at WNC Agricultural Center - The North Carolina Barbecue Society


at WNC Agricultural Center - The North Carolina Barbecue Society
August 2011
at WNC Agricultural Center
Fletcher, N.C.
July 22 & 23, 2011
Inside This Issue...
Camp Instructors
Give an NCBS BBQ Boot Camp experience
for Christmas, birthday, anniversary,
or simply an “I Love You”
gift that the recipient will long remember.
The Camp
Boot Camp Pictures
Friends of NCBS
NCBS Contact Information
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
~ Sponsors ~
Below are the Friends of NCBS who made this event possible. Please support
them. They support us.
A. B. Vannoy Hams – Country Hams – West Jefferson, NC
Budweiser of Asheville, Inc. – Asheville, NC
Bridges Barbecue Lodge – Lexington Style BBQ – Shelby, NC
Casual Furniture World – Weber Grills – Winston Salem, NC
Clarion Inn - Asheville Airport – Lodging – Fletcher, NC
Dewey’s Bakery – Sugar Cake & Breads – Winston Salem, NC
Duplin Winery – Duplin Wines – Rose Hill, NC
Bill Eason – Pit Master – Marshville, NC
Jim Early – Cooking Classes - Winston Salem, NC
Hill’s Lexington BBQ – BBQ Slaws & Banana Puddings – Winston Salem, NC
Hubba Hubba Smokehouse – Beef Brisket – Hendersonville, NC
Jimmy’s Seafood – Seafood Products – Winston Salem, NC
Joyce Foods, Inc. – Chicken, Guineas, Pheasant – Winston Salem, NC
Milner’s American Southern – Collards – Winston Salem, NC
Pepsi Cola of Hickory – Pepsi Products – Hickory, NC
PIP Printing – Printing and Banners – Winston Salem, NC
Phil Schenck – Pit Master – Shelby, NC
Starr Teel – Pit Master – Hendersonville, NC
To The Point, Inc. – Hats & Apron – Winston Salem, NC
The Tractor Shed – Poultry - Hendersonville, NC
Triad Packing & Dist. Inc. – Shirts – Winston Salem, NC
We Cater To You – Catering – Marshville, NC
Thomas Young – Chef – Hendersonville, NC
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Pit Master Bill Eason
Bill Eason, VP of NCBS and icon Pit Master of The
Little Red Pig Cooking Team has won over 128
state and national cooking events, cooked on
national TV and lectured about BBQ and produced
CDs. Bill is one of the best whole hog cookers in
the country (any country). Bill has shared his immense cooking skills with the attendees at all of the
NCBS BBQ Boot Camps and Adult Cooking
Classes. At the Mountain NCBS BBQ Boot Camp
and Judge Classes, Bill gave hands on instructions in
whole hog, salmon, pork tenderloin, pork ribs, beef
tenderloin, beef prime ribs, as well as rubs and
Bill also instructed in the NCBS Certified BBQ
Judge Classes. He shared some of his secrets as a
competition cooker and a Certified BBQ Judge and
he helped attendees learn the difference between
scores when judging barbecue.
Pit Master Phillip Schenck
Phil Schenck was born on July 22, 1944 in the little
mountain town of Lawndale, N. C. just outside of
Shelby. Phil grew up on a farm and did all the things
that children on farms did in those days. He milked
cows, tended pigs and did yard chores. In season he
helped his dad, who was a cotton farmer. Phil’s dad
was also a butcher as was his grand-dad. Phil well
remembers helping his dad and grand-dad with
processing the hogs in the fall. Phil’s first adult job
was with a lumber mill in Hickory. He shared that
he worked there for many years until the work got
slack. He saw a job advertised by Bridges’ BBQ
Lodge in Shelby and applied. Mama B one of the
Grand Ladies of BBQ and widow of Red Bridges
the founder hired Phil. He said the guy that
was cooking the cue was leaving and when Phil
arrived worked a three day notice and left. Phil
was on his own with no training.
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Not one to be intimidated, Phil hitched up his
britches Arnold Palmer style and set about to
learn his trade and develop his own style of
cooking barbecue. And learn he did. Phil’s pit
cooked cue and Bridge’s wonderful Lexington
style dip were a marriage made in heaven. Phil
cooks his shoulders on open pits with hickory
and oak wood coals. His day begins at 8pm
and concludes about 4-5am. This is long, hot
and demanding work. The coals have to be
freshened about every 15-30 minutes in just
the right places and just the right amounts.
Phil does not use a fork or a meat thermometer or squeeze the meat with rubber gloves.
Phil cooks by sight. The shoulders that Phil
cooks go on the pits at about 13-15 lbs. and,
when trimmed and hand chopped, produce
about seven pounds of delicious barbecue.
Bridge’s present owner, Debbie Bridges
Webb, daughter of founders Red Bridges and
Mama B, said that during Phil’s time at
Bridges he cooked 190-220 pork shoulders
per week 50 weeks per year for 30 years. The
math: adv. 200+ pork shoulders per week X
50 weeks per year X 30 years = 300,000 pork
shoulders X adv. 14 pounds per shoulder =
4,200,000 lbs. of pork give or take a sandwich.
Bottom line, Phil knows his way around a
BBQ pit and NCBS was pleased to have him
share his cooking skills and stories with our
campers and cooks.
Pit Master Starr Teel
Originally from Montgomery, Alabama, Starr
Teel’s zest for food and travel has taken him
all over the world. Starr has been classically
trained in both French and American culinary schools. He has traveled and cooked in
Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and
the U.S. In 1987 he was hired to oversee the
renovation, construction and launch of the
Kenmore Club Grill and Dining Room
which brought him to the Flat Rock area. He
and his wife found the area and its people
delightful and they put down roots. Starr’s
wife, Virginia, soon opened a gift store
named ―The Wrinkled Egg‖ and became a
part of ―Rainbow Row‖. Starr felt a barbecue pit would be a good fit for the area and
Starr would not be satisfied to run just another BBQ joint. His pit had to be authentic
and it had to be a pit that cooked the old
fashioned way with wood. Starr has shared:
― It’s tough to earn the respect from the
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
barbecue community, but if you steep yourself
in the traditions of any given craft, you are on
your way. It takes practice, just as it does with
any art. But you are either in or you are out.
There is no middle ground if you are going to
produce great barbecue.‖ (quote from
Spring/ Summer 2010 edition of Leading
Edge publication of the Henderson County
Chamber of Commerce)
Starr has made his commitment to doing it the
right way with Hubba Hubba. The meats are
smoked long, low and slow over coals from
native hardwood. His goal was to craft a simple menu with great balance, do it all from
scratch, and execute it incredibly well. When
you pull onto the lot and smell the smoke you
immediately know good things are happening
here. When you taste one of Starr’s pulled
pork sandwiches you will know that Starr has
met his goal. It is a table pounding moment.
Hubba Hubba produces pulled pork, pulled
chicken, brisket, great sauces, collards (and
other sides) and to die for cornbread. Serve
this up with a variety of well-chosen big band
era tunes in an out-door setting in our beautiful NC mountains and heaven seems a bit
NCBS is pleased to have Starr Teel as a member of ―The Fun Tribe‖ and to have him share
his many skills in the kitchen and around the
pits with our Mountain NCBS BBQ Boot
Chef Thomas Young
Tom Young is an accomplished chef who received his degree from AB Tech Culinary Program in Asheville, N.C. and is skilled in multicultural food preparation and all levels of restaurant management. Tom was born in Asheville and in his adult life made stops at Hilton
Head Island, SC; Akin, SC and Charleston,
W Va. before returning to his roots (the NC
mountains) to live at Cashiers, Lake Lure and
his present home in Hendersonville.
Over the years Tom has been recognized by a
number of state and national organizations.
He has been recognized for his expertise in
seafood (Silver Medals) by the Gulf of Mexico
Seafood Competition-Mobile Alabama and
(Silver) at the North Carolina Seafood Challenge – Winston Salem, N. C. Tom has won
other awards for his creations in meat entrees,
veggies and desserts.
He has been awarded Wine Spectator
Magazine’s Award of Excellence three (3)
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
times and three (3) times has been named
ACF Western NC Culinary Assoc.’s Chef of
The Year. Tom has Gold, Silver and Bronze
medals from many Taste of Carolina competitions and a Best of Show award (Gold) from
the NC Restaurant Assoc.
For many years Tom ran an exceptional restaurant in Hendersonville, NC called Expressions. His other venture in Hendersonville is
called Purple Sage (a wine shop) where he performs cooking classes. In 1993 The National
Pork Council Competition-Taste of EleganceChicago, Ill. awarded Chef Thomas Young the
Premium Chef Award. This apparently struck
a cord with Tom. Tom like a number of chefs
developed an itch to get into the BBQ business and a year or so ago closed Expressions
to make this dream come true. In Spring of
2011, Tom opened The Tractor Shed in Hendersonville. If this BBQ Pit is anything like
Tom’s other restaurants which have enjoyed a
Mobile Three Star Rating by Travel Guide, we
are in for yet another Chef Tom Young treat.
At The Tractor Shed Tom and his highly
skilled staff serve scrumptious BBQ and sides
along with some of Tom’s tempting Southern
dishes like Shrimp and Grits, Crab Cakes and
his excellent Smoked Trout. We were pleased
to have NCBS member Chef Tom Young
bring his cooking skills and his passion for
BBQ to our camp.
Jim Early (called chef in some circles, but prefers ―D-m Good Cook‖) shared his adventures and findings from his field work for his
book The Best Tar Heel Barbecue Manteo to
Murphy. Jim taught cooking classes on side
dishes for BBQ such as butterbeans with
country ham, side meat and ―secrets‖; blackeyed peas with smoked ham hocks, streak of
lean/streak of fat and ―secrets’ served with
hot green tomato chow-chow relish; and Jim’s
baked apples with bourbon, brown sugar and
other good stuff.
Jim also shared (from his new book Reflections the Memories and Recipes of a Southern Cook) secrets for his nationally acclaimed
pimento cheese (voted #1 in the country) and
featured in Southern Living magazine. Jim
has been a Certified BBQ Judge for many
years and instructed Judging Classes.
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Mountain NCBS BBQ Boot Camp
Last year NCBS held its first Annual NCBS Mtn.
evening. Campers arrived on time(5pm) and were
BBQ Boot Camp and NCBS Certified BBQ Judge
greeted by Board member Richard Turner and given
Classes in the beautiful
their embroidered aprons and
Boone Building at WNC
shirts along with clip boards,
Agricultural Center in
pens, name badges etc. As
Fletcher, N. C. It was a
soon as everyone checked in
new experience for
the drinking lamp was lit.
NCBS at this venue and
(Special thanks to Budweiser
even though we had the
of Asheville, Inc. for the
assistance and support of
malted products) Campers
the friendly staff at the
introduced themselves to the
Ag Center last year was a
other campers, the Pit Masshakedown cruise. We
ters and Chefs and soon it
had to learn the kitchen,
was time for some of those
and a number of other
pound-the-table good
things. It was our ―new‖
―burgers‖ custom ground by
Our Mountain Home
mountain home.
my friend and neighborhood
butcher, Otis Rucker prepared
as only Pit Master Bill Eason can do them. Our CampThis year it was like coming home. The Boone
ers had never seen burgers this big or tasted burgers this
Building is a large 2.3 million dollar log structure that
good. The burgers were complimented with lots of
provides the perfect setting for our mountain event.
trimmings and sides of Hill’s Lexington BBQ (Winston
It is well laid out and has a warm feeling. It felt
Salem) baked beans, pickles and six different kinds of
good to be back. We now have the perfect setting
potatoes chips. This feast was topped off with trays of
for our annual mountain event. We rolled in Friday
Dewey’s Bakery’s (Winston Salem) most delectable desJuly 22, the staff knew where everything was, where
serts. Amidst labored breathing and plaintiff groans we
to hang banners etc. and set up was a breeze.
began the evening classes.
Bd. Member Richard Turner (right) handles sign in
We were ready for campers at 3PM. Like last year it
was WARM. Fortunately about 4pm we had rain
that cooled things down and made for a pleasant
“Want fries with that?”
The evening classes kicked off with a presentation by
D-m Good Cook and Author Jim Early of some of his
BBQ side dishes including (“Mountain” continued on page 8)
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Mountain NCBS BBQ Boot Camp (Cont.)
peas, butter
stewed tomatoes and jalapeno cornbread. Then
Pit Master/
Chef Starr
Teel owner
of Hubba
House in
Jim Early shares secrets of cooking Hendersongood collards
ville took
center stage
and made an excellent presentation of how to prep
and cook Boston Butts and Beef Brisket which is
one of Starr’s many specialties.
Early and called it a day about 11PM. With full bellies
and big smiles the campers trundled off to Clarion Inn
and their wee beds after an event filled day. I am unaware of any brave souls returning to camp at 2AM to
keep the Pit Masters Bill Eason and Roy Taylor company as they attended the cooking of the whole hog.
The Pig is introduced to the Class
Campers participate in prepping Pig for The Pit
Starr Teel demos beef brisket
Next Pit Master Bill Eason and his able assistant
Roy Taylor had the class assist in unveiling the pig.
Some of the campers participated in salting and oiling the pig for the pit. We then conducted judging
classes by Certified BBQ Judges Bill Eason and Jim
(“Mountain” continued on page 9)
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Mountain NCBS BBQ Boot Camp (Cont.)
the class was going to storm the table. Tom did share
his treats with the class and they were exquisite.
Jim presents Quality of Life seminar after breakfast
Hungry campers returned to camp early Saturday
morning for a breakfast of mouth watering A. B.
Vannoy Country Ham sandwiched in Dewey’s Bakery king biscuits, OJ provided by Pepsi, freshly
brewed Columbian coffee and Dewey’s famous Moravian Sugar Cake. At 7:45am we started the morning with Jim Early presenting one of his Quality of
Life Seminars: 14 STEPS TO BALANCE (THE
Thomas Young taught the class how to brine , cook
and serve Poulet Rouge Fermier (chicken), Pintade
Fermier (guinea) and Faisan Blanc Fermir (pheasant)
provided by Joyce Foods of Winston Salem, N. C.
Sharing of the Sauces
At 9:45am Phil Schenck former Pit Master for Red
Bridge’s BBQ Lodge in Shelby, N. C. shared his secrets
acquired in the course of cooking over 4 million 200
hundred thousand pounds of pork shoulders for
Bridges in his 30 year tenure. To say that Phil knows his
way around a BBQ pit is like saying it snowed a
―smidge‖ at Valley Forge.
Chef Thomas Young prepares his special sauces
For this presentation Chef Young created three special sauces , one to compliment each bird When
Tom prepared his Blackberry Barbeque Sauce, Dried
Cherry-Cabernet Reduction and his Juniper Sauce,
despite having eaten only and hour before, I thought
Retired Bridges BBQ Lodge Pit Master Phil Schenck
instructs the Class on the art of cooking great barbecue
(“Mountain” continued on page 10)
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Mountain NCBS BBQ Boot Camp (Cont.)
of wonderful
Lemon Desserts
was furnished by
Bill & Class prepare pork tenderloin
From 10:30am to 11:15am Bill Eason worked his
magic at the grill. Bill taught the class the basics of
great grilling with pork tenderloin and whole
Alaskan Wild Salmon. Interwoven with the class was
more judging instructions. When
this class was
completed we
enjoyed the fruits
of the class’s
labor for lunch
along with
scrumptious mini
new potatoes lightly drizzled with a butter Dill sauce
and tasty coleslaw, yummy tarter sauce, hushpuppies
and cheddar cheese biscuits from Jimmy’s Seafood
in Winston Salem. The
class tried different BBQ
sauces with the tenderloin
in Dewey’s homemade
yeast rolls.
I tried some of Chef
Young’s Blackberry Sauce
with the tenderloin. Oh
my. To test a theory, I
tried some of Tom’s sauce
on pine bark mulch. It
was wonderful. An array
After lunch Bill
Eason and the
campers engaged in Richard Turner serves tenderloin
to Class
an interaction class
of making sauces,
rubs, prepping and
cooking pork ribs and
beef prime ribs.
At 2pm Jim Early
shared how to make
and served his nationally famous pimento
cheese with the class
along with instruction
on how to make his
World’s Best Brunswick stew and Banana
Pudding. From 3pm to
4pm the class enjoyed
another hour of judging
Campers prep ribs
instruction from Bill
Eason, Jim Early and First Lady of NC BBQ Debbie
Bridges-Webb owner of Bridges BBQ Lodge of Shelby,
N. C.
Jim, Debbie & Bill conduct Judging Class
(“Mountain” continued on page 11)
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Mountain NCBS BBQ Boot Camp (Cont.)
Bill prepared Boston Butt cooked without any
special attention. This meat would equate to good
backyard BBQ, but not
rise to the level of top
end completion BBQ
where special attention
and TLC was provided
throughout the cooking
process. The class was
instructed on the intricacies of judging and the
requirements of NCBS judging. The class judged
the offering and each class member then explained
how they arrived at
their scoring on appearance, tenderness
and taste. At 4pm
the class went back
to the hotel for a
nip, a dip and a nap.
Campers, wives and guests arrived back at camp at
6pm and the drinking lamp was once again lit for all.
THE Party was on. The buffet consisted of a whole
cooked pig (14 hours) for pig picking prepared by
Pit Master Bill Eason, Lexington Style Chopped
BBQ from Bridges BBQ Lodge in Shelby, BBQ
Pork Ribs with dry rubs
prepared by Pit Master Bill
Eason, Smoked Beef Brisket prepared by Pit Master/
Chef Starr Teel, Chicken,
Guinea and Pheasant with
exquisite sauces prepared
by Chef Tom Young, and a
carving station featuring
rubbed smoked Beef Prime
Rib prepared by Pit Master
Bill Eason that was so good
you did not want to swalRick carves prime rib
low. All of these to die for
meats were accompanied by sides of succulent baked
beans, Eastern Coleslaw and Lexington Red BBQ
Slaw from Hill’s Lexington BBQ in Winston Salem.
Campers and guests also enjoyed Collards Fit for a
King from Milner’s Restaurant in Winston Salem,
Parker House Rolls from Dewey’s in Winston Salem and
Banana Pudding from Hill’s Lexington BBQ that was
sooooooo good that grown men wept and women
swooned. Add some sweet tea, Pepsi and everybody’s
favorite ―Bud Light‖ and HERE NEW GO!
(“Mountain” continued on page 12)
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Mountain NCBS BBQ Boot Camp (Cont.)
Jim bids Campers, Guests & Sponsors “Good evening!”
Good Friends and GOOD TIMES!
Special Thanks
Jim awards Diplomas & BBQ Judge Certificates
WNC Agricultural Center
Matt Buchanan, Mgr
Red Bridges BBQ Lodge – Shelby, NC
Clarion Inn - Asheville Airport
Pit Masters
Bill Eason
Phil Schenck
Thomas Young
Jim hands out door prizes to lucky campers
THE Party closed with the awarding of NCBS
Cooking School Diplomas and NCBS Certified
BBQ Judge Certificates and Judge’s hats. We then
drew for some very nice door prizes provided by
Hubert Wood and Budweiser of Asheville, Inc.
Starr Teel
Mountain NCBS BBQ Boot Camp Staff
Kimberly Early • Rick Hollowell • Rusty Hughes
Richard Turner • Curtis White
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Boot Camp Photos
Roy & Bill setting up
Friday Night Mixer
Jim instructs on Jalapeno Cornbread
Jim & Bill compare notes
Jeff & Teresa enjoy burgers
Chef Starr Teel
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Boot Camp Photos
Uncooked brisket
Bill explains prep of Pig to Jeff
Bill, Roy & Campers place Pig on cradle
Cooked brisket
Bill introduces Campers to THE PIG
Bill teaches Campers how to oil the Pig
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Boot Camp Photos
Camper Johnny Young oils Pig
Class takes notes on Pig
Jim & Bill instruct class on BBQ Judging techniques
Kitchen Staff at work
Saturday Morning Breakfast Buffet
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Boot Camp Photos
Phil & Edna enjoy breakfast
Tom whisks sauce
Campers taste Tom’s sauces
Bill fixes A.B. Vannoy Country Ham
Red Cherry Reduction Sauce
Tom’s three exquisite sauces
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Boot Camp Photos
Bill grills pork tenderloin
Phil shares a story
Salmon w/ bourbon sauce
Richard carves pork tenderloin
Campers enjoy lunch
Bill seasons salmon
Saturday Lunch Buffet
“Birthday Boy”
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Boot Camp Photos
Bill instructs class on ribs
Colby seasons pork ribs
Bill’s class on the secrets of great prime rib
Jim conducts Cooking Class from his books
Jim explains NCBS Judging Sheet
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Boot Camp Photos
Campers take a breather
THE PIG is ready
Bill with AB Tech Culinary Chef & Student
Procession of the Pig
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Boot Camp Photos
Teresa tries Bill’s BBQ sauce
One of the dessert tables
Good Food, Good Friends and GOOD TIMES!
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Friends of NCBS
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Friends of NCBS
R. H. Barringer Distributing Co. Inc.
Winston Salem, NC
R. A. Jeffreys Dist. Co. of Wilmington
Wilmington, NC
Budweiser of Asheville, Inc.
Asheville, NC
NCBS Pig Tales® August 2011
Friends of NCBS
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company
Winston-Salem, NC
Pepsi-Cola of Hickory
Hickory, NC
Pepsi Bottling Ventures
Wilmington, NC
Dewey’s Bakery
PIP Printing
Triad Packaging
Duplin Winery
Triad Packaging
Rose Hill, NC
Piedmont Distillers
Joyce Foods
Winston-Salem, NC
Twiddy & Co. Realtors
A.B. Vannoy Hams
To The Point, Inc.
Winston-Salem, NC
NCBS Pig Tales® June
Friends of
Trigger Agency
Bridges Barbecue Lodge
Shelby, NC
Wilber’s Barbecue
Goldsboro, NC
Moore’s Old
Old Tyme
Tyme Barbeque
New Bern,
Bern, NC
Short Sugar’s Drive-In
Reidsville, NC
Hill’s Lexington Barbecue
Hill’s LexingtonNC
Winston-Salem, NC
Casual Furniture World
Speedy Lohr’s BBQ of Arcadia
Arcadia, NC
Herb’s Pit Bar-B-Que
Murphy, NC
Richard’s Bar-B-Q
Salisbury, NC
Madison, NC
Grady’s Barbecue
Dudley, NC
Big Oak Drive-In & BBQ - Salter Path, NC
Skylight Inn
Carolina Bar-B-Q - Statesville, NC
Ayden, NC
Clarion Inn Airport - Asheville, NC
Carolina Bar-B-Q
- Statesville,
Inn Bermuda
Run - Advance,
Southern Cuisine
& Cocktails
Jimmy’s American
Seafood - Winston-Salem,
Oak American
Drive-In &Southern
BBQ - Salter
& Cocktails
Jimmy’s Seafood
Inn - Winston-Salem,
- Winston-Salem,
Are you interested in becoming a
business sponsor of NCBS?
email us at or
call (336) 765-NCBS for more information
NCBS PIG TALES® August 2011
Our Mission
The mission of the North Carolina Barbecue
Society (NCBS) is to preserve North Carolina’s barbecue history and culture and to
secure North Carolina’s rightful place as the
Barbecue Capital of the World. Our goal is
to promote North Carolina as “the Cradle of
’Cue” and embrace all that is good about
barbecue worldwide. As we strive to achieve
these lofty goals we will be guided by the
polar star that barbecue is all about good
food, good friends and good times.
NCBS Pig Tales® is the official monthly publication of The North
Carolina Barbecue Society and is free to members. Dues start at
$35.00 a year ($25.00 for seniors and students). Visit us at to download application.
Become a contributing correspondent and send us your articles,
ideas, pictures and recipes. Email correspondence is preferred.
We reserve the right to edit any article, ad, comment or recipe.
Contact NCBS
144 Sterling Point Court
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Phone: (336) 765-NCBS
Fax: (336) 765-9193
Curtis White—Editor in Chief, Layout and Design
Jim Early
All rights reserved, The North Carolina
Barbecue Society © 2011
Are you interested in becoming a
business sponsor of NCBS? Visit,
email us at or call
(336) 765-NCBS for more
Contributing Correspondent
Margo Knight Metzger
Bill Eason
Photos This Edition By:
Curtis White
NCBS wishes to give its membership a voice in NCBS Pig
Tales®. The articles in this publication reflect the views,
opinions and preferences of the author of the article and
do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions and preferences of NCBS officers, board members or the staff of
NCBS Pig Tales®.
The recipes shared in this publication, unless they are excerpts from Jim Early’s books The Best Tar Heel Barbecue
Manteo to Murphy, Jim Early’s Reflections: The Memories and
Recipes of a Southern Cook and Shining Times the Adventures and
Recipes of Sportsmen have not been kitchen tested by this
NCBS Officers
President…………………………………... Jim Early
Vice President……………………………..Bill Eason
Secretary………………………........Mary E. Lindsey
Treasurer……………………………………Jim Early
NCBS Board Members
Jim Early…………………………Winston-Salem, NC
Bill Eason………………………………Marshville, NC
Mary E. Lindsey……………………...Gainesville, GA
Rick Hollowell……………………….Greensboro, NC
Steve Grady……………………………….Dudley, NC
Debbie Bridges-Webb……………………Shelby, NC
Richard Turner……………………...Lake James, NC