English version - Norsk Maritimt Forlag AS
English version - Norsk Maritimt Forlag AS
Boating, YESS! www.norskmaritimtforlag.no Together for boating Do you get out on the water in the course of the summer? Then you’re in good company! There are 750,000 leisure boats in Norway and half the population gets afloat at some point in the year. The main sources of information for boat users are boating magazines and boat related web pages. This was shown by the big boating survey organized by NMD, KNBF and Norboat in 2012. Norsk Maritimt Forlag A/S is a Norwegian publishing company specializing in information and inspiration for the boating market. We publish Båtliv, SEILmagasinet, Båtguiden, Seilas and Havna in magazine and online versions. Every month we inspire and inform nearly half a million Norwegian boat users. We create the dreams Norwegians can choose from many types of holiday and recreational activities. Interest in boating is not a given. Someone needs to create the desire and plant the dream of boating. That is our job! Norsk Maritimt Forlag delivers boating related material to VG, thus placing boating on the social agenda. Several of the best boating journalists and photographers in the country are behind the magazines Båtliv, SEILmagasinet, Seilas, Båtguiden and Havna. www.norskmaritimtforlag.no Morten Jensen Editor SEILmagasinet Frode Pedersen Editor Båtliv Axel Nissen-Lie Editor Seilas Magne Klann Editor Havna Ole Henrik Nissen-Lie Chief editor Morten Jensen of SEILmagasinet and Seilas has written about sailing and sailboats since he was sailing in the Olympics in the 70’s. Few have tested so many boats and covered as many regattas. Frode Pedersen of Båtliv has extensive experience as staff photographer in A-magasinet and front desk at Aftenposten before choosing to focus on boating journalism. Axel Nissen-Lie in Seilas has been involved with boating journalism from childhood, and follows every news item to do with sailboats and equipment. Magne Klann of Havna is the author of Havneboka and has written a sailing manual. For the benefit of our readers he contributes articles on ports and anchorages along with boat related matters. Ole Henrik Nissen-Lie has worked as a journalist at Aftenposten for many years. He is a coastal skipper with three Atlantic crossings and dozens of North Sea crossings under sail to his credit. The staff also includes journalists Jørn Finsrud, Asbjørn Thorup, Linn Krogh Hansen, Jan Hanchen Michelsen and a number of talented freelancers. Inspirational magazines Through Båtliv, SEILmagasinet, Båtguiden, Seilas and Havna you are able to reach large parts of the Norwegian boating community. Motorboaters through Båtliv and sailors through SEILmagasinet and Seilas. Readers spend on average an hour reading the magazines. Advertising is often perceived as noise but as an advertiser in Båtliv, SEILmagasinet and Seilas your ads are welcomed into the reader’s home. We can assist with your marketing in several ways. www.norskmaritimtforlag.no The country’s oldest sailing magazine Seilas is stable at around 70,000 readers on average per edition. Seilas is the exclusive sailing magazine, which has been the official magazine of the Royal Norwegian Yacht Club for more than 100 years. The editorial team are part of the prestigious jury of leading European boating magazines which annually selects “Yacht of the Year” in Europe. B/One Ny inngangsbillett til båtlivet Nr 7/2012 • Pris kr 89,- 2013-modellene er her: Mangfoldig nyhetshøst Lær varmeapparatet å kjenne Store seilaser i Nord-Norge Tid for å pleie seilene dine RETURUKE 40 Ildsjelene holder seiler-Norge i gang INTERPRESS NORGE ISSN 1501-8105 The sailing magazine of Norway SEILmagasinet is closely affiliated with the sailing associations in Norway and has readers all along the coast. A number of sailing clubs collectively subscribe to SEILmagasinet. This exposes SEILmagasinet to the most active sailors in the country. The Synovate survey NMF completed in 2010 shows that readers of SEILmagasinet spend twice as much on their boats as the average boater. 07 9 771501 810016 Modern motor boat magazine for the whole family Almost 100,000 enthusiastic boaters read each issue of Båtliv. Båtliv’s editorial staff collaborate with VG online and on paper, thus helping to promote boating throughout Norway. The editor of Båtliv is also on the prestigious jury which selects “Motor Boat of the Year” in Europe. Boat Show in your pocket Båtguiden is celebrating its 40th anniversary! During all these years Båtguiden has been Scandinavia’s most complete listing of recreational boats and marine accessories on the market. Nearly 100,000 people read Båtguiden in the course of the year, and 36 percent of these plan to buy a boat, according to a Synovate survey from autumn 2010. Online with the boaters Through five sites we reach a large part of the Norwegian boating population, and offer the opportunity for targeted marketing. Editorial collaboration with VG ensures traffic on the website. As far as we know, no other boating magazine in Europe boasts more online readers than batliv.com and seilas.no. You can launch new boats with live online TV through our services. www.havna.com Boaters go to havna.com for background information for trips and adventures. Here they find a summary of ports and events along the coast. Havna.com have 15-20 000 readers on average each month. www.batguiden.no On www.batguiden.no you will find Norway’s largest display of leisure boats and equipment on the internet. Advertising on www.batguiden.no is a fast, affordable and safe way to get in contact with information-seeking boaters. www.norskmaritimtforlag.no www.seilas.no Seilas.no is where sailors come to catch up on news, have discussions with other sailors or offer boats and equipment for sale. Seilas.no have 40-50 000 readers on average every month (2012 - figures). Batliv.com is Scandinavia’s most visited news site for boaters with 60-70 000 readers (unique visitors) per month (2012 figures). Readers are motorboat people who want to keep themselves up to date on boats, equipment, navigation and seamanship. www.seilmagasinet.no Seilmagasinet.no is a new website and news service for sailors, and boasts 20 to 30,000 unique visitors a month (2012 figures). Here sailors can find schedules and registration services to regattas, as well as news about sailing and tips and advice on how to be a better sailor. www.batliv.com Batliv.com is Scandinavia’s most visited news site for boaters with 60-70 000 readers (unique visitors) per month (2012 figures). Readers are motorboat people who want to keep themselves up to date on boats, equipment, navigation and seamanship. www.norskmaritimtforlag.no Your marketing partner Through Norsk Maritimt Forlag’s publications you can reach about half a million Norwegian boating enthusiasts monthly, through magazines and online. Readers are active boaters who spend a lot of time on our magazines. We can also help you with your communication needs. In our archive we have tens of thousands of pictures of boats, boating, sailing along with ports and waterways. Our reporters are constantly out there testing boats and writing articles. Through us you can buy videos, images and PDF-tests for your ads, brochures or websites. Want exposure on net-TV? No problem. We have published more than 250 titles on our website in recent years. We offer sponsorship spots on editorial videos. You can also launch your news in the form of commercials on net-TV through our website. Do you need help conducting market research or campaigns? Our staff can help you create advertising material at a nice price. Moreover, we can do online market research for you on our website. We can also look at formats other than the standard sizes in the price list in order to fit your needs. Please contact us, we can help! We can help you! The sales department of Norsk Maritimt Forlag can help you get the best return on your advertising investment. Our skilled staff have good market knowledge, thus helping customers find the right media solutions to fit their needs. Lisbeth Ølness Sales manager SEILmagasinet Key Account Manager lisbeth@seilas.no Tel: +47 915 27 467 Tor-Kristian Øines Sales manager Båtliv oines@batliv.com Tel: +47 905 08 752 Anders Theodor Bye Sales manager Seilas anders@seilas.no Tel: +47 920 22 016 Jan Hornslien Sales manager Internet janh@seilas.no Tel: +47 454 06 842 Morten Erik Fladeby Lisbeth Ølness has long and broad experience in the media industry from both the trade press and newspapers along with various positions in sales, marketing/ analysis and management. Lisbeth has a diploma in marketing and media consulting. Questions about supplements/inserts and sponsorships can be addressed to Lisbeth. Tor-Kristian Øines is the industry’s “grand old man”. He has worked in the magazine industry since Seilas was relaunched in 1975. In the years 1992 - 2005 he was a partner and Publishing Director at Norsk Maritimt Forlag AS. In addition to his sales responsibilities for Båtliv, he is also project manager for Båtguiden. Anders Theodor Bye is an avid boater with experience in sales and marketing. With background as account manager of FINN. no responsible for their boat section, Anders knows the boating industry and has good knowledge of internet marketing. Anders also has experience from the retail industry and has a degree in marketing. Are you online? Does video seem interesting? Talk with Jan Hornslien. He has broad experience in publishing, marketing and film. Previously product manager at Capa cinema advertising, project manager at Clear Channel and media consultant in Osloavisen. Media Consultant mortenerik@batliv.com Tel: +47 404 57 119 Morten Erik Fladeby has extensive experience in sales. He has degrees in marketing and typography and has extensive experience from the media and magazine industry. Along with his colleagues he is an avid boater. Gry-Heidi Brun Gry-Heidi Brown works with SEILmagasinet’s online and printed versions. She has a marketing degree from BI, and Media Consultant gry-heidi@seilmagasinet.no was customer consultant at the magazine Appetitt before she Tel: +47 406 49 131 joined the sales team at SEILmagasinet in 2009. www.norskmaritimtforlag.no