Algorithms for variable-rate application of manure
Algorithms for variable-rate application of manure
Baltic Forum for Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Manure Management KNOWLEDGE REPORT Algorithms for variable-rate application of manure By Daniel Rückamp, Judith Schick, Silvia Haneklaus and Ewald Schnug WP4 Standardisation of Manure Types with Focus on Phosphorus October 2013 Baltic Manure WP4 Standardisation of Manure Types with Focus on Phosphorus Algorithms for variable-rate application of manure By Daniel Rückamp, Judith Schick, Silvia Haneklaus and Ewald Schnug Julius Kühn-Institut, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI), Institute for Crop and Soil Science The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 1 Preface An undesired surplus of nutrients in agricultural soils can be attributed among others to a uniform application of fertilisers as it does not address the small-scale variation of nutrients in soils. Site-specific fertilisation can reduce nutrient surpluses. The present report aims to introduce the legal framework of manure application in countries of the Baltic Sea region, to describe the advantages and disadvantages of fertilisation with manure in relation to mineral fertilisers, to give an overview about the nutrient composition and amount of slurry in relation to animal species and feeding regime, and to develop algorithms for the variablerate application of slurry. This report was compiled and edited by Daniel Rückamp, Judith Schick, Silvia Haneklaus and Ewald Schnug (WP4 leader, JKI). It is written as part of work package 4 “Standardisation of manure types with focus on Phosphorus” of the project “Baltic Forum for Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Manure Management” (Baltic Manure). The project aims at turning manure problems into business opportunities and is partly funded by the European Union European Regional Development Fund (Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007- 2013). The authors would like to thank Alar Astover (EMU, Estonia), Andras Baky (JTI, Sweden), Andreas Berk (FLI, Germany), Juha Grönroos (SYKE, Finland), Allan Kaasik (EMU, Estonia), Ksawery Kuligowski (POMCERT, Poland), Andrea Meyer (LWK Niedersachsen, Germany), Ulrich Meyer (FLI, Germany), Hanne Damgaard Poulsen (Aarhus University, Denmark), Lena Rodhe (JTI, Sweden), Jakub Skorupski (Green Federation GAJA, Poland), Annette Vibeke Vestergaard (Videncentret for Landbrug, Denmark), and Kari Ylivainio (MTT, Finland). They gave input to the legal standards, to the animal feeding, to the separation of slurry and to the manuscript in general. October 2013 The authors The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 2 Table of Contents 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4 2 Legal framework for manure application ................................................................... 6 3 Advantages and disadvantages of mineral fertilisers and slurry................................ 11 4 Factors influencing the mineral composition of slurry .............................................. 13 5 Variable-rate slurry application ............................................................................... 24 6 5.1 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................... 24 5.2 Online-Measurement of manure composition .............................................................. 25 5.3 Strategies for manure production ................................................................................ 26 5.4 Additional application of mineral fertilisers .................................................................. 27 Algorithms for the variable-rate application of slurry ............................................... 28 6.1 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................... 28 6.2 Combined application of slurry and single-nutrient mineral fertiliser ............................ 28 6.3 Crop rotation ............................................................................................................... 40 7 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 43 8 References .............................................................................................................. 44 The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 3 1 Introduction Codes of Good Agricultural Practice imply the statuary law on management practices that can be adopted to minimise the risk of water, air and soil pollution (Schnug et al., 2011). Especially an undesired surplus of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on agricultural land as a result of an improper fertiliser use may lead to an increased nutrient discharge into water bodies. The nutrient surplus can be – among other factors – attributed to constant nutrient ratios of mineral multi-nutrient and organic fertilisers during the application. Usually, soil parameters and accordingly soil fertility vary naturally within one single field. Thus, a uniform application of fertilisers results in an imbalanced fertiliser application and consequently to unnecessary environmental impacts (Figure 1; Burrough, 1993; Haneklaus et al., 1998b; Haneklaus and Schnug, 2000). Figure 1 Discrepancy between site-specific nutrient demand and uniform fertiliser rates (adapted from Schnug et al., 2011). Usually, the balance of big livestock farms exhibits the highest nutrient surpluses (130-250 kg N ha-1, 90 kg P ha-1) (Haneklaus et al., 1998), which are caused by improper use of manure. Hence, manure is a major contributor to an increased nutrient input into the Baltic Sea region (BSR). Thus it may be concluded that a sustainable use of this valuable resource as an organic fertiliser is important for a balanced P supply of agricultural soils and for reducing nutrient losses to the Baltic Sea. Especially with view to phosphorus, manure handling needs special attention to ensure a careful use of this limited resource. A complementary strategy for the utilisation of manure, the maintenance of a sufficient soil nutrient status and the minimisation of environmental risks is necessary. A promising strategy is variable-rate application of fertilisers as the nutrient input matches exactly the nutrient demand. This concept considers the small-scale variability of soil and crop features The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 4 on a single field and transforms this knowledge into algorithms for a variable-rate application. The small-scale spatial and temporal variation of nitrate in soils has been assessed by Haneklaus et al. (1998). The content of available nitrogen varies even over distances shorter than 30 m and between sampling dates. The nitrate contents range from 28 to 100 kg N ha-1 which resulted in variable-rates from 23 to 43 kg N ha-1. Algorithms for a variable-rate application of mineral multi-nutrient fertiliser have already been developed by Haneklaus and Schnug (2000). Algorithms for a site-specific input of manure and slurry are missing so far, but are crucial for a purely demand-driven input of nutrients. The site-specific fertilisation with manure is demanding as in contrast to manufactured mineral fertilisers manure is a heterogeneous product because dry matter content, elemental composition and pH vary considerably. Generally, variable-rate application requires some essential prerequisites. Firstly, the acquisition of information on the variability of some soil characteristics important for the nutrient availability has to be undertaken. Those parameters are on the one hand the actual available nutrient contents and on the other hand long-term stable features such as soil texture, organic matter content and geomorphology (Haneklaus and Schnug, 2000). Secondly, the composition and the short and long-term impact of the fertiliser on the nutrient availability have to be known for each application date. Additionally, techniques for the exact and just in time application are necessary. Such techniques will be discussed in this report. The aim of the presented report is to introduce the legal framework of manure application in the countries of the Baltic Sea region, to describe the advantages and disadvantages of fertilisation with manure in relation to mineral fertilisers, to give an overview about the nutrient composition and amount of slurry in relation e.g. to animal species and feeding regime, and to develop algorithms for the variable-rate application of slurry. The strategies presented in this report focus on slurry (liquid manure) and the environmentally relevant plant nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus. The presented data and algorithms are based on actual values and literature data. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 5 2 Legal framework for manure application The legal situation for manure application in the countries of the Baltic Sea region is harmonised with directives of the European Union. Those directives were mostly transferred to national laws, where, in some cases, the general rules have been tightened. Most rules for manure application originate from one of the oldest EU environmental programs: the Council Directive of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (91/676/EEC, “Nitrate Directive”). In addition, also the Directive 2008/1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (“IPPC Directive”) and the Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy (“Water Framework Directive”) have effects on manure application rules, for example on phosphorus losses. As a consequence of the Nitrate Directive, codes of good agricultural practice have been developed and have been implemented in national guidelines or even laws. Additionally, nitrate action programmes have to be developed by the member states. The oldest framework for protection of the Baltic Sea and preventive measures onshore is the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki Convention). Table 1 and Table 2 summarise the legal standards for slurry application in the countries of the Baltic Sea region. The main differences between the countries are the area of the nitrate vulnerable zones, the maximum application amount following nitrogen or phosphorus and the regularly updated guidelines in Denmark. Several countries have declared the whole country as nitrate vulnerable; thus, the application rules are valid for the whole country. In Latvia, regulations apply for the entire country with stricter rules in nitrate vulnerable zones. In Sweden, most regulations are only valid in nitrate vulnerable zones and not the entire country. Most countries adopted the maximum value for manure application from the Nitrate Directive and fixed it at 170 kg N ha-1 a-1. Only 140 kg N ha-1 a-1 are allowed in Estonian NVZs and for pig manure in Demark. On the contrary, Sweden regulates the manure application by a phosphorus limit of 22 kg P ha -1 a-1, which also fulfils the requirements of the Nitrate Directive. Noteworthy is that mineral fertilisers can be applied in addition to manure whereby rates are not limited. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 6 Table 1 Legal frameworks for slurry application in countries of the Baltic Sea region. Country Reference Updates Denmark Vejledning om gødsknings- og harmoniregler (Guidelines on regulations of fertilising and harmony rules), 09.2012 Bekendtgørelse om erhvervsmæssigt dyrehold, husdyrgødning, ensilage m.v. (Order on commercial animal husbandry, manure and silage), 28.06.2012 Estonia Veeseadus (Water Act), 11.05.1994, last revision 21.12.2011 Finland Opas ympäristötuen ehtojen mukaiseen lannoitukseen 2007-2013 (Guide for fertilisation according to Agri-Environmental policy during 2007-2013), 04.2009 Germany Düngeverordnung (Fertilising Ordinance), 27.02.2007, last revision 24.02.2012 Latvia Noteikumi par ūdens un augsnes aizsardzību no lauksaimnieciskas darbības izraisītā piesārņojuma ar nitrātiem (Regulations regarding protection of water and soil from pollution with nitrates caused by agricultural sources), 18.12.2001, last revision 05.05.2009 Lithuania Lietuvos Respublikos Žemės Ūkio Ministro ir Lietuvos Respublikos Aplinkos Ministro: Dėl Vandenų apsaugos nuo taršos azoto junginiais iš žemės ūkio šaltinių reikalavimų patvirtinimo (On the approval of provisions for the protection of water from pollution caused by nitrogen compounds from agricultural sources of the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania), 19.12.2001 Lietuvos Respublikos Žemės Ūkio Ministro: Dėl Geros ūkininkavimo praktikos reikalavimų (Codes of good agricultural practice of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania), 16.07.2004, last revision 04.05.2006 Poland Ustawa o nawozach i nawozeniu (Fertiliser and Fertilisation Act), 10.07.2007 Rozporządzenie Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi w sprawie szczegółowego sposobu stosowania nawozów oraz prowadzenia szkoleń z zakresu ich stosowania (Ministry of Agriculture Decree on application of fertilisers and education in fertilisation), 16.04.2008, last revision 25.06.2012 Ustawa Prawo wodne (Water Act), 18.07.2001, last revision 09.02.2012 Sweden Statens jordbruksverks föreskrifter och allmänna råd om miljöhänsyn i jordbruket vad avser växtnäring (Swedish Board of Agriculture rules on environmental concerns in agriculture as regards plant nutrients), 2004, last revision 22.06.2011 The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the every year every second year unregularly regularly unregularly unregularly unregularly unregularly unregularly unregularly unregularly unregularly European Union - 7 Table 2 Regulations for slurry application in countries of the Baltic Sea region defined by the legal frameworks listed in Table 1. The overview is restricted to slurry, application on arable land and without stating all legal exceptions. Some aspects of good agricultural practice like manure working into the soil and vegetation cover have not been considered. Country NVZa Maximum application total maximumb special rules Animal density Application prohibited Winter time Water regime c -1 LU ha • 140 kg N ha-1 a-1 (pigs) • 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 (cattle) in certain areas, P is restricted by a maximum input level in the feeding ration • ≤ 1.4 (pigs) if > 100 kg N ≤ 2 ha-1 a-1, application in ≤ 1.5 (NVZ) two parts % territory Denmark 100 Estonia 7.7 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 25 kg P ha-1 a-1 140 kg N ha-1 a-1 (NVZ) Finland 100 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 • ≤ 1.7 (cattle) harvest - 01.02. (winter oilseedrape and grass until 01.10.) Other restrictions Excessive nutrients on frozen, watersaturated, flooded or snowcovered soil • buffer zone to open water bodies • regulations for sloping grounds • possible further restrictions (e.g. 0.7 x LU) in sensible groundwater-areas 01.11. - 31.03. on frozen, water• buffer zone to open saturated, water bodies flooded or snow• regulations for covered soil sloping grounds • advanced regulations for NVZ 15.10. - 15.04. if soil P exceeds 40- • buffer zone to open 50 mg dm-3 soil or 20 water bodies if not frozen or mg dm-3 peat • regulations for water-saturated: (highest P class, sloping grounds 15.11. - 01.04. depends on texture) if cattle manure is the only P source, application up to 20 t ha-1 even for high P classes are allowed Continued on next page 8 Table 2 (continued) Germany 100 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 Latvia 13 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 (NVZ) 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 (including mineral N) Lithuania 100 Poland 19 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 [25 kg P ha-1 a-1] 01.11. - 31.01. on frozen, watersaturated, flooded or snowcovered soil ≤ 1.7 (NVZ) 15.11. - 01.03. (NVZ) on frozen, watersaturated, flooded or snowcovered soil ≤ 1.7 01.12. - 31.03. on frozen, watersaturated, flooded or snowcovered soil 01.12. - 28.02. on frozen, watersaturated, flooded or snowcovered soil • buffer zone to open water bodies • regulations for sloping grounds • Compensation fertilisation in autumn only for remaining straw • buffer zone to open water bodies • regulations for sloping grounds • advanced regulations for NVZ • buffer zone to open water bodies • regulations for sloping grounds • buffer zone to open water bodies • regulations for sloping grounds Continued on next page 9 Table 2 (continued) Sweden 9 22 kg P ha-1 a-1 01.11. - 28.02. (NVZ) [170 kg N ha-1 a-1] 01.08. - 30.11. (NVZ) (Blekinge, Skåne, Halland (all within NVZ)): only on growing crops; special regulations for sowing crops a nitrate vulnerable zones according to the Nitrate Directive; b farm average; c livestock units on frozen, watersaturated, flooded or snowcovered soil (NVZ) • buffer zone to open water bodies (NVZ) • regulations for sloping grounds (NVZ) • if soil P exceeds P-AL class III, fertilisation equivalent only to plant removal 10 3 Advantages and disadvantages of mineral fertilisers and slurry Manure is a natural organic product, which has been used traditionally for fertilisation. Manure contains large amounts of organically-bound and medium-term plant-available nutrients, while the nutrients of partly or fully digested mineral fertilisers are immediately or on a short term basis plant-available. Differences exist for the availability of phosphorus in mineral fertilisers: for instance, phosphorus in triple phosphate is water soluble and thus instantly plant available, whereas phosphorus in rock phosphates is soluble only in strong acids so that P availability on agricultural soils is marginal at best in acid soils. The actual N and P utilisation efficiency of different manure types is summarised in Table 3. The data basis for the values provided is small and it is founded on studies in single countries; therefore, the standard values are different in the countries of the BSR. In general, 50-70% of the nitrogen is credited as available in the first year with slightly higher values for pig slurry (Table 3). Only Estonia and Latvia give values (40% and 35%, respectively) for the phosphorus availability in the first year (Table 3). Additionally, manure application takes effect also in following years. The not readily available nutrients will be mineralised with time. Experiments showed that manure fertilisation according to the nutrient offtake by plants did not alter the content of available phosphorus in soils (Schnug et al., 2003; Schick et al., 2012). Hence, there is a dynamic equilibrium between mobilisation of former applied phosphorus forms and newly applied stable phosphorus forms (Schnug et al., 2003) and phosphorus is considered as entirely plant available on a long-term application of manure (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007; Schneider-Götz et al., 2011). However, the long-term effect is largest in the second year, but only Estonia and Latvia give explicit nutrient availabilities for the second year (Table 3). Latvia refers to 10% of total N and total P, while Estonia specifies 0% of total N and 20% of total P. Both do not distinguish between pig or cattle manure (Table 3). Furthermore, regular manure applications have long-term effects on nutrient supply. Periodic manure applications cause an accumulation of organic matter, which is visible in two times higher organic matter contents in soils fertilised with manure for 140 years compared to ones without fertilisation (Rothamsted Research, 2006). The organic matter content in soils is even higher (factors 1.2-3.2) after manure applications than after mineral fertiliser applications shown in many long-term experiments (22-141 years; Edmeades 2003). Therefore, higher nutrient recoveries can be assumed for application periods longer than five years than for single applications (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007; Schneider-Götz et al., 2011). Denmark considers that after ten years of regular manure applications nitrogen availability will be higher for the year of application (Table 3). So far these results have not been implemented in national regulations for manure application. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 11 Table 3 Percentages of plant available nutrients in slurry for the year of application and subsequent years. The data according to the EU member states’ action programmes is taken from European Commission – Directorate General Environment, 2010. Country Definition of available nutrient Denmark fertiliser replacement value Estonia direct effect = crop utilisation Finland indirect indication: fertiliser replacement value Germany available nutrient Latvia fertiliser replacement value Lithuania available nutrient Poland fertiliser replacement value Sweden available nutrient Part of action Nt programme Cattle st 1 year % no Pt Pig Cattle long-term st 1 year long-term 70 10 a (indirecta) 75 no 50 50 no - 0% 2nd year no no no 50 50 no 10% 2nd year no no -b - 60 (spring), no 50 (autumn) Pig 1 year long-term 1st year long-term 10 a (indirect) - - - - 0% 2nd year no 40 20% 2nd year 40 20% 2nd year - - - - 60 50 no 10% 2nd year 35 10% 2nd year 35 10% 2nd year - - - - - - 60 (spring), 50 (autumn) no - - - - - st no 75% of yes 100% of yes residual residual NH4NH4-N after N after c spreading spreading a The residual fertiliser effect is already incorporated in the 1st year value; b only values for solid manure available; c The NH3 losses after spreading in spring are presumed to be 10% of NH4-N content for slurry (Swedish Board of Agriculture, 2010). 12 4 Factors influencing the mineral composition of slurry Several factors influence the mineral composition of slurry in the tanks. These imply animal type and weight, feedstuff quality and quantity, housing management, storage time and condition, and water content (Cordovil et al., 2012). Table 4 shows differences in the N and P content of slurry in relation to animal species and housing system. In general, slurry of cattle contains more solids and more N and has consequently a higher N:P ratio than pig slurry. The differences between the housing systems are only minor. Only tie-up housing of dairy cows and fattening bulls exhibit higher N:P ratios in manure than cubicle housing. By comparing dairy cows and fattening bulls, it can be stated that slurry of fattening bulls has higher solid percentages, while slurry of dairy cows contains less N and P (Table 4 & Table 5). Table 5 shows also the effect of different cattle races on slurry composition. However, the race has obviously no large influence on manure composition. Table 4 Variation of slurry composition depending on different housing systems for pigs and cattle. Data taken from Poulsen, 2012. The values have been calculated by using a large Danish dataset originated from farmers, feedstuff companies, and controlling authorities (Poulsen, personal communication). Housing system Solids % N kg t P N:P -1 Fattening pigsa Partly slatted floor (25-50%) 06.6 4.96 1.16 4.3 Fully slatted floor 06.1 4.53 1.15 3.9 Draining + slatted floor (33 + 67%) 06.1 4.63 1.15 4.0 b Dairy cows Tie-up housing with floor grating 11.1 6.10 0.91 6.7 Cubicles with solid floor 09.3 5.22 0.83 6.3 Cubicles with slatted floor 09.3 5.33 0.83 6.4 Fattening bullsc Tie-up housing with floor grating 12.8 6.91 1.14 6.1 Cubicles with solid floor 12.3 7.10 1.30 5.5 Cubicles with slatted floor 12.3 7.31 1.30 5.6 a Fattening from 32 kg up to 107 kg (+75 kg); b Heavy races, 9265 kg milk animal-1 a-1, 3.38% proteins; c Heavy races, 6 months fattening, 220 kg growth. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 13 Table 5 Effect of cattle races on slurry composition. Data taken from Poulsen, 2012. The values have been calculated by using a large Danish dataset originated from farmers, feedstuff companies, and controlling authorities (Poulsen, personal communication). Race Solids % N kg t P N:P -1 Dairy cows, cubicles with slatted floor Heavy racesa 09.3 5.33 0.83 b Jersey 09.3 5.45 0.88 Fattening bulls, cubicles with slatted floor Heavy racesc 12.3 7.31 1.30 d Jersey 12.7 7.60 1.34 a -1 -1 b -1 -1 9265 kg milk animal a , 3.38% proteins; 6584 kg milk animal a , 4.13% proteins; c fattening, 220 kg growth; d 6 months fattening, 183 kg growth. 6.4 6.2 5.6 5.7 6 months The difference of manure composition at different animal age stages is stated for pigs in Table 6. For cattle, there is no data available, because the calves do not produce slurry. Due to the requirements at different age stages, also the housing systems are different. The solid content as well as the N:P ratio increase by animal age. However, there are distinct differences for the nutrient composition of slurry at different ages. Caused by higher nutrient uptake by older and bigger pigs, the N and P contents are higher in slurry of fattening pigs than of weaners. The P content of slurry of sow with piglets is remarkably high. Table 6 Liquid pig manure composition at different growth stages. Data taken from Poulsen, 2012. The values have been calculated by using a large Danish dataset originated from farmers, feedstuff companies, and controlling authorities (Poulsen, personal communication). Age stage Housing system Solids % N kg t P N:P -1 Sow with 28.1 pigletsa Individual housing, partly slatted floor 4.5 3.85 2.89 1.3 b Weaner Two-climate housing, partly slatted floor 5.0 3.36 0.99 3.4 c Fattening pig Partly slatted floor (25-50%) 6.6 4.96 1.16 4.3 a b c per year, piglets up to 7.3 kg; from 7.3 kg up to 32 kg; Fattening from 32 kg up to 107 kg (+75 kg). The water content of slurry makes it expensive to transport manure over long distances. At the same time, the mixture of solids and water causes bad flow behaviour and manure solids that can block the manure spreading machine. Segregation causes stratification of manure with different nutrient compositions at the top and the bottom of the tank (Table 7). Though solids sink to the bottom, the nutrient content The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 14 is not necessarily higher at the bottom (Table 7). Cattle slurry contains also organic particles which tend to float (Derikx et al., 1997) Table 7 Concentrations of total dissolved solids, nitrogen and phosphorus at different depths for various manure storage places. Source and storage type Replicates Depth Cattle, manure reservoir 1 Dairy cow, manure lagoon 1 Pig, nursery barn, deep-pit 2 Solids Nta Ptb N:P Source 00.61 00.11 00.12 09.94 10.07 07.89 00.90 01.00 02.50 04.30 04.20 01.60 01.20 03.10 00.94 00.76 00.59 00.38 00.06 00.39 00.08 03.0 13.6 05.8 03.4 03.5 03.3 05.0 04.6 02.4 01.8 01.6 03.1 03.9 01.9 Goncalves Junior et al., 2006 06.8 05.1 McLaughlin et al., 2012 top 00.4 00.76 00.15 0.5 00.4 00.95 00.19 1.5 00.4 01.21 00.43 bottom 01.1 03.32 03.42 a b total nitrogen; total phosphorus; c data derived from figures. 05.2 04.9 02.8 01.0 Lovanh et al., 2009 m Pig, finishing barn, 2 deep-pit Pig, hogs, concrete storage 8 Pig, manure lagoon 1 Pig, manure lagoon 1 0.0 0.7 1.3 top middle bottom 0.0 0.6 1.2 1.6 0.0 0.6 1.2 1.8 top middle bottom 0.0 1.0 % 06.0 04.9 09.4 02.8 03.0 08.0 11.0 07.2 04.0 03.0 05.8 03.2 02.9 02.5 kg t -1 01.84 01.50 00.69 33.40 35.20 26.20 04.50 04.60 06.00 07.90 06.90 04.90 04.70 05.80 Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture, 2011 Ndegwa et al., 2002c Ndegwa et al., 2002c Campbell et al., 1997 Seasonal trends of manure composition have been reported (Figure 2 & Figure 3). DeRouchey et al. (2002) analysed several pig slurry lagoons. The N concentrations are higher in June than October (1.6 versus 1.2 kg N t-1 FM) (DeRouchey et al., 2002). The P concentrations are higher in June than December (0.29 versus 0.13 kg P t -1 FM) (DeRouchey et al., 2002). According to DeRouchey et al. (2002), the reasons for higher nutrient contents in summer are mixing by an elevated number of microorganisms and concentration effects by higher evaporation and less rain. Animal production phase and chemical stability of the slurry contribute to the seasonal trend, too. For instance, ammonia releases are affected by The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 15 the surrounding temperature (Sommer, 1997). For a variable rate application of slurry it is either necessary to produce a homogenous mixture or to analyse the mineral composition in real-time. Figure 2 Seasonal trends of nitrogen concentrations in US-American anaerobic pig manure lagoons. Figure 3 Seasonal trends of phosphorus concentrations in US-American anaerobic pig manure lagoons. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 16 Another significant factor influencing the mineral composition of slurry is the feeding regime. Usually, feedstuff is administered at rates that warrant maximum live weight gain and which supply the livestock with all essential nutrients. For example, in Germany, the Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie (Society of Nutrition Physiology) publishes recommendations for the energy and nutrition supply, which is based on scientific studies. Though, guidelines and feeding practices vary from country to country. Table 8 and Table 9 present feed quantity, feed composition and ex-animal manure composition for pigs and cattle in various countries of the Baltic Sea region. These tables underline the differences of feed and manure quantity and composition between animals of different ages (see also Table 6). Differences in ex-animal manure composition between countries are related to different animal productivities and demand for feedstuff. In detail, the concentrations of N and P in pig slurry are higher in Sweden than in Denmark. The nutrient concentrations in dairy cow slurries are difficult to compare, because of differing milk production. The higher the milk production, the higher the nutrient concentration in the slurry. Figure 4 and Figure 5 summarise the variation ranges of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in pig and cattle slurries. These variation ranges are displayed for the effects of different feedings, races, animal ages, housing systems, seasons, and storage depths on manure composition. The values of the variation range for feeding effects are ex-animal ones whereas the other variation ranges are based on ex-housing or ex-storage values; consequently, a loss of nitrogen from ex-animal to storage is visible in Figure 4. Supposedly, the nitrogen is degassed during storage (e.g. Donham et al., 1977). Animal races and housing systems tend to have a low effect on the variation of the nitrogen and phosphorus content. In comparison, animal age and especially the storage depths have a high impact on the variation of N and P (Figure 4 & Figure 5). The effects of different feedings on slurry composition are animal specific: dairy cows show a high variation of nitrogen and pigs of phosphorus concentrations in slurry. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 17 Table 8 Feeding instructions for pigs in various countries of the Baltic Sea region. (Sources: Denmark: Poulsen, 2012; Finland: MTT Agrifood Research, 2012; Germany: GfE, 2006 & Berk, personal communication; Germany RAM: Meyer & Berk, personal communication; Latvia: Kārkliņš & Līpenīte, 2008; Sweden: STANK database & Baky, personal communication). Country Animal age / animal productivity Days Weight Feed Start End kg Metabolisable Feed content energy N P MJ d⁻¹ Uptake N P g animal⁻¹ d⁻¹ Digestibility Slurry ex-animal N P N P Mass -1 % kg t t a-1 Denmark Sows, 28.1 piglets a-1 028 24.0 g FU⁻¹ 6.3 g FU⁻¹ 1315.7 345.4 80 45 6.3 1.4 4.0 Weaner 007.3 032 26.3 g FU⁻¹ 6.4 g FU⁻¹ 4.9 1.4 0.1 Fattening pigs 032 107 25.3 g FU⁻¹ 5.5 g FU⁻¹ 6.0 1.3 0.5 -1 Finland Sows, 20 piglets a 7.9 FU d⁻¹ 73.7 22.4 g FU⁻¹ 3.0 g FU⁻¹ 0177.0 023.7 a Fattening pigs 025 055 1.6 FU d⁻¹ 14.9 24.0 g FU⁻¹ 2.7 g FU⁻¹ 0038.4 004.3 Fattening pigs 055 080 2.4 FU d⁻¹ 22.3 19.2 g FU⁻¹ 2.4 g FU⁻¹ 0046.1 005.8 Fattening pigs 080 120 3.0 FU d⁻¹ 27.9 18.4 g FU⁻¹ 1.9 g FU⁻¹ 0055.2 005.7 -1 Germany Sows, 20 piglets a 6.7 kg d⁻¹ 88.0 25.6 g kg⁻¹ 5.5 g kg⁻¹ 0170.7 036.7 >80 >50 025 Weaner 028 0.7 kg d⁻¹ 08.7 27.2 g kg⁻¹ 5.0 g kg⁻¹ 0017.7 003.3 >80 >50 028 Fattening pigs 028 040 2.5 kg d⁻¹ 32.5 25.6 g kg⁻¹ 5.0 g kg⁻¹ 0064.0 012.5 >80 >50 050 Fattening pigs 040 115 4.3 kg d⁻¹ 55.3 24.0 g kg⁻¹ 4.5 g kg⁻¹ 0102.0 019.1 >80 >50 055 Germany, Sows lactating 26.4 g kg⁻¹ 5.5 g kg⁻¹ >80 >50 b RAM Weaner 030 27.2 28.8 g kg⁻¹ 5.5 g kg⁻¹ >80 >50 feed Fattening pigs 27.2 g kg⁻¹ 5.5 g kg⁻¹ >80 >50 Fattening pigs 22.4 g kg⁻¹ 4.5 g kg⁻¹ >80 >50 Latvia Sows, 18 piglets a-1 25.9 g kg⁻¹ 5.1 g kg⁻¹ Fattening pigs 020 130 28.6 g kg⁻¹ 6.6 g kg⁻¹ Sweden Fattening pigs 7.0 2.5 0.5 a -1 -1 b feed units (Denmark: 12.6 MJ metabolisable energy kg , Finland: 9.3 MJ net energy kg ); Feed with reduced nitrogen and phosphorus contents. The given values are maximum values for such feed. 18 Table 9 Feeding instructions for cattle in various countries of the Baltic Sea region. (Sources: Denmark: Poulsen, 2012; Finland: MTT Agrifood Research, 2012; Germany: Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein, 2012; Latvia: Kārkliņš & Līpenīte, 2008; Sweden: STANK database & Baky, personal communication). Country Denmark Finland Germany Animal age / animal productivity Dairy cows, heavy race, 9265 l milk Dairy cows, Jersey, 6584 l milk Fattening bulls, heavy race Fattening bulls, Jersey Dairy cows, 40 kg milk d-1, 3% protein Growing cattle Growing cattle Growing cattle Growing cattle Growing cattle Growing cattle Dairy cows, 30 kg milk d-1, 4.0% fat, 3.4% protein Growing cattle Growing cattle Growing cattle Growing cattle Growing cattle Days Weight Start End kg Feed kg d⁻¹ Metabolisable Feed content energy N MJ d⁻¹ P Uptake N P g animal⁻¹ d⁻¹ Slurry ex-animal N P Mass -1 kg t t a-1 365 18.2 27.7 g FU⁻¹ a 4.3 g FU⁻¹ 526.6 80.9 6.5 0.9 21.8 365 15.0 27.7 g FU⁻¹ 4.3 g FU⁻¹ 448.0 68.8 6.6 1.0 18.1 23.2 g FU⁻¹ 23.2 g FU⁻¹ 4.2 g FU⁻¹ 4.2 g FU⁻¹ 29.4 23.1 87.0 8.6 8.5 1.3 1.3 02.8 02.2 183 183 25.3 272.0 162.3 127.8 371.8 150 250 350 450 550 650 650 20.0 043.0 058.0 076.0 092.0 107.0 121.0 136.2 051.7 058.6 009.6 012.8 016.0 019.2 480.0 16.0 17.0 19.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 71.0 250 350 450 550 650 04.5 06.3 07.5 08.3 10.5 044.3 060.8 077.5 094.5 111.9 089.6 110.4 140.8 171.2 201.6 15.0 17.0 20.0 22.0 27.0 Continued on next page 650 650 100 150 250 350 450 550 650 150 250 350 450 550 19 Table 9 (continued) Latvia Dairy cows, 7000 kg milk 600 600 07.6 Fattening bulls 365 150 450 19.2 Sweden Dairy cow, 6000 l milk Dairy cow, 8000 l milk Dairy cow, 10000 l milk Dairy cow, 12000 l milk a feed units (Denmark: 12.6 MJ metabolisable energy kg-1, Finland: 9.3 MJ net energy kg-1). 19.1 g kg⁻¹ 23.7 g kg⁻¹ 3.9 g kg⁻¹ 3.6 g kg⁻¹ 5.7 6.3 7.4 8.1 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.1 17.5 18.5 18.8 18.0 20 Figure 4 Variation range of nitrogen contents in slurry of fattening pigs, bulls, and dairy cows depending on feeding (see Table 8 and Table 9), races (see Table 4), animal age (see Table 6), housing systems (see Table 4), season (see Figure 4, only data from DeRouchey et al., 2002), and storage depth (lagoon, deep-pit, and tank; see Table 7). The boxes give the minimum and maximum value and if more than two values are available also the median. Figure 5 Variation range of phosphorus contents in slurry of fattening pigs, bulls, and dairy cows depending on feeding (see Table 8 and Table 9), races (see Table 4), animal age (see Table 6), housing systems (see Table 4), season (see Figure 5, only data from DeRouchey et al., 2002), and storage depth (lagoon, deep-pit, and tank; see Table 7). The boxes give the minimum and maximum value and if more than two values are available also the median. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 21 One putative problem for the use of manure is the existence of contaminants in manure. These can either be heavy metals like copper (from pig feed), or organic pollutants like veterinary medicals (Finck, 1992). Summarising the effects of different factors on mineral composition of slurry it can be stated that The N content in ex-housing slurry increases in the order pigs (median 4.6 kg N t-1 FM) < dairy cows (median 5.3 kg N t-1 FM) < bulls (median 7.1 kg N t-1 FM) by about 15% and 33%, respectively (Table 4). Thus, the N concentration varies with animal species by 153%. The P content in ex-housing slurry increases in the order dairy cows (median 0.8 kg P t-1 FM) < pigs (1.2 kg P t-1 FM) < bulls (1.3 kg P t-1 FM) by about 39% and 13%, respectively (Table 4). Thus, the P concentration varies with animal species by 157%. Animal race and housing system have only a low impact on ex-housing slurry composition (Table 4 & Table 5). The largest difference has the P concentration in slurries of heavy and Jersey dairy cows (6%). N and P excretion increases with age from weaners (3.3 kg N t-1 FM and 1.0 kg P t-1 FM in ex-housing slurry) to fattening pigs (5.0 kg N t-1 FM and 1.2 kg P t-1 FM in ex-housing slurry) by about 48% and 17%, respectively (Table 6). The effect of higher feeding supplements to pigs is visible in 17% higher N (7.0 kg N t-1 FM) and 92% higher P (2.5 kg P t-1 FM) concentrations in slurry from Sweden than in Danish slurry (6.0 kg N t-1 FM, 1.3 kg P t-1 FM) (Table 8). The N and P contents have a broad range at different storage depths and varying storage systems. The N and P concentrations vary by 9191% (0.4-35.2 kg N t-1 FM) and by 17985% (0.1-10.1 kg P t-1 FM), respectively (Table 7). Also the season has an influence on ex-storage slurry composition. The N and P concentrations vary by 142% (1.2-1.6 kg N t-1 FM) and by 219% (0.1-0.3 kg P t-1 FM), respectively (Figure 4 & Figure 5). Usually, species, race, housing system and feeding regime are constant at each farm if the management does not change. Conn et al. (2007) found a high variation of slurry compositions between farms, but in general the composition of slurry of individual farms was consistent over time. The largest effects on slurry composition have the factors storage depth, the season and the animal age. However, the variation due to storage depth should be smaller than stated above, because the farmer uses only one type of storage and the The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 22 slurry is often agitated in the storage tank. Seasonal variation affects the slurry composition most pronounced. In the warmer season (March-October), when slurry will be used, the pig slurry composition varies by 42% (N) and 35% (P). The effect of animal age on pig slurry composition is in the same order (N: 48%, P: 17%). A summation of those variations is difficult, because these are ex-housing and ex-storage values and ex-storage comprises exhousing effects. Ndegwa et al. (2002) studied the combined effect of pig age and storage depth on slurry composition: N varies by 76% and P by 378% (Table 7). The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 23 5 5.1 Variable-rate slurry application Prerequisites In the previous section, factors influencing the mineral composition of slurry, relevant parameters which cause variation of the mineral composition and water content of slurry were listed. The coefficient of variation (CV) was determined for mineral nutrients in slurry from different animals in extended surveys (e.g. Derikx et al., 1997; Sharpley and Moyer, 2000). The results of these studies showed similar results and the CV for total P varied between 21.0 and 75.8% in cattle slurry (Overcash et al., 1983 cited in Nath, 1992; Derikx et al., 1997; Salazar et al., 2007; Hjorth et al., 2010), 5.8 and 87.8% in pig slurry (Derikx et al., 1997; Sharpley and Moyer, 2000; Sánchez and González, 2005; Hjorth et al., 2010), and 21.0 and 75.8% in poultry slurry (Overcash et al., 1983 cited in Nath, 1992; Derikx et al., 1997). The reported CV vary over a wide range, but the lower CV are more regularly found in studies of temporal changes of slurry composition within a farm and not in studies with slurries from different farms. With view to variable rate application of slurry, the lower CV, especially of pig slurry, are suitable for an exact application of slurry as the range of variation is moderate. For instance, at a rate of 22 kg P ha-1 a-1, with pig slurry 21-23 kg P ha-1 a-1 would be applied (Sharpley and Moyer, 2000). In contrast, with dairy cow and laying hens slurry the amount of P would vary between 18-26 kg P ha-1 a-1 and 17-27 kg P ha-1 a-1, respectively (Derikx et al., 1997; Hjorth et al., 2010). In contrast, the application of slurries with a higher CV is unlikely to result in a match of P demand and P rate. For example, the amount of P in pig slurry can vary from 3 to 41 kg P ha-1 a-1 (Sánchez and González, 2005). Here, technological processing is required, for example by separating of slurry into solids and liquids together with homogenisation of the product (see section “Strategies for manure production”). Another important aspect of variable rate application of slurry is related to the legal framework for manure application (see section “Legal framework for manure application”). At the moment, application rates follow the N demand with rates of up to 170 kg N ha-1 a-1. This means that together with 170 kg N ha-1 a-1, on average 27 kg P ha-1 a-1 (dairy cow slurry: N:P ratio 6.4:1, Table 4), 43 kg P ha-1 a-1 (pig slurry: N:P ratio 4:1, Table 4) and 49 kg P ha-1 a-1 (poultry slurry: N:P ratio 3.5:1, Derikx et al., 1997) will be applied. With a view to a sustainable use of the finite resource P it will be necessary to base the maximum manure rate on the amount of P applied. This would mean that with 22 kg P ha -1 a-1, on an average 141, 88 and 77 kg N ha-1 a-1 would be applied with dairy cow, pig and poultry slurry. Such procedure would enforce the need for alternative uses and marketing of slurry. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 24 In the following sections, procedures for variable rate application of slurry have been summarized which assume a variation of the mineral content that does not conflict with original purpose of merging P demand and P rate. 5.2 Online-Measurement of manure composition Slurry is a heterogeneous mixture, which composition varies over time and only if the range of variation is acceptable, variable rate input is recommended (see above). Still it is advisable to measure the manure composition before application in order to determine changes of nutrient loads. For variable-rate application, changes in the nutrient content of slurry are registered preferably on-line. Modern spreading machines automatically control slurry application on a volumetric basis so that nutrient output can be adjusted (Saeys et al., 2008). A relatively basic instrument for manure analysis is a hydrometer measuring the specific gravity of slurry. This is also called slurry meter (Tunney et al., 1985). Those hydrometers are calibrated to the solid concentration, which is in turn related to nutrient contents. Nutrient regressions have been presented e.g. by Piccinini & Bortone (1991) and Zhu et al. (2003). However, the slurry has to be mixed before measuring and the density measurements are restricted to a maximum solid content of 8% dry matter (DM) for pigs and of 6% DM for cattle, respectively (Tunney et al., 1985). Alternatively, the solid content can be measured ultrasonically (Scotford et al., 1998, Chien et al., 2000). This method can determine solid contents up to 40%, but an important disadvantage is that air bubbles distort the measurement. A similar method is to measure the electrical conductivity by electrodes and to correlate it with the nutrient content. This approach worked for N, but failed for P, as the P content correlates stronger with the content of solids (Provolo & Martinez-Suller 2007). To overcome this problem, electrodes for electrical conductivity could be linked with devices for measuring the solids (Scotford et al., 1998). A direct method for nutrient measurements is the use of ion-sensitive electrodes. Ready-touse ion-sensitive electrodes for N and K have been presented by the machinery company Wienhoff (Bawinkel, Germany). They stated the precision of the measurement with 90% (Wienhoff, 2010). Scotford et al. (1999) introduced the combined use of several sensors like ion-sensitive electrodes, pH electrode and electrical conductivity measurements. However, such expensive equipment is very rarely used by farmers. Infra-red spectroscopy has also the capability to determine all nutrients simultaneously. It is an indirect method, which uses near infra-red spectra and a calibration model to predict nutrient contents. Yet, only preliminary studies for the feasibility of infra-red spectroscopy for nutrient determination in slurry have been conducted (e.g. Millmier et al., 2000; The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 25 Zimmermann et al., 2008). The machinery company Zunhammer (Traunreut, Germany) offers a slurry tanker with near infra-red sensor for the on-the-go measurement of N concentration (prediction error <10%, Zunhammer, 2011). The P and K output is as well registered and geo-coded. Overall, it can be summarised that devices for online measurements of nutrient contents in manure exist, but these instruments need validation of applicability on production fields. 5.3 Strategies for manure production As it was already shown, manure composition varies in relation to animal feeding and storage techniques. Feeding strategies can reduce protein or phosphorus contents in the feed, which will result in manure with less N or P. For example, the so-called RAM feed (German: Rohprotein-angepasstes Mischfutter = feed mixture with adjusted raw protein content) in Germany is an approach to reduce N and P excretion. The reduction of N and P whilst warranting a sufficient nutrient supply of the animals is achieved by using only necessary amino acids and easily digestible phosphorus forms. Similar approaches are used in Denmark, where the nutrients concentrations in slurry are lower than in Swedish slurry. A low level approach to reduce nitrogen losses from slurry is to cover the storage tank. In addition, slurry can be acidified to prevent ammonia degassing. Further attempts to prevent not only nutrient reduction, but also to allow a better handling and energy usage include techniques like liquid and solid separation, anaerobic digestion and thermal gasification. Mechanical separation of manure liquids and solids can result in relatively N-rich liquids and very P-rich solids (e.g. Møller et al., 2000; Hjorth et al., 2010). Table 10 gives the nutrient variation in solid and liquid fractions after mechanical separation of dairy cow and pig slurries. The N contents in both fractions vary by 140-160%, whether or not it originated from dairy cows or pigs. The variation of P concentrations is a little bit higher (about 200% variation), only the P concentration in dairy cows liquid fraction varies by 500%. Those separated fractions can be applied separately on the field to fulfil either N or P demands. Anaerobic digestion and thermal gasification are mainly used for energy purposes, but especially gasification can supply N-free ashes for fertilisation, because most N is converted to gaseous N2 or NOx (Prapaspongsa et al., 2010; Kuligowski & Luostarinen, 2011). The total P content is relatively high in those ashes, but the availability for crops is limited (Kuligowski, 2009; Kuligowski & Luostarinen, 2011). The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 26 Table 10 Nitrogen and phosphorus content in solid and liquid fractions of separated manure (Denmark). Mean, minimum, and maximum values are given for five different separating techniques (Møller et al., 2000). Animal Dairy cows Pigs 5.4 Mean Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Solid fraction N P -1 gl 4.72 3.80 5.20 5.02 4.00 6.40 1.32 0.90 1.80 2.76 1.80 3.50 N:P Liquid fraction N P -1 gl N:P 3.6 4.2 2.9 1.8 2.2 1.8 3.62 2.80 4.50 3.96 3.00 4.40 05.7 14.0 04.5 03.1 03.8 02.6 0.64 0.20 1.00 1.28 0.80 1.70 Additional application of mineral fertilisers It is important that manure applications will not lead to an oversupply with a nutrient so that a combination of manure und mineral fertilisers might prove to be suited best to adjust the nutrient input to the actual crop demand. Usually the planning of fertiliser input is carried out for the entire crop rotation so that the nutrient input should be balanced after this time period. This approach increases the flexibility for a variable-rate input of slurry. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 27 6 Algorithms for the variable-rate application of slurry 6.1 Prerequisites Once the soil content of each nutrient and demand of each crop in the rotation has been assessed, a strategy for the variable-rate application of manure can be calculated. For developing algorithms for variable-rate application of slurry the following conditions are obligatory: An existing N, P, K demand as otherwise manure applications would yield an undesired nutrient surplus; in case of micro-nutrients, changes in the soil nutrient status should be monitored. Spatial information about the site-specific N demand which can be assessed for instance on basis of geomorphological parameters or changes in the organic matter and clay content of soils (Haneklaus and Schnug, 2006). For medium-term variable nutrients such as P and K digital soil maps need to be established and for recording temporal changes so-called monitor pedo cells need to be defined (Haneklaus et al, 2000; Panten et al., 2002). Geo-coded yield monitoring is employed to assess the spatial variation of nutrient offtakes within the crop rotation. In addition, the following assumptions and simplifications of the general set-up for defining the algorithms have been made: 6.2 Digital fertiliser maps are designed for the entire nutrient demand irrespective whether rates are split in several applications. Algorithms for N and P have been developed for slurry as it is the prevailing form of farmyard residues. Combined application of slurry and single-nutrient mineral fertiliser Slurry of fattening pigs, fattening bulls and dairy cows exhibit median N:P ratios of about 4:1, 5.6:1, and 6.4:1, respectively (Table 4). Although these are ex-housing slurry values, it can be assumed that ex-storage slurry nutrient ratios are in the same order if N degassing is restricted. All slurries are dominated by N, whereas the P proportion is low. Due to the high water content, nutrient contents relative to the fresh weight are very low. Therefore, high volumes have to be applied for a reasonable fertilisation. If fertilisation with manure is done according to the Nitrate Directive, which allows 170 kg N ha-1, the amount of applied phosphorus is regularly too high and leads to The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 28 environmental risks (see above). For example, with pig slurry and using the N limit, 43 kg P ha-1 are applied. According to the German fertilising guide based on the classification of soil test P (Table 11; Kerschberger et al., 1997; Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007), this fits for the two classes with P undersupply (classes A and B), but not for the other three classes. Table 11 Soil test P classification and P fertiliser recommendations for Germany (Kerschberger et al., 1997; Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007). STPa class Plant-available P (PCALb) mg P kg-1 soil Fertiliser recommendationc kg P ha-1 a-1 A ≤ 20 45 – 60 B 20 – 45 30 – 45 C 45 – 90 20 – 30 D 90 – 150 0 – 15 E ≥ 150 0 a b soil test P; plant-available P in soil determined after calcium lactate extraction; c recommendation for a crop rotation with an annual offtake of 25 kg P ha-1 a-1. Though, variable rates of manure application need to follow the prognosed P offtake by harvest products and the current soil P status to ensure an optimum level of productivity (Haneklaus et al., 1996). The input of other nutrients by slurry will always have to be a multiple of the P rate (Haneklaus and Schnug, 2000). This will not lead to a balanced input of all nutrients and a discrepancy between the actual demand and applied rates (Figure 1). Therefore, an optimal status of all nutrients can be achieved by using additional singlenutrient fertilisers. They can either be applied together with the slurry or by a second application in the same year. The following examples of a combined application of slurry and mineral fertilisers are dealing with the situation in Germany. For this purpose, the information of soil phosphorus status and fertiliser recommendations given in Table 11, the typical nutrient offtake of crops given in Table 12, and the nutrient availability of Table 3 are used. Field areas with a supply in class D and E, receive no manure as the status is already too high. Hence, only soils with an optimum P status (class C) and P deficiency (class A and B) will receive manure. In class C, manure replaces P offtake of the crop (see Table 12). Soils in class A and B receive higher amounts of manure. In class A and B, 25 and 10 kg P ha-1 a-1 were applied in addition to P offtake, respectively (see Table 11). The calculations used the data of fattening pig slurry, dairy cow slurry and pig slurry solid fraction given in Table 4 and Table 10 (data from Denmark). The slurry of fattening bulls has a N:P ratio close to dairy cow slurry and was, therefore, not used for calculations. Accordingly, most slurry fractions after liquid-solid The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 29 separation have N:P ratios close to the slurries, only pig slurry solid fraction was used for calculations, because this fraction has a low average N:P ratio of 1.8:1 (Table 10). Table 12 Yield, nutrient content and nutrient offtake of different crops in Germany. Data from Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (2007), DüV (2012) and Agravis (2013). Crop Product Yield -1 Wheat Barley Rye Silage maize Rapeseed Sugar beet Potatoes Grain Plant residue Grain Plant residue Grain Plant residue Total Seeds Plant residue Beet Plant residue Tuber Plant residue N P N -1 t ha kg t 09.0 07.6 07.0 06.6 08.0 08.0 47.5 04.0 06.4 60.0 38.7 45.0 13.4 22.1 05.0 16.5 05.0 15.1 05.0 03.8 33.5 07.0 01.8 04.0 03.5 02.0 P N:P 31.5 09.9 24.5 08.6 28.0 10.3 33.3 31.2 10.9 24.0 19.3 27.0 02.7 06.3 03.8 04.7 03.8 04.3 03.8 05.4 04.3 04.1 04.5 08.0 05.8 10.0 -1 kg ha 3.5 1.3 3.5 1.3 3.5 1.3 0.7 7.8 1.7 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.2 198.9 038.0 115.5 033.0 120.8 039.8 180.5 134.0 044.8 108.0 154.6 157.5 026.8 Table 13 presents the calculations for application of pig slurry and mineral N fertiliser on a soil with an optimum P status. The calculation steps can be summarised as follows 1) amount of applied slurry P = P fertiliser recommendation 2) amount of applied N = amount of applied slurry N + amount of applied mineral fertiliser N with 2.1) amount of applied slurry N = P amount x N:P ratio 2.2) amount of applied mineral fertiliser N = N fertiliser recommendation – plantavailable N from slurry – additional N delivery from soil The first equation contains the assumption that all applied slurry P can be considered as plant-available if the site is regularly fertilised with manure. This P consists of directly available P and additional delivery by mineralisation of soil organic matter, older manure and crop residues. With view to N, 60% of pig slurry N and 50% of cattle slurry N are calculated as being plant available within the year of application so that this value needs to be subtracted from the entire N demand (equation 2.2). These presumed shares of available N seem too low as The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 30 higher values for Denmark and Sweden (Table 3) and an experimentation with sugar beet revealed (Haneklaus et al., 1997); in these experiments N utilisation was as high as 83% in the first year. Mineral N fertilisers are completely plant-available within a year. Additionally, mineralisation of soil organic matter, older manure and crop residues take place, which enhances the amount of plant-available N. This additional delivery can be variable due to weather conditions, soil organic matter content, preceding crop, cultivation management, and former manure applications (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007). At maximum, only 40 kg N ha-1 a-1 are considered for fertiliser planning in Germany (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007) which does not reflect the true variation in the field. For simplifying calculations, this value was assumed. Consequently, the fertiliser planning was done in accordance to plant-available N, but more N is applied in stable form within slurry, which causes a mismatch of plant offtake of available N and total N delivery (slurry, mineral fertiliser, additional delivery). Negative values occur when the mineralisation (40 kg N ha-1 a-1) is larger than the difference between applied slurry N and available slurry N. The N surplus either accumulates in the soil organic matter pool or enters the environment. These consequences can be attenuated by compensation within a suitable crop rotation or by a lower mineral N application. Table 14-Table 19 presents the calculations for other conditions (pig slurry, dairy cow slurry, pig slurry solid fraction, soils with optimum and undersupplied P status). However, only Table 18 and Table 19 (both pig slurry solid fraction) are calculated in the same manner as Table 13. The conditions presented in Table 14-Table 17 require a different calculation of the fertiliser plan. If the calculation is done like before, either the legal limit of 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 by manure application or the plants N demand is exceeded. Therefore, the calculation does still follow the plants P demand, but firstly the slurry rate is aligned with plants N demand and secondly an additional mineral P fertiliser rate is calculated. It can be summarised as follows 1) amount of applied N = amount of applied slurry N + amount of applied mineral fertiliser N with 1.1) amount of applied slurry N = N fertilising recommendation – additional N delivery 1.2) amount of applied mineral fertiliser N = N offtake by crop – plant-available N of slurry – additional N delivery The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 31 2) amount of applied slurry P = amount of applied slurry P + amount of applied mineral fertiliser P with 2.1) amount of applied slurry P = N amount / N:P ratio 2.2) amount of applied mineral fertiliser P = fertilising recommendation – slurry P As the amount of applied N is calculated firstly, the differences of N rates between the tables with varying conditions are only based on the slightly different shares of available N in pig and dairy cow slurry. The slurry P rates are controlled by fertiliser recommendations and the N:P ratio of slurry. By using the calculated N rates and the N concentrations in slurry and solid fraction given in Table 4 and Table 10, the manure volumes which have to be applied are about 14.7-34.3 t ha-1 for pig slurry, 12.8-29.8 t ha-1 for dairy cow slurry, and 8.6-21.0 t ha-1 for pig slurry solid fraction. Pigs are producing 1.8 and dairy cows 24.3 tons of slurry per animal and year (Poulsen, 2012) or 11.5 and 24.3 tons of slurry per livestock unit (LU; Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2013), respectively. By dividing the above stated necessary amount of slurry per hectare by the tons of slurry per livestock unit, acceptable numbers of livestock densities for complete slurry application to fields are calculated. The numbers of livestock units per hectare for using the slurry completely as fertiliser range from 1.3 to 3.0 for pigs and from 0.5 to 1.2 for cows. Most areas in Germany have pig densities below 1 LU ha -1 (Deutsches Maiskomittee, 2013b); hence, not enough manure for the presented rates is produced in these regions. Some German regions have livestock densities of about 2 LU ha-1 or even above (Deutsches Maiskomittee, 2013b); there the livestock densities could be too high for a complete application of all slurry onto the fields. Then, the farmers have only the option to use the manure in a different way; this should lastly result in nutrient export into regions with nutrient deficiency. The high demand of 3.0 pig LU ha-1 for correct fertilisation is necessary when the soils have P deficiency. Supposedly, these are actual regions which have a low livestock density. Hence, an import of manure or manure products seems necessary. For dairy cows, similar trends can be observed. However, milk production is more evenly distributed across Germany than pig production and the livestock density is more depending on available land, especially grass fields (Bäurle & Tamásy, 2012; Deutsches Maiskomittee, 2013a). Thus, the dairy cow density at the North Sea coastline (Bäurle & Tamásy, 2012: 0.50.9 LU ha-1), as one main production area, fits into the range of 0.5-1.2 LU ha-1 necessary for the presented rates. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 32 Table 13 Algorithms for variable-rate fertiliser application with pig slurry (N:P = 4:1; Table 4) and additional mineral nitrogen fertiliser in Germany. The fertilisation follows the P demand of the crop (Table 12) and the P fertiliser recommendation for soil test phosphorus class C (= P offtake by crop; Table 11). Limitations by excess of soil nitrogen are not considered. All values are given in kg ha-1 a-1. Crop PSla = P offtake by crop NSlb = multiple (N:P ratio) of P rate NSl-avlc = available N of NSl Norgd = NSl-avl plus N from additional delivery NMFe = N offtake by crop minus Norg N surplusf = NSl plus NMF minus Norg offtake by crop Wheat 31.5 31.5 x 4 = 126.0 126.0 x 0.6 = 75.6 75.6 + 40 = 115.6 198.9 − 115.6 = 83.3 (126.0 + 83.3) − 198.9 = 10.4 Barley 24.5 24.5 x 4 = 98.0 98.0 x 0.6 = 58.8 58.8 + 40 = 98.8 115.5 − 98.8 = 16.7 (98.0 + 16.7) − 115.5 = -0.8 Rye 28.0 28.0 x 4 = 112.0 112.0 x 0.6 = 67.2 67.2 + 40 = 107.2 120.8 − 107.2 = 13.6 (112.0 + 13.6) − 120.8 = 4.8 Silage maize 33.3 33.3 x 4 = 133.0 133.0 x 0.6 = 79.8 79.8 + 40 = 119.8 180.5 − 119.8 = 60.7 (133.0 + 60.7) − 180.5 = 13.2 Rapeseed 31.2 31.2 x 4 = 124.8 124.8 x 0.6 = 74.9 74.9 + 40 = 114.9 134.0 − 114.9 = 19.1 (124.8 + 19.1) − 134.0 = 9.9 Sugar beet 24.0 24.0 x 4 = 96.0 96.0 x 0.6 = 57.6 57.6 + 40 = 97.6 108.0 − 97.6 = 10.4 (96.0 + 10.4) − 108.0 = -1.6 Potatoes 27.0 27.0 x 4 = 108.0 108.0 x 0.6 = 64.8 64.8 + 40 = 104.8 157.5 − 104.8 = 52.7 (108.0 + 52.7) − 157.5 = 3.2 a b c d PSl = phosphorus applied with slurry; NSL = nitrogen applied with slurry; NSl-avl = plant available nitrogen in slurry; Norg = nitrogen from organic sources: plant available nitrogen in slurry plus additional delivery from soil and preceding crop residues. 40 kg N ha -1 a-1 is the maximum value which can be taken into account (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007); e NMF = nitrogen applied with additional mineral fertiliser; f mismatch of plant offtake of available N for optimum yield and total N delivery (slurry, mineral fertiliser, additional delivery). 33 Table 14 Algorithms for variable-rate fertiliser application with pig slurry (N:P = 4:1; Table 4) and additional mineral nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser in Germany. The fertilisation follows the P demand of the crop (Table 12) and the P fertiliser recommendation for soil test phosphorus class B (= P offtake by crop plus 25 kg P ha-1 a-1; Table 11). In this case, P fertilisation by slurry leads to N application above the legal limit of 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 or above the plants N demands; hence, the slurry application follows the plants N demand and missing P is applied by mineral fertiliser. Limitations by excess of soil nitrogen are not considered. All values are given in kg ha-1 a-1. Crop NSLa = N offtake by crop minus N from additional delivery PSlb = multiple (N:P ratio) of N rate PMFc = P offtake by crop minus PSL NSl-avld = available N of NSl Norge = NSl-avl plus N from subsequent delivery NMFf = N offtake by crop minus Norg (N Wheat 198.9 − 40. = 158.9 158.9 / 4 = 39.7 41.5 − 39.7 = 1.8 158.9 x 0.6 = 95.3 95.3 + 40.0 = 135.3 198.9 − 135.3 = 63.6 N surplusg = NSl plus NMF minus Norg offtake by crop (158.9 + 63.6) − 198.9 = 23.6 Barley 115.5 − 40. = 75.5 75.5 / 4 = 18.9 34.5 − 18.9 = 15.6 75.5 x 0.6 = 45.3 45.3 + 40.0 = 85.3 115.5 − 85.3 = 30.2 (75.5 + 30.2) − 115.5 = -9.8 Rye 120.8 − 40. = 80.8 80.8 / 4 = 20.2 38.0 − 20.2 = 17.8 80.8 x 0.6 = 48.5 48.5 + 40.0 = 88.5 120.8 − 88.5 = 32.3 (80.8 + 32.3) − 120.8 = -7.7 Silage maize 180.5 − 40. = 140.5 140.5 / 4 = 35.1 43.3 − 35.1 = 8.1 140.5 x 0.6 = 84.3 84.3 + 40.0 = 124.3 180.5 − 124.3 = 56.2 (140.5 + 56.2) − 180.5 = 16.2 Rapeseed 134.0 − 40. = 94.0 94.0 / 4 = 23.5 41.2 − 23.5 = 17.7 94.0 x 0.6 = 56.4 56.4 + 40.0 = 96.4 134.0 − 96.4 = 37.6 (94.0 + 37.6) − 134.0 = -2.4 Sugar beet 108.0 − 40. = 68.0 68.0 / 4 = 17.0 34.0 − 17.0 = 17.0 68.0 x 0.6 = 40.8 40.8 + 40.0 = 80.8 108.0 − 80.8 = 27.2 (68.0 + 27.2) − 108.0 = -12.8 Potatoes 157.5 − 40. = 117.5 117.5 / 4 = 29.4 37.0 − 29.4 = 7.6 117.5 x 0.6 = 70.5 70.5 + 40.0 = 110.5 157.5 − 110.5 = 47.0 (117.5 + 47.0) − 157.5 = 7.0 a b c d NSL = nitrogen applied with slurry; PSl = phosphorus applied with slurry; PMF = phosphorus applied with additional mineral fertiliser; NSl-avl = plant available nitrogen in slurry; e Norg = nitrogen from organic sources: plant available nitrogen in slurry plus additional delivery from soil and preceding crop residues. 40 kg N ha-1 a-1 is the maximum value which can be taken into account (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007); f NMF = nitrogen applied with additional mineral fertiliser; g mismatch of plant offtake for optimum yield and N delivery (slurry, mineral fertiliser, additional delivery). 34 Table 15 Algorithms for variable-rate fertiliser application with pig slurry (N:P = 4:1; Table 4) and additional mineral nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser in Germany. The fertilisation follows the P demand of the crop (Table 12) and the P fertiliser recommendation for soil test phosphorus class A (= P offtake by crop plus 25 kg P ha-1 a-1; Table 11). In this case, P fertilisation by slurry leads to N application above the legal limit of 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 or above the plants N demands; hence, the slurry application follows the plants N demand and missing P is applied by mineral fertiliser. Limitations by excess of soil nitrogen are not considered. All values are given in kg ha-1 a-1. Crop NSLa = N offtake by crop minus N from additional delivery PSlb = multiple (N:P ratio) of N rate PMFc = P offtake by crop minus PSL NSl-avld = available N of NSl Norge = NSl-avl plus N from subsequent delivery NMFf = N offtake by crop minus Norg (N Wheat 198.9 − 40. = 158.9 158.9 / 4 = 39.7 56.5 − 39.7 = 16.8 158.9 x 0.6 = 95.3 95.3 + 40.0 = 135.3 198.9 − 135.3 = 63.6 N surplusg = NSl plus NMF minus Norg offtake by crop (158.9 + 63.6) − 198.9 = 23.6 Barley 115.5 − 40. = 75.5 75.5 / 4 = 18.9 49.5 − 18.9 = 30.6 75.5 x 0.6 = 45.3 45.3 + 40.0 = 85.3 115.5 − 85.3 = 30.2 (75.5 + 30.2) − 115.5 = -9.8 Rye 120.8 − 40. = 80.8 80.8 / 4 = 20.2 53.0 − 20.2 = 32.8 80.8 x 0.6 = 48.5 48.5 + 40.0 = 88.5 120.8 − 88.5 = 32.3 (80.8 + 32.3) − 120.8 = -7.7 Silage maize 180.5 − 40. = 140.5 140.5 / 4 = 35.1 58.3 − 35.1 = 23.1 140.5 x 0.6 = 84.3 84.3 + 40.0 = 124.3 180.5 − 124.3 = 56.2 (140.5 + 56.2) − 180.5 = 16.2 Rapeseed 134.0 − 40. = 94.0 94.0 / 4 = 23.5 56.2 − 23.5 = 32.7 94.0 x 0.6 = 56.4 56.4 + 40.0 = 96.4 134.0 − 96.4 = 37.6 (94.0 + 37.6) − 134.0 = -2.4 Sugar beet 108.0 − 40. = 68.0 68.0 / 4 = 17.0 49.0 − 17.0 = 32.0 68.0 x 0.6 = 40.8 40.8 + 40.0 = 80.8 108.0 − 80.8 = 27.2 (68.0 + 27.2) − 108.0 = -12.8 Potatoes 157.5 − 40. = 117.5 117.5 / 4 = 29.4 52.0 − 29.4 = 22.6 117.5 x 0.6 = 70.5 70.5 + 40.0 = 110.5 157.5 − 110.5 = 47.0 (117.5 + 47.0) − 157.5 = 7.0 a b c d NSL = nitrogen applied with slurry; PSl = phosphorus applied with slurry; PMF = phosphorus applied with additional mineral fertiliser; NSl-avl = plant available nitrogen in slurry; e Norg = nitrogen from organic sources: plant available nitrogen in slurry plus additional delivery from soil and preceding crop residues. 40 kg N ha-1 a-1 is the maximum value which can be taken into account (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007); f NMF = nitrogen applied with additional mineral fertiliser; g mismatch of plant offtake for optimum yield and N delivery (slurry, mineral fertiliser, additional delivery). 35 Table 16 Algorithms for variable-rate fertiliser application with dairy cows slurry (N:P = 6.4:1; Table 4) and additional mineral nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser in Germany. The fertilisation follows the P demand of the crop (Table 12) and the P fertiliser recommendation for soil test phosphorus class C (= P offtake by crop; Table 11). Limitations by excess of soil nitrogen are not considered. All values are given in kg ha-1 a-1. Crop NSLa = N offtake by crop minus N from additional delivery PSlb = multiple (N:P ratio) of N rate PMFc = P offtake by crop minus PSL NSl-avld = available N of NSl Norge = NSl-avl plus N from subsequent delivery NMFf = N offtake by crop minus Norg (N Wheat 198.9 − 40. = 158.9 158.9 / 6.4 = 24.8 31.5 − 24.8 = 6.7 158.9 x 0.5 = 79.5 79.5 + 40.0 = 119.5 198.9 − 119.5 = 79.5 N surplusg = NSl plus NMF minus Norg offtake by crop (158.9 + 79.5) − 198.9 = 39.5 Barley 115.5 − 40. = 75.5 75.5 / 6.4 = 11.8 24.5 − 11.8 = 12.7 75.5 x 0.5 = 37.8 37.8 + 40.0 = 77.8 115.5 − 77.8 = 37.8 (75.5 + 37.8) − 115.5 = -2.3 Rye 120.8 − 40. = 80.8 80.8 / 6.4 = 12.6 28.0 − 12.6 = 15.4 80.8 x 0.5 = 40.4 40.4 + 40.0 = 80.4 120.8 − 80.4 = 40.4 (80.8 + 40.4) − 120.8 = 0.4 Silage maize 180.5 − 40. = 140.5 140.5 / 6.4 = 22.0 33.3 − 22.0 = 11.3 140.5 x 0.5 = 70.3 70.3 + 40.0 = 110.3 180.5 − 110.3 = 70.3 (140.5 + 70.3) − 180.5 = 30.3 Rapeseed 134.0 − 40. = 94.0 94.0 / 6.4 = 14.7 31.2 − 14.7 = 16.5 94.0 x 0.5 = 47.0 47.0 + 40.0 = 87.0 134.0 − 87.0 = 47.0 (94.0 + 47.0) − 134.0 = 7.0 Sugar beet 108.0 − 40. = 68.0 68.0 / 6.4 = 10.6 24.0 − 10.6 = 13.4 68.0 x 0.5 = 34.0 34.0 + 40.0 = 74.0 108.0 − 74.0 = 34.0 (68.0 + 34.0) − 108.0 = -6.0 Potatoes 157.5 − 40. = 117.5 117.5 / 6.4 = 18.4 27.0 − 18.4 = 8.6 117.5 x 0.5 = 58.8 58.8 + 40.0 = 98.8 157.5 − 98.8 = 58.8 (117.5 + 58.8) − 157.5 = 18.8 a b c d NSL = nitrogen applied with slurry; PSl = phosphorus applied with slurry; PMF = phosphorus applied with additional mineral fertiliser; NSl-avl = plant available nitrogen in slurry; e Norg = nitrogen from organic sources: plant available nitrogen in slurry plus additional delivery from soil and preceding crop residues. 40 kg N ha-1 a-1 is the maximum value which can be taken into account (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007); f NMF = nitrogen applied with additional mineral fertiliser; g mismatch of plant offtake for optimum yield and N delivery (slurry, mineral fertiliser, additional delivery). 36 Table 17 Algorithms for variable-rate fertiliser application with dairy cows slurry (N:P = 6.4:1; Table 4) and additional mineral nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser in Germany. The fertilisation follows the P demand of the crop (Table 12) and the P fertiliser recommendation for soil test phosphorus class A (= P offtake by crop plus 25 kg P ha-1 a-1; Table 11). In this case, P fertilisation by slurry leads to N application above the legal limit of 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 or above the plants N demands; hence, the slurry application follows the plants N demand and missing P is applied by mineral fertiliser. Limitations by excess of soil nitrogen are not considered. All values are given in kg ha-1 a-1. Crop NSLa = N offtake by crop minus N from additional delivery PSlb = multiple (N:P ratio) of N rate PMFc = P offtake by crop minus PSL NSl-avld = available N of NSl Norge = NSl-avl plus N from subsequent delivery NMFf = N offtake by crop minus Norg (N Wheat 198.9 − 40. = 158.9 158.9 / 6.4 = 24.8 56.5 − 24.8 = 31.7 158.9 x 0.5 = 79.5 79.5 + 40.0 = 119.5 198.9 − 119.5 = 79.5 N surplusg = NSl plus NMF minus Norg offtake by crop (158.9 + 79.5) − 198.9 = 39.5 Barley 115.5 − 40. = 75.5 75.5 / 6.4 = 11.8 49.5 − 11.8 = 37.7 75.5 x 0.5 = 37.8 37.8 + 40.0 = 77.8 115.5 − 77.8 = 37.8 (75.5 + 37.8) − 115.5 = -2.3 Rye 120.8 − 40. = 80.8 80.8 / 6.4 = 12.6 53.0 − 12.6 = 40.4 80.8 x 0.5 = 40.4 40.4 + 40.0 = 80.4 120.8 − 80.4 = 40.4 (80.8 + 40.4) − 120.8 = 0.4 Silage maize 180.5 − 40. = 140.5 140.5 / 6.4 = 22.0 58.3 − 22.0 = 36.3 140.5 x 0.5 = 70.3 70.3 + 40.0 = 110.3 180.5 − 110.3 = 70.3 (140.5 + 70.3) − 180.5 = 30.3 Rapeseed 134.0 − 40. = 94.0 94.0 / 6.4 = 14.7 56.2 − 14.7 = 41.5 94.0 x 0.5 = 47.0 47.0 + 40.0 = 87.0 134.0 − 87.0 = 47.0 (94.0 + 47.0) − 134.0 = 7.0 Sugar beet 108.0 − 40. = 68.0 68.0 / 6.4 = 10.6 49.0 − 10.6 = 38.4 68.0 x 0.5 = 34.0 34.0 + 40.0 = 74.0 108.0 − 74.0 = 34.0 (68.0 + 34.0) − 108.0 = -6.0 Potatoes 157.5 − 40. = 117.5 117.5 / 6.4 = 18.4 52.0 − 18.4 = 33.6 117.5 x 0.5 = 58.8 58.8 + 40.0 = 98.8 157.5 − 98.8 = 58.8 (117.5 + 58.8) − 157.5 = 18.8 a b c d NSL = nitrogen applied with slurry; PSl = phosphorus applied with slurry; PMF = phosphorus applied with additional mineral fertiliser; NSl-avl = plant available nitrogen in slurry; e Norg = nitrogen from organic sources: plant available nitrogen in slurry plus additional delivery from soil and preceding crop residues. 40 kg N ha-1 a-1 is the maximum value which can be taken into account (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007); f NMF = nitrogen applied with additional mineral fertiliser; g mismatch of plant offtake for optimum yield and N delivery (slurry, mineral fertiliser, additional delivery). 37 Table 18 Algorithms for variable-rate fertiliser application with pig solid fraction (N:P = 1.8; Table 10) and additional mineral nitrogen fertiliser in Germany. The fertilisation follows the P demand of the crop (Table 12) and the P fertiliser recommendation for soil test phosphorus class C (= P offtake by crop; Table 11). Limitations by excess of soil nitrogen are not considered. All values are given in kg ha-1 a-1. Crop PSla = P offtake by crop NSlb = multiple (N:P ratio) of P rate NSl-avlc = available N of NSl Norgd = NSl-avl plus N from additional delivery NMFe = N offtake by crop minus Norg N surplusf = NSl plus NMF minus Norg offtake by crop Wheat 31.5 31.5 x 1.8 = 56.7 56.7 x 0.6 = 34.0 34.0 + 40 = 74.0 198.9 − 74.0 = 124.9 (56.7 + 124.9) − 198.9 = -17.3 Barley 24.5 24.5 x 1.8 = 44.1 44.1 x 0.6 = 26.5 26.5 + 40 = 66.5 115.5 − 66.5 = 49.0 (44.1 + 49.0) − 115.5 = -22.4 Rye 28.0 28.0 x 1.8 = 50.4 50.4 x 0.6 = 30.2 30.2 + 40 = 70.2 120.8 − 70.2 = 50.6 (50.4 + 50.6) − 120.8 = -19.8 Silage maize 33.3 33.3 x 1.8 = 59.9 59.9 x 0.6 = 35.9 35.9 + 40 = 75.9 180.5 − 75.9 = 104.6 (59.9 + 104.6) − 180.5 = -16.1 Rapeseed 31.2 31.2 x 1.8 = 56.2 56.2 x 0.6 = 33.7 33.7 + 40 = 73.7 134.0 − 73.7 = 60.3 (56.2 + 60.3) − 134.0 = -17.5 Sugar beet 24.0 24.0 x 1.8 = 43.2 43.2 x 0.6 = 25.9 25.9 + 40 = 65.9 108.0 − 65.9 = 42.1 (43.2 + 42.1) − 108.0 = -22.7 Potatoes 27.0 27.0 x 1.8 = 48.6 48.6 x 0.6 = 29.2 29.2 + 40 = 69.2 157.5 − 69.2 = 88.3 (48.6 + 88.3) − 157.5 = -20.6 a b c PSl = phosphorus applied with slurry; NSL = nitrogen applied with slurry; NSl-avl = plant available nitrogen in slurry. As the solid fraction is still liquid manure, the same percentage of available N as for pig slurry was used; d Norg = nitrogen from organic sources: plant available nitrogen in slurry plus additional delivery from soil and preceding crop residues. 40 kg N ha-1 a-1 is the maximum value which can be taken into account (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007); e NMF = nitrogen applied with additional mineral fertiliser; f mismatch of plant offtake of available N for optimum yield and total N delivery (slurry, mineral fertiliser, additional delivery). 38 Table 19 Algorithms for variable-rate fertiliser application with pig solid fraction (N:P = 1.8; Table 10) and additional mineral nitrogen fertiliser in Germany. The fertilisation follows the P demand of the crop (Table 12) and the P fertiliser recommendation for soil test phosphorus class A (= P offtake by crop plus 25 kg P ha1 -1 a ; Table 11). In this case, P fertilisation by slurry leads to N application above the legal limit of 170 kg N ha-1 a-1 or above the plants N demands; hence, the slurry application follows the plants N demand and missing P is applied by mineral fertiliser. Limitations by excess of soil nitrogen are not considered. All values are given in kg ha-1 a-1. Crop PSla = P offtake by crop NSlb = multiple (N:P ratio) of P rate NSl-avlc = available N of NSl Norgd = NSl-avl plus N from additional delivery NMFe = N offtake by crop minus Norg N surplusf = NSl plus NMF minus Norg offtake by crop Wheat 56.5 56.5 x 1.8 = 101.7 101.7 x 0.6 = 61.0 61.0 + 40 = 101.0 198.9 − 101.0 = 97.9 (101.7 + 97.9) − 198.9 = 0.7 Barley 49.5 49.5 x 1.8 = 89.1 89.1 x 0.6 = 53.5 53.5 + 40 = 93.5 115.5 − 93.5 = 22.0 (89.1 + 22.0) − 115.5 = -4.4 Rye 53.0 53.0 x 1.8 = 95.4 95.4 x 0.6 = 57.2 57.2 + 40 = 97.2 120.8 − 97.2 = 23.6 (95.4 + 23.6) − 120.8 = -1.8 Silage maize 58.3 58.3 x 1.8 = 104.9 104.9 x 0.6 = 62.9 62.9 + 40 = 102.9 180.5 − 102.9 = 77.6 (104.9 + 77.6) − 180.5 = 1.9 Rapeseed 56.2 56.2 x 1.8 = 101.2 101.2 x 0.6 = 60.7 60.7 + 40 = 100.7 134.0 − 100.7 = 33.3 (101.2 + 33.3) − 134.0 = 0.5 Sugar beet 49.0 49.0 x 1.8 = 88.2 88.2 x 0.6 = 52.9 52.9 + 40 = 92.9 108.0 − 92.9 = 15.1 (88.2 + 15.1) − 108.0 = -4.7 Potatoes 52.0 52.0 x 1.8 = 93.6 93.6 x 0.6 = 56.2 56.2 + 40 = 96.2 157.5 − 96.2 = 61.3 (93.6 + 61.3) − 157.5 = -2.6 a b c PSl = phosphorus applied with slurry; NSL = nitrogen applied with slurry; NSl-avl = plant available nitrogen in slurry. As the solid fraction is still liquid manure, the same percentage of available N as for pig slurry was used; d Norg = nitrogen from organic sources: plant available nitrogen in slurry plus additional delivery from soil and preceding crop residues. 40 kg N ha-1 a-1 is the maximum value which can be taken into account (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007); e NMF = nitrogen applied with additional mineral fertiliser; f mismatch of plant offtake of available N for optimum yield and total N delivery (slurry, mineral fertiliser, additional delivery). 39 6.3 Crop rotation The advantage of considering crop rotation in combination with manure is that the mismatch of plant offtake of available N for optimum yield and the total N delivery can be lowered. In the following, three examples for crop rotations on soils with deficient and optimum P supply status will be presented, which are based on the fertiliser rates presented above. Combinations of slurry, slurry solid fraction and mineral fertiliser are used. The first example (Table 20 and Table 21) deals with a pig farm and a rotation of wheat, maize and sugar beet. On STP class A and class C soils, the fertilisation cause an excess of stable N on both wheat and maize. This N excess is theoretically equalised in the third year by N depletion. Sugar beet at the end of the rotation can satisfy a great proportion of its nitrogen demand from the mineralisation of manure applied in previous years (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, 2007). This is caused by a long growing season in the warm months. The second example (Table 20 and Table 21) presents a pseudo crop rotation with wheat in two subsequent years after one year with rapeseed. The third example (Table 20 and Table 21) deals with dairy slurry and a crop sequence of wheat, rye and sugar beet. As for pig slurry, it is easier to construct a balanced N application within a crop rotation with products with different N:P ratios. Dairy cow slurry solid fractions have a N:P ratio of 3.6, which differs from the N:P ratio of 6.4 of dairy cows slurry. The N:P ratio of the solid fraction is close to pig slurry (Table 10); therefore, the calculations are similar to Table 13-Table 15 and not presented in this report. All examples show that the soils with a P deficiency (Table 21) receive, with one exception, only slurry solid fractions. This is the result of the higher P content (lower N:P ratio) of the solid fractions. In turn, the production of ammonia water from the liquid fraction allows for an application of a slurry product on soils with excess P. Consequently, fractionation of slurry is helpful for a variable-rate application. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 40 Table 20 Examples for fertilisations with pig and dairy cow slurry on soil with optimum P status (soil test phosphorus class C) within three-year crop rotations. Detailed calculations for the values are stated in Table 13, Table 16, and Table 18, details for dairy cow solid fraction are not given, but calculations were similar to Table 13. All values are given in kg ha-1 a-1. Manure P needa PSlb PMFc N needa NSlb NMFc N surplusd Pig slurry 1 Wheat Slurry 31.5 31.5 00.0 198.9 126.0 083.3 10.4 2 Silage maize Slurry 33.3 33.3 00.0 180.5 133.0 060.7 13.2 3 Sugar beet Solid fraction 24.0 24.0 00.0 108.0 043.2 042.1 -22.7 88.75 00.0 302.2 186.0 00.9 Year Crop Total Pig slurry 1 Rapeseed 2 Wheat 3 Wheat Slurry 31.2 31.2 00.0 134.0 124.8 19.1 09.9 Solid fraction Slurry 31.5 31.5 00.0 198.9 056.7 124.9 -17.3 31,.5 31.5 00.0 198.9 126.0 083.3 10.4 94.2 00.0 307.5 227.0 03.0 Total Dairy cow slurry 1 Wheat 2 Rye 3 Sugar beet Total Solid fraction Slurry 31.5 31.5 00.0 198.9 113.4 090.9 05.4 28.0 12.6 15.4 120.8 080.8 040.4 00.4 Solid fraction 24.0 24.0 00.0 108.0 086.4 016.2 -5.4 31.5 00.0 280.6 148.0 00.4 a Fertiliser recommendations for the crops need; b applied with slurry; c applied with additional mineral fertiliser; d mismatch of plant offtake of available N for optimum yield and total N delivery (slurry, mineral fertiliser, additional delivery). Negative values indicate a depletion of stable N forms by mineralisation. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 41 Table 21 Examples for fertilisations with pig and dairy cow slurry on soil with optimum P status (soil test phosphorus class A) within three-year crop rotations. Detailed calculations for the values are stated in Table 13, Table 16, and Table 18, details for dairy cow solid fraction are not given, but calculations were similar to Table 13. All values are given in kg ha-1 a-1. Year Crop Pig slurry 1 Wheat 2 Silage maize 3 Sugar beet Manure P needa PSlb PMFc N needa NSlb NMFc N surplusd Solid fraction Solid fraction Solid fraction 56.5 056.5 00.0 198.9 101.7 097.9 00.7 58.3 058.3 00.0 180.5 104.9 077.6 01.9 49.0 049.0 00.0 108.0 088.2 015.1 -4.7 164.0 00.0 294.75 190.6 -2.1 Total Pig slurry 1 Rapeseed 2 Wheat 3 Wheat Slurry 56.2 023.5 32.7 134.0 094.0 037.6 -2.4 Solid fraction Solid fraction 56.5 056.5 00.0 198.9 101.7 097.9 00.7 56.5 056.5 00.0 198.9 101.7 097.9 00.7 137.0 32.7 297.4 233.4 -1.0 56.5 044.1 12.4 198.9 158.9 063.6 23.6 53.0 022.4 30.6 120.8 080.8 032.3 -7.7 49.0 018.9 30.1 108.0 068.0 027.2 -12.8 085.5 73.0 307.7 123.1 03.1 Total Dairy cow slurry 1 Wheat 2 Rye 3 Sugar beet Total Solid fraction Solid fraction Solid fraction a Fertiliser recommendations for the crops need; b applied with slurry; c applied with additional mineral fertiliser; d mismatch of plant offtake of available N for optimum yield and total N delivery (slurry, mineral fertiliser, additional delivery). Negative values indicate a depletion of stable N forms by mineralisation. The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 42 7 Conclusions We presented prerequisites and the framework for a variable-rate application of slurry and some algorithms for such fertilisations. With regard to globally limited P reserves it is recommended to limit maximum rates of manure on P basis, rather than the N demand. Variable rate application of slurry is required on fields with zones of an insufficient P supply that need P rates that are higher than the offtake by harvest products. On soils where the P supply is sufficiently high, P rates by slurry can be applied uniformly at rates that equal the offtake. N will be applied in organic and mineral form so that for both nutrients, N and P, the demand will correspond with the actual fertiliser rate. For the calculation of variable N rates soil data, geomorphology, crop demand are required. 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URL: (accessed 22.05.2013). The project is partly financed European Regional Development Fund by the European Union - 49 This report in brief About the project An undesired surplus of nutrients in agricultural soils can be attributed among others to a uniform application of fertilisers as it does not address the small-scale variation of nutrients in soils. Site-specific fertilisation can reduce nutrient surpluses. Algorithms for a site-specific input of manure are missing so far, but are crucial for a purely demand-driven input of nutrients. This report describes conditions and algorithms for the variable-rate application of slurry. The Baltic Sea Region is an area of intensive agricultural production. Animal manure is often considered to be a waste product and an environmental problem. Slurry application should follow the P demand of crops as otherwise an overfertilisation with P is common. Consequently, soils with excessively high P contents receive no P fertiliser, soils with sufficiently high P content application rates equal the P offtake by harvest products and on soils with an insufficiently high P-content for maximum yields application rates need to be higher than the offtake. Nitrogen will be applied in organic and mineral form so that for both nutrients, N and P, the demand will correspond with the actual fertiliser rate. Thus a balanced application of nitrogen and phosphorus is achieved. The long-term strategic objective of the project Baltic Manure is to change the general perception of manure from a waste product to a resource. This is done through research and by identifying inherent business opportunities with the proper manure handling technologies and policy framework. To achieve this objective, three interconnected manure forums has been established with the focus areas of Knowledge, Policy and Business. Read more at This report on the “Algorithms for variable-rate application of manure” was prepared as part of work package 4 on manure standards of the project Baltic Manure. Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)