The Rock 29 October 2015 - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock 29 October 2015 - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock Matthew 16:18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Plus Ultra Short Story Competition Winners WEEK 4 TERM 4, 29 OCTOBER 2015 WHAT’S ON Please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date details Friday 30 October All Day Event Final Boarder Focus Weekend (SPLC) All Day Event MindChange (Yrs 9 & 10) (Fraser Island/ Brisbane/ Gold Coast) All Day Event Yr 12 IB Study Leave 8:05 AM-3:10 PM Day for Daniel (Junior School & Middle School) 8:05 AM-3:10 PM Junior High Boys Day - Odyssey for Boys 8:35 AM-3:00 PM Photo Day :: Primary Sport Semester 2 (Theile House) 7:00 PM-9:00 PM All Bands Finale Concert (PAC Auditorium) Saturday 31 October All Day Event Final Boarder Focus Weekend (SPLC) Junior High Familiarisation Morning All Day Event QGSSSA Badminton (Various) All Day Event Yr 12 IB :: Study Leave 8:00 AM-6:00 PM BWPI Water Polo (Various - refer to draw on app/website) 8:00 AM-5:00 PM MSW Cricket (Various - refer to draw) Sunday 1 November All Day Event Final Boarder Focus Weekend (SPLC) All Day Event Yr 12 IB Study Leave 2:00 PM-5:00 PM JS Solo Performance Concert - Piano, Wind and Brass (JS Music Room) Monday 2 November Congratulations to Lillian Geffen (Year 8) and Jordan Yee (Year 10), the winners of the inaugural Plus Ultra Short Story competition. Lillian’s story, “When I grow up”, was the winning entry in the Years 5-8 category, while Jordan’s story, “It tolls for thee”, was judged best entry in the Years 9-12 cateogry. The competition was a great success. There were 38 entries from Indooroopilly and Springfield, which made the judges task very difficult! Many thanks to the judging panel: Adrian Wiles, Head of College; Kerri Harris, freelance writer, ABC journalist and member of St Peters Book Club; and Amanda O’Callaghan, Australian author of short fiction. “Congratulations to all the talented students who submitted,” Kerri said. “I enjoyed reading every one of them.” The Plus Ultra Short Story competition will be an annual event. See photos of this week’s activities via St Peters' App photo galleries… IN THIS ISSUE // Acting Head of College........................2 // Ministry...............................................2 // Boys’ Boarding.....................................2 // Junior School.......................................5 // Middle School......................................7 // Junior High ..........................................9 // Senior School.....................................10 // The Arts ............................................10 / Music ..................................................11 // Boys Sport (Years 5-12)......................13 // Girls Sport (Years 7-12)......................14 // Primary Sport....................................15 // Directory............................................15 M All Day Event Yr 12 - QCAA Assessment Restricted Period All Day Event Yr 12 IB Study Leave 1:45 PM-2:45 PM Yr 3 to 6 - eSafety Session (PAC Auditorium) 6:30 PM-8:00 PM Parent eSafety Outreach Presentation (PAC Auditorium) 7:30 PM-8:30 PM P & F General & AGM Meeting (P&F Centre, Top Floor) Tuesday 3 November All Day Event IB Final Exams 2015 All Day Event Yr 12 - QCAA Assessment Restricted Period 8:45 AM-12:20 PM Yr 5 - Poetry Workshop (David Stavanger) (Middle School) 11:00 AM-3:00 PM Melbourne Cup Luncheon (P&F, Top Floor) 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Yr 7 to 10 - eSafety Session (PAC Auditorium) Wednesday 4 November All Day Event IB Final Exams 2015 All Day Event Yr 12 - QCAA Assessment Restricted Period 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Yrs 8 & 10 Immunisation (HPV 3) (Cafe 45) 3:00 PM-6:00 PM QGSSSA Junior Softball (Downey Park Softball Association) 6:30 PM-8:00 PM Teen Triple P Seminar Series (P&F Centre, Top Floor) Thursday 5 November All Day Event IB Final Exams 2015 All Day Event Yr 12 - QCAA Assessment Restricted Period 7:45 AM-12:00 PM Community Hub Group (P&F Centre, Top Floor) 9:00 AM-3:00 PM The QUEST (Yrs 3, 4, 5) (Moggill State School, Moggill) Click here to view St Peters’ Privacy Policy ACTING HEAD OF COLLEGE Farewell to Liz Garrett I have a beautiful Diffenbachia pot plant sitting on my desk. I’m rather proud of it because I’ve grown it from a little seedling. I’ve tried hard to keep it healthy. I’ve kept it in the right position, fed and watered and given it plenty of tender, loving care. It is only because the plant has been linked to a caring owner that it is now obviously firmly rooted, with a nice strong stem, and well established to survive a few knocks. It is with great sadness that we farewell Liz Garrett from our Music Department at the end of the Term. Liz began teaching at St Peters in 1986 and was the architect and builder of the Junior School Music Department over that time. This is the image that St Paul used in his letter to the Colossians: So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught. (Colossians 2:6,7) Liz has been at the forefront of the Choral Program insuring good foundations are built for future growth in each student. She has keep abreast of many changes in curriculum throughout her years and has remained current with educational best practice. When our lives are linked with Jesus in a special way and when we continue to live with our lives centred in Jesus, then we too can be firmly rooted and built up and established in the Christian faith. At St Peters, this can happen through the hearing God’s word– in chapel or church, in classes, reading the bible, in fellowship. Then we hear about what God has done for us and we respond to that love. We learn about the strength that he can give us that helps us to cope with the hard things in life. We also learn about the gifts that we are given, and these gifts are nurtured. And it is in this nurturing of each person’s gifts that they are enabled to use them, to go out into the world to help other people. outstanding musicianship as well as an excellent indicator of the calibre of our musicians in the College. Congratulations to Nicola on this fine achievement. Recognition should also be given to all the staff and students who were involved both on stage and with ensuring that the evening was a great success. Queensland Pops Orchestra On Saturday evening, I had the pleasure of attending the Queensland POP Orchestra Concert, a celebration for the 50th Anniversary of the Toowong Rotary Club. As part of their anniversary celebration, Toowong Rotary’s president Mr Henry Huppert presented a special award for one St Peters student to work with Queensland Pops Orchestra next year. After extensive deliberation between the Music Department and Queensland Pops Orchestra, it was decided to offer this unique opportunity to Nicola Robinson (Year 11) who will play French Horn with the orchestra in their 2016 season. This is a testimony to Nicola’s MINISTRY Liz will be greatly missed in the community and we wish her all the best with the next exciting stages of her journey. Lisa Delaney, Acting Head of College Thursdays, 7.45am – 12.00pm, P&F Centre This group meets every Thursday term. All parents and community are welcome to join us for a coffee, chat and craft. Warm welcome to the new families to St Peters Lutheran College. Please contact Sandie Fraser on sanrobfraser@ or Jo Potts on for further information. When we hear about disasters happening in the world, and especially when wars and conflicts force people to flee their countries, we ask where God is. We know that he is there, comforting people in their loss, strengthening them for the difficult times ahead, and empowering us to find ways of helping those who need our help. As a school, we are continuing to find ways to spread God’s love, to show our care and our support for those struggling with unimaginable situations. Chaplain Kirstin Munchenberg, Chaplain BOYS’ BOARDING The St Peters Boy Boarders along with Marist College Ashgrove Boarders will play 7’s Rugby against Churchie Boarders as the curtain raiser for the NRC Rugby Grand final were old scholar Moses Sorovi (2013) is playing for Brisbane City. Rugby 7’s will be an important part of the Boarders recreation program with the three college, Marist Ashgrove, Churchie and St Peters, now playing 7’s Rugby on a regular basis. FREE TICKETS TO THE NRC GRAND FINAL FOR ST. PETERS STUDENTS WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT (TICKET REDUCED TO $15*) PROMO CODE: CURTAINRAISER VS SAT 31 OCT BALLYMORE STADIUM KICK-OFF 3:00PM AEST ONLY AVAILABLE AT REDSRUGBY.COM.AU *ADDITIONAL EVENTOPIA FEES AND CHARGES APPLY 2 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 AROUND THE SCHOOL Community Hub Back to the top of the P&F this week. This group meet every Thursday - term time in the P&F Centre 5 November 2015 from 8am to 12pm. Lots of things to do to get ready for the end of year Christmas delivery to K4BN. All parents and community are welcome to join us for a coffee, chat and craft (Particularly if you are new to the school.) P&F AGM MEETING MONDAY 2 NOVEMBER 2015 Members can nominate or be nominated to the P&F Committee at this meeting or when vacancies arise throughout the year. Christmas Present Appeal for Kids in Crisis You will find a nomination form and information about the P&F on the school portal. Look for the tab at the top of the page “Support” and click on P&F. Monday 2 November 2015 7.30pm P&F Centre President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer School Pastor Collect a Christmas gift tag from any of the school reception offices; Up to six Committee members representing the parent body • Have fun choosing a present appropriate to the age and sex of the child noted on the tag; Any queries please contact Nicky Hughes on or phone 07 3377 6248. • Place the unwrapped present in a gift bag (Cheapest gift bags are $1 at Kmart); and • Drop the present back to the office. Jo Potts, St Peters Parent eSafety Parent Evening Junior School Bush Dance Head of College or delegate • Once again, the suggestion of a beach towel, especially for older children applies. These are always well received. Due to requests from many parents a suggested spending amount of around $20 has been set again for this year - but please note that all presents are gratefully received. GOLD SPONSOR P&F Committee Membership How to Donate: The delivery of these presents is one of the highlights of the year for the social work staff. They are very touched every year by the generosity of our school community. It would be wonderful to have more than 300 presents to donate this year. St Peters thanks our sponsors and supporters. These sponsors generously support St Peters to provide the best education possible to our community. We ask you to show your appreciation by supporting them. All parents and guardians are encouraged to join the P&F Committee at the Annual General Meeting. Second hand uniforms available and donations of items are welcomed. Please drop off any St Peters uniforms you no longer need to the Community Hub group on Thursdays or email Nicky Hughes for a drop off point. Email: It is that time of the year and once again we will be running Mrs Farrell’s Christmas present collection for disadvantaged children living in Brisbane. All presents will be collected by social workers for direct distribution to children under their care. Last year we donated around 300 presents thanks to fantastic support from the school community. SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS OF ST PETERS EVENTS & ACTIVITIES SILVER SPONSOR Junior School Bush Dance Jeyakumar and Vidya Janakaraj All Clear Printing Terry and Glenys Donohue f45 Photography Sunday 29 November 2015 5.30pm till 8.30pm Stolz Oval Carols under the Stars Open to St Peters and wider Community. Invite your family, grandparents and neighbours to join us as we sing to the joy of the season and welcome the end of term and a busy year. Surprise guest kids-at-heart! eSafety Outreach Presentation for Parents 6.30pm Monday 2 November PAC FREE EVENT. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER appearance for kids and Entertainment by the St Peters Carols Choir and Orchestra directed by David Deacon. All profits to the Australian Lutheran World Service. 3 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 CAREERS This week’s career talk provided by Ms Jessica Balfour-Ogilvy focussed on Speech Pathology, one of the growth Health Science areas. Speech Pathologists diagnose, treat and provide management services to people of all ages with communication disorder including speech, language, voice, fluency and social communication. They also assist people who have problems with chewing and swallowing. This talk was the last of the scheduled career talks from guest speakers for the year. Thank you very much to all parents who have volunteered their time to contribute to these informative sessions. If you would like to be involved in these career talks next year, please email me, outlining the industry you can talk on. Work Experience for students –Years 10 - 12 With the school holidays approaching, I encourage our students to engage in work experience or industry related activities which are also valuable as part of one’s career exploration. Work experience serves as valuable “taste testers” of the industry which is particularly helpful in the career exploration and decision making process. Students are encouraged to seek their own work experience and the school has the capacity to cover the workplace insurance. Students will need to liaise with Mrs Julie Walker, the college’s VET Coordinator in relation to this. I once again refer you to the Careers portal for some of the school holiday opportunities . NOTICES St Peters Golf Day Sunday 15 November St Peters Parents Prayer Group will host its annual Gingerbread House making event on: Monday 16 November 7:30pm at Cafe 45 Cost $25 Any profit will go to Syrian refugees in Za’atari camp in Jordan Come along to enjoy creative fun, time to chat with other parents, a short talk about the meaning of Christmas, and then take your gingerbread house home. Please RSVP to Judy Rice at: Boots For Indigenous Kids Donations of Old or Unwanted Footy Boots Scholarships for 2016 It is never too early to commence exploration of career options. The Careers Centre is open from 7.30am – 3.30pm each day. Mrs Kath Ward works hard within the Careers Centre to ensure that the many brochures and catalogues are current. You are encouraged to drop in at any time to browse around; we are very willing to source any information that we may not have available. Pippa Anderson Year 9 is assisting an organisation called Boots for Kids, set up to help stop crimes by encouraging the youth to play sports such as football. This charity involves collecting old football boots to help Indigenous remote and disadvantaged communities throughout Australia. In the past year, Boots for Kids has helped over 400 young people. Although your boots may seem old, too small or out of date, these young people greatly benefit from receiving a pair of boots that they can call their own. We would be grateful if students could donate them and drop them into the bins at either to Middle School, Junior High or Senior School Reception. The bins will be there from Monday until the end of term. Thank you so much for supporting this campaign. Jacquelene Estevao, Careers Counsellor The post game dinner and drinks function for players and their families will be hosted by Brisbane Lions legend and St Peters parent, Richard Champion, at St Peters P&F Centre. Money raised will help our students travelling to the USA in December to represent St Peters Basketball. Click here to register. We hope to see you there! If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact David Rushmore Cambodia Educational Tour 2016 (Year 11) Expression of Interest We are currently seeking expressions of interest from the current Year 10 students for the Cambodia Tour 2016. Career%20Development?c={D92F33DF-85224C63-B41E-2E7B5D8FA738}&sc=623 Career Centre Accessibility You are invited to join us on the exclusive Members ‘West’ course. Players will have access to the driving range and practice facilities before tee off. December 2016 - 13 Days Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Temples of Angkor School%20Holiday%20Programs Many of the University scholarship applications close towards the end of October and others in November. Each University publicises their scholarships on their website; in addition, I refer Year 12 parents to the Options Bulletin Page 16 -19 (link above) for non Uni specific scholarships, as well as the Myfuture website. Sunday 15 November, Indooroopilly Golf Club, $95 As the trip is designed to be of an educational value, a significant component of the itinerary is concerned with the social and cultural understanding of Cambodia including the incredible ancient history of Angkor, Cambodia’s position during the Vietnam War, and the causal factors of the rise of Pol Pot’s regime. There are two service highlights. One is to spend time at an orphanage near Phnom Penh interacting with children and taking part in a community project, the second is to take part in a building project for the underprivileged on the outskirts of Siem Reap. To express your interest in this Tour, please email your son / daughter’s name to: by mid-November. An information evening will be scheduled for early 2016. ST PETERS PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE IS ON FACEBOOK Angela Braby, Coordinator of Service Learning PRIMARY SPORTS PHOTOS Friday 30 October. Students must wear PE uniform. Like the St Peters PAC on Facebook to find out what’s happening 4 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 JUNIOR SCHOOL 2016 Cross Grade Prefects Year 2 We welcome our new Year 12 Cross Grade Prefects, Luc Seaton and Rhiarna Harris, into our Junior School community. Luc and Rhiarna have already shown much enthusiasm and commitment to their new role in the Junior School and we look forward to their involvement in a number of Junior School activities throughout Term 4 and in 2016. We will officially welcome them at an upcoming assembly. Thursday 12 November: Junior School Parent Support Group Meeting from 8.20am. Venue: Junior Schol Library Deck in Week 6 and welcome any parents interested in joining us for the day to contact their classroom teachers. Year 4 With the support of our cross grade prefects and a handful of Year 12 students, we kicked off the Buddy Play program for our prep students last week with Prep A over on the Years 1 and 2 playground and oval. It was impressive to see the confidence with which they tackled this new play area in preparation for next year, showing their readiness to begin Year 1. Each prep class will have the opportunity to be involved in these sessions over the coming weeks. Prep Junior School Parent Support Group Thurs 12 November Last Tuesday, the Year 4’s travelled by train into the city to visit the Commissariat Store as part of our current Unit of Inquiry ‘Where we are in Place and Time’. The most significant exhibit was the building itself. The Commissariat Store is Queensland’s oldest habitable, and most significant heritage building. The lower two floors of this magnificent building were convict built during 1828 and 1829. The third floor, now the main entrance from William Street was added in 1913. On Friday last week, a selection of Boarding students gave the Year 2’s a tour of the boarding houses. The Year 2 students had many questions to ask about what it is like living away from home. For many of the tour guides, they not only missed their families but also elements of their culture and traditions. Upon entering the museum we were greeted by our friendly guides who spoke to us about Queensland’s varied and colourful history. We were able to explore the colonial period in Queensland’s history and students were enthralled by the infamous ‘Convict Finger’ and how harsh life was for convicts and our early settlers. The boarding girls taught the Year 2 girls how to sing and dance to a children’s song named Taba Naba, which originated in the Torres Strait Islands. The super hero themed room and fire pit were definite highlights for the Year 2 boys! Our Prep classes are continuing to rotate through Buddy Play as part of their orientation to Year 1 program. In weeks four and five it is Prep B’s turn to have the Senior School students support them through lunch and a play on the year one playground and oval. This program is part of a series of events designed to familiarise the Prep children with life in the Junior School. The swimming program continues to engage and challenge the students, as Mr Glass and our swimming coaches work to develop and enhance swimming skills. Please remember to apply sunscreen in the morning and send some along for children to reapply prior to the lesson. Flip flops or thongs also make the changing process easier and quicker for children to manage. We have all noticed an increase in independence as students get changed and organise their own swimming gear with less support and supervision than in term one. We have had our first combined Prep rehearsal of Christmas play songs. Our students particularly enjoyed collaborating on the songs and sharing their voices with the larger group. Excitement is building around the Christmas play as we move further through rehearsals. If your child has a speaking role, please continue to support their practising of lines at home. The Year 2 teachers and students would like to once again say a very big thank you to Mr Murray Patterson, Mr Stuart Delaney and Mrs Kim Holman for allowing this special visit to take place. Acknowledgement must also be given to the boarding students who guided the tours and interacted with the junior school students with a tremendous amount of patience, maturity and professionalism. They are outstanding role models for our Junior School students! Year 3 The Year 3’s have been dancing and singing since the beginning of term! Not only because they are so happy to be back at school, but because they’ve been creating their own performances. With a mixture of drama, visual art, music and dance, the Year 3 classrooms have been full of hype. Commencing this week, we will begin to see the final polished products presented to each class. The teachers have been extremely proud of the effort that groups have put into this project and are very much looking forward to seeing the final products. This week we will start our new unit under the transdisciplinary theme of ‘How we organise ourselves’. This History based unit will involve a study of the Brisbane River and how it has been used over time. As mentioned last week, we will be going on an excursion to the Brisbane City Hall Pam Carden, Head of Junior School 5 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 JUNIOR SCHOOL MUSIC NEWS GATEways Challenge Music Craft Successes Four Junior School students, Halle Perkins, Oliver Richards (Year 3), Olivia Axelsen and Hema Gobindnarain (Year 4) last week participated in the GATEways Challenge, an event designed to extend children’s leadership, team work and problem solving abilities. Preparation for the event began at school and at home with some lunchtime meetings where the children decided which activity they would lead. After the allocation of preparatory activities, the students worked through some practise activities at home to ensure they could lead their team through the challenges. On the day of The Challenge the students travelled to Churchie and worked through a series of original, creative and exciting scenarios as a team. The day started with four morning workshops and an afternoon competition. The competition itself encouraged participants to problem solve, recognise and negotiate obstacles and find solutions as a team. Congratulations to all Year 4 students who recently sat the online AMEB Preliminary Music Craft exam. Thirteen students were awarded a High Distinction (95% or higher) and 3 received Honours (85% or higher). High Distinctions went to Joseph Ivermee, Lexi Barnett, Olivia Hughes, Luke Dyer, Sujin Akn, Caroline Vujovic, Anna Vujovic, Isabelle Mayze, Andrea du Preez, Thomas Allan, Kate Miles, Daniel Hupje and Emily Blatchford. Honours went to Ashley Kim, Lucy Guy and Will Wishart. Certificates will be presented to these students in Assembly on Friday. The Year 3 students will receive information about this course in class lessons in the coming weeks and further information will be available in the 2016 Junior School Music Handbook which is currently being written. Halle, Olivier, Olivia and Hema interacted in an efficient and cohesive manner, with the evaluators remarking that ‘The team was a delightful foursome. They respected each other’s opinions and worked with enthusiasm, focus, and obvious delight throughout the day.’ That teamwork and great attitude paid off – the St Peters team placed second in the competition, with a perfect score on one of the challenges, the Cunning Conundrums event. Congratulations to all team members on their enthusiasm and determination to do well. We are very proud of your efforts. Jo Belchamber, Exceptional Learners’ Department All Choirs Well done to all members of Junior School Singers for their contribution at the All Choirs Concert on Friday night. I do hope that all families attending enjoyed seeing and hearing the progression from Junior School through to Senior. Hopefully many Singers will be inspired to continue their involvement in the outstanding choral program here at St Peters as they move to the Middle School. All Strings: Thursday 29 October 6.30 pm PAC All Junior School students involved in Super Strings, Scherzo Strings or Presto Players will be involved in this concert next week. Performers need to arrive by 5.50 pm so there is time to rehearse a combined piece involving every string player in the College! Chapel uniform is to be worn. There will be no rehearsal the following morning for Super Strings. All Bands: Friday 30 October 7pm. PAC A number of Year 4 wind and brass players are involved in this concert. Arrival times will be given to you by Mr Pradella. Chapel uniform is to be worn. Solo Performance Concert: Sunday 1 November 2.00-4.30 p.m.—Held Junior School as per invitation All 128 students learning piano, recorder, flute, trumpet, trombone and clarinet her at St Peters have been given an invitation to perform in one of four sessions on this day. Each session will last for 40-60 minutes. Families are welcome to come just for one session or to stay for two. Afternoon tea will be served in the Junior School Undercroft between sessions. I would appreciate having a couple more offers of assistance in setting up the afternoon tea. I am greatly looking forward to an enjoyable afternoon where we can together share in the achievements of our young musicians. TUESDAY 3 NOVEMBER, 11.00 – 2.30PM, P&F CENTRE PROUDLY PRESENTED BY ST PETERS P&F AND RUGBY SUPPORT GROUP Liz Garrett, Junior School Music Co-ordinator BOOK AT 6 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 MIDDLE SCHOOL Year 5 Year 6 News Last week, our Year 5 students were very proud to show off the contents of their Emergency Response Kits which formed part of their final assessment for our unit – “How We Organise Ourselves.” They have certainly worked hard to convince their teachers that they are prepared for any emergency! The Sharing the Planet Year 6 Exhibition was a great success on Monday night. It was a wonderful showcase of the students’ inquiries and a culmination of six weeks of hard work. Woodrow Library New Arrivals Here are four of our many new fiction titles that are well worth reading. They are available for loan now! For the remainder of the term, we will put on our creative hats and delve into poetry as we begin our unit – “How We Express Ourselves.” The students will be treated to a visit next week by poet, David Stavenger. Sing a Rebel Song is historical fiction set in outback Queensland. It traces the events in Barcaldine that led to the Australian Union Movement and ultimately the Australian Labor Party. “Let’s Chat” Education Program for our students will conclude this week. Session 2 – Who am I? The Boy at the Top of the Mountain is written by John Boyne, highly acclaimed author of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. This is not for the faint hearted and will be enjoyed equally by adults. It is well known that the Fuhrer doesn’t like children, however Hitler takes a shine to the new orphaned Pierrot. This is a riveting story of secrets, betrayal, power, corruption and the influence that adults have in shaping the lives of children and is recommended for mature readers 11+. Recognise emotions and personal qualities experienced by self and others Identify positive and negative things about growing up. Identify strategies that help to make healthy decisions including their support team. Middle School Art Show The PAC provided the perfect venue for the Middle School Art Show last week, to showcase the wonderful talent of our students. We hope you enjoyed viewing your child’s work. The River and the Book comes highly recommended and is best described as a little book about big issues. Amnesty International has endorsed the text as it contributes to ‘a better understanding of human rights and the values that underpin them.’ At the heart of this novel are fundamental issues of cultural appropriation, exploitation of Indigenous communities, environmental degradation and Western Imperialism. Year 5 Teachers The GATEways Challenge Four Middle School students, Ian Williams (Year 5), Kelly Conn, Jade Parker and Rabee Lhadj Hibberd (Year 6) recently attended the GATEways Challenge at St Margaret’s College, Ascot. In the morning they worked hard in practice workshops to master the skills needed for the actual competition in the afternoon. Each challenge in the competition had to be solved in 30 minutes and tested the team’s ability to coordinate, communicate, create and cooperate; their strength in functioning under pressure; their leadership skills; team efforts to successfully identify and solve problems. The Sword of Summer is the first book in Rick Riordan’s new Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series which is bound to be as popular as his Percy Jackson books. It is suitable for readers aged 10+ and features Norse mythology, beasts, monsters, battle scenes and humour. The Books Rock Cafe Mrs Austin, who accompanied the students, was impressed with the spirit of enthusiasm they brought to the day’s activities. The organisers commented ‘St Peters displayed great team work and leadership skills, with some very creditable scores’. Our guests at the Books Rock Café in Week 4 will be Hamish Cunningham (6A) and Jin Wook Shin (6C). Congratulations. We’ll see you on Wednesday for a ‘Hot Chocolate and Hot Books’ Morning Tea! Happy reading! Congratulations to Ian, Rabee, Kelly and Jade – the team was Highly Commended in every event. We hope they enjoyed preparing for the Challenge and participating on the day. Christina Wheeler Middle School Teacher-Librarian Jo Belchamber Exceptional Learners’ Department Year 5 Social Gatherings Middle School Parent Gathering 6 Friday November 7.30pm The Pig n Whistle Indooroopilly for dinner and/or drinks Tuesday 10 November, from 8.00am, P&F Centre. Please join Wayne Gauld for a cuppa and chat to finish off a wonderful year! There will be a school bucket hat on the table so you can spot us! Hope to see you there! Year 6 Teachers Grade 5 Reps 7 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 MIDDLE SCHOOL Middle School Art Exhibition The Middle School students proudly displayed their Visual Art work at the PAC during the annual Middle School Art Exhibition. The exhibition features work from each student and represents their learning and skill development over the year. It definitely showcases the talent that we have at St Peters Lutheran College. The work will be on display until the 2 November so if you have not had a chance to have a look then please do. I’m sure you will be impressed at their creativity. Rachel Williams was our Middle School representative and proudly gave a wonderful speech about Middle School art and its importance across curricula in terms of creative thinking and problem solving. Congratulations to all middle school students. You have done a fantastic job. 8 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 JUNIOR HIGH Year 7 student, Eashan Nakar, has performed in 18 of the 22 shows as Silly Billy in Brisbane Arts Theatre’s production of Jack and the Beanstalk. The season runs until November 14. Brisbane Arts Theatre is a not-for-profit organisation. None of the actors and directors are paid for their involvement and work voluntarily, rehearsing every Tuesday and Thursday from 7-10 pm and Sunday from 10am-4pm. The final week of rehearsal, which is called the “Bump-in” or the “Tech Week”, is a costume rehearsal every night from 6-10 pm. This is Eashan’s sixth production with BAT. Several Junior High staff recently attended a performance. ‘We would recommend this thoroughly entertaining show to everyone. I have not laughed so much in a long time!!’ Tim Stoll, 7C Form Teacher 9JK at Ironbark A visit to Ironbark with the Form Teachers, Shelley Clarke and Simon Boman, proved a very good day for us all. It is always wonderful to see the students taking part in the activities at Ironbark, but also wonderful to talk about their experiences. Everyone was well and enjoying their time. Whilst watching one group of students completing some riding tasks, the serenity and sense of calm amongst them was quite striking. None said they were missing the technology and all said that the food was great. We wish them well this week as they head off on hike. Odyssey Program In-School workshop for Adolescent Boys Friday 30 October Click here for full program details Junior High Parent Gathering Year 8 parents The last day of school for Year 8 students is Tuesday 1 December and we are currently planning for a great day! Following this presentation, we will have our final Year Level Meeting from 10.20am to 11am. You are most welcome to also attend. For the first time, during P1&2, we plan to showcase Gymnastics group routines and performances from our new unit of work undertaken in HPE this term. After our Year Level Meeting, we will be supervising students on an excursion before returning to school and being dismissed for holidays. Details of this excursion will be advertised later in the term to students. Parents are invited to attend and utilise the seating arrangements upstairs within the Gym. We plan to start at approximately 8.40am and go through to morning tea time. Natalie Benfield, Year 8 Coordinator I believe this will be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved, and a great way to finish the year. I hope you will be able to join us to celebrate. Wednesday 11 November, P&F Centre from 8am Please join Trish Allen for a final gathering for the Junior High parent group. YEAR 8 HPV VACCINATIONS WEDNESDAY 4 NOVEMBER Next Wednesday is the 3rd and final HPV (Gardisil) vaccination for Year 8 students who have already received the 1st and 2nd doses. The Immunisation Clinic will be held in the College refectory commencing at 8:30am. The vaccination course requires the total of the three doses to be effective.. ST PETERS EISTEDDFOD SUNDAY 8 NOVEMBER 9:00AM - 4:00PM 9 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 SENIOR SCHOOL THE ARTS Head of Senior School Junior High Art Show Tour de Saints Last Thursday night, many parents and students attended the opening of the Junior High and Middle School Art Show. Visual Art and Design provides students with an environment to express themselves and think creatively. The exhibition continues until Monday 2 November and can be viewed in the top level of the PAC with the middle school art on the lower level. On display are artworks from Year 7 and 8 students which capture the personality of community characters and animals in clay. They have also painted the school from interesting viewpoints using only one colour. Year 8 mixed media work using natural and urban environments. Year 9 students have experimented with pastel using tones and overlays as well as assemblage of cut layers in box frames. Year 9 Design students have made and designed sculptural maquettes for public spaces. This exhibition is definitely worth viewing as the students have created innovative and personalised artworks in a variety of different forms. Last Friday a group of 20 Year 11 students, led by Beckie Allman, Cathryn Cheihk, and Ashleigh Donald, staged a Cycle-a-thon to raise money for the Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapies (FAST). The students committed to cycling non-stop (on exercise bikes) from 7:30am to 7:30pm – in doing so they clocked up 1501 km and raised about $3500 from sponsorships, and $1000 from staff and students! My thanks to Beckie, Cathryn and Ashleigh for their initiative and leadership and to all of the students who put in such a great effort for so many hours. Thanks also to Year 11 Coordinator, Ms Jamieson, who assisted and supported the students throughout the organisation and running of this great event. Sue Dobrenov - Art Teacher Year 12 Last Friday was a special day of fun alongside their school work for Year 12’s as they had a themed dress-up day (dressed as something beginning with the first letter of your name); this day also coincided with the last day of lessons for IB students. It really was a fantastic day with so many Year 12 students joining in the fun – the day culminated with the Year 12 IB students having cake, a countdown to the bell, and a war cry at the Year 12 locker area at the end of the school day. The Year 12 IB students had a week of study this week, with exams beginning next week. We wish them all the best for these exams. Meanwhile, the Year 12 QCAA students are in their final days of lessons, concluding on Friday 6 November; Monday 9 November is a study day and their exam period begins on Tuesday 10 November.. Queens Guide Award The Queens Guide Award is internationally regarded as the peak youth achievement award of the Guiding movement. The award reflects achievement in: advanced youth leadership within Girl Guides, gaining an outdoor activity qualification, volunteer service, pursuing and developing an interest, in addition to undertaking a major focus over 12 months with skill development, training and practice in the focus area. It takes about two-threee years to complete and less than 10 girls achieve this award each year in Queensland. It is extremely pleasing to share with the St Peters community that Lily Kennedy (Year 11) has achieved this award. Congratulations Lily! Year 10 Parent Gathering Year 10 Parents Friday, 13 November from 8am, Hundred Acre Bar, St Lucia. Come and share a coffee with other Year 10 parents Sarah Learmonth, Year 10 Representative Dr Adam Forsyth, Head of Senior School Year 11 Parent Gathering Year 11 Parents Social Evening Friday 13 November 6pm-8pm, The Hundred Acre Bar, St Lucia Come and join other Year 11 parents for a social drink. To RSVP contact: Cathy Howarth, Year 11 Representative 10 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 MUSIC Director of Music All Choirs Finale Concert and Toowong Rotary Variety concert with Queensland Pops Orchestra All Choirs Finale Concert last Friday night was a huge success. Congratulations to Mrs Christine Taylor and all the singers and ensemble directors for another great year. We also took the opportunity to farewell Mrs Liz Garrett, who will retire at the end of this year. Mrs Garrett has been teaching at St Peters since 1986 and has inspired several generations of students over the past three decades. It was wonderful to hear tributes from current and past students thanking Mrs Garrett for engaging, enriching and empowering them through music. All Choirs Concert I also want to congratulate our student musicians who took part in the 50th anniversary of Toowong Rotary Club celebration with Queensland Pops Orchestra last Saturday night. Directed by Mr Mark Pradella, Senior Stage Band set the tone for the event in the amphitheatre before the concert. Nicolas Margarit stamped his authority as a rising piano star with a fine rendition of Schumann’s Piano Concerto. Conducted by Mr David Deacon, St Peters Soloists and violinist Lachlan Huang’s performance was well received in the second half of the concert. Chorale demonstrated our singers’ vocal dexterity with an a capella piece by Passereau and led Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture with confidence and precision. Some of St Peters instrumentalists were selected to play in Queensland Pops Orchestra and Mr Patrick Pickett, Artistic Director, was most impressed with how well trained our students were during the rehearsals and the performance. Toowong Rotary’s president, Mr Henry Huppert presented a special award for a St Peters student to work with Queensland Pops Orchestra next year. We have decided to offer this unique opportunity to Nicola Robinson, who will play French horn with the orchestra in their 2016 season. This is a testimony to Nicola’s outstanding musicianship as well as an excellent indicator of the calibre of our musicians in the College. This week, All Strings Finale Concert is on Thursday 6.30pm and All Bands Finale Concert is at 7pm on Friday. Admission is free and I hope you can join us celebrating another great year for St Peters Music! Guitar Ensembles The All Choirs Concert is the end of year celebration and performance night for the choral program. The evening is a wonderful night of music which showcases all of the choirs in the choral program and is an inspirational aspirational evening for the younger performers as they watch the senior students perform. It is also an opportunity to acknowledge and thank the Year 12 students who have given so much to the program over their time at St Peters. The music performed this year ranged from “Lift Up Your Voices” from Handel’s Judas Maccabeus to “Not Alone” by Darren Criss to “My Favourite Things” from the Sound of Music. All choirs performed confidently before joining together as a massed choir to sing “Climb to the Top of the Highest Mountain” by Carolyn Jennings. At the end of year All Choirs Concert, members of the choral program, past and present, celebrated and thanked Mrs Liz Garrett for her inspirational and dedicated leadership of the Junior School Choral program for the past thirty years. You will be greatly missed but we wish you every happiness in your retirement, Mrs Garrett! The St Peters’ acoustic guitar ensemble has been hard at work this semester rehearsing a mix of classical and contemporary repertoire. After an excellent performance at the Contemporary Ensembles concert in Term 3, the ensemble returned to play for the Junior High assembly. They gave an outstanding performance on Quartet Etude No. 2 composed by ensemble director Mr Joseph Meyers, demonstrating the unique rhythmic and harmonic possibilities that an acoustic guitar ensemble has to offer. The ensemble sounded fantastic, and we look forward to hearing more from them in the future. ST PETERS EISTEDDFOD SUNDAY 8 NOVEMBER 9:00AM - 4:00PM Free event Mr Kerry Jacobson, Head of Percussion GUITAR & UKULELE TUITION AVAILABLE AT ST PETERS Students can now learn guitar and ukulele on campus here at St Peters, and Mr Meyers and Mr Gaze, our two experienced and knowledgeable guitar tutors are here to teach and advise you. No matter whether you are an aspiring singer/songwriter, or have your sights set on becoming an acoustic or electric guitar instrumentalist, we at St Peters can help steer you towards becoming an accomplished performer. Please contact Mr Kerry Jacobson on for further information. Christine Taylor, Head of Choirs 11 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 MUSIC Dance ‘Gets Loud’ at Senior Assembly Last week, the senior assembly came alive with an amazing dance and band performance. Over the past several months groups of students have been working together with MnB Entertainment, our resident dance company to produce a highly polished and dynamic dance number uniquely choreographed to music performed by or senior band. Dancers partnered with the musicians performing to the number ‘Let’s get loud’ which was followed with dancing from their teachers ‘the Kabambas’. SCHOOL LOCKER The School Locker not only provides an additional shopping venue for our families, it also provides a one-stop-shop for all school needs (uniforms, shoes, technology, music and sport equipment etc). The School Locker (located at Oxley’s “The Zone” shopping hub, next to JB Hi-Fi) is partnering with the College for the sale of St Peters Lutheran College uniforms. The School Locker (Oxley Store) is open 7 days a week. This will provide an improved service for families. Please refer to the back page of The Rock for opening hours. Purchases can be made online by visiting: Payment plans are available – please see instore for details. Next year, we envisage dance can take a more regular place amongst our already thriving performing arts program and students will be able to form a dance crew which will have opportunities to showcase in a variety of productions. Any future pricing of uniforms will be in conjunction with the College. Students can register their interest in dance for 2016 by emailing Mrs Schreiber: Music Medallion Night Friday November 13 2015 PAC 7pm – 10pm St Peters Music Support group invites students and families from Years 7-12 involved in the school’s music program to come and celebrate 2015 with us at the The Music Medallion Night. This is a celebration of the achievements of the Year 12 students who have been involved in the school’s many Musical Ensembles. For the many students from Years 7-12 who have spent long hours in the practice room and on tour with the Year 12 students, it is an opportunity to celebrate with the Year 12 students, take a trip down memory lane with them and wish them all the best for the future as they embark on the next stage of their life. During the night, all Year 12 students who have been involved in Instrumental Ensembles or Choirs will be presented with medallions supplied by the Music Support Group. This is our way of showing our appreciation of the tremendous effort put into the music program by the Year 12 students. Soft Drinks, Tea & Coffee available | BYO drinks and a plate of food to share 6.00pm – 7.30 pm Supper | 7.30 pm Presentations | 8.30pm Live Music For further information, please contact Sam Fielder at St Peters Golf Day SUN 15 NOVEMBER Shop45 Indooroopilly (powered by The School Locker) will remain open during their usual advertised hours with no change to their service. Clothing Donations Wanted At the end of this year 36 Year 11’s will embark on a service learning tour to Cambodia. The tour will include working in a community on the outskirts of Siem Reap and visiting the People Improvement Organisation in Phnom Penh. If you are sorting through your wardrobe in the coming weeks, please consider donating some good quality clothing for children in Cambodia aged 3-15. Please ensure the items are washed before donating. Any new items would be gratefully received as well! The donation bin is located at the science office near the Year 10 locker area. If you have any queries please contact Ms Liveris Bus Tickets Available Now Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run Limited sponsorship opportunities available. 10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available at St Peters' Business Office. BOOK NOW at Help our basketballers get to the USA All profits from the St Peters Golf Day will offset the cost of the Basketball tour to the USA Keep up to date with Sport with Download with Apple ITunes Google Play 12 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 BOYS SPORT (YEARS 5–12) Boys Sport Coordinator, Matt Bradforde phone: 3377 6234 mobile: 0434 072 059 email: AIC Athletics Find Boys Sport photos on the app… Well done to all boys across Years 5 – 12 who represented St Peters at the AIC Athletics Championships on Monday and Wednesday this week. There were some fantastic results on the day, including a number of personal bests being achieved in both track and field events. Please enjoy some photos of the action below. A more detailed wrap of results will be included in next weeks news. PLEASE CHECK THE APP FOR PHOTOS... AIC Volleyball Coordinator: Mr Matt Bradforde ( Students interesting in playing Volleyball for SPLC in 2016 should look to attend pre-season trainings commencing next week (from Monday 2nd November). The schedule for training sessions is below, and we look forward to seeing good numbers of our boys enjoying this fantastic team sport. Volleyball Support Group Meeting Thursday 5 November, 5.15pm. Meet outside Café 45 and then move to the Staff dining room for a prompt 5:30pm start. Please contact Glen Stickley if you require further information (Secretary of the Volleyball Support Group) DAY / VENUE MORNING Inside Gym 6:15-7:30 AFTERNOON Inside Gym 3:30 – 5:00pm MONDAY TUESDAY Current Year 9s Current Year 6s & 7s EVENING Inside Gym 5:00-6:30pm WEDNESDAY Current Year 8s 1sts VI Squad *Open AVSC Girls* Current Year 10s THURSDAY Current Year 11 Boys * Yr 7 AVSC Girls* Current Year 9s FRIDAY Current Year 10s AIC Term 1 Sports 2016 Volleyball and Cricket Sign on Current Year 7s & 8s 1st VI Squad If you missed out on signing up for these two sports on Wednesday this week make sure to come and see the staff in Sports House to register your interest and get your details down. It’s not too late! AIC and MSW Cricket: Keep up to date with Sport with Coordinator: Mr Gil Bygraves ( Students who are planning to represent St Peters in the AIC cricket season in 2016 should attend preseason trainings at the Mayer Cricket nets and oval starting next week (Monday 2 November). The full training schedule is below. Please note that MSW teams will continue trainings at their usual times. DAY / VENUE MORNING Mayer Nets/Oval 6:15-7:30 AFTERNOON Mayer Nets/Oval 3:30 – 5:00pm MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Junior Dvlpt Squad (JDS) Current Years 6, 7, 8 Senior Dvlpt Squad (SDS) Current Years 4, 5 THURSDAY FRIDAY Senior Dvlpt Squad Current Years 9 - 11 Round 4 of the MSW cricket matches will be played this week. This pre-season competition is vitally important for the 2016 AIC Cricket preparations and we wish all MSW players the very best in their games this week. Match details can be found below or on the St Peters App: GRADE U10 Yr 5 U11 Yr 4/5 U11 SFLD U12 Yr 6 U13 Div 1 Yr6/7 U13 Div 2 Yr6/7/8 U16 OPPONENT Kenmore Krocodiles Kenmore Kockatoos Souths Green Wests (2) Gold Park Ridge Souths Green Kenmore Kangaroos VENUE Indooroopilly SHS Kenmore SHS West End State School Stolz Oval Hubner Park 2 Acacia Ridge State School Mayer Oval START TIME 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am Download with Apple ITunes Google Play Open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:45-4pm. Swimming Coordinator: Mr Peter Dawson – As part of our AIC preseason swimming preparations, a ‘Fitness Squad’ has commenced sessions in the 50m pool. All swimmers are welcome to join this squad’s training that will occur on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30pm – 4:30pm. In order to participate in this squad, a $50 monthly membership fee is required. This covers the cost of SPW coaches and ensures a good quality program is on offer every afternoon. Please note that the fee is made on a monthly basis, and will be charged regardless of how many sessions are attended. Forms to join the fitness squad are available at the 50m pool. Follow us on Linkedin st-peters-lutheran-college 13 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 GIRLS SPORT (YEARS 7–12) Girls Sport Coordinators, Susannah Treschman and Kerry Schreiber phone: 3377 6218 email: Badminton Find Girls Sport photos on the app… Coordinator: Mrs Evelin Cutts – Congratulations to all of our Year 10, Senior and Open teams on Saturday for playing in great games of Badminton across Brisbane. All girls enjoyed their day of competition and there were some very pleasing results with our 10A, Senior A, B and C teams coming 2nd while our Open team came 3rd. We wish all our Year 7, 8 and 9 teams the very best of luck for their games this weekend and would like to thank Mrs Evelin Cutts for all of her organisation and work this season. SEE THE APP FOR PHOTOS To girls playing this weekend, please remember to be at your games 30 minutes before the first round of games. As with all Saturday sport students should make their own way to and from the venue. Students should arrive in the St Peters HPE uniform and bring a drink bottle. Racquets will be provided, although students are welcome to bring their own. It is expected that girls will assist with scoring games when not playing during their session. Venue details and draw: Ipswich Girls Grammar School (IGGS), Cnr Brisbane Rd and Chermside Rd, Ipswich Centenary State High School (CSHS), 1 Moolanda St, Jindalee Brisbane State High School (BSHS), Vulture St, South Brisbane Saturday October 31st IGGS TIME CSHS TEAM BSHS TIME TEAM TIME TEAM 1 9am-12pm Yr 8A 9am-12pm Yr 9A 8am-11am Yr 7A 2 12pm-3pm Yr 8B 12pm-3pm Yr 9B 11am-2pm Yr 7B 2pm-5pm Yr 9C 3 Badminton Break Up Next Thursday 5 November at lunchtime (12.30pm) at the bottom of Dohler, in the courtyard outside D012 and D013. Please bring $3 to Sports House by next Wednesday 4th November to pay for your pizza lunch. All awards will be given out at the break up as well as a celebration of the season. Water Polo Junior Softball (Years 7 – 9) Coordinator: Mr Jeremy Lohe – j.lohe@stpeters. Well done to all girls who played in our Junior Softball teams on Tuesday and we hope you all continue to enjoy your competition on the next three afternoons of competition. Thursday 29th October, Wednesday 4th November and Friday 6th November see the remainder of the Junior Softball season played out at Downey Park. The competition takes place between 3pm – 6pm and buses are provided for teams both to and from the venue. Buses leave the SPLC bus shelter at 1.50pm so students in the Year 7 – 9 teams are asked to get changed in to their SPLC HPE uniform at lunch, including their long socks and bring their bags to Period 6. At the conclusion of Period 6 students are asked make their way immediately to the bus stop for a prompt departure. All teams will play 1-3 games each afternoon with the competition finishing by 6pm each afternoon. We expect to be back at SPLC by 6.30pm at the latest. After a day at school these are very enjoyable afternoons but girls are reminded to bring snacks and water to keep them going. It is also a good idea to bring a light SPLC jacket in case the weather gets cooler, particularly if students have a gap in their game times. The draw for each day was emailed to all girls last week. Please note that the 7C team are playing in the 7B draw as SPLC 2. We wish all girls the very best of luck! Coordinator: Mrs Elaine Ripamonti – Please find below the Girls Water Polo draw for this Saturday 31/10/15 TEAM OPPONENT CAP COLOUR TIME VENUE U12A BYE U12B BYE U13B MSM White 5.20pm Musgrave U14B MBC Burgundy 12.40pm Musgrave U15B BGGS Burgundy 8.40am St Ritas U16B MSM White 2.40pm Somerville U18B Open BGGS Burgundy 4.00pm Somerville Due to the Year 7 Familiarisation Day – U13B have now been rescheduled to play at 5.20pm at Musgrave pool. Please note the change in time and venue for this Saturday. Swimming Coordinator: Mr Peter Dawson – p.dawson@ A ‘Fitness Squad” has started at the 50m Pool as part of our QGSSSA pre-season. All swimmers are welcome and this squad will train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday afternoon (3:30pm – 4:30pm) at the 50m Pool. In order to participate in this squad a $50 monthly membership fee is required and this will be charged regardless of how many sessions are attended. This fee covers the cost of a SPW coach out of season and ensures a good quality program is on offer every afternoon. Forms to join the fitness squad will be available at the 50m pool. In-season swim training is now on offer to all girls playing Water Polo this season. There will be a lane and a SPW coach available every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon (3.30pm – 4.30pm) in the 50m pool in Term 4. This is provided to help the girls with their swimming and fitness for their games and we strongly encourage all girls to make the most of this fantastic opportunity. Thank you to all parents for your understanding this week as we get this program up and running for the girls. 14 // THE ROCK 29 OCT 2015 PRIMARY SPORT Primary Sport Coordinator, Peter Dawson phone: 3377 6584 email: “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is a little extra effort.” Anon Year 5 and Year 6 Term 4 HPE Classes Primary Girls Basketball Summer Season Year 5 and Year 6 students will be swimming in HPE Class all term. Students will need to be prepared for swimming during HPE lessons from Week 1 through to the end of term. The following information is from Brisbane Basketball Association and concerns the Saturday morning sessions. Students will require the following for swimming: • • • • • Togs Sun shirts Goggles Swimming cap Towels Students who are unable to swim will be required to present a note from their parents/ guardians. Swimming is a wonderful activity and it is so important that all students are given the opportunity to improve their confidence in the water. Term 4 Sport As term 4 progresses the sporting focus will turn to 2016. Opportunities for Year 4, 5 and 6 boys and girls to become involved in sports that will be played in Term 1 2016 will be presented. This is particularly relevant to current Year 6 boys who will be entering the 12/13yrs AIC Boys Competition and the Year 6 Girls who will be entering the QGSSSA Competition. As always, all students are encouraged to play as much sport as possible. Emails with all the details will be sent to students and parents. St Peters Western (SPW) Swimming Squad All boys and girls interested in swimming training are welcome to attend SPW squad training (this is not school training) after school MondayThursday. Students will be placed into a training group at their first session. With four ability groups available, all students will be catered for. The dates for the program are Saturday 24th October, 31st October, 7th November, 14th November, 21st November. Under 11’s will be from 9am till 10.30am Under 13’s, Under 15’s and Under 17’s will be from 10.30am till 12pm. Format of the day (approx.: 30mins – skills; 60mins – 4 on 4 H/C games). As discussed, each skill session will include basketball specific fundamental skill development as well as a theme for team offensive and defensive concepts (i.e. Positioning and Spacing; Creating and Advantage Situation; Player Movement – getting open for the ball and cutting; Player Movement off Post; and Player to Player defensive principles etc.). Primary Girls Basketball Training will continue on Wednesday afternoon, 3:30pm – 5:00pm at Harts Road Courts. Training Times Primary Girls Basketball Summer Season Harts Road Courts 3:30pm – 5:00pm Middle School HPE HPE Dates Term 4 Swimming: Tuesday 6 October – Tuesday 1 December Primary Sports photos on Friday 30 October Students must wear PE uniform. Sport for Life! The Sport for Life! program was developed and implemented in 2006 for students in Years 5-7. The focus of the program is for all individuals to participate and have fun in sporting based activities. The Recreational Sport Program will enable students to learn new skills in a particular activity. Students will take part in a different activity for each of the first four weeks of Term 1 and Term 2. In addition to this, structured Sport Development activities will run throughout the year. This will be done during the last four weeks of each term and allow students to practice fundamental sporting skills, including kicking, striking, throwing and catching. This program encourages students to be active, have fun and improve coordination skills, further building their confidence. These sessions are organised to supplement AIC and Primary Girls Sporting competition that is available for students in Years 4-6. Year 4 -6 Swimming Carnival Friday 13 November 1:15pm – 3:00pm IMPORTANT CONTACTS ATTENDANCE CONTACTS Reception 3377 6222 • Years 10-12 3377 6562 • Enrolments 3377 6236 • Years 7-9 3377 6503 • Finance Office 3377 6277 • Shop45 3377 6209 Years 5-6 3377 6123 • Boys’ Boarding 3377 6100 • Girls’ Boarding 3377 6900 P-4 3377 6565 • Leave Approval • Click here to view the complete contact list 15 // THE ROCK 29 OCTOBER 2015 Who is The School Locker? The School Locker is an exciting new division of Harvey Norman. Our goal is to provide great shopping experiences for families and our retail stores are centered around a single great idea: one store with everything you need for school. Working in Partnership with your school Working in partnership with your school. Oxley Retail Store Details Address: The Zone, 2118 Ipswich Road, Oxley QLD, 4075 Phone: 07 3725 2500 Email: Can I order my uniforms online? Products are available for purchase online at our website: Monday: 8.30am - 5pm From our website you may choose to have your order shipped to you, or you may collect your order from our retail store. Tuesday: 8.30am - 5pm Check the website for availablity. Wednesday: 8.30am - 5pm Thursday: 8.30am - 7pm School shoes Friday: 8.30am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - 5pm Great quality school shoes are available for purchase in store - in styles that have been approved by the school. Sunday: 10am - 4pm Trading Hours: We aim to provide you and your family with excellent service, quality products and a wider product range than you’d usually expect to find at a school uniform store. The School Locker recommends that school shoes are fitted several weeks before the school year commences. It is important to allow enough time for your child to wear in, and feel comfortable in, their new school shoes before the first day of school. Payment options Technology, Music, Stationery, and Sport The School Locker accepts cash, EFTPOS, Visa, MasterCard and American Express when shopping in-store. You can also use PayPal if you are shopping online. website phone 1800 826 155 email A wide range of items and equipment is also available for purchase from the store throughout the school year.
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