Church of St. Mary


Church of St. Mary
Church of St. Mary
Parish Offices: 538 Broadway, Providence, RI 02909
Phone: 401.274.3434
Fax: 401.453.0034
Liturgy Schedule
Msgr. Jacques L. Plante
Saturday Evening (Vigil) Mass 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning Mass 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.
로드아일랜드 한인천주교회 (KCCRI)
한국어 미사: 매주 일요일 12시 (매월 첫째주 제외)
첫째주는 10시 영어 합동 미사
Rev. J. B. Abraham Lee
Priest Chaplain of KCCRI
Deacon Stephen Raymond
Deacon Assistant
신부님: 이준배 아브라함 신부님
Weekday Masses
Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. — Chapel
Saturday 8:00 a.m. — Chapel
Diane DiSanto Ed.D.
Pastoral Associate
Michael Templeton
Director of Music Ministry
Contact Deacon Steve by email or call the parish office.
Baptisms are celebrated on the third Sunday of the month.
Linda Grueb
Administrative Coordinator
First Communion and Confirmation
First Communion and Confirmation are celebrated
after a two year program of catechesis.
Contact Diane DiSanto.
Claire Gruneberg
Rectory Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The office is closed on Fridays and all legal holidays.
Religious Education:
Classes: September - May, Sundays - 8:45 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.
We have Open Registration, which means you may enroll at
any time during the year. Contact Diane DiSanto.
Welcome! Please notify us if you are new to the area, so
that we may register you as a member of our parish family.
Contact Msgr. Plante by email or call the parish office
to set the date and make arrangements for preparation.
Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
or by appointment
Sacrament of the Sick
Please notify the parish if you are admitted to the
hospital or in the case of serious illness.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Our Mission Statement:
We are a Catholic community called to welcome, love and serve.
Somos una comunidad católica que busca acoger, amar y servir.
저희는 늘 모두를 즐겁게 맞이하고, 사랑하고, 섬기는 가톨릭 공동체입니다.
January 4, 2015
The Sanctuary Lamp
is burning in memory of
Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors
Saturday, January 3, Vigil: The Epiphany of the Lord
5:00 PM
Memorial Mass - The Ferrizola Family
Sunday, January 4, The Epiphany of the Lord
8:00 AM
Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors
10:00 AM
Memorial Mass - The Pflieger Family
Monday, January 5, St. John Neumann, Bishop
7:00 AM
Healing for JoAnne Drury
Tuesday, January 6, St. Andre Bessette, Religious
7:00 AM
Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors
Wednesday, January 7, St. Raymond of Penyafort, Priest
7:00 AM
Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors
Thursday, January 8, Christmas Weekday
10:00 AM Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors
Friday, January 9, Christmas Weekeday
7:00 AM
Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors
Saturday, January 10, Christmas Weekday
8:00 AM
Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors
Saturday, January 10, Vigil: The Baptism of the Lord
5:00 PM
Memorial Mass - George P. Houston (2nd Anniv.)
and Robert Bansky (15th Anniv.)
Sunday, January 11, The Baptism of the Lord
8:00 AM
Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors
10:00 AM
Memorial Mass - Jack Blessington (7th Anniv.)
If a family member would like to present the Gifts, please
inform a greeter or sacristan.
Activities of the Week Ahead
Sunday, January 4
Religious Education Classes resume
11:15 AM Youth Choir, Chapel
Tuesday, January 6
10:00 AM St. Mary Knitters resume
5:45 PM
Pray the Rosary with Us, Chapel
Thursday, January 8
6:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal, Chapel
Saturday, January 10
3:30 PM
Pray the Rosary
All are welcome to join us on Tuesdays at 5:45 p.m. as we
pray the Rosary in the Chapel.
This week we will pray: The Glorious Mysteries and we pray
for those who feel alone in a world too large for them—may they
know the sheltering presence of your love.
For Info: Contact: Lee Mogavero
Welcome To Our Church
Welcome to the Church of St. Mary on Broadway.
We hope that your visit here is a spiritually rewarding
one. We like to think of ourselves as a unique faith
community here at St. Mary's and, as such, you are
most important to us. God's best always.
Prayer List
We ask our fellow parishioners to take a moment to pray for
these friends and their loved ones on a weekly basis.
Donald Anderson
Jerry Anderson
Judith Anderson
Elena Balassone
Jim Bartholomew
Omer Benoit
Frederick Bruce
Lorraine Burns
Terry Burns
Raphael Buscaglia
Robert A. Carnevale
Kenneth Chille
Sr. Mary-Francis Cunningham CP
Sheila Davis
Peter DeAquair
Eleanor Dolce
Louis Dolce
Norina Donnelly
Thayer Donovan
Arlene Dyntryshyn
Charles Erskine
Bill Fortin
Richard Fratantuono
Jolene Gamache
Guiliana Gonsalves
Lou Gencarella
Larry Hatton
Kenneth Howard
Angela Ionato
Kathy Jacob
Dona Kimball
Mary Lamoia
Donald Laplante
Stella Lisi
Ralph Martino
Diane McDevitt
Tom McDonough
Roxanne Perez
Richard Phaneuf
David Pinault
John Pompeii
Mary Ann Pryor
Michael Rebello
Della Refino
Alicia Reynolds
Charles Rogers
Kate St. Onge
Sr. Pat Otillio
Jack Spencer
Pauline Webb
Matthew Wojciechowski
Robert Wojciechowski
Austin Young
To add or remove a name from the Prayer List, please call the
parish office at 274-3434 or e-mail If you think that your loved
one would like to receive a personal card of encouragement from
the Ministry of Care, let us know by e-mailing Please include complete mailing address information.
Parish Support
Weekend of December 27/28
Weekly Offering:
Debt Reduction:
Online Giving:
$ 850
$ 732
Second Collections
This Week:
Next Week: Mary, Mother of the Poor
Thank you for your support.
Annual Collection Campaign
ANNUAL COLLECTION can be spread over more than 3
months, if you wish. Just note on your pledge card. The company who manages the campaign, monitors the returns for the 3
months mentioned on the pledge. Your finance committee will
To date, over $30,000 has been pledged to the Annual
Collection! Thank you!
Prayer Shawl Ministry Needs Your Help!
Our prayer shawl ministry is seeking knitters and crocheters. Simple patterns along with
prayers will produce shawls and lap robes for
family members of our bereaved and ill parishioners.
We will provide help with instructions and
patterns. Yarn, needles and prayer cards will
also be provided.
Please contact Maureen Fenner at 401-301-0272 or if you have any questions.
Gluten-free Hosts
We provide gluten-free hosts for parishioners and friends of
Church of St. Mary who may need them. Any individuals requiring gluten-free hosts should make him or herself known to a
greeter or the sacristan.
Readings for the Week of January 4, 2015
Next Sunday:
Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12
1 Jn 3:22--4:6/Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
1 Jn 4:7-10/Mk 6:34-44
1 Jn 4:11-18/Mk 6:45-52
1 Jn 4:19--5:4/Lk 4:14-22a
1 Jn 5:5-13/Lk 5:12-16
1 Jn 5:14-21/Jn 3:22-30
Is 55:1-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/1 Jn 5:1-9 or
Acts 10:34-38/Mk 1:7-11
On the first Sunday of each month, after the 10:00 AM Mass,
we gather together at the Paul Cuffee School cafeteria for refreshments and friendly conversation. Please join us as we greet
visitors and meet with fellow parishioners.
Text Reflection - January 4, 2015
The Epiphany of the Lord
"They departed for their country by another way." Things were
different now. An encounter with the baby Jesus changed the Magi. Before finding the child, they had made a secret alliance with a
worldly king, Herod. But after seeing this infant resting in the
arms of Mary, their allegiance shifted. Now they became servants
of the little Lord Jesus. They had a kind of conversion through
their encounter with Christ, and they knew that they could no
longer serve the whims of a wicked ruler.
We call this Sunday "Epiphany" because that's what the three
wise men had: an epiphany, a moment of realizing the truth about
God. In this moment these three men--kings that they were-"prostrated themselves and did homage" to the King of Kings.
Then they went home by a different route, undoubtedly as different men. Now, their own authority as worldly leaders took on a
new character. Now, they were men who served a power greater
than themselves. As it was prophesied in the Old Testament reading from Isaiah, even kings would walk by the "shining radiance"
of the Lord.
Let us ask ourselves today how the Epiphany of the Lord can redirect us. What worldly allegiances have we made that need to be
changed? Are we servants of our neighbors' good opinion or of
the power of money? Are we secretly aligned with popularity or
prestige? No matter what "rules" our hearts, we are invited to
change our direction. We are invited to encounter the little Lord
Jesus and offer ourselves to his gentle and loving guidance. After
all, his is a kingship of concern for us. As today's psalm says, this
King "shall rescue the poor when he cries out, and the afflicted
when he has no one to help him."
They were overjoyed at seeing
the star, and on entering the
house they saw the child with
Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him
homage. Then they opened
their treasures and offered him
gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. - Mt 2:10-11
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD
Christmas Flowers
Thank you to the people of Church of St. Mary for your overwhelming generosity in providing flowers
to adorn our beautiful church this Christmas Season. Our prayers are with you and your loved ones
who we memorialize and remember.
Given in Memory of:
Leo F. Smith
James & Martella Barnett
Rita Erskine
Paul & Sophie Pizzo
Marianne Kulzer
Francis & Claire Peters
Firminia & Felisberto Rocha
Maria & Elsabeth Fuhrlbeck
Billy Bonardi
Joan Pires
Sue Pizzo
Bill Pires
Harry & Patricia Marcoccio
Mr. & Mrs. Abilio Pires
Stephen Marcoccio
Sara Jane Pires
Natalie Marcoccio
Fr. Ray Kehew
J. Kevin Kennedy
Winifred Blessington
Helen T. O’Donnell
Catherine Dillon
Kyran E. Kennedy
Peggy Martin
Mario Ferruzola
John Blessington
Blanca Quiroz
Deceased Members of
The Pflieger Family
Lloyd Fenner
Madeline Fenner
The DeLuca Family
Deceased Members of
The Houston Family
August & Mary DeAquair
Helen A. Pompei
Armando Pompei
Mafalda D’Errico
John D’Errico
John A. Davis
David A. Pompei
J. Francis & Mary Cove
Mr. & Mrs. Dante Costantino
Frank Adamo
Anna Adamo
Mary E. Arcand
Frank & Rose DiDomenico
The Manzolillo Family
Emilio Capomacchio
Karyn Jean (DeLuca) Dugan
The Labonte Family
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lupo
The Bradshaw Family
Angelo Lupo
All Deceased Mothers & Fathers
Marie V. Calise
Filomena Lupo
The Pierik Kranyak Families
Joseph & Cora Grandolfo
Mr. & Mrs. John Regine
Augustine Perez
Theodore & Amelia Fazioli
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Pennell
Hoang Thi Cho
Rose McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Diamonte
Anna M. McDermott
John Sharkey
Mr. William Diamonte
The Conlon Family
Mary & Albert Bergantini
Mrs. Maureen Diamonte
Gertrude Souza
Inman Joseph Lee
Ted Aiken
John & Yolanda Prata
Yeunsoon Maria Park
Elzabeth Carpenter
Mary & Albert Bergantini
Lucia Carpenter
Julia & John Ionata
Fred & Alice DeAquair
Given in Honor of:
Johanna & Theodor Fuhrlbeck
Romeo & Marie Anna Gamache
Mary Ann Cooke
Walter & Doris McDevitt
Richard Albanese