Edible South Shore - Dirty Water Distillery
Edible South Shore - Dirty Water Distillery
M, e af Sautlt easterrcMs.ssaclt use wndarec Number21 i il. i' ta I ,M T HORE OAS Iiauid ASSETS NTWENGTAND RIJMM Charlotte Malakov Dirty WaterDistillery /iont door sign (detaiD. A a fwo-centuryhiatus,rum-distilling hasreturned to flF,., - -do*nto*n Plymouth!Both our localdistilleriesfailedto Embargoof 1813;sincethen, alas,we PIymthe Tiade survive outheanshavebeenforcedto import our boozefrom distant shoreslike Medford and New Orleans,and more recentlyJamaica and PuertoRico.But, no more!Dirty \fater Distilleryhascome to town. Late this summer, Dirry \flater Partners Steve Neidhardt and Pepi Avizonis started crafting and selling their flagship white rum, and sharing their joy in the whole engaging Process' right in the center of town. Visitors can view the handsome custom-buiit small-batch latter \{ERY smallpot stills (dubbed Dr. Evil and Mini-Me-the batch-under ten gallons), chat with the distillers, and taste and purchase their products right in a concrete former auto garage that backs onto Town Brook. "Mini-Me" and "Dr. Eui|," DirtyWater'scustom-builtpot stiLls. The distillery is full of hulking repurposedtanks and gleaming dairy geat cunningly plumbed for maximum efficiency;the overallaestheticis more \flallaceand Gromit than Austin Powers. No surprisethat Steveand Pepigot into distilling from the geektech angle-both havea distinct levelof the mad scientistthing going on. Pepit first "just-for-fun' still wasbuilt from cast-off stuff and operableremotelyfrom a smart phone. Steve's"madness" is focusedon crafting the product-fermenting, distilling, and blending somethingdistinct and proprietary. Oh, and complexand deliciour If you turn up your noseat white rum and think only a wood-agedliquor can be provocativeand and flavorful, think again.Hand-madefrom organicmolasses inherent nuance off the show rums Dirry \7ater turbinado sugar, in pure cane. tVaterStreet,smack Dirry'WaterDistilleryis locatedat 10 usedto be before1813. betweenwherethe old distill-houses Seemsjust right. "... both ltaaea distinct leaelof the rnad scientistthing going on." Dirty WaterpartnersPepiAuizonisand Steue'\'eiril',2'd: tz I edtbleSOUTH SHORE& SOUTH COAST '{r r'. rr r l Dirty\trater Distillery 10\fater Street Plymouth,MA02360 www.Diny\TaterDistillery.com ( : irrk*y Roost swizzle: EnjoyDirty Waterneat,or try-it in a rejieshing BOG RUNNER :he vers. eekino '' -b T lness" rd Pile ice, preferablycrushed,into a tall glass(10 ouncesor so). Add: . 2 ouncesDirty'W'aterlight rum . 1 teaspoonfreshlime juice . 3 - 4 tablespoonscranberrysyrup (below) . 1 dashAngosturabitters, optional Top up with SimpsonSpring SparklingSpring'Water,stir lightiy, and enjoy garnishedwith a lime wheel. white nd j Serves1. . I pound cranberries,freshor frozen rent i ' 3 cupswater . I cup sugar over Bring cranberriesand water to a simmer in a largesaucePan medium heat.They should explodegently within about 10 minutes. Suspenda largesieveover a largeheat-proofbowl, and pour the lte berriesthrough it. Let standand drip 5 - 10 minutes, pressingonly gently on the cranberrypulp for the most limpid result. (You can reservethe pulp and sweetento tastefor other Purposeslike adorning your morning oatmealor filling a dessertbar.) Return the cranberryjuice to the saucepanover medium heat. Stir in pour into jars,cover' Simmer30 seconds, the sugaruntil dissolved. and cool. Chill. Unused syrup keepsa month in the fridge. Make s3 -4cup s. -P M. Charlotte Malakov has been known to enjoy a tipple of rum :rom time to time. As she prefers to buy her hootch loca.l,she is Jelighted by the arrival of Dirry \7ater. @ www.ediblesouthshore.com| 13