Steyning Grammar School


Steyning Grammar School
Steyning Grammar School
Director of Boarding
(Assistant Headteacher)
Applicant information
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in the post of Assistant Headteacher - Director of Boarding at
Steyning Grammar School. We hope the information in this pack will give you an insight into our
school and the high aspirations we have for our learning community.
As Headteacher my determination is that all our students should achieve their full potential; I
believe passionately in equality of opportunity so that every student should be ‘the best they
can be’; they should be happy and secure in their school environment, should achieve the best
they possibly can in academic progress and exams, and they should develop as widely as
possible as confident, independent learners, and as responsible and caring young adults.
Everything at Steyning Grammar School is about preparing our students for their lifelonglearning journey, unlocking and nurturing their individual talents. We are committed to offering
the highest quality education to young people from Steyning, and its surrounding areas.
Our core values of kindness, care and acceptance are as valid today as ever, and we remain
forward looking, to prepare our students for their futures, as dynamic and engaged 21st century
Nick Wergan
Steyning Grammar School is a unique, successful and dynamic learning community. Our
‘Journey to Excellence’ is built on traditions of excellence and highest expectations, combined
with a commitment to innovation and new thinking - to support our students in being the best
they can be in preparation for their exciting futures.
Ofsted (Feb 2013) rate the school Good with
Outstanding features, including:
•“An uncompromising ambition for students to
flourish and achieve”.
•“Teaching is good or outstanding”.
•“Relationships between staff and students are
•“Behaviour and safety is outstanding. The
behaviour of students around the school and
in class is exemplary”.
We are a large school with over 2000 students
across one of the largest catchment areas in
Sussex. Our listed-building Church Street site
for Years 7-8 site offers the ideal nurturing
transition between KS2 and KS4, a smaller
stepping stone to the larger Shooting Field
site for Years 9-13. We have 3 different entry
points for students into our school, at Year 7,
Year 9 and Year 12.
We are a day and residential school: Steyning
Grammar School has one of the most successful
state boarding provisions in the UK. Our
Boarding School is rated Outstanding by Ofsted
under the new framework; Ofsted had no
recommendations to make (Sept 2015). We are
a non-selective, Church of England Voluntary
Controlled comprehensive school – our Church
Section 48 inspection rated us ‘Outstanding’.
We have very high aspirations and expectations of
our students. We work hard to ensure all our
students make excellent progress. We achieve this
through high quality teaching and learning, and
through an outstanding pastoral system. All
boarders have a boarding tutor, house parent and
access to our full time matron.
Our vision is ‘For every person to be the best they
can be’. To achieve this vision we make four ongoing
mission statements about the work of the school –
our commitments to home, students and staff. We
support these with development plan priorities that
focus our work for the year.
Every Person The Best They Can Be. Increase Learning – Improve Results.
Mission Statement
Everything is about learning – this is at the core of what we should be doing.
We should have the highest expectations of every student and ourselves: being the best
we can be.
We are a place that students and staff want to come to – the Steyning Family.
We share a common set of values: a caring, kind and accepting community.
School Development Plan Priorities 2015-16
1. Effective learning in every classroom
2. Commitment to high quality professional learning
3. Influential leadership at every level
4. Excellent outcomes for all Pupil Premium/ Bursary students
“The inclusive SGS Boarding community is a model for the world
on how we can live in peace and harmony with each other” Ofsted 2015
Boarding is offered on a full and weekly basis for families who want peace of mind in securing
their children’s education in a safe, rural environment. There is a real sense of family amongst
our 125 boarders across the age ranges and nationalities. The school has always had boarders,
since its beginning in 1614, and now the international aspect of our boarding community
representing 32 countries adds enormously to this dynamic learning environment.
We have four boarding houses next to the schools Church Street campus as below:
18 Boys
Years 10, 11 and 12
12 Boys
Years 9 and 12
58 Boys & Girls
Years 12 - 13
37 Girls
Years 9 - 12
Bolton is a multimillion pound state of the art boarding facility that opened in 2011. This
provides a dedicated Sixth Form house where students are accommodated in their own singlerooms, most with ensuite bathroom facilities. Other year groups have large, spacious rooms
which they may share with their friends in Bennetts, Wykeham and Dormer.
The boarding team is an experienced, vibrant and enthusiastic team many of whom work in the
day school. Our current staff structure is:
Our pastoral team includes a Boarding Chaplain, Language Support Tutor and counsellor.
Ofsted (2015) recently commented that:
“Staff demonstrate passion to place students at the centre of practice and improve
outcomes, this is contagious”
There is harmonious working to deliver the highest quality of care, putting students at
the centre of practice. 'Being the best you can be' is an underpinning principle for staff
and students
The enrichment programme coordinated by our Deputy Director of Boarding is top class; with
students involved in a huge array of activities. Students take an active role in shaping their own
boarding experience; student voice is valued, encouraged and lies at the heart of our philosophy
of continual improvement and innovation.
More information is available on our website and our ‘Information for Boarders and Parents’
booklet is available to download.
Further information
See separate letter from the Headteacher.
Applications for the post of Director of Boarding from September 2016 should be submitted by
9.00 am, Monday 1 February 2016.
Job description: Director of Boarding, Assistant Headteacher
A. Specific Responsibilities: Director of
Purpose and Scope of the Post
• To lead in the strategic vision for Steyning
Grammar School Boarding, including marketing,
admissions and finance, and to have overall
responsibility for the staffing and organisation of
all Steyning Grammar School Boarding provision.
To develop and embed excellence across the Boarding provision.
To develop the ethos of an outstanding State Boarding provision integrated into a large,
successful and ambitious comprehensive school.
The Director of Boarding will be directly responsible to the Headteacher. and will be on the
Leadership Team as an Assistant Headteacher.
As Director of Boarding they will be expected to work closely with the following:
Deputy Director of Boarding
House Parent Team
Boarding Tutor Team
Boarding Bursar
Boarding Premises Manager
Boarding Administrative Team
School Chaplaincy team and Boarding Chaplain
Heads of Year
Day school colleagues
The Director of Boarding will line manage / lead the line management of the Boarding team.
They will lead on the provision and promotion of the safety, good discipline, learning and
pastoral well-being of all boarders, working with the Boarding Team to provide direction,
engendering a positive culture and ethos to ensure a vibrant, caring and mutually supportive
community for both students and staff.
Particular Duties:
To be responsible for marketing
Boarding by:
 Establishing a robust marketing
strategy, supported by a three year
Marketing Plan.
 Build upon the current network of
overseas and UK based contacts to ensure
targeted levels of occupancy are achieved
for each academic year within the context
of the eligibility criteria for State Boarding
Attending marketing events and appropriate Boarding School Fairs within the UK and
overseas to raise the profile of Steyning Grammar School Boarding and to
generate/obtain sufficient leads.
Designing and maintaining the Boarding pages of the school prospectus.
Maintaining the Boarding website pages to ensure they remain fresh and up to date.
Promoting the use of digital marketing tools such as Facebook and Twitter by the
Boarding Team
Producing appropriate press articles for inclusion in local publications and appropriate
websites e.g. SBSA.
Use a detailed understanding of the state boarding school market to develop the future
vision and direction/development of boarding at Steyning Grammar.
Developing relationships with charitable trusts to support vulnerable students.
Attending school events to promote Boarding where applicable
Establish and implement a vision for potential expansion of boarding, in agreement with
the Governing Body
To be responsible for admissions to Boarding by:
 Undertaking all admissions interviews to assess suitability for boarding, working closely
with the Deputy Headteacher, Director of Sixth Form and Sixth Form team, who will, via a
second curriculum based interview, ensure curriculum needs are assessed.
 Facilitating taster days, tours and an open morning in order to market the facilities to
both overseas and UK students.
 Streamlining the admissions process to align with the main school
 Ensuring all admissions protocols and procedures are adhered to, in particular in relation
to eligibility of students to attend a State Boarding School – this will require close
monitoring of legislative changes within the UK and the ongoing eligibility criteria for
State Boarding Schools.
To be responsible for the
financial management of
Boarding by:
 Working with the School
establishing a robust three
year rolling financial plan for
Steyning Grammar School Boarding to ensure ongoing viability of the business.
 Monitoring, on a regular basis, the actual figures against budget allocations, investigating
any major variances and instigating appropriate remedial action, if required, to ensure
Boarding continues to maintain a surplus of funds.
 Maintaining an overview of the fees charged, making recommendations to the Boarding
Governors and West Sussex County Council regarding the level of fees that should be
charged in each academic year.
 Ensuring the provision benefits from any financial sources that support state boarding
school work.
 Coordinating building developments to the premises on a three year plan
To be responsible for the overall management of Boarding by:
Ensuring that Boarding contributes to and supports the ethos, vision and Development
Plan of Steyning Grammar School.
Reviewing Boarding House policies and procedures against the nationally agreed NMS,
OfSTED Inspection Criteria and all other relevant standards; developing the highest
standards of provision informed by this evaluation.
Ensuring continued compliance with the NMS in relation to boarders’ welfare, safety and
personal development.
Ensuring that there is a systematic approach to the reviewing, planning and evaluation of
boarding provision.
Overseeing and reporting regularly on the welfare, progress, social and academic
achievement of boarders.
Embedding and developing the cycle of Boarding Self-Evaluation and Boarding School
Development Plans (to include annual student confidential questionnaire results
covering both education and welfare) to ensure self-evaluation is at the heart of Boarding
leadership and informs development planning.
Producing and circulating a written report to governors one week prior to each
governors meeting.
Representing the interests of Boarding at all Leadership Team meetings. Ensuring the
Boarding provision is increasingly integrated into the work and life of the whole school.
Working collaboratively with Leadership Team colleagues to ensure Boarders achieve the
highest expectations of social and emotional development and academic success. The
Learning outcomes of Boarders should be a key success criteria.
Integrating and developing protocols and systems for Boarding that reflect those of the
whole school.
Ensuring that meetings of boarding staff to review and improve practice are convened
and led appropriately.
Ensuring that arrangements for safeguarding and child protection are outstanding.
Ensuring good student behaviour is maintained within Boarding and Day School through
consultation with boarders and application of the schools anti-bullying and equal
opportunities policies.
Being available to provide support to colleagues and ensuring that a senior substitute is
available when off site.
Leading the professional development and mentoring of all staff.
Managing the annual appraisal/performance development cycle of all boarding staff
working with the Leadership Team member responsible for staff appraisal
Overseeing and agreeing to the cohesive programme of enrichment activities
established by the Deputy Director of Boarding in conjunction with the Boarding Team.
 Liaising with the County Fire Officer, Business Manager and estate staff over operational
issues in particular safety, security and emergency response.
 Assisting in the selection, recruitment, induction and training of all new boarding staff.
 Designing and maintaining a Boarding Handbook for staff and students outlining
boarding procedures and practice.
 Developing and supporting the Boarding Chaplaincy work in line with the school ethos
and C of E Voluntary Controlled status.
Being responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young
people for whom they are responsible, or come into contact with.
To undertake any other reasonable duty at the request of the Headteacher.
To adopt professional dress codes whilst on duty and a professional manner at all times
To work effectively with parents and carers of boarders at all times
To develop new ways for Boarding at Steyning Grammar to support day students,
including pupil-premium students and vulnerable students.
Please Note: It is a requirement to have QTS status as you will be expected to teach on an
Assistant Headteacher timetable.
B. Specific Responsibilities: Assistant Headteacher
The Director of Boarding is a member of the Leadership Team, assisting the Headteacher in
leading and running the school, in promoting the learning of all students and promoting and
being accountable for high standards of achievement. Whole school Leadership Team
responsibilities would include line management of middle leaders and areas, whole school
development roles and leadership team duties.
Purpose and Scope of the Post
• To assist the Headteacher in leading and managing the school in promoting the learning
of all students.
• To promote and be accountable for high standards of achievement.
The appointment is subject to the appropriate conditions of employment of teachers contained
in the School Teacher’s Pay and Conditions Document and other current employment and
educational legislation.
Responsible to: Headteacher.
Responsible for: All staff working within the school.
Generic Person Specification for all posts
Professionalism – a core of strongly held and enacted values
Respect for others – The underlying belief that individuals matter and deserve respect
Challenge and support – A commitment to do everything possible for each student and enable all
students to be successful
Confidence – The belief in ones ability to be effective and take on challenges
Self Learning – A commitment to developing understanding and learning new skills to become a
better teacher
Creating trust – Being consistent and fair. Keeping one’s word
Thinking – the drive to ask ‘why?’ and see patterns
Analytical thinking – The ability to think logically, break things down and recognise cause and effect
Conceptual thinking – The ability to see patterns and links, even when there is a lot of detail
Planning and setting expectations – targeting energy and effort where it will make the most
difference to students
Drive for improvement – relentless energy for setting and achieving challenges
Information seeking – a drive to find out more and get the full story. Intellectual curiosity
Initiative – the drive to act now to anticipate and pre-empt events
Leading – directing, inspiring and motivating others
Flexibility – The ability and willingness to adapt to the needs of a situation and change tactics
Holding people accountable – The drive and ability to set clear expectations and parameters and to
hold others accountable for performance
Managing students – The drive and ability to provide a clear direction to students and to enthuse
and motivate them
Passion for learning – The drive and ability to support students in their learning and to help them
become more confident, independent learners
Relating to others – managing one’s interactions and relationships effectively
Impact and influence – The ability and drive to produce positive outcomes by impressing and
influencing others
Empathy – The drive and ability to understand others and why they behave as they do
Team working – The ability to work with others to achieve shared goals
Qualified teacher status
Capacity to be a good role model for all members of the school community
Willingness to accept both support and challenge leading to improved practice
Ability to teach good lessons
Characteristics for all posts will be prioritised from the list above.
Remuneration Package
1) Renumeration will be based on Leadership Scale L12 (£50,620).
2) This is a residential position. A property is being acquired to convert to
Director of Boarding accommodation within the boarding grounds (further
information on request). If the property is not ready by the time of
appointment, a contribution will be made towards rental accommodation in
the close vicinity.
3) Provision of meals subject to them being eaten within the Dining Hall at
meal times.
4) The post holder will be required to undertake appropriate evening and
weekend duties within the Boarding House Duty Rota.
ISSUED: January 2016
Nick Wergan (Headteacher)