Charlotte, NC, Post Uptown Place


Charlotte, NC, Post Uptown Place
November/December 2007
Volume 31, Number 6
Charlotte, N.C., Post Uptown Place
Post Uptown Place in Charlotte, N.C. has been recognized as a PGMS Green Star Grand Award
recipient in the Condominium or Apartment Complex category. This site was among 39 sites recently announced as Green Star recipients during the 2007 PGMS School of Grounds Management.
(See page 6 for more details on all of the 2007 Green Star Award recipients)
Greg Nichols
President’s Welcome
Back to School for YOU!
The Forum Newsletter is published
six times a year by the
Professional Grounds
Management Society
720 Light Street
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-223-2861 / Fax 410-752-8295
Board of Directors:
President Greg Nichols
President-Elect Gene Pouly, CGM
Vice Pres. Monica Higgins, CGM
Treasurer Joseph Jackson, CGM
Past Pres. Michael Mongon, CGM
Walter Bonvell
Donald Bottger, CGM
John Burns
Kevin Harvey, CGM
Michael Loftus, CGM
Jock Robertson
Ken Stanton, CGM
John Van Etten, CGM
Anthony Williams, CGM
Thomas C. Shaner, CAE
Executive Director
Jenny Smith
Society Coordinator
Monica Shaner
Financial Manager
Eric Grammer
Communications Manager
Opinions expressed in PGMS Forum
are the opinions of the authors and do
not necessarily express the opinions
or policies of the PGMS Board and its
membership. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission.
hope you and your loved ones are truly enjoying the spirit of the holiday season. It’s
the perfect time of the year to give thanks for nature’s abundant blessing that we are
entrusted to care for. This time of year is a great moment to take stock of what’s
important in our lives: a supportive family, enduring friendships, the professionalism of peers
and crewmates, and the beauty that surrounds us every day.
Now is also the time to look towards what lies ahead in 2008 and how
we can continue our individual development. How can we be better
neighbors, co-workers, friends, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, sons
and daughters? As most of you share the same passion as I towards my
career in grounds management, now is the time for introspection when
it comes to the work site as well. Being a professional means striving for
perfection, knowing that this is impossible. We’re always looking at what
we can do better, how we can complete tasks more efficiently, and how
we can make the people around us even better.
As we look forward and evaluate where we need to improve, let
me ask you one question. Where does PGMS, your professional society, come up on your list?
How can you take better advantage of the resources the Society provides? Perhaps more
importantly, what role can you play in making PGMS a better resource for yourself, your peers,
and the grounds management profession as a whole? What can you do to make your local
branch better? If you are in an area without a branch, what can you do to grow a local network
of like-minded professionals as a foundation for a new PGMS branch? Not satisfied with the
educational content in the Forum or on the Web site? What can you do to help identify and
recruit leading Green Industry experts to submit helpful articles to PGMS? Or better yet, what
areas of expertise can you write or collaborate on for an educational piece? Are you frustrated
because you didn’t get a response to your post on the E-Forum? Have you responded to any
posts yourself lately? PGMS is a wonderful organization, but I see a lot more potential for
growth if EVERYONE starts pulling a bit of the load.
Ultimately, you, I and all of our members are the Professional Grounds Management Society. Ideally,
we have joined the Society to advance our profession, but our profession is only as strong as our
weakest link. Yes, this sounds cliché, but it is also very true. If you know someone who isn’t a
member, and I am sure all of us do, be relentless in recruiting them, explaining how important it is
for them to join their peers in making the profession better for everyone. Imagine the possibilities if
everyone one of us could recruit just one new member this year. To that end, throughout the year
we will be running a list in each issue of the Forum to recognize those who are truly committed to
the grounds management profession and have recruited a new member. Don’t be left off the list!
With that said we do have several exciting developments for the coming year. Led by the
unwavering guidance of PGMS Past President Kevin O’Donnell, the Education Committee
is working on revamping the School of Grounds Management’s education offerings towards
a more structured format, in turn making the program easier to pitch to your organization’s
purse holders and attendance in the program more attractive to employers when the make
hiring or advancement decisions.
Additionally, PGMS continues to explore new territory through its Regional Grounds
Management Seminars & Site Visitation series as it visits Dallas on March 7-8. This is a great
opportunity to support the continued growth of the Texas Branch of PGMS and expose
grounds professionals in the Lone Star State to our first-rate educational offerings. A big thank you
to Kevin Dilliard, CGM and John Burns for organizing this event; I can’t wait to participate.
PGMS is also busy developing a new marketing plan to bring even more exposure to our
wonderful Society. I promise to give everyone a sneak peak in our next issue. For now, I
just want to wish everyone a happy holiday season and a productive 2008!
Greg Nichols
PGMS President
School of Grounds Management
George Van Haasteren Receives
Grounds Management’s Top Honor;
PGMS Recognizes Green Efforts
of Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley
The Professional Grounds Management Society
(PGMS) has recognized George Van Haasteren, CGM with grounds management’s
highest honor, the E. Earl Wilson Award. This
award is a tribute to E. Earl Wilson, a past
president of PGMS and one of the most influential individuals responsible in the creation
of the GIE. Considered the Society’s highest
honor, it is presented as deemed appropriate for outstanding and sustained service and
dedication to PGMS and the Green Industry
as a whole. Van Haasteren is only the second
individual to be so recognized.
areas has also netted it the
prestigious PGMS Green
Star Award in recent years.
Van Haasteren, director of grounds at Dwight
George Van Haasteren, CGM (left) is honored
Englewood School in Englewood, N.J., has also
with the E. Earl Wison Award, PGMS’ highest
served as PGMS president (2001) and has sat
honor. Kevin O’Donnell (right), the only other
on the Society’s Board of Directors for nearly
person to be so honored, presents the award.
a decade. He has served a critical role in nurturing the development of the Society’s Certified Grounds Manager (CGM) program, has been deeply involved
in the continuous growth of the Green Industry Expo (GIE) and the
recently coaligned GIE+EXPO, and has also been instrumental in
several other PGMS programs.
Bonvell, a member of the
Society’s Board of Directors,
was lauded for his efforts in
breathing new life into the
Greater Cincinnati Branch of
PGMS as well as overseeing
several dynamic education
and outreach programs
throughout the Society’s
North Central Region. In announcing the award, PGMS
President Mike Mongon,
CGM said, “Walt has served
PGMS with enthusiasm and
his work ethic has been
inspiration to everyone on
the board.”
Walt Bonvell of Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio
and the Joseph E. Shaner
Co. of Baltimore, Md. were
honored as the recipients
of the PGMS President’s
Awards in recognition of
their outstanding service and
contributions to the Society.
A handful of other awards were also presented at PGMS’ 2007
School of Grounds Management & GIE+EXPO held in Louisville,
Ky. October 24-27.
Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley received the 2007 PGMS
Gold Medal in recognition of his role in the dramatic greening of Chicago. This award is given each year to an individual
or entity to recognize them for outstanding and long-term
achievements and/or contributions to the Green Industry.
During his tenure, Daly has led this amazing transformation by
spearheading the revitalization and increase of green spaces
and touting initiatives to make the “Windy City” more environmentally friendly. For example Chicago leads the nation in
the number of green roofs, fueling a trend that is catching on
nationwide. The city’s care for it’s landscapes and recreational
Past PGMS President Michael
Mongon, CGM (left) presents
the President’s Award to
Walt Bonvell (right).
The Joseph E. Shaner Co.,
an association management
company based in Baltimore,
was lauded for its management of PGMS and the society’s recent growth. The company
has managed PGMS serving as its full-time staff and headquarters
since 2000. Mongon said that the company lent invaluable counsel
and support during his presidency over the past year.
Cutting Edge Professionals
Join Us in Welcoming
Our Newest Members
Edward Barbano
The Disneyland Resort
Philadelphia, PA
Anaheim, CA
James Braun
Randal Goodwin
Round Lake Area Park District
Round Lake, IL
Florissant, MO
Russel Bray
Luis Guevara
Grand Rapids, MI
Paul Brown
Shelton State Community College
Tuscaloosa, AL
Timothy Carey
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ
Justin Carroll
Middletown, OH
Brian Clark
University of Maryland
Clinton, MD
Christine Cook
Employment Source
Fayetteville, NC
Port of Portland
Portland, OR
Robert Jaynes
Emory University Roads & Grounds Dept.
Atlanta, GA
Dean Johnston
Johnston & Associates Land & Water Creations
Newark, DE
Leonard Jones
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ
Carol Jones
Sapphire Lakes Country Club
Sapphire, NC
David Knight
Tim Corley
Groundworks of Palm Beach County
Boynton Beach, FL
Atlanta, GA
Jeffrey Kopaitich
Greg Cuprack
Mayfield, OH
Emory University Roads & Grounds Dept.
West Chester University
West Chester, PA
Derek Dick
Coffeyville Community College
Coffeyville, KS
Darrell Dickens
Emory University Roads & Grounds Dept.
Atlanta, GA
Peyton Ellis
Architect of The Capital
Washington, DC
Les Evans
City of Paducah
Paducah, KY
Rickey Fluker
Progressive Insurance
Mayfield, OH
Steven Frank
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
David Garza
Pine Valley Supply
Progressive Insurance
Glenn Lewis
Longwood Gardens
Kennett Square, PA
Leonard Malonis
Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, CT
John Marmorato
Eco Irrigation, Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Patrick Marshall
Shelton State Community College
Tuscaloosa, AL
Raymond Mirando
Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, CT
Patrick Murphy
Great American Landscapes, Inc.
Clarksburg, MD
Chris Nichols
Univ. of Maine - Landscape Horticulture
Nobleboro, ME
Stacy Obey
Notre Dame Health Care
Worcester, MA
Ane-Marie Olivares
Round Lake Area Park District
Round Lake, IL
Robin Percle
St. Tammany Parish Hospital
Covington, LA
Tim Pokorney
Round Lake Area Park District
Round Lake, IL
James Sharp
Northwest Missouri State University
Maryville, MO
Kevin Shelton
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Belton, TX
Bob Simon
Emory University Roads & Grounds Dept.
Atlanta, GA
Jeffrey Smith
Township of Holmdel Public Works Dept.
Holmdel, NJ
Ryan Stehouwer
Hope College Grounds Department
Holland, MI
Mark Stephens
Village of Wellington
Wellington, FL
Bob Simon
Emory University Roads & Grounds Dept.
Atlanta, GA
Jeffrey Smith
Township of Holmdel Public Works Dept.
Holmdel, NJ
Ryan Stehouwer
Hope College Grounds Department
Holland, MI
Mark Stephens
Village of Wellington
Wellington, FL
2007 PGMS Green Star
Society Reveals North America’s
LEFT: Autumn display of mums and pumpkins at the Kluge
Children’s Rehabilitation Center’s Patient Plant Therapy
greenhouse. ABOVE: This is just one of the many annual
beds maintained throughout Milwaukee’s boulevard system.
ecognizing North America’s finest grounds operations
and personnel, the 2007 PGMS Green Star Award
winners were announced during ceremonies held at
the 2007 PGMS School of Grounds Management &
Inaugural GIE+EXPO on the evening of Saturday, October 27 in Louisville, Ky.
The Green Star Awards
program brings national
recognition to grounds
maintained with a high
degree of excellence. The
program complements
other national landscape
award programs that
recognize outstanding
landscape design and
construction by honoring the grounds superintendent
responsible for maintaining a well-manicured landscape
year round.
This year’s program acknowledged the nation’s top
grounds in settings ranging from parks to apartment complexes to universities. Overall, PGMS presented a record
total of 39 awards — 19 Grand Awards, its highest
honor, as well as 20 Honor Awards — in 14 categories of
This year’s awards committee consisted of: Donald
Bottger, CGM of Viejas Casino in Alpine, Calif.; Michael
Mongon, CGM of the Fairfield Country Club in Greenwich, Conn.; Jock Robertson of E.G. Reinsch in Arlington,
Va.; and George Van Haasteren, CGM of the Dwight
Englewood School in Engelwood, N.J.
While descriptions of all the winners are included in this
issue of PGMS Forum, more in-depth information and
photos of each winner are provided online at and will be provided in
PGMS Forum throughout the year. Now on to the winners…
Grand Award – Small Site
Kluge Children’s Rehabilitation Center
Charlottesville, Va.
Maintained by the University of Virginia Landscape
Department, the center focuses on the evaluation and
Awards Announced!
Top Grounds Operations
LEFT: This combination of boulders, trees, plants, cobblestones
and pond for a peacefull respite for St. Tammany Parish Hospital
patients. ABOVE: This patio area at Lexington Medical Center is
defined by a low, curvilinear wall reinforced by a planting of Gold
Mop Cypress, Dwarf Gardenias, and colorful Loropetalums.
treatment of children with physical and mental handicaps
ranging from amputations, brain injuries, cancer, and
cerebral palsy. The site’s grounds serve as an instrumental
path on the long road to recovery for these brave children,
building a welcoming environment for patients and their
families, and providing such amenities as a patient plant
therapy greenhouse and small medicinal garden.
Honor Award – Public Works Site
City of Milwaukee’s Boulevard System
Milwaukee, Wis.
While many cities have landscaped boulevards in
their downtown areas, few are as extensive and well
developed as Milwaukee’s. The city’s forestry section is
the steward of 120 miles or 475 acres of irrigated and
landscaped boulevards which date back to the 1920’s.
This grounds program not only beautifies the city, but
also adds to the quality of life in the city by serving as a
connection between residents and neighborhoods binding
a community and city together.
Honor Award - Hospital or Institution
St. Tammany Parish Hospital
Covington, La.
While minimal in comparison to the devastation created by
Hurricane Katrina to the Gulf Coast region, the grounds
crew at St. Tammany Parish Hospital has had its hands full
following this natural disaster which ravaged the hospital’s
landscape. However, the St. Tammany grounds teams has
made the best of the situation by transforming a flat, blank
and wide landscape full of downed trees, into an area of
varied indigenous green plant and increased turf surfaces
creating a larger meditation walk space for patients.
Grand Award - Hospital or Institution
Lexington Medical Center
West Columbia, S.C.
The grounds of Lexington Medical Center are maintained
to reflect the high standards of the institution itself
continued on page 9
Greater Cincinatti Branch Meeting
Discusses Drought and Plans for 2008
The Greater Cincinnati Branch held its
November Branch meeting at Spring
Grove Cemetery. Tom Smith, senior vice
president of “The Grove,” was the featured speaker. His timely topic was “The
Drought of 2007 – What Happened and
What to Expect in 2008.” Always a riveting
speaker, Tom’s presentation was wellreceived by the members and sparked a
lively conversation about the local impacts
of the drought and the next steps for the
grounds managed by Branch members.
Whitney Huang, Spring Grove’s horticulturalist and Branch board member, hosted the
group of over 20 members. Spring Grove is
a National Historic Landmark and Whitney
arranged for the meeting and light meal to be
held in the Cemetery’s historic office building.
An historic moment also occurred during the
meeting — two of the Chapter’s four PGMS
Past-Presidents were at the meeting. Tom
Smith and Ted Schull attended and made
LEFT: The Cincinnati Branch can boast it has produced four PGMS Presidents.
Here, two of them, Tom Smith and Ted Schull with wife Janyce, meet at the Branch’s
November meeting. RIGHT: Cincinnati Branch members enjoyed a presentation
from Tom Smith in the historic office building of Spring Grove Cemetery.
time to reminisce and talk about current issues.
After the presentation, the meeting focused on making plans for Branch activities
and programs in 2008. Many interesting
suggestions were offered, and the Branch
looks forward to being more active in the
Tri-State region next year.
For more information on these programs
or the activities of the Greater Cincinnati
Branch, check the PGMS Web site at for
program announcements and details, or
call Branch President Jenny Gulick, at 859384-8258 (email at
Anne Seaman Scholarship Recipients Announced
A perfect autumn day at the Mary Flagler / Cary Arboretum in
Millbrook, N.Y. was the inspirational setting for the selection
of PGMS’ 2007 Anne Seamann Scholarship recipients this year.
The entrants to this years scholarships were very good and as
always the process took careful time and consideration.
Vicki Killian,CGM and John Van Etten, CGM co-chaired
the Scholarship Committee. Both co-chairs expressed their
gratitude to all the good people that helped submit candidates
for this program.
Criteria for the scholarship is based not only on having all of
the proper paperwork and letters of recommendation but to
have sponsorship of a PGMS member, an outstanding GPA and
relative and meaningful work experience.
“Desire to excel in our industry and outstanding community involvement is always a plus! Individual commitment to studies and
personal sacrifice is always recognized and appreciated,” Van
Etten commented. “This year’s applicant encompassed both.”
This year’s scholarship winners are as follows :
Jeffrey Gallimore - Ohio State ATI / Landscape Contracting
- Construction
Michael B. Loftus Jr. - University of Delaware / LandscapeHorticulture
Vincent Muti – Bergen Community College / Horticulture
Green Star Awards
continued from page 7
– providing patients, visitors and staff with a sense of order
and well-being as they come and go. The manicured landscape
honors the clean lines of the center’s traditional architecture.
A diversified blend of ornamental greenery, perennials, annuals,
ground covers, winter-interest plants and lawns soften what
would otherwise be a sterile area of asphalt and concrete.
Grand Award - Hospital or Institution
University of Virginia Health System
Charlottesville, Va.
The University of Virginia Health System grounds crew is a case
in study in budgeting and environmental conservation techniques.
Leaves are mulched and mowed into the landscape to eliminate
the difficulty of disposal. Additionally, compost material produced
on grounds is used in all flowerbeds to improve both the physical
condition and fertility of the soil. Deadfall and trimmings are
chipped and the mulch is used to conserve soil moisture, reduce
erosion, keep plant roots cool, provide winter protection, and
make the overall landscape more attractive. All methods that
would make UVA founder Thomas Jefferson proud.
Grand Award - Hospital or Institution
Waverly Heights
Gladwyne, Pa.
As is common in most health care facilities, Waverly Heights is a
24-hour facility outside of Philadelphia requiring snow, flooding,
storm debris, etc. to be maintained at all hours and days so the
facility can remain open for employees, vendors and emergency
personnel. Working with flexible scheduling the Waverly Heights
grounds crew is ready to meet this call. Outside of Mother
Nature’s occasional surprise the 5-person grounds team also
maintains a site including 8 acres of flower beds and gardens, 26
acres of turf, various water features, a 9-hole putting green and
croquet court, and 1,560 trees.
Grand Award - Hospital or Institution
The Queen’s Medical Center
Honolulu, Hawaii
Maintained by Manager of Landscape Design and Development
continued on page 10
ABOVE: Buxus ‘Wintergreen’ surround this medicinal knot garden established
using Santolina and Teucrium on the University of Virginia Health System.
RIGHT: Waverly Heights is set on 26 acres of rolling turf bordered by mature
trees. The Waverly grounds team maintains this turf in addition to 1,560 trees.
Green Star Awards
continued from page 9
LEFT: This area was a parking lot at The Queen’s Medical Center for
nearly 50 years before it was recently converted to this landscape.
ABOVE: The Smithsonian Institution logo “Sunburst” planted with
yello Alernanthera ficoidea ‘True Yellow’ and Petunia ‘Carpet Sky Blue’.
Mark Gwinner and a team of grounds professionals, this facility
is a slice of paradise providing patients, visitors, and personnel
alike a walled-in secret garden filled with dark foliage plants, a
native Hawaiian plant area interpreted with signage emphasizing
the medicinal uses of the plants, and several
landscapes from three reclaimed parking lots.
Grand Award – Government
Building or Complex
Smithsonian Institute
Washington, D.C.
a broad-based company that discovers, develops, manufactures,
and markets health care products in over 130 countries. Reflecting
the company’s commitment to making the world a better place,
the grounds department has a significant history of environmental
stewardship. Since 1985 they have been
involved in the preservation of the threatened
eastern prairie white fringed orchid which
grows on Abbott property. This year the
department has installed its first rain garden
and is in the process of engineering several
potential green roof projects.
Grand Award – Industrial, Commercial
Located in the heart of the nation’s capital
Site, or Office Park
and hosting over 23 million visitors annually,
Progressive Insurance
the horticulture services division supports the
Abbott Park grounds personnel are
Smithsonian’s mission to increase and diffuse
continually introducing new and interesting Mayfield Village, Ohio
knowledge by developing the institution’s
plants to this patio area which is utilized
landscapes into exhibition spaces through
for meetings as well as luncheons.
educational, showcase gardens including the
Progressive Insurance’s headquarters in
Enid A. Haupt Garden, the Mary Livingston
Mayfield Village, Ohio, offers a stimulating
Ripley Garden, the Butterfly Habitat Garden,
work environment for over 9,000
the Victory Garden, the Heirloom Garden and the National Museum
employees with buildings open 24 hours a day. For instance,
of American Indian Natural Landscape Environment.
rooftop gardens are present throughout the site and break
Honor Award – Industrial, Commercial Site, or Office Park
Abbott Park
Abbott Park, Ill.
Abbott Park is the 481-acre corporate headquarters of Abbott,
up massive building lines and most buildings have courtyard
areas where employees can enjoy lunch, breaks and meetings.
Employees are encouraged to enjoy and use the grounds making
for the perfect environment to produce a motivated workforce
and a high level of employee retention.
ABOVE LEFT: One of several courtyards at Progressive Insurance headquaters
that provide a beautiful view from the multi-story office tower. ABOVE
CENTER: Weeping love grass surrounds this bronze piece at Don Showman
Park. ABOVE RIGHT: Anthem Hills Park attracts skateboarders of all ages
and skill levels. RIGHT: One of three formal pools at the Biltmore Estate’s
Italian Garden designed by Fredrick Law Olmstead.
Honor Award – Park, Recreation Area, or Playground
Don Showman Park- City of Farmers Branch
Farmers Branch, Texas
Maintained by the City of Farmers Branch, Texas, Don Showman
Park offers a little for everyone year long. The park’s grounds
management team ensures that visitors will make a repeat visit
by incorporating ‘dynamite’ crepe myrtles, mass plantings of
knock-out roses, yaupon holly, pond cypress, gulf stream nandina
and asian jasmine, and many others into the landscape.
Honor Award – Park, Recreation Area, or Playground
Anthem Hills Park
Henderson, Nev.
What do you get when you mix two sand volleyball courts,
ten basketball courts (all lit for nighttime use), three ball fields,
playgrounds for three different age groups, and a soccer complex
constructed in a flood basin – Anthem Hills Park maintained by the
City of Henderson, Nev. Located in the desert, a project of particular
note has been an aggressive turf conversion program, converting
over 1 million square feet of non-functional turf into xeriscaped areas
saving an estimated 55 million gallons of water annually.
Grand Award – Park, Recreation Area, or Playground
City of Henderson, Mission Hills Park
Henderson, Nev.
The City of Henderson’s Parks and Recreation Department also
maintains Mission Hills Park. This 25-acre community park is a
hit in the summer with its water play feature and adjacent shade
pavilion and picnic
areas. In fact, it is quite
common for large
corporations to rent out
the shaded pavilion for
parties that can number
over 2,000 in attendance.
Considering the large
crowds and extremely
high temperatures that
are common during the
summer, the grounds
Multi-age level play structture at Mission maintenance crew
Hills Park featuring rubberized poured- does an outstanding job
in-place fall cushion surfacing, large
keeping the park safe,
shade pavilion and tube slides.
clean and green.
Grand Award – Park, Recreation Area, or Playground
Biltmore Estate
Asheville, N.C.
Established in 1888 by George Vanderbilt, the Biltmore Estate is a
privately owned, self-sustaining working estate covering 8,000 acres.
Biltmore’s horticultural department’s mission is the stewardship
of the estate’s historic and contemporary landscape in an effort
continued on page 14
2007 PGMS School of Groun
Education. Networking. Produ
nds Management
ucts. Advancing Your Career!
Green Star Awards
continued from page 11
LEFT: A shot of one of the streetisdes at Post Uptown featuring Lantana New Gold,
Begonia Senator Rose, Setcreasa, and Tibouchina Athens Blue. CENTER: A lanon
stone wall borders this walkway at Grand Geneva Resort. RIGHT: Proper pruning
at Post Lindberghgives each plant its own space promoting plant health.
to add value and pleasure to the guest experience. The estate’s
expansive spread includes 3,000 acres of managed forest, 300 acres
of pastures and fields, and 75 acres of historic gardens. More than
200 container gardens are used for seasonal color, and the estate’s
historic conservatory provides production and display space.
Honor Award – Condominium or Apartment Complex
Post Midtown Square
Houston, Texas
A high profile, garden-style apartment community with 395
apartments spread over 12 acres, Post Lindbergh boasts
several striking courtyards with striking features such as a large,
limestone, self-contained water feature and unique conifiers
accented by perennials. The site also features 10,000 square feet
of annuals and perennials which are organically fertilized.
Grand Award – Condominium or Apartment
Post Uptown Place
Charlotte, N.C.
Located in downtown
Houston, this upscale
mixed-use development
A “no turf” urban community produced by Post Properties,
is surrounded by a lush
Post Uptown Place’s streets and bricked sidewalks are
landscape that benefits from
softened by perennial and specialty ornamental displays and
a subtropical growing climate. Over 50 annual pots adorn the Post
1,570 square feet of annual space stretching along its main
The site’s 50 decorative
Midtown Square, adding vibrancy
frontage. Post Landscape’s mission is to provide a superior
annual pots and two flower
to the community’s amenity areas,
living experience for its residents and PGMS says mission
beds are changed three times
sidewalks and courtyards.
accomplished with the presentation of a green star grand
a year to accommodate the
mild winters and intensely hot
summers. Additionally, these pristine grounds help attract droves
Grand Award – Hotel, Motel, or Resort Category
of customers to the numerous eateries and retail stores located
Grand Geneva Resort & Spa
Lake Geneva, Wis.
Honor Award – Condominium or Apartment Complex
Post Lindbergh
Atlanta, Ga.
Tucked away within historic Lake Geneva, Wis., Grand Geneva
Resort & Spa is set amid 1,300 magnificent acres of rolling hills
and pristine views. The resort’s grounds crew is divided into
two teams. The first group of 43 grounds professionals oversees
ABOVE: The Merritt Field at Pomona College takes a heavy
pounding on a daily basis. Usually be the second game the
grounds team is over-seeding with a blend of perennial/annual rye seed. RIGHT: Biltmore Estate guests that stay next
to Sheep Meadow are able to enjoy wild animals such as deer,
turkeys, red tail hawks, and occasionally, foxes.
the care and maintenance of the resort’s two championship golf
courses as well as the general cleanup of the entire campus. The
second group of 18 maintains the main resort grounds including
over 30 different gardens. The true testimonial to this crew’s
fine work is the large number of repeat guests returning each
season to view the new garden designs and to play
the manicured courses.
Grand Award – Hotel, Motel, or
Resort Category
The Inn at Biltmore Estate
Asheville, N.C.
Located on 8,000 acres in Asheville, N.C., the
Biltmore Estate was established in 1888. A national
historic landmark, the estate’s horticultural
department is charged with attracting guests
year round while also sustaining the heritage
of the Estate’s landscape originally designed
by the founding father of American landscape
architecture, Frederick Law Olmstead. In all there
are 75 acres of historic gardens.
Honor Award – Athletic Fields
Pomona College
Claremont, Calif.
as well as 12.3 acres of athletic fields, two swim facilities, 12 tennis
courts and two outdoor basketball courts. The College’s athletic
grounds staff maintains these as well as Blanchard Park, a 20-acre
natural oak woodland, requiring quarterly maintenance to remove
and control non-native plant species.
Honor Award
– Athletic Fields
City of Bell Gardens
Sports Center
Bell Gardens, Calif.
This $10 million state-ofthe-art facility is located
in the heart of southeast
Los Angeles. One of the
most densely populated
areas in the nation with
44,000 residents in 2.4
The fields and pathways at the Bell Gardens
square miles, maintaining
Sports Center features well-maintained fields and this investment for the
pathways, making it a point of civic pride.
children, families, and
community is a high
priority. With 50% of the population under the age of 23, and
94% Latino, this center’s focus on soccer truly serves the
interest of the community’s well being and culture.
Pomona College’s earliest athletic team dates back to 1896. Today,
this college campus located in Claremont, Calif. is home to 13
collegiate varsity sports, various intramural sports, and club sports
continued on page 18
Help Advance Professionalism
in Grounds Management
Help Your Peers
Advance Their Skills
By Participating in the
PGMS List Serv
Have YOU signed up for the
PGMS List Serv?
If not, what are YOU waiting for?
Don’t wait until you have a
question, your peers need YOUR
help NOW!
Help your colleagues and help advance the
grounds management profession by joining the
list and responding to members. In the last month
alone we have had several question from fellow
PGMS members go unanswered (they are posted
to the right). Don’t leave them hanging in the wind
- help them out! After all advancing professionalism among our peers helps everyone.
If you haven’t joined, what are you waiting for? TO
JOIN THE LIST, simply send an email with “Subscribe me to PGMS E-Forum” in the subject line
to Please include
your name in the e-mail, so we can confirm your
We are hoping that all members will join this list to
provide a broad support network and knowledge
base for members and potential members. After a hot
start, the E-Forum has slowed down quite a bit within
the last few months. Assuming that you have as many
questions now as you did six months ago, this raises the
question, “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?” Your
colleagues are ready and waiting to share their knowledge and answer your questions. Send those questions
Further information is available at
TOPIC: Budget Dollars
I am wondering how much each of you spend per acre for your over all
yearly maintenance. This would include salaries and everything else you
spend from your O&M budget. I am not looking for capital stuff like
large equipment purchases just your operating costs.
Phil Shirk
Manager Grounds and Landscaping
Milton Hershey School
Hershey, Pa.
Villanova University’s operating costs per acre is $4,395. We have 15 FTE
employees that are responsible for all operational needs except aerial tree
work. We do all set ups for events, snow removal, landscape renovations and
maintenance. Hope this is helpful.
Kevin O’Donnell
Superintendent, Grounds
Villanova University
Villanova, Pa.
Our Landscape web page has a survey that was compiled by U. South Carolina
back in 2002 on cost per acre. Here is the link:
Jeff McManus
Director, Landscape Services & Airport Operations
University of Mississippi
University, Miss.
Our 2006 cost was $3164/maintained acre with 6 FTE’s (includes me). We do
all turf and landscape maintenance (bed maintenance and mulching outsourced
in 2007), snow removal, non-aerial tree work (figure includes cost of aerial tree
work), as well as operate and maintain a small private cemetery.
John Evans
Springfield Masonic Community
Springfield, Ohio
Green Star Awards
continued from page 15
TOP LEFT: A shot at the freshly painted fair pole at City of Henderson’s
Arroyo Grande Sports Complex. BOTTOM LEFT: One of the major challenges in maintaining the University of Miami is the high salt
content in the irrigation water. ABOVE: Main Entrance to Surprise
Stadium, the centerpiece of the Surprise Recreation Campus, spring
training home to the Kansas City Royals and Texas Rangers.
Honor Award – Athletic Fields
Arroyo Grande Sports Complex
Henderson, Nev.
A 20-acre little league baseball field
complex, this site recently hosted
Nevada’s little league regional
championship. Henderson’s grounds
crew put forth the extra effort to
make theirs a field of dreams. Fair
poles, scoreboards, the sports
complex sign, and restroom floors,
each got a new coat of paint.
Bleachers were pressure washed,
scoreboards refitted with new bulbs,
and fair lines and bases were painted
before every game. The result:
beautiful fields and immaculate turf,
as well as a tournament showing why
baseball is still the nation’s pastime.
For years care of this site was contracted to an outside
vendor and for the most part it was ignored and
poorly maintained. In 2004 the city took notice of this
opportunity and, with the tremendous work of the city’s
grounds maintenance team, turned this once dilapidated
golf course into a beautiful, highly utilized public facility
for the community’s families. The Course’s children’s
golf classes are a hit and its beautification has had a
positive impact on a community affected by high levels
of crime.
A member of the City of Bell Gardens
Golf Course grounds crew grooms a
putting green.
Grand Award – Athletic Fields
University of Miami/Unicco Service Company
Coral Gables, Fla.
Contracted out by the University, Unicco Service Company
Groundskeeper Chris Denton and his four-person athletic grounds
crew keep the University of Miami’s athletic facilities in championship
form, regardless of the Canes’ standings in the rankings.
Honor Award – Golf Course
City of Bell Gardens Golf Course
Bell Gardens, Calif.
Grand Award – Professional Fields
Surprise Recreation Campus
Surpise, Ariz.
A beautiful, 170-acre, $73 million masterpiece of recreational
amenities second to none, this campus is a key hub for Major
League Baseball’s spring training. It serves as the spring training
home and player development facility for the Kansas City Royals
and Texas Rangers as well as MLB’s Arizona Fall League.
Honor Award – High School, Technical School,
or Community College
Gwinnett Technical College
Lawrenceville, Ga.
LEFT: Texas Tech University groundskeepers ready a bed for planting. CENTER: Looking down at the Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
landscape walk paths leading to a parking garage. RIGHT: This Pavilion Garden
on the University of Virginia campus undergoes renovation work.
Since its opening in 1984 when this 87-acre campus included just
one building, there has been one constant – continued growth
and construction. Today, the on-campus construction continues.
Unfortunately, the grounds management budget has not kept
pace actually decreasing. Despite these budget shortcomings,
Gwinnett’s grounds crew is rich in experience with each of
its five full-time members a degreed
professional with areas of specialty ranging
from technology, irrigation, seasonal color,
or equipment maintenance.
Grand Award – High School,
Technical School, or Community
Cincinnati State Technical and
Community College
Cincinnati, Ohio
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Va.
When Thomas Jefferson founded the University of Virginia in the
early 1800’s he intended it to be nothing less than a world-class
institution of higher learning. This is evident in the 10 pavilion
gardens that Jefferson laid out on
the campus. Each garden is unique
in design and broken down into
rooms that allow professors and
students small intimate places to
interact and learn among the plants.
The University’s grounds crew is
to be commended for maintaining
Jefferson’s vision.
Honor Award – University
and College Grounds
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
This traditional spirtual labyrinth used to be
Led by Ray Mirizzi and Denny Baker, the
home to overflow trailers on the Gwinnett
college’s Landscape and Grounds Services
Technical College campus.
team’s job responsibilities are somewhat
The Texas Tech grounds maintenance
unique in comparison with other campus
department has 106 employees, including 53 groundskeepers
teams who may only focus on horticultural responsibilities.
as well as equipment operators, pesticide applicators, and
Hardscape responsibilities include such tasks as maintaining all
other auxiliary employees. This Texas-sized grounds program
outdoor lighting, walkway repairs, asphalt repairs, traffic line
is not only responsible for the landscape of the university and
painting, trash and litter control, irrigation repairs, rail and fence
10 satellite locations, but also for all of the brickwork, asphalt,
repairs, and snow and ice control.
tree care, irrigation installation and maintenance, interior plant
Honor Award – University and College Grounds
continued on page 21
Pick up
Tree ad
Green Star Awards
continued from page 19
LEFT: Focal bed at a direction sign on the Penn State Brandywine campus. CENTER:
The results of the front lawn transformation at The College of Wooster’s Kauke Hall.
The lawn is spotted with ‘Princeton’ American Elms. RIGHT: A shot at Redbud Lane, the
main thoroughfare on the Texas Woman’s University.
maintenance, sign manufacturing and installation, as well as a host
of other duties
Honor Award – University and
College Grounds
Texas Woman’s University
Denton, Texas
Not quite the scale of Texas Tech University,
the Texas Woman’s University landscape
department consists of 22 employees
responsible for the year-round maintenance
of the 270-acre campus. In addition to
landscape maintenance, the department
oversees irrigation, greenhouse operations,
and athletic fields.
Honor Award – University and
College Grounds
Penn State Brandywine
Media, Pa.
Grand Award – University and College Grounds
College of Wooster
Wooster, Ohio
Located amongst the rolling hills of
northeast Ohio, the College of Wooster
recently undertook a massive facelift
with the renovation of its main academic
building, Kauke Hall. Started in May 2005
and completed in August 2006 the goal of
the extensive renovation was to recapture
its distinctive architectural character while
bringing it up to modern technological
standards. The grounds budget for this
project was nearly half a million dollars
and included replacing 15,000 square feet
Impatience give great colors and flourish in
of brick sidewalks, the installation of an
this shady area on the University of Pittsirrigation system for the one acre of turf
bourgh campus.
and landscape beds around the building. 400
shrubs and 300 perennials, along with 50
trees were planted as part of the project.
A non-residential branch campus of Pennsylvania State University, this
site is maintained by a two-person grounds staff whose responsibilities
also include the installation of any new landscape enhancement
projects. Penn State Delaware County’s Director of Business Services
Lisa Yerges writes, “Over the last four years our campus has
undergone a remarkable transformation into a beautiful landscape
thanks to the ‘can do’ attitude of our grounds staff.”
Honor Award – Urban University Grounds
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pa.
The Panthers grounds crew not only has to face the prospect of
maintaining turf and landscapes on a campus experiencing heavy
continued on page 22
Green Star Awards
continued from page 21
LEFT: This landscape at Arizona State University is seen by all who travel through downtown Tempe. CENTER: Students and staff move outside after a long, snowy winter at the
University of Alberta. RIGHT: Van Am Quad at Columbia University in the City of New York.
foot and auto traffic, but also the added challenge of doing this in the
face of significant winter events. Winter presents a major task for
the grounds program – the campus has over 30 miles of walkways
and hundreds of steps as well as over 40 parking lots. All in a days
work for the department which works every day of the year except
for Christmas…unless it snows.
Honor Award – Urban University Grounds
University of Nevada – Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nev.
The University of Nevada – Las
Vegas (UNLV) grounds staff faces
obstacles of historic proportions.
With an annual rainfall of less than
4 inches a year, and a commitment
to reduce the university’s outdoor
use by 25% by 2010, the UNLV
grounds staff strives to maintain and
improve the campus’ surroundings
while being water wise.
Honor Award – Urban University Grounds
Arizona State University
Tempe, Ariz.
The ASU grounds department recently faced the possibility of being
outsourced. Instead of bowing out the Department stepped up to
the plate by following the University President’s goal of becoming
an APPA Level One Standard Campus. The crew took measures
such as leading by example and becoming more embedded in
different departmental programs on campus to ensure their
customers realized the grounds department was a
group of level one professionals.
Grand Award – Urban University Grounds
Columbia University
New York City, N.Y.
The Facilities Department at Columbia University
maintains 36 acres. Managing a campus in the midst
of this metropolis means high volumes of pedestrian
and vehicular traffic requiring the maintenance of
acres of hardscapes including concrete sidewalks,
Honor Award – Urban
brick and asphalt pavers, and granite steps. With all
University Grounds
the time devoted to maintaining hardscapes, Frank
Molina and his grounds staff have had to come up
New landcape at a secondary entrance to
University of Alberta
with some creative solutions to trim dollars off of
Edmonton, CANADA
their budget elsewhere. One of these has been to
reduce mowed acreage, specifically areas which
The University of Alberta
with mowers. For example, in some areas on
experiences an unusually long winter and short growing season.
by ground cover such as purple-leaf
Despite this, the University’s grounds professionals maintain
mowing, but also water and fertilizer
grounds abundant with plant life, including 160 hanging baskets,
many flower beds with annuals and perennials, raised planters and
borders and nearly 25 species of trees from the world over.
continued on page 24
The Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) will be coming to Dallas Texas on March 7-8 and we want
YOU to be there for our first stop in our
2008 Regional Grounds Management
Seminars & Site Visitations Series.
This interactive program will feature education seminars as well as behind-the-scenes tours of the grounds
management programs at Southern Methodist University and Dallas Arboretum.
This program is designed to provide grounds managers with the hard-to-find opportunity to gain knowledge, ask
questions, and network with others about challenges and issues specific to their profession.
• Behind-the-Scenes Tours of Grounds Programs
Take an insider’s look at best practices at Southern
Methodist University and Dallas Arboretum.
• Education Seminars
Improve your management skills and brush up on
crucial grounds topics such as Managing Landscapes
Designed for LEED Certification, Safely Managing a
Tree Crew, Organic vs. Chemical Fertilizers, and more!
• Valuable Networking Events
Meet and develop a network with other grounds
professionals facing the same issues
Greg Nichols
Elected as
PGMS President
Greg Nichols of Lenni,
Pa. was elected and installed as the new president of the Professional
Grounds Management
Society (PGMS) during
the Society’s annual
business meeting held
on Saturday, October
27. Nichols’ background includes running his
own private landscaping company as well as
time served as an institutional grounds management professional at Bryn Mawr College.
Carolina Jassamine growing on an arbor in one of the most heavily used
areas on the University of Texas at Austin campus.
Green Star Awards
(continued from page 22)
Grand Award – Urban University Grounds
American University
Washington, D.C.
The grounds of American University’s
campus complement the professional
character of faculty, staff and students. A
colorful, relaxing atmosphere is achieved
through a rich contrast of manicured
lawns with variously textured shrubs, mass
plantings of perennials, spring bulbs, and
flowering annuals. Mark Feist and the
American University grounds spare no
effort in establishing the campus’ identity
through the campus’ landscapes.
Grand Award – Urban
University Grounds
University of Texas
Austin, Texas
With a daily population larger than many
An early fall display at American University
cities (70,000) the University of Texas at
of newly planted pansies with a backdrop of
Austin is composed of 31 acres in shrubs,
Crape Myrtle and ornamental grasses.
perennials, and ground cover beds, 19,000
square free in annual color beds, and 125
acres of turf including 49 miles of edging. John Burns and the Longhorn grounds staff
prove that some things truly are bigger and better in Texas.
The 86th grounds management professional
to hold the office, Nichols succeeds Mike
Mongon, CGM of the Fairview Country
Club Greensboro in Greenwich, Conn.
Gene Pouly, CGM of E.F. Pouly Company in
Orrville, Ohio was elected as president-elect.
Monica Higgins, CGM of Bay Colony
Golf Club in Naples, Fla. was elected vice
president and Joe Jackson, CGM of Duke
University in N.C. was elected as treasurer.
Complimenting the officers of the Society,
PGMS is led by a team of volunteers who
serve on its board of directors. Elected to the
board this year as South East Regional director
was Anthony Williams, CGM of Evergreen
Conference Resort in Stone Mountain, Ga.
Continuing to serve on the PGMS Board are:
Director-at-large Jock Robertson of E.G.
Reinsch, Inc. in Arlington, Va.; Director-atlarge Ken Stanton, CGM of Grand Valley
State University in Allendale, Mich.; Directorat-large Kevin Harvey, CGM of St. Augustine
- St. John’s County Airport Authority in St.
Augustine, Fla..; North East Regional Director
Mike Loftus, CGM of the University of Delaware in Newark, Del. North Central Regional
Director Walter Bonvell of Xavier University
in Cincinnati, Ohio; South Central Regional
Director John Burns of the University of
Texas in Austin, Texas; North West Regional
Director John Van Etten, CGM, of Hoffman
Landscape & Design in Scotia, N.Y.; and South
West Regional Director Donald Bottger,
CGM of Viejas Casino in Alpine, Calif.