2015-Oct-04 - St Mary Catholic Church
2015-Oct-04 - St Mary Catholic Church
Mass Intentions If you would like Mass said in remembrance of someone or have a special intention, please call or stop by the office. Altar Flowers To place flowers at the tabernacle for a memorial or special occasion, please use the Altar Flowers Request Book at the back of the church and/or call the office. Arrangements are $25. Make checks payable to “St. Mary Flower Fund”. Sacrament of Matrimony Couples must be registered/active members of parish for at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Call the office to set up an appt. Sacrament of Baptism Expectant parents, please call Deacon Al Stockert to set up an apt. for Baptismal preparation. Homebound Ministries If you know someone who is homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, contact Deacon Gerald or Deacon Al. BULLETIN DEADLINE WEDNESDAYS 9:00 AM Lasting Office or Retail Impressions Salon Space Available 10278 Gorenflo Rd. 10278 Gorenflo Road Suite D D’Iberville, MS 39540 D’Iberville, MS Danny and Brenda Moran 228-392-9618 228-297-0957 “Providing Peace of mind...at Home” 13109 Shriners Blvd., Suite B Biloxi, MS 39532 (228) 207-2515 www.salushomecarems.com Owners Gary Barton, Jr. - Parishioner Bryan Boudreaux Tina Perkins, CPA, P.A. (228) 392-2991 Put your spiritual faith in God and your financial faith in us. St. Mary Parish October 3 & 4, 2015 8343 Woolmarket Road, Biloxi, MS 39532 Office: (228) 392-1999 Fax: 392-4552 Website: www.stmarycc.net Email: stmaryccbiloxi@bellsouth.net Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Fri 8:30-12:15 Weekdays: M, T, Th, F 8 am Wed 6:30 pm Weekends: Saturday 5 pm Sunday 8:30 am, 11 am 5 pm Life Teen® Mass Adoration: 1st Friday of every month 8:30 AM The Holy Rosary: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8:30 AM Collection Report September 26 & 27, 2015 Regular Collection-$4012.01 Bldg. Fund-$ St. Mary-St. Vin. Helpers-$853 Children’s Collection-$ Mass Intentions/Flowers-$40. CCD-$330.00 Seaman Center-$117.00 Thank you for your stewardship! Pray for Our Nation Please join us in praying for our nation on Saturday, October 10th at 12 Noon. This public Rosary will take place at the outside grotto of Our Lady of Fatima Church. All are welcome! Prayer to Avert Storms and Hurricanes Heavenly Father, All the elements of nature obey Your command. Calm the storms that may threaten us this hurricane season, and turn our fear of Your power into praise of Your goodness. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, in God, forever and ever. Amen. MASS INTENTIONS for October 3-11, 2015 Saturday October 3 5 PM †Verna Rosetti Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 4 8:30 AM †Joyce Ryals 11 AM †Janet Seidule 5 PM St. Mary Monday October 5 8 AM †Joseph Wescovich Tuesday October 6 8 AM Holy Souls in Purgatory Wednesday October 7 6:30 PM †Diana Allard Thursday October 8 8 AM for a special intention Friday October 9 8 AM †Anna Mae Montgomery Saturday October 10 5 PM †Robert Wescovich, Sr. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11 8:30 AM †Robert Bellman 11 AM †Aline Toche 5 PM St. Mary DAILY READING for October 3-11, 2015 Saturday Oct 3 Bar 4:5-29 Ps 69:33-37 Lk 10:17-24 Sunday Oct 4 Gn 2:18-24 Ps 128:1-6 Heb 2:9-11 Mk 10:2-16 Monday Oct 5 Jon 1:1-2:11 Jon 2:3-8 Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday Oct 6 Jon 3:1-10 Ps 130:1-8 Lk 10:38-42 St. Bruno Wed Oct 7 Jon 4:1-11 Ps 86:3-10 Lk 11:1-4 Our Lady of the Rosary Thurs Oct 8 Mal 3:13-20 Ps 1:1-6 Lk 11:5-13 Friday Oct 9 Jl 1:13-15 Ps 9:2-16 Lk 11:15-26 Saint Denis, Saint John Leonardi Saturday Oct 10 Jl 4:12-21 Ps 97:1-12 Lk 11:27-28 Sunday Oct 11 Wis 7:7-11 Ps 90:12-17 Heb 4:12-13 Mk 10:17-30 Pastor Rev. Msgr. Dominick Fullam, JCL,VG Emergencies 392-7500 /363-9283 Deacons Al Stockert 731-2747 Gerald Pickich 861-6581 Parish Office Marcie Kearns 392-1999 / 363-9283 Music Director Cherie Prentiss 365-4017 RCIA Mike/Elizabeth Lingenfelder 354-8377 CCD Coordinator Lucy Peterson 392-8948 Edge® Coordinator April Krieger 228-806-7010 Life Teen® Coordinator Katherine Lingenfelder 860-5062 Pastoral Council Thad Anderson 341-6054 Finance Council Tina Perkins 392-2991 Dr. Richard Schmidt 392-6891 Knights of Columbus Jason Saucier 228-365-3080 Flowers on altar in honor of our youth who’ve just started Edge and Life Teen. St. Mary Life Teen is on Facebook! Teens and parents, please request to join "St. Mary Woolmarket Life Teen" to stay up to date. Life Teen is in need of help with food for life nights this semester! Do you have a favorite meal that you like to cook or that has become a family favorite? Gather your family together, closest friends or other parishioners and join us for a life night! We try to serve dinner about 7:30pm unless otherwise noted. As your date approaches you will receive a reminder call and number of people. A sign-up sheet is in the back of the church! October 25 November 15 November 29- Sedar Meal (will need specific food) *Confirmation Class for the 11th grade will be Monday October 19th at 7pm in the hall. *Life Teen Fall Retreat November 6th-8th at Camp Wilkes. Cost is $40. Grades 9th-12th welcome! More details to be released soon. *St. Mary will have 5 teens and 2 adults traveling to Indianapolis for the National Catholic Youth Conference in November to represent our parish. They will meet with other teens from all across the country for workshops, sessions, service projects, Confession, Mass, and so much more. If you are interested in helping to sponsor a teen or chaperone for this trip please contact Katherine Lingenfelder. Life Teen Gospel Reflection Corner Mark 10:2-6 or 10:2-12 To me, this is one of the coolest readings because it shows why we look for a wife/husband. I feel called to the Sacrament of Matrimony. I am looking forward to finding the woman of my dreams and spending the rest of my life with her. I see us having beautiful children and growing in our relationship with God together. Once married, the union of husband and wife is sealed. A divorce is not an option. Therefore, when you are looking for the person to spend the rest of your life with, take the time to pray about it and bring God into it. Keep living a holy life with God, and stay cool! Isaac, 16 (Somewhere in USA) St. Mary Edge is on Facebook! All 6th, 7th and 8th graders and/or their parents please check out St. Mary Woolmarket Edge and request to join the group to stay up to date! *Edge began on Wednesday September 30. Please contact April Krieger at 228-806-7010 if you have any questions. Now available for all Saint Mary parishioners! FORMED FORMED is an exciting new gateway to the best teaching videos and books to deepen your relationship with Christ and His Church. All in one place. Accessible on most smart phones, tablets and computers. 1. Go to Formed.org. 2. Scroll down to ‘submit code’. M39AGR 3. Create your profile. 4. Submit. 5. You can then use all the FORMED resources! If you have any questions, please contact the parish office. There will be NO CCD Sunday, October 11th. Knights of Columbus Council # 9673 Family of the Month John and Nellie Cruso Congratulations! Next New Building Committee Meeting Monday, October 12 6:30 PM CALENDAR, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFO ●NEW The 2015 October Count of Mass Attendance is approaching. As in past years, the count sheet is posted on the back bulletin board. If someone would be so kind as to record attendance at these Masses, it would be very helpful. Thank you! ●There are still St. Mary Parish Cookbooks available. If you would like one, please contact the Parish Office. ●We are in need of volunteers for the following ministries at all the Masses: Lector, Altar Server, and Extra-ordinary Minister of Holy Communion. If you are interested please contact the parish office. ●Pot Luck/Birthday Dinner Please join us the first Saturday of every month at 6 PM as we honor those that have a birthday within that month. Bring a dish to pass. Everyone is welcome! ●UPCOMING SECOND COLLECTIONS: October 17 & 18 World Mission Sunday Oct 31 & Nov 1 St. Mary-St. Vincent Helpers Nov 21 & 22 Campaign for Human Development ●Altar Society Cleaning Schedule: Team 5 Thursday October 8 Team 6 October 17 Team 7 October 22 ●NEW PARISHIONERS AND VISITORS! We are happy that you attended Mass with us. Let us know how we may serve you. Parish registration forms can be found in the back of the church and returned in the collection basket or to the Parish Office. UPCOMING EVENTS: October 3 – Monthly Pot Luck/Birthday Dinner 6 PM ●New Church Kickoff 1 PM October 6 – RCIA 7 PM October 7 - UTRSS 9 AM October 8 - SMACC 6 PM October 11 - NO CCD ●K of C Blood Drive ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, October 11th, 2015 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Site: St. Mary Catholic Church Parish Hall 8343 Woolmarket Rd, Biloxi, MS To schedule an appointment, visit www.redcrossblood.org, Use sponsor code: STMARYWOOLMARKET Picture ID Required. All Blood Types Needed Genevie Alley, Gloria Anglado, Nora Bergeron, Cherly Blackwell, Margaret Blue, Matthew Bodin, Ray Bodin, Cotton Bosarge, Verna Ann Boyden, Byron Boyden, Frank Brannan, Mary Buley, Nick and Tootsie Caillvet, Timmy Cannette, Lisa Chambliss, Sharon Clark, Bill Cloud, Terrie Coate, Johnathon Collins, Roberta Connor, Debra Cox, Delores Cox, Michael Cox, Retta Cox, Mary Creel, Tammy Creel, John Cruso, Sr., Devin Day, Olaf DeGeorge, Tracy Dillon, David Dominick, Georgia Bellais Dominick, Eva Dominquez, Dominic Fimiano, Ben Foster, Joe and Melba Fountain, Gary Gifford, Jane Glavan, Parker Greenfield, Maverick Gruich , Dawn Harrison , Michele Herman, Melba Ruth Higginbotham, Baby Hitt, Alice Hudson, Diane Insalaco, May Fountain Keebler, Sonya and Gene Kifer, David King, Debbie King, Rosary King, Michele Kopszwa, Mike Kopszwa, Bobby Kostmayer, Brandon Ladner, Nancy Landrum, Daniel Lawrence, Anthony Lenczewski, Kirsten Logos, Bobby Lyons, Jr. and Jerry Lyons, Helen Marinovich , Lucy McGinn, Lisa McManus, Bob McNew, Amy McQueen, Tony Migues, Cecil Montgomery, The Moore Family, Henry Oliver, Casey Patterson, Christina Pelane, Debbie Raymond, Frannie Reyes, Cynthia Roberts, Roby and Irene Robertson, Barbara Rominger, Ross Family, Mary Ross, Angela Rush, Alverta Santa Cruz, Vincent Seib, Patrick Sheehan, George Sonnier, Tara St. Clair, Jimmy Taylor, Elizabeth Tiblier, Wayne Tiblier, Heather Ross Toche, Joan Twohig, John Varhol, Zachary Vaughn, Sheila Vahey, Mary Vernucci, Delores Wattingney, Lana Corso Weiss, Wallace Wescovich, Mike Westbrook, Sarah Westbrook, Barbara White, Russell Williams, Ryan Wilson, Lynn Wright, Deborah Ann Wunder If you need to add someone to the list, please contact the Parish Office. Holy Mary, help those in need, give strength to the weak, comfort the sorrowful, pray for God's people, assist the clergy, intercede for religious. May all who seek your help experience your unfailing protection. Amen. The Parish Office has cards available that can be sent to parishioners for various reasons. We would especially like to reach out to those that are in nursing homes and hospitals. If you know of anyone not able to make Mass due to being in the hospital or nursing home, please let the Parish Office know. Cards are available for anyone to use.