearce, Tess Attale, Adam Smith,
• The Big Bash This unique Yateley Manor tradition always leaves everyone
Oliver Harrison, Adi Kazhdan,
exhilarated and exhausted, so there are no after school clubs or supervision for Prep,
Ella Tyrrell, Zoe Tickle
Pre-Prep or Nursery children.
DT - Bridge Design: Pippa Arris,
• Pre-Prep children should be collected at the normal time and Nursery children
should be collected by 4.00pm. Staggered leaving times will operate for Prep
Anna Rozycki Ross, Anna Ball
children: Years 3 and 4 - 3.50pm, Years 5 and 6 - 4.05pm, Years 7 and 8 - 4.20pm. All
Christmas stocking sewing: James Randall,
children must be collected by 4.40pm at the latest.
Jamie Yates, Ronnie Calver,
• Coaches will leave at 4.30pm. There will be no late coaches.
Sophie Etherington, Amelia Highett
Wednesday 18th December
Morgan Mitchell, Nathaniel Parker,
Kian Serpant
• Yateley Manor Carol Service: We will be welcoming families to the service, which
will last around 50 minutes. Tickets were sent out this week and we are looking
forward to a wonderful celebration of seven lessons and carols. All Prep pupils will
10 Star Certificate: Eleni Malandrinos,
be attending and should wear their blazers. Parents who wish to take younger
Nanami Fukamachi-Jones,
siblings of performers to the service may collect them from classrooms from
Alex Corbett, Isla Spradbery,
2.45pm onwards. The children, however, will need to return to their classrooms after
Henry Benton, Henry Gillam
the service to collect their belongings. We are not expecting many Pre-Prep children
to attend this service as lessons and supervision in Pre-Prep will continue until
For completing their first number bond card
4.40pm, well after the Carol Service has finished. Nursery will finish today at 4.00pm.
(2 to 10): Eleni Malandrinos,
Quinn Ryan, Jamie Yates
Parking on site will be very limited. We have permission, on this occasion only, for
parents to park at Yateley Village Hall in Old School Lane. There is a pathway that
For completing her second number bond
leads from the Village Hall to Barclays Bank from where you can walk to school.
card (11 to 20): Eesha Kaur
Alternatively, if you park near St Peter’s Church you can come in via the churchyard
Reception Stars of the Week
and then through the school field gate. The code for this gate is not the same as the
For fantastic number work this week:
school doors so please ask in Reception if you need it. Please leave enough time for
Joe Spradbery
the 10-15 minute walk. You will need to bring your tickets to show at the door.
For clever counting: Stephen Williams
Children whose parents have attended the Carol Service are free to go home
afterwards. Children will return to classrooms to collect belongings and parents
For working hard with her reading skills
should meet them outside Manor Court as usual. Children in Prep whose parents
and for practising ordering and recognising
have not been to the Carol Service will be dismissed at their normal times.
numbers to 20: Maria Briscoe
Pre-Prep children must also be collected at their normal times. The School car park
will be very busy between 3.50pm and 4.30pm, so please avoid this time if you are a
The Prep children’s plans for their Big Bash
Pre-Prep only collector.
stalls are now well in place. It is up to
Nursery closes at 4.00pm . Coaches will leave at 4.30pm. There will be no late
them to collect together everything they
coaches operating on Wednesday. All children must be collected by 4.40pm
need and to make sure they bring it all
when supervision ends. into school on Tuesday morning. They will
have time to set their stalls up at the end
of the morning. Year 1 and 2 children are
invited to join in the fun and try out some
The Big Bash competition will be Christmas From the Knee Down! Children kneed to
of the stalls.
decorate any sort of footware: socks, tights, slippers, boots etc and make them as festive
The emphasis of the afternoon is on fun
as possible.
and all the money raised will go to this
Pre-Prep are holding their own fancy dress competition for the Bash the theme of which
year’s school charity, Stepping Stones DS.
is reindeer. Year 1 and 2 will be judged during the Bash and Reception will have their
All games stalls will have a price guide
own judging. If Year 1 and 2 children have already created their Christmas From the Knee
of 20p a go so children should bring in
Down! entry they do not need to change it. All entries will be accepted.
small change, up to a maximum of £5, in
All children, Pre-Prep and Prep should come to school in their normal uniform and bring
a named envelope to be handed to their
their competition wear for the afternoon.
form teacher at the start of the day.
RS - Tax Collector Painting: Anna Sloan
Pre-Prep Awards
The Big Bash
Big Bash Competitions
Congratulations to ...
Harry Young (7SEW) who passed his
Grade 3 piano exam and also completed
his PADI Open Water Diver Referral Course
(though not at the same time!)
Stephen Moss (6PL) who was the winner
of the Camberley RFC U11 Skills Award for
his phenomenal display of tackling against
strong opposition.
Ellen Corfield (4KAD) who completed her
Stage 5 ASA Award.
Jarryd Ramkissoon (6JEH) and Kyle
Ramkissoon (5SJC) who have both
achieved their Martial Arts black belts.
Happy Birthday
Leddy Al-Khalaf 13
Mia Blogg 9
Katie Hancock 8
Reece Lane 12
Lizzie Roughton 11
Thank you Hodge’s!
Thank you very much to Hodge’s Coaches
who transported Manor Singers to their
two community carol singing events this
week free of charge.
School Fee Account
The Pupil Fee Invoices were sent by email
this week .
If for any reason you have not received
your account, please send an email to
Which incredibly popular event takes place
on 7th February 2014? Is it:
(A) The PTA Quiz
(B) The PTA Quiz
(C) The PTA Quiz
Did You Know....
The PTA has organised and run 2 major events and 5 other activities this term alone!
Did You Also Know.........
What do you get when you cross Smartie Artie, with a Man in a Red Suit, 150 wrapped
gifts and a tired PTA member?
The Pre-Prep Christmas Party! It takes place on Monday 16th December and is just £5
per child for entertainment, fun and a Christmas present from Santa. If you haven’t done
so already, please pay by cheque or cash and don’t forget to write your child/children’s
name(s) on the back of the flyer or on the envelope. Please leave it in the PTA Box in
The End of Term Discos for Prep children take place on 18th December. Please
remember to bring your signed form with you and the £5 entry fee.
School Shop News
Please note that the School Shop will not be open on the afternoon of Monday 16th
December. The next opening will be on the afternoon of the first day of next term,
Thursday 9th January from 3.00 to 5.30pm.
The school shop now has a large supply of navy gloves, scarves and hats as well as new
navy mittens for the Reception children.
The navy and white baselayers/skins, invaluable for the coming cold months, are at the
very competitive price of £26.95. Anti-fog swim goggles are also now available for £3.90.
From January onwards it will be possible to email the ladies in the shop directly on and
All items are available to order via email and order forms.
Mince Pies at the Big Bash
Eileen Wall is organising a Great Yateley Manor Bake Off for staff in the form of a mince
pie competition. The competition will be judged on Tuesday by a panel comprising one
pupil, a representative of the PTA and a member of staff and all mince pies will then be
available for sale at 20p each at the Big Bash later that afternoon.
Parents should note that while the mincemeat being used does not contain nuts it does
contain nutmeg.
What Will You Choose for Lunch Next Week?
The answer will be published in next term’s
Christingle at Yateley Manor
St Peter’s Church,Yateley is holding
a Community Christingle Service at
Yateley Manor on Sunday morning, 15th
All are welcome to attend the service
which starts at 10.00am in the Fyson Blum
Christmas Lunch
Roast Saddle of Turkey, Gravy, Smoked bacon chipolatas, Stuffing balls
Quorn roast (v)
Crispy roast potatoes, roast parsnips and carrots
Sprouts, mashed swede,
Christmas pudding and brandy and vanilla sauce or satsumas
Picnic Lunch
Thank you to...
The Padbury family (Alex 3RA) for their
donation of books and games to the
Breakfast: (8.00-8.20am) A choice of: fruit juice, cereal, scrambled eggs,
sausage, bacon, beans, toast & marmalade, tea, coffee or milk. All for only
£2.50. Continental breakfast is £1.30. Vouchers are also available in books of
10. As well as our daily menu, we have an extensive salad bar with various
protein items, composite salads and hot jacket potatoes. Fresh bread, fresh
fruit and yoghurts are always available.
Freshly Baked White and Granary Baguettes,
filled with choice of: ham, chicken, cheese, tuna or egg
mixed salad,
Shortbread and fresh fruit
Picnic Lunch
Sausages with chips, mustard and ketchup,
Vegetarian sausages (v)
Banana cake or Mincemeat sliced
Swimming Gala
The Swimming Gala against The Grey House, Sherfield and Hawley Place was a
tremendous event and once again the strengeth of Yateley Manor’s swimming was
clearly demonstrated.
The following all won their races:
Year 4 FreestyleCharlie Curran
Year 5 FreestyleSam Hawes
Year 4 Breaststroke Ethan Moss
Year 6 Backstroke
Emma Hopper
Year 5 ButterflyMadison Aumonier
Year 6 Butterfly
Gemma Lane
Final positions were
1st Yateley Manor
52 points
The Grey House
33 points
Sherfield30 points
Hawley Place
24 points
Synchro Swimming
Congratulations to Georgia Pheby (6PD)
who, with her team, Rushmoor Synchro
Swimming Club, competed in the National
Age Group Synchronised Swimming
Championships and finished seventh in
the country.
Squad: Serena Lu, Georgia Pheby, Emma Hopper, Gemma Lane, Lizzie Roughton,
Sam Hawes, Caitlin O’Toole, Matthew Heppner, Madison Aumonier, Tom Dexter,
Charlie Curran, Ethan Moss, Joseph Simmons, Ella Pullinger
Year 3 and 4 Christmas Concert
The Years 3 and 4 concert on Thursday night was a delightful celebration of Christmas
Around the World with the two year groups singing songs in Spanish, Italian, Hawaiian
and German as well, of course, English. They sang beautifully, with big smiles and
obvious enjoyment.
The concert opened with a Strictly Come Dancing theme during which a group of Year
4 children performed the waltz, cha cha and tango accompanied by the orchestra,
introduced in true Strictly style as, Louis Sims and his wonderful, wonderful orchestra.
The concert also showcased several soloists from Year 4 on flute, violin, piano and voice
and fantastic to see so many perform so confidently to a large audience: Aimée Howell,
Adila Owadally, Danielle Olugbile, Millie Blackburn, Anna Morris, Amy Li, Sam
Rowe, Jasper Burton
Manor Singers, the Strings group and Wind Band
also had their chance to perform. The Strings group,
made up of seven Year 3 children played Start the
Show and Wind Band played You’ve Got a Friend in Me.
Manor Singers gave a beautiful rendition of Still a
Bach Christmas and also a fast and fun performance
of the Christmas Cup Song with lyrics rewritten
to reflect the Yateley Manor Christmas by Paige
Norton-Edwards and Lucy Tickle.
The Fyson Blum Hall was transformed with fantastic
decorations which had been created by the Year 3
and 4 children and staff with the help of Emma Bell.
These featured traditional national figures from the
countries that the Years 3 and 4’s songs came from,
as well as Christmas images.
The concert was a really lovely and enjoyable event.
Chess v Reading School
An U11 team faced a much older and very
strong U19 team from Reading School
and although they gave all they had were
unable to win a point.
Very well tried boys: Harvey Roper,
Nehan Radia, Joshua Benton,
Alex Emery, Sam Hawes,
James Newton
Lost Property
Ella Pullinger has lost named track suit
bottoms. If you have seen them please let
Ella or a member of the sports department
know. Thank you.
Burns Night Celebration
A charity Burns Night Celebration is being
held by Hart District Council at Yateley
Manor on Saturday 1st February from
7.00pm with all proceeds going to the
Hart Council Chairman’s Charity Award
Scheme. The Council Chariman, Stephen
Gorys, is also Chairman of the Board of
Governors of Yateley Manor.
The evening includes a traditional Burns
Night meal with the address and toast to
the haggis to be followed by dancing and
singing of Auld Lang Syne at the end of
the evening.
Click here for more information or email
Staff Profile - Rob Williams
What do you do at Yateley Manor?
What did you do before working here?
I was Headmaster of another Prep School in Devon and before that I worked for a brewery called Bass (still the best beer on the
planet if you can find it…not the canned variety I hasten to add).
How long have you been here?
Unbelievably, this is my fifth year at Yateley Manor.
Where in the world do you want to go and see and why?
Having crossed the Rockies on a mountain bike, I would like to take up a similar challenge in South Africa. The race is called the
Cape Epic and apparently the scenery is quite stunning. I cannot think of a better way to experience such a wonderful landscape.
Mrs Williams disagrees and would choose the luxury option!
What is the best advice you have been given?
Don’t try and plan your life too far ahead, it often makes you unsettled and very frustrated. Get your head down, work as hard as
you can and see what opportunities may come your way.
What is the strangest thing that has happened to you?
I helped someone who was lost in Vancouver and after a brief conversation we realised that he lived a few doors away from my
sister who lives in the middle of nowhere in Lincolnshire. Small world!
Is there anyone who inspires you/is your hero?
My Prep School Headmaster, Tom Davies. He was a brilliant man, passionate about getting the best out his pupils, but he also had
a big heart and he was a father figure to many us at a time when boarding schools had a much harsher reputation. In many ways
he was ahead of his time. Doing what I do now, I understand the high regard in which he is held by those who served with him all
those years ago.
If you had to do a job other than this one, what would it be (regardless of qualification or skills needed)
Iwould love to have been a professional sportsman. I tried golf. I got a good sun tan, but ended up very poor! I would love to have
been a professional triathlete or endurance athlete, my body had other ideas and is now held together by tape. I do dream about
writing a book one day; possibly my memoirs from my days in education. I’ve got some cracking stories to tell which I could not
possibly divulge here!
What is your favourite book?
I do most of my recreational reading on holiday and choose quite easy reads, often crime thrillers, legal dramas or espionage
novels. I loved the Robert Ludlum series about Jason Bourne.
What is your favourite film and why?
It’s hard to choose as it depends upon my mood. Light hearted choice would be one of Jason Bourne trilogy. In a more serious
mood I may choose an historical epic. I thought Schindler’s List was hard to watch because of the atrocities is depicted from WW II.
The acting and script were phenomenal!
What music do you like listening to?
If I get to choose, bands like The Script, Muse, Elvis Costello and the Attractions. However my ears are usually exposed to the music
chosen by Cameron and Stephen, Lady Gaga, Rhianna and Bon Jovi are popular, anything with a thumping beat. Although Michael
Buble was requested recently, I will remind Cameron about that when he is 13!
Have you met any celebrities?
Yes, but none of them proved to be particularly memorable conversations. Perhaps I didn’t talk
about them enough? I have met a few members of the Royal Family and if they are considered
celebrities then Princess Anne and The Countess of Wessex were both reassuringly approachable
and as down to earth as one could expect from people who lead such extraordinary lives.
If you could drive any car, what would it be?
The Aston Martin from the film Goldfinger.
Batman or Superman?
Custard or Cream?
Cats or Dogs?
Cats, they can take care of themselves.
Money or Happiness?
Happiness, tried the money route earlier in life. I found myself surrounded by people who were never satisfied and always wanting
the next thing. Some of the happiest moments in my life have been when I have had very little money.
Rugby v Eagle House
1st XV lost 7 - 5
This was a very close and exciting game which we lost in the last few minutes. The boys showed great team spirit. Harvey Marchant
scored our try.
Team: Leddy Al-Khalaf, Harry Young, Freddie Francsics, Jontie Sebborn, Jonathan Findell, Toby Davis, Daniel Ingram, Louis
Sims, Alex Ball, Harvey Marchant, Ollie Waddington, Freddie Guy, Lewis Morrison, Reece Lane, Jamie Blackburn, Ayush Bose
U11A drew 10 - 10
This was a fair result. Both teams defended really well, but were a bit scrappy in attack. Our tries came from George Guy and Harvey
Team: Liam Briscoe, Oliver Kirkpatrick, William Partridge, Harvey Roper, George Guy, Kai Corbett, Wil Geeves, Quinn
Matthews, Tom Hennah, William Russell, Stephen Moss, Louis Foster
U11B lost 5 - 20
This match was more even than the score would suggest. Missed tackles were, however, our undoing. Daniel Murray scored our try.
Team: Morgan Hollands, Oscar Smith, Aman Ashfaque, James Thompson, Thomas Ball, Sam White, Ben Day, Daniel Murray,
Edward Lutterloch, Jarryd Ramkissoon, Xavier Norton-Edwards, Jude Brooker, Haripriyam Gupta, Theo Attale
U10A won 55 - 5
The U10As put together a perfect all round performance against Eagle House.
The forwards were strong with Wilf Brooks scoring three tries, Tobias Chapman
scoring two, and Sam Hawes one. The backs were equally impressive with Joe
Sheldon and Tom Dexter scoring two each, and Joseph Davison-Poltock
scoring one. Great result boys.
Team: Sam Hawes, Tobias Chapman, Wilf Brooks, Joe Sheldon, Tom Dexter,
Harrison Smith, Joseph Davison-Poltock, Alex Emery, Ross Mackenzie, Sam
U10B won 50 - 0
A really great performance from a confident team in full flow. Well done. Tries
came from George Thompson (3), Matthew Heppner (2), James Roberts (2),
Owen Gauntlett and Oliver Banham.
Team: George Thompson, Ewan Johns, Oliver Banham, Matthew Heppner,
Ben Wells, Hugo van Delsen, James Roberts, Alex Yates, Joseph O'Connor,
Owen Gauntlett
Pre-Prep Concert
Pre-Prep’s Christmas Concert on Friday was a lovely opportunity for Reception, Year 1 and Year
2 to showcase their talent. The concert was compered by three Year 2 children, Eden Berdat,
William Moore and William White who introduced each item in clear and confident voices.
Reception charmed the audience with performances of two songs from their recent production,
Away in a Manger, which included solos from Miaka Chick and Oliver Costello. As well as
singing two Christmas songs, each Year 1 child talked about a gift that they would really like to
give this Christmas.
Year 2 children performed a poem and two songs together and in small groups gave a reading, a
prayer, the closing comments and a super performance of Good King Wenceslas on the handbells.
The massed voices of the Pre-Prep choir performed two numbers and the whole of Pre-Prep
came together for several songs including one sung in French and the concert finished with a
rousing performance of We
Wish you a Merry Christmas.