St Doom eng 5_5
St Doom eng 5_5
BOARDING FACILITIES In the business world, engineering companies often use the term collective accommodation. Both clients and contractors are well acquainted with that definition, but „GAJ - Engineering and Equipment“ Zemun, has a much more complex business philosophy. To GAJ, creating buildings for collective accommodation is more than just pristine construction work, interior decoration and equipping. e fundamental nature of such a building is to be a home – a home to students, workers or pensioners; to the people who are supposed to live their youth, adulthood or old age in dignity, under the same roof. To maintain the atmosphere that can live up to the stories and memories from the good old student days, GAJ is taking into consideration the advanced state of civilization that dictates new rules and needs. Among other things, we are well aware that some former students are now making decisions regarding students’ standard and they know what a good students’ dormitory should look like. Over the years of our work, GAJ has followed the development of students’ standard, especially in the fields of accommodation capacities and furniture in the dormitories – from rooms to reading rooms and modern restaurants, the descendants of the so-called mess halls that went down in history a long time ago. e common denominator is the awareness of all the demands set by the modern way of life, the conditions of schooling and the era of computer technology and modern communications, in which we live. Our experience shows that, primarily on the base of absolute professionalism, wide specter of ideas and the principle that the key is given to the consumer after the job has been finished, ruined dormitories, single apartment buildings and retirement homes, with sensible and thoughtout investments, can be turned into comfortable and functional places of residence. In fact, each leading architectural, engineering and building solution in the process of construction, design and equipping the interior and exterior space are contributing to the creation of the environment suitable for living, working and even spending free time in internet cafés, reading rooms, chess clubs etc. Remember, there is more to home than a comfortable bed, flowers on the table and a cozy corner for quiet moments. In the process, accommodation capacities need not be diminished, but at all times, we are taking into account the minimum of space necessary for pleasant sojourn, and the conditions for all working activities, studying and socializing. e rooms in which their residents used to trip over decaying parquet and where mattresses were changed when the oldest students graduated, and beds even less often, can today be transformed by the GAJ experts into modern one-room apartments with kitchenettes and bathrooms, satellite television, telephone and Internet lines… e monotonous uniformity of stuffy rooms quickly disappears, giving way to elegant, modern and functional furniture; to the interior designed to the minutest detail – from the position of desks and beds, to practical flooring and precisely positioned lights, floor and night lamps. Recent opinion polls among the students, who live in the dormitories decorated and equipped by GAJ, show that the quality of rooms can be compared to the quality of rooms in B, and even A-category hotels. Our Academics to Be deserve it. As regards the constructing, equipping or renovating the retirement homes, we are well aware of the modesty related to the old age, but our prime concern is not to violate, in any way, the dignity of the institution that engaged our services, or the dignity of the individuals for whom the building is intended. erefore, it is clear that in the business strategy of GAJ there are no secrets or unknowns, or any magic wands. ere is only the experience gathered on numerous challenging and highly demanding projects, over many years. at experience has earned us a place among the companies that leave no project, not even a segment of the project, to chance or routine. All leading world companies, and GAJ is one of them, follow the trend that is characterized by the attention to the smallest detail from the very beginning of each project. From the moment of the signing of the agreement, everything is in our hands. And in the end, the key is in the hands of the consumer. e consumer’s only responsibility is to invite guests for the opening ceremony, find a sharp pair of scissors and an esteemed person who would cut the ribbon. When the champagne has been drunk and congratulations expressed, our gratification will be even greater because we know that celebrations are short, but quality lasts. We are ready to raise our glasses at the end of every successful deal. Are you? References Students city - New Belgrade Facility I, II, III i IV bloc wing G and F Students facility „Mika Mitrović“ Belgrade Students facility „Patris Lumumba“ Belgrade Students facility „Penezić“ bloc II Belgrade Students facility „Penezić“ bloc III Belgrade Students facility „Karaburma“ - Belgrade Students facility „4. april“ - Belgrade Students facility „Rifat Burdžević“ Belgrade Students facility „Kralj Aleksandar“ Belgrade Students facility - „Košutnjak“ Students facility - Kragujevac Students facility - Čačak Students facility „Sajmište“ Novi Sad Students center - Bor Students center - Subotica Students cener - Niš Students center Priština - headquarter in Kosovska Mitrovica Students facility „Todor Milićević“ - Kosovska Mitrovica Students facility anex 1 Kosovska Mitrovica Boarding facility Zubin Potok Boarding facility Leposavić Boarding facility Blace Boarding facility Zvečan High school boarding facility „Železnička škola“ - Beograd High school boarding facility - Belgrade RJ Boarding facility „Petar Drapšin“ Belgrade RJ Boarding facility „Zmaj“ Zemun RJ Boarding facility „Stevan Čolović“ - Belgrade RJ Boarding facility „Aleksa Dejović“ - Belgrade RJ Boarding facility „Karađorđe“ Belgrade High school boarding facility „Jelica Milovanović“ Belgrade High school boarding facility PTT school Belgrade Boarding facility „Angelina Kojić - Gina“ - Zrenjanin High school boarding facility - Niš High school boarding facility „Dr Obren Pejić“ Pirot High school boarding facility - Leskovac High school boarding facility- Vranje High school boarding facility - Surdulica High school boarding facility - Surdulica RJ Bosilegrad High school boarding facility „Pane Ðukić - Limar“ - Kruševac High school boarding facility Kragujevac High school boarding facility „Brankovo kolo“ - Novi Sad High school boarding facility Novi Sad Boarding facility for homeless children „Petar Radovanović“ - Užice High school boarding facility - Ivanjica High school boarding facility - Zaječar High school boarding facility „Sonja Marinković“ - Požarevac We are waiting for you … the head office is in Zemun, King Dusan Street 266. phones (+ ) --, --, --, -, - fax (+ ) - e-mail: