February 21, 2016 - St. Mary`s Parish
February 21, 2016 - St. Mary`s Parish
February 21, 2016 Second Sunday of Lent Parishioner Services Sacramental ◊ Infant Baptism: Registered parishioners may call the Rectory Office at 410-263-2396 for information about Baptisms at St. Mary's. Baptismal Preparation Classes: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM at St. John Neumann Church. ◊ First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist: Please call our Office of Faith Formation at 410-990-4225. ◊ Confirmation: Please call our Office of Youth Ministry at 410-990-4063. ◊ Marriage: Registered parishioners may call the Rectory Office at 410-263-2396 for information about parish weddings. ◊ Pastoral Care of the Sick: Eucharistic ministry to homebound, post-hospitalizations, and hospice. Please call the parish office with your request or if you are unable, please have a close family member call the Parish office at 410-263-2396. ◊ RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a series of weekly meetings for adults who are considering becoming Catholic. Call Deacon Leroy Moore for information at 410-990-4215. Liturgical Ministries ◊ Altar Service Ministry: Roi-lyn Meehan, 410-903-3323 or Scott Meehan, 443-848-0948, altarservers@stmaryschurch.org, ◊ Eucharistic Ministry: Michael Baird, pmbaird@verizon.net ◊ Lector Ministry: John Robinson, stmaryslectors@comcast.net ◊ Music Ministry: Ceil Ambrosetti, cambrosetti@stmarysannapolis.org, Harry Thompson, stmarysorganist353@comcast.net ◊ Usher Ministry: Larry Thrasher, 443-510-6610 ushers@stmaryschurch.org Outreach ◊ Birthright: Birthright helps any girl or woman regardless of age, race, creed, marital or economic status, who feels distressed by an unplanned pregnancy. 410-384-7700 ◊ English as a Second Language: Eneida Green, 410-800-4717 Eneida_green@yahoo.com ◊ St. Vincent DePaul Outreach: Mondays from 7 - 8:00 PM; Wednesdays from 2 - 4 PM; at St. Mary’s Church ◊ 24 Hour Help Line for Crisis Pregnancy: 1-800-550-4900 General ◊ New Parishioners: Registration forms are available at our parish office, or at www.stmaryschurch.org. ◊ Bulletin: Information considered for publication in our weekly bulletin must be submitted to mmurray@stmarysannapolis.org. no later than Monday 9:00 AM prior to the publication date. All notices about fund raising events must be pre-approved through our Office of Advancement. To place an ad in our bulletin, please call Diocesan Publications at 1-800-233-8200. St. Mary’s Church 410-263-2396 Redemptorist Community Preaching Plentiful Redemption St. John Neumann Church 410-266-2498 Very Rev. John Tizio, C.Ss.R. Pastor 410-990-4011 St. Mary’s Office of Faith Formation 410-990-4225 St. Mary’s Elementary School 410-263-2869 St. Mary’s High School 410-263-3294 St. Mary’s Hispanic Office 410-990-4015 St. Mary’s Youth & Young Adult Ministry 410-990-4014 Office of Parish Advancement 410-268-3467 St. Mary’s Business Office 410-990-4042 frtizio@stmarysannapolis.org Rev. Andrew Costello, C.Ss.R., Vicar Rev. Patrick Flynn, C.Ss.R. Rev. Charles Hergenroeder, C.Ss.R. Rev. Joseph Krastel, C.Ss.R. Rev. Miguel Martinez, C.Ss.R. Rev. Kevin Milton, C.Ss.R. Rev. David Verghese, C.Ss.R. Rev. Robert Wojtek, C.Ss.R. Deacon Leroy Moore In Residence Rev. William Guri, C.Ss.R. Rev. Eric Hoog, C.Ss.R. Rev. Alphonse Olive, C.Ss.R. Bill Cable Pastoral Council President pc@stmarysannapolis.org Fred Haller St. Mary’s School President 410-990-4235 Mindi Imes High School Principal 410-263-3294 Brian Reinhart Interim Director of Faith Formation 410-990-4014 Stephen E. Means Chief Administrative Officer 410-990-4035 Rebecca Zimmerman Elementary School Principal 410-263-2869 Deacon Leroy Moore Director of Liturgy 410-990-4215 Phil Jones Director of Parish Advancement 410-990-4113 For a complete listing of our ministries and organizations visit www.stmarysannapolis.org St. Mary’s Parish Annapolis, Maryland Dear Parishioners, During these past almost three years, since his election as Pope back in March 2013, many people have become a “pope-aholic” and a “Francisco-phile”. They just can’t get enough of Pope Francis! “Mercy” and “compassion” are words that Pope Francis uses again and again to tell the world what Jesus and the Gospel are all about. In his first Sunday homily as Pope, he told the group of Vatican employees who were attending Mass in their little parish church just inside the Porta Sant’ Anna: “Mercy is the Lord’s most powerful message.” He has declared this to be a Year of Mercy, we here at St. Mary’s, are a Door of Mercy, and our parish theme this year is “Be A Witness of Mercy.” As often as we celebrate Mass, we begin with the Penitential Act, asking the Lord for mercy: “Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord have mercy!” So mercy is first and foremost something that we ask for and receive from God, in the form of the forgiveness of our sins. But once we have experienced the Lord’s mercy in our own lives, the way that we express our gratitude to the Lord is to show mercy to one another. Because the Lord has treated us with mercy, our proper response is to be merciful towards others, particularly to our brothers and sisters in need. Just before he was elected Pope, Cardinal Jorge Bergolio shared with the other Cardinals a reflection on the image of Jesus knocking on door in the Book of Revelation. Usually he said, we picture Jesus outside the door, knocking on the doors of our hearts, asking us to hear his voice and open the door so that Jesus can come in. But Cardinal Bergolio suggested that there is another way to picture this scene. Picture Jesus inside, knocking on the doors of our churches, asking us to let him out, so that he can reach out to the poor and the oppressed, the people who are marginalized and neglected by society. That image of Jesus, knocking on the doors of the church, asking us to let him out, is a powerful way to understand what the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is all about. Each year at this time, the AAA reminds us that we here at St. Mary’s in Annapolis are part of a much larger local church; we are part of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. By our support of the AAA, we make possible the many programs and ministries by which the local Church reaches out to our brothers and sisters in need. This weekend is Commitment Weekend, when we ask you to make your commitment. As we look to this year’s Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, please reflect on how you have personally experienced the love of the Lord and consider participating again, or for the first time. Please be as generous as you can. It is through your generosity that the ministries funded by this appeal are able to thrive and help more people see “A Light Brightly Visible.” No gift is too small if it comes from your heart. What’s important is not how much you give, but that you want to give whatever you can. And whatever you can give is greatly appreciated. I close now with the prayer for this year’s appeal: Dear Jesus, help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with Your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly, that my life may only be a radiance of Yours. Shine through me, and be so in me. That every soul I come in contact with may feel Your presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me, but only Jesus! Stay with me and then I shall begin to shine as You shine, So to shine as to be a light to others; The light, O Jesus will be all from You; none of it will be mine; It will be You, shining on others through me. Let me thus praise You the way You love best, by shining on those around me. Let me preach You without preaching, not by words but by my example, By the catching force of the sympathetic influence of what I do, The evident fullness of the love my heart bears to You. AMEN. God Bless Us All Fr. Tizio Email: frtizio@stmarysannapolis.org Pastor’s Pun: What did one light bulb say to another? I love you a whole watt. February 21, 2016 Masses and Intentions Sunday, February 21 SM 7:00 Purgatorian 8:30 James Niumatalolo 10:30 John David Openshaw 12:30 Monie Werthmann 5:30 Sunday, February 21 SJN 7:30 St. Mary’s Parishioners 9:00 Christopher Basilico 11:00 Henry & Marge Kalinoski (L) 1:00 5:00 Ann Marie Beall & family (L) Monday, February 22 6:45 SM Purgatorian 8:00 SJN Adam Malinowski 12:10 SJN Philip Asher Tuesday, February 23 6:45 SM Purgatorian 8:00 SM Carolyn Reeves 12:10 SJN Wednesday, February 24 6:45 SM Purgatorian 8:00 SJN 12:10 SJN Thursday, February 25 6:45 SM Purgatorian 8:00 SM Jack Atkins 12:10 SJN Friday, February 26 6:45 SM Purgatorian 8:00 SJN 12:10 SJN Saturday, February 27 6:45 SM Purgatorian 8:00 SM Leslie Ann Fletcher 4:30 SJN Paul Christopher Ostrowski 5:00 SM Patricia Baird 6:30 SJN Sunday, February 28 SM 7:00 Purgatorian 8:30 Rusty Sears (L) 10:30 Thomas Trott 12:30 Nancy Brock Brennan 5:30 Sunday, February 28 SJN 7:30 St. Mary’s Parishioners 9:00 Edward A. Munley 11:00 Protection of the Unborn 1:00 5:00 Second Sunday of Lent Spirituality Pillar Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Faith At The Table "The Blessed Sacrament is the first and supreme object of our worship. We must preserve in the depths of our hearts a constant and uninterrupted profound adoration of this Precious Pledge of Divine Love". St Mary Euphrasia Pelletier Transformed by Christ But our citizenship is in heaven, A Holy Invitation and it is from there that we are You are cordially invited to spend expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus an hour with the True Presence of Christ. Jesus Christ at St. Mary’s Perpetual (Philippians 3:20) Adult: How are your priorities Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. This affected by your faith in Jesus sacred devotion urgently needs committed adorers of the Blessed Christ? Child: When you have important Sacrament. choices to make, do you pray to Any hour and day of your choosing. Current hours needed to be filled: make the right choice? Tuesday at 2am and 3am, Prayer Requests for the Sick and Friday at 2am Michael Mattingly, Brett Stratton, RSVP: MaryAnn at 410-267-6437, John Moeller, Maria Tirschman, (mam72943@gmail.com); Maureen Gary Hopkins, Amy Hopkins, Steve at 410-263-0812 (jrmcint@verizon.net); Schneider, Richard Wirth, Dane at 410-757-0635 Ruttum, Don Kumer, Geri Lupinski, T a m m y (twlbeigel@yahoo.com); Peggy at 443Dolores Ann Lewis, John Wirth, Liz 534-2767 (peggmorris@gmail.com). Roberts, LTJG Joseph “Joey” Breen, USN, Brandon Barniea, Laura Baptism Class Benningfield, Artie Veloso, Frank The next Baptism class Joyce, Mark Klein, Andrew Bethard, will be offered on Colin Reilly, Peggy McKeal, Robert Tuesday, February 23rd Thompson, Sandy Wilcher, Gerald in Seelos Hall, SJN at Dardinski, Robert Wolfe, Ellen 6:30PM. Please call the Menton, Thelma Baliko, Tom Parish office to register. Snyder, Judith Youngblood, Eileen Fitzgerald, Frank Litko, Jim Conley, Traveling Statue of Our JoAnne Cardine, Judy McKenna, Lady of Fatima Judith Dodge, Thomas Wojtek, Errol Would you like to receive a Small, Jr., Patricia Kornberg special blessing for your family? Deceased: Marie Dabbs, Mary Invite this traveling statue to your Louise Richter, Isabel Gambone, home for a week. Many have gotten Mary Kennedy Fuller together with family and friends to pray a rosary while she is there with 40 Days for Life Join in prayer and peaceful them and have experienced witness during Lent. It’s easy. Your healings. Call Mary 443-994-7245. The Legion of Mary now meets at presence and prayers can and have St Mary’s every Tuesday from 10saved many lives, including those at 11:30. This is a perfect way to grow our local vigils. From 2007 (the first in love of God's own Mother Mary one in our Archdiocese) to last Fall and your own personal holiness. here are some stats: 11,165 lives 410-280-1448. Come join us! saved from abortion, 127 abortion workers quit, 64 abortion facilities Reconciliation closed. Prayer and love change Stations of the Cross Every Wednesday during Lent, things. Be part of the change. Join During Lent, Stations of the the Sacrament of Reconciliation will other good folks at the location near Cross is celebrated every Friday at be offered at SJN from 6:00 you. https://40daysforlife.com. You 7:30pm. 7:30PM at St. Mary’s. can make a difference. St. Mary’s Parish Community Pillar Parish Library "God's Passion, Our Passion," by Pierre Wolff, clearly and effectively articulates how we are, and can be, connected to all humanity through our connection with God. The author focuses on the power of love as exemplified in the actions of Jesus during his final days, and draws ringing parallels to our own life situations. Moving through the events of the PassionResurrection story as recorded in Scripture, Wolff shares timely applications on such themes as non -violence, the use of money, agony and suffering, acceptance, Eucharist, compassion, and salvation. Available in the Christology section of the SJN Parish Library. Veteran’s of St. Mary’s Did you know… the Civil War was the most deadly war in American history? Over 600,000 died inn conflict - more than WWl and WWll COMBINED. A soldier was 13 times more likely to die in the Civil War than in the Viet Nam War. Maryland March for Life The 38th annual Maryland March for Life will be held on Monday, March 7. Pre-March Youth Rally at 4:30 with singer Caitlin Jane, pizza and more! Mass at St. Mary’s at 5:15. March begins at 6:30 with a rally on Lawyers Mall. Speakers include Ramona Trevino, former Planned Parenthood manager and Wayne Cockfield, Veteran & Disability Rights Advocate, Tracey Tiernam, 95.1 Shine FM Radio Host. Free Chick fil-A dinner at mixer back at St. Mary’s at 8:00. For more information or to register, go to www.marylandmarchforlife.org. Annapolis, Maryland Ranger Rosary We have been sending our rosaries to Walter Reed Army and Bethesda Naval hospitals for 13 years. They have given thousands of our Veterans hope for their healing. With the shortage of chaplains the prayers of the Rosary can give them time to come to know our Blessed Mother and receive her tender love and comfort. The Catholic TV station EWTN offers the Rosary four times daily. Here are a few of the prayers they begin with: "From Mary, we learn to surrender to God's grace in all things. From Mary, we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary, we learn to love Christ, her Son and the Son of God. The Rosary is the most beautiful and rich in grace of all prayers", Pius X. When you say the rosary the angels rejoice. The Rosary is the most important weapon for our times; through the Rosary streams of grace flow down upon us. Join the Rosary makers every Wednesday, 9-12 at SJN. You can go to the 12:10 Mass and OLOPH novena, the Rosary and Devine Mercy Chaplet. 410 990-4100 ext 4174, rangerrosaryinc@verizon.net, www.rangerrosary.org. St. Mary’s Environmental Stewardship Committee The next SMESC m eeting is Wednesday, March 16 from 5:307:00 p.m. in the second floor conference room of Notre Dame Hall (behind the Elementary and High Schools). All are welcome. Contact P a u l O ' H e a r n o r (pohearn@stmarysannapolis.org) or S u e W e n t w o r t h (clarewentworth@gmail.com) for more information. and events/ Great Books Saturday. St. Mary’s Prison Ministry Did you knowB that members of St. Mary’s Parish are involved in two programs conducted at the Anne Arundel County Detention Center on Jennifer Road in Annapolis? One is the St. Mary’s Catholic Prison Ministry which brings the Word of God and administers the Blessed Host to inmates on Saturday afternoons. The other is the Detention Center General Education Development (GED) Program which assists inmates in achieving a High School Diploma by tutoring them in science, mathematics, social studies, reading, and writing. If you would like to help inmates with the desire to turn their lives around, you can do so by volunteering for either or both of these programs. Please contact Richard Buss at (410) 263-5204 if Lenten Soup Suppers On Wednesday, February 24h, you are interested in helping, For the Lord hears the poor, and does the Lenten soup suppers will be not spurn those in bondage. (Psalm 69:34) prepared and served by the HASA and PFA of our schools in Seelos Inclement Weather Hall from 4:45pm until 6:45pm (soup Holiday Mass Policy service stops at 6:30pm). Come and When schools are closed break bread with fellow parishioners. due to inclement weather, all Masses will be celebrated at St. Mary's Mothers Group St. Mary’s. Our parish mothers group brings When schools have a twotogether moms and kids for play, hour delay due to inclement fellowship, and prayer. We meet weather, Masses will be celeevery Friday from 9-11 AM at brated as scheduled. different locations. For more When the parish offices are information, please contact Emily closed due to a holiday, Soeffing at efsoeffing@gmail.com or Masses will be celebrated as 203-858-5915. scheduled. February 21, 2016 Year of Mercy Dialogue This is the “Year of Mercy” – you are invited to join Fr. Olive for a dialogue on mercy. It is held on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30pm in the Neumann Room at St. Mary’s Rectory. “This is the moment of Mercy”, says Pope Francis. Join us and let’s dialogue. All are welcome. Bucket List Adventure Join Fr. Andy Costello on a ‘Bucket List’ adventure to South America and around Cape Horn from January 3-January 18, 2017. Contact Maureen @ 410-224-3108 or Galavanteers@comcast.net. Reduced rates are available until February 29th. Lenten Ideas for Families ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Second Sunday of Lent St. Thomas Aquinas Tutorial (STAT) Education Pillar St. Mary’s Elementary School “Be a Witness of Mercy” Pope Francis 2/23 - Light House Shelter lunches will be provided by Grade 3 2/23 - Reconciliation Service, Grade 6, 9:15 AM 2/24 - Prayer Service, Grade K – 2, 8:30 AM 2/29 - Reconciliation Service, Grade 8, 8:30 AM Congratulations to the following Sixth Grade students who achieved Honor Roll status for Trimester I: George Acton, Estelle Aherne, James Banks, Lara Batrouni, Brynn Bernard, Sean Berzins, Bridget Bisson, Katherine Borchard, Jack Bousum, Alyssa Britton-Harr, Tristan Britton-Harr, Julia Bucht, Alex Burton, Anthony Carr, Isabella Cerza, Eric Chaney, Graham Cohen, Mariela Contreras, Chase Conway, Caroline Crouse, Davin Daugherty, Teagan Dillon, Grace Driggs, Gavin Drucis, Samantha Dunn, Brady Ervin, Riley Ervin, Eliza Fales, Ava Farley, Ryan Flynn, Joey Griffiths, Campbell Grimes, Anna Groszkowski, Angela Haller, Leo Healy, Brooke Heary, Catherine Hill, Donovan Jacobs, Kelly Koerschner, Maxine LaCroix, Rex McAllister, Liam McAndrews, Kate Mullarkey, Peyton Oliver, Carson Petitbon, Jake Powell, Will Rice, Joseph Richardson, Maeve Riley, Race Ripley, Sofia Roberts, Hannah Robinson, Matthew Romo, Gabrielle Roy, Delaney Ruhkamp, Jack Skeffington, Nicholas Souza, Jack Tiger, Andrew Tollefson, Charlie Tower, Cameron Vernon, Ryan Ward, Mackenzie Wilson, Sofia Zafiropulos ♦ Forego a favorite TV program for a week. ♦ Go through your closets and donate usable clothing and household goods to a local charity. ♦ Pay attention to someone you are tempted to brush aside. ♦ Fast from gossip. ♦ Pray at the sound of sirens from emergency vehicles. Pray for the people who might be in trouble. ♦ Fast from e-mail, text Faith Formation messaging, or both for a day. On Sunday, February 28th, the ♦ Speak less and listen more. Adult Faith Enrichment lecture will Give others the gift of your not be held after the 8AM Family undivided attention. Mass but will continue on Sunday, March 6th. St. Thomas Aquinas Tutorial (“STAT”) is a Catholic homeschooling tutorial program for students in grades 2-8, meeting twi c e we e k l y. T h ro u g h th e cooperation of Parents and Tutors, children learn to appreciate and love the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic faith and the world around them. STAT is now accepting applications for the 201617 school year. Contact us to schedule a shadow day or come to our next Parent Information Night on February 29 at 7:00 PM at Our Lady of the Fields Catholic Church, Millersville. For more information, contact Amy Zaleski at admissions@statonline.org or fill out a contact form on our website www.statonline.org. Parents & Guardians of First Communicants There will be a mandatory First Holy Eucharist Parents Meeting on Monday, February 22 for Parents/Guardians ONLY (last names A-L) and on Tuesday, February 23 (last names M-Z) in Seelos Hall at SJN, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Only one parent/guardian need attend and you need not attend if you went to such a meeting for a sibling in the last 3 years. Please call Barbara Rolland if you have questions, 410-990-4053. Parent-Child Retreat Parents & Guardians of First Communicants. There will be a mandatory Parent-Child Retreat for First Holy Eucharist on Saturday, February 27 for ALL parents and Communicants (last names A-L) and on Saturday, March 19 (last names M-Z) in Seelos Hall at SJN, 10:00 AM - 12 Noon. Please call Barbara Rolland if you have questions, 410990-4053. St. Mary’s Parish Annapolis, Maryland Finance Pillar Parish Support February 7, 2016 Offertory $52,668.55 Restoration & Maintenance $13,252.50 Poor Box $2,053.60 Thank you for your continued generosity. write your envelope number on your Please check. Thank you to those who already write their envelope number on the memo line. Please DO NOT use tape or staples to seal the envelopes. Please use BLUE or BLACK ink when writing a check to St. Mary's. With the new check scanning system, checks written in ink other than black or blue are rejected by the processing machine and have to be completed by hand. Your assistance in this is greatly appreciated. 25th Anniversary Golf Committee Forming Be a part of the 25th Anniversary Golf Committee! Join us for the kickoff meeting scheduled Tuesday, February 23 at 6PM. The meeting with be held on the second floor of Notre Dame Hall (above the high school library). For questions, contact Jennifer at jdieux@stmarysannapolis.org or 410 -990-4112. We look forward to seeing some new faces! Volunteers needed St. Mary’s Parish is in need of expanding our offertory count team. If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry, please contact Sister Terri Jordan, IHM at tjordan@stmarysannapolis.org for information regarding hours and When the Weather Outside requirements. A weekly commitment is Frightful is not required. We are thankful for all the generous gifts that you provide to our parish, but we realize that you cannot be with us ever Sunday of the year, for example during our recent snow storm. Please consider using our Charitable Giving Letters secure electronic giving program Faith Direct. Faith Direct will Have Been Mailed Letter(s) summarizing your 2015 automatically process any offertory charitable giving to St. Mary’s Parish or second collections donations of and School have been mailed. If you your choosing. You can sign up by have not received your letter(s) or if either calling Faith Direct toll free at you have questions, please contact 1-866-507-8757 or by emailing Maria Middleton in the Advancement info@faithdirect.net or by visiting Office at 410-990-4184 or 410-268- www.faithdirect.net. St. Mary’s 3467. Thank you again for your Church code is MD38. support. Communications Assistant Internship (Volunteer) We are looking for a graphic designer to create four to five publications per year. These publications include: The Moorings, The Fleur de Lis magazine and our Annual Report. Intern must be experienced with Adobe In Design. Internship can be customized to fit your class schedule. If you have the time and talent to help, please contact Christine Bervid at 410-9904228 or cbervid@stmarysannapolis.org. February 21, 2016 This Week in Our Parish Monday, February 22 The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23; Mt 16:13-19 8:45 AM Bible Study SJN 1:00 PM Marian Rosary Group SJN 7:00 PM Bible Study SJN 7:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul SM Tuesday, February 23 Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50; Mt 23:1-12 8:00 AM Coffee Group (NR) SM 10:00 AM Legion of Mary (NR) SM 6:00 PM Rosary & Divine Chaplet (NR) SM 7:00 PM ESL Classes SMHS Wednesday, February 24 Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31; Mt 20:17-28 9:00 AM Ranger Rosary SJN 2:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul SM 6:30 PM Reconciliation SJN 7:00 PM RCIA SJN 7:00 PM ESL Classes SMHS Thursday, February 25 Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1; Lk 16:19-31 7:00 PM ESL classes SMHS Friday, February 26 Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Ps 105; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 7:30 PM Stations of the Cross SM Saturday, February 27 Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday, February 28 Third Sunday of Lent Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9 1:45 PM Baptisms SM 6:00 PM Life Teen SJN SMES Dining Night Join us for dinner on February 24th and 25th at Neo’s Artisan’s Pizza located under Target. 20% goes to Tuition Angel. Either bring this coupon, show it on your smart phone or mention St. Mary's Elementary School to participate. Second Sunday of Lent A Successful Winter Relief at St. Mary's Thank you to the many volunteers who helped St. Mary's parish host 28 of the homeless of the Annapolis area at Seelos Hall during the past week (Feb 1-8, 2016). We were privileged to serve a great group of guests. You who were able to contribute to the meals or staffed the shifts during the week got to know them as individual people and even understand a bit of the reasons why they were with us during this week. Please include them in your prayers for their success during this year. The Winter Relief week was made delightful by the terrific meals provided by many parishioners. The combined efforts of parishioners bringing the food items and supplies to serve our guests was an outstanding show of love. St. Mary's hospitality was also increased by our talented parishioners who gave their time to provide entertainment each evening for our guests and even providing haircuts one night for any of our guests who wanted one and manicures on another night. Many of our guests expressed their appreciation for the kindnesses they received from parishioners. Thanks also to those of you who agreed to be alternates to fill in for anyone unable to make their shift. Fortunately it wasn't necessary to call on many of you, (we again escaped flu epidemics and snow that would prevent volunteers from arriving) but it was especially comforting to know that parishioners were available to call upon. We hope that you will be available to participate in winter relief next year. Winter relief could also not have been done without the tireless work of St. Mary's maintenance staff and those parishioners who provided, washed and returned the linens. St. Mary's parishioners also so generously responded to the request for replacement linens for use by our guests that we now have a complete set (enough for 40 people) that St. Mary's can use in future winter relief weeks. There were enough additional linens that we were able to give nearly an entire set to St. John the Evangelist parish which plans to begin winter relief next year. The response to the request for gift cards was equally generous. We were able to provide gift cards as bingo prizes for two nights of bingo and this really generated enthusiasm among all our guests. There were enough cards remaining to provide everyone a card one morning as they left for the day and provided a grab bag of gift cards to give one to each guest during Super Bowl half time. Thank you to each of you who gave your time, talent and treasure so generously. It is a humbling experience to be able to participate in winter relief for those in need. You have done much this week to help carry out Christ's direction to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and house the homeless. God Bless each of you. St. Mary’s Parish Annapolis, Maryland February 21, 2016 Second Sunday of Lent PARROQUIA DE SANTA MARÍA 109 Duke of Gloucester Street, Annapolis, Md. 21401. Tel: 410-990-4015, Fax 410-263-3027 Ministerio Hispano. Horario de oficina: de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Lunes a Viernes. Iglesia Misión San Juan Neumann 620 N. Bestgate Road Annapolis, Md 21401. 410-990-4015 Fax 410-263-3027 Párroco: P. Juan Tizio, C.Ss.R. Vicario: P. Miguel Angel Martinez, C.Ss.R. L o s D o m i n g o s M i s a a l a 1:00 p.m. L o s M i é r c o l e s R o s a r i o , D e v o c i ó n a P e r p e t u o S o c o r r o y M i s a a l a s 7 : 0 0 p.m. S á b a d o s M i s a a l a s 6 : 3 0 p.m. PASTORAL HISPANA P. Mig uel Ang el M artinez, C.Ss.R. Vicario del Ministerio Hispano 410-990-4033 Rossana Kaiser - 410-990-4015 Oficina-Asistente Administrativo Email: latinosoffice@stmarysannapolis.org Ministerio Hispano: Delegados en el Consejo Pastoral Parroquial: Betty Rivera 410-9193562 Miguel Tejada 443-926-1924 Delegado en el Consejo de la Pastoral Hispana Arquidiocesana: Nelson Ordoñez - 571-263-5262 Comité Hispano Presidente: Hector Sibrian 443-714-0638 Vice Presidente: Raphael Elguera 410-303-9657 Secretaria: Sara Sibrian Rodriquez 443-623-5588 MINISTERIOS Ministros de la Eucaristía: C r i s t i n a A r r u é 443-305-2768 Ministros de Hospitalidad: Julia Fuentes 443-714-1470 Ministros de la Palabra: Norma Contreras 410-212-8467 Ministerios de Música: José A. Recinos 443-822-6534 Santos Hernández 443-926-6651 Alex Hernández 443-822-6843 Monaguillos: William Arias (443) 375-9551 Pequeñas Comunidades Cristiana: Pablo Navarrete 443-333-6473 Danilo García 443-254-8211 Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos: Omar Hernández 443-306-8252 José Luis Puluc : 443-227-5628 Caballeros de Colón: William Castillo: 301-404-5152 Pastoral Familiar: Hector y Sara Sibrian 443-714-0638 443-623-5588 Grupo Guadalupano: Susana Cruz 410-507-5395 Grupo Carismático: Norma Lopez 443-852-8042 SERVICIOS SOCIALES Birthright: Ayuda a las señoritas jóvenes o mujeres sin importar edad, raza, credo, estado civil o económico, que se sienten angustiadas por un embarazo no planeado. 410-384-7700 Inglés como Segundo Idioma: Eneida Verde, 410-800-4717 Eneida_green@yahoo.com San Vicente de Paul: los lunes de 7:00pm - 8:00pm; Miércoles 2:00pm-4:00pm en la Iglesia de Santa María 24 horas Línea de Ayuda para Crisis del Embarazo: 1-800-550-4900 o Gabriel Network 1-800-ANGEL-OK Grupo Alcoholicos Anonimos: Lunes a Domingo de 8:00PM a 10:00PM Bautismo: Comunitario para niños 5 años o 410-990-0247/410-858-3396 SACRAMENTOS menores. Inscripciones directamente en la Oficina Hispana, se debe presentar fotocopia de la partida de nacimiento del niño a bautizar. Confesiones: Antes de las misas de los Domingos, sábados y miércoles o por cita con un sacerdote. Catecismo para niños y padres de familia: Inscripciones directamente en la Oficina Hispana. R.I.C.A: “Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos”: Inscripciones directamente en la Oficina Encargado: Padre Charley Hergenroeder Intenciones de Misa Sábado 20 Domingo 21 St. Mary’s Parish Annapolis, Maryland Estimados Parroquianos, Durante estos ultimos tres años, desde su elección como Papa en Marzo del 2013, mucha gente se ha vuelto “papa-hólico” y un “Franciscófilo”. No se cansan de oir del Papa Francisco! “Misericordia” y “compasión” son palabras que el Papa Francisco usa una y otra vez para decir al mundo que ésto es lo principal que Jesús y el Evangelio nos enseñan. En su primera homilía del Domingo como Papa, él dijo al grupo de empleados del Vaticano que fueron a Misa en su pequeña Iglesia dentro de Porta Santa Ana: “La misericordia es el mensaje más poderoso de Dios.” El Papa ha declarado que éste sea el año de la Misericordia, aquí en el Santa María, está una Puerta de Misericordia, y el tema de nuestra parroquia es “Ser testigo de la Misericordia.” Cuando celebramos la Misa, comenzamos con el Acto Penitencial, pidiendo misericordia a Dios: “Señor ten piedad de nosotros; Cristo, ten piedad de nosotros; Señor ten piedad de nosotros!” La misericordia es lo primero y lo principal que pedimos y recibimos de Dios, es la forma de perdón por nuestros pecados. Pero una vez que hayamos experimentado la misericordia de Dios en nuestras vidas, el modo en que expresamos nuestra gratitud al Señor es siendo misericordiosos con los otros. Porque el Señor nos ha tratado con misericordia, nuestra respuesta apropiada es ser piadosos con los otros, especialmente con nuestros hermanos y hermanas necesitados. Antes de ser elegido Papa, el Cardenal Jorge Bergoglio compartió con los otros Cardenales una reflección con la imagen de Jesús tocando la puerta en el Libro de las Revelaciones. Él dijo, que normalmente, nos imaginamos a Jesús afuera de la puerta, tocando a la puerta de nuestros corazones, pidiéndonos que oigamos su voz y le abramos la puerta para que Él pueda entrar. Pero el Cardenal Bergoglio sugirió que hay otro modo de imaginarse esta escena. Imagina a Jesús adentro, llamando a las puertas de nuestras Iglesias, pidiendonos que lo dejemos salir, para que Él pueda llegar al pobre y al oprimido, a la gente que esta marginada y abandonada por la sociedad. Que esa imagen de Jesús, tocando en las puertas de las Iglesias, pidiéndonos que lo dejemos salir, es una poderosa manera de entender de qué se trata el Llamado Anual del Arzobispo. Cada año en este tiempo nos recuerda que la Iglesia Santa María es parte de una iglesia local mucho más grande; somos parte de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore. Con nuestro apoyo al Llamado Anual, hacemos posible los programas y ministerios por los cuales la Iglesia local llega a nuestos hermanos y hermanas necesitados. Éste es un Fin de semana de Compromiso, es cuando te pedimos que hagas un compromiso. Mientras miramos al Llamado Anual del Arzobispo, por favor, refleja como has experimentado personalmente el amor del Señor y considera participar de Nuevo, o por primera vez. Por favor, sé tan generoso como puedas. Es a través de tu generosidad que los ministerios financiados por el Llamado pueden ser exitosos en ayudar a más gente a ver “Una Luz Brillantemente Visible.” Ningún regalo es muy pequeño si se lo da de corazón. Lo importante no es cuánto das, sino que quieras dar todo lo que puedas. Y todo lo que puedas dar lo valoramos muchisimo. Y ahora termino con una oración por el llamado de este año: Querido Jesús, ayúdame a esparcir tu fragancia a donde quiera que vaya. Innunda mi alma con Tu Espíritu y vida.Penetra y posee absolutamente todo mi ser, que mi vida sea solo un resplandor de la Tuya. Brilla a través de mí, y permanence en mí. De modo de que cada alma que entre en contacto conmigo sienta Tu presencia en mi alma. Déjalos buscar y ver que ya no soy yo, sino que eresTú, Jesús! Permanece en mi y así comenzaré a brillar como tu brillas, a brillar para ser luz para los demas; La Luz, oh Jesús, vendrá toda de Ti; nada vendrá de mi; serás Tú brillando a través de mí. Déjame alabarte así, Tú el camino, Tú el mayor amor, iluminando a todos los que me rodean. Permíteme predicarte sin predicar, no con palabras sino con mi ejemplo, con la cautivante influencia comprensiva de lo que yo hago, La evidente plenitud de mi Corazón que late por Tí. Amén Dios nos bendiga a todos Pe. Tizio Email: frtizio@stmarysannapolis.org LECTURAS SEMANALES Febrero 22: 1 Pedro 5:1-4; Salmos 23; Mateo 16:13-19 Febrero 23: Isaías 1:10, 16-20; Salmos 50; Mateo 231-12 Febrero 24: Jeremías 18:18-20; Salmos 31; 20:17-28 Febrero 25: Jeremías 17:5-10; Salmos 1; Lucas 16:19-31 Febrero 26: Génesis 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Salmos 105; Mateo 21:33-43, 45-46 Febrero 27: Miqueas 7:14-15, 18-20; Salmos 103; Lucas 15:1-3, 11-32 Febrero 28: Éxodo 3:1-8a, 13-15; Salmos 103; 1 Corintios 10:1-6, 10-12; Lucas 913:1-9 Si deseas meditar el Evangelio de cada día, en Español o en Ingles, puedes ingresar a la Página: Web www.redemptorist.net February 21, 2016 Second Sunday of Lent Retiro de Jóvenes Adultos todo un éxito, con participacion de más de 140 personas. Conferencia ofrecida por “Esperanza Center” Sobre el tema: “Conozca sus Derechos” Muchisimas Gracias a los Abogados y equipo de la Arquidiocesis de Baltimore por el apoyo a nuestra comunidad latina. Mediante jornadas educativas! St. Mary’s Parish Annapolis, Maryland NUESTRA AGENDA Febrero 24(Miércoles) a las 7:00 p.m. Febrero 24 (Miércoles) a las 7:00 p.m. Febrero 25 (Jueves) a las 7:00 p.m. Febrero 25 (Jueves) a las 7:00 p.m. Febrero 26 (Viernes) a las 7:30 p.m. Febrero 27 (Sabado) a las 6:30 p.m. Febrero 28 (Domingo) a las 1:00 p.m. Devoción al Perpetuo Socorro y Misa en la Capilla San Juan Neumann Ensayo del Coro en el Templo Reunión de Jovenes en San Juan Neumann Grupo Carismático Capilla San Juan Neumann Grupo Juvenil San Juan Neumann Misa Iglesia San Juan Neumann Misa Comunitaria en San Juan Neumann PEQUEÑAS COMUNIDADES Las Pequeñas Comunidades son grupos de personas que se reúnen para orar, meditar en la Palabra de Dios, vivirla y practicarla diariamente. Llámanos, te recibiremos con gusto: Siempre se necesitan Adoradores al Santísimo a diferentes horarios, son turnos de una hora. Interesados, comunicarse con la Oficina Hispana 410-990-4015. ♦ La Hermandad (Área de Taylor Ave) - Danilo Garcia 443254-8211 Domingo, 6:00 p.m. ♦Caminando con Jesús. (Annapolis) Giovanny López. 443822-7870. Martez, 7:00 p.m. ♦ Nuevo Renacer (Área de Edgewater) Roberto Cuellar. 443-333-6061. ♦ Sagrada Familia (Área de Gambrills) José y María Flores. 410-923-6024. ♦ Trabajadores de la Viña (Área de Pasadena) Cristina Arrué. 443-305-2768. Jueves, 7:00 p.m. ♦ Superación (Área de Bay Ridge y Eastport) Pablo Navarrete 443-333-6473 Viernes, 7:00 p.m. ♦ La Hermandad del Perpetuo Socorro (Hilltop Ln. Y Tyler Avenue) Rosa Hernandez. 443-808-6246. ASIGNACION De acuerdo a la asignación de las Pequeñas Comunidades para dejar el templo en orden. Le corresponde este fin de semana a la: Nuevo Renacer Charla de Bautismo La próxima charla en preparación de bautismo será el día Viernes 15 de Abril a las 7:00 pm en el salón Seelos de San Juan Neumann. Celebración de Bautismos