2016-05-08 - Northview United Methodist Church
2016-05-08 - Northview United Methodist Church
May 8,2016 Northview United Methodist Church 521 Ridgeclest Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24019 Telephone 540 366-0646 Fax 366-1569 E-mail: nvumc@aol.com (church office) nvpreschooldir@ gmail.com (Preschool) clabberclown@grnail.com (Pastor Joe Klotz) Web Page: www.northviewumc.org on Facebook at "NorthviewuMc" WELCOME TO NORTHVIEW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTERATOTHER'S DAY MAY 8,2016 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE GATHERING We welcome church family members, guests, and visitors to the morning worship of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Please use this time to greet one another, share stories, strengthen friendships, and begin new relationships. WELCOME (Please take this time to record your attendance.) Dave Parrish AI{NOUNCEMENTS We invite you to read through the printed announcements in the bulletin. There will be a time for special announcements and then we will transition into worship with a musical prelude. May God richiy bless us as we give glory and honor to our Creator, Savior, and Spiritual Guide. PRELUDE "Lord God, Your Love Has Called {Js Here" INTROIT "In His Presencett B. Wren D. Tunney XGREETING: . L: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the Lands! P: Serve the Lord with gladness! L: Come into God's presence with singing! P: Enter God's gates with thanksgiving, and God's courts with praise. L: Know that the Lord, who made us, is God. All: We are the Lord's; we are the people of God! XOPENING PRAYER Almighty God, You have called the church into being and have gathered us into one family. By the power of Your Holy Spirit help us to live in unity and peace with ali of Your children. May our actions this day be fruit of our faith in Your kingdom. In the name of Christ. Amen. *HYMN: NO. 92 "For the Beauty of the Earth" CHILDREN'S TIME IN THE CHANCEL SPECIAL MUSIC "A New Songtt Soloist: Leah Bradford vs 7,2,4,6 Pastor Joe and the Children David Steele CAMP ALTA MONS PRESENTATION Meredith Simmons PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (Unison) Holy God,let us come to this Word open to being surprised. Silence our agendasq banish our assumptions; cast out our casual detachment. Confound our expectationsl clear the cobwebs from our ears; penetrate the corners of our hearts with this Word. We know that You can; we pray that You will; and we wait with great expectation. Amen. LESSON: PSALTER: NO.816 SECOND LESSON: ANTHEM FIRST Acts 16: 16-34 (pg. I72l) Psalm 97 Revelation 22:12-21(pg. 1939) D. Besig "Help Us to Be Like Them" Flutist: Robyn Frazier They who love the Lord lmve found a gift so rare. They who love the Lord know joy beyond compare. And their hearts are lighter, spirits brighter knowing God is always there. Help us be like them, Lord. Help us to be like them. She who trusts the Lord has hope that will not fade. She vvho trusts the Lord need never feel afraid, For her faith will guide her, live inside her, growing with each passing day. Help us be like them, Lord. Help us to be like them. They who serve the Lord reach out to those in need. They who serve the Lord help others to believe; For they give so freely, love completely, sharing all that lift can mean. Help us be like them, Lord. Help us to be like them. *GOSPEL LESSON: John 17:20-26 *RESPONSE TO THE GOSPEL For the Word of God in Scripture, For the Word of God among us, For the Word of God within us, Thanks be to God! (pe.1680) Pastor Joe Klotz *HYMN: NO.472 SERMON: "Near to the Heart of God' "Unbounded Love" Pastor Joe Klotz SHARING OF PRAYE,R CONCERNS AND JOYS PASTORAL PRAYER - LORD'S PRAYER OFFERING OF TITHES AND GIFTS OFFERTORY "Prelude in C" J. S. Bach Dueling Pianos *DOXOLOGY: NO.95 *THE PEACE Let us offer one another signs of reconciliation and love. *HYMN: o'Happy the Home When God Is There" As we sing our closing hymn you are invitecl to the front to receive Christ as your Savior arrd to re-dedicate your lile to Christ NO.445 *DISMISSAL WITH RESPONSE: NO. *POSTLUDE *Denotes, standing, if 898 "Amen" "Faith of Our Mothers" F. Faber able. Northview provides a nursery during our Worship Service for infants through 4 years old. Porta crib availabie upon request. For those in need, a changing table has been placed in the women's restroom (located in the administrative hallway adjacent to the narthex). The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in honor and in rnemory of all mothers. We welcome Meredith Simmons, Program Coordinator at Camp Alta Mons, to share information about oppofiunities at Camp Alta Mons for the whole church family. And a special welcome to Joan Wasserott, Roanoke District Missions Chairperson. Scripture Readings for Sunday May 15,2016 2:I-21 Psalm 104:24-34,35b (UMH 826) Acts Romans 8:14-11 John 14:8-17 SAVE THE DATE! The United Methodist Men & United Methodist Women are co-sponsoring a Spring Picnic to be held on Saturday, May 2l from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Friendship Manor Pavilion off of -'"' Florist Road. Invite your entire family to come and enjoy fellowship with our church family. Bring a covered dish and a 2 hter drink to share. Hot dogs, hamburgers, condiments and paper goods will be provided. Don't forget your lawn chairs. There will be games for everyone to enjoy. ..JOYFUL KIDS'' A new children's choir has come to Northview UMC - "Joyful Kids." We are excited to have Mary Simmons directing the choir which will meet on the 3'd Sunday of each month following the worship service e*ird,rex'*Ckair for lunch and practice. "Joyful Kids" will sing during the worship service on the 4'h Sunday of each month. Mark your calendar for our next practice on Sunday, May 15. Family and siblings are welcome to stay for lunch. There will be a family activity space availabie during choir practice. rur. (cANfP z(olci ^tr .Dr. Music, Art, & Drama Jttly 18 - 22 Welcome to "Tex's Dude Ranch" where the owner "Tex Arkana," tells her DONKEY TALES to the accompaniment of the Ranch Hand Band. The country, western swing, bluegrass and rock-a-billy styles will enetgrze our L4.A.D kids as they hear the stcries cf Balaam's Dcnkey, the Good Samaritan, and Jesus riding into Jerusalem, SO . . . quit "horsing around" and register for M.A.D. CAMP today!!! Our very own Beth Simmons will be our Camp Director. She is looking for some sturdy, "ranch hands" to help on the dude ranch. Contact Beth Simmons at 540-765-1rc7 or by email: beth.simmons@fi'co.ki2.va.us or the church office 540 366-0646. Thank You for Serving as: Today's Ushers: Don Acol).te: Sun. May 8 - David Jordan Check Signer: May 10 - Amanda Moore Office Help: May 10 - Phyllis Campbell Watering the Plants: May 8 - Amanda Moore Security: l't Sun Open/Ciose - Ken Journell 3'd Sun. Open/Close - Dave Parrish 5'h Sun. Open/Close - Kevin Baker Stafford and Bob McDonald May 15 - Victoria Goodman May 17 - Phil Weaver May 17 - Gary Lambert May 15 - Becky Hinrichs 2nd Sun. Open/Close - Sam Martin 4'h Sun. Open - Phil Weaver Close - Paul Camper DAYS FOR GIR.LS OUTREACH Oul Northview Days for Girls group is happy to have finished another 100 feminine hygiene kits which we provided to a mission team at Fincastle Baptist Church. Their team will be taking the kits to Guatemala this summer to make a diffelence in the lives of some young ladies there. No matter what part you may have played, we want to thank each of you who have helped with this project. Our next work day together will be on Tuesday, May 24 at9:00 a.m. THE ANNUAL ALL SOCIAL CLUBS DANCE Sponsoled by a grant from the Down Syndrome Association, the All Social Clubs Dance is heid each Spring. Traditionally, the site for the dance has been the Holiday InnTanglewood. Now that they are no longer under the auspices of Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, it fell to the Social Clubs' sponsors to host the dance for the members, something they look forward to all year. Debbie Tanis, coordinator of the Windsor Hill Sociai Club, agreed to head up the effort. David Skole, minister at Christ Lutheran, volunteered to provide the food. "I cook for 150 of my congregation all the time," he said. When the District Superintendent, Kathleen Overby-Webster, visited the Northview SC last year, she mentioned that an application to the district for help with the funding of the dance would be an appropriate use of our apportionments. An application was made, and the district provided a $500 grant! Armed with grants from Down Syndrome and the UMC, various venues were considered. The American Legion building in Salem was the most economical. There were decorations, DJ's to provide the music, a photographer who took pictures of individuals and small groups and lots of good food and fun ! After expenses there was enough money left to provide "goody bags" for members as they left the dance. Lawrence from Buchanan came in a new shirt and tie. It seems girls were calling all week to see if he was coming to the dance. He won a certificate for having "The Smoothest Moves". Bobby got on the dance floor in his wheel chair giving new meaning to "rock and ROLL". He didn't lack for partners, and he was awarded "The Coolest Dancer" certificate. Members and volunteers did the Twist, the Electric Slide, and the Shuffle. Those who didn't dance enjoyed listening to the music, watching the antics of their friends, eating party food and simply being out and having a good time. It was a night to remember. Look for pictures on the SC bulletin boald. Next up for Northview's SC - a Red Sox game! Ann Journell, SC Volunteer FAVORITE HYMNS (Please tear off and place in the offiring plate) list 2-3 of your favorite hymns to be sung on Special Sundays: Heritage Sunday, Father's Day Sunday and Gospel Music Sunday. Please Hymn 1: Hymn2: Hymn 3: (Please tear off and place in the offering plate) M.A.D. Camp Sponsorship Northview's Ministry No gift is too small Make a one time gift Yesl I (we) would like to sponsor a M.A.D Week Camper ($40.00) _ I (we) prefer to make a donation of $ UMC with M.A.D. CAMP on the memo line or yolr may use a pew envelope marking special offering with notation of M.A.D. CAMP Please make checks payable to Northview on the envelope. IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS PLEASE REMEMBER Rakes Stamper Alice Underwood Leroy Dimmery Charlotte Broyles Charlotte Peck Mary Lou Norman Andersen Monica Shumate Elizabeth Fisher Paula and Tom Lesko Barbie Blank, preschool friend Lynn Bryant's sister Allie Jones Josh Thurston Doug Mitchell Rev. Tina Cox Paul Camper Billy & Debbie Ginger Freddie Ragland Dee Copenhaver Cella Ferguson Mary Starr, Kathryn Johnson's sister-in-law JC Star, Kathryn Johnson's brother Bobby Ginger, Billy Ginger's brother Hazel Hager, Aunt of Twila Briscoe Sylvia Starnes, John Hinrichs' sister Gary Yarbrough, Becky Hinrichs' brother Lee Dotson, Debbie Ginger's stepfather Bonnie Kinzer, friend of Becky Hinrichs Doug Gibson, friend of Gary Lambefi Mary Ann Reynolds, Jane Lambert's sister Mel and Faye Clark, brother-in-law and sister of Twila Briscoe Dell Nichols, friend of Terry Armstrong In the Military /International S ervic e Captain Brandon Kellv, husband of Abby Jackson Kelly and son of Keith and Amanda Moore, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, AZ. Brigadier General Greg S. Ote)', son of Ray & Doris Otey, Fort Belvoir Staff Sgt. Wallace Berkeley Newton, Jr., grandson of Allie Jones, Red Stone Arsenal, AL Averlu Scott - Peace Corps, Grenada Tho s e Who Wis h Cards / N ote s / E nc ouras e m e nt &v isits Freddie Ragland - 2I2 Altamire Drive, Roanoke, Ya. 24AI9 Al Cheatwood - Eastwood, 320 Hershberger Road, Rm 101, Roanoke, Ya.24012 Bettv Kelley - Snyder Nursing Home, 11 N Broad Street, Salem, Ya.24153 Darthy White - Elm Park Estates, 4230ElmView Road, Rm224, Roanoke, Ya.24018 Helen Vaughan - 501 VES Road, Apt. BAL410, Lynchburg, Va. 24503 (apt. number change) Mar_v Mitchell - Berkshire Health Care Center, 705 Clearview Drive, Vinton, Ya.24Il9 Telford Boitnott - VA Vet. Care Center,West226 Grace Helmer - 1127 Persinger Road, SW, Roanoke,Ya. 24015 Katherine Shaw - Friendship Manor Assistance Living, Room 209 (xChurch & Cornmunity Worker, *xCommunity outreach Program) In Mission Service related to Northview Mark Stransky - CCV/* Worker, Project Crossroads in Marion, VA Don Edwards - CCW* Worker, Shalom Zone'. Grace Ministries, Roanoke, VA Rebecca "Becky" Parsons - CCW*, C.O.P.**, Roanoke, VA Bobby and Debbie Booze - Church Resource Ministries, Greensboro, NC Samaritan Inn, Roanoke, VA and the Rescue Mission, Roanoke, VA Jean 05.08.16 HONORING OUR. GRADUATES Graduate Recognition Sunday is June 5 during the 1 1:00 a.m. worship service. If you know of a Nolthview student who will be graduating from high school or college this year, please contact the church office at 366-0646. If you would like to contribute toward the cost of their graduation gift, please place donation in a pew envelope and mark it "gladuate''. BLOOD DRIVE Monday, May 9 - 12:00 - 7:00 p.m. St. Philip Lutheran Church,8115 Williamson Road, NW, Roanoke A sign up sheet can be located on the window in front of the church office. BIRTHDAY CARD SHOWER We are "showering" our 90+ year olds and our shut-in's with cards this year. There will be a birthday "poster card" at church for all to sign on the Sundays prior to their birthday. Let us remember special members of our church family all through the year. MAY Geri Haga (5119/25) - 6815 Cee Street, Roanoke, Ya. 24019 Margaret Camper (5/26/24) 8005 Enon Drive, Roanoke, Ya. 24019 JUNE Dr. James H. Johnson (6/2/1922) 320 Hershberger Road, Apt. C103 Roanoke, Ya.24014 COP SUMMER CAMP The following supplies are urgently needed for kids attending the COP Summer camp this year': shampoo, sunblock, deodorant, kids bug repellent, flash lights w/batteries, clothes and shoes for children in 1st - 5th grades (used or new) Any and all donations will be appreciated. A box will be placed in the narthex for donations. Thank you. The Outreach Committee UNITED METHODIST WOMEN The next meeting of the United Methodist Women will be held on Tuesday, May 10 in the Seekers classroom. The spokesman from Street Ransom will speak about what is being done in our valley to prevent human trafficking. Kits For Gonference Dear Friend ln Christ, Gan you betleve another year has passed and conference ' it is atmost time for the annual ltfrethodist This year as last, it will be held at the Bergiund Genter in Roanoke, As in ths past years , I have volunteered to collect UiltCOR kits for The United Methodist -Women al'florthview. lYhen I looked on tine at the UHCOR glTE to fiad out what was most nasded, s*rpris+ f&at the arost desp+rab need was l{aalth Gare ard $cLcal xrts. ii was no lYg ftave 7 eovers for school kits Ieft from last year. Unfortunately we do not havc any other covers' f have prepared iists of needefsupplies and pliced-them ih the eovers. lfyou have aecess for any other eovers , or prefer to prepare a school kit please call me. phyllis Gampbell has her sewing machine set up and is going to make us some more covers. I will place them on the table in the hattway as Phldlis fintshes them, I have plaeed a list of what is naeded in 5O plastic bags for-the health care kits. These bags have thebanil-aids alreadyin them as many of you gave us banil aids you'hadIeft from fast year. A few have the metal na'il file' Please dontt duplicate these items, I will replace more plastii tags as need€d. l{eederl information. $tart collection May 2,20{6 Ccmpl,ete eoltection June Er2O{6 "* Kits on alter by June l2r 2O,16 to be blessed Annual Conferencs June ,17-lg lnyone who wishes tn prepate a different kit , you make look on line under UMGOR and Frepare any of the ones listed that you desire. trWE DO t{OT ?URIrl nOWil AHy KlTSrt Louvena Bl. Anderson Telephone S4O-5G3-9A{i @ Rsariske Hssts Annuafl eemfereffi#e J{$me {7-{g -rr 'e-e' ./ dtc+z<' r. . _ You can sign up to help as an Usher/Greeter -fi (/4/f' ?-ut"L "# *\ ry with Registrition, to collbct uMC0R Kits, with Upii it-k Up, assist in the Parking Lai, with the Potato Drop, or collect for CAN$ 4 *">rd4ili66$et #fl *.**Hffi; ;,.n?l*:ru[;:rr?E,li'frLllH?Ble""1;1.pc.ors M.A.D. CAMP 2016 M.A.D. Camp registrations are going great. For the past 1l years, M.A.D. Camp has been a great outreach to the Community. We are in need of volunteers to help during the week of M.A.D. Carnp, July 18-22. No experience is required or lessons to learn. Listed below are areas in which we need volunteers. If you are willing to help, please sign and return completed form by placing it in the offering plate or you may leave it in the church office. Thank you for the wonderful support you have shown for this week of Music, Art, & Drama. Please check where you are willing to volunteer: Daily pray for the week of camp. Team Leader - lead children to their classes. 10 Team Leaders: 5 groups 2 team leaders per group. Kitchen Help - prepare and serve breakfast to directors and team leaders and prepare and serve snacks to the campers everyday and lunch on Thursday. Help with lunch on Sunday, July 17 by donating or serving the M.A.D. week volunteers Will serve Will help prepare sandwiches Donate items for sandwiches Help with setup for this special week in the sanctuary and three class rooms taking down tables, setting up tables, setting up risers and moving and setting up handbells. Set-up will take place on Sunday, Iuly 17 following the worship service (lunch will be provided prior to start of set-up). Help with resetting sanctuary and classrooms to original order. Most can be completed on Friday and remaining can be completed on Saturday. I can help on Friday July 22, at 12:30 noon I can help on Saturday luly 23, at 9:30 a.m. Make a dessert for the "Friday Dessert Reception" to be delivered on Friday July 22by 12:00 noon. NAME: CONTACT NUMBER: EMAIL: NORTHVIEW'S CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 8,2016 MOTHER'S DAY Today 8:30 Seekers Coffee House 9:45 Sunday School 1 1:00 Worship Service 4:00 pball/8:00 bball (flc) Monday 9:30 Stretch & Tone/l0:45 HathaYoga (flc) * "F * * I 0' 0 0 d e adlin e for b ulle tin info rmatio n gyrn/ T2:00 flc reserved/Preschool 6:00 bball/Dunn (flc) 6:15 Girl Scouts (mr,fh) >k Tuesda_v 7:30bball/Hardy (flc) 8:30 pball (flc) 5:30 Knitting/Crochering (yr) 6:15 Cub Scouts (fh,mr) fh - fellowship hall ml- rnultipurpose room/Pathfinders classroom a,borc-classrooms c - chapel k - church kitchen s - sanctuary wk - work room (copy room,/conference) flc - Family Life Center a,b,c - classrooms beside fiu fc - Fellowship class flc sc - Seekers Class flc 7:00 Finance Committee meeting (fc) kflc-kitchen in flc 7:00 United Methodist Women (sc) cr - choir room yr - youth/senior high 7:00 Boy Scouts (flc/fc) Wednesday 9:30 Stretch & Tone/l0:45 Hatha Yoga (flc) 12:30 Prayer Fellowship (s) 5:50 Handbells/7:00 Adult Choir 7:00 bball/Bramletr (flc) Thursday 9:30 Yoga for Seniors (flc) Friday 8:00 pball (flc) Church Secretary out of the Saturday office May 12,13 & 16 Next Sunday 8:30 Seekers Coffee House 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship Service 12:00 "Joyful Kids" Choir practice 4:00 pball/S:00 bball (flc) NORTHVTEW'S WEEKLY PRAYER sESSroN - meers every wednesday at 12:30 p.m. Open to anyone who would like to attend. GARDENERS UNITED - on saturday, May 14 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon we will meet at the church to weed the flower beds and trim shrubs. Please bring your own gloves and tools.
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and son of Keith and Amanda Moore, Marine Corps Air
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