12:00 PM Carroll Arena
12:00 PM Carroll Arena
Short History of the Kane County Fair Kane County has a rich history of pioneering spirit, industry, agriculture, farming, ranching, entrepreneurship, food, and fun. For 68 years the fair has been a focal point for families. Youth throughout the years have found lasting memories, opportunities for leadership, and simple fun traditions to pass on to the next generation. It was around 1946 when the Long Valley Sale began. There were many kids wanting to show and sell their animals but in order for them to do that, they had to take them to Cedar City. Instead of traveling to Cedar the residences around Long Valley decided to start a sale and show of their own. Quite a few of the kids had sows and the FFA club bought a boar. At the first sale they had around thirty to forty pigs. They sold the pigs a few at a time in three of four different shows. The show was first held where the Mark Chamberlain house in Orderville is located. Later the show moved to the Carroll Field. It found a home for a few years at Valley High School and now is located between the Carroll Arena and Kane County North Event Center. After the shows began, a few people decided to include crops, flowers, and visual arts. The event expanded further to a three day show and a parade. After a couple of years the entire county was invited to participate and in 1948 the Kane County Fair Began. There are countless people who contribute their time, talents, and money to make the Fair a success. We are a talented and creative group of people here in this beautiful southern county. Thanks for all you do that makes our county great. So come on out to the fair and help us keep looking to the past as we move forward into the future! Thank you for supporting YOUR county fair. Fair Information INDEX Outdoor Concessions/Vendors.......................................................... pg 19 ....................... Sally Brinkerhoff-648.2483 Indoor Booths/Vendors..................................................................... pg 19 ....................................... Rhonda Flatburg Data Processing................................................................................................................................ Kristy Brinkerhoff Fair Rules.......................................................................................... -CSchedule of Events............................................................................ -B- Exhibits Under the direction of Christine Esplin 435.648-2109 Cathy Brown - Exhibit Displays Kristine Barton - Exhibits and Elizabeth Davis - Extension Agent Canning Labels................................................................................. pg 6 Children’s Fair................................................................................... pg 1................ Colleen Sorensen & Mercy Stout Crafts................................................................................................. pg 4 .................... Lucy Griffiths & Valarie Lacy Fine Arts........................................................................................... pg 5............... Valene Beardall & Linda Thatcher Floriculture........................................................................................ pg 10................................................ Elise Swapp 4-H Fair ........................................................................................... pg 2-3........................................ Angie Reidhead Home Arts........................................................................................ pg 8-9.... Carol Lamb, Suzann Barton, & Mindy Horticulture-Fruits............................................................................ pg 11.....................................Sherrie Brinkerhoff 4-H/FFA Live Stock Show and Sale Jr. Livestock Show & Sale................................................................. pg 12-13...........................................Dustin Cox Livestock Show and Sale Buyers and Bidders................................... pg 16.................................................Dustin Cox Livestock Show and Sale Grand Champions 2015........................... pg 15-17 Pee Wee Livestock Show................................................................... pg 14.................................................. John Reese Contests Baby Contest..................................................................................... pg 21......................................... Laura Sherwood Dutch Oven Cooking Contest.......................................................... pg 22 ..................................................Lisa Reese Glow in the Dark FUN RUN........................................................... pg 20.................................................................... Golf Tournament............................................................................... pg 19 ................................... Ed Myers 648.2503 Graham Cracker Contest.................................................................. pg 22........................................... DeAnna Reeve Helicopter Ping pong $$ drop........................................................... pg 20........................................ Sally Brinkerhoff Jackpot Dummy Roping.................................................................... pg 22 ..................Amanda Brinkerhoff 648.3699 Livestock Judging Contest................................................................ pg 21 ................................................Dustin Cox LEGO Need for Speed Contest........................................................ pg 21 ....................................... DeAnna Reeve Log Sawing Contest.......................................................................... pg 21........................................... Ken Nakayama Imagination Build Contest................................................................ pg 22........................................... DeAnna Reeve Long Range Rifle Shoot.................................................................... pg 19 ................................ Tim Esplin 691.1315 Miss Kane County Scholarship Competition.................................... pg 19........................Jacey Heaton 435.559.0491 Open Horse Show. ........................................................................... pg 18 .................................. Duke Cox 559.8121 Parade................................................................................................ pg 20 ........................................... Chris Maxwell Prehistoric Dig.................................................................................. pg 21........................................... DeAnna Reeve Puppet Show..................................................................................... pg 23............................................... Sage Cox/M Pet Show........................................................................................... pg 21 ..........................Cindee Sharkey 648.2222 Small Animal Contest....................................................................... pg 18.......................................Bill Cox 648.2548 Talent Show...................................................................................... pg 20.......Vicki Hooper vhooper@kane.utah.gov Three Gun Shoot............................................................................... pg 20................................Tim Espling 691.1315 Entertainment/Other Events Country Store and Farmers Market.................................................. pg 20 ................. Rhonda Flatberg 435.648.2073 Continuous Entertainment............................................................... pg 21 .V icki Hooper /Volunteer Center644.3696 Dance/Fireworks............................................................................... pg 21 .................................. Duke Cox 648.3222 Fun and Games................................................................................. pg 20........................................ Sally Brinkerhoff Kid Zone........................................................................................... pg 20 .......................................... DeAnna Reeve Make and Take Sewing Extravaganza............................................... pg 23............................................. Linda Rhodes Rodeo Jr............................................................................................. pg 22 ............................ Long Valley Lions Club Symphony of the Canyons................................................................ pg 21........................................... DeAnna Reeve Grand Marshal Gerald Spencer I’ve lived in Glendale all my life except for two years on a mission and nearly five years at college. I was born in the Kanab hospital which was less than a year old then. There have been two new hospitals in Kanab since then. My dad was Howard Spencer, a grandson of Howard O. Spencer, who was president of the United Order in Orderville. I have been involved with the Kane County Fair for many years. I was chairman of the fair board many years ago. Henry Carroll was the county commissioner over the fair at that time. I’ve seen a lot of people volunteer a lot of their time to make the fair a success from year to year. I’m sure those dedicated individuals will keep working for all of us to have a great Kane County Fair from many years to come. The Fair Board would like to thank Gerald Spencer for his years of service on the Fair Board and for all the time he spends is support of this wonderful event. Calendar of Events Saturday, August 6 th 8:00 a.m. 2 man Golf Scramble @Thunderbird Golf Course 10:00 a.m. Long Range Rifle Shoot call Tim Esplin 691-1315 10:00 a.m. Horse Show Registration @ Carroll Arena 11:00 a.m. Horse Show @ Carroll Arena* Events also the 5th Tuesday, August 9 th Friday, August 12th Continued 12:00-5:00 p.m. Sewing Make and Take @ Event Center 15 spots available 12:00-1:00 p.m. Puppet Show @ Event Center 1:00-2:30 p.m. Prehistoric Dig @ Event Center 1:00-5:00 p.m. Music and Entertainment 1:00-3:00 p.m. PeeWee Livestock Show@ Carroll Arena 3:00 -4:00 p.m. Jr. Livestock Judging Contest @ Carroll Arena (anyone can participate) 3:00 p.m. Helicopter Ping Pong $$$$$ Drop @ Carroll Arena 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Lego Build for Speed Contest @ Event Center 4:00- 7:00 p.m. 4-H/FFA Livestock Show @ Carroll Arena 6:00 p.m. Exhibits Closed 9:00 a.m - 6:30 p.m. Utah State University Extension Office in Kanab accepting exhibit entries for: Home Arts, Crafts, Children’s Fair,& 4-H. Wednesday, August 10h 1:00-4:00 p.m. EVENT CENTER in Orderville accepting exhibit entries for: Home Arts, Crafts, Children’s Fair, and 4-H FREE Bucking Bull 5:00 p.m. Parade Registration and Judging @ Orderville LDS Chapel 6:30 p.m. Parade @ Main Street in Orderville 8:30 p.m. Registration for NIGHT FUN RUN @ Orderville Town Park 9:00 p.m. Glow in the Dark Fun Run @ Orderville Town Park 9:00 p.m. Family Dance and Fireworks During the Dance @ Orderville Town Park Saturday, August 13th, Fun for the whole family. Prizes for fastest, brightest glow, etc. Thursday, August 11th 10:00 a.m MINI Three Gun Shoot call Tim Esplin 691-1315 7:00 p.m. Talent Show @ Terrace in Kanab 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Registration/Weigh in for PeeWee and 4-H/FFA Livestock@Carroll Arena Friday, August 12th, 9:00-10:00 a.m. Registration of Horticulture and Floriculture @ Utah State University Extension Office 8:00-11:00 a.m. Registration of Horticulture and Floriculture @ Event Center 8:00-11:00 a.m. Registration/Weigh in for PeeWee & FFA 9:00-12:00 p.m. Registration for Small Animals (birds, rabbits, goats, etc. ) to be Judged by Carroll Arena 11:00-6:00 p.m. Exhibits and Country Store (lots of food and other items to browse through) @ Event Center 11:00-6:00 p.m. FUN AND GAMES Bounce House, Giant Slide, Bungee Run, Wrecking ball, Vertical Merry Go-round, and ZIPLINE(until dark) 11:30-5:00 p.m. KID ZONE Face painting, balloon decorating, A little bit of Kane County Sand Craft, Relaxing Spot @ Event Center 12:00 p.m. Horticulture and Floriculture Judging ( Doors will open to the public when finished) -B- 9:00 a.m. Livestock Buyers Registration @ Carroll Arena 10:00 a.m. Exhibits Open 10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Vendors/Booths and Country Store 10:00 a.m.-1:00p.m. Music and Entertainment 10:00 a.m.. Pet Show @ Orderville Town Park 10:00 a.m. Livestock Sale 10:00- 4:00 p.m. Kid Zone: Face Painting, Balloon Decorating, A Little Bit of Kane County Sand Craft, Read and Relax Spot 10:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. FUN AND GAMES Bounce House, Giant Slide, Bungee Run, Wrecking ball, Vertical Merry -Go-round, Bucking Bull, and ZIPLINE(until dark) 10:30-12:00 noon LEGO Imagination Creation Contest 10:30 a.m. Baby Contest Registration 11:00 a.m. Baby Contest begins @ Event Center 11:00 - 4:00 p.m. Make it Take it Sewing Adventure 15 spots available 11:00 a.m. Registration for Dutch Oven Contest 12:00 a.m. Dutch Oven Contest by Event Center 12:00-1:00 p.m. Puppet Show 1:00 p.m. Symphony of the Canyons Concert 1:00 p.m. Log Sawing Contest 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Graham Cracker Creation Contest 35 spots 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Music and Entertainment 3:00 -5:00 p.m. Start picking up prizes/Ribbon money @ Event Center 5:00 p.m. Exhibits Close 7:00 p.m. Lion's Club Jr. Rodeo @ Carroll Arena and Jackpot Dummy Roping & Team Roping on drag steer Kane County Fair Rule Book Registration of Exhibits: 2016 UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION OFFICE (Kanab 180 West 300 North) Tuesday August 9th 9:00 A.M.-6:30 P.M. accepting entries for Home Arts, Crafts, Children’s Fair, and 4-H Friday August 12th 8:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M. accepting entries for Floriculture (Flowers) and Horticulture (fruits and crops) EVENT CENTER Wednesday August 10th 1:00-4:00 P.M. - Registration for Home Arts, Crafts, Children’s Fair, & 4-H Friday August 12th 8:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M. accepting entries for Floriculture and Horticulture Indoor Exhibit and Premium Rules 1. The Danish Merit System will be used in all judging of the exhibits. 2. Exhibits will not be open to public while being judged. 3. All decisions of the judges are final. 4. Exhibits entered for competition must have been made, raised or cared for by exhibitor. 5. If an exhibit has been purchased, it must be property of the exhibitor for at least 60 days before the Fair opens. 6. Entries must be properly labeled with a Fair Tag at registration. Exhibits not in accordance with this rule will not be judged. Violation of this rule automatically causes the exhibit to be exempt from any prizes from the Kane County Fair. 7. The management reserves the right to refuse entry to any exhibit deemed without merit and will receive a “not judgeable” card if not meeting requirements. 8. Exhibit items must have been completed within the past two years (August 2014-2016). Items that have been entered in the previous fair are not eligible for competition, but will be happily accepted for exhibition. 9. Exhibits may be claimed from 5 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. on Saturday, Aug. 13th at the North Event Center. Un- claimed items will be transported to the Kane County USU Extension office and will be available for pick up on Monday Aug. 15th from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Items that aren’t claimed during these times will become property of the Kane County Fair Board. If an exhibitor cannot pick up their item, they may arrange for a representative to pick it up for them (keep your claim tickets!). Absolutely no exhibits may be removed until fair closing!! 10. Fair Committee, with security aid, will use all diligence to care for and protect all property in its charge but cannot assume responsibility for loss or injury. Small items (such as cutlery, jewelry, etc.) must be in their own display case so as to discourage theft or loss. 11. Premiums will be paid Saturday, August 13th from 3:00 P.M.- 5:00 P.M. at the premium table in the Event Center. Only one cash premium per class. No money or premiums will be paid after closing, Saturday, August 13th. Premium money is not held over. Any premiums not claimed by fair closing 5:00 P.M. Saturday, August 13th will become property of Kane County. 12. The Junior Division consists of exhibitors ages nine (9) through eighteen (18). 13. The Children’s Fair is open to exhibitors ages three (3) through eight (8). 14. All Fair divisions are open to residents of Kane County -C - CHILDREN’S FAIR Colleen Sorensen & Mercy Stout Registration - See Fair Rules on Page -A1. Kane County General Fair rules apply 2. Participants must be between the ages of three (3) and eight (8). 3. Fruit and vegetables must be displayed on 9” white paper plates. Each plate may contain only the same variety. Three (3) to six pieces per plate. 4. Each child may submit only one subject per class. 5. All exhibits must be the work of the child. Parents may advise, not do the work. 6. Each exhibit must include the child’s age. The child’s name may not be displayed. 7. Lego items need to be glued or secured very well. (The Fair will not put legos back together if dislodged moving to display.) DIVISION A ______________________________________________________________HORTICULTURE Class 1............................................................................................................................................................All Fruits Class 2 ................................................................................................................................................... All Vegetables Class 3.............................................................................................................................................. Whatchamacallits (People, Animals, etc. made from fruits and/or vegetables) DIVISION B __________________________________________________________________HOME ARTS Class 1..................................................................................................... Sewing projects, and stuffed animals or dolls Class 2.................................................................................................Needlework, embroidery, crochet, quilting, rugs Class 3......................................................................................................................................Baked goods and candy Class 4.................................................................................................................................. Something from Nothing (Anything useful made from scraps, junk or odds and ends) Class 5.............................................................................................................................................................All other DIVISION C ___________________________________________________________________ FINE ARTS Class 1................................................................................................................................. Pictures, should be framed Class 2............................................................................................................ Sculptures, clay, wood, rock, rock people Class 3...................................................................................................... Photography, should be framed or mounted Class 4.................................................................................................................................................... All collections Class 5..........................................................................................................................................................Box scenes Class 6.............................................................................................................................................................All other DIVISION D ______________________________________________________________ FLORICULTURE Class 1............................................................................................................................................Fresh arrangements Class 2............................................................................................................................................... Dried or artificial -1- 44-H FAIR Angie Reidhead ( Kane County 4-H Coordinator) (435) 644.4910 Kane4h@gmail.com 4-H EXHIBIT RULES The following rules and regulations shall apply to all sections in the 4-H Department. Any questions regarding any of the rules should be directed to the county extension office. (435) 644-4910. In addition to the 4-H Exhibit Rules all Kane County General Fair Rules apply. 1. To exhibit with 4-H at the Kane County Fair, a youth must be enrolled as a 4-H member and the enrollment must be done online at https://ut.4honline.com 2. 4-H members must be enrolled in the project in which the exhibit is entered. (this can be done at https:// ut.4honline.com under projects) 3. 4-H members must have been in the 3rd through the 12th grade, and at least 8 years old by October 1, 2015. 4. Pre 4-H Cloverbuds, are described as : All 4-H members in the 2nd grade or younger as of October 1, 2015 may exhibit their items. These exhibits will be displayed and will be awarded a white ribbon and receive a $1.00 premiums as other entries in Kane County Children’s Fair but will not be eligible for the State Fair. All General Children’s Fair Rules apply, see page 1. 5. 4-H members will be allowed to enter more than one exhibit per class, but no more than one exhibit per lot within the class. Exceptions to this rule are Food Preservation (3 bottles of different fruit and three bottles of different vegetables are allowed). 6. 4-H members will be allowed an unlimited number of total entries. 4-H Kane County exhibits will be judged on QUALITY OF WORK and will be based on the individual merits of the exhibit. The Danish judging system will be used to judge all exhibits. All qualified exhibits entered will be awarded a blue, red, or white ribbon. Premiums will be paid on exhibits. Premiums to be paid are $5.00 for Sweepstakes, $3.00 for blue ribbons, $2.00 for red ribbons, and $1.00 for white and CLOVER BUD entries. 7. Horticulture-Fruits and Crops will be entered in the General Kane County Fair. The following are additional exhibit requirements: 1. Posters must to be 22” x 33” or smaller. 2. Notebook binders must be 2 inches or smaller. 3. Displays must be 4’x4’ or smaller and be free-standing 4. Exhibits must have a completed exhibit card attached securely to it. Exhibits with more than one part must have an exhibit card attached to each part numbered. example 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3, etc. 5. Food items need to be of quality to keep more than a week without refrigeration. Frozen food products are not acceptable. Do not send food items which will spoil quickly. Baked Goods: Place all baked goods entries on a sturdy white paper plate and cover with a zip-lock plastic bag. A copy of each recipe on a 3”x5” card is requested. Canning: All General Kane County Canning Rules Apply 6. Exhibits which are normally hung on the wall must provide some means for attachment to the wall (paintings, framed items, woodworking, wall-hangings) 7. Exhibits must be well made so they are stable enough to be moved. 8. Any items to be returned (hangers, pie pans, cake stands, etc.) must be marked with name and address of the exhibitor. 9. Clothing Entries: Please have all entries neatly pressed and on hangers. 10. Each 4-H member that has an exhibit advance to the Utah State Fair will receive one (1) gate admission pass to the Utah State Fair. -2- 4-H EXHIBIT CATEGORIES The following are areas in which a 4-H member enrolled in a project may exhibit. Utah State 4-H Fair Division Rules apply for more information see the STATE FAIR BOOK 2016. Go to utah4h.org, under events, Utah State Fair, click on State Fair Book 2016 or go to www.thekanecountyfair.com and click on the 4-H State Fair Rules link. Division A: Citizenship/Civic Education: Cultural or global education, volunteerism, community service. Division B: Communications/Expressive Arts: Communication arts, performing arts, arts and crafts, drawing and painting, sculpture, graphic arts, and photography. Division C: Family and Consumer Sciences: Child development, child care, babysitting, sewing construction, wardrobe management, quilting, knitting, crochet, needlecraft, consumer education, home environment, parenting and family life education. Division D: Environmental Education and Earth Science: Environmental stewardship, earth, water and air, forestry, range management, wildlife/fisheries, and outdoor education. Division E: Healthy Lifestyles Education: Chemical, mental and emotional health, food safety, food preservation, food preparation, breads, outdoor cooking, cake decorating, physical health and safety. Division F: Personal Development and Leadership: Career exploration, hobbies and collections, leadership skills development, leisure education, reading literacy, social recreation skills. Division G: Plants and Animals: Small animals, crops/weeds, flower gardening, fruit/vegetable gardening, ornamental horticulture. Division H: Science and Technology: Biological science, entomology/bees, embryology, veterinary science, aerospace/rocketry, computer technology, woodworking, electric engine/tractor/field, physical science and astronomy. THE TOP COUNTY EXHIBITS, AS SELECTED BY THE JUDGES, WILL BE SENT TO THE UTAH STATE FAIR WHERE THEY WILL REPRESENT KANE COUNTY AND BE JUDGED AGAIN. All exhibits selected to advance to the State Fair will be marked with a purple sticker. These exhibits will be picked up by the extension staff on the closing day of the fair. The Kane County Extension staff will take the State Fair entries to the Utah State Fair and will bring them back to Kane County in September. You will then be notified and can pick up your fair exhibit and any ribbons or prize money won at the Kane County Extension Office. -3- CRAFTS Lucy Griffiths & Valarie Lacy Registration : See Fair Book Rules on Page -A1. Kane County General Fair rules apply. 2. Work must be original, except where indicated. 3. There are two categories: Junior and Senior. DIVISION 1 ____________________________________________________ CERAMICS- FIRED FINISH Class 1 ............................... Utility pieces (a). Canisters, Covered Dishes (b). Pitchers, Mugs, etc. (c). Vases, Planters (d). Lamps (e). Other Class 2.................. Miniatures (5” or less) Class 3.............. Animals and Fish Class 4......... Christmas Items Class 5.............................. Holiday Items Class 6.................................. Birds Class 7.....................Figurines Class 8........................................... Steins Class 9...........................All Other DIVISION 2____________________________________________________________________CERAMICS Class 1............................ Early American Class 2......................... Miniatures Class 3....... Animals and Fish Class 4...........................Christmas Items Class 5....................Holiday Items Class 6........................... Birds Class 7...................................... Figurines Class 8.................................Steins Class 9.................... All Other DIVISION 3_____________________________________________________________________ JEWELRY Class 1..................................................... Fabricated or Cast Pins, Pendants, Brooches, etc Class 2..................................................... Fabricated or Cast Rings & Earrings Class 3.........Fabricated or Cast Bracelets Class 4...........................All Other DIVISION 4_____________________________________________________________________ LEATHER Class 1.............................Carrying Cases Class 2................... Cases (wallets) Class 3......... Ladies handbags. Class 4...................... Apparel (belts, etc.) Class 5........... Carriers (scabbards) Class 6......Pictures, frame required Class 7..................................................... Household articles (clocks, wastebasket, plaques, etc.) Class 8............................ Beaded Leather Class 9..................... Saddles, Tack Class 10.................. All Other DIVISION 5_____________________________________________________________________ MODELS Class 1.......................................... .Wood Class 2................................ Plastic Class 3.........Pinewood Derby Class 4......................................All Other DIVISION 6__________________________________________________________________MINIATURES Class ................................ Furniture (kit) Class 2............ Furniture(original) Class 3.................... All Other DIVISION 7_______________________________________________________________________ WOODS Class 1...................................... Furniture Class 2............................ Cabinets Class 3........................ Lathed Class 4............................... Hand Carved Class 5..........................Driftwood Class 6............................ Toys Class 7..................................................... Wooden Dolls-Includes Kachina . Class 8........................ Jewelry Class 9..........................................Decoys Class 10.........................All Other DIVISION 8______________________________________________________________________ METALS Class 1 ................................................................................................................................................................. All DIVISION 9________________________________________________ (Must be Mounted) COLLECTIONS Class 1............................................Coins Class 2...............................Stamps Class 3.......................... Cards. Class 4............................ Indian Artifacts Class 5................................Insects Class ...................... All Other DIVISION 10______________________________________________________________ TOLE PAINTING Class 1...................................... On wood Class 2.............. Painting on metal Class 3.............Painted Fabric Class 4......................................All Other DIVISION 11 ____________________________________________________________ MISCELLANEOUS Class 1..............................Scrap Booking Class 2..........................Taxidermy Class 3........................Plastics Class 4............................ Decoupage, etc. Class 5........Beadwork, not leather Class 6...................... Quilling Class 7............................ Wheat weaving Class 8....................... Straw Items Class 9.................... All Other -4- FINE ARTS Valene Beardall & Linda Thatcher Registration -See Fair Book Rules on Page -A1. Kane County general rules apply. 2. Work must be original, except where indicated by division. 3. All paints, photographs, and mosaic art must be securely framed and equipped with screw eyes and hanging wire. The receiving committee is instructed to refuse all improperly prepared work. 4. There are two categories: Junior and Senior. DIVISION 1___________________________________________________________ SNAPSHOTS-COLOR Class 1...........................................................Portrait Class 2.............................................................Landscape Class 3.........................................................Still Life Class 4 ................................................. Flowers/Animals Class 5....................................................... All Other DIVISION 2_________________________________________________ SNAPSHOTS-BLACK & WHITE Class 1...........................................................Portrait Class 2 ............................................................Landscape Class 3.........................................................Still Life Class 4 ................................................. Flowers/Animals Class 5....................................................... All Other DIVISION 3______________________________________________________ PHOTO ENLARGEMENTS Class 1......................................................... Portraits Class 2............................................................ Landscape Class 3.........................................................Still Life Class 4...................................................................Nature Class 5....................................................... All Other DIVISION 4_________________________________________________________________ OIL PAINTING Class 1...........................................................Portrait Class 2.............................................................Landscape Class 3.........................................................Still Life Class 4................................................................Seascape Class 5............................................................Nature Class 6.................................................................Modern Class 7............................................................. Velvet Class 8.............................................................. All Other DIVISION 5_______________________________________________________________WATER COLORS Class 1...........................................................Portrait Class 2.............................................................Landscape Class 3.........................................................Seascape Class 4............................................................... Still Life Class 5..........................................................Modern Class 6.............................................................. All Other DIVISION 6_____________________________________________________________________ DRAWING Class 1............................................................. Pencil Class 2.................................................................. Crayon Class 3........................................................... Marker Class 4........................................................................ Ink Class 5....................................................... All Other DIVISION 7__________________________________________________________________ SCULPTURE Class 1............................................................. Wood Class 2.................................................................... Metal Class 3..............................................................Stone Class 4.............................................................. All Other DIVISION 8___________________________________________________________________ CERAMICS Class 1...................................................Thrown Pots Class 2..............................................Original Greenware Class 3....................................................... All Other DIVISION 9___________________________________________________________________ PORCELAIN Class 1........................................................Figurines Class 2................................................... Christmas Items Class 3.-Dolls (must be dressed and ready for display) a. Baby b. Original/portrait c. All Other.................... Class 4....................................................... Painted Plates DIVISION 10____________________________________________________________ MISCELLANEOUS Class 1..................................................... Silk Screen Class 2............................................................... Etchings Class 3............................. Wood block, linoleum, tile Class 4............................................................Lithograph -5- HOME ARTS Carol Sue Lamb, Suzann Barton, & Mindy Jacobs Registration: See Indoor Exhibit Rules on Page -A1. All articles must be complete. 2. Soiled or poorly pressed articles will not be accepted. 3. If colored tissue is being used to set off a pattern in needlework, pastel tints are suggested. 4. Remodeled articles must include a statement explaining what has been done to them and the cost. 5. All canning entries must meet guidelines listed on page 9. 8. Baked goods and candy MUST be on a plate enclosed in a ZIPLOCK bag. 9. There are two categories: Junior and Senior. DIVISION 1____________________________________________________________________ SEWIING Class 1...........................................................Dresses Class 2.....................................................Formal Wear Class 3............................................................... Suits Class 4...............................................................Jackets Class 5..............................................................Coats Class 6................................................................ Shirts Class 7.............................................................. Pants Class 8................................................................ Skirts Class 9.................................................... Night Wear Class 10.......................................................... Lingerie Class 11......................................................... Aprons Class 12..................................................... Pillowcases Class 13........................................................... Other DIVISION 2_______________________________________________________________________ QUILTS Class 1................................................ Hand Quilted Class 2.................................................................. Tied a. Applique b. Pieced c. Whole Cloth a. Applique b. Pieced c. Whole Cloth Class 3........................................... Machine Quilted Class 4.......................................................... All Other a. Applique b. Pieced c. Whole Cloth DIVISION 3_________________________________________________________________________ RUGS Class 1.......................................................... Hooked Class 2............................................................. Braided Class 3.............................................................. Sewn Class 4.............................................................Crochet Class 5 ......................................................... All Other DIVISION 4____________________________________________________________________ CROCHET Class 1..........................................................Afghans Class 2.............................................................. Shawls Class 3......................................................... Sweaters Class 4...................................................... Infant Wear Class 5......................................Toys & Dolls Cloths Class 6.............................................................. Doilies Class 7............................................................... Filet Class 8...........................................................Novelties Class 9....................................................... All Other DIVISION 5_____________________________________________________________________ KNITTING Class 1..........................................................Afghans Class 2 ............................................................. Shawls Class 3....................................................Infant Wear Class 4............................................................Sweaters Class 5................................................. Hat/scarf sets Class 6........................................... Receiving Blankets Class 7........................................................ Novelties Class 8.......................................................... All Other DIVISION 6________________________________________________________________ NEEDLEWORK Class 1....................................................Embroidery Class 2.............................................................. Crewel Class 3........................................................... Tatting Class 4...................................................... Needlepoint Class 5...............................................Counted Cross Class 6............................................... Candle Wicking Class 7......................................................... Tapestry Class 8.......................................................... All Other DIVISION 7________________________________________________________________ HANDICRAFTS Class 1........................................................... Pillows Class 2........................................................Pillow Covers Class 3........................................... Handbags/purses Class 4...................................................... Wall Hangings -6- Class 5............................................................... Toys Class 6..................................................................... Dolls Class 7.................................................. Doll Clothes Class 8..........................................................Quiet Books Class 9 .......................................................Macrame Class 10.......................................................... Dough Art Class 11.............................................. Fabric Frames Class 12...................................................Textile Painting Class 13........................................Holiday Novelties Class 14............................................................ All Other DIVISION 8___________________________________________________________ OLD HERITAGE ART Class 1........................................................ Spinning Class 2................................................................ Weaving Class 3.......................................Homemade Creams Class 4................................................... Home Remedies Class 5...........................................Lye Soap (3 bars) Class 6.................................................................. Cheese Class 7............................................................ Butter Class 8.................................................... Pork Cracklings Class 9........................................................ Molasses Class 10......................................................Corncob Pipe Class 11.........................................Corn Husk Dolls Class 12............................................................ All Other DIVISION 9________________________________________________________________BAKED GOODS Class 1.................................................... Yeast Bread Class 2..........................................................Quick Bread Class 3.........................................................Rolls (6) Class 4......................................................Sweet Rolls (6) Class 5.............................................................Cakes Class 6.................................................... Decorated Cake Class 7................................................................ Pies Class 8........................................................Cookies (6-8) DIVISION 10_______________________________________________________________________CANDY Class 1..................................................... Chocolates Class 2............................................................... Caramels Class 3 ............................................................Fudge Class 4.....................................................................Jellies Class 5................................................ Peanut Brittle Class 6.................................................................Divinity Class 7....................................................... Lollipops Class 8........................................................ Pulled Candy Class 9.............................................................Mints Class 10............................................................ All Other DIVISION 11 ___________________________________________________________________ CANNING Class 1............................................................ Fruits Class 2...................................................................Berries Class 3 .....................................................Vegetables Class 4...................................................................... Juice Class 5................................................................ Jam Class 6...................................................................Pickles Class 7.............................................................Meats Class 8.......................................................................Fish Class 9..................................................Catsup/Salsa Class 10............................................................ All Other DIVISION 12____________________________________________________________DRIED PRODUCTS Class 1...............................................................Fruit Class 2...................................................................Berries Class 3......................................................Vegetables Class 4..................................................................... Meat Class 5.......................................................All Other -7- Canning Labels You need to fill out one for each canned item and place it on the bottom of your jar. -8- State Recommendations for County Fair Canning Guidelines. 20 Many of the following requirements are based on SAFETY guidelines. Those regarding presentation of exhibit or specific fair preferences are adaptable. SPECIAL RULES FOR HOME CANNING Canning rules are based on safe food preservation guidelines from approved sources (National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP), USU Extension and Pacific Northwest Extension, USDA, and Ball Canning). See http://nchfp.uga.edu , canning.usu.edu , or www.freshpreserving.com 1. Only products of home kitchens are eligible. 2. Products entered must have been prepared (by the person entering them) since the last state/county fair. Older products will not be accepted. 3. REQUIRED: All jars must be labeled with name of product, method (water bath/pressure), pack (hot/raw), length of processing time, pounds of pressure (if applicable), altitude, date, city, recipe source (see above) and when the dial gauge was last tested. (______ Date/Year) attached to the bottom of jar. If sweeteners other than sugar are used, include on label. Labels are available in advance from USU Extension Office or at time of entry. 4. All entries must be in clean, standard canning jars (e.g. no mayo jars) with new, single-use two-piece lids and rings. 5. A one-quart jar or pint jar constitutes an exhibit for fruit, vegetables or meat. 6. One standard-size canning jar constitutes an exhibit for preserves, conserves, pickles, and relishes based on recommendations from an approved recipe. 7. One pint or 1/2 pint jar with lid constitutes an exhibit for jellies and jams. 8. Exhibits should be canned using research-tested recipes, i.e., USDA, Ball, pectin brand name or NCHFP guidelines issued 2009 or later. Processing adjustments for altitude, time or pressure must be made and explained on entry label. 9. All fresh fruits, jams, jellies, pickles and relishes must be processed in a boiling water bath and properly sealed. Entries processed in a steam canner will not be accepted. 10. No frozen jams or wax seals will be accepted. The presence of mold disqualifies a product. 11. All meats and vegetables must be processed in a pressure canner. 12.The exhibitor is requested to loosen the ring on the jar so judges can remove ring and examine the head space. -9- FLORICULTURE Este Brinkerhoff Registration Friday, August 12, 2016 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Utah State Extension Office 8:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. Exhibit Hall 1. Kane County General Fair Rules apply. 2. Judging begins at 12:00 p.m. Friday, August 12th. No one is allowed in the crops room during judging. 3. Each exhibitor must furnish their own container. Owner’s name should be placed on bottom or other inconspicuous area. 4. Houseplants must belong to exhibitor not less than 60 days prior to Fair. 5. Each arrangement is eligible for only one award except Division 1. Division 1 may be judged by arrangement and quality of flowers 6. There are two divisions: Junior and Senior. DIVISION 1__________________________________________ (Home Grown) FRESH ARRANGEMENTS Class 1..... Fresh Home Floral Class 2 .Fancy Free (tall, modern, metal or plastic container or accent) Class 3.............Church Floral Class 4....... Patio Party Floral Class 5.................... (3”-8”) Mini-fashion Class 6......Buffet Centerpiece Class 7..........................................Symphony in wood - naturally weathered, driftwood. Class 8......... Just One specimen Class 9..................................................................... Just Three of the one variety Class 10...........................................................Red, White, and Blue Class 11.................................... All Other DIVISION 2________________ (Silk, dried, wildflower or purchased flowers) ARTISTIC ARRANGEMENTS Class 1..... Fresh Home Floral Class 2 .Fancy Free (tall, modern, metal or plastic container or accent) Class 3.............Church Floral Class 4....... Patio Party Floral Class 5.................... (3”-8”) Mini-fashion Class 6......Buffet Centerpiece Class 7..........................................Symphony in wood - naturally weathered, driftwood. Class 8......... Just One specimen Class 9..................................................................... Just Three of the one variety Class 10...........................................................Red, White, and Blue Class 11.................................... All Other DIVISION 3________________________________________________________________ HOUSE PLANTS Class 1...............................Ivy Class 2................... Geranium Class 3............................. African Violets Class 4........................ Coleus Class 5........................... Cacti Class 6.....................................Succulents Class 7............................Dish Class 8..... Terrarium Gardens Class 9.......................................Novelties Class 10..................All Other DIVISION 4______________________________________________________________ JUNIOR SECTION Class 1...................“One and Only” (one flower and foliage) Class 2...................... Arrangement with One variety Class 3...............My Favorites, favored flower in favored pot Class 4...................................... Mini-fashion (3”-8”) Class 5..................................................Dried Arrangements Class 6..............................Wildflower Arrangements Class 7............................................................. House Plants Class 8...................................................... All Others -10- CROPS Este Brinkerhoff Registration Friday, August 12, 2015 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Utah State Extension Office 8:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. Event Center 1. Kane County General Fair rules apply. 2. All produce shall be displayed on 9” white paper plates. One variety per plate unless otherwise stipulated. 3. There are two divisions: Junior and Senior. JUDGING TIPS Don’t wash the fruit. The judges want to see them in natural state. Make sure you have UNIFORMITY in your produce. Uniformity is judged higher than being JUST BIG. Any produce with a top should be trimmed about 1” from the top (Except green onion). DIVISION 1____________________________________________________________________ POTATOES Class 1................... Russet (5) Class 2...................... Bliss (5) Class 3.......................................Rural (5) Class 4.............Specialties (5) Class 5 ................................................... All Other (5) DIVISION 2__________________________________ ( ½” on each plate) THRESHED GRAINS-CEREALS Class 1......................... Barley Class 2.............................Oats Class 3.............................................Corn Class 4........................ Wheat Class 5 ................................................... Grass Seeds DIVISION 3__________________________________________________ (Tied, 2” bundles) SHEAF GRAINS Class .......................... Wheat Class 2.............................Oats Class 3 . ........................................ Barley Class 4..........................................................All Other DIVISION 4________________________________________________ (Tied ½ “ bundles) FORAGE CROPS Class 1........................ Alfalfa Class 2..........................Clover Class 3......................................... Grasses Class 4 ......................................................... All Other DIVISION 5_____________________________________________________ (Six (6) Stalks with ears) CORN Class 1.............. Sweet Yellow Class 2............... Sweet, Other Class 3 . .............................. Yellow, Field Class 4..................................................... Field, Other DIVISION 6_________________________________________________________________ VEGETABLES Class 1............ Beans (bunch) Class 2 ........................................................... Squash a. Green a. Winter (2) b. Dried b. Summer (3 Class 3..................... (5) Beets Class 4..................(5) Onions Class 5.............................. (3) Cantaloupe Class 6.(1large-3 small) Watermelon Class 7.............(5) Cucumber Class 8........................................ Cabbage Class 9........... (5) Sweet Corn Class 10............... (5) Peppers Class 11........................ (1-2) Cauliflower Class 13.............(5) Tomatoes Class 1... (5) Green Tomatoes Class 15.................... Lettuce, all varieties Class 16....................................Greens (Spinach, Swiss Chard, etc.) Class 17.......................(6 stalks) Rhubarb Class 18................ (5) Carrots Class 19...........5) Peas in Pod Class 20.................................... All Other DIVISION 7 _____________________________________________________________________ FRUITS Class 1.. 1-3 bunches) Grapes Class 2................. (5) Peaches Class 3........................................ (5) Pears Class 4.................... 5) Apples Class 5..................(10) Plums Class 6....................................(10) Prunes Class 7.................... (10) Nuts Class 8............. 1 cup) Berries Class 9.....................................All Others DIVISION 8_____________________________________________________ NOVELTIES AND EXOTICS Class 1.........................Honey Class 2........ Mini, any variety Class 3......................Monster, any variety Class 4 ......................................................... All Other DIVISION 9_____________________________________________________________ MISCELLANEOUS Class 1........................Gourds Class 2 ........... Sunflowers, all Class 3.......................................Herbs, all Class 4 ..............................................................................All Other DIVISION 10___________________________________________________ HOME GARDENER SPECIAL Class 1 ................................ (4-6) Gardener’s Choice 8 -11- 4-H/FFA LIVESTOCK SHOWS & SALES President - Dustin Cox Vice President - Bert Reeve Youth Sr. President - McCrea Cox Youth Jr. President - Esther Cox Youth Sr. Vice President -Kiley Spencer Youth Jr. Vice President - Laifey Cox Dusti Frost Secretary: email address - dusti.cox@hotmail.com SCHEDULE of EVENTS Thursday, August 11th, 2016 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Registration/Weighin of 4-H/FFA and PeeWee Livestock @ Carroll Arena Friday, August 12th, 2016 8:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M. Registration/Weighin of 4-H/FFA and PeeWee Livestock @ Carroll Arena 1:00 P.M.- 3:00 P.M. PeeWee Livestock Show @ Carroll Arena 3:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. Livestock Judging Contest 4:00 P.M.-Finished 4-H/FFA Livestock Show Livestock will be shown in the following order: Goats, Sheep, Hogs, Steers Showmanship will be held after each market class Saturday, August 13th, 2016 9:00 A.M. Buyer Registration @ Carroll Arena 10:00 A.M. 4-H/FFA, and Livestock Sale @ Carroll Arena Livestock show RULES This year will not be a Terminal Hog sale. Eligibility: The Kane County Junior Livestock Show is open only to residents of Kane County, Fredonia and Moccasin and to children of Kane County and Fredonia High School alumni, who are enrolled in 4-H or FFA and who attended at least two years of school at Kane County or Fredonia Age Eligibility: Must register for 4-H or FFA. Youth are required to be in 3rd – 12th grades and at least 8 years of age on October 1, 2015 the beginning of the 4-H year. Animal Husbandry: The management reserves the right to refuse any animal unfit for exhibition, including unruly, wild, sick, parasitized animals or animals deemed unfit for any reason. The care of all animals is the responsibility of the owners. The fair organization will not assume any responsibility for any loss or injury. Owners are responsible to deliver their animals. Animals must be left at the fair Friday night and not be removed before fair closing (unless removed by buyer from livestock sale). All animals must be well groomed. Lambs must be shorn to less than 1/4” wool. No butt patterns. All sheep must meet the requirements for the federal scrapie program. I.E. must have the proper scrapie identification tags prior to weigh in. Record Book: Registration at the Event Center Wednesday August 10, 1:00 P.M.- 4:00 P.M . One record book is required for each exhibitor. The record book must be completed by the exhibitor and should include all livestock projects. Books must be in the Kane County Jr. Livestock Show record book format. Ownership: Exhibitors should be members of 4-H or FFA. All exhibitors must own, show and sell their own livestock (unless owner has two animals in the same class). Exceptions maybe made for medical and family emergencies with board approval. All exhibitors must have owned sheep, goats or hogs for at least 60 days prior to the show and steers must be owned for at least 120 days. All animals must be tagged at least 60 days prior to the show. Judging/Showing: All entries are judged by the Danish Merit System. Each animal is judged on its own merits. Animals may only be entered in one market class and must be halter broke or tame enough for collar working. Animals previously shown -12- and sold at any fair or livestock show are ineligible for prizes. Exhibitors may show 2 animals, but are limited to showing and selling only one steer. Exhibitors are required to dress neatly (collared shirt, long pants and no open toed shoes) during the livestock show and sale. FFA identification or 4-H identification is required) Failure to comply will result in forfeit of prize money. No animal will be judged unless exhibitor is present to exhibit the animal. (exceptions will be made if an exhibitor has two animals in the same class. Exhibitors are instructed to remain in their positions as placed by the judge until dismissed. The judge will select grand and reserve winners. Final groupings will be left to the discretion of the judge. The judge’s decisions are final. Grand and Reserve champion animals must sell at the sale. Extra Rules for GOAT CLASSES 1. Market goats may be broken into weight classes. Classes will be determined after weigh in. No more than 2 classes of approximate equal size. The 2 top placements in each class will return for a Grand and Reserve Championship class. 2. Meat classes will be broken by the supervisor, based on the total number of entries but will not exceed 2 weight categories. 3. There will be no weight limits. 4. Buck, wether and doe kids will be shown together. 5. There may be no evidence of breaking of skin or eruption of two permanent front teeth. Milk teeth must be in place. 6. Horned goats allowed, dehorned preferred. 7. Exhibitors will be required to use halters or collars in the show ring. Setup and Cleanup: Exhibitors are required to work two hours either setting up prior to the show or cleaning up after the show. Each exhibitor must maintain clean pens throughout the show and sale. Each exhibitor MUST clean individual pens after the show. Weight Limits: Only market animals will be sold. Animals under weight will be sifted. There are no upper weight limits. However, it is in the exhibitors best interest to show only market quality animals. Minimum Weight limits are as follows: Market Goat, 65 lbs Market lambs, 100 lbs. Market hogs, 220 lbs. Market beef, 1,000 lbs. Animals under weight will not be sold on Saturday Suggested Weights are as follows: Market goats, 65lbs Market lambs, 130-140 lbs. Market hogs, 240 - 290 lbs. Market beef, 1,100 - 1,275 lbs. Failure to comply with the above rules and/or bad conduct will result in prize forfeits. DIVISIONS Ages are 3rd – 12th grades and at least 8 years of age on October 1, 2014. Record Book Class 1 .................................................. 8-13 Class 2 ............................................................. 14-18 Fitting and Showmanship Class 1 ...................................... Juniors 8-13 Class 2 ................................................ Seniors 14-18 Junior Livestock: Class 1 ................................... Market Lambs Class 2................................................... Market Hogs Class 3 ....................................... Market Beef Livestock Judging, all ages Class 1 ................................... Junior ( 8-13 ) Class 2.............................................. Senior ( 14-18) Class 3 .............................................. Over 19 Livestock Sale: A sales commission fee of 5% will be charged. Payment for animals is due at time of the sale. After 30 days, if buyers have not paid they will be assessed 5 % penalty per month until payment is made. -13- PEE WEE LIVESTOCK SHOW Chairman - John Reese Thursday, August 11th, 2016 Registration/Weighin 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. @ Carroll Arena Friday, August 12th, 2016 Registration/Weighin 8:00 A.M. - 11:00 P.M................................. Carroll Arena PeeWee Show 1:00P.M.-3:00 P.M. @ Carroll Arena Livestock will be shown in the following order: Goats, Sheep and Hogs Showmanship will be held after each market class. Saturday, August 13th, 2016 Buyer Registration 9:00 A.M. .............................................................. Carroll Arena Sale 10:00 A.M. .................................................................................... Carroll Arena RULES: For PEE WEE LIVESTOCK SHOW 1. Pee Wee Livestock Show is open only to residents of Kane County, Fredonia and Moccasin and to children of Kane County and Fredonia High School alumni and those alumni having attended at least two years of school in Kane County or Fredonia. 2. Children must be 3 years of age as of January 1 this year, and no older than the 4-H age cut off date for registration for 4-H\FFA senior livestock show. 3. One lamb, one hog or one goat may be shown. Steers are ineligible to be shown in the Pee Wee Show. 4. Ownership of livestock is not required for Pee Wee Showmanship Class. 5. Participants may borrow livestock from sibling, friends, or associates as long as they have received permission from the owner of the livestock and their parents. 6. Pee Wee selling livestock must meet requirements of Jr. Livestock Rules. 7. A parent or other responsible adult is encouraged to be in the ring for support and help of the child. 8. Record books are not required for this show. 9. Pee Wee Livestock Projects may sell after the Jr. Livestock Sale. 10. Participants in the Pee Wee Livestock Show are required to cleanup around the fairgrounds for a minimum of 2 hours before or after the Livestock Sale. 2013 Pee Wee 2015 Winners Rylin Crofts - Grand Goat Buyer - Tanner Crofts Kamilla Cox - Grand Lamb Buyer - Hinton Burdick -14- Hadley Harris - Grand Hog Buyer - Throttle Stomping Trucker 2013 Livestock Show 2015 Winners Ashley Spencer - Grand Goat Broc Esplin - Grand Lamb Buyer - State Bank Buyer - CSA Audrey Harris- Grand Hog Kaitlyn Cox - Grand Steer Buyer - Barney Trucking Buyer - Milts Stage Stop -15- 2013 Livestock Show 2015 Winners Kacie Cox- Reserve Goat Buyer - Huges/Western Rock Caleb Barton - Reserve Lamb Buyer-Washington FamilyVet/CSA Cooper Esplin - Reserve Steer Buyer - State Bank/Color Country Bull Sale Ashley Spencer- Reserve Hog Buyer - Nick Ramsay The exhibitors and board of the 2016 Kane County Junior Livestock Show would once again like to take this opportunity to THANK ALL BUYERS, BIDDERS & SUPPORTERS. The Livestock board would also like to thank Kane County, the Kane County Commissioners, the Kane County Fair board members, the Utah State Extension Office, the Long Valley Lions Club, and our many wonderful sponsors. Without your support our show and sale would not be possible. 2013 Livestock 2015 Show Buyers and Bidders Aaron Bonham Insurance ABS All Metal Recycling Alma Heaton/ Heaton Livestock Alton Coal Development Alton Lodge Alyssa O’Toole AMC Precision Anesthsia American Car Care American Steel Amy Sylvester Annette Cornia Arrowhead dairy Baird Diesel Baird Livestock Barney Trucking Bauer Livestock Beck Enterprises Bert & Wendy Harris Bob & Diane Lane Bob & Melanie Spencer Boone Hulet Boyd & Joeie Harris Bradley Pickens Brennan & Lisa Jackson Brigham & Jeanne Johnson Brinkerhoff Livestock Brinkerhoff Trucking Broken Arrow Roofing Brookie’s Cookies Brown Brothers Construction Bruce Bunting BS Trucking C & B Equipment C 4 Ranch C Hanging 7 Ranch C.E. Smith C4 Ranch & Rentals Canyon Trail Rides Carlyle Hulet Carroll Ranch Carroll Ranch (steer support) Cary Reese Casey Iverson Cedar Livestock Auction Cedar Post Trading Co. Chad Heaton Charles Heaton Clayton Johnson Cloyd Chamberlain Codale Electric Coleen Heaton Colleen Petullo -17- Color Country Bull Sale Color Country Outfitters Conway Hay Cox Creek Cattle Company Cox Livestock Crofts Corrientes Cross Creek Dairy CSA CSI Curtis Roundy Custom finish Cabinets Dale Tait Dan Melin Daniel Watson Danny Cox Darin Ott Dave Marshal Delbert Smith 2013 Livestock 2015 Show Buyers and Bidders Thank you All 2015 Buyers and Bidders Without your support our show and sale would not be possible. Dellas Sorensen Denise O’Toole Denison Mines Deseret G&T DHC Agriculture Ditch Witch Doran & Lois Lamb Doug & Colene Heaton Doug Cox DP Curtis Trucking Dr. Ott Duke’s Clothing Duke Cox Energy Fuels Resources ERA Eric Esplin Esplin Livestock Excell Livestock Farm Bureau Insurance Farmers Market Ferril Heaton Flood Canyon Ranch Forscher, LLC Frosty’s Carpet Cleaning Garkane Energy Genevieve LeFevre Gerald Spencer Glazier’s Market Glendale Country Store Griffioen Dairy H&T Dairy Hal & Mercy Stout Happyours Ranch Haywire Exhibitors HDD & Wilco Heaton Livestock Company Heaton Trucking Co. Hinton Burdick CPAs Honey’s Marketplace Houston’s Trails End Restaurant Hughes Construction Hurricane Auto IFA- Leavan IFa- St. George IFA - Cedar City IFA - Richfield Interstate Rock Jason Spencer Jay Webb Jeff Banks Jeff Yates Jenkins Oil Jerry & Sons Trucking Jill Brown JIm Bundrick Jim Glover JIm Pollock Jim Wood Jimmy Dale Ott John Reese Jolley’s Ranchwear Jones DeMille Engineering Justin Robinson Kanab Veterinary Hospital Kane County Conservation District Kane County Fair Kane County School District Kane County Sheriff’s Office Kane County Soil Conservation Kane CountyWater Conservancy District Karl Heaton KCH Livestock Kevin & Denise OToole Kiabab Storage Kim & Kelli Cox Kustom Containers Kyle Harris Lazy L Spear Leland Baird & Family Leon & Sally Brinkerhoff Leon Cox Lindsey Glover Long Valley FFA Lorene Esplin Loud Inc. Lucky Cox Lularue Rachel Harris Lumber Plus Lynn Ginocchio Maple Funding Mark Jacob Mark Jacobs Marshal Cox Mary Ann Brinkerhoff Maxwell Construction Mel & Rachel Cox Mel Clark Construction Mike & Chris Christensen Mike & Lisa Church Milts/ Rusty’s Miya LLC Produce Morgan & Morgan Attorney’s at Law Morrill Stout Mountain America Federal Credit Union Mt. Carmel Motel My Wife’s Truck Trucking NaKole Crofts Nette Lacorti Nick’s Shell Old West Outfitters Oral Stout Orderville Mine Overson Farm Center Parry Lodge Paul & Carole Campbell PCI PES Peter Carlson Physical Therapy Pinewood Resorts Pioneer Floor Covering Precise Tax Quality Printing Quarnberg Ranch Quarter Circle H Ranch R Livestock Connection Ramsay Oil Randy Delcore Ray Spencer (hog& steer support) Raymond Heaton RC Bundy Inc Red Hollow Trucking Reed & Pam Reeve Reese & Associates CPA Firm Richard Paul Evans Rob Horton Robert Cox Robert J. Reeve Family Trust Robert Swapp Robinson Farm Roger Pugh Roland Esplin & Sons Rollins & Company Roy Schuster Sam & Candice Cox San LIlly Development Sarah Williams Scholzen Products Co. Sean & Dusti Frost Select Sires Settler’s Cove Shawna Harris Sheldon Roundy Soup Town Café South Central Communications -16- South Valley Larg Animal Clinic Southern Utah Outfitters Spencer Ranch Spencer Squealers Spring Hollow Trucking Staker Parson Com. State Bank of Southern Utah Steak of Utah Steve Reagan Sunbeam Coal Sunrise Dairy Sweet Pro T-Time T & C Supply Tait Land & Livestock Ten Plus Hay Co. Terry’s Terry Thatcher Thirsty Animal Thomas Petroleum Throttle Stomper Trucking Thunderbird Chevron TJ Houston Tod’s Country Store Tom Miller U Lazy L Ranch US West Importers Vard Heaton Vern Ratzlaff Wade & Julie Heaton Washington Family Vet Wayne Cox Webb Livestock Webster Orthodontics Wells Fargo Wendy Harris Western Rock Wheeler Ranch White Mountain Manor White Mountain Trading Post Wineglass Ranch Wingate Wilderness Therapy LLC Winn Feed Worth Brown X bar H Lodge Yardley Insurance Zion’s Bank Zion Counciling Zion Pharmacy Zion Ponderosa Resort Animal Exhibits & Events Poultry, Fowl & Small Animal Bill Cox 648-2548 & Torrie Cox Registration, Friday, August 12, 2016 9 :00 P.M.- 12:00 P.M. Carroll Arena 1. Registration will be 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. 2. Judging will begin at 2:00 p.m. 3. No one is allowed in the Small Animal Area until Judging is completed. 4. All animals must be picked up Saturday August 15th after 12:00 P.M. no later than 4:00 P.M. 5. Management will provide water, cages and supervision. NO FOOD The Fair assumes no responsibility for injury or loss. 6. Exhibitor must own animals for sixty (60) days before Fair. 7. There are two divisions: Junior and Senior. Division 1: Domestic Poultry, Division 2: Exotic Poultry, & Division 3: Poultry Class 1 - Cock Class 2 - Hen Class 3 - Cockerel Class 4 - Pullet Division 4: Pigeon Class 1 - Old Cock Class 2 - Old Hen Class 3 - Young Cock Class 4 - Young Hen Division 5: Other Fowl Class 1 - Ducks Class 2 - Geese Class 3 - Turkeys Division 6: Rabbits Class 1 - Senior Buck Class 2 - Senior Doe Class 3 - Junior Buck Class 4 - Junior Doe Division 7: Meat Goats Class 1 - Buck Class 2 - Doe Division 8: Milk Goats Class 1 - Doe Division 9: All other small animals 6th -18- Outside Concessions and Vendors Miss Kane County Scholarship Pageant To have a concession stand or vendor booth located Come join us for an evening filled with talent, OUTSIDE go to www.thekanecountyfair.com, click on beauty, and poise at this year’s the Vendor/Concession Application link. Then fill the Miss Kane County Scholarship Pageant. application out and email, mail or drop off the completJune 25th 7:00 P.M. K.H.S. Auditorium ed application to Sally Brinkerhoff. Young women through out the county will be coming Contact information for Sally Brinkerhoff 648.2483 together in one night to show that here in Kane County Email: lbrinkerhoff@scinternet.net we have a lot to celebrate. Each contestant will be asked to provide a platform with an emphasis on community service, while also being asked to display their grace, talent and poise. This is definitely one night here in Kane County that you don’t want to miss! Friday August 12th and Saturday August 13th This experience provides young women with a fantastic Open during Exhibit hours learning opportunity, and this year the pageant will also Bring goods and foods to be sold Wednesday the 10th be offering scholarships to various winners in the pageant. when you register your Exhibits. Your goods will be sold at your price and you collect what they sold for. There will be a Princess division, girls 13-15 and a Queen The COUNTY STORE is a community event. division, girls 16-19. Meetings concerning the pageant To have a concession will soon be announced throughout the communities. For stand or vendor booth all young women interested in competing, registration forms will be due on June 1th, 2016. located INSIDE the EVENT We would like to thank Heather Roundy the reigning CENTER Kane County Queen and Jael Chamberlain the reigning Contact Rhonda Flatberg 435.648.2073 Kane County Princess and their courts for their service this past year at the fair and other local events. Thank you girls. For any additional questions concerning the pageant please contact Jacey Heaton. Phone: 435-559-0491 Get out on a beautiful summer day and get in some great Email: jl.bugg09@gmail.com golfing and also win big prizes. Indoor Vendors/Booths and Country Store Golf Saturday, August 6th, 2016 at the Thunderbird Golf Course The $20.00 Two Man Scramble begins at 8:00 A.M. and goes throughout the day. Long Range Rifle Contest Contact Tim Esplin 691-1315 Saturday, August 6th and Tuesday, August 9th 2016 Three classes .308 & smaller Larger than .308 Open sights Bring your own weapon and bullets and see if you have what it takes to be a world class marksman. -19- Parade Chris Maxwell 648-2577 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 Glow in the Dark Fun Run Theme “Looking to the past and Forward to the Future” Parade will start promptly at 6:30 P.M. 1. Registration prior to parade at the LDS Chapel between 5:00 and 6:00 P.M. 2. All entries may enter only one division for judging. 3. All tricycles, bikes, wagons and walkers must be decorated or in costumes. 4. Line up will be at 6:00 P.M. Anyone not officially registered will not be judged. 5. Judging will take place during line up. 6. Any and all horse clubs are expected to clean up after themselves. Wednesday, August 10, 2016 8:30 P.M. registration 9:00 P.M. Start Time @ the Orderville Town Park FREE Get your grandma! Bring the Baby! Get Your Glow On! Pancake and Produce Party Post Run. 3 and 1 mile distances Awards: youngest, oldest, brightest glow, lightening fast bug, glowing inch worm, brought the most people, lived in Kane County the longest, middle of the pack, Mr. and Mrs. congeniality, I’d rather be dancing ... AND MORE Classic Hellicopter Ping Pong $$$ Drop Friday, August 12th around 3:00 p.m. Come to the Fair and keep your eyes on the sky as Commissioner Heaton zooms by and drops hundreds of ping pong balls around the fair grounds. The ping pong balls are numbered. Your task. Grab as many as you can and turn them in Saturday between 1-5 p.m. @ the premium distributing table. If you have the lucky winning number you could win $100, $50, $25, and $10 cash prizes. Fun and Games Three Gun Shoot Friday, August 12th 1:00-7:00 p.m. Bounce Houses, Giant Slide, Bungee Run, Wrecking Ball, Vertical Merry-Go-Round, ZIPLINE (till dark) Saturday, August 13th 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Bounce Houses, Giant Slide, Bungee Run, Wrecking Ball, Vertical Merry Goround, ZIPLINE, and Bucking Bull TALENT SHOW Thursday August 11th, 2016 7:00 p.m. @ the Outdoor Terrace in Kanab Pre-Registration required by August 12th Cash Award for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Pee Wee 3 - 6 years Junior 7 - 11 years Intermediate 12 -17 years Senior 18 and over Contact Tim Esplin 691-1315 August 11th 10:00 a.m. until finished Three-gun competitions make other sports seem small and slow. If you want some fast-paced fun, try one of the country’s fastest-growing shooting sports. Three-gun is a test of skill, an obstacle course, and a race all rolled into one . In this competition you will shoot with a rifle, pistol, and shot gun. Or you have options to compete in only rifle or pistol or just one. Participants must bring their own guns and ammunition. Participants under 21 must be accompanied by an adult. There is a small entry fee of $10.00 that will go toward Prizes. Bring your best game and get ready for some fast paced fun. -20- Zip Line Pet Show Friday, August 12th and Saturday, August 13th Cindy Sharkey 648-2222 Saturday, August 13, 2016 Registration 9:45 A.M Show starts at 10:00 A.M. @ Orderville Town Park Contact Dustin RULES Cox 1. Must Register before 10:00 A.M. Friday, August 12th, 2. Contestants must be 12 years of age and under for 2016 Junior and 13 and older for Senior 3:00 P.M. @ Carroll 3. Contestants must own pets for at least a period of one Arena month prior to the show Rules will be 4. Contestant (without help) must show pet. Pets must explained at the show by trick, costumes, attention, and/or affection, that beginning of the their owner has trained them. contest 5. Pets must be carried or led. (They must be held in cages or leashed before and after the contest) 6. No abuse of pet will be tolerated 7. A brief written statement concerning age, name, Saturday 13th, 1:00 history, characteristics, etc. of pet must be handed in at There is something to say about the person who can put the time registration away the technology of today and take a step back to pioneer times and pit their mucesles and will against natures strongest trees. Come find out if you have what it takes. Livestock Judging Log Sawing Contest Music and Entertainment BABY CONTEST Saturday, August 13th, 2016 Registration begins at 10:30 A.M. Show will be at 11:00 A.M. @ Event Center Babies ranging in age from new born to 18 months will be judged, providing a wonderful opportunity for you to share your babies unique personality and special talent. Many different prizes will be awarded from most talented to cutest baby. . FAIR DANCE/Bucking Bull Duke & Shiree Cox 648-3222 Friday, August 12th, 2016 9:30 P.M. Music by the Steve Gifford Sound Company Family friendly dance. From grandpa to teens, babies to dads, everyone will have a good time. Located at the Orderville Town Park. Free Bucking Bull rides. FIRE WORKS Alan Alldredge 644-5443 Friday, August 12th, 2016 During the dance!!! Friday August 12th 1:00-5:00 p.m. Saturday August 15th 10:00 a.m.-12:30 noon Symphony of the Canyons 1:00-2:00 p. m. Continuous Entertainment 2:30-4:00 p.m. Lego Speed Contest Friday, August 12th 2016 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced stations. You pick one level to compete. Each contestant receives a maximum time of 15 mins to complete the lego pack designed for that level. The fastest times win. You get two chances. Winners will decided right after the contest and must be present to win. Prehistoric Dig Contest Friday, August 12th 2016 1:00-2:30 p.m. Everyone is a winner in this contest. You pick the station you want to dig in, then see what you can find. There will be $ and prizes. See how lucky you are! -21- LEGO Imagination Build Saturday, August 15, 2015 10:30 - 12:00 Noon Winners announced right after the contest. Winners must be present to pick out their prize. Rules 1. The contest runs for 1 1/2 hours. Limited spaces. 2. If you are there for the whole 1 1/2 hours, you get 1 1/2 hours to build, if you are there for 15 minuets you get 15 minuets to build. 3. Contestants receive a bag of lego blocks of similar type and number. No bag will be the exact same 4. Decide if you wand to be a beginner, Intermediate, or advanced builder 5. Judged on creativity, detail, and show of skill. 6. Prizes will be awarded to top three in each category. Symphony of the Canyons Afternoon of excellence Saturday, August 13, 2016 1:00 P.M @ Event Center The Symphony of the Canyons is starting their 33rd year of performing. Under the tireless direction of Kourtney Stirland this symphony has brought musical delight to our county for 33 years. Get out of the heat, sit down, and enjoy the beauty and fun of the music of the Symphony of the Canyons. Dutch Oven Cookoff Contest Lisa Reese Saturday, August 13th, 2016 - 12:00 noon By the Bounce houses and Zip Line 1. Preregistration required. 2. Each contestant may enter only one (1) class. 3. Registration must be completed by 11:30 A.M. 4. Each contestant furnishes his own Dutch Oven, Utensils, Chairs, Tables, and necessary Foodstuff. 5. Fires and firewood will be provided CLASS 1 — Beef CLASS 2 — Lamb CLASS 3 — Poultry CLASS 4 — Pork CLASS 5 — Breads CLASS 6 — Desserts KID ZONE DeAnna Reeve 648.2745 Friday August 12th and Saturday August 13th Upstairs of the EVENT CENTER Face Painting, Balloon Decorating, and A Little Bit Of Kane County “SAND” Craft. This is where the Lego Contests, Graham Cracker Contest, Puppet Show, and Reading /Draw/ Relax are is located -22- Graham Cracker Build Saturday, August 13th 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Decorating cookies can’t hold a candle to a good graham cracker building. This is the fourth year for this contest. Every year there are more elaborate and creative buildings. There are limited spots available (35) so don’t be late, first come first serve. You have one hour, one pack of crackers, one bag of various candies, and all the icing you need to create your creation. Read and Draw Station Friday August 12th and Saturday August 13th during the KID ZONE hours. We challenge you to READ. Pick book we have available, read the book, then draw, and or color a scene from the book or just draw from your imagination. The sky is the limit. Make it Take it Sewing Extravigansa Friday, August 12th 12:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, August 13th 11:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Bridging the gap between generations this event will take you back in time. You will have a chance to sew on antique sewing machines and create your own pillowcase. Instructed by Linda Rhodes this event is one in a million. We provide 15 free kits a day to first come first serve (only two per family) then Linda has kits avalible to buy for those interested. Lions Club Jr. Rodeo Sponsored by Long Valley Lions Club ADMISSION $5.00 Adult $3.00 5-12 4 years old and Younger free Saturday, August 13, 2016 7:00 P.M. ...........Carroll Arena You can PRE REGISTER one week before the rodeo. Sign up at 6:30 p.m. There will be an ENTRY FEE and Jack Pot Moneys for prizes. 3 DIVISIONS Pee Wee - Junior - Senior EVENTS Breakaway - Calf Roping- Pee Wee Steer Ride Sheep Ride-Jr. Steer Ride - Goat tying Chicken Chase - Sr. Steer Ride JACKPOT DUMMY and TEAM ROPING Amanda Brinkerhoff 648-3699 Jack pot dummy and team roping on a drag steer will be held during the Lion’s Club Rodeo. Saturday August 15th 7:00p.m. 2014Kane County Fair Board Puppet Show Friday August 12th AND Saturday August 13th 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Let your imagination wander as Sage Cox, a master puppeteer, tells stories and brings to life her puppet. Sage and Myrna Cox are both magnificent story tellers. You won’t want to miss this There will also be crafts available to make your own sock or paper bag puppets to take home. The craft area will be open during Kid Zone times. -23 - John D. Reese - Chairman 648.2420 Janette Esplin - Secretary Lamont Smith- County Commissioner Kevin Heaton - County Agent 676-1117 Christine Esplin - Exhibits Volunteer Center - Vikki Hopper Ken Nakayama -Sally Brinkerhoff - Duke Cox - Wayne Cox -Dustin Cox- Colleen Brinkerhoff - Rhonda Flatberg DeAnna Reeve