September 11, 2016 - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
September 11, 2016 - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
September 11, 2016 MISSION STATEMENT The Catholic Community of St. John the Baptist: where stewardship is a way of life and the diversity of our gifts answers Christ’s call to proclaim and live the Gospel CONTACT INFORMATION Church/Office: 25810 156th Ave SE Covington, WA 98042 Phone: 253-630-0701 Fax: 253-630-3174 E-Mail: Website: Summer Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am—3 pm Saturday 10 am—3 pm PARISH STAFF Pastor Rev. Jim Coyne, Pastor ext. Pastoral Asst. Liturgy & Pastoral Care Pat Frost, ext. Pastoral Asst. for Administration Rose Kinsella, ext. Pastoral Asst. for Stewardship & Evangelization Sue Ray, ext. Pastoral Asst. Faith Formation, RCIA &Sacramental Prep Joan Williamson, ext. Pastoral Asst. for PreSchool/Elementary Faith Formation Terri Rains, ext. Pastoral Asst. for High School/Life Teen Ministry (Gr.9- 12) Tina Reeves, ext. Pastoral Asst. for Youth Kelly Ramsdell, ext. Music Ministry Coordinator Luis Diaz de Leon, ext. Administrative Asst. (Bulletin) Connie Tietz, ext. Bookkeeper Nancy Moore, ext. Facility Steward David Aldous, ext. SCHEDULE OF LITURGIES Word and Communion: Monday and Tuesday 9 am MASS: Sunday Morning Sunday Life teen Wednesday Morning Thursday Evening Friday Morning Saturday Evening 9:00 am and 11:30 am 5:30 pm 9:00 am 6:30 pm 9:00 am 5:30 pm CONFESSIONS: Individual confessions every Saturday from 4 pm to 5 pm or call the parish office at 253-630-0701 to make an appointment with Fr. Jim ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH LOOKING AHEAD TO THE TWENTY– FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Readings: Am 8:4-7/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13 GRANDPARENTS DAY, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 In his book Befriending Silence Carl McColman relate what he has learned in his time working in a Cistercian monastery. He is a member of the Lay Cistercians of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit. He encountered one person in particular whom he found difficult to work with. He confided to one of the oldest monks in the monastery about his particular situation. The older man listened carefully to what Carl had to say, and then, while neither defending his co worker or commiserating with Carl, smiled and said in a cheery voice, “You’ve got a saint maker!” “A what?” Carl asked, not sure what he meant. “A saint-maker, It’s a term we use in the cloister. You see, it’s inevitable that when you enter a monastery, you’re not going to automatically be friends with every member of the community. It’s human nature. Some guys you really like, most you can get along with, but there always seems to be one or two who drive you nuts. Those brothers are your saint-makers because they are the ones God uses to help you grow in holiness.” (p.78) Who knows? We might be someone’s saint-maker as well. It’s a humbling thought that someone may not like us. Yet that is the way it is. Dealing with difficult people is where the rubber meets the road in living a Christian life. Fr. Jim Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded to break the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With a tradition of improving education, housing situations, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and reach out to those loving on the margins,. Please give to the CCHD Collection. Please remember in your prayers those who are ill: Larry Kiel, Diane Kiel, Dick Jahns, and Char Smith-French Please remember in your prayers those who have died : Alreda Hurst (friend of Jackie Raczka), Marian Fuchs(cousin of Pat Carroll and Virginia Skinner), Marvin Parks(husband of Teresita), Randy Jones (friend of Rose Kinsella), John Znak (brother of Kathy Dalseg), and Edward Jamison Grief Ministry Sept. 14 @ 7 PM Parish Office Conference Room For More Information, call: (949) 290-8670(Richard) “A Year of Mercy” Inspiring words by Pope Francis Avoiding Cynicism and Indifference Let us not fall into humiliating indifference or a monotonous routine that prevents us from discovering what is new! Let us ward off destructive cynicism! Let us open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds of our brothers and sisters who are denied their dignity, and let us recognize that we are compelled to heed their cry for help! May we reach out to them and support them so they can feel the warmth of our presence, our friendship, and our fraternity! May their cry become our own, and together may we break down the barriers of indifference that too often reign supreme and mask our hypocrisy and egoism! Safe Environment Class—Protecting God’s Children Monday, September 26, 2016 6:30-9 pm Here at St. John’s. This class is for ALL volunteers new to the program working with children in the Faith Formation Program and those working with vulnerable adults. On behalf of your Finance Council, Fr. Jim and the entire parish community, we thank you for your financial gifts in support of our parish mission & ministries “God so Loved, He Gave From a Heart of Gratitude” Each week the Stewardship Corner will feature one of our many ministries at SJTB. This week the Stewardship & Evangelization Commission is featured. Stewardship & Evangelization Commission: *Assists the parish in promoting Stewardship as a way of life among our parish community. *Engages in planning and provides recommendations in the area of Stewardship in response to parish priorities and goals. *Provides education opportunities regarding Stewardship, including the weekly Stewardship Corner in the bulletin. *Supports Member Engagement & Living Your Strengths programs, helping parishioners discover their Top 5 Strengths. *Coordinates the annual campaigns for renewal of parishioners' commitment to give of their Time, Talent, and Treasure. *Puts on a Ministry Fair as part of the annual Stewardship Renewal of Talent. *Encourages the incorporation of appropriate Stewardship emphases in the liturgy, prayer, and faith formation. *Supports Evangelization efforts of the parish, including Welcoming new members and returning Catholics. *Meets on the second Thursday of the month 7:00-8:30pm. *Provides fellowship to its members. *Provides service to the wider community as the Commission serves dinner at H.O.M.E. every June and December. Are you or someone you know called to serve in a leadership role in our parish community? We are looking for new members to serve on the Stewardship & Evangelization Commission. If you feel called to share your time and strengths please contact Sue Ray at 253-630-0701, ext. 212. "As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." 1 Peter 4:8-10 Prepared by Stacey Welsh MONTHLY INCOME FROM WEEKEND COLLECTIONS AND FAITH DIRECT For month ending: 7/31/2016 Stewardship (envelope & loose) $ 59,505.55 Stewardship (Faith Direct) $ 37,898.50 TOTAL ORDINARY INCOME BUDGETED ORDINARY INCOME DIFFERENCE $ 97,404.05 $113,549.00 $(16,144.95) PARISH OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR(FY); JULY 1, 2016-JUNE 30, 2017 Fiscal Year-to-date(FYTD) as of 7/31/2016 FY Approved FYRD Budget FYTD Actual Revenue 1,297,323 1,333,139 121,573 Expenses 1,322,951 148,742 129,350 Net (25,628) (15,603) (7,777) With the arrival of autumn, I'd like to invite you to join Faith Direct, our parish's electronic eGiving program. Our to-do lists can get lengthy this back -to-school season, but Faith Direct's eGiving program will give you one less thing to remember each week - no more envelopes to find and checks to write before you go to Mass. Visit and use our church code: WA316 Thank you for your continued support of our parish family! God Bless You, Fr. Jim A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Among the primary themes in today’s gospel when we hear Jesus’ wellknown parable of the Prodigal Son is forgiveness and the need to repent. But from a stewardship point of view what is also interesting is one of the secondary themes: the failure to use responsibly the gifts that have been so generously bestowed. The youngest son who demanded his inheritance and left home, broke no laws or religious commandments. His wrongdoing was that he wasted his inherited wealth, the abundant gifts given to him. His sin was in his extravagant living; squandering his gifts in pursuit if selfish pleasures. Good stewards acknowledge that everything they have comes from God, and they are required to cultivate these gifts responsibly. What are our God-given gifts? Do we use them responsibly? Do we exercise good stewardship over them? SAVE THE DATE Saturday, October 15, 2016 St. John the Baptist Parish 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA Auction and Oktoberfest Party To donate an auction item and/or to get further information, contact Teri Nelson (253-939-5067, or Andrea Shimek (425-413-0756, Raising funds for our parish, Kent Hope (a day shelter for women & children) and St. Vincent de Paul. Craft & Hobby Day: Check the times as we now have new crafting hours!! Join us on Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 10 am to 5 pm to work on your special projects. Bring snacks to share and your lunch. If you are planning to attend or have questions contact Nancy Moore at 253-630-0701 ext 102. FAITH FORMATION Parent Orientation for Faith Formation Programs Elementary (PS-4th) FF will meet Sunday September 11th from 10:15-11:15am. Youth Group (5th-8th) & Life Teen (9th-12th) will meet Wednesday October 12th from 7-8:30pm. Catholic School Parents will meet Monday October 3rd from 7-8:30pm. Each of these meetings will be in the Multipurpose Rooms. Please note that these meetings are mandatory, thank you for your participation! FALL PARISH MISSION St. John the Baptist’s Fall Parish Mission will take place September 18th-20th with evening sessions (7-8:30pm) Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. We will have morning sessions on Monday and Tuesday (10-11:30am). See the flyer A day retreat to kick off Confirmation and Life Nights will be held in the McMullen Center on September 25th for all 9th – 12th graders. Those interested in being confirmed are required to participate, all other teens are welcomed and encouraged to join. The retreat will begin at 1 pm through the Life Teen 5:30 Mass. Permission slips are not required. However, confirmation candidates must register prior to the retreat. New Confirmation candidates mark your calendars for an orientation with you and your parents on October 6th at 7 pm. 2nd year candidates will have a regular class on that date as well. Life Justice Peace Commission-Donations of gently used backpacks (for released detainees from the NW Detention Center in Tacoma) are welcome at the LJP table in the Narthex. Please drop them in the cardboard box next to the LJP table. And thanks to all who have donated. Anyone interested in learning about the Detention Center Volunteer Visitor Program is invited to attend a presentation Saturday, September 24, in Tacoma. More information is available at or by contacting Pat Bader ( or 253 852 1975). Visiting detainees can be a rewarding experience. All past and present members of St. John the Baptist Supper club!! You are invited to a Supper Club REUNION—Sept.18, 3-6 pm at the home of Client and Judy Peterson 25921 140th Ave SE Kent, WA 253631-4785. Please bring an appetizer, a salad or a dessert to share. Dinner at 4 pm. St. John’s Praise and Worship group will resume meeting on Sunday evenings 7:30-9PM in the sanctuary, beginning sept. 11th. Everyone is welcome to attend. This is a very uplifting and rewarding experience, so please join us on Sunday evenings. Information call Myke Smith at 253-8541728 HAPPENINGS Sunday, Sept. 11 Mass, 9 am, 11:30 am and 5:30 pm Elem. Faith Formation Orientation, 10:15 am Young Families, 10:15 am Welcome Gathering after 11:30 am Mass Life Teen Core Team, 4 pm Charismatic Praise & Worship, 7:30 pm Monday, Sept. 12 1Cor11:17-26,33/Lk7:1-10 Word & Communion, 9 am Pastoral Leadership Team, 4 pm 9AM Choir Practice, 7 pm Knights of Columbus 4th Degree, 7 pm Tuesday, Sept. 13 1Cor12:12-14,27-31a/Lk7:11-17 Word & Communion, 9 am Facility & Grounds, 5:30 pm Fil-Am Choir, 7 pm WICS (Widowed Information/Support Group), 7 pm Maplewood Pony Club, 7 pm Bite of St. John’s Meeting, 7 pm Wednesday, Sept. 14 Nm21:4b-9/Phil2:6-11/Jn3:13-17 Morning Mass, 9 am Small Faith Group (Costanza), 9 am Truthful Reign Band Practice, 7 pm Young Adult Gathering, 7 pm Library Ministry, 7 pm Grief Ministry, 7 pm Thursday, Sept.15 1Cor15:1-11/Jn19:25-27 Strong Bones Yoga, 8 am Evening Mass, 6:30 pm 11:30 am Choir Practice, 7 pm RCIA(Rite of Christian Initiation/adults), 7 pm Friday, Sept. 16 1Cor15:12-20/Lk8:1-3 Morning Mass, 9 am Archdiocese Stewardship Presentation, 10 am Small Faith Group/Myers, 10 am S. King county Deanery, 10:30 am Saturday, Sept. 17 St. Anthony Parish council Retreat, 8 am Craft & Hobby Group, 10 am-5pm Private Party, 4 pm Confessions, 4 pm Evening Mass, 5:30 pm Sunday, Sept. 18 Masses: 9 am 11:30 am and 5:30 pm Faith Formation Leaders Training, 1 pm Fall Parish Mission, 7 pm Life Teen Core Team, 4 pm NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS You are invited to an Open House on Sunday, October 2nd, 12pm-4pm at Gethsemane Catholic Cemetery in Federal Way and St. Patrick Cemetery in Kent. Look for you ancestor’s graves. Pray for a loved one, and take home a Catholic Personal Planning Guide and A Guide for Making Good Decisions for the end of Life (includes a living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care). Staff will be on hand to answer questions. For information please visit our website at Sept. 4 , 2016 Parish Ministries ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT Money Counter Rose Kinsella 253-630-0701 ext 103 Office Special Projects Connie Tietz 253-630-0701 ext 101 Office Helpers Rose Kinsella 253-630-0701 ext 103 Website Support Rose Kinsella 253-630-0701 ext 103 Bob Jensen COMMUNITY LIFE Auction Terri Nelson 253-939-5067 Andrea Shimek 425-413-0756 Coffee & Donuts John & Melissa Fieser 253-630-0170 Community Life Committee Rose Kinsella 253-630-0701 ext 103 Craft & Hobby Group Nancy Moore 253-630-0701 ext 102 Creative Kindness Sewing Barb O’Neill 253-631-9770 Filipino-American Association Ray Palisoc 253-638-0781 Funeral Reception Kathleen Purcell 206-715-7121 Denise Jackson 206-261-1487 Knights of Columbus Darren Parsons 206-406-6307 Multicultural Celebration Milly Nabarrete 253-638-3486 Parish Social Events Open(coordinator needed) Prayer Shawl Ministry Monica Saalfeld 253-638-2442 Socially Active Singles Monica Saalfeld 253-638-2442 Strong Bones Yoga Ann Happe 206-953-5952 FACILITIES & GROUNDS Facility Crew David Aldous 253-630-0701 ext 114 Facilities & Grounds Kathy Kernan 253-931-8105 Grounds Maintenance Crew Richard Staiti 425-432-4496 Kitchen Milly Nabarrete 253-638-3486 Susan Ravotti 253-630-7856 Prayer Garden Maintenance Open (coordinator needed) Security Team David Aldous 253-630-0701 ext 114 FAITH FORMATION Adult Formation Committee Al Myers 206-302-9153 Baptism Joan Williamson 253-630-0701 ext 109 Catholic School Families Group Bonnie Kraskouskas 253-813-5773 Confirmation Tina Reeves 253-630-0701 ext 110 Elementary Faith Formation Ann Forsythe 253-277-2211 Faith Formation Commission Laura Sutton 253-631-8673 Home Educators Support Group Marisa Maricich 206-930-6351 Library Open (coordinator needed) Life Teen (Gr 9-12) Tina Reeves 253-630-0701 ext 110 Marriage Preparation Team Fr. Jim Coyne 253-630-0701 ext 105 Jim & Monica Battles 425-358-1877 Pre-School Faith Formation Stephenie Abadilla 425-584-7433 Alisha Nguyen 206-794-1885 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults/Children (RCIA/RCIC) Joan Williamson 253-630-0701 ext 109 Sacramental Prep JoanWilliamson 253-630-0701 ext 109 Terri Rains 253-630-0701 ext 501 Small Faith Communities Mary-Kaye Soderlind 253-508-6987 Vacation Bible School Jill Wallace 253-249-7035 Youth Group (Grades 5-8) Kelly Ramsdell 253-630-0701 ext 115 LIFE JUSTICE & PEACE Garden of the Good Shepherd Ang & Margie Battisti 253-236-8066 HOME (Homeless Men’s Shelter) Nancy Huntington 253-631-1171 Life , Justice & Peace Commission Norm Bailey 253-351-2959 Pregnancy Aid Judy Peterson 253-631-4785 Respect Life Committee Linda Luke 253-217-8216 St. Vincent de Paul Society 206-767-6449 LITURGY Altar Servers & Cross Bearers Paul Behrens 253-630-4936 Charismatic Prayer & Worship Linda Smith 253-854-1728 Eucharistic Ministers Pat Defiesta 253-833-4316 Flower Ministry Judy Fuchs 253-350-8545 Greeters Ministry Chuck & Angie Santillan 253-737-5886 Lay Leaders of Prayer Laura Rothschilds 360-886-2872 Lectors Ministry Norm & Tia Bailey 253-351-2959 Liturgical Planning & Environ Comm Pat Frost 253-630-0701 ext 111 Music Ministry Luis Diaz de Leon 253-630-0701 ext 108 Point Person Coordinator Scott Gilyeat 425-433-0530 Sacristan Paul Dehmer 253-852-8839 LEADERSHIP Facilities & Grounds Commission Kathy Kernan 253-931-8105 Faith Formation Commission Laura Sutton 253-631-8673 Finance Council Mike Dennis 425-413-8643 Life, Justice & Peace Commission Norm Bailey 253-351-2959 Pastoral/Leadership Team Trish Hanson 206-650-2018 Bob Denney 425-432-3714 Stewardship & Evangelization Comm Mark Thompson 425-413-0744 PASTORAL CARE Divorce & Beyond Monica Saalfeld 253-638-2442 Mary-Kay Soderlind 253-508-6986 Grief Support Ministry Richard Staiti 425-432-4496 Helping Hands Jennifer Beckie Sick & Homebound Pat Frost 253-630-0701 ext 111 STEWARDSHIP & EVANGELIZATION Member Engagement & Strengths Sue Ray 253-630-0701 ext 112 Returning Catholics/Landings Sue Ray 253-630-0701 ext 112 Welcome & Evangelization Committee Erin Marshall 425-432-1478 Irene Aguilar 209-712-4007