Document Sept 19 - Woodvale Secondary College
Document Sept 19 - Woodvale Secondary College
Woodvale Secondary College 19 September 2014 Important Dates September 22 September 26 September 27 October 6 October 13 October 15 October 20 October 21 October 23 October 27 October 29 October 30 October 31 Year 8 Immunisations Dress Up Day and last day for Year 12s Soccer tour to Kuala Lumpur commences WACE Practical exams commence Year 12 school based WACE exams commence Students commence Term 4 Year 9 B/Ball tour to Singapore Year 11 non-ATAR students return to school Final day for Year 12 school based WACE exams Year 12 ATAR students return to school P&C Meeting Year 12 ATAR students finish school Final day for Year 11 school based WACE exams ATAR students finish school Year 9 Parent Night Year 6 Parent Tour 9.30am Year 8 Cadet Camp From the Principal On Thursday September 11 we held the Woodvale Athletics Carnival. For the students who attended it was a fantastic day with many fun, as well as serious events to cater for every level of athlete. We will be putting a survey on our website for parents and students to provide feedback on the day so we can make sure the day is a reflection of community expectations and meeting the needs of students. I would like to thank all the teachers, students and volunteers involved in making the day such a success. The last week of Year 12 is already upon us and students will be focussed on achieving the best results possible in all of their courses. It is wonderful to see all of the revision and preparation courses run for the students to support them to achieve their best. It is a good time to remind students to remember to balance their school commitments at this crucial time. Today we held the final assembly for Year 12 students. It was a celebration of their impressive achievements over the year. Year 12s will commence their exams in the second week of the school holidays and first week of Term 4. On behalf of the Woodvale Secondary College Community, I would like to wish all the Year 12 students the very best in their exams and course completion and I am confident that our students will succeed in whatever they choose to pursue after their time at Woodvale. The Year 12 Graduation will be on Friday November 21 in the Sports Centre. It is worthwhile to note that Universities offer a range of scholarships for students with extensive information on their websites. Many students have already applied for a University Scholarship. I would encourage Year 11 and 12 students to investigate these options. Ms Watson and Ms Francis are always happy to assist. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Shaun and Charlene as the inaugural head students to participate on the College School Board. In Term 4 they will hand over the position to the newly elected head students. They have been a fantastic voice for the students and assisted in this very important role for the College. The Year 8/9 girls and the Year 9 boys Basketball teams competed in the Grand Final on Tuesday. Our Soccer boys and girls teams played their finals as well. Congratulations on an outstanding effort by all of these talented students. Year 9 parents will have received their NAPLAN results. Students who have achieved band 8 and above in Reading, Writing or Numeracy in NAPLAN will be exempt from sitting the corresponding section of the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) in Year 10 which is now a requirement of the WACE (graduation). Well done to the Year 9 cohort as a whole on your performance in the NAPLAN. In 2015 we will be working under the new Student Centred Funding Model. For parents who are interested in the workings of the new model, the Department of Education has created a website: Year 6 students from the Woodvale Secondary College Community will be joining us in Term 4 for their transition program one day per week from week 4. I am sure you will join me in welcoming our newest students to Woodvale. Please enjoy your break and family time over the school break and we will see everyone back in Term 4. Myles Draper Principal Whole School Assembly Today the college celebrated the many outstanding achievements of our talented students. This was the final whole school assembly for 2014 and was dedicated to the valuable contributions and achievements made by the Year 12 Students. This photograph captures the spirit of many of our high achievers From the Health Centre Please be aware we are now going into that time of year when snakes wake up!! There have been a few sightings of snakes in the school grounds. As you are aware the school is next to a large area of bush and swamp which is a happy area for snakes. Please talk to your child about safety and snakes i.e. keep only on the paths around the school, not venturing into the bush and if they see a snake not to go anywhere near it but report it to a staff member immediately and the school will deal with it. BELOW IS INFORMATION ON MANAGING A SNAKE BITE. RECOGNISING A SNAKE BITE: 1. puncture marks 2. nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea 3. headache 4. double or blurred vision 5. breathing difficulties 6. drowsiness, giddiness 7. pain or tightness in chest or abdomen 8. respiratory weakness or arrest. FIRST AID: IF VICTIM IS UNCONSCIOUS FOLLOW DRABC (danger, response, airway, breathing, CPR) 1. ensure victim remains calm 2. apply strong pressure with heavy crepe bandage from limb extremities (fingers and toes) and bandage as far up the limb as possible. 3. immobilise casualty and use a splint if available and check circulation. 4. call 000 for an ambulance. WARNING!! DO NOT WASH VENOM OFF THE SKIN AS RETAINED VENOM ASSISTS IDENTIFICATION. DO NOT CUT BITTEN AREA OR SUCK VENOM OUT OF WOUND. DO NOT USE A CONSTRICTIVE BANDAGE (IE TOURNIQUET) DO NOT TRY TO CATCH THE SNAKE! Bev Brideson Community Health Nurse Uniform Feedback from parents commends the college on the high standards and the very positive reputation we have in our community. While most students are happy to wear our uniform, the issue continues to be a challenge for some. We would like to advise parents and guardians that students, who fail to adhere to the College Uniform Policy, will be placed on in school withdrawal until a parent can be contacted and permission obtained to send the student home to change. Parents may also bring in their child’s uniform for the student to change to enable them to return to normal class. All of this can of course be avoided by simply wearing the college uniform. A reminder that in 2015 Year 10 students are considered Upper School students as of Term 1, 2015 and are required to wear the Upper School uniform. From the beginning of Term 4, 2014 Year 10 students are permitted to wear the senior school uniform. Thank you for your on-going support Student Services Black Swan Youth Portrait Price Year 8 student Khairo P was selected as a finalist for the 2014 Black Swan Youth Portraiture Prize. A prestigious annual competition, Khairo’s oil pastel self-portrait was selected from hundreds of entries as one of just 10 finalists from Year 8 and 9 students from around W.A. Khairo’s work will be on display at the Black Swan exhibition in October. Hayley A’s self-portrait was also submitted to the competition for consideration – well done to both these students for their hard work and beautiful artworks. Sylvia Sippl, The Arts Upper School It is hard to believe that we have reached the point where it is time to start saying farewell to another group of students. Many of our Year 12s are preparing to sit their Semester 2 and WACE exams. Others have apprenticeships and traineeships lined up and ready to go. I urge our Year 12 students to make their final weeks at Woodvale count. It may be that completing one more unit of competence, or achieving that extra 7% in an examination, that makes a real difference somewhere down the road. Finish strongly. I am pleased to have this opportunity to thank the Year 12s for the contribution they have made to the school. They have been served well by their Head Students, Shaun and Charlene, and the other members of the Student Council. We send these students out into the world knowing that they have the potential to live quite incredible lives and to be a positive influence on their community. But before we do… Non-examination Students The final day of regular classes for these students is Thursday September 25. Students may be required to return in early Term 4 to complete work. Students must sign in and out at the front office and be in full school uniform any time they are on site. Students who are not in uniform will not be allowed into the school. It is highly recommended that students liaise with their teachers about the best times to meet with them over this period. Examination Arrangements All students should have received school and personalised WACE exam timetables as well as examination instructions. Students must take their personalised WACE examination timetable with them to each of their exams. School-based examinations commence on October 6 and conclude on Wednesday October 15. ATAR students will then return to school between Monday October 20 and Thursday October 23 for exam feedback and structured revision. It is expected that students will attend for the full four days over this period. Students will be able to study in the library when they would normally have a non-ATAR class. School-based exams will be held in the Gym. The WACE exams will be held in the Maths block. Students are required to be in full school uniform for all examinations. Sickness and Misadventure Students who are affected by illness over the school-based examination period should contact me at It is a requirement that a medical certificate be supplied for any claim made on medical grounds. Please contact me immediately if anything occurs over the WACE examination period. I have copies of the documentation that needs to be completed and submitted and am happy to guide you through the process of applying for special consideration. Year 11 Parents should have received an email regarding the plans for students for the start of Term 4. Students have now received their examination timetables and should be preparing for these assessments. Year 11 students will be required to remain in the examination room for the entire examination period and will not be allowed to leave early. Students who are not working towards an ATAR should be using this time to complete work place learning and ensure that they are on top of all of their work. Students will soon receive their course allocations for 2015. Students who have not been allocated their top 6 choices are invited to make an appointment to see me to explore their options. Students may not receive their top choices due to: A request to change courses from Year 11 that is not possible on the grid; Outstanding charges resulting in withdrawal from high charge courses; Collapsing of some very small classes between Year 11 and 12. Leonie Francis and I will work with students to ensure that all students are engaged in a useful and appropriate course in 2015. Year 10 It has been fantastic to see so many Year 10 students ‘stepping up to the plate’ following their course selection process. It would seem that a number of students have realised that they needed to be putting much more work into their studies and have made positive changes. Parents are reminded that students will not be allocated high charge courses if there are outstanding charges from previous years. Please feel free to call Amy on 9309 0805 if you have any questions regarding the payment of charges. The Year 10 Semester 2 examinations will be held on November 13-14. The results of these exams will be important in reviewing students’ 2015 course selections and making adjustments where necessary. Kristy Watson Associate Principal Upper School Year 10 Report We would like to acknowledge an outstanding sporting achievement of one of our talented Year 10 Basketball students. Briana C spent two months participating in competitive trials where her talent was recognised when she was successfully selected as part of the State Under 16s Basketball Team. Brianna was selected as one of the ten team members and 5 reserves which is an accomplishment to be applauded. This team travelled to Geelong, Victoria in July 2014 to compete in the National Australian Basketball Tournament. The college would like to congratulate Brianna on this fantastic achievement. We look forward to Brianna’s future accomplishments. Study Skills Seminar by Elevate The Year 10 Cohort has recently commenced their first Study Skills Seminar in preparation for their studies in Year 11. Students were involved in an engaging seminar presented by successful young University students where they were exposed to concepts designed to improve their study skills and strategies. As valuable preparation for Year 11 studies students should now be utilising these new concepts into their regular homework and study practise. We recommend that students preparing for ATAR subjects should be completing at least two hours per night, five days a week. Practise makes progress. We encourage parents to access this study guide called ‘The Science of Student Success’ at the following website We would like to wish our Year 10 students a safe and relaxing holiday break and look forward to seeing you return refreshed to the college next term. Kathy Jarvis and Tara Zekovic-Bosnjak Year 10 Coordinators Year 11 Report It is nearly over; the year has flown by so fast and now we have the end of Term 3 approaching and final exams nearly upon us. It has been a very busy last few weeks with students selecting their classes for 2015. Many have made changes to their initial educational pathways and, for most, these changes, although difficult, will allow the opportunity for greater school success in Year 12 and open the doors for graduation. Over the next few weeks many Year 11s will test themselves against the bank of end of year exams. The hard work that many have put in will begin to pay a dividend. If students do not have study timetables set up now is the time to get one so as to ensure that the holidays are used as productively as possible. Historically a few students will begin to struggle at this stage with anxiety, motivation or a feeling that school is no longer for them. If problems do arise please ensure that contact is made with the school as soon as possible. Shanae and Dylan Term 4 saw a number of students take up the opportunity of performing in front of the school during lunch times as part of the Milk Crate Sessions. A big Kyle thankyou to Shanae, Dylan, Anna, Patrick, Kyle and the lone Year 10 student, James, who all gave up their time to sing and play various instruments as student sat back and soaked up the atmosphere. The Student Council has been extremely busy this term. They have designed the 2015 Leavers Jackets and hopefully they will be ready for distribution before the end of the year. At the moment they are organising an end of year activity and beginning the Ball preparations for next year. Good luck with the exams and final assessments and I look forward to seeing you next term. Mike D’Esposito Year 11 Co-ordinator Basketball Year 10 Apologies to the following Year 10 Basketball Program students who were inadvertently left off the presentations at the Whole School assembly on Friday September 19: Briana C Yosi R Hemi P 10C3 10X1 10O4 WA State Under 16 Girls Basketball WA State Under 16 Boys Basketball (Captain) WA State Under 16 Boys Basketball Year 9 Basketball Congratulations to the Year 9 boys and the Year 8/9 girls’ basketball teams on their fantastic performances in the Grand Finals of the School Sport WA Champion Schools basketball competitions. Although both teams were Silver Medallists, there performances on the day were outstanding. The boys lost by 2 points in their Grand Final and the girls were gallant all game before eventually losing by 5 points. Eryn F was voted MVP for the game! Girls: Year 8: Year 9: Boys: Year 9: Stephanie D, Rachel H, Caitie J, Stacey M, Serena P. Brianna F, Eryn F, Amy G, Carlie M, Zoe P, Maddi R and Eden S. Michael C, Jack C, Jack G, Joshua H, Tom H, Kobi H, Anthony H, Angus H, James M, Luke M and Akeem Z. Thank you also the Marleigh Z (Yr 12) who helped coach the boys’ team as part of her Certificate II Sports Coaching. All players will be presented with certificates of achievement at the next Whole School assembly. Kelvin Browner Basketball Program Coordinator 20 Year School Reunion Woodvale Senior High School Class of 1994 (and those who left in Year 10 and 11) Saturday October 25, 7pm Woodvale Tavern Reception Centre. $30 per head. Partners welcome. Contact Sarah Barnsley on 0403 014103 2014 Athletics Carnival