June 7, 2015: Corpus Christi - St. John The Evangelist Parish


June 7, 2015: Corpus Christi - St. John The Evangelist Parish
June 7, 2015
Saint John the Evangelist Parish
115 Middlesex Street
North Chelmsford, Massachusetts
T: 978-251-8571 • F: 978-251-7873 • www.saintjohnchelmsford.org
If you are new to the
parish, we ask that you
please complete a
registration form by
contacting the parish
office, or by visiting our
parish website.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Called by Christ to
unity in our Roman
Catholic Faith, we
bring together and
welcome the faithful
from diverse walks
of life and ethnic
We stand for the
sanctity of life
and the dignity
of every person.
We dedicate
ourselves to
formation in faith,
pastoral care and
service to all
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 8:30 AM
10:30 AM & 5:00 PM
Monday - Saturday:
9:00 AM
preceded by
The Rosary at 8:30 AM
The Parish Family of Saint John the Evangelist, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Chelmsford Catholic
Collaborative Corner
Introducing the Priests of our
page 2
Staff Directory
Reverend Brian Mahoney
Chelmsford Catholic Collaborative!
PASTOR, ext 215
Let us welcome our new Pastor, Fr. Brian E.
Mahoney! Fr. Brian, ordained in 1995, comes to us
from St. Francis (as Pastor), where he simultaneously
acted as Administrator for both St. Marguerite in
Dracut and St. Rita in Lowell. Among many of
Fr. Brian’s responsibilities, he is an instructor at The
Theological Institute at Saint John’s Seminary Master
of Arts in Ministry Program (MAM) and the Master of
Theological Studies, and teaches in the Diaconate
Program. Oh, and if you see (or hear) a Harley around
the grounds… that’s him!
Reverend Tom Corcoran
Fr. Thomas B. Corcoran, previously assigned as
Parochial Vicar at St. Mary’s, is joining our
collaborative staff as Parochial Vicar. Fr. Tom is a
second vocation priest, and was ordained in 1998,
after a 15-year career in banking and finance. He has
previously served in Swampscott, Dorchester and
Other new names and faces are Rev. Laurence Tocci,
who will be arriving mid-June, as our
second Parochial Vicar, and Fr. Arnold Colletti, our
Senior Priest in Residence...
Fr. Ren (as Fr. Laurence likes to be called) is a native
of Lexington, and was ordained in 2014. He comes to
us from The Christ Initiative Collaborate (St. Rose of
Lima in Topsfield and St. Agnes in Middleton). Before
entering the Seminary, he was a theater artist, playwright and professor.
Fr. Colletti grew up in Braintree and was ordained in
1962. His most recent assignment, before
being granted retirement status, was as Pastor (since
2005) of both St. Brigid and Sacred Heart parishes in
Welcome !
Reverend Laurence Tocci
Reverend Arnold Colletti
Francis X. Burke
Paul Ciotti
ext 234; ciotti@chelmsfordcatholic.org
Fran Anderson
ext 212; fran@chelmsfordcatholic.org
Luis Nieto
ext 230; luis@chelmsfordcatholic.org
Liliana Lucas
ext 213; liliana@chelmsfordcatholic.org
Christine Trznadel
ext 214; christine@chelmsfordcatholic.org
Eileen Marcotte
ext 229; eileen@chelmsfordcatholic.org
Stephen Webber
Although our office hours are limited, our website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week. Much of what you might need can be found there… All parish activities, with
details, can be found on our calendar. Visit www.saintjohnchelmsford.org.
June 7th, 2015: Corpus Christi
page 3
Mass Intentions
“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them”
4:00 PM: Mary Elizabeth Thomas
8:30 AM: Josephine Ryan
10:30 AM: Janice McDermott
5:00 PM: Pro Populo, For the People of the Parish
4:00 PM: Tom & Mary Crane
8:30 AM: Cecile & Marlene Poulin
10:30 AM: Thomas Redlinger
5:00 PM: Pro Populo, For the People of the Parish
May the souls of the faithful departed,
especially Charles Mack, Mary Perkins & Roger Poulin,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Josh DeAngelis & Kerry Sykes
Rose for Life
Josephine Ryan
Birthday Remembrance
To book a Rose for Life, call Christine; ext 214.
Month Ending May 31st
Offertory Actual
This offering is used to fund the
beautification of our Altar. With your
voluntary donation, you can request that
it be “In Memory Of” or “In Appreciation
Of” someone. At the beginning of each
month, we will publish the names of those
individuals in whose memory/honor the altar flowers
have been donated. These envelopes will be included
every other month as an optional and voluntary donation.
If you are not part of our envelope system, please feel
free to make your donation online at
The June Fund honors the following:
Joseph Barbieri • Scott Barley• The Blakely Family
Bob & Loraine• Susan Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. William Chase, Jr.• John Conrad
Conway Family• Lorraine B. Corcoran• Geraldine Cottle
Katherine Coughlin• Egan Family• Family
Eileen Francoeur• Peter & Mary Lou Grimes
Michael F. & Elizabeth T. Harrington• Jim & Elizabeth
Johnathon• John F. Kenney•Gerard Lavallee• Mary Paige
McGuirk• John Moran• Nelson• James O’Day
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palermo, Sr.• Dr. Paul E. Ritt, Jr.
Bernadette Soule• Zang & Peter Sullivan
Martha Swissler • The Taranto Family
Thank You!
The Collection Report
Offertory Budget
Beautification Offering
*Of the actual,
$3,652 is electronic
2014/15 Fiscal YTD Variance
Catholic Communication Collection
Seminarians Collection
A word of Thanks to all of the parishioners and
the staff of St. John’s who were so kind to me
over the past 11 months. I also wish to thank all
who sent cards or gifts… your goodness was very
touching. St. John’s is certainly a blessed
community that I won’t ever forget. I am now
settling back into full-time ministry at the Billerica
Collaborative. Until our paths meet again, may the
Lord continue to bless you all.
-Fr. Marty
The Parish Family of Saint John the Evangelist, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts
From the Office of
Religious Ed
Faith Formation
Fran Anderson, ext 212
What is a Catechist?
A catechist is a person who facilitates the process of faith
formation. This is done first by echoing the Word of God
in his or her own life, and second, by
helping others to do so. If you wish
to share your faith with the children
of St. John’s, we are in need of
catechists for the Wednesday
afternoon, grade 2, 4 & 6 classes.
Preference is given to parents,
however, high school students with an interest in
teaching should also feel free to ‘apply’…
page 4
Youth Ministry
Luis Nieto, extension 230
VBF Planning Committee Meeting
TONIGHT!! Sunday, June 7th
6:00 - 8:00 pm in the OPC
Car Wash
CHWC FUNdraiser
NEXT Saturday, June 13th
10 AM - 3 PM
Catholic Heart
Work Camp
Welcome to the Family!
We are proud to announce the
names of the children who
recently became members of our
family through the life-giving
waters of Baptism...
Parent Meeting
NEXT Sunday, June 14th
6:-00 - 8:30 PM
Andrew Jace Christian † Avery Briana Dunn
Lily Carolyn Genetti † Ryan Edward Genetti
Tanner Walter Jones † Emma Faith Salvo
Kaylee Hope Salvo † Logan Scott Winn
Cody Thomas Muir
Altar Server & Children’s Choir Annual Outing
Thursday, June 25, 2015
(rain date: Tuesday, July 28th)
We will leave St. John’s Parking Lot at 9:00 AM, and return at 5:30 PM
Sign-up form can be found at the church entrances or online at www.saintjohnchelmsford.org
2015 Ellen McGrath Scholarship
All of our 2015 graduating high school seniors are invited to apply!! This scholarship is given annually to two
deserving parishioners who have been accepted at a college or university. Applications can be found by
visiting our parish website at www.saintjohnchelmsford.org. Please submit completed application to Liliana
by June 22nd, 2015.
June 7th, 2015: Corpus Christi
page 5
Knights of Columbus “Family of the Month” awarded to… The Schiefen Family
The Knights of Columbus Bishop Ruocco Council review and nominates families
within each of its parishes for recognition. Nominees for this recognition are families
who have served our faith, our parish and our community over a long period and in a
way that is viewed as selfless, loving and exemplary of a Catholic family.
The Schiefens have been an inspirational family at St. John’s Parish and serve us in
many ways. Most of us know the Schiefens through the service of their entire family
at Sunday’s 8:30 am Mass. Our Children’s Choir, which has become very popular
with parishioners, is directed buy “dad” Steve, which children Delaney, Daniel and
Delia sing. Delaney has been a soloist on many occasions and her
voice has made our musical prayer even more meaningful. “Mom” Deidre is a catechist in our Religious Education Program for
grades K-6 and she coordinates the Children’s “Liturgy of the Word” during the 8:30 am Mass. The Schiefen family has also
distinguished themselves in many other quiet ways over the years as members of the community. From their coordination of
the Epiphany Play, leadership on the Parish Pastoral Council, Chairing the Faith Advisory Committee, greeting Mass attendees
at the Church entrance on Sundays or guiding our children with Prayers of the Faithful readings at Mass, their examples of
Faith Love, Generosity have been witness by, and have enriched the Faith life of those who attended Mass at St. John’s, and
our entire community who have come to know them. The Schiefen’s are a constant example of what it means to be a Family of
Faith. Please join us in congratulating them on this recognition.
Parish Calendar
Coffee & Donuts following 8:30 AM Mass
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: African Liturgy Committee: OPC
6:00 PM: VBF Planning Meeting: OPC
Tuesday Morning Coffee Group
Meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the Month
in the Church Hall
following the 9:00 AM Mass
Join us THIS Tuesday, June 9th
Tuesday Morning Coffee, following 9:00 AM Mass in the Hall
10:00 AM: Charismatic Prayer Group: OPC
6:45 PM: BINGO (doors open at 3:00 PM): Hall
7:00 - 8:30 PM: 33 Days to Glory: OPC
6:30 PM: African Community Rosary: OPC
7:00 - 8:30 PM: Baptism Conference: Mariotti
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM: YM Car Wash Fundraiser: Parking Lot
3:00 - 3:45 PM: Confession: Church
Coffee & Donuts following 8:30 AM Mass
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: African Liturgy Committee: OPC
3:00 - 5:30 PM: ACTS Core Meeting: Mariotti
St. John’s & Knights of Columbus
10th Annual Golf Tournament
Monday, September 14th, 2015 marks our 10th
Annual St. John’s/ Knights of Columbus
Golf Tournament at the Overlook
Country Club in Hollis, NH. For $125 per player,
you can be part of the festivities. Register with 3
friends as a foursome, or register as an Individual,
and we will be more than happy to place you in a
foursome. Registration forms can be found at the
entrances of the church or on our website:
The fee of $125 per player includes greens fee, cart rental,
afternoon lunch buffet, refreshments & prizes.
The Parish Family of Saint John the Evangelist, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts
page 6
Silver & Golden Wedding
Anniversary Mass
to the 5 men who were
ordained on the Vigil of
Pentecost at the Cathedral
of the Holy Cross.
Cathedral of the Holy Cross
June 14th at 11:30 am
Cardinal Seán O'Malley invites
all couples of the Archdiocese
of Boston who are marking
Rev. Sinisa Ubiparipovic
their 25th or 50th wedding anRev. Andrea Filippucci
niversary in 2015 to join him
Rev. Peter Stamm
for the annual celebration.
Rev. Christopher Lowe
Mass will include a renewal of
Rev. Anthony Cusack
marriage vows by all participating couples. Feel free to inWalk the Walk for Homeless Children
vite family members and
To help the children of My Father’s House… NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 13
friends to share this wonderful
occasion with you.
My Father House, neighbor to St. John’s on Middlesex Street and recipient of
much support from the St. John’s community throughout the years, is sponsoring
To register, please visit
their BIGGEST annual fundraiser of the year. My Father’s House is a nondenominational Christian ministry which provides shelter and support services to
homeless, pregnant and parenting teen mothers. Because they do not receive
any state or federal funding for their support, they rely exclusively on private donors like you to keep its doors open to dozens of moms and babies each year.
For information, or to donate, visit www.mfhwalk.org.
Once registered, a formal
invitation (including general
information and directions)
will be mailed to your home.
Helen M. Dolan Memorial Golf Tournament
Monday, June 29th at Four Oaks Country Club in Dracut, MA
To benefit those making the 2016 pilgrimage to Poland for World Youth Day, one
of whom is our very own Daniel Zatta, an active youth parishioner here at St. John’s
This event is supported by St. Rita (Lowell), St. Francis (Dracut), St.
Marguerite d’Youville (Dracut) and Immaculate Conception (Marlboro)
parishes. Your sponsorship will help us to support over 20 pilgrims
experience their faith in a global community that reveals the vitality and faith of the young
while honoring a great woman. Helen Dolan was a faith-filled woman and great supporter of young people.
She, herself, participated in three previous World Youth Day pilgrimages, sharing her faith and influencing
countless youth to a better and holy life. She was a dedicated educator and role model for everyone she encountered. There are several sponsorship opportunities available, ranging form $100 - 5,000. For additional
details, please contact Fr. Marc Bishop at frmarc7482@gmail.com.
A Plea from St. Vincent de Paul!
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society interviewed parents of several young children living within our
collaborative, who are unemployed and struggling financially. Recently, their car was involved in an
accident and is unable to be repaired. They lack the resources and credit score needed to purchase another
vehicle. If a parishioner has an old car in reasonably good mechanical condition that could be donated to
this family, we would appreciate hearing from you. Contact Tina Souza at 978.256.2374, who will pass
your information along. Thank you and please keep this family in your prayers.