โครงการห องเรียนพิเศษภาษาอังกฤษ
โครงการห องเรียนพิเศษภาษาอังกฤษ
Chanya Samolrerk (Mind) M.5/17 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA I can’t explain how amazing last year was in just a paragraph. I couldn’t have asked for a better exchange year. It might not be what I expected or imagined, but it was still awesome. Everyone I met and every single little thing that happened will be eternally in my heart. Thank you to everyone who made my school year one-of-a-kind year. Also, I’d like to thank my host families who always supported me, and special thanks to my parents for the opportunity to experience America and everything. นางสาวชัญญา สามลฤกษ นักเรียนโครงการหองเรียนพิเศษภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 5/17 My Memorable Year In America A lot can happen in a year, this was proved to be true. I was an exchange student in America America for one school year and that year was a special year for me. I made a lot of good friends, I met many new people, I learnt about new culture and to be more confident in speaking English. I enjoyed my time in the US. I have been to many places such as Gatlinburg, Washington D.C., Churchill Downs, on NFL football game, and a Kentucky State Fair. I have experienced a lot of new things during this year. This year is full of many good memories นางสาวฉัฉัตราภรณ นิวาศะบุตร นักเรียนโครงการหองเรียนพิเศษภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 6/18 Putita Chaichao 6/18 Jag heter Putita ChaiChao eller man kallar mig Fai. Jag är snart 18 och studerar i 6/18 på speciell programmet (SP). Jag var utbytesstudent till Sverige med organisation som heter YFU och jag var där i augusti 2013 till sluta av juni 2014 så det var typ 10 månader. Tiden som jag har varit där i Sverige var så himla fantastik. Jag har lärt mig svenskaoch jag fick vara med värdfamilj så nu blev dom min andra famijen. Jag fick göra många nya saker som jag har inte gjort förut till exempel åkte skidor och byggde snögubben också hittade jag hittade och fick lära känna många nya kompisar. Allt var så bra. Det kände så jävlar hemsk att måste lämna Sverige erige och åka till baka till Thailand. Nu har jag redan saknar mitt liv och allt i Sverige.Jag hoppas att jag kunna hitta nån stipendium för universitet i Sverige då kan jag åka till baka igen. Jag har planerat att ska åka och hälsa på alla dör som jag kån kånner snart men ändå nu måste jag jag plugga jätte hård för att fick bra betyg för mitt sista år här i Satriwittaya 2. Tack! My name is Putita Chaichao or you can call me Fai. I’m almost 18 right now and studying in 6/18 in the special program (SP). I was an exchange student in Sweden with the organization named YFU and I was there from August 2013 to the end of June 2014. So it was about 10 months. The time that I spent in Sweden was fantastic. I learnt Swedish and I lived with my host family which have now now became my second family. I have done a lot of new things that I had never done before such as going skiing and made a snowman. I also got to know a lot of new friends. Everyone was great. It made me felt horrible that I had to leave Sweden and go back to Thailand. Now I am already missing my life and everything in Sweden. I hope that I could get a scholarship to a University in Sweden then I can go back there again. I am planning to go back to Sweden and visit my family, friends and everyone I know as soonn as I can. However now I have to study hard for my last year in Satriwittaya 2.Thank you. นางสาวพุธิตา ไชยเชาวน นักเรียนโครงการหองเรียนพิเศษภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 6/18 Sawarin Chantharangsikul M.6/18 No.17 Last year I got the chance of being an exchange student in Virginia, U.S.A. for 10 months. I studied in Clover Hill High School which has more than 1,800 students. It’s kind of a big school for Americans. So it was extremely hard for me to get to know people. They’re different from us in a way that I could not accept sometimes. I tried to adjust myself to them though. I’ve learnt a lot about things that I’ve never tried to understand before. For example, I’m now more independent, I had to think and make decisions by myself when I was in the U.S., I leant to live with other people. Not only living with them but also caring about their feelings. So, I’d suggest to people who really want to be an exchange student that you should make it through 10 months without any expectations. Because you’ll never know what’s going to happen, what kind of people are you going to meet, even if, your host family is great. Life’s not always pretty and easy! But everything you do will be your experience, which you’ll remember forever นางสาวสวรินทร จันทรังสิกุล นักเรียนโครงการหองเรียนพิเศษภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 6/18 Suchaya Sirikaew M.5/17 South Africa I spent a year as an exchange student in South Africa. For me, this country was not dangerous but a lot of people thought differently ifferently from me , that's why I decided to go there. Unfortunately, it didn't work out as planned. Everything seemed to be worse at that time, many problems came at once. Despite, my life was not strewn with rose petals, it's still been the best life lesson lesson that I have ever learnt. Many problems have taught me to stay strong and be clever / smart. My soul has grown up and I’m ready to attack everything, no matter if it's going to be bad or a good moment. นางสาวสุชญา ศิริแกว นักเรียนโครงการหองเรียนพิเศษภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 5/17 Sutima Bow 4/17 La mia esperienza nel dieci mesi in Italia era un momento molto importante per la mia vita. Nel quel anno mi ha fatto crescere. Ho imparato moltee cose; la cultura nuova, la lingua che molto diversa da nostra lingua. Ho conosciuto tante persone che mi hanno insegnato tante nouve cose. Grazie a Italia, I Italiani e la intercultura che mi hanno dato i bellissimi e memorabile esperienza. นางสาวสุธิมา จินะณรงค นักเรียนโครงการหองเรียนพิเศษภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 4/17 Thissana Charitabutra M.5/17 5/17 Florida, USA I know how lucky I am to have had an opportunity to be an exchange student in foreign country. Eleven months in Florida, America wouldn't have been this awesome without my family, My host family, my friends, and school. I truly appreciate everyone for making it happen. นางสาวธิษณา จาริตรบุบุตร นักเรียนโครงการหองเรียนพิเศษภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 5/17