Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Sunday, November 23, 2014 “To move closer to God in all that we do” Weekday Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Monday - Friday 6:30 am & 8:15 am Saturday 8:15 am Weekend Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 10:15 am (Gym) 11:30 am Reconciliation Every Saturday after the 8:15am Mass The Feast of Christ the King Thanksgiving Mass 9:00 am Page 232 2 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church In today’s 1st reading, the Lord God is the principal actor. “I myself will look after my sheep; I will rescue them; I myself will pasture them; the lost I will seek out, and so on.” The Lord identifies Himself as compassionate to our needs. But the question comes up as to how the Lord is compassionate to our needs. How does He show His compassion? How does He work? The answer is through the Church and the individual Christian. The Lord works through us. This is the importance of today’s Gospel. In today’s Gospel from Matthew, we are given the only place in the New Testament as how we will be judged. “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me; (or) Amen I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.” In this reading, we are given the ultimate meaning of a human act. By our care for the needs of the other, we allow the Lord to work through us to show His compassion. Yes, we have a great responsibility but this is the way the Lord has chosen to work, in and through us, individually and as a Church. Today’s gospel presumes a great deal of sensitivity on our part, that we see the needs of the other and appropriately respond. I think this sensitivity and response are habits we can develop, seeing and responding. We need to first stop our busy lives and see the needs of the other. On this seeing and responding appropriately, so much depends. My best to you, Fr. Sheridan November 24-29 Mon 6:30AM 8:15AM Tues. 6:30AM 8:15AM Wed . 6:30AM 8:15AM Thurs 9:00AM Fri. + + + + + + L + + + 6:30AM + 8:15AM + Sat. 8:15AM Vigil 5:00PM + + + + Purgatorial Society People of the Parish Betty & Charlie Nesbitt Isabel Naphin Meaghan Murphy Robert Peter Vitale Mary Rice Bill Campbell William Stevenson Arlene Skelly Souls in Purgatory People of the Parish + Souls in Purgatory Jim Licata Michael McHugh Clare O’Connor Terry Kearney November 30 8:00AM 9:30AM 10:15AM 11:30AM +/L + + + + Patricia & Jack Glunz Clara Haser People of the Parish Robert T. Werthman Roy Leonard + Deceased L Living Stewardship Report Sunday November 16, 2014 Collected at Church $ 8847.50 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 9 3 Dear Parishioners of Saint Francis Xavier Parish, I am writing this letter to let you know about important changes which I will be part of soon. As you remember I was assigned to be an associate pastor in your parish around two years and a half ago. As a newly ordained priest that was my first parish in my priestly life. I will never forget how warm your welcome words were. Most of you were trying to do everything to make me feel like at home knowing that my whole family is in Poland and that I have no relatives in this country. In such a short period of time my life slightly changed. First of all I have to say that I grew up a little and begun seeing life from different perspectives than before when I was still a seminarian. Then I was encouraged to take care of my physical condition and with help of some of you who were motivating me I was able to lose 120 pounds in one year. Such a change isn’t it. With your help I was able to learn a lot of good things. After two years and a half of my work at Saint Francis with a lot of good stuff and some downsides I decided to move forward. There was an opportunity to move to another parish with totally different dynamic and I decided to move. After some conversations with placement board and with Fr. Sheridan my request was accepted and I got permission to change parish. I would like to inform all of you that December 1 I will begin my work at Divine Savior Parish in Norridge. I take it as a great opportunity for me to learn about working with different people in different area in Chicagoland. We decided with Fr. Bill that my last Mass at Saint Francis will take place November 23, 2014 at 9:30am. After Mass there will be cake and coffee served at the Church. Please come over so I will be able to thank you personally for your support and prayer during my time at Saint Francis Xavier Parish. I would like to say thank you to all of you who in some way enriched my time in Wilmette. I would like to say thank you to Fr. Sheridan for everything he has done and to Fr. Rich and Fr. Ed. I would also like to extend my thanks words to the staff of Saint Francis Parish and to all of the people working in the school. Thank you for everything and may God bless you. I will keep you in my prayers. Fr. Mariusz Manka FLU SHOT CLINIC Get your flu shot on Sunday, November 23rd between 10:45 and 12:15 in the Xavier Room. Our own Angela Waltman, Family Nurse Practioner, will be doing the honors of immunizing you so you will be well for the holidays. The flu shots are Thermisol free (no Mercury) and cost $25. First come, first served. Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 4 4 Speaking of Liturgy The Solemnity of Christ the King: With this solemnity we come to the end of Matthew’s gospel and hear how blessed we are by God. If your loved one is no longer in the service, please let the parish office know so that we can update our list of military personnel. Jason Harlan - Grandson of Joe Ficek Rev. John Barkemeyer - Son of Hank & Germaine Brian Walsh-Nephew of Peg McIntyre Jesse Goutier-Cousin of Chris, Michael & Laura Farina Shane Lawson-Cousin of Kari Clarke Brian Krupp-Cousin of Jim Krupp Scott Horst-Friend of Jim & Kathleen Koop Tracy Hanson-Friend of Jim & Kathleen Krupp Stephen Thale-Grandson of Jim & Frances Thale K Anniston-Grand-Nephew of Nancy Graham Lt. Cmndr. Andrew A. Nelson (USN/USMC)-Son of David Nelson Conor Proteau-son of Deidre & Greg Proteau David Lore Mayo-Friend of Carpenter Family John Smeeton-Son of Andrea & Jack Sweeten Richard Linehan-Son of Richard & Elaine Linehan Jonathan O’Dell-Great-grandson of Marion & Mike Eberle John Wesley Hobbs-nephew of the Weschler’s Jeff Groom-nephew of Louise Sanborn PFC Joseph Devroy-grandson of Marlene Devroy Jake Kreigbaum-friend of Millers Sgt. Daniel Koch-brother of Laura Koch Family & Friends of Bob & Jean Quinn James Harrison—great grandson of Thea & Vito Vitale Luke Stensberg—friend of the Revords Lt. Peter Finley Adams USMC—grandson of Diana Madden Art Knurenko—friend of Watson Family Brandon Galgay-friend of the Matt Revord family Tom Smith—nephew of John & Mary Smith John Robbins—nephew of John & Mary Smith Greg Latta (USN)—friend of the Sasso’s Spc. James Kerls—son of Bob & Karen Kerls Lt. Michael Scott (USN)-nephew of the Scott family Will McCarthy USMC-son of Kathy & Mike McCarthy James Earp USN-family of Anita O’Neill Do you have a family member or friend in the Military (stateside or overseas)? Call the Parish Office and we will put their name on our prayer list . When your Armed Services member returns to civilian life, please let us know so that we can remove his or her name from our list. Thank you for your cooperation. Matthew has shown us throughout the course of his gospel a microcosm of what, in fact, our whole Christian life is all about: When we look upon others as sharing our dignity, as we look upon the other as Christ himself, every time we do good to another, it does make a difference in the world. The time is now. We cannot afford to put off Christlike living to some future time. The judgment is now. When we consider what God has so graciously offered: an everlasting share in the glory of Christ the King! The time is now. St. Francis Xavier Christmas ornaments are on sale now through November 30th. Ornaments are $12 each. Please send your order along with a check made out to "St. Francis Xavier School" to the school office to the attention of Amy Ellis. Please include your name, address, phone and email with your order, as well your choice of ornament along with a name if you would like that inscribed on the ornament - examples based on the attached sample orders would be "Lucy the Flower," "Jameson the Crusader," or "St. Francis with Cross." Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 5 Amazing Grace: Advent Reconciliation Service A parish gathering of communal prayer with an opportunity for individual confession and absolution. Wednesday, December 17 7:30-8:30 p.m. St. Francis Xavier Church What areas of your life need the grace of forgiveness? Experience the gift of this healing sacrament by taking the time to reflect on your relationships with family, community and God. St. Francis Xavier Parish, 524 9th St., Wilmette, IL 847-256-4250 (parish office) www.sfxparish.org Photo: Reconciliation Room of St. Francis Xavier Church Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 9 6 To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign St. Francis Xavier Parish is one of 110 archdiocesan parishes already participating in the Chicago Archdiocesan “To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign.” We began our campaign efforts in May 2014 and have received many significant gifts as we reported last month in the bulletin and at Masses. We are very excited to announce that to aid our parish efforts, St. Francis Xavier has partnered with Campbell & Company, a nationally known nonprofit fundraising consulting firm headquartered in Chicago, as campaign counsel to guide our parish and school communities through a successful “To Teach Who Christ Is” campaign. Executive Vice President Julia Kerwin McGuire – a SFX graduate, former parishioner and daughter of Marguerite and Denis McKenna –has volunteered her time and will be leading the Campbell & Company team. Additionally, Senior Consultant Kelly Short and Associate Consultant Mark Seiler, both graduates of and former development employees at the University of Notre Dame, will be working in partnership with St. Francis Xavier’s staff and volunteers. We will be working with Campbell & Company through next fall, and you will find the team working in the parish offices (across from Shel Moore) several days a week. St. Francis Xavier is also hiring a Campaign Manager to manage campaign activities and administrative affairs during the course of the campaign. The role will eventually turn into a Development Director for the parish to ensure our long-term success. For more information on the position or the campaign, please contact Ross Richards at 847-772-7559 or ross.richards@ms.com or visit our website www.sfxparish.org. ADVENT IS COMING! The parish Liturgy Committee is seeking families to light the Advent wreath in church at the start of Saturday and Sunday masses during Advent. Saturday 5pm masses: Nov. 29th, Dec.6th, Dec.13th and Dec. 20th Sunday mass dates and times: 8am, 9:30am and 11:30am Nov.30th, Dec.7th, Dec. 14th and Dec. 21st. If you are willing to participate, please leave a message for Patty Jane at the Parish Office, 847-256-4250 or email: sfxparish@comcast.net and give her a way to contact you. You can also use the link for the sign up genius http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/10c0e4eadad23a5fc1-thesfx Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 9 7 Saint Francis Xavier Parish Year End Giving P L E A S E K E E P S T . F R A N C I S X AV I E R I N M I N D T H I S H O L I D AY S E A S O N There are various ways parishioners can financially support St. Francis Xavier each year…. Did you know that a giŌ of appreciated stock /mutual fund would benefit the Parish and allow the donor a charitable deducƟon for the enƟre value of the giŌ, avoiding capital gains tax on the appreciaƟon? Did you know that a contribuƟon may be made to the Parish that allows the donor to receive income for life based on the contributed amount, and receive a charitable deducƟon for the current tax year? Questions? Need more information? Please contact Shel Moore at (847) 256-4250 or sfxparish@comcast.net Please consult your tax advisor for specific tax advice Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Thomas of Canterbury Christmas Gift Collection December 6th and 7th St. Thomas of Canterbury Christmas Gi Collec on December 6th and 7th Christmas is fast approaching and we again are collec ng gi s for the families of the St. Thomas of Canterbury Food Pantry We will be in the ves bule of the Church on Nov. 15th and Nov. 16th with lists of families and their 3 choices of a gi of no more than $20 each. If any of the families are too large we suggest two families may share the same name. Any ques ons you may contact Sara Crome @ 847/256-4250, or Joe Dix @ jdix31945 @gmail.com Join the PREP community for a special Advent mass on Sunday, Nov. 30 at 4:00 pm in the church. Following the mass, PREP families are invited share a simple dinner in the Xavier Room. Please sign up for the dinner through the PREP website by Tuesday, November 25. PREP website: http:// www.sfxparish.org/education/ parish_religious.aspx 9 8 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 9 St. Thomas of Canterbury Needed at St. Thomas Warm winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves Please call Parish Office for drop off instructions. 847-256-4250 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 10 HOLIDAY BULLETIN SUBMISSION SFX WOMEN’S RETREAT JANUARY 24-25 2015 SIENA CENTER, RACINE WI Mary: A woman worth getting to know Join us for an exploration, reflection and conversation centering on this young woman who changed the history of the world. Looking at Mary thru the eyes of the modern woman, how does she contribute to our lives today? Registration/info: BETH SULLIVAN beth@pa3.com Kieran Lyons, Facilitator Bulletin Date Submission Date December 21 December 10 December 28 December 15 January 4 December 19 What are your Advent traditions? Share your family traditions with others by emailing Kieran Lyons at sfxkieran@comcast.net We will compile your Advent celebration ideas, observances, and practices with others in the parish. It is a beautiful season of waiting, expectation, darkness, reflection and prayer. Soon and very soon..... Elizabeth Ross and Kevin McGrann—-I Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Something New! Beginning February 6, 2015 First Fridays with Saint Francis de Sales • • • • • • • When: 9 AM on the First Friday of each month Where: the Upper Room at the Parish Office What: we will do a brief focus on a particular problem common in our lives (anger, anxiety, grief, stress) and show how Saint Francis de Sales (the Doctor of the Love of God) gives practical, gentle and psychologically sound spiritual advice to help us to overcome that problem. How: Thirty minutes of reading and sharing. You are free to leave at 9:30. There’s no need to commit to every session. Why: To share concrete ways to live your Christian call to holiness. To jumpstart your prayer life. Who: Open to all. Facilitated by Josephine Harrison and Nancy Lou Kelly Daughters of Saint Francis de Sales. Contact josephineharrison@gmail.com with questions. Why not? Thirty minutes once a month. Give it a try! 11 REGISTER AS A PARISHIONER To become a part of our Parish family, please pick up a Kelly Green Packet in the back of church or at the Parish Office. You can also contact us through our website at www.sfxparish@com cast.org. Or if you regularly worship at St. Francis, and have not registered as a parishioner, we ask that you fill out a packet in order to be kept up to date with mailings, email blasts etc. We thank you for joining us! KEEP US UPDATED! WORD: Holy Listening Each week we gather to relax and listen to a short passage from scripture, reflect on God’s word, respond in prayer, and rest in God’s presence. The scripture passages are taken from the Sunday Gospel to support our journey. This ancient but simple process allows God’s word to touch us in our daily lives and transform our hearts. When: Saturdays 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. On-going . Where: The “Upper Room” Second floor at the SFX Parish Office Small groups offer a valuable way to enrich our faith and provide us with companionship for our journey. There is no need to commit to every Saturday, come when your schedule permits. Everyone is always welcome. Have you moved? Married? Changed your phone number or email address? Help us keep our Census up to date. Email: sfxparish@comcast.net with your new information. Thank you! Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 12 The Sacred Art of Iconography SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 3:00 P.M. IN CHURCH SFX welcomes Joe Malham, a Loyola University grad and Artist-in-Residence at St. Gregory the Great parish in Chicago. Joe has enjoyed the vocation of iconographer, “a writer of icons,” for 20 years. He creates icons in the timeless tradition of the sacred art for religious orders, faith communities, and individuals. Joe will speak to us about the history of icons and praying with icons. He is also the author of a biography of the famous Catholic director John Ford. JOIN US FOR THIS ADVENT AFTERNOON! SPONSORED BY THE SFX ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM Tutoring at St. Thomas of Canterbury School St. Thomas Cantebury Many parishioners from St. Francis spend time each week tutoring students at St. Thomas of Canterbury School. However, additional tutors are needed. The tutoring is done during school hours, 8:00AM to 2:30PM, Monday through Friday. If you have anywhere from a few hours to a half day, you assistance will be greatly appreciated. No teaching experience is necessary. You can select the time and day that you wish to tutor, the grade level and the subject, be it mathematics, English grammar or composition. At the present time, St. Thomas is in particular need of tutors to help immigrant students in grades 1 through 6 develop English language skills. This tutoring program has been very successful due in part to the participation of so many St. Francis parishioners. The ultimate success of the program is shown by the fact that many of the graduates of St. Thomas receive full scholarships to leading Catholic high schools in the Chicago area. If you are interested, please call Alice Halpin, assistant principal of St. Thomas, at 773.271.8655. If you wish more information, call Ray Gass at 847-251-7665. Canned Goods Tuna Fruit Soups Corn Vegetables Canned Meats Dry Goods Pasta Rice Beans Crackers Cookies Ramen Noodles Green Beans Mac Cheese Peanut Butter Creamers Powdered Milk Cereal Toothpaste Enfamil Diapers Sizes 3, 4 & 5 If you don’t have time to shop, we can shop for you. Make a check out to St. Thomas of Canterbury and put Food Pantry in the memo line. Thank you! Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 9 13 Thanksgiving Day Collection Annual Appeal St Vincent de Paul Society The work of the Vincentians is the Gospel message in action: I was hungry I was thirsty I was a stranger I was naked I was sick I was in prison And you cared. Please help us with our mission to the poor and needy. Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference Thanks you! Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference is composed of parish members dedicated to serving the poor and the needy. Many of the people we serve are in need of financial assistance. It is through your support that St. Vincent de Paul is able to help them. Please continue to support our mission by contributing to the annual Thanksgiving collection, the only collection during the year that goes to the support of our Conference. In your monthly envelope packet, there is a special Thanksgiving Day envelope which can be placed in the collection basket that day or any Sunday. Thank you again for your continued generosity. Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 9 Support ACTION 20 14 BY STOCKING UP ON ADVENT & CHRISTMAS WREATHS Wreaths 22" Noble Fir Wreath 22"Mixed Evergreen Wreath 28"Noble Fir Wreath Advent Centerpiece Advent Wreath Ring 4 Candles - 3 Purple and 1 Pink Sold in back of Church November 22nd & 23rd Schedule of Events For the Week Sunday, November 23 8a ACTION Wreath Sale 6p Scouts C Xs Monday, November 24 7p RCIA 7:30 Parish Council Faith Alive Retreat U P Off Campus Tuesday, November 25 Wednesday, November 26 7p Choir Practice C Thursday, November 27 Happy Thanksgiving Friday, November 28 8:30 pm Emotions Anonymous U Saturday, November 29 9:00a WORD U Sunday, November 30 4p PREP Mass 6p Scouts 7:30p ACTION C G Xn Xs C $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $20.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 14 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Important information regarding communion visits and pastoral care of the sick for the homebound and hospitalized. Please read carefully. Your spiritual needs are very important to the staff at St. Francis. To insure that you received the desired spiritual care if you are hospitalized or homebound with illness, please assist us by providing us with the following. Hospital: If you would like anointing prior to a scheduled surgery, please call the parish office to schedule an anointing with a priest. You may also receive anointing at the hospital when there is an emergency. When you are admitted to the hospital it is critical that you or a loved one identifies your religious affiliation, your parish name and your desire for pastoral care and communion visits. The patient may also call the Ministry of Care line to request communion at the hospital. A minister of care will make sure the hospital is informed of this request. Homebound: Trained ministers of Care are available to bring communion to our parish sick and homebound. Ministers also visit local assisted living and nursing care homes. To schedule a visit, please call the Ministry of Care line at: 847 256-2273 press 0 and a Minister of Care will return your call. 15 H.O.P.E. Helping Other Parishioners Enthusiastically H.O.P.E. is an outreach ministry at St. Francis Xavier Parish with the goal of providing assistance to parishioners in need of support such as: transportation to and from doctor's appointments, church, grocery store and parish activities preparation of meals and delivery of meals due to illness, hospitalization, new birth, death of a family member or any other crisis situation assistance with household tasks that do not require professional help such as moving boxes or hanging pictures. If you need assistance, please contact the Parish Office at (847) 256-4250. If you would like to volunteer to assist a fellow parishioner, please email the HOPE Committee at sfx.hope@gmail.com. Ministry of Care Visits Sunday, November 30 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to helping the poor and others who have come upon difficult times. As Vincentians, we serve those in need through one-on-one counseling, as well as providing financial and other help to those who have fallen on hard times. If you or someone you know wishes to meet with us, please contact the parish office at 847-2564250 and ask for extension 44 and leave a short message. We will respond as soon as possible. All Inquiries will be treated in the strictest of confidence. After 8:00 Mass Hospital After 9:30 Mass Home M. Cordell** Nancy Lou Kelly + K Kerls A Tirva B Weir _ K. Clarke** M Demetrio + M McManus A Brennan B Vassallo E Whittingham The St. Francis Xavier Parish Peace & Justice Ministry has a new website! Visit www.sfxpeaceandjustice.org for information regarding current peace & justice events, resources and links to other organizations. Mather Home Meenaghans 10am Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors Schedule — November 30 5:00 pm Elaine Vogel John Smith Dani Froelich Pat Federico Peggy Elliott Lucy Reichner David Ford John Smith John Smith 8:00 am 9:30am Linda McGuire Dina Bair Kathleen O’Brien Terry Porter Kathleen Tyrrell Julie Berggren Shelagh Donoghue Patti Schumann Mary Quinn Bernard Myszkowski Janet Black Barbara Eichenlaub Kathy Sasso Marjorie Sasso Art McGivern Allen Frantzen Sarah Lawton Tim Muraugh 10:15am MJ Dix Eileen Kelly Kirk Hudson 11:30 noon Carmel Cowan Therese Lysaught Kay Malm Abigail Foerstner Katherine Buehler Kerry Suse 1 Not Filled John Carpenter Colleen Reese Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church TELEPHONE NUMBERS: CHURCH: 9th Street and Linden Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091 SCHOOL: 808 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091 SCHOOL WEB: sfx-school.org PARISH OFFICE: 524 9th Street, Wilmette, IL 60091 PARISH WEBSITE: www.sfxparish.org EMAIL: sfxparish@comcast.net Parish Offices: 847-256-4250 Parish Fax: 847-256-4254 Parish School: 847-256-0644 Ministry of Care: 847-256-CARE (847-256-2273) Pastoral & Support STAFF Rev. William J. Sheridan, Pastor Rev. Mariusz Manka, Associate Pastor Rev. Edward F. Harne , Pastor Emeritus Rev. Richard J. Jakubik, Resident Robert & Karen Kerls, Deacon Couple Dr. Pa y Jane Pelton, Pastoral Associate Sr. Mary Ann Casey, OP, Director, PREP Program Mary Therese Laird, Youth Minister (ACTION) Andrea Hug, Director, Ministry of Care Kieran Lyons, Director of Faith Forma on Colleen Barre , School Principal Jo Ebert, Director of Music Judy Krugman, Vito Vitale, Organists Director of Children’s Choir Sheldon Moore, Business Manager Marge Kaup, School Business Office Manager Marilyn Smith, Parish Secretary Sara Crome, Secretary Dani Froelich, Administra ve Assistant PREP Program Darek Bukowski, Maintenance Tadeusz Odbierzychleb, Maintenance Mary Clare Belton, Chairperson, Parish Pastoral Council Ray Gass, Sara Crome, Sharing Parish-Chicago St. Thomas of Canterbury Jeff Later, Betsy Later, Sharing Parish-Hai Immaculee Concep on Parish Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-9:00pm Friday 9:00am-7:30pm Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm Sunday- Closed A er Hours Emergency Assistance: 847-256-0709 Society of St. Vincent de Paul For assistance call 847-256-4250 Ex. 44 BAPTISM: 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements and to register for a preparation session. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays after the 8:15 Mass. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Should be arranged at least four months in advance. Call the Parish for details. PARISH REGISTRATION: Registration Forms available in vestibule of Church, at the Parish Office or from our Website. INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address St. Francis Xavier # 000145 524 9th St. Wilmette, IL 60091 Contact person: Marilyn Smith 847-256-4250 Software: Win 7m MSPub 2003, Adobe Acrobat X Printer: Number of pages transmitted: )(6-8-JL; 2 ad pages) Day & time of transmission: Wednesday am