Amanda and the leadership expedi- tion team at Moxie Falls in Maine
Amanda and the leadership expedi- tion team at Moxie Falls in Maine
Lifelines Table at the Freshman Picnic 2010 UVM Stats: · 2475 first year students · from 40 states and 14 countries · 13,500 total students this year, the largest ever · 304 Freshman have signed up to go on lifelines trips August 2010 The Adventure Continues... The Freshman have arrived! Such an exciting week! The freshman have arrived and our schedule has taken off! This week we had our freshman picnic and the next day we had our first trip with 5 new freshman! We hiked Mt. Mansfeild, discussed the grand theme of Love and how it affects our lives. What a start to the new semester! Zach came on our trip and said that it was the first time he had ever just thought about what it meant to love, and that he would be coming back for more! Prayer Requests; · For the incoming freshman! · For us as we attempt to lay out a schedule for the fall. Between our time with the Lord, bible studies, discipleship, meetings, and trips it will be a hectic time for us. · Would you pray for Amanda! She’s the only fulltime staff women this year, and thus a lot of jobs have fallen to her. It’s very difficult at times to set boundaries on our schedule to allow for recovery time. Amanda and the leadership expedition team at Moxie Falls in Maine How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” -Isaiah 52:7 This fall, Lifelines UVM tried something new. We invited some believing students to return to school one week early, and to spend it with us on a leadership expedition, hiking, backpacking, and rafting! I (Amanda) was so blessed to be able to facilitate this trip with our co-director Heather. We took four women into the Vermont wilderness for three days of backpacking and hiking. We then piled in a van, and headed up to Maine to raft the Kennebec River, which has class 4 rapids. It was amazing! During our 6 days, we looked at faith, hope, and love through parables in the Word, as well as through programs in the outdoors. Kat, one of our student leaders, shared that she was most affected by the rafting program on love in which Heather and I repeatedly “fell” out of the raft. The first time we fell, we immediately asked for help getting back in to the raft. Yet, each consecutive time we fell out, we became increasingly less interested in getting in the boat and more interested in singing and floating down the river in class 3 rapids. In fact, on the fourth swim students had to chase us down, fish us out of the water (as we swam away), and drag our struggling bodies back into the raft. After the program, we debriefed about love and students shared what it felt like to have to save someone who didn’t want saved. Julia, another student, shared that by the fourth time, she didn’t even throw a rope to us because she knew we wouldn’t take it. It was incredible to hear how difficult it is for us to love those that don’t want to be loved. Students drew a quick parallel to their lives, and how loving and sharing our faith is so easy when people are right beside our boats and want to be pulled in. Yet, it’s so difficult when our friends are swimming away from us, and won’t allow themselves to be loved. It was a powerful day for all of us as we thought about our friends, those that God has given us to love, and how sometimes we refuse to throw them the rope because we don’t think they’ll take it. Students continued to reference this program in the days that followed and dialogue about how it affected their thinking! Our Fall activities: Whitewater rafting, three women’s bible studies, Rock Climbing, Men’s fireside study, Canoeing, 24 hr hike, kayaking, Labor Day triathlon, Women’s weekend, Kayaking, Men’s weekend, corn roast and bonfire, corn maze, and individual weekly discipleship times With Lessons on: Love, Perseverance and Patience, Trust, Wisdom and Humility, self control, courage, justice and mercy, peace and kindness, gratitude and joy , and what it means to be a man. Since this summer Gabe has gotten certified as a rock climbing guide and as a white water raft guide! One of our goals at UVM has been to increase our “hard” skills and in the outdoors to increase our ability to minister to the diverse student body. Gabe & Amanda 376 College St #1 Burlington,VT 05401 407.538.3398 Photos from the summer; To give to our ministry: http;//