December 16, 2007 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church


December 16, 2007 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
December 16, 2007
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Parish
1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, IL 60563 e-mail:
630 355-8980 (Main Office)
Visit us on the internet at
630 305-6318 (Religious Education)
630 355-0521 (Facsimilie)
Pastoral Staff — Full Time
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Rev. Joel Fortier – Pastor,
Rev. Mark Cote – Associate Pastor,
Rev. Bob Colaresi, O. Carm. – Weekend Assistant
Rev. Mr. William Worden, D. Min. – Deacon, ext. 105
Rev. Mr. Chuck Lane – Deacon, ext. 220,
Rev. Mr. Jim Breen – Deacon, 630-357-4853,
Rev. Mr. Larry Kearney – Deacon, ext. 225,
Rev. Mr. Michael Barrett – Deacon , ext. 220,
Jacob Chojnacki, Director of High School Ministry,
ext. 123,
Gerry Czerak – Business Manager, ext. 106,
Corinne Seguin-Dart – Director of Junior High Youth Ministry,
ext. 117,
Patti Dougherty – Director of Religious Education,
ext. 109,
Julie Frazier – Liturgy and Music, ext. 111,
Robert Frazier – Liturgy and Music, ext. 112,
Jan Olah – Director of Pastoral Care, ext. 124
Chari Rosales – Director of Adult Education & RCIA ext. 138,
Michael Ryder – Director of Outreach, ext. 121,
Saturday reconciliation is available after 8:30 a.m.
Mass, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m., or after the 4:30 p.m. Mass
in the Reconciliation Room of the Chapel. Fr. Joel
and Fr. Mark are available during the week by appointment. Communal Penance services are held
occasionally throughout the year.
Support Staff — Full Time
Religious Education
Nancy Cirmo – Religious Education Assistant, ext. 118,
Lori Culberson – Liturgical Assistant, ext. 120,
Kathy Ferguson - Receptionist, ext. 100,
Diane McQueen – Parish Assistant, ext. 101,
Anne Schultz – Outreach & Adult Faith Formation Assistant, ext. 113,
Angela Tuttle – Liturgy Assistant & Communications Coordinator,
ext. 110,
Call the 305-6318 to register.
Sick and Home Bound
Call the Church Office to receive prayer/Eucharist
from a priest, deacon or Minister of Care.
Baptisms are usually celebrated 2-3 Sundays each
month at a 1:45 p.m. service. On selected dates, Baptisms are celebrated at weekend Masses. Parents are
required to attend an awareness and renewal evening
prior to the Baptism. Call the Church Office a few
months in advance to make arrangements.
A couple planning on being married at St. Thomas
should contact the church six months in advance.
One year is preferred. Either the bride or groom, or
Pastoral Care Staff — Part Time
their parents, must be a registered parishioner for at
Felicia Lawlor, M.S., R.N., Faith Community Nurse, ext 104, least three months prior to calling to set a date.
Support Staff — Part Time
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Any person wanting to learn more about the Catholic
Faith, or to join our Catholic community should call
the church at 355-8980.
Counseling Service
Call Samarian Interfaith 357-2456 or Jan Olah,
Pastoral Care 355-8980 x 124.
Pat Berkhout – Evening/Saturday Receptionist, ext. 119,
Sunday Nursery
Marge Coronado – Evening Receptionist, ext. 119,
Nursery care is available for your child age one
Marilyn DeMeo – Database Coordinator (T/Th), ext. 107,
(must be walking) to four at the 9 & 10:45 a.m. Mass.
Susan Francesconi, Coordinator of External Communications,
For more information call the church office.
Jorge Gonzalez – Custodian
Sue Sportiello – Accounts Payable (M/W), ext. 107,
Ted McKeown - Facility Coordinator, ext. 133,
Theresa Sheliga – Sacristan Coordinator, ext. 116
(Monday — Friday)
Lynne Vehlewald – Librarian, ext. 125,
Liturgy Schedule
Pastoral Leadership Community
Steven Grumbine
Dan O’Grady
Ray Vogt
Ivan Deatsch
Pam Foster
Guy Francesconi
Julee Gard
Commission Facilitators
Parish Life
Faith Formation
Rosary — 8:10 a.m.
Mass — 6:30 & 8:30 a.m.
Mass — 8:30 a.m.
Matt Balda
Lorraine Katz
Dave Otto
Phil Meno
Saturday Vigil — 4:30 p.m.
Sunday — 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 a.m.,
& 12:15 p.m.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every
first Friday of the month 9 a.m. — Noon.
Dear Friends,
That the God who created and guides the universe
from on high beyond all the galaxies and stars, is humbled
enough to live among us, talk to us, and wants to be with
us, is really amazing! We must be very special people,
that God finds a voice within us with whom God can
communicate be with.
It so much echoes our own desire to
have that experience in our own lives,
“How special and in that experience to find God. I find
we are that it just such a wonderful way of understanding how special and loved by God
God wants
we are, how present God is to us, that
God wants to make a home and dwell
to be
with us.
with us!”
My goodness, that should strengthen
the hands that are feeble, and make firm
the knees that are weak, as we hear in
the first reading today: “Be strong, fear
not! Here is your God who comes with vindication, with
divine recompense to save you.”
As one commentator put it, “God is revealed in all the
simple landscapes, in every place we call home. God
flowers in the desert and shines in the darkness of winter.
In Advent we recognize the many ways God is with us,
humbled even to live among us.” How special we are that
God wants to be with us, and how wonderful God is!
“Be patient, brothers and sisters, until the coming of the
Lord,” St. Paul tells us in the second reading. We are waiting on the full revelation of God’s glory in us, we are waiting as a people of faith for it to all come true in us. That is a
great hope and expectation! I can hardly wait! But waiting
can be fun, with expectant faith and hope.
I love the “not-knowingness” of our faith, of that which
is yet to come. It excites me and gives me hope. I want to
be about making it happen! I want to be part of its coming.
It has begun and is happening now, even in our midst.
Jesus told John’s disciples when they asked if he was the
One to come, in today’s gospel, “go tell John what you hear
and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers
are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor
have the good news proclaimed to them.”
That’s what we are part of and what we see happening,
that’s what Advent is all about! It’s happening in us!
Happy Advent everyone...Love,
Third Sunday
of Advent
December 16, 2007
Those whom the Lord has ransomed
will return and enter Zion singing,
crowned with everlasting joy.
— Isaiah 35:10a
Worship Commission
Gaudete Sunday
In our Roman
Catholic tradition, the
Third Sunday of Advent
is also known as Gaudete
Sunday. It is the Sunday when
the Priest wears rose colored vestments
and is the week that we light the rose/pink
candle among the other purple ones. The Latin
term Gaudete means Rejoice. The Sunday gets
its name from this word which begins the entrance antiphon (introit) of the mass (Rejoice in
the Lord always; again, I say rejoice!) from Phil
4:4. The church uses this emphasis to underscore Advent as a progressive season of joyful
anticipation for the full coming (and birth) of
Jesus into our lives.
Pregnancy & Adoption Blessings
A blessing for all expectant mothers and
their families will be offered near the Mary
shrine after each mass next weekend December
22 and 23 (the 4th Sunday of Advent).
A blessing for all parents and families who
have recently adopted a child or who are in the
process of adopting will be offered after all
masses on the weekend of December 29 and 30
(the Feast of the Holy Family).
Wedding Workshop
The next music and liturgy
workshop to help couples
choose music and prepare
their wedding mass or
ceremony will be held
Saturday, January 5, 2008
from 10:00 a.m. to Noon in the Church. All
couples who will be wed at St. Thomas must
attend one of these workshops which are held
several times throughout the year. This workshop should not be confused with the Engaged
Couples Retreat Day, which couples must also
attend. After January 5, the next workshops are
scheduled for February 16 and April 26.
Contact Diane in the Main Office at
630.355.8980x101 or
to register.
December 16 , 2007 — Page 4
Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Eve: Mon, Dec 24,
4:00, 4:10 (Gym), 4:30
(St. Patrick’s Residence)
7:00, 10:30 p.m.
The 4:00 and 4:10 p.m. liturgies include gospel pageants and are geared
towards families. The Carmelite Sisters are graciously offering us the use
of their Chapel to help accommodate
the large attendance on Christmas
Eve. Mass at St. Patrick’s Residence
will be at 4:30 p.m. St. Thomas musicians, priest and ministers will be
involved at this mass, but there will
not be a pageant. The 7:00 p.m. liturgy in church features high school
and young adults. Choral music begins at 9:30 and the Adult Choir will
sing at the 10:30 p.m. liturgy.
Christmas Day: Tues, Dec 25,
9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
New Year’s Eve
Mon, Dec 31, 4:30 p.m.
New Year’s Masses
Mon, Dec 31, 4:30 p.m.
Tues, Jan. 1, 10:00 a.m.
We celebrate the Solemnity of Mary,
Mother of God with a peace focus on
this day. These Masses will include a
blessing of clocks and calendars.
Bring your time pieces and calendars/
organizers for this beginning of the
year blessing.
Those with a medical necessity
are welcome to call Lori Culberson
355-8980 x 120 for reserved seating
for the Christmas Liturgies. Due to
demand, we cannot hold seats for an
entire family — but we are interested
in seating those with specific needs.
Pray For Our Parish
Third Sunday of Advent
Joy and gladness, O God,
attend the advent of your reign in Jesus,
for wherever the good news is proclaimed to the poor,
feeble limbs are made steady,
and fearful hearts grow strong.
Give us strength for witnessing,
that we may go and tell others what we see and hear.
Give us patience for waiting,
until the precious harvest of your kingdom,
when the return of your Son
will make your saving work complete.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.
For the sick…
Rosemary Marlovits
Jynette Seager, daughter-in law of Ron & Carol
Jason Bremer, friend of Pat Greene
Sister Margaret Mary Maloney
Jean Morris, friend of Peggy Wiora
For the deceased…
Mary Essig, mother of Steve
Richard Foster, father of Rick
Donna Videtich, sister of Dee Welsh
Joseph Mirus, cousin of Eleanor McNicholas
Jennifer Finder, friend of Mary Body
Timothy Gibbs, father Kevin, Brendon & Margaret
Stan Sowa, cousin of Joanne Uffner
Richard Grimes, friend of Don & Betty Wampach
From: Prayers for Sundays and Seasons,
Liturgy Training Publications.
Mass Intentions
Today’s Readings
Monday, December 17, 2007
8:30 †Jane Wild, by Al & Nanette Wild
First Reading — The barren deserts will rejoice and
flower. Tired bodies will receive strength. Aching
hearts will be made glad (Isaiah 35:1-6a, 10).
Psalm — Lord, come and save us (Psalm 146).
Second Reading — Be patient, for the coming of the
Lord is as sure as the rain (James 5:7-10).
Gospel — Tell of what you hear and see: The blind
regain their vision, the crippled their movement, the
deaf their hearing. The dead are raised to new life!
(Matthew 11:2-11).
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
8:30 †Pat Huff, by Dorothy Papenheim
†Irene Sochacki, by Ann Marie Larsen
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
8:30 †Anne Murphy McCarthy, by Eleanore Murphy
Doherty & Rosemarie Murphy Cuthill
Thursday, December 20, 2007
8:30 †Pat Huff, by Bob & Mary Currier
Friday, December 21, 2007
8:30 †Nicholas Segina, by Mary Segina
Saturday, December 22, 2007
4:30 †Tim Augustine, by Virginia Augustine
Sunday, December 23, 2007
7:30 †Nicholas Segina, by Mary Segina
9:00 †Joe Petroski, by Carol & John Corrigan
†Bill & Dolores Andrews,
by The Andrews Family
10:45 †Robert Musselman, by The Anderson Family
†Leona McMullin, by Jim & Mary Jo Breen
12:15 †Manuela Hernandez,
by Janice & Gene Buonamici
Readings for the Week
Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Mt 21:23-27
Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Mt 21:28-32
Is 45: 6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Lk 7:18b-23
Is 54:1-10; Lk 7:24-30
Gn 49:2, 8-10; Mt 1:1-17
Jer 23:5-8; Mt 1:18-25
Is 7:10-14; Ps 24; Rom 1:1-7; Mt
Page 5 — December 16, 2007
Faith and Spiritual Formation Commission
Winter Art Class
There’s Still Room for YOU!
Do you like to sketch? Looking for a pleasant way to spend winter mornings?
Noted artist Bob Sunyog is offering a six-session class in the St. Thomas Senior
Center from 9:00 a.m. to Noon on Saturdays from January 12 through
February 16, titled “Drawing Landscapes in Pencil.” Bob will provide
step-by-step instructions in composition, perspective, and various
techniques in drawing landscapes, trees, mountains, hills, rocks,
buildings, boats, lakes and streams.
Class size is limited to 12. Registration packets, including a supplies list,
can be found in the Gathering Area. Registrations and the $60 fee will be
taken until the class is filled and can be returned to Anne Schultz in the
Outreach Office.
Think about tucking this gift into the stocking of your favorite artist!
As we leave Noah gazing at his rainbow, we
move on through Genesis to the covenantal relationship between God and Abraham. Abraham continually acted in faith, following God’s call to migrate to Canaan, acting fairly in business transactions, building altars to God and going through the
motions of offering his son Isaac to God as a sacrifice. And for this faith, God rewarded Abraham
with a covenant of his own. God promised Abraham descendents as numerous as the stars. God
promised Abraham would become the father of a
“host of nations” and God would give them the
land of Canaan as their home with the understanding that this people would claim God as their own
throughout the ages. The mark of this covenant
would be the circumcision of every male, both at
the time and throughout the ages.
Like Noah, Abraham did not attempt to renegotiate the terms of this agreement, though he
may have wanted to. The terms were his to accept
or reject. He chose to accept this covenant and went
ahead with the circumcisions. In spite of being a
blessed people in a covenantal relationship with
God, Abraham’s descendants went through some
tough times. Abraham’s lineage includes Joseph.
And ultimately, Joseph’s descendants were among
those who became enslaved in Egypt. Which brings
us to Moses.
December 16 , 2007 — Page 6
Men's 10th Annual Retreat
Extraordinary Men: Ordinary Lives
On the weekend of January 25/27, 2008, the
men of St. Thomas will have their 10th annual
retreat at the Carmelite Spiritual Center in Darien.
These weekends always provide an opportunity
for spiritual renewal and a revealing and rewarding experience for those who attend. You are invited to set aside this one weekend a year to reconnect and deepen your relationship with God and
each other.
Reservations will be taken on the weekends
of January 12/13 and 19/20 after all the Masses.
A suggested donation of $160 covers lodging and
meals, however, no one should not attend because
of financial concerns. There are endowments to
help in these situations. Call Ted McKeown at
630.355.8980x133 or 630.466.9501 for more
details or if you have any questions.
Anticipating ‘08
As you begin to fill your
date-planners for 2008, leave room
for some of these upcoming events
and treat yourself to some spiritual
Jan 3, Bible Study on the Book
of Sirach resumes; join anytime!
Jan 23, A new ALPHA session begins. See the green flyers in the
Gathering Area
Jan, 25-27, Men’s Retreat at the
Carmelite Center in Darien
Jan 28 & Feb. 4, The Mass:
We Belong to Christ
Feb 7, 14, 21, 28,
Couples’ Dance Lessons
Feb 8, Marriage Enrichment Event
Feb 12, Dr. Robert Ludwig on
“Reconstructing Catholicism for a
New Generation”
Feb 18, 25, March 3, 10,
Bible Basics
with John Angotti
Friday, January 4, 2008
8:00 p.m.
St. Thomas the Apostle
1500 Brookdale Road
Naperville, IL
Come with your family
on Epiphany weekend
and celebrate Christ’s coming.
Feb 22-24, Women’s Retreat
at the Carmelite Center in Darien
There’s something for everyone –
look for details coming soon! For
questions & registrations, please
contact Chari Rosales in the Adult
Faith Formation Office.
Faithful Living
Are you looking for additional resources for faithful living in
2008? Consider joining the Thursday Adult Bible Study, which
resumes January 3. You can choose the session that fits your
schedule; either 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. OR 7:30 to 9 p.m. Sessions are
held in the Ministry Center at SS. Peter & Paul Parish – ALL are
This study is currently exploring the Wisdom Book of Sirach.
Join anytime for good conversation, insight and prayer. For details,
contact Chari Rosales in the St. Thomas Adult Faith Formation
Page 7 — December 16, 2007
Religious Education
The Nativity Story
Junior High News!
G.U.S. returns!
Come and see the
movie, The Nativity Story,
here at church in the
Ministry Center. We will
show this film two times;
on Wednesday evening,
December 19 from 7 – 9 p.m. then again on
Thursday, January 3 from 2 – 4 p.m. Children
must be accompanied by an adult.
Bring your own snack and drinks will be provided.
RSVP by calling church at 630.355.8980. Seating is
Beginning in January, St. Thomas will once again
offer the Junior High program, “Growing-Up Sexually” (GUS) in the Lighthouse. This 6 week program
offered on Sunday afternoons is geared toward 6th
graders and is designed to introduce the issues related
to puberty, and to other emotional and spiritual
changes experienced at this time.The course will help
adolescents become more aware of Catholic moral
values regarding human sexuality. For more information, please contact the Junior High Youth Minister at
630.305.6318x117 or
Preparation for Reconciliation
It’s Junior High Ski Time!
Letters regarding preparation for Reconciliation
have been sent to families. If you have a child who
should be preparing for their first Reconciliation and
did not receive an information letter, please call the
Religious Education Office, 305-6318.
Monday, January 21 is the Junior High ski trip at
The Grand Geneva Resort in Wisconsin. The $60
cost includes return bus ride, lift ticket, ski or snowboard lesson and equipment rental. For those who
have their own equipment the cost will be $45. All
Junior High Teens are invited. There is a 300 person
limit. There will be a wait list compiled once that
limit is reached. Please return the money and permission slip as soon as possible to the R.E. Office or to
the R.E. program on Monday night by Thursday,
January 10.
St. Pat’s Celebrates
Calling all
Angels and
You are invited to dress
up and join in the pageant
at the 4:00 & 4:10 p.m.
Christmas Eve
Liturgy. You will be
called forward during
the Gospel… so,
be sure to listen!
December 16 , 2007 — Page 8
On Saturday, December 8, for the tenth straight
year, the St. Thomas Junior High Grandparent Program brought the party to St. Patrick’s Residence at
Christmas time! The Piha family once again led the
caroling with Wailin’ Wendy eliciting oohs and ahs
with her dramatic vocal flair and guitar ramblings. It
just wouldn’t be Christmas at St. Pat’s without that
family! To the youth who helped to serve, you were
terrific! To the residents who made us laugh and sing,
God bless you and Merry Christmas!
Trec Ministry News:
High School Youth
What it means to be
a Welcoming Community?
XLT (exalt)
the Lord
XLT Tonight! This Sunday in the Church
(instead of gym)
After the Encounter Mass. Begins at 730 p.m.
December 23-30: We are on Christmas break.
There are no Quest or Encounter masses
during this time.
MISSION TRIP(s) 2008 – We are planning the
mission trip for the summer of 2008. Details will
be coming soon. Location, dates, cost, and more will
be revealed soon.
CONFIRMATION 2008 – Sunday February 24 at
4:00 p.m. with Bishop Imesch. Rehearsal is Friday
February 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Church. Sponsors
need to be at both or someone can substitute (proxy).
Have a great week everyone!
More Youth Notes…..
High school and junior high youth brought
Christmas to the Midwest Shelter on Sunday,
December 9. Blessed with the many generous
donations of St. Thomas, the afternoon was spent
decorating the Christmas tree and stringing popcorn
and cranberries. The vets residing at the shelter
showed their warm hospitality with the prettiest
Kool-aid ever seen! Eighteen students from
St Thomas Teens with Character turned that shelter
upside down with some good ol’ fashioned caroling
and cheer. A special Christmas thank you to
Mr. Wycklendt, Mrs. Hay, Mrs. Meno, Mrs. Taft and
Mrs. Reynolds for shepherding the sheep!
Lastly, to all those youth who volunteered of
their time and good cheer, a hearty thanks for your
leadership and example.
Welcoming is one of the charisms
(charism = divine gift) of St. Thomas the
Apostle Catholic Parish, and each of us, as
members of this body share that charism.
Likewise, if we are aware of it and allow it
to happen, it is the divine image in which God
created us that reaches out to shake the hand
of the person standing near us each week at the
start of Mass. We use our words, our smile,
our friendliness, but it is God speaking through
us: “I am so pleased we are here together this
Let us all say yes to the Lord and allow God
to speak through us every day. St. Thomas is a
warm and welcoming place of worship. Let us
be aware of the visitors and newcomers
amongst. St. Thomas is a good place to dwell
with the Lord and to connect with the divine
image in each other. Stay for a while and be
How do we welcome guests and
newcomers to our faith community?
Can we do more to be the open arms
of Christ? Do you have an experience
which led you to join St. Thomas that
you would like to share? Please visit
our new moderated blog at http:// and leave your
impressions and suggestions.
A Message from
All Saints Catholic Academy
The students, school parents, and staff at All Saints Catholic Academy extend their
sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of the parishioners who
helped make the school become a reality. We thank you for your continued prayers.
Page 9 — December 16, 2007
Service Commission
Outreach & Social Justice
OSJ Christmas Gift Opportunities
Purchase Christmas gifts for friends you know or
those you don’t know and help people you have not
met. Contact OSJ Office (355-8980).
Haiti Twinning Sponsor-a-Child ($50 – Haitian art
Gift Card and Haitian student picture, provides for
teachers in Duchity, Haiti.)
Katrina Cookbook ($15 – Proceeds for Hurricane
Katrina recovery at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in
Long Beach, MS.)
Hesed House Cookbook ($15 – Proceeds benefit
Hesed House ministries. Also available at
Haitian Music CD ($15 – Ste. Marie-Madeleine
Choirs. Proceeds to Duchity Sanitation Project.)
Duchity Bleu Whole Bean Coffee ($10 – Benefits
the economy of Duchity, Haiti.)
Inclusion in Our Faith Community
A congregational community is an ideal place to
share and strengthen faith, form lasting relationships,
and develop special gifts and talents. Too often,
though, people with developmental and other disabilities lack the supports they need to fully participate in
the faith community of their choice. Learn strategies
to make everyone feel welcome at the Liturgical Table as well as the Church Picnic Table.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Holy Spirit Catholic Community
Naperville, Illinois
9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Registration & coffee begins at 8:30 a.m.
Keynote Speaker: Erik Carter, Assistant Professor
(Department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education - University of Wisconsin-Madison.)
$20 Fee Includes: Erik Carter’s book “Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities”, Lunch,
and more. Free childcare.
Online registration:
visit or call 630.922.0081
by Monday, January 7, 2008.
Pax Christi Peace Note
War disproportionately affects the poor in society
and drains resources from vital social programs. The
Iraq war has lasted over 4 years. Pope John Paul II
insisted that “war is always a defeat for humanity.”
Pope Benedict XVI believers that it is “right to resist
war and its threats of destruction.” The US bishops
have called for a “responsible withdrawal” of troops.
Building Community Without Borders:
Living a Compassionate Life
World Peace Day Interfaith Prayer Service
Tuesday, January 1, 7:00 p.m.
First Congregational Church
25 East Benton St., Naperville
This year’s inter-faith service will feature
Dr. Annanda Gruge, a representative of Buddha’s
Light International Association and former UN diplomat from Sri Lanka. People of all faiths are invited.
Pro-Life Message
“The fundamental human right, the presupposition of
every other right, is the right to life itself. This is true
of life from the moment of conception until its natural
end. Abortion, consequently, cannot be a human right
– it is the very opposite. It is ‘a deep wound in society’. In stating this, I am not expressing a specifically
ecclesial concern. Rather, I am acting as advocate for
a profoundly human need, speaking out on behalf of
those unborn children who have no voice.”-- Pope
Benedict XVI
The Eyes Have It!
The second Optical Mission
to our Twinning Parish in
Duchity, Haiti will be
late Oct/early Nov 2008.
The team is currently in
formation process. Experience
in the optical field is not a requirement,
but is gratefully accepted! If you are interested,
please contact the Outreach Office.
December 16 , 2007 — Page 10
Pastoral Care
For those in our Faith Community:
Here is an opportunity to receive education about
mental illness and strength in knowing you are not
alone in dealing with loved one who have been diagnosed with mental illness
NAMI of DuPage (The National Alliance for the
Mentally Ill) will be sponsoring the NAMI Family-toFamily Education Program for families and caregivers of persons diagnosed with serious mental illness.
The 12-week series of classes will start in the Wheaton office, 2100 Manchester Road Building B, Suite
925 , Thursday, January 3, at 7:00 p.m. also Knox
Presbyterian Church in Naperville starting Thursday,
January 3, at 7:00 p.m. Pre-registration deadline is
December 20.
The course is designed specifically for parents,
siblings, spouses, teen-age and adult children and significant others of persons dealing with severe and
persistent mental illness. There is no charge for this
course. Call today for information and to register: call
the NAMI-DuPage office at 630.752.0066x10.
You are central
to our hearts.
Hand Washing Awareness is
December’s National
Health Observance.
In lieu of the recent media attention to MRSA and
other drug-resistant organisms, hand washing becomes even more important to our everyday lives.
This one single action will help protect you from
germs and will protect others by reducing your transmission of the unhealthy organisms. According to the
CDC, improved adherence to hand hygiene has been
shown to terminate outbreaks, reduce transmissions
of MRSA and reduce overall infection rates. See the Prevention-Health and Safety topics.
Clean Hands Save Lives!
When washing hands with soap and water: wet
hands with clean running water and apply soap; rub
hands together for 15-20 seconds; rinse hands well
under running water; dry hands using a paper towel;
use towel to turn off the faucet, and open the door.
Dispose of the paper towel in receptacle.
When using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer: apply the product to the palm and rub hands together;
rub the product over all surfaces of hands and fingers
until hands are dry. Hand sanitizers do NOT replace
the need for frequent and proper hand washing.
Special Hand Washing Times:
Before preparing or eating food
After going to the bathroom
After changing diapers or cleaning a child who has
gone to the bathroom
Before and after tending to someone who is sick
After blowing your nose, coughing
or sneezing
After handling an animal or animal waste
After handling garbage
Before and after treating a cut or wound.
In the hospital or homebound?
Call the parish office 355-8980 and one
of our parish nurses or ministers of care
will visit, bring Eucharist
or assist you with your needs!
Counseling Service:
Call Samaritan Interfaith 357-2456 or
Jan Olah, Pastoral Care 355-8980 x 124
Page 11 — December 16, 2007
Stewardship Commission
Make Year End Donations
Before January 1
Parish families are reminded that since Dec 31
this year is on a Monday, all donations to St. Thomas
must be received in the collection basket that weekend, or be postmarked by December 31, in order to
be acknowledged as tax-deductible for the current
The Internal Revenue Service does not allow us to
accept back-dated checks after December 31 as Year
2007 donations. The effective date of the gift is the
date on which the donation is RECEIVED at
St. Thomas, or the date on which it is postmarked
by the postal service. So for your donation to be
counted, please mail early enough or drop your gift
into the collection basket over the Dec 29 -30 weekend. If you expect you may be out of town, you may
want to consider bringing your final Year 2007 donation to the general office during the week of December 27-29.
Thanks for your understanding that we must
comply with IRS regulations.
Stewardship… A Way of Life
Last Weekend’s stewardship of financial gifts...
Weekly Sunday Offertory (week 24)
Automatic Direct Debit
Mailed in & stock donations
Total for week
*Based on Collection Counters Reports
Fiscal Year (7/1 to 6/30) to date:
Weekly Average 7/1/07 to date:
% of Annual Sunday Offertory Goal
Sunday Offertory Goal YTD
Goal for Fiscal Year 7/1 to 6/30
Remaining for Fiscal Year
Religious Retirement Collection
Diocesan Appeal updated Results
Parish Appeal Goal
Pledges received at St. Thomas
% of Goal Pledge to date
Remaining amount to goal:
St. Thomas Online can now deliver the daily Gospel right to your inbox!
Sign up for this free service by visiting
Look for the little envelope on the home page and sign up
for an STA Online account, then click on E-mail Settings
on the right panel to subscribe.
December 16 , 2007 — Page 12
Parish Life Commission
S.A.M. Single Adult Ministry
Sat. Dec 22, Spirit of Christmas, a spectacular and
dazzling follies show at the Paramount in Aurora.
Showtime is 7:00 p.m.. Cost $40.50 to $45.50.
Contact Betty by Nov. 26 to reserve seats.
420-0334 or
Tues, Jan 8, 1:00 p.m., Lunch at Andrews Char
House on North Aurora Rd & Fairway Dr. Call Barb
Bigus 630.357.8958 to make a reservation.
Current Young Adult
Ministry News:
Pat-A-Cake Parenting Ministry Hosting
Birthday Party for Baby Jesus!
“Current spreads the good news of Jesus by building a
community of young adults that meet the social, spiritual,
service, and support of all young adults.”
The Pat-a-Cake Parenting Ministry invites all
parents and children; infant to preschool, to a
Christmas Party on Monday, December 17 from
10:30 a.m. to 12 noon. The festivities will take
place in the St, Thomas Nursery. Food and fun are
Come and celebrate Jesus’ Birthday! New
members are always welcome! Contact Gina Howley
at 630.548.4355
Tuesday, December 18, 7:00 p.m.
Mullen’s Bar and Grill,
3080 Warrenville Rd, Lisle.
Cost is $5 for admission or $20 for
admission & dinner
Topic: “Appreciation of the Christmas Story”.
Presented by Fr. John Cusick
An RSVP is required to Kris at or
630.527.9608 by Monday, December 17
If you’re interested in being in a group who e-mail
each other when they want to see a movie. No set
time or location, just a way to get people connected
who want to see a movie. Contact Ellen at if you are interested.
St. Thomas Weekend Nursery Sign-Up
The St. Thomas Nursery is in the process of
developing a new schedule of caretakers for the
Nursery beginning in January. If you are interested
in offering your services to the nursery as a co-op
member, or as a benevolent volunteer, please contact
Ombretta Schutz at or
respond to Corinne Seguin at 630-305-6318.
The Current Core Leadership Team is seeking interested adults to help with planning and visioning for
the future of young adult ministry. You can get
as involved in the group as your time allows. If you
are interested or want additional information please
contact Dave Miserendino at 630.851.3444 x225.
Page 13 — December 16, 2007
Administration Commission
Jobs Ministry
Weekly Networking Meeting
Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
(after the 8:30 a.m. Liturgy) Lighthouse
The December 2007 St. Thomas the Apostle Jobs
Ministry Meeting will be held on Thursday evening
December 20, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the Lighthouse.
Back by popular demand, Lillian D. Bjorseth’s presentation is titled “What You Say Before You Speak”.
You speak volumes long before you open your
mouth. In fact your potential employer decides 10
things about you within the first 10 seconds of seeing
you. These decisions are based on your image, a combination of your appearance and behavior, and often
play a big role in whether people want to hire and
work with you…or not.
Please join Lillian on Thursday evening December
20, 2007 for a lively interactive and practical program
that shows you how your clothing, style, and fit and
posture, handshakes, eye contact and facial expressions affect the conscious and unconscious decisions
others form about you.
It is our pleasure to welcome back Lillian Bjorseth, a nationally know communication and networking expert and prolific author. Lillian has helped tens
of thousands of people build social capital and better
relationships since starting Duoforce Enterprises Inc.
In 1990. Her corporate experiences include AT &T
and Nicor.
Please plan to attend this very informative meeting
on Thursday evening December 20, 2007 at 7:00 pm.
Contact Jim Breen at for
more information.
MINISTRY needs a slightly
If you have one to donate
please call Jim Breen at
630.355.8980. We would
sincerely appreciate
your generosity"
December 16 , 2007 — Page 14
Monday, Dec. 17
9:00am-12:00 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area
10:30am-12:00 p.m. Pat-A-Cake Parents & Tots, Meeting Room 1
4:15—5:15 p.m.
Youth Choir, Church
6:00—9:30 p.m.
RCIA, Christmas Party, Lighthouse
6:30—7:30 p.m.
Pre-Ministry Coffeehouse, Gathering Area
7:00—9:30 p.m.
Just Faith, Resource Center
7:15—8:30 p.m.
Jr. High R. E. at Hill Middle School
7:30—9:30 p.m.
Finance Committee, Meeting Room 4
7:30—9:30 p.m.
Haiti Twinning, Senior Center
7:30—9:30 p.m.
Testify Rehearsal, Chapel
Tuesday, Dec. 18
9:00am-12:00 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area
10:00—11:00 a.m. Care Pantry, Lighthouse
4:30—5:45 p.m.
R.E. Classes at Brookdale School
6:15—7:15 p.m.
Handbell Rehearsal, Church
6:30—7:30 p.m.
Pre-Ministry Coffeehouse, Gathering Area
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Bible Time Line, Youth Center
7:30—9:30 p.m.
Voices of Faith Rehearsal, Church
Wednesday, Dec. 19
9:00am-12:00 p.m.
4:15—5:30 p.m.
6:30—7:30 p.m.
7:00—9:00 p.m.
7:00—9:00 p.m.
7:30—9:00 p.m.
7:30—9:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 20
9:00am-12:00 p.m.
6:00—7:30 p.m.
6:30—7:30 p.m.
7:00—9:30 p.m.
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 21
Saturday, Dec. 22
8:30—10:30 a.m.
9:00—10:30 a.m.
2:00—4:15 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 23
10:00—11:30 a.m.
10:15—11:45 a.m.
Warrenville Youth Home Cookie Packing
Gathering Area
Jammers, Church
Pre-Ministry Coffeehouse, Gathering Area
Current Core, Resource Center
Movie, The Nativity Story, Lighthouse
APEX, Youth Center
Sojourners Rehearsal, Church
Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area
Trec Band, Church
Pre-Ministry Coffeehouse, Gathering Area
Jobs Ministry Lecture, Lighthouse
Jubilate Rehearsal, Church
Ensemble Rehearsal, Lighthouse
Men’s Christian Fellowship, Resource Center
Library Hours, Resource Center
Puppet Practice, Resource Center
Festival Chorus Practice, Lighthouse