2016-June-19 - St Mary Catholic Church
2016-June-19 - St Mary Catholic Church
Genevie Alley, Hud. Allison, Ashley Anderson, Patsy Atwell, Byron Boyden, Frank Brannan, Mary Buley, Tootsie and Nickie Caivet, Clay Cheatman, Irene Cleveland, Debra Cox, Delores Cox, Michael Cox Sr., Retta Cox, John Cruso Sr., Suzette Cruso, Barry Deshamp, Rebecca Diaz, Retta Grace Dougharty, Donny Faerber, Chuck Gautreaux, Jane Glavan, Arnie Gollot Sr., Tony Gonzales, Dawn Harrison, David and Pamela Harrison, Doris Havard, Charlene Helmes, Michele Herman, Melba Ruth Higginbotham, Alice Hudson, David Insalaco, Jr., Diane Insalaco, Mary Jane Keebler, Gene Kifer, Bobby Kostmayer, Kylie Krohn, Brandon Ladner, Mariah Leger, Rosemarie Leger, Anthony Lenczewski, Joyce Lewis, future Life Teen minister, Kirsten Logos, Jace Matthews, Janice McGatha, Amy McQueen, Tony Migues, Cecil Montgomery, Patricia Murphy, Cynthia Nolan, Henry Oliver, Christina Pelane, Madison Harper Perez, Jesse Perkins, Edna Pharse, Mary Lou Porado, Margaret Putman, Gloria Quave, Leo Richards, Cynthia Roberts, Nikki Salinas, Missy Santa Cruz, John Santo, Vincent Seib, Joe Seidule, Patrick Sheehan, Lacy Sibley, Susie Sibley, Judge Bruce Strong, Lindo M. Sullivan, Wayne Sullivan, Elizabeth Tiblier, Wayne “Dago” Tiblier, Sharen Torres, Joan Twohig, Linda Valestro, Loreena Vasilli, Chad Vuyvoich, Dolores Wattigney, Wallace Wescovich, Barbara White, Liz Willis Mass Intentions If you would like Mass said in memory of someone or have a special intention, please call or stop by the office. Altar Flowers To place flowers at the tabernacle for a memorial or special occasion, please use the Altar flowers Request Book at the back of the church and/or call the office. Arrangements are $25. Make checks payable to “St. Mary Flower Fund”. Sacrament of Matrimony Couples must be registered/active members of parish for at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Call the office to set up an appt. Sacrament of Baptism Expectant parents, please call Deacon Al Stockert to set up an appt. for Baptismal preparation. Homebound Ministries If you know someone who is homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, contact Deacon Gerald or Deacon Al. St. Mary Parish June 18 & 19, 2016 8343 Woolmarket Road, Biloxi, MS 39532 Office: (228) 392-1999 Fax: 392-4552 Website: www.stmarycc.net Email: stmaryccbiloxi@bellsouth.net Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Fri 8:30-12:15 MASS SCHEDULE: Weekdays: M, T, Th, F 8 am Wed 6:30 pm Weekends: Saturday 5 pm Confession: 4:30 PM Sunday 8:30 am, 11 am 5 pm Life Teen® Mass Adoration: 1st Friday of every month 8:30 AM The Holy Rosary: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8:30 AM If you need to add someone to the list, please contact the Parish Office. Holy Mary, help those in need, give strength to the weak, comfort the sorrowful, pray for God's people, assist the clergy, intercede for religious. May all who seek your help experience your unfailing protection. Amen. 13066 Shriners Blvd. Suite F Biloxi, MS 39532 228-392-5355 Medicine you need. A pharmacy you can trust. Serving the Woolmarket area since 2000. Tina Perkins, CPA, P.A. “Providing Peace of mind...at Home” (228) 392-2991 13109 Shriners Blvd., Suite B Biloxi, MS 39532 (228) 207-2515 www.salushomecarems.com Owners Gary Barton, Jr. - Parishioner Bryan Boudreaux Put your spiritual faith in God and your financial faith in us. Office or Retail Space Lasting Available Impressions Salon 10278 Gorenflo Road 10278 Gorenflo Rd. D’Iberville, MS 39540 Suite D Danny and Brenda Moran D’Iberville, MS 228-297-0957 228-392-9618 BULLETIN DEADLINE WEDNESDAYS 9:00 AM Pastor Rev. Msgr. Dominick Fullam, JCL,VG Emergencies 392-7500 /363-9283 Deacons Al Stockert 731-2747 Gerald Pickich 861-6581 Parish Office Marcie Kearns 392-1999 / 363-9283 Music Director Cherie Prentiss 365-4017 RCIA Coordinators Jim and Martha Liston 228-273-1737 CCD Coordinator Lucy Peterson 392-8948 Edge® Coordinator Matthew Johnson 251-751-8571 Life Teen® Coordinator Matthew Johnson 251-751-8571 Pastoral Council Thad Anderson 341-6054 Finance Council Tina Perkins 392-2991 Dr. Richard Schmidt 392-6891 Knights of Columbus Jason Saucier 228-365-3080 MASS INTENTIONS for June 18 - 26, 2016 Saturday June 18 5 PM †Eva Marie Leidig Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 19 Father’s Day 8:30 AM Father’s Day Intentions 11 AM †Janet Seidule NO 5 PM LIFE TEEN MASS Monday June 20 8 AM Monsignor’s Intention Tuesday June 21 8 AM Monsignor’s Intention Wednesday June 22 6:30 PM †Don Jones Thursday June 23 8 AM Monsignor’s Intention Friday June 24 8 AM Monsignor’s Intention Saturday June 25 5 PM †Bob and Shannon Stein Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26 8:30 AM †Arthur Bressler and Grandma Ivy 11 AM St. Mary 5 PM †Webster Lee June 18 June 19 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 DAILY READINGS for June 18 - 26, 2016 2Chr 24:17-25 Ps 89:4-34 Mt 6:24-34 Zec 12:10-13:1 Ps 63:2-9 Gal 3:26-29 Lk 9:18-24 2Kgs 17:5-18 Ps 60:3-13 Mt 7:1-5 2Kgs 19:9-36 Ps 48:2-11 Mt 7:6-14 St. Aloysius Gonzaga 2Kgs 22:8-23:3 Ps 119:33-40 Mt 7:15-20 Sts. Paulinus, John Fisher 2Kgs 24:8-17 Ps 79:1-9 Mt 7:21-29 Is 49:1-6 Ps 139:1-14 Acts 13:22-26 Lk 1:57-80 Nativity of St. John the Baptist Lam 2:2-19 Ps 74:1-21 Mt 8:5-17 1Kgs 19:16-21 Ps 16:1-11 Gal 5:1-18 Lk 9:51-62 Peace lilies on the altar in honor of Father’s Day St. Mary Life Teen is on Facebook! Teens and parents, please request to join "St. Mary Woolmarket Life Teen" to stay up to date. With over 10 years of ministry experience, including time as a FOCUS missionary, a Catholic high school educator, and previous volunteer of St. Mary’s Edge Coordinator, Matt Johnson is more than happy to be welcomed back to our parish family and begin the Lord's work. June Events Tue. 21st - Movie Night ( Time & location tbd) Fri. 24th - Sun. 25th Steubenville on the Bayou! July Events Sun.10th - Slip-n-slide kickball/cookout, after 5pm Mass Mon.11th - Thurs. 14th Yard Sale Prep 12p - 5p (fun stuff after prep TBA: Bowling, Movie, Shuckers, Mini Golf...) Fri. 15th Yard Sale 9a - 7p Sat. 16th Yard Sale 7a -12p Canoe Trip TBD Th. 21st - Tue. August 2nd - WORLD YOUTH DAY in POLAND!!! Life Teen has a group of teens going to Steubenville on the Bayou June 24th-26th. Scholarships are needed to help offset costs. If you are interested in sponsoring a teen please contact Matthew Johnson for more information. Life Teen Annual Summer Yard Sale Life Teen will be having their annual yard sale in July! Items can be dropped off in the designated classrooms in Murray Hall. Money raised will help offset costs throughout the year. The Right of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) classes will begin in September. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, learning more about the Catholic Church or receiving the sacraments as an adult, then please join us! For more info call Jim or Martha Liston at 228-273-1737. Prayer for Fathers God our Father, you govern and protect your people and shepherd them with a father’s love. You place a father in a family as a sign of your love, care, and constant protection. May fathers everywhere be faithful to the example shown in the Scriptures: steadfast in love, forgiving transgressions, sustaining the family, caring for those in need. Give your wisdom to fathers that they may encourage and guide their children. Keep them healthy so they may support a family. Guide every father with the Spirit of your love that they may grow in holiness and draw their family ever closer to you. Amen The Edge email is stmaryedgeministry@gmail.com and the Edge Facebook page is St. Mary Woolmarket EDGE. The Life Teen and Edge Instagram is #STMARYWOOLMARKET. Be sure to follow us for pictures from events! June Events Tue. 28th - Movie Night (Time & location TBA) July Events Mon. 11th - Th. 14th Yard Sale Prep 12p-5p Wed 13th - Bowling Cypress Lanes, Cost 10$ drop off at 7p pick up at 8p. Fri. 15th Yard Sale 9a - 7p Sat. 16th Yard Sale 7a -12p Wed. 20th - slip-n-slide kickball, snacks will be provided. 7-8pm Th. 21st - Tue. August 2nd - WORLD YOUTH DAY in POLAND!!! Thank you all so much for your overwhelming support of our Vacation Bible School program. We had an amazing week at "Cave Quest- Following Jesus- The Light of the World"! We had 85 children who were taught and led by 35 youth helpers and 25 adult helpers/teachers who are filled with God's love! Our hall was transformed into the most beautiful cave thanks to some amazing artists and helpers, many from our parish and a few from other parishes as well. We had a fabulous closing celebration with a performance by our Vbs kids, food prepared and provided by our incredible KofC men, ponies rides by Silver Tail Ponies (Marie Papale), and super fun water slides! We are so thankful and blessed to have the most supportive parishioners, staff, teachers, helpers, participants and their families! Thank you all for another wonderful year of VBS! We are already looking forward to next year! Much love! Cherie David and Yvonne Husley, Susie Sibley and Family would like to thank the Saint Mary Parish community for their loving support and prayers during their time of grief over the loss of Jason Sibley. They would also like to thank everyone for the generous outpouring of delicious food for the reception. IMPORTANT INFO AND UPCOMING EVENTS ●JULY POT LUCK/BIRTHDAY DINNER WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY, JULY 9TH, NOT THE FIRST SATURDAY AS USUAL!!! ●Mass Intentions and flowers are not automatically carried over year to year. If you would like masses and flowers for the following year, you must let the Parish Office know at the end of each year. The Mass Intention Book for 2016 is filling up quickly. If you had masses and/or flowers from 2015 that you would like to recur in 2016, please submit the information to the parish office. ●There are still St. Mary Parish Cookbooks available. If you would like one, please contact the Parish Office. ●We are in need of volunteers for the following ministries at all the Masses: Lector, Altar Server, and Extra-ordinary Minister of Holy Communion. If you are interested please contact the parish office. ●Pot Luck/Birthday Dinner Please join us the first Saturday of every month at 6 PM as we honor those that have a birthday within that month. Bring a dish to pass. Everyone is welcome! ●Upcoming Second Collections: June 18 & 19 Diocesan Priest Supplemental June 25 & 26 Peter’s Pence Next week, our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides Pope Francis with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Join our Holy Father as a witness of charity to those who are suffering. ●Altar Society Cleaning Schedule: Team 2 Saturday June 25 Team 3 Thursday June 30 Team 4 Friday July 8 ●NEW PARISHIONERS AND VISITORS We are happy that you attended Mass with us. Let us know how we may serve you. Parish registration forms can be found in the back of the church and returned in the collection basket or to the Parish Office. ●Saint Mary Catholic Church Lawn Care If you are willing to volunteer to help keeps the grounds of St. Mary looking beautiful, please see the sign-up sheet hanging in the back of the church. ●SMACC will return Aug. 27th. ●FORMED is an exciting new gateway to the best teaching videos and books to deepen your relationship with Christ and His Church. All in one place. Accessible on most smart phones, tablets and computers. 1. Go to Formed.org. 2. Scroll down to ‘submit code’. M39AGR 3. Create your profile. 4. Submit. You can then use all the FORMED resources! If you have any questions, please contact the parish office. ●Saint Mary Card Ministry We would like to reach out to those that are in nursing homes, homebound and hospitals. If you know of anyone not able to make Mass due to any of these circumstances, please let the Parish Office know. There are cards in the back of the church available for you to send to these parishioners. Contact information can be obtained through the office or Deacon Pickich. Those currently homebound, hospitalized or in nursing homes: Melba Ruth Higginbotham Irene McCormack Beverly Normand Margaret Putman Shirley Puzz Joe Seidule Elizabeth Tiblier Eula May Trahan Richard Whiteside DORA DELAHOUSSAYE MEMORIAL DRAWDOWN This year, the Delahoussaye family is having their Drawdown to benefit one of our Saint Mary Parishioners, Kirsten Logos Saturday, July 23rd starting at 6 PM Joppa Shrine Temple Live band, food, door prizes and much more! Tickets are $40. and admit 2 people Tickets will be on sale after all Masses on June 26th and July 10th. Contact Melissa Logos at 424-1913 or Willie Hall at 860-7809 for more info. Benefit Dinner/Silent Auction for Katherine Lingenfelder She is discerning religious life and has been accepted into a discernment home in Wisconsin. During her time at the formation home she will visit different religious communities, learn the rhythms of religious life, take formation classes and volunteer in the local diocese. There will be a spaghetti benefit dinner and silent auction to help offset her costs on Saturday July 9th from 6pm-8pm at 733 34th Street Gulfport, MS. Tickets are $10 for an adult plate and $5 for a child plate. The fundraiser is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Bishop Gunn Council 1583. Contact Katherine at 228-354-8377 or k.lingenfelder@yahoo.com to purchase tickets or for more information. Tickets can also be purchased at the door. St. Mary Catholic Church Weekly Campaign Report NEW CHURCH CAMPAIGN REPORT Week Ending $$ Pledged 06/13/16 $541,070.00 Collection Report June 11 & 12, 2016 Regular Collection-$5120.17 St. Mary-St. Vincent Helpers-$216.00 Children’s Collection-$ Mass Intentions/Flowers-$10.00 VBS-$1454.00 Father’s Day-$60.00 Diocesan Priest Supplemental-$15.00 Building Fund-see bulletin report Thank you for your stewardship! CATHOLIC SHARING APPEAL REPORT 06/16/16 # of Families 360 # of Pledges 92 Parish Goal $22,950.00 Total Pledge $21,995.33 % of Goal Pledged 96 Total Paid $16,650.33
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