No.329 2014
No.329 2014
No.329 Jan./Feb. 2014 Edited and issued bimonthly by FUKUOKA INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION Rainbow Plaza IMS 8F, 1-7-11 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City 810-0001 Tel: 092-733-2220 Fax: 092-733-2215 Courtesy of Fukuoka City What makes Fukuoka special? What’s one thing you’d really want to experience if you only had a few days to stay in Fukuoka? Eating at a yatai (屋台, or street stall) would have to be near the top of your list of things to do. Yatai are a distinctive feature of Fukuoka nightlife that most visitors make a special effort to visit. Every evening numer- ous yatai seem to appear out of nowhere. In fact, Fukuoka has the largest number of yatai in all of Japan. That being said, the number of yatai is actually in decline, and there are some problems facing the industry, but this still-common sight is part of what gives Fukuoka its charm. History of Yatai The history of yatai in Japan dates back to the Edo Period (1603-1867). Restaurants would place roofed tables outside the front of their shops, selling what they cooked to passersby. They soon came to the realization that it made more sense to sell their products in more crowded areas, and so they attached wheels to their roofed stalls and rolled them to the main streets, giving rise to what we now call yatai. Initially yatai sold things that could be eaten quickly, such as nigiri sushi, soba noodles and tempura, so they were, in a way, a similar concept to what we now call fast food. The number of yatai in Fukuoka grew suddenly after the Second World War. Amidst the troubles of the postwar period, many restaurateurs who couldn’t afford their own shops chose to set up portable food stalls, or yatai, instead. In 1949 a crackdown on poor hygiene led to the gradual disappearance of yatai across the country, but the establishment of the Fukuoka City Portable Food Stalls Association in 1950 helped protect the stalls operating here in Fukuoka. By the 1970s there were over 400 yatai in Fukuoka, but in 1994 the “limited to one generation” rule was implemented, and the aging of the yatai operators led many to close their businesses. As such the number of yatai is declining year by year. Still, there are about 150 stalls remaining in Fukuoka, which is said to be about 40% of the national total. Yatai today face many challenges. To tackle these, Fukuoka City created a new position of Yatai Chief (屋台課長, yatai kacho), the first of its kind in the country. On September 1, 2013, the Fukuoka City Yatai Basic Ordinance was enacted to facilitate the sustainable coexistence between yatai and the City. One challenge Rainbow Plaza will be closed facing yatai, one of from December 29 (Sun.) to January 3 Fukuoka’s main (Fri.), January 21 (Tue.), and February tourist attractions, is 18 (Tue.) & 19 (Wed.). preserving this culture in such a way Inside… that satisfies resiNews Here and There Special on P2! dents, operators and Here Comes the Final Tax Return Season on P3! Fukuoka no Kotoba A - Z on P3! yatai users simultaEvent Information in Fukuoka on P4-5! neously. National Holidays for January & February ~continued on page 3 Dr. Nishiyama’s Q&A on P6! Information from FIA on P8! January 1 (Wed.) Ganjitsu (元日) New Year’s Day January 13 (Mon.) Seijin-no-hi (成人の日) Coming-of-Age Day February 11 (Tue.) Kenkoku-Kinen-bi (建国記念日) National Foundation Day 2 January/February 2014 FUKUOKA & the WORLD No Cycling on the Right Side of the Road From December 1, sections of the Road Traffic Law have been amended. - It is forbidden to ride a bicycle on the right side of the road. Before the amendment, for unmotorized vehicles such as bicycles, riding along both the left shoulder and the right shoulder of a road with no footpath was permitted, but since the amendment only riding along the The Latest Statistics of Fukuoka City 【Area: 341.70 km2 (as of Novemver 1st, ’13)】【Population (October ’13) : 1,446,075 (Households: 706,226)】【Registered Foreigners (October ’13) : 26,973 (Households: 18,258)】【Consumer Price Index (October ’13) : 100.1 (100 as of ’10)】【Foreign Trade (million ¥, October ’13) : Exports - 203,785 (Hakata Port - 166,187 / Fukuoka International Airport - 37,598), Imports - 114,334 (Hakata Port - 89,369 / International Airport - 24,965)】 left shoulder is allowed. Riding along the right shoulder may now be punished with up to three months’ imprisonment or a fine of up to 50,000 yen. - Strengthening of police powers with respect to brake defectiveness of bicycles. When bicycles with broken brakes or with Events at Temples and Shrines ➢ Uso-kae & Oni-sube (Jan. 7, at Dazaifu Tenmangu/4-7-1 Zaifu, Dazaifushi): Uso-kae will be held at 7pm at Tenjin Hiroba next to the Sakura gate. As the Japanese word for “bullfinch” (鷽, uso) sounds like the word for “lies” (嘘, uso), uso-kae (鷽替え, a ritual whereby participants exchange wooden bullfinch dolls) refers to the idea that all the lies people told in the last year can be converted into the spirit of the Tenjin god and all the bad things that have happened can be converted into good fortune in the year to come. Oni-sube is said to have been started by Sugawara no Sukemasa, great-grandson of Sugawara no Michizane, as a Shinto ritual to ward off evil and protect against fires. Shrine parishioners in each region take on roles as demons, demon guardsmen, and their enemies, known as subete, and hold a faceoff. The subete light a huge bundle of straw and green pine on fire, fan the black smoke towards the "Onisube Hall" with an uchiwa (fan), and smoke out the enclosed demons. The ashes and wood scraps from the burning timber are kept and used as protective charms. ➢ Oni-yo (Jan. 7, at Daizenji/1463-1 Miyamoto, Daizenji-machi, Kurume-shi/5min. walk from Nishitetsu Daizenji Station): This is a fire festival which is supposed to drive away evil spirits. It has been a tradition here for more than 1,600 years and is also one of the Japan’s three major fire festivals. The festival is 1pm to 11:30pm (Lighting of torches takes place at around 9pm). ➢ Orei-mairi, or “Thankful Visit” (Jan. 11, at Hakozaki Shrine/1-22-1 Hakozaki, Higashiku): This event originated when Buddhist monk Shoichikokushi, the founder of Jotenji Temple, made a visit to Hakozaki Shrine in thanks for its blessing of his trip from the Sung dynasty court in China where he stayed for Zen training. It is a rare occasion to see Buddhist monks visiting a Shinto shrine. ➢ Kayu-biraki, or “Congee Reading” (Feb. 1, at Shogakuji Temple/508 Higashi Aburayama, Jonan-ku): In this event, the fortune of this year’s weather and crop harvest are told by reading the moldy congee that was boiled on January 15. ➢ Setsubun-sai, or “Bean Throwing” (Feb. 3, at Kushida Shrine/1-41 Kamikawabata-machi, Hakata-ku and at Tochoji Temple/2-4 Gokusho-machi, Hakata-ku): Japan’s biggest Otafuku faces appear at the entrances of Kushida Shrine and roasted soybeans are thrown by the people born in the year of the horse and well-known people inside the shrine. At Tochoji Temple, in addition to the bean-throwing ceremony, the Thousand Armed Kannon, which is open for public viewing only three times a year, will be on display. It’s Sakagura-biraki (cellar opening) Season! Fukuoka was once known as one of the three major sake-producing regions in Japan, and still has around 80 breweries today. Every year, in February and March, local breweries hold spring sakagura-biraki, or cellar openings. You can not only taste the freshest brew, but also take brewery tours, shop at discounted prices, and enjoy all kinds of events. Suginoya Sakagura-biraki 2014 (Hamachi Brewery) Address: 1442 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka Tel: 092-806-1186 Dates: Weekends and national holidays during Jan. 25 (Sat.) to Mar. 2 (Sun.) 10am - 5pm Jojima Sakagura-biraki (Kurume) Date: Feb. 15 (Sat.) & 16 (Sun.) 9:30am - 4:00pm Tel: 0942-64-3649 URL: Haneki Festival (Shiraito Brewery) Address: 1986 Hon, Itsoshima Tel: 092-322-2901 Dates: Feb. 22 (Sat.) & 23 (Sun.), Apr. 12 (Sat.) & 13 (Sun.) 11am - 4pm Ayasugi Brewery Kura-biraki Address: 1-12-37 Shiobaru, Minami-ku, Fukuoka Tel: 092-541-3908 Dates: Mar. 15 (Sat.) 10am - 5pm Oga Brewery Sakagura-biraki Address: 4-9-1 Futsukaichi Chuo, Chikushino Tel: 092-922-2633 Dates: Mar.15 (Sat.) & 16 (Sun.) 10am - 4pm For details and other event info, contact the Fukuoka Sake Brewers Association Tel: 092-651-4591 URL: no brakes equipped are ridden, police are now able to inspect the bicycle and order that brakes be fixed or fitted, or that the bicycle no longer be ridden. If police inspection is refused, or if a violation of police orders is made, then a fine of up to 50,000 yen may be imposed. New Safety Center at Kego Park Fukuoka City has built the Kego Park Safety Center at Kego Park in Tenjin, which opened on December 25. Combined with the Tenjin police box, this center collaborates with locals, the police, and the city to facilitate the safe and secure urban development of the Tenjin area. The center provides consultations, through the establishment of a citizens’ consultation desk, on topics related to the safe and secure development of the city, such as how to start anticrime patrols and how to avoid juvenile delinquency. Local groups may borrow the meeting room for related activities at no charge (bookings required). For inquiries, contact the Fukuoka City Civil Safety Department on 092-7114059. Municipal Housing Information ✓ Fukuoka City Application Period: Feb. 5 (Wed.) - 14 (Fri.) Inquiry: 092-271-2561 (in Japanese) ✓ Fukuoka Prefecture Application Period: Jan. 14 (Tue.) - 22 (Wed.) Inquiry: 092-713-1683 (in Japanese) Forms are available at ward offices etc. EUROCENTRES Language Learning Worldwide 海外語学留学 Eurocentres was founded over 60 years ago and has become one of the most competent and innovative language school organizations in the world. Eurocentres offers courses in eight languages and to 30 locations where the target language is spoken. Languages: English/French/Spanish/ German/Italian/Japanese/Chinese/Russian *Please ask details. 日本語でどうぞ。 Eurocentres: 092-725-9094 LEISURE PLAN CO., LTD. (tickets/tours) ACROS Fukuoka BLDG. 3F. 092-725-9090 Email: To advertise in Please contact 092-733-2220 January/February 2014 3 1. FINAL TAX RETURN In Japan, income tax is based on a selfassessment system. In the final tax return, each taxpayer settles totally the income amount earned for a calendar year and calculates the tax amount to be paid with respect to the total amount of income, and then files his/her income tax return. your total income of various types less the total amount of the basic exemption and other deductions from income is greater than your tax credit for dividends. NOTE: For further information, please refer to the website of the National Tax Agency. 2. WHO MUST FILE You are required to file a final tax return, if; (1) Your total employment income in 2013 exceeded ¥20,000,000; or (2) You received employment income from one source only, and your total amount of various types of income other than employment income and retirement income exceeded ¥200,000; or (3) You received employment income from two or more sources, and your employment income (excluding employment income subject to year-end adjustment) and total amount of various types of income other than employment and retirement income exceeded ¥200,000; or (4) You received employment income abroad; or (5) The amount of tax calculated based on 3. WHEN AND WHERE TO FILE You must file your final tax return with the tax office in the district of your jusho (domicile) or kyosho (residence) during the period from February 17 (Mon.) to March 17 (Mon.), 2014. Website of the National Tax Agency 4. WHEN AND WHERE TO GO FOR QUESTIONS OR CONSULTATION If you have any difficulties or questions relating to taxes, please do not hesitate to contact your tax office. NOTE: (1) Consultation hours; 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday through Friday (except national holidays) (2) If you cannot speak Japanese well, you are encouraged to come accompanied with an interpreter. (3) Tax Offices offer automated help lines. Tax Offices, Fukuoka Area Tax Office Address Telephone Numbers Location for Consultation Fukuoka Tax Office 1-8-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku 092-641-8131 Nishitetsu Hall 6F Solaria Stage Bldg. 4-8-28 Tenjin, Chuo-ku 092-771-1151 2-11-3 Tenjin, Chuo-ku Kashii Tax Office 6-2-1 Chihaya, Higashi-ku 092-661-1031 Kashii Tax Office Nishifukuoka Tax Office 1-5-22 Momochi, Sawara-ku 092-843-6211 Fukuoka Tower Hall 2-3-26 Momochihama, Sawara-ku Hakata Tax Office ~continued from page 1 Yatai Ordinance and Preparing Yourself for Yatai The Yatai Ordinance is the regulation brought into effect by the City in September 2013 to facilitate a friendly Vol.20 This is the last volume of “Fukuoka no Kotoba AZ.” In this issue, we will introduce two Hakata dialect usages that begin with “Z”. They are both commonly found in other Kyushu dialects as well. zorobiku (ぞろびく)verb Standard language: hikizuru (ひきずる) Meaning: to drag (along the ground) Example あんた の ズボン は ながかっちゃなか と? ぞろびきよーよ。 Anta no zubon wa nagakacchanakato? Zoyobikiyōyo. (Standard language) あなた の ズボン は ながいんじゃない? coexistence between yatai, citizens, the region, and tourists. The Ordinance specifies “the City’s duties,” “yatai operators’ duties,” as well as “yatai users’ duties” – seeking cooperation on following rules even from yatai users themselves. ひきずっているよ。 Anata no zubon wa nagainjanai? Hikizutteiruyo. (English) Aren’t your pants too long? They’re dragging along the ground. zundareru (ずんだれる)verb Standard language: darashinai (だらしない) Meaning: scruffy, disheveled, messy Example そんな ずんだれた かっこう しなさんな。 Sonna zundareta kakkou shinasanna. (Standard language) そんな だらしない かっこう しないで。 Sonna darashinai kakkou shinaide. (English) Don’t dress so scruffily. Yatai Ordinance 1. Keep to the specified opening hours. Yatai can begin setting up from 5pm. While setting up, do not enter the stall. 2. Most yatai operate in public areas. Where each yatai can operate is limited. Do not eat or drink in the space around the yatai when the yatai is full, or if the yatai is too cramped. When waiting for seats, stay out of the way of passersby. 3. No raw foods. Yatai are forbidden to serve raw foods, including sashimi, potato salad and okyuto. Cabbage for yakitori is allowed. Do not make pushy orders for raw foods. 4. Check prices on the menu. For stalls with no menu displays, or menus with no prices, caution must be taken. At stalls with no menu display, be sure to check the price of each item. And when you have a query regarding the bill, be sure to confirm the details on the spot. 5. There are no toilets at yatai. There are no toilets at yatai, but yatai operators must try to operate within close vicinity to one. If you’re not sure where it is, ask the yatai staff. Always use a toilet to do your business. 6. Responsible use. Many private residences are located close to yatai. Keep these people in mind, and avoid making loud noises or becoming a nuisance. The following points aren’t found in the Ordinance, but it’s worth keeping them in mind too. - Be sure to check the weather forecast. Many operators choose whether to set up or not depending on the predicted chance of rain. If you’re thinking of visiting a particular yatai, it might be worth calling beforehand to check if they’ll be opening. -Avoid going in large groups. Yatai can accommodate at most 10 ~continued on page 7 4 January/February 2014 Coming Soon ! *Free unless specified. The prices quoted here may or may not include the 5% consumption tax. The schedule is subject to change without notice. EVENTS: KYUSHU SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA NEW YEAR CONCERT Jan. 5 (Sun) 3:00p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall A¥4,000; B¥3,000; Student ¥1,000 SAINT-SOPHIA STRAUSS ORCHESTRA Jan. 9 (Thu) 6:30p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall ¥5,500 (reserved seat) KAMEN RIDER SUPERLIVE 2014 Jan. 11 (Sat) 11:00a.m., 2:30p.m. Fukuoka Shimin Kaikan ¥3,000 (reserved seat) PHILHARMONIA QUARTETT BERLIN Jan. 11 (Sat) 4:00p.m. Munakata Yurix Harmony Hall ¥4,500; Pair ¥7,500 (reserved seat) SUGITETSU 10TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR Jan. 12 (Sun) 2:00p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Event Hall ¥4,000; H.S. student & under ¥3,000 KEICHIKU KAGURA PERFORMANCE Jan. 18 (Sat) 2:00p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Event Hall NHK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SPECIAL CONCERT Jan. 19 (Sun) 5:00p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall S¥9,000; A¥8,000; B¥7,000; C¥6,000; Student ¥3,000 ACROS LUNCHTIME CONCERT vol. 37 “BUSAN PHILHARMONIC YOUTH ORCHESTRA” Jan. 21 (Tue) Noon ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall ¥1,000 (open seating) FUKUOKA MOTOR SHOW 2014 Jan. 24 (Fri) - 27 (Mon) 9:30a.m. - 6:00p.m. -5:00p.m. on Jan. 27 Marinemesse Fukuoka Adult ¥1,300; H.S. student ¥800 YUHKI KURAMOTO SYMPHONIC CONCERT Jan. 24 (Fri) 7:00p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall S¥6,000; A¥4,500 TENJIN DE CLASSIC: CONTINUATION OF THE “MOZART FOR YOU” Jan. 27 (Mon) 7:00p.m. FFG (Fukuoka Bank) Hall A¥3,500; B¥2,800; Student ¥1,000 YOSHIDA BROTHERS FESTIVAL OF JAPAN Jan. 29 (Wed) 3:30p.m., 7:00p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall S¥6,300; A¥5,500 BUNRAKU IROHA LECTURE Feb. 1 (Sat) 2:00p.m. IMS Hall ¥2,500; Student ¥1,500 (open seating) THE SAINT PETERSBURG PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Feb. 1 (Sat) 3:00p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall GS¥16,000; S¥14,000; A¥12,000; B¥10,000; C¥8,000; Student ¥4,000 coba solo tour 2014 Feb. 1 (Sat) 6:00p.m. Denki Building Mirai Hall ¥5,500 (reserved seating) FEBRUARY GRAND KABUKI Feb. 2 (Sun) - 25 (Tue) 11:00a.m., 4:00p.m. Hakataza A¥15,000; SB¥11,000; B¥8,000; C¥5,000 ACROS LUNCHTIME CONCERT Vol. 38 BLAST OF STORMING BRASS!! KUWA☆MAN SUPER BRASS Feb. 4 (Tue) Noon ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall ¥1,000 (open seating) JAMIE CULLUM Feb. 4 (Tue) 7:00p.m. DRUM LOGOS Advance ¥6,500 * 1 drink order required. KYUSHU SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT Feb. 7 (Fri) 7:00p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall S¥5,000(Pair¥9,500); A¥4,000(Pair¥7,500); B¥3,000(Pair¥5,500); Student ¥1,000 JAPAN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Feb. 8 (Sat) 2:00p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall S¥6,500; A¥6,000; B¥5,500; C¥5,000; Student (Elem. school student & over) ¥4,000 NANTA Feb. 19 (Wed) 3:00p.m., 7:00p.m. Canal City Gekijo ¥6,800 (reserved seating) MEZAMASHI (WAKE-UP) CLASSICS IN FUKUOKA Feb. 23 (Sun) 2:00p.m. ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall S¥6,500; A¥5,500 Ohori Koen Noh Theater (LECTURE, NOH, KYOGEN) Feb. 2 (Sun) 2:00p.m. ¥2,500 (reserved seat) ¥2,000; Student ¥1,000 (open seating) KITARYU YOKYOKU-KAI (SUUTA, SHIMAI) Feb. 16 (Sun) 9:00a.m. EXHIBITIONS: *If a holiday falls on the designated closed day, museums will be open on that holiday and closed the following day. Please note that they will be closed for New Year holidays. *Last admission of museums (except “Artium”) is half an hour before the closing time. Fukuoka City Museum 3-1-1 Momochihama, Sawara-ku Open 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Closed on Mondays) Tel: 092-845-5011 SPECIAL EXHIBITION IMPRESSIONISTS AT THE WATERSIDE Depicting urban resorts: Paris, the Seine, and Normandy アルフレッド・シスレー 《モレの橋》 1893年 油彩/カンヴァス オルセー美術館 ©RMN-Grand Palais (musée d’Orsay) / Hervé Lewandowski / distributed by AMF Jan. 15 (Wed) - Mar. 2 (Sun) Adult ¥1,200 Univ. & H.S. student ¥800 J.H.S. & under ¥400 Fukuoka Art Museum 1-5 Ohori-Koen Park, Chuo-ku Open 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Closed on Mondays) Tel: 092-715-2155 1-6 Ohori-koen Park, Chuo-ku Open 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Closed on Mondays) Tel: 092-714-6051 FUKUOKA “MANSAKU NO KAI” (KYOGEN) Jan. 10 (Fri) 7:00p.m., Jan. 11 (Sat) 2:00p.m. Chair ¥13,650; Floor ¥10,500 NEW YEAR NOH “MAKIGINU” (LECTURE, NOH) Jan. 13 (Mon/holiday) 1:30p.m. Open seating ¥3,000; Reserved seat ¥3,500 KYUSHU HOSHO KAI SUBSCRIPTION NOH (NOH, KYOGEN, SHIMAI, MAIBAYASHI) Jan. 19 (Sun) 12:30p.m. D¥10,500; A,E ¥8,500; B,C ¥6,500 ¥5,500; ¥3,500; Student ¥2,000 (open seating) *Lecture will be held at 10:30a.m. for ¥1,000 (half price for those who hold the performance ticket) TAKA NO KAI (LECTURE, NOH, SHIMAI) Jan. 26 (Sun) 2:00p.m. Chair ¥8,000 (reserved seat) Floor ¥6,000; Student ¥3,000 (open seating) SHO ASANO SHAMISEN SHOW (TSUGARU-JAMISEN) Feb. 1 (Sat) 1:00p.m., 4:00p.m. ¥4,000 (reserved seat) NOHGAKU NYUMON KOZA SPECIAL EXHIBITION IN SEARCH OF CRITICAL IMAGINATION Jan. 5 (Sun) - Feb. 23 (Sun) Adult ¥1,200 Univ. & H.S. student ¥800 J.H.S. & under Free ONISHI Yasuaki, vertical emptiness 2013 Photo: Takuya Oshima ※reference image Fukuoka Asian Art Museum 7 & 8F, Riverain Center Bldg., 3-1 Shimokawabata-machi, Hakata-ku Open 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Closed on Wednesdays) Tel: 092-263-1100 ASIA GALLERY A COMING HOME -My Place, My Story Jan. 2 (Thu) - Apr. 1 (Tue) Chen Shun-Chu (Taiwan) “Conference: Family ParadeHouse II” 1995 January/February 2014 ASIA GALLERY B ART AS ARCHIVE-Perspective of Modern History through Arts Jan. 30 (Thu) - Apr. 22 (Tue) Fernando Amorsolo (Philippines) “Ruins of Intramuros” 1945 A&B Galleries Joint Entry Ticket Adult ¥200 Univ. & H.S. student ¥150 J.H.S. & under Free Fukuoka Pref. Museum of Art 5-2-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka Tel: 092-715-3551 Note: Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art will be closed until August due to construction work. Kyushu National Museum 4-7-2 Ishizaka, Dazaifu Open 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Closed on Mondays) Tel: 050-5542-8600 SPECIAL EXHIBITION GRAND EXHIBITION OF SACRED TREASURES FROM SHINTO SHRINES Jan. 15 (Wed) - Mar. 9 (Sun) Adult ¥1,500 Univ. & H.S. student ¥1,000 J.H.S. & E.S. student ¥600 Seated Fusumi no okami of Kumano Heian period, 9th century Kumano Hayatama Taisha, Wakayama 5 Russian, (S)-Spanish NAKASU TAIYO (中洲大洋 291-4058) “THE FLU” (K) MET LIVE VIEWING “FALSTAFF - VERDI” (I) “DRUG WAR” (M)(Cantonese)(PG12) SCREEN BEAUTIES VOL. 3 HITCHCOCK AND BLOND BEAUTY “TO CATCH A THIEF” (E)(F) “VERTIGO” (E) “MARNIE” (E) “THE WOLF OF WALL STREET” (E) “LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER” (E) “JEUNE & JOLIE” (F)(R18) “THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG” (E) TOHO CINEMAS (天神東宝 762-6666) TENJIN HON-KAN/SOLARIA-KAN “MAYERLING” (E) “THE EAST” (E) “INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2” (E) “ESCAPE PLAN” (E) “ENDERS GAME” (E) “AMERICAN HUSTLE” (E) “WHAT MAISIE KNEW” (E) “THOR: THE DARK WORLD” (E) “RUSH” (E)(PG12) UNITED CINEMAS CANAL CITY 13 (ユナイテッド・シネマキャナルシティ13 272-2222) “ESCAPE PLAN” (E) “ENDERS GAME” (E) “LUDWIG II” (G) “V/H/S 2” (E)(R18) “THE WOLF OF WALL STREET” (E) “AMERICAN HUSTLE” (E) “THOR: THE DARK WORLD” (E) “RUSH” (E)(PG12) “SNOWPIERCER” (E)(K)(PG12) “JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT” (E) “KICK-ASS 2” (E)(R15) UNITED CINEMAS FUKUOKA (ユナイテッド・シネマ福岡 844-5645 & 844-5644) “ESCAPE PLAN” (E) “THOR: THE DARK WORLD” (E) “RUSH” (E)(PG12) “JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT” (E) “THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG” (E) KBC CINEMA (KBCシネマ 751-4268) Artium IMS 8F, 1-7-11 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka Open 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Closed on Dec. 31 , Jan. 1 & 21) Tel: 092-733-2050 ARABIA ART&DESIGN Through Jan. 13 (Mon/holiday) Heini Riitahuhta ©Arabia Art Department Society, photographer: Chikako Harada Tetsuya Nakamura SPEED GIG Jan. 18 (Sat) - Feb. 16 (Sun) SPEED KING(2005) ©Tetsuya Nakamura / Courtesy:Gallery Koyanagi Adult ¥400 Student ¥300 H.S. student & under Free MOVIES: *Movies are designated by the following codes: (A)-Arabic, (E)-English, (F)-French, (G)-German, (I)-Italian, (K)-Korean, (M)-Mandarin, (R)- “THE ICEMAN” (E)(R15) “WADJDA” (A) “THE SESSIONS” (E)(R18) “DANGEROUS LIAISONS” (M) “EL ARTISTA Y LA MODELO” (F)(P)(PG12) “LOS AMANTES PASAJEROS” (S)(R15) “LORE” (G)(PG12) “MIRACLE IN CELL NO. 7” (K) “TOUCH OF THE LIGHT” (M) T-JOY HAKATA (T・ジョイ博多413-5333) “ESCAPE PLAN” (E) “KILLING SEASON” (E) “PENTHOUSE NORTH” (E)(PG12) “BEFORE MIDNIGHT” (E)(PG12) “ENDERS GAME” (E) “ONLY GOD FORGIVES” (E)(R15) “TRILOGIA II: I SKONI TOU HRONOU” (E)(R) (G)(Greek) “THOR: THE DARK WORLD” (E) “FEU: CRAZY HORSE PARIS” (F)(R15) “RUSH” (E)(PG12) “JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT” (E) “THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG” (E) FLEA MARKETS: Note: The flea market in TNC, Momochihama will not be held during January and February, however it is planned to be held from March. -----------------------------------------------------Inquiry: Nishinihon Citizen’s Recycle Movement Tel: 092-752-7761 FAX: 092-752-7766 URL: (in Japanese) Hakozakigu Nomi no Ichi Date: Feb. 9 (Sun.) Time: 7:00a.m. - 3:00p.m. Venue: Hakozaki-gu Sando ------------------------------------------------Inquiry: Modern Lovers Tel: 070-5693-2221 SPORTS: <RUGBY> TOP LEAGUE Coca-Cola West RED SPARKS vs. KINTETSU LINERS Jan. 5 (Sun) Noon Kyuden Voltex vs. RICOH Black Rams Jan. 5 (Sun) 2:15p.m. Coca-Cola West RED SPARKS vs. Kyuden Voltex Jan. 19 (Sun) 2:15p.m. Venue: Level Five Stadium Tickets: ¥2,500 - ¥1,500, - ¥500 for E.S., J.H.S. & H.S. student Inquiry: Kyushu Rugby Football Union TEL: 092-715-8172 <BASKETBALL> RIZING FUKUOKA HOME GAMES ©Rizing Fukuoka /bj-league vs. TOYAMA GROUSES Jan. 4 (Sat) & 5 (Sun) 2:00p.m. Venue: Axion Fukuoka vs. Shimane Susanoo Magic Jan. 9 (Thu) & 10 (Fri) 7:00p.m. vs. KYOTO HANNARYZ Feb. 8 (Sat) 7:00p.m., 9 (Sun) 2:00p.m. vs. OSAKA EVESSA Feb. 22 (Sat) 7:00p.m., 23 (Sun) 2:00p.m. Venue: Fukuoka Shimin Taiikukan Tickets: Adults ¥10,500 - ¥2,500; H.S. & under - ¥800 Inquiry: Fukuoka Probasketball Club Tel: 092-771-6675 <VOLLEYBALL> V. PREMIER LEAGUE WOMEN Hisamitsu Springs vs. Okayama Seagulls Toyota Auto Body Queenseis vs. Pioneer Red Wings Feb. 1 (Sat) 2:00p.m. Hisamitsu Springs vs. Pioneer Red Wings Okayama Seagulls vs. Toyota Auto Body Queenseis Feb. 2 (Sun) 1:00p.m. Venue: Fukuoka Shimin Taiikukan Tickets: ¥3,900 - ¥2,000; ¥1,000 for J.H.S. & H.S. student ¥500 for E.S. student & under Inquiry: Fukuoka Prefectural Volleyball Association Tel: 092-717-3050 (10:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.) 6 January/February 2014 Rainbow Plaza Corner For more information, call 092-733-2220 FREE COUNSELING A. Appointment required 1) Legal Counseling Dates: Every 1st and 3rd Saturday Date: January to March Jan. 11 (due to hols) & 18, Feb. 1 & 15, Mar. 1 & 15 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm *45 minutes / person *An interpreter is available upon request. B. Appointment NOT required (Come directly to Rainbow Plaza.) 1) Free Counseling on Immigration, Residency, and Nationality Dates: Every 2nd Sunday Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm (Reception until 3:30pm) *Interpreters (English & Chinese) are available. 2) Health Consultation 2) Personal (Psychological) Dates: Every Wednesday Counseling Time: 5:00pm -7:00pm Dates: (Mon.) 10:00am - 6:00pm *An English-speaking (Thur.) 10:00am - 12:30pm volunteer doctor is available. (1st, 3rd Sat.) *No medical treatments or 5:00pm - 7:00pm prescriptions provided. (other Sat.) 3:00pm - 7:00pm *On rare occasions, the *An English-speaking doctor may cancel a professional is available. consultation session on short *Timetable is subject to notice. change. No Health Consultations on *Your PRIVACY is guaranteed. Jan. 15 & 22 and Feb. 5 Other English Counseling Services *Appointment is not required unless specified. *Please note that the information provided here is as of the end of November, 2013. Guidance on Immigration and Residential Procedures by Immigration Information Center, Fukuoka Hours: Weekdays 9:00am - 4:00pm Venue: Fukuoka Regional Immigration Bureau (Fukuoka International Airport Domestic Terminal 3) Tel: 092-626-5100 Naturalization, Immigration, and Residency by Fukuoka Gyoseishoshi Lawyer Association Hours: Every 4th Saturday 1:00pm - 4:00pm (reception until 3:30pm) Venue: Kokusai Hiroba (Across Fukuoka 3F, 1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku) Tel: 092-641-2501 Human Rights by Fukuoka Legal Affairs Bureau, Human Rights Counseling Center Hours: Every 2nd Saturday 1:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Kokusai Hiroba (Across Fukuoka 3F, 1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku) Tel: 092-832-4311 (only available in Japanese) Free Legal Consultation for Non-Japanese Residents by Fukuoka Prefectural Bar Association, Tenjin Attorney’s Center Hours: Every 4th Friday 1:00pm -4:00pm Venue: Tenjin Attorney’s Center (Minami Tenjin Bldg. 2F, 5-14-12 Watanabedori, Chuo-ku) Tel: 092-737-7555 (Weekdays 10am - 4pm) *Jap. only (Eng. available on 4th Fri. 10am - 1pm) Dr. Nishiyama’s Q&A Vol. 11 Q. Should we be worried about Influenza again this winter? A. There’s no need to panic. We’re well prepared. Winter is just around the corner, and with it comes the threat of an imminent outbreak of influenza. Considering the possible rapid mutation of viruses, there is always the risk of a world-wide catastrophe. People haven’t forgotten the horrible pandemics of the past. According to the author of an essay published in a famous journal last spring, we should not fear exaggerated pandemics. The reason for this is that nowadays the research of viruses, and the development of treatments have progressed much further than in the last century. Effective medicines have been massproduced and stocked for contingent pandemics. Furthermore, the network of world-wide communication can work effectively to cope with any such disaster. What is worst is the state of panic into which people are liable to fall. The development of transportation systems by which a huge number Employment Services for Foreign Workers by Hello Work Fukuoka Chuo Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 10:00am - 12:30pm, 1:30pm - 4:00pm Venue: Hello Work Fukuoka Chuo 3F (1-6-19 Akasaka, Chuo-ku) Tel: 092-712-8609 (press 42#) Working Condition Advice for Foreign Workers by Inspection Division, Fukuoka Labor Bureau Hours: Tuesdays & 2nd and 4th Thursdays 9:00am - 4:00pm Venue: Fukuoka National Government Building Annex 4F (2-11-1 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku) Tel: 092-411-4862 Fukuoka City Administration Consultation Hotline (One-on-one sessions also available) by Higashi Ward Office Hours: Mondays 1:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Higashi Ward Office (2-54-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku) Tel: 092-631-2192 Multilingual Hotline for Foreign Residents by Women’s Empowerment Center Fukuoka Hours: Thursdays 11:00am - 3:00pm Venue: Telephone only Tel: 050-1492-3911 Women’s Hotline by Asian Women’s Center Hours: Weekdays 9:00am - 5:00pm Venue: Telephone only Tel: 092-513-7333 Yorisoi Hotline Hours: Mon., Tue. & Sun. 10am-10pm; Wed. 10am-4pm; Thur. 4pm-10pm Venue: Telephone only of people can travel far distances in a short time, makes it difficult to contain the expansion of influenza. Despite this negative aspect, however, rapid and distant transportation of medicines or manpower for the prevention and treatment of disease is a great boon for modern society. Although we will have to stand unarmed against the first round of “new” strains of influenza, subsequent prevalence will be controlled by newly produced vaccines. For a while, the stockpile of medicines may treat and prevent the spread of “new” plagues at least as efficiently as to maintain social and industrial activities. Excessive fear simply makes us more vulnerable to infection. The best way of prevention is through sufficient nutrition, good sleep, avoiding crowds, hand washing and gargling when coming home. Wearing a surgical mask also makes sense. Let’s keep calm, and do all we can to fight the outbreak of influenza. Tel: 0120-279-338 (push “2” after the Japanese guidance; toll free) Consultations on Child-bearing, Housing, Daily Living Problems, or Domestic Troubles by Global Life Support Center Hours: Weekdays 9:00am - 5:00pm Venue: Global Life Support Center (Yasuda Daiichi Bldg. 6F, 12-18 Kamikawabata-machi, Hakata-ku) Tel: 092-283-8880 E-mail: Veterinary Clinics with English Services Name Tel. Address Kato Juika Iin 691-1177 1-45-21, Tatara, Higashi-ku Fukuoka Doubutu Iryo Center 471-7748 2-9-22, Takeshita, Hakata-ku Akimoto 731-3424 Dobutsu Byoin 2-2-15, Kego, Chuo-ku Ai Animal Hospital 542-2223 1-9-26, Nagazumi, Minami-ku Saki Animal Hospital 541-5078 Matsuzaki Bld. 1F, 1-11-25, Noma, Minami-ku Maki Dobutsu 861-7273 Byoin 2-20-7, Matsuyama, Jonan-ku Iwamoto 804-2383 Dobutsu Byoin 7-35-11, Higashi Irube, Sawara-ku Fukushige 891-0980 3-33-4, Fukushige, Dobutsu Byoin Nishi-ku Uga Pet Clinic 807-7037 195-1-102, Oaza Tokunaga, Nishi-ku January/February 2014 ~continued from page 3 people at a time. It’s not good to stay for a long time. Some yatai have their own regular customers, so we recommend going in groups of four or less. Remember to squeeze together to make room for other customers! -Always keep an eye on your belongings. Make sure to keep your belongings by your side. Don’t leave your things lying about just because you couldn’t find a place to put them. The Three Great Appeals of Yatai 1. The Food Yatai are restauMentai rants. Yatai owners tamagoyaki proudly serve their Courtesy of Fukuoka City Oden dishes with their own unique recipes. Many people associate yatai with ramen, but it wasn’t until after the Hakata Courtesy of ramen boom that this Fukuoka City came to be. At many yakitori yatai you can enjoy each stall’s unique Motsu-nabe flavor of Hakata ramen, fried ramen noodles (yakiramen), Courtesy of Fukuoka City mentaiko wrapped in Tempra egg (mentaitamagoyaki), or the stall’s signature oden or yakitori, etc. There are some yatai that don’t even serve ramen, but specialize in tempura or even western foods such as French cuisine. Try to find a yatai that suits your tastes! Also, check to see if the yatai has what you want to eat before you sit down. 2. Yatai Taisho It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the most interesting thing about a yatai is its taisho (大将, general/ admiral. In this instance taisho refers to the owner/operator of the yatai). Liking the food is a given, but liking the taisho Main Yatai Spots The main yatai areas in Fukuoka are ① along Watanabe Dori in Tenjin, ② along Showa Dori, ③ along the Nakagawa River in Nakasu, ④ next to Reisen Park, next to Kushida Shrine, and ⑤ around the fresh fish market in Nagahama. Courtesy of Fukuoka City 7 is also a major factor in finding your favorite stall. Being able to watch the taisho cooking and engaging in conversation at the same time is part of the thrill of yatai. It’s natural to feel nervous about visiting a yatai for the first time, but find one that you like and make eating there a regular event! If you get to know the taisho and the regulars, you’ll soon find your yatai experience to be even more exciting. 3. Yatai as a place to communicate. Yatai offer a place for people who have never met to enjoy their meals together. Eating together shoulder to shoulder on the confined benches of a yatai – whether you’re a regular or just a visitor, the conversation flows naturally. There could be customers with foreign language skills, and if you’re studying Japanese then yatai offer a great place for you to practice. Being able to speak to people casually, regardless of status or place of origin, is another benefit of yatai dining. Exchanging business cards at the end of the meal often leads to surprises. Other diners might even have interestCourtesy of Fukuoka City ing information to share. Don’t just eat at yatai use them to your advantage as a means to improve your Japanese and gather information. Random Yatai Facts The left side of the yatai is supposedly where the regulars sit. Apparently this is so they can watch over the stall in place of the owner. Yatai weigh around 700-1,000 kilograms. They used to be moved about completely by hand. The cost of building a yatai is around 1.8-2 million yen. Rain will leak through the roof unless a special carpenter makes the stall. Fukuoka City’s Kawaii Ward Chief Executive, Micaela (from Canada), has made a video introducing yatai (http:// Check out what they’re like at (you can also register as a Kawaii Ward “resident” here). Tenjin Yatai Diary The Tenjin Yatai Diary, made by Nishitetsu Group, will be sold until the end of March. This diary is made for people who aren’t sure where to go for their first yatai meal, people who aren’t sure what they should order, or people who are worried about being ripped off. It will also guide you through a satisfying yatai experience. Details: Handbook full of information on Tenjin-area yatai, including ¥1,500 worth of coupons that can be redeemed at eight different yatai stalls. *The handbook is only in Japanese, but the illustrations and map make it pretty easy to understand. **Items that can be purchased with the coupons differ by stall, see the handbook for details. Price: ¥1,500 (including ¥1,500 worth of coupons) Place of purchase: Nishitetsu Group Hotels, Fukuoka City Tourist Information Center (Tenjin), Nishitetsu Fukuoka (Tenjin) Station north exit station office (to the left when exiting the ticket gates). ~continued on page 8 8 January/February 2014 ~continued from page 7 Kozo Yonekura, Fukuoka City Portable Food Stalls Association Head and “Yonesan” Owner, Tells Us About Yatai For this issue of Rainbow, we had a chance to hear from Kozo Yonekura, the head of the Fukuoka City Portable Food Stalls Association and owner of the yatai “Yonesan”. He has run his yatai for about 40 years after inheriting it from his father at the age of 22. Yonesan specializes in tempura. Yonesan Yonekura-san does all of his work by himself. Until about a decade ago, he would push his 700kg yatai from its parking space to the place he set up shop, all on his own. Now he has a car to help him in this process. Yonesan is now at its third location of business. First it operated outside the front of Solaria Plaza, then at Kego Park, and now in front of the Nichigin Building. Yonesan has seen the ever-changing face of Tenjin. Yonekura-san explains that finding a place to set up a yatai is quite a challenge. What makes him happiest as a taisho is when customers tell him how delicious the food is, and that they’ll be sure to come again. With each change in location some regular customers are lost, but recently some former customers have found him again, apparently after having seen his stall on television. Many challenges face yatai businesses, and Yonekura-san oversees the roughly 60 different yatai in the Tenjin area, doing his best to create a yatai scene loved by everyone. In the middle of our conversation with YoneTen’ichi kura-san, we were also able to meet Nakamurasan, Fukuoka’s longest-serving yatai operator. You would never tell he was 80 years old from his youthful appearance. Nakamura-san has run another yatai specializing in tempura, “Ten’ichi” (outside the front of the Diamond Building), for over half a century. As well as tempura, he serves oden, yakitori and Yatai Emergency Phone Number dote-nabe. If you’re interested in To report any troubles or grievances learning about the history of Fukuoka’s yatai, why not pay Naka- in relation to yatai, clearly state when, where (the name of the stall), and what mura-san a visit? happened, using the following phone Yonekura-san shares his advice for numbers. You can also use these numbers for anything else you’ve noticed visiting yatai. “First, check the menu. More and or to make specific requests. (Japanese more yatai have English menus pre- only) pared, so when people ask ‘what do you Fukuoka City Portable Food Stalls sell? Please show me the menu,’ we’re Association: 092-751-3490 able to show them. After that just fol- Hakata Portable Food Stalls Association: 092-291-3041 low yatai etiquette and have fun!” A Message from Fukuoka City’s Yatai Master - Tomohiko Usui I have been in charge of Fukuoka City’s yatai policy since 2011. Before that I lived in Tokyo, so the first time I actually saw a yatai in Fukuoka was only two years ago. The first time I saw them I was surprised at both the number and the unique atmosphere they created. Over the past two years I have been to over 100 yatai to see how they’re going. The taisho that run the yatai each have their own individual style of “omotenashi” (hospitality). Unfortunately there are some yatai that don’t follow the rules, becoming a nuisance to local residents and tourists. In September this year, a new ordinance was passed in the City of Fukuoka for yatai to follow in order for them to carry on being adored by the locals and tourists. We hope to make our yatai places where our foreign guests can enjoy themselves worry-free. Being able to speak to a stranger as if you’ve known them for many years, while getting a taste of a uniquely Japanese dining experience, is one of the charms of yatai. Warm your heart and body this winter at one of Fukuoka’s many yatai. “Everyone’s a senior” Seigo Sakai ==Information from FIA== Position Available The Fukuoka International Association (FIA) is now calling for applications for the following positions. Please refer to FIA website for more details. - Promotion Coordinator for International Exchange (two English positions and one Chinese position): Encouraging citizen involvement in international exchange and providing support for resident foreigners at Rainbow Plaza etc. Application deadline: Applications must be postmarked by January 7 (Tue.) (however, applications from overseas must be received by this date). *Language abilities etc. required. - Counselor for Foreign Residents (English): Work related to counseling for foreigners at Rainbow Plaza. Application deadline: Applications must be postmarked by January 15 (Wed.) (however, applications from overseas must be received by this date). For recruitment information/application forms: Fukuoka International Association, Rainbow Plaza, Fukuoka City Ward Offices, Information Plaza etc. *Forms can also be downloaded from the FIA website. Inquiries: Fukuoka International Association (Ishiyama, Oda) Tel: 092-733-5630 URL:
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