focus - Menifee


focus - Menifee
Kay Ceniceros Senior Center
APRIL 2015
Look What’s New at the KC Center:
Samba: Samba is a fun individual and group social
dance. It is the national dance of Brazil and can be
found throughout the world during “Carnaval.” Starts
Monday, April 13 at 5:30 pm.
Wheelchair Dancing: The Mission of the Wheelchair
Dancers Organization is to create an avenue by which
the disabled community can enhance and strengthen
their mind, body, and spirit through the art of dance.
Starts Wednesday, April 22 at 6 pm.
Square Dancing: “Square dancing is friendship set
to music.” Join in on Tuesdays at 1 pm beginning
April 21.
Free Holistic Wellness Event: “Comprehensive
Natural & Healthy Bodywork for Your Body’s Unique
Requirements.” Saturday, April 18, from 2 pm—5 pm.
Provided by Valley-Wide
Recreation & Park District
Inside this issue:
Director’s Corner
About the Center
4, 5,
6, 7
Movie Day Info
Health Articles
9, 10
This ‘N That
Paid Advertisements
19, 20
Menu/Activity Calendar
City of Menifee—Senior Advisory Committee
The City of Menifee Senior Advisory Committee
meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 10 am in
the City of Menifee City Council Chambers. The
Committee is comprised of seniors appointed by City
Council members. Their focus is seniors and the
issues of concern to seniors.
At the March 24 meeting the Committee
approved the recommendation that the City Manager
authorize a Lease Agreement with Arts Council
Menifee for partial use of the Kay Ceniceros Senior
Center Campus, North Annex Building. The Arts
Council Menifee will occupy three offices in the
facility. The “community room” in the facility will be
available for use by Menifee non-profit groups for
meetings, etc.
The Committee has been very active in the
Strategic Planning process for the Parks, Trails, Open
Space and Recreation Master Plan. Their priority focus
is on senior needs and issues.
The next meeting of the Committee will be on
Tuesday, April 28 at 10 am in the City Council
Points of Interest:
 Guess Who? p. 17
 AARP Tax Help Info, p. 8
 Poet of the Month, p. 13
Kay Ceniceros Senior Center
29995 Evans Rd., Menifee
951-672-9673 /
951-301-1923 (fax)
Office Hours: 8 am—5 pm
Monday through Friday
Spring has sprung! Are you out
there working in your yard? Do you enjoy
seeing all the flowers and trees blooming?
Or, are you planning your Spring
cleaning—ugh! For me it’s that Spring
cleaning thing. I’m working on cleaning
out my garage. My garage has been
referred to as a “mini-Michaels.” It’s full of
flowers (not real ones) for all seasons.
And, it’s that time of year to toss out some
and re-organize the rest. What are your
Spring plans?
Here at the Center we’re bursting at
the seams! New classes and hours will
start in April and May and more and more
of you are stopping by to check us out!
Thank you for that!
You may not be aware of this but we
rent the Center for special occasions such
as bridal showers, wedding receptions,
etc. These rentals are typically on the
weekends. What I want you to know is that
the increase in rentals this year has been
Let’s talk about the March mystery
picture. We had only one entry and that
entry was correct! The mystery picture
was of Ryan Seacrest, correctly identified
by Beverly Beardsley. Now, I’ve heard that
some of you didn’t know who Mr. Seacrest
was and some even requested that I give
hints in future mystery pictures. But, you
know it’s my job to try and stump you!
Not too long ago some of you were telling
me that the pictures were too easy—
remember? So, let’s see how you do with
the April picture (it’s on page 17). Good
We have some exciting additions to
Page 2
our class/activity line-up. Starting in April: a
Square Dance Class; a Wheelchair dance
class; and, a Samba dance class. In May, the
Golf-Fit class begins. Detailed information
about the new classes can be found on pages
4, 6, and 7.
Also, our Natural Massage instructor has
rented the facility on Saturday, April 18th (2
pm—5 pm) to provide you the free
opportunity to attend her “Holistic Wellness
Event.” Check it out.
There are many important activities
going on in our community. One of them is the
series of community workshops being held by
the City of Menifee, Community Services
Department to get public input for the
development of a Parks Master Plan. Your
help is needed to answer these questions (and
What are the recreation needs in Menifee?
Who currently uses the parks and trails?
What parks, trails and programs are
needed as the city grows?
What is missing for youth, adults, and
Next workshops are April 20 at 6 pm and May
11 at 6 pm. Go to or call 951672-6777 to find out how to give your input on
these important issues.
As I close this month’s column out, let
me encourage you to take advantage of the
many activities here at the Center and around
our community. Remember,
The Purpose of Life Is a Life of Purpose
Blessings to all!
Leslie A. Covey
ownership of the KC Center
campus to the City of
The Center was built in
1990 by the County of
Riverside. The Center was
named for then District 3
Supervisor, Kay Ceniceros.
The Center has had two major
renovations in the past 8 years
— all done by the County’s
Agency (EDA) through the use
Redevelopment Agency
and CDGB funding.
On July 1, 2011 the
County assumed the operation
of the Center and was
managed by the Economic
Development Agency.
Page 3
Center’s continued growth.
The city of Menifee senior
Valley-Wide to a new
chapter in the life of the KC
On July 1, 2014 the
C o u n t y
“The Mission of the Kay
S e r v i c e
handed over the
Ceniceros Senior Center is to
keys to the KC
provide a spectrum of
continues to
Center to the
healthful recreation and
p r o v i d e
City of Menifee.
leisure activities that
The event was
supplement an active and
meals (lunch
and longevity.”
on site) as
well as HomeCeremony
July 11th. The City has a Bound meals to the Menifee
contract with
Valley-Wide senior community.
Recreation & Park District to
operate programs and
activities at the KC Center.
assumed its
role on Tuesday, July 1, 2014.
On Tuesday, October enthusiastic about the KC
16, 2012 the County Board of C e n t e r
Super vis or unanimously important part of the
approved a “quick deed”
Services at the KC Center or by Referral
The KC Center front desk is manned by volunteers who are equipped with a full
spectrum of resource information and materials. In addition, most front desk volunteers are
able to access the 211 system online in order to locate additional resources. Every effort is
made to provide the public with the information they are requesting.
There are a number of agencies that come to the Center on a regular basis to provide
services: Inland Counties Legal Services is here every other month. The next date here is
May 13, 2015. Appointments are required. Call 951-320-7500 to make an appointment.
Leave a message—you will get a call back. HICAP is also at the Center. The HICAP
representative is at the Center on the 2nd and 4th Thursday from 9 am—12 noon. Again, you
must make an appointment—call (909) 256-8369. The representative doesn’t come if there
are no appointments.
Page 4
What’s Happening and Coming Soon . . .
Chess: Every Tuesday from
1 pm—4 pm. Learn and/or
play6. $1 per person.
Every third Thursday of the
m onth.
April 16 at 10 am. No fee.
Texas Hold’em: Mondays
from 1 pm—4 pm. $1 per
Wednesdays, and Fridays
at 8 am. Low-impact. $1
per person.
Group :
Meets on Mondays at 10
am. PLEASE call Hospice
of the Valleys at 951-2007800 prior to attending the
group. Fee: Free
Cards: Thursdays from
12:30 pm—4 pm, “Hand
and Foot.” $1 per person.
Wednesdays at 9 am. Fee:
$2 per person.
Fridays, 1 pm—4:00 pm. $1
per person.
Quilting: Mondays from 1
pm—3 pm.
welcome! Fee: Free
The next Full
Course will be Tuesday,
April 14 from 8 am—4:30 pm.
The next Refresher Course
will be Tuesday, May 12 from
10 am—2:45 pm. Fee: $20
non-members, $15 AARP
learn basic skills, explore uses
techniques. Broad
spectrum of subjects to paint in
the study. Class meets every
Friday at 10 am. Fee: $15 each
class, includes materials. NEW
Wii Game Day: Thursdays
and Fridays from 10 am—
11:30 am in the Palm Room.
$1 per person.
Scrabble Enthusiasts:
Scrabble every Friday from 1
pm—4 pm. $1 per person.
Soul Line Dance Class:
Every Tuesday at 5 pm (for
advanced and intermediate),
Wednesdays at 3 pm for
beginners, and
Thursday @ 6 pm for
intermediate. Fee: $3 per
Chair Volleyball: Play on
Thursdays, 1 pm—3 pm.
Schedule fun—do it now! $1
per person.
NEW! Wheelchair Dancing:
This class is scheduled to
start April 22 and will meet
on Wednesday evenings at
6:00 pm. $1 per person.
Paint Party: 4th Tuesday of
each month. The next once-a
-month Paint Party will be on
April 28 from 10 am—12:30
pm. This month’s painting
can be seen in the Center
lobby. Please refer to the
flyer in the lobby for details.
Fee: $17 per class.
Fundamentals of Art Class:
Build an appreciation for art,
Movie Days:
On Friday, April 17 at 1
pm “The Gone Girl” will be
shown. Additional information
on page 8.
On Friday, May 15 at 1 pm
“The Theory of Everything”
will be shown. See page 8 for
additional information.
Geri-Fit Personal Trainer:
Learn strength training
exercises and techniques from a
Certified Senior Strength
Training Specialist to help with
gait, balance, strength, stamina
and flexibility. These private
lessons will teach you strength
training exercises that are
designed to build strength and
increase bone density which
helps prevent osteoporosis.
Bring a towel and water to drink
during the workout. All
equipment is provided or you
can bring your own dumbbells.
Each session is 30 minutes, by
appointment only, and payable
in advance. Call 951-694-6873
to register in advance. Monday,
Wednesday or Friday—$35 per
session (or $110 for 4 private
sessions—saves $30.)
Page 5
What’s Happening and Coming Soon . .
Poet of the Month: The
Menifee public is invited to
submit their poems to the
Center by the 10th of each
month. The poems are then
reviewed by the Sun City
Poetry Group.
The poem
selected is then posted in the
following months’ FOCUS.
See page 13 for this month’s
winning poem and details
about submitting your poem.
Poker Tournament:
M ar ch Texas Hold ’em
Tournament will be held on
Monday, April 27 at 1 pm.
$11 buy-in, no cash prizes.
Senior Nutrition Lunch:
Enjoy lunch with friends each
day at 11:30 am Monday
through Friday. Suggested
donation is $3 if over 60 years
of age. $5 fee if under 60
years of age. Provided by
Family Service Association.
Projects with Yarn: Join the
fun on Fridays at 9 am! $3 per
person. Come and learn how
to make projects with yarn—
crochet, knitting, looms, etc.
Fit After 50:
This is an
evidence-based exercise
program with emphasis on
improving strength, balance
and mobility using stretching,
upper and lower body
resistance and core exercises
to prolong independence,
prevent falls and prevent or
decrease the effects of chronic
illnesses. Classes are held on
Mondays and Thursdays at 9
am. No fee.
Class play-time is
Wednesday from 1 pm—3 pm.
Stop by on Wednesdays and
check it out. Want to brush up
or just play—you’re welcome!
(group is unable to take brandnew players at this time.) Fee:
$1 per person.
Bid Whist: Bid Whist is a
comparatively new game of the
Whist family. Four people play
in partnerships of two against
two, with partners sitting
opposite each other.
players on Mondays at 12:30
pm. Fee: $1 per person.
Pinochle: The Pinochle class
meets every Tuesday at 2 pm
and plays until 4:45 pm. Fee:
$1 per person.
The Blues Club for Englishspeakers: This is a support
group for seniors who are
experiencing the “blues.” The
group meets every Thursday at
9 am. No fee. Call Michelle at
951-570-5243 for more
information. Fee: Free
Interested? Please sign-up
at the front desk. Fee: Free
Black Jack: Play or learn
Black Jack every Friday at 1
pm. Join the fun! Fee: $1
per person.
Bagels & Books: On the
3rd Tuesday of each month
a group gathers at 1:30 pm
to discuss a book they’ve
read. The book the group
will be discussing in
April is “Mennonite in a
Little Black Dress” by
Rhoda Janzen. Join the
group, have a bagel, and
d is cus s!
gr oup
meeting will be Tuesday,
April 21. No fee.
Na tu r a l
He al th y
Techniques Seminar of
Among the
many benefits of massage,
you will learn: how to help
you or your family alleviate
chronic pain; ease anxiety
and stress; relieve muscle
tension and numbness;
promote easier breathing;
and ,
im p r ove
b lood
circulation. See flyer for
additional benefits. Class
meets on Mondays and
Wednesdays at 10 am. Fee:
Page 6
What’s Happening and Coming Soon . . . .
New! SAMBA: Samba is a fun
individual and group social
It is the national
dance of Brazil and can be
found throughout the world
during “Carnaval.” You will
learn basic samba steps for
all levels including people
who have zero dance
experience! Beginners and
Intermediates. Class meets
on Mondays at 5:30 pm and
starts April 13th. Fee: $10 per
person (under 55). Seniors:
$3 per person (55+)
Geri-Flex®: This 30-minute
exercise class incorporates
stretches used in ballet, tai
chi, yoga, pilates and
physical therapy.
It helps
ease arthritic conditions and
bursitis in the hips which will
help you to get around easier.
We'll stretch the entire body
especially the hips and lower
back. You will need to get on
the floor, so please bring an
exercise mat and a stretch
band. This is a wonderful
exercise program for seniors
and golfers, but all ages and
fitness levels can attend. Just
stretch at your own pace.
Enrollment is open to men
and women. Classes are
taught by a Certified GeriFit® Instructor.
Day: Thursdays
Time: 4:00-4:30 pm
Date: May 14 – June 2
Fee: $30 per person each 8class term. Call 951-694-6873
or register online at
Golf-Fit: Muscles are the key
ingredient in helping you drive
the ball further and with more
This strength
training exercise class will
strengthen and condition the
muscles of the back, legs, hips,
chest, shoulders, and arms.
We’ll work on golf specific
exercises and stretches that
will help improve your golf
game. Recommended for all
golfers . . . Beginner to
advanced! Enrollment is open
to men and women. Seniors
have the option to do the
exercises in a chair. Bring a set
of 2 to 5-poung (each)
dumbbells (depending on your
age and strength), a stretch
band and water to drink.
Classes taught by a certified
instructor. Eight one-hour
classes in each term. This will
be an evening class and will
start in May. Fee: $109 per
person for eight classes.
Advance registration is
required. Call 951-694-6873 or
register online at
Holistic Wellness Event: This
will be a one-day special event
for those who’ve been
intrigued by the Natural
Massage class but haven’t yet
participated. Have questions?
Want to know more?
Saturday, April 18th from
2 pm until 4:30 pm at the
KC Center you will have the
opportunity to meet the
instructor and ask all those
questions. You will learn
old and new natural and
techniques to help: you—
family - reduce chronic
decrease stress, and relieve
muscle tension, numbness,
and much more. Fee: FREE
Improve strength, balance
and arthritic conditions in
this 45-minute, evidencebased strength training
group exercise class for
senior adults. No aerobics
or floor work! Exercise are
performed seated in chairs
(optional). Bring a set of 2
or 3-pound dumbbells
(each), a stretch band and
water to drink during the
workout. Classes are taught
by a Certified instructor.
Advance registration is
required. Register online at or call 951-6946873. If you have Medicare
Advantage, you may qualify
for free classes through
Silver&Fit®. Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 3 pm. See
flyer for session dates. $48
per person per 8-class
Page 7
What’s Happening and Coming Soon . . .
Arts Council Menifee: The
art gallery in the Palm Room,
Magnolia Room and Rose
Room is open Monday
through Friday from 8 am—5
pm. Every two months the
Council Menifee
switches out the art for
“new” pieces. They also
hold a free Public Reception
every other month. Next
one: Sunday, May 3, 1-3 pm
in the KC Center.
A s s e mb l y w o m a n
Information Table:
Assemblywoman Melendez’
office is at the Center on the
fourth Tuesday once a
quarter. Next visit: Tuesday,
June 23, from 10 am—noon.
Take this opportunity to ask
your questions and gain
information and resources
regarding state issues.
Caregiver Support Group:
Care Connexxus, Inc. offers
a Caregiver Support Group
at the KC Center on the 2nd
and 4th Wednesday at 2:30
pm. Fee: Free
Conversational Spanish:
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1
pm. Fee: $36 for 12 weeks.
Current session ends
Thursday, April 9th.
session begins Tuesday, June
9th. Sign up at the front desk.
LiHEAP: A representative from
the Community Action Agency’s
LiHEAP program will be at the
Center on the 2nd Monday of
each month from 12:30 pm—
3:30 pm. Next visit: April 13.
Fee: Free
ESL (English as a Second
Language) NIGHT Classes:
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6
pm. Fee: $36 for 12 weeks.
Current session ends April 9th.
Next session resumes in
Gin Rummy: This class is now
offered each Wednesday at
12:30 pm. $1 per person.
Commodities Program: This
program is held once a month
on the 3rd Wednesday from 10
am—2 pm at the Community
Cupboard. Next one: April 15
NEW! Square Dancing: The
new Square Dancing class will
start on Tuesday, April 21st at 1
pm—3 pm. Fee: $5 per person.
UPDATE: Memories in
the Making:
This is a
signature program of the
Alzheimer’s Association,
The program
Alzheimer’s disease and
other dementias to explore
emotions through the
process of creating art.
The MIM program is more
than a traditional arts and
crafts class or hobby
activity; it has shown to be
therapeutic and aid in
communication, and also
stimulation. Training date
set for
April 28th in
Temecula—2 free slots
for KC Center volunteers.
Contact the office if you
applied to be trained for
this program.
FREE Vein Screening:
The UiC Vein Center will
be back at the Center on
Tuesday, April 28 from 10
am—12:00 pm.
Page 8
This ‘n That . . . . .
QR Code:
Quick Response (QR) Reader App’s Now
For City of Menifee
Stay up to date with the latest Senior
Advisory Committee news and City of
Menifee Community Services right through
your phone! Download the QR Code (Quick
Response) Reader App on your phone or IPad:
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Anytime you see a QR Code on the various
Menifee publications, just run the QR
Reader Code App and it will connect you
directly and quickly to the various City
QR Code:
“I want to . . . ”
AARP Tax Help Program
AARP Tax Preparation (good 2.5.15 thru 4.15.15): Location: Sun City Civic
Association, 26850 Sun City Blvd., on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 am to 5 pm. Must
have an appointment – call: 951-303-4699.
Community Access Center—NOW in Menifee!
The Community Access Center (CAC) serves people with disabilities in the Southwest
Riverside County by teaching them what tools they can use to remain independent. The CAC
provides these services at no cost in their Menifee office on the first Friday of each month from
9:30 am to 3:30 pm. The CAC office is located at 27070 Sun City Blvd. For more information
call 951-263-0708 or email them at
Page 9
Movie Day: Friday, April 17 at 1 pm
APRIL Movie: “Gone Girl,” Friday, April 17 at 1 pm
Run time: 149 min / Rated: R
Nick Dunne, a small town guy who made good in
the big city as a magazine writer blames the recession
and the loss of his job for the decline of his marriage to his
intellectually superior wife with a substantial trust fund.
Questions of his motives and character begin to arise after
his wife’s disappearance on the morning of their fifth
anniversary. As the search for his missing wife plays out
over the ensuing days, guilty suspicions are fueled into a
national frenzy by the media circus camped outside his
Is this idyllic, everyman truly capable of
murdering his wife?
Starring: Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris
$1 per person—refreshments provided
MAY Movie: “The Theory of Everything,” Friday, May 15 at 1 pm
Run time: 124 min / PG-13
Storyline: The Theory of Everything is the story of the most
brilliant and celebrated physicist of our time, Stephen Hawking,
and Jane Wilde the arts student he fell in love with whilst studying
at Cambridge in the 1960s. Little was expected from Stephen
Hawking, a bright but shiftless student of cosmology, given just
two years to live following the diagnosis of a fatal illness at 21
years of age. He became galvanized, however, by the love of
fellow Cambridge student, Jane Wilde, and he went on to be called
the successor to Einstein, as well as a husband and father to their
three children. Over the course of their marriage as Stephen's
body collapsed and his academic renown soared, fault lines were
exposed that tested the lineaments of their relationship and
dramatically altered the course of both of their lives.
Starring: Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Emily Watson, David
Thewlis, Charlie Cox
$1 per person—refreshments provided
Page 10
Blueberries to Lower Blood Pressure
By Lisa Nelson, RD, LN, Courtesy of Health Pro,
There is new trial data indicating
blueberries help reduce both systolic and
diastolic blood pressure.
This double-blind, placebo controlled
trial assigned 48 women to receive either 22
grams of freeze-dried blueberry powder or 22
grams of a control powder daily for 8-weeks.
Results indicate that blueberry consumption
may reduce blood pressure and arterial
These improvements may be linked to
enhanced nitric oxide mediated vasodilation.
Vasodilation refers to the widening of blood
vessels, which in turn lowers blood pressure
because the heart then exerts less force
against arterial walls as it circulates blood.
At the conclusion of the study,
participants consuming the blueberry powder
daily on average reduced systolic blood
pressure 5.1% and diastolic blood pressure
was lowered on average 6.3%. Twenty-two
grams of freeze-dried blueberry powder is
equal to about 1 cup of fresh blueberries
Nutritional Content of Blueberries:
Blueberries are a great source for many
nutrients, such as Vitamin C, dietary fiber, and
manganese, and provide only 80 calories per
Vitamin C:
This water-soluble vitamin is essential
for normal growth and development, as well
as collagen production. Collagen can be
found in bones, muscles, skin, and tendons.
Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, which protect
cells from free radical damage. According to
the National Institutes of Health Office of
Dietaqry Supplements, a diet rich in
antioxidants my help prevent or delay the
development of heart disease and some
cancers. Men should consume 90 mg of
vitamin C daily and w2omen should consume
75 mg daily. A 1 cup serving of blueberries
provides 14 mg of vitamin C.
Dietary Fiber:
Dietary fiber is found mainly in fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. It’s
known as the roughage or bulk and includes
the parts of plant found the body cannot
digest or absorb. There are two types of
dietary fiber—soluble and insoluble. Soluble
fiber dissolves in water, while insoluble does
not. Recommended fiber consumption varies
with age. For those under the age of 50, a
man should consume 30 grams and a woman
25 grams of dietary fiber daily. Of this, 15
grams or more should be soluble fiber. A 1
cup serving of blueberries contains 3.6 grams
of dietary fiber . . . mostly insoluble.
Manganese is a trace mineral found in
foods such as nuts, legumes, seeds, tea,
whole grains, and leafy greens. Manganese
deficiency is related to osteoporosis and
anemia. Men should consume 2.3. mg and
women 1.6 mg daily. A 1 cup serving of
blueberries provides 0.4 mg
Buy and Use Blueberries:
Blueberries are in season from April
through September. During the off season,
blueberries are imported from South
America. When buying fresh blueberries,
select berries that are firm, dry, plump, and
smooth-skinned. They should have a silvery
surface with a deep purple-blue to blue-black
color. A berry is not ripe if it is reddish in
color and berries do not ripen after they are
(continued on page 11)
Page 11
Blueberries to Lower Blood Pressure (continued from page 10)
By Lisa Nelson, RD, LN, Courtesy of Health Pro,
Store fresh blueberries in the refrigerator
and eat them within 10 days or purchase.
Based off this trial, you don’t have
to consume fresh blueberries to see
blood pressure improvements.
could opt for dried, frozen, and canned
blueberries as well.
A bag of frozen blueberries should
feel like the berries are loose and not
clumped together. If you do not use a
whole bag of frozen berries in one
setting, quickly return the unused portion
to the freezer. Once you thaw frozen
blueberries, consume them within 3
Ways to Eat Blueberries:
Grab and go. A handful of fresh,
washed blueberries are a quick and easy
snack. You can add fresh or frozen
blueberries to cereals, salads, and
sauces. Blueberries also add flavor to
smoothies and yogurt. You can also opt
to add blueberries to muffins and
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Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinners Recalled
About 242,000 cases of original flavor
Macaroni & Cheese dinners are being recalled
because some boxes may contain small metal
pieces, Kraft Foods says.
The company said the recalled products
include 7.25 ounce boxes, 3-pack boxes, and 4pack and 5-pack wrapped boxes of 7.25 ounce
servings, and have “Best if used by” dates of
September 18 through October 11, 2015, with
the code “C2” directly below the date on each
box, Fox News reported.
No injuries associated with the recalled
products have been reported, according to Kraft
The company said consumers with the
products should return them to the place of
purchase or contact Kraft at 1-800-816-9432
between 9 1m and 5 pm Eastern time for a full
Free Varicose Vein Screenings
at the KC Center
This free opportunity is provided by
UiC Vein Center, 27555 Ynez Road in
Temecula. The next opportunity will be on
Tuesday, April 28 from 10 am—12:00 pm at
the Kay Ceniceros Senior Center.
evaluated and educated on the treatment
options that are available to help you
overcome the symptoms of CVI disease and
improve your quality of life.
necessary. Please wear clothing that allows
easy access to the legs for your convenience.
Page 12
Glaucoma Update
Presented by the Braille Institute
Did you know that glaucoma can lead to blindness by damaging the optic
nerve and is often called the “sneak thief of sight.”
Dr. Schofield will discuss the latest information, research and treatment on
Friday, April 3 from 10 am until noon. RSVP at 760-321-1111 ext. 1000 or at and click on the Events Calendar.
RTA Bus Tickets Now Available at City Hall
The 7-Day and 30-Day local fixed route bus passes will be on sale at City Hall,
29714 Haun Road, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm.
Bus riders may also pick up system maps and the latest Service Changes Guide
and Ride Guide booklets.
Braille Institute Presents:
New Adaptive Technology Devices Available for Demonstration
Devices are available due to generous donations by the Friends of Braille
Institute Rancho Mirage. The devices include: Talking Graphing Calculator; Ebot
Pro; TactileView Design Software; and Music Technology Equipment. Please call for
more detailed descriptions. Also, call today for a hands-on demonstration!
Braille Institute, 70-251 Ramon Rd, Rancho Mirage 92270. (760) 321-1111, Ext.
Poet of the Month for April: Celeste Nadine Gallucci
By Celeste Nadine Gallucci
Poet of the Month
Florida Sunshine, U.S.A.
Brings much happiness thru the day.
It keeps things brightly going our way,
It’s so nice to be here, we’re glad to say.
Some States have mountains, others, plains,
Some are rocky, but Florida remains.
“Tis our wonderful beautiful Sunshine State,
And Walt Disney World helps to make it great!
Ponce De Leon surely named this place right,
For it’s full of many fabulous sights.
Connecting the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico,
Its flowers create cheer as we travel to and fro.
Everyone loves its fresh ocean breeze,
Especially on the islands, the Florida Keys.
The famed Everglades National Park
With Florida Sunshine gives this State real spark.
Enter only one poem in
a month.
Put your name and
contact information on
the poem entry.
Keep a copy of the
poem for your records.
Submit poem to the KC
Center by the 10th of
the month.
Please be sure it is
legible or typed.
Poems are judged by
the Sun City Poetry
The Sun City Poetry
Group meets twice a
month at the Sun City
Library—the 1st and 3rd
Tuesday at 9:30 am.
Join them!
The winning poem will
be published in the
following months’
edition of the
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This ‘n That . . . . .
California Telephone Access Program:
Information about free assistive telephones for those with disabilities is available in the KC
Center hallway resource area or call 1-800-806-1191.
GrandsClub—Peer Support
(for grandparents raising grandchildren)
Perris Valley Family Resource Center
371 N. Wilkerson Ave.
Mary Phillips Senior Center
41845 Sixth St., Temecula
Emergency Services Funding for Older Adults
Riverside County Office on Aging and Aging & Disability Resource Connection have a
brochure posted at the KC Center explaining what funding is available for older adults under
the category of Emergency Services. Pick up a brochure or call 1-800-510-2020 and ask about
emergency services assistance for older adults.
TOOLS for Independence
The newest edition of TOOLS for Independence is available at the KC Center. TOOLS is
published by the Independent Living Partnership. Copies of the newsletter are available in the
KC Center lobby. This month’s edition has the following articles: “Makes Cutting Meats Much
Easier;” “Eggs Your Way In Less Time Than It Takes To Boil Water;” “Easily Unbuckle a Seat
Belt Buckle . . .;” “Cordless Heat Soothes Aches And Pains;” “No More Fishing Around For Your
Toast Or Bagel;” “Keep Your Personal Items Within Reach;” and, “Looking For An Accessible
Rental Car . . .” The newsletter also includes a Vendor Resource List and information on help
finding Assistive Technology. Did you know that the AT Network has a Device Lending Library?
Contact Tools for Independence at 1-951-653-0740 x 21.
Holistic Wellness Event
This will be a one-day special event for those who’ve been intrigued by the Natural
Massage class but haven’t yet participated. Have questions? Want to know more? On
Saturday, April 18th from 2 pm until 4:30 pm at the KC Center you will have the opportunity to
meet the instructor and ask all those questions. You will learn old and new natural and healthy
bodywork techniques to help: you—your caregiver—your family - reduce chronic pain, ease
anxiety, decrease stress, and relieve muscle tension, numbness, and much more. Fee: FREE
Crime Watch Needs Volunteers
If you’ve got some time to share won’t you consider volunteering with the
Crime Watch program? This great group of volunteers (who do a tremendous
Crime Watch community service) has volunteer positions available now. Shifts are 3 hours
per week. Volunteers also have fun! In addition, the public should be aware
that Crime Watch volunteers have been trained to conduct a search when
notified that an Alzheimer’s patient has gone missing.
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More This ‘n That . . . .
Menifee Military Banner Program
The City of Menifee Military Banner Program was created for the
community to honor and recognize active duty military personnel and
veterans that reside or have an immediate family member that reside in the City of Menifee.
The cost of each banner is $100 and includes installation. Donations help keep costs
low so many can participate.
Applications are available at Menifee City Hall, 29714 Haun Rd., Menifee. Please
bring a 5 x 7 photo, proof of residency and proof of service. For more information, please
email: or call 951-672-6777.
Menifee Senior Softball
The Menifee Senior
Softball Leagues invites all
senior men (55+), regardless
of ability, to join their
recreational league of slowpitch softball.
They play
every Tuesday and Thursday
morning at 9 am at Wheatfield
For additional
information, contact Ed
Hustead at 951-679-8626.
Braille Institute’s Better Living Series
Please join us for a free and informative Low Vision
Wellness Seminar that covers:
 The basics of blindness & visual impairment.
 Discussion of the emotional impact of sight loss and
how to cope with changes in lifestyle.
 Specific skills related to assisting blind or visually
impaired individuals.
Fridays from 10 am—noon:
April 17
Braille Institute, 70-251 Ramon Rd., Rancho Mirage, CA.
Braille Institute of America
Low Vision Wellness Services
Free one-on-one consultations with a Low Vision Rehabilitation Specialist
Brings information on the free programs and services directly to your community
Strategies to cope with sight loss and one-on-one assistance with independent living
Adaptive technology—iDevices, tablets, smartphones
Demonstrations of hand-held and electronic magnification and computer software for
low vision
Samples of adaptive products, including talking watches, printing guides and large-print
Applications for library services with free digital audio books
To make an appointment for a free one-on-one consultation in your area, please call
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More This ‘n That . . . .
Guess Who ??
Who Is This?
Who is the young man in the picture to the left? Can
you guess? If you think you know you could win $10.
Call or stop by and tell us who he is and your name
will be put in a drawing! Winner will be selected
April 16
Good Luck!
March’s Guess Who winner was:
Beverly Beardsley correctly identified Ryan
Seacrest as the young man in the March picture.
Congratulations Bev!
Menifee Better Together
On Saturday, April 25, 2015, the “3rd Annual Menifee Better Together” will be held. It
is a community day of cleanup and provide helping hands for many of our senior population.
The City of Menifee, Inland Valley Habitat for Humanity, Menifee Interfaith and Community
Service Council, Sun City Civic Association (SCCA), and many other clubs, businesses and
organizations come together to make a difference.
This year there will be:
1. A Habitat for Humanity “senior home” cleanup. The goal is to do yard work, weed
abatement, exterior trim painting and more . . .
2. Senior window washing and porch cleanup . . .
3. Quail Valley community cleanup . . .
Habitat for Humanity, Menifee Better Together home applications are available on their
website or at the Sun City Civic Association office, March 1st. Applications are due to Habitat
by March 31st, 2015. Senior window washing applications are available March 2nd at the Kay
Ceniceros Senior Center and the Sun City Civic Association and are due by March 31st, 2015.
Volunteers can sign-up on Donations of window cleaning supplies
are welcomed. For volunteer questions please contact Lesa Sobek, Volunteer, at 951-6723384. For home application questions please contact Inland Valley Habitat for Humanity at
City of Menifee Senior Advisory Committee
The Menifee Senior Advisory Committee is comprised of seniors appointed by each City
Council member. The Chairperson is Gloria Sanchez; Vice-Chairperson is Ken Woytek; and,
the Committee Members are Victoria Arendain, Ruth Goulet and Chuck Reutter. City staff advisors are Community Services Director Robert Lennox, Management Analyst Margarita
Cornejo, and Senior Administrative Analyst Allen Yun.
The Advisory Committee meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10 am in the City
Council Chambers, located at 29714 Haun Rd. The public is highly encouraged to attend.
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