2011-12 Messenger #3
2011-12 Messenger #3
SY 2011-2012, Issue 3 - 9/16/2011 Manzanita School is committed to providing character education opportunities and to foster in each student growth in this area. It is an integral aspect of the learning experience for CFSD students. Included in the CFSD Strategic Plan is the expectation: Each student will consistently demonstrate the character attributes that exemplify a responsible citizen. UPCOMING EVENTS Early Releases: 9/21, 9/28, 10/5 Miler’s Club 1st Day: Monday, 9/26 School Pictures: Tuesday, 9/27 Conference Days: 10/10, 10/11, & 10/12 - Early Dismissal Fall Break: 10/13 & 10/14 NO SCHOOL INSIDE THIS ISSUE * * FFO President’s Message * Desert Dash Sponsor Recognition * * New Library Information * Health Office Reminders * Foundation LOS News * * AZ SelfHelp Flyer * McKinney-Vento Act Details • * September Calendar How do we promote character education at our school? We teach and value appropriate interaction, and promote responsibility for ones actions. • Our school continues its participation in the Ben’s Bells Kind Kids program. Each week, students will be recognized for random acts of kindness, and their names will be displayed on a Kindness Tree in the front office. • Teachers utilize a variety of strategies to encourage development of personal and social responsibility in their classrooms. Students are encouraged to expend their best efforts, complete work, get along with peers, and solve problems appropriately, just to name a few areas of focus. In addition, all content areas of the new report card have a 21st century skill component including personal and social responsibility so that parents and students are able to determine how children are progressing in this critical area. • Each day, we recite two pledges, the “Pledge of Allegiance,” and the Manzanita Learning Pledge. Past fifth graders created this special student oath for us. This daily recitation reflects our commitment to respect oneself and others, to expend our best efforts and to treat our facilities well. • Mrs. Fletcher is our school counselor. She is on our campus half time. She teaches formal classes at each grade level, such as bullying, peer pressure, making good choices and friendship skills. In addition, she meets with individual students, parents, and small focus groups as needed. • Periodic assemblies, Mustang Roundups, and special presentations highlight student achievement, character traits and talents. For example, on September 28, we will have a multi-media presentation, “Me at My Best,” which will highlight the traits that it takes to do well in school. Our first school wide assembly is coming up on Wednesday, October 19 at 8:15AM in the MPR. • Community wide events, such as the Desert Dash, the Holiday Project and School Beautification, are not only enjoyable, but they contribute to school wide well-being and cooperation. We are pleased to work in conjunction with all of our families to highlight and help our students develop these important skills. Colleen Nichols Principal cnichols@cfsd16.org Nikki Ranocchia Assistant Principal nranocchia@cfsd16.org Catalina Foothills School District Box Tops For Manzanita Elementary 3000 E. Manzanita Ave. Tucson AZ, 85718 Colleen Nichols, Principal 209-7800 Attendance Line: 209-7860 Web Address: http://cfsd16.org/schools/manzanita Lunch Program: mzlunch@yahoo.com Dr. Mary Kamerzell, Superintendent mkam@cfsd16.org 209-7500 Education Keep clipping in the weeks ahead so that you will have a head start on our fall contest. Be sure to check the expiration dates & clip neatly. Place your collection in a ziplock baggie, with your name, teacher, and number of boxtops clearly marked. We will not use glue & paper this year. More details to follow in the next Messenger! We love our Mustangs! Governing Board Members Carole Siegler, President csiegler@cfsd16.org 529-1379 Todd Camenisch, Vice President tcamenisch@cfsd16.org 615-9855 John Bergan, Member jbergan@cfsd16.org 878-6180 Mary Lou Richerson, Member mlricherson@cfsd16.org 299-4746 Sherri Silverberg, Member ssilverberg@cfsd16.org 615-9224 State of Arizona Legislative Representatives for CFSD (Please check www.azleg.state.az.us for contact information) Legislative District 26 Senator Al Melvin Representative Vic Williams Representative. Terri Proud Legislative District 30 Senator Frank Antenori Representative David Gowan Representative.Ted Vogt Important Reminder From the Health Office The bright green, two-sided health/history page that each student received this year must be returned to the Front Office This page is a critical means of reaching a parent/guardian or friend in case of emergency. Many forms are still missing at this time. If you have misplaced yours, please ask for a blank form in the health office. Patty Langford, HA Kathy Cowgill, RN Lost & Found PEST CONTROL NOTIFICATION State Law (House Bill 2135, Chapter 102) requires the school district to notify parents, legal guardians, and employees 48 hours prior to pest/weed control treatments. In accordance with these requirements, Essential Pest Control, vendor for pesticide treatment, will visit our school on the first Thursday of each month between the hours of 6-9 PM to inspect building exteriors andkitchen areas, as required. Our current pest control program does not include pesticide applications inside classrooms. Such applications are performed only if infestation occurs. Additional information may be obtained from the Environmental Health and Safety officer at the district office at 209-7500. Check our Lost & Found area outside the front office for items your children may be missing. We collect lunch boxes, water bottles & all types of clothing. Please take a moment to make sure that a name is clearly marked on each of your child’s personal belongings. Playgrounds & Lunch Bunch After-School Use The C.A.R.E. Program has reserved the school playgrounds from dismissal until 5:00 Monday through Friday. You are welcome to supervise your child on our big playground after 5:00 PM. Thank you for your assistance! Jean Friedl, Director CFSD C.A.R.E. Program Manzanita Wish List Past donations, whether large or small, have been greatly appreciated by our office staff. Baggies, coffee, creamer, tissue: these are always welcomed. Ms. Anders would love gifts of cool stickers to pass out to students who bring the attendance folders to the office. It does indeed take a village to help a school community succeed. Manzanita Mission Statement Manzanita School is a caring community dedicated to developing in each student a strong foundation for life-long learning and responsible citizenship through innovative programs that foster personal excellence. Our principal, Mrs. Nichols, began her annual Lunch Bunch celebrations this week with these very special Manzanita students: Aliya Haas Savannah Doering Aleena Benedict Benjamin Alexander Rebecca Yates Sasha Kaczynski Summer Westmoreland Giancarlo Rodriguez Luke Abeyta Leila Lopez Emily Chua Uno Pasadhika Isabelle Sabala Emily Rudd Aiden Squire Ava Leon Naomi Holtzman Madison Young Noah Wellman Ethan Ayers Natasha Lebedeva Rajan Carmichael Samantha Baez Kind Kids at Manzanita Ben’s Bells Kind Kids is an outreach program based out of Ben's Bells of Tucson. Within a school environment, it serves to educate and inspire children to recognize the importance of kindness; it empowers them to create a culture of kindness in their school and beyond. Manzanita is proud to be in our fourth year of participating in this remarkable program. Through weekly recognition of the kind acts of our students, we are building a community of kindness and caring that will last a lifetime. Please continue to help us teach our children how to make the world a gentler place with mindful and deliberate acts of kindness to both those we care about and new friends alike. * Health Office * Thank you for recent donations of saltine crackers! Bottled water would be greatly appreciated at this time. Your friend: Ms. Patty Message from Our FFO President Dear Manzanita Families, It seems like fall is finally in the air! The cooler weather this week is a welcome change from the 100+ degrees we’ve endured recently. September is flying by and there are still many activities to plan. Thanks to those of you who came to the first FFO meeting this morning. We had great attendance and we really do appreciate your support and involvement in our family / faculty team! I want to take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to our Desert Dash sponsors! We could not run this wonderful community event without the contributions made by several Manzanita families and local businesses. A list of these sponsors is included in this edition of the Messenger and also on the MZ website. Also, THANK YOU to Francisco Rodriguez, the awesome Manzanita dad who designed the logo for our fabulous Desert Dash T-shirts again this year, and to his wife Laura who helped with the design. Remember to wear your Desert Dash T-shirt on Fridays to show school spirit! Speaking of the Desert Dash, our Fun Fit Family Saturdays are in full swing, and the next one will be tomorrow, Saturday, September 17th from 8-9 a.m. at Orange Grove Middle School. Thank you to Lyssa Holmes for gathering many helpers together so that we can continue this fun activity! In the meantime, Laura Wallace is busy recruiting volunteers to help with the Desert Dash which will take place on October 22nd. If you would like to help, please send Laura an email at laura@southwestkitchen.com and she’ll find something fun for you to do! Remember that if you would like to be included in a class list and receive regular emails from the FFO, we need you to complete a permission form. Email is the most effective way to communicate within the Manzanita community, but we need your permission to include you in our FFO email list. This form was sent home last Friday with your child. Please turn it in to the front office ASAP or ask for another form if yours seems to have gone missing! Also, if you’d like to be a class representative for the FFO, let your child’s teacher know or send an email to Nancy Fung Martin at nancy@nancysellstucson.com. A few other announcements: • School pictures are coming up on September 27th! If you’d like to help out, contact Ashleigh Kruk at ashleigh7@msn.com. • Remember to turn in your Mustang Bucks envelope with your donation. If you have questions regarding Mustang Bucks, contact Shelli Moore at slmoore3k@aol.com. • Our next FFO meeting is October 21st at 8:15 a.m., the day before the Dash! See you at school! Jenna Sullivan FFO President It’s almost time for MILER’s CLUB to start!! Parent volunteers needed! What is the Miler’s program? It is a fun fitness recess activity where students can run or walk laps around the lower field track during recess twice a week. Parent volunteers keep track of the laps and students earn a foot charm for every 20 laps (every 10 laps for kinders). Participants are provided a ball and chain necklace to hold the charms. Students are recognized at the end of the year for their accumulated mileage. It’s fun and the kids love it! When is Miler’s club? Every MONDAY and WEDNESDAY at lunch recess. Miler’s Club will begin on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th What do kids need to do to start? Just show up on the lower field near the benches with appropriate clothes and shoes. Parent volunteers will have a class list for each grade and as children finish running or walking a lap they tell the volunteer who keeps track for them. Each child goes at his/her own pace and can participate whenever they like. This great program is run entirely by parent volunteers! Monday shifts especially need to be filled. Parents, please come and participate on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00‐12:10. If you’d like to volunteer one or two days a month, or have any questions please contact Diana at diglennon@hotmail.com or 955‐2435. Thank you! Parent volunteers help make a difference! From the Library Manzanita Elementary Library 7:45AM-3:30PM 209-7806 ptanner@cfsd16.org To all interested parent volunteers: The first (and only!) meeting for parents interested in helping in the Library will be Friday, September 30, at 8:15AM Sign-ups will be available for End-of-the-Year jobs, new book processing help, Guest Reader/Special Share, and book repair; as well as a “shelving” lesson. Please plan on 20-30 minutes for the meeting, and, as in FFO meetings, younger siblings are always welcome! Thanks! Mrs. Tanner Fit Mind - Fit Body Manzanita Desert Dash 2011 Saturday, October 22 @ Sabino Canyon 7:00AM Thank you to our Sponsors! Scott and Nancy Martin Natalie Romo The Sethi Family The de Roock Family Laurie Bergstrom International Center for Vasectomy Reversal The Schwartz Family Title Security Agency Carol S. Taylor, MD PC Edwin Alexander Abeyta Painting Southwest Kitchen & Bath The Boesen Family Missing Saddle The Reynolds Family Freshwater Lori Badillo The Randall Family Beth Kruchek Quan Le The Ley Family The Namanny Family The Gerald Family Hinderaker, Roush and Weisman Mullholland Art & Design Commercial Interiors Crossroads OB/GYN The Chua Family Jose Urrea The Pekarske Family The Gardiner-Kelly Family The Karnas Family The Barton Family Ericka Reynolds Photography Tucson Smiles Pediatric Dentistry The Sadat Family Wolf & Sultan P.C. The Holtzman Family Samuel Roh The Rodriguez Family Jenna and Tyler Sullivan A special thank you to Francisco Rodriguez for designing this year’s T-shirt! It's not too late! You too can still be a sponsor! Visit the FFO website or contact the FFO Treasurer Cindee Reynolds: cindeeandgordon@yahoo.com For more information, contact Desert Dash Chair Laura Wallace: laura@southwestkitchen.com - This Week in the Library – Your 2nd-5th graders created their accounts for card catalog access! Ask them to “help” you access the Library’s home page from your home computer! You can browse the Library from home, create a favorites list, or, by clicking on the “My List” tab, see what materials your child has out, and when they are due back! The web address is : http://destiny.cfsd.k12.az.us Select Manzanita, and bookmark the page for the future! Each child has the same log-in/password for the card catalog as he/she has for the laptop in class. If your child doesn’t remember it, ask the classroom teacher for this info! Have fun! Mrs. Tanner Catalina Foothills School District Foundation 4BWFUIF%BUFGPS -07&0634$)00-4("-" 'SJEBZ+BOVBSZ QN -PFXT7FOUBOB$BOZPO3FTPSU &OKPZBOFMFHBOUEJOOFSDBTJOPGVOXJUIQSJ[FTNVTJD BOEEBODJOHBGBCVMPVTMJWFBOETJMFOUBVDUJPOBOE SFDPHOJUJPOPGPVS5FBDIFSTPGUIF:FBS 8F/FFE:PVS)&-1! t %PZPVIBWFEPOBUJPOTGPSPVS-JWF or Silent Auction? t %PZPVPXOPSTIPQBUBMPDBM CVTJOFTTUIBUDPVMEEPOBUFPS sponsor our event? t $BOZPVWPMVOUFFSZPVSUJNFUPIFMQ make the Gala a success? *GZPVSBOTXFSJT:&4QMFBTFDPOUBDU 'PVOEBUJPO#PBSE.FNCFST 8FOEZ.BSRVF[BUPS ,BSB3BXTPOBUPS FNBJM-04!DGTEGPVOEBUJPOPSH Go to www.cfsdfoundation.org to purchase Gala tickets NOW!! $90 on or before November 25th $100 after November 25th Remember to nominate your choice for Teacher of the Year. Starting October 3rd at XXXDGTEGPVOEBUJPOPSH Golf Fore the Endowments ! Friday, March 9, 2012 Skyline C ount ry Club Sho tgun Tee O ff – Noo n Attention Parents: From the Health Office The start of school in August is also a peak time for head lice to appear. Here are some quick facts: Head lice don’t fly or jump, but are passed person to person by direct head to head contact. Lice can also be passed by sharing hats, sports helmets, hair brushes/combs, scarves, etc. They may also be found on bed linens and towels used by a person with head lice. Head lice are very small (about the size of a sesame seed). The nits or eggs are even smaller, are firmly attached to the hair shaft, and sometimes mistaken for dandruff. They can only survive if they have a human host, and are not carried by pets or in the dirt and grass. If there is no human to live on, they will die in about 24-48 hours. Head lice are not an indication of cleanliness, or lack thereof. Head lice can affect people of all ages and all socioeconomic groups. Lice have existed for centuries. Prevention: Remind children regularly not to share beds or any personal items with others especially items that have come in contact with the head/hair. Discourage games or activities that include sharing of head gear. Check your child’s head regularly for any sign of lice (especially the nape of the neck, behind the ears, and the top of the head). Symptoms of lice: Persistent Itching of the head or neck Visually seeing lice on the head Sometimes there are no symptoms at all What to do if you find lice in your child’s hair: -Check all other household members for lice and notify recent close contacts. -Treat with a lice shampoo such as NIX, or Rid, or contact your healthcare provider for recommendations. Read the directions for the product you choose carefully, and follow them closely. Retreatment is usually recommended 7-10 days after initial treatment -Wash the bed linens and personal items of the infested people in hot water and dry in a hot dryer. Vacuum upholstered furniture and floors daily. Personal items that can’t be laundered can be placed in a hot dryer for at least 30 min or sealed in a black plastic bag for 2 weeks. -Hair brushes/combs can be placed in hot water and soaked for 20 min. -While the treated hair is still wet, comb with the special comb that comes with the lice shampoo and then hand pick the nits from the hair. THE GOAL IS TO GET RID OF ALL LICE AND NITS. Combing and nit picking will need to be a daily activity until all nits and lice are gone. NOTIFY THE SCHOOL HEALTH OFFICE IMMEDIATELY IF YOU FIND LICE. It is very important that you notify the school Health Office so they can follow up with your child and any close contacts at school. The more information that the school Health Office has, the easier the job will be to try to stop the spread of lice at the school. Controlling lice truly takes a team effort. Feel free to contact the Health Office if you have questions. Kathy Cowgill & Patty Langford: 209-7804 CFSD%Mark%Your%Calendars%for%our%NEW%and%Exciting….% % Plant Science Family Night September 30, 2011 5 -8 pm pmpm Ventana Vista School What is Plant Science Family Night? Plant Science Family Night is hours of engaging, hands-on fun exploring plant sciences. As a family, your K-5 children will work with University of Arizona scientists and experts in the fields of genomics, agriculture, chemistry, optics, and botanical sciences to explore DNA, cells, plants, nutrition, survival and adaptations of plants. There are numerous opportunities to observe, compare, analyze, and create…… you can play “win it in a minute” and you will even extract DNA from a plant. The evening is open to all CFSD families and friends. Except for your dinner (Eegees and drinks) the whole evening is FREE to participants. JOIN THE SCIENCE FUN! When and Where? Plant Science Family Night is September 30, 2011 at Ventana Vista School located north of Sunrise at 6085 N Kolb Road from 5 - 8pm. Sample Keynotes and Hands-on Centers at Plant Science Family Night % % • Play with wiggly worms, learn the life cycle, explore vermiculture & plant composting • Extract DNA from fruit, build candy model DNA, and explore your human DNA • Make healthy snacks, read food labels, and discover the value of seeds/beans/cereals • Discover dendrochronology, the science of tree rings • Wonder what you can do about Alien or Invasive species invading our desert. • Take home and grow your own young saguaro cactus or baby mesquite tree • Magnify those giant spines, twisted roots and awesome blooms. • Test the soil in your backyard while discovering soil composition and chemistry • Climb to the top of the jungle while learning how orchids adapt to life in the jungle • Build your own model cactus and take home a saquaro seedling • Discover how could DNA research about rice or maize can … Feed the World • Observe the cells of plants to better understand the living organism • Look carefully at the live bees, our “essential” plant pollinators • Play “win it in a minute” a game about plants and animal and their products. disc ove r cre a te an a re plo x e • Kids’ Keynotes… 5:15, 5:45, 6:15, 6:45, 7:15 University of Arizona Genomics Institute, Dr Rod Wing National Park Service Saguaro Monument Director, Dr. Don Swann University of Arizona Plant Science Department, Dr. Dave Kudrna Arizona Chili and Seed Company, “dirt farmer” Ed Curry University of Arizona, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Dr Marc Orbach Our thanks to Dr. Rod Wing and NSF for encouraging and supporting our PSFN. To volunteer or ask questions, please contact Caryl Jones at cjones@cals.arizona.edu Soccer season is here! Recreational neighborhood/school based teams, for kids aged 5 and up, are forming now. Games start in mid-October Visit www.tucsonsocceracademy.com for more information and to register. CFSD neither endorses nor sponsors this organization or activity. The distribution of this material is provided as a community service. lyze observe www.cfsd16.org/schools/communityschools/adult.html Everyone Welcome to particip ate er 22 b o t c y, O a d r u t p.m. Sa 0 0 9 7:00 Do you have a special talent that you would like to share? Here is your opportunity! Catalina Foothills Community Schools will be hosting a talent show. Auditions ‐ Friday, October 7th 6 PM ‐ 9 PM Manzanita Elementary 3000 E. Manzanita Ave. Audition time: call Colleen Avender at 209‐7812 Come to the audition with your performance ready to go. All performances must be family friendly. Pianist will be available at the final show. A prize will be awarded to the top performer! Three hours recording time donated by 11:11 Studio www.1111studios.net Performance ‐ Saturday, October 22nd 7PM ‐ 9 PM Tickets: $3.00 per person at the door Catalina Foothills High School 4300 E. Sunrise Drive www.cfsd16.org/schools/communityschools/adult.html SEPTEMBER 2011 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday 2 Saturday 3 Vision/Hearing Screening Messenger 4 5 Labor Day 6 7 8 9 10 Vision/Hearing Screening NO SCHOOL 11 Patriot Day 12 NO EARLY RELEASE 3PM DISMISSAL 13 14 Grandparents Day 15 16 Vision/Hearing Screening 17 FFO Meeting-8:15AM EARLY RELEASE - 1:30PM Chess: 3 & 4PM 18 19 20 21 22 23 Messenger Autumnal equinox 24 Vision/Hearing Screening EARLY RELEASE - 1:30PM 1st Graders to U of A: 9AM-2PM Chess: 3 & 4PM 25 26 27 28 MZ PICTURE DAY! Character Assemblies 8:15 & 9AM 29 Rosh Hashanah 30 Vision/Hearing Screening EARLY RELEASE - 1:30PM Chess: 3 & 4PM Read Strong Parent Mtg-6PM Messenger - 3 weeks Notes: www.vertex42.com © 2009 Vertex42 LLC