Year Life Wake Up The World - St. Peter and St. Paul Parish


Year Life Wake Up The World - St. Peter and St. Paul Parish
9135 BANYAN STREET, ALTA LOMA, CA 91737—909-987-9312-FAX 909-980-9404 or
Faith Formation for Children (Grades 1-5) Baptism (909) 980-9423 School (Preschool - Grade 5) (909) 987-7908
MONDAY through FRIDAY— 7:30 am Mass
4:00 pm & 1st Saturday Mass 7:30am
7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (Spanish); 5:00 pm (Life Teen)
(Filipino Choir - Fourth Sunday of Each Month, 9:00 am)
Every Friday there is 24-Hour Adoration - 8:00 am ending with Benediction at 7:45 am Saturday –Every Wednesday from 8am to 8pm
CONFESSIONS: Saturday 8:15am & Thursday 7pm
HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION: As Announced in the Bulletin
We the people of St. Peter & St. Paul Parish, as members of the Roman Catholic Church, are a sacramental, worshipping community on a journey towards the fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. We strive to provide a spiritual haven for all people without distinction. We are equally committed to the
challenge of the Gospel message. We accept its call to ongoing conversion, the use of our gifts for the benefit of the community, and loving service to
one another.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Event Schedule
Sunday, August 16
7:00 am 3:00 pm Coffee & Donuts - (Hall)
9:00 am 10:00 am Children’s Liturgy - English - (Library)
9:30 am 10:15 am RCIA Dismissal - (Adoration Chapel)
11:00 am 12:00 pm Children’s Liturgy - English - (Library)
11:00 am 1:00 pm Filipino Choir Practice - (Music Room)
1:00 pm 2:00 pm Children’s Liturgy - Spanish - (Library)
2:00 pm 4:00 pm Cub Scouts Kick Off - (Playground)
3:00 pm 6:00 pm Cursillo - (Hall)
Monday, August 17
10:00 am 12:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
5:30 pm 7:30 pm Edge Core Mtg. - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
6:00 pm 9:00 pm Boy Scouts - (Hall)
Tuesday, August 18
6:00 pm 8:00 pm Men’s A.C.T.S. Retreat - (Adoration Chapel)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Talleres de Oracion y Vida - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:30 pm 9:30 pm RCIA Session - (Hall-Library)
Wednesday, August 19
8:00 am 8:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration - (Adoration Chapel)
10:00 am 12:00 pm Talleres de Oracion y Vida - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
6:00 pm 9:00 pm Women’s ACTS Team Planning Meeting - (Library)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Choir 9am - (Church)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Life and Prayer - English - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
Thursday, August 20
9:00 am 11:00 am Holy Spirit Bible Study - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
6:30 pm 9:00 pm Men’s A.C.T.S. Planning Meeting - (Library)
7:00 pm 7:30 pm El Rezo del Santo Rosario - (Church Cry Room)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Life in the Spirit Prayer Grp - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
7:00 pm 9:00 pm Confessions - (Church Confessionals)
7:30 pm 9:00 pm Estudio Biblico - (JPII, 2nd Fl)
Friday, August 21
8:00 am 7:45 am Eucharistic Adoration - 24 hour (Adoration Chapel)
6:30 pm 9:00 pm Filipino Ministry—(Library)
Saturday, August 22
7:45 am 8:00 am Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament - (Adoration Chapel)
8:15 am 9:45 am Confessions - (Church)
9:00 am 12:00 pm VIRTUS Training - (JPII, 2nd Fl) *see pg 3
2:00 pm 4:00 pm Filipino Choir Practice - (Music Room)
Love Them Both
We must love them both—those whose opinions we share and
those whose opinions we reject. For both have labored in the
search for truth, and both have helped us in the finding of it.—
Thomas Aquinas
Our altar flowers for the
Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven
have been donated in
memory of †Robert and
†Mary Boyens. If you
would like to make an
altar flower donation during the year in memory of
a loved one or in honor of
a special celebration in your life, please contact Karen Hein in the
parish office at (909)987-9312 ext. 230.
August 16, 2015
Mass Schedule & Intentions
Saturday, August 15—The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
*Note: not a Holy Day of Obligation
7:30 AM
†Theresa Sierra
†Beto Maldonado De La Rosa
12:00 PM
Danielle Nahas
Frank Crapson
4:00 PM
†Frank J. Perez
†Harold Clemons
Sunday, August 16
7:30 AM
David Durdines
†Wilfrida Galindo
9:00 AM
†Rafael Galindo
†Jeanette McKee
11:00 AM
†Vita & Carlo Galioto
Michael Donaldson
1:00 PM
†Luis Fernando Perez
Megaly Yepez
5:00 PM
People of the Parish
Monday, August 17
7:30 AM
Melanie Vunjak
Joseph Trezza
Tuesday, August 18
7:30 AM
Taylor Davis - Happy Birthday
†Amado Nodora
Wednesday, August 19
7:30 AM
Julietta Garcia - Happy Birthday
†Nancy Losquadro
Thursday, August 20
7:30 AM
Rene DiJamco - Happy Birthday
†Kennedy LeRoy
Friday, August 21
7:30 AM
Larry & Ann Hogan - Happy Anniversary
†Eleanor Gallogly
Saturday, August 22
4:00 PM
†Lino Boni
Regina Moeller
Sunday, August 23
7:30 AM
People of the Parish
9:00 AM
†John Hao Nguyen
†Federico Ligato
11:00 AM
†Antonio Couto
†Eden Abon
1:00 PM
Father Jose Jaramillo
5:00 PM
Maria & Jim Busch
Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart
†Dr. Joe Trezza
†Betty King
†Maddy Middleton
†Gloria Schwartz
†Jeanine Wilder
†Sam Oliverio
†Rafael Reveles
†Mildred Bennett
†Bertha Galindo
†Teresa Pickavet
“Let us pray for the Repose of
their Souls and give thanks for
their love that has touched our
hearts forever”
Page Three
Respect Life
Family Rosary
Every 4th Monday of the month
7:00 – 7:30 in the Church
Pray the Joyful Mysteries with the whole family. All ages welcome!
Sat., Aug. 22 - 9:00 AM TO 12 NOON
English and Spanish will both be offered.
You must register for training through the VIRTUS website at
Any adult volunteering in the Diocese of San Bernardino needs to
have completed safe
environment training within the last five years. The current
program for adult volunteers is called
“Protecting God’s Children®” by VIRTUS.
This training can be accessed on-line on the
VIRTUS website. However, due to the content, taking a live
session is strongly encouraged.
Fortunately, you can take the training at a location and time that is
convenient for you anywhere in the diocese.
Registration for attendance at any live training is required.
Please go to to see the list of local training sessions if ours is not convenient for you and to register.
Please call Jenny Campbell at 909-987-9312 for questions.
Any volunteer whose last training (either “Safe Environment” OR
“Mandated Reporter”) was completed in 2010 or earlier must complete this training in order to continue volunteering.
To be fully initiated into our Catholic Faith, a person needs to have received
the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Often, life circumstances may have prevented a baptized Catholic from completing this process
at a younger age. As a result, some adult Catholics may have little understanding of our Catholic Faith or its importance in living a Christian life.
Adults 18 years and older who have completed high school are invited to
participate in our Adult Confirmation sessions to gain an adult understanding
of the basic teachings of our Catholic Faith in order to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation and living a full, active Catholic life. The sacraments of
Reconciliation (Confession) and Eucharist (Communion) will be part of this
preparation, where necessary, in order to complete Christian Initiation.
These sessions are always open to any adults who desire an updated understanding of the teachings of our Church, even if there is no need to prepare
for sacraments. Our focus is on those serious questions about being Catholic
that often come to mind without knowing where to go for answers.
Our sessions meet on Thursday evenings (September to June)
Sept. 17th, 7-9 pm (JPII, 1st Fl)
For further information, please call Mary Ann Andel at 987-9312 x 250.
“How pleasing to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is the short
quarter of an hour that we steal from our occupations, from something of no use, to come and pray to Him, to visit Him, to console
Saint John Vianney
Next rosary August 24
For information: Deborah (909) 240-6419
“Thank you to all who have responded to the invitation to help
out in the office. We have had a great response and we appreciate each one of you that have volunteered. All office volunteers
must have a background check and complete the VIRTUS training. You can schedule an appointment with Jenny Campbell at
the office for the background check. The next VIRTUS training
here at St. Peter and St. Paul is on August 22, at 9am, upstairs in
the JPII building. You must pre-register at You
can also take the training on line. Please call Cheryl Harshman at
909-987-9312, ext. 303 if you have any questions. Thank you!”
Now is not the time
to sit at home
and privately lament
the atrocities of
Planned Parenthood.
Come out with your Knights of Columbus
to pray the Rosary, for the unborn and their parents,
What: Rosary for Life
When: Aug. 22, 9-11am
Where: Planned Parenthood
1550 N Garey Avenue
Pomona, CA 91767
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
nothing. Edmund Burke
For more information contact Nick Ewell,
Grand Knight, at or at
(909) 235-6425.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Christian Initiation of Adults
is pleased to extend an invitation to anyone who is interested in learning more
about the Catholic Church.
In the RCIA process, one is able to learn
and ask questions to determine if this is where God is calling them.
If there is a desire to be received into the church, the team works
closely in helping individuals discern their next step towards full
initiation in the Church. We invite those who may be interested in
our Catholic faith or those who may want to look into becoming a
sponsor, to join us Tuesday evenings at 7:30PM in the
Fr. Joseph Gregorek Library. For more information on the process, please call Danny or Vicki Centurioni at 909 987 7971.
Adapted for Children and Teens
Children (ages 7-12) and Teens (ages
13-17) who are interested in joining the
Catholic Church are invited to participate in the RCIA adapted for Children
and Teens. The goal is to provide a
means of conversion suited to the student’s age and understanding, and to
prepare them for the reception of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation
(Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation). Parents and sponsors share a loving
journey with the student’s by attending sessions with them and assisting them
as they learn about Jesus and the Church, and ensuring that they experience
a Catholic environment in the home. To participate more fully in this journey,
we encouraged you to attend scheduled retreats, weekly Mass, special celebrations, and the Easter Liturgy. Our sessions begin in September and end in
August 16, 2015
Annual Health Fair
Please Join the Mexican Consulate
of San Bernardino/Riverside Coun-
ties in their Annual Health Fair
that will offer on-site free health
screenings and medical consultation such as: cholesterol, dental, vision, mammograms, health workshops and much more.
This health fair will be held
Sun., Oct. 4, - 9AM - 2PM
at the parking lot of the Mexican Consulate, located at 293 N D Street,
San Bernardino, CA 92401. For additional information please feel free
to contact the
Office of the Mexican Consulate at (909) 889-9836 ext. 225 or 227.
♥ Heart of Mary Women’s Fellowship
Sept. 5th —9-11:00 am (Hall)
At Heart of Mary we gather for a
morning of faith
sharing and
Sessions held every Wed.5:30-7pm. – In the Library
Feel free to contact us anytime throughout the year for program information
Tony Mandala at (909) 987-9312 ex. 231
A Teaching Moment—
How does the Church define
the term “Holy Trinity”?
The mystery of one God in
three Persons: Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit. The revealed
truth of the Holy Trinity is at
the very root of the Church’s
living faith as expressed in the
Creed. The Son proceeds
from the Father while the Holy
Spirit proceeds from the father
and the Son. Each Person of
the Holy Trinity is equally God.
In everything they do they act as one. The mystery of the Trinity in
itself is inaccessible to the human mind and is the object of faith only
because it was revealed by Jesus Christ, the Divine Son of the eternal Father. See the Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph #
253-256 for further information.
Meetings will be every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month from 7-9 pm in
the JPII, 2nd Fl St. Bernardine Room.
There are no fees to attend the meetings.
Cancer affects a person physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally,
spiritually, and socially. Many times it is difficult to share one’s feelings with
family members or friends. This group provides an opportunity to share your
feelings and experiences with others in a caring and safe environment. By
your sharing and supporting one another it will help give you the courage to
cope with your journey regardless of what type of cancer you have.
For more information or to RSVP for the first meeting please call
Judy Nelson, 909-880-4389 Contact/Facilitator
“I refuse to walk in the shadow of cancer and look forward to my future with
hope, endurance, love, and laughter.”
Judy Nelson, 02/08/08
Page Five
Corner Ephesians
Kaya't mag-ingat
kayo kung paano
kayo namumuhay.
Mamuhay kayong
tulad ng matatalino at
di tulad ng mga mangmang. Samantalahin ninyo ang bawat pagkakataon na kayo'y
makagawa ng mabuti sapagkat punung-puno ng kasamaan ang daigdig ngayon. Huwag kayong maging hangal. Unawain ninyo kung ano ang kalooban ng Panginoon.
Huwag kayong maglalasing, sapagkat mauuwi iyan sa magulong pamumuhay. Sa halip
ay dapat kayong mapuspos ng Espiritu. Mag-awitan kayo ng mga salmo, mga himno at
mga awiting espirituwal; buong puso kayong umawit at magpuri sa Panginoon. Lagi
kayong magpasalamat sa Diyos na ating Ama dahil sa lahat ng bagay, sa pangalan ng
ating Panginoong Jesu-Cristo.
(Watch carefully how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise, making the most of
the opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not continue in ignorance, but
try to understand what is the will of the Lord. And do not get drunk on wine, in which lies
debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns
and spiritual songs, singing and playing to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks always
and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.)
We meet after the 4pm mass, (JPII, 2nd Fl)
2nd Saturday of the month. Our next Meeting: Sept 12th
Spouses, Grandparents, Parents and interested Teens meet together, while the
younger family members have their own fun nearby! We have childcare and light
refreshments for all.
Thank you for joining us this past year! We have plenty of activities
that promise to bring you and your family closer to our Catholic community and closer to God! Enjoy the wonderful season of Summer.
Gloria and Rick Rivera:
Pat and Ellie Cabildo:
Learning to pray in an orderly, varied and gradual manner, from the first steps to the
depths of contemplation. Discovering the key for understanding the presence of God in
our personal journey and in the world. You are invited come to the Prayer and Life
Workshops, a Bible-based method for deepening one’s prayer life.
Starting: July 29 to Nov. 4.
When: Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm to 9pm
Duration: 15 Sessions
Where: St. John Bosco room - upstairsin the JPII Building
For more information, please call Letty Andrade at 909-941-7746
Registration is limited to 25 persons. Please call to confirm your attendance.
Heaven On Earth…..
Come spend some time in the quiet presence of our Lord.
Bask in the warmth of His love.
"The Eucharist strikes such fire within us that
we are compelled by our actions and our presence to warm the people we live among and to
melt the ice of hate, discrimination, indifference,
injustice and isolation. “Can a man hide fire in
his bosom and his garments not
burn?'" (Proverbs 6:27)
- from the article "They Have Been With Jesus",
by Rev. Franklyn M. McAfee
If you would like to sign up for 1 hour,
please contact Karen Hein at (909) 987-9312 ext. 230
Times: Wed. 8am-8pm - Fri. 8am-12am - Sat. 12am-7:45am
Vigesimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
16 de agosto de 2015
Juventud con Visión y Acción (JVA) is a young adult
ministry dedicated to youth ages 18-25. JVA is committed to the building and development of a personal relationship with Christ. Our desire is to bring more young people
to Christ and to place Him at the center of our daily lives.
Please feel free to stop by for one of our meetings! They
are every other Friday at 7:30 in JPII building, located in
9135 Banyan St, Alta Loma, CA 91737.
Según la creencia de los aztecas,
toltecas y otros indígenas, los niños y las
niñas nacen sin rostro y corazón. Corresponde a la familia formar en ellos y ellas
el rostro (la personalidad), y el corazón
(ánimo/ motivación) durante los primeros siete años de su vida.
Rostro y corazón son una combinación para hablar de
un tercer aspecto. En este caso rostro y corazón indican la
persona bien formada. Los judíos de la época de Jesús
también usaban ciertas palabras para indicar otras realidades. Cuerpo y sangre, por ejemplo, indican a la persona
en su totalidad. El cuerpo muestra el carácter de la persona, mientras que la sangre indica su ánimo o motivación.
Cuando Jesús nos invita a comer su Cuerpo y beber
su Sangre nos está invitando a tomar su rostro y corazón.
Nuestra personalidad debe ser como la suya y nuestra
motivación también. De esta manera entramos en íntima
comunión con él, a quien comulgamos. En nuestro interior vamos aprendiendo a pensar y amar como él, mientras
que exteriormente vamos aprendiendo a comportarnos
como él.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Trabaja como si tuvieras que vivir siempre, y come
como si tuvieras que morirte mañana.
—Proverbio áraba
en su
Feria Anual de Salud
Acompañe al Consulado de
México de los Condados de San
Bernardino / Riverside en su Feria Anual de Salud. Ofrecerán exámenes de salud gratis y consultas médica, tales como de: colesterol,
dental, visión, mamografías, talleres sobre la salud y mucho más.
La feria de salud se llevará a cabo el domingo,
04 de octubre del 2015, de 9 AM - 2:00 pm
en el estacionamiento del Consulado de México, ubicado a 293 ND
Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401. Para obtener más información
favor de comunicarse con la
Oficina del Consulado de México al (909) 889-9836 ext. 225 o 227.
For more information please contact Karina Silva at (909) 827-8485 or
Juventud con visión y Acción (JVA) es un ministerio para jóvenes de 18-25 años. JVA
se ha dedicado a la construcción y desarrollo de nuestra relación personal con Cristo.
Nuestro anhelo es acercar a los jóvenes más a Cristo y poder tenerlo como el centro
de nuestra vida. Por favor, siéntase libre de pasar por una de nuestras reuniones! Son
cada otro viernes a las 7:30 en el edificio JPII, localizado en 9135 Banyan St, Alta
Loma, CA 91737. Para más información por favor de llamar: (909)827-8485 o por
correo electrónico:
En la primera lectura de hoy, la
sabiduría se presenta como una mujer
rica en aplomo y gracia. Se mueve
fácilmente y con confianza en torno a
su templo-hogar. No anda mariposeando, nerviosa y preocupada. La sabiduría envía a sus
doncellas a invitar a todos a su casa. Los invitados no
tienen que tener ningún talento o conocimiento en particular. Tan sólo necesitan ser personas de buena voluntad
y sentido común. Se les llama a dejar atrás las tonterías y
buscar para sí mismos un lugar a la mesa de la sabiduría.
Ahí pueden comer y beber a fondo.
El Evangelio de hoy nos lleva de nuevo a la mesa de
la Eucaristía. Jesús les habla a aquellos que buscan entender sus palabras, y, tristemente, a aquellos que tratan de
evadirlas. Como pueblo nacido de Dios, estamos llamados y preparados para buscar la voluntad de Dios y ponerla en práctica. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
San Juan Eudes
San Bernardo
San Pio X
Santa María Virgen, Reina
Primera lectura — La sabiduría nos dice: Dejen su ignorancia y vivirán;
avancen por el camino de la prudencia (Proverbios 9:1-6).
Salmo — Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor (Salmo 34 [33]).
Segunda lectura — Vivan como personas de sabiduría tratando de entender
qué es la voluntad del Señor, llenos del Espíritu y dando gracias siempre
(Efesios 5:15-20).
Evangelio — Jesús dice, “Yo soy el pan vivo que ha bajado del cielo; el que
coma de este pan vivirá para siempre” (Juan 6:51-58).
Page Seven
St. Vincent de Paul Corner—
Helpline– 1-800-716-0646
Mike Parker—President
We are closed for the month of August.
Our next meeting is Sept 9th @ 7:30 pm
in the JP II building.
God bless you and all you do!
Respect Life Calendar
Respect Life Ministry will be publishing a quarterly calendar to keep you
informed of upcoming events. Each
month will focus on one or more areas of respect for human life and
dignity. Look for more information on activities that may interest you
in detailed bulletin announcements.
Sept. – Poor, Sick
40 Days for Life 9/23/15 – 11/1/15
911 Patriotic Rosary & Eucharistic Adoration
For information: Deborah Cummins (909) 240-6419
Welcome to our
God-Sent Ministry
This is a
Hopeful Loving Memory Ministry ♥ HLMM
“ How Love Moves Many”
“A fellowship ministry to support, share and reach out to family caregivers of
loved ones with memory impaired dementia related hardships”
Please come and... ♥ be blessed ♥ be heard ♥ be loved
Our next meeting is Sat., Sept. 19th - 9-11am
(JPII, 2nd Fl)
"Filling lives with Hope"!
As caregivers of your precious loved ones, you will see and hear God working in
your lives as you receive much support and love from others who are currently
on, or have been on this journey.
For more information, please contact:
Deborah Waters 909-899-7125
These are some very important Bills being presented & debated
with our State Legislators.
(US Catholic Conference of Bishops)
SB 128- Physician-Assisted Suicide- Oppose
SB 23- CalWORKs Eligibility- Support
AB-775 Reproductive FACT Act- Oppose
AB 43 & SB 38- Personal Income Taxes: Credit: Earned Income (EITC) - Support
SB 3- Minimum Wage- Support
AB 337- Education Expenses of Teachers - Support
AB 1371- Education Expenses of Parents- Support
SB 124- Juveniles: Limiting Solitary Confinement- Support
Catholic Legislative Network
“Catholics Returning Home”
Do you know someone
who has left the
Church? Most of us do not have
to look very far to find non-practicing
“Catholics” in our circle of family and
friends. Obviously, most of them are
searching, but how can we help them find their way home?
As baptized practicing Catholics we have a precious gift of faith and love from the Lord
that needs to be shared with our non-practicing brothers and sisters. First, we need to
pray for them. Secondly, we need to extend a personal invitation to them to come
home to the Catholic Church. Most non-practicing Catholics are waiting for an invitation
to return. Many mistakenly think they are not welcome to return for a variety of reasons.
Many non-practicing Catholics carry a tremendous amount of guilt and misinformation
about the Church so they are afraid of approaching the Church for fear of being rejected. You can make a tremendous difference in someone’s life simply by reaching out
to them and telling them that we miss them and would like for them to come back home
to our Church family.
St. Anthony’s Parish in Upland has a special program to help non-practicing Catholics
return to the Church called “Catholics Returning Home”. This 6 week series begins
Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 7:30 PM in room 9 in their hall. Please pass this
article on to anyone who might be interested. For more information about Catholics
Returning Home call Joseph P Kiszeli at 909-985-2805.
In today’s first reading, Wisdom is imagined as a woman
rich in poise and grace. She moves smoothly and confidently about her temple‑like home. She doesn’t flutter
about, nervous with worry. Wisdom sends her maidens to
invite all to her open house. The guests do not possess
any particular genius or insight. They need only be a people of good will and common
sense. They are summoned to leave behind foolishness and to find for themselves a
place at Wisdom’s table. There they may and can eat and drink deeply. Today’s Gospel
draws us back to the table of the Eucharist. Jesus addresses those who seek to understand his words and, sadly, those who seek to avoid them. As people born of God, we
are called and equipped to seek God’s will and act on it. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Life in
The Spirit Prayer Group
Summer is such a wonderful time to relax.. We will be taking a brief
brake for the month of August to spend time with our families and plan for the
fall season Our prayer group resumes its meetings
Thurs. Sept 3rd 7-8:30 (JPII, 2nd Fl.
We invite you to consider attending the
SCRC conference in Anahiem Sept 4th-6th.
For more info go to their website
Blessings In Faith
For info: Please call the Parish Office for more
information. Group leaders:
Susan Sabahi Maureen Malady
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Youth Ministry
EDGE (Junior High)
Confirmation (High School)
Office Hours—
Mon. & Tues. 1-6pm
Thurs. 10-6pm—Closed on Wed. & Fri
Christian Gross—Coord. Of Confirmation & Youth Ministry
Phone Ext. 300 Email:
Maegan Odicino—Coord. Of Middle School (EDGE) Ministry
Phone Ext. 301 Email:
“For any Youth Ministry questions or concerns,
please call 909-987-9312 Ext. 300
or email”
Our parish has decided to lead a group of young adults and adults to the
World Youth Day in 2016 in Krakow, Poland.
It is our hope to take at least 30 and
at most 40 pilgrims.
We are at 20 so far. The cost is $4,899 per person.
We plan on offering some fundraising opportunities, but the bulk of the trip fee
will be on each pilgrim.
For more information contact:
Maegan Odicino at
August 16, 2015
Children’s Faith Formation
& Baptism
(909) 980-9423
Summer Office Hours: 8am-5pm
Mon—Thurs./Closed Fridays
♥ Catechesis Classes Grades 1-5
♥ Sunday Children's Liturgy (1-6 grades)
9am (pre-school—6th) & 11am (1st—6th) English)
1:00pm (Spanish)
♥ Sunday Pre-School (ages 3-5 ) 11:00 am
Irma Mc Gaughey—Administrative Assistant—Ext. 232
Tony Mandala—Coord. of Children's Faith Formation & Baptism—Ext. 231
Children’s Faith Formation
Children’s faith formation is not just about sacramental preparation
– it is on-going discipleship formation that should be life-long!
2015 Schedule
Please call the Children’s Faith Formation Office if you need
additional information. 909-980-9423
Youth Ministry CALENDAR
Here are a few events that can keep you connected over the summer!
8/30 “Mandatory Confirmation Parent Meeting” – 3:30pm to 4:45pm, Upstairs in JP II Center
8/31 “Mandatory EDGE Parent Meeting” – 5:30pm to 7:00pm, Upstairs in JP II Center
9/13 “Life Teen Kick Off” (Open to all High School Youth) – 6:30 pm to 8:00pm, Upstairs in JP II Center
“Confirmation Registration (Youth must be 16 years old by May, 2017 to enroll) is now open until AUGUST 20TH! The registration
forms can be downloaded at:”
“If you feel called to volunteer your time, talents, or treasures in any capacity to one of the youth ministry programs,
please call 909-987-9312 Ext. 300 or email for more information.
Thank you.
“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few” Luke 10:2”
Page Nine
St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic School
Preschool - Fifth Grade
Kelly Burt - Principal
Laura Onopa - Business Manager
Annie Valtier - Administrative Assistant
Telephone: (909) 987-7908
Fax: (909) 987-6779
School Calendar
School Summer Office Hours:
Starting July 6thMon.– Thurs 9am-2pm
2015-2016 School Registration
 Preschool: 2,3 or 5 full or half-day programs, minimum age is 3 years of
age by September 1. Kindergarten through Fifth Grade: 8:00 a.m. – 2:45
 Before and after school care available
Current registration fees and tuition rates are available on the school website,
Elementary school:
Please contact the school office for specific hours.
August 31
First Day of School – Elementary
Sept. 1
First Day of School – Preschool
Enjoy your summer!
100 Mile Club Update!
Our Saints finished the school year completing a total of 6,492 miles! Nine
students earned the coveted Golden Medal for reaching 100 Miles and 205
milestone awards such as t-shirts. Pencils, and wristbands were handed
out. Congratulations for an AMAZING year!
Saints completed a fantastic Track & Field season earning 4 trophies and 30
medals for the following events:
Boys Division (1-2) 4 x 100 Relay 3rd place –Trophy & 4 Medals
Girls Division (1-2) 4 x 100 Relay 3rd place – Trophy & 4 Medals
Co-ed 4 x 100 Relay Division (1-2) 2nd place – Trophy & 4 Medals
Boys Division (1-2) 50 Meter Dash – 3 Medals
Boys Division (1-2) 100 Meter Dash – 2 Medals
Girls Division (1-2) 100 Meter Dash – 2 Medals
Boys Division (3-4) 100 Meter Dash – 2 Medals
Girls 200 Meter Run Division (3-4) – 3 Medals
Boys Division (3-4) 400 Meter Run – 2 Medals
Co-ed 4 x 100 Relay Division (3-4) 3rd place – Trophy & 4 Medals
Fully credentialed Catholic teachers
WCEA/WASC Accredited
Bi-weekly School Mass, coordinated by our Campus Minister
Diocesan and California Common Core State Standards
Average class size is 16
Curriculum based field trips throughout the year
Co-curricular subjects include Computers, Fine Arts Program
(music and art), Sparks© Physical Education, and Spanish.
New school library, fully operational by September 2014
Accelerated Reader program
School uniforms
Catered hot lunch program
100 Mile Club
Jump Rope for Heart
Community Service Outreach Programs throughout the school year
Calling All Target shoppers!!!
There’s a wonderfully simple way for you to help us raise funds
for our school. All you have to do is use your Target® Visa® or
Target® Card and twice a year, a percentage of the amount of
each purchase you make goes back to our school in the form of a
cash donation from Target. The money can be used for things
that aren’t included in our budget, - new computers, Audio/Visual equipment, musical
instruments, field trips - things that can really benefit the children in our community. Help us help our school through the Target Take Charge of Education program.
Just visit or call 1-800-316-6142 to designate our school (ID
If you are a Von’s shopper, consider
registering your Von’s shopper with
St. Peter and St. Paul
School Group ID# – 137621174.
This program is no cost to the consumer, yet it generates dollars for
our school that you’re already spending at the market.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sacrament of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Sick is a Sacrament offered by the Church for healing in sickness. This
sickness may be physical, mental or emotional.
Anyone of any age can receive the Sacrament as
often as needed, but not usually not less than a 3
month period. Unfortunately, many still refer to this
Sacrament as the “Last Rites” and often call the
parish for a priest when an individual is critical and close to end of life. The Church has
not used the term “Last Rites” since the Vatican II Council; asking the faithful to call for
a priest when in the need of Healing. One of the realities of the Church today is a priest
shortage. If a call is made to the Church for the Sacrament, when someone is close to
the end of life, there might not be enough time for a priest to reach the person prior to
them passing away, or a priest might not be available, at that important moment. Only
a priest can offer the Sacrament of the Sick. A Deacon is not permitted to administer the
rite of this Sacrament because it includes the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Church
will do everything possible, in case of an emergency. However, it may be difficult if it is
“last minute”.
May this be a reminder to take advantage of the healing Sacraments of the Church~
For Sacrament of the Sick … Please contact the Parish Office at 909-987-9312
During hours the office is closed, call 909-532-3312 for Emergencies
Ministry to the
Homebound, Sick & Elderly
Our Liturgy and celebration of the Eucharist continues
after Mass, as our Ministers of Holy Communion bring the
Eucharist to those who are unable to attend Mass with the
Community. Trained and commissioned lay persons
serve Holy Communion to those confined to their homes,
facilities or hospitals. Our Ministers have a compassionate ear to listen, provide
spiritual support and prayer. If you are unable to attend Mass and are in need of a
Homebound Minister, or if you are aware of a parishioner who would like to receive
Holy Communion, contact Debby Leonardo to arrange for weekly visits from our
Homebound Ministry. To serve as a Sick & Homebound Minister, please contact
Debby Leonardo, Pastoral Care, at 909-987-9312 x 302, for more information.
Military Photo Update If you have a family member actively serving our country and
would like their picture included in the Military Frame of our Soldiers honoring our Men
and Women for their service; please bring a photo of your Soldier to the Parish Office
and fill out the Military Personnel Information Form. The Military information consists of
their rank, stationed location, branch of service, address of soldier, along with Parish
family contact. These photos provide the community with recognition of those parishioners and family members serving in the military. Many of our parishioners will keep the
names and faces in their hearts and prayers, along with all of our Military Men and
Women serving our country. Please contact Debby Leonardo for more information
at 909-987-9312
Military Prayer List
SSgt Juan Manuel Juarez, Jr.
PFC Shyanna Irwin
Cpl Robb McCandlish
PFC Kevin McCarthy
SGT Joshua Miller
A1C James A. Montminy
PO2 Luke Myers
SSG Kamrin Pavlos
PFC Paul Perez
Sgt. Kurt Rehnberg
SSgt Victor Sanez
A1C Jordan Stone
A1C Matthew Toms
PFC Riley Villalpando
Capt Alex J. Williams
SR Nicole Woodall
Justin Andrews, National Guard
Capt. Andrew Bowne
SPC Andrew Cavazos
Maj Jon W. Clanton
SGT Joshua Cornell
CPL Justin Crabbe
PvVT Jeddah J. Deloria
SA Adrian Dominguez
SSG Gilbert D. Frasquillo
CWO Anthony Gannuscio
SSgt Cassie Crough-Guerra
Cpl. Mark Steven Guerra
Col. Frank Guerrera
CPL Alex Jamsa
SPC Christen Jamsa
Andrew Jimenez, National Guard
SPC Kevin Bovi-Jones
Lt Col Jeffrey Conbalecer
August 16, 2015
Prayer For Our Sick
“Please Pray for the Healing of our Family & Friends”
Please call Debby Leonardo at Ext. 302 in the parish office, to add a
person to the prayer list. Due to the many prayer requests, the name
will remain on the list for 4 weeks. If additional prayers are needed,
call to re-submit the name. Thank You & May God Bless You
Frances Nicole Magsambol
& Family
Madeleine Oliverio
David & Lydia Queen
Baby Daniella Contreras
Frances Barron
Luis & Josefina Leonardo
Angelina Rodriguez
Lucina Soltero
Christopher Csik & Family
Debbie Zbinden & Family
Spagnolo Family
Mary Lee Blow
John & Gloria Garcia
Kathy Perez
Elba Ramirez
Patricia Holder
Olivia Madrid
Paula Smith
Josie Emery
Irwan Rosadi
Kori Marie Kolstad
Evelyn Walker
Jeanine Anderson
Kathy Newman
Kate McRae & Family
Baby Isabella Cruz Mendez
Lilia Wallace
Mary Lou Harshman
Mark Schabowski
Paul & Norma Castellanos
& Family
Aurelia Guzman
Frank McCormick
Tere Reyes Barron & Family
Kim Castellanos
Diane Frend
Cathy Fontana
Ron Michaels
Brandon Burns
Isaiah Valtier & Family
Ed & Joan Combs
David & Anna Gardner
Gary Lacy
Juliet Castanar
Jo Kopasz
Susan Thompson
Dora Thompson
Janet Arnold
Evie Onteberos
John- John Leon
Greg Rasalan
Sheryl Wilder
Sherry Harlan
Barbara Benson
Lupe V. Caballero
Sandi Hartman
David Durdines
Elbert & Louise Wilkerson
Diane Scheffer
Thomas Palombo
Domia Haddad
Martha Barahona
Chantale Noreen
Josephine Holquin
Alice Marin
Rafael Martinez
Gilbert Cortez
Sheri Rose Shepherd
Chuck & Sally Murray
Doreen Brunswick
Baby Maisie Helton
Alana Brielle
Terry Espinoza
Beatrice Villegas
Mary Luman
Bertha King
Lily Raya
Sally Radaza
Karen Loggia
Ernie Ochoa
Kerry Carroll
Dona Decoteau
Matt Decoteau
Frederico Prespo
Russell Hahka
Diane O’Neal
Christina O’Leary
Mitsuko Kusaba
Toby Moore
Alicia Herrera
Marco Villegas Jr.
Diane Gonzalez
Jeff Eshelman
Ariel Mirote
Argentina Soto
Annie David
Sarah Tompkins
Sarah Hernandez
Jalynn Duloc’
Carol Hile
Page Eleven
“Yesterday is experience, tomorrow is is getting from
one to the other”
Any adult who is currently experiencing (or within the last 3-4 years), a separation,
divorce or widowhood is invited to join this group, there is no age limit. This was a
much needed and active support group here at St. Peter & St. Paul from 1982-2002.
Unfortunately, our spouses die and so does love, so the need for this ministry is still
viable today.
There will be discussions on various topics that affect the group’s needs and you will
have the chance to share, if you like, with others that are having to cope with many of
the same situations and emotions as you are. It takes time but you will begin to realize
that there is life after death of a marriage or death of a spouse.
By the bond of our Catholicism, and your ministering to each other through your sharing, trust, and respect for each other through Christ, group members will accept their
situation, learn from it, heal, and forgive. You will move forward with peace and happiness in your hearts to the new plan God has for you. Please call if you would like more
Contact & Facilitator: Judy Nelson 909-880-4389
The Meetings will be held
every 2nd & 4th Tues. of the month @ 7-9 pm
(JPII, 2nd Fl)
First Reading — Forsake foolishness that you may live; advance in the way of understanding (Proverbs 9:1-6).
Psalm — Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
(Psalm 34).
Second Reading — Live as wise persons trying to understand what is the will of the
Lord, filled with the Spirit and giving thanks always (Ephesians 5:15-20).
Gospel — Jesus says, “I am the living bread . . . whoever eats this bread (my flesh) will
live forever”
(John 6:51-58).
Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22
Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30
Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16
Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14
Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40
Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Ps 128:1b-5; Mt 23:1-12
Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ps 34:2-3, 16-21;
Eph 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69
“ A Consecrated Life”
Fr. Jewel Aytona, C.P.M., grew up in
Rancho Cucamonga attending school
here. He played basketball and learned
break-dancing. He and his family faithfully attended Sunday Mass, prayed the
family Rosary and frequented Eucharistic
Adoration. As he began to be involved
with the Youth Ministry here at St. Peter
& St. Paul Parish he discovered that God
had given him a gift to preach and teach the Faith to others. His older
brother Joseph had entered the Fathers of Mercy a year prior, and
Jewel, also, was drawn to the same apostolate. He felt a call from
the Lord to discern the priesthood and to use the gifts God had given
him, devoting his life to prayer.
He was ordained on June 4th, 2011 with the Congregation of the
Fathers of Mercy in Auburn, Kentucky. Many family and friends from
St. Peter & St. Paul Parish attended the ordination.
One of his first assignments was at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good
Help outside of Green Bay WI. There, he established a youth ministry
that was so successful, the local bishop asked permission from the
CPM Superiors for Fr. Jewel to stay for an unprecedented second
year. Fr. Jewel has also traveled to Australia giving parish missions in
that country. He has visited the RCIA Sessions many times contributing and giving presentations.
You Have Value ~ God’s Love is Great
Life can be challenging
Those in crisis… please seek Counseling….reach out to others.
To counsel with our Priests, please call 909-987-9312 for an
appointment. After hours, there is an
emergency prompt for a call back from a priest.
National Suicide Hotlines –
Toll-Free / 24 hours / 7 days a week / USA
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) National Hope line Network
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-877-YOUTHLINE (1-877-968-8454)
Youth America Hotline – Teens
Community Crisis Response Team – CCRT San Bernardino West Valley
Phone 909-458-9628 or Pager 909-535-1316 1-888-628-9454 (En Espanol)
Or don’t hesitate to call 911
Holy Spirit Bible Study
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. John Eudes
St. Bernard
St. Pius X
The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
All are welcome to join us!
We are studying the...
Every Thurs. 9—11am (JPII, 2nd Fl)
We look forward to seeing you!
For more information please contact: Josie at 909-987-7348
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 16, 2015
Directory of Parish Ministries
Catholic Daughters
Cursillos in Christianity
Linda Teran
Leslie & Donna Roman
Dennis & Aileen Gamalinda
Fifty Plus Club
Jo Kopasz
Knights of Columbus
Nicholas Ewell, GK
Marriage Encounter MEMC
Jon & Lynde Peralta
St. Vincent De Paul Society Helpline
World Apostolate
of Fatima
Joan Combs
(800) 716-0646
Finance Council
Pastoral Council
Patrick Cabildo
Bryan Dopp
Catechetical Ministries
Adult Confirmation
Mary Ann Andel
Adult Faith Formation
Jenny Campbell
Tony Mandala
Bible Study - English
Mary Ann Andel
Bible Study - Spanish
Jose Henriquez
Bible Study—Holy Spirit Josie Urquizu
Catholic Family Ministry Pat & Ellie Cabildo
(951) 741-1611
Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Dan & Vicki Centurioni
Children's Faith Formation Grades 1-5
Tony Mandala
Christian Gross
♥ of Mary Women's
Michelle Workman
Jr. High-EDGE
Maegan Odicino
Life Teen
Christian Gross
RCIA for Children
& Teens
Tony Mandala
St. Joseph’s Coven. Keepers- Fernando Montanez
Sunday Preschool
Jacquie Hotchkiss
Yolanda Rivera
Young Adult Ministry
WY Day 2016
Christian Gross
Please join us!! Are you interested in
sharing your God-given talent
with others?
We gather
every Mon. 10am - Noon (JPII, 2nd Fl)
This ministry creates shawls and lap blankets for those suffering from
illness and would appreciate any donations of skeins of yarn and/or
medium size gift bags for presenting the shawls and lap blankets to the
recipients. There are blessings of fellowship, sharing creative ideas,
prayerful encouragement, and refreshments. If you would like to contact
the Prayer Shawl Ministry, please call Anne Napolitano at 909-9359080. Please bring your donations to Debby Leonardo, Pastoral Care, in
the Parish Office. Thank you and May God Bless you for your support….
Pastoral Liturgical Life Ministries
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Art and Environment
Children’s Liturgy
Director of Liturgy
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Ministers
EMHC to the Sick/HB
Master of Ceremonies
Music Ministry Director
David & Terry Di Giuseppe 730-9067
Parish Office
Jacquie Hotchkiss
Dan Centurioni
Karen & Mike Hein
Teri & Alan Guindon
Debby Leonardo
Cheryl Harshman
Audrey Donaldson
Larry Lastrapes
(562) 209-4684
Carmen Fernandez
Jamie Harshman
Susan Sabahi
Alice Chavez
Prayer Groups
Life in the Spirit
Rosary Group
Service Ministries
A.C.T.S. Missions
Joseph Lang
Boy Scouts
Marc Cobb
Cub Scouts
Jaime Dominick
DWS (Divorced, Widowed & Separated Group)
Judy Nelson
Filipino Community Min. Dr. Grethel Cabison
God’s Handyman
Tom Catlin
or Office Ext. 311
Grief Support
Andrea Woore
Hopeful Loving Memory Ministry HLMM ♥
Deborah Waters
Justice for Immigrants
Connie Amescua
Araceli Dominguez
Library Ministry
Parish Office
Mary’s Table
Elaine Hein
Our Charity In Action
Linda Hahn &
Irene Charrette
Pastoral Care
Debby Leonardo
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Anne Napolitano
Respect Life
Deborah Cummins
Rosary Making Group
Mary Catherine Kim
St. Rose of Lima Garden Sandra Seabrook
(aka-Memorial Garden)
Weddings & Annulments Norm Anderson
Women’s Cancer Support Group
Judy Nelson
“Army’s Army”
Be a part of ‘Army’s Army’ and help souls
get out of Purgatory.
If you are going on vacation, or visiting a parish out
of the area, please stop by the office for a pack of
‘St. Gertrude Prayer Cards’. Take a picture of yourself or your family at the church or shrine where
you’ve dropped them off, and send it to us at Photos will be posted on the
St. Peter & St. Paul Web site and Facebook page.
Let’s continue the ‘mission’ of Army Centurioni and
help save souls!
Page Thirteen
Our Parish Financial Corner
The Parish Staff Directory
Our Pastoral Clergy / Staff 987-9312
Very Rev. Romeo Seleccion, MS
Parochial Vicar/Pastoral Delegate
Fr. Cyriacus Ogu
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Tong Nguyen
John Barna
Donnie Geaga
Ext. 304
Ext. 223
Ext. 304
Ext. 221
Ext. 221
Our Parish Office Staff 987-9312
Business Manager
Liturgy-Office Clerk
Music Director
Life Teen Music Coordinator
Pastoral Care
Parish Office Assistant &
Bulletin Editor/Registration
Parish Office Secretary
IT Specialist/Ministry Support
Norm Anderson
Karen Hein
Cheryl Harshman
Audrey Donaldson
Austin Ott
Debby Leonardo
Debbie Uhlack
Ext. 236
Ext. 230
Ext. 303
Ext. 227
Ext. 227
Ext. 302
Ext. 242
Ann Hogan
Gary Foote
Ext. 221
Ext. 222
Our Parish Faith Formation Staff 980-9423
Adult Faith Formation-Coord.
Dir. of Adult Faith Formation
Coord. of Children’s Faith Formation
& Baptism
Children’s FF Admin. Assist.
Children's Liturgy
Coord of Middle School(EDGE) Ministry
Coord. of Confirmation/YM
Mary Ann Andel
Jenny Campbell
Tony Mandala
Ext. 250
Ext. 243
Ext. 231
Irma McGaughey
Jacquie Hotchkiss
Maegan Odicino
Christian Gross
Ext. 232
Ext. 232
Ext. 301
Ext. 300
Parish School / Preschool through – 5h grade: 987-7908
Principal – Preschool Director
Business Manager
Administrative Assistant
Kelly Burt
Laura Onopa
Annie Valtier
Ext. 235
Ext. 245
Ext. 234
Sunday Collection 08-09-15:
Misc. Income for 08-09-15:
Total weekly income:
Total weekly expenses:
(From estimated current budget)
$ 3,808.83
John Paul II Bldg. Fund:
Total weekly donations for 08-9-15: $
Total weekly debt payment:
$ 5,700.00
(Based on monthly loan agreement of
dated 7-1-09)
$ 24,701.16
( 5,205.00)
2015 Diocesan Development Fund
Current Parish Pledges Total:
Diocese Goal:
Pledges Made:
Gifts Received:
Donors: 364
Percent of Goal: 72.59 %
As of: August 11, 2015
We now have on-line giving available. You can access it through our
website,, our Facebook, or If you use online
bill pay through your bank, you can also donate to the church by setting us up as a regular payment using your envelope # as your account. If you do not have envelopes and would like to receive them,
please contact the parish office @ (909)987-9312.]
Thank you to our parish family members who faithfully support our
parish. May God bless you and your families during this new year.
May we embrace the message of our faith with love and wisdom.
Regular Parish Office Hours (909) 987-9312
8:30am—4:30 pm (closed noon-1pm for lunch)
Friday 8:30am—Noon
Children’s Faith Formation & Baptism (909) 980-9423
(909) 980-9423
Office Hours: 10 AM-5 PM Mon—Thurs.
Closed Fridays
Youth Ministry—
Mon. & Tues. 1-6 pm - Thurs. 10-6 pm
"...Live not as foolish persons, but as wise."
(Ephesians 5:15)
Dare you share with your beloved a foolish thing you've
done during your life? More importantly, share one way
that you see
your beloved
as wise (other
than marrying
you). ♥♥
Chartered organization - Saint Peter and Saint Paul Catholic Church
Have Fun, Make Friends, See New Things.
For over 80 years, Cub Scouts have been having the time of their lives making new friends and learning new things in
an environment designed to help them succeed. From building his own pinewood derby car to learning how to roast the
perfect marshmallow with his best friends at a family campout, your child will LOVE being a Cub Scout. So if he's in the
first through fifth grades, or 7 to 10 years old, then it's time for him to have some fun … with the Cub Scouts.
Come with your parents to KICKOFF the 2015-2016 Scout year!!
Sunday, August 16th 2015 @ 2:30-4:00PM
St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic Church Park area.
For more information,
please call Committee Chair – Jaime Dominick @ 909-732-5503
or Cub Master – Chris Patterson @ 909-615-7801
A note to: JS Paluch
Bulletin Editor - Debbie Uhlack - Ext. 242
Mon—Thurs. 8:30—1:30
Off on Friday
NOTE: Please contact Karen Hein Ext. 230 if you are unable to reach Debbie after 1:30 Thurs.
Thank you so much!