Newsletter - Recore Trading Company, LLC


Newsletter - Recore Trading Company, LLC
VOL. 4, ISSUE 8 – october 2014
22 Manchester Road • Derry, NH 03038
The first week of September failed to
have the usual bump in pricing for
flats. This really comes as no surprise
since the markets are no longer as
predictable as they once were. Who
knows where things will go from here
but as I write this in early September
ferrous is a bit weak. There are
Don Belisle,
Owner of
certainly a lot of things happening in
Recore Trading
the Northeast right now with regard
Company, L.L.C.
to ferrous processors. Things are
definitely changing. Recore is working diligently to keep
the best pricing possible for ferrous, non-ferrous and
precious metals. September is typically the start of one
of our busiest seasons here in New England. Most yard
operators start their annual clean up before the onslaught
of winter. Fall is also a good time to get a lot of product
out the door and sold before the year end holidays. If this
winter turns out to be like the past few, now is the time to
get stuff up off the ground before it gets buried, not to be
seen again till the Spring thaw! Fall is also a good time to
get things done outdoors. The blazing heat of summer is
gone and the frigid winter has not arrived yet. Overall, Fall
usually provides the best weather for working and getting
things done. I know I always look forward to this season
because business is good and the weather is great.
Here at Recore we continue to refine our ceramic precious
metal (catalytic converter) processing line. With more
product being processed for return based payment every
month this line is really getting a workout. This has been a
great education for me and very rewarding. Designing and
building this line have afforded me with many trips around
this country and beyond to test various equipment and
discuss the process with engineers at the largest precious
metals companies in the world. We had to build some
of the equipment and everything else had to be bought
and adapted. Some of it worked out of the gate and some
didn’t. You cannot just go out and buy a catalytic converter
processing line and lab. You have to design, test and build
it. It literally takes years to refine the process. I am thrilled
with the latest results of independent laboratory testing of
our process showing our accuracy greater than 99%!!! We
are very proud of what we do here. What we like to do is
give a tour of our processing line to potential suppliers and
have them try a load with us. In every instance the supplier
receives a better settlement and continues to sell to us.
Recore is the first in the country to successfully get this
process installed and running at this level. We are the only
company who can process a lot as small as 300 pieces by
assay and have the results in only two weeks. With success
come the inevitable imitators. We know of one company
in another part of the country that is advertising that they
can do what we do; however, they require 30 days. In
continued on page 2
continued from page 1
another instance I had a converter company I know well
actually contact me and ask me what equipment they
should buy to do what we do. Even though this converter
dealer is many, many miles away, I respectfully declined.
Giving away that information is proprietary to Recore and
was extremely expensive to gain. I guess the old saying is
true - imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
We have a lot of converter suppliers who watch the markets
to decide when to sell and how and price the cats that
they buy. One thing to consider is that palladium price
in many instances affects your price more than platinum
does. Converters for gas powered vehicles use far more
PD than PT. The industry has and continues to change the
amounts of each precious metal used in converters. So
look at PD as much or more than PT when looking at
market prices with regard to catalytic converters. If you
are a regular supplier to us we are happy to share how
specific market changes affect pricing. Just give us a call!
Over the years the customer has gotten smarter and smarter.
They are better educated at all things in life including service.
Today’s customer has experienced it and they like it. You can
no longer ask them to choose between lower price or better
service, they want both. Offering a good service can present
several problems, but it also creates opportunities.
As an owner we have a tendency
to promise too much and then we
don’t deliver. It’s our fault because
we raised their expectations
too high and then they become
unhappy when we don’t deliver.
Not only does the customer want
good service they also want it
faster and easier. Most of our competition has the working
capital to run their business, they offer the same types of
service as you, and they buy technical products right off
the shelf to support their business. Our only competitive
source we have that’s different is our people and the service
they provide. It’s no longer good enough to hire good smart
people you must now look for people with great attitude’s,
personalities, and have the “I love to work here” frame of
mind. These people are out there or you can create them,
and when you do work becomes a whole lot more fun.
When I sold my company I had 36 employees and no one
ever quit. It was fun for my employees and me. When you
have this environment:
1. Your employees are happy
2. Your employees are more productive
3. Your customer is happy
4. Every employee becomes a sales person that
grows your business
5. It made me happy and increased profits
Several years ago a study was done in Texas where they took
100 successful businesses and compared them to see what
they had in common. Some were well educated, where
others barely made it through high school. Some had a lot of
money to start and others had to borrow, but they all had one
thing in common, they had spent a lot of time with someone
that was very successful. They had a mentor they could
learn from. When you are in business you cannot afford to
stop learning. To be competitive you must
continue your education and stay on top
of changes in your industry.
Here are a few things I learned that help
make me successful:
a. Ask the customer what they want and give it to them
again and again – When you create rules like answering
the phone by the second ring or giving response time to
problems in less than 30 minutes you assume you know
what the customer wants. The only way to find out what
the customer wants is to ask them.
b. Customers expect you to keep your word – When you
are a small business your word is your company. Once
you establish trust with your customer you will have
them forever. I did not offer
the cheapest service but my
customer loved me because
they could believe whatever
I told them. No matter what
business you are in it’s all
about service. Can you deliver what you are selling faster,
easier, and more convenient than your competitor?
c. When the customer asks the answer is always yes - If
the customer asks if you can do something the answer
is always yes. When a customer asks you to do something not totally related to the business your competition
will say no because it’s a distraction to his business, but
remember your business is taking
care of a customer.
d. Every employee that deals with the
customer must have the authority
to address complaints - Every employee that talks to a customer should have the authority
to handle a complaint. If a customer calls with a complaint they don’t want to hear an answer of you have
to talk to a manager. Remember the only competitive
source you have over your competitor is your people, so
let them work.
e. Treat your employees like your partners – In order to get
good people and keep them, you
continued on page 3
by D. J. Harrington
Most people listen to the radio station, W.I.I. FM better known
as “What’s In It For Me”.
No one will consistently do something for you unless you can
show them what is in it for them. This is not complex. There
is no great secret here. Everyone adheres to this rule. They
may not admit it, but they do. We all remember Walt Disney’s
movie “Lady and the Tramp”. It provides a lesson for anyone
who wishes to dispute me.
In this story, Lady has a muzzle put over her snout. She is unable to remove it, and runs away in sadness and disgrace. Her
boyfriend, Tramp, devises an ingenious plan to remove it. He
leads her to a pond where a beaver is struggling with a log, trying to pull it into the water.
Tramp asks the beaver if he would like a “log puller” to help
in his work, all the beaver had to do is gnaw off the “handydandy log puller” modeled by Lady. The beaver quickly nibbles
through the strap. Lady is free of the muzzle, the beaver has his
log puller, everyone is happy and everyone gets what they want.
The moral of the story is easy. If you expect people to do something for you, you must show them what’s in it for them. Some
people will claim that they do things without expecting a reward. Your parents, for example, will sacrifice almost anything
for you and I know I have done that for my daughter Erin. I do
not expect a reward but you know what, I get one.
We all receive love from our children. We get the satisfaction of
knowing that we provide for them. We do our very best as parents, and that is all the reward we need. But make no mistake,
there IS a reward there.
Are there people in your life who seem to do things for you
without expecting anything in return? Well, there is something
for those people. They may derive satisfaction from the smile on
your face (that is IF you smile). They may
feel responsible ofr you and will attempt to
satisfy their feelings by helping you. They
may believe that they owe a past debt to
you or your family. In any event, these
people will still get something by helping
you. You may never know what it is, but it will be very real to
the other person.
However, most people need something more tangible in order
to consistently do something for you. They need to establish a
feeling of equity. That is, they want to get something in return
for the things they do.
Some people have a hard time relating to this. They feel it is
cynical. Well, it isn’t. This is how people operate. There is
absolutely nothing wrong with it. In fact, anyone who does
something for you DESERVES and is ENTITLED to something in
return. It is more than a rule; it is a law of human nature.
Please give things to other people. It may not be money or
goods, it could simply be appreciation. Whatever it is, it should
be equal to, or exceed, the value of what you received.
Until next month…thank you for reading my article.
Correspondence regarding this article should go to: Phone Logic, Inc.,
2820 Andover Way, Woodstock, GA 30189
D. J. Harrington is an author, journalist, seminar leader, international
trainer, and marketing consultant. He works primarily with customer
service personnel, and his clients include such world-class companies
as General Motors, DuPont, Caterpillar and Damon Corporation.
He may be reached at 800/352-5252. E-mail: 52
weeks a year, we are as close as your telephone. Visit
to order my books ~ “Your Prescription for Life” and “Mastering the
Art of Success”. Check out my NEW eLearning system on!
THE CUSTOMER/THE SERVICE continued from page 2
must pay them. You should want to pay them more than
they could make somewhere else. Get in the habit of
asking them how you can help them make more money.
f. Knowledge is power so measure everything – It always
amazes me how many people run their business day
to day without knowing the details of their business. I
knew who my best employees were and I knew who my
worst employees were because I measured everything
they did. I knew who my best customers were, and who
my worst customers were. I also knew the cost for every function and service I provided. This allowed me to
change services when necessary.
g. Show people respect and be polite,
it works – This starts with you showing respect and being nice to your
employees. When you do this to
your employees, they pass it on to
the customers. When people notice the little things you do they will be repeat customers. Remember, good employees give you a competitive
h. Find a good mentor and follow what they did and im-
prove on it when possible I did not have a mentor, but
I joined a group of small business owners that met once
a month and shared ideas and listened to each other’s
problems. This is why “” was created.
This allows you to learn and share ideas, but more importantly someone you can share your problems with.
Someone who has gone through the same things you
face today. If we don’t have the answer we can call
on other members for help. It’s all about helping each
Owning your own business can bring many problems and
a lot of stress, but if you do it right it can also be fun and
rewarding. Keep in mind that your success depends on happy
customers, and that begins with good customer service.
Dan Messina worked 25 years as a consultant in the computer
industry. He is founder of the largest towing association in the U.S.
with an annual operating budget of $250,000. Made the cover
of a national magazine as 2009 Towman of the year and he never
towed a car in his life, but he was successful at building a large
tow company with annual revenue of 4.5 million and sold it after
7 years. He writes business articles for over 150 different industry
associations and 16 different magazines.
Want to win $100?
This 30 yd container is full of decanned converter shells. How
many converters did it take to
fill this container?
Email your answer to us at, fax to
603-437-1313 or even mail to
us at 22 Manchester Rd., Derry,
NH 03038. Please include your
name, name of your business
and telephone number so we
can contact you if you are the
winner. All entries must be
received by 4 PM October 31,
2014 to be eligible. The person
closest to the actual number will
be the winner and if we have
multiple correct entries, we will
draw a winner on November
1, 2014. Remember we are
announcing the winner of all
monthly contests on the “Our
Services” page of our website.
Contest is open to yard owners,
dealers, repair garages, scrap
dealers and exhaust shops and
their employees. All catalytic
converter dealers and Recore
Trading employees are not
eligible for this contest.
As the ferrous and nonferrous markets change, we will keep you informed via a blind group email. We
keep an eye on the markets all day and when there is a significant change, up or down, we will let you
know. This information can have a direct impact on your bottom line, so sign up today. It is absolutely
free and there is no obligation.
To get on our list, send an
email to Pat at:
Our trucks and equipment have
changed, our physical address
has changed and even the color
of our building has changed,
but the one thing that remains
constant is our dedication and
commitment to our customers.
We treat others how we want
to be treated and most of our
customers are not only our
neighbors—they have become
long lasting friends. Remember,
we will work hard to earn your
business, and even harder to
keep your business!!
•The Indianapolis Colts are
the first team in NFL history to win 12 or more games
in five consecutive years.
•Monday Night Football
first aired in 1970. The
initial hosts were Howard
Cosell, Keith Jackson and
Don Meredith.
•Under Tom Landry, the
Dallas Cowboys posted 20
straight winning seasons.
This accomplishment is unmatched by any other professional sports franchise.
•The last NFL team to go
out of business was the
Dallas Texans in 1952.
•Dan Reeves, Tony Dungy
and Mike Ditka have all
appeared in Super Bowls
as players, assistant coaches and head coaches.
•All My Rowdy Friends Are
Here on Monday Night by
Hank Williams Jr. debuted
as the Monday Night Football theme in 1989.
•Terry Bradshaw is the first
and only NFL player to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
•Legendary quarterback Joe
Montana produces wine
under the label Montagia.
•Eli and Payton Manning
are the only set of brothers
to play quarterback in a
Super Bowl. They are also
the only brothers to both
win the Super Bowl MVP
•The largest attendance
for a NFL regular season
game is 103,467, the Cardinals vs. 49ers at Mexico
City’s Azteca Stadium.
•The most consecutive games a team has ever lost in
one season is 15 (2001 Carolina Panthers).
•The NFL record for most pass attempts in a game
belongs to QB Drew Bledsoe with 70 (an overtime
game in 1994).
•In 2005, Steve Young became the first left-handed
quarterback inducted into the Pro Football Hall of
•Tony Dungy is the first African-American coach to
win a Super Bowl.
•The great-great grandfather of kicker Adam Vinatieri
was the bandmaster for General George Armstrong
Custer. He survived Little Big Horn, as Custer had
suggested he ride back to camp.
•In 1948, the Rams became the first team to have
a helmet insignia. The distinctive Ram horns were
hand-painted onto the helmets by the team’s halfback, Fred Gehrke.
•Raiders running back Justin Fargas is the son of actor Antonio Fargas, famous for playing Huggy Bear
on the series Starsky and Hutch.
•Following Thanksgiving, Super Bowl Sunday is the
largest food consumption day in the United States.
•In 1983, the New York Giants and St. Louis Cardinals played to the only overtime tie game in Monday Night Football history. The final score was 20
to 20.
•The record for most team fumbles in a season belongs to the 1938 Chicago Bears. They fumbled 56
•The record for the fewest team fumbles in a season
belongs to the 1959 Cleveland Browns. They only
fumbled the ball eight times.
•In 1927, the New York Giants held opponents to
just three touchdowns all season.
•The 2000 draft marked the only year that three
quarterbacks drafted in the sixth round started a
game in the NFL (Marc Bulger, Tom Brady and Spergon Wynn).
•Out of 50 games played on Monday Night Football,
the Chicago Bears have lost 34.
•Safety Rodney Harrison has been voted by his peers
as the league’s dirtiest player in 2004 and 2006.
We use modern 3 sided trailers with great truck
drivers making the process extremely efficient and
we pay promptly. You will receive top pricing
on both your flattened cars and your catalytic
converters. If you do not want to crush the cars
yourself, we’ll do it for you at a very reasonable rate.
Call 603-437-3000 today to get on our schedule.
If you want to get your cars crushed before the
snow flies, give Recore Trading a call. We will
loan you our Overbuilt car crusher, just agree to
sell us the cars and cats and we will deliver our
crusher to your yard to use for FREE!
Our in house state-of-the-art precious metals lab
and processing line means we can process loads of
catalytic converters in 2 weeks or less, paying based
on return of the precious metals.
You will maximize
your profits at
Recore Trading!
2007 OverBuilt Car Crusher
2008 OverBuilt Baler/Logger
2012 OverBuilt Baler/Logger
1994 EZ Crusher/Electric, Stationary
2009 EZ Log/Baler
2010 EZ Crusher/Electric, Stationary
1996 Mac Crusher Portable Remote
2001 Big Mac Crusher
2011 Sierra RB 5000 Baler/Logger
For more information on all new and used equipment for sale,
please call Steve at: 605-352-6469 or 800-548-6469. Also, be
sure to visit their website at:
Huron, South Dakota
25 th
Celebrating Our
w w w.recore tr
Joe was walking with his new girlfriend Vickie. They had just finished A man takes a lady out to dinner for the first time. Later they
go on to a show.
a wonderful date and he was about to drop her off at home.
The mood was right and the timing was right, so Joe looked into her The evening is a huge success and as he drops her at her door
eyes and said, “Sweetheart, I want to tell you that you’re the first girl he says “I have had a lovely time. You looked so beautiful,
you remind me of a beautiful rambling rose. May I call on
I have ever loved.”
you tomorrow?”
“Oh no”, Vickie groaned, “not another Rookie!”
She agrees and a date is made.
The next night he knocks on her door and when she opens it
she slaps him hard across the face.
A blonde walks into the police
department looking for a job. The
captain says they can’t just turn her
away, and orders the desk officer to
ask her a few questions as if doing an
He is stunned. “What was that for?” he asked.
She said “I looked up rambling rose in the encyclopedia last
night and it said ‘Not well suited to bedding but is excellent
for rooting up against a garden wall.’”
80-year old Bessie bursts into the recreation room
at the retirement home. She holds her clenched fist
in the air and announces, “Anyone who can guess
what’s in my hand can have sex with me tonight!”
Not having any idea what to ask her to
disqualify her application, the officer
asks, “What’s 2+2?”
“Ummm... 4!” the blonde says.
The officer thinks, and tries a harder
one: “What’s the square root of 100?”
An elderly gentleman in the rear shouts out, “An
“Ummm... 10!” the blonde says.
Bessie thinks a minute and says, “Close enough.”
“Good!” the officer says, deciding to
switch from math to history. “OK, who
killed Abraham Lincoln?”
“Ummm... I don’t know,” she admits.
“Well, you can go home and think about it,” he says, “and
come back later and tell me what you’ve figured out.” He
thinks that’s the last he’ll see of her.
The blonde goes home and calls up one of her friends, who
ask her if she got the job.
“Not only did I get the job,” the blonde says, “but I’ve already
been assigned to a murder case!”
Recore Trading has over 25 years of precious metals
experience including assay based knowledge to group
similar metal content cats together and process them
that way for maximum return.
You will get paid more at Recore! We welcome the
opportunity to earn your business.
WE WELCOME YOUR COMMENTS Please know that any article or information in our newsletter is the expressed opinion of the writer. If you are enjoying our newsletter,
we’d love to hear from you and if for any reason you are not, just let us know, and we will remove you from the mailing list. Contact us at
603-437-3000 • 855-647-3267 • Fax: 603-437-1313