PL 6823 - sit
PL 6823 - sit
IT-TNAX-IL LEĠIŻLATURA P.L. 6823 Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 371 tal-4 ta’ April 2016 mill-Ministru għall-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli, Ambjent u Tibdil fil-Klima. _______________________________ Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1415 Suppliment tal-Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta, Nru. 19,551, 29 ta’ Marzu, 2016 B 1415B Taqsima ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– A.L. 103 tal-2016 ATT DWAR L-AMBJENT U L-IPPJANAR TAL-IŻVILUPP (KAP. 504) Regolamenti tal-2016 dwar Billboards u Reklami Bis-saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtija bl-artikolu 61 tal-Att dwar lAmbjent u l-Ippjanar, is-Segretarju responsabbli mill-Ippjanar u sSimplifikazzjoni tal-Proċessi Amministrattivi, il-Ministru responsabbli għall-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u Tibdil fil-Klima u l-Ministru responsabbli għat-Trasport u l-Infrastruttura, għamel irregolamenti li ġejjin: 1. It-titolu ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti huwa r-Regolamenti tal2016 dwar Billbords u Reklami. Titolu. 2. (1) F'dawn ir-regolamenti, sakemm ir-rabta tal-kliem ma teħtieġx xort'oħra: Tifsir. "art magħluqa" tfisser kull art li hija mdawra minn kull naħa b’ħajt ta’ lqugħ, reċint jew sinjali oħra b’mod li jipprovdu jew juru area ta’ art magħluqa; "l-Att" tfisser l-Att dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar tal-Iżvilupp; Kap. 504. "l-Awtorità" tfisser l-Awtorità dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar; "billbord" tfisser kull sinjal immuntat fuq kull struttura, kemm jekk b'mod permanenti jew temporanju, li jintuża għar-reklamar ta' prodotti, servizzi, avvenimenti jew attivitajiet li mhumiex direttament relatati mal-użu prinċipali jew l-attività li tkun qed issir fis-sit fejn jitpoġġa dan is-sinjal; "ħanut" tfisser stabbiliment għall-bejgħ bl-imnut jew għall-wiri ta’ oġġetti jew servizzi, fejn il-bejgħ jew il-wiri ta’ oġġetti jew servizzi huwa prinċipalment għall-pubbliku li jżuru; "ħlas xieraq" tfisser il-ħlas li għandu jitħallas ma’ applikazzjoni għall-wiri ta’ reklami kif stabbilit taħt l-Att; "Kunsilli Lokali" tfisser Kunsill Lokali mwaqqaf taħt l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali; "permess", f’dak li għandu x’jaqsam mal-wiri ta’ reklam, tfisser permess mogħti mill-Awtorità b’konformità ma’ dawn ir-regolamenti; "persuna" tfisser kull individwu, korp jew assoċjazzjoni ta’ persuni, kemm jekk ikunu reġistrati bħala persuna ġuridika kemm Kap. 363. VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1416 B 1416 jekk le, u tinkludi kunsilli lokali, dipartimenti tal-Gvern u aġenziji u awtoritajiet imwaqqfa b’liġi; "reklam" tfisser kull kelma, ittra, mudell, sinjal, kartellun, tabella, avviż, disinn jew xbiha, sew jekk illuminata sew jekk le, li għandha xorta ta’ u hija użata għal kollox jew f’parti għal skop ta’ reklam, avviż jew direzzjoni, inkluż kull stekkat jew struttura simili użata jew addattata għall-użu ta’ wiri ta’ reklami; "reklam eżistenti" tfisser reklam li diġà jkun għall-wiri fid-data tad-dħul fis-seħħ ta' dawn ir-regolamenti u li huwa kopert b’permess maħruġ mill-Awtorità; "reklam ġdid" tfisser kull reklam li ma jkunx intwera, sew kollu kemm hu jew parti minnu, qabel id-dħul fis-seħħ ta’ dawn irregolamenti; "reklam imdawwal" tfisser reklam li hu magħmul jew adattat biex ikun imdawwal b’dawl artificjali, kemm direttament jew b’rifless; "reklam politiku" tfisser kull reklam, inkluż billbord, li jintuża għall-wiri ta' materjal relatat esklussivament ma’ elezzjoni ġenerali jew referendum jew elezzjoni tal-kunsilli lokali u li jiġi muri mhux iktar kmieni minn tliet xhur qabel id-data tal-elezzjoni jew irreferendum u mhux iżjed tard minn ġimgħa mid-data li fiha jitħabbar uffiċjalment ir-riżultat ta’ dik l-elezzjoni jew dak ir-referendum; "siti deżinjati" tfisser dawk is-siti stabbiliti mill-Awtorità, kif konfermati mill-Awtorità għat-Trasport f'Malta, indikati f'policy sussidjarja approvata taħt l-Att; "triq" tinkludi kull triq, tkun kif tkun kategorizzata, u tinkludi għar-rigward ta’ xi triq bħal dik (a) kull triq diġà mibnija jew li tkun fi stadju ta’ ippjanar jew ta’ kostruzzjoni; (b) il-karreġġjata tagħha kif ukoll kull konfini jew spazju apert pubbliku ieħor adjaċenti u anċillari għaliha, inklużi marġini laterali, central strips, roundabouts, traffic islands, mogħdijiet pedonali u bankini; (ċ) is-sisien, l-livelli taħt il-wiċċ u l-kisi tal-livell talwiċċ tagħhom; (d) sottopassaġġi, sovrapassaġġi, junctions intersezzjonijiet, sew fuq diversi livelli sew xort’oħra; u VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1417 B 1417 (e) xogħlijiet fuq kanali ta’ drenaġġ u l-aċċess għalihom, gandotti u xogħlijiet ta’ tħaffir ta’ gandotti għal utilitajiet inkluż l-aċċess għalihom, il-mogħdija u t-tqegħid ta’ sistemi ta’ pajpijiet u tubi u ħwejjeġ simili għad-distribuzzjoni ta’ utilitajiet jew il-provdiment ta’ servizzi, inklużi xogħlijiet konnessi ma’ dan jew anċillari għalihom u toqob tal-ispezzjonar jew mezzi oħra ta’ aċċess għal dawk l-utilitajiet jew xogħlijiet; (f) arbli, tagħmir tal-elettriku, billbords, strutturi għattwaħħil ta’ reklami, bankijiet, kiosks u kull ħaġ’oħra li tista’ titwaħħal mal-wiċċ tagħhom, eskluż il-bini; u (g) sinjali jew tabelli tat-traffiku fit-toroq, marki fittoroq u miżuri għall-ikkalmar tat-traffiku, apparat għall-kontroll tat-traffiku u apparat relatat li jaħdem bid-dawl, cameras talveloċità u faċilitajiet oħra tat-traffiku fit-toroq użati għal skopijiet ta’ immaniġġar u kontroll tat-traffiku; "vettura ta’ reklamar" tfisser kull vettura użata jew intenzjonata għall-użu biex turi reklam. (2) Kull espressjoni imfissra fl-Att għandu jkollha, f’dawn irregolamenti, l-istess tifsir bħalma għandha fl-Att. 3. Dawn ir-regolamenti, bl-eċċezzjoni ta’ permessi għal twaħħil ta’ billbords, m’għandhom jippreġudikaw ebda żvilupp għarrigward ta’ liema diġà jkun ġie maħruġ permess mill-Awtorità. Permessi. 4. (1) Ebda reklam ma għandu jintwera jew ikun imdawwal f’kwalukwe post li jkun jidher mit-triq, u ebda vettura ta’ reklamar m’għandha titqiegħed fit-triq jew fi kwalsijasi post li jkun jidher mittriq, mingħajr il-permess tal-Awtorità, kemm-il darba dan ma jkunx reklam li għalih ikun japplika r-regolament 5, liema reklami huma eżentati mid-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ dan ir-regolament. Reklami. (2) Id-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ qabel ta’ dan ir-regolament ma jgħoddux għal reklami eżistenti sakemm l-Awtorità ma tkunx jew: (a) avżat persuna li tkun qed turi reklam eżistenti fejn teħtieġha tibgħat lill-Awtorità kopja tal-permess, liċenza jew xi awtorizzazzjoni oħra li tippermetti dan il-wiri sa mhux iżjed tard miż-żmien muri fl-avviż; jew (b) ippubblikat avviż fil-Gazzetta li jitlob lil kull persuna li għandha għall-wiri kull għamla ta’ reklam, jew xi għamla ta’ reklam partikolari, jew reklami bħal dawk f’xi naħa jew inħawi kif jistgħu jkunu speċifikati fl-avviż, biex tibgħat lill-Awtorità kopja tal-permess, liċenza jew awtorizzazzjoni VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1418 B 1418 oħra li jawtorizza wiri bħal dak, sa mhux iżjed tard miż-żmien li jista’ jkun speċifikat fl-avviż; jew (ċ) u f’kull każ bħal dak jekk xi persuna li għaliha jkun jgħodd dan l-avviż tibgħat lill-Awtorità, fiż-żmien speċifikat flavviż relattiv, kopja tal-permess, liċenza jew awtorizzazzjoni oħra li tagħtiha d-dritt turi r-reklam, mill-Kummissarju talPulizija jew minn Transport Malta, dak il-permess, liċenza jew awtorizzazzjoni oħra jkun minn hemm ’il quddiem u għallfinijiet u l-effetti kollha meqjus li hu permess mogħti millAwtorità bis-saħħa ta' dawn ir-regolamenti: Iżda kull persuna li jkollha permess, liċenza jew awtorizzazzjoni oħra li tippermetti l-wiri ta’ reklam eżistenti, xorta tkun obbligata li tippreżenta applikazzjoni lill-Awtorità għat-Trasport f’Malta biex tikseb mingħandha liċenza li għaliha għandha tħallas il-ħlas annwali stabbilit fl-Iskeda. (3) L-Awtorità se tneħħi, mingħajr il-ħtieġa li jinħareġ avviż ta’ infurzar, kull reklam eżistenti li jkun tqiegħed fit-triq jew f’post li jkun jidher mit-triq mingħajr permess, liċenza jew awtorizazzjoni li tippermetti t-tqegħid ta’ tali reklam: Iżda l-ordni mogħti fl-avviż jibqa’ fis-seħħ u ma jiġix sospiż la bil-preżentata ta’ appell u lanqas b’applikazzjoni għall-ħruġ ta’ permess għat-tqegħid tar-reklam, u f’għeluq tal-perjodu ta’ żmien indikat fl-avviż l-Awtorità tista’ tidħol minnufih fuq l-art fejn huwa muri r-reklam, u d-dispożizzjonjijiet tal-artikolu 90 tal-Att għandhom japplikaw. Eżenzjonijiet. 5. (1) Bla ħsara għad-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ dan ir-regolament, ir-reklami li ġejjin jew il-wiri tagħhom għandhom ikunu eżenti millħtigiet tar-regolament 4: (a) reklam muri fuq art magħluqa u li ma jkunx jidher minn ebda triq; (b) reklam muri fuq, jew ġewwa, xi vettura li normalment titħaddem bħala vettura mobbli u mhux vettura ta’ reklamar; (ċ) reklami politiċi; (d) reklam meħtieġ bil-liġi jew ordnat li jsir minn qorti kompetenti; (e) reklam għal festa nazzjonali jew festa ta’ belt jew raħal, inklużi reklami sponsorjati, sakemm dawn jintwerew għal VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1419 B 1419 mhux aktar minn tletin ġurnata qabel id-data tal-festa; (f) sinjal tat-traffiku; (g) sinjal li juri l-isem ta’ belt, raħal jew lokalità li jintwera mill-Gvern jew minn Kunsill Lokali; (h) il-bandiera nazzjonali ta’ kull pajjiż jew ta’ organizazzjonijiet internazzjonali diment li ma jkun hemm ebda reklam ta’ xi attività kummerċjali konness magħhom; (i) reklam muri fuq il-faxxa jew faċċata ta’ ħanut, sakemm ma jkunx akbar minn 0.5 ta’ metru kwadru, huwa mwaħħal ċatt mal-faċċata jew faxxa u ma jkunx reklam li jesporġi ’l barra, u li ma jkunx hemm aktar minn żewġ reklami bħal dawn għal kull ħanut; (j) reklam muri għall-għan ta’ identifikazzjoni, direzzjoni jew twissija għar-rigward tal-art li fuqha jkun muri u li ma jkunx imdawwal, li ma jkunx akbar minn 0.5 ta’ metru kwadru, li mhux ogħla aktar minn 3 metri mil-livell tal-art, u li fih ebda ittra, karattru jew simbolu ma huwa aktar minn 0.5 ta’ metru għoli; (k) reklam li għandu x’jaqsam ma’ xi persuna, ditta jew socjetà li jipprattikaw professjoni, negozju jew kummerċ filfond fejn hu muri u li jikkonforma mal-kondizzjonijiet u lqisien kif imfissra fil-paragrafu (j), u biss jekk mhux aktar minn reklam wieħed hu muri għal kull faċċata għat-triq fir-rigward tal-istess persuna, ditta jew soċjetà; (l) reklam li għandu x’jaqsam ma’ istituzzjoni reliġjuża, kulturali, rikreattiva, medika jew ta’ xorta bħal dawk, jew ma xi lukanda, bar jew klabb, muri fil-fond ta’ tali istituzzjoni, lukanda, bar jew klabb u li ma jkunx akbar minn 0.5 ta’ metru kwadru jew li jkollu xi parti minnu aktar minn 3 metri għoli mil-livell tal-art u li fih ebda ittra, karattru jew simbolu ma huwa aktar minn 0.5 ta’ metru gholi u biss jekk mhux aktar minn reklam wieħed jintwera għal kull fond; (m) reklam muri ġewwa bini; (n) reklam f’għamla ta’ bandiera li tkun turi l-logo jew l-isem ta’ kumpannija fuq il-bejt ta’ xi bini kummerċjali, sakemm ma jittellgħux aktar minn żewġ bandieri; (o) reklam approvat bħala parti mill-Iskema biex Jissebbħu t-Traffic Islands, sakemm dan ikun konformi mal- VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1420 B 1420 limitazzjonijiet ta’ qies tal-Iskema li huma 1.2m x 30cm u li ma jkunux esposti aktar minn żewġ reklami għal kull traffic island; (2) Kull reklam imsemmi fis-subregolament (1) għandu jkun tali u għandu jkun muri b’mod li ma jkunx ta’ perikolu għat-traffiku jew għan-nies u m’għandux jitwaħħal ma’ xi siġra, pjanta, jew ħajt tas-sejjiegħ. (3) L-ebda reklam bħal dan m’għandu jitwaħħal ma’ xi pylon tad-dawl, arblu, sinjal jew proprjetà oħra ta’ xi korp governattiv jew parastatali mingħajr il-permess ta’ dak il-korp. (4) Jekk wieħed ma jkunx konformi ma’ dawn ilkondizzjonijiet, l-Awtorità jkollha d-dritt teħtieġ, b’avviż li jiġi notifikat lill-persuna li qed turi r-reklam jew lis-sid tal-art li fuqha hu muri, jew lit-tnejn li huma, it-tneħħija tar-reklam jew li jsiru dawk ixxogħlijiet li l-Awtorità jista’ jidhrilha li jkunu meħtieġa; u l-persuna jew persuni li lilhom jintbagħat l-avviż għandhom minnufih, jew fiżżmien mogħti fl-avviż, jikkonformaw ma’ dak ordnat fl-imsemmi avviż: Iżda meta reklam ikun muri mingħajr permess u jkun imwaħħal ma’ xi siġra, pjanta, ħajt tas-sejjiegħ, pylon, arblu, sinjal jew proprjetà oħra, l-Awtorità tista’, minflok in-notifika tal-avviż imsemmi hawn aktar qabel, tidħol minnufih fuq l-art u tneħħi rreklam kull fejn jidhrilha li dan ikun meħtieġ u neċessarju fl-aħjar interess u sigurtà tal-pubbliku. Non applikabbiltà. 6. Jekk l-Awtorità tkun sodisfatta li jkun meħtieġ li l-għamliet ta’ reklami kif imfissra fir-regolament 5 m’għandhomx ikunu murija qabel ma jingħata permess mill-Awtorità wara li tkun saret applikazzjoni, l-Awtorità tista’ tordna li l-eżenzjonijiet mogħtija firregolament 5 ma jgħoddux kif jiġi speċifikat fid-direzzjoni mogħtija mill-Awtorità. Applikazzjonijie t. 7. (1) Kull persuna li tixtieq turi reklam li għalih huwa meħtieġ il-permess tal-Awtorità, għandha tapplika mal-Awtorità għall-permess. Din l-applikazzjoni għandha ssir skont il-proċeduri stabbiliti mill-Awtorità u magħha għandu jsir dak il-ħlas xieraq li jista’ jiġi impost mill-Awtorità. (2) Billbords, ħlief dawk politiċi, jistgħu jitqiegħdu biss f’dawk is-siti deżinjati li jiġu stabbiliti mill-Awtorità minn żmien għal żmien. (3) Reklami, barra mill-billbords, jistgħu jitqiegħdu biss fuq dawk is-siti deżinjati stabbiliti mill-Awtorità jew dawk is-siti oħra illi fihom l-Awtorità tista’, minn żmien għal żmien, tippermetti t-tqegħid VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1421 B 1421 ta’ reklami. (4) L-applikazzjonijiet kollha għat-tqegħid ta’ reklami, inkluż ta’ billbords, għandom jiġu sottomessi lill-Awtorità u jiġu minnha proċessati. L-Awtorità tkun teħtieġ l-approvazzjoni tal-Awtorità għatTrasport f’Malta qabel ma jinħareg permess għat-tqegħid ta’ kull forma ta’ reklam, ħlief għal sinjali ta’ ħwienet. (5) Meta l-Awtorità toħrog permess biex jitqiegħed reklam, lapplikant, apparti l-ħlas li jkun dovut lill-Awtorità għallapplikazzjoni, għandu jħallas ukoll liċenza ta’ kull sena lill-Awtorità għat-Trasport f’Malta kif stabbilit fl-Iskeda. (6) Il-billbords kollha, kif ukoll dawk ir-reklami ta’ ċertu daqs kif jiġi determinat mill-Awtorità, għandu jkollhom fuqhom in-numru ta’ riferenza tal-permess maħruġ mill-Awtorità. Dan in-numru ta’ riferenza għandu: (a) jiġi mwaħħal mar-reklam b’mod li jifforma parti integrali minnu; u (b) jkun ta’ tali forma b’mod illi jkun muri b’mod ċar, leġibbli u permanenti. 8. (1) Kull permess mogħti b’seħħ ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti f’sit deżinjat, fil-każ ta’ billbords, jew f’siti oħra li fil-fehma talAwtorità jistgħu jikkawżaw perikolu pubbliku jew għat-traffiku, għandhom jiġu soġġetti għal reviżjoni billi jittieħed kont tal-pjani taliżvilupp u konsiderazzjonijiet materjali oħra; u l-Awtorità tista’, wara li jittieħed kont ta’ dawn il-konsiderazzjonijiet kif hawn imsemmi, tagħmel reviżjoni tal-policy sussidjarja approvata taħt l-Att u tneħħi sit deżinjat mil-lista ta’ siti deżinjati u, permezz ta’ avviż, tordna lil kull persuna illi jkollha reklam muri f’tali sit deżinjat, biex tneħħi tali reklam. L-avviż maħruġ għandu jindika l-perjodu ta’ żmien li fih dik il-persuna tkun obbligata li tikkonforma mal-ordni mogħti bl-avviż, liema perjodu ta’ żmien jiġi stabbilit fid-diskrezzjoni tal-Awtorità. (2) Bla ħsara għad-dispożizzjonijiet tas-subregolament (1), ildispożizzjonijiet tal-artikoli 86 sa 90 tal-Att għandhom japplikaw għal kull żvilupp magħmul u/jew kull permess mogħti bis-saħħa ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti: Iżda l-ordni mogħti fl-avviż jibqa’ fis-seħħ u ma jiġix sospiż la bil-preżentata ta’ appell u lanqas b’applikazzjoni għall-ħruġ ta’ permess għat-tqegħid tar-reklam, u f’għeluq tal-perjodu ta’ żmien indikat fl-avviż l-Awtorità tista’ tidħol minnufih fuq l-art fejn huwa muri r-reklam, u d-dispożizzjonijiet tal-artikolu 90 tal-Att għandhom japplikaw. Reviżjoni. VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1422 B 1422 Permessi jew approvazzjonijiet. 9. (1) Kull kunsens jew approvazzjoni maħruġa millAwtorità tal-Ippjanar taħt dawn ir-regolamenti ma teżentax lil xi persuna mill-bżonn li tapplika u tikseb xi permess jew approvazzjoni, ikunu kif ikunu deskritti, li jistgħu jkunu meħtieġa bil-liġi. (2) L-Awtorità għat-Trasport f’Malta għandha tinnotifika lillAwtorità f’każ illi persuna tkun naqset milli tħallas il-liċenza annwali lilha dovuta u, f’dak il-każ, l-Awtorità jkollha d-dritt illi tieħu kull proċedura ta’ infurzar meħtieġa wkoll fir-rigward ta’ billbords illi fuqhom ikun diġà nħareġ il-permess mill-Awtorità. Avviżi. 10. (1) F’kull ċirkostanza speċifikata f’dawn ir-regolamenti fejn l-Awtorità għandha s-setgħat li tibgħat avviż lill-persuna li qed turi reklam jew lis-sid tal-art li fuqha jkun muri, l-Awtorità tista’, fejn jidhrilha jkun spedjenti li hekk tagħmel, jew fejn ma jkunx possibbli li tiskopri l-identità tal-persuna li qed turi r-reklam jew tas-sid tal-art li fuqha r-reklam huwa muri, tinnotifika dak l-avviż lill-kumpannija, organizzazzjoni jew enti jew persuna oħra li r-reklam ikun jirreferi għalihom jew li r-reklam ikun qed jirreklama xi prodott, servizz jew avveniment li jirrelata ma’ dik il-kumpannija, organizzazzjoni, enti jew persuna, kemm direttament u kif ukoll indirettament. (2) Meta l-avviż ikun jirrikjedi it-tneħħija ta’ reklam, u rreklam ma jkunx imneħħi sa mhux iżjed tard mid-data ta’ għeluq talperjodu stipulat, l-Awtorità jkollha d-dritt illi tneħħi r-reklam hi stess u l-kumpannija, organizzazzjoni jew enti jew persuna oħra li r-reklam ikun jirreferi għalihom ikunu responsabbli għall-ħlas tal-ispejjeż inkorsi mill-Awtorità fl-eżerċizzju tal-poteri vestiti fiha skont dawn ir-regolamenti. Barra minn hekk, f’każ illi l-kumpannija, organizzazzjoni jew enti jew persuna oħra li r-reklam ikun jirreferi għalihom jonqsu milli jitolbu biex jieħdu lura dak ir-reklam, fi żmien 7 ijiem mit-tneħħija tal-imsemmi reklam u li jieħdu pussess ta’ reklam wara li jħallsu dawk il-ħlasijiet li jkunu dovuti skont dawn irregolamenti, l-Awtorità jkollha d-dritt illi tiddisponi minn dan irreklam kif ikun jidhrilha hi u l-kumpannija, organizzazzjoni jew enti jew persuna oħra li r-reklam ikun jirreferi għalihom ma jkollhom ebda dritt li jirreklamaw kwalsijasi danni mingħand l-Awtorit. Pieni. 11. Kull persuna li tinstab ħatja ta’ xi ksur ta’ dawn irregolamenti teħel multa ta’ mhux inqas minn elf euro (€1,000) u mhux iżjed minn ħamest elef euro (€5,000) għal kull reat: Iżda l-Awtorità m’għandhiex timponi kemm il-multi msemmija u l-multi ta’ kull jum, fl-istess ħin. F’każ illi l-multi ta’ kull jum huma applikabbli l-Awtorità għandha jkollha d-dritt li tagħżel liema multa timponi, iżda fl-ebda każ, l-imsemmija multa m’għandhiex teċċedi lħamest elef euro (€5,000). VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1423 B 1423 SKEDA Ħlasijiet Dovuti lil Transport Malta Il-ħlas annwali dovut lil Transport Malta għandu jkun ta’ elf u ħames mitt euro - (€1,500). VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1424 B 1424 L.N. 103 of 2016 ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ACT (CAP. 504) Billboards and Advertisements Regulations, 2016 IN exercise of the powers conferred by article 61 of the Environment and Development Planning Act, the Parliamentary Secretary for Planning and the Simplification of Administrative Processes, Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change and the Minister responsible for Transport and Infrastructure, have made the following regulations: Citation. 1. The title of these regulations is the Billboards and Advertisements Regulations, 2016. Definitions. 2. (1) requires - Cap. 504 Act; In these regulations, unless the context otherwise "the Act" means the Environment and Development Planning "advertisement" means any word, letter, model, sign, placard, board, notice, device or representation, whether illuminated or not, in the nature of and employed wholly or in part for the purposes of advertisement, announcement or direction, including any boarding or similar structure used or adapted for use for the display of advertisements, and includes a billboard; "advertising vehicle" means a vehicle used or intended to be used for the displaying of an advertisement; "appropriate fee" means the fee to be paid for an application to display an advertisement established under the Act; "the Authority" means the Malta Environment and Planning Authority established by the Act; "billboard" means any advertisement which is mounted on any structure whether permanently or temporarily, which is used to promote or advertise products, services, events or activities that are not directly related to the primary use or activity occurring on the site of the sign; "designated sites" means those sites designated by the Authority with the endorsement of Transport Malta as identified in a subsidiary policy approved under the Act; VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1425 B 1425 "enclosed land" means any land which is surrounded on all sides by a boundary wall, fence or marker as to provide or indicate an enclosed area of land; "existing advertisement" means an advertisement which is on display on the date of the coming into force of these regulations and which is covered by permission granted by the Authority; "illuminated advertisement" means an advertisement which is designed or adapted to be illuminated by artificial lighting, whether directly or by reflection; "Local Councils" means the local councils established under the provisions of the Local Councils Act; "new advertisement" means any advertisement which has not been displayed, whether wholly or in part, before the coming into force of these regulations; "permission", in relation to the display of an advertisement, means a permission granted by the Authority pursuant to these regulations; "person" means an individual, a body or other association of persons, whether corporate or incorporate as well as any local council, any government department, agency or authority established by law; "political advertisement" means any advertisement, including a billboard, which is used for the display of material which relates exclusively to a general election or to a referendum or to an election for local councils and which is displayed not earlier than three months before the date on which such election or referendum is to be held and not later than one week from the official announcement of the result of such election or referendum; "road" includes any street or road however categorised and includes, in relation to any such road: (a) any road which has already been built or which is in the planning or the construction stage; (b) the carriageway thereof as well as any border or other public open space adjacent and ancillary thereto, including side margins, central strips, roundabouts, traffic islands, foot ways and pavements; (c) the foundations, sub-surfaces and surface dressing Cap. 363. VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1426 B 1426 thereof; (d) sub-ways, overpasses, junctions and intersections, whether multi-level or otherwise; (e) road drainage works and access thereto, trenches and trenching works for utilities including access thereto, ducting, conducting and the like for the distribution of utilities or the provision of services, including works connected therewith or ancillary thereto and manholes or other means of access to such utilities or works; (f) poles, light fittings, billboards, hoardings, benches, kiosks and any other thing that may be affixed to the surface thereof excluding buildings; and (g) road traffic signs or signals, road markings and traffic calming measures, traffic control equipment and related lighting equipment, speed cameras and other road traffic facilities used for traffic management and control; "shop" means premises intended for the retail sale or display of goods or services, where the sale or display of goods or services is principally to visiting members of the public. (2) Any expression defined by the Act shall have, in these regulations, the same meaning as it has in the Act. Permits. 3. These regulations, except with regards to billboards, shall not in any way prejudice any developments for which a permit has already been issued by the Authority, except that is in the case of any permit issued for billboards. Advertisements. 4. (1) No advertisement shall be displayed or be illuminated in any place which is visible from the road, and no advertising vehicle may be placed on the road or on a place which is visible from the road, without the permission of the Authority, unless it is an advertisement to which regulation 5 applies, being advertisements which are exempted from the provisions of this regulation. (2) With respect to existing advertisements, the foregoing provisions of this regulation shall not apply unless the Authority has either: (a) served a notice on any person displaying an existing advertisement requiring such person to forward to the Authority a copy of the permit, licence or other authority permitting such VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1427 B 1427 display, within a period specified in the notice; or (b) published a notice in the Gazette requiring any person displaying all or any forms of advertisement, or any particular advertisement, or any such advertisements in any area or areas as may be specified in the notice, to forward to the Authority a copy of the permit, licence or other authority authorising such display, within such time as may be specified in the notice; or (c) and in any such case if any person to whom the notice applies forwards to the Authority a copy of the permit, licence or other authority permitting the display of the advertisement by the Commissioner of Police or Transport Malta within the period specified in the relevant notice, such permit, licence or other authority shall thereafter and for all purposes be deemed to be a permission given by the Authority pursuant to these regulations: Provided, however, that the holders of any permits, licences or other authorizations permitting the display of such existing advertisements, shall nevertheless be obliged to apply with Transport Malta in order to obtain a licence from the said Transport Malta for which the yearly fee established in the Schedule shall apply. (3) Any existing advertisement which has been put on the road or in a place which is visible from the road without a permit, licence or other authorization permitting the placement of such advertisement shall be removed by the Authority without the need to issue an enforcement notice: Provided that neither an appeal from any notice issued under sub-regulation (2) nor an application for the permission of the Authority for the display of the advertisement shall suspend the operation of the said notice, and upon the expiry of the period specified in the notice, the Authority may forthwith enter on the land and remove the advertisement, and article 90 of the Act shall apply accordingly. 5. (1) Subject to the provisions of this regulation, the following advertisements or the display thereof shall be exempt from the requirements of regulation 4: (a) an advertisement which is displayed on enclosed land and which is not visible from any road; (b) an advertisement which is displayed on or in a Exemptions. VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1428 B 1428 vehicle which is normally employed as a moving vehicle and not on an advertising vehicle; (c) a political advertisement; (d) an advertisement required by any law or ordered by a competent court; (e) an advertisement for a national or town or village feast, including sponsored advertisements, provided it is displayed for not more than 30 days prior to the date of the feast; (f) a traffic sign; (g) a sign announcing the name of any city, town or village displayed by a government or a local council; (h) the national flag of any country or international organization or other locality flag provided there is no advertising of any commercial activity related to it; (i) an advertisement displayed on the fascia or facade of a shop provided it is not more than 0.5 square metres in area, it is fitted flat against the facade or fascia and is not a projecting sign, and there are not more than two such advertisements per shop; (j) an advertisement displayed for the purpose of identification, direction or warning with respect to the land on which it is displayed and which advertisement is not illuminated, does not exceed 0.5 square metres in area, is not more than 3 metres above ground level and in which no letter, character or symbol is more than 0.5 metres in height; (k) an advertisement relating to any person, firm or partnership carrying on a profession, business or trade at the premises where it is displayed which complies with the requirements and measurements set out in paragraph (i), and only if not more than one advertisement is displayed per street frontage in respect of the same person, firm or partnership; (l) an advertisement relating to an institution of a religious, cultural, recreational, medical or similar character, or to any hotel, bar or club, displayed at the premises of such institution, hotel, bar or club and which does not exceed 0.5 square metres in area or has any part of it more than 3 metres above ground level and in which no letter, character or symbol VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1429 B 1429 is more than 0.5 metres in height and only if not more than one advertisement per premises is displayed; (m) an advertisement displayed inside a building; (n) an advertisement in the form of a flag displaying a company logo or name on the roof of any commercial building, provided not more than two flags are displayed; (o) an advertisement approved as part of the Traffic Island Embellishment Scheme, provided it complies with the size limitations of the scheme of 1.2m by 30cm, and not more than two advertisements are displayed per traffic island. (2) Any advertisement referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be such and shall be displayed in such manner as not to constitute a hazard either to traffic or to persons and shall not be fixed to any tree, shrub or rubble wall. (3) No such advertisement may be fixed to any pylon, pole, sign or other property belonging to any government or parastatal body without the permission of that body. (4) In the event that these conditions are not complied with, the Authority shall have power to require, by notice served on the person displaying it or on the owner of the land on which it is displayed, or both, the removal of the advertisement or the carrying out of such works as the said Authority may deem necessary, and the person or persons on whom such notice is served shall forthwith, or within the term stated in the notice, comply with the contents of the notice: Provided that where such an advertisement is displayed without the requisite permit and is affixed to any tree, shrub, rubble wall, pylon, pole, sign or other property, the Authority may immediately enter the land and remove the advertisement, where it deems it expedient and necessary to do so in the interests of public safety or amenity, in lieu of the service of the notice referred to above. 6. If the Authority is satisfied that it is necessary that the forms of advertisement described in regulation 5 should not be displayed unless permission is granted by the said Authority on application, it may give a direction that the said exemptions granted by regulation 5 shall not apply to as specified in such direction. Non applicability. 7. (1) Any person who wishes to display an advertisement for which the Authority’s permission is required, shall apply to the Authority for the said permission. Such application is to be made Applications. VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1430 B 1430 according to the procedures established by the Authority and against the payment of any such application fees as may be imposed by the said Authority. (2) Billboards, except for political billboards, may only be placed at such designated sites as are established by the Authority from time to time. (3) Advertisements, other than billboards, may only be placed at such designated sites which are established by the Authority or such other sites as may be allowed by the said Authority. (4) All applications for advertisements, including billboards, shall be submitted to and be processed by the Authority. The Authority shall require the clearance from Transport Malta prior to the issue of any permits for the placing of all advertisements, with the exception of shop signs. (5) When permission to display an advertisement is issued by the Authority, the applicant shall, in addition to such fees payable to the said Authority, also pay a yearly licence fee to Transport Malta as established in the Schedule. (6) All billboards, as well as advertisements of such dimensions as the Authority may determine, shall bear the Authority’s reference number for that permission. Such reference number shall be: (a) affixed to and shall form an integral part of the advertisement; and (b) be of such a form that it is permanently, clearly and legibly displayed. Review. 8. (1) Every permission granted pursuant to these regulations, on a designated site in the case of billboards, or on sites which are deemed by the Authority to cause a threat to public safety or a traffic hazard shall be subject to review having regard to any development plans and to other material considerations; and the Authority, having regard as aforesaid, may through a review of the subsidiary policy approved under the Act, remove a designated site from the list of designated sites and by notice served on any person displaying an advertisement, require an advertisement to be removed therefrom. The said notice shall indicate the time within which such requirement shall be complied with, which time limit shall lie at the Authority’s discretion. (2) Saving the provisions of sub-regulation (1), the provisions VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1431 B 1431 of articles 86 to 90 of the Act shall apply to any development made and/or any permission granted pursuant to these regulations: Provided that neither an appeal from any such notice nor an application for the permission of the Authority for the display of the advertisement shall suspend the operation of the said notice, and upon the expiry of the period specified in the notice, the Authority may forthwith enter on the land and remove the advertisement, and article 90 of the Act shall apply accordingly. 9. (1) Any permission or clearance given by the Authority under these regulations shall not exempt any person from the need to apply and obtain any permit or authorisation howsoever described as may be required by law. Permission or clearance. (2) Transport Malta shall notify the Authority that an applicant has failed to pay the yearly fee payable to Transport Malta and the Authority shall have the power to execute all such necessary enforcement procedures in terms of the Act even with regards to billboards for which the permission from the said Authority has already been granted. 10. (1) In any of the circumstances specified in these regulations, in which the Authority may serve a notice on the person displaying an advertisement or on the owner or occupier of the land on which it is displayed, the said Authority may, where it deems it more expedient to do so, or where it is not possible to discover the identity of the person displaying the advertisement or of the owner or occupier of the land, serve the notice on the company, organization or other body or person to which the advertisement refers or which advertises any product, service or event related to such company, organization, body or person either directly or indirectly. (2) Where the notice requires the removal of an advertisement, and the advertisement is not removed by the expiration of the stipulated period, the Authority shall have the right to remove the said advertisement itself and the company, organization or other body or person to whom or to which the advertisement refers shall be liable for payment of the expenses incurred by the said Authority in exercising its powers vested by these regulations. Furthermore, in the event that the company, organization or body or person to whom or to which the advertisement refers fails to claim the said advertisement within 7 days of the removal of said advertisement and to take possession thereof upon the payment of such fees which shall be due in terms of these regulations, the Authority shall have the right to dispose of such advertisement in any such manner as it may deem fit and the company, organization or body or person to whom or to which Serving of notices. VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1432 B 1432 the advertisement refers shall have no right at law to claim any damages of whatsoever nature from the said Authority. Penalties. 11. Any person who is found guilty of contravening these regulations shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa) of not less than one thousand euro (€1,000) and not exceeding five thousand euro (€5,000) for every offence: Provided that the Authority shall not impose both the said fine and daily fines at the same time. In the event where daily fines are applicable, the Authority shall have the right to choose which fines to impose but in no event shall said fines exceed five thousand euro (€5,000). SCHEDULE - Fees due to Transport Malta [Regulation 4] The yearly fee due to Transport Malta shall amount to one thousand five hundred euro - (€ 1,500). VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1433 VERŻJONI ELETTRONIKA B 1434 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta Mitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta riċiklata — Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper Prezz/Price €0.90