December 13, 2015 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
December 13, 2015 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PARISH & SCHOOL GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Sunday, December 13 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass for children ages 4-2nd grade & 3rd-4th grade Nursery ages 1-3 during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass, Teachers’ Lounge Mass 9 a.m. Sunday School during 9 a.m. Mass for children ages 3-K Mass 11 a.m. Church Decorating 2 p.m. St. Paul the Apostle Parish & School Monday, December 14 2750 Burton St. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Rehearsal for Christmas Eve Pageant 5 p.m., Church Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Tuesday, December 15 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Communion Service at Cook Valley Estates 11 a.m. First Reconciliation for REP 4:30 p.m., Church REP Classes 4:30 & 6 p.m., Classrooms Music Ministry Practice 7 p.m., Antioch Room Wednesday, December 16 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Mass at Heartland Healthcare 10:45 a.m. Senior Seekers Christmas Party 12:20 p.m., Damascus Hall Rehearsal for Christmas Eve Pageant 5 p.m., Church RCIA 6 p.m., Pastoral Center SPACE Rehearsal 7 p.m., Church Thursday, December 17 WEEKEND LITURGIES SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4 p.m. PARISH OFFICE 616-949-4170/FAX 616-949-5295 Msgr. Ernest P. Schneider, Pastor ext. 246 Deacon Ed Harwood, Pastoral Associate ext. 241 Sr. Rosanne Szocinski, O.P., Pastoral Associate ext. 249 Beth Kolenda-Spencer, Director of Faith Formation ext. 243 School Mass 8:30 a.m. Home & School Meeting 1:30 p.m., Ss. Peter & Paul Room Jillian Langford, Youth Minister ext. 247 Friday, December 18 Barbara Rewa, Music Director ext. 240 Mass 8:30 a.m. Saturday, December 19 Mary Harwood, Asst. Music Director/Technology ext. 216 Mass 5 p.m. Sunday, December 20 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass Nursery during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass, Teachers’ Lounge Mass 9 a.m. Sunday School during 9 a.m. Mass Mass 11 a.m. Junior High Youth Group 5 p.m., Damascus Hall High School Youth Group 6:30 p.m., Damascus Hall Sharon Colon, Business Manager ext. 245 Peggy Marshall, Administrative Assistant ext. 244 Susana Zavala, Administrative Assistant ext. 242 Bulletin Submissions SCHOOL OFFICE The following people will be remember at all Masses celebrated Monday, December 14-December 20. † Geraldine Schneider † Monica F. Bennett † Monica Cooke † Donald Vangelderen † Ken Maly † Frederick Dykstra † Colin Scoon † Alice Hoff † Jeff Miller Living & Deceased Members of the Kowalski & Cwayna Families † Jean Murphy † Larry Howard 616-949-1690/FAX 616-949-0836 Lori Salva, Principal ext. 222 Bridget Bissell, Administrative Assistant ext. 221 Lenore Burnett, Office Assistant ext. 216 We are committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ which calls us to proclaim our beliefs through love for and service to our community. Strengthened by the sacraments and our celebration of the liturgy together we are dedicated to ministering to the spiritual, education, and social needs of all. As a caring people, we seek to teach, heal, reconcile, and to grow in the image and likeness of God. THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 13, 2015 MINISTRY SCHEDULE, DECEMBER 19 & 20 ALTAR SERVERS Mary Jane Aalders Debbie Anderson Kathy Azzolino Michael Blodgett Hassiba Cassis Dorothy Crandell Chase Dalziel Libby Davarn John Deederly Marion Dressel Amy Driscoll Jeanie Hyde Dave Johnson Sr. Marita MacNall Marie Mailloux Sheila McGee Robin Miller Wayne Morford Adam Murphy Halina Poplawska Vincent Portelli Nancy Stone Tim Topolinski, Sr. Mary Kay Ursul Anna Vulpetti Patty Weiss Theresa Williams Mary Woodworth And all those we know and love who are ill. If you are seriously ill or will be hospitalized, please call to have your name added to the Prayer List. Names are kept on the list for four weeks. Please call or email Deacon Ed with an update once a month. PERPETUAL PRAYER CYCLE This week, Kathy Lauria will be praying for the needs of our parish. Call her with your intentions at 949-5473. Next: Arlene Lillis CHRISTMAS EVE CRADLE PROJECT We will once again collect gifts at the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Children's Mass. Children, grandchildren, and adults are welcome to bring these items to the altar during offertory (4 p.m. Mass only). These items are donated to Gods Kitchen's Infant & Toddler Pantry. Please consider helping this pregnancy assistance center by donating a new or gently used item from the list below. twin blankets children's clothing size newborn to 5T - in season please coats, hats, gloves diapers - newborn to size 5 onesies sleepers LAST COLLECTION 12/6/2015 READERS 5:00 Marc VandenBosch, Marybeth Bradley 9:00 Mike Mooney, Anh Pham 11:00 Nadine Klein, Bob Kreha EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 5:00 Renee Frazho, Mary Hartmann, Jo Kendall, Ann Kranenborg, Denise Makuch, Kate McDougall, Joe Rossi 9:00 Ed Donatelli, Bruce Ford, Linda Gommesen, Linda Graham, Sue Harmon, Daniel Measday, Susan Miller 11:00 Anne Harrell, Kathy Lauria, Courtney McGivney, Mary Jo Rabaut, Barb Saumier, Dan Springer, Val Williams USHERS 5:00 Fred Gilhoran, Charlie Jilek, Sean Leonard, Ray Vella Tom Wysocki 9:00 Todd Jervis, Todd Mellema, Al Puglessi, Ed Roubal Patrick VanderVeen 11:00 Brian Cole, Gary Mancewicz, Dick Wittkowski, Michael Wittkowski, Rick Wittkowski VIDEO TECHNICIAN Evan Straub HOSPITALITY 9:00 Knights of Columbus 11:00 Knights of Columbus ALTAR CARE Kathy Geary INCLEMENT WEATHER REMINDER Thank you for your generosity! 5:00 Jimmy Chavez, Aidan McCahill, Logan McCahill 9:00 Brenden Bagnall, Bridget Bagnall, Celia Bell 11:00 Max Klein, Claire McGivney, Anna Olsen $31,840.87 ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Cherry Valley Agency See their ad on the back of the bulletin and remember to patronize our advertisers who make our bulletin possible! Just a reminder that if the school is closed due to weather, the scheduled Mass or Communion Service is also cancelled. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO DECORATE FOR CHRISTMAS Can you spare an hour or two to help make our church look beautiful for Christmas? Volunteers (high school age and older) are needed on Sunday, December 13 to hang wreaths and garlands, Tuesday, December 22 at 9:30 a.m. to place poinsettias in the church & Damascus Hall, and on Sunday, January 3 at 2 p.m. to take down all the décor. Thank you for your help with this important ministry! A special thanks to our SPA preschoolers for making Thanksgiving placemats for some of our parishioners in nursing homes. May the Lord bless you! Sr. Rosanne ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PARISH & SCHOOL GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 13, 2015 ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PARISH & SCHOOL GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN UPCOMING SENIOR SEEKERS EVENTS Dear Friends in Christ, Soon our parishes will be conducting the Retirement Fund for Religious collection. This annual appeal benefits some 33,000 senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests—women and men who have consecrated their lives to serving God and the Church. During this Year of Consecrated Life, Pope Francis calls on the faithful to recognize the special witness that consecrated women and men offer our Church and world. In a letter marking the inauguration of this special year, he says, “I ask the whole Christian people to be increasingly aware of the gift which is the presence of our many consecrated men and women.” He goes on to note the spiritual influence that religious such as Saint Benedict and Saint Teresa of Avila continue to have on our Church and faith today. As we reflect on the saints of the past, many of us may also recall women and men religious whom we would consider saints in our day. With gratitude, we remember the sister who patiently helped us learn our multiplication tables or the brother who coached our high school team, teaching us that faith must be lived out even on the basketball court. Our parishes will be conducting the annual collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious on the weekend of December 12-13. Many of these sisters, brothers, and religious order priests—these saints in our midst—are elderly. While some continue in volunteer ministry, others are frail and need care. Most worked for years for small stipends, leaving their religious communities without adequate savings to meet growing retirement and eldercare needs. So I ask you to join with Pope Francis in acknowledging the gift of consecrated life. Please pray for God’s blessing on all religious and give generously to the Retirement Fund for Religious. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak Bishop of Grand Rapids Michael Herring, a member of Michigan Attorneys Practicing Law for the Elderly, is offering a free, private half hour consultation to parishioners 55 years or older on December 16 from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the parish office. Call Lois at 956-6742 to schedule your free, confidential appointment. Save the date for our annual Christmas Party & Luncheon on Wednesday, December 16 at 12:30 p.m. Entertainment will be provided by St. Paul School 5th Graders. There will be a White Elephant gift exchange and prizes. RSVP to the parish office . Bring a friend and join us for a festive celebration! We have an opportunity to work with Habitat for Humanity in providing a home for a deserving family. This is a great opportunity to participate in the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The date for this project is January 16, 2016, 8:30-4:30 p.m. We will be working indoors and no experience is necessary. Habitat will provide instruction and tools, we only have to bring a willingness to work. Please contact Deacon Ed to volunteer or if you have questions. A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT! Looking for something good that will linger on throughout the year? Something that brings people together, is inspiring and provides a place to talk about faith, beliefs and life? When community is built and ideas are shared? Join our St. Paul book discussion group! We gather during the day for about 90 minutes about every 8 weeks. Buy the book for that special retired person, a Grandpa or Grandma, etc. Christmas, birthday or just because! Join us on January 25 to discuss The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom. He makes records. He is adored. But Frankie Presto’s gift is also his burden, as he realizes the power of the strings his teacher gave him, and how, through his music, he can actually affect people’s lives. At the height of his popularity, tortured by his biggest mistake, he vanishes. His legend grows. Only decades later, having finally healed his heart, does Frankie reappear just before his spectacular death—to change one last life. JOIN the CONVERSATION ! ADVENT PROCLAMATION OF JOY Men: The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those who lived in a land of darkness a light has dawned. You have increased their joy and given them gladness; They rejoice in your presence as those who rejoice at harvest. Women: Shout for joy, O daughter Zion, Sing joyfully, O Israel. Be glad and exult with all your heart. Men: Rejoice in the Lord always! I say it again, Rejoice! Women: Then Mary said: My being proclaims the greatness of the Lord. My spirit finds joy in God my Savior. All say as Candle of Joy is lighted: I rejoice heartily in the Lord. In my God is the joy of my soul. 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In the Northpoint Bank Building. @ I-96 & the Beltline 616-365-5305 Special Discounts for Grand Opening 616-930-3316 5925 28th St. SE, Ste E • Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm • Sat: 9am-6pm • Sun: Closed • For Advertising Information Call Shaun nicholSon 616-299-7878 245-8007 We're always busy taking care of our customers. 949-7290 Zaagman Memorial Chapel 616-485-3365 Sean Patrick cox Attorney and Parishioner GARY MANCEWICZ, DDS Family Dentistry StEphEN MANCEWICZ, DDS 616-940-3022 656-5776 Manager: James E. Koops 4611 N Breton Ct. SE • Kentwood Gary A. Huyge Parishioners 455-3020 2351 Countrywood Dr. SE KENTWOOD O'BRIEN GERST REALTOR® • Parishioner FUNERAL HOME Serving Grand Rapids Families for 130 Years 630 Kenmoor SE cell: 616-550-9846 949-7350 Cascade Rd. at East Paris • IRAs • Retirement Planning DaviD Sayfie, mba Financial Consultant Parishioner Since 1965 575-3501 Doyle & Ogden Insurance Advisors The “Single Source Solution” for all your insurance needs Bonnie Fierens Securities and investment advisory services offered through AXA Advisors, LLC (NY, NY 212-314-4600), member FINRA, SIPC. Annuity and insurance products through AXA Network, LLC and its subsidiaries. PPG 100993 (2/15)(exp. 02/17) Parishioner Senior Benefits Specialist 616-302-5614 Orthodontic Specialist Paul J. Karl, D.D.S., M.Cl.D. 459-7171 • Senior Medicare Benefits • Group Employee Benefits • Long Term Care • Individual Health, Dental, & Life Michael Boruta 616-291-7823 Licensed Electrical Contractor Proudly Serving St. Paul The Apostle Compliments of ® Overhead Door Company of Grand Rapids 261-0300 KEVIN McCARTY REALTOR® Free, local, expert advice for senior housing and care options. Independent Living • Assisted Living Memory Care • Home Care • Skilled Nursing 1464 28th St (in front of Meijer 28th/Kzoo) 616.245.1215 Joseph A. Rossi, D.D.S., P.C. 3989 Cascade Road at I-96 Don’t wait for a crisis, be prepared! Complete Automotive Repair All Makes/Models • Locally Owned/Operated W W W. Z A A G M A N . C O M 2800 Burton St. SE • Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Diocesan Parishioner Advanced Orthodontics & Beautiful Smiles Parishioners Mike Duffy THOMAS J. HARMON TiMOTHy b. HARMON Transforming Smiles... Transforming Lives... 616-481-7085 Parishioner 4250 Kalamazoo SE 455-7930 West michigan’s premier residential mortgage lender Family Law and Elder Law Attorney Wills • Trusts • Domestic Disputes Nursing Home/Medicaid Representation VA Benefits/Aid and Attendance Pension brendan o’driscoll 616-942-6404 616.228.6200 nmls 132530 parishioner & business oWner 701 36th street se • Family & CosmetiC James B. Brennan DDs ~ Parishioner • 616-447-3660 E Beltline ~ N of Celebration Cinema Contact shaun niCholson 616.299.7878 1040 Treadstone Funding is a division of AmeriFirst Financial Corporation NMLS 110139
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