dato ` sha rif ahfa tim ah zubir
dato ` sha rif ahfa tim ah zubir
RECENT WORKS BY RECENT WORKS BY 19 Jalan Duta Kiara, Mont’Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur T: +603 7721 8188 info@theedgegalerie.com www.theedgegalerie.com Supported by DAT O ’ S H A R I FA H FAT I M A H Z U B I R G5-G6, Mont’Kiara Meridin, DAT O ’ S H A R I FA H FAT I M A H Z U B I R 2015 Recent Works by Dato’ Sharifah Fatimah Zubir features the artist’s latest solo exhibition of 31 paintings and mixed media works. Completed mainly over the last one year, the artworks are from her latest series and reflect her affinity with abstract forms and new influences from her recent visits to China. The show will introduce her mixed media works that incorporate eucalyptus bark peelings. These works are linked to her Touch the Earth series of the 1990s, which similarly explore texture and earth tones. A spiritual element is ever-present in her works, reflecting her love for nature. Sharifah Fatimah identifies with the concept of “Synesthesia”, where her sensory perception is stimulated by music, which, in turn, leads to a spontaneous burst of creative energy that is translated into colours, tones and shapes. It is easy to understand why Sharifah Fatimah has had an enduring presence on the local art scene since her first solo show in 1972. RECENT WORKS BY DAT O ’ S H A R I FA H FAT I M A H Z U B I R 2015 PREVIEW W E D N E S D AY, 2 7 M AY 2 0 1 5 7PM PUBLIC EXHIBITION M AY 2 8 – J U N E 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 11AM – 7PM (Closed on Mondays and public holidays) G5-G6, Mont’Kiara Meridin, 19 Jalan Duta Kiara, Mont’Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur T: +6-03-7721 8188 info@theedgegalerie.com www.theedgegalerie.com Supported by A R T WO R K D E TA I L : F LOAT I N G , 2 0 1 5 . S E E PAG E 3 1 2 A R T WO R K D E TA I L : S O L I T U D E 2 , 2 0 1 5 , S E E PAG E 4 3 4 CONTENTS FOREWORD 6 INTRODUCTION 8 ARTWORKS 12 B I O DATA 74 INDEX 78 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 80 A R T WO R K D E TA I L : S TA N D I N G F O R M S 1 , 2014, SE E PAG E 64 FOREWORD FIRST LADY O F M A L AY S I A N ABSTRACT ART D A R T WO R K D E TA I L : S O L I T U D E 3 , 2 0 1 5 SE E PAG E 44 6 ato’ Sharifah Fatimah Syed Zubir is probably Malaysia’s best-known female artist, having been involved in art since the age of 18 when she joined the Mara Institute of Technology in 1967 as one of the pioneer batch of fine art students. However, today, she would rather be referred to as an artist first and foremost as she does not consider herself to be different from her male counterparts. “I do not consider myself a feminist,” points out the artist in an interview with The Edge. “To me, an artist is an artist. I feel that the work produced and the inspiration behind it is more meaningful and has greater impact.” But like it or not, Sharifah Fatimah, born in 1948 in Alor Star, Kedah, is a consistent force on the local art scene. Her achievements were given due recognition when the National Visual Arts Gallery in Kuala Lumpur gave her an exhibition in 2013, entitled Pancawarna, Karya Pilihan 19902012 Selected Artworks. The exhibition showcased 100 selected works from five of her main series, namely Touch the Earth (1992-1996), Mindscape (1991- 1993), Joy is the Theme (1997-2003), Garden of the Heart (2005-2011) and Celebration (2010-2012). A misconception that Sharifah Fatimah is quick to dispel is that her art is religious in nature. She stresses that her paintings are non-religious but rather have a spiritual or therapeutic quality that certain people see as beneficial to their personal well-being. After completing her fine art diploma course in 1971 at Mara, now known as UiTM, she was bestowed the Best Student Award, which fuelled her desire to become a fulltime artist. She held her first solo show in Singapore at the Alpha Gallery in 1972. Even at that early stage in her career, the modernistic style that she has come to be known for was already distinct in her artwork. Sharifah Fatimah’s passion for the arts prompted her to apply for a course in fine art at Reading University in England in 1973, from which she graduated with first class honours and was awarded the University Prize. Her academic achievements and talent led her to pursue her postgraduate studies in fine art at the Pratt Institute in New York in 1976 under the prestigious John D. Rockefeller III Fund Fellowship. This exposure to new culture and foreign works helped shape her mind as a young artist and influenced her works by sparking a spiritual realisation within her. Sharifah Fatimah’s post-US works show a greater degree of spontaneity as well as conviction as an artist. Following her return to Malaysia, she was appointed the curator of the National Art Gallery from 1982 to 1990. After eight years, however, she decided to commit herself to becoming a full-time artist. “It was a gamble at the time,” she recalls. “In the 1990s, the art scene was slowly but surely developing. It became easier to sell art but it took time and perseverance. Becoming an artist is a commitment. It has to be something you love to do in order for the joy and inspiration to show in your works and reach out to your viewers.” Sharifah Fatimah observes a boom in art auctions in the local art market today as the number of auction houses has expanded to four in the past five years. Collectors too have become increasingly savvy and view art as an alternative form of investment. Young artists in Malaysia are also turning to figurative works as the mainstay of their repertoire. Although she dabbled in figurative art as a student, Sharifah Fatimah feels that abstract art expressed with colours best reflects her artistic inclination. And often while painting, she listens to music and her gestural strokes are sometimes influenced by what she hears. Staying true to her spontaneous and intuitive style, she says, “I’m happy with the way my artistic career is progressing. I don’t plan what to do in my career, I just go with the flow.” Dignified and stoic, Sharifah Fatimah has weathered many personal challenges over the decades. These days, she continues to paint regularly in her beautifully decorated link house in Taman Bukit Teratai in Kuala Lumpur while listening to her favourite music. Active on Facebook, she A R T W O R K D E TA I L : S O N G O F E U C A LY P T U S 4 , 2014, SE E PAG E 52 has shared a link on the concept of “Synesthesia” where an artist translates tunes “into a flow of textures and colours”. And for the future, she plans to build her dream home in Gombak on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. H O K AY TAT Publisher & Chief Executive Officer The Edge Media Group 7 INTRODUCTION PAL E T T E O F S P O N TA N E I T Y W hen one talks about abstract art in Malaysia, Dato’ Sharifah Fatimah Zubir is undoubtedly one of the leading names in the field that come up in conversations. Working mainly with acrylic paint on canvas, her distinct linear forms and striking colours command attention and invariably invite viewers to form their own impressions of the artworks. In her latest solo exhibition at The Edge Galerie, entitled Recent Works by Dato’ Sharifah Fatimah Zubir, the artist presents her newest series of 31 works. Besides showcasing her signature works of floating forms and abstract shapes that measure up to 1.2m by 1.4m, the distinguished artist is also introducing her mixed media works that utilise eucalyptus bark peelings sourced from her travels in China. These recent works exemplify Sharifah Fatimah’s trademark spontaneous style. For her, the most important aspect of the show is achieving a sense of balance between the colours and the overall composition. SOULSHIP A R T WO R K D E TA I L : U N T I T L E D 3 , 2 0 1 5 SE E PAG E 24 8 When one considers Sharifah Fatimah’s artistic techniques, her works initially adopted the contrasting tones of primary colours but in the past two decades, her approach has evolved to embrace the complexities of layering, abstract forms and colours. Indeed, colours play a significant role in her style. Bold colours like the deepest hues of blue, red and green still dominate the show but with a more intricate interplay of forms. Sharifah Fatimah has an instinctive knack for layering the palette of colours she favours and for building textures. “THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THAT MY WORK REACHES OUT TO THEM ON AN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL.” — Da to’ Shari fah Fati m ah Z ubi r She points out that although she gravitated towards certain colours in her past series, this show displays a more complex combination of shades. In naming her works, she goes by “feel”. For instance, the curiously named Soulship X, which is the largest painting in the show, was bestowed the name because of the wave-like formations derived from her texturing and layering technique. The “soul” of her paintings is found in the rhythmic and textural appeal of her colours along with the spontaneous shapes and perspectives that explore spatial qualities with a distinct depth. “I am very influenced by colours,” explains Sharifah Fatimah. “They share close ties with the essence of nature and emotions that inspire my work.” Drawing inspiration from her inner-self rather than from her environment, the dashes of striking colours and gestural strokes reflect an ethereal and metaphysical element. She acknowledges that her work pace has been a steady and progressive one. Each series is linked to the past and relates to the next. In lieu of the strong spiritual aspect of her works, her Garden of the Heart series in 2007 departed slightly from her artistic style. Tracing the sojourns of her forebears to places like Mecca, Medina and Palembang, the series was directly linked to her heritage and ancestors who originated in Yemen. Collage works with fabric from prayer mats given to her cousins at weddings as well as gold foil were used to create more structured, geometric shapes. Indeed, as a child, Sharifah Fatimah was involved in daily artistic works with her relatives. Thus, she felt the project was a necessary part of her own spiritual journey. However, she states that this was a one-off series and her work since then has returned to the usual abstracts. Sharifah Fatimah’s latest solo sees her using the eucalyptus bark in some of her recent works, particularly, her smaller mixed media works that typically measure 39cm by 27cm. While walking about in Guangzhou, China, she says she came across eucalyptus trees, which inspired her new series. “It was the layering of colours and pastel hues in the trees’ bark that caught my attention,” she explains. “Some trees even had rainbow-coloured bark. I decided to bring some back to Malaysia to put in my works.” It is apparent that the artist’s love for nature and her desire to incorporate natural elements into her work has been a consistent part of her art. This aspect of her work can be traced back to her 1992 exhibition, entitled Touch the Earth, at Balai Seni Malayan Banking in Kuala Lumpur and subsequently to another solo show, entitled Touch the Earth 2, in 1996 at Galeri Citra in Kuala Lumpur. In that series, Sharifah Fatimah highlighted the surface texture of rocks and boulders. Similarly, in her latest series, the bark is utilised to create a metaphysical space against a backdrop of earth-tones such as brown, orange and red. Thus, new elements are introduced while maintaining her distinctive abstract style, which some regard as having a spiritual quality that comes from nature. How does Sharifah Fatimah want her audience to view her works? “It is entirely up to them,” she says. “The most important thing is that my work reaches out to them on an individual level.” 9 10 ARTWORKS 11 12 C E L E B R AT I O N 8 2011 92cm x 77cm Acrylic on canvas 13 C E L E B R AT I O N 1 2 2014 120cm x 137cm Acrylic on canvas 14 15 16 C E L E B R AT I O N 1 3 2014 120cm x 120cm Acrylic on canvas 17 SOULSHIP X 2014 120cm x 140cm Acrylic on canvas 18 19 20 UNTITLED 1 2015 120cm x 100cm Acrylic on canvas 21 UNTITLED 2 2015 120cm x 100cm Acrylic on canvas 22 23 24 UNTITLED 3 2015 120cm x 100cm Acrylic on canvas 25 UNTITLED 4 2015 120cm x 100cm Acrylic on canvas 26 27 28 UNTITLED 5 2015 120cm x 100cm Acrylic on canvas 29 F LOAT I N G 2015 100cm x 71cm Acrylic on canvas 30 31 32 S TA N D I N G F O R M S 3 2015 71cm x 81cm Acrylic on canvas 33 E U C A LY P T U S A T REDTORY 1 2015 71cm x 100cm Mixed media on canvas 34 35 36 E U C A LY P T U S A T REDTORY 2 2015 61cm x 71cm Mixed media on canvas 37 E U C A LY P T U S A T T H E REDTORY 3 2015 71cm x 81cm Mixed media on canvas 38 39 40 SOLITUDE 1 2015 71cm x 81cm Mixed media on canvas 41 SOLITUDE 2 2015 91cm x 76cm Mixed media on canvas 42 43 44 SOLITUDE 3 2015 91cm x 76cm Mixed media on canvas 45 SONG OF E U C A LY P T U S 1 2014 39cm x 27cm Mixed media on paper 46 47 48 SONG OF E U C A LY P T U S 2 2014 39cm x 27cm Mixed media on paper 49 SONG OF E U C A LY P T U S 3 2014 39cm x 27cm Mixed media on paper 50 51 52 SONG OF E U C A LY P T U S 4 2014 39cm x 27cm Mixed media on paper 53 SONG OF E U C A LY P T U S 5 2014 39cm x 27cm Mixed media on paper 54 55 56 SONG OF E U C A LY P T U S 6 2014 39cm x 27cm Mixed media on paper 57 S O L I TA RY D R E A M 1 2014 38cm x 28cm Mixed media on paper 58 59 60 S O L I TA RY D R E A M 2 2014 38.5cm x 29cm Mixed media on paper 61 S O L I TA RY D R E A M 3 2014 38cm x 28cm Mixed media on paper 62 63 S TA N D I N G F O R M S 1 2014 27cm x 39cm Mixed media on paper 64 S TA N D I N G F O R M S 2 2014 27cm x 39cm Mixed media on paper 65 GREENSCAPE 1 2014 38cm x 28cm Mixed media on paper 66 GREENSCAPE 2 2014 38cm x 28cm Mixed media on paper 67 68 F LOAT I N G 2014 38cm x 28cm Mixed media on paper 69 B I O DATA 1948 Born in Alor Star, Kedah, Malaysia 2007 Anugerah Darjah Dato’ Setia Di Raja Kedah oleh DYMM Sultan Kedah 1967-71 Studied at MARA Institute of Technology Malaysia; awarded a Diploma in Fine Art 2014 Malaysian Women of Excellence Awards: Outstanding Achievement under Arts, Culture and Entertainment category, Kuala Lumpur Solo exhibitions 1973-76 Studied at Reading University, Reading, England; awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts (First Class Honours) 1976-78 Studied at Pratt Institute New York; awarded a Master’s Degree in Fine Art 1982-89 Curator of Art, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 1990-present SOLO EXHIBITIONS 1972 Alpha Gallery, Singapore 1978 Institute Gallery, Pratt Institute, New York Penang State Art Gallery & Museum 1980 Wisma Loke, Kuala Lumpur 1983 Nursiyah & Other Images, Australian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur 1984 Gallery 231, Kuala Lumpur 1985 Alpha Gallery, Singapore 1987 Galeri Citra, Kuala Lumpur Full-time artist and art consultant AWAR DS 1968 Batik Design Competition, National Art Gallery 1971 Best Student Award, MARA Institute of Technology 1972 Minor Award Malaysian Landscape Exhibition, National Art Gallery 1989 PERNAS International Building, Kuala Lumpur 1973-76 Federal government scholarship for further studies in England 1990 Galeri Citra, Kuala Lumpur 1976-78 JDR III Fund Fellowship 1992 Touch the Earth, Balai Seni Malayan Banking, Kuala Lumpur 1976 University Prize, Reading University, England 1996 1977 Studio Scholar Award, Pratt Institute, New York Takashimaya Gallery, Singapore Touch the Earth 2, Galeri Citra, Kuala Lumpur 1979 Major Award Salon Malaysia, National Art Gallery 1997 Joy is the Theme, NN Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 1998 Avant Garde Gallery, Alor Star, Kedah 1981 Minor Award Young Contemporaries, National Art Gallery 1999 Art Folio, Kuala Lumpur 1987 British Council Fellowship 2000 Pancawarna Seri Citra, Galeri Citra, Kuala Lumpur 2003 Third Prize, Second Biennale of Contemporary Painting of the Islamic World, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran 2001 Gallery Art Point, Pulau Pinang Joy is the Theme, Green Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE 2005 Art Space Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 2007 Garden of the Heart, NN Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 2006 70 Anugerah Sijil Penghargaan Kerajaan Negeri Kedah Darul Aman sebagai wanita Kedah cemerlang diatas bakti dan khidmat cemerlang yang telah disumbangkan kepada negara. 2008 Notes of a Journey: 40@60, Art Folio, Kuala Lumpur 2013 Pancawarna, National Gallery of Visual Arts, Kuala Lumpur 2014 Pipal Art, Canton Place, Guangzhou, China 1980 Utara ’80, Dewan Sri Pinang, Pulau Pinang Wisma Loke, Kuala Lumpur Contemporary Asian Art, Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan 1981 Kedah Artists Exhibition of Paintings, Alor Star, Kedah Young Contemporaries, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Asean Exhibition of Paintings & Photographs, Bangkok, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Jakarta Premier show by Malaysian Artists Association, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Geraktara, Penang State Gallery & Museum 1982 International Print Show, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore Exhibition of Prints, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Exhibition of Paintings, Prints & Sculpture from Private Collections, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Seri Cipta Puteri Malaysia, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 25 Years of Malaysian Art, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 1983 Titian 1, National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore Open Show, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Kedah Artists Art Exhibition, Kedah State Art Gallery, Alor Star National Invitation Show, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 2nd Asian Art Biennale, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1984Malaysian Images: American Experience, American Embassy, Kuala Lumpur Exhibition of Paintings & Calligraphy, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS 1968 Galeri 11, Kuala Lumpur Batik Design Exhibition, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 1969 Salon Malaysia, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 1970 Talent & Hope, Samat Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Manifestasi Dua Seni, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur 1971 Situasi Baru, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur 1972 Malaysian Landscape Exhibition, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 1973 National Invitation Show, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 1975 Winsor & Newton Exhibition of Paintings, Reading Gallery, Reading, England 1976 Stowell Trophy Exhibition of Paintings, Diploma Galleries, Royal Academy of Art, London Invitation Drawing Show, Gallery 55, Mercer, New York 1977 Exhibition of Prints, Glassboro State College, New Jersey and Bloomsburg State College, Pennsylvania, US Artist 77 International Art Exhibition, Union Carbide Building, New York Winners of Studio Scholar Awards, Institute Gallery, Pratt Institute, New York 1985 2 Malaysian Painters, Museum of History, Taipei, Taiwan Exhibition of Paintings by the grant recipients of JDR III Fund, Nautilus Club, Hong Kong 1986 Contemporary British and Malaysian Art, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 1978 College Art Association of MFA Candidate Drawing Exhibition, Northeastern States, Parson School of Design, New York 1987 Asian Art Festival, Bali, Indonesia Malaysian Art 1957-87, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 1979 Salon Malaysia, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 71 1988 Premier Show, Balai Seni Malayan Banking, Kuala Lumpur Contemporary Paintings of Malaysia, AsiaPacific Museum, Pasadena, California Baghdad Arts Festival, Saddam Art Center, Baghdad, Iraq 1989 First Asean Exhibition of Painting, Photography & Children’s Art, Manila, Singapore, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Bandar Seri Begawan Contemporary Art from the Islamic Countries, Barbican Centre, London 1990 1991 1992 72 Malaysian Landscape, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Women and Creativity, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur Seni Lukis: Contemporary Paintings of Malaysia, Bayerisch Landesbank Munchen, Wasserschloss Grafen, Germany 5th Asian International Art Exhibition, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Abstracts, Balai Seni Malayan Banking, Kuala Lumpur Pameran Muhibbah-12 for Bandung, Galeri Citra, Kuala Lumpur Muhibah Seni Rupa ’91, Braga Gallery, Bandung, Indonesia Malaysian Watercolour, Balai Seni Malayan Banking, Kuala Lumpur Open Show, Galeri Shah Alam, Selangor Nuansa: An Exhibition of Paintings by Indonesian & Malaysian Women Artists, Balai Seni Rupa, Jakarta, & National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur The Question of Identity: The Malaysianess of Malaysian Art, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Festival Istiqlal, Masjid Istiqlal, Jakarta Risalah Dari Malaysia – An Exhibition of Paintings by Five Malaysian Artists, Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, Amman Koleksi ’92, Galeri Petronas, Kuala Lumpur Identiti Islam Dalam Seni Rupa Malaysia: Pencapaian dan Cabaran, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Biennale of Visual Arts Seychelles, Carnegie Museum, Victoria, Seychelles Singapore Art Fair, IMM Exhibition Centre, Singapore 1993 Art Aid, NST Building, Kuala Lumpur Her Presence in Colour, Gallery of Central Institute of Fine Arts, Beijing, China 8th Asian International Art Exhibition, Fukuoka City Art Museum, Japan Malaysian Art ’93, Galeri Petronas, Kuala Lumpur 1994 Ekspresi APK ’94, Galeri Petronas, Kuala Lumpur Getaran Jiwa: Contemporary Paintings of Malaysia, Museum of Anthropology, Madrid, Spain Menusuk Kalbu Melalui Seni, Galeri Petronas, Kuala Lumpur Vision and Idea, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 9th Asian International Art Exhibition, National Museum of History, Taipeh, Taiwan 1995 Expression ’95, Nanyang Gallery of Art, Kuala Lumpur Art Actual Association Ariane Essor, Chateau des Bouillants, Danmarie les Lys & Palais du Roi de Rambouilet, France Art and Spirituality, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Getaran Jiwa II, The Gallery, Lot 10, Kuala Lumpur 10th Asian International Art Exhibition, Singapore Art Museum Festival Istiqlal 2, Masjid Istiqlal, Jakarta Al Fann: Contemporary Art From Islamic & Islam-Influenced Countries, Packhof, Hann. Munden, Germany 1995 Her Presence in Colour, Penang State Art Gallery 1996 Three Vibrations, Art Folio, Kuala Lumpur Modernity and Beyond: Themes in Southeast Asian Art, Singapore Art Museum Rupa Kata, Pekan Seni Ipoh, Perak Risalah Dari Malaysia, Stadthalle Forum, Germering, Germany 1997 Risalah Dari Malaysia, International Portrait Gallery Tuzla; Dom Armije, Sarajevo, Bosnia; Museum of Contemporary Art, Dubrovnik, Croatia, and Gallery Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Asia Artists’ Group, Art Folio, Kuala Lumpur Alam Seni & Perjalanan, Pekan Seni Ipoh, Perak Liberte Art Collection, Palais Wilson, Geneva, Switzerland 1998 Rupa Malaysia: A Decade of Art, Brunei Gallery, London Malaysian Group Art Exhibition, Cultural Foundation, Abu Dhabi, UAE Art for Nature, NN Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Secawan Kopi, Art Case Galleries, Kuala Lumpur Miniaturization, Art Case Galleries, Kuala Lumpur Ariane Essor “Ocean”, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland 1999 Commemorative Joint Art Exhibition Malaysia/ China, Daiichi Modern Art Gallery, Sungai Petani, Kedah Ariane Essor “Ocean and Other Images”, Galeri Petronas, Kuala Lumpur Light and Reflections, Atrium Gallery, London Young Contemporaries in Review: 1974–1997, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 2000 Aspirasi 2000, Langkawi, Kedah Art Folio Charity Show, Art Folio, Kuala Lumpur Light and Reflections, Art Case Galleries, Kuala Lumpur Lanskap ke Lanskap, Galeri Petronas, Kuala Lumpur Suara Hati, THB Satu, Kuala Lumpur Rupa Malaysia, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 2002 2002/03 Gerak Rasa, National Museum, Kuala Lumpur Women & Art: A Global Perspective, Sharjah Art Museum, UAE The Three Vibrations: Form, Colour and Line, Wisma Kebudayaan SGM, Kuala Lumpur Menjejak Kembali: 20 years of Malaysian art at the Australian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur Singapore Modern Art in the 70s, Singapore Art Museum Second Biennial of Contemporary Painting of the Islamic World, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran Breaking the Veils: Women Artists from the Islamic World, Porte d’Ambois Medieval City, Rhodes; Benaki Museum, Athens; Unesco Paris 2003 Celebrate Six Malaysian Artists, NN Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Her Presence in Colours VI, Women’s Art in Asia: Sense & Serenity, Universiti Sains Malaysia; Wisma Kebudayaan SGM, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and Thailand Art Exhibition, Wisma Kebudayaan SGM, Kuala Lumpur; Echo Art Gallery, Bangkok 45@45, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Imajan dan Suara Kemerdekaan, Menara Maybank, Kuala Lumpur 2004 Petronas Art Collection Series 1, Galeri Petronas, Kuala Lumpur Breaking the Veils: Women Artists from the Islamic World, Museum of Fine Arts, Valencia; Edificio Varadero Recinto Portuario, Almeria; Fundacion Tres Culturas, Seville, Spain; Royal Palace, Naples; S. Francisco della Scarpa, Lecce, Italy; Abbaye de Neumunster; Centre Culturel de Recontre, Luxembourg; Vittoriano Complex, Rome, Italy Drawings and Prints, TJ Fine Arts, Kuala Lumpur Continuities: Contemporary Art of Malaysia at the Turn of the 21st century, Guangdong Museum of Art, China 2005 Small Works, TJ Fine Arts, Kuala Lumpur Breaking the Veils: Women Artists of the Islamic World, Centro Cultural Circulo del Arte, Barcelona, Spain Kuala Lumpur International Photography Biennale, Art Space Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 2006 10 years on, NN gallery, Kuala Lumpur Holding Up Half the Sky, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 2007 Multiplicity, Art Case Galleries, Kuala Lumpur 6 at Abbey Pruem, TJ Fine Arts, Kuala Lumpur 1957-2007 50 Jahre/ans EVBK Pruem, Germany Merdeka 50: A Celebration of Malaysian Art, Islamic Arts Museum, Kuala Lumpur Breaking the Veils: Women Artists of the Islamic World, Span Galleries, Melbourne, Australia 2008 Breaking the Veils: Women Artists of the Islamic World, Shepparton Art Gallery, Victoria, Australia; William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Center, Little Rock, Arkansas; Hattiesburg Train Depot, Mississippi, the US Susurmasa: Seni Lukis Malaysia Bersama 50 Tahun, Balai Seni Lukis Negara, Kuala Lumpur Panggilan Ramadan, Art Case Galleries, Kuala Lumpur 73 2009 Breaking the Veils: Women Artists of the Islamic World, John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Art, Washington DC; Yale Institute of Sacred Music, New Haven, Connecticut. Das Gebet, Internationale Kunsttentoonsttelling, Pastoraal Centrum Seminarie, Hasselt; Elst; Antwerp; Brussel; Luettich, Belgium; Cultural Center Coll, Marie van devenn, Monschau Thou art women, Galeri Chandan, Kuala Lumpur Tampannya Budi, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur 2010 Paperworks: Marks and Trails of Artistic Minds, Galeri Chandan, Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Art 3G, Pipal Fine Art, Kuala Lumpur Melangkau Ufuk-Antara Langit dan Bumi, Galeri Petronas, Kuala Lumpur 2011 Recent Works, Sharifah Fatimah and Rafiee Abdul Ghani, Art Folio, Singapore The Prayer, Whitebox@Publika, Solaris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur UTARA after 3 Decades, Muzium & Galeri Negeri Pulau Pinang Art into the New Millennium, Islamic Arts Museum, Kuala Lumpur 2012 Suarasa, Segaris, Solaris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur Selected Top Contemporary Malaysian Artists, China House Gallery, Pulau Pinang. 2013/14 Art Expo, Kuala Lumpur 2014 Nanjing Art Fair, Nanjing, China PUBLIC COLLECTIONS Museum of Modern Art, New York National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur National Gallery of Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan Singapore Art Museum Brunei Museum Museum of Contemporary Art, Dubrovnik, Croatia Sharjah Art Museum, Sharjah, UAE Cultural Foundation Abu Dhabi, UAE Liberte Art Collection, Geneva, Switzerland 74 Kedah State Art Gallery, Alor Star, Kedah Penang State Gallery & Museum University of Science Gallery, Pulau Pinang Malaysian Institute of Art, Kuala Lumpur Wisma SGM, Kuala Lumpur Ministry of Culture, Arts & Heritage, Kuala Lumpur Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia Bank Negara Malaysia Bank Bumiputra, Kuala Lumpur Bank Industri, Kuala Lumpur Bank Kemajuan, Kuala Lumpur Bank of America, Kuala Lumpur Allied Bank, Kuala Lumpur Arab Malaysian Development Bank, Kuala Lumpur Chase Manhatten Bank, Kuala Lumpur Chung Khiaw Bank, Kuala Lumpur Deutchebank, Kuala Lumpur Hong Leong Bank, Kuala Lumpur Industrial Bank of Japan, Kuala Lumpur Malayan Banking, Kuala Lumpur Mitsubishi Bank, Kuala Lumpur Oriental Bank, Kuala Lumpur Thai Farmers Bank Bangkok United Overseas Bank Singapore Petronas Art Collection, Kuala Lumpur Shell Companies in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Esso Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Mobil Oil, Kuala Lumpur Iron and Steel Mill Company, Singapore MAS Golden Lounge Changi Airport, Singapore MAS Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur Phillip Morris Malaysia, Seremban Island & Peninsular, Kuala Lumpur Cold Storage, Kuala Lumpur Bedford Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Arcoza Holdings, Kuala Lumpur Sime Leasing, Kuala Lumpur Hazama Corp, Kuala Lumpur Dawn Tree Properties, Kuala Lumpur Wembley Industries Holdings, Kuala Lumpur Royal Pahang Polo Club, Kuantan Kelab Darul Ehsan, Kuala Lumpur Nik Hussein & Partners, Kuala Lumpur Multiart & Graphic,s Kuala Lumpur Kadir, Tan & Ramli, Kuala Lumpur Zain & Co, Kuala Lumpur Ruslan Khalid Associates, Kuala Lumpur Johan Design, Kuala Lumpur Weststar Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Appointments, conferences & meetings) Nov 1981 Meeting on Photographic Documentation of July 1986 Delegate — 14th meeting of Asean Committee on Culture & Information, Chengmai, Thailand 1987 Participant — Asian Arts Festival, Bali June 1987 Delegate — 15th Meeting of Asean Committee on Culture & Information, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Oct-Dec 1987 Short course on Museum Management, City University, London March 1988 Delegate — 16th meeting of Asean Committee on Culture & Information, Genting Highlands June 1988 Asean Exchange of Museum Curators of Art. Travelled to Singapore, Bangkok, Manila and Jakarta. Leader of the Malaysian artist group that visited Los Angeles, the US. Presented paper on “Western Influences in Contemporary Malaysian Art”, Pacific Asia Museum, Pasadena. Oct 1988 Represented Malaysia at the Baghdad Arts Festival, Iraq Judge — Children’s Art Competition, National Library, Kuala Lumpur Nov 1988 Delegate — Asean Travelling Exhibition of Painting, Photography & Children’s Art, Jakarta Delegate — 4th Working Group Meeting on Visual & Performing Arts, Asean Committee on Culture & Information, Singapore Jan 1989 Delegate — 18th Meeting of Asean Committee on Culture & Information, Baguio, the Philippines Traditional Architecture in South-East Asia, Institute of South-East Asian Studies, National University of Singapore 1981 1982 May 1983 1984 Curator, Exhibition of the Life and Works of Ibnu Sina (Symposium Ibnu Sina), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Curator, Exhibition of Islamic Calligraphy, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur External examiner, Department of Fine Art, MARA Institute of Technology, Shah Alam Judge — “Landscape Malaysia” Competition organised by Dunlop Malaysia Judge — Art Competition, Sarawak Arts Council Coordinator — Exhibition of Paintings “Sericipta Putri Malaysia” by Malaysian Women Artists, Kuala Lumpur July 1984 Liaison officer – Third International Seminar on Islamic Thought organised by the Ministry of Culture, Malaysia, and International Institute of Islamic Thought. Sept 1984 Delegate — 3rd Asean Sculpture Symposium Meeting of Organisers, Jakarta June 1985 Delegate — 2nd Asian Art Show, Meeting of Organisers, Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan June 1989 Delegate — 19th Meeting of Asean Committee on Culture & Information, Bangkok. Sept 1985 Delegate — 4th Asean Sculpture Symposium Meeting of Organisers, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Aug 1989 Delegate — Preparatory Meeting, First Asean Symposium on Aesthetics, Workshop & Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur Oct 1985 Delegate — 1st Meeting of Asean Committee on Culture & Information, Working Group Visual & Performing Arts, Manila Nov 1989 Coordinator — First Asean Symposium on Aesthetics, Workshop & Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur 1985 Judge — PNB Art Competition, Kuala Lumpur Advisory Committee, Purchasing & Acquisition, Pusat Islam, Prime Minister’s Department Aug 1990 Coordinator — Art Exhibition “Women & Creativity” organised by National Council of Women’s Organisations (NCWO) Malaysia at Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur 1985-86 Panel Jury, Malaysian Book Award, Ministry of Education, Kuala Lumpur 1986 Selection Panel, Candidates for Art Scholarships, Malaysian Institute of Art, Kuala Lumpur 75 Aug 1991 Coordinator — “Muhibah Seni Rupa-BandungKuala Lumpur”, Braga Art Gallery & Decenta Gallery, Bandung Oct 1991 Organising Committee Member on Malaysia’s participation in Festival Istiqlal, Jakarta May 1992 Coordinator — “Risalah Dari Malaysia”, Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, Amman Aug 1992 Attended Royal Cremation Ceremony Karya Agung Pitra Yadny Pelebon at Puri Agung Gianyar, Bali Nov 1992 Coordinator — Malaysia’s participation in the Biennale of Visual Arts, Seychelles at Carnegie Museum, Victoria June 1993 Coordinated Prof Dr Syed Hoessein Nasr & Dr Osman Bakar’s visits/lectures in Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta and Bali May 1994 Attended the opening ceremony of “Getaran Jiwa”: Contemporary Paintings of Malaysia at the Museum of Anthropology, Madrid Aug 1994 Curated “Menusuk Kalbu Melalui Seni”, an exhibition of paintings by 13 Malaysian women artists at Galeri Petronas Aug 1995 Coordinator — Malaysia’s participation in “Al Fann: ContemporaryArt from Islamic & Islam-Influenced Countries” at Hann. Münden, Germany. Nov 1996 Raised funds for “Risalah Dari Malaysia” art exhibition held at Forum Stadhalle, Germering, Germany May 1997 Coordinated Malaysia’s participation in exhibition “Inside: Encountering The Others”, organised by Project-Gruppe Stoffwechsel University of Kassel, Germany June 1997 Attended “Risalah Dari Malaysia” art exhibition at Museum of Modern Art Dubrobnic, Croatia Jan 1999 Coordinator — International Art Exhibition “Ariane Essor: Ocean and Other Images”, held at Galeri Petronas, Kuala Lumpur March 2002 Coordinator — Exhibition of Painting, Sculpture & Print byGraduates of MARA University of Technology at National Museum, Kuala Lumpur 76 Dec 2002 Attended the opening ceremony of 2nd Biennale of Contemporary Painting of the Islamic World, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran Feb 2006 Coordinator — Exhibition “Muhibah Seni Rupa: Malaysia-Jordan” held at Galeri Shah Alam, Selangor April 2006 Judge — Bahrain Annual Fine Arts Exhibition 33, Bahrain National Museum, Manama Dec 2014 Member — Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Visual Arts, Kuala Lumpur NOTES 77 INDEX 78 Celebration 8 12 Celebration 12 15 Celebration 13 16 Eucalyptus at Redtory 1 35 Eucalyptus at Redtory 2 36 Eucalyptus at Redtory 3 39 Floating, 2014 68 Floating, 2015 31 Greenscape 1 66 Greenscape 2 67 Solitary Dream 1 59 Solitary Dream 2 60 Solitary Dream 3 63 Solitude 1 40 Solitude 2 43 Solitude 3 44 Song of Eucalyptus 1 47 Song of Eucalyptus 2 48 Song of Eucalyptus 3 51 Song of Eucalyptus 4 52 Song of Eucalyptus 5 55 Song of Eucalyptus 6 56 Soulship X 19 Standing Forms 1 64 Standing Forms 2 65 Standing Forms 3 32 Untitled 1 20 Untitled 2 23 Untitled 3 24 Untitled 4 27 Untitled 5 28 79 ORGANISED BY G5-G6, Mont’ Kiara Meridin 19 Jalan Duta Kiara, Mont’ Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur Tel +603 7721 8188 / +603 6419 0102 Email: info@theedgegalerie.com EXHIBITION PERIOD 28 May – 26 June, 2015 DESIGNED BY The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd PHOTOGRAPHY BY: Kenny Yap Haris Fadzillah bin Hassan PRINTED BY Percetakan Zanders Sdn Bhd Copyright © 2015 The Edge Communications All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted or published in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. COVER Dato’ Sharifah Fatimah Zubir, Eucalyptus at Redtory 1 (detail), 2015, 71cm x 100cm, Mixed media on canvas Supported by 80