Tibbals Elementary PTA Fall Preview And Update Thank


Tibbals Elementary PTA Fall Preview And Update Thank
Tibbals Elementary
Fall Preview
Thank you for joining Tibbals PTA! I have been an active member of this organization
for a few years now and have seen PTA help to make many wonderful things happen at
Tibbals. By becoming a member I am much more aware of what is happening with my
child’s education, what the needs are of the school, and how we can help enhance our
scholars learning experience. Your membership in PTA is what you make it. Whether
you want to be very involved and have lots of time to give, you want to be involved but
your time is limited, or you simply want to have your finger on the pulse of what’s
happening in your child’s education – Welcome! We are off to a great start this year and
look forward to lots of fun as the year progresses.
- Amy Barney, Tibbals PTA Membership VP
We are on Facebook – Find Tibbals Tigers
PTA Executive Board
President – April Robison
1st Vice President – Rachel Van der Woude
2nd Vice President Membership – Amy Barney
3rd Vice president Ways & Means – Nikki Wright/Austin
Secretary – Dawn Shallow
Treasurer – Shelly Heller
And be sure to “LIKE” the page to see updates
Watch for email notices from
Follow Dr Vinson’s Blog http://www.wylieisd.net/Page/88
Check out the Tibbals Website –
That’s a Wrap! – What PTA did in the
2013 – 2014 school year
PTA works hard from August through June to provide our scholars and school with fun
family activities, programs, classroom needs, and campus enhancements. Through
fundraising, spirit store, holiday gift shop, donations, and most of all – CARNIVAL! –
PTA helped to provide the following in the 2013/2014 school year.
- Spirit Wear for our Tibbals Community
- Trunk or Treat
- Frosty Festival
- Valentine’s Dance
- Support with the UIL competition held at Tibbals
- Giving Tree for students in Wylie over the holidays
- Visit from Ms. Texas
- Visit from the ???? Brothers
- Visit from Kristine Kahanek – Local TV personality and Author of Katie’s Magic Umbrella
- Watch Dogs Program – Great Dads help make Great Students!
PTA was also able to gift the school with $10,000 at year end which was used to
- Multiple Chromebooks for use in classrooms
- New soccer goals for the play ground
- Additional instruments for the music program
What’s Happening Now?
So far this year hospitality has provided:
- Dinner for staff on Meet the Teacher
- Free drink coins from Shoemaker &
Hardt in Wylie
- Snack Cart with midday snacks delivered
to the teachers rooms
Box Tops
Be sure to clip and save all of the Box Tops for
Education on products that you buy. Each of these
earns money for the school.
So far we have collected 1800 box tops this year.
A new box will be placed in the office for collection of
Box Tops next week.
Box Tops CONTEST!!
*September & October: The student with
the highest number of Box Tops will earn
$20 to spend in the Holiday Store!
*November & December: Each set of 25
Box Tops enters your name in a drawing for
a $50 gift card to Best Buy!
Upcoming Events
Trunk or Treat
UIL Competition
Friday, October 24
6 to 8 PM
**Volunteers Needed**
Contact Jennifer Gamlen at
if you are willing and able to
park your car, open your trunk,
and help us hand out candy.
Costumes/decorations optional.
Tibbals will once again be hosting the UIL
competition on November 13th.
PTA will be selling pizza, soft drinks, and
snacks once again for families and scholars
participating in the event.
If you can help with concessions please contact
Movie Night
Family Movie Night – Saturday Oct. 11th
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Parents must attend
PTA meeting from 6:30 – 6:45 before movie
Baskin Robbins will serve scoops for $1.50
PTA Sponsored
program for all
students. To be
held during
specials on Friday
Oct 31st.
Frosty Festival
We will hold our annual
winter event in December.
Details to be determined
but watch for information
to come just after
Thanksgiving break.
“The world would be a better place if…”
Reflections is an artistic competition sponsored by PTA each year. This is an
excellent way for your scholar to reflect on the theme, unleash their
creativity, and be recognized for their work.
Creative Media includes:
Visual Arts
Deadline for Entries – October 9, 2014
PTA will be holding after school workshops on October 7, 8, and 9 from 2:30
– 3pm to assist your scholar with their entry.
Please contact ptareflections@yahoo.com to confirm participation and let
our volunteers know which day(s) your scholar will attend after school.
Calling all Parents!
We have secured a room parent lead for just about every classroom but we still need your support!
The room parent program helps teachers and parents work together to provide the best possible
classroom experience for our children.
Room parents work with teachers and the PTA to host classroom parties, communicate classroom
and PTA events to parents, coordinate teacher appreciation and other gifts for teachers,
communicate volunteer opportunities to parents, and coordinate assistance in the classroom for
special projects throughout the year.
Holiday parties will be held in December and February.
The Room Parent Committee will soon begin collecting $10 per scholar to
fund the Winter Holiday party and Valentine's Day party for each class as
well as teacher appreciation week activities. Please watch for these forms
to come home and return them promptly.
Special thanks to all who have volunteered to be room parents this year!