The Rock - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock Matthew 16:18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church…” St Peters Farewells Class of 2014 WEEK 8 TERM 4, 27 NOVEMBER 2014 WHAT’S ON Please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date details Friday 28 November QSA Year 11 Assessment Restricted Period QSA Year 11 Examinations Adam Forsyth, Head of Senior School Final Day for Year 11 8:30am-8:50am Junior School Ensembles Concert, Belfield Hall 10:00am-10:45am Junior School Volunteer Morning Tea, Belfield Hall 6:30pm-11:00pm Year 11 Graduation Dinner Dance, The Greek Club, 29 Edmonstone St, South Brisbane Saturday 29 November 8:00am-5:00pm MSW Cricket 10:00am-5:00pm Symphonic Winds USA Tour Rehearsal and pack, Performing Arts Centre Band Room Sunday 30 November Symphonic Winds USA Tour Departs Years 9 to 12 - 2014 International Band Tour 5:30pm-8:30pm Carols Under the Stars, Stoltz Oval Monday 1 December Symphonic Winds International Tour Years 9 to 12 - 2014 International Band Tour 8:15am-3:00pm Junior School Monday Funday, Junior School Last Friday, the Class of 2014 capped off an outstanding year with an exciting final day of celebrations, including the Year 12 Awards Ceremony, Guard of Honour procession, and evening Valedictory Service. It was wonderful to see the achievements of our Year 12 students acknowledged at the Awards Ceremony. It has been an amazing year with many sporting premierships, outstanding cultural performances and excellent academic achievements. The pinnacle of the Awards Ceremony was the presentation of the 2014 College Dux (QCAA), awarded to Tamara Bohler. Tamara is an outstanding academic and has been offered a Tuckwell Scholarship to study at the Australian National University (ANU). This is arguably the most prestigious university scholarship an undergraduate student can receive in Australia and Tamara is the first St Peters student to receive this award. Only 24 Tuckwell Scholarships were awarded nationwide for 2015, and Tamara is one of only four recipients in Queensland. 8:45am-10:00am Year 5 Presentation Ceremony, Performing Arts Centre Auditorium 11:00am-12:20pm Year 9 Christian Studies Service Learning Activity, Berlasco Court Caring Centre 7:00pm-8:30pm Year 7 Presentation Ceremony, Performing Arts Centre Auditorium Tuesday 2 December Symphonic Winds International Tour Term 4 Concludes Years 9 to 12 - 2014 International Band Tour Read the full article on page 8… 11:00am-3:00pm Year 8 - End of Year Celebration, United Cinemas, Indooroopilly IN THIS ISSUE Wednesday 3 December Student Free Symphonic Winds International Tour // Head of College...................................2 // Ministry...............................................2 // Around the School...............................3 // Junior School.......................................4 // Middle School......................................6 // Junior High...........................................7 // Senior School.......................................8 // Boys Sport (Years 8-12)........................9 // Girls Sport (Years 8-12)......................10 // Primary Sport....................................11 // Directory............................................11 Years 9 to 12 - 2014 International Band Tour Thursday 4 December Student Free Symphonic Winds International Tour Years 9 to 12 - 2014 International Band Tour Click here to view St Peters’ Privacy Policy HEAD OF COLLEGE This past week, we have celebrated with the Year 12 Class of 2014, presented awards to the many hundreds of students who have been recognised for their efforts, joined with the Prep students as they prepare for the lead up to the Christmas season, and behind the scenes, recognised the gifts and talents of students who have tried so hard throughout the course of the year. We cannot forget that there is still a final group of students at Ironbark, and hardworking staff who are running the programs and overseeing the activities at Ironbark. Of course, there is the other work that needs to be done to wrap up one year and plan for the next – the list goes on! As this school year draws to an end, I pass on my thanks to all members of the College community. It is truly a remarkable privilege to serve the wider St Peters community, and to know that we are well supported by the thousands of students, parents, staff and extended family who have the mission of the College at heart – ‘Excellence in Christian Co-education’. It now only remains for me to congratulate and thank all members of the St Peters Lutheran College community. May you have a blessed Christmas and a safe and relaxing holiday period. Adrian Wiles, Head of College CAREERS Thank you St Peters' parents for your ongoing support throughout this year. My first year at St Peters has passed quickly and I have enjoyed supporting students in their career development. Next year, I will continue to facilitate talks for students by industry experts. If you are interested in speaking to students about your career journey or industry, I would love to hear from you. I will be available to liaise about talk dates early next year. I will be available to Year 12 parents for consultations at St Peters, or via phone on Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 January 2015 between 9:00am and 2:00pm. Feel free to email me ahead of time to secure an appointment: or 3377 6518. Year 12 students have until Wednesday 7 January to change their preferences for the QTAC major offer round. I wish you all an enjoyable time with your children over this summer break. On behalf of Marcelle and I, may 2015 be a healthy and fulfilling year for you. Jacqui Estevao, Careers Counsellor MINISTRY Last Friday we farewelled our Year 12's and they had a grand time recalling the events of their years together. But it’s not just the Year 12's who are focussed on endings – a number of our school community are moving on and ending their time at St Peters. Farewelling can be a time when people give you a lot of support and say charming things about you. Your friends let you know that you are loved and appreciated. Farewells can be a lovely time, but it can also be a lonely time. There’s the realisation that things will never be the same again, that friends who were with you every day will no longer be there in the same way. There is a grief that goes along with the change in friendships. But where there is an ending, there is also a beginning – new vistas open up, new possibilities emerge, plans begin to take shape. There are new friends to find and old friends to experience in a new way. Yes, new beginnings can be difficult, but great things can come out of them too. This is when Jesus' words in Revelation speak loudest to us: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” (Revelations 22:13.) Jesus reassures us that he is with us in our endings and in our new beginnings. He supports us in our tears and in our celebrations. This is referred to in our Chapel, the Alpha and Omega – Α Ω – set in stone on the altar. We are reminded of Jesus’ continual presence in our lives, no matter where we may roam. Endings and beginnings can be difficult and somewhat lonely times, but we are not alone. God gives us the strength to approach difficult situations, to face new friends, to farewell leaving friends. He comforts us in our grief, knowing that in God’s family we are never really far apart. Please pray for all Year 12's as they celebrate this week, for students sitting exams, and for all who are preparing to leave our community. Chaplain Kirstin Munchenberg Friday 5 December, 6.00pm–8.00pm, St Peters Springfield Want a great way to finish the school year? Students from Year 5 are invited to the final Youth Night of the year at St Peters Springfield. There will be games, pizzas, a devotion, Christmas music and lots of fun! Bring a friend and come along! Fancy dress is encouraged! *Parents, please sign your children in and out on the night Pastor Matt Wilksch, Springfield Chaplain Bus Arrangements The Gap/Ashgrove Last week, we were informed by Brisbane Bus Lines that the bus from The Gap/Ashgrove area would not be operating in 2015. Since that time, we have been working with the bus company to reinstate the service. In the next week, parents in the general catchment area will receive correspondence outlining the new arrangements for 2015. I thank you for your patience as we resolve this matter. Ron Lyon, Community Relations Manager 2 // THE ROCK 27 NOV 2014 AROUND THE SCHOOL Cafe 45 / Middle School Please contact Debra Grading, Café and Tuckshop Manager, regarding Tuckshop rosters. SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS OF ST PETERS EVENTS & ACTIVITIES St Peters thanks our sponsors and supporters. These sponsors generously support St Peters to provide the best education possible to our community. We ask you to show your appreciation by supporting them. GOLD SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR Junior School Bush Dance Junior School Bush Dance P: 33776243 E: Thank you to all Café 45 and Middle School tuckshop volunteers. Without you we could not offer a fantastic service to our students and staff. We look forward to your continued help in 2015. Extra thanks to our parents who are leaving this year. We are always happy for you to drop in for a coffee and a chat. Merry Christmas. 127 Hyde Road, Yeronga QLD 4104 (p) 07 3392 7999 Shop 7, The Courtyard, 2060 Moggill Rd, Kenmore QLD 4069 Shop 7, 699 Sherwood Rd, Sherwood QLD 4075 Indooroopilly (p) 07 3378 0015 Mt Ommaney (p) 07 3715 8622 Shop FC8F Westfield Indooroopilly Shopping Centre 322 Moggill Rd Indooroopilly QLD 4068 (p) 07 3720 0246 Debra Grading Cafѐ and Tuckshop Manager SPONSOR Ì 858 Oxley Road, Corinda QLD 4075 (p) 07 3379 8185 (f) 07 3379 9845 Melbourne Cup Luncheon Health Centre Head Lice Alert There have been confirmed cases of head lice amongst St Peters students. Please check your childs’ hair. 218 Hawken Drive, St Lucia QLD 4067 (07) 3870 8811 Head lice are transferred to other students by close contact so students with head lice will need to be sent home until they have been treated. The condition is easily treatable with teatree oil solutions available at your local chemist. Mark Rigby, Senior Registered Nurse Like us at: 318-332 Moggill Road, Indooroopilly QLD 4068 (07) 3101 4413 3 // THE ROCK 27 NOV 2014 JUNIOR SCHOOL Head of Junior School Thank You and Merry Christmas As this is the last Rock of 2014, I would like to thank everyone in the Junior School community for their support this year. So many wonderful experiences come from working with the youngest students in the College, and this year is no exception. We wish our Year 4’s all the very best on their educational journey as they transition to the Middle School. We have a number of families relocating at the end of this year. We thank you for your support and ability to enhance our community while you have been with us. We know that change brings both trepidation and excitement and so our community extends their best wishes to you as you work through that journey with your children. On behalf of the staff at the College, I wish you all a happy and safe Christmas season. May you all have some time to rest and rejuvenate after the busy-ness of this year and I look forward to continuing our work together in 2015. Guard of Honour for Year 12 students Each year St Peters experiences the wonderful tradition of farewelling the Year 12’s on their last day in the College at the Guard of Honour. This year, each Junior School student created and decorated a flag filled with wishes for the future to hand to a Year 12 student as they passed through the line. Well done to our students, who one day themselves will be receiving the high fives and well wishes from the next wave of Junior School students. We also wish our Year 12's all the very best as they take on the challenges of life after school. Years 1–4 Swimming Carnival The Swimming Carnival was the final Inter-House event for 2014. It was extremely hot but all of the students were prepared with appropriate clothing, sun screen, water and shade. Thanks to Mr Glass and Mr Dawson for their organisation and unique style which ensures the success of this event. A transition session for students in Prep to Year 3 followed this, which gave all students an insight into what life will be like next year. Parent Volunteer Thank You Morning Tea Staff Update While there are still a number of final decisions to be made regarding Junior School staffing for next year, there are a couple of updates I would like to share with you. Mr Jay Callaghan has taught a Year 2 class in 2014 but will be relocating to Melbourne at the end of this year. While we will be very sad to see Mr Callaghan leave the Junior School, we also understand life decisions such as these are well thought out and planned. We wish Mr Callaghan all the very best as he commences this moving process. Mrs Jenelle King is taking leave from the Junior School for 12 months. This was a difficult decision for Mrs King and not one taken lightly. She certainly will be a loss to our fabulous team, but anticipate her speedy return in 2016. Mrs Louise Surace has made the decision to retire from her position in the Junior School library at the end of this year. She will be missed by teachers, parents and students who have formed friendships with her over the past few years while in the role of Library assistant. I know that Mrs McGlade will also miss her work ethic, dry sense of humour and artistic skills, but we wish her all the very best as she embarks on the next phase of her life. Friday 28 November, 10.00am – 10.45am All parents who have volunteered their time this year are invited to join us in Belfield Hall next Tuesday. This is an opportunity to thank all of those helpers who have volunteered their time, effort and expertise to support the Junior School this year. Please RSVP for catering purposes. On Sunday 30 November, the annual Carols under the Stars will be held on Stolz Oval. This is a wonderful community event to which you are all invited to celebrate the Christmas season. For more Junior School News, see page 5… 4 // THE ROCK 27 NOV 2014 JUNIOR SCHOOL End of Year Events We began these events and activities last week with a Chapel service presented by our Prep students, followed by their concert on Tuesday evening entitled “Christmas around the World”. It was an opportunity for the youngest students in the school to perform on stage in the Performing Arts Centre, which they did so well! The Year 4 presentation morning was held yesterday in the Chapel. We celebrated with our Year 4 cohort as they were formally recognised in front of the Junior School. Following this, parents of these students attended a morning tea on the Northern Deck, while the children celebrated with a free swim and sausage sizzle. Monday Fun Day Monday 1 December Junior School Christmas Service Next Monday, 1 December, all Junior School students are invited to join in the end of year celebrations on our annual Monday Fun Day. This year, in addition to in-class activities, free swimming, and Christmas Service rehearsals, we will have some ‘Inflatable Fun’ on the Junior School oval and undercroft, with a number of exciting activities in the name of maximum participation and enjoyment. Tuesday 2 December, 1.40pm, Chapel Throughout the day, each year level will have the opportunity to play Putt Putt golf, try their skill on the mechanical surfboard, navigate their way through the large blow up obstacle course, slide their way down the inflatable adventure playground, and shoot some hoops at basketball. Each activity will be closely supervised by classroom teachers and activity providers. It is sure to be loads of fun and a wonderful opportunity for children to join with their friends in the lead up to the end of term. If for any reason you do not wish for your child to participate in these activities on Monday Fun Day, please inform your child’s classroom teacher. We look forward to this day which marks the end of year and allows students due celebration in what has been another successful year in the Junior School. The Junior School Parent Support Group will support the day with the donation of pizza for lunch. Forms have already gone home. While you are not required to provide payment for the pizza, it is important that the form is completed and returned to the class teacher by Thursday 27 November. This will indicate that you have given permission for your child to have this treat. All parents are invited to join Junior School students and staff as we celebrate the birth of Jesus through readings, drama, music and prayer. Each year level from Prep to Year 3 will sing a carol and Year 4 students will be involved with the music (Singers and Choir) or drama. The children have been working hard to prepare their own year group carol and to learn some of the more traditional carols. We look forward to many parents worshipping with us on this final day of term. You are very welcome to collect your child from their class at the completion of the service. As we are celebrating the end of the year with a Chapel service, we require all students to be dressed in their chapel uniforms on this day. Pam Carden, Head of Junior School 5 // THE ROCK 27 NOV 2014 MIDDLE SCHOOL Year 6 News Year 5 News Congratulations Year 5! We made it to the end of the year. Remember that we are having our End of Year Celebration Ceremony on the morning of Monday 1 December, in the Performing Arts Centre. All parents and family members are invited to attend this celebration. We look forward to celebrating all the wonderful achievements of the Year 5 students throughout the year with you. We thank you all for a wonderful year. The Year 6 students have been exceptional and it is reassuring to see their growth and maturity throughout the year. Some activities the students have been involved in are: • Team Building Day • Refugee Awareness Day • Sharing the Planet Showcase • Canberra Tour • Cybersafety Day • Art and Christian Studies Excursions We wish you all a safe holiday and all the best for 2015 and beyond. Year 6 Teachers Year 7 News Our Year 5 Pizza Party is on our last day of school for 2014, Tuesday 2 December. Hopefully you have all put your orders in and are looking forward to the party. Thank you to Mrs O’Kane and Mrs Hawe for braving Woolworths to buy poppers and lollies for approximately 125 students! All Secret Santa gifts should be returned to your form classes by Friday 28 November to ensure that everyone receives their gift. Please make sure you place your gifts under the tree in your form rooms with names on them! Otherwise you will have to give your secret away. The Year 5 teaching team thank all staff, family members and students for this year. It has been a fantastic year with many highlights. We hope that you have enjoyed the numerous excursions and incursions throughout the year and that you have enjoyed your first taste of Inquiry Learning. We look forward to seeing you move on to even bigger and better things next year. We wish you all a safe and happy holiday, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Year 5 Teachers News from Woodrow Library It’s back to school this week after what was a tremendous Canberra Tour. I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the teachers and parent leaders who provided first-class care for our students. They selflessly served your children 24 hours a day with a smile on their faces and the well-being of the children as their primary focus. We’re extremely lucky to have such wonderful role models for our students and I’m grateful for their support and, in particular, some amazing photos that are on the Weebly website courtesy of Miss Foley’s skills. Never underestimate the reach of St Peters – the stewardess on our flight to Sydney is sending her son to St Peters next year and we met another new 2015 student on our trip to Old Parliament House. We’ve received glowing feedback from numerous venues we visited with comments on how impressive the students' were with their knowledge through questioning and their behaviour. It was a pleasure and a privilege to share the experience with them. *Students from Year 6 and 7 visited a variety of education programs with the focus of Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. To assist with the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing $60.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education (PACER) program. Over the upcoming holidays, the Woodrow Library will undergo some exciting renovations. This will help us to better cater for the changing needs of our students. Whilst we will still have some laptop computers available for use within the library, the introduction of the BYOT program has dramatically altered our computing needs. As of 2015, we will offer a more flexible learning and work space that allows students and teachers to work in a relaxed and comfortable space conducive to a variety of tasks including reading, research and small group work. Up to two classes will also be able to book into the library during lessons. We are very excited about these changes and look forward to sharing this space with our users. Christina Wheeler Middle School Teacher-Librarian Year 7 Teachers 6 // THE ROCK 27 NOV 2014 JUNIOR HIGH Head of Junior High Junior High Presentation Morning This week we joined together to celebrate the achievements of our Junior High students in the areas of Culture, Music, Sports and Service. Congratulations to all of our students on their amazing level of participation in the cocurricular programs offered at St Peters. Your hard work and dedication to these activities does you credit. Students at Ironbark will receive acknowledgement at Ironbark as well as at our Presentation Ceremony held in February. over the past two years. On behalf of Mrs Benfield, Mrs Turnbull and all the staff in Junior High we’d like to thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication to Junior High. We wish you all the best for the future. Young Minds of the Future Conference Next week’s Rock focuses on the start of 2015 so I’d like to take this opportunity to thank parents, students and staff for their contribution to Junior High throughout 2014. To all our families, I wish you a blessed Christmas season. Year 9 Graduation Included in our ceremony was our Junior High Graduation, where we had the chance to celebrate the journey the students have taken Trish Allen, Head of Junior High Year 9 News On Monday 24 November, a selected group of Years 9 and 10 students attended the 2014 National Young Leaders Day at the Brisbane Convention Centre. The day was filled with keynote speakers such as Leisel Jones, Ben Roberts-Smith and Cohen Aston. The Halogen Foundation “exists to inspire and influence a generation of young people to lead themselves and others well”. Students involved themselves in discussion and took full advantage of the expo. We look forward to hearing the ideas brought back to school, home, friendships and the wider community. Last Sunday, Portia Hood-Withey, Isabelle Gardener, Renee Lake, Mitch Lake, Manuela Helbing, Hilda Boden and Tash Donovan, swam in the 12 hour MS Swimathon and the Jindalee Pool. They swam 884 laps, 44km and for approximately 102 minutes each. The team organised themselves, motivated each other and Rachael Turnbull, Year 9 Coordinator proudly represented St Peters. The students also won the "hour of power" lap tally, swimming 84 laps in an hour, and they won the overall lap count for the day by 4 laps. Congratulations students, not only for you physical and mental endurance throughout the day, but also for your organisation, planning and fundraising efforts in the weeks leading up to the event. I thank parents, students and staff for their efforts this year. In particularly I’d like to acknowledge the wonderful form teachers who look after our Year 9 students day to day, and who have been an amazing support to me. Finally, to the Year 9 cohort 2014, you have been an absolute pleasure to work with. Our future is in safe hands! Wishing all our families a safe and blessed Christmas. Merry Christmas! On Saturday, the following St Peters students attended an exciting student forum at the University of Queensland; Alan Dany Wilfred (Year 6), Adi Nair (Year 6), Dhairya Vayada (Year 9) and Conor Murphy (Year 9). They took part in the Young Minds of the Future (YMS) 'Future Problem Solving Conference'. The students heard outstanding presentations on ‘The Failure of the International Relations System,’ ‘Political Oppression and the Power of Education,’ and ‘The Future of Technology and the Digital Marketplace.’ The students were then able to collaborate with other students, aged 12-18 years, working towards finding solutions to address these important issues. Students presented their solutions to fellow conference attendees. Links were made between the YMF conference and the G20 congress and how future leaders like Alan, Adi, Dhairya and Conor are crucial to providing a more cohesive future for us all. Thank you boys for giving up part of your weekend at this very busy time of year to be part of helping to solve issues that affect our world today and in the future. Simon Canfield Exceptional Learners Department Term 4 Trading Hours Shop 45 is open 7.45am – 4.00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 7 // THE ROCK 27 NOV 2014 SENIOR SCHOOL St Peters Farewells Class of 2014 Duke of Edinburgh Award in 2015 The Duke of Edinburgh Award program has undergone many changes both at St Peters and overseas. With the Duke of Edinburgh himself an elderly gentleman, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, who recently visited Queensland, will take over as Patron. At St Peters, we have more students than ever participating and completing the Award, with 14 now undertaking their Gold Award in 2015. This year, Years 10 and 11 students were formally recognised at the Presentation Ceremony. Congratulations to these students. The first Duke of Edinburgh Prefect, Tahlia Bligh, along with the senior team, has been working hard to improve aspects of the Award. Last Friday, the Class of 2014 capped off an outstanding year with an exciting final day of celebrations, including the Year 12 Awards Ceremony, Guard of Honour procession, and evening Valedictory Service. It was wonderful to see the achievements of our Year 12 students acknowledged at the Awards Ceremony. It has been an amazing year with many sporting premierships, outstanding cultural performances and excellent academic achievements. The pinnacle of the Awards Ceremony was the presentation of the 2014 College Dux (QCAA), awarded to Tamara Bohler. Tamara is an outstanding academic and has been offered a Tuckwell Scholarship to study at the Australian National University (ANU). This is arguably the most prestigious university scholarship an undergraduate student can receive in Australia and Tamara is the first St Peters student to receive this award. Only 24 Tuckwell Scholarships have been awarded nationwide for 2015, and Tamara is one of only four recipients in Queensland. As well as being an outstanding academic, Tamara is caring and community-minded, and has worked tirelessly this year, along with the other academic student leaders, to support students with their learning during lunchtime tutorial sessions. We congratulate Tamara on this outstanding achievement and wish her well with her studies at ANU! Next year, we will celebrate academic excellence in the Senior School by combining the Academic Awards Ceremony for 2014 Years 10, 11 and 12 students (QCAA and IB) who achieved an OP 1 or 2, or the IB equivalent. This ceremony will be called the ‘Scholars Assembly’ and will be held in the Performing Arts Centre Auditorium on Friday 30 January at 8:15am. Parents of students who will receive an award will be contacted by email in January. I am excited about this event as it will give us a chance to acknowledge our students who have achieved outstanding academic results and to celebrate academic excellence. I wish all members of the St Peters community the very best for the upcoming holiday. I hope you have a happy and holy Christmas. Adam, Forsyth, Head of Senior School Outstanding Achievements In State Economics Competition The Years 11 and 12 Economics students from both the QCAA and the IB cohorts recently competed in the Queensland Economics Teachers State Economics Competition and achieved outstanding results. The competition, which is attempted by more than 3000 Economics students across the state, tests students' ability in the core units of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, as well as general economic and political knowledge. Two students, Riley Glacken and Alex Bykersma (Year 12), went within one mark of achieving 3rd place overall across the state, whilst a significant number of students received certificates of distinction and high distinction. The distinction and high distinction students are as follows: Nathan Lawrence, Luke Capelli, Chris Sykes, Matthew Lockhart, Sam Doherty, Richard Khuu, Celine Poon and Adeel Qureshi, Jack Kraft, Brodie Harold, Alannah Valentine, Anna Abraham, Harley Dickfos, Riley Glacken, Joel Bygraves, Alex Bykersma, Ben Burgess-Limerick, Peta Fox, Nicole Lister, Eloise Cox, Hamish Prasad and Georgina Poniewierski. In 2015, we anticipate an exciting year, in particular with the Adventurous Journeys on offer. The exact locations of these Journeys are yet to be decided. We are fortunate to have Ironbark staff on hand to support the students in the expeditions. It is worth noting that all expeditions take place depending on numbers. Each Adventurous Journey needs a minimum of 4 and maximum of 7 participants to take place. Students are advised to decide as soon as possible when they are able to participate. The dates may also influence how students work to complete each level in order to be able to participate in their Adventurous Journey for Silver. Dates for the 2015 Diary • 19 – 23 January 2015: Silver Hike Qualifier; • 30 March – 3 April 2015: Gold Surfing Practice; • 6 – 10 April 2015: Silver Hike Practice; • 28 September – 2 October 2015: Silver Hike Qualifier; • 13 – 17 April 2015: Silver Horse and Hike Practice; and • 29 June – 3 July 2015: Silver Horse and Hike Qualifier. There will be an opportunity in Semester 1, 2015 for students to participate in a Bronze Practice and Qualifying Exploration. This is open to all students (limited to 7 students) who have not completed the Bronze Adventurous Journey whilst at Ironbark. Information will be published to participants during the year. All participants are encouraged to attend the weekly Duke of Edinburgh team meetings taking place on Wednesday lunch times in B1 from the start of 2015. Anne Tetley-Jones Duke of Edinburgh Award Coordinator Like us at: Greg Cuthbert, Curriculum Leader - Business Studies 8 // THE ROCK 27 NOV 2014 BOYS SPORT (YEARS 8–12) Head of Boys Sport, Shaun Nodwell phone: 3377 6217 mobile: 0434 072 059 email: St Peters Sport Department Restructure In 2015, the St Peters Sport Department has been restructured due to the ever-growing and developing sports program that we continue to offer. This change will greatly benefit students in their various sporting pursuits from 2015 onwards. All Sport Department staff will be located in Sports House. The 2015 Sport Department is as follows: • Director of Sport – Mr Shaun Nodwell • Boys Sport Coordinator 5-12 – Mr Matthew Bradforde • Girls Sport Coordinators 5-12 – Mrs Kerry Schreiber and Mrs Susannah Treschman • Coaching Coordinator – Mr Mark Holman • Junior Sport and Swimming Coordinator – Mr Peter Dawson • Senior Sports Administration Assistant – Mrs Melissa Young • Sports Administration Assistant – Position to be filled early 2015 In light of this, there will be a Sport Information Evening on Monday 16 February 2015 in the Performing Arts Centre for all parents of students in Years 4-12. More details of this night will be available in early 2015. AIC Volleyball January Clinics AIC Volleyball Training Clinics will be held from 19 – 23 January 2015. This is the week before school commences. It is hoped that any boy wishing to play volleyball for St Peters will attend these sessions. That week sessions will occur in the following times: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Years 7–9 Games Year 7 Year 7 Year 7 Years 7–9 Games 12:00pm–2:00pm Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Years 10–12 Games 2:00pm–4:00pm Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Years 10–12 Games 4:00pm–6:00pm 1sts Squad 1sts Squad 8:00am –10:00am Thursday Friday The St Peters Cricket Clinics are being run by Henschell Cricket Academy in January and are an important pre-season activity for St Peters cricketers. Details are: Where: St Peters Lutheran College, Harts Road, Indooroopilly When: Monday 19 January 2015 to Thursday 22 January 2015 inclusive, 8:30am-12:00pm each day What to wear: Cricket whites (white shirt minimum), sunscreen and hat/cap What to bring: Personal cricket gear (if owned), water, snack, positive attitude Cost: $199.00 (Incl. GST) (family rates available) To book your place at this four day Clinic, or for further information, please contact Brett Henschell via email or 0458 026 224. St Peters Swim Camp The AIC and QGSSSA Swim Camp will be held from Thursday 22 to Saturday 24 January 2015. The camp will be held at The Southport School on the Gold Coast. All information for the camp will be emailed to students. Payments can be made via the St Peters portal. For further information please contact St Peters Swimming Coordinator, Mr Peter Dawson or 33776504. Years 11 & 12 Years 11 & 12 AIC and MSW Cricket Pre-Season This week is the commencement of Round 5 MSW matches for all teams. This is the last round of pre-season competition. This weeks' match details are as follows: Team Venue Time Year 5 Cubberia Creek Reserve – Akuna Oval No1 7:45am Years 6/7 Indooroopilly SHS – (Synthetic Grass), Lambert Road, Indooroopilly 7:45am Year 8 Stolz Oval (St Peters Lutheran College) – Enter off Lambert Road, Indooroopilly 7:45am Year 9 Mayer Oval (St Peter’s Lutheran College) – Enter off Indooroopilly Road, Indooroopilly 7:45am Year 10 Misken Oval (Brisbane Boys College) Misken Street, Toowong 7:45am WHERE DO I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? You can access recent issues of The Rock on the Publications page on the St Peters website. 9 // THE ROCK 27 NOV 2014 GIRLS SPORT (YEARS 8–12) Acting Head of Girls Sport, Linda Berry phone: 3377 6218 email: Years 7-12 Girls Sport in 2015 In 2015 St Peters girls in Years 7-12 will continue to be involved in a formal inter-school sporting competition known as QGSSSA (Queensland Girls' Secondary Schools Sports Association). There are ten schools in this competition and matches are played on a rotational basis whereby all schools compete against each other throughout the season. Further information regarding fixture draws and warm-up meets for swimming, cross country and athletics can be found in the 2015 calendar on the portal once published in the New Year. St Peters MARKETPLACE The QGSSSA sports and other sports available throughout the year include: Term QGSSSA 1 2 BSRA QISEA Other *Swimming Softball Years 10 -12 Basketball Football Touch Football Equestrian (student requires own horse to compete) BWPI Water Polo (Years 7-12) Basketball Football Touch Football *Cross Country Equestrian 3 Hockey Netball Tennis Volleyball Rhythmic Gymnastics 4 *Athletics Badminton Softball Years 7-9 Rowing (Years 8-12) Click here An online forum for announcements, items for sale (with the exception of second hand School uniforms and text books), wanted ads, give-aways and carpooling. Equestrian Equestrian BWPI Water Polo (Years 7-11) N.B. Every sport has a pre-season and the listed sports are allocated into their in-season competitions. Pre-season training and trials will start the term before. BWPI Water Polo Coordinator: Mrs Elaine Ripamonti ( This is our last girl’s Water Polo game for this term. To all our Water Polo girls - your commitment and dedication to Water Polo thus far is a credit to you all. Congratulations to our U13 and U14 girls who have been selected to represent St Peters in the U14 Women’s State Water Polo Titles on 12 – 14 December. Training for this competition commences on Monday 1 and 8 December and Wednesday 3 and 10 December. Further information will be emailed home to parents within the next week. Enjoy your holiday break girls, and keep up your swimming training. We look forward to seeing you all back at training at the commencement of Term 1, 2015. Go Saints! The draw for this week (November 29) is as follows: Team Opponent Time Venue U13A Polo Bears 8.40am Valley Rail U13B Stuartholme 12.40pm Musgrave Pool U14B Polo Bears 11.20am Valley Street U15B St Margarets White 9.20am St Ritas U15C Warriors Orange 2.40pm Somerville Pool U16B St Margarets Navy 11.20am St Ritas U18A Open All Hallows 5.20pm Valley Rail U18C Stuartholme 4.40pm Somerville Pool Drop In Group Every Thursday (term time) 7.45am – 12.00pm, P&F Centre (top floor) All parents and friends are welcome to join us for coffee and catch up. Jo Potts and Sandie Fraser 10 // THE ROCK 27 NOV 2014 PRIMARY SPORT Head of Primary Sport, Peter Dawson phone: 3377 6584 email: “Be thankful for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.” – Anon 2015 Girls Sport In 2015, St Peters girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 will participate in a number of Metropolitan Meets. The meets will be run by the Andrews Cup Association and will feature a number of weekly events in the following sports: • Swimming • Touch Football • Cross Country • Netball • Athletics This will act as a perfect lead into the QGSSSA Senior Girls Competition which will now be run from Years 7-12. Girls are encouraged to participate in as many sports throughout the year as possible. 2015 Boys Sport Boys sport will take on a different format in 2015. AIC Sport will run from Years 5-12. It is an exciting development for boys sport at St Peters. There will be a huge variety of sports available for boys. Term 1 Cricket, Volleyball (7-12), Swimming Term 2 Rugby, Football, Chess, Cross Country (training) Term 3 Basketball, Tennis, Cross Country (competition) Term 4 Athletics Term 4 Girls Sport Downey Park Netball Association Congratulations to all the Years 5, 6 and 7 girls who participated in the Downey Park Summer Netball Season. The weekly games have greatly developed the skills of all players and will benefit future QGSSSA teams. Middle School HPE Term 4 MET South-West Cricket Season Sign On For all enquires regarding Met South West Cricket, please contact Cricket Coordinator Mr Gil Bygraves at Sport for Life! The Sport for Life! program was developed and implemented in 2006 for students in Years 5-7. The focus of the program was for all individuals to participate and have fun in sporting based activities. The Recreational Sport Program will enable students to learn new skills in a particular activity. Students will take part in a different activity for each of the first four weeks of Term 1 and Term 2. In addition to this, structured Sport Development activities will run throughout the year. This will be done during the last 4 weeks of each term and allow students to practice fundamental sporting skills, including kicking, striking, throwing and catching. This program encourages students to be active, have fun and improve coordination skills, further building their confidence. These sessions are organised to supplement the CIC All Saints Sporting competition that is available for students in Years 5-7. All Middle School HPE Classes will be at the 25m Pool throughout Term 4. IMPORTANT CONTACTS ATTENDANCE CONTACTS Reception 3377 6222 • Years 10-12 3377 6562 • Enrolments 3377 6236 • Years 8-9 3377 6503 • Finance Office 3377 6277 Years 5-7 3377 6123 • Shop45 3377 6209 P-4 3377 6565 • Boys’ Boarding 3377 6100 • Girls’ Boarding 3377 6900 Leave Approval • Sport Wet Weather Information 3377 6211 Click here to view the complete contact list 11 // THE ROCK 27 NOV 2014
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