Spring - PDF
Spring - PDF
Burris Gazette SPRING 2010 2001 A couple weeks ago, Mike McGraw and I attended the Annual BJ’s General OPeRAtOR Manager’s Meeting in Orlando, FL. They held a dinner at the Dolphin Hotel FRieNdly to thank the vendors that support their business – there were a few hundred Presentedto people in attendance. A few of those vendors...Nestle, General Mills etc... were presented with awards for exemplary performance in various areas. inRecognitionofyour Then the Senior VP of Club OperaValuedPartnershipwith tions, Cornel Catuna, walked up to the podium and gave a rousing speech BJ’swholesaleClub about all the incredible things that this 2010 one vendor had done for BJ’s. The speech was gushing with accolades about unheard of accuracy levels, on-time deliveries and doing whatever it took to make sure that the clubs had their products. He talked about how this vendor had constructed new facilities to support BJ’s growth, plowed through snow storms, etc...About this time, McGraw and I started looking at each other with a grin...thinking that a few of those items sounded vaguely familiar :-) ......... I am very pleased to tell you that McGraw and I had the privilege of receiving an award for BURRIS on your behalf. We were unanimously selected as the most “Operator Friendly” vendor out of all the vendors that do business with BJ’s. What’s encouraging about this award is that it came from Club Operations...not Logistics. All 5 Zone VP’s said, “this award should go to BURRIS!” I just want to say “Thank You” so very much for all that you have done to make this possible. We have just a little over 3 years left on our Rocky Hill contract. It will be here before you know it and our challenge is to continue to add value to our partnership with BJ’s and make each year better and more efficient than the last so that there is no doubt in their minds that BURRIS is the best decision for perishable distribution. BuRRislOGistiCs 2004 Elkton, Maryland 2008 Rocky Hill, CT “Make It Happen” (Our discipline), “Get It Right” (Our focus), and develop “I AM Burris” (Our commitment)! 2 Marketing the Burris Magic . . . The Burris Logistics Supply Chain and Transportation Management Services are now being marketed and offered to a wide range of frozen, refrigerated and dry food manufacturers. Modes of marketing include our Web Site, direct face to face sales meetings, cold calls, Ad marketing material and our newest approach, webinars. We recently conducted our first introduction to our Supply Chain Services and Transportation Management Services Webinar. Our target list for this initial webinar were companies that had expressed interest in the past as well as midsize to smaller companies that we felt would have a possible need thus creating an interest in our services. Our plan is to conduct one webinar per quarter for a period of a year. We will then complete an evaluation to determine how effective these have been. We can then determine how to proceed regarding the future utilization of this marketing approach. To help jump start our marketing of these services we have decided to conduct another introductory webinar during the month of May. Our hope is to generate enough interest with these first two webinars so that they lead to a solid base or pipeline of candidates to begin working with. We currently are working with a number of companies on the development of Supply Chain and/or Transportation Management proposals and programs. These proposals include a combination of our “Supply Chain” network optimization and freight management solutions. Each of these activities provides reduced costs as well as enhanced processing of customer’s order and transportation functions. We have also developed specific customer target lists, which the Sales Team is now contacting, to present our new services. Long term these new service offerings will fit nicely into the overall portfolio of Burris Logistics services and in many cases will assist and attract longer term value added storage opportunities and programs. Written by Kirk Hoover Search Employment SOLUTIONS LOCATIONS Integrity Delivered News ABOUT Company Store Service Awards CONTACT US Custom Distribution If you have special requirements and have convinced yourself that “no one can do it like we can,” consider this quote from a current Burris Logistics customer: Burris Logistics' strategy is “Our company had special delivery requirements that we thought only our people could handle. Burris proved us wrong.” LEARN MORE to provide goods and logistical services for the entire food distribution channel with a primary emphasis on the refrigerated component of this channel. Our tactics will be to provide ever increasing value added goods and logistical services. "WOW" service will be the way we differentiate ourselves! "Make it Happen" is our discipline! "Get it Right" is our focus! "I am Burris" is our commitment! BURRIS Helped Bob Burris Find out what it means to be a Burris partner. Our customers describe how we go above and beyond. CEO, Burris Logistics View more MyBurrisInfo Login © 2010 Burris Logistics Contact Us Employment News Vendor Forms EDI Trading Partner Site Design by Aloysius Butler & Clark shop the Burris COMPanY stOre for that special item! Class of 2010 January 4-8, 2010 Georgetown, Delaware Make It Happen 3 tiMeLine: FAQs Customer Service Points Use the form below to send your question to a customer service representative or you can call toll free 866-754-1886. Account Setup Go to... * Full Name: MARGARET OWENS * E-mail: mowens@burrislogistics.com Subject: * Question: 45 Online 4 Messages Logout the Burris Team Member, will have Asked three possibleFrequently ways to be awarded Questions (FAQs) below to read answersall three $100.00? It’sClick possible totheearn to the most commonly asked incentives!! questions. Messages 2009..HEALTHWAYS PROGRAM BEGINS…. 2010..BETTER HEALTH CONTINUES! 2011..THE BEST IS YET TO COME!! Help Browse the FAQs 1. HAVE A NEGATIVE NICOTINE READING. 4250 Points Notify Me: 2. HAVE A BMI 30 OR UNDER (OR IF YOU’RE DOWN 10% FROM YOUR LAST YEAR’S READING). Send me an email when the response is in my message center. * Indicates a required field. Submit HEALTHWAYS… ONLINE HELP TO GOOD HEALTH ACCESS THIS WEBSITE OFTEN FOR A BETTER YOU!! 3. YOUR CHOLESTEROL IS 200 OR UNDER. COMinG sOOn… THESE INCENTIVES WILL BE ISSUED IN EARLY JULY. YOUR HR REPRESENTATIVE WILL ASK YOU TO BRING IN YOUR RESULTS FROM THE TESTING THAT WILL QUALIFY YOU FOR THESE INCENTIVES. THEY WILL SIMPLY VERIFY THIS INFO (NO FIGURES WILL BE RECORDED). THIS CONFIDENTIAL INFO WILL BE STRICTLY BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR HR COORDINATOR. THEY WILL THEN BE ABLE TO PROCESS YOUR INCENTIVE INTO THE PAYROLL SYSTEM TO GENERATE PAYMENT IN EARLY JULY. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware (BCBSD) is dedicated to promoting good health and wellness. As part of its BluePrints for Health initiative, BCBSD has selected Welcome to My Healthways Healthways as a partner to assist with its care management and wellness programs. Healthways is an independent company and a recognized leader in the field of health care management and wellness programs. Your participationMember in a Healthways program is optional but encouraged. Please be assured that both BCBSD and Login Healthways are committed to protecting the privacy of your health care information. Username: Privacy & Terms of Use © 2006-2010 Healthways, Inc. Password: Forgot password? Not a member? Healthy Living Whether your aim is to lose weight, quit smoking, reduce stress, run a marathon, eat better or just look great -- My Healthways provides a realistic framework that sets you up for success. When you access the My Healthways program, you’ll have all the tools you need to help you achieve your health goals. My Healthways works together with you... Helps you set practical health goals Works with you to create a tailored action plan Offers access to experts who can help you reach your goals Enables you to track your progress Provides personalized coaching along the way Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware (BCBSD) is dedicated to promoting good health and wellness. As part of its BluePrints for Health initiative, BCBSD has selected Healthways as a partner to assist with its care management and wellness programs. Healthways is an independent company and a recognized leader in the field of health care management and wellness programs. Your participation in a Healthways program is optional but encouraged. Please be assured that both BCBSD and Healthways are committed to protecting the privacy of your health care information. Privacy & Terms of Use © 2006-2010 Healthways, Inc. https://blueprintsforhealth. myhealthways.com/ BURRIS’ HEALTHWAYS INITIATIVE INFORMS & REWARDS TEAM MEMBERS — PROMOTING BETTER HEALTH BURRIS HAS HELD BIOMETRIC SCREENINGS AT ALL LOCATIONS. Have you done your HRA? Have you participated in your Biometric Screening? I N C E N T I V E S C A N B E Y O U R S DID YOU KNOW? Once you (and your spouse-if covered under your policy) have completed your HRA and YOU have participated in the Biometric Screening; you, Get It Right **Important Reminder: Those Team Members that have been with Burris 6 months and participating with Blue Cross Blue Shield as of January 01, 2010 and choose not to complete their HRA and Biometric Screening will not be eligible for any incentives and your Blue Cross Premium will increase $10.00 weekly beginning July 01, 2010. Please note: Your spouse’s partici- pation is important! If your spouse is covered under your policy they will have to complete their HRA to make you eligible for your Healthy Rewards Bonus(es). If your spouse does not complete their HRA, your incentives will not be available and your Blue Cross Premium will increase $10.00 weekly beginning July 01, 2010. Now that most of our Biometric Screenings are complete; DON’T drop the ball. Please log in to the website to finish that HRA if you haven’t completed yours. Ask your spouse (if covered by your policy) to please finish theirs. Please see your HR Representative immediately if you need to take your Biometric Screening. Take time for your health. Reap all the benefits of good health!! Take advantage of the Healthy Rewards offered to us!! Please continue to log in to your Healthways account and use the valuable tools and tips they offer. Each time you log in you will add points to your account. Reach 7,500 points (very easily). You will be rewarded with a choice of gift card from a very nice selection!! Get to work on you! Look forward to next year’s screening. It will be interesting to compare this year’s numbers with your numbers in 2011. We can all use these months between to better those numbers that might need attention! Take a fresh look at good health! L O O K F O RWA R D TO A B R A N D N E W YOU! Burris Lakeland (Making It Happen) As we all know a truck Driver can be your worst enemy or your best salesperson. While I was attending the Burris University in January Donnie was speaking about WOW service and had asked for suggestions on how we could WOW our customers. Megan’s husband Kahlib made a suggestion about giving out some type of goody or appreciation bag to the drivers and Donnie said well I wonder who will be the first to do this. Well Team Burris Lakeland has got the ball rolling, they are starting on Monday the 15th of March handing out driver goody bags to all drivers that pick up or deliver product to the Lakeland facility. The goody bags are to include a bottle of water, healthy snacks, a Burris Pen, a Burris letter opener, a Burris key chain and a Burris business card. Randall Browning’s special thanks to Kahlib for the suggestion. Jim Nestle awarding Gill with his 15 yr service award. Alicia Bowers – 1st Place Biggest Loser for November 3% weight loss $100.00 Ryan O’Donnell – 2nd Place Biggest Loser for November 2% weight loss $50.00 9 0 0 2 WILLIAM GRIFFITH | CHET MILLER DAVID FELDER | GILL TERRY GREG CARROLL | PAUL THOMAS SCOTT SHIRAH | TIMOTHY PRESTON CINDY HAZZARD | ALICIA BOWERS Make It Happen 5 550 s day nt ide c c A ! e e r F TEAM MEMBER OF THE MONTH Jacksonville, Florida TEAM MEMBER of the YEAR 2009 George Thompkins September 2009 George Thompkins WHSE October 2009 Laura Riggs Admin Asst November 2009 Jefry Choice WHSE December 2009 Steve Sadler WHSE January 2010 Ontonje Oruamabo WHSE February 2010 Earl Green WHSE March 2010 Alvin Carn Sanitation January 2010 Total $120.00 for Black out card Billy Finn (Sanitation), George Thompkins (Whse), Derrick Small (Whse), Marvin White (Lead Whse) April 2010 Total $134.00 for letter T Jackie Simon (CSR), Marvin White (Lead Whse) (L-R) John Lancaster, Johnny Wells, Michael Cabbagestalk, and Phillip Shipley. 2009 Perfect Attendance - SUMTER Get It Right Harrington - WOW Service. Make It Happen. I Am Burris. All of these describe what we are as an organization and what our people represent as the heart and soul of that organization. Never were these doctrines better represented than between February 6 and February 13 when our mid-Atlantic region was socked by two blizzards, almost biblical in their size and scale. During this incredible time the Harrington operation, other than pushing back a few deliveries during the first blizzard, continued to operate. We received orders, selected them and delivered every order given us. And, when asked by our customers to modify our work schedule so our customers could better manage their business, even though it meant getting a crew here while twenty inches of snow fell in a driving wind, we did that too. We did not do this for accolades, we did not do this so that we may boast, we did it because it was our duty and our customers needed this product, especially in times like these. Indeed, that is the business we are in, we “Make It Happen.” That is the company we represent, “I am Burris.” We service our customers no matter what it takes, and that is “Wow Service.” And these are the things, carried out by the “heart and soul” of the organization, that will keep this organization alive and well. When other companies have fallen by the wayside, we’ll continue to thrive. To all the team members in the Harrington Warehouse and Transportation family and the Customer Service and Sales and Purchasing staff that support the Harrington operation…WELL DONE and may God bless you all, for it’s through your combined efforts that we were able to “Make It Happen.” perfect attendance for Larry Passwaters | V.P. of Distribution & Transportation | Burris Logistics 2009: Artie Bunting, Paul Carmine, Lynn Donaway, Donald Evans, Billy Griffin, Craig Holleger, Gilbert Howdershelt, David Legates Sr., George Legates, Cliff Libby, Mel Miller, Gregory Patrick, Frank Plummer, Sue Ranalli, Leonard Russell, John G Smith, Bert Stubbs and Kenny Turner. Please join us in congratulating the winners of the inaugural Hi-Rise Hustle Award. This award, the brainchild of Charles Browne-Hi-Rise Supervisor, will be awarded annually to those individuals who excel in numerous areas. The Hustle Award is synonymous with hard work, safe work, good attendance and good attitudes. All of these qualities exemplify what it means to be a valuable team member. The criteria is well defined and above reproach. Either you are clearly a member of this elite group or you aren’t. Close is not good enough. Congratulations and well done to: Doug Phillips, Tyrone Girven, Chris Johnson, Vaughn Homewood, Aaron Deshields, Lamont Smith, David O’Neill, and Dale Simpler. Make It Happen 7 nFra scholarship award for Kelly Delaney One of our Malvern, PA, team members, Kelly Delaney, was recently awarded the Jack Cofer scholarship in the amount of $1,000 towards her education. This scholarship is awarded annually by the National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association to a college student exemplifying great promise for success in the food industry. Kelly is currently attending her fourth year of classes at St. Joe’s University as part of a 5 year co-operational food marketing program. Kelly worked for Burris with the retail frozen and specialty teams during her last co-op. Kelly contributed to the team with detail-oriented insights, a fervor for excellence, and a contagious positive attitude. Kelly is a very deserving recipient and we wish her success throughout college and her career. Presenting the award to Kelly Delaney is Mark Tarzwell from Burris Logistics and Jim Mullen from Acme Markets. Tim Peterman, “Make It Happen” Bridgett McGinley and Burris made the acme newsletter. Federalsburg Driver, DRIVES HOME STATE RECORDS! STARS December 14th, 2009 FLORAL SELLING SKILLS Way to go Phyllis Dukes, Floral Manager from 7949 Fairhaven. Phyllis was recently approached by a customer who was interested in buying wreaths. She mentioned that she was going to check out a local Christmas tree lot until she saw Acme’s displays. Phyllis personally showed her the variety of wreaths that we sell and she explained to the customer that our prices are much better than anywhere else. The customer was very happy with the attention she received from Phyllis and decided to buy 57 of the $10.99 wreaths to decorate her house. This amounted to a $626 sale. The floral department enjoyed a +66.56% increase in sales for the day! It just goes to show you that when you take the time to ask the customer questions, listen to them, and educate them about our great selection, you can achieve outstanding sales increases. Way to go Phyllis you are an Acme Star! OUTSTANDING TEAMWORK HELPS DRIVE HUGE BAKERY SALES! A woman from the Sunday Breakfast Mission in Wilmington, DE called 7872 Prices Corner and asked to order 1000 pumpkin pies to distribute to the needy for Thanksgiving. This proved to be a wonderful opportunity to display Acme’s trademark team spirit. Kathy Merchel from Malvern worked closely with Bridgett McGinley from Burris to get the pies delivered to the store in a timely manner. Nancy Szulewski from Period 11, Issue 2 Malvern worked with Dodi Tate Scan Coordinator at 7872 so that the sale could be rung up accurately. SOM Cindy Morse and SD Bucky Springer worked together to ring out the pies, 500 at a time, then Bucky helped to load all 1000 pies into the Sunday Breakfast Mission’s truck. Time was of the essence because they had to get to the customer’s freezer before thawing. The result of this total team effort? A $3,895 sale! WAY TO GO TEAM ACME AND TEAM BURRIS! LIMERICK IS ACME’S #1 COOKWARE STORE HELPING OTHERS WHILE GROWING SALES! You don’t have to be an E-Commerce store to give door to door service. Elizabeth Dunfee of Manasquan, NJ found that out. Home sick with diabetes and no longer able to shop for herself, Mrs. Dunfee called 7946 Manasquan and 7787Our Stars truly explained her problem. shine every other week when she calls in her order to Lynne Sharkey or Diane Ditzig from the office staff. They shop her order, and then it is hand delivered by Jim Murphy the Produce Manager within an GREAT SERVICE. GREAT hour. TEAMWORK. GREAT SALES. TRUE ACME STARS! RECEIVER’S DILIGENCE PAYS OFF As of December 4th, team 7738 Limerick ranked as Acme’s #1 store in cookware sticker issuance. How do they do it? Patty Matlack, Office Coordinator, has led the charge. She speaks about the promotion to every checker every day. The team also credits their success to the SCOT lane-every day the SCOT attendant is reminded by the managers to stay on top of sticker distribution and they don’t miss a chance to please a customer. This team is determined to differentiate Acme from our competition. WAY TO GO TEAM LIMERICK! Jim Kolankiewicz, Receiver at 7974 Westmont, defined the meaning of the term “question everything” when he noticed a copy of an invoice that was mistakenly placed on his desk. As he quickly reviewed it to figure out its rightful home, he noticed it was from a company who came in and made a number of repairs within the store. Upon reviewing the details within the invoice, he identified several inconsistencies or inaccuracies. He brought his concerns to management who escalated them from there. The result? We identified and were able to investigate and mitigate inaccurate charges form a long term vendor saving our banner thousands moving forward. WOW! Let’s talk scrutinizing details like you own it!!!! WAY TO GO JIM, THANK YOU!!!! Submit your stories /photos/etc. to ACME.Stars@supervalu.com Get It Right Federalsburg Corner Congratulations to Paxton Batson and Anthony Deshields Jr. who were recognized as the Stars of the Quarter the 3rd Quarter 2009. Both men have 15 years service with Burris Logistics. Paxton is currently the Receiving Supervisor. Anthony Jr. (a self-proclaimed “put-me-anywhere”) is the Assistant Supervisor to Paxton. Both men emphasize teamwork and cover a 6-day workweek for both front and back dock. There is rarely an obstacle that these two cannot tackle. Their working relationship expands past the warehouse, as both men are genuine friends on and off the clock and have seen many changes over the years. Paxton (PacMac) is married and he and wife Tomeco have a son Paxton Jr. Paxton is actively involved in his son’s sports activities (football, basketball, baseball) not only school but travel sports as well. Paxton is also an accomplished musician as he can play the trumpet, piano, French horn, and several other musical instruments. Paxton is one of the nicest people and rarely will you see him without a smile. He demonstrates the ‘I Am Burris” attitude in everything he does. For Anthony Jr., a career at Burris runs in the family. His dad has been a long-time supervisor for Burris for over 20 years. Jr. picks up where dad leaves off. Anthony has 3 girls and 2 boys and is a big kid at heart. He loves taking the kids to amusement parks and spending time with the family. He is also known as the “Cookie Daddy” as he sells and supports the local Girl Scout Cookie drive! avid NASCAR fan and tries attending several races a year. Congratulations again for being a shining example. Congratulations to Rickey Dodd for being selected as Federalsburg’s Driver of the Year for 2009. Rickey has been with Burris since 2002. He has an excellent attendance record. He’s no stranger to getting the job done. Whether he is filling in with receiving or training on-site or traveling to help start up new facilities, he jumps in and is willing to help when and wherever. His vast knowledge of the Company and his cross training makes him a valuable asset. Congratulations to both men, as individuals they are great as a team they are unstoppable. Congratulations to Sam Schuyler for being recognized as the Star of the Quarter for the 4th Quarter 2009. Sam is a Hi-Lift Operator in the Receiving Department. Sam came to Burris Logistics 3 years ago, after the company he had worked for for over 25 years closed. Not wanting to waste time, Sam immediately began seeking employment. His prior warehouse experience and his willingness to learn made him a great candidate. Sam demonstrates the “I am Burris” attitude and takes pride in his job. He has received perfect attendance for all 3 years of employment. His dedication does not stop there. He is a team player and jumps in to help wherever needed. When Sam is not working, he enjoys spending time with his family (wife and Daughter) and is an Rickey has received several safety awards over the past few years. He really makes safety a priority. He takes great pride in completing his logs and to assure their accuracy. He is a team player and receives high praise from customers. It does not matter what you ask of him he will tackle it head on without question. He’s a loyal team member and we are pleased to award him the honor of Driver of the Year. For the 2nd year in a row, Federalsburg came through with a record-breaking campaign. In today’s economy and with fewer employees, United Way Coordinator Vanessa AdamsCannon had set a realistic goal, but was thrilled when the goal was met by the end of the morning presentation. Vanessa said, “These guys never cease to amaze me, they came through again. They challenged each other to “meet or beat” their donation.” The friendly competition paid off in a big way. By the time the campaign wrapped up, Federalsburg had beaten their record set the previous year. Make It Happen Congratulations to Paul Holland who was named Celebrating Anniversaries with Burris Federalsburg’s Star of the Year for 2009. Mr. Paul is no stranger to Logistics are: hard work. He has been with Burris for 21 years where he originally started as a driver. For 3 Years Service: Pam Prim (Account the past few years he Receivable), Jamal Thompson (order has settled into the selector), John Simms (scanner), role of yard jockey. He Sam Schuyler (hi-lift receiving). comes to work everyday, Leanne Clymer (security) has a great attitude and a great spirit. You never 5 years of Service: John Telmanoski hear a harsh word come (driver), Tim Peterman (driver) out of his mouth. He Wilbert Miles (security) is a great inspiration to the team. He is just an 10 Years Service: Markus Manokey all-around team player. (receiving) Long time team members John Steward (driver) or those new to the team could learn from his work 15 Years Service: Paxton Batson ethic and his enthusiasm (Receiving Supervisor) for the job. We congratulate you on this honor and we are so proud that you are part of the Federalsburg Team. congratulating RoseMary on her achievement and hardearned success. RoseMary will continue to report to 2/5/10: I am pleased to announce that RoseMary Fidacaro has been named Vice President of Sales for Honor Foods. For the past two years RoseMary has led the Honor Sales Team with great determination as Sales Manager. Her contributions to the sales effort have led to her being appointed to this vital leadership role. RoseMary exemplifies the need for hard work and preparation in knowing the customer and in determining their needs daily. She also has a unique understanding of the marketplace and an insightful perspective of what is required to compete every day. RoseMary leads by example and is very deserving of this opportunity to further lead Honor’s sales effort as we move forward. Please join me in Get It Right Margie Rossiter, Senior Vice President of Sales and Procurement. Congratulations Rosie ! Mark 2/26/10: I am pleased to announce that Scott Thompson will join Honor Foods as Vice President of Procurement. Scott brings with him more than 35 years of experience and knowledge of the food industry of which the last 25 years have been in purchasing and sales merchandising. Scott most recently worked at Acme Markets as Manager of Grocery Category Management where he had oversight of promotional planning, sales and category management. Previously, Scott has performed in roles as Director of Category Management in Grocery, General Merchandise and in Perishable departments where he was responsible for purchasing, advertising, strategic sales growth and vendor relationships. Having held many Buying and Merchandising positions, Scott started his career in the stores working in various positions for Acme. Scott holds a Bachelors in Business from the University of Delaware and an MBA in Marketing from Widener University. He also has achieved a certificate from Watershed Associates for Best Negotiating Practices and is a Six Sigma Sponsor. Scott lives in Chester County with his wife Maureen and their four children. With Scott’s passion for the business and his keen instincts for growing sales along with his push for purchasing excellence, we look forward to his contributions to both Honor’s growth and future development. Scott will report to Margie Rossiter, SVP of Sales and Procurement. Please join me in welcoming Scott to our Honor 10 but how sweet the reward!! We and our communities are fortunate that Burris cares enough to encourage our United Way Campaigns were held throughout our locations. We were told of needs that existed in our home towns. People in all communities; all walks of life; all ages…need our commitment. That commitment involved weekly donations via payroll deduction, perhaps volunteering, or simply taking a few moments when your location held their campaign, just to listen with an open heart. When Burris Team Members are told when someone needs their assistance, Burris comes through…BIG TIME!! Burris Team Members stepped up to the challenge. Our Teams collected: $68,200.00—FANTASTIC!! This winter was hard for everyone. Whether you’ve only experienced inconvenience (shoveling all that snow), too much rain or lost your power during the severe storms that hit this year, didn’t you feel that sigh ofreliefwhenitstopped?Itwasagoodfeeling,wasn’tit? YouhaveprovidedthatsamefeelingofreliefforsomeoneinotherwaysthroughourpartneringwithUnited WayofDelaware.Yousuppliedfoodforahungryfamily, youprovidedassistancetoanelderlycoupleneeding transportationtoaphysician,yougavethatpre-school childneededmaterialstolearnandgetreadyfor1st grade.Theseexamplesdon’tevenbegintodescribethe reliefyouhavebroughttoothers!!Everyonedeservesa betterlife.YouandBurrismakebrightspotshappenin manypeople’slives. Thankyouallsomuchforyourparticipation!!These Campaignstaketimeandalotofworkforeachlocation, giving with a Corporate Match Program. This Burris policy started in the early 1990’s by Jack Burris. He and his wife Lillian have been champions for United Way and putting others before themselves. Their children, Lillian (Lilla), Bob, John and Howard have followed in their parents’ footsteps by continuing the legacy of giving. They just don’t encourage us by words alone; they match every pledge we give to United Way Burris dollar for dollar! That spirit of caring keeps our Burris Logistics’ family strong in all of our communities. The Corporate-Wide Grand Prize Drawing Winner was: David Legates, Sr. of our Harrington, Delaware, facility. He won a round trip ticket (for 2) to anywhere Southwest Airlines services in the U.S. C O N G R A TUL A TI O N S , D A V ID ! Written by Barbara Smith Kuhling receives congratulations from Wayne Romanczuk on celebrating 30 years with Burris Logistics. As the Accounting Manager, Linda is the key to making sure all of the functions of the Finance Department run smoothly. Thank you Linda for “Making It Happen” all these years! Linda Make It Happen 11 Lyndhurst’s TEAM MEMBER of the month January 2009 Felecia Agnor February Samantha Daniels March James Spears April David Flavin May Rosalind Harris June David Seaman July Tracey Greenwood August Greg Staebell September James Spears October Lee Sanchez November Marcus Hevener December Adan Hernandez January Keith Johnson 2010 February Terri Mooneyham We would like to extend our congratulations to each of these Team members for their teamwork and dedication to the Lyndhurst team. They were chosen for this award based on their attendance and work performance and going the extra steps to take care of our customers and helping other team members. Congratulations to Floyd Jefferson, Vernon Fletcher, Rodney Phillips, and Frank Sanchez for Perfect Attendance in 2009. Get It Right Biggest Loser Campaign By now everyone in America knows about the “Biggest Loser” Television Show. We’ve watched the emotional and exciting journey of folks who are facing one of the biggest challenges of their lives. With Burris’ Healthy Rewards initiative that began during Open Enrollment 2010 we asked ourselves how we could help ensure that the maximum number of team members had an opportunity to benefit from the $100 bonuses that were being offered for acceptable BMI and good cholesterol numbers. With that in mind we took an idea that had already been working at two of our facilities (Elkton and Rocky Hill) and decided to make it a corporatewide challenge. Each facility has been holding weekly, biweekly, or monthly weigh-ins. The support team members have given each other has been tremendous. They are sharing secrets to their success and recipes. Burris Biggest Loser Challenge to date has shown a company wide weight loss of 916 lbs. This number will most likely reach the 1000 mark when April numbers are in. Isn’t that amazing? Each facility will announce their biggest losers for this 6 mo challenge ending in April. There will be one male and one female winner. A prize will be given at that location for their winners. The biggest losers (one male, one female) corporate-wide will win the grand prize of a $500.00 Visa gift card. Along with the changes in eating habits that we are seeing across our company, we are seeing many team members become more active. This challenge along with our free wellness programs for smoking cessation and health education is providing our team members with the tools they need to improve their well-being and reduce health care costs for all of us! If you are interested in joining the challenge, it is not too late. We will start another campaign beginning May 1, 2010. More information will be available from your HR representative. 12 To All: Attached is a picture of our 2009 safety drawing winner Jose Rodriquez. Jose is a reach truck operator from our Orlando facility; he has been with us since May 2004. Jose had a big day on Tuesday December 15th; in addition to winning a brand new Toyota Tacoma pickup truck, Jose’s wife gave birth to a 6lb 10 oz baby boy! Michael Heary of Honor Foods (2nd from left) took home a big-screen HDTV as our first winner this year! 1st QTR Michele Fortin (front left) took first place for the second quarter, and she received an HDTV & Wii bundle all purchased at BJ’s. Ernesto Melendez Cotto from Elkton was our 3rd quarter safety drawing winner, and he received a $1,000.00 BJ’s gift card. 3rd QTR 2nd QTR 4th QTR 4th qtr safety prize winner, Antonio Almeida, from our Rocky Hill facility received a $1,000.00 BJ’s gift card. Make It Happen 13 Janice todd admin employee of the Month March 2010 star of the quarter Diane Johnson Brandon Jakicic receiving employee of the Month March 2010 Vuthy Chea “I Am Burris” Award March 2010 Vo n n e l l M c K i n n e y Atlanta’s Driver of the Year Get It Right 14 Rocky Hill, CT The pictures show Mike Wingate and team member Seaton Jack donating turkeys and potatoes, along with some apple pies to a school in New Haven, CT. This is our second year donating to this school. This is actually the fifth year that I have been involved with this school. Our night shift manager Chris Costa’s wife works at the school as a teacher. The school is located in downtown New Haven in an area where most families are quite underprivileged. Courtney Costa approached me and asked if there was anything we could do to help at Thanksgiving time. We managed to donate 30 turkeys, along with a 10lb bag of potatoes, and an apple pie. The school also does their own food drive to complete meals for those that would have very little to be thankful for. Christopher Columbus Academy is part of the New Haven public school system. They are part of a pilot program which runs pre-kindergarten through 8th grade and teaches all subjects in both English and Spanish. I believe the school is now in its seventh year and next year will graduate its first group that is fully bilingual. It is a really great program and has an incredibly dedicated teaching staff, well deserving of our donations. Make It Happen 15 D r i v e r ’ s Get It Right B a n q u e t 2 0 1 0 16 Every year E l k t on announces their Driver of the Year at their annual Driver Appreciation and Safety Awards Dinner. This dinner is held to honor our drivers for their commitment to safe driving, dedication, and outstanding customer service. Our warmest congratulations go out to Richie Acevedo, Elkton’s 2009 Driver of the Year. Richie embodies our goal of putting the “WOW” in service. He has been a devoted Burris team member since 2002. Originating in our Harrington facility, his driving career began in Elkton in 2003. With him came a vast knowledge of not only driving, but also a great understanding of equipment, procedures, and DOT requirements. His ability and willingness to train others on the road, as well as on proper pre and post trips and logs, has been an invaluable asset not only to our newest team members but to everyone in our transportation department. As driver of the year, Richie will be joined by his wife Magdalena on a Norwegian Cruise out of Honolulu, Hawaii. In addition to enjoying the sunshine and beautiful scenery, they visit four islands along their journey. With the $1000 provided as spending money, they are sure to have a glorious time and will certainly have the opportunity to bring back many mementos of their trip. Thank you Richie, you are truly one of a kind and we are honored to have you in Elkton. By: Cheryl Krygier Regina Gallo B u rr i s E l k t on realizes that our key to success is the great team members that we have working with us. Each day, our team members give their best effort to ensure that Burris Elkton can “make it happen.” We find it important to recognize several of our top performers. Edgar Hernandez has been employed by Burris for five years. He is currently working as a selector and appreciates the company for allowing him to come in each day and use his speed and accuracy on the floor to determine his rate of pay in this tough economy. Edgar enjoys the ability to work hard and appreciates the respect he receives on a daily basis. Juan Ayon has been working for Burris for 10 years and has acted as a selector, a loader and is currently working as a hi-lo operator. He finds Burris to be a very enjoyable company and he looks forward to coming in each day to work hard. Juan believes that his experience and desire to work hard each day contributes to him being a top performer. Eric Pepper has been working with Burris Logistics since 1992 and has worked in several locations including New Castle, Lancaster, Federalsburg, Harrington, Benson, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Eric appreciates Orlando, the great work Lakeland and most ethic, respect and recently morale that he Elkton. experiences work- Eric is ing in Elkton. currently working as a hi-lo operator and he enjoys coming to Burris each day because he is given the opportunity to be his own boss and control his pay by the type of work he is willing to do. Eric believes that his competitive nature and experience with the company set him apart and allow him to be a top performer. Eric has been awarded Employee of the Month three times and Star of the Quarter on two occasions. One of our newest team members, Bryan Kiliany, entered Burris Elkton with competitive drive, ambition and a desire to work hard. In just a short amount of time, Bryan has proved with his great attitude and hard work that he is definitely a top performing team member. Bryan believes that it is important to set a good example, do all that is expected of him and work safely. Much appreciation and thanks go to all of our team members for the Make It Happen 17 hard work and dedication that they display everyday. By: Lauren D. Weyant Elkton’s Biggest Loser Elkton kicked off its Biggest Loser program in August of last year. This Healthways program is designed to encourage employees to lose weight and feel better about themselves. During the course of the year, we have team members who have lost weight and continue to stick to their individual maintenance plan, but one team member has definitely won the title of “Biggest Loser” with a 42 pound weight loss since joining the program in November of 2009. Kenny Comer who works in our Inventory Control Department has been with the company since 1999. Kenny says that his desire to join a weight management plan had a lot to do with his “observing a lot of guys who were starting to have back trouble from carrying extra weight.” How has he been losing the weight? “I basically watch what I’m eating, I’ve cut down on a lot of carbs, but I also don’t starve myself. Sometimes I’ll have pizza, but I won’t eat four slices,” says Ken. During biometric screenings here at Elkton during the week of April 5th, Ken was astonished when he learned that his blood pressure was dropped to 118/70 compared to the high number that it was last year when he had the testing done. Ken said that he recently was getting ready for church one Sunday and when he went to put on a dress shirt, he had to take it off because the “shirt looked more like a dress on me.” He is encouraging other team members to get on the Biggest Loser campaign, but Get It Right he says that “everyone has to make that decision themselves.” Ken is hoping to lose another 50 to 60 pounds within the year. Good luck Ken! The Biggest Losers are behind you. 2010. Emma Wagner joined the PE in July 2007. She drives out of our Elkton, MD, facility. Emma is organized, knowledgeable, and very personable. When problems arise, she adapts to the situation quickly to ensure on-time By: Peggy Maher-Daniels delivery. Emma is working on 5 years of The Pony Express (shuttle) accident-free performance. Emma will also be celebrating 7 years with Burris was originally created as a value-added this May. Holsey Bennett joined Burris benefit for BJ’s Wholesale Clubs in and the PE in Apr 2004. Based out of January 2003 to assist their northJacksonville, FL, Holsey is working on east vendors in moving product to his sixth year of accident-free perforOrlando, FL, quickly and economimance. Holsey is very knowledgeable cally. In 2004, the shuttle evolved into and knows how to handle any situathe Pony Express relay system, and by tion. We know that Holsey will always July 2005 had begun its transition to a get the job done. Cheryl King joined true business entity. Today, the Pony Burris and the PE in Oct 2006. Cheryl Express is not only a reliable means to drives out of Jacksonville, FL. She was move product between Elkton, MD, originally one of the temp drivers who and Orlando, FL, 10 times per week, filled in when the previous Jacksonville it has also become a profitable segment of our business. Although many people shuttle driver was on vacation. Because of her professionalism and her drive to contribute to the shuttle’s daily operasucceed, she was the driver I wanted tion, its success would not have been possible without the professionalism and when the position became available. Carlos Rodriguez joined the PE in dedication of the shuttle drivers. They Sept 2007 and drives out of Orlando, instinctively resolve any problem that FL. Carlos not only does his Pony arises to protect product and ensure Express run each day, he routinely helps on-time delivery. Their contributions Orlando transportation with additional are deeply appreciated. Tommy Spry joined the PE on 5/3/04 when the relay runs when needed. The extra duties he performs are truly appreciated. He was started. He starts his daily run in has been working for Burris since July Sumter, SC. He is a very dedicated 2007. Domingo Martinez also joined driver and has received several recogthe PE in Sept 2007 at the Orlando, nition awards for perfect attendance. FL, facility. He is always ready to help Tommy is working on 6 years of acciwith extra runs, taking equipment to dent-free performance. He started Ryder and Penske for repairs, or assistworking for Burris Logistics on 9/5/88 nd ing as the yard jockey. His exuberant and will soon celebrate his 22 year personality is infectious. His energetic with Burris. Congratulations Tommy! “Hi Bob, how are you today,” makes Craig English also joined the PE on 5/3/04 and is based out of Sumter, SC. my day. Leenell Custis joined the PE Craig has a “Make It Happen” attitude. just this past January in Elkton, MD, making him our newest PE driver. His We can always count on him for any pleasant personality and driving special requests or needs. Craig has volunteered to monitor our trailers that knowledge make him a valued team stage in Sumter every weekend to ensure member. We are looking forward to product temperature integrity. Craig many years of working with Leenell. will be with Burris 7 years this May, He has been working for Burris since May 2008. By: Bob Bristow 1 Orlando’s Eggcellent Hunt Over 2,800 eggs were found by our team members and their families while the Orlando Leadership served lunch. Our team members and their families walked through the warehouse to see where we “Make it Happen” every day. W e a r e l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o a n o t h e r E g g c e l l e n t H u n t i n 2 0 1 1 ! Congratulations to our Team Members of the Month. Each of you “Made It Happen!” September – Lolly Barran (Pictured with Stacey Hayes and Mike Sullivan) October – Kenny Randolph November – Jean Saintilus (Pictured with Luis Sandre) December – Shaune Williams (Pictured with Mike Holley) January – Jose Soto-Negron (Pictured with Julio Rivera) February –Craig Uliano (Pictured with Stacey Hayes and Chris Stepien) (L) Danny Rojas was promoted to Lead in the Sanitation department and helped us to a Superior rating on our recent Steritech audit. (R) Ken Grable was promoted to Lead in the Edy’s Shipping department, where he has been a top selector for many years. Make It Happen 19 Perfect Attendance 2009 Congratulations to Orlando’s Perfect Attendance Recipients for 2009. From left: Guillermo Suarez, Doris Hutchins, Rocio Suarez, and Juan Hernandez are pictured with GM Stacey Hayes. (Not pictured is Augustin Salazar.) Safety Award Winners Thanks for working safe Orlando! Orlando Driver of the Year Orlando has helped save over 81 lives! Blood Drive Congratulations to Maykell Gonzalez who was awarded Driver of the Year 2009. He consistently Get It Right impresses our customers with his “I Am Burris” attitude. From left: Charles Hollowell, Maykell Gonzalez, Stacey Hayes, and Mike Holley. Congratulations to Reinaldo Igartua who was awarded RunnerUp Driver of the Year 2009. Reinaldo is a tremendous asset to the transportation team. From left: Charles Hollowell, Reinaldo Igartua, Stacey Hayes, and Mike Holley. 20 501 S.E. 5TH STREET MILFORD, DE 19963 Cert no. SW-COC-002625 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS Tonia (Office/HR Manager) and Steven Sikes are proud first time grandparents. Daughter Tiffany gave birth to a son Ayden Lee on Nov. 02, 2009 at 9:51 a.m. 6lbs. 8oz. 19 in. long. Lakeland, FL Tim Simmons (Supervisor) and wife Monica announce the birth of their son Chase Matthew Simmons born on March 19, 2010, weighing in at 9 lbs. 7 oz. 23 in. long. Baby Chase Matthew has five older sisters, and two older brothers. Lakeland, FL Danielle Barhorst (Warehouse) and Allen Shull are the proud parents of a son, Jessup, born March 5, 2010. He weighed 6 lbs 15 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches. Lyndhurst, VA Corry Colvin (warehouse) and Heather Drumheller are the proud parents of a daughter, Maci, born March 24, 2010. She weighed 7 lbs 3 ozs and was 18 inches. Lyndhurst, VA Rachael and Lloyd Keys, baby boy born Dec 27, 2009, 8 lbs 15 oz, Marshall Paul Keys. Milford, DE Robert and Heather Flores, baby girl born on June 8, 2009, 7 lbs 9oz, Lilly Flores. Haines City, FL Tavares and Joteish Reddish, baby boy born on Feb 4, 2010, 7 lbs 18 1/2 inches long, Tyson Landon Reddish. Haines City, FL Shawna and Troy Alexander, twin boys born May 26, 2009. Evan Ryan – 5lbs 4oz and Anthony John – 5lbs 14oz. Milford, DE Congratulations to Rob Miller and his family as they celebrated a new addition on 12-3-09, Cameron “Cam” Miller. Jacksonville, FL WEDDINGS Congratulations to Mike Sartin (driver) and wife Marittza who were married on December 28, 2009. Federalsburg, MD Carlos and Theresa Sealey were married on May 15, 2009. Haines City, FL Tavares and Joteish Reddish were married on July 2, 2009. Haines City, FL Congratulations to Mack and Karen Aurand married October 31, 2009. Jacksonville, FL Congratulations to Rory and Tracy Dillard married February 21, 2010. Jacksonville, FL Congratulations to Adam and Jenny Riggs married March 13, 2010. Jacksonville, FL SYMPATHY We lost a great employee this year. Eric Beauchamp was a warehouse leadman at our Benson facility, where he has been a part of our team for 1 ½ years. Eric was a very effective part of our team, and a great friend to many at our facility. As friends and co-workers, we continue to keep Eric and his family in our thoughts and prayers. SYMPATHY We extend our sympathy to Tina Eavey (dock clerk) and Shane Chandler (supervisor) on the death of their mother Lavonne Chandler on February 2, 2010. We extend our sympathy to Keith Johnson (warehouse) on the death of his grandfather, Henkel Michael, in January 2010. We extend our sympathy to John Johnson (warehouse) on the death of his grandmother, Margaret Johnson, in February 2010. A few days later his grandfather, Lewis Johnson, passed away. We want to extend our heartfelt sympathy to Lindsey Megginson, other family members, and his friends on the tragic death of Matthew on November 13, 2009. Matt had worked at the Lyndhurst facility only a few months when he passed away. During that time he had become an important part of our Lyndhurst team and family. He always had a smile and a kind word to all he came in contact with. Lyndhurst’s Team Members We extend our sympathy to Lynn Morean Federalsburg office on the death of her fiancé, William (Davey) Davis on February 19th, 2010. Make It Happen
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