Building on our Faith - Sacred Heart of Jesus
Building on our Faith - Sacred Heart of Jesus
A Message from the Pastor Prayer for Advent Wreath First Sunday of Advent "Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.” “The Way” is a fine new film starring Martin Sheen and written and directed by his son Emilio Estevez. It is the story of a father estranged from his adult son. The son Daniel is accidently killed while making the famous pilgrimage called the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, a centuriesold walking pilgrimage to the Cathedral of St. James in Santiago, Spain. When the father Tom goes to Europe to reclaim his son’s body, he impulsively decides to take his son’s backpack and gear and to complete the pilgrimage in Daniel’s memory. During this incredible journey, the dad learns to discover the difference between the “life we live and the life we choose.” This is a film worth seeing. Advent challenges us to see our lives not as a disjointed set of experiences and circumstances, but as a pilgrimage to the dwelling place of God—a journey in which every moment, every stepo is a new revelation of God’s presence in our midst. God is both the road we travel and the destination of our pilgrimage. Advent calls us to “be watchful” along the way and to be attentive to the unmistakable signs of God’s presence in our lives, to live life expectantly as a Gift from God. Today we bless and welcome the New Roman Missal as we pray in harmony and unity with the Universal Church. O God of Peace, we remember the promise of your Son. As we light these Advent candles, may the blessing of Christ come upon us, brightening our way and guiding us by his truth. May Christ our Savior bring life into the darkness of our world, as we wait for his coming and celebrate His birth at Christmas. AMEN. Lighting of the Advent Wreath We are grateful to these families for lighting our Advent Wreath at Mass this weekend: 5PM Mass– Ava & Robert Guillory 7AM Mass– Missy & Charles Brickner 9AM Mass– Ceylon & Jeremy Williams 11AM Mass– Debbie & Mike Smith 6PM Mass– Margaret & Scott Hebert Robert Klingman Becomes “Acolyte” Several weeks ago, on Saturday October 15, on the Memorial of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Bishop Michael Jarrell instituted one of our parishioners, Robert Klingman, as an acolyte. As a Deacon Candidate, being instituted as an acolyte is seen as a step towards ordination to the Permanent Diaconate, a role of active service in the sacramental and pastoral life of his community. The “acolyte” is instituted to serve at the altar and to assist the priest and deacon. In particular, it is his responsibility to prepare the altar and the sacred vessels and, when necessary, as an extraordinary minister, to distribute the Eucharist to the faithful, and to expose the Blessed Sacrament for the adoration of the faithful. The word acolyte is derived from the Greek word meaning companion, attendant, or helper. Beginning this Advent season, we will have Robert as an acolyte assisting and serving our community at the Table of our Lord at certain Masses each weekend. Welcome, Robert. Thank you for your “yes” to the Lord. A Call to Sacrificial Giving Building on our Faith Offertory 11/20/11……………………..….$27,411.66 Building & Maintenance Fund next weekend! Advertiser of the Week HMS SUPPLY, INC. 337-837-2097 Specializing in Oilfield Supplies YOUTH GROUP EVENTS Nov. 26th--Ice Skating Dec. 1--Pizza night and Adoration Dec. 3--Carmelite Ministry Dec. 4--High School Youth Group Meeting* Dec. 7--Boys night Dec. 8--Girls night Dec. 11--Junior High Youth Group Meeting * Dec. 13--Mission trip meeting for Parents/Youth Dec. 16--Prayer Breakfast Dec. 17--Christmas Baskets *All Meetings in the PLC from 7-8:30PM. CCD Class Schedule Elementary —Nov. 28 or 29 4:15-5:15PM No classes Nov. 21 or 22 High School—Nov. 28 7:00-8:30PM On to Eternal Rest... Donna Gayle Verret Please remember the family in your prayers. Miss Eva’s cell 654-0005 Broussard Community Fair A Great Success Our sincere thank you to all parishioners and volunteers who gave tirelessly of themselves this past weekend. Early estimates: Profit of $100,000. God bless you all. Nocturnal Adoration begins this Thursday A Special Mass for Mothers Each month on the eve of the First Friday, we offer all night adoration of the Holy Eucharist in Church until noon on Friday. Please come and make a Holy Hour sometime during this time. Make a sacrifice to the Lord for you and your family by praying a holy hour. All Mothers who have experienced the death of a son or daughter are invited to mass Friday December 9th @ 8:30 AM followed by coffee in the conference room. Contact Sr Carm for more information 837-1864. Nocturnal Adoration will begin on Thurs. Dec. 1 at 8:00 PM and continue till Noon on Friday. • Marian Hour of Prayer December 11th Please join us for a 1 hour devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe sponsored by the Knights of Columbus on Sunday, Dec. 11th, at 7:15pm at Sacred Heart Church. This event is open to all parishioners and their families. • The Knights of Columbus will have their Open Meeting / Christmas Social on December 14th, 2011, in the SCS Gym. We will start at about 6:00pm All of Council #7557 family and friends are invited to attend this social. KC Events! Special Prayer Intention of the Month “ Healing & Homecoming for those who have left the practice of their faith” In Memory Of… Flower Donations Weekly flower memorial donations of $160 for a weekend are now being accepted for 2012. Please call today; the weekends fill quickly. We will publish the memorial name in the church bulletin for that weekend. If you are interested, please contact Shelley Ditta, bookkeeper at 837-1864 or email at: We request a two-week advance notice for this. This will be for the Ordinary Time when we use flowers. As you know, there are no flowers in our church during Advent and Lent. Special considerations and costs will be made for the seasons of Christmas and Easter. Christmas shop here this year! The Sacred Heart Youth Group is now selling Circle E candles to help support this summer’s mission trip to New York. These long-lasting aromatic candles make great Christmas gifts. Skip the hassle of mall shopping this year and place your order today. For orders, please contact Miss Eva at 654-0005 or Prayers for Vocations-Volunteers Needed Each week a family in our parish is invited to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life by taking our Vocation Chalice. If you would like to volunteer for a week in 2011 or 2012, please contact the Church office 837-1864. We will be happy to schedule a week for this wonderful prayer experience! This week’s vocation chalice will be in the home of: Scott & Mindy Boudreaux Next Baptism Seminar-Jan. 8, 2012 Baptism Seminars are normally held the first Sunday of every odd month. The next seminar is Sunday, January 8 2012 at 1:30 PM in the Parish Life Center. Attendance at a class is necessary before the baptism of your child. If you’ve attended for a previous child, it’s not necessary to attend again. Pre-registration is required. Please call Susan Klingman at the Church Office to register. What I say to you, I say to all: 'Watch!’" Mk 13:33-37 Watch out! Don’t cry or pout. He's making a list and checking it twice so He’s going find out who's naughty or nice. He sees you sleeping and knows when you're awake. He knows who is bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. Have you figured out who HE is? There is going to be celebration of his birth, including singing and eating and drinking. People will visit family and friends and exchange expensive gifts, some of dubious value and usefulness. Do you know who HE is? It is Jesus? Of course! The First Sunday of Advent is the beginning of a brief time for us to reflect on the incredible miracle and mystery of God Incarnate, God becomes man. It is a time for us to contemplate why the God who created us became one of us? His unconditional, unlimited love for us is certainly one reason. The celebrations, the food, the gifts are nice. But spending time to comprehend the magnitude of God’s love for us is the real purpose of Advent. That is a gift we can give to the God who created us and became one of us. Daily Readings, Prayers for Priests & Events for the Week Date Mon. Nov. 28 Daily Readings Tues. Nov. 29 Wed. Nov. 30 Thu. Dec. 1 Fri. Dec. 2 Sat. Dec. 3 Sun. Dec. 4 Is 2:1-5; Mt 8:5-11 Is 11:1-10; Lk 10:21-24 Rom 10:9-18; Mt 4:18-22 Is 26:1-6; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Is 29:17-24; Mt 9:27-31 Is 30:19-21, 23- Is 40:1-5, 926; Mt 9:35 — 11; Ps 85; 2 Pt 10:1, a, 6-8 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8 Prayer for Priests Fr. Angelo Cremaldi Fr. Barrry Crochet Fr. William Crumley, CSC Pope Benedict XVI Bishop Michael Fr. Hampton Jarrell Davis Calendar Events *KC Officers Meeting, Conf Room 68PM *Poster contest due see ad *Rosary after 8:30AM Mass *RCIA Class, PLC 6-8PM *Rosary 6PM, Church Adoration begins at 8PM Benediction at Noon Msgr. Jefferson DeBlanc, VE Carmelite Minis- High School try-Youth Group Youth Meeting 7PM, PLC Community Information Food for the Journey The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette presents “Food for the Journey”, a monthly lunchtime speaker series designed to help Catholics live out our faith in our daily lives. Our speaker for December is Rev. Jerry Mesley, St. Genevieve Catholic Church, Lafayette. “Food for the Journey” will be held on Tuesday, December 6, at Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1801 W. Pinhook Road, beginning at about 12:00 noon. An optional lunch buffet is available beginning at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $12.00 and includes meal, drink dessert and tip. All are welcome to come “eat and be fed”- please bring a friend! Pre-registration is not required. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). Opportunity for Confession The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette will host three regional “Opportunities for Confession” during Advent. Several priests will be present to hear Confessions at the following locations, dates and times. All are invited and encouraged to attend any one of these sessions. Please make every effort to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent in preparation of the Birth of Our Savior, Jesus Christ, on Christmas day. Mon. Dec. 5, 7-8:30PM—St. Joseph Church, Broussard Wed. Dec. 14, 7-8:30PM—St. Elizabeth Seton, Lafayette Thu. Dec. 15, 7-8:30PM—St. Edmond Church, Lafayette For more information, please contact Mary Bergeron 654-8682, email or Proudly Serving Our Country Prayers for the Sick Darby Boudreaux, S.F.C. Kraig Bowen, Shane Broussard, Sgt. Mark Castille, Col. Charlie Chappuis, Sgt. Brandon Charpentier, Cpl. Samuel James Cormier, Stefan J. Cormier, Capt. Kevin Dugas, Sgt. Michael Edward Dupius, Staff Sgt. Joseph Fontenot, Don Froning, James Hughes, Major Guy Girouard, Capt. Anthony Guidry, Lt. Garrett Guidry, SFC David Jacob, Sgt. Joseph Kenneth Jaubert, III, James & Josie Judice, Sgt. Schuyler Judice, Brittani Langley, Ryan LeBlanc, SP4 Anthony R. Mangler, Brian Thomas Martin, Tylan Meaux, Kevin Melancon, Bradley Miller, Jacques Mouton, Sean Thomas Olivier, Christopher Pelegrino, Sgt. Dennis Pitre, Benjamin Romero, Specialist John Salassi, Col. Patrick Augustine Simon, Travis Stutes, Chad Theriot, Sgt. Joey Thibodeaux, Julie & Michael Tomsik, Joshua Paul Vallot, Rustin Trahan, Lt. Com. Jason C. Wallace, Yancey & Ginny Walker, Brent Williams Kathleen Boulet Anderson, Thomas Boullion, Janis C. Bader, Allison Bass, Merlin Blanchard, Shirley Baudoin, Huey Bernard, Angela Bonin, Irene Bonin, Jeff Bonin, Joyce Boulanger, Owen Bordelon, Jr., Jacob Breaux, Leonor Brewer, Amy Briscoe, Ashley Broussard, Jane Broussard, Stanley & Marie Broussard, Margaret Chaisson, Nola Comeaux, Marjorie Cormier, Eva Dell Guidry,Rhonda Dedman, Lillian DeJean, John Ditta, Howard & Kathy Driggers, Genie Dore, Elaine Duchame, Barry Dupuis, Dorothy East, Theresa Foreman, Dalta & Jesse Gary, Jude Guiberteau, Jerry & Robert Guidry, Joe Guidry, Sharon Romero Guidry, William Guidry, Margaret & Gerald Guilbeaux, Brayden Hollier, Emma Hollier, Kathy Thibodeaux Hulin, Edna Landry, Lenis & Rita Landry, Ethel & Dupre LaPoint, T. Paul LeBlanc, Melissa Leger, Richard McCrocklin, Joseph Malice, Laura Menard & Chris, Alvin Moore, Frances Morvant, Willis “Bill” Morvant, Vinod & Sony Motwani, William “Bill” Paray, Louise Reaux, Albert “Nookie” Romero, Lenic Roy, Louise Soulier, Tony Soileau, Ellen Stadler & Family, William Stanley We also pray for all those who have died or have been injured. MASS INTENTIONS Tues. Nov. 29, 8:30AM: Hilda Gaudet, Fred Comeaux, Dawn West, Cheryl Pressnall Wed. Nov. 30, 8:30AM: Patricia Larriviere-Anniversary Thurs. Dec. 1, 8:30AM: Buford & Madge Perron, Freeman & Cammie Soileau, Dulcide & Rose Perron, Kirk Perron & Family, Ryan Perron Fri. Dec. 2, 8:30AM: Cammie Soileau-death anniversary Sat. Dec. 3, 5:00PM: Rosa Bell, Rhena Menard, Lou Bellot, Eula Bell, Wilton A. LeBlanc, W.C. Percy-Anniversary, Catherine Marie Toutchique, Lyra & Wallace Landry, Rosemary & Alton Girouard, Jim Coulter Hazel Boudreaux Pellerin, Richard “Dickie” Morvant, W. C. Percy-6th Anniversary Sun. Dec. 4, 7:00AM: Sacred Heart Church Sun. Dec. 4, 9:00AM: John Henry Hebert, Carroll J. Mouton, Jack & Jacko Tate, David & Cindy Tate, Steve Bernard, Roland Hebert, David Greco, Camille Alyse Begnaud, Ed Dauterive, A.J. Richard, Mike Muffoletto Maurice & Nemeze Richard, Hazel Boudreaux Pellerin, Earline Malagarie, Eugene E. Soulier, Jr., Dr. E.E. & Evia Soulier and family; Ruth, Curtiss, Bud and Jeanne Gilley; Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Comeaux and family; Charles & Catherine Billeaud; Jules Landry, Bud Comeaux, Mr. & Mrs. Sumter Cousin and family, Mary Lane Romero, Dorothy Carlton & Blaine Duhon, Monique Vidrine-1st Death Anniversary, Rhonda Dedman, Sara “ Janie” Earlston Sun. Dec. 4, 11:00AM: Monique Meaux, Jean E. Broussard, Ray Badeaux, Tony Dugas & Family, Bella LeBlanc, Eunice Bernard & Families, Mable Guidry Sun. Dec. 4, 6:00PM: Elaine Baudoin, Geri Girouard, Attie & Charles Girouard, Lumez Blanchard & Charles “June” Girouard Celebrants, Altar Servers, Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers Schedules Date of Mass Celebrant Altar Servers Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Sat. Dec. 3 2011 5:00 PM Fr. Edward Matthew Newland Mason Pesson, Jackson Stockstill N. Guidroz D. Gary T Ardoin, M & J Bourque, C Collet, M Peterson, A & S Slovacek Sun. Dec. 4, 2011 7:00 AM Fr. Edward Lee Labrador, Peyton Landry Adian Serio, Elizabeth Miller T. Tate A. Dugas K & D Duplechin, R Gary, C Primeaux, H & M Sonnier, R Tynes Sun. Dec. 4, 2011 9:00 AM Fr. Louie Phillip Ledet, Raleigh, Jake & Reid McGuire A. Provost A. Cefalu E & C Carrier, S Guilliot, C Jaubert, M & G Serio, MA Sonnier, M Suellentrop Sun. Dec. 4, 2011 11:00 AM Fr. Louie Luke, Logan & Lilly Brickner Josh Riedel R. Wimberley L. Fuselier R Comeaux, G & M Dubois, D & D Ledet, E Miller, L Pesson Sun. Dec. 4, 2011 6:00 PM Fr. Louie Connor Henry, Ross Myers Gabrielle Pesson, Madison Ramos T. Vannoy T. Broussard S Breaux, L Malagarie, M Parker, J & K Prejean, G Theriot, N Trahan Sacred Heart—525253 Win XP Publisher 2003 Adobe 8.0 Tuesday Noon Special Instructions: 4 color
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