Freedom Sounds Newsletter


Freedom Sounds Newsletter
Sounds of Freedom
2012 Issue Highlights
We have chosen
education as the
bridge to
Serena Wilson, our family’s Griot
Little Freddie Fred Strother.
Allied Families:
Visit the Family Website
2013 Family Reunion
Information THANKS FOR
Washington DC
APRIL 21-24th, 2012
Traveling Exhibits…………………..
Booking information, comments
and photos for 2012 exhibits.
UGRR Museum Gallery…………..11
Visit the new UGRR Quilt Code
Museum’s On-line Gallery.
Social Media & updated website
The UGRR Quilt Code Museum
Freedom Sounds is published
annualy by The Underground
Railroad Secret Quilt Code Museum.
Phone: (404) 468-7050
Editor in Chief: Dr. Howard Wilson
Editor: Teresa Kemp
Writers: Denese Wilson-Tate, Tanisha
Illustrations: Jamel Joyce
Photography: Kir K. Kemp
Contributors: Herb Kemp, Shirley ClarkKemp, Serena Wilson, Dashanaba
Abrams. Adkins,
Andersons, Austins,
Balls, Barnes, Belchers,
Bells, Bigbys, Blacks,
Bormans, Boorams,
Brunsons, Browns,
Bulls, Busseys, Clarke,
Coleman, Collins,
Culpeppers, Dents,
Devards, Devores,
Dews, Dunns,
Eichelbergers, Evans,
Farrows (Pharrors).
Gaffney, Gandys,
Gilcrest, Gordons,
Hamptons, Handcocks,
Hollinsworths, Holmes,
Hortons, Howards,
Issoms, Jeffersons,
Jenkins, Jones, Joyces,
Kemps, King, Larrys,
Littles, Means,
McDaniels, Mobleys,
Moores, Palmores,
Perrys, Pixleys, Popes,
Powells, Richardsons,
Robinsons, Sheppards,
Simpkins, Smiley's,
Smiths, Stanleys,
Strother, Struthers,
Tates, Taylors, Thomas,
Whitehurst, Williams,
Wilson, Witcher,
Woods, Yelder
David Richardson Strother 1814 - 1870
(DNA confirmed Milton J. Strother’s Father)
We are currently working diligently on the following Family Projects
The Family‟s Photo Genealogy, Join Us get active! Before they
crumble let’s get as many photos & documents as possible digitized.
“Life & Life More Abundantly” Family Cancer Study Project: We
have a cancer booklet we are compiling. We are trying to find out if
any of our relatives have cancer or died from cancer. Please e-mail their
name, birth date, where they lived and if they passed and the type of
cancer if known (optional) to Teresa Kemp at
(The information will not be available to public viewing).
Saving Family Recipes Project - Send your favorite recipe, a photo of
the person, your favorite cooking memory and who influenced you the
most. Let us know who taught you to cook!
Military Service Project - If you or one of your family members
served in the military or you have service, pension records or photos
please send a copy to
Cemetery Burial Records Project - If you have death certificates,
photos or memorial brochures, bible family death records or obituaries
for any of our family members please forward that information to
Teresa Kemp. We do have a lot of information!
Saving Our Quilts – For information on preserving your quilt, or if
you have a quilt or quilt tops by one of your family members
photograph it, date, attach the name and any information you have on
the quilter(s). Forward that information to
along with a photo of the quilter. We would also like one of your
favorite memories of the quilt or the quilter and anything else you
would like to contribute.
"Promised Land” Home site Preservation-Calling for the location(s),
copies of historic land deeds, maps, drawings, newspaper articles and
photos of houses or schools where you or your family
grew up. Write a short narrative to accompany the information.
Visit us at for more information
Progress! We are on FACEBOOK & Blog at
There is a link to SC State Archives 1837 Last Will & Testament of Joyce “Joicy” Culpepper's will naming David
R. Strother, (my mother's grandfather) on the website
Below is 1810 Will naming George James Strother as an Executor to the will of Patrick Ardagh.
Revolutionary War Patriot (David Richardson Strother’s father)
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Application for Sons of American Revolution for a descendant of patriot George Strother, he’s the father of
David Richardson Strother. Other family members are in the Dames of the Magna Charta, Sons & Daughters
of American Revolution, Sons and Daughter of the Confederates, the Huguenots, and many other societies.
The benefits of membership include networking, access to historic places, original documents, photos and
many benefits are not disclosed to the public.
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Joicy is David Richardson’s Strother‘s grandmother. When I took the DNA test I was contacted by 4 men from
the Woods family who said I matched their DNA and wanted to know how we were related. They are
descendants of Joicy Culpepper Strother! My DNA matched hers when she died in 1837! Amazing.
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Above is the 1840 US Census Record for David Richardson Strother‟s Household.
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Above is a list of the slaves of David R. Strother on the 1850 US Census Schedule2.
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Above is the 1860 Federal US Census Record for David Richardson Strother of Edgefield Cty, SC
David’s Plantation was named Rock Hill Plantation. He had the highest grossing plantation in the state of SC for
1850 to 1860.
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Strother Family Coat of Arms
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PETER & ELIZA FARROW– Abolitionist
“We are not those who withdrew!” Hebrews 39:16
Rev. Peter Farrow, Jr., the Blacksmith
(The 1st Peter & Eliza son Born 1857 died 10/21/ 1946)
Peter Jr. married Eliza listed Lizza on early US Census.
He officiated at the wedding of Milton John Strother and
Mary Eva McDaniel-Strother in Edgefield, SC. Catherine
(John McDaniel’s daughter Catherine said she only knew
‘Lizza by the nickname “Ma Deah” like my dear.
November 6, 2012, I found a handwritten letter from my
mother, dated May 3, 2010 with the following information:
“RE: Great Grandpa Peter Farrow married Maliza “Ma Dear”
His children James “Jim”, Gency (Va), Nora Bell, Thomas
“Tom” Farrow. Aunt Jency married Kit Carson (Holmes) C.
(child) Ruben Smith. Uncle Jim’s wife - Cora Farrow
children Susie (Still living in her 90’s) & Lucille Farrow
We repeated this after him “Early to bed, Early to rise makes you healthy wealthy and wise.” Grandpa had
many wise words, “The Golden Rule” The cock crowed in the morning to tell us Great Grand pa Peter Farrow
(Rev.) died in the evening about sundown. (He was sick for several weeks and sent for his son Jim to come
home from California. He had a “bad foot “swollen and couldn’t walk, he had stepped on rusty barbwire. He
treated it with Epson Salt foot baths. It continued to swell and it “festered” (his foot) became infected. They
soaked it 3 times a day after it burst open with the “benadine” but he got worse. Now his prostate cancer was
bothering him for years (problem passing urine due to swelling and soreness of the”private parts”. He had
“trouble” passing water - slow urination. He was too sick to attend church. Uncle Jim and his children came
home early in the day and that evening Great Grandpa Peter died.
I, Serena was a little girl when Great Grandpa Peter would come on a brown horse to Nora Bell, his daughter’s
home, (My grandmother) and visit all day on Saturdays in good weather. He would sit on the front porch in the
rocking chair. We would hear him call us “Come here my little Ibo chullins” We great grand children would
come.”He said, “Now tell me your ABC’s” and after that we had to say our numbers to 100. Then the big
cousins and my sister Viola Geneva would say and spell their names. He would nod his head in agreement and
when anyone made a mistake he would help them do it correctly. He was tall 6’4, heavy, set man pertly
around the midsection and very handsome. Thin straight hair and good looking, brown skin (Serena’s color
brown)”. Serena Strother Wilson – May 3, 2010
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Here is a high level overview of the Farrow Line as I currently have it. We will be adding birth, marriage and death dates
and photos to digitize our family’s information before it is lost.
Rev. Peter & Eliza Farrow and had a son. Peter named him after himself. Naming of the son after the father is an Ibo
custom. They were enslaved on a Glynn County, GA plantation and listed in the 1850’s will and slave inventory I have.
REV. Peter Farrow Jr. born 1857, died October 11, 1946 and (Eliza on one US Census Record) „Lizza (Smith)
Farrow born 1864, died November 11, 1933. They had 4 children - 2 sons and 2 daughters. Their names were Tom,
Jim, Jency and Nora Bell. Here are the children of Rev. Peter Jr. and „Liza Farrow:
Thomas “Tom” Farrow born October 1875 (before I had his birth date at 1883).
James (“Jim”) Farrow born September 1885, he died 12/19/1964.
Nora Bell Farrow born October 1888, died September 2, 1957.
Jencia “Jency” Farrow-Holms died 10/15/1968 m. Gary and (She had a son Willie P. Bonham born 1890 in
In this 1920 Census Record for Tom and Thelma Farrow, it shows Tom’s age at 42, born in Georgia and Thelma,
his wife as 19 years old, born in South Carolina as were both of her parents. His parents are also listed as born in
Georgia. They show his occupation as a farmer and hers as a farm laborer. They are living in Hibler Township,
Edgefield County in the state of South Carolina. This was recorded January 29-30th, 1920 by George Jordan
Insert photos of Jim & Lucille Farrow
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Here is the June 8th, 1880 US Census Record of Peter Farrow. The record is stamped as being received in August 1880.
He is on the 1st page of the Census. He is age 21. That puts his birth date at 1857. He could not have been 58 when he
died in 1947 as shown on the Death Index following. His occupation is not listed. He was living in Lincoln County,
Georgia, his parent’s place of birth are not listed.
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This is the 1900 Census Record, taken the 13th day of June in Hazen Township, Columbia County, Georgia for Peter and
Liza Farrow. Enumerator was a George W. Jones. This shows Peter’s birth date as December 1851 and Liza’s birth date as
April 1864. She was 36 years old and listed as a farm laborer. Here they have the children listed as Tom, born October
1863 in Georgia. All ages on this census are “at next birthday”. His occupation is listed as a farm laborer and his age at
next birthday is 16 years old. The other children listed are James, born in Sept. 1855 age at next birthday 14 years old,
Nora (Bell) born in October 1888, age at next birthday is listed as 13 years old. Nancy (Jency), born in September 1891
Nancy’s age at next birthday will be 9 years old.
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Shown Below is the April 26th, 1910 Census Record for Peter Farrow shown as farmer, age 55. It is from Chapel
District Columbia County, in the state of Georgia. Lizza’s name is now Eliza. Eliza is 50 and no occupation,
probably a homemaker. List are Tomas and James as sons have their occupations listed a farm laborers and a
daughter Jencia daughter’s husband Gary, listed as Son-in-Law was born in South Carolina as were both of his
parents and grandson, James H. age 11 months old, born approximately in June of 1909. James H. is listed a
born in Georgia with his parents born in South Carolina and his mother born in Georgia. All spoke English as
their primary language. (Note: Now Peter and Liza both list their parents as born in GA.)
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Here is the marriage record for Thomas “Tom” and Alma “Thelma” Smith - Farrow. It shows Thomas‟s
birth date as 1875!
Here is a photo of Thomas “Tom” and Thelma “Alma” Farrow.
Thomas Farrow
m. Thelma and had the following children: (Susie Mae, Anna Bell Farrow-Kemp and Lucille
Farrow). Note * the census above show shows Tom‟s birth date at 1877.
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I had the opportunity to meet Susie Mae and Lucille Farrow in Los Angeles, CA. Susie Mae is still living!
Insert photo of Lucille & Jim
“Rev. Peter Farrow, Jr. was our great grandfather and his son, Tom is our grandfather. Our mother Anna Bell Farrow
(Kemp) was Tom's daughter. She married Herbert Kemp of Johnston, SC and she lived in Edgefield, SC.
From that union, seven children were born (Listed as follows oldest to youngest).” ___Herb Kemp 2006
1. Herbert Kemp, Jr., (Deloris)Westport, CT (deceased)
2. Blanche Kemp (King) deceased
3. (The twins) Janie Kemp (Brown), Buffalo, NY
4. Jonnie Kemp (Brown), Avon Lake, OH
5. Alberta Kemp (Jones), Philadelphia, PA
6. Helen Kemp (Gordon) deceased
7. Shirley Kemp (Clark), Buffalo, NY
Here is a photo of 6 of the 7 children.
Below is Peter and Liza’s Farrow’s 1930 Census Data from Hibler Township, Edgefield County, State of South Carolina.
His age is 72 and so is Liza’s age. They have a grandson Willie P. (Peat) Bonham, age 21 living with them. Peter is listed a
farmer. Liza is listed as “own home” and Willie P.’s occupation is listed as farm laborer. Peter is also not a veteran. It was
taken April 28th, 1930.
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Below is the State Board of Health of South Carolina’s Death Index showing Peter Farrow’s death as October 21st, 1946
in Edgefield, SC at age 58. (That puts his birth in 1888. He is listed as being 21 years old in the 1880 Census though born
in 1858!) That would make him 87 at his death! He must have looked great for his age! (Or there is another one)
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Tomlin & Laura Ann McDaniel of Red Hill SC
The McDaniel‟s sons married Dents & Farrow (John married Maggie Dent & William Married Nora Bell Farrow)
William “Will”& John McDaniel‟s both had large tracts of land over 100 acres each, in Georgia near
Augusta. all born in Red Hill, SC - Will, Lilly, Emma and John McDaniel's were children born to
Tomlin & Laura Ann McDaniel. I met and talked to Catherine Fuller of Washington DC, who is the last
living child of John McDaniel. She is 90 years old; all others listed below are deceased. We have census
data and other records that will be featured in other issues of the newsletter.
Children of Will & Nora Bell (Farrow) McDaniel‟s Children:
Willie Span
Mary Eva
Catherine *Living in Los Angeles, CA
Nora Bell Smith-Farrow m. William “Will” McDaniel had the following 10 children, 6 boys and 4 girls.
Their children are shown in ( ).
Willie Span "Little Buddy" died in GA as a baby. He died before Catherine and older children were born.
Willie Span McDaniel m. "Sis" Bowman f. Henry Bowman & Sweetie Bowman. 2nd Wife Helen "Ted"
(She is the mother of Linda, Mary, Nora, Kathy, Helen, Frank, Daniel) born in GA Fruitland now known as the Master's
National Golf Club (It also was historically called Bergman’s or Red Hill).
Nora Bell Farrow
Mary Eva McDaniel Strother m. Milton J. Strother Sr. (Viola, Serena, Dunivin, William
Zachariah McDaniel “Uriah” or “Uncle Jac” m. wife “Warren”
Irvin McDaniel m. Thelma Jones and had the following children (Mildred Jones, Miriah Jones,
Leroy Jones, Nathaniel Jones, Clayton, Jerone, Miriam, Linda, Irvin Jr.)
Rev. Cozel "Coopot" McDaniel m. Hanna Williams and had 7 children (Bertha “bunch”, Bell
“Lula Bell”, Silas “Dee”, Ruth “Mickie”, Lula, Norvella, Cozel Jr.)
Ozella McDaniel m. Melvin William's (Melvin Jr. and Sister in Kentucky) (Ozella no children)
Ozella was born 1922 in Edgefield, SC.
Zachariah McDaniel m. “Yankee” (one child, a girl)
Katherine McDaniel-Adkins m. Dave Gilchrist had one child (Dora Gilchrist) Dave Gilchrist
m. Ida. Katherine then married 2nd husband James Adkins (no children).
Calvin McDaniel m. Ester Lockhart (no children).
Florence McDaniel “Sweetening” m. 3 times (no children)
Mary Eva Strother
Catherine is the last living child of Will & Nora McDaniel. I will continue to acquire photos to
digitize and update the above listing before it is lost. Helen “Ted” Moody still living lives in McCormick,
SC. She was married to mom‟s uncle Span. If you have her contact information please let me know (404)
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Churches of the Family
Friendship Baptist Church, Pleasant Grove, Edgefield SC
Bluestone Baptist Bramwell, WV
Path Ministry, Columbus, OH
Little Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church, Charleston, SC
Olivette, Bluefield, WV
In Loving Memory
2011-2012 Family Deaths: Karen Strother Power of Columbus OH, Serena Strother Wilson, Columbus,
OH, Herb Kemp, Emma Jean (Austin) Mason‟s Daughter in Richmond, VA
Grandma Ten Cent’s daughter (As Catherine calls her), Willie Eva was born Feb.5, 1928. If I missed someone
please forward information copy to Teresa Kemp 78 Stafford Street, NW Atlanta, GA 30314 or for the Cemetery Project Booklet.
Willie E. Clark
AUGUSTA, Ga. - Mrs. Willie E. Clark, 81, of 1730 Sibley Road, passed away Friday, January 8,
2011 at Uni-health Post Acute Care Augusta. Visitation will be held from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00
p.m., Friday, January 14, 2011 at Elliott Sons Funeral Home, 2524 Lumpkin Road, Augusta,
Georgia. Funeral Services will be held on at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, January 15, 2011, at the same
location followed by interment at Westover Memorial Park, 2601 Wheeler Road, Augusta,
Georgia. Rev. Al Robinson, Pastor of Smith Grove Baptist Church, will be the program
moderator. Repast will be held immediately after the burial ceremony in the activity/exercise
room at Spring Glen, 1730 Sibley Road, Augusta, Georgia. A native of Keysville, Georgia, Mrs. Clark completed
high school at Boggs Academy and attended Hoberson Junior College. In the 1950's Mrs. Clark relocated to
East Orange, New Jersey working for Brock Manufacturing Company. She was an active outgoing person who
loved people. She excelled in Bowling and participated in many tournaments throughout the northeast. She
was extremely talented in arts and crafts and wonderfully created and shared great decorative art work. She
was also an avid gardener. Mrs. Clark moved back to Augusta, Georgia in the mid 1970's and was employed by
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E-Z -GO until she retired. Mrs. Clark is survived by her husband, James Lester Clark, Sr. and five step- children:
Ronald Ollin Clark and Diane Clark Cook of East Orange, New Jersey, Denise Clark Bell of Newark, New Jersey,
James (Janet) Lester Clark, Jr., of Orlando, Florida, and Debbie Clark of Potomac Falls, Virginia, four
grandchildren, thirteen great grandchildren, eight nephews, five nieces and a host of relatives and friends.
Mrs. Clark was a member of the Smith Grove Baptist Church in Wrens, Georgia, where she served on the usher
board and as the church financial secretary until her health failed. The family would like to express a sincere
appreciation for those persons who have assisted in caring for Mrs. Clark during her illness especially the
Alzheimer’s Association. Published in the Augusta Chronicle from January 13 to January 14, 2011.
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Here is a Georgia/South Carolina Map so you can see where the Farrows, McDaniels and Strother’s resided on
the previous Census Records. Look for the towns of Lincoln, Augusta, Appling GA, Red Hill, McCormick,
Edgefield Cty, Greenwood, Troy and Promised Land, SC where our families lived.
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Here is the Will McDaniel 1920 Census record for Will McDaniel and Nora Bell (Rev. Peter Jr. & Liza Farrow’s daughter)
the It shows Will’s age as 50 born in Georgia, occupation a farmer. Bell, his wife age 29, born in GA, a farm laborer. The
children listed below are Span, age 10, born in Georgia in 1910 worked as a farm laborer. (Mary) Eva age 8, born in
Georgia 1912, Ervin, age 5, born in Georgia in 1915. Cozel age 2 ½ born in South Carolina in 1918/1917, and Uriah age as
8 months old also born in South Carolina. At the time of this census record, January 23rd & 23th, 1920 they lived in
Hibler Township of Edgefield County, State of SC. This is the same area as the Farrow’s.
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By the time of the following 1930 Census the McDaniel’s had moved to East Greenwood Township, McCormick County,
SC and had more children. (Nora) Bell is now listed as “at home” and not a farm laborer. The children, listed below
(Note. Ages now differ from 1920 census they are not 10 years advanced) are Span, age 18 born in Georgia. In 1910, still
shown working as a farm laborer. (Mary) Eva, age 16 born in Georgia 1912. She is now listed as at home. (Ervin) now
name shown as Earl) age 5, was born in Georgia in 1915. Cozel, age 2 ½ born in South Carolina in 1918/19 and Uriah’s
age listed as 8 months old also born in South Carolina. At the time of this census record, April 21st, 1930, the
Enumerator was Malvel Williams.
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Here is the Scoggin’s Family Death Record page contributed by one of the great grand children of Tom Farrow born
1875, who is the child of Peter and Nora Bell (Smith) Farrow died September 2, 1957.
This family death record list “Allied families” as the Borman, Bunson, Harrisons, Holms, McDaniel, Higgins, Holloways,
Holmes, Gaffney, McDaniels, Moores and Smiths.
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Here is the listing you asked for at the last reunion! It is correct for all of the 15 children of Milton J. Strother
(Serena's father she is also known as Doll) It is not totally complete I do not have all of his grandchildren's names
and but I have some great-grands.
I have omitted them here so as not to offend anyone.
Milton J. Strother was married first to Martha Pixley, who had 11 children prior to her death in 1929. Many of the children
were born prior to 1900!
Milton Strother & Martha Pixley-Strother's children are:
Bertha Strother Bussey m. Charlie Bussey (Theodore, David, Freddie, Leona, Huburt)
Elberta Strother Davis-Briggs (Christine, Inez, Fannie, Fred)
Eugene Strother m. Annie (killed) 2nd wife Mary (James, Ada, Mamie)
Mary Emma Strother-DeVore m. John DeVore (Ophelia, James H., Haywood, Blanche E., John, James,
Howard, Dorotha, Joseph and Precola)
Sarah S. Green-Quattlebaum (adopted) m. Gavazzie Quattlebaum (no children) Mamie Green is listed
in a census also.
Fred Strother m. Serena (Serena, Margie, Jean, Freddie Jr. and Julia Means)
John Strother m. Mary (Belva, Johnesta and John Jr.)
Frank Strother m. Onie (Frankie), Alphonzo Strother m. Ellie Pearl (Lilly Pearl and Alphonzo Jr.)
Edwin Strother m. Rosa (Doris)
Milton‟s sons Julian, Jeremiah and Milton Jr. (died young, never
married, no children)
* Not pictured above is the youngest, William who was called
Viola G. Strother–Witcher m. Sinclair Witcher of Williamson
(Sharon Little)
Willie May (AKA) Serena M. Strother-Wilson m. Howard Wilson
(M. Denese Wilson-Coleman, Teresa Wilson-Kemp, (Howard
Anthony Wilson)
Douvant Benjamin Strother m. Jane Holeman (Stewart Strother,
Karen Strother)
William Strother “Lamie” m. Odessa (Christopher, Lisa, Robin and
has other kids) *I do not have their names at this time if you do write
me. I will have the children of William here corrected shortly.
Viola, Serena, Mary Eva, Benny on her lap, and Milton Strother
Sr. are pictured in the photo above.
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Our Applachian Family
James Henry & Eliza Wade Jefferson had William Jefferson (My great grandfather)
Horten & Frances (stone) McDaniel (below) had Irene McDaniel (My great grandmother)
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left these
photos, &
written list
of his
and sisters.
He is in the
photo to the
Left are
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Irene & William Jefferson Bluestone Baptist Church
Irene singing in choir (pictured far left)
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Alma Maham and Family of Minneapolis
Bluestone School below
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Louise Wilson above her younger sister Maudina & her husband Rev. Howard
Louise at Bluestone Baptist Church 2nd on ft. right
Louise Jefferson bk. 2nd on right
her father William Jefferson ft.
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Fredrick Douglas & Joyce Jefferson
Roy Maudina & Freddie Jefferson
Maudina holding Anita, Roy, Kenny, Jessie in ft.
Jeff and Maudina
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Maudina Rev. J.J. Howard William Jefferson and Joyce
Louise (Jefferson) Wilson with her nephew Jessie above
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Roy Jefferson his dad William & Maudina & Roy Below on right
Samuel Jefferson the youngest of Will & Irene‟s children below
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Maudina Rev. Howard & Family below
Frederick Douglass “Fred” Jefferson above
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Rev. Howard & his brother-in-law Roy Jefferson & his wife Carol
Above Photos of Roy Jefferson
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Born in Bramwell, WV Thomas “Jr.” Wilson
Thomas & younger brother Howard Wilson
Military photo of Thomas Navy & Howard Wilson Army
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Howard Wilson teen years & Thomas Wilson at his birthday party (his future bride on his left)
I will start with my parents and hope to feature all of you in future newsletters send me your photos and family relationships.
Howard Wilson married Willie M. (Serena) Strother (Serena‟s name on her birth certificate)
Below in Baumholder Germany where I was born with Serena holding Teresa (me), Denese and Howard Wilson
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They had 3 children, Maria Denese, Teresa Renee, Howard Anthony Wilson.
Ft. Angie Coleman, Tanisha Thomas, Tasha Wilson second Row Left Howard Serena Wilson Regina Wilson
Back Row Anthony with his daughter Amber
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(Above) William Jefferson‟s parent‟s names in his writing (he is pictured on right)
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Bluestone (Elementary, Jr. High & High School)
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The Party is Started and Let‟s Keep This Party Going!
Have you made a list of your family members?
Start with your parent‟s birthdates and where they were born (their parents if you know them). Ask
them if they are living what were their brothers and sisters names, their birth dates, where they were
born, church(es) attended and school names. Next add yourself and your siblings (if any) and if you were
married, get the same information for his family. Then If you or your siblings have had children make a
list of them and the same information for each of them. Try to find a photo of each and keep it all
together or scan it into a computer and send it to me.
Denese m. Billy Clevia Coleman Jr. (his parents were Billy Clevia Coleman Sr. and Racheal who had 11other child. They resided in
Prentis, MI. One of his sisters was Shantel.) Denese Wilson and Billy Jr. had Angel Nicole Coleman, her 2nd husband was Tate,
Denese and Primous “Steve” Williams had Steven Howard Wilson now of Charleston, SC. He and his family are shown in this photo
Dense with her daughter Angel & son Steve in 1980s
Below, Serena Strother Wilson is top left in the photo below with her
daughter, Maria Denese’s son, (Serena’s grandson) Steven Howard Wilson
and his family. Steven Howard Wilson is married to Latoya Yates standing
2nd from the right. Also in this picture are their son’s Brandon Black in
red, age 17 and Trae Yates sitting in white shirt, age 15 years old, Steve
Sr. is holding Steven Howard Wilson Jr. age 3. They live in Charleston,
SC. Our prayers are with Toya as she battles cancer.
Steve is grown with
two little ones of
his own, Angie is
deceased and her
daughter Jasmine is 16 years old.
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I want to thank all those who kept our families history alive. Thank you to all of you who shared their photos,
records and information. I love old photos and history.
Please keep sending me project ideas with other documents that are not included in this first Newsletter. I will meet you in
Charleston at the Family Reunion. Don’t forget to send us your information, photos, ideas and what you would like to do
at the reunion or information you want us to source for you.
I know you noticed we really have some nicknames in our family!
I have a lot of documents but I don’t always travel with them which is why I love the website and this electronic
newsletter. This is a very inexpensive medium to get you all up to speed and distribute information electronically.
If there is a senior member of the family who is not computer savvy please take your computer by their home and share
this with them. If I have made any mistakes or omitted anyone, send corrections. I welcome them and any comments. We
can change the format. This is my first attempt. As you all offer input it will only get better!
Love you all, may the Lord Bless and Keep you!
Teresa R. Kemp with my azaleas Atlanta, GA
Denese with granddaughter Jasmine at Christmas 2010.
Here are photos of us today. We will be featuring different families as you
send in photos and information.
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At our home is Tanisha, “Chuck” Calvin G., Calvin H. (2 years old), and Teresa (me) holding Kir 11 mths.
Below is Calvin “Chuck” Kemp (Teresa‟s husband) with our oldest daughter Wendy and her husband Paul
Whitehurst at Turner High School reunion in Atlanta, GA. Tanisha attended Jr. High there also.
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Far right is our daughter Tanisha‟s 2005 graduation from Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio.
Below L to R. Dr. Howard Wilson, (granddaughter) Kir Serena, Serena “Doll”, ( grandson) Calvin Howard at GSU 2010.
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Chuck row in back granddaughter Diamond age 11, daughter Angel in stripes, her daughter Jasmine N. age 12, Angel‟s
husband Anthony, our son Calvin Howard, Kir holding Emanuel the dog, in ft. Anthony age 6. These are 3 of 8 children & 3 of
our 12 grandchildren. We have 4 greatgrands in Atlanta, GA on Stafford Street!
Above are Angel Nicole, Calvin Howard, Kir Serena Kemp not shown are Carlos, Wendy, Tanisha & James
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L to R rear Howard Anthony Wilson (deceased), Tasha Wilson, one of Anthony’s two daughters, Angie (Deceased -one of
the two children of Maria Denese Wilson - Tate) Dr. Howard Wilson with (in front) her daughter Jasmine, in Columbus, Ohio.
Below is Anthony’s oldest daughter Amber with one of her 3 sons.
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L to R, Patrick
family friend,
Serena with the
Joyce family
and great
grandson Jamel
in front sitting
in Car.
Where should the 2013 Family Reunion be?
When? These have been suggested:
Easter Weekend/ June when school is out / August
Where? These locations have been suggested
Atlanta, GA / Los Angeles/ Augusta, GA/ Columbus, Ohio
What Activities do you want? Consider carpooling with other family members too.
The latest information is on-line at
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