3th Issue - Brahma Kumaris
3th Issue - Brahma Kumaris
peace weavers The Quarterly eNewsletter ublication of the Brahma Kumaris - Global Peace House Sharing the wonders of Spiritual Service .... bringing smiles in the hearts of people .... 3rd Issue - May 2012 Empowering Hearts & Minds A seminar to honour members of the Police Force A half-day seminar was organised on Thursday 26 April 2012,in recognition and appreciation of the invaluable service rendered by members of the Police Force, who daily carry out acts of courage in a spirit of self-sacrifice, dedication with a high sense of duty. The members of the Police Force have been given the task of providing a professional, caring, community-oriented approach to maintaining peace and order in a rather negative environment. They have been invited to explore questions such as: ....Where can you find the inner strength & stability to keep going at a time of relentless change & constant pressure?.... How can you be inspired & motivated to give out your best, whatever the circumstances?.. Dear Readers, Welcome to the third edition of Peace Weavers, the e-service news report cum newsletter of the Brahma Kumaris Global Peace House (BKGPH). You are kindly invited to share this newsletter to your friends and contacts to that they are aware of the services of BKGPH. Please send us a mail at bkgph@intnet.mu for your suggestions or contributions in terms of articles and photos in the forthcoming editions. We thank you in advance! Editorial Team Mr Romjaun and Mr Joganah both retired officers of the Police Force along with Mr Heeramun, Principal Welfare Officer who represented the Commissioner of Prisons shared their views in a panel dialogue on the subject of empowerment. Short video clips, mind-racking exercises, stretch exercises, group discussion, meditation and stress management techniques enlightened the participants who were given a blessing card and mind elevating gifts. A framed motivational saying to be affixed at each police station in the North of the country were offered to the stations. The initiative of BKGPH was much appreciated by the Police Force as expressed in the address given by Mr Domah, Divisional Commander of the Northern Division. (contd pg3) Godly gift presented to participants by Sister Anuradha 1 2 1. Mr Domah delivering his address. 2. Audience at GPH Reviving Family Values In the month of May which was declared as the Month of the Family, the BKGPH was invited to participate in a series of activities in schools and colleges. Sister Gaitree addressing a very attentive audience of students at Roche Terre Govt Primary School Sister Gaitree addressing students of Lady Sushil Ramgoolam State Secondary School Inside news: v Spiritual Significance of Shivratree v World Hypertension Day v Editor’s Desk v Independence Day v International Women’s Day v Mother’s Day v Residential Retreats v Gastronomy of the Soul v Health Tips v Visitors v etc.. NEXT ISSUE -AUGUST 2012 1 Maha Shivratri - Spiritual Significance in a nutshell What ? Shivratri (the night of Shiva) is the celebration to worship, honour and pay obeisance to God Shiva in memory of his divine descent and incarnation on earth to replace the old, sorrowful and vicious world with a new world order where peace, purity and prosperity prevails. Night signifies the darkness of ignorance, unrighteaousness and moral degradation characteristic of our present world. Who? Shiva is the name given to the Supreme Soul, the Creator - it means point of Light or benefactor. Shiva thus describes His form and functions. Why? God has to descend on earth? Inspite of the good work done by founders of Flag hoisting ceremony to commemorate the festival at BKGPH religions, saints and Holy persons, the world as a whole has seen a gradual degradation in the character of humans and a steady erosion of values. In fact, it is not in the hand of humans to uplift mankind, stucked as they are in the quagmire of vices. It is only God, the eternally pure soul, who is beyond this world and therefore subject to degradation with the passage of time, that can perform this task of liberating human souls from the bondage of sin and sorrow. When? Today when corruption at all levels, unrighteousness and immorality have spread all over the world, when ethical and moral values have declined drastically, this is the time for the Supreme Soul to perform his task of rejuvenation. How? Dear readers, the advent of God into our world is already a reality! How God is practically and personally performing his three-fold task of Creation, Sustenance and Cleansing process will explained to you during the meditation courses dispensed at all BK centres. Catering and night accomodations provided to pilgrims at the BKGPH. Meditation is also initiated to them First think and then act, in this way you save time & energy 2 from the editor’s desk... It is my pleasure to write to you as member of the Editorial team of this newsletter. During these last months there has been a series of requests for BKGPH to address different audiences on the subjects of values and health. The incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases is increasing in spite the huge efforts Authorities are investing in. Somewhere there is somehow a dimension that is being overlooked. This is the stress factor. Everyone is talking about it. It has been proven that our attitudes and behaviours are the main causes of many illnesses and consequently one need to bring about changes in one’s deep rooted behaviours. Spiritual empowerment and a proper understanding of life are the prerequisites of these changes. This is the spiritual dimension of health besides the mental and social aspect that WHO puts forward. The Brahma Kumaris proposes a spiritual dimension to life as we actually know it. Far from being just philosophical, this understanding of life and the laws governing it, helps us to adjust and accept the good and bad sides of life. Stress is one of the consequences of not being able to flow with life. As a result people resort to many unhealthy habits or what we call as unhealthy lifestyle. Stress not only causes major diseases but is also the cause of accidents, substance abuse, domestic violence and many more. The everyday tragedies we hear in the news tell us that there is an urgent need for people to get familiar with values, the tool that will help them be more empowered to live a stress free-life and face life boldy. The Brahma Kumaris Global Peace House has already embarked on this odyssey. You are most welcome to join us. BK Vikram Celebrating Independence Day On 12th of March 2012, public of different faiths were invited at GPH for a Collective Meditation Session on the theme of PEACE, JUSTICE AND LIBERTY. The Chief Guest, Mr Sailesh Chunen, Manager at Compagnie Sucriere de St Antoine, whom shared a heart-warming experience on his life and how by listening to Sister Gaitree's talk, he realised and felt the importance of inculcating those core values in his daily life. He said he has been deeply moved and inspired by the peaceful atmosphere of GPH. Everyone was invited in a collective meditation session to spread vibrations of peace, love and unity to the whole island . Explanations given beforehand on basic simple techniques of meditation and guided meditation commentaries help the audience in having a pleasant meditation experience. The spiritual significance of independence was explained by Sister Gaitree who emphasised more particularly on our personal contribution to peace, justice and liberty for our country. At the end , the whole audience participated in the flag hoisting ceremony in the yard of BKGPH. Flag hoisting ceremony outside GPH while everyone is singing the national anthem International Women’s Day at Inner Space, Port-Louis ‘The Source of Feminine Power’ was the theme of a programme organised at Inner Space Meditation Centre on Thursday 8 March 2012 to mark the International Women’s Day. The event was attended by some 50 ladies and comprised sharings, reflections and a projection on “Mrs Kiran Bedi” a role model for women. The facilitation and sharings provided by Sister Gaitree enacted such a deep impact on the participants that each one of them expressed the wish to empower herself, identify, adopt and nurture her own inherent powers. Inaugural ceremony - Independence Day Group sharings Group photo of participants Excerpts of opening address from the Police Force (from pg 1) “The Mauritius Police Force is going through a rapid delicate changing time... Our vision is to make a safer Mauritius with you. We firmly believe in and are committed to this vision…… There is a constant need for mental presence - creativity and intuition to act at the right time, especially for us, the Police who have to deal with so many issues and when the expectations of the public are high. There are not just technical or functional skills that are required but self management skills. Nobody can teach us how to achieve this - they have to be developed through proper understanding about the self. Spirituality is connected with our innate power, self respect, self esteem, developing the belief and enhancing the will power through meditation and relaxation techniques. .. The Brahma Kumaris is engaged into a spiritual service to the world. It is spreading the knowledge and practice of spiritual values… on behalf of the Commissioner of Police, I thank the Brahma Kumaris for having held this seminar in recognition of the invaluable service, we, Police Officers render to our community in creating harmony with fellow beings , with our acts of courage, self sacrifice, dedication and high sense of duty…” 3 Appreciative Inquiry dialogue La Logique! Professeur: Que dois-je faire pour répartir 11 pommes de terre entre 7 personnes ? Élève: Purée de pommes de terre, maître ! ------Professeur:- Dites-moi le présent de l’indicatif du verbe marcher Elève:- Je marche… tu marches… il marche… Professeur:- Plus vite ! Elève:- Nous courons, vous courez, ils courent ! ------Professeur:« Il pleuvait » c’est quel temps ? Élève: C’est du mauvais temps, maitre. ------Professeur: Combien de cœurs avons-nous ? Elève: Deux, maitre. Professeur: Deux!? Elève: Oui, le vôtre et le mien ! ------Maîtresse: Quel nom donnons-nous à une personne qui continue à parler même si les autres ne s’intéressent pas au sujet ? Élève : Un professeur! Do not say I will try and do it, say I will do it. Residential Programmes Activating our Intuition through Meditation... the Silence Retreat. The programme was a première amongst our usual Residential Retreats in Mauritius. It was held during the week-end of 14 & 15 April 2012. For the first time in their life, a group of 40 participants had been able to observe silence for 12 hours. They were all delighted and shared deep experiences felt during the moments of silence. A few of them could not hold their emotions and were in tears while sharing the impact of the positive and peaceful atmosphere they were surrounded with and the warm welcome and sustenance they got all throughout the retreat. (sharings pg5) Creative expression at the program On the Beach Meditation - a unique experience! Group photo of participants Detox Your Heart & Soul A Healthy Lifestyle program for the prevention/management of Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes & Hypertension This programme has become the prime attraction of BKGPH services over the years giving relief and solace to many people afflicted with the above mentioned diseases. Some 45 participants gathered for this two-day program at the Brahma Kumaris retreat centre at Palmar at the beginning of May 2012. Dr Hervé Foulot, consultant surgeon from France and special facilitator of this program, focussed on the mind-body medecine aspect backed by latest scientific research findings. Findings of the program which originated from the Global Hospital & Research Centre of Mt Abu, Rajasthan, India, has been published in the Indian Heart Journal, November Issue of 2011 as a Clinical Research Article (see abstract on right). A blend of science and spirituality, practice and theory, silence and sharings, this program will be once more organised in August 2012. Please book your seats in advance! Abstract of article published Opening ceremony by Dr Hervé Foulot Meditation in nature after exercise session Exercise session in the morning Group photo of participants . Some Sharings by participants: ..a dazzling retreat... A cut-off from everyday lifestyle... First time had a meditation session... Discovered the beneficial effect of sprouts. The secret of going to bed early and waking up early... The wonder of one minute of silence every hour... Have been received with much dignity and more specially with love, looking forward to renew the experience... ...The well-prepared meals for detoxing... The session on Personality Traits relating to "prevention of CAD"... Waking up before sunrise... Enthusiasm and alertness contribute greatly to your success 4 Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of a unique healthy and happy lifestyle (HLS) program in regression of coronary atherosclerosis and reduction in cardiac events in an open trial. Method : One hundred and twenty three angiographically documented moderate to severe coronary artery disease (CAD) patients were administered HLS comprising low-fat, high-fiber vegetarian diet, moderate aerobic exercise and stress-management through Rajyoga meditation. Its most salient feature was training in selfresponsibility and self-empowerment through inner-self consciousness approach using Rajyoga meditation. Results: Three hundred and sixty coronary lesions were analysed by two independent angiographers. In CAD patients with most adherence, percent diameter stenosis regressed by 18.23 ± 12.04 absolute percentage points. Conclusion : Overall healthy changes in cardiovascular, metabolic and psychological parameters, decline in absolute percent diameter coronary stenosis and cardiac events in patients of CAD were closely related to HLS adherence. However, more than 50% adherence is essential to achieve a significant change. Outreach Activities World Hypertension Day at Terre Rouge More than 300 persons responded to a half-day activity at the Multi Complex Hall of Terre Rouge on Sunday 20 May 2012 to celebrate the World Hypertension Day. A medical check-up was proposed to the inhabitants of Terre Rouge where a team from the Educational & Holistic Health Care Association, PanchVed Aryurvedic Centre, GIS Pharma Ltd and the members of the Terre Rouge Village Council catered for their needs. Diabetes screening, Blood Pressure measurements, B.M.I, Stress Tests, Stress Management thro meditation, Exhibition on Health/Stress/Meditation, Dental Care advices, Horoscope des Valeurs, Demonstration of Healthy Diet etc were the numerous activities proposed on that day much to the delight of the visitors. Children also had some fun with the jumping castle arranged by the organisers. A Peace March preceded the activity on the eve with people branding creative slogans and outfits to pass on their message. Peace March with youth wing of the BKGPH & ‘forces vives’ of Terre Rouge Statistics Medical Check up at Terre Rouge Pre Diabetes: 26 Diabetes: 37 Moderate H.B.P: 28 High H.B.P: 20 Low H.B.P: 12 (H.B.P: High Blood Pressure) Attendance: 210 compiled by Panchved Ayurvedic Centre Experiences of participants of Silence Retreat (from pg 4) ..Je me suis regénéré ici et pu me connecter avec mon intuition. Je suis a un tournant de ma vie, j'ai compris le chemin à prendre dans le silence... ...I discovered that I can use the power of silence to empower myself. I was very happy that I can do it and be silent... ..in the silence, I realise that I am a being of light with wonderful potential even though sometimes I use to be very "bad" and God accepted me "as I am"... Ministers Faugoo and Ritoo listening to explanations on health before proceeding to inaugural candle lighting ceremony with Sister Gaitree World Hypertension Day at Winners, Goodlands On the same day that the world was celebrating World Hypertension Day, the Educational & Holistic Health Care Association, strategic partner of the BKGPH, organised a free Hypertension screening exercise at the Winners Supermarket of Goodlands in the evening of Thurday 24 May 2012. In addition BMI and Biofeedback Stress Tests were done on the visitors. The screening went on till late evening as people kept pouring in. Few cases of High Blood Pressure were detected and were referred to health institutions for follow up. The co-operation of the staff of Winners Supermarket has been well appreciated by the organisers. Health programmes Rose Belle Meditation Centre Two seminars were organised by the Rose Belle Brahma Kumaris centre in April and May 2012 to comemorate its 10th anniversary. Resource person from BKGPH was invited to address the audience much to their enthusiam and interest. The seminar entitled “Prevention & Management of Coronary Heart Disease” were organised with the collaboration of the Senior Citizens Association of Grand Port and Mahebourg. The meditation experience at the end of the session aroused great interest in the subject. Participants were invited to follow the foundation course in meditation. 5 Change your own attitude instead of taking revenge Visit of Dr Hervé Foulot at the initiative of BKGPH Workshop on ‘Mind Body Medecine’ at Inner Space, Port-Louis During his visit to Mauritius, Dr Hervé Foulot conducted a half-day workshop at the Inner Space Meditation Centre, located in the heart of the city of Port-Louis (opposite Bank of Baroda) in the month of May 2012. Around 40 people responded to that program comprising latest medical research presentations and discussions. As the title suggests, the impact of a positive or negative mindset on the physiology of the body is something very real and tangible now with latest advancements in technology. Concepts such as placebo effect, pygmalion, and visualisation were explored and discussed. He also addressed doctors during a Continuous Medical Education session at the Flacq Hospital. Dr Herve Foulot is a consultant surgeon in gynaecology and has specialised himself in domain of mind body medecine. He practises and teaches meditation since more than 15 years. He is the co-author of several articles in medical papers. Words of Wisdom from Dadi Janki ..When you go into silence, do you want to hear anything? In order to be able to listen or to speak, you need to have silence in between. If you're caught up in your own thoughts, you're not able to listen or share. The two things we get caught up in are our thoughts and our ideas; they don't leave us alone. We may be listening but nothing is going in. If I were caught up in my own thoughts about something else, I wouldn't be able to share with you. What could I share? In fact you wouldn't even let me sit here in front of you! Just now my cough came. I told it to go but it wasn't listening to me but I didn't pay it any attention. Sitting in powerful meditation we are able to realise what we need to do inside. You need the power of the gathering for this - and when you're in the gathering, you can't get up and go. Please catch my bhavna (pure feelings) for you all. I will not let go of the bhavna - if I did, Baba (God) wouldn't be happy with me! Whether someone accepts it or not, I have given myself this firm discipline: my final thoughts are going to lead me to my destination. I really pay attention to this and that is why I will not stop having good wishes for everyone. You also should really give this your attention too. If you were to do so, the good wishes would really work. Good wishes are not my own. If I talk about the good wishes that I have, some will be able to catch and benefit from them but others won't - some accept them and some don't. So it's not 'my good wishes.' But just as Baba's bhavna has worked on me, my feeling is that the good wishes that I have received from Baba should work on everyone... Talk on “Prevention and Management of Coronary Artery Disease” at Goodlands Meditation Centre - April 2012 The hall of the meditation centre was fully packed on the two day presentation due to the raised concern of people regarding their health. A highly interactive session with first aid demonstration techniques to attend a victim of cardiac attack was well appreciated by the audience. The facilitator emphasised on “Aligning with our biological clock is the key to sustained health. Waking up and meditating in the early morning hours help to regulate the influx of stress hormones in our body and diminish the risk of a cardiac attack”. The concept of Healthy Lifestyle was explained in details. A health snack was given at the end for a happy ending. Unbroken love & tireless effort lead to success 6 Workshop at Inner Space Meditation Centre Addressing audience at BKGPH Addressing audience at Palmar Addressing audience at Grand Baie Children’s Activities Other Activities in brief... A demonstration of bee keeping was organised by Mr Nicholas, experienced ‘apiculteur’ at BKGPH for those attending the weekly Children’s class in March 2012. According to Mr Nicholas “Getting to understand bees in their natural environment helps the children to understand and to be empowered to better preserve and enhance our ecology” . The children were given each a pack of honey at the end of the program. - 3 month Empowerment program for families/senior citizens run by BKGPH at the initiative of the Social Welfare Centre at the following places Piton: March-May 2012 Petite Julie: April -June 2012 Pointe aux Piments: April -June 2012 - Talk on Stress Management at Mère Theresa Women Association - March 2012 - National Women Council invited BKGPH for self empowerment program for women (April 2012) - Pamplemousses Youth Centre invited youth wing of BKGPH to address youth at Residential camp, Anse la Raie (May 2012) - Talks in various colleges on values during Family Month of May 2012 - Positive Thinking, Self Esteem and Time Management Courses organised at the Inner Space Meditation Centre, Port Louis. Vegetarian Recipe Body Clock Punctuality Today, working hours have become too flexible, which means people are working at odd hours of the night to earn their bread and butter. But you need to understand that maintaining a proper body clock routine and sticking with it at all times, is absolutely important. Sleeping on time and waking up on time is a good start to a day. Remember, you cannot sleep an entire day to make up for the lost sleep. You body desires and deserves punctuality! Water, Water Everywhere! Human body is 75% water. Maintain that ratio and keep yourself sufficiently hydrated. Any excessive drop or increase in this ratio can be devastating to your overall well being. Make sure you drink 3-5 litres of water daily. Individual water requirements depend on the built and exertion levels of a person. You should never drink too much water at one time. 1-1½ litre should be the maximum for one go. Just guzzle a glass full of water at every interval and watch yourself climb the ladder of health! Recharge Yourself Naturally Sleep detoxifies your body and re-energizes it at night. Even afternoon naps are extremely important, because of the role that they play in relaxing your body and improving your memory. The body needs the night sleep to rebuild its cells - a process that takes longer than 15 minutes at a stretch. Lack of good night sleep can not only hamper your next day's work, but also cause dry and dull skin, tired and dull eyes, hair fall and dandruff, lack of concentration, obesity and hypertension and ageing skin. Health Snack - Gateau Du Blé Ingredients for 4 - 6 persons: 2 cups ‘Du Blé Concassé’ (Wheat), 4 cups Water, 3/4 cup sugar 1 table spoon ghee (or margarine) 1/4 tea spoon Cardamon (elaitie), 1 stick Cinnamon (canelle), Coconut powder to sprinkle, chopped almonds & raisins. Method: Roast the ‘du blé’ in a pan on low heat till colour changes to light brown. In a pressure cooker, melts the ‘ghee’ or margarine and sauté the cardamons and cinnamons in it on low heat. Stir for few seconds. Add the ‘du blé concassé’ and the water. Cook for around 10 mins till 3 whistles of the pressure cooker. Open the cooker and mix the sugar and almonds/raisins. Remove and spread uniformly (2 cm height) on a greased tray to allow it to cool. Sprinkle the coconut powder on top to decorate and cut into squares. Enjoy & do send us your feedbacks! Food for Soul! While it is good to fill your stomach after every few hours, know that your mind and soul also require food. However, unlike stomach, meditation is the way to satiate your mind and soul. Yoga, especially the pranayams or the breathing exercises, is the best way to keep yourself fit. Half an hour of meditation every day can be a boon for your quest for a healthy living. Internet source 7 Unbroken love & tireless effort lead to success Overseas Visitors Sister Anuradha (centre) accompanied by Sister Tapasvini (left), Sister Nayna and Bro Sookhdev in April 2012. Sis Anuradha came from the Brahma Kumaris Centre of Ghatkopal of Mumbai, India. She received thousands of BKs who transit at the centre there to our Headquarters in Mt Abu, Rajasthan. Global Peace House Gastronomy of the Soul Today's Thought: I Met Money and Said You Are Just A Piece of Paper Money Smiled & Said Of Course, But I Haven't Seen A Dust Bin For Me Yet! Meaningful Message: A Tongue Has No Bones, but It Can Break A Heart. It Can Be A Pillar For Building A Broken Heart! True quote: Tomorrow Will Come Daily. But Today Will Come Today Only. So Finish Your Today's Work Today Itself. And Be Free Tomorrow. What Is Forgiveness? It Is The Wonderful Smell That A Flower Gives...... When It’s Being Crushed! Do You Know Who Is The Sweetest Couple in the World? SMILE and TEARS. They Meet Rarely. Sister Neelam, Dentist of Global Hospital Research Centre, managed by the HQ of Brahma Kumaris made a short trip in March 2012 at the GPH where she shared her spiritual experiences. Forthcoming Activities Leading from Within - a residential retreat for those who want to simply wish to lead an authentic life: 1617 June 2012, Palmar Environment Week-end at Plaines des Papayes A series of activities to mark the Environment Day: Sat 23 - Sun 24 June 2012, Multi Complex Hall But When They Meet, The Moment Becomes UNFORGETTABLE. What is Success? When Your SIGNATURE Changes to AUTOGRAPH That is SUCCESS! What is Richness? Richness is NOT Earning, Spending or Saving More, Richness is, When You Need "NO MORE." Positive Thinking Course at Inner Space - Port-Louis Tues 24, Wed 25, Fri 27, Mon 30 & Tues 31 July 2012 Peace Experience Residential Retreat An adventurous, insightful and meaningful journey in these turbulent times of chaos and uncertainty: 27-28 July 2012, Palmar Flapping mouths Four monks were meditating in a monastery. All of a sudden the prayer flag on the roof started flapping. The younger monk came out of his meditation and said: "Flag is flapping !" A more experienced monk said: "Wind is flapping !" A third monk who had been there for more than 20 years said: "Mind is flapping." The fourth monk who was the eldest said, visibly annoyed: "Mouths are flapping!" bkgph@intnet.mu Brahma Kumaris Gph www.bkwsu.org/mauritius Detox Your Heart & Soul A zero surgery program for the prevention and management of Coronary Heart Disease! 11-13 August, Palmar. Find us in the North & Port-Louis Global Peace House Brahma Kumaris Royal Road, Khoyratty Pamplemousses Tel: 248 1941, Fax: 248 2181 Inner Space 2nd Floor, Sharon House Sir William Newton St Port-Louis Tel: 210 5928, Fax: 208 3683 Raja Yoga Meditation Centre near Traffic Centre New Morcellement St Antoine, Goodlands Tel: 282 1059 Raja Yoga Meditation Centre Royal Rd (Opposite Social Welfare Centre) 8eme Mile, Triolet Tel: 261 6581 8
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