August 2014 - Dixon Area Chamber of Commerce
August 2014 - Dixon Area Chamber of Commerce
DIXON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & Dixon Area Business News INDUSTRY V O L U M E SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Golf Outing New Chamber Ambassador (Page 3) I S S U E 8 A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 Chamber Focus... Results (Page 2) 1 2 8 , Job Fair planned for October 15 (Page 3) Benefits of Chamber Membership The Dixon Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry plans to conduct our annual membership drive during September. Our committee is developing presentations to address two questions that are typically asked during our meetings with membership prospects…“What is a Chamber of Commerce?” and “Why Should I Join the Chamber of Commerce?” It is possible that some of our current members aren’t so sure of the answers to those questions either, so in each of our next few newsletters we plan to share some brief highlights. Here’s the first in the series of articles... This information is brought to you by Membership in the Chamber of Commerce offers many advantages which enhance business success, an edge not enjoyed by non-members. As a Chamber member you have many business advantages including the following: You are part of a network of local businesses with similar community interests and concerns and are able to interact with like-minded business owners and professionals. You are listed in the Chamber’s powerful business directory for easy access to other members, but primarily to members of the public who may be looking for your business or service. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: You provide the public with a location where visitors can find information on the community and local businesses. New Members 3 Schedule of Events 3 You have access and may contribute to the community calendar, which is used to disseminate information on community events, business meetings and items of interest to chamber members, as well as to the public. Member News 4 Source: Employer Forum and Open House to be held during Workforce Development Week — August 25-31, 2014 In honor of Workforce Development Week, an Employer Forum and Open House is being offered at NCI Works One Stop Centers in Sterling and Ottawa. On August 27 the event will be held at the Sterling Center located at 2323 W. Lincolnway Drive from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon. On August 28 the event will be held at the Ottawa Center located at 1550 First Avenue from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon. The Illinois State Senate and General Assembly designated the week of August 25 – 31 as Workforce Development Week in Illinois. This declaration recognized the achievements of local workforce agencies and boards, as well as their value to both job seekers and businesses. For information on what services are available, contact the closest BEST, Inc. office or visit VOLUME 128, ISSUE 8 PAGE “Thank you!” to these businesses for their sponsorships of the Dixon Chamber’s Annual Golf Outing. PRESENTING SPONSOR — KSB HOSPITAL LUNCH SPONSOR — WIXN AM 1460 BEVERAGE CART SPONSOR — COMMUNITY STATE BANK CLOSEST TO PIN CONTEST SPONSOR — KEN NELSON AUTO GROUP TEE & FLAG EVENT SPONSORS — Physicians Immediate Care CenturyLink CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Sterling Federal Bank Ehrmann Gehlbach Badger Lee & Considine, LLC The Stables Walder Rhodes Insurance Agency Hughes Resources Willett Hofmann & Associates, Inc. LRB Distributors Wipfli LLP Ken Nelson Auto Group WIXN am 1460/River Country 101.7 Chamber Golf Outing Results The Chamber’s golf outing on July 31st was a great success. The weather was perfect, the participants enjoyed their day on the course, and the event raised funds for Chamber programs and activities. It was a scramble event, with mulligans and string available to help lower scores and speed play. Prizes went to the three foursomes with the lowest scores. The lowest score came in at 49 – with two teams getting that score. After a scorecard playoff, top honors went to JR Humphrey, Joel Kipping, Chris Kuecker and Nikki Perez, who were golfing in a foursome sponsored by Humphrey Show Cattle. The Stables’ foursome of Ryan Marshall, Ryan Harrison, Dalton Grossman and Sean Kerley came in second with their low score of 49. The Wiplfli LLP foursome of Rory Sohn, Dale and Adam Cappel, and Roger Dewey took third place. Our event encourages golfers of all abilities to participate. A prize went to the Last Place team, with a score of 76. (I think they’d prefer I keep their identity secret.) They weren’t alone at the bottom though – there were seven other foursomes that scored in the 70’s. The Chamber sponsored a hole-in-one contest and a “tee shot within the circle contest” on one of the par 3 holes. No one got a hole-in-one, and surprisingly only three golfers were able to place their tee shot within a 36 foot circle drawn around the hole. Dave Cain (of LRB Distributors) and Craig Harrison (of Walder Rhodes Insurance) won the contests for Longest Putt. Ryan Harrison won the Longest Drive for Men flag event. Vanessa Hughes of Hughes Resources had the Longest Drive for Women and also won the Closest to Pin contest sponsored by Ken Nelson Auto Group. Ernie Southers of Plews was the winner of another Closest to Pin contest. Wipfli was one of our hole sponsors and offered a bags game at their hole. Throughout the afternoon, only 17 bags made it through the hole to qualify for a prize. Rob LeSage was the winning name drawn for that prize. Sterling Federal Bank was on the course, too, offering prizes with their “wheel” game. Raffle and 50/50 prizes were won by Ron Colby of Plews, Eric Shaffer of Sterling Federal Bank’s team and Andrea Cook who was on one of KSB Hospital’s teams. 2 VOLUME 128, ISSUE 8 Schedule of Events BAB Thursday, August 14, 5:00 - 6:30 pm at PLN Mutual Insurance Co. + ORS of Dixon Physical Therapy, co-sponsored by Community State Bank PAGE 3 We welcome…these new Chamber Members: Knigge Mason Contractor, Inc. John Knigge, President EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, August 19, Noon Chamber Board Room 4062 West Timber Lane CHAMBER BOARD MEETING Thursday, August 21, Noon Chamber Board Room EMPLOYER FORUM & OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, August 27, 9:00 - noon at NCI Works One Stop Center in Sterling CHAMBER AMBASSADORS Thursday, September 4, Noon Sterling Federal Bank (Southside Office) BAB Thursday, September 11, 5:00 - 6:30 pm at VFW Post 540 Dixon, IL 815-652-4651 Contractors - Masonry Sherwin-Williams Co. Ben Katner, Store Manager 119 S. Hennepin Avenue Dixon, IL 815-284-2949 Paint & Equipment Supplier, Home Improvement, Maintenance JUST HIRE ONE JOB FAIR Wednesday, October 15, 9:00 - noon Sauk Valley Community College - SAVE THE DATEJust Hire One Job Fair Chamber Ambassadors New Ambassador The Chamber extends a warm welcome to our newest Ambassador, Darren DeVriese, who is Vice President-Engineering at Raynor. Thank you, Darren, for offering your service to the Chamber and our Ambassadors group. Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9am to Noon Sauk Valley Community College Please watch for registration information coming soon. Event Sponsored by: NCI Works, Sauk Valley Area Chamber of Commerce, Dixon Area Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Department of Employment Security, Sauk Valley Community College, and Experience Works. Note: This is not a networking event, it is a hiring event. VOLUME 128, ISSUE 8 PAGE 4 Member News... The Next Picture Show Fund Raiser "Barn Bash" August 23rd, 6:00-10pm at Dr. Strom's Barn Come and enjoy an evening of feeling like you are in the country and "yet" are in the city. The Next Picture Show is hosting a first time "Barn Bash". Hors d'oeuvres, dinner with one free wine or beer included ( cash bar available ), raffles, silent auction items, window art created by our very own artists and much more will be on tap at the Strom Barn. Jimbo Delta and Breaking Light will fill the barn with music, and there is ample space for those who would like to dance. Tickets are $40 per person / $75 per couple available at The Next Picture Show. Dinner prepared by Kevin's Catering, Sublette; BBQ Chicken/ Pork Chops, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad and corn. Support The Next Picture Show by joining in on all the fun at our "Barn Bash". Submitted by: Bonnie Kime, Executive Director, The Next Picture Show SaukFest September 3, 2014 SaukFest will be held at Sauk Valley Community College on Wednesday, September 3, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Festivities and food are free to our students, and we invite you to be part of this exciting opportunity to spread awareness about your business or organization. SaukFest registration for exhibitors is going on now. To register, please contact Ana Salgado/815.835.6432 or by August 22. The fee for a non-profit organization to participate is $20. For-profit organizations will pay a $40 fee. Submitted by: Christina Pilling, Marketing Coordinator, SVCC Business Card Drawing Winners — July BAB Chris Byar, Sauk Valley Community College Deb Heller, Sterling Federal Bank Dave Cain, LRB Distributors Ken Sandstrom, Dixon Direct July BAB Raffle Winner Jim Giblin, Dixon Autobody Clinic Please remember to utilize the month-by-month Community Calendar on the Dixon Chamber’s website. The calendar is designed to not only contain information about Chamber functions, but community events as well. We encourage area organizations to submit their special events for publication on the website. Find it at Want to know about events in the Dixon area? Using the calendar is easy. From the homepage, click on Event Calendar. Click on an event for more information. Scheduling a special event? Use the Community Calendar on our website to find out what other events are planned in and around Dixon at that time. Once your event is scheduled, it’s easy to add it to the calendar so others will be able to learn about your community event. Just select the “Add Event” link that appears above the calendar, fill in the form provided, and click on the “add event” button at the bottom of the form. Once your submission is reviewed and approved by the Chamber, it will be added to the calendar. Hospice of the Rock River Valley 25th Festival of Trees The 25th Hospice of the Rock River Valley Festival of Trees features decorated trees and holiday items, the Country Store, Design Show, entertainment and more. The Festival of Trees will be held at Woodlawn Arts Academy in Sterling, November 18-23, 2014. For more information, call (815) 288-3673 or visit Submission requests for “Member News” are accepted in written format only, preferably by e-mail. The Chamber reserves the right to edit submissions due to staff, time and space limitations. Member news is available only on a first-come, first-served rotating basis. Email your news to Thursday August 14th Business-After-Business Dixon Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry Thursday, August 14th, 5:00-6:30 PM Who doesn’t enjoy a picnic along the river! For Chamber Members and their guests. Mix business with pleasure. Enjoy the complimentary Picnic with refreshments! Bring your business cards - Enter to WIN door prizes! 201 Lincoln Statue Dr., Dixon To be held at the offices of PLN Mutual Insurance Company and ORS of Dixon Physical Therapy. (North side of the river, across from the Riverfront Walk.) Your Hosts: Community State Bank | PLN Mutual Insurance Company | ORS of Dixon Physical Therapy VOLUME 128, ISSUE 8 2014 TOP TEN 2014 Our Top Ten Dues Investors - Thanks for your support! BorgWarner Inc. Dixon Direct Ehrmann Gehlbach Badger Lee & Considine First National Bank in Amboy Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital KSB Medical Group Midland States Bank Raynor Garage Doors Sterling Federal Bank Walmart Distribution Center Chamber Officers: Greg Hicks Chairman of the Board Hicks Insurance Agency & Associates, Inc. Dana Considine Vice Chairman *** 150% CLUB MEMBERS *** Ehrmann Gehlbach Badger Lee & Considine LLC This extra support is truly appreciated! Jennifer Baratta Second Vice Chairman American Red Cross Ken Nelson Auto Group AZZ Galvanizing of Dixon, Inc. Kreider Services, Inc. Balcom-Vetillo Design, Inc. Lee County Republican Central Committee BorgWarner Inc. LRB Distributors Boss Roofing-Siding Experts Inc. Mechanical, Incorporated Brown Construction Moore Monument & Granite Company CliftonLarsonAllen LLP PLN Mutual Insurance Company Comfort Inn of Dixon Preston Schilling Funeral Home Dixon Direct Raynor Garage Doors Dixon Elks Lodge #779 Rock River Human Resource Professional Assoc. Sauk Valley Media Jenny Koch Treasurer United Way of Lee County Chamber Directors: Kirsten Crawford Crawford Realty, LLC Melissa Glessner US Bank David Gross ComEd Tom Houck Willett, Hofmann & Associates, Inc. Brenda Humphrey Humphrey Show Cattle Matt Keegan Dixon Park District Ward Murray Pace & Johnson Rock River Ready Mix, Inc. Ryan Marshall The Stables Ehrmann Gehlbach Badger Lee & Considine, LLC Bob Slain Construction LLC Franklin Grove Bank The Stables Heartland Realty II, LLC Tupperware & Mary Kay - Mardi Huffstutler David Schreiner Hicks Insurance Agency & Associates, Inc. VFW Post #540 Deb Trancoso Jacobs Builders LLC Wipfli LLP Chad Weigle John Deere Foundation WIXN AM 1460 & River Country 101.7 Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital Kathy Yount Dave Noble Walmart Distribution Center Bonnie O’Connell Heritage Square KSB Hospital BorgWarner Inc. Edward Jones Ex-officio: Josh Albrecht Dixon Main Street KSB Medical Group Tim Broos KSB Hospital Chamber Ambassadors Ann Barlow 2014 Officers: Joni Ehnen President The Brandywine Jonna Russell Vice President Community State Bank Andrew McFarlane Secretary Dixon Family YMCA Liberty Court Julie Brady Sterling Federal Bank Amanda Burton Dixon & Giesen Law Offices Ed Bushman The Telegraph Michael Clark Chamber Ambassador Tim Crawford Crawford Realty Debmitra Das Jim Dieterich First National Bank in Amboy Melissa Glessner US Bank Kayla Halfacre Culver's of Dixon Genesis Hey Genesis Hey Productions Pat Jones, Jr. Jones Funeral Home Melissa Joyce Marce Piller Sauk Valley Bank Gary Presley State Farm Insurance Rick Schulz Walmart Sarah Smith Cloud 9 Deb Trancoso Trinity Insurance & Financial Services Dixon Chamber Ambassadors Chamber Staff: Vicki L. Carlson Manpower Kaye King Aaron Young Seth Nicklaus Joni Ehnen United Country Burke Realty WIXN AM/River Country FM Raynor Lee County Board Chairman John R. Thompson Vicky Turner-Pence Chris Wolfe Ed Lynott Mayor, City of Dixon Rick Ketchum BorgWarner Inc. Oregon Living & Rehabilitation Center KSB Hospital Darren DeVriese James Burke Edward Jones President/CEO Vice President Executive Secretary Dixon Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry Prsrt STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID 101 W. Second Street DIXON, IL Suite 301 PERMIT NO. 324 Dixon, IL 61021 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Phone: 815-284-3361 E-mail: . . . Making a difference in our community. Member Benefits . . . Need Sound Equipment? Want to contact area business leaders? If you are looking for a mailing list or phone numbers, the Dixon Chamber may have just what you’re looking for. Available exclusively to our members, an up-to-date member listing is available any time at no charge. Better yet, get the list on mailing labels for just $15. Contact the Chamber office for more information or to order. Chamber members in need of sound equipment for a special function can borrow the Chamber’s Fender Passport P-250, a fully self-contained, portable audio system known for its quick and easy set-up, its ability to cover large audiences and its simple operation. The system has two full-range speaker cabinets, a powered mixer and two microphones. Contact the Chamber office in advance to make arrangements to borrow it.