tentative program - SAFE Association
tentative program - SAFE Association
TENTATIVE PROGRAM 52nd ANNUAL SAFE SYMPOSIUM NOVEMBER 3-5, 2014 CARIBE ROYALE HOTEL and CONVENTION CENTER ORLANDO, FLORIDA It is with pleasure that we welcome you to the 52nd Annual SAFE Symposium being held at the Caribe Royale Hotel and Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. This year’s symposium continues its tradition of being the premier forum for professionals, academics, engineers, and industry leaders who join together with the goal of advancing personal safety and protection in air, land, space, and marine environments worldwide. The Annual SAFE Symposium remains a powerful platform for innovation, education, networking, and strengthening the disciplines of the personal safety and protection community. The knowledge shared and relationships created among participants are conduits for continued learning, exploration, and innovation. This year’s program will feature a several special presentation speakers, offer technical sessions including panels, papers, and briefings and will provide a valuable opportunity to share ideas on an international basis with participants from around the world. Attendees will also have the opportunity to explore the technological advancements and innovations in safety and life-sustaining equipment by visiting with the many members of industry who will be exhibiting at this year’s symposium. The 2014 Symposium Committee and the SAFE Board of Directors would like to thank all Symposium participants and exhibitors. We would also like to offer a special thanks to our individual and corporate sustaining members for their commitment and dedication to SAFE. Any changes to this tentative program will be posted on the SAFE website at www.safeassociation.com under the Symposium link, so check periodically for the latest information! A final program will be provided on-site. Call for Moderators ________________________________________________________________________ 2 Registration: Rates, Information, Policies/Information & Registration Form __________________________ 3-6 Credit Card Form for all services (if not using electronic submission on web) ___________________________ 7 Sleeping Room Reservation and Hotel Information _______________________________________________ 8 Hotel Property Map _______________________________________________________________________ 9 Exhibit Hall Hours and Tentative Timeline of Events ______________________________________________ 10 Exhibit Access Policy, Set-up and Tear-Down Information _________________________________________ 11 Get-Acquainted Reception _________________________________________________________________ 11 SAFE General Membership Meeting __________________________________________________________ 11 Presentation of 2014 Awards & Awardee Reception ______________________________________________ 11 Photography Policy and Reminder Datelines ____________________________________________________ 12 Exhibit Reservation Information, List of 2014 Exhibitors and Floor Plan ___________________________ 13-16 Sunday Program _________________________________________________________________________ 17 Monday Program ______________________________________________________________________ 18-27 Tuesday Program _____________________________________________________________________ 28-39 Wednesday Program ___________________________________________________________________ 40-48 Golf Tournament _____________________________________________________________________ 49-50 5k Runner Information ____________________________________________________________________ 51 SAFE Raffle _____________________________________________________________________________ 52 SAFE Corporate Sustaining Members _________________________________________________________ 53 Call for Moderators - 2014 We are seeking technical session moderators to serve during the 2014 Symposium. Below are the guidelines for session moderators. Our moderators often tell us this is a very rewarding experience so we hope you consider sharing your expertise and serving! Send an e-mail to Jeani Benton (safe@peak.org) if you are interested. Include your area of expertise / interest so we can match you session to your interests. GUIDELINES FOR SESSION MODERATORS PRIOR TO THE MEETING: The SAFE office will provide the Moderator with contact information of the session speakers, the text of their abstracts, and presentation technical requirements. The Moderator will contact the speakers before the meeting to ensure that the speakers: Are attending the meeting and contact safe@peak.org immediately if they cannot. Are aware of and comply with the required format for presentations, including videos. Will meet the moderator at the author’s briefing at 7:45 AM the morning of their presentation. AT THE MEETING: The Moderator will Notify the Symposium staff if there are problems with the equipment in the session room (laptop, laser pointer, other audio visual). Meet with the presenters 20 minutes before the session begins to load and test the presentations. At the beginning of the session, make the following announcements: Remind the audience to turn off their electronic devices. Explain how the session will be conducted (i.e., the amount of time per presentation and when the question/answer periods will be held). Before each presentation, provide a short introduction consisting of the title, the authors’ names and the presenter’s affiliation. Do not read the speaker’s biography. Keep speakers on time, typically 30 minute slots including 5 to 10 minutes at the end reserved for questions. Prepare at least one question for each presentation to stimulate discussion from the audience as needed. Remind attendees with questions to rise and identify themselves. Fill out the Moderator’s Summary Form (to be provided prior to symposium and/or during the author’s morning briefing) and leave it on session table for the Symposium staff to collect. 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 2 REGISTRATION RATES: SAFE Member: Spouse Program: $350.00 - Pre-registration $400.00 - At-the-door $100.00 – This fee covers all activities open to general attendees for all three days of the symposium. Member registration does not include dues. Non-Member: $450.00 - Pre-registration $500.00 - At-the-door Non-Member registration does not include membership dues to the SAFE Association. U.S. personnel assigned to a military organization/installation holding a valid Active Duty Military, Department of Defense I.D/CAC card and the U.S. Coast Guard $80.00 Covers all three (3) days of the Symposium. I.D. will be checked. All foreign military active duty personnel: $80.00 Covers all three (3) days of the Symposium. I.D. will be checked. One Day Registration $225.00 per day. If an attendee wishes to register for more than one day, they will be required to re-register each day. Golf Tournament: See pages 49-50 for complete tournament information and sign-up. Pre-registration deadline: October 3rd. This date applies to all registrations. Pre-registration is necessary should you wish to be listed on the pre-registration list. SAFE does not publish an on-site registration list. Credit card charges for registration are processed approximately 2-3 weeks prior to the symposium. Full refunds are issued in the event you are unable to attend. Please see all registration policies on pages 4-5 If registering by check, make check payable to: SAFE Association and mail to: Post Office Box 130 Creswell, OR 97426-0130 (credit cards also accepted – see page 7) For further information, call: Phone: (541) 895-3012 FAX: (541) 895-3014 e-mail: safe@peak.org REGISTER EARLY!! - MAKE PLANS NOW TO ATTEND! 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 3 REGISTRATION POLICIES & INFORMATION GENERAL POLICIES: All persons attending the Symposium, including technical presenters, and general participants pay the applicable registration rate as shown on page 3. No telephone registrations are accepted and no pre-or post-symposium invoicing will be done. Receipts in advance of the symposium are not provided EXCEPT when paying using the payments link on the SAFE website. A receipt is generated by the system when you pay on line regardless of the credit method used. If duplicates are needed, a general receipt card will be available at the registration desk, along with program materials, including attendee badge. You are welcome to e-mail the SAFE office (safe@peak.org) to verify receipt of your registration. One day registration will be $225.00 and will be accepted in advance and/or at-the-door. One Day Badge Pick-Up Policy: If an attendee wishes to register for more than one day, they will be required to re-register each day. All registrants, including exhibitors are invited to attend the Get-Acquainted Cocktail party on Sunday, November 2nd and the Awardees Reception on Monday, November 3rd. International visitors registering by check or money order must provide payment in U.S. funds. SAFE does not accept bank transfers. Membership in a SAFE Chapter does not entitle attendee registration at the SAFE member rate. You must be a member of the headquarters organization to obtain the member rate. Please do not FAX, e-mail and mail your registration. Duplication of registration causes unnecessary paperwork and confusion. PRE-REGISTRATION: To qualify for the pre-registration rate, and appear on the pre-registration list, registrants must pay in advance on or before the deadline of October 3rd. SAFE does not publish an on-site registration list of attendees. Pre-Registration will be accepted via mail, FAX or on-line. Registration payment may be made by cash, check, money order, or credit card via the payments drop down on the SAFE website at www.safeassociation.com. SAFE accepts Visa, Master Card, and American Express. Payment using the payments drop down on the SAFE website does not require a personal account to use. It does, however, protect your credit card information better than submission via e-mail. Registrations received after the pre-registration deadline will be charged the at-the-door rate. Registration information continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 4 FAX REGISTRATION: FAX registrations with payment will be also be accepted. FAX registrations received without credit card information will be treated as at-the-door registrations and applicable rates will apply. SAFE accepts Visa, Master Card, and American Express. See registration and credit card form on pages 6 & 7. AT-THE-DOOR REGISTRATION: At-the-door registration is available by credit card, check or cash. At-the-door registration fees shown on page 3. MODERATORS NEEDED – SEE PAGE 2 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 5 NOTE TO EXHIBITORS: PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS REGISTRATION FORM. EXHIBIT PERSONNEL CAN REGISTER ON-LINE AT WWW.SAFEASSOCIATION.COM UNDER THE SYMPOSIUM LINK. ON-LINE REGISTRATION IS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR GENERAL ATTENDEES (WWW.SAFEASSOCIATION.COM) 2014 SAFE SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION 1st line on attendee badge will be TITLE : (Mr. Ms., Rank etc). __________________________________________________________________________ and FULL NAME ________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd line on attendee badge will be: COMPANY OR ORGANIZATION ____________________________________________________________________ 3rd line on attendee badge will be: City __________________________________ State/Country _____________________ Zip _______________________ Phone ____________________________________________________________ E-Mail _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ SAFE Member $350.00 (At-the-Door $400.00) _______ Non-Member $450.00 (At-the-Door $500.00) _______ U.S. personnel assigned to a military organization/installation holding a valid Active Duty Military or Department of Defense I.D/CAC card and members of the United States Coast Guard – $80.00 registration for all three days of the symposium – identification will be confirmed _______ Non U.S. active duty military personnel - $80.00 – covers all 3 days _______ One Day Registration $225.00 per day Circle day attending (Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday) _______ Spouse Registration - $100.00 – covers all 3 days. Name: _____________________ _______ Golf Tournament $85.00 Handicap ___________ Total Amount Paid $_____________ IF REGISTERING BY MAIL AND PAYING BY CHECK, PLEASE COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION FORM ABOVE AND SEND WITH YOUR CHECK OR USE CREDIT CARD INFORMATION FORM ON NEXT PAGE SEE CREDIT CARD FORM NEXT PAGE 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 6 CREDIT CARD FORM IF REGISTERING BY FAX, PLEASE COMPLETE THE CREDIT CARD FORM BELOW ALONG WITH THE REGISTRATION FORM ON PAGE 6 Electronic payment can also be made using the drop downs under the payments menu on the SAFE website: www.safeassociation.com THE SAFE ASSOCIATION ACCEPTS VISA, MASTER CARD AND AMERICAN EXPRESS. SHOULD YOU WISH TO USE THIS FORM OF PAYMENT, ALL INFORMATION BELOW MUST BE LEGIBLY COMPLETED: Check one: Visa _____ MasterCard _____ American Express _____ PRINT NAME ON CARD _______________________________________________________________ ACCOUNT NUMBER __________________________________________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE___________________________AMOUNT $ _____________________________ PAYMENT FOR _______________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________________________________________________________ PHONE #________________________________________________________ 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 7 SLEEPING ROOM RESERVATIONS & HOTEL INFORMATION: When calling the hotel for reservations, please identify yourself with SAFE Association to confirm a room under the SAFE contracted block and to receive the negotiated group rate. Per diem rooms are available at the prevailing government rate and are subject to change. Government employees and members of the military should advise the reservations clerk (or include when reserving online) that the group code for SAFE is: GOVSAFE52 No booking code is required for attendees not covered in the above paragraph. However, advise the reservations clerk (or include when reserving online) that you’re at-tending the SAFE Symposium to get the negotiated room rate. Queen Double / Standard King - $139.00 King Deluxe - $159.00 No deposit is required at time of booking but a credit card number & expiration date will guarantee the booking. The hotel has a 48 hour cancellation policy. Additional persons over two (2) occupying the same room will be charged an extra $15.00 per person, per night. Toll Free Room reservation number: (888) 258-7501 SAFE holds the room block over the October 30th – November 7th dates. Hotel is linked at www.safeassociation.com or you can use the below URL for direct reservations: https://resweb.passkey.com/Resweb.do?mode=welco me_ei_new&eventID=10713357 Room Reservation Deadline: October 1, 2014 Hotel general information number: (800) 823-8300 Notice of Housing Scam: If you are contacted by any company claiming they are the "official" housing service for the 2014 SAFE Symposium, and that they are able to obtain significant reductions for you on rooms, please do not do business with them. SAFE has made no arrangement, nor does it plan to, for the utilization of a 2014 sleeping room housing service. Management at the Caribe Royale Hotel has been advised and, unfortunately, they reported this is becoming more of an issue across the country each year. They have also advised that these shysters get as much money as they can, close up shop, and move prior to being investigated and/or arrested. They will take your deposit and run! Special Note: We understand that companies offering to provide individual rooms or small room blocks at less than SAFE contracted rates have been in contact with several of our corporate members and exhibitors. While the SAFE room rate may be a few dollars more than the rates quoted by these companies, this is due to the fact that SAFE negotiates with the hotel to obtain no rental fees for our meeting and exhibit space. This negotiation results in a huge savings which is passed along to our SAFE attendees in the form of lower registration and exhibit space rates. The hotel recovers a small percentage of this rental by adding a few dollars to the negotiated room rate. It is important to understand that this slight room increase does not come close to covering the astronomical per square foot per day rates the hotel normally charges for meeting room and exhibit space rental. SAFE is financially liable for all contracted rooms, whether the hotel sells them or not. This is why we ask that you always book your rooms under the SAFE block. We work diligently to give all attendees the best overall experience at our annual Symposium and ask for your continued support. 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 8 THE CARIBE ROYALE and CONVENTION CENTER PROPERTY PLAN PICK – UP FROM PAGE 19 OF PRELIMINARY INFORMATION BOOKLET – lighten a bit if possible – as it was difficult to view/read. 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 9 EXHIBIT HALL HOURS: Monday, 11/3 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Tuesday, 11/4 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Wednesday, 11/5 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM The exhibit hall will remain open during the lunch hour on Tuesday and Wednesday TENTATIVE TIMELINE Please note: These times are provided for pre-planning only and are subject to change as the Symposium draws near. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM 8:30 AM (start time) 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:30 Exhibitor Set-up Golf Tournament Registration Open 5K Runner Get – Acquainted Reception (Exhibits Closed) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM 10:30 AM – Noon Noon - 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM Author’s AV Briefing Registration Open Special Presentation Speaker – Andy Green Refreshment Break Technical Sessions Lunch (Exhibits Closed) Exhibits Open Technical Sessions Refreshment Break Technical Sessions Exhibits Close SAFE General Membership Meeting Presentation of 2014 Awards and Awardees Reception 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program AM AM AM AM - 7:45 AM - 5:00 PM – 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM 10:00 AM Exhibits Open 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM 10:30 AM - Noon Noon - 1:00 PM 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM 5:00 PM Author’s AV Briefing Registration Open PMA-202 Briefing Special Presentation Speaker - SGM Quinones Refreshment Break Technical Sessions Lunch (Exhibits Open) Technical Sessions Refreshment Break Technical Sessions Exhibits Close WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM 10:00 AM Exhibits Open 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM 10:30 AM – Noon Noon - 1:00 PM 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM – 9:00 PM Author’s AV Briefing Registration Open Historical Session Technical Sessions Refreshment Break Technical Sessions Lunch (Exhibits Open) Technical Sessions Raffle (Exhibit Hall) Refreshment Break Exhibits Close Exhibitor Tear-Down Page 10 EXHIBIT AREA ACCESS POLICY, SET-UP AND TEAR-DOWN TIMES The Symposium Committee has developed the exhibit area set-up and access policies to protect the exhibitors and their products from unauthorized access and theft. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter. Set-up for exhibitors will be Sunday, November 2nd from 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM. We urge you to have your exhibits set early in order that you enjoy the social that evening. Persons who are not setting booths should not be in the exhibit area and security will be enforced for the protection of our exhibitors. Tear-down for exhibitors will be Wednesday, November 5th beginning at 3:00 PM. Tear-down must be completed by 9:00 PM on Wednesday evening. We ask that you not commence your tear-down prior to 3:00 PM as this is disruptive to your neighboring exhibitors who may still be conducting business. GOLF TOURNAMENT PRIZES AND GIVE-AWAYS – See pages 49 & 50 for complete tournament information including participation. 5k RUNNER – See page 51 for complete information. GET-ACQUAINTED RECEPTION Our 2014 Get-Acquainted Reception will be held on Sunday, November 2nd from 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM and is open to all symposium attendees. There will be complimentary food. We will provide free non-alcoholic beverages, and all attendees will have the option of purchasing alcoholic beverages. The Exhibits Hall will not be open during this time. SAFE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING The 2014 SAFE General Membership Meeting will be held on Monday, November 3rd from 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM. PRESENTATION OF 2014 AWARDS and AWARDEES RECEPTION Our 2014 Awardees Reception and presentation of 2014 Awards will be held on Monday, November 3rd from 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM and is open to all symposium attendees. Changes to the 2014 Awards Presentation and the 2014 Awardee Reception will be as follows: 1. From 7:00 PM – 7:30 PM the bar will be open so that everyone can “grab” a beverage and be seated prior to the start of the Awards presentations. We will provide free non-alcoholic beverages, and all attendees will have the option of purchasing alcoholic beverages. 2. At 7:30 PM the 2014 SAFE Awards will be presented. 3. At the conclusion of the 2014 SAFE Awards presentation, the bar will re-open and complimentary food will be served. We ask that you help us congratulate our 2014 Award Recipients and that you respect this new Awards procedure. And . . . ENJOY! Continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 11 SAFE PHOTOGRAPHY POLICY No in-session photography is permitted except photos taken by the official SAFE photographer. The taking of photographs inside the Exhibit Hall IS NOT permitted except by those photographing their own booth, booth visitors, and displays after the Exhibit Hall opens on Monday. To photograph anything inside the Exhibit Hall or area other than previously explained, you must receive prior informed consent of the individual and/or owner of the subject matter. Photographs may only be taken during normal exhibit hours with the consenting individual present at the time the photographs are taken. No photography is permitted in the Exhibit Hall or area prior to opening and after closing. All attendees are expected to comply. Official SAFE photos will be taken by an authorized photography service which is sanctioned and controlled by the Symposium Committee. If you see any suspicious photography-related activity, please report it immediately. REMINDER DATELINES Room Reservation Deadline – Wednesday, October 1st Pre-Registration Deadline – Friday, October 3rd Booth Payment Balance Deadline – Friday, October 3rd Golf Tournament Sign-Up Deadline – Friday, October 17th 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 12 52ndANNUAL SAFE SYMPOSIUM NOVEMBER 3-5, 2014 CARIBE ROYALE HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER – ORLANDO, FL EXHIBIT SPACE RESERVATION FORM NOTE: ON-LINE EXHIBIT RESERVATION AVAILABLE @ WWW.SAFEASSOCIATION.COM Exhibit booths are 10 x 10. The exhibit fee includes three (3) complimentary registrations per booth, 24-hour security, draping, booth identification sign, and clean-up. Four guest passes per exhibitor (not per booth) per day will be available at the registration desk. These passes are for visiting customers of the exhibitor; not spouses, friends, employees or consultants or anyone else employed by that exhibitor. Use of guest passes will be monitored. No exhibit space will be assigned unless the order is accompanied by a deposit of $100.00 per booth space. SAFE accepts credit cards – see page 7. Per-booth fees are shown below: Cost of each 10 x 10 Booths: ( ( ) ) SAFE Corporate Members, Universities & Military ................... $1,400.00 Number of spaces required? ________ From the floor plan on page 16, please indicate your first four choices of exhibit space numbers below. If all indicated choices have been reserved prior to receipt of this application, we will contact you regarding an assignment. ______ 1st choice ______ 2nd choice ______ 3rd choice ______ 4th choice Enclosed is our check (or credit card information) in the amount of: $ ____________ Return completed application to: All Others ........................................ $2,000.00 Final booth balance due on or before October 3, 2014 SAFE Association Post Office Box 130 Creswell, OR 97426-0130 (541) 895-3012 FAX: (541) 895-3014 Company Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Postal Mailing Address of person in charge of all future exhibit-related mailings – can be different than the person filling out this form: _________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip, Postal Code, Country ___________________________________________________________________ Individual to contact regarding application: _______________________________________________________________ Telephone: ( ) ______________________________________________ E-Mail (Mandatory) _______________________________________________ _________________________________ Signed ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________ 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 13 2014 SYMPOSIUM EXHIBITORS The following exhibitors will be in attendance at this year’s symposium. SAFE would like to thank them in advance for their participation and support of the SAFE Association and we encourage everyone to stop by each of these booths during the symposium: 400 ACR Artex 613 ADS, Inc. 106 Aegisound 204 Aerial Machine and Tool 515 Aeroflex 417 Air Cruisers Company dba Zodiac Aero Evacuation Systems 506 Air Liquide Advanced Technologies 205 Air Techniques International 507 Autoflug GmbH 108 Bally Ribbon Mills 608 Bose 201 Cam Lock 206 Cartridge Actuated Devices (CAD) 701, 703 & 705 Chemring Energetic Devices 105 & 107 Cobham 305 Dayton T. Brown, Inc. 113 & 212 East/West Industries, Inc. 708 Elbit Systems SAR & Data Links - Elisra, Ltd. 415 Engineered Arresting Systems Corporation 112 & 114 Essex Industries 607 FliteLite 513 & 612 FXC/Guardian Parachute 307, 309, 406 & 408 Gentex Corporation 407 Gibson & Barnes 609 Interactive Safety Products, Inc. 115 Kistler Instrument Corporation 402 Life Support International 409 & 508 Martin-Baker Aircraft Company, Limited 214 Massif Mountain Gear 314 McMurdo Group - Orolia SAS 304 Nammo Talley, Inc. 109 Networks Electronic Company 615 Oregon Aero 301 & 303 Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Co. 312 Parachute Industry Association (PIA) 713 Para-Gear Equipment Co., Inc. 709 Phantom Products 509 SECUMAR Bernhardt Apparatebau GmbH u. Co. Continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 14 213, 215, 217 & 219 SSK Industries (+ Butler Parachute Systems & Systems Technology) 200 & 202 Stearns 514 Stratus Systems 313, 315, 412 & 414 Survitec Group 413 & 512 Switlik Parachute Co., Inc. 116 & 118 Teledyne Energetics 712 Tex-Shield, Inc. 316 TIAX, LLC 117, 119, 216 & 218 UTC Aerospace Systems 317 & 319 W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. 207, 209, 306 & 308 Wel-Fab, Inc. 208 Zodiac Aerospace (AVOX Systems, Inc.) Exhibit Floor Plan on Next Page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 15 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd EXHIBITOR SET-UP – 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM 2014 SAFE GOLF TOURNAMENT – START TIME: 8:30 AM. SEE PAGES 49-50 FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION. REGISTRATION OPEN – 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM 2014 SAFE 5K RUNNER – START TIME: 3:00 PM - SEE PAGE 51 FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION. SUNDAY - 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM GET – ACQUAINTED RECEPTION LOCATION: CARIBBEAN BALLROOM 2 & 3 Our 2014 Get-Acquainted Reception will be held on Sunday, November 2 nd from 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM and is open to all symposium attendees. There will be complimentary food. We will provide free non-alcoholic beverages, and all attendees will have the option of purchasing alcoholic beverages. The Exhibits Hall will not be open during this time. Monday Program Begins Next Page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 17 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd MONDAY - 7:00 – 7:45 AM AUTHOR’S COORDINATION AND BRIEFING LOCATION: HIBISCUS The morning author’s coffee is for that day’s presenters and moderators only. We ask that all others use the coffee shop facilities within the hotel. MONDAY - 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM REGISTRATION OPEN LOCATION: CARIBBEAN BALLROOM 1 MONDAY – 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM EXHIBITS OPEN LOCATION: EXHIBIT HALL – GRAND SIERRA BALLROOM MONDAY – 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM SPECIAL PRESENTATION SPEAKER LOCATION: CARIBBEAN BALLROOM 3 Wing Commander Andy Green, RAF 'Project BLOODHOUND- Safety at 1,000 mph' Welcome and Introduction by Mr. Joel Albinowski, 2014 SAFE President Project BLOODHOUND is the latest British attempt at the World Land Speed Record, which is targeting the extraordinary speed of 1,000 mph, and is due to run in 2015. The Car is 42 feet long, 10 feet high, and powered by 3 engines: the latest generation of military jet engine (20,000 lb. thrust), a next-generation hybrid rocket (27,000 lb. thrust) and a V12 race car engine (800 hp.) which powers the rocket pump. This Car will accelerate from rest to 1,000 mph, cover a mile in 3.6 seconds, and then slow to a stop again in just 2 minutes, at which point it will be 12 miles from where it started. The objective behind this Project is far more than just a new World Land Speed Record. It is intended to bring science and technology to life for a new generation, and to inspire the young people of today with the excitement of a world-class ‘Engineering Adventure’. BLOODHOUND is now working with Governments to deliver 1,000 mph science lessons into schools across the UK, South Africa, and many other countries. The Project has generated the longest-running and most widely read engineering diary in history, and has already reached an audience of around 10 million through YouTube, before the Car even starts to run. The technology has already been installed around the desert track in South Africa to allow live streaming of video at 1,000 mph to a global audience. (continues) 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 18 BLOODHOUND is now set to deliver on its promises for a 1,000 mph World Record, for a global Engineering Adventure, and for a new generation inspired by engineering. However, there is one essential requirement to achieve all of this – safety. The technologies involved in building the World’s first 1,000 mph Car are simply astonishing. BLOODHOUND is literally pushing back the boundaries of physics. To do this safely, the team has had to ask – and answer – some key questions. What does ‘safety’ actually mean at these speeds? And how is it delivered? Wing Commander Andy Green has some answers. He is a Royal Air Force fighter pilot, the current holder of the World Land Speed Record, and BLOODHOUND’s driver, and has been working closely with the BLOODHOUND engineering team for the past 6 years. How the team has learned from the previous record, and how the ground-breaking technologies have been developed to deliver 1,000 mph safely, will be key themes in his presentation to the SAFE Symposium. ANDY GREEN – The ‘Fastest Man on Earth’ Wing Commander Andy Green, ‘The Fastest Man on Earth’, is a serving Royal Air Force Fighter Pilot. Driving Richard Noble’s Thrust SSC (Super Sonic Car) in 1997, Andy set the world’s first and only supersonic land speed record at an astonishing 763 mph, driving literally ‘faster than a speeding bullet’. After setting the outright Land Speed Record in 1997, Andy went on to drive the JCB DIESELMAX car in 2006, setting a record of 350 mph for the world’s fastest diesel car – powered by JCB digger engines. Andy is now involved in perhaps the ultimate Land Speed Record challenge. He is the driver for the new Bloodhound SSC, designed to reach an astonishing 1,000 mph. Using his previous Record-breaking experience, and drawing on his first-class Mathematics degree from Oxford and his experience as a Fighter Pilot, Andy is a central member of the design team for this remarkable jet- and rocket-powered Car. This Project is linked through a major education program into schools across the UK and (through a hugely successful website, www.BLOODHOUNDSSC.com) to students around the world. The Project aims to inspire the next generation of young engineers and scientists, while setting the most remarkable Land Speed Record of all time – 1,000 mph. MONDAY – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM REFRESHMENT BREAK LOCATION: HALL AREA OUTSIDE EXHIBITS Monday program continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 19 MONDAY – 10:30 AM – NOON HELICOPTER INJURY LOCATION: ANTIGUA 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Paper – Helicopter Seat Belt Tensioner – Mr. Brian Harvey, Mechanical Engineer, Crashworthy Systems, Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, MD Introduction: With the complex attitudes typically experienced during a helicopter crash (roll, pitch, yaw), the combination of torsional, compressive, and flexion loads does adversely affect the neck and head. To date, limited research has been done to investigate the benefits of belt tensioning to reduce neck and head injury. In the early 90’s, the automotive industry began to implement belt tensioning, with promising results. Today almost every vehicle built has some form of belt tensioning in production. Methods: Computer models and HA testing of pilot/copilot seats (in development) have demonstrated that belt slack is introduced during the beginning stages of seat stroke as the occupant is pushed downward into the seat bottom cushion/cover. This leads to increased upper torso movement, neck moment, and head swing. Reducing the slack before significant torso movement has occurred will likely reduce the upper torso movement, neck moment, and head swing resulting in reduced risk of injury. A dynamic test series was conducted on a mechanical seat belt tensioning system using the Reusable Energy Attenuating Lab (REAL) seat. The purpose of the testing was to determine the effectiveness of mechanical tensioning of seat belts to reduce injuries during a mishap. The series of tests were conducted utilizing the Horizontal Accelerator Test Facility (HAF) at Patuxent River Naval Air Station during 2014-2014. Results: An analysis of the results showed significant reductions in lower neck and lumbar loads using mechanical seat belt tensioning. Modest improvement in head and neck excursion was also achieved using mechanical seat belt tensioning. Discussion: Further testing with the addition of a pyrotechnic webbing retractor may be evaluated in future tests. It is believed that the increase in speed at which the pyrotechnic device can further reduce belt slack may significantly improve the test results. Paper - Excessive Boarding Mass – What is the Problem and Can it be Solved? – A UK Military Perspective - Mr. Les Neil, Principal Engineer, Qinetiq, Farnborough, United Kingdom Abstract: Whether for use by troops, passengers or pilots, all seats currently in use in UK military platforms have a specified load capability which is determined, at the design and building stages, by applying either static loads, dynamic loads or both. The application of these loads is designed to offer a level, i.e. a ‘design case’, at which the seat should be able to restrain an occupant without complete collapse during a crash impact sequence. In the case of Energy Absorbing (EA) stroking seats, the seat design should also offer methods of reducing lumbar loading on the occupant to levels which should not lead to significant spinal injury. Design cases are also based on the mass of the expected end user/occupant. Therefore put simply, seats should be able to withstand the required levels of force or acceleration applied in several directions when an occupant of specified mass is sat in the seat. However, there are occasions where seats being currently used in UK military platforms may not offer full protection to military occupants, essentially because crew and their personal equipment are getting heavier, resulting in the seats having to withstand loads, forces and accelerations in excess of those to which they were designed. Additionally, it is clear that the issue of excessive boarding mass does not only affect users of some of the older seats in service. Unless designed with a capability to change the EA stroking characteristics, such as a 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 20 ‘dial your weight’ capability, even the most modern seats in use can be affected by boarding masses in excess of the original design case for the seat. This paper summarizes the issues where occupant safety might be compromised due to excessive boarding mass and attempts to identify what, if anything, can be done to mitigate any injuries that might ensue. Paper - The Effects of Body-Borne Gear on the Risk of Spinal Injury in Helicopter Mishaps - Mr. Roger Podob, Engineer, Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, MD Abstract: Aircrew, pilots, and troops in today’s armed forces need to carry a substantial amount of equipment in order to perform their mission duties. Survival gear, body armor, weapons, radios, etc., can easily combine to weigh in excess of 40 pounds. With most of this equipment mounted to a vest, the spine must bear the extra weight, which will increase spinal loads and the associated risk of injury in the event of a crash. What has been unknown is the extent to which the added weight increases spinal loads. The research presented in this paper sought to determine how significantly the additional weight increases the risk of injury. Placement of the equipment on the torso was also considered, as was seatback angle. Three anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs, or crash test dummies), representing a small female, an average male, and a large male, were crash tested with five different configurations of body-borne equipment, ranging from a flight suit and no helmet to full survival gear, body armor, and helmet. Each configuration was tested three times to help mitigate data scatter. Forces and moments were measured at the lumbar spine as well as the upper and lower neck. Results show that location of the body-borne equipment is nearly as important as its weight. Adding equipment to the back of the torso appears to reduce spinal force, as does a more upright seatback angle. Placing the weight on the front of the torso had no appreciable difference from placing weight on the sides of the torso. As expected, the effects of the added weight are more pronounced on the smaller ATD. A secondary observation was the need for multiple tests of the same configuration due to data scatter. MONDAY – NOON – 1:00 PM LUNCH BREAK EXHIBITS ARE NOT OPEN AT THIS TIME MONDAY – 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM EXHIBITS OPEN LOCATION: EXHIBIT HALL – GRAND SIERRA BALLROOM MONDAY – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM DYNAMIC TESTING LOCATION: ANTIGUA 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Paper – Dynamic Test Repeatability – Mr. Chris McDaniel, Mechanical Engineer, Naval Air Warfare Center, Patuxent River, MD Introduction: Anthropomorphic Test Devices (ATD) are used frequently in validation of new personal protection equipment and a specific size of ATD is required to obtain the worst case data. Often, facilities have several ATDs of each specific size which are used to qualify new equipment, with the assumption that response will be the same. It was decided that the variability between ATDs should be understood in order to better quantify whether or not new equipment passes. Specifically, this information will be used to determine wheth2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 21 er or not a test passes if it meets the maximum acceptable criteria given the known variance of available ATDs. Methods: Testing was conducted on two 50th percentile male Hybrid III ATDs utilizing NAVAIR’s Horizontal Accelerator Laboratory (HAL). The HAL is used to support flight clearance decisions for seating systems and body-borne equipment. HAL also has the capability to simulate parachute opening shock after ejection and improvised explosive device dynamic pulses. Two different positioning methods were utilized to determine to what extent ATD positioning effects dynamic response. The two different ATDs were compared to each other to see how much variance there was between two similar ATDs. Results: Data collected from testing suggests that initial positioning is not as critical as once thought for our application. However, data shows that slight differences in ATD buildup, such as abdomens of different ages and materials, perform vastly different. Discussion: The assessment of the data collected during this test series is being used to develop tolerance ranges for testing as well as improve test procedures in the dynamic test laboratories. Paper – Temperature Effects on Anthropomorphic Test Device Necks - Mr. Chris McDaniel, Mechanical Engineer, Naval Air Warfare Center, Patuxent River, MD Introduction: Anthropomorphic Test Devices, ATDs, are invaluable when it comes to quantifying injury prevention, but their ability to remain biofidelic with changing temperature has been a concern to outdoor test facilities. A test series was conducted on the neck pendulum test fixture with head and neck assemblies at various temperatures to determine how significant of an effect temperature has on ATD necks. The neck pendulum test fixture, located within NAVAIR’s Dynamic Test Laboratories, is used to calibrate ATD head and neck load cells and accelerometers and check biofidelity of the head and neck. Methods: Two Hybrid III 50th percentile male necks and heads were soaked to a specified temperature and then tested on the neck pendulum. Five different temperature ranges, between twenty-five and one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, were utilized for each of the neck assemblies during extension, flexion, and side moment impacts. The upper necks and heads of the assemblies were fully instrumented. High speed video was also captured to help analyze the amount of neck bending present at different temperature ranges. Results: Results from this study suggest that increasing temperature causes an increase in the flexibility of the neck, but that the peak neck loads remain consistent. Rebound from peak loads increases with temperature. Testing procedures for outdoor test laboratories will be adjusted according to the findings of this study. Discussion: Based on the results of the data from this test series, interpolations will be made about how the rest of an ATD can be expected to react to temperature changes; the rest of the ATD is made of the same materials the ATD neck is constructed from. These interpolations will then be used to improve scheduling of tests and test procedures at the outdoor test laboratories. Briefing – Development and Application of a Large Scale High-Dynamic Centrifuge for Aviation Lifesupport Equipment – Mr. Shen Wenbo, Deputy Chief Engineer, AVIC Aerospace Life-Support Industries, Ltd., Hubei, China Abstract: The thesis developed the large-scale aviation single-arm centrifuge with the maximum average acceleration charge rate at 10g/s and gyration radius at 8m, by the purpose of demonstrating adaptability, structural property and dynamic performance of aviation life-support equipment under stable and dynamic acceleration conditions of aircraft. The study was consisted with three major tasks: 1) the integral box-type 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 22 beam structure design of this single-arm centrifuge, making strength characteristics match with rotary inertia optimally, 2) the design of three-axis rolling pod and free swinging pod, equipped the centrifuge with not only the capability of object test but also the primary functions of aeronautical and astronautic human centrifuge, and 3) develop of high-precision velocity servo system adopted combination control mode of accelerationrotating velocity-torque closed loop control, torque forward-feedback control and variable parameter PID adjustment, which has meet the requirements of accurate simulation in aircraft acceleration condition and equipment performance evaluation. Performance test of rocket ejection seat restriction system was conducted to verify experimentally restriction effect of restriction mechanism and harness system on aviator under different flight attitude acceleration; results have indicated that the centrifuge provides a significant platform for performance verification of whole-state aeronautic protecting and life-support equipment in acceleration situation. In the future, the centrifuge can be used to convert traditional concentrate loading mode in static strength test into a more authentic mode of inertial load loading uniformly in equipment strength design and structure optimization, which could provide more instructive basis in determining product strength parameters. MONDAY – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT I LOCATION: BONAIRE 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Paper – Earplug Pressure Equalization During Flight - Dr. Kristen Talcott, Industrial Engineer, and Ms. Christen Semrud, Mathematician, Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, MD Introduction: The Navy currently requires fixed wing aircraft pilots and aircrew to use vented earplugs to reduce the risk of otitic barotrauma; however vents may significantly reduce earplug noise attenuation, leading to increased risk of noise-induced hearing damage. The objective of this study was to determine the need for a venting requirement through the evaluation of pressure equalization capabilities of earplugs used by pilots and aircrew. Methods: Pressure equalization of 14 earplugs: vented and non-vented custom-molded earplugs, vented and non-vented Communications Earplugs (CEPs) with foam and custom-molded eartips (CEP402-C05, CEP505-C11, CEP505-C11-V, and CEP508-C15), vented and non-vented Attenuating Custom Communications Earpiece System (ACCES®) earplugs, Sound Guard™ foam earplugs, and Quattro™ quad-flange earplugs were compared to that of the open ear during simulated flight profiles. Earplugs were evaluated using a custom ear canal simulator test rig in a small unmanned altitude chamber. Rate of ascent and descent, maximum altitude, and hold time at altitude were additional independent variables. Results: Preliminary analysis shows that of the earplugs evaluated, only the Quattro™ produced enough pressure differential to potentially cause otitic barotrauma. These failures to equalize pressure did not occur on every trial and were observed for multiple flight profiles. When failure to equalize did occur, it tended to be present on both ascent and descent. There were small changes in pressure observed for some of the other earplugs, including CEPs with foam eartips. It is unclear if these pressure changes were due to failure to equalize or drifts in sensor readings. Discussion: Results suggest that Quattro™ quad-flange earplugs should not be used during tactical jet flight due to their potential to prevent pressure equalization in the ear canal. More testing should be done to evaluate their suitability for other applications, such as rotary aircraft flight. Results do not support the need to vent communications earplugs for use in fixed wing aircraft. This session continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 23 Briefing - Enhanced Mission Endurance via Oxygen Mask Fit and Comfort Improvements – Mr. Paul Ninefeldt, Aircrew Systems Product Manager, Gentex Corporation, Carbondale, PA Introduction and Aim of Presentation: Physiological discomfort caused by oxygen masks worn by end user pilots is an increasing issue due to extended mission requirements. Specific issues reported include hot spots on the nose, air leakage, and mask slippage. Gentex has undertaken a product development project evaluating multiple comfort/fit-focused variables, with the end goal of producing an improved mask that enhances the mission endurance of the pilot community. Gentex has collaborated with the Royal Netherlands Air Force’s (RNLAF) Centre for Man in Aviation and is utilizing past research on these issues, by the RNLAF and University of Twente. The aim of the presentation is to provide an overview of the issues, potential design solutions, and preliminary data supporting the preferred design path(s). . Particular areas of focus will include facepiece hardness, hardshell trim in the nasal region, and the angle of strap attachment from the mask to the helmet. The impact of each of these factors on end user comfort will be discussed in detail to guide the down selection of a preferred design that will produce the greatest benefit to the pilot community. Technical Outline and Conclusions: The presentation is organized as follows: 1. Introduction and Background 2. Major comfort improvement challenges a. Case study, overview, and examples b. Lessons learned from each c. Solution(s) from each 3. Potential pilot comfort solutions 4. Conclusions Benefit to Audience: The intention is that the presentation will foster a thought provoking discussion about the comfort of pilots who wear MBU-20/P and similar oxygen masks, along with ways the AFE supply base can address their concerns. Paper - You Think You’ve Adjusted Your Night Vision Goggles Correctly? In service NVG Adjustment by UK Helicopter Aircrew - Mr. David Bigmore, Principal Engineer – Aircrew Systems, QinetiQ, Farnborough, United Kingdom In 2011 QinetiQ were tasked by UK MOD to conduct a study to identify issues with existing Night Vision Goggles (NVG) adjustment, servicing and training practices and procedures. As part of this work a review of aircrew NVG operational practices was conducted to assess how aircrew fit and adjust their NVGs on the ground before going flying. Visits were made to three UK military helicopter bases to interview 72 pilots and crewmen with experience of NVG use that varied between 25 and 1800 hours use covering five helicopter types. Each subject was asked 23 questions covering aspects such as NVG type used, training received, availability of test sets, helmet type worn and use of counter balance weights. Each subject was then invited to don their helmet and fit and adjust their NVGs as they would do prior to flight. These settings were recorded and additional measurements taken to ascertain whether the optimum settings had been achieved; for instance with respect to eye relief or inter-pupillary distance (IPD). This testing established that the majority of aircrew do not set their NVGs in the optimum position; in some cases intentionally, at other times unknowingly. For instance, differences between actual IPD and NVG IPD setting of up to 15mm were measured, with differences of 5mm being common. It was found that very few aircrew set their NVGs at the optimum eye relief, either setting the NVGs closer to the eyes to the detriment of the view of the instruments or too far away which reduces the visible field of view of the NVG. Given the 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 24 importance of correct positioning of the NVG in obtaining maximum optical performance, there appeared significant scope for improvements through a combination of better training and improved procedures. Paper – Improving Retention in Crash, Stability and Comfort in Flight of Apache Helicopter Pilot's Helmet, by Upgrading the Head to Helmet Interface – Mr. Jacob (Coby) Brandstaetter, Lt. Col. (Res), Senior Consultant, New Elective - Engineering Services, Ltd., Tel-Aviv, Israel Background: During the second Lebanon war in 2006 two Israeli A.F. Apache helicopter collided in flight, over the mountains of the Upper Galilee. The crews successfully brought both helicopters down to the ground, to a controlled crash. All four air crewmen lost their helmets in the crash and received head injuries. One pilot lost his life. One of the event investigation summary recommendations was to improve the Apache pilot helmet on head retention, preventing loss of helmets in future crash situations. Choosing the Solution mode: Two main solution modes were considered, as an answer to the operational demand: (1) Implant the helmet mounted cueing system elements on custom fitted I.A.F. helmet; (2) Improve the head to helmet interface of the original Apache helicopter pilot helmet. Taking into consideration the importance of the exact mounting geometry of the helmet components onto the shell and the differences in 3D geometry of each helmet shell sizes, the decision taken was to leave the original helmet's shell and the mounted components untouched and concentrate on improving the head to helmet interface. How it was done: The original inner shall and harness fitting assembly, had been replaced by custom fitted lightweight Kevlar shell, inserted into the helmet cavity. Using the original attachment hardware and drills on the helmet's shell prevented any change of the geometrical relations between the shell, and the mounted display, cueing system sensors, and electronics. Testing and fielding: Two prototypes had been manufactured, tested by I.A.F. Test pilots and approved for Squadron evaluation. An additional ten modified helmets were supplied to experienced squadron pilots and used regularly for few months. Enthusiastic feedback during the evaluation period and end-reports resulted in standardization of the modification and fielding order. Fielding has been completed during 2014. Summary: Aimed on improving safety by helmet on head retention, the modification was found to improve the overall helmet performance by (1) Stabilizing the helmet on the head, minimizing vibrations, improving weapon aiming and target acquisition; (2) Achieving better comfort by custom fitting; important on long duration missions; and (3) Markedly improved noise attenuation. MONDAY – 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM REFRESHMENT BREAK LOCATION: HALL AREA OUTSIDE EXHIBITS Monday program continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 25 MONDAY – 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EJECTION & CRASH I LOCATION: ANTIGUA 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Paper - Accommodating the 21st Century Pilot: The Human Factor in Ejection Seat Restraint – Mr. Pete Marston, Human Factors Engineer and Mr. Paul Adams, Human Engineering Manager, Martin-Baker Aircraft Co., Ltd. United Kingdom Abstract: This paper provides an insight into the Human Factors considerations in modern restraint system design and development for ejection seat aircraft. The complexities of accurate and relevant cockpit accommodation measurement are introduced as one of the key drivers of restraint design. Using a case study of a current restraint system upgrade program being carried out for a multi-platform aircraft operator, the vast increases in the population accommodated are discussed. The use of ergonomics aids within the cockpit, and their benefits to both restraint and accommodation are presented as part of the full system approach to aircrew restraint. With decades of experience in restraint system design for operators around the world, the latest in ejection seat restraint design is described along with its benefits. The Generation 5 Integrated harness with its MartinBaker Water Activated Release System (MWARS), as designed for the F-35, is presented as the state of the art in ejection seat restraint. The retrofit of the core design features of the Gen5 restraint across legacy platforms is discussed, focusing not only on optimum aircrew restraint, but also on training and safety. Paper - Ejection Success Prediction Based on Historical Data – Mr. Mark Elson, Principal Systems Engineer, Martin-Baker Aircraft Co., Ltd. United Kingdom Abstract: The primary functional escape requirement of an ejection seat is terrain clearance or preventing the pilot crashing into the ground. Terrain clearance performance is usually assessed against a table of ejection conditions and required safe heights (the lowest height, for an ejection condition, that the pilot can eject successfully at). This paper presents an alternative way of looking at terrain clearance. Martin-Baker has a database of over 7000 ejections for about half of which the ejection conditions are known. These known ejection conditions have been incorporated into a set of simulation runs so that any seat configuration can be run against them to assess its likely success rate. This paper presents the statistics on ejections conditions such as speed, altitude, dive and bank angles. Results are also presented which show the progression in performance of the seat Mks from Mk4 to Mk16. Paper – NACES Weight Extension Trade Study – Mr. Mark Elson, Principal Systems Engineer, MartinBaker Aircraft Co., Ltd., and Mr. Matt Conrad, NACES Project Engineer, Naval Air Warfare Center, Patuxent River, MD Abstract: In 2010, NAVAIR PMA 202 tasked Martin-Baker with performing a Weight Limit Study to: characterize injury risk versus weight and air speed across the entire ejection envelope for an aircrew weight range of 103 – 245 lbs; to specify the aircrew weight range and ejection air speed range for which NACES (Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat) is considered safe for ejection; and to define the criteria used to determine safe limits. NACES was qualified originally for the weight range 136 – 213 lbs. The study found that limitations on the minimum crew weight at higher airspeeds were driven by MDRC (Multi-axial Dynamic Response Criteria) and NIC (Neck Injury Criteria) considerations whilst the limitation on the maximum crew weight was driven by the descent rate under the parachute. The study then found a poor correlation between predicted injury rates from the injury criteria and live experience – for the qualified mass range. The live experience shows that NACES has performed well with over 100 ejections to date – one of which was a 102 lbs female. The live experience suggests that arm flail protection and ease of parachute release should 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 26 be a higher priority than mitigation against MDRC and head and neck loads. In particular, the measures to reduce MDRC would not reduce the injuries that have been seen at high speed. However, there is an absence of live data for small females and so some form of neck protection is recommended for sub-136 lbs female crews especially when wearing HMDs or similar. MONDAY – 5:00 PM EXHIBITS CLOSE MONDAY – 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM SAFE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING LOCATION: CARIBBEAN BALLROOM 5 The 2014 SAFE General Membership Meeting will be held on Monday, November 3rd from 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM. MONDAY – 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM PRESENTATION OF 2014 AWARDS and AWARDEES RECEPTION LOCATION: CARIBBEAN BALLROOM 2 & 3 We’ve changed our 2014 Awards Presentations this year and plan to make those presentations just prior to the 2014 Awardees Reception. Changes to the 2014 Awards Presentation and the 2014 Awardee Reception will be as follows: 4. From 7:00 PM – 7:30 PM the bar will be open so that everyone can “grab” a beverage and be seated prior to the start of the Awards presentations. We will provide free non-alcoholic beverages, and all attendees will have the option of purchasing alcoholic beverages. 5. At 7:30 PM the 2014 SAFE Awards will be presented. 6. At the conclusion of the 2014 SAFE Awards presentation, the bar will re-open and complimentary food will be served. We ask that you help us congratulate our 2014 Award Recipients and that you respect this new Awards procedure. And . . . ENJOY! Tuesday program begins next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 27 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th TUESDAY - 7:00 – 7:45 AM AUTHOR’S COORDINATION AND BRIEFING LOCATION: HIBISCUS The morning author’s coffee is for that day’s presenters and moderators only. We ask that all others use the coffee shop facilities within the hotel. TUESDAY - 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM REGISTRATION OPEN LOCATION: CARIBBEAN BALLROOM 1 TUESDAY – 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM EXHIBITS OPEN LOCATION: EXHIBIT HALL – GRAND SIERRA BALLROOM TUESDAY – 8:30 AM –9:30 AM PMA-202 BRIEF LOCATION: CARIBBEAN BALLROOM 3 PRESENTER: CAPTAIN NORA BURGHARDT AIR 1.0, PMA202, NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND PATUXENT RIVER, MD Introduction: Barry Shender, PhD, Naval Air Warfare Center, Patuxent River, MD Captain Nora Burghardt, PMA 202, NAVAIR, will provide an update on current and future US Naval aircrew protection equipment development and acquisition programs. A question and answer session will follow the presentation. Tuesday program continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 28 TUESDAY – 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM RAPID EQUIPPING FORCE BRIEF LOCATION: CARIBBEAN BALLROOM 3 PRESENTER: SERGEANT MAJOR JOSE QUINONES, JR. Rapid Equipping Force Fort Belvoir, Virginia Introduction: Mr. Barry Shope, 2014 SAFE President-Elect, FXC Corporation/Guardian Parachute, Santa Ana, CA Biography: Sergeant Major Jose Quinones Jr. became the senior enlisted advisor for the U.S. Army’s Rapid Equipping Force (REF) in May 2014. Reporting directly to the senior leadership of the Army, the REF harnesses current and emerging technologies to provide rapid solutions for urgent combat requirements faced by Soldiers on today’s battlefield. The Department of the Army formed the REF in 2002 to support warfighter requirements in Afghanistan, and during the past ten years, the REF has met challenges as diverse as; defeating improvised explosive devices, increasing Army contingency operation energy efficiency, gathering blast effect data to better understand traumatic brain injury and improving ISR efforts in austere locations. As a senior Special Forces non-commissioned officer, SGM Quinones provides critical links with special operators throughout the Army. SGM Quinones was born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and later resided and joined the U.S. Army in Killeen, Texas. He enlisted in the Army under the Delayed Entry Program on June 11, 1983, and completed basic training and Infantry Advanced Initial Training at Fort Benning, GA as an Infantryman (11BC2). SGM Quinones' career assignments include: United States Army Special Forces Command ACoS G8 Sergeant Major, Fort Bragg, NC; Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command G35 Sergeant Major, North Kabul Compound, Afghanistan; S2 NCOIC, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Bragg, NC; Team Sergeant Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha-782 and 776, Fort Bragg, NC; S3 Operations SGM/NCOIC, 3rd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Bragg, NC; Operations Sergeant, Special Forces Operational Detachment Bravo-770, Co. A, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Bragg, NC; Intelligence Sergeant and Senior Weapons Sergeant Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha-782, Fort Bragg, NC; Instructor Writer (Spanish), United States Army School of the Americas, Fort Benning, GA; Scout Platoon Sergeant and Team Leader, 9th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division (L), Fort Ord, CA; Squad Leader and Team Leader, Co. A, 1st BN, 27th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division (L), Schofield Barracks, HI; Rifleman, 2nd BN, 4th INF, 56th Field Artillery Brigade, Neu Ulm, FRG. SGM Quinones has deployed numerous times to SOUTHCOM and PACOM AORs. Additionally, he participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom and conducted five tours in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. (continues) 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 29 His military awards include: Bronze Star Medal (3OCL); Meritorious Service Medal (3OCL); Joint Commendation Medal; Army Commendation Medal (4OLC); Joint Service Achievement Medal; Army Achievement Medal (4OLC); Army Good Conduct Medal (9BARB); National Defense Service Medal (2Stars); Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; NCO Professional Developmental Ribbon (4Numeral); Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Ribbon (2Numeral); NATO Medal; Valorous Unit Award; Superior Unit Award; Special Forces Tab; Ranger Tab; Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge; Master Parachutist; Air Assault. SGM Quinones' military education includes the following: Army Force Management Course, Fort Belvoir, VA, United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Fort Bliss, TX; Special Forces Advanced Noncommissioned Officers Course, Fort Bragg, NC; Infantry Basic Noncommissioned Officers Course, Schofield Barracks, HI; Primary Leadership Development Course, Schofield Barracks, HI; Sniper Course Level I, Fort Bragg, NC; Mountain Warfare School (Summer Session), Jericho, VT; Jumpmaster School, Fort Benning, GA; Special Operations Training, Fort Bragg, NC; Instructor Training Course (Spanish), Fort Benning, GA; Air Assault School, Schofield Barracks, HI; Ranger School, Fort Benning, GA; Special Forces Qualification Course, Fort Bragg, NC; Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat Course, Fort Bragg, NC; Long Range Surveillance Course, Fort Benning, GA. SGM Quinones earned a Bachelor of Science Degree and Homeland Security Certificate from Excelsior College, Albany, NY, and is a graduate of Ellison High School, Killeen, TX. He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Homeland Securities from Webster University. SGM Quinones married the former Felipita Jane Pete for 29 years and has an 18 year old Daughter Alyssa Marie and a 15 year old son Antonio Jose residing in Fayetteville, North Carolina. TUESDAY – 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM EXHIBITS OPEN LOCATION: EXHIBIT HALL – GRAND SIERRA BALLROOM TUESDAY – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM REFRESHMENT BREAK LOCATION: HALL AREA OUTSIDE EXHIBITS TUESDAY – 10:30 – NOON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LOCATION: ANTIGUA 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Paper -Advances in Helicopter Passenger Transport Suit Systems – Ms. Elizabeth Brown, Design Engineer, Survitec Group, Birkenhead, Merseyside, United Kingdom Abstract: Recent accidents resulting in helicopters ditching into extremely cold water has highlighted a number of deficiencies in current helicopter passenger transport suit systems currently employed by offshore operators. Using the latest manufacturing technology and high performance materials and drawing heavily on “lessons learned” from previous helicopter accidents has enabled the design team at Survitec to address the deficiencies in the current suit systems and develop a system which optimises the protection offered to helicopter passengers and crew to increase the potential for passenger survivability in the event of an emergency evacuation of the helicopter following ditching into extremely cold water. The paper to be presented provides an overview of the design and development, and qualification work carried out by Survitec Group based in Birkenhead to resolve the short comings inherent in current suit designs and details the technical innovation employed to develop the next generation of over-water survival suit systems. This session continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 30 Briefing - Overcoming the Challenge of a New Design Approval – The Survitec Group Sentinel Flight Jacket – Mr. Stephen Slater, Design Engineer, Survitec Group, Birkenhead, Merseyside, United Kingdom Abstract: Following a review of Helicopter Passenger Safety in the North Sea, the CAA has imposed new stringent regulations designed to increase the safety of Helicopter passengers travelling offshore. As part of these new regulations, there is a recommendation to switch from re-breather Emergency Breathing Systems (EBS) to compressed gas EBS. This paper outlines the challenges set by the new regulations and details the process that Survitec Group adopted to meet the challenge of designing, developing, testing and qualifying a fully EASA/CAA approved compliant system for use by helicopter passengers travelling offshore. Briefing - JSF F-35 Pilot Cooling Unit Development & Verification Update – Mr. Randy Epperly, JSF Senior Field Engineer, Survitec Group, Eglin AFB, FL Abstract: The environment in which today’s Aircrew must operate is apparent; extremely hot and often humid conditions coupled with the protective necessities placed upon them in order to fulfil the mission objectives in any given scenario. The end result is thermal burden in the form of thermal stress which can incur severe consequences such as increased dehydration and fatigue, impaired concentration, reduced levels of G protection, and reduced capability and endurance. The result of thermal stress is reduced mission endurance and reduced aircrew effectiveness resulting in reduced mission lethality. Various methods of counteracting the effects of thermal burden exist, however, the focus of this briefing will provide an update on the development and verification of an optimised Pilot Cooling system designed to meet the operating and environmental challenges of the JSF F-35. Various equipment and system level verification testing has been conducted which include thermal burden/stress human subject trials, ejection, vibration, cockpit integration and more as the systems enters the final phases of System Development and Demonstration. The end result will be an optimised portable Pilot Cooling system that enhances the physiological capability of the modern fighter Pilot. TUESDAY – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM MODELING & SIMULATION LOCATION: ANTIGUA 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Paper - Predicting Hypoxia-Induced Physiologic and Cognitive Impairment - Barry S. Shender, Ph.D., Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD; Mr. Sean Mahoney, Athena GTX, Des Moines, IA and Dr. Phillip Whitley, Criterion Analysis, Inc., Miami, FL Background: The Office of Naval Research (ONR) and Naval Air Systems Command are developing a Hypoxia Monitoring, Alert and Mitigation System (HAMS) for ground troops at altitude and casualties during air evacuation. HAMS will predict/detect/warn warfighters of impending hypoxic events based on individual physiological, environmental, and cognitive monitoring. The goal is to provide optimal protection of military personnel and equipment through intelligent monitoring and adaptive modeling that accounts for individual differences in physiologic tolerance and provides a timely notification/warning such that personnel can take corrective action before missions are compromised or injuries are aggravated. The first phase of the project involved developing an initial adaptive algorithm that accounts for both the textbook predictions of hypoxia based on barometric pressure (BP) as well as individual variations in tolerance. The goal was to predict physiologic state, how it changes over time, compute level of risk, while dealing with input data with potentially multiple noise sources. Athena GTX, Criterion Analysis, Inc. (CAI), and Drexel University have been working on complementary approaches under HAMS. Drexel has presented its 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 31 initial algorithm, focusing on dealing with noise, at the 2014 International Conference on Information Fusion. This preliminary developmental phase utilized a portion of an existing dataset from normobaric exposures for model development and the balance for model validation (Shender BS, et al. 2012. Determination of the time complex cognitive performance degrades during exposure to 18,000 and 25,000 foot normobaric hypoxia. SAFE Symposium Proceedings, 22-24 October, Reno, NV). Methods: The Athena model predicts %O2 saturation, warfighter state, PaO2 and PaCO2 based on altitude and the oxygen concentration [O2] of the breathing air. PaCO2 is predicted as a function of BP and then adjusted based on altitude and [O2]. Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) is also calculated based on BP. PaO2 is then predicted as a function of BP, [O2], RER and PaCO2. PaCO2 prediction is then used to derive pH using the Henderson-Hasselbach equation to account for the shift in the O2 disassociation curve due to pH of the blood. Predicted SpO2 is calculated using Hill’s equation. The final time dependent %SpO2 output incorporates a time delay and transfer function. Hypoxic state is a simple function of SpO2 derived from Table 5-13 in DeHart (DeHart RL, ed. Fundamentals of aerospace medicine, 1st ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1985). Based on experimental normobaric data, the time delay is on the order of 40 seconds and the decaying exponential is given by K1 + K2e- , where K1 + K2 is the initial value, K1 is the steady state value and 1/ is the time constant and is on the order of 1 to 4 minutes. The term is altitude (or at least altitude change) dependent. CAI adapted a US Navy Consciousness Model (Cammarota JP. 1998. State transitions in physiologic systems: a complexity model for loss of consciousness. IEEE Trans BME 45(8):1017-23) to enable direct input of SaO2 data rather than assume a of systemic oxygen state. Additional modifications are still needed to develop an oxygen utilization rate equation based on long time course hypoxia conditions (minutes), rather that the short (seconds) time frame associated with +Gz-loading. Results: Preliminary results comparing Athena model predictions to normobaric exposures indicated reasonable agreement with simulated exposures to 10,000, 18,000, and 25,000 ft (mean r 2 ranging from 0.77 to 0.89) but usually predicted higher SpO2 than subject data. However, the test dataset included SpO2 values from three manufacturers that, while the overall shape of desaturation curves were similar, the magnitudes were not. Preliminary results comparing CAI model predictions to normobaric exposures indicated that below 80%, SaO2 the model indicated cognitive impairment (consistent with the dataset). Comparison of the model predictions to a historical hypobaric exposure indicated impairment below 80% SaO 2 and, a loss of conscious indication below 70% SaO2 prior to the subject’s imminent unconsciousness observation. Even after administration of 100% oxygen and resumption of SaO2 above 90% an impairment state was predicted which was consistent with reported results. Discussion: These preliminary models will be refined and validated as additional hypobaric physiologic and cognitive response data are collected. Paper - NAVAIR 4.6 Human Systems Digital Human Modeling Validation and Verification Effort and Program Update –Ms. Lori L. Brattin, Ms. Carla Mattingly, Ms. Michelle Warren and Dr. Barry S. Shender, Naval Air Warfare Center – Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, MD Abstract: Current U.S. Navy capabilities for evaluating aircrew accommodation and aircraft maintenance involve the use of human subjects and actual aircraft. To reduce program costs and development time, it is highly desired to develop a process for evaluating aircrew accommodation using aircraft computer aided design (CAD) or 3-D digital scans and Digital Human Modeling software as early in design as possible. A project with a focus on verification and validation is wrapping up in FY14 in support of this effort. To date, a scanning capability has been established and training has been completed for Santos™ digital human model, Polyworks, Rhino, and Maya software applications. Improvements to Santos™ during this project 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 32 include updates to the anthropometry module, addition of a restraint widget, a seat cushion compression study on helicopter and ejection seats which will be used to further refine Santos™, and the addition of a NIOSH equation widget to allow lift and carry tasks to be evaluated within the software. Four digital avatars were developed from laser scans of two male and two female NAVAIR personnel for use with the Santos™ software. Anthropometric landmarks were digitized on these subjects during physical evaluations, and these data will be used to compare posture and positioning of the actual human to the virtual human for these aircraft platforms as part of the validation effort. The project has identified a number of complexities that must be considered in order to utilize DHM to provide models that are representative of the actual human in the cockpit. Examples include body positioning, posture, static vs. dynamic environment, CAD configuration control, anthropometry, user interface, seat cushion compression, pilot clothing and equipment, and seat restraint systems. While some of these have been addressed under the umbrella of this project, there is still more to be done going forward. Paper - The Research on Pilot’s Clothing Thermal Comfort with Coverage Factor by Using Thermal Manikin – Mr. Xiujuan Wang, Visiting Scholar, University of California, Division of Textiles and Clothing, Davis, CA; Yisong Chen, Fashion & Art Design Institute, Donghau University, China; Haibo Zhang, AVIC Aerospace Life-Support Research Institute/Industries, Ltd., China; Lei Zou, AVIC Aerospace Life-Support Research Institute/Industries, Ltd., China, and Yangyang Shao, Fashion & Art Design Institute, Donghau University, China, Abstract: The thermal comfort of protective clothing has great influence on pilot behaviors. Insufficient comfort of pilot clothing can lead to many severe mistakes, especially in a hot cockpit environment. Consideration should be paid for not only high performance, but also good wearing comfort to face long endurance with low thermal load. Thermal insulation is an important parameter to evaluate clothing thermal comfort especially for functional clothing. Using a multi-section thermal manikin to take the measurement is a general way at present with relevant standards. However, dress in part or parts would not cover the whole body surface, therefore, how to select the parameter of surface area as well as related heating power from the selected section or sections to take part in calculation is a problem that will lead to varied results. To study this issue, a simulated pilot clothing with joined parts was designed and experiments were carried out with partial or whole dress. Firstly, pieces of part dress had been measured for the partial thermal resistance separately, and then the jointed parts had been measured for a combination or the whole. In calculations, the uncovered portion and the overlap portion should be considered. With the relationship of partial thermal resistance and total thermal resistance, the selections of surface area of body section or sections that dress covered is important for the partial thermal resistances and total thermal resistance calculation. Based on the verification, the author suggested that in thermal resistance measurement for a piece or a suit, the factor of coverage area selected in calculation should be considered well in order to achieve the accurate results. TUESDAY – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM LIFE SUPPORT EQUPMENT II LOCATION: BONAIRE 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Paper - Analysis of Planetary Extra-Vehicular Activity Requirements during a 120 Day Manned Mars Simulation - Ms. Tiffany M. Swarmer, Graduate Research Assistant, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND Abstract: The Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (Hi-SEAS) is an analog Mars habitat at approximately 8,000 feet on the slopes of the Mauna Loa Volcano. This analog facility provides extreme terrain, isolation, and limited resources similar to expectations for future manned planetary missions. Testing human 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 33 factors and performance in these extreme environments facilitates the development of procedures and technology to support future manned planetary extra-vehicular activities. The Hi-SEAS simulation requires analog crew to maintain a barrier between themselves and the external environment. When on extra-vehicular activities (EVAs) the crew dons analog space suits; these suits alter and limit human performance capabilities. During a 120 day Mar’s mission simulation a five man crew was able to simulate approximately 60 EVAs. This paper aims to provide an overview of the lessons learned and possible requirements for planetary EVAs by reviewing the EVAs performed during the 120 day simulation. Briefing: Aeroflex 3515 LSR (Life Support Radio) Test System - Mr. Bernie Oder, Senior Military Program Manager, Aeroflex, Wichita, KS Abstract: The Aeroflex 3515LSR Test System is the next generation test platform for life support radios. The 3515LSR Test System consists of the widely deployed 3515AR Radio Test Set and custom designed RF isolation chamber, as well as custom cabling for the supported radios. The 3515LSR Test System is a self-contained, compact, transportable, automated test system designed for ease of use and deployability. The 3515LSR is used for operational verification testing of life support radio systems: 406 MHz COSPAS/SARSAT beacons, 121.5 MHz beacon and 243 MHz beacons. Operational Testing without False Alerts: One of the keys to testing life support radios is minimizing the radiated RF, and even more important, ensuring that the 406 MHz COSPAS/SARSAT Beacon does not trigger a false alert inadvertently. To accomplish this, Aeroflex has designed a custom RF isolation chamber which provides the user with better than 70 dB of isolation. With this type of isolation, the technician can feel confident that he can fully test a life support radio without running the risk of triggering a false beacon event. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN): The 3515LSR System is comprised of the combination of the 3515AR Radio Test Set plus the LSR Test System Kit NSN: 6625-01-572-6346 (3515AR Radio Test Set) NSN: 6625-01-624-2023 (LSR Test System Kit including Cables, Software, and RF Chamber) Purchase both NSN items for a complete system, or only the LSR Test System Kit if you already have the 3515AR Radio Test Set EXPORT CONTROL: This product is controlled for export under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). A license from the U.S. Department of State is required prior to the export of this product from the United States. Briefing – Partnership for Success – Dedicated to “Thinking Safety” – Mr. Stefan Andres, Vice President and/or Mr. Thomas Wolf, Head of Sales, Autoflug GmbH, Rellingen, Germany Abstract: Modern weapon systems impose entirely novel requirements in terms of certification, operation, support, efficiency and logistics. Support from the industrial partner being responsible for the system is essential in this case. The German Air Force has currently four (4) so called “cooperative models” between industry and military. These co-operations are successful on aircraft/engine level between the Air Force and Airbus Helicopters, Panavia (Tornado), MTU Aero Engines- and AUTOFLUG GmbH, a SME with 250 employees, achieved to establish a very successful cooperation for Rescue & Safety Equipment (R&S) since 2006. AUTOFLUG ensures that the rescue and safety equipment in the TORNADO and EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON weapon systems are looked after efficiently. In mixed military/civilian teams which are managed under the responsibility of AUTOFLUG either in Ummendorf (military facility in southern Germany) or at AUTOFLUG facility in Rellingen (northern Germany) the maintenance, repair, overhaul and product upgrades of R&S equipment is performed, e.g. for Mk10 (Tor2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 34 nado) and Mk16 (Eurofighter Typhoon) ejection seats incl. parachute & harness, personal survival packs (PSP) and Eurofighter Typhoon brake chutes. The teams jointly do the actual mechanical work but also quality assurance. The final quality inspection, however, is always performed by military staff. Advantages of the partnership: Outsourcing of non-core activities to industry _ military to focus on missions “in the field” and to use the reduced number of forces most effectively Nevertheless, military keeps the necessary know-how which is mandatory to perform maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) actions/services in hostile environments where the industry can/will not deploy their staff. AUTOFLUG provides logistics support by monitoring and planning of scheduled maintenance and spare parts inventory. Tracking of individual serial numbers and their MRO status which means that the customer knows exactly where his line replaceable unit (LRU) is at all times. This provides the customer a better security in planning his missions. Economic conditions and culture of an industry environment, i.e. high on-time-delivery and on quality Performance Synergies between weapon systems and corresponding equipment-continuous training for internal and military personnel by AUTOFLUG Possible career path and networking for military personal after their duty Outlook: AUTOFLUG, German Air Force and other European Countries are considering to expand the model for additional services, products and/or national specific needs when it comes to rescue and safety issues. This will create even more synergies which also leads to commercial advantages. Additionally to the military partnership AUTOFLUG is also long term partner for commercial non-EU companies for decades e.g. Martin Baker Aircraft Company (partner since 1958), Irwin GQ (partner since 1928), BAE Systems for product support, MRO, approval to German aviation law, licensing, market entry and domestic product representation. Briefing: Dying for a Drink – Mr. Jon Grant, CEO, Pure Hydration, Ltd, United Kingdom Abstract: The importance of hydration, negative health effects of dehydration and how it affects humans in general and their cognitive ability, mood and ability to complete assigned tasks is the focus of this brief. It discusses the relative importance of this to military personnel on complex missions and in particular pilots that have ejected from military jets behind enemy lines and their ability to keep hydrated in a highly stressed situation. Next, the presentation discusses the advances in technology that allow individuals to drink available surface water; rivers, lakes, streams, ponds or puddles that may be highly contaminated with microbiology, chemicals, heavy metals, etc., which can be treated, instantly, to produce safe drinking water. This is applicable to a range of scenarios from benign (vacationers) to natural disaster victims or displaced people from war or civil unrest to warfighters. Tests and reports of experiments that have taken place in military and sports scenarios that lead to a reduced ability and impairment to carry out tasks to the best of an individual’s ability are described. ‘Be super hydrated whether you are a downed airman or a hospital patient because…It may affect your life’ Tuesday program continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 35 TUESDAY – 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM REFRESHMENT BREAK LOCATION: HALL AREA OUTSIDE EXHIBITS TUESDAY – 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM TRAINING LOCATION: ANTIGUA 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Briefing: Improving the Safety of Carrier Landings: Maritime Augmented Guidance with Integrated Controls for Carrier Approach and Recovery Precision Enabling Technologies (MAGIC CARPET) – Ms. Jennifer Pagan, Research Psychologist and Ms. Heather Priest Walker, Senior Research Psychologist, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division, Orlando, Florida Abstract: Landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier is one of the most difficult and dangerous tasks that a Naval aviator performs. While the current training continuum is highly effective, the total ownership costs associated with live training and the need to maximize aircraft life requires an improvement in aircraft capabilities to reduce initial training and currency requirements. The Maritime Augmented Guidance with Integrated Controls for Carrier Approach and Recovery Precision Enabling Technologies (MAGIC CARPET) project integrates automated throttle control during final approach with onboard sensors, control capabilities, aircraft displays, and external visual landing aids to increase safety and reliability, and reduce workload. While designed to improve pilot performance and safety, it is vital that this technology improves carrier landing proficiency and readiness. Therefore, it is critical to quantify performance benefits to understand the impact this technology will have on the training pipeline and manpower/personnel requirements. Due to the high stakes associated with carrier landings, it is imperative that the evaluation of the MAGIC CARPET capability be rigorous to prevent unintended negative consequences from occurring when implemented in the operational environment. Thus, the evaluation must extend typical evaluations that focus predominantly on qualitative assessments of training (i.e., trainee reactions), and collect quantitative measures of performance in addition to qualitative measures. Utilizing these additional quantitative measures will provide a more robust understanding of MAGIC CARPET’s impact on aviator performance and prevent limitations associated with utilizing data from a single source (i.e., same source bias). Consequently, this paper will describe methods and technology solutions for evaluating MAGIC CARPET, as well as discuss potential impacts to manpower/personnel and training requirements for carrier landing. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the organizations with which they are affiliated. Briefing - Safety Implications for Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) Training: Virtual and Constructive Representations on Live Avionics Displays (VCR LAD) – Ms. Katherine Kaste, Research Psychologist, and Ms. Melissa, Walwanis, Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division, Orlando, FL Abstract: Currently, the Naval community has expressed the need to lessen live flight hours within the aircrew training pipeline due to negative impacts on resources (i.e., damages on live aircraft, aircraft availability, fuel usage, total ownership cost, etc.) while still ensuring cognitive readiness. Due to the complex nature of the skills required in the Naval community, the decrease in live training requires investigation of the most effective way to obtain cognitive and tactical readiness while maintaining safety. To meet this requirement, a mixed media approach to training (i.e., Live, Virtual and Constructive [LVC]) training) has been at the forefront in the research community. At a high level, LVC provides training through virtual simulators; computer-generated constructed entities and live aircraft with VC infused displays. Furthermore, the constructive entities provide trainees with the necessary behavior from semi-automated forces (SAFs) to learn the tactics and associated behaviors of real-world friendlies, adversaries, and neutrals. Virtual training mixed with Constructive representation has the potential to offer trainees real-world experience with a lesser amount of live flight. While live flight is still crucial, there are Human Factors related safety concerns as2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 36 sociated with infusing VC entities onto live aircraft displays. Consequently, this paper presents an Office of Naval Research funded effort, Virtual and Constructive Representation on Live Avionics Displays (VCR LAD), that seeks to investigate and document these possible Human Factors safety concerns as well as possible mitigations currently under research. Examples of such safety concerns include: the symbology required to foster safe decisions by the trainee, and provide a level of realism necessary for effective training (i.e., does the trainee need to be explicitly told what entities are Live, Virtual and/or Constructive?), the possibility of negative training, and the possibility of increased workload for existing personnel. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Department of Defense or its components. Briefing - Training Naval Aviators to Recognize Hypoxia Symptoms: Advancing Technologies to Address a Continued Safety Threat - LCDR W.T. Scheeler, Director of Training Technology and Beth F. Wheeler Atkinson, Senior Research Psychologist, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division / Survival Training Institute, Orlando, FL, and Mitchell J. Tindall, Research Psychologist, KEAGAN Corporation, Orlando, F Abstract: Despite a well-established understanding of the threat posed by hypoxia in military aviation (e.g., Denison, Ledwith & Poulton, 1966; Hoffler, Turner, Wick, Billings, 1974; Norris, 1981; UnderwoodGround, 1982), prevalence rates remain consistent. Hypoxia within fixed wing tactical aircraft has even gained national recognition in recent years due to spikes in reporting by military aviators (Barber, 2012; Butler, 2012; Cenciotti, 2014; Ostrander, 2005). However, the reporting of hypoxia is not constrained to a single platform or aircraft type. Rather, historical data from the last decade demonstrate that hypoxia is a cross platform issue. To help mitigate the risks associated with hypoxia, current Navy instruction (NATOPS Instructions 3710.7T, 2004) outlines the requirement for dynamic hypoxia training “via a low pressure chamber flight or reduced oxygen breathing device (ROBD)” (p. 8-35) every four years, as well as annual hypoxia awareness training. Aviators have cited this training within hazard reports as a significant factor in their ability to identify and react appropriately to symptoms. Due to their effectiveness, the technologies currently supporting initial and refresher hypoxia training have remained the primary platforms; however, as fiscal constraints on sustainment becomes more restricted, finding alternatives with more cost effective lifecycle costs is a priority. Additionally, obsolescence issues further complicate maintaining the status quo for training hypoxia. Due to the benefits realized by this training, it is imperative to ensure that it remains accessible. Therefore, the Navy has begun exploring novel technologies to deliver hypoxia training with minimal logistics concerns for sustainment, while maintaining the quality and effectiveness of training. This paper will provide a summary of hypoxia prevalence rates within Navy aviation platforms, a historical background of Navy training, and an overview of the novel technologies being explored to continue hypoxia training for future Naval aviators. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Department of Defense or its components. Tuesday program continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 37 TUESDAY – 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM VIBRATION LOCATION: BONAIRE 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Paper – Relationship Between Helicopter Rotor Tuning and Physiological Stress – Ms. Heather E. Wright-Beatty, Ms. Jocelyn M. Keillor, Mr. Marc D. Alexander, Mr. Gregory L. Craig, Mr. Nicholas Berezny, Mr. Viresh Wickramasinghe. Flight Research Laboratory, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Abstract: Introduction: Adverse health effects have been reported as a result of whole-body vibration from helicopter flying, which can negatively impact performance and safety (health). Although helicopter rotor track and balance procedures attempt to reduce aircraft vibration, thereby reducing the vibration transmitted to the aircrew, it is currently unknown as to what extent changes in vibration magnitude can alter physiological stress of the pilot. This study examined the stress of the pilot at different spectra of vibration of a civilian Bell 412 helicopter during flight using heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: Four 1 hour flights, applying different vibration signatures, emulating military maintenance operations and tolerances (under ‘no action’ requirements), were completed within an 8 hour day: Baseline1 (baseline main rotor tuning, forward flight 1/rev z-axis = 0.30 inches per second [ips]), Level1 (pitch link lengthened, 0.42 ips), Level2 (reset pitch link length & rotor hub mass increased, 0.42 ips), and Baseline2 (main rotor re-tuned, 0.34 ips). Typical tactical maneuvers (i.e., vertical maneuver, pirouette, side-step, departabort, slalom) were performed within each flight, in addition to typical flight phases (e.g., hover, level flight). An electrocardiogram was recorded continuously, to determine HRV as a stress indicator in the young, healthy co-pilot (age 36, 14 years flight experience). Results: The ratio of low to high frequency spectra (an indicator of a shift towards sympathetic dominance, or increased stress) was significantly elevated during Level1 (6.154 ms2) and Level2 (7.702 ms2) compared to Baseline1 (4.812 ms2). Discussion: Preliminary analyses indicate that elevated vibration levels, due to small tuning changes to the helicopter main rotor within aircraft maintenance tolerances, result in a shift towards sympathetic dominance reflecting an increase in stress. Thus, physiological effects of vibration exposure are observed well below the currently accepted health effects associated with the vibration levels referenced in the ISO-2631 standard. Paper – Physiological Evidence for Anthropometric Considerations in the Use of Vibration Mitigation Cushions – Ms. Jocelyn M. Keillor, Ms. Heather E. Wright-Beatty, Mr. Gregory L. Craig, Mr. Marc D. Alexander, Mr. Nicholas Berezny, Mr. Viresh Wickramasinghe. Flight Research Laboratory, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Introduction: The use of vibration-attenuating seat cushions has been proposed as a cost-effective means of mitigating whole-body vibration for those who spend considerable time in vibratory environments. Rotarywing aircrew are exposed to vibration levels that may exceed unsafe and uncomfortable guidelines stated in the ISO 2631-1:1997 standard for health and comfort for whole-body vibration. Numerous seat cushions with various vibration mitigation properties have been designed and tested; however there has been pressure to create a one-size-fits-all solution. Studies have not previously evaluated the physiological stress responses of the pilot while using such cushions. The purpose of the present study was to relate vibration levels at the seat with pilot physiological stress in the context of one original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and two vibration mitigation cushions with varying impedance properties. Methods: Three 30 minute flights were completed to compare the physiological responses to three types of seat cushions; 1) OEM cushion, 2) cushion with two layers of urethane engineered pads (optimized for a 52nd percentile male), and 3) cushion with one layer of monoprene engineered pad (optimized for an 85th percentile male) during standard phases of flight. A continuous electrocardiography was recorded, to determine heart rate variability (HRV) as a stress indicator in a young healthy evaluation co-pilot in the 35th percentile (male) for weight and stature (age 36). (continues) 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 38 Results: The use of a vibration mitigation cushion optimized for an 85th percentile male (mismatched pilot) resulted in a significantly higher ratio of low to high frequency HRV when compared with that observed for an OEM cushion, indicating greater sympathetic nervous system activation (greater stress) when the incorrect cushion was used. Discussion: Preliminary findings suggest that anthropometrics are important when the use of vibration mitigation materials is considered. It is recommended that seat cushion impedance properties be customized based on user anthropometry. Paper - Dynamic Characterization of Patient Immobilization and Vibration Mitigation Systems during Simulated Transport: Manikin Validation – Ms. Rachel Kinsler, Research Biomedical Engineer, U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory / The Geneva Foundation, Ft. Rucker, AL Introduction: The use of immobilization systems during pre-hospital care has been discussed in the literature. Specifically the efficacy of the long spine board at effectively limiting patient movement has been questioned by civilian emergency medical service communities. Several alternative commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) immobilization systems are available, including systems that claim to provide mitigation of vehicle vibration. Information on the performance of these systems during transport vibration is not well-defined. The study provides quantitative characterization by investigating the dynamic performance of these COTS technologies under recorded shock and vibration profiles. This presentation describes the results of Phase I, methodology validation, with an anthropometric test manikin. Methods: Wireless triaxial accelerometers were placed on the manikin’s head, chest, pelvis, and limbs. Motion capture markers were placed in proximity to the accelerometers and at various points on the systems. The system under test was placed onto a litter mounted to a six degree-of-freedom ride simulator. Pressure distribution between the manikin and system was collected before vibration exposure. The manikin and system was then exposed to three vibration profiles: sine dwell, ground vehicle, and rotary-wing aircraft. Results: The motion-capture data collected yielded displacement information. These measures describe how the manikin’s body segments are moving relative to the system and to each other. Acceleration data was collected directly with accelerometers, allowing calculation of the transmissibility of vibration and shock through the technology and volunteer. The pressure-mapping data pinpointed areas of high-pressure on the body that might be vulnerable to pressure-sore development. Discussion: It is possible to quantitatively characterize of the performance of immobilization and vibration mitigation technologies that are subjected to simulated vehicle ride signatures. However, the test manikin does not provide biodynamic fidelity as compared to humans exposed to vehicle vibration. Phase II, testing with healthy human volunteers, is required to allow comparison between systems. TUESDAY – 5:00 PM EXHIBITS CLOSE Wednesday program begins next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 39 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th WEDNESDAY - 7:00 – 7:45 AM AUTHOR’S COORDINATION AND BRIEFING LOCATION: HIBISCUS The morning author’s coffee is for that day’s presenters and moderators only. We ask that all others use the coffee shop facilities within the hotel. WEDNESDAY - 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM REGISTRATION OPEN LOCATION: CARIBBEAN BALLROOM 1 WEDNESDAY – 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM EXHIBITS OPEN LOCATION: EXHIBIT HALL – GRAND SIERRA BALLROOM Wednesday program continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 40 WEDNESDAY – 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM HISTORY OF AVIATION LIFE SUPPORT LOCATION: CARIBBEAN BALLROOM 3 MODERATOR: TBD Note: There are two (2) Historical Presentations in This Session YOUR BODY IN FLIGHT DURING WORLD WAR I 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM - YOUR BODY IN FLIGHT DURINGWORLD WAR II - Contributions made by America’s aero medical scientists to protect airmen fighting in the world’s first high altitude, high speed air war Contributions made by America’s aero medical scientists to JAY B. DEAN,fighting PH.D., PROFESSOR, OF MOL.first PHARM. & PHYSIOL., HYPERBARairmen in theDEPT. world’s high altitude, high speed PRESENTED BY: IC BIOMED. RES. LAB., MORSANI COLL. OF MED., UNIV. OF SOUTH FLORIDA, TAMPA, FL Jay B. Dean, Ph.D., Professor, D Pharm. & Physiol., Hyperbaric B Lab., Morsani Coll. of Med., Uni Florida, Tampa, FL 33612; 813-9 jdean@health.usf.edu; ABSTRACT. The air war of 193 iological war. Aviators flew unpr to altitudes of 20,000-35,000 fe range reconnaissance and bomb order to evade enemy interceptors fire. Above 20,000 feet, aircrew often impaired by anoxia, decomp (DCS), hypothermia & frostbite a disabled aircraft at high-altitud merous physiological challenges including hypoxia, frostbite and th of the parachute during deceler inset). High-performance fighter a The “Nemesis of Aeroembolism” was the high-altitude B-17E research/testing platpilots Field to tremendous centri form for the Wright Field Aero Medical Lab during WWII (Dayton, OH). Nemesis The “Nemesis of Aeroembolism” was the high-altitude B-17E research/testing plat-form for allied the Wright breathing equipment, suits, andoffor was used to test prototypesOH). of O2Nemesis forces) during violent dog-fightin Aero Medical Lab during WWII (Dayton, was usedinsulated to test flight prototypes O2 breathing equipment, studies aviator’sofphysiology at extreme altitudes.atStripped of excess weight, insulated flight suits, and of forthestudies the aviator’s physiology extreme altitudes. Stripped of excess would leave them temporarily bli Nemesis achieved altitudes 40,000 feet,which whichnecessitated necessitated using O2-pressure weight, Nemesis achieved altitudes aboveabove 40,000 feet, using O2-pressure breathing scious due tosince a reduction in br breathing since the photograph plane was unpressurized. This photograph (Mayo Historical the plane was unpressurized. This (Mayo Historical Unit Archives) showsUnit the Nemesis and Wright America would deploy its first pre the Nemesis andteam WrightofField Aero Med in LabApril & Mayo Aero Field Aero Med Lab Archives) & Mayo shows Aero Medical Unit researchers 1943 as Medishe prepares to go aloft at in the spring of team researchers April 1943 she preparesatto high-altitude. go aloft at MurocThe Field,test subject is “Major”1944 (B-29 Sup Muroc Field, CA, forcal a Unit study of of the openinginshock of aasparachute Pacific Theatre St. Bernard (front row, 2nd fromofright with protruding tongueat&high-altitude. floppy ears). was a veteran 145 lbs.of Operations to a CA, for a study the opening shock of a parachute The Major test subject “para-pooch”; his highest static line drop from bomb was made while dog pad- caused by red withbay protruding tongueat&26,000 floppy feet, is “Major” St. Bernard (front row,Nemesis’ 2nd from right iological problems dling all the way down. Major’s oxygen mask and parachute next to him ready for his next drop ears). Notice Major was a veteran 145 lbs. “para-pooch”; his highest static line drop from pressure andfrom cold. Pressurized 26,000 feet. And when asked how always replied…“Ruff!” Nemesis’ bomb bayhis waslanding made at was, 26,000Major feet, while dog paddling all the way down. created a new problem; namely, Notice Major’s oxygen mask and parachute next to him ready for his next drop from how aircrews would ABSTRACT: The air26,000 war of a how physiological war.Major Aviators unpressurized planes to altitudes of respond to e feet.1939-45 And whenwas asked his landing was, alwaysflew replied…“Ruff!” pression at high-altitude followin 20,000-35,000 feet during long-range reconnaissance and bombing missions in order to evade enemy intercepure of their pressure cabin. If they survived explosive decompression at 35,000 feet, how long did they have to tors and anti-aircraft fire. Above 20,000 feet, aircrew performance was often impaired by anoxia, decompression sickness (DCS), hypothermia frostbite. Escaping a disabled aircraft high-altitude presented numerous masks before &succumbing to anoxia?from Would the incidence of at DCS increase? What were the physical forces dur physiological challenges safe escape, hypoxia, frostbite the opening shock ofgreat the parachute pression;for specifically, wasincluding the ensuing wind blast duringand explosive decompression enough to inflict physical Airplane w/ guys in front photo here – previously sent during deceleration (see photo inset). High-performance fighter aircraft subjected allied pilots to tremendous Pioneering on the physiologic effectsthat of high-altitude explosive decompression was condu centrifugal forces (G-forces) during research violent dog-fighting maneuvers would leave and them temporarily blinded Wright Field inAmerica Dayton, would Ohio, deploy and several of our nation’s leading Begin and unconscious Medical due to a Laboratory reduction inat brain blood flow. its first pressurized bomberuniversities. in the research laboratories in in the 1940, our nation’s and training programs high-altitude problems physiology would grow spring of 1944 (B-29 Superfortress) Pacific Theatreresearch of Operations to alleviate theinphysiological caused by reduced and cold. Pressurized flight, however,protective created a new equipment problem; namely, it of barometric the war suchpressure that it was without equal by 1945 for providing flying and procedures for al was unknown how aircrews would respond to explosive at high-altitude following structuralrunning fail- 65 altitud 1945, the USAAF’s high-altitude trainingdecompression program employed over 200 aviation physiologists ure of their pressure cabin. If they explosive at 35,000 feet,in how did theyeffects have to Army airfields whosurvived indoctrinated moredecompression than 58,000 men per month thelong physiologic of high altitu don their oxygen aviators masks before succumbing to anoxia? Would the incidence of DCS increase? What were the O -prebreathing were taught many procedures such as oxygen discipline; prevention of DCS with 100% 2 of bail-out O2 equipment in a high-altitude/delayed-opening parachute jump, which was necessary to prevent ano 2014 SAFE Symposium Tentative 41 G-forces, and opening–shock of theProgram parachute; and the use of the G-suit, which enabled pilots to withstandPage greater outmaneuver their adversary during a dog-fight. During “Your Body in Flight in WWII”, Dr. Dean will tell the exciting story of the innovative and often da conducted by physiologists, biophysicists and flight surgeons in WWII so that allied aviators could survive, fight a physical forces during rapid decompression; specifically, was the ensuing wind blast during explosive decompression great enough to inflict physical injury? Pioneering research on the physiologic effects of high-altitude and explosive decompression was conducted at the Aero Medical Laboratory at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, and several of our nation’s leading universities. Beginning with only 3 research laboratories in 1940, our nation’s research and training programs in high-altitude physiology would grow over the course of the war such that it was without equal by 1945 for providing protective flying equipment and procedures for allied aviators. By 1945, the USAAF’s high-altitude training program employed over 200 aviation physiologists running 65 altitude chambers at 45 Army airfields who indoctrinated more than 58,000 men per month in the physiologic effects of high altitude flight. Allied aviators were taught many procedures such as oxygen discipline; prevention of DCS with 100% O2-prebreathing; appropriate use of bail-out O2 equipment in a high-altitude/delayed-opening parachute jump, which was necessary to prevent anoxia and avoid the opening shock of the parachute; and the use of the G-suit, which enabled pilots to withstand greater G-forces, and consequently to outmaneuver their adversary during a dog-fight. During “Your Body in Flight in WWII”, Dr. Dean will tell the exciting story of the innovative and often dangerous research conducted by physiologists, biophysicists and flight surgeons in WWII so that allied aviators could survive, fight and escape at altitudes of up to 40,000 feet. The successful aeromedical research and training programs established by these pioneering “physiological warriors” played a major role in the allied victory in the air war. The knowledge gained and the new practices established during the war years would safely propel the aviator into the jet age and lay the scientific foundation for aerospace medicine in the post-war era. During the lecture, Dr. Dean will present archival photographs and film footage from the original technical reports of the Wright Field Aero Medical Laboratory, Dr. Fred Hitchcock’s Laboratory of Aviation Physiology at The Ohio State University, and various other unearthed documents and photographs garnered over 30-plus years of researching this story. 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM - Briefing – ACES II Ejection History – Mr. Jim Tulloch, Senior Project Engineer, United Technologies Aerospace Systems, Colorado Springs, CO, Mr. Mark Ruddell, HQ AFSC/SEFE, USAF and Mr. Marty Andries, AFLCMC/EZFC, USAF The ACES II ejection seat was originally developed in the 1970’s by the USAF and has been in service since 1978 in most of the USAF fighter and bomber aircraft fleets. It has an excellent ejection safety record with a low risk of aircrew injury. This paper presents the ejection history of the ACES II ejection seat covering the 460+ USAF ejections to date. Summary data is presented covering aircraft type, ejection conditions, injury types, etc. WEDNESDAY – 10:00 AM EXHIBITS OPEN LOCATION: EXHIBIT HALL – GRAND SIERRA BALLROOM WEDNESDAY – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM REFRESHMENT BREAK LOCATION: HALL AREA OUTSIDE EXHIBITS Wednesday program continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 42 WEDNESDAY – 10:30 AM - NOON CBRN PROTECTION LOCATION: ANTIGUA 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Briefing - The Testing and Validation of a CBRN Protection System for the Pilot in the JAS 39 Gripen Fighter - Christer Berglund, Flight Test Engineer, Peter Wiklund, Test Pilot, Johan Sjostrand, Test Pilot, Saab AB, Linkoping, Sweden Abstract: Saab has developed a CBRN system for the JAS 39 Gripen fighter on request by the Swedish Air Force (SwAF) and the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV). This paper will give a description of the parts of the pilot CBRN protective system that is worn as part of the aircrew equipment in case of a CBRN threat or during CBRN training. The paper will also cover the different test activities performed by the Flight Test and Verification department at Saab in order to verify and validate the CBRN protection system. The presentation will take up windblast tests, pool tests, tower track tests, dynamic flight simulator tests, climate chamber tests, ground tests and flight testing. The purpose of the tests will also be presented. The paper will also cover that it was carried out in collaboration with the customer FMV and the benefits with close cooperation with the customer. Accordingly, representatives (test engineers, pilots and A/C technicians) from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) participated in the testing. Briefing - Integrated Aircrew Ensemble – Status – Mr. Arthur D. Schwope and Mr. Kevin Marsh, TIAX LLC, Lexington, MA; Mr. Tyler Bazant, Mustang Survival, and Mr. Brendan Smith, Survitec Group The Integrated Aircrew Ensemble (IAE) is an Engineering and Manufacturing Development program of the USAF. IAE is a neck-down, skin-out clothing and equipment ensemble that combines state-of-the-art materials, designs, and manufacturing processes to increase the performance and protection of aircrew. Reduced bulk and thermal burden is achieved by modularization and integration of seven key configuration items: coverall, G-suit, survival vest, pressure vest, life preserver, immersion suit, and chemical/biological/radiological garment. The program, which is initially focused on the aircrew of ejection seat aircraft, is approximately half-way through design verification testing (DVT). Testing and evaluation results-to-date include those from centrifuge testing, aircraft integration with pilots (F-15, F-16, F-22, A-10, and B-1), thermal stress tests with human subjects, cold water survival, sled ejections, survival/escape/evasion, sizing and fit assessment, and several chemical-biologic simulant and chemical warfare agent tests. Subjective assessments have been obtained from more than 200 airmen at approximately 10 continental US airbases. Efforts are aimed at the System Verification Review in late winter and the Milestone C decision in early spring. Briefing - Integration Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Solutions with CBRN Defense Respiratory Equipment in Modern Fixed Wing Military Aircraft - Mr. Robert Lingo, Aircrew Systems Business Development Manager, Gentex Corporation, Carbondale, PA Introduction and Aim of Presentation - The challenge with the integration of CBRN defense respiratory equipment into modern, military fixed wing aircraft is well known to CBRN PPE materiel developers and procurement specialists. Integration challenges can greatly minimize mission effectiveness, and in some cases, aircrew might decide to forego the use of their CBRN defense equipment and “take their chances” in lieu of 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 43 wearing the equipment provided to them. This integration vs. protection dilemma is a constant battle for CBRN PPE developers such as Gentex, and is the subject of this presentation. The aim of the presentation is to detail some of the most onerous integration challenges, which have been experienced with CBRN PPE for fixed wing aircrew; lessons learned gathered for each; and solutions that have been effective. The types of integration challenges that are discussed include helmet stability and fit/comfort; human interface/human factors and thermal burden; optical equipment effectiveness; seamless transition to and from CBRN mode (MOPP4) to non-CBRN modes of pilot operation; alterations to the fluid dynamics of the PPE system under rapid and explosive cockpit decompression; and effective torso integration across a broad aircrew population and aircraft platforms. Finally, we offer our recommendations and vision for the future of CBRN PPE, with an intention to ultimately improve military fixed wing aircrew mission effectiveness while simultaneously providing a level of CBRN protection that is consistent with today’s non-Cold War era CBRN threat. Technical Outline and Conclusions: The presentation is organized as follows: 1. Introduction and background 2. Major integration challenges a. Case study, overview, and examples b. Lessons learned from each c. Solution(s) from each 3. A future vision of CBRN PPE 4. Conclusions The CBRN integration challenge in modern military fixed wing aircraft is a solvable problem, but doing so requires a holistic and proactive approach to development of performance requirements with CBRN accounted for early in the development and procurement process, implementation of life support as a “system” mentality, and leveraging and continued optimization and improvement of previously proven design solutions. Benefit to Audience: The intention is that the presentation will foster a thought provoking discussion about how to solve CBRN integration challenges on fixed wing military aircraft, including technology advances, evolution of the CBRN PPE requirements development process, and expansion/optimization of successful design solutions. Ultimately it is about mission effectiveness of the fixed wing aircrew when in MOPP4. Paper - Risk Assessment Guidelines for Emergency Responders Facing a Chemical Terrorist Attack – Y. Malmen, H. Joki, Senior Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tempere, Finland and J.S. Jensen, Danish Emergency Management Agency, Finland Introduction: A terrorist attack, in which a chemical is released, often differs from an accidental chemical release on one crucial point: the identity of the chemical may remain unknown for many hours. When responding to a C-attack, the safety of the emergency responders (rescue service, police, ambulance staff) is threatened. These first responders seldom have chemical suits at their disposal. A risk assessment method is needed to minimize the consequences for the responders and the general public. Algorithms to identify the chemical used have been developed, e.g. WISER and CHEMM-IST. A simplified method that has been suggested by the European research project “CBRN crisis management, Architecture, Technologies and Operational procedures” (CATO) is presented in this paper. Methods: The proposed algorithm has been developed within the CATO consortium. The instructions regarding the various Chemical Groups have been written based on published guidelines and on experiences of the CATO partners. (continues) 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 44 Results: While WISER and CHEMM-IST are designed to positively identify the chemical, the method proposed by CATO is only giving one or two groups of chemicals the substance may belong to. The algorithm used is based on a limited set of observations of the emergency responder. Once the group(s) of chemicals has been identified, the CATO method gives advice to the emergency responders regarding, for instance, PPE, the use of detectors, and ways to minimize the amount of chemical released or the affected area. The CATO tool considers both releases outdoors and indoors, but also threats caused by decontaminated food or drink. Not only is the method designed to serve the responders while at the scene, but it also contains a substantial amount of information about various aspects related to C-attacks, which is intended to be read as part of the CBRN training of the emergency responders. Finally, in the CATO Knowledge Base there are sections also for incident commander teams and for the staff at hospitals’ emergency departments. Discussion: Being developed during the last year, the proposed tools have so far only been tested in internal desktop exercises. These have not revealed shortcomings that would lead emergency responders to select inadequate PPE. WEDNESDAY – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EJECTION & CRASH 2 LOCATION: ANTIGUA 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Paper - Dynamic Responses of Head, Neck, and Shoulder to Sideward Impacts - Mr. James W. Brinkley, Biodynamics Research Scientist, Research for Design, LLC, Kettering, OH and Mr. Stephen E. Mosher, Software Engineer, Xenia, OH Background: U.S. corporations are developing crew seats and restraint systems for spacecraft. Multidirectional impact accelerations may be expected due to spacecraft emergency abort during launch, parachute recovery, and landing. This study evaluates sideward (y axis) impact tests to provide data for the design of spacecraft crew seat sideward body support and for the development of numerical and physical models of the head and neck response. Methods: Data from 72 sideward impacts tests with 14 military volunteers were analyzed. Subjects were exposed to impact levels of 3, 4.5, and 6 G at velocities of 2.6, 3.6, and 4.3 m/s using half-sine impact pulse durations of 133, 118, and 110 ms, respectively, using a horizontal impact facility. Measurements included sled acceleration, linear and angular acceleration and movement of the head and chest, and impact forces exerted by the subject’s body on side support panels. Impedance parameters and transmissibility magnitude were computed to support the development of dynamic response models. Results: The mean ± one standard deviation shoulder force increased linearly to 520.0±64.3 lbf (236.0±29.2 kg). The mean total upper body force increased linearly to 622.0±63.9 lbf (282.0±29.0 kg). The mean force measured at the hip was 520.0±70.7 lbf (161.0±32.0 kg). The upper body dynamic response model mean natural frequency was 5.13±1.12 Hz, with a mean damping coefficient radio of 0.50±0.16. The dynamic response models for the shoulder reflected stiffening from the 3 G level to the 6 G level; 9.8 Hz to 12.9 Hz, with damping coefficient ratios decreasing from 0.37 to 0.18, respectively. Discussion: Shoulder impact injuries reported by other authors are discussed. Neck dynamic response model findings are discussed and recommendations for future neck injury research are described. Briefing - The Application of Active Real-time Velocity Window Control System for Ejection Escape System in Rocket Sled Test – Mr. Gong Minsheng, Vice Director, AVIC Aerospace Life-Support Industries, Ltd., Hubei, China Abstract: The rocket sled test is one of the primary methods to evaluate the performances of the ejection escape system. There is a requirement for the test that the firing unit ignites to initiate the ejection when the 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 45 sled reaches the predicting velocity. However, in onsite test, big deviation between the calculated and the actual velocities may be caused by many uncertainties. Once the deviation is beyond the acceptable range, the test is deemed invalid. To reduce unnecessary financial loss, the active real-time velocity window control system is developed. The active real-time velocity window control system consists of the controller, transducer, ignition control circuit and the power source. The magnetoelectric velocity transducers are installed on the sled, and the permanent magnets are attached to one side of the track at intervals of ten meters. When the sled passes, the pulses sensed by the three independent transducers are transmitted to the three MCU systems in the controller. After calculating, the actual velocity is obtained using triple modular redundancy and compared with the predicting velocity parameter. If the velocity is within the velocity window, the real-time ignition signal is outputted by the controller and the fire control circuit is set up to initiate the ejection. After trial-manufacture, serials of tests are conducted for the system, such as the velocity precision test, system function test, ignition performance test and others. Currently the active real-time velocity window control system has been widely used in the XB rocket sled tests (80km/h V 1300km/h) and other relevant tests. The system is proved to be safe and reliable after more than 50 tests. The most outstanding feature of this system is that it can check the velocity of the sled in a long control range along the track. Comparing with the fixed-point cutting screenbox system or the fixed-point velocity window system, this system has higher velocity precision and/or more opportunities to initiate the event. Paper - An Adaptive Control Method for Escape Path Clearing System Based on Risk Evaluation – Mr. Feng Guanghui, Engineer, AVIC Aerospace Life-support Industries, Ltd., Hubei, China Abstract: Currently, there are two types of escape path clearing system (EPCS) that is canopy jettison system and canopy fracturing system, corresponding to jettison-the-canopy ejection and through-the-canopy ejection. For jettison-the-canopy ejection, no strike occurred during escape path clearing, so the risk of pilot injury can be decreased greatly, while, the process of canopy jettison wastes too much time which is very precious at emergency situation. As to through-the-canopy ejection, there is no delay between pilot's decision and ejection, but the probability of pilot injury increases. This paper proposes an adaptive control method for EPCS based on risk evaluation. This technology uses flight parameter, relative height and other parameters to evaluate the risk of ejection. If pilot can be saved by jettison-the-canopy ejection, it can be considered that the risk is lower; otherwise, the risk is high. The proceeding of evaluation is based on ejection seat theoretical performance data. Hence, minimum safety height data on various ejection scenarios must be tabled and previously stored in a sequence control subsystem. Based on evaluation result, the mode of EPCS was selected. At high risk situation, the escape system implemented through-the-canopy ejection, otherwise, jettison-the-canopy ejection was executed. Next, the author discusses the key technology of adaptive control method for EPCS in engineering, including velocity and attitude parameters acquisition, relative height measurement, high performance and high credible sequence control technology, etc. Then, a detailed scheme of adaptive control method for EPCS was described with two figures, one explains the basic principle of this scheme, the other depicts the configuration of EPCS controller and connections with other sub-system. Further, the escape envelope with different escape path clearing mode were compared using heart-shaped chart, and the results indicate that the advantage of adaptive control method for EPCS was remarkable. Finally, the author concluded that the adaptive control method for EPCS was very useful; it can reduce pilot injury, while not sacrifice performance. Importantly, it is feasible to engineer based on existing technology. The author also pointed out that along with improvement on intelligence of ejection life-saving technology, the selection of escape path clearing will be determined directly by environment and pilot's physiological status in ejection in the future. Then, the level of adaptive control will be further enhanced. Wednesday program continues next page 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 46 WEDNESDAY – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM HYPOXIA LOCATION: BONAIRE 1 & 2 MODERATOR: TBD Paper - A Study of Protection Provided by General Aviation Oxygen Masks with Open Ambient Ports in Toxic Environments – Mr. Lawrence N. Paskoff, Mr. Joseph G. Mandella and Mr. David A. Self. Civil Aerospace Medical Institute, Oklahoma City, OK Introduction: Air transport of medical specimens aboard general aviation aircraft frequently utilizes dry ice to preserve the specimens. The sublimation of carbon dioxide (CO2) within the confined space of the aircraft cabin, without sufficient outside air turnover presents a potential hazard. Aircraft equipped with oxygen systems utilizing modified clinical masks that allow oxygen to be diluted with air drawn in through side ports may not offer adequate protection from CO2 contamination. Methods: Experiment 1. A simulated aircraft cockpit and cabin area were constructed. Total volume was approximately 3.956 m3. Ten insulated biological specimen bags (12 x 17 x 20 in) having 2 ventilation ports were filled with 5 lb. of dry ice. This ratio of specimen bags to cabin volume reflected common industry practices. Air flow through the mock-up was set at a turnover rate of 9.73. CO2 levels were monitored with mass spectrometry (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA). Experiment 2. A face mask with re-breather bag delivered aviator’s oxygen at a flow rate of 6 L/min (Precise Flight Inc., Bend OR) and was fitted to a test mannequin head connected to 2 breathing machines (Hans Rudolph, Shawnee, KS) that produced alternately an inhalation of mask contents, and then an exhalation of either ground level alveolar air (78.5% N2, 16% O2, 5.5% CO2), or alveolar air resulting from breathing 100% O2. The breathing machines delivered a physiological breath pattern with a tidal volume and rate of 0.92 L and 20 breaths per minute (bpm). The head was inside a 0.76 m3 sealed box. CO2 content in the box was gradually increased and the inhaled and end tidal gas compositions were measured. Results: Experiment 1. Carbon dioxide levels reached a mean average of 2.02% after 12 min, and then stabilized. Experiment 2. Inhaled partial pressures of CO2 inside the mask were 5.496 mm Hg (ambient= 0.1%); 20.93 mm Hg (ambient = 2.44%); and 34.36 mm Hg (ambient= 4.75%). Discussion: These results suggest that general aviation carriers may be creating levels of CO 2 in small airframe general aviation cabins with high densities of biological specimen bags that exceed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards (0.5%). Further, use of commercially available general aviation oxygen equipment by aircrews may not provide adequate protection. Briefing - Integration and Development of the Mission Oxygen Supply System (MOSS) for the C160 Transall – Mr. Martin Pfefferkorn, Dipl. Ing.(FH), Crew Systems Specialist, Airbus Defence & Space GmbH, Manching, Germany Abstract: Germany's Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) requires the ability to deploy forces and equipment by the C-160 Transall transport aircrafts at any altitude and environmental conditions, night and day. These missions include multiple dropping zones, also at high altitudes and cause enduring de-pressurization of the cabin. Therefore, the crew requires sufficient oxygen stored in the aircraft, also covering pre-breathing and emergency oxygen. The standard emergency oxygen system of the C-160 is not designed to cover such missions and, therefore, a dedicated Mission Oxygen Supply System (MOSS) is developed. The MOSS has to provide ballistic protection and a modular design to be portable and held in the cargo compartment. It consists of three boxes with 2*24l pressurized oxygen cylinders each and a storage box for 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 47 equipment, like indications, wires and hoses. The fifth box stores up to 6 Portable Oxygen Supply Systems (POSS). The challenge was to integrate the MOSS into an in-service aircraft, to consider the emergency system, to supply the cockpit crew (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Flight Mechanic, Tactical Officer) with segregated systems and to provide acoustic low pressure warnings and NVG compatible filling indications in the narrow cockpit and cargo compartment. Emergency procedures and operational / tactical requirements have to be assessed and considered. Also two Loadmasters have to be supplied by the MOSS, e.g. for pre-breathing, but in contrast to the cockpit crew, they also have to be mobile during work in the often crowded cargo compartment. Therefore, they have to be supplied after detaching from the MOSS by the POSS, carried with an ergonomic harness, compatible with the vest and survival equipment. Paper - Oxygen Supply System Simulation Based on Flowmaster Software – Zeng Yu, Beihang University, Beijing, China Abstract: Aviation oxygen supply is used to protect pilots from the low pressure of high altitude and hypoxia in flight, and ensure the pilots safety in emergency flight. Along with the development of aeronautic industry, protection of oxygen supply equipment needs to be improved to a new level. However, the related researches of China are mostly laboratory experiments, and they cost a lot and have a lot of constraints, which can’t satisfy the requirement of the modern equipment. Therefore, simulation on oxygen supply equipment is necessary, but the domestic simulation results are focused on the performance of a single component. Nevertheless, reports on system simulation, especially introducing the molecular sieve oxygen generator system, are rare. Oxygen system unit was established by the one-dimension flow simulation software Flowmaster. According to the working principle the oxygen supply system was divided into several functional units. The mathematical models were established on the basis of reasonably simplified units. Then, the corresponding simulation components were built in Flowmaster. A certain flying assignment was simulated with the network of the entire system. The key parameters, such as inhalation resistance, oxygen converter, oxygen system and safe excessive pressure, were analyzed through simulation results. And the analysis results certify the feasibility of Flowmaster platform used for oxygen system. The simulation method by Flowmaster can obtain more system performances in detail than experimental studies. Sensitivity analysis of key structure parameters can be done through this system, and the optimization design for the oxygen system can be achieved. Once the simulation unit library for all kinds of oxygen system was established, integrated optimization for oxygen system can be achieved. Hence, the design cost can decrease within the technology requirement. WEDNESDAY – 2:00 PM – Raffle in Grand Sierra Ballroom Exhibits Area – See page 51 for details WEDNESDAY – 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM REFRESHMENT BREAK LOCATION: HALL AREA OUTSIDE EXHIBITS WEDNESDAY - 3:00 PM – 9:00 PM EXHIBITOR TEAR-DOWN LOCATION: EXHIBIT HALL – GRAND SIERRA BALLROOM 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 48 2014 SAFE GOLF TOURNAMENT 2014 SAFE GOLF TOURNAMENT Date: Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 Date: Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 Registration/Sign-in: 7:45-8:15 AM Registration/Sign-in: 7:45-8:15 AM Start Time: 8:30 AM - Shotgun Start Start Time: 8:30Golf AM Club - Shotgun Start Florida Location: Eagle Creek – Orlando, Location: Eagle Lake Creek Golf Club – Orlando, Florida 10350 Emerson Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32832 10350 Emerson Lake Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32832 COURSE STATS: Designed by world-renowned golf course architects Ron Garl of the U.S. and Howard Swan of Europe, Eagle Creek's Orlando golf course offers the best of both worlds. Its fiveRon par Garl 5's, five sets of tees, and more COURSE STATS: Designed by world-renowned golf course architects of the U.S. and Howard than 90 bunkers and dramatic bulkheads are reminiscent of those found in Scotland and England. Overall, Swan of Europe, Eagle Creek's Orlando golf course offers the best of both worlds. Its five par 5's, the five true sets Scottish-style experience of Eagle Creek Golf Club stands out from other Orlando championship golf courses as aand of tees, and more than 90 bunkers and dramatic bulkheads are reminiscent of those found in Scotland true golfing masterpiece! also designed Eagle Creek Golf Club’s highly England. Overall, Howard the trueSwan Scottish-style experience of Eagle Creek Golf Club acclaimed stands outsister from course, other Orlando Boavista championship Resort Golf Course, in Lagos, Portugal. Eagle Creek Golf Club is proud toalso be part of an Eagle elite group golf courses as a true golfing masterpiece! Howard Swan designed CreekofGolf designated “Audubon Silver Signature” courses, pristine surroundings for residents Club’s highly International acclaimed sister course, Boavista Resortproviding Golf Course, in Lagos, Portugal. Eagle Creekand Golf visitors, Scottish style white sand bunkers and dramatic bulkheads embracing water hazards and greens, nestled Club is proud to be part of an elite group of designated “Audubon International Silver Signature” all courses, beneath a canopy of towering trees and foliage. Eagleand Creek is Florida’s first golfwhite course to use the technologically providing pristine surroundings for residents visitors, Scottish style sand bunkers and dramatic advancedbulkheads Mini-Verde grass, resulting in exceptionally fast all andnestled vibrantbeneath greens.aEagle Creek also offers a two-sided embracing water hazards and greens, canopy of towering trees and foliage. driving range and practice hole with bunkers. Eagle Creek is Florida’s first golf course to use the technologically advanced Mini-Verde grass, resulting in exceptionally fast and vibrant greens. Eagle Creek also offers a two-sided driving range and practice hole START-TIME & DRESS CODE: We will begin play at 8:30 AM with a shotgun start. The tournament format will with bunkers. be a 4-person team scramble. The Eagle Creek Golf Club is a soft spike golf shoe facility that requires collared shirts for men and Bermuda length shorts. Proper required. START-TIME & DRESS CODE: Wegolf willattire beginisplay at 8:30 AM with a shotgun start. The tournament format will be a 4-person team scramble. The Eagle Creek Golf Club is a soft spike golf shoe facility that PAIRING REQUESTS: will for trymen to accommodate pairing requests. Please specify requires collaredWe shirts and Bermudaall length shorts. Proper golf attire is handicaps required. and insure that the people you are requesting to play with also have you on their request list. We would like to have a few more of our SAFEPAIRING ladies playREQUESTS: again this year, of all levels are to come out and specify have fun. Weand will golfers try to accommodate allwelcome pairing requests. Please handicaps and in- sure that the people you are requesting to play with also have you on their request list. We would like to GIVE-AWAYS, committee is asking corporate members consider providingto give-a-ways have a PRIZES, few moreETC: of our The SAFEgolf ladies play again this year, and golfers of alltolevels are welcome come out in the form and of golf balls, towels, tees, cash, etc. to be used as tournament prizes. Contributions will be most appreciated have fun. and appropriate credit will be given in the SAFE Symposium Program as well as posted in the exhibit area. Should you wish GIVE-AWAYS, to make a cash PRIZES, contribution, your check to SAFE with Golf Tournament on ETC:please The make golf committee is payable asking corporate members to consider Contribution providing givethe memo line, and mail to SAFE, Attention: Golf Tournament Chair. We are looking for companies to sponsor certain a-ways in the form of golf balls, towels, tees, cash, etc. to be used as tournament prizes. Contributions will prizes this your company would be interested in be sponsoring certain prizes (1st Place, 2nd Place, Long Drive, beyear. most If appreciated and appropriate credit will given in the SAFE Symposium Program as well as posted closest tointhe pin, etc.), please contact Ebby Bryce for details. If you are interested in providing golf give-a-ways the exhibit area. Should you wish to make a cash contribution, please make your check payable to SAFE (tees, balls, trophies, etc.) please contact Benton in the SAFE Office Attention: at (541) 895-3012; e-mail Chair. withtowels, Golf Tournament Contribution on theJeani memo line, and mail to SAFE, Golf Tournament safe@peak.org or Ebby Bryce, (757) 927-2461, e-mail ebryce@ced.us.com. We are looking for companies to sponsor certain prizes this year. If your company would be interested in sponsoring certain prizes (1st Place, 2nd Place, Long Drive, closest to the pin, etc.), please contact Ebby RENTAL Bryce CLUBS: Rental clubs will beinterested available to whogolf need them, but only if balls, they are reserved in advance for details. If you are in those providing give-a-ways (tees, towels, trophies, etc.) through either Benton Ebby Bryce. The rental is not includede-mail in thesafe@peak.org price below so you Bryce, reserve pleaseJeani contact JeaniorBenton in the SAFE Office fee at (541) 895-3012; orifEbby rental clubs will need to show up early to pay for your rental clubs. Cost to rent clubs this year will (757)you 927-2461, e-mail ebryce@ced.us.com. be $40. Those who ask for rental clubs on the day of the tournament may find they are not available - please do not wait!!RENTAL Also, make sure you specify CLUBS: Rental clubsright will or be left. available to those who need them, but only if they are reserved in advance through either Jeani Benton or Ebby Bryce. The rental fee is not included in the price below ENTRY FEE: INCLUDES: so if$85.00 you reserve rental clubs you will need to show up early to pay for your rental clubs. Cost to rent clubs this year will be $40. Those who ask for rental clubs on the day of the tournament may find Included they with are yournot entry fee: Greens fee, prizes, Also, and amake sandwich in theorclub available - please docart, not wait!! sure bar you (buffet) specify right left.house after the tournament. (And of course the great gift bags assembled with donations from our corporate sponsors!) Continues next page In addition to the entry fee; we will again be selling mulligans at the registration table for $5.00 each, a max of four mulligans per player. Please ensure you bring some extra cash to buy mulligans as these may be used to replace any shot you are not proud of, AND the additional funds will be used to improve and increase the awards and prizes. 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 1 of 2 Page 49 ENTRY FEE: $85.00 INCLUDES: Included with your entry fee: Greens fee, cart, prizes, and a sandwich bar (buffet) in the club house after the tournament. (And of course the great gift bags assembled with donations from our corporate sponsors!) In addition to the entry fee; we will again be selling mulligans at the registration table for $5.00 each, a max of four mulligans per player. Please ensure you bring some extra cash to buy mulligans as these may be used to replace any shot you are not proud of, AND the additional funds will be used to improve and increase the awards and prizes. SIGN-UP/REFUND DEADLINE: The sign-up and refund deadline is Friday, October 17th, 2014 so please sign-up early. We cannot guarantee availability or refunds after this date due to the contractual agreement with the course. Due to past financial losses caused by player/team dropouts and late or non-payment, only players who have registered and paid in full will be placed on teams and participate in the tournament. The course reserves the right to book the remainder of the course for other players after this date. REGISTRATION FORM: 2014 SYMPOSIUM GOLF TOURNAMENT Please sign me up to play in the tournament: Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Company/Affiliation: _____________________________________________________________________ Paring Request _________________________________________________________________________ Rental Clubs Needed (cost not included in price below): (Specify men or women & left or right hand.) ____________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail: ________________________________________________________________________________ Entry Fee Enclosed: $85.00 My Handicap is:_________________ (if not established, state average for 18 holes) Make check payable to SAFE Association and mail to: SAFE Association Attn: Golf Tournament Chair Post Office Box 130 Creswell, OR 97426-0130 Credit card payment also accepted – see page 7 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 50 Flat and Smokin’ Fast... Open to SAFE Symposium Attendees, Friends & Family DATE: Sunday, 2 November 2014 START TIME: 1500 LOCATION: Turkey Lake, Orlando, Florida ONLINE REGISTRATION: NOW OPEN! Check the SAFE Association website. Last Day for Online Registration: 24 October Pre-registration recommended for a race shirt in your size. AWARDS RECEPTION: Awards for top finishers and much more! Race shirt and reception for all participants. DAY OF EVENT SCHEDULE 10:00 – 14:00: Day of race registration and packet pick-up 14.00: Shuttle bus from Caribe Royale to Turkey Lake (20 min ride) 15:00: Start of SAFE 5k Runner 15:45: Awards and reception 16:45: Last bus departs Turkey Lake to Caribe Royale Event Details are posted on SAFE Facebook and www.safeassociation.com To be Volunteer or Sponsor please contact: Marcia Baldwin at mkbaldwin@coresurvival.com SAFE RAFFLE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th TIME: 2:00 PM START - IN THE EXHIBITS AREA RAFFLE PROCEDURES FOR 2014 Our raffle will be held in the Exhibits Hall at 2:00 PM on Wednesday. Prizes will include gifts from our exhibitors and corporate members. If you wish to contribute special prizes to our raffle, they can be delivered to SAFE in two ways (1) coordinate with Jeani Benton in advance of the symposium (safe@peak.org) (2) On-site the prizes must be delivered to the SAFE Registration Desk no later than Noon on Wednesday, November 5th with a business card taped to the prize/gift for corporate recognition. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. Any prizes delivered after this time will go into a general pool or grab bag prize (s) and the source may not/cannot be identified Each attendee’s registration packet will contain five dual raffle tickets. The attendee will retain one half and place the other into any one of the many prize pool containers located on display in the raffle area after 1:00 PM. Attendees may also purchase more raffle tickets at a $1.00/each. One ticket from each pool will be pulled until a winner is identified as present. Winners take the entire pool of prizes. The more gifts and prizes we have the more pools will be created and the more chances to win. There is no limit as to which pool an attendee places tickets in or how many you purchase. SAFE reserves the right to collect prizes into pools and to pull all winners. Remember – you must be in attendance at 2:00 PM Wednesday to win! 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 52 Corporate Sustaining Members The SAFE Board would like to thank our Corporate Sustaining Members for their continued support of SAFE ACR Electronics Aegisound Aerial Machine & Tool Corporation Aeroflex - Wichita Aerostar International - Government Sales Division Air Techniques International AmSafe, Inc. Aviation Artifacts, Inc. (A.A.I.) AVOX Systems - Zodiac Aerospace BAE Systems - Protection Systems Bally Ribbon Mills Bose Corporation Butler Parachute Systems Group, Inc. Calspan Corporation Cam Lock Capewell Components Chemring Energetic Devices Cobham Mission Systems - N.Y. Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. David Clark Company, Incorporated Dayton T. Brown, Inc. Diversified Technical Systems, Inc. Drifire DSB - Deutsche Schlauchboot GmBh East/West Industries, Inc. Elbit Systems SAR & Data Links - Elisra, Ltd. Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense Company Environmental Tectonics Corporation Essex Industries Fujikura Parachute Co., Ltd. FXC Corporation Gentex Corporation Gibson & Barnes Hanel Storage Systems Honeywell Aerospace Yeovil Humanetics Innovative Solutions Interactive Safety Products, Inc. Kannad Aviation Katadyn North America Kistler Instrument Corporation Life Support International, Inc. Martin-Baker Aircraft Co., Ltd. Nammo Talley, Inc. Networks Electronic Company Offray Specialty Narrow Fabrics Oregon Aero Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Co. Para-Gear Equipment Company Phantom Products, Inc. Revision Safe, Inc. Secumar Bernhardt Apparatebau GmbH u. Co. Seitz Scientific Industries, Inc. Signal Engineering, Inc. Skytexus, International SSK Industries, Inc. Stratus Systems, Inc. Survitec Group, Ltd. Survival Innovations, Inc. Switlik Parachute Co., Inc. Systems Technology, Inc. Teledyne Energetics Transaero, Inc. TSL Aerospace Technologies - ALSE Division Tulmar Safety Systems, Inc. UTC Aerospace Systems Vinyl Technology - Sales W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Wel-Fab, Inc. Westone Laboratories, Inc. - Hearing Healthcare Protection Wolf Technical Services, Inc. Zodiac - Air Cruisers - OEM & Military Sales Please thank our corporate members – they are the backbone of our Association and are to be commended for their constant support of SAFE. 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 53 Corporate Sustaining Members NOTES The SAFE Board would like to thank our Corporate Sustaining Members for their continued support of SAFE ACR Electronics Aegisound Aerial Machine & Tool Corporation Aeroflex - Wichita Aerostar International - Government Sales Division Air Techniques International AmSafe, Inc. Aviation Artifacts, Inc. (A.A.I.) AVOX Systems - Zodiac Aerospace BAE Systems - Protection Systems Bally Ribbon Mills Bose Corporation Butler Parachute Systems Group, Inc. Calspan Corporation Cam Lock Capewell Components Chemring Energetic Devices Cobham Mission Systems - N.Y. Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. David Clark Company, Incorporated Dayton T. Brown, Inc. Diversified Technical Systems, Inc. Drifire DSB - Deutsche Schlauchboot GmBh East/West Industries, Inc. Elbit Systems SAR & Data Links - Elisra, Ltd. Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense Company Environmental Tectonics Corporation Essex Industries Fujikura Parachute Co., Ltd. FXC Corporation Gentex Corporation Gibson & Barnes Hanel Storage Systems Honeywell Aerospace Yeovil Humanetics Innovative Solutions Interactive Safety Products, Inc. Kannad Aviation Katadyn North America Kistler Instrument Corporation Life Support International, Inc. Martin-Baker Aircraft Co., Ltd. Nammo Talley, Inc. Networks Electronic Company Offray Specialty Narrow Fabrics Oregon Aero Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Co. Para-Gear Equipment Company Phantom Products, Inc. Revision Safe, Inc. Secumar Bernhardt Apparatebau GmbH u. Co. Seitz Scientific Industries, Inc. Signal Engineering, Inc. Skytexus, International SSK Industries, Inc. Stratus Systems, Inc. Survitec Group, Ltd. Survival Innovations, Inc. Switlik Parachute Co., Inc. Systems Technology, Inc. Teledyne Energetics Transaero, Inc. TSL Aerospace Technologies - ALSE Division Tulmar Safety Systems, Inc. UTC Aerospace Systems Vinyl Technology - Sales W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Wel-Fab, Inc. Westone Laboratories, Inc. - Hearing Healthcare Protection Wolf Technical Services, Inc. Zodiac - Air Cruisers - OEM & Military Sales Please thank our corporate members – they are the backbone of our Association and are to be commended for their constant support of SAFE. 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 54 53 Corporate Sustaining Members NOTES The SAFE Board would like to thank our Corporate Sustaining Members for their continued support of SAFE ACR Electronics Aegisound Aerial Machine & Tool Corporation Aeroflex - Wichita Aerostar International - Government Sales Division Air Techniques International AmSafe, Inc. Aviation Artifacts, Inc. (A.A.I.) AVOX Systems - Zodiac Aerospace BAE Systems - Protection Systems Bally Ribbon Mills Bose Corporation Butler Parachute Systems Group, Inc. Calspan Corporation Cam Lock Capewell Components Chemring Energetic Devices Cobham Mission Systems - N.Y. Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. David Clark Company, Incorporated Dayton T. Brown, Inc. Diversified Technical Systems, Inc. Drifire DSB - Deutsche Schlauchboot GmBh East/West Industries, Inc. Elbit Systems SAR & Data Links - Elisra, Ltd. Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense Company Environmental Tectonics Corporation Essex Industries Fujikura Parachute Co., Ltd. FXC Corporation Gentex Corporation Gibson & Barnes Hanel Storage Systems Honeywell Aerospace Yeovil Humanetics Innovative Solutions Interactive Safety Products, Inc. Kannad Aviation Katadyn North America Kistler Instrument Corporation Life Support International, Inc. Martin-Baker Aircraft Co., Ltd. Nammo Talley, Inc. Networks Electronic Company Offray Specialty Narrow Fabrics Oregon Aero Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Co. Para-Gear Equipment Company Phantom Products, Inc. Revision Safe, Inc. Secumar Bernhardt Apparatebau GmbH u. Co. Seitz Scientific Industries, Inc. Signal Engineering, Inc. Skytexus, International SSK Industries, Inc. Stratus Systems, Inc. Survitec Group, Ltd. Survival Innovations, Inc. Switlik Parachute Co., Inc. Systems Technology, Inc. Teledyne Energetics Transaero, Inc. TSL Aerospace Technologies - ALSE Division Tulmar Safety Systems, Inc. UTC Aerospace Systems Vinyl Technology - Sales W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Wel-Fab, Inc. Westone Laboratories, Inc. - Hearing Healthcare Protection Wolf Technical Services, Inc. Zodiac - Air Cruisers - OEM & Military Sales Please thank our corporate members – they are the backbone of our Association and are to be commended for their constant support of SAFE. 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 55 53 Corporate Sustaining Members NOTES The SAFE Board would like to thank our Corporate Sustaining Members for their continued support of SAFE ACR Electronics Aegisound Aerial Machine & Tool Corporation Aeroflex - Wichita Aerostar International - Government Sales Division Air Techniques International AmSafe, Inc. Aviation Artifacts, Inc. (A.A.I.) AVOX Systems - Zodiac Aerospace BAE Systems - Protection Systems Bally Ribbon Mills Bose Corporation Butler Parachute Systems Group, Inc. Calspan Corporation Cam Lock Capewell Components Chemring Energetic Devices Cobham Mission Systems - N.Y. Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. David Clark Company, Incorporated Dayton T. Brown, Inc. Diversified Technical Systems, Inc. Drifire DSB - Deutsche Schlauchboot GmBh East/West Industries, Inc. Elbit Systems SAR & Data Links - Elisra, Ltd. Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense Company Environmental Tectonics Corporation Essex Industries Fujikura Parachute Co., Ltd. FXC Corporation Gentex Corporation Gibson & Barnes Hanel Storage Systems Honeywell Aerospace Yeovil Humanetics Innovative Solutions Interactive Safety Products, Inc. Kannad Aviation Katadyn North America Kistler Instrument Corporation Life Support International, Inc. Martin-Baker Aircraft Co., Ltd. Nammo Talley, Inc. Networks Electronic Company Offray Specialty Narrow Fabrics Oregon Aero Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Co. Para-Gear Equipment Company Phantom Products, Inc. Revision Safe, Inc. Secumar Bernhardt Apparatebau GmbH u. Co. Seitz Scientific Industries, Inc. Signal Engineering, Inc. Skytexus, International SSK Industries, Inc. Stratus Systems, Inc. Survitec Group, Ltd. Survival Innovations, Inc. Switlik Parachute Co., Inc. Systems Technology, Inc. Teledyne Energetics Transaero, Inc. TSL Aerospace Technologies - ALSE Division Tulmar Safety Systems, Inc. UTC Aerospace Systems Vinyl Technology - Sales W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Wel-Fab, Inc. Westone Laboratories, Inc. - Hearing Healthcare Protection Wolf Technical Services, Inc. Zodiac - Air Cruisers - OEM & Military Sales Please thank our corporate members – they are the backbone of our Association and are to be commended for their constant support of SAFE. 2014 SAFE Symposium – Tentative Program Page 56 53