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PDF - Bio-Balance Health Australia
Bio-Balance Newsletter February 2009 Serial No 7 Bio-Balance Health Association Inc A non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting effective techniques of biochemical treatment for mental, behavioural and autistic disorders. WALSH RESEARCH INSTITUTE SYDNEY OUTREACH CLINIC Patient Assessment & Treatment Program 27th April – 5th May 2009 Dr William Walsh PhD. Dr Mary N Megson & Dr. James A Neubrander For full details see Brochure attached to Newsletter Bookings presently available for patients with Behavioural disorders Learning & attention disorders Autism spectrum disorders Depression Post-partum depression Schizophrenia Bipolar disorder Bookings should be made as soon as possible so prior testing, medical examination and lab results can be completed Marnie Lo – Outreach Co-ordinator E-mail: maclo@gotalk.com.au Information and Bookings: Phone: 02 9797 2877 Payments: Bio-Balance office Phone: 07 5538 7203 SYDNEY OUTREACH CONFERENCE Saturday 2nd May 2009 Dr Mary Megson Dr William Walsh Dr James Neubrander Dr Richard Stuckey For full details of venue, timings & cost see Brochure attached to Newsletter requirements of the US consultants for their patients and RACGP points for physicians attending Outreach training. We are also in the process of revamping our website. President’s Update th On 10 December 2008, Bio-Balance lost a very good friend when Marion Redstone lost her battle against cancer. Marion’s drive, energy and hard work has meant that Dr Bill Walsh’s work has become more widely available in Australia than otherwise would have been the case. We salute her and we miss her. Can you help? There are many tasks, particularly in helping to bring the Outreach to the attention of those who could benefit from it, that members and wellwishers can do to help make the Outreach a success. On page 8 of the Newsletter you will find an indication of the ways in which you can assist. We look forward to hearing from you. This year Bio-Balance has full responsibility for the Walsh Outreach and we are realising what a large task that is. Our Committee has been working very hard on a number of key issues including the Judy Nicol 1 President WALSH RESEARCH INSTITUTE Dr William Walsh resigned from the Health Research Institute and Pfeiffer Treatment Center (both of which he founded) in June 2008 in order to concentrate his efforts on research, on writing and on training interested medical practitioners worldwide in the biochemical assessment and complementary nutritional treatment techniques which he has developed through his research over the years in the areas of mental disorders, behaviour disorders and autism spectrum disorders, building on the research and treatment foundations laid by the late Dr Carl Pfeiffer. He has set up the not-for-profit Walsh Research Institute to provide a suitable framework for his activities. The Institute’s new website is at www.walshinstitute.org. His visit to Sydney in April – May 2009 with expert associates Dr Mary Megson and Dr James Neubrander for the annual Outreach Clinic Physician Training and Patient Assessment and Treatment Program and the Outreach Conference will be under the auspices of the Walsh Research Institute. Bio-Balance Health Association is delighted to be associated with Walsh Research Institute in organizing the 2009 Outreach Clinic and Conference, details of which are provided in the notice on the front page of this Newsletter and in the attached Outreach Clinic and Conference brochures. More than 30 physicians and some 150 patients/families are expected to participate this year. Dr Walsh has provided us with the following background summary information on Dr Megson and Dr Neubrander. Mary N Megson MD, FAAP Several years ago, Dr. Megson discovered the role of G alpha proteins in autism, and the effectiveness of Vitamin A therapy. Her cod liver oil protocol is an essential component of autism therapy used by hundreds of doctors throughout the world. She has authored reports that explain the benefits of this treatment for the visual system, the immune system, the G.I. tract, and the developing brain. Dr. Mary Megson, a world-renowned autism expert, will be a member of the teaching faculty for the 2009 Sydney Outreach Program. This will be Dr. Megson’s third year working with Australian doctors in this physician-training program that includes side-by-side evaluation of patients over an intensive 7-day period. Dr. Megson is well known for her many successes in treating autistic patients, her knowledge of biochemistry, and her dedication to helping autism families. She has presented at many international conferences and has been a featured speaker at the D.A.N and Autism One conferences for several years. She is the founder and Director of the Pediatric and Adolescent Ability Center in Richmond, Virginia. Last year Dr. Megson was featured in a documentary movie, Beautiful Son that has been shown in several countries. We are very fortunate to have her expertise available for this year’s Sydney program. [More information on Dr Megson is available on her website at www.megson.com. See also www.beautifulson.com ] “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”. Margaret Mead 2 Dr James A Neubrander MD Accessible antioxidant shown to improve bipolar disorder We are pleased that Dr. Jim Neubrander will be a member of our physiciantraining faculty at this year’s Sydney Outreach Program. Dr. Neubrander’s interest in autism began in 1990 when his son was diagnosed with this challenging disorder. Although his son eventually recovered from autism, Dr. Jim’s dedication to autism families has continued to be his passion. He has become a leading autism clinician, and directs a highly successful clinic in Edison, New Jersey. A major accomplishment was his development of the methyl B-12 therapy that has benefited thousands of autism children throughout the world. He is a co-author of scientific journal articles with the eminent Dr. Jill James and Dr. Richard Deth. In a recent clinical trial conducted at the Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI), Melbourne, Professors Michael Berk and Ashley Bush discovered that treatment with a safe and readily available antioxidant, Nacetyl cysteine (NAC), dramatically relieved the symptoms of bipolar disorder. The main benefit was a significant reduction in depression over the six-month trial, which included 75 patients. Patients also observed improvements in both level of functioning and quality of life. In fact, many of the participants have chosen to continue taking NAC after the trial. The trial, which investigated NAC treatment as an adjunct to usual treatment in bipolar disorder, is the first to address oxidative stress in bipolar disorder. Scientists know that oxidative stress is increased in people with this illness, and it now appears to play an important role in the symptoms experienced by patients. Dr. Neubrander’s passion for helping autistic patients is illustrated by the following excerpt from his website: Oxidative stress occurs when either the levels of antioxidants in the brain are reduced, or the oxidative load is increased. It damages many components of the brain including lipids, proteins and DNA; and may lead to symptoms and/or even damage brain cells. “Initially, I only had 20 autistic patients but I embarrassingly report to you that I hoped the parents would never bring them back. Over the next three months, three upright aquariums were overturned and smashed on the floor with water flooding the waiting room. The arm on my scales was snapped off several times. The wires to my EKG machine were ripped out. And my spirometer was thrown on the floor for a cost that I shuddered to think about!! However, the Day of the Spirometer was the Defining Day in my Life. It was that day, after his mother and I finally caught him as he ran wildly around the examination room and after we were finally able to plop him down on the examination table that I looked him in the eye. That was my defining moment. That was when I knew that he knew everything that was happening and that he was trapped inside himself just screaming to get out. The way he looked deep into my eyes broke my heart. From that point on he became my teacher. I became his student.” Glutathione is the main antioxidant in the brain. Antioxidant defences are reduced in bipolar disorder. Brain glutathione can be easily increased by taking the precursor, NAC. This study has not only identified a new and available treatment for bipolar disorder, but has shown that a deficiency in oxidative defences may be a key part of the biochemical foundation of the illness. A similar study with 140 people with schizophrenia also showed significant improvement. Patients taking NAC in addition to their usual medications experienced less severe negative symptoms, enhanced daily functioning and well-being, and fewer side effects from antipsychotic medicines. [More information at www.drneubrander.com] Adapted from the MHRI Newsletter [See also page 9 of June 2008 BBHA Newsletter] 3 FAREWELL MARION REDSTONE It is with deep and heartfelt sadness that we report the death of Marion Redstone on 10 December 2008. Marion was a dear friend and a key member of Bio-Balance Health Association. She will be sorely missed not only within the Association but also by the autism support community throughout Australia and by all who have been associated with the annual Sydney Outreach Clinics and Conferences which she organized with the active support of Bio-Balance Health – particularly the patients and families who attended the Outreach patient assessment consultations and the medical practitioners who participated in the physician training. Marion first became involved with Bio-Balance Health when she organized a meeting for Dr Bill Walsh to address a Sydney audience about his work in the fields of autism and mental and behavioural disorders when he was passing through Sydney on his first visit to Australia in 2004 organized by Bio-Balance Health to train the first Australian medical practitioner in the techniques of biochemical assessment and complementary nutritional treatment based on his own and the late Dr Carl Pfeiffer’s research. It was Marion’s initiative that led to the first Sydney Outreach Clinic and Conference in 2005 and it was her organizing ability and drive – ably supported by her husband Michael and her daughter Marnie and with the active support and co-operation of BioBalance Health – that made this and subsequent Sydney Outreach events such an outstanding success, to the lasting benefit of the hundreds of patients and families and the dozens of medical practitioners who participated in these events. For some two years prior to her death, Marion battled persistent invasive brain cancer but this did not daunt her and she continued to be actively involved in all her chosen fields of endeavour until the last. Throughout her treatments for this aggressive disorder and despite often intense pain she continued to work tirelessly and bravely promoting awareness of autism and mental and behavioural disorders and their effective treatment. It is with great sorrow but also with great pride in continuing the outstanding work initiated by Marion that Bio-Balance Health has assumed full responsibility for organizing the 2009 Sydney Outreach Clinic and Conference. We are fortunate in having the continued involvement of Marion’s daughter Marnie to act as the Outreach Co-ordinator. Reprinted below is the eulogy to Marion written by Dr Bill Walsh and read at her funeral ceremony on 16 December 2008: A Tribute to Marion Redstone I write these words with a heavy heart. I have lost one of my dearest friends in the entire world. I met Marion several years ago at a conference in San Diego. She was searching the world for effective treatment for her beloved twin grandsons diagnosed with autism. Doctors had told her that autism was untreatable, but Marion refused to believe it and became a tireless and dynamic fighter against this terrible disorder. I soon learned that Marion knew more about autism research & treatment than most of the “expert” speakers at the conference. 4 In the course of studying treatment options for her grandchildren, she participated fully at various Autism support groups and organized many small conferences aiming to raise awareness in parents that recovery is possible for these children. She later founded the non-profit Lighthouse Health Foundation. Marion has met with countless families and guided them to effective treatment. Many reported their child achieved a remarkable recovery from this dreaded condition. In 2005, Marion organized a “Sydney Outreach” program in which international experts train Australian physicians in advanced therapies. Her dedicated efforts have already resulted in the training of 40 physicians and benefits to many hundreds of Australian families. This program is the model for a new international program with the goal of training 1,000 doctors. This remarkable woman has pioneered a program that may eventually change the face of medicine and benefit millions of people. From the beginning, Marion refused to receive any payment for her hundreds of hours devoted to this project each year. She was a true volunteer in the best sense of the word. Marion telephoned last month and we talked for nearly an hour. She never once complained of pain and discomfort from her advancing cancer, and the conversation concentrated on ways to improve our charitable programs. She expressed pride in the news of a successful physiciantraining program in Norway. She was absolutely joyous in the remarkable progress of her grandchildren. She told me she was going to continue her fight to help the children of the world for every day that God allowed her to live. I am in awe of Marion’s beautiful volunteer spirit, her selfless devotion to the children of Australia, and her remarkable organizational skills. The world has lost a great soul. Bill Walsh, Ph.D. MARION REDSTONE MEMORIAL FUND To honour the memory of this outstanding person in a way directly related to her lifetime endeavours, Bio-Balance Health Association has decided to set up the MARION REDSTONE MEMORIAL FUND. The Fund will be dedicated exclusively to receiving and disbursing donations subscribed specifically for the purpose of assisting patients and families to meet the costs, either in whole or in part, of attending a Walsh Research Institute Sydney Outreach Clinic in cases where their financial circumstances would otherwise preclude them from doing so. Donations will be tax-deductible, as are all other donations to Bio-Balance Health Association Inc. 5 Many families caring for a child or children with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD and other developmental disorders and many patients with mental disorders lack the financial resources to meet the costs involved in attending an Outreach Clinic patient consultation which could open the door to effective treatment for the disorder involved. Sponsorship or part sponsorship in such cases could transform their lives. The following letter from a sponsorship recipient illustrates the crucial difference such assistance can make: Bio-Balance Health Assoc. Inc. PO Box 7795, Gold Coast Mail Centre. Queensland 4217 To whom it may concern: Re: Sponsorship for Caryn M (DOB 13/6/98) Walsh-Pfeiffer Outreach Assessment and Testing I am wanting to thank your association from the bottom of my heart. Your generosity in sponsoring my 9 year old autistic daughter for the assessment fee and for some of the testing relieved me of much stress. I am a single parent living in Melbourne, currently a full-time student, studying to become a teacher so that I can support my daughter in this expensive biomedical journey towards healing. Caz attends the local special school. Her language gain, focus and Learning aptitude, since being on the Pfeiffer protocol, shows enormous improvement. I am thrilled to see her maturing into a person who I hope and believe will have a meaningful life, albeit different from my other grown-up children. With great appreciation. Best wishes & thank vou. [signed] Sharyn (mother of Caryn) [Full name & address withheld. Original held on file at Bio-Balance Health office.] The MARION REDSTONE MEMORIAL FUND will be officially launched at the Outreach Conference in Sydney on 2nd May 2009 but the Fund is now open for donations. Your financial assistance now could help to transform the future of a child or patient in need of effective treatment who would not otherwise have the financial means to take advantage of the assessment and treatment opportunity offered by the 2009 Outreach Clinic. Donations may be made by cheque, money order or credit card to Bio-Balance Health Association Inc. MARION REDSTONE MEMORIAL FUND. All inquiries should be directed to the Secretary, Bio-Balance Health Association Inc. Phone: 07 5538 7203 E-mail: biobalance@optusnet.com.au 6 The high incidence of zinc deficiency in assaultive young males was illustrated in a recent study(1), which found elevated serum copper and depressed plasma zinc concentration, compared to normal controls. This study confirmed our clinical observations of zinc depletion in more than 4,000 behaviour-disordered patients. Zinc Deficiency and Behavioural Disorders Dr William J Walsh July 2003 INTRODUCTION Most Americans receive all the zinc they need if they have a reasonably wellbalanced diet involving the major food groups. However, many persons are born with a metal-metabolism disorder that results in zinc depletion regardless of diet. Our clinical observations and research have indicated that the copper/zinc ratio appears to be more decisively important than either of the individual metals alone. Zinc deficiency often results in elevated blood levels of copper, due to the dynamic competition of these metals in the body. Elevated blood copper has been associated with episodic violence, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, and depression. Zinc is a component of more than 80 enzymes. High concentrations have been found in brain hippocampus, and many medical researchers believe that zinc is a neurotransmitter. Low zinc levels at these sites could reduce the inhibition of neuron activity, thus leading to abnormal behaviour. The discovery of zinc "finger proteins" in the past decade has led to a vastly improved understanding of how cells replicate and divide. Their role in behaviour is not yet clear, but could be involved in the transport or availability of zinc. Recent research has shown zinc to be far more important than previously believed and low levels of zinc are associated with behaviour disorders. DIAGNOSIS OF ZINC DEFICIENCY Zinc deficiency is difficult to diagnose since no single laboratory test or combination of tests is decisive in every case. For example, blood levels are sometimes normal in zinc deficient persons due to homeostasis. Urine and hair tissue levels are often elevated in zinc deficiency because of "short circuiting" of zinc through the body and high rates of excretion. The two principal factors that lead to a diagnosis of zinc deficiency are: 1) depressed plasma zinc, and 2) presence of clinical symptoms of zinc depletion, which are alleviated by zinc supplementation(2 -- 7). Since zinc tolerance tests show plasma levels to be affected for 6 hours following zinc supplementation(8 -- 9), zinc supplements are avoided for 24 hours prior to sampling of plasma. The clinical symptoms associated with zinc deficiency or depletion include the following: Many of the patients of the Carl Pfeiffer Treatment Center suffer from behaviour disorders. The most common ones are attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and conduct disorder (CD). These patients typically have a history of extensive counselling and multiple medications and many have experienced residential care. They represent a narrow and rather uncharacteristic segment of the general population. * Eczema, acne, and/or psoriasis (10 – 14) * Poor wound healing, including leg ulcers and oral lesions(15 – 16) * Lines of Beau on the fingernails (17) * Growth retardation(18 – 21) * Delayed sexual maturation(22), * Hypogeusia or poor taste acuity (23 – 24), and *Chronic immunodeficiency and frequent infections (25 – 26). A high percentage of behaviour disordered persons exhibit abnormal levels of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, calcium, magnesium and manganese in blood, urine, and tissues, based on chemical analysis results from thousands of patients. With regard to zinc, this condition appears to involve a malfunction of the metal-binding protein metallothionein. Most of these patients have symptoms of zinc deficiency along with depressed levels of zinc in their blood plasma. A "working diagnosis" of zinc deficiency can be made if clinical symptoms of zinc deficiency are clearly evident from the initial physical examination and medical history. 7 Treatment of mild or moderate zinc depletion can take months to complete. Some cases of severe zinc depletion require a year or more to resolve. Achievement of a proper zinc balance is slowed by growth spurts, injury, illness, or severe stress. In addition, persons with malabsorption or Type A blood respond to treatment more slowly. Usually more than one or the above symptoms are present in zinc deficiency. This initial diagnosis is later supported or negated by laboratory analysis for plasma zinc along with observed response (or nonresponse) to zinc supplementation. Plasma zinc is generally retested and symptoms evaluated after 4-6 months of treatment to determine if dosages need adjustment. DISCUSSION We find that zinc deficient individuals usually respond well to inexpensive supplementation with zinc and augmenting nutrients. Many patients who previously experienced years of counselling, psychotherapy, aggressive medication programs, and/or residential treatment become greatly improved and respond to less intensive (and less expensive) therapies. Zinc deficiency can be corrected, but not cured. If treatment is discontinued, the prior zinc deficiency will re-emerge with all symptoms gradually returning. Zinc deficiency, like diabetes, requires life long treatment. Fortunately, it is a simple, low cost, safe treatment. TREATMENT OF ZINC DEPLETION Zinc depletion is corrected by supplementation with zinc (picolinate or gluconate) along with augmenting nutrients including L-cysteine, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, and vitamin E. Manganese is also useful in promoting proper metallothionein function. If copper levels are elevated, effective treatment must also enhance the release of copper from tissues and copper excretion. L-cysteine helps mobilize and excrete copper while enhancing zinc absorption. Correction of zinc deficiency is best accomplished under the care of a physician or nutritionist who is experienced in metal metabolism disorders. Indiscriminate dosages of zinc to persons who do not need it can cause anaemia and imbalanced trace metals. Source: www.centeronbehaviouralmedicine.com [References available from Editor on request – Ed.] Can you Help? We also need helpers in all areas to pass out or leave our brochures and posters in prominent places such as the local doctor’s office, support group meeting places, or primary/high schools with the principal or school counsellor at primary, high and special schools. We are looking to spread the word about the Walsh Research Institute and the 2009 Sydney Outreach. We still have Patient Assessment appointments available. If you know anyone who could like to attend for treatment or if you have a local GP that may be interested in integrative medicine practices, then please get them to book in for assessments and/or training by contacting Marnie Lo on: 02 9797 2877 or at maclo@gotalk.com.au as soon as possible. By spreading the word, you can help many children and adults with autistic, behavioral and mental disorders get the help they so rightly deserve from world-renowned experts in their field. You may also belong to a support group or other community group whose members may be interested in hearing about us and what we do. If you live in or near the Sydney area, give Marnie a call and she can arrange to attend one of your meetings. Please contact Bio-Balance on 0755 387203 Or email at biobalance@optusnet.com.au or write to PO Box 7795, Gold Coast Mail Centre Qld 4217 8 STOP PRESS! The following is the introduction to an article in the January/February Issue of Nexus Online Magazine published in Colorado USA(www.nexuspub.com) which includes a long interview with Dr. William Walsh PhD. For copyright reasons we are unable to reproduce the whole article. We recommend anyone with a genuine interest in nutritional medicine and in the work of the Walsh Research Institute read the article in full. The article is only available by download from the Nexus Colorado, USA website. http://www.nexuspub.com/articles/2008/nov_dec08/interview_feed_brain.htm In 1972, William J. Walsh was working with ex-convicts, helping them return to society. While conventional wisdom of the day held that childhood influences were the main cause of behavior problems and mental illness, he learned that many of his clients were raised alonside siblings who had developed no law-breaking or criminal tendencies. In fact they were well adjusted, normal people. Walsh couldn’t understand, he says, “how some of these people who did such horrible things came from nice families.” He suspected that criminal behavior had a lot to do with genetics. Murderers, he suspected, likely had faulty brain chemistry. So he started testing people who had committed violent acts, ex-cons, imprisoned serial killers and mass murderers, including Charles Manson and Richard Speck. He tested their blood, urine and tissues, and compared them to samples from normal people. After many years of such research, Walsh discovered that indeed the violent people did have distinct biochemical imbalances, compared to the general population. This set Walsh on his life-long quest for answers regarding brain chemistry and its effect on behavior and mental illnesses such as autism, depression, schizophrenia, ADHD, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, and other illnesses. His findings have implications for most of us because nutrients in our diets, he has found, can have profound effects on our moods, our capacity to learn, and many of our mental functions. William J. Walsh is president of the newly-created Walsh Research Institute in Naperville Illinois. He has authored more than 200 scientific articles and reports and been invited to speak at 28 international scientific symposiums. In the 1980’s, Walsh founded the non-profit Health Research Institute (HRI) and its clinical arm, the Pfeiffer Treatment Center in Warrenville, Illinois. Walsh named the center after his long-time collaborator, the late Carl Pfeiffer, M.D., Ph.D., a physician and pharmacologist who was one of the world’s leading nutritional biochemists. Walsh’s most recent work includes: a research project on Alzheimer’s disease with Argonne National Laboratory and Louisiana State University; collaborations with, among others, the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Case Western Reserve University, and Bruce Ames PhD at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute. Here, William Walsh talks to Nexus publisher Ravi Dykema about nutrients, mental illness, genetic individuality, and the difficulty of getting innovative research noticed my mainstream medicine. Source: www.nexuspub.com/articles/2008/nov_dec08/interview_feed_brain.htm For further reading see also the interview with Fernando Gomez-Pinilla PhD “Foods for Mood” available at the same website. 9 http://www.nexuspub.com/articles/2009nov_dec08/interview_feed_brain.htm Calling all families/carers of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Dennis Crowley, formerly CEO of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, now principal of D M Crowley & Associates and grandfather of an autistic child, is currently conducting an internet-based survey that all parents (primarily those based in Australia and New Zealand) with ASD children are invited to complete. Background As far as the author is aware, there has never been an internet parent survey of the perceived effectiveness of various therapies carried out in Australia/New Zealand. In the USA a parent survey was carried out by the Dept of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin in 2004 [V A Green et al; Research in Developmental Disabilities 27 (2006) 70-84]. A total of 552 parents submitted usable returns. Speech therapy was the most commonly reported intervention. 53% of parents were using at least one medication to treat their child, 27% were using special diets, and 43% were using vitamin supplements. 17% of the children had Aspergers, 61% were said to have mild/high functioning autism, and the remaining 22% were described as having severe autism, as indicated by lack of speech. Objectives A key objective of the present survey is to obtain a statistical snapshot of the different types of treatments being used in (primarily) Australia/New Zealand with a view to obtaining parent perspectives on their effectiveness. Other objectives include: • A statistical indication of the delay between the parents’ first suspicions of autism and diagnosis, and the reasons for the delay. This is an essential piece of information in that delays can have a significant impact on the speed of eventual “recovery” of the child. • A statistical indication of the effectiveness or otherwise of biomedical treatment. Parent Ratings of Behavioural Effects of Biomedical Interventions (ARI Publ.34 August 2004) found that a Gluten Free/Casein Free (GF/CF) diet resulted in a significant improvement in child behaviour. • An indication of which factors, relating to government policy, parents anticipate will make a difference to the autism community now and in the future. The questionnaire covers the following topics 1. Demographics 2. Diagnosis 3. Behavioural characteristics before intervention and now 4. Non-biomedical treatments 5. Biomedical treatments 6. Diets 7. Supplements and/or biomedical treatments 8. Pathology testing 9. Total therapy costs 10. Improvements sought from government Results It is anticipated that the results will be released for public consumption around mid-2009. The survey results will be used to further the interests of ASD children and their families/carers. All national, state, and territory autism related organizations are being approached with a view to announcing the existence of the survey, and it is hoped that at as many people as possible will respond, so that a good statistical picture will emerge. To participate in the Survey, go to http://www.polldaddy.com/s/B208F0BA44AD4960/ 10 Dr James A Neubrander, MD Dr Mary N Megson, MD Dr Neubrander is a renowned clinician and lecturer from Edison, New Jersey USA where he has had a flourishing private practice since 1997 focused on Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Heavy Metal Detoxification, Environmental Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Allergy, Nutritional Medicine, Metabolic and Molecular Medicine. Dr Megson is a developmental pediatrician in private practice in Richmond Virginia USA and also Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at The Medical College of Virginia (Richmond). Mary has worked in the field of Pediatrics for more than twenty years. As a developmental specialist in pediatrics, she devotes her career to children with developmental issues including ADHD, ADD, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Delays and Asperger’s Syndrome. After completing his MD at Loma Linda University and medical residency at Tampa General Hospital, he was in private practice in environmental and preventive medicine and then Director of the Nutrition Medical Center in Tampa until joining the medical staff of the Carl C. Pfeiffer Institute, Skillman, New Jersey in 1988, where he worked, including a period as Acting Director, until returning to private practice in 1995. Dr Neubrander is passionately committed to resolving the problems of children with autism spectrum and other neurodevelopmental disorders. His main current interests are Biomedical and Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments for Autism spectrum disorders, ADD, ADHD, Language Delay, Apraxia and Sensory Integration Problems. He has developed numerous protocols based on Biochemical Individuality noted in this subset of the population. He is continuously researching the most innovative treatment possibilities. In 2002 he discovered the profound effect Methyl-B12 has on Autism and Neurodevelopmental disorders. Since then he has worked with others on developing a sophisticated protocol for the clinical application of Methyl-B12 in these areas. Many parents worldwide have their children on Dr Neubrander’s protocol that is very successful. In his practice 94% of children respond to this protocol. Visit his excellent website at www.drneubrander.com. Dr Megson’s areas of professional interest include Behavioural Pediatrics, Child Development, Adolescent Medicine and Neonatology. Dr Megson is board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics, a Fellow of The American Academy of Pediatrics and a Member of The Society of Developmental Pediatrics. She travels all over the world speaking at international conferences. Dr Megson’s research area is use of Vitamin A and Bethanecol in the treatment of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. She believes that autism is both a neuroimmune and an autoimmune disorder. In her studies of autistic children, she repeatedly found chronic diseases such as celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes, IGA deficiency, and psoriasis in the family medical histories. She is currently investigating the hypothesis that G-alpha protein defects are a high-risk factor for developing autism after vaccination. Her clinical trial of 60 children suggests that inserting a G-alpha protein defect, the pertussis toxin found in DPT vaccine, into genetically at-risk children may be a cause of autism. Dr Megson is credited with the largest number of recovered autistic patients in the USA (DAN Conference). Her work with autistic children is featured in the documentary film Beautiful Son [see www.beautifulson.com]. WALSH RESEARCH INSTITUTE SYDNEY OUTREACH 2009 April 27 – May 5 Nutrient therapy protocols for MENTAL & BEHAVIOURAL DISORDERS pioneered by the late Dr. Carl Pfeiffer and by Dr. William Walsh Advanced evaluation and treatment techniques for AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS Physician Training & Patient Assessments Participating USA Experts: William Walsh, Ph.D. Mary Megson, M.D. James Neubrander, M.D. Rydges World Square Hotel 389 Pitt Street (cnr Liverpool St.), Sydney Organized by Bio-Balance Health Association Inc. www.biobalance.org.au in conjunction with Lighthouse Health Association Inc. PHYSICIAN TRAINING PROGRAM PATIENT ASSESSMENT PROGRAM The program offers an opportunity for training in advanced nutrient therapy methods for mental and behavioural disorders and cutting-edge autism therapies. Dr. Walsh and his associates have been visiting Australia since 2004. The program has expanded each year, with 27 physicians participating last April. Medical practitioners trained in Walsh Research assessment and treatment techniques prescribe vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids based on each patient’s unique body chemistry. Participants are provided with written and visual learning materials to study prior to the training. They participate with world-class experts in evaluation of more than 50 patients over seven weekdays. Participants are asked to assist in the recruitment of patients for assessment, and will be responsible for their continuing care. The USA experts act as consultants to the participating doctors. Assessments are conducted concurrently in three conference rooms with participants attending the session of their choice. Three evening seminars will include recent advances in research and novel theories. A pharmacy professional is present to assist in prompt initiation of treatment when assessment is completed. Ongoing advisory backup is available to participants after the Outreach. Dr Walsh will provide training in advanced nutrient therapies pioneered by the late Dr. Carl Pfeiffer. His sessions will include evaluations of patients diagnosed with behaviour disorders, ADHD, clinical depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or Alzheimer’s disease. Participants will learn: the impact of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals on synthesis and functioning of neurotransmitters; nutrient imbalances associated with mental illness; biochemical classification of schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, and behaviour phenotypes; specialized laboratory testing to enable accurate diagnosis; effective nutrient protocols aimed at normalizing blood/brain chemistry. Dr Walsh’s innovative approach to treating biochemical imbalances has helped thousands of patients from all over the world over the last 20 years. Dr Walsh and associates have been visiting Australia annually since 2004 to train Australian & New Zealand medical practitioners in these techniques and to assess patients. Dr Walsh is being joined by two other outstanding US experts in conducting the 2009 Outreach patient assessment and physician training program. Patients and families report that nutritional treatment to correct their biochemical imbalances produces significant improvements in • attention, learning & behaviour disorders • depression Dr Walsh is a scientist with over 40 years of research experience. He holds a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from Iowa State University. Dr. Walsh’s volunteer and research work involving biochemical predisposition to violent crime and behavior disorders during his career at Argonne National Laboratory, in collaboration with Dr Carl Pfeiffer, led to him founding the Health Research Institute in 1982 and the Pfeiffer Treatment Center (HRI-PTC) in 1989 in Chicago USA. He was President of HRI-PTC until 1998 and subsequently Director of Research there until June this year, when he left to set up the Walsh Research Institute to enable him to concentrate exclusively on research and practitioner training in advanced nutrient therapy methods for mental and behavioural disorders and cutting-edge autism therapies. • post-partum depression • schizophrenia & bipolar disorder • autism spectrum disorders Dr Walsh, Dr Megson and Dr Neubrander are professionals dedicated to helping patients lead a productive and rewarding life. Dr Megson and Dr Neubrander will provide training in advanced autism protocols that have resulted in numerous reports of great improvement or recovery, including: Prior to the consultation, patients are screened for the presence of biochemical imbalances with a comprehensive medical history, physical examination and laboratory analysis of special blood, urine and hair analysis tests. Based on the findings, an expert assessment is conducted at the consultation and an individualized nutrient program is prescribed to correct the person’s biochemical imbalances. effective diets; yeast therapies; methyl B-12 treatment; hyperbaric approaches; chelation; advanced nutrient therapies; essential fatty acids; antioxidant protocols such as metallothionein and glutathione promotion; and many other techniques. The Outreach Clinic will be held at Rydges World Square Hotel, 389 Pitt St. (cnr Liverpool St.), Sydney from 27th April to 5th May 2009. Rydges World Square Hotel offers Outreach patients accommodation at reduced rates for this Outreach. This training program will enable you to confidently provide lab testing for these disorders, accurate diagnosis, and equip you to design effective individualized treatment programs. The fee for the assessment is $900, with an Early Bird concession rate of $700 if the fee is paid before 30th November 2008. Cost of the training is A$1,700 with an Early Bird concession rate of A$1,500 if the fee is paid before 30th November 2008. Rydges World Square Hotel offers both Physicians and their patients accommodation at reduced rates for this Outreach. Dr William J Walsh, PhD NOTE: It is a condition of the assessment that clients agree to allow several doctors who are training at the Outreach to be present during the consultation. Information and bookings: During Dr Walsh’s time at HRI-PTC, more than 20,000 people from USA, Australia, NZ and more than 70 other countries were treated for these disorders. Dr Walsh is the author of more than 200 research reports. His most recent research projects are at http://hriptc.org/ research_studies.html and at www.biobalance.org.au/articles/ article-list.htm These include: • Link between autism and abnormal blood vessel function and oxidative stress • Fatty acid profiles of schizophrenic phenotypes • Disordered metal metabolism in a large autism population • Biochemical therapy and behaviour outcomes • With Argonne National Laboratory, identification of lead poisoning as cause of composer Beethoven’s illness from samples of Beethoven’s hair and bone Information/bookings: Marnie Lo Ph: 02 9797 2877 Marnie Lo, Outreach Co-ordinator Ph: 02 9797 2877 • Elevated copper levels in post-partum depression. Payments: Bio-Balance Ph: 07 5592 2207 Payments: Ph: 07 5592 2207 Several other research studies are in progress. Bio-Balance Saturday 2nd May, 2009 10.00am - 1.00pm AUTISM Lunch Break 2.00pm - 5.00pm MENTAL & BEHAVIOURAL DISORDERS Lunch will be available at a ‘ Northshore Christian Centre 382 Eastern Valley Way Chatswood NSW To park - enter via Chatswood Business Park 175 Gibbes Street (off Smith Street) reasonable charge or BYO Enclosed � CONFERENCE 2009 HOW TO GET THERE WALSH RESEARCH INSTITUTE SYDNEY OUTREACH Dr William J Walsh, PhD Dr Mary N Megson, MD Dr James A Neubrander, MD Dr Walsh is a scientist with over 30 years of research experience. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame, he earned a Masters degree at the University of Michigan and a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from Iowa State University. Dr. Walsh’s research and volunteer work involving biochemical predisposition for behaviour disorders led to the foundation of the Health Research Institute. Dr Megson is a Developmental Pediatrician who has worked in the field of Pediatrics for more than twenty years. As a developmental specialist in pediatrics, she devotes her career to children with developmental issues which include ADHD, ADD, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Developmental Delays, etc. Dr Neubrander is a renowned clinician and lecturer from Edison, New Jersey USA where he has had a flourishing private practice since 1997 focused on Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Heavy Metal Detoxification, Environmental Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Allergy, Nutritional Medicine, Metabolic and Molecular Medicine. The International Schizophrenia Foundation gave Bill Walsh their ‘Doctor of the Year’ award, Dr Walsh received the award on April 28, 2006 at the ISOF Annual Conference in Vancouver Canada. Behavioural Pediatrics and Child Development, Adolescent Medicine and Neonatology. She is board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics, a Fellow of The American Academy of Pediatrics and a Member of The Society of Developmental Pediatrics. Dr. Walsh will describe advanced biochemical (nutrient) therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Behaviour Disorders, Depression, Psychotic Disorders, and Neurodegenerative Disorders. His presentation will include a summary of recent research findings including: •2006 research indicating that male and female autism may be completely different diseases that require separate treatment approaches. •Published research indicating that autism is neurodegenerative, with gradual loss of brain cells and IQ unless antioxidant therapy is provided. •Early experience in treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and MS. •New published research on Postpartum depression (PPD) and clinical outcomes following biochemical treatment. Dr Megson’s areas of professional interest include: Dr Megson’s research area is use of Vitamin A and Bethanecol in the treatment of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. She believes that autism is both a neuroimmune and an autoimmune disorder. In her studies of autistic children, she repeatedly found chronic diseases such as celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes, IGA deficiency, and psoriasis in the family medical histories. She is currently investigating the hypothesis that G-alpha protein defects are a high-risk factor for developing autism after vaccination. Her clinical trial of 60 children suggests that inserting a G-alpha protein defect, the pertussis toxin found in DPT vaccine, into genetically at-risk children may be a cause of autism. Dr Megson is credited with the largest number of recovered autistic patients in the USA (DAN Conference). Her work with autistic children is featured in the documentary film Beautiful Son [see www.beautifulson.com]. Visit Dr Megson’s website at www.megson.com Please Note! BIO-BALANCE HEALTH ASSOCIATION There will be no credit card facilities at the venue - cash only Internet: http://www.biobalance.org.au and LIGHTHOUSE HEALTH ASSOCIATION After completing his MD at Loma Linda University and medical residency at Tampa General Hospital, he was in private practice in environmental and preventive medicine and then Director of the Nutrition Medical Center in Tampa until joining the medical staff of the Carl C. Pfeiffer Institute, Skillman, New Jersey in 1988, where he worked, including a period as Acting Director, until returning to private practice in 1995. Dr Neubrander is passionately committed to resolving the problems of children with autism spectrum and other neurodevelopmental disorders. His main current interests are Biomedical and Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments for Autism spectrum disorders, ADD, ADHD, Language Delay, Apraxia and Sensory Integration Problems. He has developed numerous protocols based on Biochemical Individuality noted in this subset of the population. He is continuously researching the most innovative treatment possibilities. In 2002 he discovered the profound effect Methyl-B12 has on Autism and Neurodevelopmental disorders. Since then he has worked with others on developing a sophisticated protocol for the clinical application of Methyl-B12 in these areas. Many parents worldwide have their children on Dr Neubrander’s protocol that is very successful. In his practice 94% of children respond to this protocol. Visit his excellent website at www.drneubrander.com MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM New membership Renewal Bio-Balance Health Association Inc. PO Box 7795 GCMC 4217 Phone: 07 5538 7203 Fax: 07 5538 4599 E-mail: biobalance@optusnet.com.au Website: www.biobalance.org.au To join or renew your Bio-Balance Health Association membership please return completed form to: Bio-Balance Health Association, PO Box 7795, Gold Coast Mail Centre, Qld, 4217 Annual Membership Fee $5.00 (including GST) Last Name:............................................Given Name........................................(Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss).......... Address:............................................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................PostCode............................. Phone: (H).........................................(W).............................................Fax..................................................... E-mail:........................................………………. ( Newsletters will be sent by email to this address) Membership Fee Enclosed $................................................... Donation $.................................................. Gifts of $2 or more are allowable deductions to donors under the provisions of Section 30-45, Item 4.1.1 of the ITAA 1997 Total $.................................................. 11
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