New Titles - Perma


New Titles - Perma
All Prices in Canadian Dollars
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by Dylan Pritchett
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J UST G RACE by Charise Mericle Harper
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We welcome your ideas, suggestions, and comments.
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New Titles Of Interest
New Series Additions!
Cam Jansen – Cam Jansen And The Summer Camp Mysteries (013763) by David A. Adler, page 14
Froggy – Froggy Plays T-Ball (013843) by Jonathan London, page 21
Geronimo Stilton –Wedding Crasher (013662) by Geronimo Stilton, page 18
Hank Zipzer – Curtain Went Up, My Pants Fell Down (013771) by Henry Winkler & Lin Oliver, page 19
Junie B. Jones – Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny (013485) by Barbara Park, page 17
Junie B. Jones In Spanish – Junie B. Jones Duerme En Una Mansion (013692) by Barbara Park, page 17
Magic Tree House – Dragon Of The Red Dawn (013481) by Mary Pope Osborne, page 17
Magic Tree House Research Guides - Tsunamis And Other Natural Disasters: A Nonfiction Companion
To High Tide In Hawaii (013484) by Mary Pope Osborne, page 5
Olivia (Spanish) – Olivia Forma Una Banda (015683) by Ian Falconer, page 20
26 Fairmount Avenue – Why? The War Years (013885) by Tomie De Paola, page 14
New Titles of Interest!
Cat In The Hat Beginner Book Dictionary (014316) by Dr. Seuss & P.D. Eastman, page 6
Green Eggs And Ham Cookbook (015574) by Georgeanne Brennan, page 8
Professional Titles
Curriculum Mapping For Differentiated Instruction, K-8 (015708) by Michelle A. Langa, page 5
Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All (015709) by Gayle Gregory, page 5
New Titles from
Favorite Authors!
Good Day (013541) by Kevin Henkes, page 20
Good Sports: Rhymes About Running, Jumping,
Throwing, And More (013724)
by Jack Prelutsky, page 11
Nibble Nibble (013555)
by Margaret Wise Brown, page 11
Celebrity Author
Picture Book
Feathers (013892) by Jacqueline Woodson, page 19
Mercy Watson: Princess In Disguise (016875)
by Kate DiCamillo, page 15
On The Wings Of Heroes (013877)
by Richard Peck, page 17
Whoopi’s Big Book Of Manners (016785)
by Whoopi Goldberg, page 6
New Series!
Behind The Plate
History Dudes
(Child’s World) • Grades 3-6
Set of 6 TITLES (962987) ________$156.90196.44
(DK) • Grades 2-5
Set of 2 TITLES (963047) __________$20.2625.36
American League Central — Fischer,
D. (014020) __________________
American League East — Buckley, J.
(014021) _____________________
American League West —
Clendening, J. (014022) ________
National League Central —
Silbaugh, J. (014023) ___________
National League East —
Teitelbaum, M. (014024) ________
National League West — Gigliotti, J.
(014025) _____________________
How It Happens
(Oliver Press) • Grades 2-5
Set of 5 TITLES (963057) ________ $102.15127.90
Explore The Continents
(Crabtree) • Grades 2-5
Set of 7 TITLES (963027) ________$88.76111.09
Explore Africa — Kalman, B. (015607)
Explore Antarctica — Kalman, B.
(015610) ______________________
Explore Asia — Kalman, B. (015611)
Explore Australia And Oceania —
Kalman, B. (015612) _____________
Explore Europe — Aloian, M. (015618)
Explore North America — Aloian, M.
(015616) ______________________
Explore South America — Aloian, M.
(015617) _______________________
Graphic Myths And Legends
(Lerner) • Grades 4-7
Set of 6 TITLES (963037) ________$124.50155.88
Amaterasu: Return Of The Sun —
Storrie, P. D. (015723) ___________
Atalanta: The Race Against Destiny —
Fontes, J. & R. (015724) __________
Demeter And Persephone: Spring
Held Hostage — Fontes, J. & R.
(015725) ______________________
Jason And The Golden Fleece —
Limke, J. (015726) _____________
Robin Hood: Outlaw Of Sherwood
Forest — Storrie, P. D. (015727)
Yu The Great: Conquering The Flood
— Storrie, P. D. (015728) _________
Ancient Egyptian Dudes — DK Editors
(016831) ______________________ G10.1312.68
Viking Dudes — DK Editors (016832) G1.1310 2.68
How It Happens At The Building Site
— Anderson, J. (014108) AR ____
How It Happens At The Cereal
Company — Rocker, M. (014109)
AR __________________________
How It Happens At The Fireworks
Factory — Rocker, M. (014110)
AR __________________________
How It Happens At The Motorcycle
Plant — Shofner, S. (014111) ____
How It Happens At The Pizza
Company — Shofner, S. (014112)
NBA: A History Of Hoops
(Creative Education) • Grades 4-7
Set of 30 TITLES (963097) _______$443.0555.00
History Of The Atlanta Hawks —
LeBoutillier, N. (015110) AR ____
History Of The Boston Celtics —
LeBoutillier, N. (015111) AR ____
History Of The Charlotte Bobcats —
Nichols, J. (015113) AR ________
History Of The Chicago Bulls —
LeBoutillier, N. (015116) AR ____
History Of The Cleveland Cavaliers
— LeBoutillier, N. (015117) AR __
History Of The Dallas Mavericks —
Frisch, A. (015118) AR _________
History Of The Denver Nuggets —
LeBoutillier, N. (015119) AR ____
History Of The Detroit Pistons —
LeBoutillier, N. (015129) AR ____
History Of The Golden State
Warriors — LeBoutillier, N.
(015130) AR _________________
History Of The Houston Rockets —
LeBoutillier, N. (015132) AR ____
History Of The Indiana Pacers —
Frisch, A. (015134) AR ________
History Of The Los Angeles Clippers
— Frisch, A. (015135) AR ________
History Of The Los Angeles Lakers —
LeBoutillier, N. (015136) AR _____
History Of The Memphis Grizzlies —
Gilbert, S. (015155) AR _________
History Of The Miami Heat —
Gilbert, S. (015192) AR _________
History Of The Milwaukee Bucks —
LeBoutillier, N. (015193) AR _____
History Of The Minnesota
Timberwolves — Gilbert, S.
(015194) AR __________________
History Of The New Jersey Nets —
LeBoutillier, N. (015195) AR _____
History Of The New York Knicks —
LeBoutillier, N. (015197) AR _____
History Of The Philadelphia 76ers —
LeBoutillier, N. (015269) AR _____
History Of The Phoenix Suns —
Frisch, A. (015270) AR __________
History Of The Portland Trail Blazers
— Frisch, A. (015271) AR _______
History Of The Sacramento Kings —
LeBoutillier, N. (015272) AR _____
History Of The Utah Jazz —
LeBoutillier, N. (015276) AR _____
Story Of The New Orleans Hornets
— Gilbert, S. (015196) AR ______
Story Of The Orlando Magic —
Gilbert, S. (015268) AR ________
Story Of The San Antonio Spurs —
LeBoutillier, N. (015273) AR ____
Story Of The Seattle Supersonics —
LeBoutillier, N. (015274) AR ____
Story Of The Toronto Raptors —
Gilbert, S. (015275) AR ________
Story Of The Washington Wizards —
Frisch, A. (015277) AR ________
Up Close
(Viking) • Grades 5-9
Set of 4 TITLES (963117) __________$68.2085.36
Johnny Cash — Neimark, A. (013847)
Oprah Winfrey — Cooper, I. (013848)
Rachel Carson — Levine, E. (013849)
Robert F. Kennedy — Aronson, M.
(013850) _____________________
“…excellent title to
use for addressing
state requirements
for fine arts, science,
social studies, civics,
geography, math,
listening and
speaking, as well
as Character
Counts topics.”
By Dylan Pritchett
014811 $22.56
August House
Reading Level: 3 Interest Level: 1-3
Classification: Easy
The First Music, written by Dylan Pritchett,
is a creation tale explaining the creation
and development of polyrhythmic and
polyphonic music. Over a six day period
a new sound is developed by the animals
of the African forest. On the seventh day
the First Music is heard.
The story begins with a description of
animal noises heard in the African forest.
The forest is alive with individual animal
noises. All of the animals contribute,
except for the frogs who remain silent
observers. The random collection of animal noises continues until Elephant stubs
his toe on a hollow log and accidentally
introduces a new sound to the forest. All
of the animals stop to listen as Elephant
continues to thump the hollow log. One
by one the animals are drawn in to listen
to the new sound. It makes them want
to move. They quickly begin to alter their
own movements and noises in order to
contribute to the new sound; everyone
except for the frogs who remain silent
observers. The celebration continues for
six days as the frogs watch and listen,
but feel unable to participate. On the
seventh day all is quiet in the forest; then,
suddenly a new sound is heard from the
frogs as they wake to greet the new day.
The animals are once again drawn together by a new sound where they all join in
and learn that everyone has something
to contribute with the end result being
the creation of The First Music.
Dylan Pritchett, President of the National
Association of Black Storytellers and a
nationally-renowned storyteller himself,
is known for his dedication to furthering
the tradition of oral storytelling. The First
Music, his first picture book, is a creation
story in which Pritchett directs the audience to look to the most basic origins of
the first music ever heard- nature and the
animals. Pritchett is inspired by folktales
that cross cultural boundaries and deliver
a positive message. This is evident in the
book. In the true story-telling tradition,
this tale delivers a message to the audience that everyone has something to contribute, everyone should be given an
opportunity to be heard, and great things
come from working together.
This story is just begging to be read
aloud, told, and retold for the enjoyment
of all. The audience will feel compelled
to participate in the lyrical contributions
of the animal characters.
The First Music is an excellent title to use
for addressing state requirements for fine
arts, science, social studies, civics, geography, math, listening and speaking, as
well as Character Counts topics. This title
provides ample opportunities to teach and
reinforce numbers and counting, music,
instruments, rhythm and dance. Other
areas include social issues such as cooperation, respect, acceptance, individualism, multiculturalism, and social roles.
Reviewed by Connie Patty
Curriculum Specialist
If you like this book, you might find the
following related titles of interest as well.
by Mike Graf (004540)
Cool Time Song
by Carole Lexa Schaefer (009691)
Heaven’s All-Star Jazz Band
by Don Carter (132850)
Let’s Make Music
by Deborah Lock (175482)
Making Music
by Dana Meachen Rau (187213)
Marsh Morning
by Marianne Berkes (191490)
Music From The Sky
by Denise Gillard (204737)
Music Is
by Lloyd Moss (204747)
Music Of The Meadows
by Susan Ring (005590)
Tropical Rain Forest: A Web Of Life
by Philip Johansson (306353)
Welcome To Zanzibar Road
by Niki Daly (005906)
By Charise Mericle Harper
016587 $20.34
Houghton Mifflin
Reading Level: 3 Interest Level: 1-4
Classification: Fiction
With inspiration from their favorite television show, Unlikely Heroes, Grace and her
best friend Mimi decide to cheer a neighbor who broke her leg after falling off of a
ladder, nearly squashing her cat Crinkles.
Grace’s parents have an apartment in their
basement, and their tenant suggests that
Crinkles is now afraid of her owner, Mrs.
Luther, and that is why the cat has been
prowling around.
Through this warm-hearted tale, readers
realize how badly someone’s intentions can
be misinterpreted. After receiving a postcard from her aunt, Grace decided to
anonymously send Mrs. Luther postcards
featuring Crinkles with messages meant to
assure her of the cat’s love. However, the
plan involved deception.
In the meantime, Mrs. Luther had struck
up a friendship with the paperboy, Sammy
Stringer. Grace finds this development fascinating, especially since she considers
boys to be disgusting. Sammy is a thirdgrader in Grace’s class, and when she sees
him running around Mrs. Luther’s yard
chasing Crinkles, she feels justified in letting the cat into the apartment, even
though there is a strict no pet policy.
Within days, Sammy is called to the principal’s office and accused of having stolen
the cat. He’s distraught, and after word
gets around the school, Grace realizes her
postcards have been misconstrued as ransom notes. Their plan backfiring, Grace
and Mimi decide to go to the principal and
fess up. Their parents are called, and Grace
knows that despite her good intentions,
she is going to be in major trouble. Her
father feels there is more she can do
beyond apologies and insists she and
Sammy work together to find the cat.
That evening Grace sleeps in her parents’
room because she is convinced her room
has ghosts in it, but the next day she discovers the source of the noise—Crinkles is
still in the apartment and is yowling to be
let out! Explaining how Crinkles had been
accidentally stuck in her house is Grace’s
next challenge, but she secures a promise
from Sammy not to tell on her. When
Crinkles is returned to Mrs. Luther, Sammy
becomes an unlikely hero when he says
they found him under some bushes.
Through the experience, Grace develops
more respect for Sammy, and a little more
caution in doing anonymous deeds.
This book is a pleasant chapter book, interspersed with eye-catching artwork and pictures of the postcards, capturing the tone
and mindset of a third grade girl determined to see her plans materialize, despite
the baubles in execution. Complex enough
to not be didactic, the book could be used
to further character education. The plotting, characters and background are
engaging, with short vignettes which could
be used as a read-aloud reward.
“... a pleasant chapter
book, interspersed with
eye-catching artwork,
capturing the tone and
mindset of a third
grade girl determined
to see her plans
materialize, despite
the baubles
in execution.”
Reviewed by Beth Bala
Collection Development Librarian
If you like this book, you might also
How To Be Cool In The Third Grade
by Betsy Duffey (143300)
Mary Margaret, Center Stage
by Christine Kole MacLean (002293)
Three Good Deeds
by Vivian Vande Velde (299632)
“…a good book club
choice in February
for National Black
History Month and
Presidents’ Day,
this book provides
an entirely new
perspective for both
By Ann Rinaldi
010875 $22.36
Reading Level: 5 Interest Level: 5-9
Classification: Fiction
Ann Rinaldi, queen of young adult
American historical fiction, has written
a remarkable tale of two very “unlikely”
friends: Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of our
country’s 16th president and Elizabeth
Keckley, her seamstress during the White
House years and freed slave.
The stage is set as the author describes
that fateful day when President Lincoln
was shot-April 14, 1865. A distraught
Mrs. Lincoln tells her son Robert, “Go
and get my friend Elizabeth Keckley; she
is the only one who understands me.”
So, how did these two women who grew
up in totally different cultural backgrounds
become such close friends for life?
Rinaldi believes the answer lies in their
childhoods and weaves together two tales
of loss, tragedy, pain and sometimes
horrific events, as in Elizabeth’s childhood.
The reader is left amazed at their strength
and determination to survive.
Contemporary young adult readers can
identify with the lives of Mary and Lizzy,
as they also deal with loss, feeling left out,
grief, step families, and setting goals to
better themselves. Using these courageous women as examples, this story
teaches the reader about a variety of
character traits for your character education program: courage, determination,
initiative, perseverance, and responsibility.
This powerful story can also be used to
teach about our country’s turbulent times
leading up to the Civil War. The cruel
event of Lizzy being hired out to a slave
breaker and beaten is one example of the
injustices of slavery. Mary painting flowers
on her family’s fence so runaway slaves
knew it was a place to rest and eat before
continuing on in their escape to the North
demonstrates her courage in stating her
feelings about slavery. Another aspect for
educating students on this time in history
is the vocabulary used-it is especially rich
in the dialect of the period. Ideal for any
time during the school year, but especially
a good book club choice in February for
National Black History Month and
Presidents’ Day, this book provides
an entirely new perspective for both
An Unlikely Friendship: A Novel Of Mary
Todd Lincoln And Elizabeth Keckley is a
dynamic addition for a historical fiction
collection, as young adult readers will
devour this inspirational tale of two young
determined girls preserving against overwhelming odds in achieving their childhood goals.
Reviewed by Theresa C. Sidwell
Collection Development Librarian
If you like this book, you might also
…other Civil War nonfiction books:
Fields Of Fury: The American Civil War
by James McPherson (099125)
President Is Shot!: The Assassination
Of Abraham Lincoln
by Harold Holzer (005384)
United No More!:
Stories Of The Civil War
by Doreen Rappaport (002353)
Walt Whitman: Words For America
by Barbara Kerley (318576)
…other books by Ann Rinaldi:
Acquaintance With Darkness (002283)
Amelia’s War (009521)
Brooklyn Rose (040512)
In My Father’s House (140650)
Numbering All The Bones (218729)
Sarah’s Ground (005767)
New Titles — Annotated Index
All 616 PreK-8 Spring 2007 Titles
(963217)_________________ $12,225.44
Matthews, L. S.–Dog For Life When John, who has a special ability to communicate with
animals, finds that his dog, Mouse is scheduled to go to the pound, he and Mouse decide to
run away and find his uncle who may be able to help them. RL5.2 IL4-7 LX910 AR109548/5.0
RC5.9/11.0 (RA) ©2006 *ALA, K, *PW, SLJ
____015662 DFIC ________________________________________H16.220.29
Reading Interest Lexile Measure
Reading Counts
Accelerated Reader
Additional Symbols
H Publisher’s hardcover edition enhanced with a superior Perma-Bound binding G Original Publisher’s Binding
S Sewn
Nonfiction, Dewey Order
(963137) All 334 PreK-8 Nonfiction Titles
Real Families: Figuring Out Your Family And Where
You Fit In–Lynch, Amy An advice book that helps
girls better understand and deal with their own
unique family dynamics. RL6 IL4-7 (PC) ©2007
____013372 D150 _____________________13.4816.87
S Lost And Found–Moore-Mallinos, Jennifer D. RL1
ILP-2 (BAR) ©2006 Let’s Talk About It! series.
D152 _____________________1.3014.15
S Are You Shy?–Moore-Mallinos, Jennifer D. RL1 ILP-2
(BAR) ©2006 Let’s Talk About It! series.
D155 _____________________1.3014.15
S Dinner In The Lions’ Den–Hartman, Bob
(PU) ©2007
D224 ____________________H18.0522.60
Amaterasu: Return Of The Sun–Storrie, Paul D. RL5
IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007 Graphic Myths & Legends
____015723 D299 ____________________G20.7525.98
Social Sciences
S Arctic Thaw: The People Of The Whale In A
Changing Climate–Lourie, Peter RL5 IL3-6
(BOYD) ©2007
D305 ____________________H18.223.56
S Daddy Is Getting Married–Moore-Mallinos, Jennifer
D. RL1 ILP-2 (BAR) ©2006 Let’s Talk About It!
D306 _____________________1.3014.15
S My Grandparents Are Special–Moore-Mallinos,
Jennifer D. RL1 ILP-2 (BAR) ©2006 Let’s Talk
About It! series.
D306 _____________________1.3014.15
It’s True! This Book Is Bugged–Bursztynski, Sue
RL5 IL3-6 (FIRE) ©2007 It’s True! series.
____016822 D327 _____________________10.2712.86
Global Warming Alert!–Cheel, Richard Examines
how the way we live affects the planet. RL6 IL4-7
(CRAB) ©2007 Disaster Alert series.
____015589 D363 _____________________12.6815.87
Tsunamis And Other Natural Disasters: A
Nonfiction Companion To Hide Tide In
Hawaii–Osborne, Mary Pope RL5 IL2-5 (RA)
©2007 Magic Tree House Research Guides series.
____013484 D363 _____________________9.5011.89
Teach Like Your Hair’s On Fire!: The Methods And
Madness Inside Room 56–Esquith, Rafe ILPROF
(V) ©2007
____013828 D370 ____________________H24.530.36
Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size
Doesn’t Fit All–Gregory, Gayle Offers more than
75 planners, templates, choice boards, rubrics, and
graphic organizers for lesson planning and
adjustable assignments. ILPROF (SAGE) ©2006
____015709 D371 ____________________G23.629.24
School Like Mine: A Unique Celebration Of
Schools Around The World–DK Editors RL5 IL2-5
(DK) ©2007
____016833 D371 ____________________H20.625.36
21st Century Discipline: Teaching Students
Responsibility And Self-Management–Bluestein,
Jane Offers teachers practical and effective techniques for building classroom environments and relationships in which the majority of student behavior is
cooperative and on-task and the majority of instructor time is actually spent on instruction. ILPROF
(SAGE) ©2006
____015707 D371 ____________________G31.639.01
Reading And Writing Across Content
Areas–Sejnost, Roberta Offers step-by-step,
research-based strategies to help teachers increase
students’ reading comprehension, strengthen writing
skills, and build vocabulary across content areas.
____015711 D372 ____________________G31.639.01
Teaching Phonics For Balanced Reading–Starrett,
E. V. Provides educators with guidance on teaching
phonics as part of a well-planned reading program
and discusses the principles, rules, and generalizations of phonics. ILPROF (SAGE) ©2006
____015712 D372 ____________________G25.7032.17
Curriculum Mapping For Differentiated Instruction,
K-8–Langa, Michelle A. Guide to curriculum mapping and instructional planning that supports diverse
learning styles in K-8 classrooms. ILPROF (SAGE)
____015708 D375 ____________________G23.629.24
Trains On The Tracks–Smithyman, Kathryn Explains
the train basics, including types of trains and how
people use trains. RL2 ILK-5 (CRAB) ©2007
Vehicles On The Move series.
____015658 D385 _____________________12.6815.87
Cool Construction Vehicles–MacAulay, Kelley
Introduces the common vehicles used at construction sites and the important jobs they do. RL2 ILK-5
(CRAB) ©2007 Vehicles On The Move series.
____015659 D388 _____________________12.6815.87
Race Cars: Start Your Engines!–Aloian, Molly
Introduces the basic elements of race cars and how
drivers stay safe. RL2 ILK-5 (CRAB) ©2007
Vehicles On The Move series.
____015660 D388 _____________________12.6815.87
S Taxis–Winget, Mary RL2 ILK-2 (LEHC) ©2007 Pull
Ahead Mighty Movers series.
____015753 D388 _____________________10.4713.11
Tough Trucks–Kalman, Bobbie Describes the basic
parts of a truck and the different jobs that trucks are
designed to perform. RL2 ILK-5 (CRAB) ©2007
Vehicles On The Move series.
____015657 D388 _____________________12.6815.87
S Flush!: The Scoop On Poop Throughout The
Ages–Harper, Charise Mericle RL3 ILK-3 (WB)
©2007 SLJ
____010490 D392 ____________________H17.2521.59
S Mysteries Of The Mummy Kids–Halls, Kelly Milner
RL7 IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007
____015777 D393 ____________________H18.223.56
S Celebrate! It’s Cinco De Mayo! = Celebremos! Es El
Cinco De Mayo!–Levy, Janice RL2 ILP-2 (WHIT)
____016803 D394 ____________________H18.0222.56
New Titles – Nonfiction
S Hurray For Today!: All About Holidays–Worth,
Bonnie The Cat in the Hat explains the origins of
various holidays throughout the year, some wellknown and some lesser-known, as well as some
of the rituals associated with each. RL4.1 ILK-3
AR83179/.5 (RA) ©2004 Cat In The Hat’s Learning
Library series.
____014313 D394 ____________________H12.916.16
S Whoopi’s Big Book Of Manners–Goldberg, Whoopi
RL2 ILK-3 (WB) ©2006 PW, SLJ
____016785 D395 ____________________H17.2521.59
Adventures Of Odysseus–Lupton, Hugh RL5 IL4-7
(BARE) ©2006 ALA, *SLJ
____014810 D398 ____________________H20.4625.61
Beauty And The Beast–Eilenberg, Max Through her
great capacity to love, a kind and beautiful maid
releases a handsome prince from the spell which
has made him an ugly beast. RL4 IL1-4 (CAND)
©2006 K, PW, *SLJ
____016793 D398 ____________________H18.6523.35
S Flor De Oro: Un Mito Taino De Puerto Rico (Golden
Flower: A Taino Myth From Puerto Rico)–Jaffe,
Nina A myth that explains the origin of the sea, the
forest, and the island now called Puerto Rico. RL3
ILK-3 (ARTE) ©2006 ALA
____014403 D398 ____________________H16.420.54
Robin Hood: Outlaw Of Sherwood Forest–Storrie,
Paul D. Recounts the life and adventures of Robin
Hood, who, with his band of followers, lived in
Sherwood Forest as an outlaw dedicated to fighting
tyranny. Presented in comic book format. RL5 IL4-7
(LEHC) ©2007 Graphic Myths & Legends series.
____015727 D398 ____________________G20.7525.98
S Sungura And Leopard: A Swahili Trickster
Tale–Knutson, Barbara A small but clever hare and
a fierce leopard agree to share a house, but as the
hare’s family grows, he realizes that he must find a
way to get rid of his bad-tempered neighbor. RL3
ILK-3 (LEHC) ©2007
____015741 D398 _____________________1.2714.11
S Waynetta And The Cornstalk: A Texas Fairy
Tale–Ketteman, Helen A retelling of “Jack and the
Beanstalk” which features a Texas cowgirl, a magic
cornstalk, and a giant cowboy in the clouds. RL2
ILK-3 (WHIT) ©2007
____016802 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
S When Turtle Grew Feathers: A Folktale From The
Choctaw Nation–Tingle, Tim RL3 ILP-2 (AUG)
____016788 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
Yu The Great: Conquering The Flood–Storrie, Paul
D. RL5 IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007 Graphic Myths &
Legends series.
____015728 D398 ____________________G20.7525.98
S Go To Sleep, Gecko!: A Balinese
Folktale–MacDonald, Margaret Read Retells the
folktale of the gecko who complains to the village
chief that the fireflies keep him awake at night but
then learns that in nature all things are connected.
RL2.3 ILP-2 AR106615/.5 (AUG) ©2006 K, SLJ
____016786 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
S Goldilocks And The Three Bears–Buehner, Caralyn
In this variation on the classic folktale, a rhyming,
rope-skipping, little girl rudely helps herself to the
belongings of a genteel family of bears. RL3 ILP-2
(DIAL) ©2007
____013876 D398 ____________________H18.0522.60
S Holy Mole!: A Folktale From Mexico–McAlister,
Caroline A retelling of the traditional Mexican tale
explaining the origins of mole, the savory chocolate
sauce that is served over turkey or chicken. RL3
ILK-3 (AUG) ©2007
____016789 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
S Jack And The Beanstalk–Nesbit, E. After climbing to
the top of a huge beanstalk, a boy uses his quick
wits to outsmart a giant and gain a fortune for himself and his mother. RL2 ILK-3 (CAND) ©2006 K,
____016384 D398 ____________________H18.0522.60
Jason And The Golden Fleece–Limke, Jeff RL5
IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007 Graphic Myths & Legends
____015726 D398 ____________________G20.7525.98
Leyendas De America (Legends Of The
Americas)–Dubovoy, Silvia RL4 IL4-7 (LECT)
____015673 D398 ____________________H2.6728.38
S Little Red Hen: An Old Fable–Forest, Heather
RL2.2 ILP-2 AR106800/.5 (AUG) ©2006 *K, SLJ
D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
S Magic Horse Of Han Gan–Chen, Jiang Hong Master
artist Han Gan’s painted horse comes alive to help
save ancient China from attack. RL4.4 IL3-6
LXAD890 AR110102/.5 RC5.6/3.0 (FSG) ©2006
____014709 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
S Mee-An And The Magic Serpent: A Folktale From
Mali–Diakite, Baba Wague RL3 ILP-2 (GRO)
____016814 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
S Out Of The Egg–Matthews, Tina In this version of the
familiar tale, when the barnyard animals who refused
to help her plant and tend a seed ask to play under
the “great green whispery tree” that Little Red Hen
grew, she says no, but her chick thinks that answer
is mean. RL2 ILP-2 (HM) ©2007
____016583 D398 ____________________H14.818.54
S Priceless Gifts: A Folktale From Italy–Hamilton,
Martha A retelling of a traditional Italian tale in
which a kindly Genoese merchant, richly rewarded
for solving an irritating problem for the king of the
Spice Islands, causes a greedy rival to try and gain
a fortune in the same way. RL3 ILK-3 (AUG) ©2007
____016790 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
S Real Story Of Stone Soup–Compestine, Ying Chang
When a crew of Chinese fishermen forget to bring
cooking utensils with them, they find creative ways to
make do with what they have and what they can
find. RL2 ILK-2 (DU) ©2007
____013863 D398 ____________________H18.0522.60
Merriam-Webster’s Visual Dictionary–MerriamWebster Editors Incorporates more than 20,000
words and their definitions into 6,000 full-color illustrations of a wide variety of objects from all aspects
of life. RL7 IL4-7 (MWEB) ©2006
____015813 D423 ____________________G31.639.01
S Slide And Slurp, Scratch And Burp: More About
Verbs–Cleary, Brian P. RL3 IL2-5 (MILL) ©2007
Words Are Categorical series.
D428 ____________________H17.221.56
Cat In The Hat Beginner Book Dictionary–Seuss, Dr.
& Eastman, P. D. Pictures carry meaning in this dictionary of over a thousand elementary words. RL3
ILK-3 (RA) ©1964 WC
____014316 D463 ____________________H16.220.29
Pure Sciences
Key Concepts In Mathematics: Strengthening
Standards Practice In Grades 6-12–McNamara,
Timothy J. Provides lessons for each of the ten
NCTM standards, with many activities that address
multiple standards and numerous practical suggestions for extending the lessons beyond the curriculum. ILPROF (SAGE) ©2006
____015710 D510 ____________________G31.639.01
S Stargazer’s Alphabet: Night-Sky Wonders From A
To Z–Farrell, John Rhyming tour of the night sky,
from A to Z, with spectacular full-color photographs
and facts about the wonders of space. RL5 IL2-5
(BOYD) ©2007
____015346 D520 ____________________H18.0222.56
Exploring Planet Mars–Jefferis, David Looks at the
funky facts about Earth’s nearest neighbor and
delves into future exploration of the planet and possibly even colonization. RL6 IL4-7 (CRAB) ©2007
Humans In Space series.
____015625 D523 _____________________12.6815.87
Flight Into Orbit–Jefferis, David Examines what
space travel was like in the last century and what it
will be like in the future. RL6 IL4-7 (CRAB) ©2007
Humans In Space series.
____015626 D523 _____________________12.6815.87
Race Into Space–Jefferis, David Looks at the space
race of the last century, when two countries spurred
on by the Cold War competed to be the leader in
space exploration. RL6 IL4-7 (CRAB) ©2007
Humans In Space series.
____015627 D523 _____________________12.6815.87
Return To The Moon–Jefferis, David Asks and
answers many questions about future space travel to
it and its possible colonization. RL6 IL4-7 (CRAB)
©2007 Humans In Space series.
____015628 D523 _____________________12.6815.87
S Telling Time–Murphy, Patricia J. RL3 IL1-3 (DK)
DK Readers: Level 2 series.
D529 _____________________8.911.13
S Time–DK Editors
RL2 ILP-2 (DK) ©2007 Eye Know
D529 ____________________H12.916.16
S Ben Franklin’s Big Shock–Jango-Cohen, Judith
Presents a brief overview of Ben Franklin’s experiments with electrcity and how his findings have
enlightened our world. RL3.8 IL2-4 AR102736/.5
(LEHC) ©2007 On My Own Science series.
____015744 D537 _____________________10.4713.11
New Titles – Nonfiction
Cave Sleuths–Lindop, Laurie Discusses the science
of speleology and what scientists have learned
about caves, how they are formed, and what lives
in them. RL8.5 IL5-9 LX1220 AR102207/2.0
RC5.8/6.0 (TFCB) ©2006 Science On
The Edge series.
____015464 D551 ____________________G21.7927.28
Extreme Weather–DK Editors RL7 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007
Experience series.
____016830 D551 ____________________G12.4715.61
Oceans Atlas (Includes CD)–Ganeri, Anita RL9
IL5-9 (DK) ©2007
____013431 D551 ____________________G15.919.52
S Oh Say Can You Say What’s The Weather Today?:
All About Weather–Rabe, Tish In rhyming text, the
Cat in the Hat teaches Sally and Dick about different
weather conditions and how we learn about them.
RL3.7 ILK-3 AR79080/.5 (RA) ©2004 Cat In The
Hat’s Learning Library series.
____014315 D551 ____________________H12.916.16
Por Que Cuelgan Las Estalactitas (I Wonder Why
Stalactites Hang Down)–Gaff, Jackie Questions
and answers explore the world of caves on land and
under the sea, such as how they are formed, what
animals live in them, and who buried their dead in
caves. RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006 Por Que (I Wonder
Why) series.
____015690 D551 ____________________H14.618.33
Tracking Trash: Flotsam, Jetsam, And The Science
Of Ocean Motion–Burns, Loree Griffin RL7 IL4-7
(HM) ©2007 Scientists In The Field series.
____016591 D551 ____________________H18.623.36
Venturing The Deep Sea–Lindop, Laurie Meet several scientists who study the animals and environment
at the bottom of the ocean floor. RL8.4 IL5-9
LX1200 AR103253/3.0 RC6.2/6.0 (TFCB) ©2006
Science On The Edge series.
____015465 D551 ____________________G21.7927.28
S Weather–DK Editors
Know series.
RL2 ILP-2 (DK) ©2007 Eye
D551 ____________________H12.916.16
S Antarctic Habitat–Aloian, Molly
RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
Introducing Habitats series.
D577 _____________________1.2714.11
S Arctic Habitat–Aloian, Molly
RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
Introducing Habitats series.
____014643 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
S Australian Outback Food Chains–Kalman, Bobbie
RL5 IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2006 Food Chains series.
D577 _____________________1.2714.11
S Backyard Habitats–MacAulay, Kelley
RL4 IL2-4
(CRAB) ©2006 Introducing Habitats series.
D577 _____________________1.2714.11
S Desert Habitat–MacAulay, Kelley
RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
Introducing Habitats series.
D577 _____________________1.2714.11
S Forest Habitat–Kalman, Bobbie
RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
Introducing Habitats series.
____014641 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
S Grassland Habitat–MacAulay, Kelley
RL4 IL2-4
(CRAB) ©2006 Introducing Habitats series.
D577 _____________________1.2714.11
S Land Habitats–Kalman, Bobbie
RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
Introducing Habitats series.
D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Por Que En El Sahara Hace Frio De Noche (I
Wonder Why The Sahara Is Cold At Night)–Gaff,
Jackie Questions and answers explore the world of
deserts answering such questions as “Why are
deserts sandy?” and “How do plants survive in the
desert?” RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006 Por Que (I
Wonder Why) series.
____015691 D577 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Las Cumbres Tienen Nieve (I Wonder Why
Do Mountaintops Have Snow?)–Lectorum Editors
RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006 Por Que (I Wonder Why)
____015692 D577 ____________________H14.618.33
S Rainforest Food Chains–Aloian, Molly
RL5 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2006 Food Chains series.
D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Weather (e.guides)–DK Editors RL6 IL4-7 (DK)
©2007 e-guides series.
____013443 D551 ____________________H18.6523.35
S Rainforest Habitat–Aloian, Molly
Oil–DK Editors RL9 IL5-9 (DK) ©2007 Eyewitness
Books: Science series.
____016846 D553 ____________________H17.0521.34
S Savanna Food Chains–Kalman, Bobbie
Sharks And Other Sea Monsters–Sabuda, Robert
Pop-Up book exploring the prehistoric underwater
world and the monster animals that ruled the waves.
RL4 ILK-4 (CAND) ©2006 HB, PW, SLJ, WC
Encyclopedia Prehistorica series.
____014321 D566 ____________________G21.8327.33
S Savanna Habitat–Kalman, Bobbie
DK First Dinosaur Encyclopedia–DK Editors RL6
IL1-4 (DK) ©2007
____013425 D567 ____________________H17.0521.34
S After The Dinosaurs: Mammoths And Fossil
Mammals–Brown, Charlotte Lewis RL5 IL1-3 (HA)
©2006 KI Can Read Books: Level 2 series.
D569 ____________________H17.2521.59
Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Mega-Beasts–Sabuda,
Robert & Reinhart, Matthew RL4 ILK-4 (CAND)
____016864 D569 ____________________G21.8327.33
S Woolly Mammoths–Wadsworth, Ginger Describes
how mammoths adapted to a changing planet and
the possible reasons they became extinct. RL3.9
IL2-4 AR102985/.5 (LEHC) ©2007 On My Own
Science series.
____015748 D569 _____________________10.4713.11
Por Que Los Buitres Son (I Wonder Why Vultures
Are Bald?)–Lectorum Editors RL5 IL1-4 (LECT)
©2006 Por Que (I Wonder Why) series.
____015694 D570 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Los Peces Tuvieron Patas (I Wonder Why
Did Fish Grow Legs?)–Gaff, Jackie RL5 IL1-4
(LECT) ©2006 Por Que (I Wonder Why) series.
____015696 D570 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Los Romanos Llevaban Toga (I Wonder
Why The Romans Wore Togas?)–MacDonald,
Fiona RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006 Por Que (I Wonder
Why) series.
____015698 D570 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Los Volcanes Echan Lava (I Wonder Why
Volcanos Blow Their Tops?)–Lectorum Editors
RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006 Por Que (I Wonder Why)
____015699 D570 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Mozart Componia Con Cinco Anos (I
Wonder Why Mozart Composed At Age
Five?)–Parker, Josephine RL5 IL1-4 (LECT)
©2006 Por Que (I Wonder Why) series.
____015700 D570 ____________________H14.618.33
RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
Introducing Habitats series.
____014652 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
RL5 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2006 Food Chains series.
____014636 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
RL4 IL2-4
(CRAB) ©2006 Introducing Habitats series.
D577 _____________________1.2714.11
S Water Habitats–Aloian, Molly
RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
Introducing Habitats series.
D577 _____________________1.2714.11
S Wetland Food Chains–Kalman, Bobbie
RL5 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2006 Food Chains series.
D577 _____________________1.2714.11
S Wetland Habitat–Aloian, Molly
RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
Introducing Habitats series.
____014646 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Por Que Los Arboles Tienen Hojas (I Wonder Why
Trees Have Leaves)–Charman, Andy Questions
and answers explore the world of plants, covering
such aspects as leaves, roots, stems, seeds, and
fruit. RL4 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006 Por Que (I Wonder
Why) series.
____015693 D580 ____________________H14.618.33
Amazing Animals Q&A–DK Editors RL7 IL3-6 (DK)
____016839 D590 ____________________H14.618.33
S Elusive Moose–Gannij, Joan RL2 ILP-2 (BARE)
D590 ____________________H17.2521.59
S Desert–DK Editors RL6 IL2-5 (DK) ©2007 Eye
Wonder series.
D591 ____________________H12.4315.56
S Over In The Jungle: A Rainforest Rhyme–Berkes,
Marianne Counting and singing approach for young
children to learn and appreciate the animals of the
tropical rainforest. RL2 ILP-2 (DAWN) ©2007
____015667 D591 _____________________12.816.12
S Packed With Poison!: Deadly Animal
Defenses–Souza, D. M. Discusses how poisonous
animals use their poisons and when humans are in
danger. RL4.5 IL2-4 AR102978/.5 (LEHC) ©2007
On My Own Science series.
____015745 D591 _____________________10.4713.11
S Underground Habitats–Aloian, Molly
RL4 IL2-4
(CRAB) ©2006 Introducing Habitats series.
____014645 D591 _____________________1.2714.11
S Butterflies–Stewart, Melissa RL5 IL2-5 (NORT)
Our Wild World series.
D595 _____________________14.918.14
New Titles
Buzz–DK Editors RL8 IL5-9 (DK) ©2007
____016828 D595 ____________________G19.424.40
Endangered Penguins–Kalman, Bobbie Examines
the different species of penguins, their habitats and
life cycles, as well as the threats they face. RL5
IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007 Earth’s Endangered Animals
____015590 D598 _____________________1.0713.86
S Penguins! Strange And Wonderful–Pringle,
Laurence Introduces young readers to the life and
behavior of one of nature’s most remarkable birds.
RL5 IL2-5 (BOYD) ©2007
____015347 D598 ____________________H18.0222.56
S Bats–Vogel, Julia RL5 IL2-5 (NORT) ©2007 Our Wild
World series.
D599 _____________________14.918.14
S Caring For Cheetahs: My African
Adventure–Hansen, Rosanna Rosanna Hansen
travels to a nature reserve in Namibia, Africa, to aid
cheetahs, one of the world’s endangered species.
RL4 IL3-6 (BOYD) ©2007
____015345 D599 ____________________H18.0222.56
Cheetah Cubs–Clarke, Ginjer L. RL2 ILK-3 (V)
©2007 All Aboard Science Reader: Station Stop 2
____013780 D599 _____________________8.6910.88
Endangered Bears–Kalman, Bobbie Examines the
life cycle and habitats of bears, as well as threats to
the animal. RL5 IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007 Earth’s
Endangered Animals series.
____015588 D599 _____________________1.0713.86
Endangered Monkeys–Aloian, Molly Examines the
life cycle, habitats and food of monkeys, as well as
threats to the animal. RL5 IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007
Earth’s Endangered Animals series.
____015594 D599 _____________________1.0713.86
Endangered Zebras–MacAulay, Kelley Examines the
habitats, behavior, and life cycle of the zebra, as well
as the threats that face them. RL5 IL2-5 (CRAB)
©2007 Earth’s Endangered Animals series.
____015593 D599 _____________________1.0713.86
S Lungs: Your Respiratory System–Simon, Seymour
RL5 IL2-4 (HA) ©2007 ALA
D612 ____________________H18.0522.60
Inventing The Computer–Groves, Marsha Tells the
story of computers and their inventors, from the early
days when computers performed simple functions
and filled entire rooms to today’s compact, super-fast
supercomuters. RL5 IL4-7 (CRAB) ©2007
Breakthrough Inventions series.
____015583 D621 _____________________12.6815.87
Inventing The Electric Light–Mullins, Lisa Tells the
story of how early scientists experimented with the
newly discovered energy called electricity to create
light. RL5 IL4-7 (CRAB) ©2007 Breakthrough
Inventions series.
____015580 D621 _____________________12.6815.87
Inventing The Radio–Fedunkiw, Marianne Combines
both the history and technology behind radio through
the ages, documenting the earliest experiments with
radio waves to the arrival of podcasting. RL5 IL4-7
(CRAB) ©2007 Breakthrough Inventions series.
____015582 D621 _____________________12.6815.87
S You Wouldn’t Want To Be A 19th-Century Coal
Miner In England!: A Dangerous Job You’d
Rather Not Have–Malam, John A humorous
account of the dangers a 19th-century coal miner in
England may have faced each day on the job. RL4.9
IL4-7 LX940 AR109431/.5 RC6.1/3.0 (CP) ©2006
You Wouldn’t Want To... series.
____014726 D622 _____________________13.6817.13
Castle–DK Editors RL7 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007
Experience series.
____016829 D623 ____________________G12.4715.61
S Steamboats: The Story Of Lakers, Ferries, And
Sullivan Learn about the Wright brothers and the
invention of the airplane. RL3.2 IL2-4 AR102983/.5
(LEHC) ©2007 On My Own Science series.
____015747 D629 _____________________10.4713.11
S Hovercraft–Bullard, Lisa RL2 ILK-2 (LEHC) ©2007
Pull Ahead Mighty Movers series.
D629 _____________________10.4713.11
S How It Happens At The Motorcycle Plant–Shofner,
Shawndra Explore how one manufacturer creates
motocycles. RL5 IL2-5 (OLIV) ©2006 How It
Happens series.
____014111 D629 ____________________H20.4325.58
S Lowriders–Bullard, Lisa RL2 ILK-2 (LEHC) ©2007
Pull Ahead Mighty Movers series.
D629 _____________________10.4713.11
S On The Move–DK Editors RL1 ILP-2 (DK) ©2007 DK
Readers: Pre-Level 1 series.
D629 _____________________8.911.13
S Space Shuttle–Zuehlke, Jeffrey RL2 ILK-2 (LEHC)
Pull Ahead Mighty Movers series.
D629 _____________________10.4713.11
M Is For Meow: A Cat Alphabet–Wilbur, Helen L.
RL3 IL2-5 (SBP) ©2006
____016385 D636 ____________________H18.6223.31
Potros Llevan Herraduras (I Wonder Why Horses
Wear Shoes)–Gaff, Jackie Provides answers to
questions about horses with facts, figures, and
records. RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006 Por Que (I
Wonder Why) series.
____015697 D636 ____________________H14.618.33
S Just For Elephants–Buckley, Carol RL6 IL2-5 (TILB)
D639 ____________________H18.0222.56
Green Eggs And Ham Cookbook–Brennan,
Georgeanne RL5 IL2-5 (RA) ©2006
____015574 D641 ____________________H17.8222.31
S How It Happens At The Pizza Company–Shofner,
Shawndra Watch as a pizza factory transforms
basic ingredients into a frozen pizza. RL5 IL2-5
(OLIV) ©2006 How It Happens series.
____014112 D641 ____________________H20.4325.58
Totally Awesome Money Book For Kids–Bochner,
Arthur & Rose Kid’s guide to the basics of saving,
investing, working, and taxes. RL6 IL4-7 (NMKT)
____014699 D650 _____________________13.4816.87
S How It Happens At The Fireworks Factory–Rocker,
Megan Follow skilled technicians craft fireworks,
choreograph a show, and put on a fabulous fireworks display. RL5.2 IL2-5 AR88145/.5 (OLIV)
©2004 How It Happens series.
____014110 D662 ____________________H20.4325.58
S How It Happens At The Cereal Company–Rocker,
Megan Follows the cereal-making process step by
step, from the farmer’s harvest to the kitchen table.
RL5.4 IL2-5 AR88144/.5 (OLIV) ©2004 How It
Happens series.
____014109 D664 ____________________H20.4325.58
Inventing The Printing Press–Mullins, Lisa
Discusses what life was like before the printing press
was invented and how its invention transformed the
lives of ordinary people. RL5 IL4-7 (CRAB) ©2007
Breakthrough Inventions series.
____015581 D686 _____________________12.6815.87
S How It Happens At The Building Site–Anderson,
Jenna Watch as a building project is completed
from the ground up. RL4.9 IL2-5 AR88142/.5
(OLIV) ©2004 How It Happens series.
____014108 D690 ____________________H20.4325.58
Arts & Entertainment
Baroque Period–Fitzpatrick, Anne Examines the history of the Baroque art period and its influence on
seventeenth-century European scientific, religious,
political, and social thinking. RL9.1 IL5-9
AR101617/1.0 (CREA) ©2006 Movements In Art
____015101 D709 ____________________G17.221.43
Majestic Paddlewheelers–Zimmermann, Karl R.
Traces the development of steamboats from the birth
of the Age of Steam in England to steamboats being
used today. RL4 IL3-6 (BOYD) ©2007
____015348 D623 ____________________H20.4325.58
Late Modernism–Fitzpatrick, Anne Examines the history of late modernism art, looking at the changes in
artistic attitudes and expression during the 20th century. RL9.5 IL5-9 AR101612/1.0 (CREA) ©2006
Movements In Art series.
____015105 D709 ____________________G17.221.43
Pull Ahead Mighty Movers series.
D623 _____________________10.4713.11
Renaissance–Fitzpatrick, Anne Examines
Renaissance art as a reflection of the culture of the
period which lasted from the fourteenth to the midseventeenth century, and includes discussion of
selected artists, and examples of their work. RL9.4
IL5-9 AR101618/1.0 (CREA) ©2006 Movements In
Art series.
____015109 D709 ____________________G17.221.43
S Tugboats–Zuehlke, Jeffrey RL2 ILK-2 (LEHC) ©2007
S Subways–Winget, Mary RL2.4 ILK-2 AR110550/.5
(LEHC) ©2007 Pull Ahead Mighty Movers series.
D625 _____________________10.4713.11
S Flyer Flew!: The Invention Of The Airplane–Hill, Lee
New Titles – Nonfiction
S 3-D ABC: A Sculptural Alphabet–Raczka, Bob RL2
ILP-2 (LEHC) ©2006 *SLJ
D730 ____________________H23.629.58
Lullaby (Spanish)–Miller, Mike; Sevilla, Hector& Avery,
Ben RL6 IL5-9 (PSB) ©2007 Lullaby (Spanish)
series. Vol. 1
____015304 D741 _____________________19.023.91
Day–Ross, Kathy RL3 IL1-4 (LEHC) ©2007 All
New Holiday Crafts For Kids series.
D745 _____________________12.0815.12
Pulpo Ficcion (Octopus Fiction)–Public Square
Books Editors RL4 IL3-6 (PSB) ©2007
____015305 D741 ____________________H2.6428.34
RL5 IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007 Girl Crafts series.
D745 _____________________12.0815.12
Rock Jaw–Smith, Jeff RL3 IL5-9 (SBS) ©2007
Bone series. Vol. 5
____013689 D741 _____________________13.516.91
S All New Crafts For Mother’s Day And Father’s
S Girlfriends’ Get-Together Craft Book–Ross, Kathy
Cubism–Robinson, Shannon Presents and introduction to Cubism, describing the art movement’s basic
tenets, how and when it started, and its most significant artists. RL10.1 IL5-9 AR101610/1.0 (CREA)
©2006 Movements In Art series.
____015104 D759 ____________________G17.221.43
S I’ve Been Burping In The Classroom: And Other
Silly Sing-Along Songs–Lansky, Bruce, ed.
Provides silly, school-themed lyrics to popular tunes.
RL4 IL2-5 (SS) ©2007
____015083 D782 ____________________H17.221.56
On My Journey Now: Looking At African-American
History Through The Spirituals–Giovanni, Nikki
RL7 IL5-9 (CAND) ©2007
____016851 D782 ____________________H19.4624.36
S Chess: Strategies To Master Your
Game–Summerscale, Claire Explains the game of
chess, including the pieces, strategies, and tactics.
RL6 IL2-5 (DK) ©2006
____016393 D794 ____________________H18.0522.60
Graphic Novels
Ancient Egyptian Dudes–DK Editors RL4 IL2-5
(DK) ©2007 History Dudes series.
____016831 D741 ____________________G10.312.68
Atalanta: The Race Against Destiny–Fontes, Justine
& Ron RL5 IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007 Graphic Myths &
Legends series.
____015724 D741 ____________________G20.7525.98
Beach Blanket Bongo–Groening, Matt RL6 IL5-9
(HA) ©2007 Simpson’s Graphic Novels series.
____013535 D741 _____________________17.5021.91
Board To Death–Lobdell, Scott & Henrique, Paulo
RL3 IL5-9 (HOLT) ©2006 Hardy Boys Graphic
Novels series. Vol. 8
____014077 D741 _____________________1.8714.86
Daisho (Spanish)–Sakai, Stan RL5 IL5-9 (PSB)
©2007 Usagi Yojimbo (Spanish) series. Vol. 2
____015301 D741 _____________________18.3022.91
Demeter And Persephone: Spring Held
Hostage–Fontes, Justine & Ron RL5 IL4-7 (LEHC)
©2007 Graphic Myths & Legends series.
____015725 D741 ____________________G20.7525.98
Sombras De Muerte (Shades Of Death)–Sakai, Stan
RL5 IL5-9 (PSB) ©2007 Usagi Yojimbo (Spanish)
series. Vol. 1
____015302 D741 _____________________18.3022.91
Superheroes–Gownley, Jimmy Amelia faces more
changes as her beloved Aunt Tanner is moving, her
new friend Trish is hiding a terrible secret and superhero-wannabe Reggies has vowed to destroy the
evil Legion of Steves. Graphic novel format RL4
IL3-6 (DCC) ©2006 Amelia Rules series. Vol. 3
____015335 D741 _____________________17.5021.91
Urachima: El Valiente (Urachima The Valiant)–Bodin,
Nathalie RL5 IL4-7 (PSB) ©2007
____015306 D741 ____________________H2.6428.34
Viking Dudes–DK Editors RL4 IL2-5 (DK) ©2007
History Dudes series.
____016832 D741 ____________________G10.312.68
S What Are You So Grumpy About?–Lichtenheld, Tom
A collection of cartoons that present various reasons
for being grumpy, such as eating “grown-up” cereal,
getting a boring birthday present, doing chores, and
being touched by your brother or sister. RL1 ILP-2
(LB) ©2003 *K, PW, SLJ
____016645 D741 _____________________1.3014.15
What Makes You Happy–Gownley, Jimmy Amelia
lives life, suffers loss and kisses a ninja. Graphic
novel format RL4 IL3-6 (DCC) ©2006 Amelia Rules
series. Vol. 2
____015336 D741 _____________________17.5021.91
Whole World’s Crazy–Gownley, Jimmy Nine-year-old
Amelia McBride starts a new school and a new life
after her parents’ divorce, as she struggles to keep
her sanity among her new friends. Graphic novel format RL4 IL3-6 (DCC) ©2006 Amelia Rules series.
Vol. 1
____015337 D741 _____________________17.5021.91
S American League Central–Fischer, David
IL3-6 (CW) ©2007 Behind The Plate series.
D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
S American League East–Buckley, James
RL3 IL3-6
(CW) ©2007 Behind The Plate series.
D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
Garfield Pigs Out–Davis, Jim RL4 IL4-7 (BAL)
©2006 Garfield Series series. Vol. 41
____013520 D741 _____________________14.918.14
S American League West–Clendening, John
Global Warming–Petrucha, Stefan & Murase, Sho
RL3 IL5-9 (HOLT) ©2006 Nancy Drew Graphic
Novels series. Vol. 8
____014078 D741 _____________________1.8714.86
S Ballet Of The Elephants–Schubert, Leda The story of
Hamlet — Picture This! Shakespeare–Shakespeare,
William & Lacie, Christina RL6 IL5-9 (BAR) ©2006
Picture This! Shakespeare series.
____016619 D741 _____________________1.914.91
Kilala Princess–Tanaka, Rika When Kilala awakens a
sleeping prince named Ray, she magically gains the
power of princesses. Graphic novel format RL4
IL3-6 (HA) ©2007 Kilala Princess series. Vol. 1
____015339 D741 _____________________13.516.91
Kung Fu Klutz And Karate Kool–Milky, DJ &
Seidenberg, Mark Marvin starts taking karate in an
attempt to be cool and accepted, but in his mind he’s
become a super-powered karate wiz. Graphic novel
format RL3 IL4-7 (HA) ©2007 Kung Fu Klutz series.
Vol. 1
____015340 D741 _____________________9.5011.89
Lejos De Boneville (Bone, Out From
Boneville)–Smith, Jeff Humorous graphic novel
depicts the exploits of Fone Bone, Phoney Bone,
and Smiley Bone when they are run out of Boneville.
RL2 IL5-9 (PSB) ©2007 Bone (Spanish) series.
Vol. 1
____015300 D741 ____________________H24.530.36
Leones, Tigres Y Osos (Lions, Tigers &
Bears)–Bullock, Mike & Lawrence, Jack RL5 IL4-7
(PSB) ©2007 WC Leones, Tigres Y Osos (Lions,
Tigers & Bears) series. Vol. 1
____015303 D741 _____________________19.24.92
IL3-6 (CW) ©2007 Behind The Plate series.
D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
how “Circus polka” a dance of 50 elephants and 50
ballerinas, choreographed by George Balanchine,
was created. RL3.9 IL1-3 LX780 AR105274/.5
RC4.2/1.0 (RBRK) ©2006 *HB, *K, PW, SLJ, WC
____015012 D796 ____________________H18.223.56
Baltimore Orioles–Stewart, Mark Presents the history, accomplishments and key personalities of the
Baltimore Orioles baseball team. Includes timelines,
quotes, maps, glossary and website. RL5 IL3-6
(NWHO) ©2007 Team Spirit series.
____016603 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Batter Up Baseball–Kalman, Bobbie Introduces the
basics of baseball, including rules and player positions. RL3 IL1-4 (CRAB) ©2007 Sports Starters
____015654 D796 _____________________1.0713.86
Detroit Tigers–Stewart, Mark Presents the history,
accomplishments and key personalities of the Detroit
Tigers baseball team. Includes timelines, quotes,
maps, glossary and websites. RL5 IL3-6 (NWHO)
©2007 Team Spirit series.
____016604 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Heat De Miami (Miami Heat)–Stewart, Mark Presents
the history, accomplishments and key personalities
of the Miami Heat basketball team. Includes timelines, quotes, maps, glossary and websites. RL5
IL3-6 (NWHO) ©2007 Espiritu De Equipo (Team
Spirit) series.
____016611 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Hey Batta Batta Swing!: The Wild Old Days Of
Baseball–Cook, Sally RL5 IL2-5 (SS) ©2007
____015078 D796 ____________________H18.6523.35
New Titles – Nonfiction
History Of The Atlanta Hawks–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the Atlanta Hawks basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting
important games, players, and coaches. RL6.4
IL4-7 AR109233/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015110 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Miami Heat–Gilbert, Sara Chronicles
the history of the Miami Heat basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important
games, players, and coaches. RL6.8 IL4-7
AR109290/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History Of
Hoops series.
____015192 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Boston Celtics–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the Boston Celtics basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting
important games, players, and coaches. RL6.4
IL4-7 AR109234/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015111 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Milwaukee Bucks–LeBoutillier, Nate
Discusses the history of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches. RL6.5
IL4-7 AR109258/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015193 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Charlotte Bobcats–Nichols, John
Chronicles the history of the Charlotte Bobcats basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches. RL7.1
IL4-7 AR109235/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015113 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Minnesota Timberwolves–Gilbert,
Sara Discusses the history of the Minnesota
Timberwolves basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and
coaches. RL7.0 IL4-7 AR109259/.5 (CREA) ©2006
NBA: A History Of Hoops series.
____015194 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Chicago Bulls–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the Chicago Bulls basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting
important games, players, and coaches. RL6.4
IL4-7 AR109236/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015116 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The New Jersey Nets–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the New Jersey Nets basketball team, highlighting important games, players,
and coaches and presenting color photos. RL6.7
IL4-7 AR109291/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015195 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Cleveland Cavaliers–LeBoutillier,
Nate Chronicles the history of the Cleveland
Cavaliers basketball team, presenting color photos
and highlighting important games, players, and
coaches. RL6.7 IL4-7 AR109237/.5 (CREA) ©2006
NBA: A History Of Hoops series.
____015117 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The New York Knicks–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the New York Knicks basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches. RL6.5
IL4-7 AR109242/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015197 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Dallas Mavericks–Frisch, Aaron
Chronicles the history of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches. RL6.5
IL4-7 AR109238/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015118 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Philadelphia 76ers–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team, highlighting important games, players,
and coaches and presenting color photos. RL6.4
IL4-7 AR109293/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015269 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Denver Nuggets–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the Denver Nuggets basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches. RL6.5
IL4-7 AR109239/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015119 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Phoenix Suns–Frisch, Aaron
Discusses the history of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting
important games, players, and coaches. RL6.1
IL4-7 AR109260/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015270 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Detroit Pistons–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the Detroit Pistons basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting
important games, players, and coaches. RL6.8
IL4-7 AR109287/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015129 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Portland Trail Blazers–Frisch, Aaron
Discusses the history of the Portland Trail Blazers
basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches.
RL6.5 IL4-7 AR109261/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A
History Of Hoops series.
____015271 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Golden State Warriors–LeBoutillier,
Nate Chronicles the history of the Golden State
Warriors basketball team, presenting color photos
and highlighting important games, players, and
coaches. RL6.6 IL4-7 AR109240/.5 (CREA) ©2006
NBA: A History Of Hoops series.
____015130 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Sacramento Kings–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the Sacramento Kings basketball team, highlighting important games, players,
and coaches and presenting color photos. RL6.5
IL4-7 AR109294/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015272 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Houston Rockets–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the Houston Rockets basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches. RL6.4
IL4-7 AR109288/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015132 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Utah Jazz–LeBoutillier, Nate
Discusses the history of the Utah Jazz basketball
team, presenting color photos and highlighting
important games, players, and coaches. RL6.3
IL4-7 AR109263/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015276 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Indiana Pacers–Frisch, Aaron
Discusses the history of the Indiana Pacers basketball team, highlighting important games, players, and
coaches and presenting color photos. RL6.5 IL4-7
AR109255/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History Of
Hoops series.
____015134 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Houston Astros–Stewart, Mark Presents the history,
accomplishments and key personalities of the
Houston Astros baseball team. Includes timelines,
quotes, maps, glossary and websites. RL5 IL3-6
(NWHO) ©2007 Team Spirit series.
____016605 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
History Of The Los Angeles Clippers–Frisch, Aaron
Discusses the history of the Los Angeles Clippers
basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches.
RL6.8 IL4-7 AR109256/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A
History Of Hoops series.
____015135 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Los Angeles Lakers–LeBoutillier,
Nate Chronicles the history of the Los Angeles
Lakers basketball team, presenting color photos and
highlighting important games, players, and coaches.
RL6.4 IL4-7 AR109289/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A
History Of Hoops series.
____015136 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Memphis Grizzlies–Gilbert, Sara
Discusses the history of the Memphis Grizzlies basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches. RL6.8
IL4-7 AR109257/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015155 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Huddle Up Football–Kalman, Bobbie Introduces the
basics of football, including rules and player positions. RL3 IL1-4 (CRAB) ©2007 Sports Starters
____015653 D796 _____________________1.0713.86
Kick It Soccer–Kalman, Bobbie Introduces the basics
of soccer, including rules and positions. RL3 IL1-4
(CRAB) ©2007 Sports Starters series.
____015655 D796 _____________________1.0713.86
Lakers De Los Angeles (Los Angeles
Lakers)–Stewart, Mark Presents the history,
accomplishments and key personalities of the Los
Angeles Lakers basketball team. RL5 IL3-6
(NWHO) ©2007 Espiritu De Equipo (Team Spirit)
____016609 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Los Angeles Dodgers–Stewart, Mark Presents the
history, accomplishments and key personalities of
the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team. Includes
timelines, quotes, maps, glossary and websites.
RL5 IL3-6 (NWHO) ©2007 Team Spirit series.
____016606 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
– Nonfiction
– Fiction
Mets De Nueva York (New York Mets)–Stewart, Mark
Presents the history, accomplishments and key personalities of the New York Mets baseball team. RL5
IL3-6 (NWHO) ©2007 Espiritu De Equipo (Team
Spirit) series.
____016612 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
S National League Central–Silbaugh, John
RL3 IL3-6
(CW) ©2007 Behind The Plate series.
____014023 D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
S National League East–Teitelbaum, Michael
IL3-6 (CW) ©2007 Behind The Plate series.
D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
S National League West–Gigliotti, Jim
RL3 IL3-6
(CW) ©2007 Behind The Plate series.
____014025 D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
St. Louis Cardinals–Stewart, Mark Presents the history, accomplishments and key personalities of the
St. Louis Cardinals baseball team. Includes timelines, quotes, maps, glossary and websites. RL5
IL3-6 (NWHO) ©2007 Team Spirit series.
____016607 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Seattle Mariners–Stewart, Mark Presents the history,
accomplishments and key personalities of the
Seattle Mariners baseball team. Includes timelines,
quotes, maps, glossary and websites. RL5 IL3-6
(NWHO) ©2007 Team Spirit series.
____016608 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Slam Dunk Basketball–Kalman, Bobbie Introduces
the basics of basketball, including the rules and
positions. RL3 IL1-4 (CRAB) ©2007 Sports Starters
____015656 D796 _____________________1.0713.86
S Snowboarding–DK Editors
RL5 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007
D796 ____________________H14.818.58
Sports Illustrated For Kids Year In Sports
2007–Sports Illustrated For Kids Editors RL5 IL4-7
(SBS) ©2006
____010631 D796 _____________________13.516.91
Story Of The New Orleans Hornets–Gilbert, Sara
Chronicles the history of the New Orleans Hornets
basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches.
RL6.7 IL4-7 AR109241/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A
History Of Hoops series.
____015196 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Story Of The Orlando Magic–Gilbert, Sara
Chronicles the history of the Orlando Magic basketball team, highlighting important games, players, and
coaches and presenting color photos. RL6.5 IL4-7
AR109292/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History Of
Hoops series.
____015268 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Story Of The San Antonio Spurs–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the San Antonio Spurs basketball team, highlighting important games, players,
and coaches and presenting color photos. RL6.7
IL4-7 AR109295/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015273 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Story Of The Seattle Supersonics–LeBoutillier, Nate
Chronicles the history of the Seattle Supersonics
basketball team, highlighting important games, players, and coaches and presenting color photos.
RL6.6 IL4-7 AR109296/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A
History Of Hoops series.
____015274 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Story Of The Toronto Raptors–Gilbert, Sara
Discusses the history of the Toronto Raptors basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting
important games, players, and coaches. RL6.9
IL4-7 AR109262/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A History
Of Hoops series.
____015275 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Story Of The Washington Wizards–Frisch, Aaron
Discusses the history of the Washington Wizards
basketball team, presenting color photos and highlighting important games, players, and coaches.
RL6.7 IL4-7 AR109264/.5 (CREA) ©2006 NBA: A
History Of Hoops series.
____015277 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
White Sox De Chicago (Chicago White
Sox)–Stewart, Mark Presents the history, accomplishments and key personalities of the Chicago
White Sox baseball team. RL5 IL3-6 (NWHO)
©2007 Espiritu De Equipo (Team Spirit) series.
____016610 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
World Series–Christopher, Matt RL4 IL2-5 (LB)
©2007 Legendary Sports Events series.
____016665 D796 _____________________9.5011.89
Poetry, Plays,
Story Collections
Metaphors, Similes, And Other Word
Pictures–Fandel, Jennifer Discusses the use of
metaphors, similes, and other word pictures in poetry, and features examples and illustrations. RL6.5
IL4-7 AR101567/1.0 (CREA) ©2006 Understanding
Poetry series.
____015098 D808 ____________________G17.221.43
Puns, Allusions, And Other Word Secrets–Fandel,
Jennifer Discusses the use of puns, allusions, and
other word secrets in poetry, and includes examples
and illustrations. RL6.5 IL4-7 AR101568/1.0
(CREA) ©2006 Understanding Poetry series.
____015099 D808 ____________________G17.221.43
Rhyme, Meter, And Other Word Music–Fandel,
Jennifer Discusses the use of rhyme, meter, and
other word music in poetry, and includes examples
and illustration. RL6.4 IL4-7 AR101569/1.0 (CREA)
©2006 Understanding Poetry series.
____015100 D808 ____________________G17.221.43
S Written Anything Good Lately?–Allen, Susan
Demonstrates the multiple types of written communication. RL3 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2006 HB, SLJ
D808 ____________________H17.221.56
S Animal Poems–Worth, Valerie RL3 IL1-4 (FSG)
D811 ____________________H18.0622.61
S Bronzeville Boys And Girls–Brooks, Gwendolyn
RL4 IL2-5 (HA) ©2007 HB
D811 ____________________H18.0522.60
S Good Sports: Rhymes About Running, Jumping,
Throwing, And More–Prelutsky, Jack RL3 IL1-3
(K) ©2007
D811 ____________________H18.0522.60
Here’s A Little Poem: A Very First Book Of
Poetry–Yolen, Jane & Peters, Andrew Fusek RL2
ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
____016849 D811 ____________________H21.8727.38
S Hey, You!: Poems To Skyscrapers, Mosquitoes, And
Other Fun Things–Janeczko, Paul B. RL4 IL2-5
(HA) ©2007
____013558 D811 ____________________H17.2521.59
Langston Hughes: Poetry For Young
People–Hughes, Langston RL7 IL4-7 (STER)
©2006 K, *SLJ Poetry For Young People series.
____016895 D811 ____________________H16.220.29
S Me I Am!–Prelutsky, Jack Three very different children
reveal their individual personalities in a series of
adventures. RL2 ILP-2 (FSG) ©2007
____016379 D811 ____________________H17.2621.61
S Moving Day–Fletcher, Ralph J. RL4.3 IL2-5
AR111310/.5 (BOYD) ©2006 K, *SLJ
D811 ____________________H18.223.56
S Nibble Nibble–Brown, Margaret Wise
(HA) ©2007
D811 ____________________H18.0522.60
Trailblazers: Poems Of Exploration–Katz, Bobbi
RL6 IL4-7 (HA) ©2007
____013544 D811 ____________________H17.8522.35
Keats, Shakespeare, And Other
Wordsmiths–Fandel, Jennifer Profiles the lives and
works of selected poets throughout history, from
William Shakespeare to Seamus Heaney, looking at
how successive generations have influenced each
other. RL7.2 IL4-7 AR101566/1.0 (CREA) ©2006
Understanding Poetry series.
____015097 D821 ____________________G17.221.43
Explore Antarctica–Kalman, Bobbie Explores
Antarctica and its mountains, peninsula, seas and
mile-thick layer of ice. RL4 IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007
Explore The Continents series.
____015610 D910 _____________________12.6815.87
Explore Australia And Oceania–Kalman, Bobbie
RL4 IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007 Explore The Continents
____015612 D910 _____________________12.6815.87
Piratepedia–DK Editors RL6 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007
____014073 D910 ____________________G10.312.68
Por Que Colon Cruzo El Oceano (I Wonder Why
Columbus Crossed The Ocean)–Greenwood,
Rosie Answers questions that children ask about
discovery and exploration, including those about the
earliest explorers and traders and how they saw the
world and the great age of discovery with its stories
of famous explorers. RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006 Por
Que (I Wonder Why) series.
____015689 D910 ____________________H14.618.33
New Titles ––Nonfiction
Merriam-Webster’s Student Atlas–Merriam-Webster
Editors RL7 IL5-9 (MWEB) ©2006
____015814 D912 _____________________13.4816.87
Explore Europe–Aloian, Molly Explores the geography, culture, and different countries of Europe. RL4
IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007 Explore The Continents series.
____015618 D914 _____________________12.6815.87
Explore Asia–Kalman, Bobbie Explores the geography, culture, and the different regions of Asia. RL4
IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007 Explore The Continents series.
____015611 D915 _____________________12.6815.87
Ancient Africa–Sherrow, Victoria RL7 IL4-7 (NGS)
©2007 National Geographic Investigates series.
____013715 D916 ____________________H18.6223.31
Explore Africa–Kalman, Bobbie Explores the geography, culture and popular tourist destinations in Africa.
RL4 IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007 Explore The Continents
____015607 D916 _____________________12.6815.87
Explore North America–Aloian, Molly Explores the
geography, natural resources, and countries of North
America. RL4 IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007 Explore The
Continents series.
____015616 D917 _____________________12.6815.87
Lewis And Clark–McCormick, Lisa Wade An account
of the famous expedition in which Meriwether Lewis
and William Clark explored the territory of the
Louisiana Purchase and beyond. RL4.0 IL1-3
AR105598/.5 (CP) ©2006 Rookie Biographies
____014742 D917 _____________________9.4611.84
Explore South America–Aloian, Molly Explores the
physical and social geography of South America.
RL4 IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007 Explore The Continents
____015617 D918 _____________________12.6815.87
Ancient Iraq–Gruber, Beth RL7 IL4-7 (NGS) ©2007
National Geographic Investigates series.
____013716 D930 ____________________H18.6223.31
Your Travel Guide To Ancient China–Sherman,
Josepha Takes readers on a journey back in time in
order to experience life in China during the Han
Dynasty, describing clothing, accommodations,
foods, local customs, transportation, a few notable
personalities, and more. RL6 IL5-9 (TFCB) ©2007
Passport To History series.
____015459 D931 ____________________G20.7525.98
Curse Of King Tut’s Mummy–Zoehfeld, Kathleen
Weidner RL4 IL2-5 (RA) ©2007 Stepping Stones
Chapter Books: True Stories series.
____013489 D932 _____________________8.6910.88
Mesopotamia–DK Editors RL9 IL5-9 (DK) ©2007
Eyewitness Books: History series.
____016845 D935 ____________________H17.0521.34
Ancient Rome (e.guides)–DK Editors RL6 IL4-7
(DK) ©2007 e-guides series.
____013442 D937 ____________________H18.6523.35
Por Que Los Griegos Construian Templos? (I
Wonder Why Greeks Built Temples)–Macdonald,
Fiona Questions and answers introduce the clothing, food, weapons, religion, and other aspects of
daily life in Ancient Greece. RL5 IL1-4 (LECT)
©2006 Por Que (I Wonder Why) series.
____015695 D938 ____________________H14.618.33
S Is For Shamrock: An Ireland Alphabet–Bunting,
Eve From A to Z, Ireland is presented in poetry,
prose, and illustrations. Topics include Blarney
Stone, Finn McCool, fairy rings, and shamrocks.
RL4 IL2-5 (SBP) ©2007
____016388 D941 ____________________H18.6223.31
You Wouldn’t Want To Be A Victorian Servant!: A
Thankless Job You’d Rather Not
Have–Macdonald, Fiona Uses humor in both text
and illustrations to describe the life and duties of a
young Victorian servant. RL4.9 IL4-7 LX820
AR109432/.5 RC4.8/3.0 (CP) ©2006 You Wouldn’t
Want To... series.
____014727 D941 _____________________13.4816.87
S You Wouldn’t Want To Sail In The Spanish Armada!:
An Invasion You’d Rather Not Launch–Malam,
John A humorous account of the Spanish Armada
and what it was like to be a sailor in this ill-fated fleet
in 1588. RL4.3 IL4-7 LX890 AR109434/.5
RC5.6/3.0 (CP) ©2006 You Wouldn’t Want
To... series.
____014729 D942 _____________________13.6817.13
S Viking–DK Editors RL6 IL2-5 (DK) ©2007 Eye
Wonder series.
____016835 D948
China–DK Editors RL9 IL5-9 (DK) ©2007 Eyewitness
Books: Geography series.
____016843 D951 ____________________H17.0521.34
S Regalo De Los Mayas (Gift Of The
Mayans)–Dubuvoy, Silvia RL4 IL4-7 (LECT) ©2006
D972 _____________________12.515.67
S By The Sword: A Young Man Meets War–Castrovilla,
Selene Young schoolteacher Benjamin Tallmadge,
and his horse Highlander, enlist in George
Washington’s army to partake in the Battle of Long
Island during the American Revolution. RL5 IL4-7
(BOYD) ©2007
____015343 D973 ____________________H18.223.56
Our 50 United States And Other U.S. Lands–Time
For Kids Eds.; Skelton, Renee & Joyce, Jaime RL5
IL3-6 (HA) ©2007
____013566 D973 ____________________H18.6523.35
S Shipwreck Search: Discovery Of The H.L.
Hunley–Walker, Sally M. Explains how scientists
raised the H.L. Hunley from the ocean floor and what
was discovered inside. RL4.1 IL2-4 AR102982/.5
(LEHC) ©2007 On My Own Science series.
____015746 D973 _____________________10.4713.11
1607: A New Look At Jamestown–Lange, Karen E.
RL6 IL4-7 (NGS) ©2007 ALA
____013706 D973 ____________________H18.6223.31
S Washington Is Burning–Figley, Marty Rhodes
Fifteen-year-old Paul Jennings, slave to President
and Mrs. Madison, assists the first lady in salvaging
a portrait of George Washington from the White
House as the British attack and burn Washington
City. RL3.5 IL2-4 AR102742/.5 (LEHC) ©2007
On My Own History series.
____015757 D973 _____________________10.4713.11
Florida: 1531-1821–Cannavale, Matthew C. RL7
IL5-9 (NGS) ©2006 Voices From Colonial America
____011735 D974 ____________________H2.0427.59
New Hampshire: 1603-1776–Auden, Scott RL6
IL5-9 (NGS) ©2007 Voices From Colonial America
____013717 D974 ____________________H21.8427.34
Rhode Island: 1636-1776–McDermott, Jesse RL7
IL5-9 (NGS) ©2006 Voices From Colonial America
____011736 D974 ____________________H2.0427.59
North Carolina: 1524-1776–Cannavale, Matthew C.
RL6 IL5-9 (NGS) ©2007 Voices From Colonial
America series.
____013718 D975 ____________________H21.8427.34
S Hurricane Katrina–Rodger, Ellen
RL6 IL4-7 (CRAB)
Disaster Alert series.
D976 _____________________12.816.12
S Lost World Of The Anasazi: Exploring The
Mysteries Of The Chaco Canyon–Lourie, Peter
Presents, in text and photographs, a journey to
Chaco Canton, New Mexico, examining ruins, culture, and theories of why the Anasazi abandoned
the region. RL6 IL4-7 (BOYD) ©2007
____015349 D978 _____________________15.2919.14
You Wouldn’t Want To Be An 18th-Century Convict!:
A Trip To Australia You’d Rather Not Take–Costain,
Meredith A humorous account of how a British thief
would have been punished in the eighteenth century
by being sent to Australia in 1785. RL5.6 IL4-7
LX970 AR109433/.5 RC6.4/3.0 (CP) ©2006 You
Wouldn’t Want To... series.
____014728 D994 _____________________13.4816.87
Collective Biographies
All-Time Dunks–Tokyopop Editors RL5 IL5-9 (HA)
©2006 Greatest Stars Of The NBA series. Vol. 8
____015058 D920 _____________________1.914.91
Dynamic Duos–Tokyopop Editors RL5 IL5-9 (HA)
©2006 Greatest Stars Of The NBA series. Vol. 7
____015060 D920 _____________________1.914.91
Great Scientists–DK Editors RL9 IL5-9 (DK) ©2007
Eyewitness Books: Science series.
____016844 D920 ____________________H17.0521.34
S Ice Kings–Labrecque, Ellen
RL5 IL3-6 (CW) ©2007
World’s Greatest Athletes series.
D920 ____________________H25.031.30
Kids Who Rule: The Remarkable Lives Of Five
Child Monarchs–Cotter, Charis RL4 IL3-6 (FIRE)
____016824 D920 _____________________17.5021.91
S Ladies Of The Court–Brock, Ted
RL5 IL3-6 (CW)
World’s Greatest Athletes series.
____013983 D920 ____________________H25.031.30
Our Country’s First Ladies–Bausum, Ann RL6
IL5-9 (NGS) ©2007
____013701 D920 ____________________H20.325.32
Remember The Alamo: Texians, Tejanos, And
Mexicans Tell Their Stories–Walker, Paul Robert
RL7 IL5-9 (NGS) ©2007 Their Stories series.
____013713 D920 ____________________H18.6223.31
New Titles – Nonfiction
S Surfing Stars–Labrecque, Ellen
RL5 IL3-6 (CW)
World’s Greatest Athletes series.
____013984 D920 ____________________H25.031.30
S Women Of Hope: African Americans Who Made A
Difference–Hansen, Joyce Features photographs
and biographies of thirteen African-American
women, including Maya Angelou, Ruby Dee, and
Alice Walker. RL7.8 IL3-6 AR36673/1.0 (SBS)
____013663 D920 _____________________1.3014.15
Individual Biographies
S Albert Pujols–Savage, Jeff RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2007
Amazing Athletes series.
____015735 D92 ______________________10.4713.11
S Alex Rodriguez–Fischer, David
RL5 IL3-6 (CW)
World’s Greatest Athletes series.
____013979 D92 _____________________H25.031.30
Allen Iverson–Finkel, Jon RL5 IL5-9 (HA) ©2005
Greatest Stars Of The NBA series. Vol. 5
____015059 D92 ______________________1.914.91
Amelia Earhart–Stone, Tanya Lee RL5 IL4-7 (DK)
©2007 DK Biography series.
____013426 D92 ______________________9.5011.89
Anne Frank: The Young Writer Who Told The World
Her Story–Kramer, Ann RL6 IL4-7 (NGS) ©2007
World History Biographies series.
____013703 D92 _____________________H18.6223.31
Annie Oakley–DK Editors RL5 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007 DK
Biography series.
____016837 D92 ______________________9.5011.89
S Annika Sorenstam–Woods, Bob
RL5 IL3-6 (CW)
World’s Greatest Athletes series.
____013980 D92 _____________________H25.031.30
S Benjamin Harrison: Twenty-Third President, 1889-
1893–Venezia, Mike Biography of the twentyy-third
president of the United States, Benjamin Harrison,
discussing his personal life, education, and political
career. RL4.7 IL2-5 LX870 AR105413/.5 RC5.2/2.0
(CP) ©2006 Getting To Know The U.S. Presidents
____014775 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
S Black Cat Bone: The Life Of Blues Legend Robert
Johnson–Lewis, J. Patrick RL6 IL4-7 (CREA)
©2006 K, PW, *SLJ
____016795 D92 _____________________H20.4325.58
S Campy: The Roy Campanella Story–Adler, David A.
RL3 IL1-3 (V) ©2007
____013846 D92 _____________________H17.2521.59
Charles Darwin–King, David C. RL5 IL4-7 (DK)
©2007 DK Biography series.
____013427 D92 ______________________9.7012.14
S Chester A. Arthur: Twenty-First President, 1881-
1885–Venezia, Mike Biography of the twenty-first
president of the United States, Chester A. Arthur,
discussing his personal life, education, and political
career. RL5.0 IL2-5 LX890 AR105414/.5 RC5.6/2.0
(CP) ©2006 Getting To Know The U.S. Presidents
____014776 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
Dale Earnhardt, Sr.–Christopher, Matt RL4 IL2-5
(LB) ©2005 Matt Christopher Legends In Sports
____016664 D92 ______________________9.5011.89
Dallas Doc: All The City And Country Critters In
The Life Of A Texas-Style Vet–Carlton, David A
veterinarian named Doc relates his day-to-day experiences with “critter clients“. RL6.4 IL5-9
AR106172/8.0 (BDGE) ©1999 Doc series. Vol. 1
____015333 D92 ______________________15.8919.89
S Dallas Friday–Savage, Jeff RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2007
Amazing Athletes series.
D92 ______________________10.4713.11
S Dave Mirra–Savage, Jeff RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2007
Amazing Athletes series.
D92 ______________________10.4713.11
S Grover Cleveland: Twenty-Second And Twenty-
Fourth President, 1885-1889, 1893-1897–Venezia,
Mike Examines the life of Grover Cleveland, the
only U.S. president ever to serve two non-consecutive terms in office, discussing his dignity and integrity and looking at his successes and failures as
leader of the country. RL4.9 IL2-5 LX900
AR105415/.5 RC5.9/2.0 (CP) ©2006 Getting To
Know The U.S. Presidents series.
____014777 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
Hey, Doc: The Wonder Of Animals From The LifeStories Of A Texas Vet–Carlton, David More
behind-the-scenes glimpses into the topsy-turvy life
of a veterinarian and his commitment to every critter’s health. RL6.5 IL5-9 AR106173/8.0 (BDGE)
©2006 Doc series. Vol. 3
____015334 D92 ______________________15.8919.89
S James A. Garfield: Twentieth President
1881–Venezia, Mike Biography of the twentieth
president of the United States, James A. Garfield,
discussing his personal life, education, and political
career. RL4.9 IL2-5 LX850 AR105416/.5 RC5.2/2.0
(CP) ©2006 Getting To Know The U.S. Presidents
____014778 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
Jeannette Rankin: A Political Pioneer–Woelfle,
Gretchen A fascinating biography of Jeanette
Rankin, the first women elected to the U.S.
Congress. RL6 IL5-9 (BOYD) ©2007
____015344 D92 _____________________H19.4324.32
S Jeff Gordon–Savage, Jeff RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2007
Amazing Athletes series.
D92 ______________________10.4713.11
S Johan Santana–Zuehlke, Jeffrey RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC)
Amazing Athletes series.
D92 ______________________10.4713.11
S John F. Kennedy–Jones, Veda Boyd Tells the life
story of John F. Kennedy, describing his family, his
experiences in World War II, his marriage, and his
accomplishments as president. RL2.9 IL1-3
AR105595/.5 (CP) ©2006 Rookie Biographies
____014741 D92 ______________________9.612.09
Johnny Cash–Neimark, Anne E. RL6 IL5-9 (V)
©2007 *ALA Up Close series.
____013847 D92 _____________________H17.0521.34
S Kevin Garnett–Keith, Ted
RL5 IL3-6 (CW) ©2007
World’s Greatest Athletes series.
D92 _____________________H25.031.30
S Longest Season–Ripken, Cal, Jr.
RL3 ILK-3 (V)
D92 _____________________H18.0522.60
S Marie Curie–McCormick, Lisa Wade Simple biogra-
phy of the woman scientist. RL3.8 IL1-3
AR105599/.5 (CP) ©2006 Rookie Biographies
____014743 D92 ______________________9.612.09
Mozart: The Boy Who Changed The World With His
Music–Weeks, Marcus RL7 IL4-7 (NGS) ©2007
World History Biographies series.
____013704 D92 _____________________H18.6223.31
Oprah Winfrey–Cooper, Ilene RL6 IL5-9 (V) ©2007
Up Close series.
____013848 D92 _____________________H17.0521.34
Pele–DK Editors RL5 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007 DK
Biography series.
____016836 D92 ______________________9.5011.89
S Picture Book Of John Hancock–Adler, David A.
RL3 ILK-3 (HH) ©2006 Picture Book Biographies
D92 _____________________H18.0222.56
Remarkable, Rough-Riding Life Of Theodore
Roosevelt And The Rise Of Empire
America–Harness, Cheryl RL7 IL5-9 (NGS)
____013705 D92 _____________________H17.8222.31
Robert F. Kennedy–Aronson, Marc RL6 IL5-9 (V)
©2007 Up Close series.
____013850 D92 _____________________H17.0521.34
S Robert Smalls Sails To Freedom–Brown, Susan
Taylor Presents a biography of Robert Smalls, a
South Carolina slave who escaped to freedom
aboard a Confederate ship. RL3.7 IL2-4
AR102740/.5 (LEHC) ©2007 On My Own History
____015755 D92 ______________________10.4713.11
S Rutherford B. Hayes: Nineteenth President 1877-
1881–Venezia, Mike Biography of the nineteenth
president of the United States, Rutherford B. Hayes,
discussing his personal life, education, and political
career. RL5.1 IL2-5 LX890 AR105417/.5 RC5.6/3.0
(CP) ©2006 Getting To Know The U.S. Presidents
____014779 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
S Satchel Paige: Don’t Look Back–Adler, David A.
Powerful story about a talented athlete who just
wouldn’t give up when African American players
were kept out of the major leagues. RL4.7 IL1-4
LXAD840 AR107529/.5 RC5.1/3.0 (HB) ©2007 PW
____010870 D92 _____________________H17.2621.61
Texas Doc: More Critter Stories In The Life Of A
Town ’N Country Vet–Carlton, David A Texas
veterinarian relates the zany adventures he experienced during his twenty years of treating critters.
RL6.7 IL5-9 AR106174/7.0 (BDGE) ©2003 Doc
series. Vol. 2
____015332 D92 ______________________15.8919.89
S Thomas Edison: The Great Inventor–Jenner, Caryn
RL5 IL2-4 (DK) ©2007 DK Readers: Level 4 series.
D92 ______________________8.911.13
New Titles – Nonfiction/Fiction
Thurgood Marshall–Taylor-Butler, Christine Learn
about the life of the famous African American judge.
RL4.3 IL1-3 AR105606/.5 (CP) ©2006 Rookie
Biographies series.
____014744 D92 ______________________9.4611.84
S Tiger Woods–Savage, Jeff RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2007
Amazing Athletes series.
D92 ______________________10.4713.11
S Tom Brady–Gigliotti, Jim
RL5 IL3-6 (CW) ©2007
World’s Greatest Athletes series.
____013985 D92 _____________________H25.031.30
S Tony Stewart–Teitelbaum, Michael
RL5 IL3-6 (CW)
World’s Greatest Athletes series.
D92 _____________________H25.031.30
Who Was Anne Frank?–Abramson, Ann RL5 IL4-7
(V) ©2007 Who Was...? series.
____013779 D92 ______________________9.5011.89
S Who Was William Shakespeare?–Mannis, Celeste
Davidson RL5 IL4-7 LX690 RC3.7/5.0 (V) ©2006
Who Was...? series.
____011082 D92 ______________________9.7012.14
Why?: The War Years–De Paola, Tomie RL4 IL2-5
(PU) ©2007 26 Fairmount Avenue series.
____013885 D92 _____________________H16.2420.33
S William McKinley: Twenty-Fifth President 1897-
1901–Venezia, Mike Biography of the twenty-fifth
president of the United States, William McKinley, discussing his personal life, education, and political
career. RL5.1 IL2-5 LX860 AR105418/.5 RC5.2/2.0
(CP) ©2006 Getting To Know The U.S. Presidents
____014780 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
Fiction, Author Order
(963157) All 157 PreK-8 Fiction Titles
Abbott, Tony–Pirates Of The Purple Dawn RL4
IL2-5 (SBS) ©2007 Secrets Of Droon series. Vol. 29
____013690 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Abela, Deborah–Mission: Hollywood Eleven-year-old
Max and other Spy Force agents investigate a dark
plot involving the movie industry as Max, Linden,
and an unexpected guest work as extras on her
father’s latest film. RL5.1 IL4-7 AR104895/6.0
(ALD) ©2006 Spy Force series. Vol. 4
____015080 DFIC _____________________13.4816.87
Abela, Deborah–Mission: The Nightmare Vortex
Spyforce agents Max and Linden have only a few
hours to save the world’s spy agencies, gathered
together on a remote island for the top secret Annual
Spy Awards Night, from being destroyed by a volcanic eruption set off by the evil Mr. Blue.
RL5.2 IL4-7 AR102672/6.0 (ALD) ©2007
Spy Force series. Vol. 3
____014491 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Adler, David A.–Cam Jansen And The Summer
Camp Mysteries RL3 IL2-5 (V) ©2007 Cam
Jansen series.
____013763 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Amato, Mary–Please Write In This Book When Ms.
Wurtz leaves a blank book in the Writer’s Corner
with a note encouraging those who find it to “talk to
each other” in its pages, the student’s entries spark
a classroom-wide battle. RL4 IL3-6 (HH) ©2006
____016396 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
S Andersen, Hans Christian & Mitchell,
Stephen–Tinderbox RL5 ILK-3 (CAND) ©2007
____016850 DFIC ____________________H18.623.61
Bajoria, Paul–God Of Mischief RL6 IL4-7 (WB)
©2007 HB
____010499 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Barbot, Daniel–Auto Del Sr. Pulga (Mr. Pulga’s Car)
RL4.1 ILK-3 AR73822SP/.5 (EK) ©2002
____014405 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Barnes, Dawn–Beware Of The Haunted Eye Max
and the three other members of the Black Belt Club
travel to the world of Oculus, where they use teamwork, intelligence, and martial arts skills to defeat
the evil Haunted Eye. RL4 IL3-6 (SBS) ©2007
Black Belt Club series. Vol. 3
____013687 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Batson, Wayne Thomas–Door Within Three ancient
scrolls beckon high school student Aidan Thomas to
enter a realm of knights, kings, and unusual creatures, but he must rely on instinct and his latent athletic ability to deal with the terror, tempest, and treason offered by this new world. RL5.8 IL5-9
AR101931/13.0 (NEL) ©2005 PW, SLJ, V
____014803 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Beck, Ian–Secret History Of Tom Trueheart When
young Tom Trueheart’s seven older brothers all go
missing during their adventures in the Land of
Stories, he embarks on a perilous mission to save
them and to capture the rogue story-writer who
wants to do away with the heroes. RL6 IL4-7 (HA)
____013542 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Beller, Jasmine–Freaky The Hip Hop Kids have made
it to the National Hip Hop Championships, but there
are distractions, including a romance for Emerson, a
reunion between Devane and a long-lost friend, and
sabotage from a rival team. RL3 IL3-6 (V) ©2007
Hip Hop Kidz series. Vol. 3
____013777 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Benz, Derek–Revenge Of The Shadow King When
Max Sumner and three friends play a magical card
game called Round Table, they realize that it is up to
them to prevent the wicked creatures of the cards
from destroying their town, indeed, their world.
RL5.6 IL4-7 LX860 AR104967/15.0 RC5.6/21.0
(SBS) ©2006 HB, K, SLJ, V Grey Griffins series.
Vol. 1
____013664 DFIC ____________________H13.016.31
Bergen, Lara–Masterpiece For Bess Flattered at first
that all the other fairies and sparrow men want her to
paint their portraits, Bess soon begins to feel overwhelmed and tries to find a way to return to the kind
of painting she really wants to do. RL4 IL2-5 (RA)
©2007 Disney Fairies series.
____013492 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Birney, Betty G.–Trouble According To Humphrey
Humphrey, the pet hamster of Longfellow School’s
Room 26, relates the ups and downs experienced by
his human classmates as they begin a project to create a model town complete with houses and community services. RL4 IL2-5 (PU) ©2007
____013886 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
S Blackford, Ami–Quest For The Dragon Stone When
eleven-year-old Ruth stumbles upon a Phoenix
Dragon that is reported to carry the legendary
Dragon Stone, one of the Twelve Ancient Relics of
Alchemy, she and her brother decide to carry on
their lost father’s research. RL4 IL2-5 (RCP) ©2006
Duncan Family Adventure series. Vol. 1
____015084 DFIC ____________________H19.6324.57
S Bowley, Tim–Jaime Y Las Bellotas (James And The
Acorns) RL2 ILP-2 (LECT) ©2005
DFIC ____________________H17.2521.59
Branford, Henrietta–White Wolf A white wolf flees
captivity by humans and must learn to hunt and run
with a pack and to discover what it truly means to be
a wolf. RL4.9 IL4-7 AR31636/3.0 (CAND) ©1999 K,
____016878 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Bunting, Eve–Lambkins After being kidnapped by the
lonely widow of a brilliant geneticist, Kyle finds himself shrunk to doll-size and living with three other
children in a dollhouse from which there seems to
be no escape. RL3.7 IL5-9 AR101200/4.0 (HA)
©2006 ALA, HB, K, PW, SLJ, WJ
____015071 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
S Cano, Carles–Dragon A Dieta (Dragon On A Diet)
RL3 ILK-3 (LECT) ©2006
DFIC _____________________12.15.16
S Child, Lauren–Ana Tarambana Me Llaman (Clarice
Bean, That’s Me) A girl describes the hectic life she
leads among the members of her large family, and
her search for a little peace and quiet. RL3 IL2-5
(LECT) ©2000 Clarice Bean (Spanish) series.
____015685 DFIC ____________________H19.2724.12
S Child, Lauren–De Que Planeta Eres Ana
Tarambana? (What Planet Are You From, Clarice
Bean?) When Clarice has to do a school project on
the environment, she and her family become ecowarriors in an attempt to save a tree on their street.
RL3 IL2-5 (LECT) ©2006 Clarice Bean (Spanish)
____015686 DFIC ____________________H19.2724.12
Child, Lauren–Para Tio El Mio, Dice Ana Tarambana
(Clarice Bean, Guess Who’s Babysitting?) When
her Uncle Ted, the fireman, comes to stay with
Clarice and her brothers and sister while her mother
is away, things get somewhat hectic. RL3 IL2-5
(LECT) ©2001 Clarice Bean (Spanish) series.
____015688 DFIC ____________________H18.6523.35
Child, Lauren–Todo Sobre Mi, Ana Tarambana
(Utterly Me, Clarice Bean) When someone steals
the winner’s trophy for the school book project,
Clarice emulates her favorite book heroine, Ruby
Redfort the detective. RL5 IL2-5 (LECT) ©2006
Clarice Bean (Spanish) series.
____015687 DFIC _____________________16.7320.94
New Titles – Fiction
Coleman, Evelyn–Shadows On Society Hill RL5
IL4-7 (PC) ©2007 American Girl Mysteries series.
____013375 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Couloumbis, Audrey–Maude March On The Run!
Due to a misunderstanding over her involvement in a
botched robbery, Maude, with younger sister Sallie,
hides out at the home of an uncle, but when she is
discovered and arrested, the orphaned sisters flee,
trying to clear Maude’s name. RL5 IL5-9 (RA)
____013491 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Craig, Joe–Jimmy Coates: Target Eleven-year-old
Jimmy Coates is in France with friends and family,
hiding from NJ7, the British secret intelligence
agency that designed and programmed him, when
he learns that there is another genetically-programmed assassin — a new enemy whose mission
is to return Jimmy to London. RL5 IL4-7 (HA)
©2007 Jimmy Coates series.
____013574 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Creel, Ann Howard–Nicki RL4 IL4-7 (PC) ©2007
American Girl Today series.
____013369 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Creel, Ann Howard–Thanks To Nicki RL4 IL4-7
(PC) ©2007 American Girl Today series.
____013371 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Cuckey, Sarah Masters–Light In The Cellar RL5
IL4-7 (PC) ©2007 American Girl Mysteries series.
____013373 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Curtis, Christopher Paul–Mr. Chickee’s Messy
Mission Flint Future Detective Club members
Steven Carter and his friends Russell and Richelle
follow Russell’s dog, Rodney Rodent, into a mural to
chase a demonic-looking gnome, only to find the
mysterious Mr. Chickee on the other side. RL5 IL4-7
(K) ©2007
____013738 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
S Davies, Nicola–White Owl, Barn Owl RL4 ILK-3
(CAND) ©2007
____016880 DFIC
DeMatteis, J. M.–Puppet, The Professor, And The
Prophet RL5 IL4-7 (WB) ©2006 Abadazad series.
Vol. 3
____011703 DFIC ____________________H12.315.31
DiCamillo, Kate–Mercy Watson: Princess In Disguise
Persuaded by the word “treating” to dress up as a
princess for Halloween, Mercy the pig’s trick-or-treat
outing has some very unexpected results. RL2
IL1-3 (CAND) ©2007
____016875 DFIC ____________________H14.618.33
Downer, Ann–Dragones Y Magia (Hatching Magic)
When a thirteenth-century wizard confronts twentyfirst century Boston while seeking his pet dragon, he
is followed by a rival wizard and a very unhappy
demon, but eleven-year-old Theodora Oglethorpe
may hold the secret to setting everything right. RL7
IL4-7 (LECT) ©2006
____015679 DFIC _____________________19.423.96
Erickson, John R.–Case Of The Booby-Trapped
Pickup RL4 IL4-7 (V) ©2007 Hank The Cowdog
series. Vol. 49
____013761 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Ernst, Kathleen–Midnight In Lonesome Hollow
RL5 IL4-7 (PC) ©2007 SLJ American Girl Mysteries
____013374 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Farley, Walter–Big Black Horse A simplified adaptation of the author’s The Black Stallion, telling the
story of a boy and a wild black horse who save each
other’s lives during a shipwreck at sea. RL4 ILK-3
(RA) ©2007
____013464 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Fine, Anne–Jamie And Angus Together RL4 ILK-3
(CAND) ©2007
____016883 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Fine, Anne–Jennifer’s Diary Although Jennifer is
stumped for ideas to use in her new diary, her friend
Iola is bursting with stories that may or may not be
true to write down if only she had that lovely rainbow-colored book! RL3.1 IL1-4 AR23806/1.0 (FSG)
____016368 DFIC ____________________H16.2520.34
Freeman, Martha–Who Stole Halloween? When
nine-year-old Alex and his friend Yasmeen investigate the disappearance of cats in their neighborhood, they stumble onto a larger mystery involving a
haunted house and a ghostly cat. RL4.2 IL3-6
LX710 AR89072/5.0 RC4.5/9.0 (HH) ©2005 K, PW,
____015015 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
French, Jackie–Rover Captured by Vikings, young
Hekja is taken as a slave to Greenland by the
daughter of Erik the Red, and accompanied by no
one from her homeland but her loyal dog, shares
adventures with her new mistress, who is determined to make a name for herself as her father and
brother have. RL5 IL5-9 (HA) ©2007
____013573 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Friedman, Laurie B.–In Business With Mallory When
Mallory’s mother refuses to buy her a purse, Mallory
tries a series of businesses in order to make money
and buy it herself. RL3.8 IL2-5 LX650
AR104714/2.0 RC3.5/5.0 (LEHC) ©2007 Mallory
____015740 DFIC _____________________10.2712.86
Funke, Cornelia–Ghosthunters And The Totally
Moldy Baroness! RL4.9 IL2-5 AR111208/2.0
(SBS) ©2007 Ghosthunters series. Vol. 3
____013646 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
S Garland, Sherry–Buffalo Soldier Realizing that his
future lies in owning land, not just being free, a
young man raised as a slave becomes a buffalo soldier, a member of an all-black cavalry regiment
formed to protect white settlers from Indians, bandits, and outlaws, and that later fought in the
Spanish American War. RL5 IL2-5 (PEL) ©2006
____015702 DFIC ____________________H17.221.56
Gleitzman, Morris–Toad Away In his third adventure,
Limpy the cane toad goes to the Amazon to learn
the secret of living in harmony with humans. RL4.7
IL3-6 AR106104/5.0 (K) ©2007 HB
____014089 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
S Gonzalez, Ada–Mayte And The Bogeyman = Mayte Y
El Cuco RL3.6 IL1-4 AR106971/.5 (ARTE) ©2006
____014401 DFIC ____________________H16.420.54
Gorman, Carol–Games RL4 IL3-6 (HA) ©2007
____013570 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Graves, Damien–Cat Lady RL5 IL4-7 (SBS) ©2007
Midnight Library series. Vol. 4
____013691 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Greenburg, Dan–Attack Of The Evil Elvises Siblings
Klatu, Lek, and Ploo from the planet Loogl return to
Las Vegas where they discover an impending invasion of earth by evil aliens disguised as Elvis impersonators. RL3 IL2-5 (RA) ©2007 Weird Planet
series. Vol. 4
____013488 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Greenburg, Dan–School For Mutants Wall and
Cheyenne are more determined than ever to stop
the Ont Queen and her millions of minions from
enslaving the human race and ending life on Earth
as we know it. RL4 IL4-7 (HB) ©2007 Secrets Of
Dripping Fang series. Vol. 6
____010872 DFIC ____________________H12.015.27
Greenburg, Dan–Shluffmuffin Boy Is History
Although a paid assassin is stalking Wally while his
twin sister Cheyenne is under the power of the
queen ont, it is up to them, their vampire Dad, and
their friends to save the human race from the giant
onts. RL4 IL4-7 (HB) ©2006 Secrets Of Dripping
Fang series. Vol. 5
____010871 DFIC ____________________H12.015.27
Greenburg, J. C.–In The Jungle Lost in an Australian
rainforest, Andrew, Judy, and Thudd the robot, who
are still the size of insects, must evade Rhinoceros
beetles, tarantulas, flesh-eating plants, and a host of
other threats as they make their way toward the village where Uncle Al will meet them. RL3 IL2-5 (RA)
©2007 Andrew Lost series. Vol. 15
____013486 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Gregory, Nan–I’ll Sing You One-O Reunited with her
long-lost twin brother, twelve-year-old Gemma constantly tests the boundaries of acceptable behavior
while relying on angels to help her connect with her
new family. RL5 IL4-7 (HM) ©2006 K, *SLJ
____016383 DFIC ____________________H17.0621.36
S Gutman, Dan–Casey Back At Bat RL2 ILP-2 (HA)
DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Harper, Charise Mericle–Just Grace Misnamed by
her teacher, seven-year-old Just Grace prides herself on being empathetic, but when she tries to help
a neighbor feel better, her good intentions backfire.
RL3 IL1-4 (HM) ©2007
____016587 DFIC ____________________H16.2520.34
Harrison, Lisi–It’s Not Easy Being Mean RL5 IL5-9
(WB) ©2007 Clique series. Vol. 7
____010523 DFIC _____________________13.516.91
New Titles – Fiction
Hemphill, Helen–Runaround In Kentucky in the
1960s, partly as revenge against her older sister for
publicly embarrassing her, eleven-year-old Sassy
decides to make the handsomest boy in the neighborhood her boyfriend, but first she has to find out
what makes a boy like a girl, and how to know when
he does. RL4 IL5-9 (BOYD) ©2007
____015350 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
Leibold, Jay–Secret Of The Ninja Ominous things are
happening at the ddojo of your friend Nada and it’s
traced to the arrival of a samurai sword from an
anonymous benefactor. You may have to learn the
secret arts of the ninjas to help Nada vanquish this
sword threat. RL4 IL3-6 (CHCO) ©2006 Choose
Your Own Adventure series. Vol. 16
____014060 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Hest, Amy–Remembering Mrs. Rossi Although she
loves her father, their home in New York City, and
third-grade teacher Miss Meadows, Annie misses
her mother who died recently. RL4 IL4-7 (CAND)
____010565 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
McDaniel. Lurlene–Sometimes Love Isn’t Enough
RL4 IL5-9 (LEHC) ©2007
____015778 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Holmes, Sara–Letters From Rapunzel Through a
series of letters written to a post office box, twelveyear-old Cadence describes her father’s hospitalization for depression, her subsequent problems at
school, and her hope that the mysterious recipient will
help her find a happy ending. RL4 IL3-6 (HA) ©2007
____013572 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Hoobler, Dorothy–Samurai Never Fears Death
Returning home to investigate the possible connection of his family’s tea shop with smugglers, Seikei,
now a samauri in eighteenth-century Japan,
becomes involved in murder at a local puppet theater and saving the life of his sister’s accused
boyfriend. RL5 IL5-9 (V) ©2007
____013904 DFIC ____________________H14.618.33
Hunter, Erin–Sunset Amidst ongoing strife within and
between the Clans of warrior cats, Brambleclaw is
tempted by the dark plans of his father and brother,
and the meaning of Leafpool’s ominous visions
becomes clear. RL5 IL5-9 (HA) ©2007 Warriors:
The New Prophecy series. Vol. 6
____013567 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Jocelyn, Marthe–How It Happened In Peach Hill
When fifteen-year-old Annie Grey and her “clairvoyant” mother arrive in Peach Hill, New York, in 1924,
each finds a reason for wanting to finally settle
down, but to reach their goals they will have to do
some serious lying and Annie will have to stand up
for herself. RL4 IL5-9 (K) ©2007
____013747 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Johns, Linda–Hannah West In The Center Of The
Universe Hannah finds herself in the middle of a
dognapping mystery while she and her mother
house-sit in Seattle’s Fremond neighborhood, also
known as the Center of the Universe. RL5 IL5-9 (V)
©2007 Hannah West series. Vol. 3
____013764 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
S Katz, Karen–Colores De Nuestra Piel (Colors Of Us)
Seven-year-old Lena and her mother observe the
variations in the color of their friends’ skin, viewed in
terms of foods and things found in nature. RL2
ILP-3 (LECT) ©2005
____015674 DFIC ____________________H19.624.61
Keehn, Sally M.–Magpie Gabbard And The Quest
For The Buried Moon In Kentucky in 1872, when
goblins capture the moon, thirteen-year-old Magpie
must rise above her family’s fighting legacy and put
her “cussedness” to use to save the moon and her
loved ones, according to “the age-old prophecy.”
RL6 IL5-9 (V) ©2007
____013857 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
S Kelly, John & Tincknell, Cathy–Scoop!: An Exclusive
By Monty Molenski RL3 IL1-4 (CAND) ©2007
____010562 DFIC ____________________H17.2521.59
Kerr, Philip–Cobra King Of Kathmandu Twelve-yearold djinn twins Philippa and John and their friend
Dybbuk have further adventures as they travel the
world in search of a priceless talisman. RL5 IL4-7
(SBS) ©2007 Children Of The Lamp series. Vol. 3
____010596 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody–Lily B. On The Brink Of
Paris On a class trip to France, fourteen-year-old
Lily is determined to gather material for her great
Parisian novel, but her daydreaming and lack of
attention get her into trouble when she becomes
separated from her group. RL6 IL5-9 (HA) ©2006
Lily B. On The Brink series.
____010947 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Krulik, Nancy–No Biz Like Show Biz RL3 IL2-4 (V)
©2007 Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo series. Vol. 24
____013774 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Krulik, Nancy E.–Open Wide Chaos reigns when the
magic wind turns fourth-grader Katie into Dr. Sang
the dentist, and she must examine the mouth of a
fearful new patient. RL3 IL2-4 (V) ©2007
Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo series. Vol. 23
____013773 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Lazaro, Georgina–Flamboyan Amarillo (Yellow
Flame Tree) Awed by the beauty of the yellow flamboyant tree, a young boy plants one of its seeds and
cares for it over many years until the seed grows
from a plant into a gorgeous flowering tree. RL2
IL2-4 (LECT) ©2006
____015680 DFIC _____________________1.914.91
McDonald, Megan–Stink And The World’s Worst
Super-Stinky Sneakers A class visit to the GrossMe-Out exhibit at the science museum inspires Stink
Moody to create a variety of terrible smells to put on
the sneakers he plans to enter in the World’s Worst
Super-Stinky Sneaker contest. RL3 IL2-5 (CAND)
©2007 Stink Moody series.
____016858 DFIC ____________________H14.618.33
Mackall, Dandi Daley–Rudy Rides The Rails: A
Depression Era Story In 1932, during the
Depression in Ohio, thirteen-year-old Rudy, determined to help his family weather the hard times,
hops a train going west to California and experiences the hobo life. RL4 IL2-5 (SBP) ©2007
____016387 DFIC ____________________H18.6223.31
McKernan, Victoria–Shackleton’s Stowaway A fictionalized account of the adventures of eighteenyear-old Perce Blackborow, who stowed away for the
1914 Shackleton Antarctic expedition and, after their
ship Endurance was crushed by ice, endured many
hardships, including the loss of the toes of his left
foot to frostbite, during the nearly two-year return
journey across sea and ice. RL4.8 IL5-9
AR86105/12.0 (B) ©2006 K, SLJ, WH, WJ
____015073 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
McNamee, Eoin–Navigator Owen has always been
different, and not only because his father committed
suicide, but he is not prepared for the knowledge
that he has a mission to help the Wakeful — the
custodians of time — to stop the Harsh from reversing the flow of time. RL5 IL4-7 (K) ©2007 ALA, PW
____013731 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Marino, Peter–Dough Boy Overweight, fifteen-yearold Tristan, who lives happily with his divorced mother and her boyfriend Frank, suddenly finds that he
must deal with intensified criticism about his weight
and other aspects of his life when Frank’s popular
but troubled, nutrition-obsessed daughter moves in.
RL5.0 IL5-9 LX820 AR102547/6.0 RC4.8/12.0 (HH)
©2005 K, PW, SLJ, V, WH
____015067 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
Marsden, Carolyn–When Heaven Fell When her
grandmother reveals that the daughter that she had
given up for adoption is coming from America to visit
her Vietnamese family, nine-year-old Binh is convinced that her newly-discovered aunt is wealthy and
will take care of all the family’s needs. RL5 IL3-6
(CAND) ©2007
____016854 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Martin, Les–Tales Of Terror Presents four chilling
tales adapted for easy reading. RL4 IL2-5 (RA)
©2007 Stepping Stones Chapter Books: Classics
____013490 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Matthews, L. S.–Dog For Life When John, who has a
special ability to communicate with animals, finds
that his dog, Mouse is scheduled to go to the pound,
he and Mouse decide to run away and find his uncle
who may be able to help them. RL5.2 IL4-7 LX910
AR109548/5.0 RC5.9/11.0 (RA) ©2006 *ALA, K,
____015662 DFIC __________________________H16.220.29
Mead, Alice–Dawn And Dusk As thirteen-year-old
Azad tries desperately to cling to the life he has
known, the political situation in Iran during the war
with Iraq finally forces his family to flee their home
and seek safety elsewhere. RL6 IL5-9 (FSG) ©2007
____016359 DFIC ____________________H17.0621.36
Meehl, Brian–Out Of Patience Twelve-year-old Jake
Waters cannot wait to escape the small town of
Patience, Kansas, until the arrival of a cursed toilet
plunger causes him to reevaluate his feelings toward
his family and its history. RL4.9 IL5-9 LX770
AR106170/9.0 RC4.3/16.0 (B) ©2006 K, SLJ, V
____015074 DFIC ____________________H17.0221.31
Mills, Claudia–Being Teddy Roosevelt When he is
assigned Teddy Roosevelt as his biography project
in school, fourth-grader Riley finds himself inspired
by Roosevelt’s tenacity and perseverance and
resolves to find a way to get what he most wants, a
saxophone and music lessons. RL4 IL2-5 (FSG)
____016355 DFIC ____________________H17.0621.36
New Titles – Fiction
Montgomery, Claire–Hubert Invents The Wheel
A creative fifteen-year-old boy in ancient Sumeria
invents the wheel, resulting in many adventures,
both humorous and threatening. RL5.8 IL4-7
AR102998/5.0 (WALK) ©2005 K, SLJ
____015014 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
Perkins, Mitali–Rickshaw Girl In her Bangladesh village, ten-year-old Naimi excels at painting designs
called alpanas, but to help her impoverished family
financially she would have to be a boy, or disguise
herself as one. RL5 IL3-6 (CHAR) ©2007
____016613 DFIC ____________________H15.419.29
Montgomery, R. A.–Beyond Escape! Warfare has
spread to San Francisco, where a determined band
of guerillas is holding out in the hills watching the
city’s destruction. RL4 IL3-6 (CHCO) ©2006
Choose Your Own Adventure series. Vol. 15
____014057 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Pitchford, Dean–Big One-Oh Determined not to be
weird all his life like his neighbor, Charley
Maplewood decides to throw himself a tenth birthday
party, complete with a “house of horrors” theme, but
first he will have to make some friends to invite. RL3
IL3-6 (V) ©2007
____014106 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Montgomery, R. A.–Brilliant Dr. Wogan Dr. Wogan
has designed a machine that could stop radiation
and would shift the balance of world power. But she
and the machine’s plans have gone missing. Can
you find Dr. Wogan’s plans before the most dangerous of people do? RL4 IL3-6 (CHCO) ©2006
Choose Your Own Adventure series. Vol. 17
____014058 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Montgomery, R. A.–Return To Atlantis You and your
colleague return to Atlantis. But back below the sung
lures you to riches, rebel slaves lure you to help lead
a revolt, and the evil Nodoors aim to capture you
and keep you below . . . for good. RL4 IL3-6
(CHCO) ©2006 Choose Your Own Adventure series.
Vol. 18
____014059 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Myracle, Lauren–Twelve Winnie relates the events of
her twelth year and the many changes in her relationships and in her attitude toward growing up. RL6
IL5-9 (DU) ©2007
____013862 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Napoli, Donna Jo & Furrow, Robert–Sly The Sleuth
And the Food Mysteries RL2 IL2-5 (DIAL) ©2007
Sly The Sleuth series.
____013883 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Nimmo, Jenny–Emlyn’s Moon Nia, the middle girl in
a large Welsh family, discovers her own special artistic talent as she uncovers the dark secret shared by
the Llewelyn and Griffiths families. RL5 IL4-7 LX810
RC4.7/9.0 (SBS) ©2007 ALA Magician Trilogy
series. Vol. 2
____010597 DFIC ____________________H12.315.31
Osborne, Mary Pope–Dragon Of The Red Dawn
When Merlin is weighed down by sorrows, Jack and
Annie travel back to feudal Japan to learn one of the
four secrets of happiness. RL3 IL2-5 (RA) ©2007
Magic Tree House series.
____013481 DFIC ____________________H13.817.31
Park, Barbara–Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny
First grader Junie B. Jones is determined to win the
grand prize at wealthy classmate Lucille’s Easter egg
hunt — a playdate in Lucille’s heated swimming
pool. RL2 IL1-4 (RA) ©2007 Junie B. Jones series.
Vol. 27
____013485 DFIC ____________________H13.817.31
Park, Barbara–Junie B. Jones Duerme En Una
Mansion (Junie B. Jones Is A Party Animal)
Lucille invites Junie B. and her friend Grace to sleep
over at her very rich nanna’s house, where everything is beautiful, expensive, and breakable. RL2
IL1-4 (SBS) ©2007 Junie B. Jones In Spanish
series. Vol. 10
____013692 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Paros, Jennifer–Violet Bing And The Grand House
Very definite in her likes and dislikes, seven (nearly
eight)-year-old Violet Bing goes to stay with her
unusual Great-aunt Astrid in the Grand House. RL3
IL2-5 (V) ©2007
____013852 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Patneaude, David–Deadly Drive On Whidbey Island,
Washington, fourteen-year-old Casey has two goals
— to become an excellent basketball player like her
mother was, and to find the hit-and-run driver who
injured her and killed her mother nine years earlier.
RL3.9 IL5-9 AR88592/6.0 (WHIT) ©2007 ALA, SLJ
____016460 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Patneaude, David–Piece Of The Sky Fourteen-yearold Russell, his friend Phoebe, and her brother Isaac
must find a legendary meteor in the Oregon mountains before it is exploited. RL6 IL5-9 (WHIT) ©2007
____016805 DFIC ____________________H17.0221.31
Paver, Michelle–Soul Eater When Wolf is taken by the
Soul-Eaters, Torak must infiltrate their clan to bring
him back. RL4 IL5-9 (HA) ©2007 Chronicles Of
Ancient Darkness series. Vol. 3
____013571 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Peck, Richard–On The Wings Of Heroes RL6
IL5-9 (DIAL) ©2007 ALA
____013877 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Potter, Ellen–Olivia Kidney (Spanish Ed.) Twelveyear-old Olivia explores her new apartment building
and finds a psychic, talking lizards, a shrunken expirate, an exiled princess, ghosts, and other unusual
characters. RL4 IL4-7 (LECT) ©2006
____015677 DFIC _____________________19.423.96
Pratchett, Terry–Johnny And The Bomb Thirteenyear-old Johnny Maxwell acquires the neighborhood
homeless woman’s shopping cart when she is
injured and discovers that its contents have the ability to send him back in time from 1996 to 1941
England. RL4.3 IL5-9 AR23466/7.0 (HA) ©2007
Johnny Maxwell series. Vol. 3
____013577 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Preller, James–Case Of The Kidnapped Candy RL2
IL1-4 (SBS) ©2007 Jigsaw Jones series. Vol. 30
____013634 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Ransom, Candice–Giant In The Garden When Alex,
Mattie, and Sophie spy the giant vine sprouting in
their garden, they end up in in the Jack and the
Beanstalk fairy tale. RL3 IL1-4 (TOR) ©2007 Time
Spies series. Vol. 3
____014695 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Ransom, Candice–Magician In The Trunk At the
Chicago World’s Fair of 1893, young Harry Houdini’s
magic show is failing, and the Time Spies decide to
lend a hand. RL3 IL1-4 (TOR) ©2007 Time Spies
series. Vol. 4
____014696 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
S Ransom, Candice F.–Sam Collier And The Founding
Of Jamestown Introduces life in colonial
Jamestown, Virginia, as seen through the eyes of
Sam Collier, John Smith’s page, who works hard
while wondering if he has the strength to survive in
the New World. RL3.4 IL2-4 AR102741/.5 (LEHC)
©2007 On My Own History series.
____015756 DFIC _____________________10.4713.11
Rinaldi, Ann–Unlikely Friendship: A Novel Of Mary
Todd Lincoln And Elizabeth Keckley Relates the
lives of Mary Todd Lincoln, raised in a wealthy
Virginia family, and Lizzy Keckley, a dressmaker born
a slave, as they grow up separately then become
best friends when Mary’s childhood dream of living
in the White House comes true. RL5 IL5-9 (HB)
____010875 DFIC ____________________H17.8622.36
S Rodriguez, Alex–Jonron! (Out Of The Ballpark)
Although Alex is nervous about his role in the
approaching baseball playoffs and championship
game, he soon figures out how to fix his mistakes
and become a better player. RL3 ILP-3 (HA) ©2007
____013553 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
S Rodriguez, Alex–Out Of The Ballpark Although Alex
is nervous about his role in the approaching baseball
playoffs and championship game, he soon figures
out how to fix his mistakes and become a better
player. RL3 ILP-3 (HA) ©2007
____013552 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Rogers, Jonathan–Secret Of The Swamp King
RL5.7 IL4-7 AR100192/8.0 (BH) ©2005 SLJ
____014804 DFIC ____________________H12.15.28
Root, Phyllis–Aunt Nancy And The Bothersome
Visitors RL4 IL2-5 (CAND) ©2007
____016886 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
S Rosenbluth, Roz–Getting To Know Ruben Plotnick
RL4.0 ILP-2 AR102804/.5 (CHIR) ©2005
DFIC ____________________H17.221.56
S Roy, Ron–Trouble At The Treasury KC and Marshall
take a tour of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing,
and when they discover that someone has been
stealing bricks of newly printed money, they resolve
to find the thief. RL3 IL2-5 (RA) ©2006 Capital
Mysteries series. Vol. 7
____013487 DFIC _____________________8.911.13
Sage, Angie–Physik Pulled through a glass that
brings him back in time, Septimus Heap becomes
the apprentice of an alchemist. RL6 IL4-7 (HA)
©2007 Septimus Heap series. Vol. 3
____013576 DFIC ____________________H18.6523.35
S Schnetzer, Alejandro–Cuento Del Mar (Tale Of The
Sea) RL2 IL1-3 (LECT) ©2005
DFIC _____________________12.916.16
New Titles – Fiction
S Scieszka, Jon–Moma: En Busca De Arte (Seen Art?)
Full-color reproductions of well-known artwork reside
with fun illustrations and text in a story where the
narrator searches for his friend Art in New York City’s
Museum of Modern Art. RL2 IL2-5 (LECT) ©2005
____015684 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
S Scroggs, Kirk–Super Soccer Freak Show When
Grampa is bitten by a rival soccer team’s mascot
and turns into a were-yote, members of the Ladies
Quilting League offer to destroy him, but Hans Lotion
has a solution that could be less deadly. RL3 IL2-4
(WB) ©2007 Wiley & Grampa’s Creature Features
series. Vol. 4
____010511 DFIC _____________________8.911.13
Shalant, Phyllis–Great Cape Rescue Upon entering
fourth grade, Fin and his friends think they must stop
playing superheroes, until they discover that their
game might become real through a magical cape,
and the Society of Secret Superheroes is born.
RL3 IL2-5 (DU) ©2007 Society Of Secret
Superheroes series. Vol. 1
____013867 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Shusterman, Neal–Darkness Creeping: Twenty
Twisted Tales RL5 IL5-9 (V) ©2007
____013762 DFIC _____________________1.013.90
Siamon, Sharon–Gallop To The Sea Kelsie plans to
rescue a rebellious horse by swimming it to a mysterious deserted island, but a violent storm creates a
dangerous roadblock. RL4 IL5-9 (FIRE) ©2006
Saddle Island series. Vol. 1
____015279 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Siamon, Sharon–Race To The Rescue RL4 IL5-9
(FIRE) ©2007 Saddle Island series. Vol. 3
____016826 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Siamon, Sharon–Secrets In The Sand Kelsie, her
brother, and best friend are trying to provide sanctuary for some horses, but when the search for pirate
treasure they become trapped in a cave. RL4 IL5-9
(FIRE) ©2006 Saddle Island series. Vol. 2
____015280 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Silberberg, Alan–Pond Scum Eleven-year-old Oliver
enjoys tormenting insects, but his life takes a turn
when his family moves into an old house which an
assortment of animals doesn’t want to vacate.
RL5.8 IL4-7 AR102201/9.0 (WB) ©2006 HB, SLJ
____011708 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Simmons, Alex–Sherlock Holmes Is Missing! Archie
Wiggins is forced out of the Baker Street Irregulars
and after forming another band, he and his new
cohorts investigate the disappearance of Sherlock
Holmes and a possible attempt on the life of Queen
Victoria. RL4.9 IL4-7 AR106428/5.0 (V) ©2006
HB, SLJ Raven League series. Vol. 1
____013899 DFIC ____________________H13.016.31
Simmons, Alex & McCay, Bill–Buffalo Bill Wanted!
RL4 IL4-7 (V) ©2007 Raven League series. Vol. 2
____013898 DFIC ____________________H13.016.31
Snyder, Zilpha Keatley–Treasures Of Weatherby
Determined to be as strong and powerful as the first
Harleigh, who built the rambling Weatherby Hall,
twelve-year-old Harleigh Fourth and an equally
diminutive new friend try to foil the plans of a distant
relative who is seeking the long-lost Weatherby fortune. RL5 IL4-7 (SS) ©2006 ALA, PW
____010690 DFIC ____________________H17.0221.31
Sorrells, Walter–On Fire RL4 IL4-7 (V) ©2007 Flight
29 Down series. Vol. 6
____013776 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
S Soto, Gary–Mercy On These Teenage Chimps At
age thirteen, best friends Ronnie and Joey suddenly
feel like chimps — long armed, big eared, and gangly — and when the coach humiliates Joey in front of
a girl, he climbs up a tree and refuses to come
down. RL6 IL5-9 (HB) ©2007 ALA
____010858 DFIC ____________________H17.2621.61
Spain, Susan Rosson–Deep Cut Considered “slow”
by his father, Lonzo tries his best to help his family in
Culpeper, Virginia, during the Civil War and, in the
process, comes to some decisions about how to live
his life. RL5.2 IL5-9 AR110442/7.0 (MACA) ©2006
____016448 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Springer, Nancy–Case Of The Left-Handed Lady: An
Enola Holmes Mystery Pursued by her much older
brother, famed detective Sherlock Holmes, fourteenyear-old Enola, disguised and using false names,
attempts to solve the kidnapping of a baronet’s sixteen-year-old daughter in nineteenth-century
London. RL6 IL4-7 (V) ©2007
____013903 DFIC ____________________H14.618.33
S Stanley, Diane–Trouble With Wishes RL3 ILK-3 (HA)
____013550 DFIC
Steer, Dugald A., ed.–Dragon’s Eye RL6 IL5-9
(CAND) ©2006 PW Dragonolgy Chronicles series.
____003253 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Stewart, Paul & Riddell, Chris–Hugo Pepper A boy,
orphaned and raised in the Frozen North by reindeer
herders, boards his birth parents’ sled and sets its
special compass to “Home,” where he uncovers a
plot that threatens his mermaid godmothers and
other friends of his family. RL5 IL4-7 (K) ©2007 HB
Far-Flung Adventures series.
____013733 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Stewart, Paul & Riddell, Chris–Winter Knights Quint
finally begins his training at the Knights Academy,
Maris adjusts to life in Undertown, and Sanctaphrax
shivers in anticipation of a legendary storm, while a
storm of a different kind brews between sky-scholars
and earth-scholars. RL5 IL4-7 (K) ©2007
Edge Chronicles series. Vol. 8
____013734 DFIC ____________________H14.618.33
Stewart, Trenton Lee–Mysterious Benedict Society
After passing a series of mind-bending tests, four
children are selected for a secret mission that
requires them to go undercover at the Learning
Institute for the Very Enlightened, where the only
rule is that there are no rules. RL5 IL4-7 (WB)
©2007 *PW
____010500 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Stilton, Geronimo–Wedding Crasher RL3 IL2-5
LX580 RC3.4/4.0 (SBS) ©2007 Geronimo Stilton
series. Vol. 28
____013662 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Stine, R. L.–Chicken Chicken Everyone in Goshen
Falls knows about weird Vanessa. She dresses all in
black and wears black lipstick. People say she puts
spells on people. Crystal and her brother Cole made
Vanessa mad. After she whispered that strange
warning, “Chicken chicken” something weird has
happened. Crystal’s lips have turned as hard as a
bird’s beak, and Cole has started growing ugly white
feathers all over his body. RL3.2 IL4-7
AR14939/2.0 (SBS) ©1997 Goosebumps series.
Vol. 53
____013636 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Stine, R. L.–Monster Blood III Andy tries to teach
Evan’s genius cousin Kermit a lesson with a new
batch of Monster Blood. RL3.2 IL4-7 AR9615/3.0
(SBS) ©1995 Goosebumps series. Vol. 29
____013655 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Stine, R. L.–Punk’d And Skunked RL3 IL2-5 (HA)
©2007 Rotten School series. Vol. 11
____013568 DFIC _____________________1.013.90
Stine, R. L.–Rottenest Angel RL3 IL2-5 (HA) ©2007
Rotten School series. Vol. 10
____013569 DFIC _____________________1.013.90
Stone, Jeff–Snake With the temple and Grandmaster
now gone, twelve-year-old Seh, a snake-style master, joins a bandit gang and meets a mysterious
woman whose name means Cobra, while trying to
stay ahead of the vengeful Ying. RL4.4 IL5-9 LX700
AR106099/5.0 RC3.9/11.0 (K) ©2006 HB, K
Five Ancestors series. Vol. 3
____013753 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Straight, Susan–Friskative Dog Sharron’s father has
disappeared, and she tries to cope with her feelings
of loss through the love of a stuffed dog he gave her.
RL4 IL3-6 (K) ©2007
____013732 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Tarshis, Lauren–Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell Out Of A
Tree A quirky and utterly logical seventh-grade girl
named Emma-Jean Lazarus discovers some interesting results when she gets involved in the messy
everyday problems of her peers. RL6 IL4-7 (DIAL)
____013880 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Torrey, Michele–Voyage Of Midnight In the early
nineteenth century, when his sea-captain uncle
invites him to assist the ship’s surgeon on his next
voyage, orphaned, fourteen-and-a-half-year-old
Phillip, eager to be with family, accepts only to find
out that his uncle is a slave trader. RL7 IL5-9 (RA)
©2006 ALA, *K
____014607 DFIC ____________________H17.0221.31
S Urbanovic, Jackie–Duck At The Door
(HA) ©2007
DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
S Van Leeuwen, Jean–Papa And The Pioneer Quilt As
her family travels by wagon train to Oregon, a young
girl gathers scraps of cloth so that she can make a
quilt. RL3 ILP-2 (DIAL) ©2007
____013882 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Wallace, Rich–Curveball RL4 IL4-7 (V) ©2007
Winning Season series. Vol. 9
____013851 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Warner, Gertrude Chandler–Seattle Puzzle RL4
IL2-5 (WHIT) ©2007 Boxcar Children Mysteries
series. Vol. 111
____016808 DFIC _____________________9.7112.16
New Titles – Fiction/Easy
Warner, Gertrude Chandler–Secret Of The Mask
RL4 IL2-5 (WHIT) ©2007 Boxcar Children Mysteries
series. Vol. 110
____016806 DFIC _____________________9.1011.39
S Weatherford, Carole Boston–Champions On The
Bench: The Cannon Street YMCA All-Stars
RL3 IL1-4 (DIAL) ©2007 PW
DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Williams, Mark London–City Of Ruins RL5 IL4-7
(CAND) ©2007 Danger Boy series. Vol. 4
____010564 DFIC ____________________H13.016.31
Winkler, Henry & Oliver, Lin–Curtain Went Up, My
Pants Fell Down RL4 IL3-6 (V) ©2007 Hank
Zipzer series.
____013771 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Wolfson, Jill–Home, And Other Big, Fat Lies Elevenyear-old Termite, a foster child with an eye for the
beauty of nature and a talent for getting into trouble,
takes on the loggers in her new home town when
she tries to save the biggest tree in the forest. RL4
IL5-9 (HOLT) ©2006 K, SLJ, V
____015075 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
Woodson, Jacqueline–Feathers When a new, white
student nicknamed “The Jesus Boy” joins her sixth
grade class in the winter of 1971, Frannie’s growing
friendship with him makes her start to see some
things in a new light. RL7 IL5-9 (PU) ©2007 ALA
____013892 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Wynne-Jones, Tim–Rex Zero And The End Of The
World In the summer of 1962 with everyone nervous about a possible nuclear war, ten-nearly-elevenyear-old Rex, having just moved to Ottawa from
Vancouver with his parents and five siblings, faces
his own personal challenges as he discovers new
friends and a new understanding of the world around
him. RL5 IL3-6 (FSG) ©2007
____016371 DFIC ____________________H17.0621.36
Easy, Author Order
(963167) All 125 PreK-8 Easy Titles
S Adler, David A.–Bones And The Birthday Mystery
In his latest case, young Jeffrey Bones tries to discover the whereabouts of his grandfather’s missing
birthday present. RL2 ILK-3 (V) ©2007 Bones
Mysteries series. Vol. 5
____013845 DEAS ___________________H15.6419.58
S Anderson, Peggy Perry–Joe On The Go Joe the frog
wants to be on the go, but even at a family reunion
he is out of luck, as everyone says they are too busy,
or he is too fast, too slow, too big, or too small to go
with them, until Grandma invites him to go with her
on a special outing. RL1 ILP-2 (HM) ©2007
____016597 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
S Arnold, Tedd–Twin Princes Two chicken princes who
are twins take part in a contest to determine which
one will inherit the throne. RL2 ILP-2 (DIAL) ©2007
____013881 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Arnosky, Jim–Babies In The Bayou There are many
babies in the bayou, and even though they might
have sharp white teeth, hard shells, webbed feet, or
quick claws, their mothers still need to protect them.
RL3 ILP-3 (PU) ©2007 *ALA, *K, PW
____013884 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Asher, Sandy–What A Party! Froggie is so excited
about celebrating Grandpa’s birthday that he does
not want the day to end. RL2 ILP-2 (V) ©2007
DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Awdry, W.–Henry And The Elephant A runaway ele-
phant blocks a tunnel and causes trouble for Henry
and his friends. RL2 IL1-3 (RA) ©2007 Step Into
Reading: Step 2 series.
____013479 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
S Balian, Lorna–Bah! Humbug? Two children set a trap
for Santa Claus but only one of them manages to
see him. RL1 ILP-2 (SBB) ©1977
DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
S Becker, Suzy–Manny’s Cows: The Niagara Falls Tale
For his summer vacation, Manny takes his five hundred cows to Niagara Falls. RL3 ILK-3 LXAD600
RC3.3/2.0 (HA) ©2006 HB, K, PW, SLJ
____014318 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Bottner, Barbara–Pish And Posh Wish For Fairy
Wings Best friends and beginner fairies Pish and
Posh receive encouragement from the Monster
Under the Bed as they each try to make four wise
wishes in order to earn their wings. RL2 IL1-3 (HA)
©2006 K, PW, SLJ I Can Read Books: Level 2
____016395 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Bottner, Barbara–You Have To Be Nice To Someone
On Their Birthday When Rosemary mistakenly
thinks that everyone has forgotten her birthday, she
sulks both at home and at school. RL2 ILK-3 (PU)
____013888 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Breathed, Berke–Mars Needs Moms! When a dis-
gruntled boy sees his mother being kidnapped by
Martians, he realizes he loves her and will go to any
lengths to protect her. RL3 ILP-2 (V) ©2007
____013855 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Brown, Marc–Arthur’s Tree House
RL2 ILP-2 (WB)
Arthur 8x8 series.
DEAS ____________________8.911.13
S Browne, Anthony–My Brother A child describes the
many wonderful things about “my brother,” who can
fly, write amazing stories, and stand up to bullies.
RL2 ILK-3 (FSG) ©2007
____016370 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
S Bunting, Eve–Baby Can Every time his family gets
excited over something Baby James can do, big
brother Shane demonstrates that he can do even
better, from burping to rolling over to walking. RL2
ILP-2 (BOYD) ©2007
____015341 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
S Burningham, John–Edwardo: The Horriblest Boy In
The Whole Wide World Each time he does something a little bit bad, Edwardo is told that he is very
bad and soon his behavior is awful, but when he
accidentally does good things and is complimented,
he becomes much, much nicer. RL2 ILP-2 (K)
____013729 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Burton, Virginia Lee–Mike Mulligan And His Steam
Shovel (Board Book) When Mike Mulligan and his
steam shovel, Mary Ann, lose their jobs to the gasoline, electric, and diesel motor shovels, they go to a
little country town where they find that one new job
leads to another. RL4 ILK-3 (HM) ©2007
____016576 DEAS ____________________G6.237.80
S Busse, Sarah Martin–Banjo Granny’s Song Baby
Owen’s grandmother learns that he is wiggly, jiggly,
and all-around giggly for bluegrass music, so with
her banjo, she travels by curious means to visit and
play for him. RL2 ILP-2 (HM) ©2006 K, PW, *SLJ
____016792 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
S Carle, Eric–10 Patitos De Goma (10 Little Rubber
Ducks) When a storm strikes a cargo ship, ten rubber ducks are tossed overboard and swept off in ten
different directions. Based on a factual incident. RL2
ILP-2 (HA) ©2007
____013549 DEAS ___________________H20.4625.61
S Casanova, Mary–Some Dog! A stray dog moves into
George’s formerly peaceful home, dazzling the man
and woman of the house with lively tricks and antics
that just leave George exhausted. RL2 ILK-3 (FSG)
____016373 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
S Cecil, Randy–Gator When the amusement park
where he had been a happy carousel animal closes,
Gator decides to explore the outside world but finds
it a very lonely place. RL3 ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
____016848 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Chaconas, Dori–Cork And Fuzz: Good Sports
Short-legged Cork is upset when tall Fuzz wins
every game they play, until he learns that their
friendship is more important than winning. RL2
ILP-2 (V) ©2007 Cork And Fuzz series. Vol. 3
____013844 DEAS ___________________H15.6419.58
S Chaconas, Dori–Virginnie’s Hat Determined to
retrieve her hat from the sycamore tree where it had
been blown by the wind, Virginnie tries to dislodge it
by throwing her boots up one after the other,
unaware of the threatening swamp creatures behind
her. RL2 ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
____016859 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Chen, Zhiyuan–Guji Guji (Spanish Ed.) Hatched by a
mother duck and raised with duck siblings, it takes
some time for Guji Guji, an alligator, to know he is
different. RL3 ILP-3 (KM) ©2007
____016801 DEAS ____________________12.0815.12
S Clark, Mary Higgins–Ghost Ship While visiting his
grandmother on Cape Cod, nine-year-old Thomas
encounters a ship’s cabin boy from centuries past.
RL3 IL2-5 (SS) ©2007
____015050 DEAS ___________________H18.623.61
S Cochran, Bill–Forever Dog Mike and his dog Corky
plan to be best friends forever, so when Corky
becomes sick and dies, Mike is angry about the broken promise. RL3 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007
____013562 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Crimi, Carolyn–Louds Move In When the Loud family
moves into the neighborhood alongside Mr.
Pitterpatter, Miss Shushermush, and Miss
Meekerton, things begin to change. RL3.1 ILK-2
AR106036/.5 (MACA) ©2006 K, PW, SLJ
____015022 DEAS ___________________H16.420.54
New Titles – Easy
Cronin, Doreen–Tu Ritmo! (Wiggle) Rhyming text
describes the many ways to wiggle. RL1 IL1-4
(LECT) ©2007
____015681 DEAS ___________________H15.419.33
S Daly, Niki–Donde Esta Jamela? (Where’s Jamela?)
When Mama gets a new job and a new house, everyone is excited about moving except Jamela who likes
her old house just fine. RL3 ILP-2 (LECT) ©2005
____015676 DEAS ___________________H19.624.61
S Davidson, Ellen Dee–Princess Justina Albertina: A
Cautionary Tale A spoiled, demanding young
princess who sends her nanny to the far corners of
the world in search of the perfect pet finally gets
exactly what she deserves. RL3 ILK-3 (CHAR)
____016614 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
S Deacon, Alexis–While You Are Sleeping A girl’s bed-
side toys go to great lengths to keep her safe at
night while she is asleep. RL1.8 ILP-2 AR109423/.5
(FSG) ©2006 *ALA, HB, *K, SLJ
____014323 DEAS ___________________H17.622.11
De Paola, Tomie–Tomie DePaola’s More Mother
Goose Favorites. An illustrated collection of Mother
Goose nursery rhymes, including some well-known
and some less familiar ones. RL2 ILP-3 (V) ©2007
____013781 DEAS ____________________8.6910.88
S Ditchfield, Christin–Cowlick!
RL3 ILP-2 (RA) ©2007
S Donaldson, Julia–One Ted Falls Out Of Bed When a
teddy bear falls out of bed, he has an exciting playtime before finally managing to get back where he
started. RL1.9 ILP-2 AR106395/.5 (HOLT) ©2006
____014319 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
S Donnio, Sylviane–I’d Really Like To Eat A Child One
morning Achilles, a young crocodile, insists that he
will eat a child that day and refuses all other food,
but when he actually finds a little girl, she puts him in
his place. RL3 ILP-2 (RA) ©2007
____013456 DEAS ___________________H16.4520.59
S Duke, Kate–Tale Of Pip And Squeak Two mouse
through town, in a hurry to see something “red, red,
red,” his neighbors wonder what it could be and
hurry after him to find out. RL2 ILP-2 (V) ©2007
____013859 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Graham, Bob–Dimity Dumpty: The Story Of
Humpty’s Little Sister Humpty Dumpty’s little sister
is too shy to be part of her family’s circus act, but
she finds courage when her brother needs her help.
RL2 ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007 ALA
____010563 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Graham, Bob–“Trouble With Dogs...” Said Dad RL2
ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
S Harrington, Janice N.–Chicken-Chasing Queen Of
Lamar County A young farm girl tries to catch her
favorite chicken, until she learns something about
the hen that makes her change her ways. RL4
ILK-3 (FSG) ©2007
____016357 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
S Hawkins, Colin–Pirate Treasure Map: A Fairytale
Adventure After diving overboard during a mutiny
on his uncle’s pirate ship, Jack Hubbard, son of Old
Mother Hubbard, is rescued from a stormy sea by
an Owl and a Pussycat in a pea-green boat, and
meets other characters from fairy tales and nursery
rhymes while searching for hidden treasure. RL3
ILK-3 (CAND) ©2007
____010561 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Heide, Florence Parry–Promise Is A Promise RL2
ILK-3 (CAND) ©2007
S Henkes, Kevin–Good Day A bird, a fox, a dog, and a
squirrel overcome minor setbacks to have a very
good day. RL1 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007 *ALA, PW
DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Hicks, Barbara Jean–Secret Life Of Walter Kitty
Walter, an ordinary housecat, fantasizes about the
daring adventures of his alter ego, Fang. RL2 ILK-3
(K) ©2007
____014084 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
brothers, Pip and Squeak, usually try to compete
with each other, but their relationship finally changes
when they prepare for their annual party. RL3 ILP-2
(DU) ©2007
____013868 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S High, Linda Oatman–Cool Bopper’s Choppers Big
Monkey sets out to find adventure in the jungle and
meets nine different kinds of monkeys who teach
him fun new things, but not how to get home.
Includes facts about the New World Monkeys featured. RL4 ILP-2 (PU) ©2007
____013889 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Hill, Susan–Ruby’s Perfect Day When Ruby Raccoon
S Du Quette, Keith–Little Monkey Lost Bored, Little
Duvoisin, Roger–Donkey-Donkey A little donkey,
unhappy that his big ears stick straight up, asks
other farm animals for advice on how to improve his
appearance. RL3 ILP-2 (K) ©2007
____013727 DEAS ___________________H17.0521.34
S Emmett, Jonathan–Diamond In The Snow Entranced
by his first snow, Mole explores the white woodlands
and shows his friends the spot where he found a
sparkling “diamond.” RL2 ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
____010560 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Falconer, Ian–Olivia Forma Una Banda (Olivia
Forms A Band) Olivia decides there has to be a
marhing band at the fireworks display, even if she
has to do it herself. RL2 ILP-2 (LECT) ©2007
Olivia (Spanish) series.
____015683 DEAS ___________________H17.8522.35
S Fletcher, Susan–Dadblamed Union Army Cow RL3
ILK-2 (CAND) ©2007
____016869 DEAS
S Gall, Chris–Dear Fish One afternoon at the beach, a
small boy puts an invitation to the fish to come for a
visit in a bottle and throws it into the ocean, and the
results are unprecedented. RL4.5 ILK-3
AR107029/.5 (LB) ©2006 K, PW, SLJ
____016796 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Gardner, Sally–Magical Kids: The Strongest Girl In
The World And The Invisible Boy Two stories
about ordinary children who suddenly develop magical powers, the first, an eight-year-old girl who uses
her strength for good instead of for fun and the second, a boy whose invisibility helps him find his missing parents. RL4 IL3-6 (DIAL) ©2007
____013879 DEAS ___________________H17.0521.34
S Gerstein, Mordicai–Leaving The Nest The lives of a
Bopper plays the golden bold baritone saxophone at
the Snazzy Catz Jazz Club, but when he loses his
choppers, he loses his song. RL4 IL1-4 (BOYD)
____015342 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
wants to share a perfectly sunny day with her busy
woodland friends, she discovers that perfect days
can be spent all by yourself. RL1 ILP-1 (HA) ©2006
K, SLJ I Can Read Books: Level 1 series.
____016398 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Hills, Tad–Duck, Duck, Goose Duck and Goose face
a challenge to their friendship when an enthusiastic
young duck moves into their neighborhood who
wants to play — and win — all sorts of games. RL2
ILP-2 (K) ©2007 PW
____013723 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Himmelman, John–Chickens To The Rescue Six
days a week the chickens help the Greenstalk family
and their animals recover from mishaps that occur
on the farm, but they need one day to rest. RL2
ILP-2 (HOLT) ©2006 K, *SLJ
____016381 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
S Hodge, Deborah–Lily And The Mixed-Up Letters
When Lily tries to read the letters jump around and
get all mixed up. RL3 IL1-3 (TUN) ©2007
DEAS ___________________H19.6324.57
S Horowitz, Dave–Five Little Gefiltes Five little gefilte
fish sneak out of their jar and explore the world,
causing their poor mother great worry. Includes a
note about gefilte fish and a glossary of Yiddish
words. RL2 ILP-2 (V) ©2007 PW
____014105 DEAS ___________________H14.818.58
S Hurst, Carol Otis–Terrible Storm A child’s two grand-
fathers relate their boyhood experiences of the “terrible blizzard of 1888,” during which each was stuck
for three days doing what he disliked the most. RL3
IL1-4 (HA) ©2007 *ALA
____016237 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Hurwitz, Johanna–Mostly Monty Because he suffers
from asthma, six-year-old Monty is nervous about
starting first grade but he soon learns to cope with
his illness and use his special talents to make
friends. RL3 IL1-4 (CAND) ©2007
____016868 DEAS ___________________H17.0521.34
baby jaybird, a young girl, a kitten, and a small squirrel intersect as they venture out into the world. RL3
ILP-2 (FSG) ©2007
____016369 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
S Jacobs, Julie–My Heart Is A Magic House A mother
their zoo appear bored, a group of animals decides
to change conditions to create more interest. RL3
ILK-3 (RCP) ©2006
____015085 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
S Jordan, Apple–Love Is In The Air
S Glassman, Bruce–Zoolidays When the visitors to
S Gorbachev, Valeri–Red, Red, Red As Turtle rushes
explains that when the new baby arrives, her heart
will add a room so everyone will always receive the
same amount of love. RL1 ILP-1 (WHIT) ©2007
____016804 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
RL1 ILP-1 (RA)
Step Into Reading: Step 1 series.
____013476 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
New Titles – Easy
S Kimmel, Eric A.–Rip Van Winkle’s Return A man who
sleeps for twenty years in the Catskill Mountains
wakes to a much-changed world. RL3 ILK-3 (FSG)
____016372 DEAS ___________________H18.0622.61
Klein, Abby–Super-Secret Valentine First-grader
Freddy wants to give his best friend Jessie a special,
secret valentine, but to do that he must break some
rules at home and avoid the bully at school. RL3
IL2-5 LX600 RC3.3/4.0 (SBS) ©2007 Ready,
Freddy! series. Vol. 10
____013657 DEAS ____________________8.6910.88
S Klise, Kate–Why Do You Cry?: Not A Sob Story As
his fifth birthday party approaches, Little Rabbit
decides to invite only those friends who are also too
old to cry until he learns that others of all ages weep
for all sorts of reasons. RL2.4 ILK-3 AR106458/.5
(HOLT) ©2006 HB, K, PW, *SLJ
____014324 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
S Krebs, Laurie–We’re Sailing Down The Nile: A
Journey Through Egypt As the riverboat sails
down the Nile River, remnants of Egypt’s long history
and aspects of its present culture are revealed on its
banks. RL1 ILK-3 (BARE) ©2007
____015354 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Kuskin, Karla–Green As A Bean Questions in verse
about the many things you could be if you were
square or soft or loud or red or small or fat or fierce
or dark. RL2 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007 *ALA
____016234 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Kvasnosky, Laura McGee–Zelda And Ivy In three
brief stories, Ivy, the younger of two fox sisters, goes
along with her older sister’s schemes, even when
they seem a bit daring. RL3.0 ILP-2 AR19250/.5
(CAND) ©1998
____016877 DEAS ____________________9.7012.14
S Lachtman, Ofelia Dumas–Pepita Packs Up = Pepita
Empaca As her family prepares to move to a new
home, Pepita refuses to pack her toys or say goodbye to anyone, because saying goodbye might make
her cry. RL2.9 ILP-2 AR102346/.5 (ARTE) ©2005
____014402 DEAS ___________________H16.420.54
S Lagonegro, Melissa–Ballerina Princess Five Disney
princesses dream of being ballerinas in seperate,
easy-to-read vignettes. RL2 IL1-3 (RA) ©2007 Step
Into Reading: Step 2 series.
____013478 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
S Lakin, Patricia–Rainy Day! Four young crocodiles find
S London, Jonathan–Do Your ABC’s, Little Brown Bear
As they spend a day playing together near their
home, Little Brown Bear goes through his ABCs for
Papa Brown Bear. RL2 ILP-2 (V) ©2005 WC
____013760 DEAS ____________________10.513.14
S London, Jonathan–Froggy Plays T-Ball Froggy looks
forward to playing in his first T-ball game but finds it
hard to remember the rules. RL2 ILP-2 (V) ©2007
Froggy series.
____013843 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Lujan, Jorge–Sky Blue Accident = Accidente
Celeste RL3 ILK-3 (GRO) ©2007
DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
S McCully, Emily Arnold–Escape Of Oney Judge Young
Oney Judge risks everything to escape a life of slavery in the household of George and Martha
Washington and to make her own way as a free
black woman. RL3 IL2-5 (FSG) ©2007 *ALA
____016361 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
S McDonald, Megan–Daisy Jane, Best-Ever Flower
Girl! Daisy Jane, who is thrilled to be the flower girl
at her babysitter’s wedding, helps save the day when
a storm threatens the festivities. RL3 IL2-3 (RA)
©2007 Step Into Reading: Step 3 series.
____013480 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
S McDonnell, Patrick–Art A rhyming tribute to a budding
young artist. RL2 ILP-3 (LB) ©2006 HB, K, PW, SLJ
DEAS ___________________H16.4520.59
McG, Shane–Tennis, Anyone? When Tom receives a
tennis racket for his seventh birthday, he cannot figure out who to play with or what’s fun about it until
his father helps him look at the sport in a new way.
RL2 ILK-3 (LEHC) ©2007
____015716 DEAS ___________________H17.0221.31
S McKenna, Sharon Michelle–Good Morning
Sunshine: A Grandpa Story When Katie goes to
visit her grandpa, he shows her how to brighten her
attitude both day and night. RL2 ILP-2 (RCP)
____015086 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
S Mazer, Norma Fox–Has Anyone Seen My Emily
Greene? Emily decides to play hide and seek when
her father calls her for lunch. RL2 ILP-2 (CAND)
____016863 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Niemann, Christoph–Police Cloud A small cloud that
has always dreamed of becoming a police officer
discovers that he might not be suited to the job. RL2
ILK-3 (K) ©2007
____013725 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
all sorts of ways to keep busy on a rainy day. RL3
ILP-2 (DIAL) ©2007
____013878 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Norac, Carl–My Mommy Is Magic A child lists things
Tooth RL2.3 ILK-2 AR106479/.5 (SBS) ©2007
Scholastic Readers Level 2: Magic School Bus
____013650 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
S Offill, Jenny–17 Things I’m Not Allowed To Do
S Lane, Jeanette–Magic School Bus And The Missing
Lechner, John–Sticky Burr: Adventures In Burrwood
Forest Sticky Burr is on the verge of being kicked
out of his village in Burrwood Forest because he is
not prickly enough to suit some of the other burrs,
but when the village is attacked by wild dogs, Sticky
Burr and his friends come to the rescue. RL3 IL1-4
(CAND) ©2007
____016862 DEAS ___________________H17.0521.34
S Lehman, Barbara–Rainstorm In this wordless picture
book, a boy finds a mysterious key which leads him
on an adventure one rainy day. RL1 ILP-2 (HM)
____016578 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
S Lin, Grace–Fortune Cookie Fortunes After a young
Chinese American girl opens fortune cookies with
her family, she notices that the fortunes seem to
come true. Includes brief notes on the history of the
fortune cookie. RL2.4 ILK-3 AR79077/.5 (K) ©2004
____013752 DEAS ____________________1.3014.15
Lionni, Leo–Propio Color (Color Of His Own) A little
chameleon is distressed that he doesn’t have his
own color like other animals. RL2 ILP-1 (LECT)
____015682 DEAS ___________________H14.618.33
S Lloyd, Sam–Mr. Pusskins: A Love Story Grumpy Mr.
Pusskins hates doing ordinary cat things such as
playing with his owner Emily but a night out on the
streets in search of adventure makes him reconsider
the advantages of a loving home. RL2 ILP-2 (SS)
©2006 *ALA, K, PW
____016236 DEAS ___________________H16.420.54
S Lloyd-Jones, Sally–How To Be A Baby, By Me, The
Big Sister An all-knowing big sister gives her baby
sibling lessons in being a baby. RL2 ILK-3 (RA)
©2007 *ALA, HB
____016235 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
a mommy does, such as chasing monsters away,
that show she is magic, even if she does not have a
wand or magic hat. RL1 ILP-2 (HM) ©2007
____016602 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
Anymore A young girl lists the sixteen things she is
not allowed to do anymore, including not being able
to make ice after freezing a fly in one of the cubes.
RL2 ILP-2 (K) ©2007 PW, *SLJ
____013726 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Parpan, Justin–Gwango’s Lonesome Trail A lonely
dinosaur wanders the barren desert of the
Southwest, looking for a companion. RL4 IL1-4
(RCP) ©2006 SLJ
____015087 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
S Paul, Ann Whitford–Fiesta Fiasco When shopping for
Culebra’s birthday, Conejo convinces his friends
Iguana and Tortuga to buy all the wrong presents.
Includes Spanish words. RL1 ILK-3 (HH) ©2007
____016807 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
S Penn, Audrey–Kiss Goodbye RL2 ILK-3 (EVAN)
S Perez, Amada Irma–Nana’s Big Surprise = Nana,
Que Sorpresa! Amada and her family build a chicken coop, hoping that her grandmother, visiting from
Mexico, will enjoy raising the chickens and be distracted from her grief at Grandfather’s death. RL3
IL1-4 (CBP) ©2007
____015064 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
S Portis, Antoinette–Not A Box To an imaginative bunny,
a box is not always just a box. RL1 ILP-2 (HA)
©2007 HB
DEAS ___________________H14.818.58
S Pritchett, Dylan–First Music A series of accidents in
the jungle proves that everyone has something special to add when it comes to making music. RL3
IL1-3 (AUG) ©2006 ALA, K
____014811 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
S Random House Editors–Uh-Oh!
RL1 ILP-1 (RA)
Step Into Reading: Step 1 series.
DEAS ____________________8.911.13
New Titles – Easy
S Reiser, Lynn–My Way = A Mi Manera Parallel text in
Spanish and English portrays Margaret and
Margarita, who mirror one another as they fix their
hair, greet their friends, and engage in other routine
activities, each in her own special way. RL1 ILP-2
(HA) ©2007
____013539 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Reiser, Lynn–Two Dogs Swimming When two dogs,
S Soule, Jean Conder–Never Tease A Weasel
Illustrations and rhyming text present animals in silly
situations, such as a pig in a wig and a moose drinking juice, along with a reminder not to tease. RL2
ILP-2 (RA) ©2007
____013455 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Thomson, Sarah L.–Imagine A Day Whimsical
thoughts, bringing colorful and happy images to the
reader. RL3 ILK-3 (SS) ©2005 K, SLJ, WC
DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
Whistle and Spot, play at racing and jumping, sometimes one wins and sometimes the other one does,
but until Spot learns to swim, Whistle always beats
him across the pond. RL2.5 ILP-2 AR87450/.5 (HA)
©2005 K, SLJ
____014802 DEAS ___________________H17.922.50
S Wallace, Carol–One Nosy Pup After moving to a new
ingthere were two of him to complete all the items
on his “to do” list, Leo discovers that the real problem is not the number of Leos, but the length of the
list. RL3 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006
____015678 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Ward, Helen–Little Moon Dog Little Moon Dog plays
S Reynolds, Peter–Leos (So Few Of Me) After wish-
S Roth, Carol–Quien Me Arropara Esta Noche? (Who
Will Tuck Me In Tonight?) Various farm animal
mothers do their best to tuck Woolly the lamb into
bed, but nothing is quite right until Mother Sheep
arrives. RL2 ILP-2 (NOSO) ©2007
____016813 DEAS ____________________1.2714.11
S Roth, Susan L.–Great Big Guinea Pigs A guinea pig
tells her child the true story of giant guinea pigs that
lived in Venezuela about eight million years ago.
RL2.7 ILP-2 LXAD670 AR108876/.5 RC2.1/1.0
(HOLT) ©2006 *ALA, K, SLJ
____014708 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
S Rumford, James–Don’t Touch My Hat A sheriff in the
Old West fights crime with the help of his lucky tengallon hat. RL3 ILP-3 (K) ©2007 ALA
DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Saltzberg, Barney–Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready
For School? Cornelius the pig has his own style
when preparing for school in the morning, but he
does not really feel ready until he gets a kiss. RL2
ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
____016867 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Savadier, Elivia–Time To Get Dressed! While time
flies by on a busy morning, Solomon is determined
to dress himself, but his father intervenes and all
goes smoothly — for a while. RL1 ILP-2 (RBRK)
©2006 HB, K, PW, SLJ
____014322 DEAS ___________________H16.420.54
S Schaefer, Carole Lexa–Dragon Dancing
(V) ©2007
S Schoenherr, Ian–Pip & Squeak After rushing through
the snow to get to their friend’s birthday party, two
mice realize that they forgot to bring the present.
RL2 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007
____013538 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Sharp, N. L.–Effie’s Image An elderly woman finds
new meaning for her life when she volunteers at an
elementary school. RL2 ILP-2 (EVAN) ©2006
____014472 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
S Shulman, Lisa–Matzo Ball Boy In this Jewish version
of “The Gingerbread Boy,” a matzo ball runs away
from an old woman as she prepares her Passover
dinner. RL3.5 ILP-2 AR86383/.5 (V) ©2005 K, PW,
____014091 DEAS ____________________10.513.14
S Skalak, Daniel–All Summer’s Fun Describes the
many fun things that friends do over the long summer, from swimming at the pool and playing ball to
camping out and staying up late. RL2 ILK-3 (RCP)
____015088 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
S Smee, Nicola–Clip-Clop When Mr. Horse gives a ride
to his friends, Cat, Dog, Pig, and Duck, they urge
him to go faster and faster. RL2 ILP-2 (STER)
©2006 PW, *SLJ
____016890 DEAS ___________________H14.818.54
house, Poky the beagle befriends Charlie the hamster, who was accidentally left behind by the previous owners. RL1.8 ILK-2 AR86109/.5 (HH) ©2005
ALA, SLJ, WC Holiday House Readers Level 2
____015061 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
with the mischievous fairies who come to tour the
moon, but he later realizes that the Man in the Moon
is his true friend. RL3 ILP-2 (DU) ©2007
____013864 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Wells, Rosemary–Gulps After their van and the Killer
Whale water slide break down under the strain of
their excessive weight, the Gulps decide to eat right
and exercise. RL1 ILP-1 (LB) ©2007
____016644 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
S Wells, Rosemary–Max Counts His Chickens RL1
ILP-2 (V) ©2007 *ALA
Weyn, Suzanne–Huevos De Pascua (Big Egg Hunt)
When Clifford and some of his dog friends participate in the Kids and Pups Egg Hunt, they demonstrate the meaning of friendship. RL2 IL1-2 (SBS)
©2007 Clifford: Big Red Readers In Spanish series.
____013693 DEAS ____________________8.6910.88
S White, E. B.–Some Pig!: A Charlotte’s Web Picture
Book Relates the special relationship between a
young girl named Fern and Wilbur, the spring pig
she raises and loves. RL4 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007
____013557 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Willans, Tom–Wait! I Want To Tell You A Story A
clever muskrat outwits a very hungry tiger by telling
him a story RL2.1 ILK-3 AR86606/.5 (SS) ©2005
____015021 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
S Wilson, Karma–Never, Ever Shout In A Zoo
Rhyming text depicts the chaos caused by shouting
at the zoo. RL2.3 ILP-2 AR79661/.5 (LB) ©2004 K,
____015020 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
S Wilson, Karma–Sakes Alive!: A Cattle Drive Two
cows, Mabel and Molly, take the farmer’s truck and
go for an eventful joyride into town. RL2.2 ILP-2
AR104936/.5 (LB) ©2005 K, SLJ
____014473 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
S Winter, Jeanette–Angelina’s Island Every day,
Angelina dreams of her home in Jamaica and imagines she is there, until her mother finds a wonderful
way to convince her that New York is now their
home. RL2 ILP-2 (FSG) ©2007
____016353 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
S Yee, Wong Herbert–Detective Small In The Amazing
Banana Caper When shop owners call on
Detective Small to track down a banana thief, he follows the clues to a likely suspect, then learns that
the real culprit is still on the loose. RL2 ILP-3 (HM)
____016579 DEAS ___________________H16.4520.59
S Yolen, Jane & Stemple, Heidi–Sleep, Black Bear,
Sleep As winter’s chill spreads, different animals
settle into their cozy homes for a long sleep. RL2
ILP-2 (HA) ©2007 ALA, PW
____013556 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Our Guarantee
If you are ever dissatisfied with a
book in our Perma-Bound binding,
we will replace it.
All 616 PreK-8 Spring 2007 Titles
(963217) ____________________________________ $12,225.44
Title Index
Reading Interest
Publisher Copyright
Dog For Life–Matthews, L. S. RL5.2 IL4-7 LX910 AR109548/5.0 RC5.9/11.0 (RA) ©2006
FIC ________________________________________________________ H16.220.29
Call Number
Reading Counts
Accelerated Reader
Additional Symbols
H Publisher’s hardcover edition enhanced with a superior Perma-Bound binding G Original Publisher’s Binding
Adventures Of Odysseus–Lupton, Hugh RL5 IL4-7
(BARE) ©2006 ALA, *SLJ
____014810 D398 ____________________H20.4625.61
After The Dinosaurs: Mammoths And Fossil
Mammals–Brown, Charlotte Lewis RL5 IL1-3 (HA)
©2006 K
____016392 D569 ____________________H17.2521.59
Albert Pujols–Savage, Jeff RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015735 D92 ______________________10.4713.11
Alex Rodriguez–Fischer, David RL5 IL3-6 (CW)
____013979 D92 _____________________H25.031.30
Anne Frank: The Young Writer Who Told The World
Her Story–Kramer, Ann RL6 IL4-7 (NGS) ©2007
____013703 D92 _____________________H18.6223.31
Annie Oakley–DK Editors RL5 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007
____016837 D92 ______________________9.5011.89
Annika Sorenstam–Woods, Bob RL5 IL3-6 (CW)
____013980 D92 _____________________H25.031.30
Antarctic Habitat–Aloian, Molly RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
____014650 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Arctic Habitat–Aloian, Molly RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
____014643 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
All New Crafts For Mother’s Day And Father’s
Day–Ross, Kathy RL3 IL1-4 (LEHC) ©2007
____015743 D745 _____________________12.0815.12
Arctic Thaw: The People Of The Whale In A
Changing Climate–Lourie, Peter RL5 IL3-6
(BOYD) ©2007
____013806 D305 ____________________H18.223.56
All Summer’s Fun–Skalak, Daniel RL2 ILK-3 (RCP)
____015088 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
Are You Shy?–Moore-Mallinos, Jennifer D. RL1 ILP-2
(BAR) ©2006
____016615 D155 _____________________1.3014.15
All-Time Dunks–Tokyopop Editors RL5 IL5-9 (HA)
____015058 D920 _____________________1.914.91
Art–McDonnell, Patrick RL2 ILP-3 (LB) ©2006 HB, K,
____014317 DEAS ___________________H16.4520.59
Allen Iverson–Finkel, Jon RL5 IL5-9 (HA) ©2005
____015059 D92 ______________________1.914.91
Arthur’s Tree House–Brown, Marc RL2 ILP-2 (WB)
____010492 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
Amaterasu: Return Of The Sun–Storrie, Paul D. RL5
IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007
____015723 D299 ____________________G20.7525.98
Amazing Animals Q&A–DK Editors RL7 IL3-6 (DK)
____016839 D590 ____________________H14.618.33
Amelia Earhart–Stone, Tanya Lee RL5 IL4-7 (DK)
____013426 D92 ______________________9.5011.89
American League Central–Fischer, David RL3 IL3-6
(CW) ©2007
____014020 D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
American League East–Buckley, James RL3 IL3-6
(CW) ©2007
____014021 D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
American League West–Clendening, John RL3 IL3-6
(CW) ©2007
____014022 D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
Ana Tarambana Me Llaman (Clarice Bean, That’s
Me)–Child, Lauren RL3 IL2-5 (LECT) ©2000
____015685 DFIC ____________________H19.2724.12
Ancient Africa–Sherrow, Victoria RL7 IL4-7 (NGS)
____013715 D916 ____________________H18.6223.31
Ancient Egyptian Dudes–DK Editors RL4 IL2-5 (DK)
____016831 D741 ____________________G10.312.68
Ancient Iraq–Gruber, Beth RL7 IL4-7 (NGS) ©2007
____013716 D930 ____________________H18.6223.31
Ancient Rome (e.guides)–DK Editors RL6 IL4-7
(DK) ©2007
____013442 D937 ____________________H18.6523.35
Angelina’s Island–Winter, Jeanette RL2 ILP-2 (FSG)
____016353 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
Animal Poems–Worth, Valerie RL3 IL1-4 (FSG)
____016377 D811 ____________________H18.0622.61
Atalanta: The Race Against Destiny–Fontes, Justine
& Ron RL5 IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007
____015724 D741 ____________________G20.7525.98
Attack Of The Evil Elvises–Greenburg, Dan RL3
IL2-5 (RA) ©2007
____013488 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Aunt Nancy And The Bothersome Visitors–Root,
Phyllis RL4 IL2-5 (CAND) ©2007
____016886 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Australian Outback Food Chains–Kalman, Bobbie
RL5 IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2006
____014634 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Auto Del Sr. Pulga (Mr. Pulga’s Car)–Barbot, Daniel
RL4.1 ILK-3 AR73822SP/.5 (EK) ©2002
____014405 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Babies In The Bayou–Arnosky, Jim RL3 ILP-3 (PU)
©2007 *ALA, *K, PW
____013884 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Baby Can–Bunting, Eve RL2 ILP-2 (BOYD) ©2007
____015341 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
Backyard Habitats–MacAulay, Kelley RL4 IL2-4
(CRAB) ©2006
____014651 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Bah! Humbug?–Balian, Lorna RL1 ILP-2 (SBB)
____015062 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
Ballerina Princess–Lagonegro, Melissa RL2 IL1-3
(RA) ©2007
____013478 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
Ballet Of The Elephants–Schubert, Leda RL3.9 IL1-3
LX780 AR105274/.5 RC4.2/1.0 (RBRK) ©2006 *HB,
____015012 D796 ____________________H18.223.56
Title Index
Baltimore Orioles–Stewart, Mark RL5 IL3-6 (NWHO)
____016603 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Case Of The Kidnapped Candy–Preller, James RL2
IL1-4 (SBS) ©2007
____013634 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Banjo Granny’s Song–Busse, Sarah Martin RL2
ILP-2 (HM) ©2006 K, PW, *SLJ
____016792 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
Case Of The Left-Handed Lady: An Enola Holmes
Mystery–Springer, Nancy RL6 IL4-7 (V) ©2007
____013903 DFIC ____________________H14.618.33
Baroque Period–Fitzpatrick, Anne RL9.1 IL5-9
AR101617/1.0 (CREA) ©2006
____015101 D709 ____________________G17.221.43
Casey Back At Bat–Gutman, Dan RL2 ILP-2 (HA)
©2007 PW
____013554 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Bats–Vogel, Julia RL5 IL2-5 (NORT) ©2007
____016811 D599 _____________________14.918.14
Castle–DK Editors RL7 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007
____016829 D623 ____________________G12.4715.61
Batter Up Baseball–Kalman, Bobbie RL3 IL1-4
(CRAB) ©2007
____015654 D796 _____________________1.0713.86
Cat In The Hat Beginner Book Dictionary–Seuss, Dr.
& Eastman, P. D. RL3 ILK-3 (RA) ©1964 WC
____014316 D463 ____________________H16.220.29
Beach Blanket Bongo–Groening, Matt RL6 IL5-9
(HA) ©2007
____013535 D741 _____________________17.5021.91
Cat Lady–Graves, Damien RL5 IL4-7 (SBS) ©2007
____013691 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Beauty And The Beast–Eilenberg, Max RL4 IL1-4
(CAND) ©2006 K, PW, *SLJ
____016793 D398 ____________________H18.6523.35
Being Teddy Roosevelt–Mills, Claudia RL4 IL2-5
(FSG) ©2007
____016355 DFIC ____________________H17.0621.36
Ben Franklin’s Big Shock–Jango-Cohen, Judith
RL3.8 IL2-4 AR102736/.5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015744 D537 _____________________10.4713.11
Benjamin Harrison: Twenty-Third President, 18891893–Venezia, Mike RL4.7 IL2-5 LX870
AR105413/.5 RC5.2/2.0 (CP) ©2006
____014775 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
Beware Of The Haunted Eye–Barnes, Dawn RL4
IL3-6 (SBS) ©2007
____013687 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Beyond Escape!–Montgomery, R. A. RL4 IL3-6
(CHCO) ©2006
____014057 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Big Black Horse–Farley, Walter RL4 ILK-3 (RA)
____013464 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Big One-Oh–Pitchford, Dean RL3 IL3-6 (V) ©2007
____014106 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Black Cat Bone: The Life Of Blues Legend Robert
Johnson–Lewis, J. Patrick RL6 IL4-7 (CREA)
©2006 K, PW, *SLJ
____016795 D92 _____________________H20.4325.58
Board To Death–Lobdell, Scott & Henrique, Paulo
RL3 IL5-9 (HOLT) ©2006
____014077 D741 _____________________1.8714.86
Bones And The Birthday Mystery–Adler, David A.
RL2 ILK-3 (V) ©2007
____013845 DEAS ___________________H15.6419.58
Celebrate! It’s Cinco De Mayo! = Celebremos! Es El
Cinco De Mayo!–Levy, Janice RL2 ILP-2 (WHIT)
____016803 D394 ____________________H18.0222.56
Champions On The Bench: The Cannon Street
YMCA All-Stars–Weatherford, Carole Boston RL3
IL1-4 (DIAL) ©2007 PW
____013874 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Charles Darwin–King, David C. RL5 IL4-7 (DK)
____013427 D92 ______________________9.7012.14
Cheetah Cubs–Clarke, Ginjer L. RL2 ILK-3 (V) ©2007
____013780 D599 _____________________8.6910.88
Chess: Strategies To Master Your
Game–Summerscale, Claire RL6 IL2-5 (DK) ©2006
____016393 D794 ____________________H18.0522.60
Chester A. Arthur: Twenty-First President, 18811885–Venezia, Mike RL5.0 IL2-5 LX890
AR105414/.5 RC5.6/2.0 (CP) ©2006
____014776 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
Chicken-Chasing Queen Of Lamar
County–Harrington, Janice N. RL4 ILK-3 (FSG)
____016357 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
Chicken Chicken–Stine, R. L. RL3.2 IL4-7
AR14939/2.0 (SBS) ©1997
____013636 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Chickens To The Rescue–Himmelman, John RL2
ILP-2 (HOLT) ©2006 K, *SLJ
____016381 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
China–DK Editors RL9 IL5-9 (DK) ©2007
____016843 D951 ____________________H17.0521.34
Brilliant Dr. Wogan–Montgomery, R. A. RL4 IL3-6
(CHCO) ©2006
____014058 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
City Of Ruins–Williams, Mark London RL5 IL4-7
(CAND) ©2007
____010564 DFIC ____________________H13.016.31
Bronzeville Boys And Girls–Brooks, Gwendolyn RL4
IL2-5 (HA) ©2007 HB
____013548 D811 ____________________H18.0522.60
Clip-Clop–Smee, Nicola RL2 ILP-2 (STER) ©2006
____016890 DEAS ___________________H14.818.54
Buffalo Bill Wanted!–Simmons, Alex & McCay, Bill
RL4 IL4-7 (V) ©2007
____013898 DFIC ____________________H13.016.31
Cobra King Of Kathmandu–Kerr, Philip RL5 IL4-7
(SBS) ©2007
____010596 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Buffalo Soldier–Garland, Sherry RL5 IL2-5 (PEL)
©2006 ALA, SLJ
____015702 DFIC ____________________H17.221.56
Colores De Nuestra Piel (Colors Of Us)–Katz, Karen
RL2 ILP-3 (LECT) ©2005
____015674 DFIC ____________________H19.624.61
Butterflies–Stewart, Melissa RL5 IL2-5 (NORT)
____016812 D595 _____________________14.918.14
Cool Bopper’s Choppers–High, Linda Oatman RL4
IL1-4 (BOYD) ©2007
____015342 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
Buzz–DK Editors RL8 IL5-9 (DK) ©2007
____016828 D595 ____________________G19.424.40
Cool Construction Vehicles–MacAulay, Kelley RL2
ILK-5 (CRAB) ©2007
____015659 D388 _____________________12.6815.87
By The Sword: A Young Man Meets War–Castrovilla,
Selene RL5 IL4-7 (BOYD) ©2007
____015343 D973 ____________________H18.223.56
Cam Jansen And The Summer Camp
Mysteries–Adler, David A. RL3 IL2-5 (V) ©2007
____013763 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Cave Sleuths–Lindop, Laurie RL8.5 IL5-9 LX1220
AR102207/2.0 RC5.8/6.0 (TFCB) ©2006
____015464 D551 ____________________G21.7927.28
Cork And Fuzz: Good Sports–Chaconas, Dori RL2
ILP-2 (V) ©2007
____013844 DEAS ___________________H15.6419.58
Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready For
School?–Saltzberg, Barney RL2 ILP-2 (CAND)
____016867 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Cowlick!–Ditchfield, Christin RL3 ILP-2 (RA) ©2007
____013467 DEAS ___________________H16.4520.59
Campy: The Roy Campanella Story–Adler, David A.
RL3 IL1-3 (V) ©2007
____013846 D92 _____________________H17.2521.59
Cubism–Robinson, Shannon RL10.1 IL5-9
AR101610/1.0 (CREA) ©2006
____015104 D759 ____________________G17.221.43
Caring For Cheetahs: My African
Adventure–Hansen, Rosanna RL4 IL3-6 (BOYD)
____015345 D599 ____________________H18.0222.56
Cuento Del Mar (Tale Of The Sea)–Schnetzer,
Alejandro RL2 IL1-3 (LECT) ©2005
____014404 DFIC _____________________12.916.16
Case Of The Booby-Trapped Pickup–Erickson, John
R. RL4 IL4-7 (V) ©2007
____013761 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Curriculum Mapping For Differentiated Instruction,
K-8–Langa, Michelle A. ILPROF (SAGE) ©2006
____015708 D375 ____________________G23.629.24
Title Index
Curse Of King Tut’s Mummy–Zoehfeld, Kathleen
Weidner RL4 IL2-5 (RA) ©2007
____013489 D932 _____________________8.6910.88
Do Your ABC’s, Little Brown Bear–London, Jonathan
RL2 ILP-2 (V) ©2005 WC
____013760 DEAS ____________________10.513.14
Curtain Went Up, My Pants Fell Down–Winkler,
Henry & Oliver, Lin RL4 IL3-6 (V) ©2007
____013771 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Dog For Life–Matthews, L. S. RL5.2 IL4-7 LX910
AR109548/5.0 RC5.9/11.0 (RA) ©2006 *ALA, K,
____015662 DFIC ____________________H16.220.29
Curveball–Wallace, Rich RL4 IL4-7 (V) ©2007
____013851 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Dadblamed Union Army Cow–Fletcher, Susan RL3
ILK-2 (CAND) ©2007
____016869 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Daddy Is Getting Married–Moore-Mallinos, Jennifer
D. RL1 ILP-2 (BAR) ©2006
____016616 D306 _____________________1.3014.15
Daisho (Spanish)–Sakai, Stan RL5 IL5-9 (PSB)
____015301 D741 _____________________18.3022.91
Daisy Jane, Best-Ever Flower Girl!–McDonald,
Megan RL3 IL2-3 (RA) ©2007
____013480 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
Dale Earnhardt, Sr.–Christopher, Matt RL4 IL2-5 (LB)
____016664 D92 ______________________9.5011.89
Dallas Doc: All The City And Country Critters In
The Life Of A Texas-Style Vet–Carlton, David
RL6.4 IL5-9 AR106172/8.0 (BDGE) ©1999
____015333 D92 ______________________15.8919.89
Dallas Friday–Savage, Jeff RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015736 D92 ______________________10.4713.11
Darkness Creeping: Twenty Twisted
Tales–Shusterman, Neal RL5 IL5-9 (V) ©2007
____013762 DFIC _____________________1.013.90
Dave Mirra–Savage, Jeff RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015737 D92 ______________________10.4713.11
Dawn And Dusk–Mead, Alice RL6 IL5-9 (FSG)
____016359 DFIC ____________________H17.0621.36
De Que Planeta Eres Ana Tarambana? (What
Planet Are You From, Clarice Bean?)–Child,
Lauren RL3 IL2-5 (LECT) ©2006
____015686 DFIC ____________________H19.2724.12
Deadly Drive–Patneaude, David RL3.9 IL5-9
AR88592/6.0 (WHIT) ©2007 ALA, SLJ
____016460 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Dear Fish–Gall, Chris RL4.5 ILK-3 AR107029/.5 (LB)
©2006 K, PW, SLJ
____016796 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Deep Cut–Spain, Susan Rosson RL5.2 IL5-9
AR110442/7.0 (MACA) ©2006 *ALA, K, SLJ
____016448 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Demeter And Persephone: Spring Held
Hostage–Fontes, Justine & Ron RL5 IL4-7 (LEHC)
____015725 D741 ____________________G20.7525.98
Desert–DK Editors RL6 IL2-5 (DK) ©2007
____016834 D591 ____________________H12.4315.56
Desert Habitat–MacAulay, Kelley RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
____014640 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Detective Small In The Amazing Banana
Caper–Yee, Wong Herbert RL2 ILP-3 (HM) ©2007
____016579 DEAS ___________________H16.4520.59
Detroit Tigers–Stewart, Mark RL5 IL3-6 (NWHO)
____016604 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Diamond In The Snow–Emmett, Jonathan RL2 ILP-2
(CAND) ©2007
____010560 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size
Doesn’t Fit All–Gregory, Gayle ILPROF (SAGE)
____015709 D371 ____________________G23.629.24
Dimity Dumpty: The Story Of Humpty’s Little
Sister–Graham, Bob RL2 ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
____010563 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Dinner In The Lions’ Den–Hartman, Bob RL2 ILP-3
(PU) ©2007
____013893 D224 ____________________H18.0522.60
DK First Dinosaur Encyclopedia–DK Editors RL6
IL1-4 (DK) ©2007
____013425 D567 ____________________H17.0521.34
Donde Esta Jamela? (Where’s Jamela?)–Daly, Niki
RL3 ILP-2 (LECT) ©2005
____015676 DEAS ___________________H19.624.61
Donkey-Donkey–Duvoisin, Roger RL3 ILP-2 (K)
____013727 DEAS ___________________H17.0521.34
Don’t Touch My Hat–Rumford, James RL3 ILP-3 (K)
©2007 ALA
____013730 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Door Within–Batson, Wayne Thomas RL5.8 IL5-9
AR101931/13.0 (NEL) ©2005 PW, SLJ, V
____014803 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Dough Boy–Marino, Peter RL5.0 IL5-9 LX820
AR102547/6.0 RC4.8/12.0 (HH) ©2005 K, PW, SLJ,
____015067 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
Dragon A Dieta (Dragon On A Diet)–Cano, Carles
RL3 ILK-3 (LECT) ©2006
____015675 DFIC _____________________12.15.16
Dragon Dancing–Schaefer, Carole Lexa RL3 ILP-2
(V) ©2007
____014099 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Dragon Of The Red Dawn–Osborne, Mary Pope RL3
IL2-5 (RA) ©2007
____013481 DFIC ____________________H13.817.31
Dragones Y Magia (Hatching Magic)–Downer, Ann
RL7 IL4-7 (LECT) ©2006
____015679 DFIC _____________________19.423.96
Dragon’s Eye–Steer, Dugald A., ed. RL6 IL5-9
(CAND) ©2006 PW
____003253 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Duck At The Door–Urbanovic, Jackie RL2 ILP-2 (HA)
____013551 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Duck, Duck, Goose–Hills, Tad RL2 ILP-2 (K) ©2007
____013723 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Dynamic Duos–Tokyopop Editors RL5 IL5-9 (HA)
____015060 D920 _____________________1.914.91
Edwardo: The Horriblest Boy In The Whole Wide
World–Burningham, John RL2 ILP-2 (K) ©2007
____013729 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Effie’s Image–Sharp, N. L. RL2 ILP-2 (EVAN) ©2006
____014472 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
Elusive Moose–Gannij, Joan RL2 ILP-2 (BARE)
©2006 ALA, SLJ
____014809 D590 ____________________H17.2521.59
Emlyn’s Moon–Nimmo, Jenny RL5 IL4-7 LX810
RC4.7/9.0 (SBS) ©2007 ALA
____010597 DFIC ____________________H12.315.31
Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell Out Of A Tree–Tarshis,
Lauren RL6 IL4-7 (DIAL) ©2007
____013880 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Mega-Beasts–Sabuda,
Robert & Reinhart, Matthew RL4 ILK-4 (CAND)
____016864 D569 ____________________G21.8327.33
Endangered Bears–Kalman, Bobbie RL5 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2007
____015588 D599 _____________________1.0713.86
Endangered Monkeys–Aloian, Molly RL5 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2007
____015594 D599 _____________________1.0713.86
Endangered Penguins–Kalman, Bobbie RL5 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2007
____015590 D598 _____________________1.0713.86
Endangered Zebras–MacAulay, Kelley RL5 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2007
____015593 D599 _____________________1.0713.86
Escape Of Oney Judge–McCully, Emily Arnold RL3
IL2-5 (FSG) ©2007 *ALA
____016361 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
Explore Africa–Kalman, Bobbie RL4 IL2-5 (CRAB)
____015607 D916 _____________________12.6815.87
Title Index
Explore Antarctica–Kalman, Bobbie RL4 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2007
____015610 D910 _____________________12.6815.87
Explore Asia–Kalman, Bobbie RL4 IL2-5 (CRAB)
____015611 D915 _____________________12.6815.87
Explore Australia And Oceania–Kalman, Bobbie
RL4 IL2-5 (CRAB) ©2007
____015612 D910 _____________________12.6815.87
Getting To Know Ruben Plotnick–Rosenbluth, Roz
RL4.0 ILP-2 AR102804/.5 (CHIR) ©2005
____016797 DFIC ____________________H17.221.56
Ghost Ship–Clark, Mary Higgins RL3 IL2-5 (SS)
____015050 DEAS ___________________H18.623.61
Explore Europe–Aloian, Molly RL4 IL2-5 (CRAB)
____015618 D914 _____________________12.6815.87
Ghosthunters And The Totally Moldy
Baroness!–Funke, Cornelia RL4.9 IL2-5
AR111208/2.0 (SBS) ©2007
____013646 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Explore North America–Aloian, Molly RL4 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2007
____015616 D917 _____________________12.6815.87
Giant In The Garden–Ransom, Candice RL3 IL1-4
(TOR) ©2007
____014695 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Explore South America–Aloian, Molly RL4 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2007
____015617 D918 _____________________12.6815.87
Girlfriends’ Get-Together Craft Book–Ross, Kathy
RL5 IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007
____015742 D745 _____________________12.0815.12
Exploring Planet Mars–Jefferis, David RL6 IL4-7
(CRAB) ©2007
____015625 D523 _____________________12.6815.87
Global Warming–Petrucha, Stefan & Murase, Sho
RL3 IL5-9 (HOLT) ©2006
____014078 D741 _____________________1.8714.86
Extreme Weather–DK Editors RL7 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007
____016830 D551 ____________________G12.4715.61
Global Warming Alert!–Cheel, Richard RL6 IL4-7
(CRAB) ©2007
____015589 D363 _____________________12.6815.87
Feathers–Woodson, Jacqueline RL7 IL5-9 (PU)
©2007 ALA
____013892 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Fiesta Fiasco–Paul, Ann Whitford RL1 ILK-3 (HH)
____016807 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
First Music–Pritchett, Dylan RL3 IL1-3 (AUG) ©2006
____014811 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
Five Little Gefiltes–Horowitz, Dave RL2 ILP-2 (V)
©2007 PW
____014105 DEAS ___________________H14.818.58
Flamboyan Amarillo (Yellow Flame Tree)–Lazaro,
Georgina RL2 IL2-4 (LECT) ©2006
____015680 DFIC _____________________1.914.91
Flight Into Orbit–Jefferis, David RL6 IL4-7 (CRAB)
____015626 D523 _____________________12.6815.87
Flor De Oro: Un Mito Taino De Puerto Rico (Golden
Flower: A Taino Myth From Puerto Rico)–Jaffe,
Nina RL3 ILK-3 (ARTE) ©2006 ALA
____014403 D398 ____________________H16.420.54
Florida: 1531-1821–Cannavale, Matthew C. RL7
IL5-9 (NGS) ©2006
____011735 D974 ____________________H2.0427.59
Flush!: The Scoop On Poop Throughout The
Ages–Harper, Charise Mericle RL3 ILK-3 (WB)
©2007 SLJ
____010490 D392 ____________________H17.2521.59
Flyer Flew!: The Invention Of The Airplane–Hill, Lee
Sullivan RL3.2 IL2-4 AR102983/.5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015747 D629 _____________________10.4713.11
Forest Habitat–Kalman, Bobbie RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
____014641 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Forever Dog–Cochran, Bill RL3 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007
____013562 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Fortune Cookie Fortunes–Lin, Grace RL2.4 ILK-3
AR79077/.5 (K) ©2004 PW, SLJ
____013752 DEAS ____________________1.3014.15
Freaky–Beller, Jasmine RL3 IL3-6 (V) ©2007
____013777 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Friskative Dog–Straight, Susan RL4 IL3-6 (K) ©2007
____013732 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Froggy Plays T-Ball–London, Jonathan RL2 ILP-2 (V)
____013843 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Gallop To The Sea–Siamon, Sharon RL4 IL5-9
(FIRE) ©2006
____015279 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Games–Gorman, Carol RL4 IL3-6 (HA) ©2007
____013570 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Garfield Pigs Out–Davis, Jim RL4 IL4-7 (BAL) ©2006
____013520 D741 _____________________14.918.14
Gator–Cecil, Randy RL3 ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
____016848 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Go To Sleep, Gecko!: A Balinese
Folktale–MacDonald, Margaret Read RL2.3 ILP-2
AR106615/.5 (AUG) ©2006 K, SLJ
____016786 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
God Of Mischief–Bajoria, Paul RL6 IL4-7 (WB)
©2007 HB
____010499 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Goldilocks And The Three Bears–Buehner, Caralyn
RL3 ILP-2 (DIAL) ©2007
____013876 D398 ____________________H18.0522.60
Good Day–Henkes, Kevin RL1 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007
____013541 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Good Morning Sunshine: A Grandpa
Story–McKenna, Sharon Michelle RL2 ILP-2 (RCP)
____015086 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
Good Sports: Rhymes About Running, Jumping,
Throwing, And More–Prelutsky, Jack RL3 IL1-3 (K)
____013724 D811 ____________________H18.0522.60
Grassland Habitat–MacAulay, Kelley RL4 IL2-4
(CRAB) ©2006
____014653 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Great Big Guinea Pigs–Roth, Susan L. RL2.7 ILP-2
LXAD670 AR108876/.5 RC2.1/1.0 (HOLT) ©2006
____014708 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
Great Cape Rescue–Shalant, Phyllis RL3 IL2-5 (DU)
____013867 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Great Scientists–DK Editors RL9 IL5-9 (DK) ©2007
____016844 D920 ____________________H17.0521.34
Green As A Bean–Kuskin, Karla RL2 ILP-2 (HA)
©2007 *ALA
____016234 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Green Eggs And Ham Cookbook–Brennan,
Georgeanne RL5 IL2-5 (RA) ©2006
____015574 D641 ____________________H17.8222.31
Grover Cleveland: Twenty-Second And TwentyFourth President, 1885-1889, 1893-1897–Venezia,
Mike RL4.9 IL2-5 LX900 AR105415/.5 RC5.9/2.0
(CP) ©2006
____014777 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
Guji Guji (Spanish Ed.)–Chen, Zhiyuan RL3 ILP-3
(KM) ©2007
____016801 DEAS ____________________12.0815.12
Gulps–Wells, Rosemary RL1 ILP-1 (LB) ©2007
____016644 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Gwango’s Lonesome Trail–Parpan, Justin RL4 IL1-4
(RCP) ©2006 SLJ
____015087 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
Hamlet — Picture This! Shakespeare–Shakespeare,
William & Lacie, Christina RL6 IL5-9 (BAR) ©2006
____016619 D741 _____________________1.914.91
Hannah West In The Center Of The Universe–Johns,
Linda RL5 IL5-9 (V) ©2007
____013764 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Title Index
Has Anyone Seen My Emily Greene?–Mazer, Norma
Fox RL2 ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
____016863 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
History Of The Phoenix Suns–Frisch, Aaron RL6.1
IL4-7 AR109260/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015270 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Heat De Miami (Miami Heat)–Stewart, Mark RL5
IL3-6 (NWHO) ©2007
____016611 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
History Of The Portland Trail Blazers–Frisch, Aaron
RL6.5 IL4-7 AR109261/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015271 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Henry And The Elephant–Awdry, W. RL2 IL1-3 (RA)
____013479 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
History Of The Sacramento Kings–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.5 IL4-7 AR109294/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015272 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Utah Jazz–LeBoutillier, Nate RL6.3
IL4-7 AR109263/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015276 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Holy Mole!: A Folktale From Mexico–McAlister,
Caroline RL3 ILK-3 (AUG) ©2007
____016789 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
Home, And Other Big, Fat Lies–Wolfson, Jill RL4
IL5-9 (HOLT) ©2006 K, SLJ, V
____015075 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
Houston Astros–Stewart, Mark RL5 IL3-6 (NWHO)
____016605 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Hovercraft–Bullard, Lisa RL2 ILK-2 (LEHC) ©2007
____015749 D629 _____________________10.4713.11
How It Happened In Peach Hill–Jocelyn, Marthe RL4
IL5-9 (K) ©2007
____013747 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
How It Happens At The Building Site–Anderson,
Jenna RL4.9 IL2-5 AR88142/.5 (OLIV) ©2004
____014108 D690 ____________________H20.4325.58
How It Happens At The Cereal Company–Rocker,
Megan RL5.4 IL2-5 AR88144/.5 (OLIV) ©2004
____014109 D664 ____________________H20.4325.58
How It Happens At The Fireworks Factory–Rocker,
Megan RL5.2 IL2-5 AR88145/.5 (OLIV) ©2004
____014110 D662 ____________________H20.4325.58
How It Happens At The Motorcycle Plant–Shofner,
Shawndra RL5 IL2-5 (OLIV) ©2006
____014111 D629 ____________________H20.4325.58
How It Happens At The Pizza Company–Shofner,
Shawndra RL5 IL2-5 (OLIV) ©2006
____014112 D641 ____________________H20.4325.58
How To Be A Baby, By Me, The Big Sister–LloydJones, Sally RL2 ILK-3 (RA) ©2007 *ALA, HB
____016235 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Hubert Invents The Wheel–Montgomery, Claire
RL5.8 IL4-7 AR102998/5.0 (WALK) ©2005 K, SLJ
____015014 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
Huddle Up Football–Kalman, Bobbie RL3 IL1-4
(CRAB) ©2007
____015653 D796 _____________________1.0713.86
Huevos De Pascua (Big Egg Hunt)–Weyn, Suzanne
RL2 IL1-2 (SBS) ©2007
____013693 DEAS ____________________8.6910.88
Hugo Pepper–Stewart, Paul & Riddell, Chris RL5
IL4-7 (K) ©2007 HB
____013733 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Hurray For Today!: All About Holidays–Worth,
Bonnie RL4.1 ILK-3 AR83179/.5 (RA) ©2004
____014313 D394 ____________________H12.916.16
Hurricane Katrina–Rodger, Ellen RL6 IL4-7 (CRAB)
____014633 D976 _____________________12.816.12
Here’s A Little Poem: A Very First Book Of
Poetry–Yolen, Jane & Peters, Andrew Fusek RL2
ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
____016849 D811 ____________________H21.8727.38
Hey Batta Batta Swing!: The Wild Old Days Of
Baseball–Cook, Sally RL5 IL2-5 (SS) ©2007
____015078 D796 ____________________H18.6523.35
Hey, Doc: The Wonder Of Animals From The LifeStories Of A Texas Vet–Carlton, David RL6.5 IL5-9
AR106173/8.0 (BDGE) ©2006
____015334 D92 ______________________15.8919.89
Hey, You!: Poems To Skyscrapers, Mosquitoes, And
Other Fun Things–Janeczko, Paul B. RL4 IL2-5
(HA) ©2007
____013558 D811 ____________________H17.2521.59
History Of The Atlanta Hawks–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.4 IL4-7 AR109233/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015110 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Boston Celtics–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.4 IL4-7 AR109234/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015111 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Charlotte Bobcats–Nichols, John
RL7.1 IL4-7 AR109235/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015113 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Chicago Bulls–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.4 IL4-7 AR109236/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015116 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Cleveland Cavaliers–LeBoutillier,
Nate RL6.7 IL4-7 AR109237/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015117 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Dallas Mavericks–Frisch, Aaron
RL6.5 IL4-7 AR109238/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015118 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Denver Nuggets–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.5 IL4-7 AR109239/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015119 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Detroit Pistons–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.8 IL4-7 AR109287/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015129 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Golden State Warriors–LeBoutillier,
Nate RL6.6 IL4-7 AR109240/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015130 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Houston Rockets–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.4 IL4-7 AR109288/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015132 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Indiana Pacers–Frisch, Aaron RL6.5
IL4-7 AR109255/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015134 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Los Angeles Clippers–Frisch, Aaron
RL6.8 IL4-7 AR109256/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015135 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Los Angeles Lakers–LeBoutillier,
Nate RL6.4 IL4-7 AR109289/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015136 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Memphis Grizzlies–Gilbert, Sara
RL6.8 IL4-7 AR109257/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015155 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
History Of The Miami Heat–Gilbert, Sara RL6.8 IL4-7
AR109290/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015192 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Ice Kings–Labrecque, Ellen RL5 IL3-6 (CW) ©2007
____013981 D920 ____________________H25.031.30
History Of The Milwaukee Bucks–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.5 IL4-7 AR109258/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015193 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
I’d Really Like To Eat A Child–Donnio, Sylviane RL3
ILP-2 (RA) ©2007
____013456 DEAS ___________________H16.4520.59
History Of The Minnesota Timberwolves–Gilbert,
Sara RL7.0 IL4-7 AR109259/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015194 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
I’ll Sing You One-O–Gregory, Nan RL5 IL4-7 (HM)
©2006 K, *SLJ
____016383 DFIC ____________________H17.0621.36
History Of The New Jersey Nets–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.7 IL4-7 AR109291/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015195 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Imagine A Day–Thomson, Sarah L. RL3 ILK-3 (SS)
©2005 K, SLJ, WC
____014801 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
History Of The New York Knicks–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.5 IL4-7 AR109242/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015197 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
In Business With Mallory–Friedman, Laurie B. RL3.8
IL2-5 LX650 AR104714/2.0 RC3.5/5.0 (LEHC)
____015740 DFIC _____________________10.2712.86
History Of The Philadelphia 76ers–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.4 IL4-7 AR109293/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015269 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
In The Jungle–Greenburg, J. C. RL3 IL2-5 (RA)
____013486 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Title Index
Inventing The Computer–Groves, Marsha RL5 IL4-7
(CRAB) ©2007
____015583 D621 _____________________12.6815.87
Inventing The Electric Light–Mullins, Lisa RL5 IL4-7
(CRAB) ©2007
____015580 D621 _____________________12.6815.87
Inventing The Printing Press–Mullins, Lisa RL5
IL4-7 (CRAB) ©2007
____015581 D686 _____________________12.6815.87
Inventing The Radio–Fedunkiw, Marianne RL5 IL4-7
(CRAB) ©2007
____015582 D621 _____________________12.6815.87
It’s Not Easy Being Mean–Harrison, Lisi RL5 IL5-9
(WB) ©2007
____010523 DFIC _____________________13.516.91
It’s True! This Book Is Bugged–Bursztynski, Sue
RL5 IL3-6 (FIRE) ©2007
____016822 D327 _____________________10.2712.86
I’ve Been Burping In The Classroom: And Other
Silly Sing-Along Songs–Lansky, Bruce, ed. RL4
IL2-5 (SS) ©2007
____015083 D782 ____________________H17.221.56
Jack And The Beanstalk–Nesbit, E. RL2 ILK-3
(CAND) ©2006 K, PW, *SLJ
____016384 D398 ____________________H18.0522.60
Jaime Y Las Bellotas (James And The
Acorns)–Bowley, Tim RL2 ILP-2 (LECT) ©2005
____014406 DFIC ____________________H17.2521.59
James A. Garfield: Twentieth President
1881–Venezia, Mike RL4.9 IL2-5 LX850
AR105416/.5 RC5.2/2.0 (CP) ©2006
____014778 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
Jamie And Angus Together–Fine, Anne RL4 ILK-3
(CAND) ©2007
____016883 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Jason And The Golden Fleece–Limke, Jeff RL5
IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007
____015726 D398 ____________________G20.7525.98
Jeannette Rankin: A Political Pioneer–Woelfle,
Gretchen RL6 IL5-9 (BOYD) ©2007
____015344 D92 _____________________H19.4324.32
Jeff Gordon–Savage, Jeff RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015738 D92 ______________________10.4713.11
Jennifer’s Diary–Fine, Anne RL3.1 IL1-4
AR23806/1.0 (FSG) ©2007
____016368 DFIC ____________________H16.2520.34
Jimmy Coates: Target–Craig, Joe RL5 IL4-7 (HA)
____013574 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Joe On The Go–Anderson, Peggy Perry RL1 ILP-2
(HM) ©2007
____016597 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
Johan Santana–Zuehlke, Jeffrey RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC)
____015713 D92 ______________________10.4713.11
John F. Kennedy–Jones, Veda Boyd RL2.9 IL1-3
AR105595/.5 (CP) ©2006
____014741 D92 ______________________9.612.09
Johnny And The Bomb–Pratchett, Terry RL4.3 IL5-9
AR23466/7.0 (HA) ©2007
____013577 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Johnny Cash–Neimark, Anne E. RL6 IL5-9 (V)
©2007 *ALA
____013847 D92 _____________________H17.0521.34
Jonron! (Out Of The Ballpark)–Rodriguez, Alex RL3
ILP-3 (HA) ©2007
____013553 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny–Park, Barbara
RL2 IL1-4 (RA) ©2007
____013485 DFIC ____________________H13.817.31
Junie B. Jones Duerme En Una Mansion (Junie B.
Jones Is A Party Animal)–Park, Barbara RL2
IL1-4 (SBS) ©2007
____013692 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Just For Elephants–Buckley, Carol RL6 IL2-5 (TILB)
©2006 ALA, PW
____015666 D639 ____________________H18.0222.56
Just Grace–Harper, Charise Mericle RL3 IL1-4 (HM)
____016587 DFIC ____________________H16.2520.34
Keats, Shakespeare, And Other
Wordsmiths–Fandel, Jennifer RL7.2 IL4-7
AR101566/1.0 (CREA) ©2006
____015097 D821 ____________________G17.221.43
Kevin Garnett–Keith, Ted RL5 IL3-6 (CW) ©2007
____013982 D92 _____________________H25.031.30
Key Concepts In Mathematics: Strengthening
Standards Practice In Grades 6-12–McNamara,
Timothy J. ILPROF (SAGE) ©2006
____015710 D510 ____________________G31.639.01
Kick It Soccer–Kalman, Bobbie RL3 IL1-4 (CRAB)
____015655 D796 _____________________1.0713.86
Kids Who Rule: The Remarkable Lives Of Five
Child Monarchs–Cotter, Charis RL4 IL3-6 (FIRE)
____016824 D920 _____________________17.5021.91
Kilala Princess–Tanaka, Rika RL4 IL3-6 (HA) ©2007
____015339 D741 _____________________13.516.91
Kiss Goodbye–Penn, Audrey RL2 ILK-3 (EVAN)
____016787 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
Kung Fu Klutz And Karate Kool–Milky, DJ &
Seidenberg, Mark RL3 IL4-7 (HA) ©2007
____015340 D741 _____________________9.5011.89
Ladies Of The Court–Brock, Ted RL5 IL3-6 (CW)
____013983 D920 ____________________H25.031.30
Lakers De Los Angeles (Los Angeles
Lakers)–Stewart, Mark RL5 IL3-6 (NWHO) ©2007
____016609 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Lambkins–Bunting, Eve RL3.7 IL5-9 AR101200/4.0
(HA) ©2006 ALA, HB, K, PW, SLJ, WJ
____015071 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Land Habitats–Kalman, Bobbie RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
____014638 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Langston Hughes: Poetry For Young
People–Hughes, Langston RL7 IL4-7 (STER)
©2006 K, *SLJ
____016895 D811 ____________________H16.220.29
Late Modernism–Fitzpatrick, Anne RL9.5 IL5-9
AR101612/1.0 (CREA) ©2006
____015105 D709 ____________________G17.221.43
Leaving The Nest–Gerstein, Mordicai RL3 ILP-2
(FSG) ©2007
____016369 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
Lejos De Boneville (Bone, Out From
Boneville)–Smith, Jeff RL2 IL5-9 (PSB) ©2007
____015300 D741 ____________________H24.530.36
Leones, Tigres Y Osos (Lions, Tigers &
Bears)–Bullock, Mike & Lawrence, Jack RL5 IL4-7
(PSB) ©2007 WC
____015303 D741 _____________________19.24.92
Leos (So Few Of Me)–Reynolds, Peter RL3 IL1-4
(LECT) ©2006
____015678 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Letters From Rapunzel–Holmes, Sara RL4 IL3-6
(HA) ©2007
____013572 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Lewis And Clark–McCormick, Lisa Wade RL4.0 IL1-3
AR105598/.5 (CP) ©2006
____014742 D917 _____________________9.4611.84
Leyendas De America (Legends Of The
Americas)–Dubovoy, Silvia RL4 IL4-7 (LECT)
____015673 D398 ____________________H2.6728.38
Light In The Cellar–Cuckey, Sarah Masters RL5 IL4-7
(PC) ©2007
____013373 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Lily And The Mixed-Up Letters–Hodge, Deborah
RL3 IL1-3 (TUN) ©2007
____015671 DEAS ___________________H19.6324.57
Lily B. On The Brink Of Paris–Kimmel, Elizabeth
Cody RL6 IL5-9 (HA) ©2006
____010947 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Title Index
Little Monkey Lost–Du Quette, Keith RL4 ILP-2 (PU)
____013889 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Me I Am!–Prelutsky, Jack RL2 ILP-2 (FSG) ©2007
____016379 D811 ____________________H17.2621.61
Little Moon Dog–Ward, Helen RL3 ILP-2 (DU) ©2007
____013864 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Mee-An And The Magic Serpent: A Folktale From
Mali–Diakite, Baba Wague RL3 ILP-2 (GRO) ©2007
____016814 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
Little Red Hen: An Old Fable–Forest, Heather RL2.2
ILP-2 AR106800/.5 (AUG) ©2006 *K, SLJ
____015089 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
Mercy On These Teenage Chimps–Soto, Gary RL6
IL5-9 (HB) ©2007 ALA
____010858 DFIC ____________________H17.2621.61
Longest Season–Ripken, Cal, Jr. RL3 ILK-3 (V)
____013856 D92 _____________________H18.0522.60
Mercy Watson: Princess In Disguise–DiCamillo, Kate
RL2 IL1-3 (CAND) ©2007
____016875 DFIC ____________________H14.618.33
Los Angeles Dodgers–Stewart, Mark RL5 IL3-6
(NWHO) ©2007
____016606 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Merriam-Webster’s Student Atlas–Merriam-Webster
Editors RL7 IL5-9 (MWEB) ©2006
____015814 D912 _____________________13.4816.87
Lost And Found–Moore-Mallinos, Jennifer D. RL1
ILP-2 (BAR) ©2006
____016617 D152 _____________________1.3014.15
Merriam-Webster’s Visual Dictionary–MerriamWebster Editors RL7 IL4-7 (MWEB) ©2006
____015813 D423 ____________________G31.639.01
Lost World Of The Anasazi: Exploring The
Mysteries Of The Chaco Canyon–Lourie, Peter
RL6 IL4-7 (BOYD) ©2007
____015349 D978 _____________________15.2919.14
Mesopotamia–DK Editors RL9 IL5-9 (DK) ©2007
____016845 D935 ____________________H17.0521.34
Louds Move In–Crimi, Carolyn RL3.1 ILK-2
AR106036/.5 (MACA) ©2006 K, PW, SLJ
____015022 DEAS ___________________H16.420.54
Love Is In The Air–Jordan, Apple RL1 ILP-1 (RA)
____013476 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
Lowriders–Bullard, Lisa RL2 ILK-2 (LEHC) ©2007
____015750 D629 _____________________10.4713.11
Lullaby (Spanish)–Miller, Mike; Sevilla, Hector& Avery,
Ben RL6 IL5-9 (PSB) ©2007
____015304 D741 _____________________19.023.91
Lungs: Your Respiratory System–Simon, Seymour
RL5 IL2-4 (HA) ©2007 ALA
____013559 D612 ____________________H18.0522.60
M Is For Meow: A Cat Alphabet–Wilbur, Helen L.
RL3 IL2-5 (SBP) ©2006
____016385 D636 ____________________H18.6223.31
Magic Horse Of Han Gan–Chen, Jiang Hong RL4.4
IL3-6 LXAD890 AR110102/.5 RC5.6/3.0 (FSG)
©2006 ALA, *K, *SLJ
____014709 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
Magic School Bus And The Missing Tooth–Lane,
Jeanette RL2.3 ILK-2 AR106479/.5 (SBS) ©2007
____013650 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
Magical Kids: The Strongest Girl In The World And
The Invisible Boy–Gardner, Sally RL4 IL3-6 (DIAL)
____013879 DEAS ___________________H17.0521.34
Magician In The Trunk–Ransom, Candice RL3 IL1-4
(TOR) ©2007
____014696 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Magpie Gabbard And The Quest For The Buried
Moon–Keehn, Sally M. RL6 IL5-9 (V) ©2007
____013857 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Manny’s Cows: The Niagara Falls Tale–Becker, Suzy
RL3 ILK-3 LXAD600 RC3.3/2.0 (HA) ©2006 HB, K,
____014318 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Marie Curie–McCormick, Lisa Wade RL3.8 IL1-3
AR105599/.5 (CP) ©2006
____014743 D92 ______________________9.612.09
Mars Needs Moms!–Breathed, Berke RL3 ILP-2 (V)
____013855 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Masterpiece For Bess–Bergen, Lara RL4 IL2-5 (RA)
____013492 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Matzo Ball Boy–Shulman, Lisa RL3.5 ILP-2
AR86383/.5 (V) ©2005 K, PW, SLJ
____014091 DEAS ____________________10.513.14
Maude March On The Run!–Couloumbis, Audrey RL5
IL5-9 (RA) ©2007
____013491 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Max Counts His Chickens–Wells, Rosemary RL1
ILP-2 (V) ©2007 *ALA
____013842 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Metaphors, Similes, And Other Word
Pictures–Fandel, Jennifer RL6.5 IL4-7
AR101567/1.0 (CREA) ©2006
____015098 D808 ____________________G17.221.43
Mets De Nueva York (New York Mets)–Stewart, Mark
RL5 IL3-6 (NWHO) ©2007
____016612 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Midnight In Lonesome Hollow–Ernst, Kathleen RL5
IL4-7 (PC) ©2007 SLJ
____013374 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Mike Mulligan And His Steam Shovel (Board
Book)–Burton, Virginia Lee RL4 ILK-3 (HM) ©2007
____016576 DEAS ____________________G6.237.80
Mission: Hollywood–Abela, Deborah RL5.1 IL4-7
AR104895/6.0 (ALD) ©2006
____015080 DFIC _____________________13.4816.87
Mission: The Nightmare Vortex–Abela, Deborah
RL5.2 IL4-7 AR102672/6.0 (ALD) ©2007
____014491 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Moma: En Busca De Arte (Seen Art?)–Scieszka, Jon
RL2 IL2-5 (LECT) ©2005
____015684 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Monster Blood III–Stine, R. L. RL3.2 IL4-7
AR9615/3.0 (SBS) ©1995
____013655 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Mostly Monty–Hurwitz, Johanna RL3 IL1-4 (CAND)
____016868 DEAS ___________________H17.0521.34
Moving Day–Fletcher, Ralph J. RL4.3 IL2-5
AR111310/.5 (BOYD) ©2006 K, *SLJ
____016799 D811 ____________________H18.223.56
Mozart: The Boy Who Changed The World With His
Music–Weeks, Marcus RL7 IL4-7 (NGS) ©2007
____013704 D92 _____________________H18.6223.31
Mr. Chickee’s Messy Mission–Curtis, Christopher
Paul RL5 IL4-7 (K) ©2007
____013738 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Mr. Pusskins: A Love Story–Lloyd, Sam RL2 ILP-2
(SS) ©2006 *ALA, K, PW
____016236 DEAS ___________________H16.420.54
My Brother–Browne, Anthony RL2 ILK-3 (FSG)
____016370 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
My Grandparents Are Special–Moore-Mallinos,
Jennifer D. RL1 ILP-2 (BAR) ©2006
____016618 D306 _____________________1.3014.15
My Heart Is A Magic House–Jacobs, Julie RL1 ILP-1
(WHIT) ©2007
____016804 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
My Mommy Is Magic–Norac, Carl RL1 ILP-2 (HM)
____016602 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
My Way = A Mi Manera–Reiser, Lynn RL1 ILP-2 (HA)
____013539 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Mysteries Of The Mummy Kids–Halls, Kelly Milner
RL7 IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007
____015777 D393 ____________________H18.223.56
Mysterious Benedict Society–Stewart, Trenton Lee
RL5 IL4-7 (WB) ©2007 *PW
____010500 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Mayte And The Bogeyman = Mayte Y El
Cuco–Gonzalez, Ada RL3.6 IL1-4 AR106971/.5
(ARTE) ©2006 SLJ
____014401 DFIC ____________________H16.420.54
Title Index
Nana’s Big Surprise = Nana, Que Sorpresa!–Perez,
Amada Irma RL3 IL1-4 (CBP) ©2007
____015064 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
National League Central–Silbaugh, John RL3 IL3-6
(CW) ©2007
____014023 D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
National League East–Teitelbaum, Michael RL3
IL3-6 (CW) ©2007
____014024 D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
National League West–Gigliotti, Jim RL3 IL3-6 (CW)
____014025 D796 ____________________H26.1532.74
Navigator–McNamee, Eoin RL5 IL4-7 (K) ©2007
____013731 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
Never, Ever Shout In A Zoo–Wilson, Karma RL2.3
ILP-2 AR79661/.5 (LB) ©2004 K, PW, SLJ
____015020 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
Out Of Patience–Meehl, Brian RL4.9 IL5-9 LX770
AR106170/9.0 RC4.3/16.0 (B) ©2006 K, SLJ, V
____015074 DFIC ____________________H17.0221.31
Out Of The Ballpark–Rodriguez, Alex RL3 ILP-3
(HA) ©2007
____013552 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Out Of The Egg–Matthews, Tina RL2 ILP-2 (HM)
____016583 D398 ____________________H14.818.54
Over In The Jungle: A Rainforest Rhyme–Berkes,
Marianne RL2 ILP-2 (DAWN) ©2007
____015667 D591 _____________________12.816.12
Never Tease A Weasel–Soule, Jean Conder RL2
ILP-2 (RA) ©2007
____013455 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Packed With Poison!: Deadly Animal
Defenses–Souza, D. M. RL4.5 IL2-4 AR102978/.5
(LEHC) ©2007
____015745 D591 _____________________10.4713.11
New Hampshire: 1603-1776–Auden, Scott RL6 IL5-9
(NGS) ©2007
____013717 D974 ____________________H21.8427.34
Papa And The Pioneer Quilt–Van Leeuwen, Jean
RL3 ILP-2 (DIAL) ©2007
____013882 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Nibble Nibble–Brown, Margaret Wise RL4 ILP-2 (HA)
____013555 D811 ____________________H18.0522.60
Para Tio El Mio, Dice Ana Tarambana (Clarice Bean,
Guess Who’s Babysitting?)–Child, Lauren RL3
IL2-5 (LECT) ©2001
____015688 DFIC ____________________H18.6523.35
Nicki–Creel, Ann Howard RL4 IL4-7 (PC) ©2007
____013369 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
No Biz Like Show Biz–Krulik, Nancy RL3 IL2-4 (V)
____013774 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
North Carolina: 1524-1776–Cannavale, Matthew C.
RL6 IL5-9 (NGS) ©2007
____013718 D975 ____________________H21.8427.34
Not A Box–Portis, Antoinette RL1 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007
____013547 DEAS ___________________H14.818.58
Pele–DK Editors RL5 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007
____016836 D92 ______________________9.5011.89
Penguins! Strange And Wonderful–Pringle,
Laurence RL5 IL2-5 (BOYD) ©2007
____015347 D598 ____________________H18.0222.56
Pepita Packs Up = Pepita Empaca–Lachtman, Ofelia
Dumas RL2.9 ILP-2 AR102346/.5 (ARTE) ©2005
____014402 DEAS ___________________H16.420.54
Physik–Sage, Angie RL6 IL4-7 (HA) ©2007
____013576 DFIC ____________________H18.6523.35
Picture Book Of John Hancock–Adler, David A. RL3
ILK-3 (HH) ©2006
____016809 D92 _____________________H18.0222.56
Oceans Atlas (Includes CD)–Ganeri, Anita RL9
IL5-9 (DK) ©2007
____013431 D551 ____________________G15.919.52
Piece Of The Sky–Patneaude, David RL6 IL5-9
(WHIT) ©2007
____016805 DFIC ____________________H17.0221.31
Oh Say Can You Say What’s The Weather Today?:
All About Weather–Rabe, Tish RL3.7 ILK-3
AR79080/.5 (RA) ©2004
____014315 D551 ____________________H12.916.16
Pip & Squeak–Schoenherr, Ian RL2 ILP-2 (HA)
____013538 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Oil–DK Editors RL9 IL5-9 (DK) ©2007
____016846 D553 ____________________H17.0521.34
Olivia Forma Una Banda (Olivia Forms A
Band)–Falconer, Ian RL2 ILP-2 (LECT) ©2007
____015683 DEAS ___________________H17.8522.35
Olivia Kidney (Spanish Ed.)–Potter, Ellen RL4 IL4-7
(LECT) ©2006
____015677 DFIC _____________________19.423.96
On Fire–Sorrells, Walter RL4 IL4-7 (V) ©2007
____013776 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
On My Journey Now: Looking At African-American
History Through The Spirituals–Giovanni, Nikki
RL7 IL5-9 (CAND) ©2007
____016851 D782 ____________________H19.4624.36
On The Move–DK Editors RL1 ILP-2 (DK) ©2007
____016840 D629 _____________________8.911.13
On The Wings Of Heroes–Peck, Richard RL6 IL5-9
(DIAL) ©2007 ALA
____013877 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
One Nosy Pup–Wallace, Carol RL1.8 ILK-2
AR86109/.5 (HH) ©2005 ALA, SLJ, WC
____015061 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
One Ted Falls Out Of Bed–Donaldson, Julia RL1.9
ILP-2 AR106395/.5 (HOLT) ©2006 HB, K, PW, SLJ
____014319 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
Open Wide–Krulik, Nancy E. RL3 IL2-4 (V) ©2007
____013773 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Oprah Winfrey–Cooper, Ilene RL6 IL5-9 (V) ©2007
____013848 D92 _____________________H17.0521.34
Our Country’s First Ladies–Bausum, Ann RL6 IL5-9
(NGS) ©2007
____013701 D920 ____________________H20.325.32
Our 50 United States And Other U.S. Lands–Time
For Kids Eds.; Skelton, Renee & Joyce, Jaime RL5
IL3-6 (HA) ©2007
____013566 D973 ____________________H18.6523.35
Pirate Treasure Map: A Fairytale
Adventure–Hawkins, Colin RL3 ILK-3 (CAND)
____010561 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Piratepedia–DK Editors RL6 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007
____014073 D910 ____________________G10.312.68
Pirates Of The Purple Dawn–Abbott, Tony RL4 IL2-5
(SBS) ©2007
____013690 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Pish And Posh Wish For Fairy Wings–Bottner,
Barbara RL2 IL1-3 (HA) ©2006 K, PW, SLJ
____016395 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Please Write In This Book–Amato, Mary RL4 IL3-6
(HH) ©2006 ALA, K
____016396 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
Police Cloud–Niemann, Christoph RL2 ILK-3 (K)
____013725 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Pond Scum–Silberberg, Alan RL5.8 IL4-7
AR102201/9.0 (WB) ©2006 HB, SLJ
____011708 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Por Que Colon Cruzo El Oceano (I Wonder Why
Columbus Crossed The Ocean)–Greenwood,
Rosie RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006
____015689 D910 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Cuelgan Las Estalactitas (I Wonder Why
Stalactites Hang Down)–Gaff, Jackie RL5 IL1-4
(LECT) ©2006
____015690 D551 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que En El Sahara Hace Frio De Noche (I
Wonder Why The Sahara Is Cold At Night)–Gaff,
Jackie RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006
____015691 D577 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Las Cumbres Tienen Nieve (I Wonder Why
Do Mountaintops Have Snow?)–Lectorum Editors
RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006
____015692 D577 ____________________H14.618.33
Title Index
Por Que Los Arboles Tienen Hojas (I Wonder Why
Trees Have Leaves)–Charman, Andy RL4 IL1-4
(LECT) ©2006
____015693 D580 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Los Buitres Son (I Wonder Why Vultures
Are Bald?)–Lectorum Editors RL5 IL1-4 (LECT)
____015694 D570 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Los Griegos Construian Templos? (I
Wonder Why Greeks Built Temples)–Macdonald,
Fiona RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006
____015695 D938 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Los Peces Tuvieron Patas (I Wonder Why
Did Fish Grow Legs?)–Gaff, Jackie RL5 IL1-4
(LECT) ©2006
____015696 D570 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Los Romanos Llevaban Toga (I Wonder
Why The Romans Wore Togas?)–MacDonald,
Fiona RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006
____015698 D570 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Los Volcanes Echan Lava (I Wonder Why
Volcanos Blow Their Tops?)–Lectorum Editors
RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006
____015699 D570 ____________________H14.618.33
Por Que Mozart Componia Con Cinco Anos (I
Wonder Why Mozart Composed At Age
Five?)–Parker, Josephine RL5 IL1-4 (LECT) ©2006
____015700 D570 ____________________H14.618.33
Potros Llevan Herraduras (I Wonder Why Horses
Wear Shoes)–Gaff, Jackie RL5 IL1-4 (LECT)
____015697 D636 ____________________H14.618.33
Rainy Day!–Lakin, Patricia RL3 ILP-2 (DIAL) ©2007
____013878 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Reading And Writing Across Content
Areas–Sejnost, Roberta ILPROF (SAGE) ©2006
____015711 D372 ____________________G31.639.01
Real Families: Figuring Out Your Family And Where
You Fit In–Lynch, Amy RL6 IL4-7 (PC) ©2007
____013372 D150 _____________________13.4816.87
Real Story Of Stone Soup–Compestine, Ying Chang
RL2 ILK-2 (DU) ©2007
____013863 D398 ____________________H18.0522.60
Red, Red, Red–Gorbachev, Valeri RL2 ILP-2 (V)
____013859 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Regalo De Los Mayas (Gift Of The
Mayans)–Dubuvoy, Silvia RL4 IL4-7 (LECT) ©2006
____015672 D972 _____________________12.515.67
Remarkable, Rough-Riding Life Of Theodore
Roosevelt And The Rise Of Empire
America–Harness, Cheryl RL7 IL5-9 (NGS) ©2007
____013705 D92 _____________________H17.8222.31
Remember The Alamo: Texians, Tejanos, And
Mexicans Tell Their Stories–Walker, Paul Robert
RL7 IL5-9 (NGS) ©2007
____013713 D920 ____________________H18.6223.31
Remembering Mrs. Rossi–Hest, Amy RL4 IL4-7
(CAND) ©2007
____010565 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Renaissance–Fitzpatrick, Anne RL9.4 IL5-9
AR101618/1.0 (CREA) ©2006
____015109 D709 ____________________G17.221.43
Priceless Gifts: A Folktale From Italy–Hamilton,
Martha RL3 ILK-3 (AUG) ©2007
____016790 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
Return To Atlantis–Montgomery, R. A. RL4 IL3-6
(CHCO) ©2006
____014059 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Princess Justina Albertina: A Cautionary
Tale–Davidson, Ellen Dee RL3 ILK-3 (CHAR)
____016614 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
Return To The Moon–Jefferis, David RL6 IL4-7
(CRAB) ©2007
____015628 D523 _____________________12.6815.87
Promise Is A Promise–Heide, Florence Parry RL2
ILK-3 (CAND) ©2007
____016879 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Revenge Of The Shadow King–Benz, Derek RL5.6
IL4-7 LX860 AR104967/15.0 RC5.6/21.0 (SBS)
©2006 HB, K, SLJ, V
____013664 DFIC ____________________H13.016.31
Propio Color (Color Of His Own)–Lionni, Leo RL2
ILP-1 (LECT) ©2007
____015682 DEAS ___________________H14.618.33
Rex Zero And The End Of The World–Wynne-Jones,
Tim RL5 IL3-6 (FSG) ©2007
____016371 DFIC ____________________H17.0621.36
Pulpo Ficcion (Octopus Fiction)–Public Square
Books Editors RL4 IL3-6 (PSB) ©2007
____015305 D741 ____________________H2.6428.34
Rhode Island: 1636-1776–McDermott, Jesse RL7
IL5-9 (NGS) ©2006
____011736 D974 ____________________H2.0427.59
Punk’d And Skunked–Stine, R. L. RL3 IL2-5 (HA)
____013568 DFIC _____________________1.013.90
Rhyme, Meter, And Other Word Music–Fandel,
Jennifer RL6.4 IL4-7 AR101569/1.0 (CREA) ©2006
____015100 D808 ____________________G17.221.43
Puns, Allusions, And Other Word Secrets–Fandel,
Jennifer RL6.5 IL4-7 AR101568/1.0 (CREA) ©2006
____015099 D808 ____________________G17.221.43
Rickshaw Girl–Perkins, Mitali RL5 IL3-6 (CHAR)
____016613 DFIC ____________________H15.419.29
Puppet, The Professor, And The Prophet–DeMatteis,
J. M. RL5 IL4-7 (WB) ©2006
____011703 DFIC ____________________H12.315.31
Rip Van Winkle’s Return–Kimmel, Eric A. RL3 ILK-3
(FSG) ©2007
____016372 DEAS ___________________H18.0622.61
Quest For The Dragon Stone–Blackford, Ami RL4
IL2-5 (RCP) ©2006
____015084 DFIC ____________________H19.6324.57
Quien Me Arropara Esta Noche? (Who Will Tuck Me
In Tonight?)–Roth, Carol RL2 ILP-2 (NOSO) ©2007
____016813 DEAS ____________________1.2714.11
Race Cars: Start Your Engines!–Aloian, Molly RL2
ILK-5 (CRAB) ©2007
____015660 D388 _____________________12.6815.87
Race Into Space–Jefferis, David RL6 IL4-7 (CRAB)
____015627 D523 _____________________12.6815.87
Race To The Rescue–Siamon, Sharon RL4 IL5-9
(FIRE) ©2007
____016826 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Rainforest Food Chains–Aloian, Molly RL5 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2006
____014635 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Rainforest Habitat–Aloian, Molly RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
____014652 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Rainstorm–Lehman, Barbara RL1 ILP-2 (HM) ©2007
____016578 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
Robert F. Kennedy–Aronson, Marc RL6 IL5-9 (V)
____013850 D92 _____________________H17.0521.34
Robert Smalls Sails To Freedom–Brown, Susan
Taylor RL3.7 IL2-4 AR102740/.5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015755 D92 ______________________10.4713.11
Robin Hood: Outlaw Of Sherwood Forest–Storrie,
Paul D. RL5 IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007
____015727 D398 ____________________G20.7525.98
Rock Jaw–Smith, Jeff RL3 IL5-9 (SBS) ©2007
____013689 D741 _____________________13.516.91
Rottenest Angel–Stine, R. L. RL3 IL2-5 (HA) ©2007
____013569 DFIC _____________________1.013.90
Rover–French, Jackie RL5 IL5-9 (HA) ©2007
____013573 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Ruby’s Perfect Day–Hill, Susan RL1 ILP-1 (HA)
©2006 K, SLJ
____016398 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Rudy Rides The Rails: A Depression Era
Story–Mackall, Dandi Daley RL4 IL2-5 (SBP)
____016387 DFIC ____________________H18.6223.31
Runaround–Hemphill, Helen RL4 IL5-9 (BOYD)
____015350 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
Rutherford B. Hayes: Nineteenth President 18771881–Venezia, Mike RL5.1 IL2-5 LX890
AR105417/.5 RC5.6/3.0 (CP) ©2006
____014779 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
Title Index
S Is For Shamrock: An Ireland Alphabet–Bunting,
Eve RL4 IL2-5 (SBP) ©2007
____016388 D941 ____________________H18.6223.31
Sky Blue Accident = Accidente Celeste–Lujan,
Jorge RL3 ILK-3 (GRO) ©2007
____016815 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
St. Louis Cardinals–Stewart, Mark RL5 IL3-6
(NWHO) ©2007
____016607 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Slam Dunk Basketball–Kalman, Bobbie RL3 IL1-4
(CRAB) ©2007
____015656 D796 _____________________1.0713.86
Sakes Alive!: A Cattle Drive–Wilson, Karma RL2.2
ILP-2 AR104936/.5 (LB) ©2005 K, SLJ
____014473 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Sleep, Black Bear, Sleep–Yolen, Jane & Stemple,
Heidi RL2 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007 ALA, PW
____013556 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Sam Collier And The Founding Of
Jamestown–Ransom, Candice F. RL3.4 IL2-4
AR102741/.5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015756 DFIC _____________________10.4713.11
Slide And Slurp, Scratch And Burp: More About
Verbs–Cleary, Brian P. RL3 IL2-5 (MILL) ©2007
____015715 D428 ____________________H17.221.56
Samurai Never Fears Death–Hoobler, Dorothy RL5
IL5-9 (V) ©2007
____013904 DFIC ____________________H14.618.33
Sly The Sleuth And the Food Mysteries–Napoli,
Donna Jo & Furrow, Robert RL2 IL2-5 (DIAL)
____013883 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Satchel Paige: Don’t Look Back–Adler, David A.
RL4.7 IL1-4 LXAD840 AR107529/.5 RC5.1/3.0
(HB) ©2007 PW
____010870 D92 _____________________H17.2621.61
Snake–Stone, Jeff RL4.4 IL5-9 LX700 AR106099/5.0
RC3.9/11.0 (K) ©2006 HB, K
____013753 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Savanna Food Chains–Kalman, Bobbie RL5 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2006
____014636 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Savanna Habitat–Kalman, Bobbie RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
____014642 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
School For Mutants–Greenburg, Dan RL4 IL4-7
(HB) ©2007
____010872 DFIC ____________________H12.015.27
School Like Mine: A Unique Celebration Of
Schools Around The World–DK Editors RL5 IL2-5
(DK) ©2007
____016833 D371 ____________________H20.625.36
Scoop!: An Exclusive By Monty Molenski–Kelly,
John & Tincknell, Cathy RL3 IL1-4 (CAND) ©2007
____010562 DFIC ____________________H17.2521.59
Seattle Mariners–Stewart, Mark RL5 IL3-6 (NWHO)
____016608 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
Snowboarding–DK Editors RL5 IL4-7 (DK) ©2007
____013428 D796 ____________________H14.818.58
Sombras De Muerte (Shades Of Death)–Sakai, Stan
RL5 IL5-9 (PSB) ©2007
____015302 D741 _____________________18.3022.91
Some Dog!–Casanova, Mary RL2 ILK-3 (FSG) ©2007
____016373 DEAS ___________________H17.2621.61
Some Pig!: A Charlotte’s Web Picture Book–White,
E. B. RL4 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007
____013557 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Sometimes Love Isn’t Enough–McDaniel. Lurlene
RL4 IL5-9 (LEHC) ©2007
____015778 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Soul Eater–Paver, Michelle RL4 IL5-9 (HA) ©2007
____013571 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Space Shuttle–Zuehlke, Jeffrey RL2 ILK-2 (LEHC)
____015751 D629 _____________________10.4713.11
Seattle Puzzle–Warner, Gertrude Chandler RL4 IL2-5
(WHIT) ©2007
____016808 DFIC _____________________9.7112.16
Sports Illustrated For Kids Year In Sports
2007–Sports Illustrated For Kids Editors RL5 IL4-7
(SBS) ©2006
____010631 D796 _____________________13.516.91
Secret History Of Tom Trueheart–Beck, Ian RL6
IL4-7 (HA) ©2007
____013542 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Stargazer’s Alphabet: Night-Sky Wonders From A
To Z–Farrell, John RL5 IL2-5 (BOYD) ©2007
____015346 D520 ____________________H18.0222.56
Secret Life Of Walter Kitty–Hicks, Barbara Jean RL2
ILK-3 (K) ©2007
____014084 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Steamboats: The Story Of Lakers, Ferries, And
Majestic Paddlewheelers–Zimmermann, Karl R.
RL4 IL3-6 (BOYD) ©2007
____015348 D623 ____________________H20.4325.58
Secret Of The Mask–Warner, Gertrude Chandler RL4
IL2-5 (WHIT) ©2007
____016806 DFIC _____________________9.1011.39
Secret Of The Ninja–Leibold, Jay RL4 IL3-6 (CHCO)
____014060 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Secret Of The Swamp King–Rogers, Jonathan RL5.7
IL4-7 AR100192/8.0 (BH) ©2005 SLJ
____014804 DFIC ____________________H12.15.28
Secrets In The Sand–Siamon, Sharon RL4 IL5-9
(FIRE) ©2006
____015280 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
17 Things I’m Not Allowed To Do Anymore–Offill,
Jenny RL2 ILP-2 (K) ©2007 PW, *SLJ
____013726 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
Shackleton’s Stowaway–McKernan, Victoria RL4.8
IL5-9 AR86105/12.0 (B) ©2006 K, SLJ, WH, WJ
____015073 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Shadows On Society Hill–Coleman, Evelyn RL5
IL4-7 (PC) ©2007
____013375 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Sharks And Other Sea Monsters–Sabuda, Robert
RL4 ILK-4 (CAND) ©2006 HB, PW, SLJ, WC
____014321 D566 ____________________G21.8327.33
Sherlock Holmes Is Missing!–Simmons, Alex RL4.9
IL4-7 AR106428/5.0 (V) ©2006 HB, SLJ
____013899 DFIC ____________________H13.016.31
Shipwreck Search: Discovery Of The H.L.
Hunley–Walker, Sally M. RL4.1 IL2-4 AR102982/.5
(LEHC) ©2007
____015746 D973 _____________________10.4713.11
Shluffmuffin Boy Is History–Greenburg, Dan RL4
IL4-7 (HB) ©2006
____010871 DFIC ____________________H12.015.27
1607: A New Look At Jamestown–Lange, Karen E.
RL6 IL4-7 (NGS) ©2007 ALA
____013706 D973 ____________________H18.6223.31
Sticky Burr: Adventures In Burrwood
Forest–Lechner, John RL3 IL1-4 (CAND) ©2007
____016862 DEAS ___________________H17.0521.34
Stink And The World’s Worst Super-Stinky
Sneakers–McDonald, Megan RL3 IL2-5 (CAND)
____016858 DFIC ____________________H14.618.33
Story Of The New Orleans Hornets–Gilbert, Sara
RL6.7 IL4-7 AR109241/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015196 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Story Of The Orlando Magic–Gilbert, Sara RL6.5
IL4-7 AR109292/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015268 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Story Of The San Antonio Spurs–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.7 IL4-7 AR109295/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015273 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Story Of The Seattle Supersonics–LeBoutillier, Nate
RL6.6 IL4-7 AR109296/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015274 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Story Of The Toronto Raptors–Gilbert, Sara RL6.9
IL4-7 AR109262/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015275 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Story Of The Washington Wizards–Frisch, Aaron
RL6.7 IL4-7 AR109264/.5 (CREA) ©2006
____015277 D796 ____________________G14.7818.50
Subways–Winget, Mary RL2.4 ILK-2 AR110550/.5
(LEHC) ©2007
____015752 D625 _____________________10.4713.11
Sungura And Leopard: A Swahili Trickster
Tale–Knutson, Barbara RL3 ILK-3 (LEHC) ©2007
____015741 D398 _____________________1.2714.11
Sunset–Hunter, Erin RL5 IL5-9 (HA) ©2007
____013567 DFIC ____________________H17.8522.35
Title Index
Super-Secret Valentine–Klein, Abby RL3 IL2-5
LX600 RC3.3/4.0 (SBS) ©2007
____013657 DEAS ____________________8.6910.88
Tough Trucks–Kalman, Bobbie RL2 ILK-5 (CRAB)
____015657 D388 _____________________12.6815.87
Super Soccer Freak Show–Scroggs, Kirk RL3 IL2-4
(WB) ©2007
____010511 DFIC _____________________8.911.13
Tracking Trash: Flotsam, Jetsam, And The Science
Of Ocean Motion–Burns, Loree Griffin RL7 IL4-7
(HM) ©2007
____016591 D551 ____________________H18.623.36
Superheroes–Gownley, Jimmy RL4 IL3-6 (DCC)
____015335 D741 _____________________17.5021.91
Surfing Stars–Labrecque, Ellen RL5 IL3-6 (CW)
____013984 D920 ____________________H25.031.30
Trailblazers: Poems Of Exploration–Katz, Bobbi RL6
IL4-7 (HA) ©2007
____013544 D811 ____________________H17.8522.35
Trains On The Tracks–Smithyman, Kathryn RL2
ILK-5 (CRAB) ©2007
____015658 D385 _____________________12.6815.87
Treasures Of Weatherby–Snyder, Zilpha Keatley RL5
IL4-7 (SS) ©2006 ALA, PW
____010690 DFIC ____________________H17.0221.31
Tale Of Pip And Squeak–Duke, Kate RL3 ILP-2 (DU)
____013868 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Trouble According To Humphrey–Birney, Betty G.
RL4 IL2-5 (PU) ©2007
____013886 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Tales Of Terror–Martin, Les RL4 IL2-5 (RA) ©2007
____013490 DFIC _____________________8.6910.88
Trouble At The Treasury–Roy, Ron RL3 IL2-5 (RA)
____013487 DFIC _____________________8.911.13
Taxis–Winget, Mary RL2 ILK-2 (LEHC) ©2007
____015753 D388 _____________________10.4713.11
Teach Like Your Hair’s On Fire!: The Methods And
Madness Inside Room 56–Esquith, Rafe ILPROF
(V) ©2007
____013828 D370 ____________________H24.530.36
Teaching Phonics For Balanced Reading–Starrett,
E. V. ILPROF (SAGE) ©2006
____015712 D372 ____________________G25.7032.17
Telling Time–Murphy, Patricia J. RL3 IL1-3 (DK)
____016841 D529 _____________________8.911.13
10 Patitos De Goma (10 Little Rubber Ducks)–Carle,
Eric RL2 ILP-2 (HA) ©2007
____013549 DEAS ___________________H20.4625.61
Tennis, Anyone?–McG, Shane RL2 ILK-3 (LEHC)
____015716 DEAS ___________________H17.0221.31
Terrible Storm–Hurst, Carol Otis RL3 IL1-4 (HA)
©2007 *ALA
____016237 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Texas Doc: More Critter Stories In The Life Of A
Town ’N Country Vet–Carlton, David RL6.7 IL5-9
AR106174/7.0 (BDGE) ©2003
____015332 D92 ______________________15.8919.89
Thanks To Nicki–Creel, Ann Howard RL4 IL4-7 (PC)
____013371 DFIC _____________________1.0713.86
Thomas Edison: The Great Inventor–Jenner, Caryn
RL5 IL2-4 (DK) ©2007
____016842 D92 ______________________8.911.13
3-D ABC: A Sculptural Alphabet–Raczka, Bob RL2
ILP-2 (LEHC) ©2006 *SLJ
____016380 D730 ____________________H23.629.58
Thurgood Marshall–Taylor-Butler, Christine RL4.3
IL1-3 AR105606/.5 (CP) ©2006
____014744 D92 ______________________9.4611.84
Tiger Woods–Savage, Jeff RL4 IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015739 D92 ______________________10.4713.11
Time–DK Editors RL2 ILP-2 (DK) ©2007
____014074 D529 ____________________H12.916.16
Time To Get Dressed!–Savadier, Elivia RL1 ILP-2
(RBRK) ©2006 HB, K, PW, SLJ
____014322 DEAS ___________________H16.420.54
Tinderbox–Andersen, Hans Christian & Mitchell,
Stephen RL5 ILK-3 (CAND) ©2007
____016850 DFIC ____________________H18.623.61
Toad Away–Gleitzman, Morris RL4.7 IL3-6
AR106104/5.0 (K) ©2007 HB
____014089 DFIC _____________________9.5011.89
Todo Sobre Mi, Ana Tarambana (Utterly Me, Clarice
Bean)–Child, Lauren RL5 IL2-5 (LECT) ©2006
____015687 DFIC _____________________16.7320.94
Tom Brady–Gigliotti, Jim RL5 IL3-6 (CW) ©2007
____013985 D92 _____________________H25.031.30
Tomie DePaola’s More Mother Goose Favorites–
De Paola, Tomie RL2 ILP-3 (V) ©2007
____013781 DEAS ____________________8.6910.88
Tony Stewart–Teitelbaum, Michael RL5 IL3-6 (CW)
____013986 D92 _____________________H25.031.30
Totally Awesome Money Book For Kids–Bochner,
Arthur & Rose RL6 IL4-7 (NMKT) ©2007
____014699 D650 _____________________13.4816.87
“Trouble With Dogs...” Said Dad–Graham, Bob RL2
ILP-2 (CAND) ©2007
____016882 DEAS ___________________H14.818.58
Trouble With Wishes–Stanley, Diane RL3 ILK-3 (HA)
©2007 ALA, PW
____013550 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
Tsunamis And Other Natural Disasters:
A Nonfiction Companion To Hide Tide In
Hawaii–Osborne, Mary Pope RL5 IL2-5 (RA)
____013484 D363 _____________________9.5011.89
Tu Ritmo! (Wiggle)–Cronin, Doreen RL1 IL1-4
(LECT) ©2007
____015681 DEAS ___________________H15.419.33
Tugboats–Zuehlke, Jeffrey RL2 ILK-2 (LEHC) ©2007
____015754 D623 _____________________10.4713.11
Twelve–Myracle, Lauren RL6 IL5-9 (DU) ©2007
____013862 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
21st Century Discipline: Teaching Students
Responsibility And Self-Management–Bluestein,
Jane ILPROF (SAGE) ©2006
____015707 D371 ____________________G31.639.01
Twin Princes–Arnold, Tedd RL2 ILP-2 (DIAL) ©2007
____013881 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Two Dogs Swimming–Reiser, Lynn RL2.5 ILP-2
AR87450/.5 (HA) ©2005 K, SLJ
____014802 DEAS ___________________H17.922.50
Uh-Oh!–Random House Editors RL1 ILP-1 (RA)
____013477 DEAS ____________________8.911.13
Underground Habitats–Aloian, Molly RL4 IL2-4
(CRAB) ©2006
____014645 D591 _____________________1.2714.11
Unlikely Friendship: A Novel Of Mary Todd Lincoln
And Elizabeth Keckley–Rinaldi, Ann RL5 IL5-9
(HB) ©2007
____010875 DFIC ____________________H17.8622.36
Urachima: El Valiente (Urachima The Valiant)–Bodin,
Nathalie RL5 IL4-7 (PSB) ©2007
____015306 D741 ____________________H2.6428.34
Venturing The Deep Sea–Lindop, Laurie RL8.4 IL5-9
LX1200 AR103253/3.0 RC6.2/6.0 (TFCB) ©2006
____015465 D551 ____________________G21.7927.28
Viking–DK Editors RL6 IL2-5 (DK) ©2007
____016835 D948 ____________________H12.4315.56
Viking Dudes–DK Editors RL4 IL2-5 (DK) ©2007
____016832 D741 ____________________G10.312.68
Violet Bing And The Grand House–Paros, Jennifer
RL3 IL2-5 (V) ©2007
____013852 DFIC ____________________H16.2420.33
Virginnie’s Hat–Chaconas, Dori RL2 ILP-2 (CAND)
____016859 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Voyage Of Midnight–Torrey, Michele RL7 IL5-9 (RA)
©2006 ALA, *K
____014607 DFIC ____________________H17.0221.31
Title Index
Wait! I Want To Tell You A Story–Willans, Tom RL2.1
ILK-3 AR86606/.5 (SS) ©2005 SLJ, WC
____015021 DEAS ___________________H17.221.56
Washington Is Burning–Figley, Marty Rhodes RL3.5
IL2-4 AR102742/.5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015757 D973 _____________________10.4713.11
Water Habitats–Aloian, Molly RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
____014639 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Waynetta And The Cornstalk: A Texas Fairy
Tale–Ketteman, Helen RL2 ILK-3 (WHIT) ©2007
____016802 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
Weather–DK Editors RL2 ILP-2 (DK) ©2007
____014075 D551 ____________________H12.916.16
Weather (e.guides)–DK Editors RL6 IL4-7 (DK)
____013443 D551 ____________________H18.6523.35
Wedding Crasher–Stilton, Geronimo RL3 IL2-5
LX580 RC3.4/4.0 (SBS) ©2007
____013662 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
We’re Sailing Down The Nile: A Journey Through
Egypt–Krebs, Laurie RL1 ILK-3 (BARE) ©2007
____015354 DEAS ___________________H18.0522.60
Wetland Food Chains–Kalman, Bobbie RL5 IL2-5
(CRAB) ©2006
____014637 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
Wetland Habitat–Aloian, Molly RL4 IL2-4 (CRAB)
____014646 D577 _____________________1.2714.11
What A Party!–Asher, Sandy RL2 ILP-2 (V) ©2007
____013858 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
What Are You So Grumpy About?–Lichtenheld, Tom
RL1 ILP-2 (LB) ©2003 *K, PW, SLJ
____016645 D741 _____________________1.3014.15
What Makes You Happy–Gownley, Jimmy RL4 IL3-6
(DCC) ©2006
____015336 D741 _____________________17.5021.91
When Heaven Fell–Marsden, Carolyn RL5 IL3-6
(CAND) ©2007
____016854 DFIC ____________________H17.0521.34
When Turtle Grew Feathers: A Folktale From The
Choctaw Nation–Tingle, Tim RL3 ILP-2 (AUG)
____016788 D398 ____________________H18.0222.56
While You Are Sleeping–Deacon, Alexis RL1.8 ILP-2
AR109423/.5 (FSG) ©2006 *ALA, HB, *K, SLJ
____014323 DEAS ___________________H17.622.11
White Owl, Barn Owl–Davies, Nicola RL4 ILK-3
(CAND) ©2007
____016880 DFIC ____________________H18.0522.60
White Sox De Chicago (Chicago White
Sox)–Stewart, Mark RL5 IL3-6 (NWHO) ©2007
____016610 D796 ____________________G19.724.67
White Wolf–Branford, Henrietta RL4.9 IL4-7
AR31636/3.0 (CAND) ©1999 K, SLJ
____016878 DFIC _____________________10.312.89
Who Stole Halloween?–Freeman, Martha RL4.2
IL3-6 LX710 AR89072/5.0 RC4.5/9.0 (HH) ©2005
____015015 DFIC ____________________H17.8222.31
Who Was Anne Frank?–Abramson, Ann RL5 IL4-7
(V) ©2007
____013779 D92 ______________________9.5011.89
Who Was William Shakespeare?–Mannis, Celeste
Davidson RL5 IL4-7 LX690 RC3.7/5.0 (V) ©2006
____011082 D92 ______________________9.7012.14
Whole World’s Crazy–Gownley, Jimmy RL4 IL3-6
(DCC) ©2006
____015337 D741 _____________________17.5021.91
Whoopi’s Big Book Of Manners–Goldberg, Whoopi
RL2 ILK-3 (WB) ©2006 PW, SLJ
____016785 D395 ____________________H17.2521.59
Why Do You Cry?: Not A Sob Story–Klise, Kate
RL2.4 ILK-3 AR106458/.5 (HOLT) ©2006 HB, K,
____014324 DEAS ___________________H18.0222.56
Why?: The War Years–De Paola, Tomie RL4 IL2-5
(PU) ©2007
____013885 D92 _____________________H16.2420.33
William McKinley: Twenty-Fifth President 18971901–Venezia, Mike RL5.1 IL2-5 LX860
AR105418/.5 RC5.2/2.0 (CP) ©2006
____014780 D92 ______________________12.0815.12
Winter Knights–Stewart, Paul & Riddell, Chris RL5
IL4-7 (K) ©2007
____013734 DFIC ____________________H14.618.33
Women Of Hope: African Americans Who Made A
Difference–Hansen, Joyce RL7.8 IL3-6
AR36673/1.0 (SBS) ©2007
____013663 D920 _____________________1.3014.15
Woolly Mammoths–Wadsworth, Ginger RL3.9 IL2-4
AR102985/.5 (LEHC) ©2007
____015748 D569 _____________________10.4713.11
World Series–Christopher, Matt RL4 IL2-5 (LB)
____016665 D796 _____________________9.5011.89
Written Anything Good Lately?–Allen, Susan RL3
IL2-5 (LEHC) ©2006 HB, SLJ
____014327 D808 ____________________H17.221.56
You Have To Be Nice To Someone On Their
Birthday–Bottner, Barbara RL2 ILK-3 (PU) ©2007
____013888 DEAS ___________________H17.2521.59
You Wouldn’t Want To Be A Victorian Servant!: A
Thankless Job You’d Rather Not
Have–Macdonald, Fiona RL4.9 IL4-7 LX820
AR109432/.5 RC4.8/3.0 (CP) ©2006
____014727 D941 _____________________13.4816.87
You Wouldn’t Want To Be A 19th-Century Coal
Miner In England!: A Dangerous Job You’d
Rather Not Have–Malam, John RL4.9 IL4-7 LX940
AR109431/.5 RC6.1/3.0 (CP) ©2006
____014726 D622 _____________________13.6817.13
You Wouldn’t Want To Be An 18th-Century Convict!:
A Trip To Australia You’d Rather Not Take–Costain,
Meredith RL5.6 IL4-7 LX970 AR109433/.5
RC6.4/3.0 (CP) ©2006
____014728 D994 _____________________13.4816.87
You Wouldn’t Want To Sail In The Spanish Armada!:
An Invasion You’d Rather Not Launch–Malam,
John RL4.3 IL4-7 LX890 AR109434/.5 RC5.6/3.0
(CP) ©2006
____014729 D942 _____________________13.6817.13
Your Travel Guide To Ancient China–Sherman,
Josepha RL6 IL5-9 (TFCB) ©2007
____015459 D931 ____________________G20.7525.98
Yu The Great: Conquering The Flood–Storrie, Paul
D. RL5 IL4-7 (LEHC) ©2007
____015728 D398 ____________________G20.7525.98
Zelda And Ivy–Kvasnosky, Laura McGee RL3.0 ILP-2
AR19250/.5 (CAND) ©1998
____016877 DEAS ____________________9.7012.14
Zoolidays–Glassman, Bruce RL3 ILK-3 (RCP) ©2006
____015085 DEAS ___________________H18.223.56
If You Don’t See This Symbol
It’s Not A Perma-Bound Book!
Starred Reviews
Booklist Starred Reviews
(Oct.-Dec. 2006)
Grades P-3
Set of 15 TITLES (962797) ________________________________$26.41328.52
Black? White! Day? Night!: A Book Of Opposites —
Seeger, L. V. 2/P-2 (011567) _____________________________ G13.216.55
Escape Of Oney Judge — McCully, E. A. 3/2-5 (016361) _______ H17.2621.61
Frog Heaven: Ecology Of A Vernal Pool — Wechsler, D. 5/2-5
(012509) _______________________________________________ H18.223.56
Good Day — Henkes, K. 1/P-2 (013541) _____________________ H18.0522.60
Great Big Guinea Pigs — Roth, S. L. 2.7/P-2 (014708) AR RC ___ H18.223.56
Green As A Bean — Kuskin, K. 2/P-2 (016234) _______________ H18.0522.60
How To Be A Baby, By Me, The Big Sister — Lloyd-Jones, S.
2/K-3 (016235) _________________________________________ H17.2521.59
Lucia And The Light — Root, P. 2/K-3 (010553) _______________ H18.0522.60
Mr. Pusskins: A Love Story — Lloyd, S. 2/P-2 (016236) _______ H16.420.54
Night Boat To Freedom — Raven, M. T. 3/2-5 (010800) ________ H17.2621.61
Pancakes For Supper! — Isaacs, A. 2/P-2 (010610) RC _________ H17.2521.59
Pierre In Love — Pennypacker, S. 3/K-3 (014334) _____________ H18.0522.60
Shivers In The Fridge — Manushkin, F. 3.1/K-3 (014067) AR ___ H18.0522.60
Terrible Storm — Hurst, C. O. 3/1-4 (016237) ________________ H18.0522.60
Toys Go Out: Adventures Of A Knowledgeable Stingray, A Toughy
Little Buffalo, & Someone Called Plastic — Jenkins, E. 4.0/2-5
(011590) AR RC __________________________________________ H17.8222.31
Booklist Starred Reviews (Oct.-Dec. 2006)
Grades 4-9
Set of 11 TITLES (962817) ________________________________$205.1256.79
Adventures Of Marco Polo — Freedman, R. 7.7/4-7 (010612)
AR RC __________________________________________________ H18.623.61
Alabama Moon — Key, W. 6/5-9 (010789) ___________________ H17.8622.36
Dark Water Rising — Hale, M. 7/5-9 (012219) ________________ H17.8222.31
Deep Cut — Spain, S. R. 5.2/5-9 (016448) AR ________________ H17.8522.35
Dog For Life — Matthews, L. S. 5.2/4-7 (015662) AR RC _______ H16.220.29
E.E. Cummings: A Poet’s Life — Reef, C. 8/5-9 (012250) _______ H21.726.63
Great Circle: A History Of The First Nations — Philip, N. 6/5-9
(005916) _______________________________________________ H24.930.66
Journeys For Freedom: A New Atlas Of American History —
Buckley, S. 6/4-7 (012313) _______________________________ H18.0622.61
Larklight — Reeve, P. 7.0/5-9 (012421) AR RC ________________ H17.8222.31
What The Moon Saw — Resau, L. 4.7/5-95 (011614) AR RC ____ H17.0221.31
Wind Rider — Williams, S. 6/5-9 (010944) ___________________ H17.8522.35
Full reviews in ALA’s Booklist, (Oct.—Dec., 2006)
and School Library Journal, (Oct.—Dec., 2006)
SLJ Best Books Of 2006
Grades P-3
Set of 23 TITLES (962877) ________________________________$409.2512.35
Beauty And The Beast — Eilenberg, M. 4/1-4 (016793) ________ H18.6523.35
Benny And Beautiful Baby Delilah — Van Leeuwen, J. 2.0/P-2
(002252) AR ____________________________________________ H18.0522.60
But, Excuse Me, That Is My Book — Child, L. 2.6/P-2
(002233) AR RC _________________________________________ H18.0522.60
Chickens To The Rescue — Himmelman, J. 2/P-2 (016381) _____ H18.0222.56
Clementine — Pennypacker, S. 4.5/2-5 (013421) AR RC ________ H16.2420.33
Dizzy — Winter, J. 4.6/K-3 (010608) AR _____________________ H18.0522.60
Flotsam — Wiesner, D. WL/P-2 (010822) ___________________ H18.0622.61
How High Can A Dinosaur Count?: And Other Math Mysteries —
Fisher, V. 3.5/1-4 (008719) AR ___________________________ H18.0222.56
John, Paul, George & Ben — Smith, L. 3.7/1-4 (005545) AR RC _ H18.0522.60
Library Lion — Knudsen, M. 3/K-3 (010533) AR RC ____________ H17.2521.59
Lilly’s Big Day — Henkes, K. 3.6/P-2 (002432) AR RC _________ H18.0522.60
Little Red Hen — Pinkney, J. 3.1/P-2 (006631) AR _____________ H18.0522.60
Max’s Words — Banks, K. 2/P-2 (010781) AR _________________ H17.2621.61
Mommy? — Yorinks, A. 2/P-2 (013517) _____________________ G19.4624.36
Moon — Stevenson, R. L. 2/P-2 (010780) ____________________ H17.2621.61
Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom —
Weatherford, C. 4.0/K-3 (011695) AR ______________________ H17.2521.59
Not Afraid Of Dogs — Pitzer, S. 2.2/P-3 (012085) AR RC ______ H18.0222.56
Play, Mozart, Play! — Sis, P. 3/K-3 (005769) _________________ H18.0522.60
Princess And The Pea — Child, L. 5.1/K-3 (005581) AR ________ H18.0522.60
Ruby Lu, Empress Of Everything — Look, L. 4/2-5 (001455)
AR RC __________________________________________________ H17.0221.31
Sally Jean, The Bicycle Queen — Best, C. 4.3/P-2 (005146)
AR RC __________________________________________________ H17.2621.61
SuperHero ABC — McLeod, B. 2.4/K-3 (007787) AR __________ H17.2521.59
Toys Go Out: Adventures Of A Knowledgeable Stingray, A Toughy
Little Buffalo, & Someone Called Plastic — Jenkins, E. 4.0/2-5
(011590) AR RC __________________________________________ H17.8222.31
Reading Level/Interest Level
Publisher's hardcover edition enhanced
with a superior Perma-Bound binding.
Original Publisher’s Binding
Accelerated Reader title
Reading Counts title
– Nonfiction
SLJ Best Books Of 2006
Grades 4-9
Set of 22 TITLES (962897) _______________________________ $402.503.81
Adventures Of Marco Polo — Freedman, R. 7.7/4-7 (010612)
AR RC __________________________________________________ H18.623.61
Adventures Of Odysseus — Lupton, H. 5/4-7 (014810) ________ H20.4625.61
Bella At Midnight — Stanley, D. 6.0/5-9 (002373) AR RC _______ H17.0521.34
Black Cat Bone: The Life Of Blues Legend Robert Johnson —
Lewis, J. P. 6/4-7 (016795) _______________________________ H20.4325.58
Blood On The River: James Town 1607 — Carbone, E. 5.3/4-7
(006596) AR RC _________________________________________ H17.8522.35
Buffalo And The Indians: A Shared Destiny — Patent, D. 7.4/4-7
(005915) AR RC _________________________________________ H18.623.61
Escape!: The Story Of The Great Houdini — Fleischman, S. 6.6/59 (005779) AR RC _______________________________________ H19.624.61
Fairest — Levine, G. C. 4.1/5-9 (010933) AR RC ______________ H17.8522.35
5,000 Miles To Freedom: Ellen And William Craft’s Flight From
Slavery — Fradin, J. & D. 7.6/5-9 (002634) AR RC ___________ H20.4325.58
Fly By Night — Hardinge, F. 7.1/5-9 (005737) AR RC __________ H17.8522.35
Framed — Cottrell Boyce, F. 4.2/4-7 (010936) AR RC __________ H17.8522.35
Freedom Walkers: The Story Of The Montgomery Bus Boycott —
Freedman, R. 7.7/4-7 (012445) AR RC _____________________ H19.6324.57
Immersed In Verse: Informative, Slightly Irreverent & Totally
Tremendous Guide To Living The Poet’s Life — Wolf, A. 6.2/5-9
(014065) AR ____________________________________________ H16.220.29
Isaac Newton — Krull, K. 7.3/5-9 (002224) AR RC _____________ H17.0521.34
King Of Attolia — Turner, M. 5.7/5-9 (002433) AR RC _________ H17.8522.35
Larklight — Reeve, P. 7.0/5-9 (012421) AR RC ________________ H17.8222.31
Quest For The Tree Kangaroo — Montgomery, S. 5.3/4-7
(012317) AR RC __________________________________________ H18.623.61
Remember Little Bighorn: Indians, Soldiers, And Scouts Tell Their
Stories — Walker, P. 7/5-9 (005446) AR ____________________ H18.223.56
To Dance — Siegel, S. C. 5/4-7 (010724) _____________________ 13.717.16
True And Faithful Narrative — Sturtevant, K. 5.9/5-9 (005155)
AR RC _________________________________________________ H17.8622.36
Up Before Daybreak: Cotton And People In America —
Hopkinson, D. 7.0/5-9 (001045) AR RC ____________________ H19.624.61
Yellow Star — Roy, J. 4.3/5-9 (007664) AR RC ________________ H17.8222.31
SLJ Starred Reviews (Oct.-Dec. 2006)
Grades P-3
Set of 23 TITLES (962837) _______________________________ $403.92505.67
Banjo Granny’s Song — Busse, S. M. 2/P-2 (016792) __________ H17.2621.61
Beauty And The Beast — Eilenberg, M. 4/1-4 (016793) ________ H18.6523.35
Behold The Bold Umbrellaphant: And Other Poems — Prelutsky, J.
3/K-3 (010771) AR RC ___________________________________ H18.0522.60
Black? White! Day? Night!: A Book Of Opposites — Seeger, L. V.
2/P-2 (011567) _________________________________________ G13.216.55
Butterfly Eyes And Other Secrets Of The Meadow — Sidman, J.
4/2-5 (012311) AR RC ___________________________________ H17.2621.61
Chickens To The Rescue — Himmelman, J. 2/P-2 (016381) _____ H18.0222.56
Clementine — Pennypacker, S. 4.5/2-5 (013421) AR RC ________ H16.2420.33
Clip-Clop — Smee, N. 2/P-2 (016890) _______________________ H14.818.54
Dear Mr. Rosenwald — Weatherford, C. B. 3/2-5 (010613) RC __ H18.0522.60
Dizzy — Winter, J. 4.6/K-3 (010608) AR _____________________ H18.0522.60
Epossumondas Saves The Day — Salley, C. 3/K-3 (010849) ____ H17.2621.61
Jack And The Beanstalk — Nesbit, E. 2/K-3 (016384) __________ H18.0522.60
Langston Hughes: Poetry For Young People — Hughes, L. 7/4-7
(016895) _______________________________________________ H16.220.29
Mercy Watson Fights Crime — DiCamillo, K. 2.6/1-3 (010539)
AR RC___________________________________________________ H14.818.58
Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom —
Weatherford, C. 4.0/K-3 (011695) AR ______________________ H17.2521.59
Moving Day — Fletcher, R. J. 4/2-5 (016799) AR ______________ H18.223.56
Once Upon A Banana — Armstrong, J. 2/K-3 (010680) _________ H18.0222.56
Pancakes For Supper! — Isaacs, A. 2/P-2 (010610) RC _________ H17.2521.59
Probuditi! — Van Allsburg, C. 3.4/K-3 (010821) AR ___________ H19.6324.57
17 Things I’m Not Allowed To Do Anymore — Offill, J. 2/P-2
(013726) _______________________________________________ H17.2521.59
Story Of Salt — Kurlansky, M. 7.0/1-4 (011045) AR RC ________ H18.0522.60
3-D ABC: A Sculptural Alphabet — Raczka, B. 2/P-2 (016380) __ H23.629.58
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? — Agee, J. 3/K-3
(011007) AR ____________________________________________ H18.0522.60
Reading Level/Interest Level
Publisher's hardcover edition enhanced
with a superior Perma-Bound binding.
Original Publisher’s Binding
Accelerated Reader title
Reading Counts title
Starred Reviews
SLJ Starred Reviews (Oct.-Dec. 2006)
Grades 4-9
Set of 21 TITLES (962857) _______________________________ $394.10493.37
Adventures Of Marco Polo — Freedman, R. 7.7/4-7 (010612)
AR RC __________________________________________________ H18.623.61
Adventures Of Odysseus — Lupton, H. 5/4-7 (014810) ________ H20.4625.61
Aliens Are Coming!: The True Account Of The 1938 War Of The
Worlds Radio Broadcast — McCarthy, M. 4.0/3-6 (010101)
AR RC __________________________________________________ H18.0222.56
Black Cat Bone: The Life Of Blues Legend Robert Johnson —
Lewis, J. P. 6/4-7 (016 795) ______________________________ H20.4325.58
Crispin: At The Edge Of The World — Avi 4.8/5-9 (011700)
AR RC __________________________________________________ H17.8522.35
Extreme Animals: The Toughest Creatures On Earth — Davies, N.
6.4/3-6 (010540) AR RC _________________________________ H14.818.58
Freedom Walkers: The Story Of The Montgomery Bus Boycott —
Freedman, R. 7.7/4-7 (012445) AR RC _____________________ H19.6324.57
Great Circle: A History Of The First Nations — Philip, N. 6/5-9
(005916) _______________________________________________ H24.930.66
I’ll Sing You One-O — Gregory, N. 5/4-7 (016383) ____________ H17.0621.36
Jane Addams: Champion Of Democracy — Fradin, J. 8.3/5-9
(012249) AR ____________________________________________ H21.726.63
Kampung Boy — Lat 5/5-9 (011570) ________________________ H18.0222.56
Larklight — Reeve, P. 7.0/5-9 (012421) AR RC ________________ H17.8222.31
Magic Horse Of Han Gan — Chen, J. H. 4.4/3-6 (014709) AR RC H18.0222.56
Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane — DiCamillo, K. 4.4/3-6
(003220) AR RC _________________________________________ H19.624.61
Peter Pan In Scarlet — McCaughrean, G. 5.9/4-7 (010691)
AR RC __________________________________________________ H18.6523.35
Quest For The Tree Kangaroo — Montgomery, S. 5.3/4-7
(012317) AR RC __________________________________________ H18.623.61
Remember Little Bighorn: Indians, Soldiers, And Scouts Tell Their
Stories — Walker, P. 7/5-9 (005446) AR ____________________ H18.223.56
River Secrets — Hale, S. 6/5-9 (012425) RC __________________ H18.6223.31
Saving The Buffalo — Marrin, A. 5/4-7 (010615) ______________ H19.624.61
To Dance — Siegel, S. C. 5/4-7 (010724) _____________________ 13.717.16
Wildfire — Morrison, T. 6.6/3-6 (011262) AR _________________ 19.3524.22
ALA Awards
Coretta Scott King/John Steptoe New Talent Award,
2007 - Author
Grades 7-12 • 1 TITLE
Standing Against The Wind — Jones, Traci L. 4.8/7-12 (017646) $21.36
SET LIST PRICE (963647) $21.36
Robert F. Sibert Award, 2007
Grades 4-7 • 4 TITLES
Freedom Riders — Bausum, Ann 7.8/5-9 (002630) AR RC
Quest For The Tree Kangaroo — Montgomery, Sy 5.3/4-7
(012317) AR RC ——————————————— $23.61
Team Moon: How 400,000 People Landed Apollo 11 On The
Moon — Thimmesh, Catherine 7.5/4-7 (005932) AR RC $25.58
To Dance — Siegel, Siena Cherson 5/4-7 (010724) ————— $17.16
SET LIST PRICE (963627) $90.92
Michael L. Printz Award, 2007
Grades 7-12 • 5 TITLES
Abundance Of Katherines — Green, John 5.6/9-12 (011014) AR $22.35
American Born Chinese — Yang, Gene 6/7-12 (011571) —— $22.56
Book Thief — Zusak, Markus 5.1/7-12 (008832) AR RC — $22.31
Pox Party — Anderson, M. T. 6/9-12 (010552) RC ———— $23.35
Surrender — Hartnett, Sonya 4.9/9-12 (003223) AR ——— $22.35
Caldecott Medal Award & Honor Books, 2007
Grades P-3 • 3 TITLES
Flotsam — Wiesner, David WL/P-2 (010822) —————— $22.61
Gone Wild: An Endangered Animal Alphabet —
McLimans, David 3/2-5 (017644) ————————— $22.56
Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom —
Weatherford, Carole Boston 4.0/K-3 (011695) AR ——— $21.59
SET LIST PRICE (963597) $66.76
Newbery Medal Award & Honor Books, 2007
Grades 4-12 • 4 TITLES $0.
Hattie Big Sky — Larson, Kirby 4.4/7-12 (013383) AR RC $21.31
Higher Power Of Lucky — Patron, Susan 5.9/4-7
(017645) AR ————————————————— $22.31
Penny From Heaven — Holm, Jennifer L. 4.0/4-7
(005473) AR ————————————————— $21.31
Rules — Lord, Cynthia 3.9/4-7 (009671) AR RC ———— $21.34
SET LIST PRICE (963617) $86.27
Coretta Scott King Award, 2007 - Author
SET LIST PRICE (963697) $112.92
Schneider Family Book Award, 2007
Grades K-9 • 3 TITLES $0.
Deaf Musicians — Seeger, Pete 3/K-3 (017643) ————— $22.60
Rules — Lord, Cynthia 3.9/4-7 (009671) AR RC ———— $21.34
Small Steps — Sachar, Louis 4.2/5-9 (274752) AR RC —— $22.31
SET LIST PRICE (963587) $66.25
Theodor Seuss Geisel Award & Honor Books, 2007
Grades P-3 • 4 TITLES $0.
Mercy Watson Goes For A Ride — DiCamillo, Kate 2.7/1-3
(003243) AR RC ——————————————— $18.58
Move Over, Rover! — Beaumont, Karen 2/P-2 (010860) —— $21.61
Not A Box — Portis, Antoinette 1/P-2 (013547) ————— $18.58
Zelda And Ivy: The Runaways — Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
3.0/P-2 (012088) AR RC ———————————— $20.59
SET LIST PRICE (963637) $79.36
Alex Awards, 2007 (ALA/YALSA)
Grades 9+ • 10 TITLES $0.
Grades 4-12 • 2 TITLES $0.
Black Swan Green — Mitchell, David 8/9+ (015792) ———— $20.89
Copper Sun — Draper, Sharon M. 5.2/9-12 (001229) AR RC $22.31 Blind Side: Evolution Of A Game — Lewis, Michael 8/9+
Road To Paris — Grimes, Nikki 5/4-7 (011052) AR ——— $21.34
(017635) ——————————————————— $30.36
SET LIST PRICE (963657) $43.65 Book Of Lost Things — Connolly, John 8/9+ (017636) —— $28.39
Color Of The Sea — Hamamura, John 8/9+ (017637) ——— $30.36
Eagle Blue: A Team, A Tribe, And A High School Basketball
Coretta Scott King Award, 2007 - Illustrator
Season In Arctic Alaska — D’Orso, Michael 8/9+ (017638) $21.91
Grades K-5 • 3 TITLES $0.
Of The Sky — Joern, Pamela Carter 8/9+ (017639) —— $23.91
Jazz — Myers, Walter Dean 4/2-5 (012439) ——————— $24.57
Thirteenth Tale — Setterfield, Diane 8/9+ (017640) ———— $31.41
Langston Hughes: Poetry For Young People — Hughes, Langston
7/4-7 (016895) ———————————————— $20.29 Water For Elephants — Gruen, Sara 7/9+ (017339) ———— $20.89
Whistling Season — Doig, Ivan 8/9+ (017641) ————— $30.41
Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom —
Weatherford, Carole Boston 4.0/K-3 (011695) AR ——— $21.59 World Made Straight — Rash, Ron 8/9+ (017642) ————— $20.94
SET LIST PRICE (963677) $66.45
SET LIST PRICE (963717) $259.47
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