The Jail As House and Home Writing “The Report”
The Jail As House and Home Writing “The Report” In Our 21th Year 815-544-4430 The Boone County Journal May 20th 2016 1 FRE E C O UN T Y L O C A L N E WS , O P I N I O N & H I S T O RY R eal Journalism for a R eal D emocr acy w w w. b o o n e c o u n t y j o u r n a l . c o m Published Every Friday • May 20th, 2016 • Vol 21 • Issue 3 No. 1043 Writing “The Report” The Jail As House and Home By James Middleton There was an age over a century ago had governments building prisons to resemble castles. Boone County was once graced with such a building. The photograph shown here was of the former Boone County Jail before the architecture of the “modern world” became permanently altered with straight lines, sharp angles, glass and steel and flat surfaces. We could attribute some of these architectural design feature to the influence of the Bauhaus theory of architectural expression that flourished from 1919 through 1933 before the school disappeared. The title “Bauhaus” translated from German to mean “construction house” and the title also came to mean, “School of Building.” The building shown here did not conform to the Bauhaus theory of architectural design but rather, harkened to a different visual approach to housing construction that would serve as a house and a home. Grace is one word that could be applied to the visual interpretation of this structure. Some might consider the thought incongruous to attach the word “grace” to a structure that was built to house those who have broken the law. Yet, in addition to detainees, this building also served as the home for the Boone County Sheriff during that late 19th Century era. The structure served the needs of Boone County until the city/county public safety building was built. That building was later followed by the current jail that was built in the late 20th century. Boone County taxpayers are still paying off the bonds that were sold to fund the construction of the current jail. The outer appearance of the current county jail looks nothing like this magnificent structure. The turret on the corner of the old jail is of particular note. Turrets, though they were popular a century ago, have gone the way of ornate mantles, carved spiral railings and captain’s walks. Those architectural features are today, nonexistent. This building did contain a captain’s walk that can be noted with the wrought iron railings at the summit of the building. This building was located for many decades on Main Street next door to the Boone County Courthouse. Some might comment at the misfortune that this building with its two majestic stories and curved window frames was replaced by the nondescript edifice that stands in its place today. Note the gentle curve of the window frames. The number of windows found in the old jail building were more than sufficient to allow sunlight to –penetrate what would have been considered such a dark use of a building. The building does seem to ramble on and on with almost no end in sight. But, one might expect such a structure that was designed to provide so many multiple uses. For example, the former County Jail also held the offices of the Boone County Sheriff. There was also office and storage space for the Sheriff’s equipment and for that which was used by any of his deputies. There was sufficient space for the county jail that might have included only a very few cells. Then too, the building also had to provide living space for the sheriff and his family. The Sheriff’s family actually did live in the same building as the jail. Also, one of the side duties of the Sheriff and their family was that they too had to provide the food that was fed to those who were incarcerated. The former Boone County Sheriff’s offices and County Jail was not a “Bauhaus” inspired structure. To have been such a building, the former County Jail would have banished the multifaceted turret and replaced that with a curved turret but without the crown at the summit. Further, the window frames and molding would have replaced the gentle curvature for a sharp rectangular frame with squared 90°angles. Further, the wall surfaces would have been flat with likely made from smoothed concrete instead of the multi-layered brick work that identified the outer surface of the building. The architect Mies van der Rohe is likely the best known architect who implemented some of the characteristics of the Bauhaus in America even though he was claimed to have repudiated the politics of the Bauhaus and their architectural approach. It was written that the ultimate goal of the Bauhaus architects was to create “worker housing” for the Weimar era in Germany that followed the German defeat in World War I. The former Boone County Sheriff’s headquarters and Jail was a majestic building. The turret, the accents to the upper corners of the structure, the captain’s walk, the curvature of the windows all harkened to a vision of architecture that paid homage to an artistic approach that went beyond a desire to create “worker housing.” The former sheriff’s home, headquarters and county jail was a structure that marked a site as unique within the city. However, as often is the case, the building served a use for a lengthy period then a new collection of elected and appointed officials in Belvidere and Boone County chose a new direction for their perception of use and vision. Such is the case with the artistic vision being replaced by the functional with hardly a moment’s thought or consideration of what might have been lost. The Journal wants to thank the Boone County Historical Society for allowing use of this photograph. We also want to recognize that a number of sites within the Wikipedia. com network were used for background material used to write this piece. By James Middleton Since early this year, the focus in Boone County has been captured by a potential railroad that could come through the area. Meetings have been held, letters to the editor have been written and it appears that many in the community have drawn an opinion on the matter before a federal committee, the Surface Transportation Board (STB), has had a chance to gather and to analyze evidence associated with one of three possible options. The STB will analyze evidence and some members of the Boone County Board appear to have made their decision before the final date for reports to be filed with the STB that will be considered as part of their analysis. That end date for delivering reports to the STB arises on June 15 and the Boone County Board is now preparing a formal report that will be delivered by that date. The STB has one of three possible decisions to make. The first possible decision is to approve a route and a plan that has been developed by the railroad, the Great Lakes Basin Transportation, LLC. A second possible decision would be to deny the initial plan. A third possible decision is for the STB to approve an alternative plan that might propose a different route or to propose an alternate plan for the railroad to be created. The Chairman of the Boone County Board, Bob Walberg (District 1) and the Boone County administrator, Ken Terrinoni, huddled together this week to draft a preliminary report that could be shaped into a final report and delivered to the County Board for approval in their Wednesday meeting. Mr. Walberg was critical of media reports that surfaced after a County Board retreat that occurred last Thursday. The purpose of that meeting was for the members of the County Board to read and accept or reject what was delivered as a summary report from each of the May County Board committee meetings where the question of the potential railroad was discussed. Mr. Walberg said, “When we look at what was reported, we felt that conclusions have been drawn by the media that just should not have been drawn.” He emphasized that the reports from the County Board committees were all relevant to the subject of the railroad. Mr. Walberg added, “The conclusion of the local media was that the County Board is opposed to the railroad,” and he emphasized that the report that is being drafted is more pertinent to the overall environment of Boone County and does not intend to offer a blanket opposition to the plan. Mr. Walberg had offered an alternate plan to the proposed route that could allow for the railroad to be installed but to employ a different path. This alternate route gained acceptance from a number of County Board members when the idea was presented in the committees earlier this month. Of those that spoke during the retreat, few spoke in favor of the proposed rail route that is designed to offer an option for some through trains to bypass the City of Chicago. The opinion of Mr. Walberg and others on the County Board is that the proposed route violates the intent and the language found in the 1999 Boone County Comprehensive Plan and the proposed route also would violate the current County zoning law. Mr. Walberg also emphasized that the STB must make their decision based upon verifiable evidence. Soon, after the June 15 deadline, the STB will engaged the Environmental Protection Agency asking them to execute an environmental study of the total proposed 278-mile path that would run through parts of LaPorte, Porter and Lake counties in Indiana. The counties of Kankakee, Grundy and LaSalle in Illinois would also be crossed. Travelling north from there through Lee, Ogle, touching the northern most boundary of DeKalb County the route would then head straight north through all of Boone County. Mr. Walberg sought to emphasize that the physical environment is only part of a total “environmental” study. “We want to transmit to the STB our environmental study and opinion on Boone County,” Mr. Walberg added. He said that the county zoning code should be considered along with the infrastructure and the possible economic detriment or enhancement if the railroad pursues their proposed path. “We will transmit a report of our environment,” Mr. Walberg said. Continued on page 2.... 2 May 20th 2016 The Boone County Journal 815-544-4430 Continued from Front Page.... As of this writing, Mr. Terrinoni had finished writing a draft of the report that will be considered and likely approved in the May County Board meeting Wednesday night. It is expected that technical material that could also be added later might be offered through a consultant and the potential cost for that consultation would be known by the county before the May meeting. The County Board Chairman also said, “We don’t want to deliver a bias in the report, we don’t want to look like all we’re offering I a ‘No’ and an emotional answer.” Mr. Walberg added, “We are concerned that if this proposed plan and route is approved that the railroad would bypass county zoning.” The consensus result of the retreat meeting last week was for the members of the County Board to approve the path that Mr. Walberg and Mr. Terrinoni are pursuing. The result of their work this week will be known and considered in the Boone County Board May meeting on Wednesday night. It is expected that The Journal will have a full report of what occurred regarding the report that will be delivered to the STB. A Notice to Our Readers Since May 1st, 1996 the Boone County Journal has provided news content for this community at no cost on the traditional newsprint medium. We hope it has been satisfactory. Over that time the use of computers and the Internet has introduced a second medium by which to deliver news content. In that 20 year period the number of locally owned business has continued to diminish which in turn provided less opportunity to sell advertising in the Journal. Yet, we feel the need for quality news content has never been greater in this community and therefore have chosen to charge a nominal fee ($12.99 per year) for the convenience of internet delivery of news content on our website beginning with the April 29th issue. Our newsprint version will remain free, as it always has been, for the general public. Your interest in the Journal is greatly appreciated and by doing this it will allow us to improve what we do here at The Boone County Journal. Thank You! In Our 21th Year 2015 Audit Preliminary Given County Board By James Middleton The county audit occurs every year, by law, and the results of the most recent venture into the world of accounting was reported to the Boone County Board in their May finance, salary and taxation committee meeting. The members heard a presentation of the annual Boone County Audit and this evaluation of the county financial status reflected the condition in Fiscal Year 2015. Carla Paschal a partner with Sekich of Rockford, the accounting firm that for a number of years has conducted the county audits, presented their evaluation. Instead of reviewing the many pages of tables and numbers and financial data, Ms. Paschal focused on the “Independent Auditor’s Report” that established what they had found after perusing the county financial records. She opened, “The annual report here expresses the results of the audit and we have found no misstatements in the financial documents.” She indicated one material change in the accounting procedure of the county that resulted from a change in the accounting principal. In the formal report, it was written, “The County adopted GASB Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions, during the year ended November 30, 2015. The implementation of this guidance resulted in changes in the pension related liabilities, deferred inflows and outflows of resources, the pension related expense, notes presented in the notes in the basic financial statements and to the required supplementary information. The effect of this change is disclosed in Note 12 to the financial statements. Our opinion is not modified with respect to this matter.” The reference to Note #12 disclosed the following: “With the implementation of GASB Statement No. 68, the County is required to retroactively record the net pension liability and deferred outflows of resources and remove the net pension obligation.” Ms. Paschal noted, “Because of the change in accounting principal, the number is larger than before. You actually have a $1.3 million unrestricted net position and that is a liability. However, you are in better shape than other municipalities with police and fire pensions in worse shape.” The county administrator, Ken Terrinoni, went on to discuss the condition of the county General fund at the end of Fiscal 2015. The county General Fund is where most county revenue is deposited and where most of the county expenses are paid. Mr. Terrinoni said, “In the General Fund results, we ended with a negative $717,854. Earlier in that year we were actually nearer a better than $800,000 deficit.” He added that most of the county elected officials understood, the primary reason for the deficit in 2015 was due to unexpected high health insurance premiums and a serious reduction in out of county detainees being housed in the Boone County Jail. Since the Jail was finished, Boone County has realized a positive revenue stream renting space to other municipalities to hold their temporary detainees. However, because more local detainees had been arrested and awaited trial in 2015, the county had fewer cells to rent thus diminishing the revenue. Mr. Terrinoni also emphasized that the county audit shows the county is in a strong net position with assets and, “that is to our advantage for the bond people.” Over the last couple years Boone County has enjoyed a strong bond rating that has held the county in good stead with the a reduced cost for the county to borrow money or to issue bonds for capital improvements. Ms. Paschal then spoke of two additional reports from her firm. The firm issued two letters with one noting a deficiency in the county operation due to the size of the county. The question addressed was segregation of activities for clearer reporting of financial activities. The question relates to some county workers being involved in multiple financial activities without another employee to provide oversight. Ms. Paschal noted this is a problem for smaller counties, such as Boone because of the cost to hire additional personnel. “You need to remove the chances for inappropriate behavior but this lack of segregation does exist here,” she added. The question of segregation of financial activities has appeared in prior audits and Ms. Paschal acknowledged the situation has improved. A second letter related to board communication activities. For example, some county accounts do not have timely reports of accrued interest being added to the account balance. Ms. Paschal said this policy did not have a material impact on the account but it is a procedure that was discovered and that they recommend to change. Bidding procedures were also identified as an area where changes could occur. Another question related to Boone County not having a purchasing department responsible for acquiring the needs of the county through organized bidding opportunities. Ms. Paschal added, “Many of the previously noted comments from the prior year have been addressed with many of the deficiencies being resolved.” She also spoke of credit card policies with some cards holding high balances for charging purposes. She suggested that the county could consider obtaining a corporate type card that would hold certain limitations on the user to avoid potential abuse. Another area of concern suggested that the county Job Opening The Boone County Journal is looking for a Delivery Driver. Assigned drop points in Belvidere area on Fridays only. Call David Larson at 815-544-4430 obtain new accounting software. The county has for many years relied on “Quick Books.” This system has worked but the system has limitations for financial reporting and forecasting. Ms. Paschal noted that newer systems as very costly but offer better forecasting opportunities and clearer reports. She suggested the county consider a change when the funding is available. Publishing the Fiscal Year 2015 Boone County audit could likely occur just prior to the May Boone County board meeting next Wednesday. The audit is available through the county website but the final version still needs a final review by Mr. Terrinoni. He told committee members that he needed to take some time to review the full report for clarity. Those who want to review the audit may do so by accessing the material in the Boone County website. In Our 21th Year 815-544-4430 The Boone County Journal May 20th 2016 Slight-of-Hand In America today, a group of people who make up perhaps 0.3% of the total estimated population of more than 317 million people in 2014, have captured the attention of the President and his Administration. The focus is so complete he announced an order to all public schools requiring them to adopt a new policy regarding student behavior. Further, the civil rights division of the Justice Department is ready to file complaints against districts that do not obey and the education department is ready to remove federal funding from any district that does not comply. One might question the degree of need for this response. However, it should be understood, there has been reason for a long line of judicial decisions that have sought to root out racial, gender and sexual identity prejudice wherever it has occurred. That response was needed when prejudicial behavior was found. However, one must consider that an estimated 0.3% of the total population is the group that has been singled out by the President who are in need of protection of their civil rights. The furor is about an order mandating that every school child who is conflicted about their “gender” may use the restroom that conforms to their gender identification. The order appears to have been handed down without in depth consideration of how the order will be implemented or how to manage potential conflicts with the beliefs of the majority. It is apparent that the Administration has not responded to questions that any of the remaining 99.7% of the estimated population who might be offended by entering a restroom and finding someone of the opposite sex using the facility. But, with the advent of this government’s ability to listen to all cellular telephone calls and to view all Internet messages, privacy is an apparent archaic idea better suited to the 10th Century. One unintended consequence of this focus is the President and his Administration are now freed from media attention over their inability to materially improve the national economy. But, rehabilitating a disabled economy is hard work and federal officials who languish in the “Beltway” do not engage in hard work. Hard work is not an assignment that finds a bevy of volunteers from the ranks of elected or appointed officials in Washington DC. Other than the stimulus bill in 2009, little has been done by Washington operatives to resolve the chronic problems that are now endemic in this economy. The worst problems include stagnant wages, escalating taxes, increasing federal, state and local rules and regulations and a focus on eliminating certain industries that are not in favor with the legions of the “politically correct.” The current economy had a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) report for the first quarter of 2016, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, at 0.5%. That is one-half of one percent of growth that expanded the economy in the first three months of 2016. GDP growth in all of 1983 was 4.6%, in 1984, 7.3% and in 1985, GDP growth amounted to 4.2%. But, these growth rates were not limited to Republican Administrations. In the latter years of the Clinton Administration, GDP growth amounted to 4.5% in 1997, 4.4% in 1998 and 4.7% growth in 1999. These are impressive numbers as the economy flourished even though “Globalization” had begun to alter world economic perspectives in response to the North American Free Trade Agreement that was enacted in 1994. By 1999, some of the unintended consequences of that treaty were being felt. If this current seething pace of economic growth sustains, the American economy could possibly grow at the outrageous pace of 2% in 2016. The melody that is echoing in the background is, “Happy days are here again, the skies above are clear again.” Though the nation has escaped the most urgent effects of the “Great Recession” many nagging problems have not disappeared. Manufacturing is recovering. Housing construction is showing signs of strength but is focused in selected neighborhoods. Real estate prices have shown strength but again, there are areas where foreclosures are still de-rigueur and the economies of those locales continue to suffer. According to Home, the unemployment rate in Belvidere hit 11.3% in January, 10% in February and remained static at 10% in March, 2016. Yet, local, state and federal elected officials are doing anything about this disability except to mandate non-gender defined restrooms while continuing to sit on their hands. Nothing is occurring at any government level to repair the economy. In Springfield elected officials cannot enact a budget for a second year. The prime worry in Boone County today is over a proposed railroad instead of to repair a foundering economy. The Irene Road interchange was supposed to spur a boom in the local economy but the result more resembles a sputtering firecracker than an explosion. Repairing a disabled economy is hard work and most candidates running for office this year have no practical clue of how to revitalize the economy. Instead, the President and his Administration continues to avoid hard work as they play the back nine and mandate that boys can visit the girls room and vice-versa because 0.3% of the national population are uncertain about who they are. This is all a deception designed to avoid public scrutiny of the economy and to cover-up an inability at all levels to resolve economic problems that have gone on almost eight years. The advertised unemployment rate is 5% but the more accurate unemployment rate is nearer 10%. CNN Money reported in a February 6, 2016 piece, “Only 62% of adult Americans are working. This so-called Labor Force Participation rate hasn’t been this low since the late 1970’s.” That was during the Jimmy Carter Administration and the so-called “Energy Crisis.” The President has mandated that men and women may use the restroom of their choice and privacy will have to find another defender. There are some who have editorialized that labeling restrooms is in itself, a sexist act. Such is the status of this nation in 2016 where no one wants to do the hard work and would rather burnish the symbol. In America today, knowing a perception of the truth is far more important than to know the truth. County Board Approves Opposition Letter to STB the STB by/or before June 15 for their consideration. Late last week Mr. Walberg and the county administrator Ken Terrinoni huddled to write a letter from the County Board on behalf of country residents. That first letter was finished last weekend but Mr. Terrinoni wrote a second version and as the debate proceeded, there were moments when some on the County Board expressed uncertainty regarding which letter was being amended. By James Middleton The three-page letter that was finally approved was According to the Chairman of the Boone County amended to strengthen the voice of opposition that Board, Bob Walberg (District 1), a letter to the Surface appeared in the opening paragraph. The final sentence in Transportation Board was supposed to avoid voicing that paragraph was amended. The sentence in the original strong opposition to the proposed Great Lakes Basin letter read, “The Boone County community is opposed to Transportation, LLC effort to construct a rail bypass of the proposed route due to its impact on our citizens and the Chicago through Boone County. That plan did not result in environment.” the May Boone County Board meeting when even stronger That sentence was amended to read in a final version language was added to the letter to the STB. going to the STB, “The Boone County Board and the Uncertainty marked the latter portion of the Wednesday community are opposed to the proposed route through the night debate when numerous amendments were offered and Wisconsin Subdivision due to its impact on our citizens there was even uncertainty regarding which of two letters and the environment.” Ms. Ward sought to amend the was being amended. The strongest voice in opposition to amendment to bring even stronger language in opposition the proposed rail came from County representative Cathy by referring to the letter as a Resolution. However, the Ward (District 2). Ms. Ward has consistently voiced her Boone County state’s attorney, Michelle Courier said, the opposition in strong terms and she sought even stronger letter is a letter and the document is not a Resolution. Ms. language be added to the proposed letter that must reach Courier indicated, if the County Board wanted a Resolution, one could be written. However, time is growing short for the document to be drafted and for the County Board The Boone County Journal is looking for a to read and finally approve Delivery Driver. Assigned drop points in the language before the June 15 deadline. Job Opening Belvidere area on Fridays only. Call David Larson at 815-544-4430 Continued on the page....8 OBITUARIES Gilmore, John, 57, Belvidere, April 30th Henk, Robert, 89, Belvidere, May 8th Lepart, Helen, 76, Belvidere, May 16th Schultz, Craig, 58, Belvidere, May 12th 3 4 May 20th 2016 The Boone County Journal 815-544-4430 In Our 21th Year Real Estate/Foreclosures Call a Specialist Call a REALTOR R • A Realtor has more detailed information than you could obtain. Even shopping on-line WILL NOT give you as much information. • Your Realtor works just for YOU.... and the transaction! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS ELMER LITTLEFIELD JR. AND JOANNE BLAESER, PLAINTIFFS - vs. - CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE U/T/A DATED OCTOBER 21, 1992 AND KNOWN AS TRUST NUMBER 1096951 AND BERNICE ROBINSON, DEFENDANTS Case No. 2015 CH 15365 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a an ORDER FOR JUDICIAL SALE OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY TRUST AGREEMENT DATED OCTOBER 21, 1992 AND KNOWN AS TRUST NUMBER 1096951 entered in the above-entitled cause on May 6, 2016, an agent for LEE AUCTION SERVICE, will at 10:00 A.M. on June 18, 2016 at 500 Bethany Drive, Belvidere, Illinois 61008, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 500 Bethany Drive, Belvidere, Illinois 61008 Tax Parcel Number: 06-30-376-009. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale Terms: The subject property is offered for sale in AS IS condition. There is no representation as to the condition of the property or the quality of improvements and structures. A $20,000.00 deposit by certified funds payable to Lee Auction Service is required at close of the auction sale on June 18, 2016. Third Party checks will not be accepted. The deposit is refundable only in the event: (a) the sale is not confirmed by the court; (b) the commitment to insure title, as set forth below, shows evidence of a title defect which is not cured within 30 days of the sale date; or (c) the beneficial interest in the trust, as set forth below, is subject to an encumbrance which is not cured within 30 days of the sale date. The balance in certified funds or wire transfer is due within 30 days of the sale. Upon payment in full the purchaser will receive an absolute assignment of the beneficial interest and power of direction in the abovereferenced trust agreement wherein Chicago Title Land Trust Company pursuant to a trust agreement dated October 21, 1992 and known as Trust No. 1096951 is the Trustee. The assignment of the beneficial interest will be free and clear of any encumbrance or collateral assignment . The sale is not subject to the purchaser’s ability to secure financing, or any other contingency. The purchaser shall be provided with a commitment to insure title issued by Precision Title Insurance Company in the amount of the sale price showing title in Chicago Title Land Trust Company, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated October 21, 1992 and known as Trust No. 1096951, subject to conditions, covenants, restrictions, and easements of record. The commitment to insure title shall be conclusive evidence of title as shown. The purchaser shall be given a credit towards the purchase price for unpaid real estate taxes at the time the purchase is closed. 2016 real estate taxes shall be pro-rated based on 100% of the 2015 tax bill. The purchaser shall be given a credit towards the purchase price at the time the purchase is closed for 2016 taxes, pro-rated to the date of closing. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The Sale is subject to confirmation by the Court. The property may be inspected prior to sale. Contact Lyle Lee at (815) 988-0249 to make an appointment to inspect the subject property. For information regarding the property, contact: Lyle Lee Lee Auction Service (815) 988-0249 11067 Beloit Road Belvidere, IL 61008 Michael Bercos Attorney for Plaintiffs PO Box 1581 Palatine, IL 60078 (847) 949-0282 Published in The Boone County Journal 5-13,20,27-2016 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF BOONE - BELVIDERE, ILLINOIS U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE TRUST 2007-3 ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE BACKED PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-3 Plaintiff, vs. JULIAN CONTRERAS, PRAIRIE GREEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, ANA MARTINEZ, UNKNOWN OWNERS, GENERALLY, AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants, 14CH 233 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, June 23, 2016, at the hour of 12:15 p.m., inside the front entrance of the Boone County Courthouse, 601 North Main Street, Belvidere, Illinois 61008, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: LOT 220 AS DESIGNATED UPON PLAT NO. 4 OF PRAIRIE GREEN OF POPLAR GROVE, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BOONE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 IN ENVELOPE NO. 303-B AS DOCUMENT NO. 2004R11613. Commonly known as 440 Stone Hollow Drive, Poplar Grove, IL 61065. P.I.N. 05-11-276-015. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Mr. Frederic Deraiche at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Kluever & Platt, L.L.C., 65 East Wacker Place, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) 236-0077. For Bidding instructions visit 24 hours prior to sale. SPSF.1939 I693539 Published in The Boone County Journal 5-20,27 and 6-3-2016 LEGALS Foreclosures STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF BOONEALPINE BANK & TRUST COMPANY, as successor in interest to Alpine Bank of Illinois, Plaintiff, vs. CLARENCE G. PAULSON, INDIVIDUALLY, AND AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF BEVERLY J. PAULSON, BEVERLY J. PAULSON, CLARENCE G. PAULSON AS TRUSTEE OF THE CLARENCE G. PAULSON TRUST DATED AUGUST 9, 2011, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, AND UNKNOWN HEIRS OF BEVERLY J. PAULSON, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants. Case No. 16 CH 58 PUBLICATION NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE To:UNKNOWN HEIRS OF BEVERLY J. PAULSON, UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Unknown Heirs of BEVERLY J. PAULSON, Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants, defendants in the above-entitled cause, that the above suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court for the 17th Judicial Circuit, Boone County, Illinois, by the said plaintiff against you and other defendants, praying for foreclosure of a mortgage and other relief on the following described property in which you have or claim an interest: Lot Forty-five (45) as designated upon the Plat of Be-Ver-Kreek, a subdivision in the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 44 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian, the Plat of which is recorded as Document Number 3591 in the Recorder’s Office of Boone County, Illinois; situated in the County of Boone and State of Illinois. P.I.N. Number 05-03-353-011 Commonly known as: 3193 Partridge Lane, Belvidere, IL 61008Title Holder of Record: CLARENCE G. PAULSON, AS TRUSTEE OF THE CLARENCE G. PAULSON TRUST DATED AUGUST 9, 2011. Identification of Mortgage: Mortgage from CLARENCE G. PAULSON and BEVERLY J. PAULSON to ALPINE BANK OF ILLINOIS, dated December 19, 2001 and recorded December 27, 2001, in the Boone County Recorder’s Office as Document No. 01R13876 Now, therefore, unless you, the said defendants, “UNKNOWN HEIRS OF BEVERLY J. PAULSON,” “UNKNOWN OWNERS” and “NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS” file your answer in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein in the said Circuit Court for the Judicial Circuit, Boone County, Illinois, on or before JUNE 22, 2016, default may be entered against you and each of you at any time after that Team up and save with our new Triple Play offer! Presented by Rise Broadband and DISH $99 94 /Month FOR 2 YEARS! Our FASTEST speed Internet available!* FREE managed wifi router + FREE install DISH America’s Top 120 2-Year TV Price Guarantee Digital phone With unlimited domestic long distance Act Now! Offer ends 6/30/16 Call 877-910-6212 or visit *With successful activation. DISH offer expires 8/3/16. Limited-time offer. May not be combined with other offers. Fastest Speed available at your home. Service not available in all areas. Additional fees will apply. Call for details and availability. Restrictions apply. © 2016 Rise Broadband. All rights reserved. *$49.95 per month with a 2-year Rise Broadband Internet service agreement; $49.99 per month with 2-year DISH America's Top 120 Plus service agreement; DISH service provided by DISH. Not available in all areas. All trademarks are property of the respective owners. DISH offer requires credit qualification, 24-month commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Equipment fees beyond first receiver and DVR service not included in $49.99 monthly price. Call for details. In Our 21th Year day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. Dated: February 26, 2016 WILLIAMSMcCARTHY LLP Thomas P. Sandquist Its Attorneys Prepared By: Thomas P. Sandquist WILLIAMSMcCARTHY LLP 120 West State Street P.O. Box 219 Rockford, Illinois 61105 (815) 987-8900 Published in The Boone County Journal 5-20,27 and 6-3-2016 STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF BOONE ALPINE BANK & TRUST COMPANY, as successor in interest to Alpine Bank of Illinois, Plaintiff, vs. GINGER L. VELLOURYS, AND UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendant. Case No. 16 CH 60 PUBLICATION NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE To: UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants, defendants in the above-entitled cause, that the above suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court for the 17th Judicial Circuit, Boone County, Illinois, by the said plaintiff against you and other defendants, praying for foreclosure of a mortgage and other relief on the following described property in which you have or claim an interest: Lots Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Five (5) as designated upon the Plat of West Park Addition to the City of Belvidere, as platted and recorded in Book 3 of Plats on Page 5 in the Recorder’s Office of Boone County, Illinois, together with the East Half (½) of the vacated alley, adjoining the property on the Westerly end of said property; situated in the County of Boone and State of Illinois Property Code / PIN: 05-35-256-012 Property commonly known as: 1213 7th Ave., Belvidere, IL 61108 Title Holder of Record: GINGER L. VELLOURYS Identification of Mortgage: Mortgage from GINGER L. VELLOURYS, an unmarried individual, to ALPINE BANK OF ILLINOIS, dated June 11, 2003, and recorded June 13, 2003, as Document No. 03 R 09576, in the Boone County Recorder’s Office, State of Illinois. Now, therefore, unless you, the said defendants, “Unknown Owners” and “Non-Record Claimants” file your answer in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein in the said Circuit Court for the Judicial Circuit, Boone County, Illinois, on or before June 27, 2016, default may be entered against you and each of you at any time after that day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. Dated: May 19, 2016 WILLIAMSMcCARTHY LLP Thomas P. Sandquist Its Attorneys Prepared By: Thomas P. Sandquist WilliamsMcCarthy LLP 120 West State Street P.O. Box 219 Rockford, Illinois 61105 (815) 987-8900 Published in The Boone County Journal 5-20,27 and 6-3-2016 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF BOONE - BELVIDERE, ILLINOIS U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE TRUST 2007-3 ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE BACKED PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-3 Plaintiff, vs. JULIAN CONTRERAS, PRAIRIE GREEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, ANA MARTINEZ, UNKNOWN OWNERS, GENERALLY, AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants, 14CH 233 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, June 23, 2016, at the hour of 12:15 p.m., inside the front entrance of the Boone County Courthouse, 601 North Main Street, Belvidere, Illinois 61008, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 440 Stone Hollow Drive, Poplar Grove, IL 61065. P.I.N. 05-11-276-015. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Mr. Frederic Deraiche at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Kluever & Platt, L.L.C., 65 East Wacker Place, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) 236-0077. For Bidding instructions visit 24 hours prior to sale. SPSF.1939 I693539 Published in The Boone County Journal 5-20,27 and 6-3-2016 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS ELMER LITTLEFIELD JR. AND JOANNE BLAESER, PLAINTIFFS - vs. - CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE U/T/A DATED OCTOBER 21, 1992 AND KNOWN AS TRUST NUMBER 1096951 AND BERNICE ROBINSON, DEFENDANTS Case No. 2015 CH 15365 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a an ORDER FOR JUDICIAL SALE OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY TRUST AGREEMENT DATED OCTOBER 21, 1992 AND KNOWN AS TRUST NUMBER 1096951 entered in the above-entitled cause on May 6, 2016, an agent for LEE AUCTION SERVICE, will at 10:00 A.M. on June 18, 2016 at 500 Bethany Drive, Belvidere, Illinois 61008, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT 50 AS DESIGNATED UPON PLAT #2 OF WYCLIFFE, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 30 AND PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AS DOCUMENT 95-5974 ON OCTOBER 3, 1996 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF BOONE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF BOONE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 500 Bethany Drive, Belvidere, Illinois 61008 Tax Parcel Number: 06-30-376-009. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale Terms: The subject property is offered for sale in AS IS condition. There is no representation as to the condition of the property or the quality of improvements and structures. A $20,000.00 deposit by certified funds payable to Lee Auction Service is required at close of the auction sale on June 18, 2016. Third 815-544-4430 The Boone County Journal May 20th 2016 Party checks will not be accepted. The deposit is refundable only in the event: (a) the sale is not confirmed by the court; (b) the commitment to insure title, as set forth below, shows evidence of a title defect which is not cured within 30 days of the sale date; or (c) the beneficial interest in the trust, as set forth below, is subject to an encumbrance which is not cured within 30 days of the sale date. The balance in certified funds or wire transfer is due within 30 days of the sale. Upon payment in full the purchaser will receive an absolute assignment of the beneficial interest and power of direction in the abovereferenced trust agreement wherein Chicago Title Land Trust Company pursuant to a trust agreement dated October 21, 1992 and known as Trust No. 1096951 is the Trustee. The assignment of the beneficial interest will be free and clear of any encumbrance or collateral assignment . The sale is not subject to the purchaser’s ability to secure financing, or any other contingency. The purchaser shall be provided with a commitment to insure title issued by Precision Title Insurance Company in the amount of the sale price showing title in Chicago Title Land Trust Company, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated October 21, 1992 and known as Trust No. 1096951, subject to conditions, covenants, restrictions, and easements of record. The commitment to insure title shall be conclusive evidence of title as shown. The purchaser shall be given a credit towards the purchase price for unpaid real estate taxes at the time the purchase is closed. 2016 real estate taxes shall be pro-rated based on 100% of the 2015 tax bill. The purchaser shall be given a credit towards the purchase price at the time the purchase is closed for 2016 taxes, pro-rated to the date of closing. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The Sale is subject to confirmation by the Court. The property may be inspected prior to sale. Contact Lyle Lee at (815) 988-0249 to make an appointment to inspect the subject property. For information regarding the property, contact: Lyle Lee Lee Auction Service (815) 988-0249 11067 Beloit Road Belvidere, IL 61008 Michael Bercos Attorney for Plaintiffs PO Box 1581 Palatine, IL 60078 (847) 949-0282 Published in The Boone County Journal 5-13,20,27-2016 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT BOONE COUNTY, ILLINOIS BMO HARRIS BANK N.A., formerly known as Harris N.A., as the assignee of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as the receiver for Amcore Bank N.A., Plaintiff, v. DEAN A. MARCELLUS; LAURA LYNN MARCELLUS; THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY; UNKNOWN OWNERS; NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants. 16 CH 51 921 Whitney Boulevard Belvidere, IL 61008 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given to the following: UNKNOWN OWNERS and NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, generally. Notice is hereby given to Defendants in the above-entitled suit that the above-named Plaintiff has filed its Complaint in said Court for foreclosure pursuant to the mortgage foreclosure laws of the State of Illinois, of the lands and premises in the Complaint situated in Boone County, State of Illinois: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT ONE (1) IN BLOCK TWO (2) IN LOOP, BABCOCK AND CARPENTER’S ADDITION TO BELVIDERE, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED MAP OR PLAT THEREOF IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF BOONE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; AND RUNNING THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT, 132 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF WHITNEY STREET (DESIGNATED AS MAIN STREET ON THE RECORDED PLAT), EIGHTY (80) LINKS (OR 52.8 FEET); THENCE EAST AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT, 132 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT ONE (1); THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES NORTH EIGHTY (80) LINKS TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, BEING ALSO KNOWN AS THE EAST EIGHT RODS OF THE NORTH HALF OF SAID LOT ONE (1) IN BLOCK TWO (2), SITUATED IN THE CITY OF BELVIDERE, BOONE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; PIN: 05-36-153-019; Common Address: 921 Whitney Boulevard, Belvidere, Illinois 61008; that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that said suit is now pending. The said Complaint is for the foreclosure of the mortgage. NOW THEREFORE, unless you, the said above-named Defendants, file your appearance in the said suit in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Boone County, Illinois, on or before the June 13, 2016, default may be entered against you at any time after that day and Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. Stephen G. Daday Kinga L. Wright Klein, Daday, Aretos & O’Donoghue, LLC 2550 West Golf Road, Suite 250 Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 847-590-8700 Attorney No. 3127015 I692806 Published in The Boone County Journal 5-13,20,27-2016 NOTE: PURSUANT TO THE FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT, YOU ARE ADVISED THAT THE LAW FIRM OF HINSHAW & CULBERTSON LLP IS DEEMED TO BE A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. State of Illinois In the Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit County of BOONE BLACKHAWK BANK f/k/a Blackhawk State Bank, Plaintiff, v. CHARLES K. BROWN; MARY J. BROWN; UNKNOWN OWNERS; UNKNOWN TENANTS; UNKNOWN SPOUSES; UNKNOWN HEIRS and NONRECORD CLAIMANTS,Defendants. Case No. 2016 CH 59 NOTICE TO UNKNOWN OWNERS; UNKNOWN TENANTS; UNKNOWN SPOUSES; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS FOR PUBLICATION 4951 Newburg Road, Belvidere, IL 61108 The requisite Affidavit having been duly filed in my office, NOTICE is hereby given you, UNKNOWN OWNERS; UNKNOWN TENANTS; UNKNOWN SPOUSES; UNKNOWN HEIRS and NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants in the above-entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of Boone County, by the said Plaintiff, against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage concerning the premises described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL I A part of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 32 and part of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 29, Township 44 north, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Section 32, 827.18 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 32, (bearing of said North line of Section 32 5 is assumed to be South 89 degrees 07’ 30” West); thence South 0 degrees 04’ 18” East 512.04 feet to the center line of Newburg Road as the same is laid out across the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 32; thence South 64 degrees 08’ 05” West 175 feet along the center line of road; thence North 0 degrees 04’ 18” West 983.43 feet to the center line of Kishwaukee River; thence upstream along the center line of river to the point of intersection of said center line with the line bearing North 0 degrees 04’ 18” West; through the place of beginning; thence South 513.37 feet to the place of beginning; situated in the County of Boone and State of Illinois. PARCEL II Part of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 32, and part of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 29, Township 44 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Section 32, 984.76 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section 32; (bearing of said North line of Section 32 is assumed to be South 89 degrees 07’ 30” West); thence South 0 degrees 04’ 18” East, 585.99 feet to the center line of Newburg Road as the same is laid out and across the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 32; thence South 64 degrees 08’ 05” West 150.00 feet along said center line of road; thence North 0 degrees 04’ 18” West 1001.30 feet to the center line of the Kishwaukee River; thence upstream along said center line of river to the point of intersection of said center line with a line bearing North 0 degrees 04’ 18” West through the place of beginning; thence South 397.44 feet to the place of beginning; situated in the County of Boone and State of Illinois. COMMON ADDRESS: 4951 Newburg Road, Belvidere, IL 61008 Parcel I: PIN 05-29-400-008 and PIN 05-32-200-006 Parcel II: PIN 05-29-400-007 and PIN 05-32-200-005 And for other relief; that Summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the suit is now pending. NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, the said above-named Defendants, file your Answer to the Complaint of said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Boone County, Boone County Courthouse in the City of Belvidere, Illinois, on or before the 13th day of June, 2016, default may be entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. LINDA ANDERSON, Clerk of the Circuit Court, 17th Judicial Circuit, Boone County, Illinois PREPARED BY: Thomas J. Lester (ARDC #6189291) HINSHAW & CULBERTSON LLP 100 Park Avenue P.O. Box 1389 Rockford, IL 61105-1389 Phone: 815-490-4900 Fax: 815-490-4901 Published in The Boone County Journal 5-13,20,27-2016 Miscellaneous STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF BOONE IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF KATHLEEN COLLINS ROBERTSON,PetitionerCase No. 2016-MR-811 Notice of Filing PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE Notice is hereby given, that on July 12th, 2016, at 9 a.m. Kathleen Collins Robertson, by her attorney Charles G. Popp, P.C., will present a Petition requesting that the Court change her present name of Kathleen Collins Robertson to the name of Kathleen May Collins. The hearing will take place at the Boone County Courthouse 601 N. Maint St. in Belvidere, IL Kathleen Collins Robertson, Petitioner Dated: April 29, 2016. Charles G. Popp PC Attorney at Law 215 South State Street Belvidere, IL 61008 815-544-3130 Published in The Boone County Journal 5-20,27, and 6-3-2016 TO: James E. Johnson;Christopher W. Johnson;Miroslav Ilic;Judgment Creditors, And Decree Creditors, If Any Of The Above Described As “Unknown Owners”;Mary S. Steurer, Boone County Clerk;Parties In Occupancy Or Actual Possession Of Said Property;Unknown Owners Or Persons Interested In Said Land Or Lot. TAX DEED NO 16TX5 FILED: May 2, 2016 TAKE NOTICE County of Boone, State of Illinois Date Premises Sold: October 31, 2013 Certificate No. 2012-00018 Sold for General Taxes of: 2012 Sold For Special Assessment of (Municipality) Not Applicable. And Special Assessment No. Not Applicable. Warrant No. Not Applicable. Inst. No. Not Applicable. THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at: 103 Drew Ct. NE, in Poplar Grove, Illinois Legal Description or Property Index No. 03-22-253-020 This notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale will expire on September 26, 2016. The amount to redeem is subject to increase at 6 month intervals from the date of sale and may be further increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or his or her assignee pays any subsequently accruing taxes or special assessments to redeem the property from subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the County Clerk as to the exact amount you owe before redeeming. This notice is also to advise you that a petition has been filed for a tax deed which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not made on or before September 26, 2016. This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of this County in Room 3, Boone County Courthouse, 601 N. Main Street, Belvidere, Illinois, on October 11, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. You may be present at this hearing but your right to redeem will already have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before September 26, 2016 by applying to the County Clerk of Boone County, Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in Belvidere, Illinois. For further information contact the County Clerk. Address: 1212 Logan Avenue, Suite 103, Belvidere, IL 61008 Telephone: (815) 544-3103 WESTERN SITES, LLC, purchaser or assignee Dated: May 3, 2016 I692660 Published in the Boone County Journal 05/06,13,20/2016 TO: Miroslav Ilic;James E. Johnson;Christopher W. Johnson;Candlewick Lake Association, Inc., c/o Theresa Balk;Aqua Illinois, Inc., c/o Illinois Corporation Service C;Judgment Creditors, And Decree Creditors, If Any Of The Above Described As “Unknown Owners”;Mary S. Steurer, Boone County Clerk;Parties In Occupancy Or Actual Possession Of Said Property;Unknown Owners Or Persons Interested In Said Land Or Lot. 6 May 20th 2016 The Boone County Journal 815-544-4430 TAX DEED NO. 16TX4 FILED: May 2, 2016 TAKE NOTICE County of Boone, State of Illinois Date Premises Sold: October 31, 2013 Certificate No. 2012-00305 Sold for General Taxes of: 2012 Sold For Special Assessment of (Municipality) Not Applicable. And Special Assessment No. Not Applicable. Warrant No. Not Applicable. Inst. No. Not Applicable. THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at: 2006 Chamberlain St., in Belvidere, IL Legal Description or Property Index No. 06-30-355-013 This notice is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale will expire on September 26, 2016. The amount to redeem is subject to increase at 6 month intervals from the date of sale and may be further increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or his or her assignee pays any subsequently accruing taxes or special assessments to redeem the property from subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the County Clerk as to the exact amount you owe before redeeming. This notice is also to advise you that a petition has been filed for a tax deed which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property if redemption is not made on or before September 26, 2016. This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of this County in Room 3, Boone County Courthouse, 601 N. Main Street, Belvidere, Illinois, on October 11, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. You may be present at this hearing but your right to redeem will already have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at any time on or before September 26, 2016 by applying to the County Clerk of Boone County, Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in Belvidere, Illinois. For further information contact the County Clerk. Address: 1212 Logan Avenue, Suite 103, Belvidere, IL 61008 Telephone: (815) 544-3103 WESTERN SITES, LLC, purchaser or assignee Dated: May 3, 2016 I692659 Published in the Boone County Journal 05/06,13,20/2016 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF BOONE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF BOONE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: No. 2016-P-22 PATRICIA R. HOFFMAN, Deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-WILL AND CLAIMS NOTICE is given of the death of PATRICIA R. HOFFMAN. An Order Admitting Will to Probate and Appointing Representative & Letters of Office were issued on May 2, 2016 to JACQUELINE HOFFMAN, Poplar Grove, Illinois and JAMES HOFFMAN, Warrenville, Illinois who are the legal representatives of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Attorney Nathan J. Noble, 504 North State Street, Belvidere, Illinois. Within forty-two (42) days after the effective date of the original order of admission, Heirs and Legatees may file a petition with the court to require proof of the will by testimony of the witnesses to the will in open court or other evidence, as provided in section 5/6-21 of the Probate Act of 1975. (755 ILCS 5/6-21). Heirs and Legatees also have the right under section 5/8-1 of the Probate Act of 1975 (755 ILCS 5/8-1) to contest the validity of the will by filing a petition with the court within six (6) months after admission of the will to probate. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before November 7, 2016, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Boone County Circuit Clerk--Probate Division at the Boone County Courthouse, 601 North Main Street, Belvidere, IL 61008, or with the estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office--Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his attorney within ten days after it has been filed. Jacqueline Hoffman James Hoffman Independent Co-Executors Nathan J. Noble, P.C. Attorney for Petitioner 504 N. State Street Belvidere, IL 61008 815.547.7700 Published in the Boone County Journal 05/06,13,20 STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF BOONE THE ESTATE OF RAYMOND GADOMSKI, Case No. 2016 P 17 Deceased. CLAIM NOTICE Notice is hereby given of the death of RAYMOND GADOMSKI of Belvidere Illinois. Letters of Office were issued on April 1, 2016 to Brian Gadomski of Belvidere, Illinois, whose attorney is Rene Hernandez, Law Office of Rene Hernandez, P.C., 1625 East State Street, Rockford, IL 61104. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before Novemeber 6, 2016, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to Creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by Section 18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975, as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court at the Boone County Courthouse, Probate Division, 601 North Main Street, Belvidere, IL 61008, or with the estate legal representatives or both. Copies of claims filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representatives and to the attorney within ten (10) days after it has been filled. Brian Gadomski Independent Administrator PREPARED BY: LAW OFFICE OF RENE HERNANDEZ, P.C. 1625 East State Street Rockford, IL 61104 (815) 387-0261 Published in the Boone County Journal 05/06,13,20 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held by the Village of Poplar Grove Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday, May 30, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Poplar Grove Village Hall, 200 North Hill Street, Poplar Grove, IL, 61065 for the purpose of considering a special use application submitted by the applicant, Bravo Pizza, 13555 Illinois Route 76, Poplar Grove, Illinois 61065 on behalf of the owner, Leonard Harris, 13543 Illinois Route 76, Poplar Grove, Illinois 61065 is requesting a special use pursuant to the Poplar Grove Zoning Ordinance, In Our 21th Year Section 8-6-9-C-2 Beer Garden, Table 8-6-13 Permitted Uses, Section 8-7-3 Beer Gardens and Section 8-5-7 Special Uses). Specifically, the applicant is requesting a special use to construct a fenced in beer garden on the northwest corner of the multi-tenant building where Bravo Pizza is located at 13555 Illinois Route 76, Poplar Grove, Illinois 61065 within the GB, General Business District on less than one-acre of land (PIN: 03-26-402-006). The subject property is legally describes as: Lot 34 of Plat 3 of Countryside Mall Subdivision as recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Boone County, Illinois, located in Boone County, Illinois (PIN: 03-26-402-006). All persons interested in said petition may attend and be heard at the stated time and place. Jake Dykstra, Chairman, Village of Poplar Grove Planning and Zoning Commission Published in The Boone County Journal 5-20-2016 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cemetery Trustees of the Town of Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois, shall conduct a public meeting at 7:30 am. on Wednesday, June 1, 2016, in the Office of the Town of Belvidere, 8200 Fairgrounds Road, Belvidere, Illinois, for the purpose of formulating a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance, and to consider requests for funds to operate and maintain public cemeteries not operated for profit within Belvidere Township. CEMETERY TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF BELVIDERE, BOONE COUNTY, ILLINOIS By: /s/ W. Hyland Published in The Boone County Journal 5-20-2016 WEISS MCCLELLAND LLC (6307468) Attorneys 105 W. Adams, Suite 1850 Chicago, Illinois 60603 STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF Boone, ss ‚Äì IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT BOONE COUNTY BELVIDERE, ILLINOIS, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. DAWN FREUNDT, RAYMOND C. FREUNDT, JR., UNKNOWN OWNERS-TENANTS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, et. al., Defendants, Case No. 15 CH 181. The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given to you: UNKNOWN OWNERS-TENANTS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, defendants in the above entitled suit has been commenced in the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT BOONE COUNTY BELVIDERE, ILLINOIS, by the said plaintiff against you and other defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to-wit: LOT 46 AS DESIGNATED UPON PLAT NO. 2 OF PRAIRIE MEADOW ESTATES, BEING PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 33 AND PART OF THE WEST 1/2 OF SECTION 34, BOTH BEING IN TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH WAS RECORDED JULY 19, 2001 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2001R07282, ENVELOPE NO. 257-A IN THE RECORDER`S OFFICE OF BOONE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF BOONE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS.. PIN: 03-34-152-009. Commonly known as: 2968 Country Meadow Lane, Belvidere, IL 61008, and which said Mortgage was made by DAWN FREUNDT, RAYMOND C. FREUNDT, JR., as Mortgagor(s) to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, as Mortgagee, and recorded as document number 2010R04977, and the present owner(s) of the property being RAYMOND C. FREUNDT, JR., and for other relief: that summons was duly issued out of said Court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is now pending. Now, therefore, unless you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT BOONE COUNTY BELVIDERE, ILLINOIS, 601 North Main Street, Belvidere, IL 61008 on or before JUNE 6, 2016 default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint.Dated,Belvidere, Illinois, Clerk of the Boone County Circuit Court. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT PURSUANT TO THE FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT, AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Last known addresses: Defendant Address: 2968 Country Meadow Lane, Belvidere, IL 61008 Published in the Boone County Journal 05/06,13,20 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT BOONE COUNTY, ILLINOIS PUBLICATION NOTICE In The Interest of: Diony Martinez, Nestor Martinez & Dionelly Martinez, Minor No. 13JA14, 13JA15, 13JA16 TO Nestor Martinez (Respondent) ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that on August 28, 2013, a petition was filed under the JUVENILE COURT ACT by Atty. Michelle J. Courier, State’s Attorney, 601 North Main Street, Belvidere, Illinois 61008, in the Circuit Court of Boone County entitled “In the Interest of Diony, Nestor and Dionelly Martinez, minor; and that in the County Courthouse in Belvidere, Illinois, at 1:30 P.M. Central Daylight time on June 30, 2016 and October 20, 2016; or as soon thereafter as this cause may be heard, an adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the petition to have the child declared to be a ward of the Court under that Act. THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS PROCEEDING TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS, AND TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE PETITION REQUESTS THE TERMINATION OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND THE APPOINTMENT OF A GUARDIAN WITH THE POWER TO CONSENT TO ADOPTION YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. Unless you appear you will not be entitled to further written notices or publication notices of the proceedings in this case, including the filing of an amended petition or a motion to terminate parental rights. Now, unless you appear at the hearing and show cause against the petition, the allegations of the petition may stand admitted as against you and each of you, and an order or judgement entered. Dated May 10, 2016 LINDA J. ANDERSON, CIRCUIT CLERK by: Heather Allen, Deputy Clerk Published in the Boone County Journal 05/13,20,27 NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Boone County Roads and Capital Improvement Committee representing the Boone County Board will be accepting Bids labeled RCI-16-05 for the connection of a septic tank and line to an existing septic field and the installation of a new 6” X 4.5” well at the New Boone County Animal Services Building located at 4546 Squaw Prairie Road, Belvidere, Illinois 61008. Bid documents will be available on or after May 13. Those interested may visit the Boone County Website at http://www. for further details. Copies of the Bid Documents will be available for viewing in the Boone County Clerk’s Office located at 1212 Logan Avenue, Suite 103, Belvidere, IL 61008. Bids will be accepted at the Boone County Clerk’s Office until Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. Boone County reserves the right to accept or reject all Bids. Published in The Boone County Journal 5-20,27-2016 STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT BOONE COUNTY Paula Catherine Ceron.,Plaintiff and Lois Enrique Ceron Gozman No.16-D-79 Defendant. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Notice is given you, Lois Enrique Ceron Gozman, Defendant, that this cause has been commenced against you in this Court asking for Divorce and other relief. Unless you file your response or otherwise file your appearance in this cause in the office of the Circuit Clerk of Boone County, Courthouse, Belvidere, Illinois, on or before the 26th day of October, 2016. A Divorce and other relief may be granted as prayed for by the Plaintiff. Linda J. Anderson Circuit Clerk Published in the Boone County Journal 05/06,13,20 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING POPLAR GROVE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that the Village of Poplar Grove Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 7, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Room, 200 North Hill Street, Poplar Grove, Illinois, 61065 upon the following: Application of Joseph and Kathleen Baraglia, 231 Briarwood Drive, Poplar Grove, IL 61065 for a variance to reduce the required corner-lot setback for fences from 12 feet to 3 feet (Poplar Grove Zoning Ordinance Section 8-10-3-B-2b-ii) on 12,561 square feet located at 231 Briarwood Drive within the R-2, Single-family Residential District. The subject property is legally described as: Lot 89 of Plat Number 2 of Prairie Green of Poplar Grove, Being a Subdivision of Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11 and Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 44 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian as Recorded January 7, 2004 in Plat Index File Envelope 288-A as Document Number 2004R00200 in the Recorder’s Office of Boone County, Illinois; Situated in the County of Boone, State of Illinois; PIN: 05-12-151-005. All persons interested in the petitions may attend and be heard at the stated time and place. Jake Dykstra, Chairman, Poplar Grove Planning and Zoning Commission Published in The Boone County Journal 5-20-2016 PUBLIC NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that at 7:00 pm on June 8th, 2016, a public hearing will be held at Poplar Grove Township Building, 302 East Park Street, Poplar Grove, IL for the purpose of considering the proposed Budget Levy and Appropriation Ordinances of the Poplar Grove Township Town and Road Districts. Public inspection will be available at 14251 Edson Road, Poplar Grove, IL from May 20 until June 7, 2016 from 6-9 pm. Please call for an appointment, 815-765-3222. Notice is further given that a public hearing on said Budget and Appropriation Ordinance will be held at 7:00 pm Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 at the Poplar Grove Township Office, 302 East Park Street, Poplar Grove, IL and that final action will be taken at that time. Dated this 17th day of May, 2016 Karen Anderson, Poplar Grove Township Clerk Thanks, Karen Anderson, Clerk Published in The Boone County Journal 5-20-2016 Assumed Names ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION State of Illinois County of Boone ) ss This is to certify that the undersigned intend… to conduct and transact a Quilting & Service business in said County and State under the name of Hart to Heart Quilts at the following post office addresses:1145 Cherry Valley Rd., Kirkland, IL, 60146 and that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: NAME AND ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: Kay L. Hart, 1145 Cherry Valley Rd., Kirkland, IL, 60146. Signed: Kay L. Hart, 05/09/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me this 9th. day of May, 2016, Mary S. Steurer, County Clerk, by Julie A. Stapler, Deputy Published in the Boone County Journal 05/13,20,27 ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION State of Illinois County of Boone ) ss This is to certify that the undersigned intend… to conduct and transact a Coffee Shop/ Frozen Custard business in said County and State under the name of Dairy Bean at the following post office addresses:13561 Julie Dr., Poplar Grove, IL, 61065 and that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: NAME AND ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: Dawn London, 407 Staffordshire Dr., Poplar Grove, IL, 61065. Signed: Dawn London, 05/06/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me this 6th. day of May, 2016, Mary S. Steurer, County Clerk, by Christine Gardner, Deputy Published in the Boone County Journal 05/13,20,27 ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION State of Illinois County of Boone ) ss This is to certify that the undersigned intend… to conduct and transact a Lawn Care & Landscape business in said County and State under the name of Green Pastures at the following post office addresses:1304 15th Ave., Belvidere, IL, 61008 and that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business, with the respective residence address of each, are as follows: NAME AND ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: Jonathan Roman, 1304 15th Ave., Belvidere, IL, 61008. Signed: Jonathan Roman, 05/10/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me this 10th. day of May, 2016, Mary S. Steurer, County Clerk, by Christine Gardner, Deputy Published in the Boone County Journal 05/13,20,27 Community News & Events CITY OF BELVIDERE HERITAGE DAYS PARADERegistration Deadline: Friday, June 17, 2016. Please return the entry form to city hall no later than noon on Friday, June 17, 2016. You will receive additional parade line up information (including the parade route and staging are map) by E-mail AFTER the June 17th registration deadline. We hope you’ll be part of this year’s Heritage Day Parade. If you have any questions, please contact staff at (815)544-2612. BOOKENDS THEATER PRESENTS “THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTMAN COUNTY SPELLING BEE”- May 20, 21 and 22. Performances will be held on Friday, May 20th and Saturday, May 21st at 8:00 p.m. And Sunday, May 22nd at 2:00 p.m. Doors open 30 minutes before show time. Tickets are $10.00 each and can be purchased at the door. There is no assigned seating but advance tickets can be purchased by calling 224-623-3825. PLANT SALE!- The Women’s Garden Club of Boone County will be holding it’s annual Plant sale on Tuesday, May 24 on the grounds of the Boone County Historical Museum, In Our 21th Year 311 Whitney, Belvidere from 9AM-5PM. Member grown perennials, annuals, houseplants, vegetables and herbs will be available. Proceeds of the sale are used to fund scholarships for seniors from the 3 local high schools. GENOA FARMERS MARKET- Featuring new food and craft vendors, live music, kids activities, and tastings. 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. City Parking Lot, corner of Rt 72 and Genoa St. Market Dates for 2016: 5/21, 6/04, 6/25, 7/09, 7/23, 8/06, 8/27, 9/3, 9/17, 10/1. Will host 20 local vendors! GENOA FARMERS MARKET Cont-- This month we will have a free petting zoo sponsored by the Genoa-Kingston FFA, live music from Dan Dillet from 9:00 am to 10:00 am and another performance from Kim “Music to the Soul” from 12:00 to 2:00. Tinez Taco truck will be there cooking up scrumptious breakfast burritos and tacos all day and Crumpet’s will have their famous pulled pork Sandwiches. FREE 5K COMMUNITY POKER WALK- Saturday, May 28th 11:00 am-2:00pm. Free 5K. Starts & Ends Genoa Vet’s Club. Enjoy a leisurely stroll through the community. Visit local Chamber businesses and members. Play a Hand of Poker to win great VolksFest Prizes. SAFETY TOWN DAY CAMP- Registration deadline for Flora Grange’s 15th Annual Safety Town Day Camp is Wednesday, June 1st. The Four day camp is FREE for Boone County children ages 5-8. The camp will take place at the Boone County Fairgrounds at the main dining hall at 8791 Rt 76. from Tuesday, June 7th to Friday, June 10th from 9am to 11am. Safety Town features different safety workshops each day along with a take home craft and a snack. Children can register for any or all of the four days. Parents are encouraged to attend as well but don’t have to. To register call 815-5476173 by June 1st. Space is limited. LAWRENCEVILLE CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICE- Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 2:00 pm. Rain or shine. Speaker Rev. Monty Fox, Pastor of First United Methodist church. Garden Prairie Grasshoppers/ Sweet Clover 4-H Club will put flowers and flags on Veteran’s graves. Public Invited. Seating available. Business meeting will follow. THE GREAT DREAM MACHINE SWEEPSTAKESThe Great Dream Machine Sweepstakes is back! The Arc of Winnebago, Boone and Ogle Counties is once again giving one lucky winner $10,000 and a chance for up to an additional $100,000. Donations can be made now through August 26th at 4:30 pm CST. The drawing will be broadcast live by WTVO on August 31st where $10 can make someone $10,000 richer. The winner of the drawing will then have a chance to win an additional $100,000 on September 21st in the Lucky Envelope Game held at the WTVO studios. ALL BLOOD TYPES NEEDED- There are four community donor centers throughout the area (Belvidere, Freeport, Rockford) as well as many mobile blood drives. Log on to for hours, directions and mobile blood drive schedules. For more information or to make an appointment to donate blood, please call toll free 877-RRVBC-99. BELVIDERE POLICE DEPARTMENT NOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA- The Police Department is excited to announce the development of the Department’s Facebook Page and Twitter account. The Belvidere Police Department hopes to keep the public updated “Real Time” by posting press releases, crime updates, Crime Stoppers information, enforcement details, road closures, safety tips and more. FACEBOOK PAGE: Belvidere Police Department TWITTER: @BELVIDEREPOLICE The Belvidere Police Department encourages anyone having information of a crime or Narcotic Trafficking to call the Belvidere Police Department at 544-2135 or Crime Stoppers at 547-7867. Stop in Monday through Friday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm or Saturday 10 am - 4 pm May 24 815-544-4430 The Boone County Journal May 20th 2016 7 Boone County Real Estate Sales March 24-May 3rd AddressBuyerSellerPrice of Sale 518 King, Bel Marla Toft Fannie Mae $80,000 1031 West 5th St., Bel Michael & Chelsea Hutsler Bryce & Kayla Siegmeier $91,000 611 Gardner St., Bel Pablo Suarez & Anabel Salas The Sec of HUD $47,006 13509 Beloit rd., Cal James Walsh Christina Koukol $268,000 1005 E. 4th St., Bel First National acceptance Co. Richard Glass $48,148 815 Prospect St., Bel Abedin & Shpesa Ibraimi Belvidere Natl Bank $35,000 173 Nelson Pkwy., CV Carmin Choppie Heirs of Gregory Wilhelm $185,000 11330 Lindbergh Ln., PG Edward & Lavanna Ferguson Heirs of James Pullen $166,250 6936 Red Oak Ln., GP Curtis Miller David & Dorothy Bell $147,500 109 Seminole Pl. NW., PG Daymark Master Trust US Dept of HUD $31,500 2616 Winfield Ln., Bel Ryan Greifenkamp Jeff & Alissa Althoff $169,000 2599 East Court Dr., Bel David & Nicole Bement Gerald Revely $167,000 XXXX Poplar Grove Rd., PG Jason Welzien & Wendy Russeff Michael Rulison $13,500 12315 Empire St., LP Edward Ward Deutsche Bank $189,000 1412 13th Ave., Bel Victor Caballero Christopher Dumelle $109,000 1876 Dunbarton Ln., Bel Thomas Giglio Federal National Mortgage Assoc $253,000 720 W. Perry St., Bel Curtis Fox Alyssa Smith $80,000 Vacant Land, Bel Brian & Scott Mueller Curt Rottcher $300,000 508 Waco Way, PG Paul & Lori Ollmann Gary & Susan Puls $30,000 9920 Springborough Dr., Rckfrd Michael Keefe Kara Elliot $276,000 43 Lots & Out lots A&B Shaw Mills, Bel DMD Investments Stillman Banccorp $645,000 202 Talledega Dr. SW, PG Sec of HUD Goshen Mortgage $121,000 11749 Russellville Rd., Bel Eric Ver Hagen Edward Ver Hagen $60,000 106 S. State St., PG WRS Investments Robert & Terri Alderman $127,700 1509-1511 Maryland Ct., Bel Jorge Melendez John & Lois Holland $125,000 1225 9th Ave., Bel Marcelo & Rosa Benavides Abdulla & Zubaida Shahbain $80,000 7689 Bel Mar Dr., Bel Lyle Thielen Steven & Jodi Boardman $160,000 205 Thornhill Dr. SW, PG Cody Turner Luis Sancho $121,500 2819 Mary St., Bel Bryce Strang Shannon Szmergalski $143,000 1816 9th Ave., Bel My Own Dominion US Bank $20,460 1922 Southwick Ln., Bel Jose Pasillas & Jesus Cordero Lin Ya Fang & Meilan Zhao $179,000 215 Bear Dusk Way, Bel Bradley & Gabrielle Swanson ARLP REO $156,004 103 Tamarack Hollow St. SW, PG Vedran Grozdanovic Fifth Third Bank $72,450 307 Ridgestone Trl., PG Carlos & Mary Woodard Cole & Michelle Tofte $179,900 4390 Spotted Deer Trl., Bel Amanda Bush Robert & Carrie McNally $214,500 220 E. Locust St., Bel Fernando & Maria Perez Sec of Veterans Affairs $32,650 1822 9th Ave., Bel Brian Gill CJA Group 1 $83,000 3432 Prairie Rd., Bel N.P. Dodge, JR Brian & Tara Robbe $337,500 3432 Prairie Rd., Bel Muhammad Habib & Amber Siddqut N.P. Dodge,JR $337,500 2975 Prairie Rd., Bel Christopher & Bethany Marston Diplomat Property $220,000 11856 Lerwick Rd., Cal Tom & Orpha Gauthier Joseph & Sally Fiesel $290,000 1907 Cloverdale Way, Bel Brett & Dulcie Legus Wedad Khedr $187,000 121 Benedict Dr. SW., PG Santiago Bonilla Deutsche Bank $38,964 360 West Main St., PG Charles & Anne Sowers Sr. Gregory Casagranda $143,000 114 Lamplighter Loop SE., PG David Brien Federal Home Loans $95,000 1652 Candlewick Dr. SW., PG Joseph Sacomano Theodore Kostiuk Kat Prezas $225,000 9925 Lawrenceville Rd., GP Mark Anderson Federal Home Loans $157,000 10999 Angling Rd., Cap Ryan Swenson Citifinancial Servicing $69,900 2356 Randolph St., Cal Aaron & Christina Castillo Garrett & Debby Havens $125,500 104 West Main St., PG Anthony & Carrie Savino George Conley $72,500 104 West Main St., PG Kim Krawczyk Anthony & Carrie Savino $107,000 12678 Arboretum Dr., Bel Andrew Kline & Traci Hulsey Gary & Wanda Ossman $319,000 914 Pearl St., Bel George Prehn II Fed Home Loan Mort. Corp. $32,500 925 West 9th St., Bel Santiago Bonilla Arns Inc $44,189 1947 Burnett Dr., Bel Kathleen Peterson Blackhawk Reserve LLC $145,000 763 Long Island Circle, LP David Book & Chelsee Lewis Dennis & Mary Blahunka $160,000 622 West Perry St., Bel The Sec of HUD JPMorgan Chase Bank $49,500 5533 River Run Prkwy, Bel Christian & Jennifer Zoellner Larry & Karen Shiver $405,000 1220 Whitney Blvd., Bel Pedro Sainz Drew & Ashlee Hilton $87,500 712 Marquette Dr., SW, PG Lorie Moran Fannie Mae $99,000 13640 Russellville Rd., PG Joseph & Sheri Erber Alejandro & Annette Trevino $130,000 506 Constitution Dr., SW, PG Steven & Tanya Bernal Zenena & Dariusz Stusowski $134,000 9066 Town Hall Rd., Bel Greg & Jane Hulstedt Paul & Alice Larson $125,000 316 West Perry St., Bel Kimmie Snyder Tirrell Lindquist Real Estate LLC $85,000 7219 West Ridge Ln., CV Steven & Mary Schmidt Larry Steele $265,500 417 Starr St., Bel Kenny Gerardo Donald Renner $91,400 3051 Huntington Dr., Bel Maria Saldana Daniel & Holly Schacht $207,500 365 Andrews Dr., Bel Jamie Eskew Kenneth Ziegler $129,900 13811 Denny Rd., Cap Warren & Patricia Woodworth National Bank & Trust $258,64 1528 8th Ave., Bel Miguel Pineda-Hurtado Pedro Sainz $95,000 722 Marquette Dr., SW, PG John & Nicole Kenney J eff & Jodi Gilbert $110,000 2120 Bridgewater Dr., Bel James & Mary Hanson Eugene & Barbara Johnston $155,900 425 Whitman St., Bel Miguel Jaimes & Devyn Gensh Dustin & Brittany Collins $115,505 122 E 2nd, 627 Whitney Blvd, Bel Park Avenue Properties St James Church of Belvidere $100,000 3620 Cobblestone Ln., Bel Jeffrey & Veronica Seidl Gina Rogers $295,000 606 Trumans Court, Bel Timothy & Nicole Hill Michelle Locklin & Tim Austin $198,000 112 Ray St., PG Brandon Smith Joe Wuchterl $86,500 110 E. Lincoln Ave., Bel Jerold & Catherine Buttita Alpine Bank $345,000 606 Riverbend Rd., Bel Robert & Jenny Haynes Wilmington Savings Fund $161,000 402 East Hurlbut Ave., Bel Richard Gummerus Linda Meyers $81,500 818 Johnson Court, Bel Scot Bradley & Sarah Korizon Arturo Samboy & Ana Aponte $145,000 945 West Lincoln Ave., Bel Jeff & Jodi Michaud Eugene Farel $175,000 255 Jones Way, PG Daniel & Sharon Lendman Heidi Heimer $315,000 5098 Shattuck Rd., Bel William Wymore & Stephanie Zapfel James & Betty Zilke $250,000 910 Julien St., Bel House Mart Biz Sec of HUD $25,308 2024-2036 N. State St., Bel OMNI Commercial MLB Properties $600,000 11320 Lindbergh Ln., PG Wesley & Mary Zink Jo Anne Hannon $177,500 5008 Smokethorn Trl., Bel Chris & Maria Chirchirillo Trust Deer Hills Estates $95,000 135 Cloud Mist Crt., Cap Nathan Klein The Bank of New York $72,500 1125 Dalbigne St., Bel Emily Bredlau Jason & Amanda Craft $52,000 1634 Fox Field Dr., Bel Wanda Berlin M. Annette Bunck & Shirley Merritt$162,000 224 Candlewick Dr. S.E., PG William & Susan Leibforth Rob & Kimberly Evans $277,500 919 Nevin Ct., Bel Yesenia Cadenas Matthew & Bridgette Troutt $90,000 204 Acorn Dr., PG Mark & Jody Pagni Greg Fitzgerald $170,000 2874 Hamson Way, Bel Jason & Melissa Huffman Youssi Investments $39,900 106 Talladega Dr. SW., PG Joseph Puzzo Jr. Marcin Buda $87,000 709 Whitney Blvd., Bel James Moravec Jr. PNC Bank $54,500 209 Briarwood Dr., PG Michael Adler Fannie Mae $145,500 809 S. State St., Bel John & Gina Ahrens Edward Marx $75,000 809 S. State St., Bel Michael Hogan John & Gina Ahrens $120,000 8 May 20th 2016 The Boone County Journal 815-544-4430 Continued from page....3 Mr. Walberg opened the discussion of the letter by introducing a member of the Rock County Board from Rock County, Wisconsin. The man, Alan Sweeny, has been in contact with Mr. Walberg to find if the two counties could work together to voice their joint opposition to the proposed bypass. Mr. Sweeny spoke of the status of rail transportation in Rock County and across southern Wisconsin. He suggested that there are a number of smaller tracks that could be refurbished and improved to handle heavier loads as a means to avoid engaging with the new plan that would lay 278-miles of track from southern Wisconsin, through Boone County, across northeastern Illinois and into northwest Indiana. Mr. Sweeny said, “Rock County passed a resolution in opposition to the Great Lakes Basin Transportation LLC on environmental reasons. We need to address alternatives to the STB.” Mr. Sweeny then added his real purpose in coming to the County Board meeting, “I want to ask that Rock County and Boone County work as partners on this report to the STB.” The discussion later shifted to more precise consideration of the language contained in the letters. Mr. Terrinoni explained, “You have two versions of the letter. The first takes the Scoping Document and conforms to that style. The second version presents a little different approach and we thought that this version reads a little better.” Representatives of the STB came to Belvidere in April to meet with the community and in that meetings, the needs of the STB to analyze this proposed rail plan were laid out. Mr. Terrinoni sought with the first version of the letter to conform to what the STB said they wanted to see in these reports from municipalities. Some of the comments from members of the County Board included County representative Sherry Branson (District 3), who said, “I think the letter was soft.” Ms. Ward added, “We are spending too much time on alternatives and not opposing this. This should be a Resolution and get this done.” One amendment was offered to add language to the letter to have the letter represent the views of Boone County and Rock County. That amendment failed by a vote of 7 No to 4 Yes. Another amendment was offered to add the language to the opening paragraph adding Boone County Board and the community in opposition to the effort. That amendment was merged with a vote on the letter with the amended language added and that vote was 10 Yes with one vote No. The No vote was cast by County representative Sherry Gisecke (District 1) who explained later that her opposition was not so much based on the content but more on the style of the letter. With approval, the letter will be submitted to the STB by/or before their June 15 deadline for receipt of reports and letters from municipalities and private citizens. Those who live in Boone County may submit their views to the Surface Transportation Board before the same June 15 deadline to have their document considered by members of the Board. In Our 21th Year J O U R N A L 815 544-4430 Job Opening The Boone County Journal is looking for a Delivery Driver. Assigned drop points in Belvidere area on Fridays only. Call David Larson at 815-544-4430 Kids’ Physical Exams For Just $30 SwedishAmerican is offering sports exams, camp exams and basic school physicals for just $30*. For complete details and to schedule your appointment, simply give us a call at (779) 696-2500. SwedishAmerican has many convenient locations to serve you throughout Rockford, Belvidere, Byron, Davis Junction, Rochelle, Rockton and Marengo. Evening and weekend appointments are available. * No insurance will be billed. Payment is due at time of service. Excludes lab fees, x-rays, immunizations and other services. Offer valid through 9-1-15.
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