Medtech4Health A Strategic Innovation Program in Medical


Medtech4Health A Strategic Innovation Program in Medical
A Strategic Innovation Program in
Medical Technology
Reidar Gårdebäck
Strategic Innovation Program
Short facts
§  One of 16 Strategic Innovation
Programs in Sweden
§  3 year project with option to
prolong for 3+3 years
§  11 M€ for the first 3 years
§  Starting in 2016
Participating parties
§ Research institutes
§ 11 counties
§ 7 University hospitals
§ 10 Universities
§ 64 Medtech companies
National scope
Luleå tekniska universitet
Umeå universitetet
Norrbottens läns landsting
Västerbottens läns landsting
Nodrepresentant: Centrum för medicinskt teknik
och fysik (CMTF)
Uppsala universitet
Landstinget i Uppsala län
Nodrepresentant: Centrum för bildanalys (CBA)
SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut
Svensk förening för medicinsk teknik och fysisk (MTF)
Swedish Medtech, branschorganisationen för
Karolinska Institutet
Kungliga tekniska högskolan
Stockholms läns landsting
Nodrepresentant: Centrum för teknik i medicin och
hälsa (CTMH)
Chalmers Tekniska högskola
Göteborgs Universitet
Högskolan i Borås
Västra Götalandsregionen, VGR
Nodrepresentant: MedTech West
Linköpings universitet
Mälardalens högskola
Örebro universitet
Landstinget i Västmanland
Södermanlands läns landsting
Örebro läns landsting
Östergötlands läns landsting
Berörda kommuner i resp. län
Nodrepresentant: Novamedtech
Lunds Universitet
Region Skåne
Nodrepresentant: Skånskt centrum för medicinteknik
(under bildande)
Covering most of
Both local and
national participants.
Short and long term goals
Short term goals
§  Increase the patient
perspective in innovation in
health care.
§  Improve the exchange between
§  Health and social care directly
involved in innovation
§  National coordination.
Long term goals
§ A patient-centered and efficient
healthcare system in terms of
health outcomes per cost.
§ Continued national and
international success of medical
technology companies based in
§ Sweden internationally
recognized for excellence in
medical technology innovation,
research and education.
Key Initiatives
KI1: Calls
§  Medical Technology in
Health Care.
§  Competence Support to
Small Companies.
KI2: Addressing ”Valley
of Death”
§  Innovators in Health care
§  Bridging the gap by
verification in the clinical
setting and pilot studies
§  Cross competencies
educations (technology,
medicine, clinic)
KI2: Collaboration
§  Creating a crosscompetence course.
§  International
§  Healthcare innovator of
the year award.
§  Lobbying politicians and
other influencal people.
Key Initiatives
KI2: Addressing ”Valley
of Death”
KI1: Calls
§  Medical Technology in
Health Care.
§  Innovators in Health care
§  Competence Support to
Small Companies.
§  Bridging the gap by
verification in the clinical
setting and pilot studies
§  Cross competencies
educations (technology,
medicine, clinic)
Open now !
KI2: Collaboration
§  Creating a crosscompetence course.
§  International
§  Healthcare innovator of
the year award.
§  Lobbying politicians and
other influencal people.
1. Medtech innovations within healthcare
What can be applied for?
Projects with focus on medical
technology innovations like
products, service or processes that
solves a clinical problem in a new
and innovative way.
Who can apply?
Collaboration between at least two
parties. These can be health-care,
industry, the academia and
research institutes or other
relevant parties.
Financing budget?
The budget för the call is 20 milj kr
which are estimated to be used to
finance around 15 projects.
Supportlevel is max 50% of
projects total budget.
Important dates
Call open: 28 Jan
Last submission date: 1 Apr at 14
Interviews planned: 10-12 May
Descissions in May-June
Projectstart: Latest 1 Sept
2. Innovators within healthcare
What can be applied for?
The aim is to fund activities that
strengthen the medical expertise in
healthcare and social care and
support applied clinical research
and development, and the
introduction of medical innovations.
Who can apply?
The call is addressed to employees
in health care, willingly
collaborating with other partners in
academia and / or medical device
Financing budget?
The budget för the call is 4,75 milj
kr which are estimated to be used
to finance around 5-8 projects.
Supportlevel is up to 100% of
projects total budget.
Important dates
Call open: 12 Febr
Last submission date: 12 Apr kl 14
Interviews planned: 10-12 maj
Descissions in june
Projectstart: Latest 1 Oct
3. Competence Enhancement in SME
What can be applied for?
Projects about medtech
innovations, ie products or services
under development to solve a
clinical problem in a new way.
Who can apply?
Applicants must be a Swedish
micro-, small- or medium-sized
Financing budget?
The budget för the call is 4milj
Up to 200k SEK can be financed.
Supportlevel is up to 50% of total
Important dates
Call open: 12 Febr
Call close: 30 Nov
Review and decision process is ongoing
once / month, except in July.
Projectstart: Within 2 months after
Medtech industry operating in Sweden has a leading
position globally through a unique research- and
innovation culture, where academia, health care and
industry collaborate resulting in improved health !
The team
§ The majority of the members are based at an existing organisation
and participating in Medtech4Health part-time.
The team
Region / Org
Reidar Gårdebäck
Kristina Svensson
Olof Lindahl
Norrland / CMTF
Ronnie Lundström
Norrland / CMTF
Fredrik Nikolajeff
Uppsala / Univ
Bertil Guve
Sthlm / CTMH
Frida Lindberg
Sthlm / CTMH
Per Ask
Middle Sv/ NovaMedtech
Peter Hult
Middle Sv/ NovaMedtech
The team
Region / org
Mikael Persson
VGR / Chalmers
Henrik Mindedahl
VGR / MedtechWest
Tomas Jansson
Skåne / Lunds Univ
Monika Lydin
National / SP
Jukka Lausmaa
National / SP
Anna Lefevre Skjöldebrand
National / Swedish Medtech
Sofia Medin
National / Swedish Medtech
Örjan Smedby
Pontus von Bahr
Nationellt / VINNOVA
Hilkka Linnarsson
Nationellt / Proj leader
Keep in touch
Medtech - an important part
building future healthcare
Thank you!
Medicinteknisk produkt, definition
”Med en medicinteknisk produkt avses i lagen en produkt som enligt
tillverkarens uppgift skall användas, separat eller i kombination med
annat, för att hos människor enbart eller i huvudsak
§ påvisa, förebygga, övervaka, behandla eller lindra sjukdom
§ påvisa, övervaka, behandla, lindra eller kompensera en skada eller
ett funktionshinder
§ undersöka, ändra eller ersätta anatomin eller en fysiologisk
process, eller
§ kontrollera befruktning
Om produken uppnår sin huvudsakligen avsedda verkan med hjälp av
farmakologiska, immunologiska eller metaboliska medel är den dock
inte en medicinteknisk produkt enligt denna lag”.
Medicinteknisk produkt, definition
Medicinteknisk produkt/utrustning:
3-5 riskklasser
I: spatel, appar, sårvårdsprodukter
Anmält organ
I Mätfunktion: manuell blodtrycksmätare, journalsystem…
I Steril: blodstoppare, skalpell, sårvårdsprodukter…
II a: infusionsslang, sårvårdsprodukter, tandbrygga…
II b: dialysapparat, implantat, röntgenutrustning, PACS…
III: hjärtkateter, pacemaker, aktiva implantat, höftprotes...
Definition SME
Medelstora företag:
§ sysselsätter färre än 250 personer och
§ vars årsomsättning inte överstiger 50 miljoner euro
Små företag:
§ sysselsätter färre än 50 personer och
§ vars omsättning eller balansomslutning inte överstiger 10 miljoner
euro per år.
Mikro företag:
§ sysselsätter färre än 10 personer och
§ vars omsättning eller balansomslutning inte överstiger 2 miljoner
euro per år.
Statsstödsreglerna anger vilka maximala stödnivåer som är möjliga för
olika typer av projekt, det vill säga den maximala andelen av
projektkostnaderna som kan finansieras.