da vinci decathlon winners - St Peters Lutheran College
// THE ROCK St Peters Lutheran College Indooroopilly School Newsletter 2 MAY 2013 DA VINCI DECATHLON WINNERS what’s on... Please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date details Friday, 3 May Performer of the Year recordings due QGSSSA Basketball, Football & Touch USQ Legal Studies Conference, Year 11 Business, USQ Springfield 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Junior School Solo Concert, Belfield Hall 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Year 9 Art Excursion, Queensland Art Gallery 11:00 AM - 12:20 PM Service Learning - Berlasco Court Caring Centre, Year 9 Christian Studies Chorale, St Peters Soloists and Tchaikovsky Strings Camp, QCCC Brookfield 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM AIC Chess 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Life Drawing Classes, Chandler Visual Art Building 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Basketball Round 2 All Saints Years 5 - 7 Girls Saturday, 4 May On Tuesday, 23 April, eight Year 8 students attended the state Da Vinci Decathlon, the ‘decathlon with a difference,’ at A.B. Paterson College, the chapter school for the program in Queensland. In our team were Conor Murphy, Dhairya Vayada, Tam Nguyen, Felix Maraucher, Daniel Dunn, Jordan Yee, Charlotte Watson and Naproud Cherchawankul. After competing in ten different disciplines such as Science, Art and Poetry, Code Breaking and Engineering (our building was inspired by the Twin Towers, though it ended up looking more like a rocket), the results were announced, and our hard work was rewarded - we had won first place! The theme was ‘Light and Colour’ which applied to all disciplines. It was truly challenging, and without our great team we couldn’t have done it (one of us knew binary, although none of us knew Euler’s rule). We all cooperated well, so a big thank you to our team, as well as Mrs Belchamber and Mr Canfield, who organised the trip. We will be going to nationals on 22-24 June. Naproud Cherchawankul Year 8D ARTS WEEK IS UNDERWAY full story on page 9 AIC Football all day event AIC Rugby all day event Chorale,St Peters Soloists and Tchaikovsky Strings Camp, QCCC Brookfield Maclean Rowing Camp (high performance) Sunday, 5 May Chorale, St Peters Soloists and Tchaikovsky Strings Camp8 to 12QCCC Brookfield all day event Maclean Rowing Camp (high performance)Rowing (invite only)Maclean Camp all day event ICASE Science CompetitionYears 8-10; Years 3-7SPLC9:15 AM - 1:15 PM Monday, 6 May Maclean Rowing Camp (high performance) 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM Senior School Parent Group Meeting, P&F Centre 12:30 PM - 1:10 PM Music Lunchtime Concert featuring St Peters Soloists, Chapel 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Qld Youth Music Awards - St Peters Soloists, Gap State High School Tuesday, 7 May Year 11 Physics Dreamworld Excursion Eureka Excursion - Gold Rush Year 5 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM OAM Recipient Luncheon - St Peters String Quartet, St Lucia Golf Club 11:00 AM - 12:20 PM Service Learning - Berlasco Court Year 9 Christian Studies 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Ironbark Information Evening Forms 9EFGH, Chapel Wednesday, 8 May In this issue... // Head of College...................................2 // Ministry...............................................2 // Around the School...............................3 // Curriculum Matters.............................4 // Junior School.......................................6 // Middle School......................................7 // Junior High...........................................8 // Senior School.....................................10 // Boarding............................................11 // Music.................................................12 // Boys Sport (Years 8-12)......................13 // Girls Sport (Years 8-12)......................14 // Primary Sport....................................15 // Directory............................................15 Year 10 Party Program 2013, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Junior School Mothers Day Chapel Service 8:35 AM - 9:55 AM Service Learning - Berlasco Court Caring Centre, Year 9 Christian Studies 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Music Lunchtime Concert featuring Symphonic Winds, Chapel 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Queensland Youth Music Awards - Bands, Symphonic Winds, The Gap State High School 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Year 7AB Music Extension Concert 1MSN3 / Theatrette Thursday, 9 May QGSSSA Basketball, Football & Touch 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Music Lunchtime Concert featuring Qld Con Sax Orchestra, Chapel 1:30 PM - 3:10 PM Saxophone Workshop - Qld Con Sax Orchestra Individual Saxophone Students, Chapel 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Junior High Parent Group Meeting, P&F Centre // Head of College Congratulations and thank you At the current National Swimming Titles, our Head Swim Coach, Mr Michael Bohl, was named as the National Womens’ Swim Team Coach to go to the World Titles in Barcelona. It is a great honour and we wish Michael well as he leads and rebuilds the Team going forward. Michael will continue his role at the College, and we will watch with interest as some of our Club swimmers also represent Australia in Barcelona. During the course of this week, we have held an Open Day for prospective families. There are two groups that I would like to publicly thank: firstly, our student guides who shared their stories with parents and students, and provided information about the College as they led their individual tours. The feedback was very positive, and I thank our students for representing our College with pride; secondly, I thank the community for promoting St Peters in the wider Brisbane area and beyond – your support is greatly appreciated. The final of ‘St Peters – You’ve Got Talent (SPYGT)’ was held on Friday evening in the Chapel. Congratulations to all finalists, the College Captains, and senior leaders for organising and overseeing the competition and the final evening. An audience of around 500 people enjoyed this evening of entertainment and talent. Eight Year 8 students represented the College at the da Vinci Decathlon State Finals. This is an academic competition against many Independent, Government and Catholic schools from across Queensland. The St Peters team dominated the competition and was well placed for most of the ten events: 1st for Science and General Knowledge, 3rd for English, Philosophy, Maths and 4th for Engineering and Code Breaking. They now progress to the National Finals at Knox Grammar, Sydney, during the mid-year school holidays. I would like to congratulate Conor Murphy, Daniel Dunn, Tam Nguyen, Dhairya Vayada, Felix Mauracher, Naproud Cherchawankul, Charlotte Watson and Jordan Yee. Thank you must go to our staff members Ms Jo Belchamber and Mr Simon Canfield for their superb effort in preparing the students. On ANZAC Day, St Peters was represented at three services throughout the city. Thank you to our College Captains, senior students and members of the Drumline for representing St Peters. I have had many comments about our representation, and in particular about the input of our musicians in the main Brisbane march. Well done and thank you again. Kind regards Mr Adrian Wiles Head of College Like us at: www.facebook.com/stpeterslutherancollege take take a a seat RESERVE RESERVE YOUR YOUR SEAT SEAT IN IN ST ST PETERS PETERS HISTORY HISTORY You are invited to name a seat in the new Performing Arts Centre auditorium as a special way of acknowledging your connection to St Peters for all time. Proceeds will help fund the Performing Arts Centre development and assist the College in providing the best facilities possible to educate our young people at St Peters. Don’t miss this opportunity to include your name in the St Peters history books. $350 PER CHAIR ON SALE 1 MAY Donations to the appeal are tax deductible. Receipts will be issued through St Peters Lutheran Colleges Building Fund. // Ministry NATIONAL LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK: 5 - 11 May 2013 Next week, across the length and breadth of Australia, Lutheran schools bring forgiveness to the fore as we celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week. Forgiveness is as much about the future as it is the past. The journey of forgiveness lies constantly before us. Lutheran schools are places where the joy and practice of forgiveness can be lived out on a daily basis, where the life-changing effects of forgiveness can be experienced, and where reconciliation, made possible by the love of God through the cross of Jesus Christ, enables everyone to be a peacemaker. Forgiveness – the door to peace. These powerful words have so much significance in our daily lives – at home, at school, with family, colleagues and friends. “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Colossians 3:13) As you lead and challenge your children in considering what forgiveness means in their lives, I also ask that you reflect on your own life’s journey and consider what forgiveness means to you. In our school, this daily journey of forgiveness is enhanced remarkably by God’s forgiveness and the free gift of salvation for each one of us through his son, Jesus, our Saviour. This goes well beyond the 2013 National Lutheran Schools Week. Heavenly Father, as we consider your gift of forgiveness this week, we thank you for love – the love and concern of our families, our friends, our school and our community. Help us to grow in goodness, in faith and in generosity. Create in us a capacity for giving, let wisdom be our guide, and help each of us to be a messenger of peace, of truth, and of joy. Amen. Kirstin Munchenberg Chaplain Last Friday of every month 6-8pm │ Chapel Forecourt Youth Activities BBQ Dinner Informal Christian Worship BYO Drinks SP@6 a community celebration Come along for fun and activities for the whole family! For more information contact Pastor Pete: p.bowmer@stpeters.qld.edu.au. 2 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 // Around the School My Student Account As previously advised, from 1 May 2013 student purchases through Shop 45 can only be made using the My Student Account debit card system, EFTPOS or cash. Students are no longer able to have Shop 45 purchases charged to their parents’ school fees account. Additionally, My Student Account provides an online ordering service for the purchase of school uniforms. ST PETERS SYMPOSIUM Wednesday 29 May at 7.30pm – 9.00pm St Peters Lutheran College Chapel, Indooroopilly Parents are encouraged to deposit funds to their student’s debit card account as follows: 1 Log in to my StPeters- https://mystpeters.com St Peters Lutheran College is proud to present our next Symposium 2 Click on the My Student Account button (above the school calendar) Internet Education and Safety 3 Accept the terms and conditions. You will then we directed to a page headed Student Accounts listing your child/children’s names and account number. You are then able to attend to functions such as Recharging Account (adding funds to the account), view transactions, set low balance notification and other administration functions. 4 To recharge, click the button 5 Enter your credit card details and amount to be deposited, then process payment. Credit Card transactions are reported as Purchases and not Cash Advances. If you wish to load funds from your cheque or savings account, on the My Student Account User Accounts page, click on your child’s account number to obtain the BPay reference details for payment by this method. Further information on the new system is available by clicking on “Knowledge Base” in the Help section where Frequently Asked Questions are shown. Clarification can also be obtained by phoning the Support Line on 1300 369 783. David Williams Communications Manager Email: d.williams@stpeters.qld.edu.au THE DROP IN GROUP The St Peters Drop In Group meets every Thursday morning at the P&F centre. We support a variety of charities including Knitting Brisbane’s Needy (K4BN) and Pillowcases for Oncology Kids (POK). We would like to thank the College community for their support in 2012. Last year we donated over 2500 items to needy families and sick children across Australia. We currently need: Item Reason Toiletries Especially roll on deodorant and face washers 4 Hotel or aeroplane toiletries gratefully accepted For packing toiletry bags for homeless people Fabric Cotton fabric for making pillowcases For Pillowcases for Oncology Kids Unwanted Christmas Presents Unwanted and unused Xmas presents Act as presents for disadvantaged families Please note we are still attempting to source a new delivery vehicle for K4BN - if you can help please let us know. For further information about our activities please look on the portals under P&F. If you can assist us by donating any of these items please take them to the reception offices of any subschools or contact Sandie or Jo (see below). Or, you could Drop In on Thursday and have a coffee and a chat. Thank you Jo Potts 0412 478 194 joandchris@bigpond.com Sandie Fraser 0401 774 010 sanrobfraser@gmail.com with guest speaker, Brett Lee Brett Lee worked as a Queensland Police Officer for 22 years, predominantly in the field of child exploitation. He has worked with law enforcement agencies around Australia and internationally, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security Cyber Crimes Centre in the USA, and the Iraq National Police Academy. Similarly, Brett has spoken at conferences in Australia and around the world. RSVP by Wednesday 22 May to Christopher Hassall Community Liaison Officer c.hassall@stpeters.qld.edu.au Food Services Volunteers Monday 6 May– Friday 10 May Monday Cafe45: Jo Brown, Anju Bhandari Middle School: Sandy Ryan, Lisa Richards Tuesday Cafe45: Angela McIntyre, Kathy Frost Middle School: Marielle Goebel, Maree Clayton Wednesday Cafe45: Volunteers needed Middle School: Monica Valentine, Cathie Butler Thursday Cafe45: Volunteers needed Middle School: Ray Young, Monica Muggeridge Friday Cafe45: Theresa Stolz, Roberta Kehren, Shobah Rooney Middle School: Martha Cantillo, Christine Powrie 3 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 // CURRICULUM MATTERS This is the third and final article in a series providing information to the school community about the three senior pathways offered at St Peters, QSA, VET and IB. Below is a brief description of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP). Further information is available from Lisa van Kalken, the IB Diploma Coordinator at the College or by attending the IB information evening on Thursday 23 May. The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma is a leading, internationally recognised and rigorous pre-university qualification that is a symbol of academic excellence worldwide. Diploma students qualify for entry into both Australian and overseas universities. The IB Diploma emphasises high academic standards, critical thinking, intercultural understanding and respect for others. Its broad, challenging curriculum ensures students are provided with a range of skills and knowledge to equip them well for the complex and global community in which they live. The two year course of study for Years 11 and 12 students encourages students to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. The program requires the study of six subjects including English, a second language, humanities, sciences, maths and arts (optional). Students are also required to complete the ‘Core’ components of the program: Theory of Knowledge, the Extended Essay and Creativity, Action and Service (CAS). Studying six subjects keeps the curriculum broad and university options open. Academic rigour and depth of study is ensured as students study three of their subjects at Higher Level where they receive 240 teaching hours in each and three at Standard level with 150 teaching hours. Through careful subject selection students can tailor their course of study to meet their individual needs. Regardless of subject selection, students will explore, through the core components, the connections between the six major subject areas, will study each subject from an international perspective and reflect critically on what it means to be a ‘knower’. They will gain the skills they need to become critical thinkers and more effective learners rather than simply repositories of knowledge. Every Diploma student will also pursue one subject in great detail through the extended essay which offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest and acquaints students with the independent research and writing skills expected at university. The CAS program encourages experiential learning – acquiring knowledge through direct experience. Students are involved in artistic, sports and service activities, thus fostering their awareness and appreciation of life outside the academic arena, developing their perspective on the world and the drive to plan their own activities. The IB Program promotes a holistic philosophy of learning and consequently a large range of assessment procedures are used to take into account different learning styles and cultural patterns. Example of assessment options are: oral and written, laboratory work, field work, long and short responses, data-based questions, essays and multiple choice questions. Externally set and marked examinations at the end of the two year course are complemented by internal assessment. Classroom teachers and international IB examiners work in partnership to ensure that students have ample opportunity to show what they have learned. Between 20% and 50% of the final IB grade is internally assessed by the classroom teacher (subject dependant) and externally moderated by IB examiners. Final examination scripts are set by the IBO and are marked by IB examiners. The grading system is criterion based and results are determined by performance against set standards and not each student’s position in a rank order (so students are not competing against each other for top grades); validity, reliability and fairness are the watchwords of the Diploma Programme’s assessment strategy. Responsibility for all academic judgements about the quality of students’ work rests with over 3,800 examiners worldwide, led by chief examiners who are international authorities in their fields. Several of St Peters IB Diploma program teachers are IB examiners. The rigours of the IB Diploma should not be construed to mean that only the highest achieving academic students can benefit from the programme. An average student at St Peters who aspires to continue with education at a tertiary level and who is motivated and diligent is an appropriate Diploma candidate. The IB Diploma programme would suit any student who is: interested in studying subjects from a local and global perspective; wanting a balanced education; self-motivated and organised; likes to be challenged to think and engage with the learning process; interested in activities that encourage a sense of adventure, self-discovery and social responsibility. Ms Jennifer Winn Director Teaching and Learning St John’s Lutheran Church’s BUNDABERG FLOOD RELIEF WINE AND CHEESE FUNDRAISER in the P&F Centre on Friday 3 May at 6:30 - 8:30pm Ticket: $25 Free wine and cheese plus lucky door prize! Tickets $25 from Leith at Church Office For more information contact Wendy Hoopert 0437 577 117 // // sponsors & Counselling supporters of st peters events & activities St Peters thanks our sponsors and supporters. These sponsors generously support St Peters to provide the best education possible to our community. We ask you to show your appreciation by supporting them. Mention St Peters next time you use these businesses, so they know how much we value their assistance. For more information regarding sponsorship and support, please contact Ms Rebecca Cobon, Sponsorship and Events Officer on 07 3377 6270 or events@stpeters.qld.edu.au. Business Breakfast MAJOR SPONSOR Wealth Management www.ybr.com.au Chorus of Comedy MAJOR SPONSOR St Lucia Dental Dental 218 Hawken Drive, St Lucia w www.stluciadental.com p 07 3870 8811 Chorus of Comedy SUPPORTERS Courtney’s Quality Meats Hospitality Courtney’s 158 Graceville Avenue, Graceville w www.courtneysqualitymeat.com.au Quality Meats e courtneyqmeat@gmail.com p 07 3379 7560 Whistle Stop Cafe Hospitality 10 Lambert Road, Indooroopilly w www.facebook.com/cafewhistlestop p 3162 8896 Bombay Bliss Hospitality 220 Melbourne Street, West End w www.bombaybliss.com.au p 07 3846 6662 indian restaurant 4 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 Head St//Peters Lutheran College BUSINESS BREAKFAST AY LE 6 M TICKETS ON SA with Guest Speaker Mark Bouris Mark Bouris has established a successful career from building disruptive businesses to challenge the market and provide smarter solutions for consumers. His passion is to lead companies that are dedicated to optimising the way we live. Mark believes that every Australian deserves access to quality financial advice, which is the driving force behind his financial services company, Yellow Brick Road Wealth Management (ASX:YBR). Since its inception in 2007, Yellow Brick Road has built a national branch network with the aim to bring first class financial services to the suburbs. Yellow Brick Road offers comprehensive products and advice for home loans, financial planning, insurance, investments, accounting and tax. In addition to Yellow Brick Road, Mark is also Executive Chairman of US-based technology company TZ Limited (ASX:TZL), Non-Executive Chairman of Serena Resources Limited, and Chairman of biotechnology company Anteo Diagnostics (ASX:ADO). Mark is Adjunct Professor for Banking & Finance and Business Law & Tax at University of New South Wales Australian School of Business and he sits on the UNSW Australian School of Business Advisory Council Board. He is also a member of Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan’s Financial Sector Advisory Council, a board member of the Sydney Roosters and the host of Channel 9’s Celebrity Apprentice Australia. Friday 14 June 2013 at 6.45am - 8.30am Café 45, St Peters Lutheran College, 66 Harts Road, Indooroopilly. $65pp / tables of ten available Tickets on sale Monday 6 May Proudly sponsored by Mark Bouris Executive Chairman, Yellow Brick Road For further information or to enquire about sponsorship contact Rebecca Cobon r.cobon@stpeters.qld.edu.au or tel: 337713 6270 5 // THE ROCK 2 07 MAY // Junior School ANZAC Day Assembly Last Friday, all members of the Junior School were involved in an ANZAC Day assembly to commemorate ANZAC Day to our students. This involved explaining many of the symbols and traditions that are so inherent in our services each year, including the flags, the slouch hat and the rising sun badge, what medals are for and what is the real meaning behind ANZAC biscuits amongst other things. We also created a wreath from poppies which each class had made for the day. 4B shared the poem, “in Flanders Fields” and I thank Ms Papworth for her input into this and other aspects of the assembly. We were also fortunate to have Lukas Vanags, a Year 12 student, explain and then play the Last Post and the Roused. Hopefully the children have a better working knowledge of the reasons behind this special commemoration. Year 4 1:1 tablet project –Update At the end of Term 1, our Year 4 students and teachers were involved in a small trial with Apple iPads and Windows 8 Tablets in their classrooms to determine the most appropriate device for their needs. Following this review, the device recommended and selected for the project was the Apple iPad. We are currently in the process of finalising arrangements for the purchase of these and the associated resources. The implementation phase with the iPad will begin once the purchases are complete. More details will be communicated in the near future as they are available. International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Parent Information Session As you would now be aware, the College is investigating the feasibility of introducing the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP) to all year levels from Prep to Year 6. As part of this feasibility study, there will be a number of opportunities for parents and carers to hear and learn the nature of the program and how the school might implement the IB PYP. The first of these opportunities will be in the form of an information session which will be held this Thursday, 2 May, 6.30 – 7.30pm in Belfield Hall and will be led by Ms Jenny Winn, the Director of Teaching and Learning. A committee to investigate the possibility of introducing the program has also been established. The members of this committee include both parents and members of the College Staff. Their names are: Ms Jenny Winn (Director of Teaching and Learning) Mr Wayne Gauld (Head of Middle School) Mrs Pam Carden (Acting Head of Junior School) Mr Andrew Robin (Year 5 teacher) Ms Ingeborg De Smet (Parent of Junior and Middle School students) The committee is now meeting regularly so please feel free to contact any of these people to bring agenda items to the table. In the meantime, you may wish to find out a little about the program by visiting http://www.ibo.org/pyp/ index.cfm Mothers’ Day Chapel and High Tea An invitation to all mothers of our Junior School students to our Mothers’ Day service commencing at 8.40 in the chapel, followed by a High Tea on the Junior Library deck went out last week. We are now calling for final numbers today for catering purposes. This is for all mothers of students from Prep to Year 4. We will be having Grandparents’ Day later this term, so we ask that Grandmas attend that service, not the upcoming Mothers’ Day. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Please mark this in your calendar as we would love to have as many mums as possible join us for the morning and that you have sent your RSVP through to the Junior School office. Cross Country Carnival – Thursday 9 May All students from Prep to Year 3 will participate in their Cross country carnival on Thursday 9 May commencing at approximately 8.50am. This will once again be held on the Indooroopilly High School grounds. Tents will be up and ground sheets provided in case the grass is wet. Preps run first working upwards to Year 3. We anticipate everyone will have completed their run by Morning Tea. Curriculum News NAPLAN Year 3 Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions about NAPLAN. What types of questions are in the tests? Questions are multiple-choice or require a short written response. In 2013, the Writing task requires students to write a persuasive text. All government and non-government education authorities have contributed to the development of NAPLAN tests. Who will run the tests? NAPLAN tests are conducted at schools and administered by classroom teachers in collaboration with the administration team. Each state and territory is responsible for marking the tests in accordance with strict guidelines and processes. If I have more questions, whom do I ask? Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions about NAPLAN. There is also a website that gives some good information and advice. Mrs Melanie Saunders (Year 3 teacher) www.nap.edu.au Mrs Jenelle King (Prep teacher) Mrs Deb Batchelor P-7 Curriculum Co-ordinator Ms Nicola Angel (Parent of Junior and Middle School students) 6 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 // Middle School Please note that on page 3 of the Middle School Parent Handbook there have been a couple of changes made to the Term dates 2013. · Monday 6 May is a school day, not Labor Day. · Monday 10 June is the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday, and · Monday 7 October is the Labour Day Public Holiday not Queen’s Birthday. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused in planning events at those times. NAPLAN – Years 5 and 7 YEAR 5 NEWS As you know the students in Years 5 and 7 will be involved in NAPLAN testing in Week 5 of this term. Below is some information about what NAPLAN is designed to do and how you can help your child with this experience. What does NAPLAN assess? NAPLAN assesses skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time, through the school curriculum. NAPLAN is not a pass or fail test, but shows how individual students are progressing in numeracy and literacy skills against national standards for all Australian children. How can parents help? While this is an important aspect of the overall understanding of students’ abilities, these are not tests for which children can specifically study. Parents can make certain that children perform at their best by ensuring a good night’s sleep, providing a nutritious breakfast on each of the days and ensure their children are at school in plenty of time to begin the day. Deb Batchelor Acting P-7 Curriculum Coordinator YEAR 6 NEWS Students have now well and truly settled back into school routine and into the new term. We have begun work on our Christian Studies research task looking at ‘Spirituality’ and ‘Belonging’. In Science students have been learning about Potential and Kinetic Energy, as well as renewable and non-renewable sources. There will be a Science test on the topics covered so far in Week 4. In English, students have been reading ‘Scarecrow Army’ identifying fictional voices. We are very blessed to have Mr William Guthri on board in 6C this term. He is a pre-service teacher from UQ who is completing his BA of Arts/Middle Years of Education double degree at the end of the year. He has a wealth of knowledge and we look forward to working with him throughout the coming weeks. Year 6 Teachers YEAR 7 NEWS A busy week in Year 7 with a couple of assessment pieces being completed for both History and Maths. We’ve also begun preparing students for NAPLAN testing having analysed data from previous years. Stay tuned for more information regarding testing times which take place in Week 5 as well as a note regarding the Mosque visit in Week 6. Assessment schedules have been emailed to students and a hard copy provided, please refer to the Year 7 page on the portal for an updated copy. Generally, students are working really well this term and it is a pleasure to see everyone focussed and enjoying their work. MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT SUPPORT GROUP MEETING Wednesday, 15 May • 6-7pm • P&F Centre Parents and carers of students in Years 5, 6 and 7 are invited to gather together with Wayne Gould (Head, Middle School) and Christopher Hassall (Community Liaison Officer). This week the Year 5 students enjoyed another visit from the CSIRO. This time the focus was on developing our scientific skills. We learned about how to predict, extrapolate, manage variables, ask meaningful questions and most importantly how to conduct experiments safely. It was exciting to see demonstrations involving interesting solids like dry ice that sublimate and amazing liquids like liquid nitrogen that boil at -195 degrees Celsius! Next week we are off to experience the gold rushes first hand at Eureka Gold Fields. Students are reminded that although they have been asked to dress up in their finest 1850s mining gear, we do not want them to spend money on costumes. A pair of jeans and an old flannelette shirt would be fine and improvisation is the order of the day. Also, be prepared to get a little bit dirty so please keep that in mind and remember your 20 cents to purchase your miner’s right! Year 5 Team News from the Middle School Resource Centre Book Week Short-list announced This year’s short-list for the Children’s Book Council Book of the Year awards was announced during the holidays. Each year, six titles are shortlisted in five categories – Older Readers (12+ yrs); Younger Readers (8-12 yrs); Picture Books (all ages); Early Childhood (0-8 yrs) and Information Books (all ages). In the Middle School, we tend to focus mostly on the Information Books, Younger Readers and Picture Book categories. The following books have been short-listed for Book of The Year: Younger Readers: Pennies for Hitler; Other Brother; After; Children of the King; Children of the King; Pookie Aleera is Not my Boyfriend; The Tender Moments of Saffron Silk Year 5 Book Club Please find below details of the next two Year 5 Book Club’s meetings. New members are most welcome. Please email or visit Mrs Wheeler if interested. 3.20 for a 3.30pm start - Tuesday 14/5 & 11/6 (last week of term 2) Where: Middle School Library Bring: (1) small & very simple plate to share (2) the library book (ps nut-free snacks are appreciated) The Books Rock Cafe Next week’s guests at The Books Rock Cafe are Ellen Szymanski (6D) and Lauren Wells (6A). Congratulations. We’ll see you at Morning Tea on Tuesday for a ‘Hot Chocolate and Hot Books’ Morning Tea as Wednesday is Anzac Day. Happy reading! Christina Wheeler Middle School Teacher-Librarian Year 7 Teachers 7 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 // Junior High Thursday Morning ‘Drop In’ Group Each week a wonderful group of parents meet at the P&F centre to provide a community ‘Drop In’ Centre for St Peters Parents and Friends. Parents are welcome to ‘Drop In’ whenever they can and enjoy a cuppa. To give the group a focus, the group also spend time making goods for ‘K4BN’Knitting for Brisbane’s Needy. This group also supports the Year 8 Performance with costume creation and the Year 9 Christian Studies classes with their Service Learning Projects. Some classes are already involved and have completed beanies and scarves which are donated to charities and hospitals. The K4BN group works on making toiletry bags to donate to various local charities, including Brisbane’s bi-annual ‘Homeless Connect Day’. Junior High students are traditionally wonderful supporters of our Community Focus Days at the College and are always eager to get involved in supporting others. Junior High is pleased to continue their support of this group throughout 2013. The ‘Homeless Connect Donation Box’ which students can contribute to throughout the year is at Junior High reception and some Form Classes also have their own. Items donated will be passed onto K4BN for distribution. Items suitable to donate include: • Travel size shampoo, conditioner, soap, tissues, antibacterial hand gel, roll-on deodorant • Toothpaste and toothbrushes • Toiletries for baby: baby wash, wipes, nappies • Travel size toiletries from airlines, hotels etc • Knitting Yarn Taste of St Peters Open Day On Tuesday a large number of Junior High students acted as tour guides at our Discover St Peters Open Day. I would like to thank the students for their willingness to give up their time to represent the College. It has been wonderful to receive feedback about their manners and maturity. Cross Country Participation Well done to all Junior High students for their participation in last week’s Cross Country. It was great to see even those students who are not confident runners participate to the best of their ability. Excellent work Junior High! REMINDER! IRONBARK EFGH PARENT INFORMATION EVENING – Tuesday 7 May 6pm – 7.30pm in the Chapel Please ensure that you save this date as this is an important information session on the Ironbark program and what your child’s requirements are. If you are unable to attend on your allocated evening, please contact Sharman Bolton on: 33776269 for alternative arrangements. Students are not required to attend -they will have a separate briefing with Mr Sullivan. St Peters You’ve Got Talent Congratulations to the Senior Leaders on organising a successful ‘2013 SPYGT Competition’. Each year the talent is outstanding and 2013 was no exception. Well done to all of our Junior High Stars who competed. Special congratulation go to finalist, Trixie Passmore, and Akash Rooney for taking out second place. Junior High Movie Night As part of the Pastoral Care program in Junior High the Senior Prefects have been working on developing strong connections between the Junior High students as part of a ‘buddy system’. So far this has involved the Prefects helping organise and attending the Junior High Disco and visiting Year 8 Form Classes. On Friday 10 May, the Senior Prefects will be running a Junior High Movie evening as they are very keen to provide an opportunity where students can relax and enjoy each other’s company ‘outside’ the classroom. Students are encouraged to embrace the cooler weather and wear their winter Pyjamas and slippers. (Please make sure clothing is appropriate and modest) and bring a pillow, bean bags, sleeping blanket etc. The music support group will be running a BBQ for the students. The cost of $7.50 will include a burger (with all the fillings), popper and packet of chips. Permission slips and order forms are available at Junior High Reception and on the portal. Forms and money need to be returned to Junior High Reception by Wednesday 8 May. JUNIOR HIGH MOVIE NIGHT “GET SMART” – rated PG When: Friday, 10 May Where: Senior Study Centre, Theile House Time: 5.30pm – 8.30pm Cost: $7.50 includes Burger, Drink and Packet of Chips (Must be preordered by Wed 8 May) For catering purposes, a meal order form must be collected and returned to Junior High Reception by Wednesday, 8 May. Junior High Parent Group Meeting Thursday 9 May 7-8pm P&F Centre, Indooroopilly Parents of students in Years 8 and 9 are warmly invited to gather together with Trish Allen (Head, Junior High School) and Christopher Hassall (Community Liaison Officer). Take A Seat As a lasting memento of their time at St Peters the Junior High students have been encouraged to donate a gold coin to purchase two seats in the Performing Arts Centre. We envisage purchasing a seat for the Year 8 cohort and a seat for the Year 9 cohort. Students have until the end of the term to contribute. Trish Allen Head of Junior High Students of German Have your contact or medical details changed? The not-for-profit Brisbane German Language School offers fun and engaging classes at various levels that provide an opportunity to practice and extend your German. To keep your contact and medical details up to date with St Peters, please phone 3377 6236 or email enrolments@stpeters.qld.edu.au. Classes are held at St Peters (B-Block) on Saturday mornings during school terms. 8 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 // Junior High YEAR 8 NEWS Getting Along This term, during form class time, the Year 8 students are addressing the ‘You Can Do It!’ topic; Getting Along. Getting Along means working well with teachers and classmates, resolving disagreements peacefully, following the rules of the classroom and making positive contributions to school, home and the community including protecting the rights of others and looking after the environment. Examples of getting along behaviour are being helpful when working in a group, listening and not interrupting when someone else is speaking, talking rather than fighting when someone acts unfairly, not breaking classroom rules, helping others in need, volunteering for a worthy causes and cleaning up the environment. Positive Habits of the Mind that help develop Getting Along behaviour in a young person include: • Being Tolerant of Others - accepting that everyone acts unfairly towards others some of the time, and not making overall judgments of people’s character (“good person,” “bad person”) based on their differences or behaviour. • Thinking First - thinking that when someone treats me badly I need to think about different ways I can react, the consequences of each, and the impact of my actions on the other person’s feelings. • Playing by the Rules - thinking that by following important school and home rules, I will li≠≠ve in a better world where everyone’s rights are protected. • Social Responsibility - thinking that it’s important to be caring, to try hard to do my best, to be fair to others, to make sure that everyone has the freedom to say what they think and feel without fear, to be honest and tell the truth, to have integrity by making sure that I do what I say I am going to do, to respect others and have nice manners, to act responsibly by making good choices, sorting out problems without fighting, caring about nature and other living things, and to be understanding and including others who are different. For more information, please initiate a conversation with your child and refer to our new Year 8 Pastoral Care Access 45 page. You can also view the link http://www.youcandoit.com.au/Assets/Files/What_is_You_Can_Do_It_ Education.pdf for further details regarding the You Can Do It! Program. Natalie Benfield Year 8 Coordinator YEAR 9 NEWS IRONBARK UPDATE Last weekend, Mr Stoll visited the 9AB 2013 group out at Ironbark. Mr Stoll reported that the students are in great spirits as the initial homesickness is wearing off and students are well settled into their new routines. Well done to all our AB students for their participation and positive attitude. A big thank-you to Mr Stoll for giving up his weekend to visit – the students very much appreciate it. This week, myself, Mrs Smith and Miss Clarke will head up to Crows Nest to visit the group. To keep updated on the students activities, photos are uploaded on myStPeters each week. LOCKER AREA Students are becoming too relaxed with the care of their belongings. During regular checks of the locker area, students are leaving books, calculators, blazers and hats left unattended on the tables. Many of these items are not named therefore limiting the chances of them being returned to the rightful owners. Students are asked to please ensure that all items are labelled and safely stored. Rachael Turnbull Year 9 Coordinator REMINDER: CD Parents TEARS AND TIM TAMS coffee morning, following our farewell to the students at 100 Acre Bar St Lucia Golf Course, 21 May. 9 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 // SENIOR SCHOOL St Peters You’ve Got Talent is over for another year, and what an amazing success it was. The eight acts included a bagpiper, singers (with and without instruments), a drummer and a comedian. The performances were exceptional and matched by the presentation of SPYGT, a sound and light spectacular. Once the votes were counted we crowned Lachlan Keenan (Year 11) SPYGT Winner 2013, with runner up Akash Rooney (Year 9) and Aaron Wu (Year 12). All funds raised will be donated to the Cancer Council…$2500 is a fantastic effort! We thank the local businesses which donated raffle prizes: McDonalds Indooroopilly, Dymocks Bookshop and RACQ. Well done to the School Captains, tech crew and prefects for all the work done in the organisation, lead up and on the night. This week is ARTS WEEK. There is a plethora of activities students can involve themselves in to experience the Arts at St Peters including sculpture workshops, Pictionary competitions, student film screenings and music performances, and Capture photography displays in Café 45. The Year 11 Leadership Program began with the first of the Leadership Breakfast Series on Tuesday. Guest speaker Mr Adrian Wiles spoke about the Characteristics of a Leader and the Role of Student Leaders at St Peters. Future guests include Mrs Lisa Delaney, Mr Robert Balmer and Pastor Pete Bowmer. Whilst not compulsory, all students who are considering applying for leadership positions are strongly encouraged to attend. Further information about the Breakfasts can be obtained from Mark Manson (Year 11 Coordinator). YEAR 11 NEWS I hope that the mid semester reporting process has allowed the students/families to accurately reflect on their performance to date and make changes to their habits and routines so as to improve their end of semester grade. As part of this reflection I have asked all students to complete a document whereby they specify two to three things in each subject that they can do to bring about a better result. I also asked the students to involve their parents/guardians as to what they resolve to change/improve this term. “If you don’t change anything then nothing changes” , this was my message to all the grade last week. Of course the reverse is true and if students are doing well and achieving their goals then they might not need to change much at all. The second matter that I wish to raise is that of leadership. As a way of preparing interested students a series of four speaker/breakfast’s will be run. These sessions are not compulsory but those students who are considering applying for school leadership positions next semester are strongly encouraged to attend. These sessions will commence at 7.15am and conclude at 7.45am in the staff room at the rear of Café 45. Breakfast is available beforehand at a cost of $5 from the Café 45. The first of these sessions commenced today and was attended by 45 students. Tuesday 30 April Mr Adrian Wiles – Characteristics of a Leader: Role of the Student Leader at St Peters Wednesday 8 May Mrs Lisa Delaney – Balancing Life, Multi-Tasking and Leadership Tuesday 14 May Mr Robert Balmer – Leadership in Business and the Community Wednesday 22 May Pastor Pete Bowmer – Servant Leadership There is no need for students to RSVP. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any concerns relating to your child’s schooling at St Peters. m.manson@stpeters.qld.edu.au ph 33776568 Mark Manson Year 11 Coordinator Bronwyn Jamieson Acting Head of Senior School Senior School Parent Group Meeting Monday 6 May 8:15-9:30am P&F Centre, Indooroopilly Parents of students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are warmly invited to gather together with Bronwyn Jamieson (Acting Head, Senior School) and Christopher Hassall (Community Liaison Officer). Cultural Cuisine at Mu’ooz Eritrean Restaurant Last Wednesday the Year 10 food studies classes went to Mu’ooz an African restaurant and we dined on some east African cuisine. Saba, who works at the restaurant told us her story of coming to Australia as a refugee and starting up the restaurant so as to be a productive member of society. We then were served lots of delicious dishes with each having a different flavor, my favorite was the lamb. Saba explained the coffee ceremony that women do in Ethiopia and we were then served freshly made African coffee. I had a wonderful experience, and I think that everyone else did too. Rachel Gould Year 10K ARTS WEEK: CELEBRATING THE ARTS The following students received awards at the recent Aspects Art Show- Goondiwindi An exciting lunchtime program is under way! Students have been creating sculptures during the lunchtime workshops which will be on display in the chapel forecourt Friday along with a Pop-Up art exhibition of recently produced student art work. Capture voting will be also be announced on Friday Courtney Taylor Year 12 Under 18 Contemporary section 1st Prize $100 For a multi layered Perspex work Titled ‘Sugar Cane’ Sarah Stadtler Year 11 IB Under 18 F Digital Artwork Section- 2nd Prize $50 For a Series of 4 digital images Titled ‘Series Solemn Stance Calm Rock’ A reprint of this image is currently on display in the Capture exhibition in Cafe45 10 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 // Boarding BOYS BOARDING GIRLS BOARDING Nine Girl Boarders attended the ANZAC Day Parade and cheered on the St Peters Drumline. They finised the morning with lunch at the Botanical Gardens Congratulations to Aaron Woo on coming third in the 2013 SPYGT final on Friday night. With the start of Term 2 we enter the busiest period of the year with cocurricular involvement. On Friday night the four Boarder boys Travis Mullins, Alec Munro, Ian Chadwick and Callum Delaney were members of the victorious St Peters Chess team who won 5-8. Travis Seniors –Board 1 - Won 1 Lost 1 Alec Seniors - Board 2 – Won 1 Drew 1 Ian Seniors – Board 4 - Won 2 Seniors won 9-7 Callum Delaney – Junior B – Board 1 - Won 1 Lost 1 Junior B drew 8-8 Football and Rugby are the two largest participated sports in the boarding house with over 70 of the boarder boys involved in these sports. Thanks must go to the group of Boarder girls and Ms Taufatofua who came out to watch the 1st XI Football and 1st XV Rugby teams. Saturday was busy for three of our 1st XV rugby players Shaun Laurie Hooker (2) Captain of the 1st XV, Moses Sorovi half back (9) and Ikaika Fa’aoso Number 8. After competing in a hard fought game all three boys flew to Sydney for the Under 18 National Indigenous championships, for selection in the National Indigenous school boys team for the National Championships in the June/July holidays. 11 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 // music St Peters Saxophone Quintet and Anna Stephens at the Brisbane Jazz Club Saturday night was a very special night for our Saxophone Quintet. To perform at the iconic Brisbane Jazz Club in front of a record crowd of 150 appreciative listeners can be daunting for most young people. DRUMLINE IN THE ANZAC DAY MARCH On ANZAC Day, the St Peters Drumline marched through the streets of the Brisbane CBD with thousands of spectators cheering us on. Towards the end of Term 1 and the beginning of Term 2, Mr Jacobson and Mr Mason taught the group marching techniques including how to start marching, how to march in formation, how to stay in step, how to turn corners, how to stop etc... We kept the actual playing relatively simple and military-like, so that we could focus on marching correctly, and it proved to be a great success as Mr Jacobson received emails from many onlookers about the quality of our march. This was our first “performance” of the year, and we look forward to performing more difficult pieces and tightening up our marching formation in the weeks to come. Special thanks go to Mr Mason and Mr Jacobson for coordinating everything, and all the families of the drummers who came to cheer us on, and who provided food and drink for us throughout the day, in particular Rie Rasmussen, Julie, Andrew and Callum Burton and Julie Holding. Ricky Worsfold Year 12M The evening began with the Mark Pradella Sextet performing their first set. Year 12 Anna Stephens made her public debut at the Jazz Club and dazzled the audience with a bossa version of ‘It’s Only a Paper Moon’ and a soulful rendition of the classic ‘At Last’ which brought the house down. With a quick change, the Saxophone Quintet confidently walked on to perform their three pieces. They opened up with a punchy version of ‘Thriller’, followed by a fast paced ‘Swing Shift’, and ended with a funky rendition of ‘Mercy, Mercy, Mercy’. The night culminated with the Mark Pradella Sextet performing their final set with Anna firing up the crowd with ‘All of Me’. It was a lovely surprise to find a St Peters contingent in the audience with staff, students and parents. Thank you all so very much for your support and for being a wonderful audience. Mark Pradella Don’t be the one. Middle School Strings Day Camp The two Middle School String Ensembles, Corelli Strings and Amadeus Strings, held their annual day camp on Sunday 28 April. Both orchestras practised for 3 and a half hours – a real marathon effort to hold up those instruments and concentrate for that long. But it wasn’t without purpose! Both orchestras are rehearsing to compete in the Queensland Youth Music Awards which will be held this Thursday 2nd May. We would like to thank the tutors who came and helped us to polish our programs – Mrs Fiona Williams, Mrs Tamara Fraser and Mr Ken Fraser. Our conductors, Mr and Mrs Deacon worked tirelessly to help us to improve our listening skills, our ensemble playing and to keep striving for a beautiful string sound. I think the other students and I will be humming our parts in our sleep this week!! At the end of the day, a small performance was held in the P & F centre for the parents and other students. The day showed us just how much we could achieve and left us happy, but exhausted. Heather Deacon Middle School Music Captain Keep our children safe. Your children are watching. Be a safe and courteous driver. To keep everyone in our community safe, we welcome your feedback on any safety / traffic concerns in or around the College by emailing WHS@stpeters.qld.edu.au 12 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 // Boys Sport (Years 8-12) Head of Boys Sport, Shaun Nodwell phone: 3377 6217 mobile: 0434 072 059 email: s.nodwell@stpeters.qld.edu.au Round 2 Fixtures for the winter season will be played against Padua College this weekend. Chess fixtures on Friday afternoon are being played at St Peters, while all rugby and football fixtures will be played on Saturday at the Padua College Sporting Fields, 222 Elliot Road, Banyo. Please check the portals or below for game details. Chess Coordinator – Mr Gil Bygraves (g.bygraves@stpeters.qld.edu.au) Round 2 AIC Rugby and Football vs Padua College 4 May 2013 Date: Friday 3 May Rugby Game Details Time:4.15pm Venue:St Peters Senior Study Centre Rugby and Football All games are against Padua College this Saturday. Please see the portals or below for game times and venues. For rugby, players in ‘B” teams are reminded that they may be asked to be reserves for ‘A’ games. Parents and players need to support this concept for all rugby fixtures. For more information, the rugby coordinator is Mr Lath Stewart (l.stewart@stpeters.qld.edu.au) and the football coordinator is Fady Ibrahim (f.ibrahim@stpeters.qld.edu.au). Cross Country Any boy who would like to be a part of the AIC Cross Country team is now asked to sign on at Sports House. Training has officially started, so it is important that boys sign on in the coming weeks. Training will take place with the QGSSSA team during term two. On Tuesday, some of the cross country team competed in the InterLutheran Cross Country at Rivermount College. The boys ran extremely well and were again victorious. The AIC Cross Country Coordinator is Mr Andrew Carey (a.carey@stpeters.qld.edu.au). Time Field 1 Field 2 10:00am 13B 11:00am 13A 14B 12:00pm 14A 15B 1:00pm 15A 2:00pm 2nd’s 16A’s 3:15pm 1st’s Field 3 3rd XV Rugby Venue: Padua College Sports Ground – 222 Elliot Road, Banyo Football Game Details Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 8:15am 14A 8:15am 13A 9:30am 15A 9:30am 14B 10:45am 16A 10:30am 14C 12:00pm 2nd’s 1:15pm 1st’s 12:30pm 15B 1:30pm 15C 2:30pm 3rd XI 9:00am 13B 2:30pm 4th XI Football Venues: Padua College Sports Ground – 222 Elliot Road, Banyo 13 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 // Girls Sport (Years 8-12) Head of Girls Sport, Kelli Rodman phone: 3377 6218 mobile: 0410 412 403 email: k.rodman@stpeters.qld.edu.au AUTUMN FIXTURES Round 6 (Friday 3 May) – SPLC v BRISBANE STATE HIGH SCHOOL (AWAY) TOUCH Coordinator: Mark Manson P: 3377 6568 E: m.manson@stpeters.qld.edu.au Venue: Western Districts - 55 Queenscroft St, Chelmer. Game times: Team Time Field Open 4.45pm 1 Snr A 4.00pm 1 Snr B 5.30pm 3 10A 5.30pm 1 10B 5.30pm 2 9A 4.00pm 2 9B 4.45pm 2 8A 4.00pm 3 8B 4.45pm 3 BASKETBALL Coordinator: David Rushmore P: 3377 6256 E: d.rushmore@stpeters.qld.edu.au Venue: BSHS F Block - Edmondstone St, West End; Centenary SHS - Moolanda Street, Jindalee. Game times: Team Venue Time Court Open BSHS 4.00pm 1 Snr A BSHS 7.00pm 1 Snr B (v St Aidans) Centenary SHS 4.00pm 1 10A BSHS 6.00pm 1 10B BSHS 6.00pm 2 9A BSHS 5.00pm 1 9B BSHS 5.00pm 2 8A BSHS 4.00pm 1 8B BSHS 4.00pm 2 FOOTBALL Coordinator: Fady Ibrahim (P: 3377 6547 E: f.ibarhim@stpeters.qld.edu.au) & Linda Berry (P: 3377 6547 E: l.berry@stpeters.qld.edu.au) Venue: BSHS Playing fields - Fursden Rd, Carina. Game times: Team Time Field Open 4.00pm 1 Snr 4.00pm 2 Jnr A 4.00pm 3 CROSS COUNTRY The QGSSSA Cross Country is being held next Saturday, 11 May at Rivermount College. All letters to selected runners will be handed out later this week. The final QGSSSA meet is therefore being held this Thursday afternoon at Rivermount College. All girls who wish to be considered for this meet must attend this meet. It is a good opportunity for all girls to run the actual QGSSSA course before the big day. INTERHOUSE CROSS COUNTRY INTER LUTHERAN CROSS COUNTRY Congratulations to the girls who ran in the Inter Lutheran Cross Country carnival on Tuesday. The girls won every age group and as a result St Peters won the overall trophy. EXTRA TENNIS TRIALS Please note that there are some extra trials required for some QGSSSA Tennis teams this coming Saturday (4th May). All Year 10 & Open girls are required from 7.30-11.30am and the Senior A’s from 1.30-5pm at the Lohe St courts. Well done to Cunningham House on taking out the Interhouse Cross Country title. Cunningham defeated Leichhardt by 156 points, followed by Bradman in 3rd. Congratulations to all the students who ran for their house and ran 3km! 14 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13 “Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.” Anon. // Primary Sport Head of Primary Sport, Peter Dawson phone: 3377 6584 email: p.dawson@stpeters.qld.edu.au All Saints Basketball All Saints Basketball training has begun. This week training will continue on Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. At this stage the All Saints Competition will be made up of in house games each Friday afternoon. All Saints players will play each Friday afternoon, in various teams and competitions. An hour of game time each week will greatly assist the development of the girls’ basketball skills in game situations. Games will be on this Friday afternoon from 3:30 - 4:30pm at Harts Road Courts. CIC Rugby St Peters is placed in the CIC Supplementary Draw, which provides CIC teams who are not in the main draw with extra games. Every attempt will be made to secure games for the Years 5/6 team and the Year 7 team each week. As this draw is constructed each week, a season draw can’t be produced. Players will receive details for upcoming games at training on Wednesday afternoons. This information will be in the ROCK each week and on the portals. Training Times ***Students selected for each of the above carnivals will receive all the necessary information before the Carnival date. CIC Rugby Wednesday afternoons 3:30pm – 5:00pm at Mayer Oval Friday mornings 6:45am – 7:45am at Mayer Oval Sport for Life! All Saints Basketball Wednesday afternoons 3:30pm – 5:00pm at Harts Road Courts Friday mornings 6:45am – 7:45am at Harts Road Courts Cross Country Term 2 is Cross Country time and it is great to see so many runners attending Monday/Friday afternoon Run Club. Following the Inter-house Cross Country Carnival on Friday 19 April a DRAFT Primary Cross Country Team will be made. Students on the team will be expected to attend Cross Country Training on Monday and Friday afternoons (3:15pm – 4:15pm). Rugby Games for Saturday 4 May Cross Country Training Years 5/6 Rugby (HOME) vs CHURCHIE. St Peters Lutheran College, Mayer Oval at 8:00am Meet at the top of the Middle School Oval stairs opposite the Bus Stop Year 7 Rugby (AWAY) vs PADUA. Padua Secondary College, 80 Turner Road, Kedron at 10:00am WET WEATHER PROCEDURE For all inquiries regarding SATURDAY MORNING SPORT please ring the WET WEATHER LINE on 0437 934 579. A message will be left on the line after 6:30am. No decision regarding sport will be made before this time. Well Done to all the Cross Country Runners who competed at the West Taylor Bridge Cross Country Trials. A full wrap of the carnival will feature in next week’s ROCK. Monday/Friday Afternoon 3:15pm-4:15pm Upcoming Cross Country Carnivals The Sport for Life! program was developed and implemented in 2006 for students in Years 5-7. The focus of the program was for all individuals to participate and have fun in sporting based activities. The Recreational Sport Program will enable students to learn new skills in a particular activity. Students will take part in a different activity for each of the first four weeks of Term 1 and Term 2. Additional to this, structured Sport Development activities will run throughout the year. This will be done during the last four weeks of each term and allow students to practice fundamental sporting skills, including kicking, striking, throwing and catching. This program encourages students to be active, have fun and improve coordination skills, further building their confidence. These sessions are organised to supplement the CIC All Saints Sporting competition that is available for students in Years 5-7. Middle School HPE All Schools Cross Country Saturday 4 May HPE Dates Term 2 Met West Cross Country Tuesday 28 May Court Games: Monday 6 May – Friday 24 May Cross Country: Monday 15 April – Friday 3 May Inter Lutheran Cross Country Wednesday 29 May All Saints Invitational #2 Friday 31 May Important Contacts Attendance Contacts Reception 3377 6222 • reception@stpeters.qld.edu.au Years 10-12 3377 6562 • attendance@stpeters.qld.edu.au Enrolments 3377 6236 • enrolments@stpeters.qld.edu.au Years 8-9 3377 6503 • jhattendance@stpeters.qld.edu.au Finance Office 3377 6277 Years 5-7 3377 6123 • msattendance@stpeters.qld.edu.au Shop45 3377 6209 Years 1-4 3377 6250 • jsattendance@stpeters.qld.edu.au Boys’ Boarding 3377 6100 • Girls’ Boarding 3377 6900 Prep 3377 6226 • prepattendance@stpeters.qld.edu.au Sport Wet Weather Information 3377 6211 Leave Approval • leaveapproval@stpeters.qld.edu.au View the complete contact list at https://mystpeters.com 15 // THE ROCK 2 MAY 13
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