
Pastor/Trust Administrator
NOVEMBER 22, 2015
Our mission is to build up the Kingdom of God by offering ourselves
with Jesus for the true good of every person.
Mass Schedule
Weekday & Sat. Morning:
8:00 am
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 pm
9:00 & 11:00 am
Holy Days:
As Announced
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Weekday & Sat. Morning: 7:30-7:50 am
Saturday Vigil:
4:00-4:45 pm
Sunday: 8:30-8:45 am & 10:30-10:45 am
(30 minutes before all other Masses)
Office Hours
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Mailing Address
PO Box 187
4263 Route 981
United PA 15689
Phone Numbers
Parish Office/Rectory:
Pastoral Emergencies:
Catechesis, Faith Formation
& Evangelization (CFFE)
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline:
CFFE Director:
Dr. Joseph Dreliszak
CFFE Office Assistant:
Angela Reese
Preschool Director:
Lottie Hirak
Preschool Aide:
Karen Dlugos
Music Director:
Steven Makar
Mary Jane Makar
Parish Bookkeeper:
Missy Bair
Parish Secretary:
Grace Montagna
Pastoral Council
Terry Foriska
Mike Reese
Don Scekeres
Dave Shimko
Tammy Sofranko*
Nicole Stull
Mary Ellen Teich
Jean Wallak
Finance Council
John Boggess
Ed Cibulas
Mike Johnson
David Lazor*
Kathy Sobinsky
Stephanie Soflak
Jerry Yasher
Robert Zelenak
I am all Yours, O most loving Jesus, through Mary, Your Mother.
Page 2
November 22, 2015
MASS INTENTIONS (Scheduling Form on back of bulletin)
Sat., Nov. 21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Sun., Nov. 22 9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Mon., Nov. 23 8:00 AM
Tue., Nov. 24 8:00 AM
Wed., Nov. 25 8:00 AM
Thu., Nov. 26 9:00 AM
Fri., Nov. 27 8:00 AM
Sat., Nov. 28 8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Sun., Nov. 29 9:00 AM
11:00 AM
+Andrew Vahaly, Sr. & Andrew Vahaly, Jr.
by Wife & Mother
+Mary Tomechko by Family
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
For Living & Deceased Parishioners
+Barbara Brodak by James Brodak
W eekday
+John Duhon by Cathy Duhon
St. Andrew Dung-Lac & companions
+Margaret Gorinski by Dolores Kenney
+Rita Megrey by Elizabeth & Michael Felice
Weekday - Thanksgiving Day
+Frank & Eleanor Mizikar by Family
+Kathy Hudak by Mom & Dad
+Josephine McCullough by Margaret Magda
For Living & Deceased Parishioners
First Sunday of Advent
+Thelma & Steve Smith by Hall, Noel &
Hungerman Families
+Gertrude & Walter Schmidt by Schmidt
November 15: Adults: $3,884.00; Loose: $340.85; All Saints:
$25.00; Thanksgiving: $25.00; Immaculate
Conception: $50.00;
Endowment: $65.00; Candles: $146.00; Building & Grounds
Upgrade: $161.00; Retired Religious & Retired Diocesan Priests:
$40.00; Diocesan Poverty Relief & CRS: $156.00; St. Vincent de
Paul Society, $65.00; Catholic Accent: $10.00. Total: $4,967.85.
God bless you!
2015 FESTIVAL REPORT shows a pr ofit (net income) of $28,678.54. This
was down just 6% from 2014 which is truly remarkable considering the reduced
number of “cleared” volunteers. Special thanks to Terry Jackson for heading up
this event and may God’s blessings be upon all who helped to make it a success.
DLA Refund
Second Collections
Communications Media
Retired Religious
Mission Sunday
*Extraordinary income is comprised of $18,122.48 in donations and
bequests and $25 in rental income.
**Extraordinary Expense contains an investment of the bequest designated
for the B&G upgrade fund of $18,102.48 in the Catholic Institute and $450
sent to the parish endowment..
***Miscellaneous income includes $75 Accent income, $405 parish
endowment income, and $350 religious education tuition.
Ordinary Income/ Expense Surplus/(-Deficit)
Overall Surplus/ (-Deficit)
Transfer to B&G Upgrade Fund
Balance: B&G Upgrade Fund
St. Vincent de Paul Society Donations for October, $55.00
Saturday, November 21, 2015 ~ 5:00 PM
Lector ................................................................... B. Mizikar
Eucharistic Ministers ............ M. Ceroni, C. Kelly, J. Mizikar
Altar Servers......... .............................. M. Juliano, C. Shaffer
Greeters…………………………...………….E. & J. Kovalik
Sunday, November 22, 2015 ~ 9:00 AM
Lector …………………………………………....J. Lawrence
Eucharistic Ministers…...D. Shimko, H. Szewczyk, M. Teich
Altar Servers...................................................E. & J. Hornyak
Greeters………………………...……...…N. Logan, N. Tracy
Sunday, November 22, 2015 ~ 11:00 AM
Lector . .................................................................. M. Sopko
Eucharistic Ministers ..... …W. Bossart, G. Kovacina, S. King
Altar Servers......... .................................. H. Macey, A. Reese
Greeters ........................... ……………………….D. Scekeres
Children’s Liturgy of the Word…….M. Klimchock, A. Reese
Saturday, November 28, 2015 ~ 5:00 PM
Lector ............................................................... A. Chovanec
Eucharistic Ministers ............... J. Lesko, C. Kelly, J. Mizikar
Altar Servers......... ...................................... J. & J. Chovanec
Greeters…………………………...E. Carpenter, V. Swiderski
Sunday, November 29, 2015 ~ 9:00 AM
Lector ……………………………………………....A. Reese
Eucharistic Ministers...T. Jackson, J. Lawrence, M. Monticue
Altar Servers.................................................G. & T. Sofranko
Greeters………………………...………E. Mondock, K. Sabo
Sunday, November 29, 2015 ~ 11:00 AM
Lector . ................................................................. B. Mizikar
Eucharistic Ministers…M. Klimchock, G. Kovacina, E. Zider
Altar Servers......... ............................................. J. & L. King
Greeters ........................... ……………………….D. Scekeres
Children’s Liturgy of the Word………...….T. Banks, S. King
Readings for the Week of November 22, 2015
Sunday: Dn 7:13-14/Rv 1:5-8/Jn 18:33b-37
Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Lk 21:1-4
Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45/Lk 21:5-11
Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/Lk 21:12-19
Thursday: Dn 6:12-28/Lk 21:20-28
Friday: Dn 7:2-14/Lk 21:29-33
Saturday: Dn 7:15-27/Lk 21:34-36
Next Sunday: Jer 33:14-16/1 Thes 3:12--4:2/Lk 21:25-28,34-36
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Adult Bible Study
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Sunday, 10:00 am
Tuesday - Wednesday
Tuesday, 1:00 pm
Sanctuary Light
In Remembrance of
George & Mary Vidakovich
by Dorothy & Family
...those in the hospital including Margaret Forbes and
Mary Ann Herczyk
Bulletin Deadline: 9:00 am Monday (gmontagna@dioceseofgreensburg.org)
by Joe Lesko
Solemnity of Christ the King
Instituted by Pius XI in 1926, this feast had been celebrated on the
last Sunday of October to foster the awareness of Christ’s dominion over all
people and to establish peace among nations. After Vatican Council II the
feast is transferred to the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year, the Sunday before Advent.
Last week we heard from Daniel’ fourth apocalyptic vision as our
first reading. Today’s first reading is from Daniels’ first apocalyptic vision,
the vision of the four beasts which occupies all of Chapter of this Book. All
exegetes now agree that the four beasts of the vision stand for the four successive pagan empires. Each of these pagan empires occupy Jerusalem and each
of the occupations end in conversion of the occupier. The first three occupations end in conversion to Judaism while the fourth and final ends in conversion to Christianity. Today’s reading occurs immediately after the fourth
beast has been destroyed in Daniel’s vision.
Daniels see “One like a son of man” coming from God. Note that
the four beasts have come “up from the sea,” from the powers of evil. These
beasts are representations of kingdoms. The human form is not an individual
but a symbol of one from the kingdom of the Most High. The concept of the
Son of Man eventually shifts from a figure of speed for the theocratic kingdom into a term for the Messianic King himself. The change appears in the
Book of Enoch, written a century or two before the time of Christ. The final
verse celebrates the Son of Man’s, Christ’s, kingship. He is anointed by the
Father in an altogether non-worldly way with the oil of gladness as the Eternal
Priest and Universal King. As Priest He offers his life on the altar of the
cross and redeems the human race by His one perfect sacrifice of peace. As
King He claims dominion over all creation that He may present to the Father a
Kingdom of truth and life, a Kingdom of holiness and grace, a Kingdom of
justice love and peace.
From Daniel we hear the prophecy of the King of God’s eternal
kingdom. The Gospel of John explains the sacrificial coronation that brings
the two readings together. These readings represent a fitting end to the Liturgical Cycle B and direct us to a preparation time (Advent) of a new Cycle,
Cycle C, in the coming of the Son of Man to earth. As apocalyptic literature,
God destroys evil (man’s sin) and gives peace through Jesus’s sacrifice.
Because the Gospel of Mark is so short and this beings the last
Sunday in the current cycle (Cycle B), we turn to the Gospel of John to see
Jesus’ kingship described. Jesus has been arrested and the High Priest Annas
has finished his interrogation the previous evening, and finding nothing
wrong, sends him to another high priest, Caiaphas. We are told the night is
cold, and twice Peter is described as warming himself near the charcoal fire.
At daybreak (Good Friday) Jesus is brought to Pilate who is unable to secure a
clear indictment from the crowd and so has summoned Jesus inside the
praetorium (Roman courtroom) to make a private inquiry of Jesus.
The contempt with which Pilate and the Jews regard one another
is well known. Pilate’s questioning foes not necessarily mean that he is unaware of the attitude of these men toward Jesus, but he is asking for a charge
against him which will have validity in Roman law. This Jesus’ enemies did
not conclusively have, hence their initial effort to bluster Pilate into doing
their will without hearing specific charges. Pilate has refused to involve
himself under those terms and has forced the Jews to speak bluntly of their
designs of Jesus’ life.
The Gospel of John is unique in that, unlike the other three gospels, John places Jesus’ death on the cross on a different date. The synoptic
gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) all show the Last Supper as being a Passover
meal with Jesus’ sacrifice occurring the next day. John, because of his emphasis on the Eucharist, places Jesus’ death at the same time as the sacrifice of
the Passover lamb. John draws heavily from the Old Testament Passover
imagery in his narrative. Only in John do we hear Jesus being declared “The
Lamb of God” (1:29, 36). John places Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem
on the day when the Jews are to procure the lamb for the Passover meal (Palm
Sunday); they are to observe the lamb for four days to ensure that it is free
from any blemishes before the animal is sacrificed (Exodus 12: 3-6).
John has Pilate, after examining Jesus, declare that He is without
blemish and tells them to take Him yourselves and crucify Him. John then
goes on to report that Jesus’ sacrifice on the altar of the cross satisfies the
requirements for the Passover Lamb. All this is to show that Jesus becomes
the sacrifice of the New Passover, the meal which Jesus promises in His bread
of Life Discourse (John 6:25-70). He becomes the meal which must be eaten
if we are to part of the covenant (Exodus 12:8). In the exchange between
Pilate and Jesus, Jesus’ answers separate His kingship from anything that
could threaten the Roman Empire. He makes it clear that His kingship is not
an earthly one. He is not a worldly king, but a king who came into the world
to testify to the truth. In this sense the two readings relate to the title Christ
the King.
Kindergarten to 12th Grade
Monday, November 23rd - 6:00—7:15 pm
All students grades K to 12 will meet this Monday,
November 23rd, from 6:00 to 7:15 pm with their
families for our Advent Family Faith Night.
Because of the nature of the evening, children must
be accompanied by at lease one parent or adult
family member.
For more information, please contact Angela Reese:
724-423-5087 or areese@dioceseofgreensburg.org
Adult Faith Formation Opportunities
Are You or Is Someone You Know Interested in
Joining the Catholic Faith???
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – (RCIA) –
Are you or anyone you know interested in joining the
Catholic Faith? No commitment is needed at this time.
Just contact the CFFE office for more information: 724423-5087 or jdreliszak@dioceseofgreensburg.org.
Adult Bible Study-- A reminder that interested adults
gather on Sunday mornings after the 9:00 am Mass to
discuss the Joy of the Gospel written by Pope
Francis. There is no cost for the materials. All are
welcome to come and share in this time of discussion
and reflection. As one reads Pope Francis’ book “The
Joy of the Gospel” he discovers the Pope’s current
teachings on mercy and acceptance. The Pope goes this
in a general way by explaining how Christians must
meet the challenges that today’s culture presents. He
highlights the need for understanding and acceptance
what society faces as threats to Christian belief. Learn
with the group his answers and his defense of his
answers. Plan to join the group and Pope Francis on
Sundays at 10:00 am in the Faith Formation Building.
Sharing a Gift to Help Others…We
are working with Catholic Charities
to provide gifts for twenty teens
that this diocesan group works with
throughout the year. A Giving
Tree listing the gender and some
gift ideas is now found at the entry
of the church. Labels listing the
needs of the child can be found on
the tree. Gifts may be placed in a gift bag and
returned to the church no later than December 9. Please
consider helping others during this special season.
Registration Continues… Join us for a small
group retreat in preparation for Marian
Consecration. Registration will be available
after all Masses this weekend. Our First
introduction session will be on November 25
from 1:00 - 2:30 or November 28th from 6:15
– 7:45. Both sessions will meet at the Faith
Formation Center.
Our newly formed Evangelization Committee for our
parish has met several times now. Many exciting plans
are being discussed to enhance the spiritual, social, and
educational needs of the parish.
Parishioners are
encouraged to join us at our next meeting that will take
place November 30 at 10:00 am. All are welcome to
attend. Please contact Dr. Dreliszak in the CFFE office
for more information.
Net Profit: $28,678.54
To everyone who worked, donated, ate, played or
participated in any way, THANK YOU for another
successful parish festival.
If you have any suspicion about the sexual abuse
(or any other type of abuse) of a minor child by anyone — please contact PA Childline immediately
1-800-932-0313. If the alleged abuser is
functioning in a parish, school or diocesan position
as clergy, religious, paid staff or volunteer you are
also requested to contact the Bishop’s Delegate for
Matters of Sexual Misconduct after you have called
the Childline number and made the report. The
Bishop’s Delegate may be reached at 724-837-0901,
Ext. 1221.
This Weekend November 21-22
Following All Masses
MANY THANKS to those who attended our
Veterans Program sponsored by our Preschool. The
kids were great, and our guests were most
appreciative. May we continue to pray for World
Altar Society Christmas Party
Sunday, November 29th
St. Florian Hall
After 11:00 Mass
Active and associate members are invited.
Call Teresa 423-4128 by November 22nd
to make your reservation.
in sacristy and parish office
$1/pack of 4; $2/pack of 8
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
822 West Main Street
Mount Pleasant, PA
A traditional Thanksgiving Day meal with all the trimmings
will be served at Good Shepherd Church on Thanksgiving Day
from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. For ANYONE in the area who
wants to come. There will be no charge and no free-will
offering for the meal It will be a time to gather, share a meal
and fellowship with one another. Dine-in only. Transportation
will be provided within a 5 mile radius—call 724-547-5941.
For sale by individual: 2 St. Florian Cemetery plots ~
New Section ~ Near road ~ $400.00 each ~ Serious inquiries only ~ 724-837-1185
Contact Marilee for cookie sheets, $9 each
Page 5
November 22, 2015
2015 ANNUAL STEWARDHIP RENEWAL, which began November 1st, concludes today, November 22nd, the
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Our emphasis this year has been on the giving of one’s time
and talent in support of parish services which depend on volunteers. Please consider making a sacrificial gift of your
time and talent by volunteering to serve your parish in one or more of the ways listed on the gold-colored Stewardship
Information & Reply Form previously mailed to you. Return the form ONLY if you are volunteering for a new service
that you are not currently providing. Please put completed forms in the Sunday collection or return them directly to the
parish office as soon as possible.
CEMETERY LOT PRICES WILL BE GOING UP! Effective J anuar y 1, 2016, the cost for a single gr ave lot in
any of our three cemeteries will increase from $400 to $500. Everyone is encouraged to purchase lots for their needs
before the end of this year for maximum savings. Another increase, from $500 to $600 will take effect on January 1,
PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING is scheduled for Wednesday, December 2nd at 7:00 pm in the rectory.
Dear GCC Class of 2020,
On behalf of the Faculty and Staff of Greensburg Central Catholic, it is my pleasure, to invite you to spend time with us on
Thursday, December 10 for 9th Grade Visit Day. For planning purposes, please RSVP to Ruth Ann Wargofchik at
rwargofchik@gcchs.org or call 724-834-0310, ext. 209. Permission slips are available by 724-834-0310. Your parents /guardians
need to sign this so you can come to GCC for the day.
Our day will begin with drop off at 9:00 a.m. in the Auxiliary Gym with donuts and juice followed by a tour of our campus.
Then we will play a quick game or two to get to know each other and a few teachers too. You will have the chance to get to know
our current GCC 8th graders throughout the day. After lunch, you will have the opportunity to ask current 9 th, 10th and 11th graders a
few questions about life as a high school student at Central. Our day will go by quickly as your bus will pick you up at 1:00 pm and
take you back to your school.
We’ll be eating lunch and meeting new friends before you know it! Until then, God Bless you and your family.
Mr. Althof
Mrs. Sherman
Assistant Principal
Guidance Counselor
ST. EDWARD SPRING TRIP TO LANCASTER - It’s not too early to book your trip to the Sight &
Sound Theater featuring “Samson” on April 15, 2016. The cost of $129 includes Round Trip Motor
Coach, Amish Dinner Feast at Hershey Farms Restaurant, a visit to Bird-In-Hand Farmer’s Market and
reserved seating for “Samson”. Please call Dee at 724-446-7772 for reservations and information.
Thanksgiving Day Meal Prayer
God, who gives us all good gifts and who is the source of every blessing we have,
hear our prayer as we gather to give thanks for all that you have set before us.
We are grateful not only for the food that graces our table in such abundance,
but also for the bond of family and friends, strengthened by the meal we share, and
by the warmth of your love that comes to us each day through your benevolent mercy.
Help us to use wisely all the gracious gifts you have showered upon us
for the benefit of ourselves, our family, and our nation. On this Thanksgiving Day
may we acknowledge that every good thing comes to us from you,
and may your bounty never cease, so that we may share
your blessings with those in need. Amen.
Please support our sponsors.