Compendium 2005
Compendium 2005
Compendium Compendium 2006 (Academic year 2006-2007) Socrates Socrates Erasmus Socrates Comenius Enseignement scolaire Schulbildung Comenius Comenius 2.1 Enseignement scolaire Schulbildung Intensive Programmes Projects Comenius 3 2.1 Projets de coopération européenne pour la Europäische Comenius Netzwerke Kooperationsprojecte zur Ausformation du personnel participant à und Fortbildung des Schulpersonals l’enseignement scolaire Directorate General for Education and Culture SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28545-IC-2-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: Der Beitrag der religiösen Erziehung zur europäischen Identität SUBJECT AREA: TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: Der Beitrag religiöser Erziehung zur europäischen Identität hat zwei Perspektiven: a) Was religiöse Erziehung inhaltlich zur europäischen Identität beiträgt; b) Was religiöse Erziehung zum Umgang mit Diversität, zum Abbau von Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rassismus, zum Aufbau einer "Kultur der gegenseitigen Anerkennung" beiträgt; c) beide sind verbunden durch die selbstkritische Frage jeder religiösen Tradition nach ihrem Umgang mit innerer Diversität und wie weit religiöse Erziehung angesichts eines unverzichtbaren Wahrheitsanspruchs Raum für Selbstrelativierung gibt/geben kann. Das IP ist Teil der ReligionslehrerInnen-Ausbildung für Studierende im 2. Studienabschnitt und im Horizont forschenden, projektorientierten Lernens konzipiert. Die Vorarbeiten werden von Studierendengruppen der Partner geleistet, das IP sieht die Arbeit in national pluralen Kleingruppen vor. Für die Vorbereitung werden auch elearning-Module (Einführung in den europäischen Diskussionsstand zum Thema) entwickelt, die nach dem IP in überarbeiteter Form allgemein zugänglich sind. Bemerkenswert ist die Implementierung der europäischen Dimension im Horizont konfessioneller Religionslehrerausbildung, der konfessions- und in weiterer Folge religionsübergreifende Ansatz, die Entwicklung und Erprobung eines didaktisch innovativen Ausbildungsmoduls, wie religiöse Erziehung Rassismus und Intoleranz verhindert oder fördert. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÄT WIEN Dr. Karl Lueger Ring 1 AT-A-1010 WIEN Phone: +43 1 427718203 Fax: +43 1 42779182 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Maria SCHMIDT-DENGLER PARTNERS: • • • • • JIHOCESKÁ UNIVERZITA V CESKYCH BUDEJOVICICH, CESKE BUDEJOVICE, CZ STICHTING THEOLOGISCHE FACULTEIT TILBURG, TILBURG, NL KATOLISCHE FACHHOCHSCHULE FREIBURG, FREIBURG, DE SZEGEDI TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM, SZEGED, HU ARISTOTELEIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS, THESSALONIKI, GR GRANT AMOUNT: 22887 € APPROVED BUDGET: 33516 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 14-24/05/2007 2 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28545-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: NICLAS - New International Constitutional Law Approach Summer School on Freedom, Security & Justice SUBJECT AREA: INTERNATIONAL LAW DESCRIPTION: Kooperationen mit europäischen Hochschulen zur Etablierung innovativer, internationaler Ansätze in Forschung und Lehre stehen zentral im EPS der Universität Wien. Das Intensivprogramm NICLAS behandelt den 'Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts' (RFSR) der EU, ein Kernbereich der Europäischen Integration, aus dem interdisziplinären Blickwinkel des Internationalen Verfassungsrechts (ICL). Es richtet sich an Studierende und Lehrende der Rechts- und Politikwissenschaften sowie Einrichtungen im Nahbereich des europäischen Verfassungsgefüges. Losgelöst von der traditionellen Staatslehre untersucht ICL rechtsvergleichend Verfassungskonzepte jenseits nationalstaatlicher Grenzen, regionale und internationale Konstitutionalisierungsprozesse. Projektjahr 1 widmet sich in 4 Hauptmodulen dem Politikfeld der Sicherung der Freiheit der EU-Bürger in Beziehung zu den Grundfreiheiten der Wirtschaftsunion und den Grundfragen des ICL: - Freiheit und Demokratie Freiheit und Menschenrechte Freiheit und Governance Theorie und Methoden, Study Visits / Case Studies Studierende erwerben die Fähigkeit, Verfassungen und Konstitutionalisierungsprozesse in ihrem jeweiligen Kontext zu verstehen, kritisch zu analysieren und komplexe Rechtsfragen an der Schnittstelle mehrerer Rechtsordnungen zu lösen. Arbeitssprache ist Englisch. Das IP wird im Ausmaß von 6 ECTS-Credits angerechnet. Verbreitungs-, Valorisierungs- und Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen: - ICL-Onlinezeitschrift - Entwicklung eines E-Learning-Contents: frei zugängliche ODL-Materialien - Kooperationen mit außeruniversitären Forschungs- und Lehrnetzwerken und der Praxis - Thematisches Monitoring, interne Evaluierungsmaßnahmen (auch durch Studierende), externes Review-Team - Europass-Instrumente COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÄT WIEN Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring, 1 AT-1010 WIEN Phone: +43 1 427 71 82 03 Fax: +43 1 427 79 182 Email: CONTACT: Maria SCHMIDT-DENGLER PARTNERS: • • • • • • KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL, BRUSSEL, BE HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITAT ZU BERLIN, BERLIN, DE UNIVERSITE PANTHEON-SORBONNE (PARIS I), PARIS CEDEX 05, FR ÖSTERREICHISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN, WIEN, AT BRATISLAVSKA VYSOKA SKOLA PRAVA, BRATISLAVA, SK TC ISTANBUL KULTUR UNIVERSITESI, ISTANBUL, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 31281 € APPROVED BUDGET: 44708 € 3 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES 9-20/07/2007 ACTIVITY DURATION: REFERENCE: 28563-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: COSPI: Combating Obesity: Strategies for Prevention and Intervention SUBJECT AREA: MEDICINE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The obesity epidemic is one of the most serious health problems facing mankind. Of special concern is the increasing incidence of obesity in children and adolescents. An integrated multi-sectorial approach is an essential element for the development and implementation of effective prevention and intervention strategies. There is an urgent need for higher education and specialised training of multidisciplianry teams of health care professionals and scientists of different disciplines. The specific aims of the proposed IP are to organize and evaluate an intensive joint programme of study delivered in the form of a two-week intensive course. A balanced mixture of state-of-theart lectures, collaborative problem-based learning sessions, demonstrations of special cases, meet-the-professors sessions, and excursions to hospitals and laboratories will be implemented along with outcomes of the IP presented by the students. Target groups are highly motivated students of different disciplines including medicine, nutritional sciences, dietetics, sports sciences, psychology, and public health at the graduate and postgraduate level of the partner institutions. A major focus will be directed on academic recognition (5 ECTS credits) as well as on the evaluation and dissemination of the activities and outcome materials produced and implementation in curricula of the partner institutions. COORDINATOR: KARL-FRANZENS-UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ Schubertstrasse, 1 AT-8010 GRAZ Phone: +43 316 380 54 90 Fax: +43 316 380 98 57 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Brigitte WINKLHOFER-ROOB PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITÂET GRAZ, GRAZ, AT TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET GRAZ, GRAZ, AT MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITÂET WIEN, WIEN, AT UNIVERSITEIT GENT, GENT, BE UNIVERSITAET DUISBURG-ESSEN, ESSEN, DE FRIEDICH SCHILLER UNIVERSITAET JENA, JENA, DE LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITAET MUENCHEN INSTITUT FOR SYGDOMSFOREBYGGELSE, KØBENHAVN, DK UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI, TARRAGONA, ES UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA, ZARAGOZA, ES UNIVERSITE D'AUVERGNE, CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR CENTRE DE RECHERCHE EN NUTRITION HUMAINE RHÔNE-ALPES, LYON, FR UNIVERSITE PAUL SABATIER - TOULOUSE III, TOULOUSE CEDEX 4, FR MAGYAR DIETETIKUSOK ORSAGOS SZÖVETSEGE, BUDAPEST, HU PECSY TUDOMANYEGYETEM, PECS, HU VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA, PT KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, HUDDINGE, SE THE UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH, PLYMOUTH, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 56359 € APPROVED BUDGET: 78479 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 3-16/02/2007 4 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29267-IC-3-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: EUROMONT - Training on Landscape Modelling and Stakeholder Consultation in European Mountain Areas SUBJECT AREA: AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS DESCRIPTION: Das IP bietet eine vertiefende Ausbildung in Umweltanalyse, Umweltmodelling und Umweltmonitoring mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung der Gebirgsregionen Europas. Im ersten Teil des IP werden anhand von konkreten Fallbeispielen neueste Methoden der Modellierung auf der Landschaftsebene, der Fernerkundung und der Visualisierung von Landnutzungsänderungen im GIS dargestellt. Anschließend werden Indikatoren für die Nachhaltige Entwicklung des ländlichen Raumes erarbeitet. Im Rahmen eines Workshops werden unter Einsatz modernster Technologien (Planspiele, Modellierungs- und Visualisierungsverfahren) Szenarien und Umsetzungsstrategien entwickelt und mit Experten und Entscheidungsträgern in Form von Stakeholder Konsultationen eingehend analysiert. Das Kursprogramm stützt sich auf neueste Forschungsergebnisse der EU-Projekte ECOMONT, SUSTALP und CARBOMONT. Problemfälle und ''Erfolgsstories'' zur Nachhaltigen Entwicklung werden in Form von Exkursionen eingehend am praktischen Beispiel studiert. Der Kurs findet in den Spanischen Pyrenäen und am Instituto Pyrenaico de Ecologia in Jaca statt und richtet sich an Studierende des zweiten Studienabschnittes der Studienrichtungen Biologie, Ökologie, Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Landschaftsplanung und Umwelttechnik (Environmental Engineering). Nach erfolgreichem Abschluß des IP erhalten die Studierenden ein Zeugnis mit ECTSBewertung, das von allen am IP beteiligten Universitäten anerkannt wird. Weitere Informationen: COORDINATOR: LEOPOLD FRANZENS UNIVERSITAT INNSBRUCK Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse 3 AT-A-6020 INNSBRUCK Phone: +43 512 5072047 Fax: +43 512 507 29 73 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Michelle HELLER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITÄT BAYREUTH, BAYREUTH, DE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN, FREISING-WEIHENSTEPHAN, DE UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO, GRUGLIASCO, TORINO, IT UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TRENTO, TRENTO, IT UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN, ABERDEEN, UK UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA, LLEIDA, ES UNIVERSITÉ DE SAVOIE, CHAMBERY, FR UNIVERSIDADE DE EVORA, EVORA, PT UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA, HUESCA, ES UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA, LEGNARO, IT MENDLOVA ZEMDELSKA A LESNICKA UNIVERSITA, BRNO, CZ EESTI MAAULIKOOL, TARTU, EE FARMASIAN LAITOS, HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, HELSINKI, FI UNIVERZITA KONSTANTINA FILOZOFA V NITRE, NITRA, SK ARISTOTELEIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS, THESSALONIKI, GR LUNDS UNIVERSITET, LUND, SE SZENT ISTVÁN EGYETEM GODOLLO, GODOLLO, HU GRANT AMOUNT: 29400 € APPROVED BUDGET: 42200 € 5 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES 10-21/06/2007 ACTIVITY DURATION: REFERENCE: 29268-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-8 TITLE: ACEP - Analysis of Comparative Educational Policies SUBJECT AREA: EDUCATION, TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: The Intensive Programme 'Analysis of Comparative Educational Policies' (ACEP) is a highly relevant area within the education sector. The aim of this programme is to analyse educational policies in a comparative perspective in different countries with regard to recent changes, innovations, researches and future trends. Thus a concentration of available and scattered competencies will be performed (pooling of expertise). According to the strategies of the Lisbon Process aiming at the improvement of teacher education, the results of this intensive programme will be considered by all partner institutions by awarding 4 European credits to participants and implementing its outcome into the institutions' study programmes. The coordinating institution will take care of a content and learning management system (CLMS) in order to provide and offer materials from participating students and staff and consequently for all European educational institutions. COORDINATOR: PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DES BUNDES IN OBERÖSTERREICH Kaplanhofstr. 40 AT-4020 LINZ Phone: +43 732 74700 Fax: +43 732 771170 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Siegfried KIEFER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • HOGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, HAMAR, NO UNIVERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI KRAKOW, KRAKOW, PL VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, VILNIUS, LT LATVIAS UNIVERSITATE, RIGA, LV AKDENIZ ÜNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKÜLTESI, ANTALYA, TR PÄDAGOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZENTRALSCHWEIZ, ZUG, CH PEDAGOGIKO INSTITOUTO KIPROU, NICOSIA, CY GRANT AMOUNT: 40100 € APPROVED BUDGET: 57423 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 22/04/2007-02/05/2007 6 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29268-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-9 TITLE: SINEX - Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Education SUBJECT AREA: TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: It is important for teachers, teacher educators and researchers in the field of education to have an awareness of the extent of the various levels of inequity within their own country's and other European education systems, and the most effective strategies to challenge those inequities. This IP explores the concept of `social inclusion/exclusion', which has become important to governments within the European Union in recent years; and examines how it may be applied to education and teachers' work. The following case study may serve as an example for exclusion in education and requires effective strategies to combat inequities. In the case of the Austrian education system we can notice that the last PISA study (2003) showed that students with a migration background (1st, 2nd and 3rd generation) produced worse results than Austrian students. The difference to the German speaking Austrian students was about 60 points in all three areas (reading, mathematics and science), which means academically they were about 1.5 years behind Austrian students. Other PISA countries also showed gaps between native students and students with a different linguistic background, but in this respect Austria showed the biggest gap. Although the European Union exercises a full share of responsibilities (Treaty of Amsterdam 1999) and policies for the integration of immigrants are intended to help ensure equality and prevent racial or ethnic discrimination, it seems that some European countries are not very successful (see Eurydice: Integrating Immigrant Children into Schools in Europe) to do so. This IP aims to address both the need for a thorough exploration of what is meant by social inclusion/exclusion in education, and the isolation of teachers' students, by bringing together students from different countries to studying the issues together. The IP will also constitute a module in each of the participating institutions programme. COORDINATOR: PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DES BUNDES IN OBERÖSTERREICH Kaplanhofstrasse 40 AT-4020 LINZ Phone: +43 732 74700 Fax: +43 732 7470 3125 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Siegfried KIEFER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, RIGA, LV PÄDAGOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZENTRALSCHWEIZ, ZUG, CH HØGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, HAMAR, NO UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI, KRAKOW, PL UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, UMEÅ, SE MARY IMMACULATE COLLEGE, LIMERICK, IE UNIVERSITATEA BABES-BOLYAI, CLUJ-NAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO AKDENIZ UNIVERSITY, ANTALYA, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 44800 € APPROVED BUDGET: 63992 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 22/04/2007-02/05/2007 7 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29268-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-10 TITLE: Individuelle Mehrsprachigkeit in der Bildung (IMBILD) (Individual plurilinguism in Education) SUBJECT AREA: EDUCATION, TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: IMBILD versucht durch seinen multilingualen Ansatz (zukünftigen) SprachlehrerInnen gemäß dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen eine plurilinguale und plurikulturelle Kompetenz, die das Gesamte des zur Verfügung stehenden sprachlichen Repertoires umfasst, zu vermitteln. IMBILD ist in die Studienpläne der beteiligten Hochschulen integriert und wird ECTS-konform mit einem Minimum von 2.0 ECTSPunkten (bis maximal 7,5 ECTS) an allen teilnehmenden Hochschulen akademisch anerkannt. Komplementär zu den unmittelbaren Ergebnissen von IMBILD wird ein elektronisches Content and Learning Management System aufgebaut, das in der Folge sämtlichen europäischen Einrichtungen im Bereich der Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik und -forschung zur Verfügung gestellt werden kann. COORDINATOR: PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DES BUNDES IN OBERÖSTERREICH Kaplanhofstr. 40 AT-4020 LINZ Phone: +43 732 74700 Fax: +43 732 771170 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Siegfried KIEFER PARTNERS: • • • • • • LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, RIGA, LV UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI INSTYTUT PEDAGOGIKI, KRAKAU, PL UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, UMEÅ, SE PÄDAGOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZENTRALSCHWEIZ, ZUG, CH UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, MADRID, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 35000 € APPROVED BUDGET: 49772 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 22/04/2007-01/05/2007 8 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29268-IC-3-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: BASIC- Basic Skills of Intercultural Counselling SUBJECT AREA: EDUCATION, TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: Changes in today's society require school development and permanent innovations. Especially the school population is subject to alterations since our society is becoming more and more multicultural. This post-graduate programme offers counselling strategies and knowledge for teachers and colleagues involved in educational institutions. The aims of these courses are mainly to provide information about counselling basic skills, to train them and to discuss the attitudes for counselling and communication. The overall objective however is to raise awareness of different cultures, to learn about, respect them and to establish mechanisms for an intercultural dialogue. After completing the intensive programme the participants will be able to counsel students, colleagues and parents in multicultural affairs. Furthermore graduates will be able to set up innovations in a multicultural learning environment. The target groups are teachers and school staff. The teaching and learning methods are mainly workshops, case studies, practical exercises, simulating situations, making reports and portfolios. After completing the whole programme students will be awarded 5 credits. COORDINATOR: PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DES BUNDES IN OBERÖSTERREICH Kaplanhofstr. 40 AT-4020 LINZ Phone: +43 732 74700 Fax: +43 732 771170 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Siegfried KIEFER PARTNERS: • • • • • • AKDENIZ ÜNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKÜLTESI, ANTALYA, TR HOGESCHOOL VAN ARNHEM EN NIJMEGEN, NIJMEGEN, NL HOGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, HAMAR, NO UNIVERSIDAD DE MALAGA, MALAGA, ES LIEPAJAS PEDAGOGIJAS AKADEMIJA, LIEPAJA, LV UNIWERSYTET ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, KALISZ, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 44500 € APPROVED BUDGET: 63656 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 22/04/2007-02/05/2007 9 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29274-IC-2-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-19 TITLE: TFPC - Towards Fascinating Physics and Chemistry SUBJECT AREA: TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: Wirtschaft braucht Wissen, besonders Grundlagenwissen in den Naturwissenschaften. Alltag und Berufsleben der modernen Gesellschaft ist von Technik geprägt. Die historische Entwicklung einer Gesellschaft war und ist durch die Entwicklung und Optimierung von Formen der Energie und durch das Vorhandensein von Rohstoffen bestimmt. Dazu tritt immer stärker die Kommunikationstechnik in den Vordergrund. Dennoch zeigen alle Studien und zuletzt die ''PISA-Studie'' deutlich auf, dass national stark schwankend schwere Defizite auftreten. In vielen Ländern werden Physik und Chemie von den Schülern abgelehnt, während Biologie einen wesentlich höheren Grad an Akzeptanz aufweist. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass Begreifen, Verstehen und daraus der Aufbau einer Lösungskompetenz von Problemen, auch in Teamarbeit, gegenüber der tradierten Vermittlung abprüfbaren, wenn auch oft inhaltsleeren Wissens größere Präferenz aufweisen. Ziel ist die Implementierung einer Wissensvermittlung, die geeignet ist, unter gezielter Anwendung des Werkzeugs Computer Problemlösungskapazität durch Verstehen zu verstärken. Mathematisierung bedeutet eine Quantifizierung des Verstandenen. Wiederkehrende Aufgaben werden durch vor allem selbst erstellte Programme amComputer ausgeführt, der Computer dient auch als Datenspeicher, den zu beherrschen es gilt. Anwenderorientiert werden auch konkrete Bereiche im Sinne einer ''good practice'' erarbeitet und zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Partnerschaft erzielt damit ein Niveau an bleibendem Wissen, welches einen lebenslangen Lernprozess erst ermöglicht. COORDINATOR: PADAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DES BUNDES IN WIEN Ettenreichgasse 45 a AT-1100 WIEN Phone: +43 1 6029192 284 Fax: +43 1 6029192 284 Email: CONTACT: Renate NEUBURG PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DES BUNDES IN OBERÖSTERREICH, LINZ, AT JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO, JYVÄSKYLÄ, FI UNIVERSITATEA ''STEFAN CEL MARE'' SUCEAVA, SUCEAVA, RO EHSAL EUROPESE HOGESCHOOL BRUSSEL, BRUSSEL, BE PANEPISTIMIO PATRON, PATRAS, GR PANEPISTIMIO KRITIS, RETHYMNO, GR UNIVERZITA JANA EVANGELISTI PURKYNE V USTI NAD LABEM, USTI NAD LABEM, CZ PANEPISTIMIO KYPROU, NICOSIA, CY UNIWERSYTET MIKOLAJA KOPERNIKA, TORUN, PL MASARYK UNIVERSITY OF BRNO, BRNO, CZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY DRESDEN, DRESDEN, DE UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA, MSIDA, MT UNIVERSIDADE DO ALGARVE, FARO, PT UNIVERSITY OF MINHO, BRAGA, PT KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, KARLSTAD, SE UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI, HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI GRANT AMOUNT: 68400 € APPROVED BUDGET: 94550 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 29/05/2007-13/06/2007 10 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29283-IC-3-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: HPCEP- IP Basic, Developments, Research and Industrial Applications in High Pressure Chemical Engineering Processes SUBJECT AREA: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION: Europa war stets ein Vorreiter auf dem Gebiet der Hochdrucktechnik, aber zur Zeit sind die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten dieser Technologie zu wenig in den Universitäten was Forschung und Lehre betrifft eingebunden. Aber gerade in diesem Bereich findete eine enorme Wissensentwicklung statt. Das Ziel dieses Intensivprogrammes ist daher die Verbreitung des wissenschaftlichen und technischen Wissens bezüglich der diversen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Hochdruckprozessen in der Industrie. Standen noch vor Jahren die Untersuchungen der überkritischen Extraktion im Mittelpunkt der Forschung, so ist die Anzahl diesbezüglicher Publikationen stark zurückgegangen. Auf der anderen Seite werden aber gerade jetzt vermehrt neue Anlagen zur überkritischen Extraktion im industriellen Maßstab in Betrieb genommen. Grund dafür ist, dass die Grundlagen bis ins Detail erforscht wurden und jetzt zeitlich versetzt die Umsetzung erfolgt. Daher ist es für weitere Anwendungen der Hochdrucktechnologie unumgänglich, die Forschung auf den diversen Gebieten zu intensivieren, damit diese Potentiale genutzt und erarbeitet werden und in weiterer Folge ihre Umsetzung in der Industrie erfolgt. Der zweiwöchige Vollzeitkurs, der diplomierten Studierenden zugänglich ist, beinhaltet Vorlesungen, praktische Anwendungen, Übungen inklusive Computersimulationen, Gruppenarbeiten, Industriebesuche, eine Abschlußarbeit in Gruppen und eine Abschlussprüfung. Von der EFCE Working Party ''High Pressure Technology'' wurde im Juni 2004 festgelegt, dass für diesen Kurs 5 ECTS Credits vergeben werden und dafür werden neben der Abschlussprüfung auch einzelne Zwischenprüfungen abgehalten, um die einzelnen Studierenden besser beurteilen zu können. Die Ziele dieses Intensivkurses sind: a) Die teilnehmenden Studierenden zu Expert/innen im Bereich der praktischen Hochdruckanwendungen zu machen, damit sie eigenständige Forschung betreiben können. b) Wichtige wissenschaftliche Inhalte zu erarbeiten. c) Den Studierenden die Möglichkeit zu bieten mit den Vortragenden in Kontakt zu kommen um eventuelle Austauschprojekte zu besprechen. d) Den Kontakt zwischen den Vortragenden zu fördern und eventuelle gemeinsame Forschungprojekte zu besprechen bzw. zu installieren. e) Einen weltweiten Vorsprung Europas im Bereich der Hochdrucktechnologie zu erarbeiten. COORDINATOR: TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ Mandellstrasse 11/II AT-8010 GRAZ Phone: +43 316 873 6416 Fax: +43 316 873 6421 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Julia NIEHS PARTNERS: • • DSM, STEIN, NL HARROD RESEARCH AB, GOTHENBURG, SE 11 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE, BELGRADE, CS ECOLE DES MINES D'ALBI-CARMAUX, ALBI CEDES, FR TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DARMSTADT, DARMSTADT, DE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG-HARBURG, HAMBURG, DE UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID, VALLADOLID, ES INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE LYON, VILLEURBANNE, FR UNIVERSIDAD NOVA DE LISBOA, CAPARICA, PT UNIVERZA V MARIBORU, MARIBOR, SI THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, NOTTINGHAM, UK NATEX PROZESSTECHNOLOGIE GESMBH, TERNITZ, AT TECHNSCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT, DELFT, NL UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE, GLASGOW, UK EIDGENOSSISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZÜRICH, ZÜRICH, CH UNIVERSITEIT TWENTE, ENSCHEDE, NL BUDAPESTI MUSZAKI ÉS GAZDASÁGTUDOMÁNYI EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TRIESTE, TRIESTE, IT VYSOKÁ SKOLA CHEMICKO-TECHNOLOGICKÁ V PRAZE, PRAHA, CZ UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA, PADOVA, IT UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUÑA, BARCELONA, ES FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITÄT ERLANGEN-NÜRNBERG, ERLANGEN, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 56506 € APPROVED BUDGET: 78675 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01-14/07/2007 12 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29298-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Training in Advanced Remote Engineering Technologies (TARET) SUBJECT AREA: ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION: The main task of the project TARET is to provide three winter and summer schools to train students and teachers in several fields of ''Remote engineering''. The project is an integrated part of the 29298-IC-1-2004-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 project MARE and shall unite students and teachers from five or more European countries studying and working in the unique ''Remote Engineering'' study programme In Europe (the MARE curriculum) in several intensive on-site phases together. The use of virtual and remote laboratories and workplaces is one of the future directions for advanced teleworking/e working environments especially in engineering and science but also in all other fields of the society. This also would benefit people with special needs and people working from their home work. But all over the world there is a lack of specialists in this field and the number of needed specialists will dramatically increase in the next years. The general objective of the intensive programme is to provide a winter-school in ''Telerobotics'' and summer schools in ''Remote Applications'' and ''Mobile&Wireless Techniques'' as a part of the MARE curriculum. The goal is to mediate fundamentals, applications and experiences in this field of remote engineering by an interdisciplinary approach in combination with 'learning by doing' phases. In this way we promote transnational cooperation and exchanges between students and teachers of our universities, encourage efficient and multinational teaching of special topics, which could not be taught in this quality in the partner universities of the TARET project. COORDINATOR: FACHHOCHSCHULE TECHNIKUM KÄRNTEN Villacher Strasse 1 AT-9800 SPITTAL AN DER DRAU Phone: +43 4762 905 00 99 02 Fax: +43 4762 905 00 99 10 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Sabine BISTER PARTNERS: • • • • • BLEKINGE TEKNISKA HOGSKOLA, RONNEBY, SE UNIVERSITATEA ''TRANSILVANIA'' DIN BRASOV, BRASOV, RO TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT ILMENAU, ILMENAU, DE UNIVERZA V MARIBORU, MARIBOR, SI KHARKIV TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY "KHARKIV POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE" GRANT AMOUNT: 22350 € APPROVED BUDGET: 32800 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01-11/02/2007 13 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29312-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: Rhizotechnology for Enhancing Resource Efficiency in Low-input Farming SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: The proposed IP aims at high-quality training of PhD and advanced master students in designing rhizotechnologies for enhancing the resource acquisition efficiency of crops in low-input, and in particular, organic farming systems. A team of internationally recognised experts covering the highly multidisciplinary topic of R&D related to the development of rhizotechnologies and the underlying fundamentals of rhizosphere ecology will be involved in designing and teaching a summer course of 10 days duration. The course format is designed to foster active participation of the students in collaborative seminar work and related preparation of short papers, group presentations of their findings as well as a poster session dedicated to their own PhD research results. This is complemented by a series of introductory and in-depth lectures of the involved experts, related practical training in experimental and modelling methods, and excursions deemed to demonstrate practical aspects of low-input farming and provide opportunities for networking with organisations engaged in extension work with farmers and companies associated with the development or use of rhizotechnologies. The proposed IP is designed to apply a range of pedagogical and didactic approaches with emphasis on problem-based learning, stressing the multidisciplinarity of the topic in all components of the course. The course will be monitored and evaluated according to the standard procedures of the Euroleague for Life Sciences Universities (ELLS), and standard procedures and forms of this network will be also used for the selection of students. The course is deemed to contribute to the development of the European Research Area in accordance with the Bologna process with the aim to build a new generation of excellency in the field of this IP. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN Peter Jordan Strasse 82a AT-1190 WIEN Phone: +43 1 47654 2601 Fax: +43 1 47654 2606 Email: CONTACT: Peter-Margarita CALDERÓN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE AGRONOMIQUE DE MONTPELLIER ENSAM, MONTPELLIER CEDEX 1, FR MARTIN-LUTHER-UNIVERSITÄT HALLE-WITTENBERG, HALLE, DE SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, UPPSALA, SE UNIVERSITÄT HOHENHEIM, STUTTGART, DE CESKA ZEMEDELSKA UNIVERZITA V PRAZE, PRAHA 6 - SUCHDOL, CZ MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA TALAJTANI ES AGROKEMIAI KUTATOINTEZET, BUDAPEST, HU NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH, NEUHERBERG, DE FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FÜR BIOLOGISCHEN LANDBAU, FRICK, CH GRANT AMOUNT: 30194 € APPROVED BUDGET: 43592 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 25/06/2007-04/07/2007 14 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29312-IC-2-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: VITA NOVA Nachhaltiges Entwicklungskonzept im Stift Zwettl SUBJECT AREA: ARCHITECTURE, URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING DESCRIPTION: The European monasteries are largely enclosed places which are forming an architectural unit in a spiritual context with the church, the buildings and the open spaces. Concerning about new activities in the monastery, it is necessary to create new ideas for developing necessary economic, ecological and technical activities in the future. In cooperation with students from the Danubian countries and experts from science, administration and the church we were developing new concepts for the monastery of Stift Zwettl in Austria. Within the Intensive program the students were working on projects like regional development, restoring old buildings for new functions and collecting data for future economic activities. The 'vita nova' project in Zwettl will establish a sustainable support and mobilise authorities and regional actors to a committed and effective involvement for developing new concepts for the monastery. It is also intended to transfer the results to other countries of the Danubian region. As a second step we are working on a follow up project which will take place in Bulgaria. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN Peter Jordan Strasse 82a AT-1190 WIEN Phone: +431 47654 2601 Fax: +431 47654 2606 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Margarita CALDERON-PETER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • FACHHOCHSCHULE WEIHENSTEPHAN, FREISING, DE UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU, BEOGRAD, CS ZENTRUM FÜR UMWELT-UND NATURSCHUTZ, WIEN, AT LESOTEHNITCHESKI UNIVERSITET, SOFIA, BG SLOVENSKÁ TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA V BRATISLAVE, BRATISLAVA, SK FAKULTA ARCHITEKTURY, STU BRATISLAVA SLOVENSKO, BRATISLAVA, SK KATHOLISCH-THEOLOGISCHE PRIVATUNIVERSITÄT LINZ, LINZ, AT PHILOSOPHISCH-THEOLOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE BENEDIKTBEUERN, BENEDIKTBEUERN, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 19646 € APPROVED BUDGET: 28862 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 8-23/07/2007 15 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29312-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-5 TITLE: ENVIROHORT Environmental Horticulture SUBJECT AREA: HORTICULTURE DESCRIPTION: This Intensive Programme aims at integrating fundamentals of ecology, technology and economy of modern horticultural production chains, sustainable landscaping and forestry (integrated in horticulture in candidate countries). Emphasis is put on the role of efficient, sustainable, socially and environmentally responsible production to ensure fresh food supply security, safety and quality at regional, national and European scale. University scientists from candidate countries, scientists from the international Master's 'Horticultural Science' and experts in horticulture are organized to educate, train and transfer individual expertise: horticultural plant production, cultivation practices, organic growing, sustainable and efficient use of resources, quality management. This includes new technologies, technological and methodological approaches to cope with the rapidly developing 'quality demands', quality assessment and assurance (fruits, vegetables, ornamentals). Theory and practical work offer students deep insights into processes of horticultural production and marketing. Especially addressed will be the economic and ecological effects of horticulture for developed and currently fast-growing European regions, fitting to the special needs of involved candidate countries. Furthermore gender issues, economy for horticulture, introductory landscaping and sustainable tourism, planting-design of gardens and public green will complete the programme of the IP 'Environmental Horticulture'. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN Peter-Jordan Strasse, 82a AT-1190 WIEN Phone: + 43 1 47654 2601 Fax: + 43 1 47654 2606 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Margarita CALDERON-PETER PARTNERS: • • • • • • UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRICOLE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA DIN CLUJNAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO LESOTEHNITCHESKI UNIVERSITET, SOFIA, BG ALMA MATER STUDIORUM UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA, BOLOGNA, IT TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN, FREISING, DE HUMBOLD UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN, BERLIN, DE SELÇUK UNIVERSITESI ZIRAAT FAKULTESI KONYA TURKIYE, SELCUKLU KONYA, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 31962 € APPROVED BUDGET: 45950 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 9-19/07/2007 16 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29312-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-7 TITLE: Responsible Use of Soil and Land and Regional Development SUBJECT AREA: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: Our common soils are 'par excellence' very important for sustainable development, ever since the World Summit for Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, where Agenda 21 was adopted and the Framework Convention on Climate Change was signed. The trend towards uncontrolled sealed surfaces and damage of an asset that is extremely short and cannot be reproduced is continuing. The targeted reduction in the growth rate of permanently sealed surfaces is to be achieved by looking for concrete measures and solutions. The aims of this project are to co-operate in the development of measures against uncontrolled sealing and damage of soil and land. We want to work on concepts for solving these complex problems in cooperation with graduate students and Ph.D. students from nine Danubian countries (DE, AT, HU, SK, BG, SI, YU, CZ) and also representatives of science and political administration. The project is organised in three parts. First we want to analyse the impact of the threats related to soil and show actual trends in land use. Secondly, within a future search workshop in Neusiedl am See we will develop operational procedures and work on action plans for responsible use of soil and resource-sparing regional development. Finally, the result of this process will be a development concept as a starting point for a 'learning region' in the Danubian space. This means, we have to create awareness among all the stakeholders in the region for a responsible use of our soils and by learning from each other more and more. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN Peter Jordan Strasse 82a AT-1190 WIEN Phone: +43 1 47654 2601 Fax: +43 1 47654 2606 Email: CONTACT: Margarita CALDERON-PETER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • LESOTEHNITCHESKI UNIVERSITET, SOFIA, BG BUDAPESTI CORVINUS EGYETEM, KERTESZETTUDOMANYI KAR, OKOLOGIAI ES FENNTARTHATO GAZDALKODASI RENDSZEREK TANSZEK, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI SZENT ISTVÁN EGYETEM, GÖDÖLLÖ, HU SLOVAK TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, BRATISLAVA, SK FAKULTA ARCHITEKTURY, STU BRATISLAVA SLOVENSKO, BRATISLAVA, SK FACHHOCHSCHULE DEGGENDORF, DEGGENDORF, DE MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA V BRNE, BRNO, CZ UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU, BEOGRAD, CS SUMY NATIONAL AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY, UA GRANT AMOUNT: 22825 € APPROVED BUDGET: 33100 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 18-29/03/2007 17 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29320-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-9 TITLE: ENERegion - Regional Potentials for Renewable Energy Generation SUBJECT AREA: REGIONAL PLANNING DESCRIPTION: The Intensive Programme (IP) ENERegion - Regional Potentials for Renewable Energy Generation will focus on modelling the potential for renewable sources on a regional scale in Europe, i.e. for regional planning between the community and provincial levels. Target groups are postgraduate and doctoral students from the partner institutions in the fields of regional planning, geography, and natural sciences. Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of GIS. Participants will learn methods and techniques to assess regional potentials for solar energy, biomass production, wind energy and hydropower. Based on tools from spatial analysis and advanced modelling techniques participants will be introduced into physical and technical backgrounds, and then focus on sophisticated methods for the assessment of regional renewable energy potentials. The demand side of (primarily electrical) energy will be modelled based on demographic and regional economic indicators. Balancing regional demand and generation of potentials are the prime targets. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÄT SALZBURG Kapitelgasse 4-6 AT-5020 SALZBURG Phone: +43 662 80442040 Fax: +43 662 8044154 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Markus BAYER PARTNERS: • • • • • UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA, GIRONA, ES VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT AMSTERDAM, BT AMSTERDAM, NL NYUGAT-MAGYARORSZAGI EGYETEM, SOPRON, HU MENDELOVA ZEMEDELSKA A LESNICKA UNIVERZITA V BRNE, BRNO, CZ UNIWERSYET JAGIELLONSKI, KRAKOW, KRAKOW, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 19233 € APPROVED BUDGET: 28644 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 08-19/07/2007 18 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29320-IC-3-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-8 TITLE: Europäisches Privatrecht SUBJECT AREA: LAW DESCRIPTION: Das IP soll eine Einführung in die Rechtssysteme von Belgien / Luxemburg, Deutschland, England, Frankreich, Griechenland, Italien, Österreich, Niederlande, Portugal, Schottland, Schweden, Spanien, Estland, Polen, Slowenien, der Tschechischen Republik und Ungarn geben. Als zukünftiges EU Mitglied soll das rumänische System dargstellt werden. Dabei soll einführend der Aufbau der Rechtsordnung und die Dimension der jeweiligen Rechtskulturen sowie die Organisation der Gerichtsbarkeit geboten werden. Darauf aufbauend sollen die wichtigsten Aspekte des Privatrechtes und des Prozessrechtes behandelt werden. Während des IP 2006/07 soll paradigmatisch die Eigentumsübertragung und die Leistungsstörungen in den einzelnen Rechtsordnungen gelehrt werden. Über die Einführung in eine so große Anzahl von Rechtsordnungen soll auf dem Wege rechtsvergleichender Betrachtungen verdeutlicht werden, wo die Unterschiede, die Ähnlichkeiten und die Gemeinsamkeiten dieser Rechtsordnungen festzustellen sind. Auf dieser Grundlage, insbesondere auch auf der historischen Rechtsvergleichung, sollen die Möglichkeiten einer gesamteuropäischen Rechtsvereinheitlichung aufgezeichnet werden. Dabei spielen auch die Entwicklungen im Gemeinschaftsrecht eine große Rolle. Die historischen Grundlagen, vornehmlich auf der Basis des römischen Rechtes, die Einführungen in die jeweiligen gegenwärtigen Rechtsordnungen, die Rechtsvergleichung, das Europäische Gemeinschaftsrecht und die Rechtsvereinheitlichung sind die fünf tragenden Säulen des Europäischen Privatrechts. COORDINATOR: PARIS LODRON UNIVERSITÄT SALZBURG Kapitelgasse 4-6 AT-5020 SALZBURG Phone: +43 662 80442040 Fax: +43 662 8044154 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Markus BAYER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI, KRAKÓW, PL PRAVNA FAKULTETA / UNIVERZE V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI UNIVERSITÄT MÜNSTER, MÜNSTER, DE PAZMANY PÉTER KATOLIKUS EGYETEM/UNIVERSITY, BUDAPEST 8 PF.6, HU UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID, VALLADOLID, ES TARTU ÜLIKOOL, TARTU, EE ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM, ROTTERDAM, NL UNIVERSITÉ JEAN MONNET ST. ETIENNE, SAINT-ETIENNE CEDEX 2, FR UNIVERSITY OF EXETER, EXETER, UK UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA, PADOVA, IT GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, GÖTEBORG, SE UNIVERSITÉ DU PÉLOPONNESE, TRIPOLIS, GR PRAVNICKA FAKULTA UNIVERZITY KARLOVY V PRAZE, PRAHA 1, CZ UNIVERSITATEA ''BABES-BOLYAI'' DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI ROMA TRE, ROMA, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 33200 € APPROVED BUDGET: 53600 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 3-17/09/2007 19 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 61955-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Central and South Eastern European Management SUBJECT AREA: BUSINESS STUDIES, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: Um ihrem Leitgedanken 'Studieren auf europäischem Niveau' gerecht zu werden, wird der studentischen Mobilität an der FH des bfi Wien höchste Priorität gegeben. Deshalb wird die Schaffung eines europaweiten Netzwerkes und eine intensive und nachhaltige Zusammenarbeit mit europäischen Universitäten angestrebt. Im Rahmen des beantragten Intensivprogramms (IP) soll an der Fachhochschule des bfi Wien im August 2007 eine internationale Summer School durchgeführt werden. Die Teilnahme am IP 'Central and South Eastern European Management' steht allen Studierenden des Projektkonsortiums offen. Die BewerberInnen müssen im Rahmen ihres bisherigen Wirtschaftsstudiums mindestens 60 ECTS-Credits akkumuliert haben. Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch. Die Summer School umfasst 4 Module: "Central and South Eastern European Economics", "Political Systems of Central and South Eastern Europe", "European Business Law" und "Business Game". Weiters: "Kaminabende mit ExpertInnen", "2 Exkursionen nach Györ/Ungarn und Brno/Tschechische Republik", "2 Firmenbesuche in Wien" und "kulturelles Rahmenprogramm wie Museumsbesuch, 'European Aperitif" Der Unterricht wird gefilmt und in der Folge allen Partnerhochschulen zugeschickt. Ferner ist die Erstellung einer Homepage geplant, über die neben einer ausführlichen Dokumentation des gesamten IP auch sämtliche für das Programm entwickelten Unterrichtsmaterialien und die Filmaufnahmen öffentlich zugänglich sind. Studierende werden zur Nutzung des Europasses angeregt, um die erworbenen Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse objektiv darzustellen. COORDINATOR: FACHHOCHSCHULE DES BFI WIEN Wohlmutstrasse 22 AT-1020 WIEN Phone: 43 1 720 12 86 70 Fax: 43 1 720 12 86 19 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Ilse SCHINDLER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • KATHOKLIEK HOGESCHOOL LEUVEN, DEPARTEMENT LERARENOPLEIDONG, HEVERLEE, BE UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN, ANTWERPEN, BE FACHHOCHSCHULE AACHEN, AACHEN, DE HOGESCHOOL WINDESHEIM, ZWOLLE, NL ARCADA-NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHOGSKOLA, HELSINKI, FI MENDELOVA ZEMEDELSKA A LESNICKA UNIVERSITA V BRNE, BRNO, CZ ÁLTALÁNOS VÁLLALKOZÁSI FÖISKOLA, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA DI TIMISOARA, TIMISOARA, RO IZMIR EKONOMI UNIVERSITESI, BALCOVA-IZMIR, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 29419 € APPROVED BUDGET: 42226 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 06-17/08/2007 20 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 217372-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: STREET LIFE: Social Work and the Homeless SUBJECT AREA: SOCIAL WORK DESCRIPTION: Zielsetzungen: Soziale Arbeit als Profession und Disziplin ist laufend gefordert, neue Bedarfslagen zu benennen und Lösungsvarianten zu erarbeiten, um möglichst vielen Menschen soziale Partizipation zu ermöglichen. Die europäische Sozialarbeits-Ausbildung thematisiert und beforscht diese Bedarfslagen, initiiert und erprobt neue Formen der Kooperation auf Ausbildungs- und Praxisebene, um für ungelöste Problemstellungen (Bsp. Wohnungslosigkeit) adäquate Lösungen zu finden. Die Soziale Arbeit ist weiters gefordert, ihr Tätigkeitsprofil einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit gegenüber darzulegen. Konkretes Projektziel ist die Förderung der sozialen Inklusion besonders gefährdeter Personen (Bsp. wohnungslose Menschen) sowie der interkulturellen Kompetenz von Studierenden der Sozialarbeit. Zielgruppe/n: Die soziale Lage besonders vulnerabler und von Armut betroffenen Personengruppen (deren Lebensraum grossteils die Strasse ist) erfordert eine intensive Kooperation auf Ausbildungs-, Praxis- und Forschungsebene. Die einzelnen Staaten der Partnerhochschulen sind in unterschiedlicher Form davon betroffen. Hauptaktivitäten: - Vor dem IP: Hochschulen mit je 7 Studierenden und 1 DozentIn erarbeiten die eigene Länderperspektive anhand einer vergleichenden Case Study. - Beim IP in Debrecen/Ungarn: Austausch/Vergleich der Ergebnisse (Studierendenpräsentationen), Impulsreferate von ExpertInnen zu unterschiedlichen Aspekten wohnungsloser Menschen; länderspezifische Kleingruppenarbeit, Agency Visits und Expertinnen-Interviews mit PraktikerInnen der Sozialarbeit Erwartete Ergebnisse: - Vor/während IP: Handouts und Videos der Studierenden, Glossar (mit wichtigsten Fachterimini in den Sprachen der teilnehmenden Länder) - Nach dem IP: gemeinsame Publikation, Summaries auf den websites der 7 teilnehmenden Hochschulen, Artikel in Fachjournalen COORDINATOR: FH CAMPUS WIEN Daumegasse 3 AT-1100 WIEN Phone: +43 1 6066877 100 Fax: +43 1 6066877 109 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Manfred TEINER PARTNERS: • • • • • • TRNAVSKA UNIVERZITA, FAKULTA ZDRAVOTNICTVA A SOCIALNEJ PRACE, TRNAVA, SK KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS, LT DEBRECENI EGYETEM EGESZEGUGYI FOISKOLAI KAR, DEBRECEN, HU GEORG SIMON OHM FACHHOCHSCHULE, NÜRNBERG, DE INSTITUUT VOOR SOCIAL WORK DE HORST-HOGESCHOOL UTRECHT, AMERSFOORT, NL HACETTEPE UNIVERSITESI SOSYAL HIZMETLER YUKSEKOKULU, ANKARA, TR 21 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRANT AMOUNT: 36780 € APPROVED BUDGET: 52334 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 17-26/03/2007 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES 22 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 224798-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Moving Music SUBJECT AREA: MUSIC AND MUSICOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Die Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität (KWPU) initiiert gemäß den Intentionen ihres European Policy Statements ein Kooperationsprojekt mit europäischen Partneruniversitäten. Ziel ist die Erschließung europäischer Zeitgenössischer Musik durch Kompositionsaufträge, die Erarbeitung der Werke im Studium, die Einstudierung im Rahmen einer zweiwöchigen Studienphase sowie die Durchführung von Workshops und Seminaren, die das erarbeitete reflektieren. Die KWPU tritt als veranstaltende Universität auf und lädt Studierende und Lehrende der Partneruniversitäten zur Realisierung ein. Das Projekt umfasst zwei Schwerpunkte: erste, die Schaffung und Realisierung zeitgenössischer europäischer Werke. Die Komposition der Werke wird an den Universitäten vor Ort stattfinden, Einstudierung und Aufführung erfolgen in einer zweiwöchigen Studienphase an der KWPU. Die zweite Projektebene dient der gemeinsamen reflexiven Aufarbeitung der aus der Schaffung und der praktischen Realisierung der Werke gewonnen Erfahrung. Der status quo der Zeitgenössischen Musik innerhalb Europas soll auf zwei Ebenen definiert werden: - Aktuelle Ausprägung der kompositorischen Ästhetik und Stilistik der Zeitgenössischen Musik in den verschiedenen Teilnehmerstaaten, deren Entwicklung nach dem 2. Weltkrieg und die daraus resultierenden Konsequenzen für die regionale Entwicklung der Zeitgenössischen Musik bei gleichzeitiger Erforschung der Unterschiedlichkeiten und der Ursachen in den Teilnehmerstaaten. - Die Bedeutung der Zeitgenössischen Musik im aktuellen kulturellen sowie gesellschaftlichen Umfeld des jeweiligen Teilnehmerstaates bei gleichzeitiger Erforschung der Unterschiedlichkeiten und der diesbezüglichen Ursachen innerhalb Europas. Die Ergebnisse werden auf internationaler Ebene über CD- und Webpräsentation kommuniziert. COORDINATOR: KONSERVATORIUM WIEN PRIVATUNIVERSITÄT Johannesgasse 4a AT-1010 WIEN Phone: +43 1 512 77 47 89364 Fax: +43 1 512 77 47 79 13 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Eduard STAUDECKER PARTNERS: • • • • • • GRANT AMOUNT: APPROVED BUDGET: UNIVERSITATEA NATIONALA ''I.L. CARAGIALE'' DIN BUCURESTI, BUCURESTI, RO HOCHSCHULE FUR MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE KUNST FRANFURT AM MAIN, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, DE IONIO UNIVERSITY, CORFU, GR GRIECHISCHE KULTURSTIFTUNG BERLIN, BERLIN, DE MIMAR SINAN GÜZEL SANATLAR ÜNIVERSITESI, ISTANBUL, TR DARJAVNA MUSIKALNA AKADEMIA ''PANCHO VLADIGEROV'', SOFIA, BG 24846 € 35795 € 23 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ACTIVITY DURATION: ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES 17-27/09/2007 24 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 227426-IC-1-2005-1-AT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: HEMARD: Higher Education Management and Regional Development SUBJECT AREA: EDUCATION, TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: More recently in European countries in the area of higher education management a number of new study programmes have been established. There are still missing short international programmes dedicated to specific topics which are important and have a high actuality in the development of Higher Education and the EU. Especially the relationship between universities and their regions are not subjects as a learning objective in programmes as well as for the institutional understanding of the role for higher education and regional development. Particular attention is paid to the HEIs' involvement in the regional growth partnerships. The main thematic area of the programme is the improvement of the relationship between HEIs and their regions through the development and professionalization of HEmanagement. In general focus the programme on regional growth partnerships and agreements, the role of higher education institutions in regional policy both as an instrument of regional policy and as a regional stakeholder, relevant charges in higher education management by using attending classes as well as e-Learning activities. The IP programme would be a part in the teaching programmes of the partners. COORDINATOR: DONAU-UNIVERSITÄT- KREMS Dr. Karl Dorrek-Straße 30 AT-3500 KREMS Phone: +43 2732 893 2287 Fax: +43 2732 893 4280 Email: CONTACT: Viviana MUNGUIA MONTERROSO PARTNERS: • • • • • • TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO, TAMPERE, FI SZÉCHENYI ISVAN EGYETEM, GYÖR, HU ALPEN-ADRIA UNIVERSITÄT KLAGENFURT, KLAGENFURT, AT UMEA UNIVERSITET, UMEA, SE ECOPLUS NIEDERÖSTERREICHS WIRTSCHAFTSAGENTUR GMBH, WIEN, AT UNIVERSIDADE POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA, VALENCIA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 19558 € APPROVED BUDGET: 29077 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 25/06/2007-04/07/2007 25 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27866-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: Security in an information society SUBJECT AREA: INFORMATICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: We live in an age where information-technology and communication are very important. Hence securing these concepts as vital to our society. The concrete application would be applied in the field of security, namely security threats and assets, forensics and fraud detection. Students in information technology with background knowledge in operating systems and networking are the target audience. The main activities would be in the area of prevention, detection and investigation. As ICT has a meaning of its own in each country it is important to compare the different views and perspectives. So the different approaches to security in the different countries will be compared to come to a common consensus of what is a good working security practice. Using this consensus the students will work on a forensics case and in this process they will discuss and set the limits of what is ethical; which can be quite different depending on the cultural background of the student. As expected output the students should be able to use and report on the consensus working practice. COORDINATOR: HOGESCHOOL LIMBURG Universitaire Campus-Gebouw H BE-3590 DIEPENBEEK Phone: +32 1126 0046 Fax: +32 1126 0055 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Nicole DEKELVER PARTNERS: • • • • • WYZSZA SZKOLA ZARZADZANIA I ADMINISTRACJI, ZAMOSC, PL KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL LEUVEN, LEUVEN (HEVERLEE), BE UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO/ EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA, VITORIA-GASTEIZ, ES YASAR ÜNIVERSITESI, IZMIR, TR ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE TECNOLOGIA DE SETUBAL, SETUBAL, PT GRANT AMOUNT: 23569 € APPROVED BUDGET: 33259 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 17-26/04/2007 26 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27876-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-12 TITLE: New Fuels and Drive Systems in Vehicules SUBJECT AREA: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION: In our Western world life without cars is almost unthinkable, but life in an unhealthy environment is unbearable. Cars are one of our worst polluters and furthermore we are running out of resources. Measurements have already been taken to construct more environmentally friendly cars, but for the moment we do not know the full impact that the future alternative fuels will have upon the performance of the cars and upon the environment. Those alternative fuels and the appropriate design changes of the car construction and their impact on the environment are the topic of the IP "New Fuels and Drive Systems in Vehicles." In the IP 04 - 05 students and staff from 10 different universities in Europe were trying to explore the state of art of design changes in the construction of cars, so that they can run on more environmentally friendly fuels and drives such as HYDROGEN, CNG+LPG, BIODIESEL, ELECTRIC DRIVE - FUEL CELLS AND HYBRID CARS. In the second phase of the IP (05-06) an improved version of the lectures will be offered to the students of 10 different universities. The adaptation of the lectures will be based on the evaluation results of the previous year. Also the video taped practicals made in 04 - 05 will be used. Furthermore, a new topic will be added to the IP. Whereas in 04 05 we were focusing on alternative fuels and design changes in cars, this year's IP will also cover the "Infrastructure" issue (e.g. filling stations, fuel distribution, etc.). Like in 04 -05, the lectures will be supported by practicals, a workshop and company visits. The students will work individually as well as in teams. During the workshop they will have to tackle some problems and the results will be presented by means of PowerPoint presentations. The courses will be available in paper format, on the project website and on CD-ROM. COORDINATOR: KAREL DE GROTE HOGESCHOOL, KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL ANTWERPEN Van Schoonbekestraat, 143 BE-2018 Antwerpen Phone: +32 3 820 67 18 Fax: +32 3 828 57 49 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Sofie KROL PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • FH JOANNEUM GESELLSCHAFT MBH, GRAZ, AT HAUTE ECOLE PAUL-HENRI SPAAK, BRUSSELS, BE FACHHOCHSCHULE KÖLN, KÖLN, DE TALLINNA TEHNIKAKORGKOOL, TALLINN, EE TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULOU - TURKU POLYTECHNIC, TURKU, FI TECHNOLOGIKO EKPEDEFTIKO IDRIMA – THESSALONIKIS, THESSALONIKI, GR POLITECHNA RADOMSKA IM K.PULASKIEGO, RADOM, PL POLITECHNIKA WROCLAWSKA, WROCLAW, PL INSTITUTO POLTIECNO DO PORTO - INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE ENGENHARIA, PORTO, PT KADIRFCMWXKMQSDKDLQ, ISTANBUL, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 38984 € APPROVED BUDGET: 55312 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 19-29/03/2007 27 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27880-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Observatoire Europeen De L'objet (Three Annual Phases) SUBJECT AREA: ART AND DESIGN DESCRIPTION: L'Observatoire européen de l'Objet a l'ambition de créer une situation innovante dans la pédagogie du design: un espace expérimental de réflexion et de production d'objets. En réunissant enseignants, étudiants et professionnels de différents pays européens autour d'un projet, nous choisissons de mêler les observations et les situations locales, pour tenter d'ouvrir sur de nouvelles pratiques du design d'objets, désinhibées du marché et socialement engagées. Les objectifs principaux sont: - La recherche d'une éthique et l'établissement au sein de la profession de designer de valeurs fondamentales: écologie, durabilité, éducation, solidarité, rituels de culture etc. - Une nouvelle forme d'intégration par la mise en place de groupes de travail mixtes et pluridisciplinaires à partir de groupes arrivant déjà mixtes de leur propre pays. - L'apprentissage des langues, voire l'apprentissage et l'invention d'autres moyens de communication, mêlant nouvelles technologies et techniques plus archaïques, préfigurant les groupes de travaux européens de demain. - La recherche d'une pédagogie d'anticipation préoccupée des questions économiques et sociales, et du contexte global dans lequel les futurs designers européens devront exercer leur métier. L'observatoire est programmé sur une période de trois années. Chaque session (annuelle) se déroule dans une ville différente, avec de nouveaux étudiants. Les professeurs assurent la continuité du projet. La première session s'est déroulée à Venise en janvier 2006. COORDINATOR: ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES ARTS VISUELS DE LA CAMBRE Abbaye de la Cambre 21 BE-1000 BRUXELLES Phone: +32 2 626 17 80 Fax: +32 2 640 96 93 Email: CONTACT: Félix D'HAESELEER PARTNERS: • • • GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART, GLASGOW, UK UNIVERSITA IUAV VENEZIA, VENEZIA, IT ECOLE NATIONNALE DES CRÉATIONS INDUSTRIELLES/ LES ATELIERS, PARIS, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 22140 € APPROVED BUDGET: 32862 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 15-25/01/2007 28 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27910-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-34 TITLE: Renewable Biomaterials SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: The use of renewable bioresources for the production of biomaterials and biofuels is essential for the sustainable development for technological production and processes. This industrial evolution is connected with the environmental policy and the European agricultural policy emphasizing integral valorization of agricultural and bioproducts. The production of renewable biomaterials and biofuels involves a multidisciplinary interaction between agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, chemistry, biotechnology, environmental sciences and marketing. Due to the fact that modules dealing with renewable biomaterials are not available in the majority of study programmes at MSc-level the aim of this IP is to provide a detailed overview of the production chain starting from the primary production of raw materials, processing into materials and environmental and consumer perception of biomaterials and biofuels. The course is academically recognized for 5 ECTS and is an integral part of the study programme of the attending students. The programme involves taught courses, seminars, group work and industrial visits. The output of the IP involves the distribution of a textbook, printed study material, elearning material and ODL and a scientific publication. In view of the rapid changing agricultural development for non-food use, especially the new or future members of the EU will benefit from this organisation. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT GENT Onderbergen, 4-a-c BE-9000 GENT Phone: +32 9 2648237 Fax: +32 9 2648399 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Luc FRANCOIS PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FACULTÉ UNIVERSITAIRE DES SCIENCES AGRONOMIQUES DE GEMBLOUX, GEMBLOUX, BE UNIVESITÄT FUR BODENKULTUR WIEN, WIEN, AT JUSTUS-LIEBIG UNIVERSITAT GIESSEN, GIESSEN, DE WESTFÄLISCHE WILHELMS-UNIVERSITÄT MÜNSTER, MÜNSTER, DE INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE TOULOUSE, TOULOUSE CEDEX 4, FR BUDAPESTI CORVINUS EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS, LT WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT, WAGENINGEN, NL SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO, WARSZAWA, PL UNIVERSITY OF WALES, BANGOR, BANGOR, UK UNIVERSITY OF YORK, YORK, UK INSTITUT NATIONAL AGRONOMIQUE PARIS-GRIGNON, PARIS, FR UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRICOLE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA DIN CLUJNAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECÎBAS UNIVERSITÂTE, JELGAVA, LV UNIVERZA V MARIBORU, MARIBOR, SI AKADEMIA ROLNICZA WE WROCLAWIU, WROCLAW, PL 29 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 • • • • • • • • ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES ISTANBUL TEKNIK ÜNIVERSITESI, ISTANBUL, TR TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN, FREISING - WEIHENSTEPHAN, DE UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE, LILLE, FR UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT, UTRECHT, NL HELSINGIN KOULUTUS- JA KEHITTÄMISKESKUS PALMENIA, VANTAA, HELSINKI, FI UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA, VALENCIA, ES ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE AGRONOMIQUE DE RENNES, RENNES, FR KARL-FRANZENS-UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ, GRAZ, AT GRANT AMOUNT: 48162 € APPROVED BUDGET: 67550 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01-13/07/2007 30 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27910-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-38 TITLE: Food and Health SUBJECT AREA: FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Consumers are concerned about the influence of food safety on health. New developments in new technologies, novel and functional food, changing diets and new insights in nutrition have a great influence on the consumption of healthy food. The objective of the IP ''Food and Health'' is the creation of a multidisciplinary approach in relation to food processing and technology, product development, food safety and quality, nutrition, diet and food consumption. Especially the interaction food-productionconsumption-health is a unique entry in this topic. The course is organized in the framework of a European Doctoral School with doctoral students as the target group. The course is academically recognized by all partners and 7 ECTS are awarded to this IP. The credits and the marks are an integral part of the study programme of the students. The IP will be disseminated in the form of printed teaching material, distribution of CD-Rom, ODL and presentation in scientific publications and meetings. There is a growing support and interest for doctoral and/or postgraduate schools in specific fields especially in the new and future members of the EU. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT GENT Onderbergen, 4-a-c BE-9000 GENT Phone: +32 9 2648237 Fax: +32 9 2648399 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Luc FRANCOIS PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA, MURCIA, ES OXFORD BROOKES UNIVERSITY, OXFORD, UK KAUNAS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY- FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCEINSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES, KAUNAS, LT SLOVENSKA POLNOHOSPODARSKA UNIVERZITA, NITRA, SK HAROKOPIO UNIVERSITY, KALITTHEA, ATHENS, GR SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, UPPSALA, SE UNUIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN, VIENNA, AT INSITUT NATIONAL AGRONOMOQUE DE PARIS GRIGNON, PARIS, FR SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO, WARSZAWA, PL UNIVERSITATEA DE SRIINTE AGRICOLE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA, CLUJNAPOCA, RO CHALMERS TEKNISKA HOGSKOLA, GOTHENBURG, SE FACULTE UNIVERSITAIRE DES SCIENCES AGRONOMIQUES DE GEMBLOUX, GEMBLOUX, BE DEN KGL VETERINÆR- OG LANDBOHØJSKOLE, FREDERIKSBERG C, DK UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS, BURGOS, ES BUDAPESTI CORVINIUS EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT EN RESEARCHCENTRUM, WAGENINGEN, NL HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, HELSINKI, FI UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA, VALENCIA, ES LUNDS UNIVERSITET, LUND, SE UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PARMA, PARMA, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 66050 € APPROVED BUDGET: 91400 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 4-16/02/2007 31 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27910-IC-2-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-40 TITLE: Summer Course in Systematic Musicology SUBJECT AREA: MUSIC AND MUSICOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The IP aims at offering students of systematic musicology the possibility of sharing a learning experience which focuses on hot topics in systematic musicology, in order: a) to acquire a better knowledge and a correct understanding of these topics; b) to increase awareness of ongoing research projects in the field and the impact it has on society; c) to foster the start of a PhD in a field where advanced skills are needed; d) to enhance competence to interact with and operate in the labour market of the enlarged Europe. The IP will be developed through multifaceted activities and methods, giving priority to an interactive and cooperative-learning methodology. The topic will be discussed from different viewpoints and in a multi-disciplinary approach, according to several core disciplines (Acoustics, Psychology and Computational Modelling, Traditional Musicology). The main topic is articulated in sub-themes of study that are: 1) Advanced musicological methodology and epistemology 2) Theoretical models and approaches in Systematic Musicology 3) Applications (e.g. Music information retrieval, Interactive systems, Archiving and preservation...) COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT GENT Onderbergen 4a-c BE-9000 GENT Phone: +32 9 264 82 37 Fax: +32 9 264 83 99 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Luc FRANÇOIS PARTNERS: • • • • UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG, HAMBURG, DE UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA, JYVASKYLA, FI UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, OSLO, NO UNIVERSITÄT ZU KÖLN, ERZIEHUNGSWISSENSCHAFTLICHE FAKULTÄT, SEMINAR FÜR PÄDAGOGIK, ABTEILUNG FÜR SCHULPÄDAGOGIK UND ALLG, KÖLN, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 25166 € APPROVED BUDGET: 36555 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 1-10/10/2007 32 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27910-IC-2-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-41 TITLE: Rural development in the enlarged European Union SUBJECT AREA: AGRICULTURE DESCRIPTION: Rural development has become an important policy in the enlarged European Union because it can be used to develop agriculture and rural economies in rural areas lagging behind. It is therefore important to train specialist in the analysis of problems of rural area and in the formulation of adequate policy interventions. Therefore, the objective of this IP is to provide students of agriculture, agricultural economics and agricultural sociology with a comprehensive overview of all issues rural development involves and to teach them through a multidisciplinary case study how these issues may be analysed and managed in practice. The aims of the course are therefore: - - to train critically reflective people interested in agricultural and rural development in the concept of multifunctional agriculture and, providing them with a theoretical and practical education in concepts, analysis methods and application to enable students to critically evaluate politics and viewpoints of countries regarding rural development to show students through case studies how multifunctionality at regional and farm level can be analysed to confront students with the conflicts and issues multifunctionality raises and how these may be resolved to train students to communicate their results by means of oral presentations and research papers COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT GENT Onderbergen, 4-a-c BE-9000 GENT Phone: +32 9 2648237 Fax: +32 9 2648399 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Luc FRANCOIS PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT, WAGENINGEN, NL UNIVERZA V MARIBOR, MARIBOR, SI SLOVENSKÁ POLNOHOSPODÁRSKA UNIVERZITA V NITRE, NITRA, SK UNIVERSIDADE DO ALGARVE, FARO, PT UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA, CORDOBA, ES LIETUVOS ZEMES UKIO UNIVERSITETAS, kAUNO RAJ., LT UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA, PADOVA, IT HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN, BERLIN, DE UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS, MOSTOLES, ES BUDAPESTI CORVINUS EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PISA, PISA, IT INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D'AGRICULTURE ET D'AGRO-ALIMENTAIRE RHONEALPES, LYON, FR AKADEMIA ROLNICZA W LUBLINIE, LUBLIN, PL ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE AGRONOMIQUE DE RENNES, RENNES, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 63319 € APPROVED BUDGET: 87759 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 25/03/2007-03/04/2007 33 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27910-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-36 TITLE: FOODCONSUM - Food and Consumer SUBJECT AREA: FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The quality and safety of food play a vital role in consumer awareness and perception of food products and diet. Recent crisis in food production have increased consumer concern about food security and safety. Health food becomes a consumer driven evolution of food preferences and habits. The study programme involves a multidisciplinary approach combining topics like nutrition sciences, diet, food safety, food quality management, food marketing, product development, food legislation and consumer sciences. The target audience are MSc students in agri-food sciences, nutrition and dietetics, food marketing and consumer sciences. At this moment no curriculum combining food and consumer sciences is available at the partner institutions. The course consists of taught courses, seminars, group works and project, industrial excursions and examination. The results of this IP are academically recognized and 5 ECTS are attributed to the course. The credits and the mark are integral part of the total study results of the students. The output of the IP is the publication of teaching material in printed form, CD-Rom, DVD, ODL and dissemination at scientific meetings. Especially the recent and future enlargement of the EU has and will have an important impact on the consumption pattern of food in Europe. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT GENT Onderbergen 4a-c BE-9000 GENT Phone: +32 9 264 82 37 Fax: +32 9 264 83 99 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Luc FRANÇOIS PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CHRISTIAN-ALBRECHTS-UNIVERSITÄT ZU KIEL, KIEL, DE UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA, MURCIA, ES UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS, BURGOS, ES SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO, WARSZAWA, PL UNIWERSYTET WARMINSKO – MAZURSKI W OLSZTYNIE, OLSZTYN KORTOWO, PL TECHNOLOGIKO EKPEDEFTIKO IDRIMA (T.E.I.) OF ATHENS, AEGALEO, ATHINA, GR AKADEMIA ROLNICZA W KRAKOWIE, KRAKOW, PL INSTITUT NATIONAL AGRONOMIQUE DE PARIS GRIGNON, PARIS, FR ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DES TECHNIQUES DES INDUSTRIES AGRICOLES ET ALIMENTAIRES, NANTES, FR AKADEMIA ROLNICZA, LUBLIN, PL ARISTOTELEIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS, THESSALONIKI, GR UNIVERSIDADE DOS AÇORES, PONTA DELGADA, PT HAROKOPIO PANEPISTIMIO, KALITTHEA, ATHINA, GR LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, RIGA, LV SLOVENSKÁ POLNOHOSPODÁRSKA UNIVERZITA V NITRE, NITRA, SK FACULTE UNIVERSITAIRE DES SCIENCES AGRONOMIQUES DE GEMBLOUX, GEMBLOUX, BE UNIVERSZA V MARIBO, MARIBOR, SI UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRICOLE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA DIN CLUJNAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO 34 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 • • • • • • • • • • • ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA, VALENCIA, ES AKADEMIA ROLNICZA W WROCLAWIU, WROCLAW, PL RHEINISCHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS- UNIVERSITÄT BONN, BONN, DE WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT, WAGENINGEN, NL HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, HELSINKI, FI BUDAPESTI CORVINUS EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN, WIEN, AT KAUNAS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, KAUNAS, LT SOFIIKI UNIVERSITET SV. KLIMENT OHRIDSKY, SOFIA, BG UNIVERSITAD DE LLEIDA, LLEIDA, ES SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, UPPSALA, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 53900 € APPROVED BUDGET: 75200 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 8-20/07/2007 35 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27921-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Building Bridges between Business and Computer Sciences: Developing and Commercialising Computing Technology SUBJECT AREA: INFORMATICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: The Intensive Programme gathers lecturers and undergraduate students of computer science, information systems and knowledge engineering from four participating countries (Poland, United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium). Students should: gather an extensive understanding of the dynamics of business activity, economic analysis and entrepreneurship; enhance written and oral communication skills at an advanced level, including effective communications skills in an international context; gain further insight into and sensitivity towards cross-cultural aspects in international business; gain an in-depth understanding of socio-interactive and interpersonal skills; collaborate effectively with their peers; carry out independent research and analysis, think creatively about problems in association with computer science. The Intensive Programme will be organised around the following core issues: 'Business' and 'Communication skills'. The expected outputs are: readers, language tests, business plans, and scientific papers, oral presentation of business plans, electronic learning environment, surveys and debriefings, evaluation reports. The participating institutions will attend to the following matters: overall programme description, design and content of programme items, production of learning materials, production of materials on the outcome of the Intensive Programme, design and content of a proper electronic learning environment, dissemination of course materials, student information, design of a preparatory language test, organisation of company visits and excursions, design of language preparation, assessment and academic recognition, evaluation of the programme, organisation of accommodation and transport. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT HASSELT Universitaire Campus BE-3590 DIEPENBEEK Phone: +32 11 26 86 63 Fax: +32 11 26 87 44 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Jan BROECKMANS PARTNERS: • • • • UNIVERSITEIT HASSELT, DIEPENBEEK, BE WARSAW UNIVERSITY PL WARSZAW01, WARSAW, PL THE UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD, SALFORD, UK UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT, MAASTRICHT, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 27137 € APPROVED BUDGET: 39517 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 2-28/07/2007 36 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: TITLE: 27931-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-13 Multidisciplinary Approach to Product Innovation SUBJECT AREA: ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The Lisbon Strategy, relaunched in March 2005, aims to foster economic growth and create new high-quality jobs for European citizens. In Europe's knowledge-driven economy, generating new ideas and technologies, and exploiting them better and faster is essential to reach this goal. For that reason, innovation is a key driver of Europe's competitiveness and crucial for Europe's future. The economic reality brings new challenges to innovation. While the knowledge-driven economy represents new opportunities, skills and techniques have to be developed to support innovation. This IP will focus on product innovation, an essential strategic approach for creating competitive advantages in this dynamic, global business environment. A main challenge is to converge different knowledge fields or disciplines into a single product or process. A multidisciplinary approach to innovation is indispensable. Engineering students of several disciplines will be brought together. The students will be taught Innovation Management Techniques and will apply those to develop innovative product/process prototypes working intensively together in multidisciplinary groups. The products/processes to innovate are real-world cases defined by enterprises. This IP will train future engineers skilled with innovation management techniques for a multidisciplinary approach to product innovation and wants to pull attention towards the importance of incorporating 'innovation management' in regular curricula for future engineers. COORDINATOR: HOGESCHOOL WEST-VLAANDEREN Rijselstraat 5 BE-8200 BRUGGE Phone: +32 50 402054 Fax: +32 50 381171 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marcel DESAEGHER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • HEANZE UNIVERSITY GRONINGEN, GRONINGEN, NL HELSINGIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, CITY OF HELSINKI, FI TALLINNA TEHNIKAKORGKOOL, TALLINN, EE POLITECNICO DI MILANO, MILANO, IT UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA, ALBACETE, ES ISTANBUL TEKNIK UNIVERSITY, TAKSIM ISTANBUL, TR ESAD-ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE ARTES E DESIGN, SENHORA DA HORA, PT GRANT AMOUNT: 53381 € APPROVED BUDGET: 74508 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 05-14/02/2007 37 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27931-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-9 TITLE: Intensive Training for Young European Entrepreneurs SUBJECT AREA: ART AND DESIGN DESCRIPTION: Most of the EU countries are going through a period of economic recession, while the new EU members are facing the challenges of a transforming economy. If Europe wants to be economically successful, its policy has to stir competitiveness, job creation, innovation and growth. Entrepreneurship is one of the keys to achieve those goals. Whereas Europe needs entrepreneurs, its Education rarely succeeds to stimulate, not to mention arouse, entrepreneurial spirit. Higher Education should assume a bigger role in the stimulation of the entrepreneurial potential of the young Europeans. This IP intends to bring together creative Bachelor/Masters students of whatever discipline, who got a knack of entrepreneurship but cannot develop this quality in their schooling. We offer them the opportunity to enhance that entrepreneurial spirit by training the skills and develop the essential characteristics for succesful entrepreneurship within a European context, and by bringing them into contact with fellow students having the same drive, but coming from different national backgrounds. Entrepreneurs will participate actively in this IP, which focusses on practical student activity, coached by experienced staff. Outputs: well-grounded future entrepreneurs, printed materials and expertise useful to our curricula, lasting contacts between participants via the Webforum and hopefully a 'virtual' business plan implemented into a real enterprise. COORDINATOR: HOGESCHOOL WEST-VLAANDEREN Rijselstraat 5 BE-8200 BRUGGE Phone: +32 50 402054 Fax: +32 50 381171 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marcel DESAEGHER PARTNERS: • • • • • AKADEMIA FINANSÓW, WARSZAWA, PL STICHING HOGESCHOOL DRENTHE, EMMEN, NL IADE-INSTITUTO DE ARTES VISUAIS DESIGN E MARKETING, LISBOA, PT FACHHOCHSCHULE VORARLBERG GMBH, DORNBIRN, AT HAAGA INSTITUUTIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, HELSINKI, FI GRANT AMOUNT: 37961 € APPROVED BUDGET: 53948 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 13-28/03/2007 38 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27936-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: EUROLARG: Européanisation et Élargissement: Défis aux Institutions, Acteurs, et Identités Multiniveaux SUBJECT AREA: POLITICAL SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: Le projet se fixe trois objectifs: développer une approche multidisciplinaire dans une perspective comparatiste des processus complexes d'européanisation et d'élargissement; contribuer activement à l'émergence de l'espace européen d'enseignement par l'harmonisation des programmes de science politique dans des universités de dix pays dont deux sont des nouveaux Etats membres et deux sont des pays candidats à l'adhésion; préparer les étudiants à exercer des activités professionnelles pour lesquelles la dimension européenne sera décisive. Le projet s'adresse à des étudiants de niveau confirmé en science politique: '' niveau avancé '' (niveau master et doctoral). Il offre aux étudiants la possibilité de se familiariser avec des problématiques et des méthodes de recherche de pointe, issues des travaux les plus récents de l'équipe pluridisciplinaire d'enseignants. Il sert aussi de forum d'échanges aux enseignants qui sont par ailleurs liés dans des réseaux de recherche européens. Le projet organise un séminaire interuniversitaire de 10 jours. L'enseignement est délivré par des académiques ainsi que par des acteurs politiques et des experts. L'interactivité du séminaire est garantie par des débats organisés à partir de dossiers collectifs réalisés par des groupes d'étudiants pluriuniversitaires. Le programme favorisera, par un encadrement interuniversitaire et multidisciplinaire, la réalisation de doctorats sur les problématiques européennes. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN Place de l'Université, 1 BE-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE Phone: + 32 10 478 132 Fax: + 32 10 474 075 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Tomas AVELLA PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • KATOWICE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL FOR POLITICAL SCIENCE, KATOWICE, PL EUROPA-UNIVERSITÄT VIADRINA FRANKFURT (ODER), FRANKFURT/ODER, DE UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA, BARCELONA, ES UNIVERSITATEA DI BUCURESTI, BUCCURESTI, RO MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA POLITIKATUDOMANYOK INTEZTENEK, BUDAPEST, HU INSTITUT D'ÉTUDES POLITIQUES DE PARIS, PARIS, FR UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE, FIRENZE, IT UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, EDINBURGH, UK GALATASARAY UNIVERSITESI, ISTANBUL, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 33315 € APPROVED BUDGET: 47720 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 4-13/03/2007 REFERENCE: 27945-IC-2-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 39 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES TITLE: TRANSPHD Translation Studies Multi-European Doctoral Research Programme SUBJECT AREA: TRANSLATION, INTERPRETING DESCRIPTION: The goal is 1) to integrate a large and representative group of centres from the new EU member states into a privileged group of EU centres from Western Europe and, in one movement, 2) to start standardizing PhD crurricula as one of the strategic academic areas for competence in multilingual/translated communication in the new international society. The West-European group is privileged on the basis of its networking, since 1989, on the level of staff, PhD students and infrastructure. The level of cooperation will not simply be focussing on the student-participant, but on the entire academic community as well as its infrastructure (library equipment, courseware, networking, etc.), which will be involved on the basis of ICT-interaction. Hence the cooperation network involves the yearly exchange of students, staff, curricula and courseware. The Intensive Programme itself is concentrated within a two-week session in Italy, but then extended on the basis of e-Learning patterns. The training session also focuses on staff training and management training, including the management of research. In a second step the planning will aim at a one-semester multilingual training session on multilingual/translated communication. COORDINATOR: KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Naamsestraat 22 BE-3000 LEUVEN Phone: +32 16 32 40 27 Fax: +32 16 32 40 22 Email: CONTACT: Piet HENDERIKX PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITÉ KOMENSKY, BRATISLAVA, SK KARLOVA UNIVERZITA V PRAZE, PRAHA, CZ ISTITUTO SAN PELLEGRINO - SCUOLA SUPERIORE PER MEDIATORI LINGUISTICI, MISANO ADRIATICO, IT UNIVERSITE DE LJUBLJANA, LJUBLJANA, SI LATVIJAS UNIVERSATATE, RIGA, LV BOGAZIÇI UNIVERSITY, ISTANBUL, TR EOTVOS LORAND TUDOMANYEGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI W KRAKOWIE, KRAKOW, PL UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI, TARRAGONA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 32800 € APPROVED BUDGET: 46900 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 4-17/09/2007 40 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27945-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: (Aquaevidence) The evidence for Aquatic Therapy in Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities SUBJECT AREA: NURSING, MIDWIFERY, PHYSIOTHERAPY DESCRIPTION: The ECSV is a discipline related European module that aims at harmonising, enlarging and creating a comparative European perspective of one of the essential core items in SLT programmes. This course will contain an initial part to be implemented at all participating SLT departments. Additionally, this project aims to develop a joined post-graduate European specialisation module. This ECSV will be organised alternately in one of the participating departments at post degree level and will be accessible to participants from all departments within the project. The target group for the initial part are undergraduate students. The target group for the ECSV are post-graduate students from all participating departments who have successfully completed the initial part of the module, and will fulfill strict entry requirements. The module has an initial part on ''voice and voice disorders'' integrated in regular curriculum and a module on ''advanced clinical studies on voice and voice disorders'' as a post graduate course. Specialists in voice disorders from participating departments contribute their personal expertise to develop this module and all educational aids and resources will be used, i.e.: lectures, textbooks, project work, case study, clinical work, assessment and therapy, research project, ICT and distance learning, video conferencing throughout all participating departments. COORDINATOR: KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Naamsestraat 22 BE-3000 LEUVEN Phone: +32 16 323779 Fax: +32 16 324022 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Piet HENDERIKX PARTNERS: • • • • • • LIETUVOS KUNO KULTUROS AKADEMIJA, KAUNAS, LT SZEGEDI TUDOMANYEGYETEM EGESZEGUGYI FOISKOLAI KAR, SZEGED, HU JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO, JYVÄSKYLÄ, FI UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, EDINBURGH, UK UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT, MAASTRICHT, NL MARTIN-LUTHER-UNIVERSITÂT HALLE-WITTENBERG, HALLE (SAALE), DE GRANT AMOUNT: 23300 € APPROVED BUDGET: 34401 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01/10/2007-10/07/2007 41 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27945-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-5 TITLE: European and International Tax Moot Court Competition SUBJECT AREA: EUROPEAN COMMUNITY LAW DESCRIPTION: The objectives of the European and International Tax Moot Court Competition are: 1) to educate students on a) the impact of EU case law and EU tax directives on national and on treaty law and b) the interaction between the two sources of law; 2) to educate students on the major policy issues resulting from the conflict between the imperatives of the internal market and the conditions for a coherent national tax system; 3) to train students in the methods and procedures relating to the application of EU law in actual tax litigation before the European Court of Justice; 4) to train students in skills of oral and written communication: assertiveness training, training in discussion and persuasion skills, training in pleading before a court and training in drafting and legal writing in English; 5) to train students in co-operating in legal discussions and legal drafting with lawyers from different jurisdictions, with a different legal and cultural background; 6) to integrate moot court exercises for credit as a common feature of legal education in curricula of masters of law and specialised degrees of advanced master in taxation at EU and US universities; 7) to teach students how to distil general tax rules from legal rules on the basis of case law in taxation. Target groups: Students who are specialising in tax law in advanced master programmes and students in law or studies of law and economics at the master level in Europe or the JD level in the US. Main activities: 1) Writing the case and organising the written and oral phases of the moot court competition with students and judges, including the pleading sessions and the grading of the written materials and oral presentation, both as claimant and defendant; 2) Organising the feedback and oral training sessions; 3) Attending live sessions of the European Court of Justice; 4) Organising conferences and seminars on the subjects of the moot court; 5) Taking action so as to implement the moot court exercise COORDINATOR: KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Naamsestraat 22 BE-3000 LEUVEN Phone: +32 16 323779 Fax: +32 16 324022 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Piet HENDERIKX PARTNERS: • • • • • • UNIVERSITEIT VAN TILBURG, TILBURG, NL WIRTSCHAFTSUNIVERSITÄT WIEN, VIENNA, AT UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 1 PANTHÉON SORBONNE, PARIS, FR LIBERA UNIVERSITA INTERNATIONALE DEGLI STUDI SOCIALI ROMA, ROMA, IT QUEEN MARY AND WESTFIELD COLLEGE-UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, LONDON, UK HANDELSHÖGSKOLAN I STOCKHOLM, STOCKHOLM, SE 42 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 • • • • • • • ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES BUDAPESTI KOZGASDASAGTUDOMANYI ES ALLAMIGAZGATASI EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT, MAASTRICHT, NL UNIVERSITÄT OSNABRÜCK-INSTITUT FÜR FINANZ-UND STEUERRECHT, OSNABRÜCK, DE UNIVERSITÀ COMMERCIALE L. BOCCONI, MILAN, IT UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN, LEIDEN, NL UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG-INSTITUT FÜR AUSLÄNDISCHES UND INTERNATIONALES FINANZ- UND STEUERWESEN, HAMBURG, DE UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI BARI-PALAZZO, FACOLTÀ DI GIURISPRUDENZA, BARI, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 50621 € APPROVED BUDGET: 70828 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 28/02/2007-09/03/2007 43 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27954-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Teaching and Diversity (TeDiv) SUBJECT AREA: TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: The topics of the content oriented lessons/workshops are: racism and xenophobia, equal opportunities, people with a handicap. The participating students will be split up in function of their preparative work, taking also into account the language skills and the regional origin (country). The number of EhB students should be function of the number of groups (one in each group). During the lessons, EhB students and teachers are free to participate as listeners. The IP will be settled at EhB/Campus Jette, where the students will be accommodated in the student home At arrival, the mobility students will be welcomed by EhB students and a Sunday programme will be foreseen. Lessons will be video taped. COORDINATOR: VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL Pleinlaan 2 BE-1050 BRUSSEL Phone: + 32 2 629 18 81 Fax: + 32 2 629 38 68 Email: CONTACT: Jean Pierre ROOSE PARTNERS: • • • • • • • UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA, LLEIDA, ES VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - VUB, BRUSSEL, BE TRAKYA UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI, EDIME, TR UNIVERSIDAD PUBLICA DE NAVARRA, PAMPLONA, ES UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS, NICOSIA, CY SOFIIKI UNIVERSITET ''SVETI KLIMENT OHRIDSKI'', SOFIA, BG MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA V BRNE, BRNO, CZ GRANT AMOUNT: 24193 € APPROVED BUDGET: 35591 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 11-20/03/2007 44 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27983-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Patrimoine Européen: Outil de Découverte Interculturelle et de Valorisation des Métiers Traditionnels SUBJECT AREA: TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: Découvrir le patrimoine européen par les métiers traditionnels vise à la fois à aborder l'interculturalité par un biais original et à (re)valoriser les écoles professionnelles grâce à la (re)découverte de métiers manuels. Cette valorisation est un axe prioritaire du programme destiné principalement aux futur(e)s enseignant(e)s de jeunes de 10 à 15 ans. Tenant compte des spécificités patrimoniales du Danemark et de l'expertise de l'institution CVU, partenaire dès le début du programme, où aura lieu la prochaine session, les activités sont organisées autour de visites de musées et sites naturels, de découvertes d'ateliers d'écoles professionnelles et d'artisans en étroite collaboration avec les étudiants en formation à CVU. A partir de réalisations concrètes d'objets en lien avec le patrimoine local et de forums de discussion, le PI doit permettre aux étudiants de prendre conscience de l'importance de la formation manuelle dans l'éducation. A une contextualisation historique et artistique s'ajoutent tant une réflexion interculturelle qu'une analyse didactique des activités. Il est attendu que, travaillant en groupes multinationaux, les étudiants modifient leur regard sur les métiers manuels, s'approprient les outils pédagogiques des sessions antérieures, les complètent en tenant compte de la dimension interculturelle et en assurent la communication via les sites web. COORDINATOR: HAUTE ECOLE LEONARD DE VINCI Rue de Sotriamont 1 BE-1400 NIVELLES Phone: +32 67 893811 Fax: +32 67 893812 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Paul GAUTHY PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL MECHELEN, MECHELEN, BE HAUTE ECOLE ISELL-INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D'ENSEIGNEMENT LIBRE LIEGEOIS, LIEGE, BE ESCUELA UNIVERSITARIA DE MAGISTERIO ESCUNI, MADRID, ES INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DE SANTAREM, SANTAREM, PT UNIVERSITAD CATOLICA DE VALENCIA, SAN VICENTE, VALENCIA, ES UNIVERSITY OF STAVANGER, STAVANGER, NO HAUTE ECOLE NAMUROISE CATHOLIQUE, NAMUR, BE CENTER FOR VIDEREGAENDE UDDANNELSER I SONDERJYRLLAND, HADERSLEV, DK SAINT MARY'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, BELFAST, UK UNIVERSITATEA DE VEST, TIMISOARA, RO UNIVERSITY OF GÄLVE, GÄLVE, SE UNIVERSITAD AUTONOMA DE MADRID, MADRID, ES ARTEVELDEHOGESCHOOL, GENT, BE UNIVERSITAT RAMON LLULL, BARCELONA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 44029 € APPROVED BUDGET: 62039 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 19-28/03/2007 45 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28027-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Coping with Inclusion in Primary Schools - Integrating School Practice and European Experience SUBJECT AREA: TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: The coordinator will set up a project management unit consisting of an academic subgroup and staff from the international relations office. The coordinator has 14 years of experience in coordination of EU educational projects, among others 6 IP's. The project management unit will: - coordinate the design of the work plan and the budget plan, the organization and follow-up of each project stage, ensure communication in the project group by email and electronic platform (Blackboard Toledo) ensure the quality control of the project process guarantee the quality of the project contents by working together with the research project group active at KaHo Sint-Lieven on the national Belgian research project. For the future development after the IP 2007, the course materials of the 3 years of the IP will be bundled into an international module on inclusive education for primary schools. COORDINATOR: KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL SINT-LIEVEN Gebroeders Desmetstraat 1 BE-9000 GENT Phone: +32 9 2658645 Fax: +32 9 2658646 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Hilde LAUWEREYS PARTNERS: • • • • • UNIVERSIDAD DE CÁDIZ, CÁDIZ, ES TRNAVSKÁ UNIVERZITA V TRNAVE, TRNAVA, SK HOGESCHOOL ROTTERDAM, ROTTERDAM, NL INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE FORMATION DES MAITRES MIDI PYRENEES, TOULOUSE, FR INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DO PORTO, PORTO, PT GRANT AMOUNT: 20949 € APPROVED BUDGET: 30266 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 17-27/04/2007 46 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28095-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Moving towards harmonization of SLT programmes in the European context SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS MEDICAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: This IP is a discipline related project, specifically geared to SLT (Speech Language Therapy) students from 17 participating educational programmes from 11 different European countries. The current IP relates, complementary as well as supplementary, to the regular curricula of the participating programmes. A lot of students and staff members of the participating institutes work together during 10 working days on common and specialized themes within the field. Bringing students and staff members from so many different countries and institutes together gives not only a pedagogical, but also an international added value to their training. The current IP is organised in one of the participating institutes. The content of the IP focuses on new research based papers (RBP) throughout all the participating institutes and on specific assessment and therapy related seminars. These seminars are related to 5 different topics within the field of SLT programmes. All RBP and seminars are given by staff members of the different institutes. Students on Masters level are involved in the programme and present their research projects. The topics are chosen and divided by all partners and related to the strengths of each of them. After an evaluation and written report students are credited for this participation, and they receive a certificate. During the programme students participate in an interactive way together with staff members and other students. Especially this aspect gives them a great opportunity to widen their knowledge, not only in the field of SLT but also in an intercultural context and it gives their individual training a strong European dimension. Staff members from different training programmes also have a great experience and this intensive co-operation gives them the opportunity to move towards harmonization of SLT programmes in Europe. COORDINATOR: LESSIUS HOGESCHOOL Sint-Andriesstaat 2 BE-2000 ANTWERPEN Phone: +32 3 2060483 Fax: +32 3 2060495 Email: CONTACT: Wim SCHRAMME PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GRANT AMOUNT: KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL BRUGGE-OOSTENDE, BRUGGE, BE HAUTE ECOLE LEONARD DE VINCI-INSTITUT LIBRE MARIE HAPS, BRUXELLES, BE KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE RHEINISCH-WESTFÄLISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE, AACHEN, DE UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA, BELLATERA, ES UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID, VALLADOLID, ES UNIVERSITÉ LOUIS PASTEUR, STRASBOURG CEDEX, FR UNIVERSITA DEGLE STUDI DI PADOVA ''II BO'', PADOVA, IT UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN - TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, IE L-UNIVERSITA TA MALTA, MALTA, MT FONTYS HOGESSCHOOL EINDHOVEN, EINDHOVEN, NL HANZEHOGESCHOOL GRONINGEN, GRONINGEN, NL GOTEBORG UNIVERSITET, GOTEBORG, SE KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, STOCKHOLM, SE OULUN YLIOPISTO, OULUN YLIOPISTO, FI UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE, GLASGOW, UK 48744 € 47 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 APPROVED BUDGET: 68326 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 11-20/03/2007 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES 48 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 REFERENCE: ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES 28106-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: Intercultural Training for Business Students SUBJECT AREA: BUSINESS STUDIES WITH LANGUAGES DESCRIPTION: This IP wants to offer insights into culture as it affects international business. This twoweek residential seminar brings together 60 students of at least 5 different nationalities ' all working towards a professional bachelor degree in the field of business management ' the major goal being to expand their awareness and understanding of cultural dimensions. The IP aims to provide them with a theoretical framework in which to place the various cultural differences they will be faced with in their careers in a globalized economy. The IP wants to forge in the participants' cognitive and affective knowledge that will allow them to function adequately and efficiently in international business. The partners have agreed to encourage minority students in their own schools to apply for this IP since it is felt that these students are both insiders and outsiders in the culture of the country of residence live and that their personal experience could greatly contribute to the IP while the IP can also offer this group personal growth. The mix of intercultural communication exercises, workshops, lectures, presentations, simulations and fieldwork in a real multinational company should offer the participants a hands-on experience of international business practices that will lead to an enriching and lasting learning experience. COORDINATOR: HOGESCHOOL GENT Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2 BE-9000 GENT Phone: +32 9 266 08 51 Fax: +32 9 266 08 46 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Kathleen VAN HEULE PARTNERS: • • • • BUDAPESTI GAZDASAGI FOISKOLA PENZUGYI ES SZAMVITELI FOISKOLAI KAR SALGOTARJAN INTEZETE, SALGOTARJAN, HU FACHHOCHSCHULE HANNOVER, HANNOVER, DE SAXION HOGESCHOOL IJSELLAND, DEVENTER, NL DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY, BUCA, IZMIR, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 41030 € APPROVED BUDGET: 58040 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 5-16/11/2006 49 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28114-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Forum Europeen Pluridisciplinaire SUBJECT AREA: INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION: Les objectifs de notre Programme Intensif : - Le développement et la consolidation d'une méthode pédagogique active: l'apprentissage par problèmes (APP). La création de liens plurinationaux, culturels et disciplinaires par la résolution des problèmes communs et l'analyse '' critique '' des solutions proposées. Le développement des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication, par la formation à l'utilisation d'une plate-forme informatique d'enseignement à distance, pour permettre la continuité du Programme Intensif. Les groupes cibles sont les étudiants infirmiers, assistants sociaux, gestion des ressources humaines et les enseignants qui sont leur tuteur. Les résultats escomptés : - Formation à l'apprentissage par problème Résolution de problèmes avec apport interculturel et interdisciplinaire Formation aux NTIC Création d'un module de formation européenne COORDINATOR: HAUTE ECOLE NAMUROISE CATHOLIQUE - HENAC 3 Place du Couvent BE-5020 CHAMPION Phone: +32 81 208520 Fax: +32 81 208588 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marie-Anne LECOMTE PARTNERS: • • • • • • • UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE, VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ, FR UNIVERSITE DE VALENCIENNES ET DU HAINAUT-CAMBRESIS, VALENCIENNES, FR ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE ENFERMAGEM BISSAYA-BARRETO, COIMBRA, PT KEMI-TORNION AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, KEMI, FI UNIVERSITATEA DE MEDICINA SI FARMACIE ''LULIU HATIGANU'' CLUJ NAPOCA, BISTRITA JUDELUL, RO TECHNOLOGIKO EKPEDEFTIKO IDRIMA - THESSALONIKIS, THESSALONIKI, GR KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL ZUID-WEST-VLAANDEREN, KORTRIJK, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 69898 € APPROVED BUDGET: 96531 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 5-14/03/2007 50 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28117-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: PoRaC, Positioning Systems by Radio Communication, a Student's Search for New Applications SUBJECT AREA: ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION: The PoRaC IP programme will challenge bachelor level students from Austria, Finland, Greece, Spain and Belgium to be creative with the various opportunities offered by Positioning Systems. Teaching staff from the participating countries will combine their expertise and skills in the different domains of Positioning Systems to offer an internationally accepted knowledge level. This background will allow the students to explore existing applications, work on improvements and search for new applications. The applications of Positioning Systems range from tracing lost children in an amusement park, over supply chain logistics to improvement of the quality of life of the aging European society. The wide coverage of this appealing wireless technology will encourage people and companies to improve their productivity and to be more competitive in this global world. The participating students and teachers will contribute to the dissemination as well as the right use of the course results and this emerging technology in their home institutions and countries. COORDINATOR: HOGESCHOOL ANTWERPEN Keizerstraat 15 BE-2000 ANTWERPEN Phone: +32 3 2139326 Fax: +32 3 2139341 Email: CONTACT: Frank RYLANT PARTNERS: • • • • • UNIVERSITAT RAMON LLULL, BARCELONA, CATALUÑA, ES OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, OULU, FI FACHHOCHSCHULE TECHNIKUM KÄRNTEN, SPITTAL AN DER DRAU, AT T.E.I. HALKIDOS, EUBOEA, GR HOGESCHOOL LIMBURG, DIEPENBEEK, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 26587 € APPROVED BUDGET: 37660 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 26/02/2007-08/03/2007 51 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28152-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: ''Designing in the Dark'': Multi-sensorial Worshop Reconnecting Designers with Visually Impaired End-users SUBJECT AREA: ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION: In 2001, the Council of Europe adopted Resolution ResAP (2001) `on the introduction of the principles of universal design into the curricula of all occupations working on the built environment....' with, among others, a series of recommendations for higher education. Since the initiation of the Universal Design Education Project ( in September 2001, the coordinating institution is continuously developing educational strategies by adopting a new paradigm of user-oriented design, and of service and opportunities. The aim of the workshop is to investigate the concept of Universal Design from the viewpoint of visually impaired persons. Target groups are master class students of architecture-related studies, Metaprogramme teachers in the broad field of architectural education and visually impaired persons, acting both as end-user and accessibility expert. The main activity is the organisation of an interdisciplinary workshop. Place of action is the city of Ghent, Belgium, which offers the appropriate context to study dis-(en)-abling man-environment situations. Expected outputs are tactile models built with and for the participating visually impaired end-users, PPT-presentations representing the dynamics of the case-based workshop activities in situ and in the design studio and a publication reporting the research strategies and project outcomes achieved during the Intensive Programme. COORDINATOR: HOGESCHOOL VOOR WETENSCHAP EN KUNST, CAMPUS HONIM Koningsstraat 336 BE-1030 BRUSSEL Phone: + 32 2 221 12 11 Fax: + 32 2 221 12 68 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Jan DIERICK PARTNERS: • • • • • • • TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, EINDHOVEN, NL UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE, GLASGOW, UK UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI ROMA TRE, ROMA, IT ECOLE D'ARCHITECTURE DE LILLE, LILLE, FR CHALMERS TEKNISKA HOGSKOLA, GOTEBORG, SE POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA, WARSAW, PL VYSOKÉ UCENÍ TECHNICKÉ V BRNE, BRNO GRANT AMOUNT: 30537 € APPROVED BUDGET: 44050 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 03-12/12/2006 52 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28154-IC-2-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: Europe INnovative Science Teachers' Education by Introducing Nowadays Themes (EINSTEIN) SUBJECT AREA: EDUCATION, TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: Through this IP students as well as their teachers will become more aware of each other's science curriculum, the position of Europe in the usage of daily life situations in scientific subjects taught at school. Prejudicial statements such as science education in Northern and Western Europe pays more attention to the (European) environment than Eastern and Southern Europe countries do, will be investigated in order to learn from each other's specialisations as well as each other's common features and really create a European perspective on science education. This IP is set up to let students get in touch with different types of science education in Europe, in order to: 1. Discover the differences and similarities in teacher training science education between Northern, Western and Eastern, Southern European countries (both traditional and new EU member states); Students compare their science curricula. 2. Take advantage of each other's unique know how in different fields of science education; (Belgium, Netherlands and Sweden: pupil centred science, Greece and Lithuania: content based science). 3. Get insight in different approaches in science education laboratory work resulting from differences in educational backgrounds 4. Get insight in the position of Europe in science education; students observe science education practices and compare them with their own situation. This IP will prepare both teachers and students for a career as Science Teacher in Europe. COORDINATOR: EHSAL EUROPESE HOGESCHOOL BRUSSEL Nieuwland 198 BE-1000 BRUSSEL Phone: +32 2 512 32 59 Fax: +32 2 512 80 14 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Bart HEMPEL PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DES BUNDES IN WIEN, WIEN, AT PANEPISTIMIO KYPROU, NICOSIA, GR VILNIAUS PEDAGOGINIAME UNIVERSITETE, VILNIUS, LT UNIVERSITY OF MALTA, MT HOGESCHOOL ROTTERDAM, DORDRECHT, NL ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE EDUCAÇAO DE VIANA DO CASTELO, VIANA DO CASTELO, PT CASA CORPULUI DIDACTIC, IASI, RO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, GÖTEBORG, SE MARMARA ÜNIVERSITESI, KADIKOY ISTANBUL, TR UNIVERSITY COLLEGE WORCESTER, WORCESTER, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 28925 € APPROVED BUDGET: 41900 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 27/04/2007-08/05/2007 REFERENCE: 28154-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 53 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES TITLE: ''LORENA'' goes EUROPE: From Local, Regional and National Identities to European Identities SUBJECT AREA: TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: We have different nationalities; we speak different languages, live in different towns and have different traditions, symbols, legends and myths. Nevertheless we are the heirs of a ''European Culture'', marked by a fascinating mixture of diversity and unity. In the spirit of such a unity we are subject to the same basic values and principles, which form our ''European identity''. The progressing process of EU enlargement gives rise to re-think questions of ''local, regional, national and European identities'' including the issue of prejudice in its historical and present context in teacher education and in other study areas (all participants will be undergraduates). The targets of the project are both cognitive and affective. The cognitive objectives are national and social minorities in the participating countries; multi- and interculturality regarding their historical roots and present development; common European values; the role of women; selected aspects of the European heritage. The affective objectives are different aspects of identities (European, national, regional, local; e.g. language and identity; sports and identity...); reduction of fear and prejudice when being in contact with people from remote countries; analysis of stereotypes; strengthening of the European citizenship. The main activities cover a period of three years and can be characterized as follows: joint multidisciplinary teaching/learning activities of teaching and students from 13 countries; publication of relevant contributions to the project (teaching staff and students); development of a joint curriculum (''European module'') at Bachelor degree's level as a contribution to the realization of the Bologna process including the recognition of studies abroad. COORDINATOR: EHSAL EUROPESE HOGESCHOOL BRUSSEL Stormstraat 2 BE-1000 BRUXELLES Phone: +32 2 210 16 35 Fax: +32 2 217 64 64 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Ingeborg VANDENBULCKE PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA, ALCALA DE HENARES, ES MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA V BRNE, BRNO, CZ ETHNIKO KE KAPODISTRIAKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON, ATHEN, GR DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITESI, IZMIR, TR UNIVERSITATEA ''STEFAN CEL MARE'' SUCEAVA, SUCEAVA, RO SZEGEDI TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM, SZEGED, HU KAUNAS COLLEGE - ART TEACHER TRAINING DEPARTMENT, KAUNAS, LT SILESIAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, KATOWICE, PL TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN, DRESDEN, DE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU, TARTU, EE EUROPAHAUS BURGENLAND, EISENSTADT, AT PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DES BUNDES IN WIEN, VIENNA, AT GRANT AMOUNT: 28040 € APPROVED BUDGET: 40720 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 15-26/03/2007 54 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28221-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: Promotion of Active Learning in Social Work Education (PAL) SUBJECT AREA: SOCIAL WORK DESCRIPTION: The first objective of this intensive programme is to enhance active learning by innovative didactical activities. Eight departments of Social Work would like to share and develop teaching methods for solution-oriented group work. Didactical manuals will be created for: experience of a social problem in the field, theoretical portfolio, in-depth analysis of a social problem, solution try-out and plenumexchange. This IP tests out models for teaching innovation and new curricula approaches. The second objective is to bring students together in eight multinational/multicultural groups. During ten days they will study one of these topics: disabled people, elderly (aging), ethnic minorities, gender, urban degeneration and employability. Starting with a field-visit, each group will be challenged by realistic situations of social work practice. The group has to define, to discuss (making cross-national comparisons) and to analyse (composing a theoretical portfolio) the social problem. In these groups they will develop a solution (concrete guidelines for best practice), try out the solution with a consecutive field visit, evaluate the solution and disseminate their `best practice' towards the other groups (giving a workshop, training, a creative performance, presenting a memo or a journal-article). During this process, there will be sessions on evaluation and feedback on the co-operation (cross-national communication) and the didactical methodology. COORDINATOR: KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL KEMPEN Kleinhoefstraat 4 BE-2440 GEEL Phone: +32 14 562310 Fax: +32 14 584859 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Agnes DILLIËN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • DEBRECENI EGYETEM, SZOCIOLOGIA ES SZOCIALPOLITIKA TANZEK, DEBRECEN, HU MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS, VILNIUS, LT TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO, UNIVERSITY OF TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO, FI AHCETTEPE ÜNIVERSITESI SOSYAL HIZMETLER YÜKSEKULU, ANKARA, TR CENTER FOR VIDEREGAENDE UDDANNELSER CVU-VEST, ESBJERG, DK GÖTEBORG UNIVERSITY, GÖTEBORG, SE UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE, ALICANTE, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 28568 € APPROVED BUDGET: 41424 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 21-30/03/2007 55 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28223-IC-2-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: Massme - (Adapted) Marketing Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises SUBJECT AREA: BUSINESS STUDIES, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: The hard competition on the EU market, conducted by the international organisations, can lead to the disappearance of small and medium sized enterprises (SME's). SME's have to defend themselves by using strategic marketing strategies in order to survive or, if it's possible even better strategies, in order to grow. The programme will confront the marketing, business and office management students with the reality of : a. Europeanization and globalisation, b. the market and cultural differences in the different European companies & countries, c. the different ways in which international and local enterprises approach their markets. The proposed IP tries to achieve: a. a deeper understanding of the multidisciplinary approach of entrepreneurship, b. practical skills to handle the economic and legal differences in the different EU member States, c. interest in e-learning and software applications (the use of Black Board system + practice on these tools: the use of Power Point to present results), d. practical and proper use of the English language, e. practical skills to measure an organisation's culture in relation to the national culture and overall business strategy. In the first year students had to find out general strategies, applicable for all SME's companies. In this second IP implementation students have to focus on the food sector. They have to look after the possible strategies for this sector. So the assignment has been narrowed. Next possible IP, the participating students have to launch a food product on a well defined European market. COORDINATOR: PLANTIJNHOGESCHOOL VAN DE PROVINCIE ANTWERPEN Meistraat 5 BE-2000 ANTWERPEN Phone: +32 3 2210709 Fax: +32 3 2210701 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marleen MATYN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • BANKU AUGSTSKOLA, RIGA, LV ALYTAUS KOLEGIJA, ALYTUS, LT UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA ISSA-UN / INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE SECRETARIADO Y ADMINISTRACION, San Sebastian, ES OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, OULU, FI HOGESCHOOL ANTWERPEN, ANTWERP, BE INHOLLAND HOGESCHOOL, ROTTERDAM, NL ECOLE SUPÉRIEURE BILLIÈRES, TOULOUSE CEDEX, FR VILNIAUS KOLEGIJA, VILNIUS, LT GRANT AMOUNT: 40470 € APPROVED BUDGET: 57290 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 20-29/05/2007 56 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28223-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: FLEXEM (ter) FLExibility of EMployees SUBJECT AREA: OTHER BUSINESS STUDIES, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: This program is open to students from different institutions throughout different countries both founding-father EU members and new EU members. This theme is very topical the Bolkenstein proposal has just passed the EU parliament, yet seriuosly adapted. The objectives are to make the participants detect the evolution of labour flexibility in the labour/employment law system of their own country of origin (5 specific issues). Today the EU gives companies a huge market to work on and gives employees the possibility to freely find work in this common market and provides employers the possibility to deliver services in other EU countries. It will be always different for an entrepreneur to know what the possibilities are to earn money and make profits. The most important company cost is having personnel. HRM theories indicate that the individual performance of an employee has to be flexible in order to reach company goals. Labour and social security laws have to be followed by companies. These laws are so complex and so different from one country to another. They interfere with the idea of free entrepreneurship. Employees want to be protected against exploitation and insecurity. Targets and main activities: the participating students have to study the trends and to look after flexibility in the situation of their own country on 5 issues (1°activity): flexibility of the social dialogue, flexibilty of labour at home, flexibility of the fringe benefits (salary), the introduction of flexicurity; and flexibility in a transitional labour market. In consultation with private or public organisations (active in the field of the labour market / the social security / the HRM) they will be able to discuss the results of their study on these 5 issues by a virtual class (2°activity). This will enable them to exchange ideas but more important they will have to find a consensus (3° activity). COORDINATOR: PLANTIJNHOGESCHOOL VAN DE PROVINCIE ANTWERPEN Meistraat 5 BE-2000 ANTWERPEN Phone: +32 3 2210709 Fax: +32 3 2210701 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marleen MATYN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • FACHHOCHSCHULE NÜRTINGEN, NÜRTINGEN, DE UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI BOLOGNA, BOLOGNA, IT UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA, GIRONA, ES UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE, FIRENZE, IT KAUNO KOLEGIJA, KAUNAS, LT OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, OULU, FI MYKOLO ROMEIRO UNIVERSITETAS, VILNIUS, LT INHOLLAND HOGESCHOOL, ROTTERDAM, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 53763 € APPROVED BUDGET: 75015 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 18-30/03/2007 57 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28223-IC-2-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-9 TITLE: VALIM - VALidation of Instruments and Methods SUBJECT AREA: MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Quality control, validation and certified procedures are issues of paramount importance in a contemporary laboratory. For some disciplines a good standardisation of the procedures used, has always been obvious. For others it was historically not that evident. GMP (Good Manufacturing Practise) and GLP (Good Laboratory Practise) are an obligation. Therefore certification and validation of methods can not be neglected. It is the intention of this second IP to introduce bachelor students in the biomedical disciplines into the field of validation of methods and apparatus. Since we will have the experience of this validation in the chemical industry (IP VALIM 1) we try to apply this to the biomedical sciences and research. Various aspects will be similar. However, due to the specificity of the implementation and due to the evergrowing importance of this area of research, other aspects will be dealt with. The intensive course will be carried out in February 2007 in Avans Hogeschool, Berda, The Netherlands. Since Avans has a lot of expertise on gene technology (in agricultural sciences), Breda is an elected location. The aim of the intensive course is to give the students the opportunity to work in multidisciplinary and multicultural groups, in getting familiar with validation of the specific methods. Another, maybe more important aim of the IP is to maintain and further develop the cooperation and the network among teachers of the partner institutes. COORDINATOR: PLANTIJN HOGESCHOOL VAN DE PROVENTIE ANTWERPEN Meistraat 5 BE-2000 ANTWERP Phone: +32 3 2210709 Fax: +32 3 2210701 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marleen MATYN PARTNERS: • • • • • • PIRKANMAA POLYTECHNIC, TAMPERE, FI VILNIAUS KOLEGIJA, VILNIUS, LT TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, TURkU, FI ATHLONE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ATHLONE, IE IMC FACHHOCHSULE KREMS, KREMS, AT AVANS HOGESCHOOL, BREDA, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 22663 € APPROVED BUDGET: 33218 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 25/02/2007-06/03/2007 58 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 103466-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: River 21 Concept for Vision Building on Integrated River Resources Management in the 21th Century SUBJECT AREA: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, ECOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The IP-programme is set up as a course for senior and graduate students and is integrated in the water-related programs of the participating universities and institutions. Students participating at this IP will explore the concept and the general principles of transboundary river basin management plans and the role of the European Water Framework directive in it. The IP fits within the education programmes of the BA-MA structure and aims at competence-oriented learning. Furthermore, the project is based on new learning methods and technologies. The project program lasts two weeks. During the first week excursions are scheduled along the river Scheldt, giving students the opportunity to meet stakeholders and experts in the different Riparian countries and regions. The second week, students are organised in working groups to build a vision and to work out scenarios for the river Scheldt. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN Groenenborgerlaan 171 BE-2020 ANTWERPEN Phone: +32 3 265 35 43 Fax: +32 3 265 36 22 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Patricia DE CLOPPER PARTNERS: • • • • • • UNIVERSITEIT GENT, GENT, BE UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE, ARLON, BE HOGESCHOOL ZEELAND, VLISSINGEN, NL WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT EN RESEARCH CENTRUM, WAGENINGEN, NL UNIVERSITÉ DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE, VILLENEUVE D'ASQ, FR SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO, WARSZAWA, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 21233 € APPROVED BUDGET: 31311 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 11-21/03/2007 59 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 103466-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: How to Bridge our Differences: Social Inclusion as a Challenge Common to All SUBJECT AREA: SOCIAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: This IP is an academic exchange program for second year students. It uses a variety of didactic approaches comprising lectures, group discussion, field trips and written assignments. Student and academic participants from North, West, East and SouthEurope (Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden) learn and discuss about the future of European social policy at a regional, national and crossnational level. The focus of this year is on various policy levels that are rengaged in the reduction of social exclusion. We will discuss the meaning of poverty and social exclusion and look into local poverty relief, the public provision of benefits and the role of civil society (private solidarity). Moreover, local initiatives will be compared with experiences in other countries and will be reflected upon from the wider angle of national and European policy measures (ESF).The final reports will be publicly available through the web-site of the IP. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN Groenenborgerlaan 171 BE-2020 ANTWERPEN Phone: +32 3 2653543 Fax: +32 3 2653622 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Patricia DE CLOPPER PARTNERS: • • • • • UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, UMEÅ, SE UNIVERSITEIT VAN TILBURG, TILBURG, NL UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA PORTUGUESA, LISBOA, PT DIMOKRITIO PANEPISTIMIO THRAKIS, KOMOTINI, GR NOV BULGARSKI UNIVERSITET, SOFIA, BG GRANT AMOUNT: 29126 € APPROVED BUDGET: 41859 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 08-17/03/2007 60 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 103466-IC-3-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: GAMAP: Geometric and Algebraic Methods of Physics and Applications SUBJECT AREA: MATHEMATICS, INFORMATICS DESCRIPTION: In recent decades several branches of noncommutative geometry, based on methods from Algebra and Topology, have lead to new applications in Physics and Quanturn Physics. The intertwining of pure and applied mathematics challenges teachers to redefine subjects and courses frorn a deeper multidisciplinary point of view. On the other hand there is a new need for such courses at a master degree level fitting into the Bologna process. The target group consists of fourth and fifth year master students as well as early stage Ph.D. students. The lP aims to bring together 9 teachers and 35 students from 9 European countries. The lP consists of three parts. The ''theoretical part'' contains: three minicourses (ten lectures each), two problem sessions and a computational workshop (ten sessions each) distributed over ten working days. The ''industrial part'' contains a short visit to some maritime industry site, the Antwerp diamond industry and a Robotics company. Thirdly, the post-IP activity is stimulated by home projects containing detailed activity scenarios supported by the IP-web-forum keeping students and teachers in contact for an extended period. This integral part of joint programmes may lead to further common CD-activities. The new courses and study-scenarios will be published. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN Groenenborgerlaan 171 BE-2020 ANTWERPEN Phone: +32 3 2653543 Fax: +32 3 2653622 Email: CONTACT: Patricia DE CLOPPER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • BERGISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WUPPERTAL, WUPPERTAL, DE UNIVERSITÄT BIELEFELD, BIELEFELD, DE UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI FERRARA, FERRARA, IT UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA 'LA SAPIENZA', ROMA, IT UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA, GRANADA, ES UNIVERSITY OF YORK, YORK, UK UNIVERSITE DE PARIS VII - DENIS DIDEROT, PARIS, FR LUNDS UNIVERSITET, LUND, SE UNIVERSIDAD DE ALMERÍA, ALMERÍA, ES HAUTE ALSACE UNIVERSITY, MULHOUSE CEDEZ, FR BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCURESTI, BUCURESTI, RO UNIVERSIDADE TÉCNICA DE LISBOA, LISBOA, PT GRANT AMOUNT: 42780 € APPROVED BUDGET: 60040 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 3-17/09/2007 61 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 211355-IC-2-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-18 TITLE: COHCAPRACTICE SUBJECT AREA: NURSING, MIDWIFERY, PHYSIOTHERAPY DESCRIPTION: It is strongly felt by stakeholders in health care that in a future health care system different approaches based on different preconceptions of human nature are needed and that the education of health care professionals should be prepared to cope with these. General objectives: - - - - - to gain an international multicultural view of regular, complementary, alternative, natural and integral health care in order to analyse, compare and contrast the origin and use of different approaches in different European countries; to encourage openness, sensitivity to cultural influences and beliefs, critical appraisal of the literature of complementary and alternative care; to become familiar with the complementary care concept as a humanistic 'holistic' approach in health care; to discover holistic approach by recognizing the social, cultural and environmental influences and the power of self care and healing; to reflect in a professional and critical way on the development and current practice of complementary care in each health care profession and in the health care system of each European country; to have initial experience of some complementary care methods in order to understand different approaches; to teach complementary care issues, using theoretical frameworks in plenary sessions, experience-oriented workshops, group's work, site visits, discussions, literature, individual reflections; to develop an interdisciplinary module dealing with the current approaches in health care as part of the curriculum of health care professionals in order to improve the knowledge of complementary care, complementary and alternative medicine and natural health care; to have a more open attitude to complementary care among health professionals. COORDINATOR: ARTEVELDEHOGESCHOOL Hoogpoort 15 BE-9000 GENT Phone: +32 9 2352040 Fax: +32 9 2352088 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Frederik DE DECKER PARTNERS: • • • • • • UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE, 3. LEKARSKA FAKULTA, PRAHA 10, CZ BOURNEMOUTH UNIVERSITY, POOLE, UK TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF ATHENS, ATHENS, GR DOKUZ EYLÜL UNIVERSITESI HEMSIRELIK YUKSEKOKULU, IZMIR, TR HOGESCHOOL VAN ARNHEM EN NIJMEGEN, GL NIJMEGEN, NL MIKKELIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, SAVONLINNA, TERVEYSALAN KAMPUS, SAVONLINNA, FI GRANT AMOUNT: 31681 € APPROVED BUDGET: 45575 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 15-24/01/2007 62 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 211355-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-20 TITLE: IPAC: Intensive Programme on Audiology and Complex Needs SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS MEDICAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: This ten-day Intensive Programme is about Audiology and Complex Needs. The students have to acquire awareness about and insight in (1) the importance of audiological screening, diagnosis and intervention in case of a multiple handicap, i.e. deafness and mental impairment, physical handicap, blindness or autism (2) the importance of services for people with a multiple handicap (3) the need for multidisciplinarity. All the acquired insights in theoretical models of audiology and multiple handicaps will be applied in various target groups. Students learn to use multimedia tools and techniques in the facilitation of auditory, communicative, interaction, socio-emotional skills etc. and in their own learning process. Last year students are invited to participate in the project, but also interested audiologists as well as ENT-physicians, paediatricians and general practitioners or students training to become one of the above-mentioned professionals who are interested in audiology and complex needs. The programme consists of 6 workshops: screening in general, services for people with a multiple handicap, mental impairment and deafness, physical handicap and deafness, blindness and deafness, autism and deafness, which are worked out in theoretical lectures, discussions and case studies. Within the globalisation of Europe and the internationalisation of audiology, an intensive programme offers many opportunities and will make discussions regarding to the subject of complex needs possible. This programme implies an interesting exchange in expertise internationally and therefore will be an enriching experience to all participating members. COORDINATOR: ARTEVELDEHOGESCHOOL Hoogpoort 15 BE-9000 GENT Phone: +32 9 2352040 Fax: +32 9 2352088 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Frederik DE DECKER PARTNERS: • • • UNIVERSITÉ MONTPELLIER, MONTPELLIER, FR INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE COIMBRA, COIMBRA, PT HACETTEPE ÜNIVERSITESI, ANKARA, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 23265 € APPROVED BUDGET: 34020 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 21-30/03/2007 63 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 211355-IC-1-2005-1-BE-ERASMUS-IPUC-21 TITLE: Interdisciplinary Course on Public Health SUBJECT AREA: NURSING, MIDWIFERY, PHYSIOTHERAPY DESCRIPTION: The target groups of this Interdisciplinary Course on Public Health are students and staff of health care and rehabilitation. They will be addressed through preliminary modules in the participating partner institutions, followed by the joint IP itself, during which students and staff will cooperate in an international and interdisciplinary programme on public health care and the delivery of health care within the European Union policy. Four topics are the pillars of the IP: autonomy, well-being, poverty and health care promotion. The expected outputs are a joint international programme between a number of leading European health care institutions. Apart from this, a student and staff manual will be developed, as well as an electronic platform which will be linked to the website of COHERE (Consortium of Higher Education and Health Care and Rehabilitation). COORDINATOR: ARTEVELDEHOGESCHOOL Hoogpoort 15 BE-9000 GENT Phone: +32 9 2352040 Fax: +32 9 2352088 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Frederik DE DECKER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • HOGSkOLEN OSLO, OSLO, NO HELSINGIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, HELSINKI, FI CENTER FOR VIDEREGAENDE UDDANNELSE ORESUND, COPENHAGEN, DK UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE, 1 LEKARSKA FAKULTA, PRAGUE 2, CZ TARTU ULIKOOL, TARTU, EE CENTER FOR VIDEREGAENDE UDDANNELSER SYD, NAESTVED, DK DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITESI HEMSIRELIK YUKSEKOKULU, IZMIR, TR SEMMELWEIS EGYETEM EGESZSEGUGYI FOISKOLAI KAR, BUDAPEST, HU BOURNEMOUTH UNIVERSITY, POOLE, UK INSTITUTO POLITECNO DE SETUBAL, SETUBAL, PT HOGESCHOOL VAN ARNHEM EN NIJMEGEN, NIJMEGEN, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 48261 € APPROVED BUDGET: 67681 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 10-21/09/2007 64 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 45350-IC-1-2005-1-CZ-ERASMUS-IPUC-7 TITLE: Additional Business Opportunities in the Rural Landscape SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: The optimisation of the use of a full range of business activities in the rural landscape is an important part of social development. This range is relatively wide and can be divided into two groups: 1) The productive capacity of the rural landscape is historically determined by its character of environment, cultural landscape, use of land and of social resources, landscape configuration and distribution of outlets for plant and animal products, raw material and foodstuff. 2) The non-productive capacity of the rural landscape involves all activities that are associated with services and non-business activities and functions that are typical for the countryside in the Czech Republic and other Central European countries. The aim of the presented project is to analyse some selected functions of the rural landscape and to exchange cross-cultural knowledge among students from different parts of Europe. Students will listen to lectures, work and discuss in mixed groups of people originating from different European countries, visit facilities performing this form of business in the Czech Republic. They will learn about possibilities of organisation and practical application of this multidisciplinary activity in the European context. The participants of this course should be mostly MSc students with already defined specialisation and study profile. For students the participation in this course should be an impulse to start with this type of activity after finishing their studies while for teachers this could be a trigger to become more interested in this subject and a way to more detailed data concerning the situation in individual European countries. COORDINATOR: MENDELOVA ZEMEDELSKA A LESNICKA UNIVERZITA V BRNE Zemedelska, 1 CZ-61300 BRNO Phone: +420 5 45135100 Fax: +420 5 45135100 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Jana HEGEROVÁ PARTNERS: • • • • • • • ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'AGRICULTURE D'ANGERS, ANGERS CEDEX 01, FR AKADEMIA ROLNICZA WE WROCLAWIU, WROCLAW, PL UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN, WIEN, AT SWEDISH UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, UPPSALA, SE OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, OULU, FI SLOVENSKÁ POLNOHOSPODÁRSKA UNIVERZITA V NITRE, NITRA, SK CHRISTELIJKE AGRARISCHE HOGESCHOOL, DRONTEN, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 15648 € APPROVED BUDGET: 23865 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 28/05/2007-06/06/2007 65 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 51698-IC-2-2005-1-CZ-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: SPERANSA - Stimulation of Practical Expertise in Radiation and Nuclear Safety SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The permanent attention to safety is one of the keys of the future development of radiological and nuclear applications. The main objective of this practical course is to give students the opportunity to practically analyse safety aspects of relevant radiological and/or nuclear applications in the nuclear sector, the radiological sector (e.g. medicine) and the non-nuclear industry (possible problems with natural radioactivity), respectively, by having access to large facilities (nuclear reactor, accelerators), and to smaller ones related to medical and environmental applications that are not available to them. The target group are engineering students at Masters level. Students at PhD level may be admitted. The main activities are lectures and exercises on the facilities of CTU Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Institute of Plasma Physics and Hospital Homolka. Each exercise will have two aspects: a) to give to students practical experience of one given application of radiological or nuclear techniques, b) to invite them to analyse the various safety aspects of this application. Besides the valuable practical knowledge of radiological and nuclear techniques, the main expected result is that the participants will have learned to systematically include safety aspects in their future work in the nuclear or radiological field, and will have incorporated an attitude and a consciousness of radiation hygiene. The outcome will be laid down in a booklet, a documentation which is made available on a permanent web site. COORDINATOR: CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V PRAZE Zikova 4 CZ-16636 PRAHA Phone: +420 22 2435436 Fax: +420 22 28 311042 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Dana MRKVICKOVA PARTNERS: • • • • XIOS HOGESCHOOL LIMBURG, DIEPENBEEK, BE FACHHOCHSCHULE AACHEN, JÜLICH, DE UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA, VALENCIA, ES HAUTE ECOLE PAUL HENRI SPAAK, BRUSSELS, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 17935 € APPROVED BUDGET: 24780 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 12-21/03/2007 66 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 51698-IC-1-2005-1-CZ-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: Scénographie et Architecture - Symbiose des Cultures: De la scène à la Ville SUBJECT AREA: ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION: La symbiose des cultures est un atelier européen autour de la scénographie et de l'architecture. Elle met en relation, dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire, l'approche de l'architecture et de la scénographie au sens large. Aborder la problématique de la démarche et de la conception du projet architectural et urbain, à travers la création scénographique implique un travail sur la culture littéraire, historique, sociale et esthétique de chaque pays. La confrontation des cultures des différents pays européens et leur transposition spatiale par la scénographie, préfigureront la base d'un programme architectural qui, à travers un jeu d'analogies, de métissages, de traitement symbolique de l'espace mènera au projet architectural et urbain. Le premier atelier aura lieu à Prague, ville en mutation et en mouvement, emprunte d'œuvres littéraires, théâtrales et cinématographiques, et qui a été façonnée tant par son histoire singulière que par son histoire fictionnelle. La lecture de la ville et l'approche du projet par un langage scénographique seront expérimentées dans d'autres villes européennes et engageront diverses institutions culturelles. COORDINATOR: CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V PRAZE Zikova 4 CZ-16636 PRAGUE Phone: +420 2 243 53436 Fax: +420 2 243 11042 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Dana MRKVICKOVA PARTNERS: • • • ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE DE PARIS LA VILLETTE, PARIS, FR FACULDADE DE ARQUITECTURA - UNIVERSIDADE TECNICA DE LISBOA, LISBOA, PT LUNDS TEKNISKA HOGSKOLA LUNDS UNIVERSITET ARKITEKURSKOLAN VID LTH, LUND, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 28597 € APPROVED BUDGET: 41130 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 13-25/02/2007 67 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 51707-IC-1-2005-1-CZ-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: Environmental Impacts of Power Industry SUBJECT AREA: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, ECOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Objectives: To introduce the experience and the latest trends in power generation, transmission, distribution and utilization into the study programmes of all the partner universities in order to train experts who will be able to deal with the new situation in power industry in Europe. Special emphasis will be placed on environmental impacts of power generation. To harmonize the study programmes of the partner institutions with the help of the jointly designed and implemented IP and the subsequent inclusion of the course in the curricula of all IP partners. Target groups: Students studying for a Master degree and also students in Bachelor and PhD. Programmes. The other beneficiaries will be teaching staff from partner universities and experts from power industry. Main activities: - Preparation, organization and evaluation of IP, dissemination of results Joint design and publishing of teaching materials Preparation for the integration of the course in the study programmes of all partner institutions Expected outputs: - Design and implementation of the IP (later to be integrated in the curricula and study programmes of all partner universities) Teaching materials Proceedings of the IP BSc., MSc. PhD theses or semester projects dealing with the topics of the IP. COORDINATOR: ZAPADOCESKA UNIVERZITA V PLZNI Univerzitni 8 CZ-306 14 PLZEN Phone: +420 377 635773 Fax: +420 377 635773 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Jana PROCAKOVA PARTNERS: • • • • • • • WESTSÄCHSISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZWICKAU, ZWICKAU, DE TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA V KOSICIACH, KOSICE, SK TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT CHEMNITZ, CHEMNITZ, DE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ, GRAZ, AT CEZ, A.S, PRAHA 4, CZ BUSINESS AND INNOVATION CENTRE ZWICKAU, ZWICKAU, DE E.ON DISTRIBUCE, CESKE BUDEJOVICE, CZ GRANT AMOUNT: 37435 € APPROVED BUDGET: 52980 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 21-30/05/2007 68 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28321-IC-2-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: INTAGRAF - Alpine Gravity Field Course SUBJECT AREA: DESCRIPTION: GEODESY, CARTOGRAPHY, REMOTE SENSING Auf der Grundlage eines zwölf-tägigen Feldkurses sollen jeweils einmal pro Jahr zwischen 2005 und 2007 gravimetrische Feldmessungen an den ca. 7.000 vorhandenen Stationen der Landesvermessung im Gebiet von Südtirol (Norditalien) durchgeführt werden. Wegen des Lehrcharakters der Veranstaltung wird der Fokus auf die Vermessung von ca. 1000 - 1500 Stationen pro Kurs gelegt. Die genaue Anzahl ist abhängig von der Anzahl der eingesetzten Gravimeter. Der Kurs, der bereits 2003 mit eigenen Mitteln der Partner aus Deutschland, Österreich und Italien als Pilotprojekt durchgeführt wurde, richtet sich an Studenten der Geophysik, Geologie, Physik und Geodäsie im Hauptstudium (MSc) oder an Doktoranden. Ziel des internationalen Kurses ist die Vermittlung modernster theoretisch-methodischer Kenntnisse und die sofortige Anwendung in der Praxis im schwierigen Ambiente des Hochgebirges, das für die Anwendung von Potenzialfeldmethoden höchste Ansprüche an die Datenaquisition, -verarbeitung und das Prozessing stellt. Wir planen eine enge Kooperation mit dem Katasteramt der Region Südtirol-Trentinoin Bozen an und wollen Kollegen der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Bratislava mit beteiligen. Alle Beobachtungen werden von den Teilnehmern mit aktueller Software ausgewertet, Fehlerrechnungen und Sensitivitätsstudien werden durchgeführt, sowie Karten zur Visualisierung und Evaluierung erstellt. Die Ergebnisse werden dem Katasteramt Südtirol nach Kursende zur Verfügung gestellt. Es werden ca. 30 Teilnehmer erwartet mit 7 Betreuern. Der zweite Kurs im Rahmen dieses IP Programms wird vom 27.08.2007 stattfinden. COORDINATOR: CHRISTIAN ALBRECHTS UNIVERSITÄT KIEL Westring 400 DE-24118 KIEL Phone: +49 431 880 37 17 Fax: +49 431 880 73 07 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Elisabeth GRUNWALD PARTNERS: • • • • FRIEDRICH-SCHILLER-UNIVERSITÄT JENA, JENA, DE UNIVERSITÀ DI TRIESTE, TRIESTE, IT UNIVERSITÄT WIEN, WIEN, AT UNIVERZITA KOMENSKEHO, BRATISLAVA, SK GRANT AMOUNT: 25524 € APPROVED BUDGET: 37366 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 27/08/2007-07/09/2007 69 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28321-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: Internationales Seminar: Europaische Stadte - Literarisches Imaginarium und kulturelle Selbstdarstellung SUBJECT AREA: HUMANITIES DESCRIPTION: Ziel des Internationalen Seminars `Europäische Städte ' Literarisches Imaginarium und kulturelle Selbstdarstellung' ist die adäquate Beschreibung von gesellschaftlichen, kulturellen und literarischen Konzepten des urbanen Raums Europas, der Dynamik seiner Entstehung sowie der Rahmenbedingungen und der Träger seiner Transformation. Das Programm verknüpft unter der übergeordneten Frage nach der Konstitution eines Imaginariums der europäischen Stadt genuin literatur- und kulturtheoretische mit anthropologischen und soziologischen Fragestellungen sowie den stärker praxisorientierten Aspekten des Kulturmanagements in den europäischen Städten unserer Gegenwart. Das Seminar richtet sich an Studierende der zweiten und der dritten Stufe (Master/Promotion), die sich in einzelnen Projekten dem Rahmenthema widmen, und bietet diesen ein internationales und interdisziplinäres Forum sowohl zur Erarbeitung theoretischer Konzepte als auch zur Diskussion eigener Arbeiten. Das Seminar soll Kernpunkte der Herausbildung europäischer Stadtdiskurse erhellen: die imaginativ-imaginäre Fundierung, die der Konstituierung hochzivilisierter Gemeinschaften "und mithin ihrer historischen Herausbildung und allen Versuchen einer Selbstverortung" zugrunde liegt; die notwendige Bindung kultureller Selbstvergewisserung an die Abgrenzung gegenüber einer als `anders' definierten Exteriorität; aber auch die Einsicht, dass eine solche Abgrenzung stets nur unvollkommen, im Modus der abiectio, erfolgen kann. Über die Beschreibung konkreter Paradigmen hinaus ist es das Ziel des Seminars, zu einem vertieften Verständnis der Dynamik von imaginativ-imaginärer Produktion, Rezeption und Transformation urbaner Konzepte zu gelangen. COORDINATOR: CHRISTIAN-ALBRECHTS-UNIVERSITÄT KIEL Westring 400 DE-24118 KIEL Phone: +49 431 880 3717 Fax: +49 431 880 1666 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Elisabeth GRUNWALD PARTNERS: • • • • UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 8, SAINT-DENIS CEDEX 02, FR UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO - EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA, VITORIA / GASTEIZ, ES UNIVERSIDADE DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, ES TARTU ÜLIKOOL, TARTU, EE GRANT AMOUNT: 25524 € APPROVED BUDGET: 37366 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 04-13/12/2006 70 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 REFERENCE: ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES 28375-IC-3-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: DOHES - Design and Operation of Hydrogen Aided Energy Systems SUBJECT AREA: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION: New energy supply systems based on renewable energy sources, fuel cells and hydrogen technology give the opportunity to an independent power supply of island or mobile applications as well as they will aid conventional energy systems. Fuel cells will play a major role in this scenery. A program of lectures about the theoretical fundamentals of fuel cells, fuel cells systems, and simulation for system design, hydrogen technology, renewable energy sources and practical training in the Multicomponent Laboratory for Integrated Energy Systems at the Fachhochschule Stralsund - University of Applied Sciences will be offered to the students. One important result is that the student will become familiar with a brand-new technology, the practical use of low temperature fuel cells. In addition the teamwork in multinational groups might be a first step towards a term abroad to gain practical experience and to promote a better understanding within the European Community. COORDINATOR: FACHHOCHSCHULE STRALSUND Zur Schwedenschanze 15 DE-18435 STRALSUND Phone: +49 3831 456533 Fax: +49 3831 456640 Email: CONTACT: Barbara BARTELS PARTNERS: • • • • • • KYMENLAAKSON AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, KOTKA, FI TALLINNA TECHNIKAÜLIKOOL, TALLINN, EE VILNIAUS GEDIMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITETAS, VILNIUS, LT UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA, VALENCIA, ES KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS, LT HOGSKOLEN I AGDER, GRIMSTAD, NO GRANT AMOUNT: 16475 € APPROVED BUDGET: 25300 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 16-25/04/2007 71 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28375-IC-2-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-7 TITLE: Applications in Modern Automotive Engineering SUBJECT AREA: ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Als thematische Bereiche werden innerhalb des Programms folgende Inhalte abgedeckt: technische Aspekte zur Fahrwerksauslegung, Systemtechnik im Fahrzeug, moderne Motoren und Motormanagementsysteme, alternative Antriebe, Fuzzy- und Neurosteuerungen, Logistik in Automobilunternehmen, moderne Werkstoffe im Fahrzeugbau, Konstruktion. Moderne Computeranwendungen in Verbindung mit wirtschaftlichen Aspekten werden im Kurs ebenfalls eine Rolle spielen, so dass der Kurs für Maschinenbauer wie auch für zukünftige maschinenbaunahe Ausbildungsprofile interessant sein wird. Aufgrund der sehr guten Ausstattung des Fachbereiches Maschinenbau und des hohen Niveaus der Vertiefungsrichtung Fahrzeugtechnik an der FH Stralsund sollen ausländische Studierende einen Einblick in moderne Entwicklungen der Fahrzeugtechnik erhalten. Dabei werden innerhalb des Kurses Vorlesungen, Übungen und Labore geboten. Zur Veranschaulichung ist eine Exkursion in fahrzeugherstellende Unternehmen geplant. Die Tatsache, dass an der FH ein sehr erfolgreiches Student Racing Team existiert, welches auf Spitzenplatzierungen bei internationalen Wettkämpfen in den USA, Australien und UK zurückblicken kann, macht den Kurs zusätzlich lukrativ. Teilnehmende Hochschulen werden durch Vorträge in den Kurs mit einbezogen. COORDINATOR: FACHHOCHSCHULESTRALSUND Zur Schwedenschanze 15 DE-18435 STRALSUND Phone: +49 3831 456533 Fax: +49 3831 456640 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Barbara BARTELS PARTNERS: • • • • • HOGSKOLEN I AGDER, kRISTIANSAND, NO HÖGSKOLANKRISTIANSTAD, kRISTIANSTAD, SE UNIVERSITATEA DIN BACAU, BACAU, RO HANZEHOGESCHOOL GRONINGEN, GRONINGEN, NL TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ, GRAZ, AT GRANT AMOUNT: 22650 € APPROVED BUDGET: 33200 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 19-29/03/2007 72 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28378-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: Reworking the Modern Movement SUBJECT AREA: ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION: Die Moderne ist zu Beginn des 20. Jh.s mit einem hohen gesellschaftlich sozialen Anspruch angetreten. Viele noch heute beispielhafte Wohnbauen und Siedlungen zeugen hiervon. Dieser gesellschaftlich soziale Anspruch sollte Ausdruck finden in einer neuen Gestaltungskultur. Jegliches Zitieren vergangener Stile wurde, auf der Suche nach einer avantgardistischen Gestalt, entschieden abgelehnt, ja sogar die Geschichte als Referenz überhaupt. Heute ist die Moderne selbst Geschichte. Die gebauten Zeugen dieser Geschichte brauchen Schutz. Sie sind zu dokumentieren und wissenschaftlich zu erforschen. Ihre ebenso experimentellen wie anfälligen Konstruktionstechniken bedürfen heute einer adäquaten Reparatur, Instandsetzung und Pflege. Die Moderne war eine gesellschaftliche Herausforderung, ihre Instandsetzung ist heute eine kreative Herausforderung. Die adäquaten Instandsetzungstechniken mit den Studierenden zunächst theoretisch, vor allem aber während des Workshops mit ihnen vor Ort, am Denkmal zu erarbeiten, ist das vornehmliche Ziel dieses Programms. Die Moderne hat sich als international verstanden, ihre Bauten und, ganz wesentlich, ihre Konstruktionen waren jedoch deutlich regional bestimmt. Diese und die örtlich ebenso unterschiedlichen Ansätze ihrer Instandsetzung über Landesgrenzen hinweg zu vergleichen und kritisch zu beurteilen, ist uns wesentlich. Zugleich wollen wir hiermit den Studierenden einen Einstieg schaffen in das Feld der Instandsetzung geschützter Bauten allgemein, aber auch ihnen die wichtigsten Instrumente vermitteln, um später in dem ungleich größeren Bereich des 'Bauens in historischen (nicht denkmalgeschützten) Kontexten', arbeiten zu können. COORDINATOR: FACHHOCHSCHULE FRANKFURT AM MAIN - UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Nibelungenplatz 1 DE-60318 FRANKFURT AM MAIN Phone: +49 69 15332739 Fax: +49 69 15332748 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Martine ROBERT PARTNERS: • • • KUNSTAKADEMIETS ARKITEKTSKOLE, KØBENHAVN, DK ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE DE NACY, NANCY, FR EESTI KUNSTIAKADEEMIA, TALLINN, EE GRANT AMOUNT: 28451 € APPROVED BUDGET: 42951 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01-13/04/2007 73 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28709-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: PPST Plasma Physics in Science and Technology SUBJECT AREA: PHYSICS DESCRIPTION: Plasma technology is a key technology, e.g., in microelectronics fabrication, nanotechnology and materials research, lighting and plasma displays, pollution control, and as such has major impact on the development of society. This proposal aims to develop a curriculum for a compact training course in plasma physics in science and technology for undergraduate and postgraduate students with a background in natural science and engineering. The IP course shall provide both theoretical and practical knowledge about plasma physics and its applications in science and technology to students. Subjects to be addressed during the IP are fundamentals of plasma physics, plasma diagnostics, plasma sources, electronics and vacuum requirements, dusty plasmas, waves and instabilities, fusion plasmas and confinement, electronics for plasma physics, atmospheric pressure discharge, micro plasmas, plasma chemistry, lighting, plasma displays, astrophysical plasmas, thin films deposition, surface modifications, nano-structures, and biological and medical applications. COORDINATOR: ERNST-MORITZ-ARNDT-UNIVERSITÄT GREIFSWALD Domstrasse 8 DE-17487 GREIFSWALD Phone: +49 38 34 86 11 15 Fax: +49 38 34 86 11 20 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Annette EHMLER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • POLITECHNIKA SZCZECINSKA, SZCZECIN, PL UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE, PRAHA 1, CZ CHRISTIAN-ALBRECHTS-UNIVERSITÄT ZU KIEL, KIEL, DE POLITECHNIKA KOSZALINSKA, KOSZALIN, PL INSTITUT FÜR NIEDERTEMPERATURPLASMAPHYSIK GREIFSWALD, GREIFSWALD, DE MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUTE FÜR PLASMAPHYSIK, GREIFSWALD, DE TECHNOLOGIEZENTRUM FÖRDERGESELLSCHAFT MBH VORPOMMERN, GREIFSWALD, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 22392 € APPROVED BUDGET: 32523 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01-15/10/2006 74 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28709-IC-2-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Europeanisation - Peripherisation? Regional Communication, Education and Culture as Development Factors in European Peripheries SUBJECT AREA: GEOGRAPHY DESCRIPTION: The course aims to initiate students into current problems of peripheral regions in the EU, and to give them an opportunity to develop new ''anti-peripheralisation'' strategies under special consideration of communication, education and culture. This requires both general and detailed knowledge of the European peripheries. The course will include lectures, seminars and discussions, where the theoretical and general aspects will be discussed. The concrete knowledge will be acquired by comparing the characteristics of the four case regions (North Karelia, Vorpommern, Värmland and Dutch North) at the seminars before the course and at the plenaries, group sessions and excursions during the actual course. The results will be discussed with regional decision-makers at an international workshop as a part of the IP. Finally the results will be published. COORDINATOR: ERNST-MORITZ-ARNDT-UNIVERSITÄT GREIFSWALD Domstrasse 8 DE-17487 GREIFSWALD Phone: +49 38 34 86 11 15 Fax: +49 38 34 86 11 20 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Annette EHMLER PARTNERS: • • • JOENSUUN YLIOPISTO, JOENSUU, FI KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, KARLSTAD, SE UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT, UTRECHT, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 22172 € APPROVED BUDGET: 32863 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 18-31/03/2007 75 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28714-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: STUGLO - Studying Global Migration and Intercultural Relations SUBJECT AREA: POLITICAL SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: The Intensive Phase 'Studying Global Migration in the 21st Century (STUGLO) at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, marks the beginning of the Joint Master's 'Migration and Intercultural Relations', a study programme jointly offered by the University of Oldenburg (GER), the University of Stavanger (NOR), the Nova Gorica Polytechnic/ Scientific Research Center of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts (SLO) and the Universidade Aberta, Lisbon (POR). The IP will introduce students to interdisciplinary theory and empirical research in migration studies. The focus will be on contemporary European migration, addressing global dimensions as well as national contingencies. During the IP, students examine and research key categories and concepts and develop a well-established basic knowledge of migration research. A substantial component will be conducted locally through fieldwork. The IP leads to the study of core modules, to be completed in the 1st semester. In interdisciplinary seminars, lectures, working groups and field trips, participants will become familiar with specificities of the programme and of the various modules in terms of content, structure and organisation. During an Anti-Bias-Training, students and teachers will be introduced to a reflection on power-based and discriminatory forms of communication and interaction. Such a self-reflective approach is essential to a transcultural learning environment as the Joint MA provides it. The IP will also serve to introduce students and teachers to each other personally, as well as to initiate the study programme that will be heavily based on e-learning. Working groups across the partner countries will be formed. Along with students of the Joint Master's Migration and Intercultural Relations, the IP is open for participants of other study programmes at the University of Oldenburg who meet general admission requirements for the Joint MA. COORDINATOR: CARL VON OSSIETZKY-UNIVERSITÄT OLDENBURG Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118 DE-26129 OLDENBURG Phone: +49 441 798 28 45 Fax: +49 441 798 24 61 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Ahmad HOSSEINIZADEH PARTNERS: • • • UNIVERSITET I STAVANGER, STAVANGER, NO UNIVERSIDADE ABERTA, LISBOA, PT POLITEHNIKA NOVA GORICA, NOVA GORICA, SI GRANT AMOUNT: 30702 € APPROVED BUDGET: 42769 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 04-18/10/2006 76 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29686-IC-2-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Planspiel ''Unternehmensstrategie'' SUBJECT AREA: BUSINESS STUDIES, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: Neun Hochschulen aus sieben EU-Ländern beteiligen sich an einem Planspiel zur Unternehmensstrategie. Hierbei spielen Teams aus jeweils vier bis sechs Studenten unterschiedlicher Herkunft und Fachrichtungen ein Unternehmen, das mit anderen Unternehmen in einem virtuellen Markt im Wettbewerb steht. Insgesamt können bis zu einhundert Studenten der beteiligten Hochschulen gleichzeitig an diesem Planspiel teilnehmen. Die Studenten kommen vorrangig aus wirtschaftlichen und technischen Studiengängen. Das Planspiel wird mit einer Simulationssoftware durchgeführt, die von einer der beteiligten Partnerhochschulen bereitgestellt wird. Es dauert zwei Wochen und wird durch Vorlesungen, Fachvorträge und Firmenbesichtigungen begleitet. Die Studententeams müssen in Präsentationen die Strategie ihrer Unternehmen darlegen und das daraus abgeleitete Handeln begründen. Dozenten der beteiligten Partnerhochschulen unterstützen die Studententeams und bewerten ihre Leistungen. Am Ende des Spiels wird ein Sieger gekürt. Der Erfolg des Planspiels wird abschließend bewertet und daraus Verbesserungsansätze für nachfolgende Durchführungen des Planspiels abgeleitet. Die beteiligten Partnerhochschulen kommen aus Budapest (Ungarn), Breslau (Polen), Paris (Frankreich), Oulu (Finnland), Rezekne (Lettland), Groningen (Holland) und Hannover und Emden (Deutschland). COORDINATOR: FACHHOCHSCHULE OLDENBURG/OSTFRIESLAND/WILHELMSHAVEN Constantiaplatz 4 DE-26723 EMDEN Phone: +49 44 21 985 22 00 Fax: +49 44 21 985 26 56 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Hanns GRÜTZNER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • BUDAPESTI MUSZAKI FOISKOLA, BUDAPEST, HU OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAK OULU, OULU, FI ASSOCIATION LEONARD DE VINCI, PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX, FR REZEKNES AUGSTSKILA, REZEKNE, LV FACHHOSCHULE HANNOVER, FACHBEREICH WIRTSCHAFT, HANNOVER, DE POLITECHNIKA WROCLAWSKA, WROCLAW, PL SZENT ISTVÁN EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU HANZEHOGESCHOOL GRONINGEN, GRONINGEN, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 54790 € APPROVED BUDGET: 76387 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 25/03/2007-04/04/2007 77 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29725-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Lobbyism and Private-public Interaction in EU Institutions SUBJECT AREA: BUSINESS STUDIES, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: 25 undergraduate students from Business and Management programmes offered at universities in 5 EU member states are to study the theory and practice of Lobbyism in the institutional environment of the European Union in Brussels. The partners already offer a joint European Policies module. The IP's function is to bridge the gap usually observed between theoretical Political Environment Studies and real-life political and business communication practice. Thus participating students are expected to upgrade their instrumental skills and employability against the background of an increasing number of companies requiring operational European PR and networking skills. Firsthand input from experts, institutional speakers and teachers are meant to enrich the target group's portfolio of skills and experience which will be documented in an electronic portfolio to be supplied by each student over an e-learning platform. The IP will supply a 3-ECTS module that will be integrated into the regular teaching offer made by the IP partners that will continue to co-operate (and have done so before) in the DEMI network along more general lines. COORDINATOR: FACHHOCHSCHULE BIELEFELD Universitätsstr. 25 DE-33615 BIELEFELD Phone: +49 521 1065077 Fax: +49 521 1065086 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Bernd KLEINHEYER PARTNERS: • • • • • FUNDACIO UNIVERSITARIA BALMES, VIC, ES TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, TAMPERE, FI TAMPEREEN KAUPUNGIN ELINKEINOKESKUS, TAMPERE, FI UNIVERSITÉ DE VALENCIENNES ET DU HAINAULT-CAMBRÉSIS, VALENCIENNES CEDEX, FR HOGESCHOOL ROTTERDAM, ROTTERDAM, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 22081 € APPROVED BUDGET: 32775 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 27/11/2006-7/12/2006 78 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29742-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Supply-Furn. Supply Chain in Furniture Industry - Facing the Challenges of Widening Markets SUBJECT AREA: BUSINESS STUDIES WITH TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Die europäische Möbelindustrie ist im Umbruch. Traditionelle lokale Wertschöpfungsketten (Supply Chain) werden aufgebrochen und durch internationale Zulieferketten ersetzt. Produktionsstandorte werden verlagert. Gleichzeitig geraten Absatzmärkte unter Kostendruck, etablierte Marktsegmente verschieben sich. Ingenieure müssen auf diese Veränderungen vorbereitet werden. Sie müssen das notwendige Wissen und die entsprechenden Kompetenzen besitzen, um auch in einem globalen Umfeld erfolgreich agieren zu können. Das Studium der Holztechnik bzw. der Holztechnologie bereitet hierauf nur mittelbar vor, die Themen werden an allen europäischen Hochschulstandorten meist nur implizit und nicht im Zusammenhang vermittelt. Hier setzt das IP an, indem es notwendige Lehrinhalte intensiv aufarbeitet und durch Beiträge von Industriepartnern in die Praxis spiegelt. Thematisch eingegrenzte Exkursionen zu international tätigen Industriebetrieben vertiefen die Lehrinhalte. Auch gesellschaftspolitische Aspekte werden angesprochen, um eine Fortführung der Diskussion außerhalb der Lehrveranstaltungen anzustoßen und das Denken auf die erforderliche europäische bzw. weltweite Dimension auszuweiten. Das IP ist für Bachelor-Studierende höherer Semester entworfen. Mit den Hochschulstandorten Warschau, Trieste und Lippe sind die maßgeblichen Möbelzentren Europas vertreten, die intensive Lieferantenbeziehungen ins Ausland unterhalten. Weiterhin wird eine chinesische Hochschule eingebunden, da die Problematik deutlich über Europa hinausweist. Das IP soll die Teilnehmer befähigen, professionell internationale Lieferantenbeziehungen im Bereich der Möbelindustrie aufzubauen und zu pflegen, aber auch gesellschaftliche Veränderungen zu reflektieren. Über die Veranstaltung und die Resultate wird in internationalen Fachzeitschriften berichtet werden. COORDINATOR: FACHHOCHSCHULE LIPPE UND HÖXTER Liebigstr. 87 DE-32657 LEMGO Phone: +49 5261 702335 Fax: +49 5261 702221 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Thomas LÜTTENBERG PARTNERS: • • • • • UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TRIESTE, TRIESTE, IT SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO, WARSZAWA, PL FACHHOCHSCHULE SALZBURG, KUCHL, AT FACHHOSCHULE ROSENHEIM, ROSENHEIM, DE HOCHSCHULE FÜR ANGEWANDTE WISSENSCHAFT UND KUNSTFACHHOSCHULE HILDESHEIM/HOLZMINDEN/GÖTTINGEN, HILDESHEIM, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 27229 € APPROVED BUDGET: 39639 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01-10/09/2007 79 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29748-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Borrowed Identities - Changing Perspectives through Intercultural Dialogue SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: Following the objectives of the European Year of Equal Opportunities and the proposed European Year of Intercultural Dialogue the IP 'Borrowed Identity' aims at creating an intercultural learning environment based on virtual and real mobility. The multidisciplinary project is targeted to Business, Technical and Humanities students in Germany, Sweden, Spain, UK and Hungary and will focus on combining face-to-face and Computer mediated academic work and intercultural communication. The preparatory E-Learning course and the 11-day IP will provide students with a new perspective of their own cultural identity and the cultural identity of their foreign fellow students and hosts based on practical applications of theories and models of intercultural communication and management of cultural diversity. Role-Plays, workshops and seminars will allow students to explore the dimensions of culture in a growing European Union, which involves issues related to gender, age, race and nationality. The outcome will be an accompanying module to the curricular language learning of participating institutions. During the 3-year contract period it is planned that the IP will take place in Ireland (2007), in Spain (2008) and in Sweden (2009), which provides a more comprehensive and challenging learning experience and advantages for dissemination of project results COORDINATOR: FACHHOSCHULE KOBLENZ Rheinau 3-4 DE-56075 KOBLENZ Phone: +49 261 56617 Fax: +49 261 56953 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Friedrich SEIBEL PARTNERS: • • • • • • • UMEA UNIVERSITET, INSTITUTION FOR MODERNA SPRAK/ENGELSKA, UMEA, SE UNIVERSITY OF BRIGHTON, BRIGHTON, UK BUDAPESTI CORVINUS EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU ACHILL ISLAND ARTS AND CULTURAL LINKS ALLIANCE, CO. MAYO, IE INTER.RESEARCH INSTITUT FUR INTERDISZIPLINARE FORSCHUNG E.V., FULDA, DE VOLKSHOCHSCHULE KÖLN, STADT KOLN, KOLN, DE UNIVERSIDAD DE LEON, LEON, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 29301 € APPROVED BUDGET: 41735 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 02-12/02/2007 80 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29770-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Image as Narrative: The Comics in the Tradition of European Graphic Novel SUBJECT AREA: HISTORY OF ART DESCRIPTION: The main objective of this IP is to show the crucial importance of the relationship between image and text in order to understand our contemporary culture, focussing on the image(s) as narrative that has become popular in the 20th century with the advent of the comics. The long European tradition of narrative images is clearly undervalued in the European academic debate on media culture. Word & image studies are a comparatively recent development to fill this gap. The study of graphic literature (comic strips, cartoons, caricature, etc.) encompasses a field where much basic research and theoretical work remains to be done. The main target group of this IP are graduate students from different disciplines who will learn to study both in an intercultural and interdisciplinary way. This learning experience will result in a substantial essay on one of the IP's sub-themes. Thus the IP is conceived as a first step towards the development of a European curriculum for word & image studies, in particular the study of graphic literature. All written contributions by participants will after evaluation be published in a special 'Image as Narrative' issue of the electronic academic journal Image (&) Narrative. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITY OF HAMBURG Rothenbaumchaussee 36 DE-20146 HAMBURG Phone: + 49 42838 3302 Fax: + 49 42838 3302 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Rosemarie BRUECHERT PARTNERS: • • • • • • CENTRAL SAINT MARTINS COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN (THE LONDON INSTITUTE), LONDON, UK HOGESCHOOL VOOR WETENSCHAP & KUNST SINT-LUKAS, BRUSSEL, BE UNIVERSITÄT LÜNEBURG, LÜNEBURG, DE UNIVERSITE BLAISE PASCAL CLERMONT II, CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, UK UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA, CIUDAD REAL, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 22475 € APPROVED BUDGET: 33300 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 15-24/07/2007 81 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29794-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: Aufbau von Institutionen und gesellschaftlichen Mechanismen zur Korruptionsbekämpfung - Erfahrungen in europäischen Staaten SUBJECT AREA: EUROPEAN COMMUNITY LAW DESCRIPTION: Das beantragte IP für das akademische Jahr 2006/07 ist konzipiert als erster Teil eines dreijährigen Programms, das sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven der Leitfrage widmet: Wie kann die Demokratie angesichts ausgewählter Problemlagen durch erfolgreiche Strategien gestärkt werden? 2006/07 soll der Schwerpunkt auf der Korruptionsbekämpfung liegen und analysiert werden, welche Institutionen und gesellschaftlichen Mechanismen als europäische Standards für Integritätssysteme geeignet sind. 2007/08 wird untersucht, mit welchen Strategien Politikverdrossenheit überwunden und Vertrauen in demokratische Strukturen gestärkt werden kann. 2008/09 sollen die Bedingungen für erfolgreiche Reformen des Sozialstaates analysiert werden. Welche Maßnahmen und Strategien zur Korruptionsbekämpfung in verschiedenen europäischen Staaten mit welchen Erfolgen eingesetzt werden, soll Gegenstand des beantragten IP sein. Dabei sollen Standards für die Korruptionsprävention erarbeitet werden, die in die Lehrinhalte der beteiligten Hochschulen einfließen. Die Zielgruppen sind a) die studentischen Teilnehmer als zukünftige Leitungsfunktionsträger, b) die Multiplikatoren in den kooperierenden Organisationen und c) die beteiligten Dozenten als Multiplikatoren für die Veränderung von Lehrinhalten. Die Hauptaktivität des IP besteht in einem zwölftägigen Seminar. Studierende aus Belgien, Deutschland, Polen und Schweden werden zusammen mit ihren Dozenten sowie mit Experten aus anderen Organisationen analysieren, wie international wirksame Integritätssysteme gegen Korruption etabliert und damit die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der EU und der einzelnen Länder gestärkt werden kann. COORDINATOR: FACHHOCHSCHULE FÜR VERWALTUNG UND RECHTSPFLEGE BERLIN Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60 DE-10315 BERLIN Phone: +49 30 9021 41 30 Fax: +49 30 9021 40 57 Email: CONTACT: Brigitte THIEM-SCHRÄDER PARTNERS: • • • VAXJO UNIVERSITET, VAXJO, SE HOGESCHOOL GENT, GENT, BE UNIWERSYTET IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAN, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 21116 € APPROVED BUDGET: 31155 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 18-27/03/2007 82 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29855-IC-2-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-8 TITLE: Europas kulturelle Identität als Projekt: Neue Formen Des Dialogs SUBJECT AREA: HISTORY DESCRIPTION: Der Kandidatenstatus der Türkei verdeutlicht seit 2004 die politische Bereitschaft, die Europäische Union über die traditionellen Grenzen des Kontinents hinaus zu erweitern. In der Diskussion über die kulturelle Identität der Union müssen deshalb Vorstellungen entwickelt werden, die bisher gängige Konzepte vom christlichen Abendland oder der Einigung 'Europas' relativieren. In dem dreijährigen Intensivprogramm ''Europas kulturelle Identität als Projekt'' erstellen Dozenten aus Literatur-, Geschichts- , Politik- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften der beteiligten Hochschulen in Deutschland, Irland, Italien, Polen, Spanien, Rumänien und der Türkei fachübergreifend Lehrmaterialien zu den Themen ''Konzepte zur kulturellen Identität in Europa'', ''Neue Formen des Dialogs'' und ''Kulturelle Bedingungen des Zusammenlebens in einem erweiterten Europa''. Dabei dient bevorzugt Spanien als Paradigma für das Nebeneinander verschiedener Kulturen, Sprachen und Systeme in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Die neuen Materialien werden in je einem 10-tägigen Intensivkurs zu jedem Themenbereich in Deutschland, Andalusien und der Türkei erprobt. Aktive Teilnehmer dieser Intensivkurse sind jeweils 50 Studierende aus den beteiligten Fächern und Hochschulen, die an den Heimatuniversitäten ein eigenes Statement ausgearbeitet haben, das sie im Rahmen des Intensivkurses vortragen. Arbeitssprachen sind Englisch und Spanisch. Die revidierten Lehrmaterialien werden über Website und in Buchform verbreitet. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÄT ZU KÖLN Albertus-Magnus-Platz DE-50923 KÖLN Phone: +49 221 470 2769 Fax: +49 221 470 05016 Email:; Internet site address: CONTACT: Christiane BIEHL PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK, LIMERICK, IE UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA, SEVILLA, ES UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI W KRAKOWIE, KRAKAU, PL UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID, GETAFE (MADRID), ES UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA, BARCELONA, ES UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI BERGAMO, BERGAMO, IT UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA, GRANADA, ES UNIVERSITATEA ''BABES-BOLAY'' CLUJ-NAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO SABANCI UNIVERSITESI, ISTANBUL, TR UNIVERSIDAD DE CADIZ, CADIZ, ES UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALENCIA, VALENCIA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 30270 € APPROVED BUDGET: 43361 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 7-16/09/2007 83 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 219252-IC-2-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: ESM - European Students Meeting in Communications and Information Technology SUBJECT AREA: ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION: The IP ESM is a short programme of study which brings together students and staff from universities in the various participating countries in order to: - - - encourage efficient and multinational teaching of specialist topics in the field of Telecommunications and Applied Computer Science which might otherwise not be taught at all, or only in a very restricted number of universities; enable students and teachers to work together in multinational groups and so benefit from special learning and teaching conditions not available in a single institution, and to gain new perspectives on the topic being studied; allow members of the teaching staff to exchange views on the teaching content and new curricula approaches and to test teaching methods (including e-learning) in an international classroom environment. The ''European Students Meeting ' ESM'' is a project which is designed to serve as a platform for learning and teaching in the fields of telecommunication and applied computer science in today's international study environment. A group of + 40 students from the partner universities in Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Slovakia, Spain, Germany and Hungary will join in a series of lectures, seminars, laboratory practice sessions and interactive workshops. An array of topics with well-known as well as new and innovative technical content will be presented in Next Generation Networks, Wireless Applications, Fibre Optical Communications and Intercultural Communication. 20 guest lecturers from the partner universities will apply new teaching and didactical methods, and also have the opportunity to discuss ideas in their respective academic fields. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE Cité scientifique Rue Marconi FR-59658 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ Phone: +33 3 20 33 55 41 Fax: +33 3 20 33 55 98 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Dean HIPPLE PARTNERS: • • • • • • ZILINSKA UNIVERZITA V ZILINE, ZILINA, SK KOLEZH PO TELEKOMUNIKATSII I POSHTI, SOFIA, BG UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA, VALENCIA, ES DEUTSCHE TELEKOM, FACHHOCHSCHULE LEIPZIG, LEIPZIG, DE SZECHENYI ISTVAN EGYETEM, GYOR, HU DUBLIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DUBLIN, IE GRANT AMOUNT: 40291 € APPROVED BUDGET: 57055 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 4-18/02/2007 84 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 220438-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: DeSeRTS - Design of Safe and Reliable Technical Systems - Exploring Technologies Dark Sides SUBJECT AREA: INFORMATICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: A broad introduction of novel autonomous intelligent systems can be expected. Products like intelligent domestic appliances, nursing robots and robots interacting directly with workers promise improved life quality, improvements in the production and business opportunities for companies. On the other side their malfunction may also introduce many new dangers. With the well recognized standards (e.g. EN-IEC-61508) the EU already has a good position in this field. But design, development, production and service of such safety critical systems require people with awareness and knowledge in safety design which in most regular study programs is not or hardly addressed. Supplementing regular course programs with an intensive program as proposed here seems reasonable. The required interdisciplinary approach starts with basic safety principles (analysis of failures, risk assessment, quantification of safety, etc.) and covers as well hardware aspects (mechanics, electronics, processor systems etc.) as well software aspects (control programs, software quality etc.). Further mentality driven differences in the perception of people from different countries have to be aligned. It can be expected that students with such skills can help to strengthen the position of European companies. Hence, the topic is a valuable extension to regular programs in mechanical engineering, electronics engineering and computer engineering. COORDINATOR: FACHHOCHSCHULE BONN-RHEIN-SIEG Grantham-Allee 20 DE-53757 SANKT AUGUSTIN Phone: + 49 2241 865628 Fax: + 49 2241 8658628 Email: CONTACT: Vera SCHNEIDER PARTNERS: • • • • • HANZEHOGESCHOOL GRONINGEN, GRONINGEN, NL EVTEK TEKNILLINEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULOU, ESPOO, FI HOGESCHOOL VAN AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL HOGSKOLEN I SOR-TRONDELAG, TRONDHEIM, NO UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA, VALENCIA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 45150 € APPROVED BUDGET: 63534 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01-15/01/2007 85 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28796-IC-3-2005-1-DK-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: EFEES - European Field Excursions in Environmental Science SUBJECT AREA: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: The EFEES summer school developed by 6 EU universities will guidea group of 30 international university students in environmental science to understand the influence of human activity on the composition and functioning of various ecosystems characteristic (unique) of different European regions. With a multidisciplinary approach, EFEES focuses on lessons learned from typical cases of environmental degradation, conservation and management in Europe, and will include the influence of economy and politics on environmental management. An accompanying textbook presents background information, data and interpretations for the cases studied and is published on the internet. The 2007 course comprises: (i) one week of theoretical preparation by means of e-learning, and (ii) two weeks of field study in eastern Austria ('Rosalia' mountains). Characterization, pollution, controls and management of water resources is the focus of the 2007 EFEES summer school. During the course students will work with the links between land uses (agriculture, forestry, industry) and water quality. They will be exposed to a number of case studies of pollution, restoration and ecological engineering, and they will learn how environmental policies and regulation affect landscapes and land uses. In addition students will learn how to collect relevant environmental data, how to use the data to understand environmental processes, and how to interpret the data. Reports and posters on various aspects of the study area will be prepared by the students. A final report will include course assessment and evaluation as well as recommendations for future course development. COORDINATOR: DEN KGL.VETERINÆR- OG LANDBOHØJSKOLE Bülowsvej 17 DK-1870 FREDERIKSBERG Phone: +45 3528 2374 Fax: +45 3528 2664 Email: CONTACT: Christina Hove ODGAARD PARTNERS: • • • • • UNIVERSITÄT HOHENHEIM, STUTTGART, DE SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, UPPSALA, SE UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR, WIEN, WIEN, AT LANDBOUWUNIVERSITEIT WAGENINGEN, WAGENINGEN, NL UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN, ABERDEEN, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 31583 € APPROVED BUDGET: 44945 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 4-22/06/2007 86 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28824-IC-1-2005-1-DK-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: Children and Physical Activity - Relations to Obesity and Health SUBJECT AREA: PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SPORT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: The objective of this IP is to educate master level students in both the theoretical and applied aspects in the field of health related and health enhancing physical activity (PA) in children. The content will focus on: - the academic rationale for the inclusion of sport, exercise, fitness and related health issues in the public health domain; state-of-the-art scientific data on the physiological, epidemiological, psychological, sociological and social factors underpinning children's participation in PA and sport; methodological, ethical and practical issues which underpin scientific investigation and intervention in the field; opportunities for students to obtain a European perspective on the topic, and offer them tools to evaluate how policy issues differ between countries. An international multi-disciplinary approach will be adopted. A prerequisite will be an active participation in an environment dealing with children and PA. The students will be provided with specific learning conditions not available in a single European institution, and the teaching staff will have international scientific reputations in the fields. Study material as well as virtual rooms for discussions between students and between students and teachers will be made available online. COORDINATOR: SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET Campusvej, 55 DK-5230 ODENSE Phone: +45 6550 3181 Fax: +45 6615 7500 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Lisbeth PINHOLT PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEUTSCHE SPORTHOCHSCHULE KÖLN, KÖLN, DE KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, KØBENHAVN, DK LIETUVOS KUNO KULTUROS AKADEMIJA, KAUNAS, LT ISTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO STATALE DI SCIENZE MOTORIE, ROMA, IT NORGES IDRETTSHØGSKOLE, OSLO, NO UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO, PORTO, PT UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL, BRISTOL, UK UNIVERSITÄT WIEN-ZENTRUM FÜR SPORTWISSENSCHAFT UND UNIVERSITÄTSSPORT, VIENNA, AT MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY, LONDON, UK HANZEHOGESCHOOL GRONINGEN, GRONINGEN, NL KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI, THESSALONIKI, GR HØGSKULEN I SOGN OG FJORDANE, SOGNDAL, NO TARTU ÜLIKOOL, TARTU, EE UNIVERSITY OF ULSTER, COLERAINE, UK VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL UNIVERSIDADE TÉCNICA DE LISBOA, CRUZ-QUEBRADA, PT KENNARAHÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, LAUGARVATN, IS GRANT AMOUNT: APPROVED BUDGET: 80442 € 110589 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 14-28/05/2007 87 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 69771-IC-1-2005-1-EE-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: Crossing Borders Once More: Synthesis of Different Approaches in Interpretation SUBJECT AREA: MUSIC AND MUSICOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The objective of the present project is final elaboration and complex testing and evaluation in the framework of IP in August 2007 of the four developed teaching modules "Developments in jazz interpretation, New trends in interpretation of classical music, Improvisation, and Contemporary Music" as an integral part of the future full curriculum for the summer term. The IP will be hosted by the project coordinator, The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, already having by that time rich experience in the organisation of Intensive Programmes. Along with the theoretical lectures, live performances, free improvisations, etc are foreseen. Furthermore, in live performances cross-over and syntheses of the modules developed will be introduced to contribute to the refinement of all four. In addition, one more module will be developed in the project framework, to link the four developed ones on a comprehensive theoretical basis, using the lecture materials, etc. available as the result of the two previous IPs. The additional module will be also tested and evaluated during the IP in August 2007. COORDINATOR: EESTI MUUSIKAAKADEEMIA Rävala Street 16 EE-10143 TALLINN Phone: +372 66 75703 Fax: +372 66 75800 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marje LOHUARU PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • DET FYNSKE MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM, ODENSE, DK SIBELIUS-AKATEMIA, HELSINKI, FI HOCHSCHULE FÜR MUSIK UND THEATER HAMBURG, HAMBURG, DE J. VITOLA LATVIJAS MUZIKAS AKADEMIJA, RIGA, LV LIETUVOS MUZIKOS AKADEMIJA, VILNIUS, LT ACADEMIA MUZYCZNA IM.S. MONIUSZKI W GDANSKU, POLAND, PL ACADEMIA MUZYCZNA IM. FRYDERYKA CHOPINA, WARSAW, PL KUNGLIGA MUSIKHOGSKOLAN I STOCKHOLM, STOCKHOLM, SE LISTAHÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, REYKJAVÍK, IS GRANT AMOUNT: 32844 € APPROVED BUDGET: 47125 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 14-28/05/2007 88 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 69935-IC-3-2005-1-EE-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: EPE - Excluded People in Europe, Comparision European Practice SUBJECT AREA: SOCIAL WORK DESCRIPTION: Social exclusion refers to the marginalisation that can be experienced when people are unable to participate fully in the society in which they live. Social exclusion is related to different and complex social problems which are encountered in all countries. European countries work with problems with different kind of methods and policies which could be somehow unknown to others. The Intensive Program 'Excluded People in Europe, Comparison with European Countries Practice' (EPE) has three main objectives and aims: a. to compare social work practices working with excluded people; b. to analyse methods and polices which are used in Europe; c. to give an opportunity to social work students to study and work together in a multicultural context. The target groups of the IP are socially excluded people: disabled, elderly, criminals, etc. Main activities are lectures, seminars, study visits to social field institutions and independent work with topics. Expected outputs of the IP project are: 1) a book about social exclusion in Europe, comparison with European Countries Practice and didactical guidelines and 2) a webpage which supports the IP course and the future cooperation between the partners. This project is the last and conclusive project for the two IP projects 'EPE ' Social Exclusion in Europe, Comparison with European Countries Practice' in Estonia 2005 and in Germany 2006. During these projects, work has been undertaken on the topic of social exclusion and the development of the SLEPT analytical model. COORDINATOR: TARTU ÜLIKOOLI Ringi 35 EE-80010 PÄRNU Phone: +372 44 50520 Fax: +372 44 50530 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Jaana KIKKAS PARTNERS: • • • • • • • KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL KEMPEN, GEEL, BE STOCKPORT COLLEGE OF FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION, STOCKPORT, UK HÄLSOUNIVERSITETET LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SWEDEN, SE EVANGELISCHE FACHHOCHSCHULE BERLIN, BERLIN, DE UNIWERSYTET JAGIELONSKI, KRAKOW, PL SEINAJOEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, SEINAJOKI, FI HOGESKOLEN I STAVANGER, STAVANGER, NO GRANT AMOUNT: 27777 € APPROVED BUDGET: 40363 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 20-29/03/2007 89 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 69935-IC-2-2005-1-EE-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: The Assessment of Functioning and Health - The Bases of Effective Physiotherapy SUBJECT AREA: MEDICAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: There is a need to find innovative ways for structuring the teaching of physiotherapy assessment at the very beginning of education. Students will then learn the basics in a multifactorially causal diseases and client centred assessment which can be integrated into their future studies. The students will learn to understand the differences between the Biomedical and Biopsycho-social insight to explain the consequences to physiotherapeutic interventions and research. They will become acquainted with the classification systems and theories which underpin professional practice. The central aim is to exchange experiences between different partners regarding the content, structure and organisation of the course based on new insights. Support for the development of physiotherapy training in Eastern-European universities will be another central aim. The harmonisation of teaching physiotherapy assessment can be viewed as beneficial in many ways: combining the knowledge and skill from each institution will be a contribution to evidence based physiotherapy practice in Europe; in student and teacher exchange, it will be easier to collaborate knowing that there is a shared scheme of assessment and therapy process in clinical practice; the project will enhance the integration of theory and practice within the curricula. COORDINATOR: TARTU ÜLIKOOLI Ülikooli 18 EE-50090 TARTU Phone: +372 7 375151 Fax: +372 7 375153 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Riin KIKKAS PARTNERS: • • • • • STADIA HELSINGIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, HELSINKI, FI NATZIONALNA SPORTNA ACADEMIA ''VASIL LEVSKI'', SOFIA, BG CENTER FOR VIDEREGAENDE SUNDHEDSUDDANNELSER - FYN, ODENSE, DK ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE TECNOLOGIA DA SAUDE DE LISBOA, LISBOA, PT HOGESCHOOL VAN ARNHEM EN NIJMEGEN, NIJMEGEN, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 41373 € APPROVED BUDGET: 58498 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 1-10/06/2007 90 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 69935-IC-1-2005-1-EE-ERASMUS-IPUC-7 TITLE: European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School SUBJECT AREA: COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: The Intensive Programme aims at consolidating an EU-wide community of doctoral studies in the field of Media and Communication with special attention to involve partners from the new member states in an enlarged Europe, while at the same time building on the expertise of a consortium with 12 years experience in organising a Communication Studies summer school. The objectives of the IP 2007-2009 are: a) to provide an intercultural and multilateral dialogue between academics of new and old EU members states focusing on an enlarged Europe, its democracies, its peoples, its ethnicities and the role of media and journalism; b) to provide mutual support for doctoral studies in Media and Communication in the expanding network of the partner universities, supported by the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA); c) to further expand the collaboration to universities not yet members of the network; d) to create a respectful but critical dialogue between academic researchers, governments, civil society and media industries. The target groups are doctoral students and teaching staff of Media and Communication at the participating universities, and representatives of the media industry. Expected outputs include a proceeding of the presentations on the IP website. COORDINATOR: TARTU ULIKOOL Ulikooli 18 EE-50090 TARTU Phone: +37 2 737 5151 Fax: +37 2 737 5153 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Riin KIKKAS PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EOTVOS LORAND TUDOMANYEGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, HELSINKI, FI LUNDS UNIVERSITET, LUND, SE TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO, TAMPERE, FI UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL UNIVERSITAT AUTÓNOMA DE BARCELONA, BARCELONA, ES UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITÄT ERFURT, ERFURT, DE UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSK, KRAKOW, PL UNIVERSITY OF STIRLING, STIRLING, UK UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER, HARROW, UK VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL, BRUSSEL, BE UNIVERSITAT BREMEN, BREMEN, DE VYTAUTO DIDZIOJO UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS, LT HOGSKOLAN I JONKOPING, JONKOPING, SE UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI ROSKILDE UNIVERSITETS CENTER, ROSKILDE, DK UNIVERSITE STENDHAL GRENOBLE 3, GRENOBLE, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 52975 € APPROVED BUDGET: 73967 € 91 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES 19-30/08/2007 ACTIVITY DURATION: REFERENCE: 28595-IC-1-2005-1-ES-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Resilience, Vulnerability and Sustainability in Rural European Environments SUBJECT AREA: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, ECOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The objectives of the IP are: - to provide training in integrated sustainable land use and environmental management to environmental and tourism students; to give students stimulating intensive field training within a European student environment ; to address sustainability issues in the context of conflicting demands on land use in new and unfamiliar environments for the students ; to allow students to confront their own different academic perspectives on land use and sustainability. The thematic areas are 'Increasing participation in maths and science', 'mobility and European cooperation', and 'making learning attractive, strengthening links with working life and society'. The target audience of this IP are advanced undergraduate students of environmental sciences and tourism from five higher-education institutions from England, Germany, Spain, Poland, and Finland. Main activities: Intensive field course in the Ebro Delta and surroundings in north-eastern Spain. Students will work in small international groups tutored by two international staff. Each group will conduct a separate project addressing an issue of landscape vulnerability and land-use sustainability in relation to various demands. Outcomes: ECTS credits for successful students; Increased understanding by students of the perspectives of other Europeans and of other academic backgrounds; Enhanced working relations between staff from participating institutions. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA Jaume II, 67 bis ES-25001 LLEIDA Phone: +34 973 003530 Fax: +34 973 003531 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Figuerola M. CARME PARTNERS: • • • • FACHHOCHSCHULE EBERSWALDE, EBERSWALDE, DE LONDON METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY, LONDON, UK OULUN SEDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, OULU, FI AKADEMIA ROLNICZA, SZCZECIN, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 26007 € APPROVED BUDGET: 38010 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 16-25/07/2007 92 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28680-IC-1-2005-1-ES-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Psychology of Entrepreneurship Research and Education SUBJECT AREA: PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: Entrepreneurship supports economic growth through innovations, reduces unemployment and develops individual potentials. It is one of the fastest growing fields in the social sciences and is strongly supported by the European Commission. According to experts, better education and training are important tools that can strongly motivate entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, this project aims to bring together professors, lecturers and 26 university PhD. and master students from six European countries in order to share the knowledge of how to educate, guide and promote entrepreneurship in Europe by the use of psychological approaches. This IP is innovative in its interdisciplinary and international character. The professors have diverse backgrounds ranging from Work and Organizational Psychology to Management and Business Administration. Therefore, the content of the program will be very interdisciplinary, starting with psycho-social variables and including opportunity recognition, company growth, and health issues. The project will be a combination of several teaching forms such as face-to-face selfexperience training with subsequent use of interactive web based activities. A multimedia CD-ROM and a handbook will also be prepared as supporting tools for the students. In addition, the results of this project will be used to develop and/or improve study programmes at the participating institutions. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA (UNED) Bravo Murrillo 38, 7a planta ES-28015 MADRID Phone: +34 913 987 4307416 Fax: +34 913 987 4976587 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Miguel REQUENA Y DIEZ DE REVENGA PARTNERS: • • • • • • PHILIPPS-UNIVERSITÄT MARBURG, MARBURG, DE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN, DRESDEN, DE ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM, ROTTERDAM, NL VYSOKÁ SKOLA EKONOMICKÁ V PRAZE, PRAHA, CZ UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI VERONA, VERONA, IT UNIWERSYTET SLASKI, KATOWICE, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 17785 € APPROVED BUDGET: 26714 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 16-25/07/2007 93 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29576-IC-1-2005-1-ES-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Der europäische Kulturraum des Mittelalters und die deutsche Literatur SUBJECT AREA: HUMANITIES DESCRIPTION: Das IP ist ein integraler Teil eines im Rahmen eines CD-Projekts ausgearbeiteten ''European Master'' (EM) der mediävistischen Germanistik, das Studenten und Dozenten neun verschiedener Hochschulen aus acht EU-Ländern zusammen führt, um in interdisziplinärer, multinationaler Atmosphäre die pränationale Kultur des europäischen Mittelalters in einem transnationalen Zusammenhang zu studieren. Zielgruppe des IPs sind Studenten des Ems sowie Studierende anderer germanistischer Studiengänge an den teilnehmenden Hochschulen (Amsterdam, Berlin, Bremen, Galway, Ljubljana, Palermo, Porto, Santiago, Wien). Die Hauptaktivität ist ein Intensivkurs vom 1. bis 14 Oktober 2006, in dem durch eine innovative Mischung verschiedener Unterrichtsmethoden (als Vorbereitung: e-learning; vor Ort: TeamTeaching, Vorträge, Seminararbeit, Übungen, Tutorials etc), die Studenten sich mit wichtigen Themen des europäischen Mittelalters auseinandersetzen (Mobilität und Begegnung mit dem Fremden, Konstanten der Gewalt, Text und Textzirkulation, Literatur und andere Künste, Mittelalter und Antike). Der Veranstaltungsort ist Santiago de Compostela, eine der bedeutendsten Kulturstätten des europäischen Mittelalters. Die Outputs des IPs sind: a) die Studenten und Dozenten werden die Möglichkeit haben, gemeinsam in einer multi-nationalen Gruppe unter besonderen, synergiereichen Lehrund Lernbedingungen zu arbeiten; b) sie bekommen neue Einblicke in einen Themenbereich, der in dieser Form nur selten an den Hochschulen angeboten werden kann; c) verschiedene Lehrmaterialien (in elektronischer wie traditioneller Form) werden produziert. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO Casas Reais 8 ES-15782 SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA Phone: + 0034 981 563 100 ext. 12861 Fax: + 0034 981 577 530 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Maria Elena VÁZQUEZ CENDÓN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL UNIVERSITÄT BREMEN, BREMEN, DE FREIE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN, BERLIN, DE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, GALWAY, GALWAY, IE UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA, LJUBLJANA, SI UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO, PALERMO, IT FACULDADE DE LETRAS DE UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO, PORTO, PT UNIVERSITÄT WIEN, WIEN, AT GRANT AMOUNT: 33162 € APPROVED BUDGET: 47550 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 16-25/07/2007 94 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 38034-IC-1-2005-1-ES-ERASMUS-IPUC-14 TITLE: Trans-Law IP SUBJECT AREA: COMPARATIVE LAW, LAW WITH LANGUAGES DESCRIPTION: A well-established group of European Law Faculties aims to jointly develop and deliver an Intensive Programme on Transnational Law and how it affects business and the economy. From this perspective, different areas of study will be dealt with fields such as: European Law, Private International Law, Comparative Law, International Trade Law, Competition Law, dispute resolution techniques, and the study of the International Organisations having an impact on international trade and business. The fundamental novelty of the initiative is its pluridisciplinary approach. Each year, in collaboration with entities closely concerned with business practice, the Network will choose a specific international trade issue to focus on. The issue will be approached through different teaching techniques by two groups of students (30 undergraduates and 30 graduates), whose work on the problem will enable them to develop professional skills while furthering their legal knowledge. A joint programme of development of a number of competences has been devised and a plan to jointly assess students' progress has been developed. The IP offers an opportunity for joint reflection on levels according to EGF. The work of both undergraduate and graduate students will be tutored by faculty members of the participating universities and their output will be published together with studies written by the professors conducting the Programme each year. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSIDAD DE DEUSTO Avda. de las Universidades ES-48007 BILBAO Phone: +34 944 139 068 Fax: +34 944 139 069 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Juan Carlos DUQUE PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • AARHUS UNIVERSITET, AARHUS, DK UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN, ABERDEEN, UK UNIWERSYTET W BIALYMSTOKU, BIALYSTOK, PL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND CORK, CORK, IE UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA, NORWICH NORFOLK, UK UNIVERSITÉ FRANÇOIS RABELAIS, TOURS CEDEX 1, FR UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN, LEIDEN, NL KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE UNIVERSITÉ DE LIÈGE, LIÈGE, BE PHILIPPS - UNIVERSITÄT MARBURG, MARBURG, DE UNIVERSITÉ ROBERT SCHUMAN, STRASBOURG, FR TARTU ÜLIKOOL, MAJANDUSTEADUSKOND, TARTU, EE VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, VILNIUS, LT GRANT AMOUNT: 44463 € APPROVED BUDGET: 62618 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 10-19/09/2007 95 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 38034-IC-1-2005-1-ES-ERASMUS-IPUC-12 TITLE: Issues and Concepts in Humanitarian Action SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS DESCRIPTION: This IP project aims to contribute to the enhancement of quality formation and training of actual and potential humanitarian professionals. Indeed, war and hunger-stricken Sudan and Niger in forgotten Sub-Saharan Africa, mudslides and floods in the Philippines and central America, the Tsunami in Asia, earthquakes in Pakistan, the hurricane Katrina in the USA (to name a few) remind us of the imperative to do more and better. Concrete objectives are: 1) to help participants increase their awareness and critical analysis of the most contested concepts and issues in the current debate on Humanitarian Action (HA); and 2) to encourage them to critically assess the attitude and performance of a humanitarian actor. Themes include: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) meaning and motives of HA; university role in HA; non-academic approaches to HA; European Union perspectives on HA; and non-European approaches on HA. The project brings together around 200 participants, students, graduates, teaching staff, humanitarian personnel and policy makers from within and outside Europe. The training methodology combines activities that are relevant to the multicultural, interdisciplinary, inter-university and situational learning. During 10 days, participants are expected to actively take part in planned lectures, seminars, workshops, case studies, presentations and evaluations. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSIDAD DE DEUSTO Avda. de las Universidades, 24 ES-48007 BILBAO Phone: +34 94 413 9068 Fax: +34 94 413 9069 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Juan Carlos DUQUE PARTNERS: • • • • • • UNIVERSITÉ DCATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN, LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, BE RUHR-UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM, BOCHUM, DE UNIVERSITÉ D'AIX-MARSEILLE III, AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FR UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, DUBLIN, IE RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN, GRONINGEN, NL UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, UPPSALA, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 68563 € APPROVED BUDGET: 94751 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 5-14/09/2007 96 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 223857-IC-2-2005-1-ES-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: The Sea and the School. Protected Areas in European Coasts. Educational Proposals SUBJECT AREA: PRIMARY EDUCATION DESCRIPTION: Objectives: - To know the protected littorall areas in Europe, to have basic knowledge on aquatic ecosystems; - Sea environment activities with students: sand beaches promenades, botanic and faunistic interpretation, sustainable development, to make aware at the school on environment, studies on coastal fauna and flora, breakwater life,marshes and coastal lakes' life, estuaries and deltas. Protected areas on the European littoral as touristic places. Lab work techniques. To compare the different protective measures in coastal areas in Europe. Comparative analysis on the sea coastal species. Respect for the marine environment and nature in general. Focused on Teacher Training and Sea Sciences students from 2nd year. Activities will be practical and theoritical, with visits to the Natural Parks, coastal villages, a marine acquarium. Among the results there will be two pedagogical guides for teachers and students. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE VALENCIA ''SAN VICENTE MÁRTIR'' Guillem de Castro 175 ES-46003 VALENCIA Phone: +34 96 363 74 12 Fax: +34 96 391 98 27 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Francisco Javier LARA GARCIA PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • DOLNOSLASKA SZKOLA WYZSZA EDUKACJI TWP WE WROCLAWIU, WROCLAW, PL HAUTE ECOLE ISELL - INSTITUT SUPERIEUR PÉDAGOGIQUE LIBRE LIEGEOIS, LIEGE, BE KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL MECHELEN, MECHELEN, BE HAUTE ECOLE NAMUROISE CATHOLIQUE, NAMUR, BE HOGSkOLEN I STAVANGER, STAVANGER, NO INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE SANTARÉM, SANTAREM, PT ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET, OREBRO, SE MARIJAMPOLES KOLEGIJA, MARIJAMPOLES, LT GRANT AMOUNT: 27027 € APPROVED BUDGET: 39370 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 18-27/04/2007 97 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29483-IC-2-2005-1-FI-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: Assistive Technology for Medical Engineer Students SUBJECT AREA: AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION: In Europe ageing will be a big problem. For disabled and aged people assistive technology will be in a key role to keep them more independent and help the societies to save their economical and human resources. Especially important target areas in this intensive programme will be communication technologies and environmental control units together with mobility-related technology. This can mean also new innovations. The main objective of this IP is to offer an international programme in assistive technology for engineering students. Usability of new technology will be an important aspect in this IP. Also multidisciplinary perspectives are important concerning assistive devices and environments. This is the reason why few places are reserved for architect students and for health and social care students. Engineering students will learn new attitudes and technological solutions and take this information back home. Universities can share this knowledge and develop in the future Pan European programmes. In a way like this we can offer more specialised experts in assistive technology and it will be a benefit for all disabled and aged people and European societies. COORDINATOR: JYVASKYLAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Rajakatu 35 FI-40200 JYVASkYLA Phone: +358 14 4446604 Fax: +358 14 4446600 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Nina BJORN PARTNERS: • • • • • BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS, BUDAPEST, HU WESTSÄCHSISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZWICKAU, ZWICKAU, DE UNIVERSITATEA TECHNICAL DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO VSB TECHNIKA UNIVERZITA OSTRAVA, OSTRAVA-PORUBA, CZ FONTYS HOGESCHOOL WERKUIGBOUWKUNDE, EINDHOVEN, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 29780 € APPROVED BUDGET: 43040 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01-10/03/2007 98 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29496-IC-3-2005-1-FI-ERASMUS-IPUC-16 TITLE: Internet Marketing, IT Management for Enterprises and E-Business SUBJECT AREA: BUSINESS STUDIES, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the intensive programme 'Internet Marketing, IT Management for Enterprises and E-Business' is to give undergraduate students the opportunity to work in multidisciplinary and multicultural groups which solve real-life problems of SMEs related to internet marketing, IT management for enterprises and e-business. Students will create material for marketing purposes and internet solutions, change ideas through intercultural communication and learn through international projects. Through presentations, company visits and workshops students are provided with the latest knowledge on development and with communication, presentation, business, entrepreneurial and other professional key skills. Partners form groups of marketing, IT, business and media students and staff members, who produce marketing material and solutions and web-design takes place. Solutions for internet marketing and for e-business are developed by using a wider European approach. The results of the survey on the e-business of SMEs are used in planning. A special emphasis is on internet marketing and e-business of SMEs in leisure and tourism businesses. Rural and industrial business environments are compared. For companies involved students can plan an Internet marketing communications mix. For customer relationship management and internet marketing, information technology with its solutions is an essential factor. IT management is needed in the changing business environment. COORDINATOR: PIRKANMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Kuntokatu 4 FI-33520 TAMPERE Phone: +358 3 2452361 Fax: +358 3 2452360 Email: CONTACT: Irja SAARIKORPI PARTNERS: • INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TRALEE, TRALEE, IE • INSTITUT DE PREPARATION A L'ADMINISTRATION ET A LA GESTION, NICE, FR • FACHHOCHSCHULE FÜR TECHNIK UND WIRTSCHAFT BERLIN, BERLIN, DE • FACHHOCHSCHULE DORTMUND, DORTMUND, DE • BUDAPESTI CORVINUS EGEYTEM, BUDAPEST, HU • GABPOR DENES FOISKOLA, BUDAPEST, HU • THE UNVERSITY OF SALFORD, UK, UK • IMC FACHHOCHSCHULE KREMS GMBH, KREMS, AT • VLNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, VILNIUS, LT • CHR. HOGESCHOOL WINDESHEIM, ZWOLLE, NL • VISHE UCHILISTE MEZHDUNARODEN KOLEZH, DOBRICH, BG • ST.CYRIL AND ST. METHODIUS UNIVERSITY OF VELIKO TURNOVO, VELIKO TURNOVO, BG • FACHHOCHSCHULE NORDHAUSEN, NORDHAUSEN, DE • TECHNOLOGIKO EKPEDEFTIKO IDRIMA (T.E.I.) LARISSAS, LARISA, GR • KAUNAS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, KAUNAS, LT GRANT AMOUNT: 63056 € APPROVED BUDGET: 87408 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 15-24/04/2007 99 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29496-IC-2-2005-1-FI-ERASMUS-IPUC-18 TITLE: Connection between Wellness Technology and Physiotherapy SUBJECT AREA: NURSING, MIDWIFERY, PHYSIOTHERAPHY DESCRIPTION: The course will be carried out by using PBL (Problem Based Learning) strategy. During the course the students learning will be guided by tutorial sessions. Student will utilise expert lectures, study visits to companies producing wellness technology, clinical practice and demonstration in the classrooms and independent information acquisition in completing the learning tasks given during the tutorial sessions. In the course students will produce a seminar report in tutor groups and will utilise their previously acquired knowledge of their own country's possibilities of applying wellness technology in physiotherapy. During and after the course students from each partner institution will draw up a presentation of new solutions based on available wellness technology. This can further help planning local solutions with working life contacts in each participating country. COORDINATOR: PIRKANMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Kuntokatu 4 FI-33520 TAMPERE Phone: +358 3 2452111 Fax: +358 3 2452360 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Irja SAARIKORPI PARTNERS: • • • • • • HOGESCHOOL VAN AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL AKADEMIA WYCHOWANIA FIZYCZNEGO W POZNANIU, POZNAN, PL ETELÄ-KARJALAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, LAPPEENRANTA, FI UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE BARCELONA, MANRESA, BARCELONA, ES SEMMELWEIS EGYETEM EGESZSEG TUDOMANYI KAR, BUDAPEST, HU ARTEVELDEHOGESCHOOL, GENT, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 21726 € APPROVED BUDGET: 31635 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 12-21/03/2007 100 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29497-IC-1-2005-1-FI-ERASMUS-IPUC-12 TITLE: Construction with Quality and Safety SUBJECT AREA: CIVIL ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION: In Europe several buildings have collapsed lately, and these serious accidents have required dozens of human lives. Severe shortcomings in the mutual cooperation of construction organizations have been connected to the accidents. Different methods which can be used to develop the quality and safety in construction and the methods of the construction have to be developed for the construction branch to improve cooperation between the separate parties of the construction project. The assuring and improvement of quality and safety apply to all the stages of the construction project, beginning from the planning and ending in the operational period of the building. The safety and quality in construction have the uniform principles, irrespective of the place, but many circumstances which affect them are depending on the local conditions and traditions. There are significant differences both in the technical solutions and in organizing the construction projects and also in the responsibilities and duties of different professions. The objective of the project is to develop a European model to assure the quality and safety in construction. With the development work an attempt is made to assure the conveying of the right information through the whole construction project. Structural safety is improved paying attention to local special characteristics and to common European norms (Euro codes). The organisation of the construction project and agreements are developed promoting a free competition and movement of the labour paying attention to the quality and safety. Benchmarking is used between different national systems to find common best practice - procedures. As a result of the project, an attempt is made to provide the basis to the constant developing cooperation to improve activities, to develop uniform regulations and the educational and research cooperation quality and safety in construction. In addition to the above mentioned, the objective of the project is to add the participating students' and teachers' readiness to the international cooperation by improving their communicative skills and the knowledge of cultures and the operational environment of the European construction market. The Intensive Programme has been focused on construction engineering and architecture, for both the postgraduate students and the undergraduate students at the final stage of studies. In the course an attempt is made to get from different countries, the separate professions of the construction industry; experts of building design and structural design; the production and use of building, who are interested in the comprehensive development of quality and safety in the construction. Three stages can be found: 1. Preparatory phase of the IP period by collecting the necessary national information and by becoming acquainted with common European norms and with procedures concerning the matter; 2. Working in the Intensive Programme sessions based on preparing lectures and working in multinational and national teams. The final seminar aims to find by benchmarking a common European Best Practice procedure to improve the quality and safety in construction. 3. The results of the IP will be published both in writing and on WWW pages to be used by the partner universities to develop the education at partner universities and develop national systems. The result of the project is implementation and development of a common European model to improve the quality and safety in construction. It can be used to develop the education in architecture and construction engineering at European universities and also in national development work to improve the quality and safety in construction. COORDINATOR: OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU 101 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES Albertinkuja 20 FI-90100 OULU Phone: +358 8 3126006 Fax: +358 8 3126009 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: PARTNERS: Allan PERTTUNEN • • • • • • HOCHCHULE FÜR ANGEWANDTE WISSENSCHARFT UND KUNST, HOLZMINDEN, DE KINGSTON UNIVERSITY, KINGSTON UPON THAMES, UK UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO POLITECHNIKA KOSZALINSKA, KOSZALIN, PL TECHNOLOGIKO EKPEDEYTIKO IDRYMA PIREA, ATHENS, GR UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA, GRANADA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 34128 € APPROVED BUDGET: 48505 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 27/05/2007-05/06/2007 102 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29524-IC-2-2005-1-FI-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: Empowering People and Societies - International Course of Empowering Social Work SUBJECT AREA: SOCIAL WORK DESCRIPTION: The course is divided into 5 topics which are Orientation and Empowering the students, Social Policies and Welfare Systems in Europe, Globalisation, Basis of Social Rights in Europe and in EU and Empowerment in Social Work The educational methods are based on the constructive learning concept. Introduction lectures on the main topics are given by visiting and Diaconia Polytechnic's teachers. Learning is much based on team work, especially doing the project work, excursions, study visits, planning and implementing functional activities with clients, which are supervised by the teachers. Aims: 1. To become acquainted with Finnish and foreign members of the group; 2. To become familiar with the curriculum and the program of the course and with the working methods; 3. To clarify personal aims and study plans for the course; 4. To analyse and define the essential concepts discussed during the course, e.g. empowerment; 5. To empower the students themselves. COORDINATOR: DIAKONIA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Maistraatinportti 2A FI-00240 HELSINKI Phone: +358 02 160 6221 Fax: +358 02 160 6222 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Riikka HALIKKA PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, KARLSTAD, SE THE UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH, PORTSMOUTH, UK AKADEMIA BYDGOSKA IM. KAZIMIERZA WIELKIEGO, BYDGOSZCZ, PL EVANGELISCHE FACHHOCHSCHULE HANNOVER, HANNOVER, DE FACHHOCHSCHULE FULDA, FULDA, DE EVANGELISCHE FACHHOCHSCULE FREIBURG, FREIBURG, DE UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TRENTO, TRENTO, IT EVANGELISCHE FACHHOSCHULE DARMSTADT, DARMSTADT, DE COMENIUS UNIVERSITY, BRATISLAVA, SK FRØBELSEMINARIET, FREDRIKSBERG C, COPENHAGEN, DK GRANT AMOUNT: 62419 € APPROVED BUDGET: 86226 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 12-21/03/2007 103 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29567-IC-1-2005-1-FI-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Improving the Security Knowledge in ICT - Advanced Technologies SUBJECT AREA: ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION: The first major European study of demand for networking skills since the downturn points to continued shortages of the advanced networking technology skills (IDC 2005).The shortage of people across Europe with sufficient networking technology skills can hinder adoption of advanced technology, business competitiveness and economic growth across Europe. The aim of this IP is to exchange knowledge of and experience in local methods and techniques in the field of security knowledge in ICT by engaging a group of international students and lecturers in a joint, explorative investigation of contemporary methods of ICT security. The target group consists of European engineering students who are interested in knowing which factors play a role in security of information systems and what are the similarities and differences between the various national systems in ICT security methods and techniques. As an expected outcome the participating students will become competent in selecting security technologies and methods in a multidisciplinary environment and apply these to the development of information systems and to service provision. All the developed material and outcomes are available online and are shared among partners and offered to other institutions. COORDINATOR: ESPOON-VANTAAN TEKNILLINEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU VANHA MAANTIE 6 FI-02650 ESPOO Phone: +358 20 7553 557 Fax: +358 20 7553 558 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Eija PIIROINEN PARTNERS: • • • • • FACHHOCHSCHULE REGENSBURG, REGENSBURG, DE UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA, BUCURESTI, RO TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOFIA, SOFIA, BG FREDERICK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NICOSIA, CY HOGESCHOOL VAN AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 65864 € APPROVED BUDGET: 91152 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 20-29/05/2007 104 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29571-IC-3-2005-1-FI-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: INNO-FOREST: Integrating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research in Higher Forestry Education SUBJECT AREA: FORESTRY DESCRIPTION: Innovation and entrepreneurship as a driving force for economic growth, competitiveness and employment gains increased importance in the EU (e.g. the Lisbon strategy) also in the forest sector. However, there is a lack of educational courses and teaching tools in regular higher education on this topic. The main objective of this IP is to transfer the knowledge on innovation and entrepreneurship generated in research into higher education curricula using real world cases. The IP is targeted mainly for undergraduate students of related fields of studies (forestry, environment, etc.). This IP provides participants with a better understanding of theoretical aspects of I&E and the embeddedness of innovation activity of a firm in a larger context of institutions and rules. The IP also stresses those skills that are necessary for successful innovation for the personnel, firm and the wider business environment level. Participating students will get international experience as well as ECTS credits. Students will learn how to use the study material and also collect experience on a local level in practical application by developing concrete innovation projects. This IP produces teaching materials and tools, curriculum, publications, reports and spin offs, which act as blueprint for nationally adapted curriculum material in later years. COORDINATOR: SAVONIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU P.O.Box 6 FI-70201 KUOPIO Phone: +358 17 2555061 Fax: +358 17 2555063 Email: CONTACT: Ilkka TOROI PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NORGES LANDBRUYKSHOGSKOLE, AS, NO INSTITUTUL DE CERCERATI SI AMENAJARI SILVICE BUCURESTI, BUCURESTI, RO EESTI POLLUMAJANDUSÜLIKOOL, TARTU, EE UNIVERSITATEA ''STEFAN CEL MARE'' SUCEAVA, SUCEAVA, RO NYUGAT-MAGYARORSZAGI EGYETEM, SOPRON, HU UNIVERSITA POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE, I ANCONA, ANCONA, IT LIETUVOS MISKU INSTITUTAS, KAUNAS, LT LIETUVOS ZEMES UKIO UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS, LT SZENT ISTVÁN EGYETEM, GÖDÖLLÖ, HU NATIONAL FOREST CENTRE, ZVOLEN, SK FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE METLA, JOENSUU, FI LESOTEHNITCHESKI UNIVERSITET, SOFIA, BG TECHNICKA UNIVERZITA VO ZVOLENE, ZVOLEN, SK UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN, WIEN, AT UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TRENTO, TRENTO, IT OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, OULU, FI UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI GRANT AMOUNT: 45851 € APPROVED BUDGET: 64468 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 2-13/09/2007 105 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29604-IC-3-2005-1-FI-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Ion Beam Photon and Nuclear Methods in Studies of Nanostructured Materials SUBJECT AREA: MATERIALS SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: Nanostructured materials and thin films are of high interest in science and applications because they have properties different from those of traditional bulk materials. The ability to characterize local structures is fundamental to many new developments in modern technology. Methods based on nuclear hyperfine interactions, ion beam or photon phenomena yield essential information on the atomic scale, unavailable to conventional techniques. There are many books and courses on conventional techniques, but such activities including the ensemble of techniques covered in the present IP are completely lacking. In a unique series of lectures and tutorials the students are introduced to such techniques. The connection to current industrial developments will be established by the participation of scientists from the industry. Due to the complex techniques involved and the fact that internationally renowned experts in the field are dispersed all over Europe, a course covering such a broad range of methods is not available at any academic institution though this rapidly evolving new area deserves special attention. The planned intensive programme introduces the students to the European dimension in education at university level and facilitates their wider transnational access to educational and research resources in Europe. COORDINATOR: HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO Yliopistonaku 4 FI-00014 HELSINKI Phone: +358 9 19122605 Fax: +358 9 19122176 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Markus LAITINEN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, UPPSALA, SE UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA, LISBOA, PT UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD (LYON I), VILLEURBANNE, FR EÖTVÖS LORÁND TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE RHEINISCHE FRIEDRICH-WILHELMS- UNIVERSITÄT BONN, BONN, DE UNIVERSITA DI PADOVA, PADOVA, IT UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE MADRID, MADRID, ES UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI, KRAKOW, PL GEORG-AUGUST-UNIVERSITÄT GOETTINGEN, GOETTINGEN, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 50383 € APPROVED BUDGET: 70511 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 7-16/05/2007 106 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 49027-IC-1-2005-1-FI-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Comparative Youth Justice and Welfare SUBJECT AREA: VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION DESCRIPTION: The aim of the IP Comparative Youth Justice and Welfare is to offer a platform for the future professionals of youth and community workers, social workers and youth justice workers in order to discuss the challenges of multiagency work with troubled young people. Humak (Finland) currently trains students to deal with the problem of youth crime largely within the youth work system at the BA-level but is also developing a professional master degree to do it soon. Tarto (Estonia) educates social workers to work with the same group at MA-level and Luton (Great Britain) has just launched a new Professional PhD in Youth Justice. Estonia is interested in the Finnish youth work because youth work training is absent from Estonian universities, Finland is interested in developing international education and research in the field of youth crime and Luton is interested in offering British students possibilities of looking at the European alternative ways of dealing with the problem. This intensive programme is both about theory and practice of dealing with the issue of youth crime at European level. The main activities will be distance learning and preparatory work before the project as well as contact learning during 14 days. During the contact period there will be lectures and seminars on the topic given by experts, researching teaching staff and students alike from all the participating institutions and there will be material produced. The most important expected outputs are papers, teaching materials to be produced as well as websites. COORDINATOR: HUMANISTINEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Annakatu 12A17 FI-00120 HELSINKI Phone: + 358 20 76 21 352 Fax: + 358 20 7621 391 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Timo SORVOJA PARTNERS: • • TARTU ULIkOOL, TARTU, EE UNIVERSITY OF LUTON, LUTON, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 22633 € APPROVED BUDGET: 32844 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 10-23/04/2007 107 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27436-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: NESSIE: Agroressources Valorisation and Sustainable Development SUBJECT AREA: AGRICULTURE DESCRIPTION: The objectives of this Intensive Program are that the participating students improve their knowledge in sustainable systems in agriculture. They will develop their competences to reduce human impact on environment in the area of agriculture, viticulture, forestry, horticulture through technical, scientific, economical, social and cultural approaches. Students and teachers will share experiments working with an international group and creating videoconferences and common teaching units. Target groups are participating students from the partner institutes Reims University, France; Oulu Polytechnic, Finland; Liege University, Belgium; Iasi University, Romania; Padova Agrarian Faculty, Italy; Ljubjana University, Slovenia; Sofia Forestry University, Bulgaria. Main activities: Partners agree to work on water quality and protection during the first year of the program. First, teachers will work together to write teaching units displayed on-line. Then, they will be completed with videoconferences. During the Intensive Program, professionals will give examples and experiments to improve water quality. During these ten days, students will work together on concrete and precise actions. The Intensive Program will take place in Reims University and its surroundings. Expected outputs are teaching units, videoconferences and reports, collected and published on the net and as a middle term the setting in place of a European training course. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE DE REIMS CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE 9 Boulevard de la Paix FR-51100 REIMS CEDEX Phone: + 33 26 918359 Fax: + 33 26 913063 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Alain ALIX PARTNERS: • • • • • • • UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA, PADOVA, IT UNIVERSITÉ DE LIEGE DEPARTEMENT EN SCIENCES ET GESTION DE L'ENVIRONEMENT, ARLON, BE UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRICOLE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA ''ION IONESCU DE LA BRAD'', IASI, RO LESOTEHNITCHESKI UNIVERSITET, SOFIA, BG WATERFORD INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WATERFORD, IE UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, OULU, FI GRANT AMOUNT: 31303 € APPROVED BUDGET: 44738 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 5-18/06/2007 108 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27914-IC-3-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Projet Urbain et Mise en Valeur du Patrimoine dans un Site Urbain et Paysager Sensible SUBJECT AREA: ARCHITECTURE, URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING DESCRIPTION: Le projet a pour objectif de rassembler les pratiques pédagogiques de trois établissements autour de thématiques d'intervention urbanistique et paysagère, et aussi architecturale, liées à un site urbain et paysager en rapport à la ville contemporaine. Le sujet concerne un site urbain et paysager (La Granja de San Ildefonso et Valsain, en Espagne) placé sur la plaine fluviale du Alto Erema, dans la Sierra de Guadarrama: un paysage très riche en patrimoine naturel (forêts, fleuves), vestiges d'archéologie industrielle du verre et bois et patrimoine architectural et urbain des XVI et XVIIIe siècles (châteaux royaux, parc, village). La complexité de la configuration des lieux et la mise en valeur du patrimoine en rapport avec le développement social et urbain motivent une réflexion aux niveaux paysager (piémont, rives des fleuves, forêts), urbain (aménagement et intégration du patrimoine au développement urbain), architectural (mise en valeur du patrimoine, construction et nouvelles structures d'équipement urbain, résidentielles et touristiques) et socio-culturel (actions avec la population). Le programme, d'une durée de 10 jours s'organise en atelier incluant des conférences, suivi par 30 étudiants (10 par établissement) avec un exercice de projet fondé sur les méthodologies diverses prenant en compte le dimensions citées précédemment et une approche préparatoire importante (documentation et préliminaires traités dans les différents cours du cursus précédant l'intensif). L'exercice s'insère dans le programme universitaire semestriel avec une évaluation de 5 ECTS. Il se déroulera en relation avec la municipalité de La Granja de San Ildefonso et le Centro Nacional de Educacion Ambiental de Valsain. COORDINATOR: ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE DE TOULOUSE 83 rue Aristide-Maillot BP 10629 FR-31106 TOULOUSE CEDEX 1 Phone: +33 562 115055 Fax: +33 562 115099 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Sophie VIALLE PARTNERS: • • UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA TOR VERGATA, ROME, IT UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID, VALLADOLID, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 15375 € APPROVED BUDGET: 23000 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 13-22/04/2007 109 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27932-IC-2-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-5 TITLE: Elaboration et Interprétation des États Financiers en Application des Normes Comptables Internationales IAS/IFRS SUBJECT AREA: ACCOUNTANCY, FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION: Depuis le 1er janvier 2005, toutes les sociétés cotées des 25 pays de l'UE doivent utiliser les Normes Comptables Internationales IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) pour élaborer leurs états financiers. Le règlement européen du 19 juillet 2002, créant cette obligation comptable, s'inscrit dans la démarche de clarification et d'harmonisation de l'information financière dans le monde. Les dispositions de ce règlement ont une incidence immédiate sur les contenus des formations comptables en Europe d'autant que de nombreuses entités, bien que non cotées mais relevant de l'obligation d'états financiers consolidés, ont d'ores et déjà adopté également l'application des Normes IFRS à compter de leur exercice 2005. Le réseau des quatorze universités partenaires de cet IP a pour objectif la concrétisation, par un enseignement en commun, de ce besoin de formation, identique pour tous au niveau des pays de l'UE. Les groupes cibles sont d'étudiants, issus des classes de fin d'études supérieures en comptabilité, finance et audit provenant des quatorze universités partenaires (Master). Cet IP est une période très dense de formation sur toutes les techniques se rapportant au titre du projet. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÉ DE BRETAGNE-SUD BP 92116 FR-56321 LORIENT CEDEX Phone: +33 297871124 Fax: +33 297871129 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Sandra VESSIER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • INSTITUT FÜR RECHNUNGS GEORG-AUGUST UNIVERSITAT, GÖTTINGEN, DE INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE DES HAUTES ECOLES COMMERCIALES, BRUXELLES, BE CENTRAL OSTROBOTHNIA POLYTECHNIC, KOKKOLA, FI UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SIENA, SIENA, IT TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF kAVALA, kAVALA, GR BOURNEMOUTH UNIVERSITY, POOLE, UK INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DO PORTO, PORTO, PT TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT CHEMNITZ, CHEMNITZ, DE BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, BUDAPEST, HU VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY, KAUNAS, LT LEOPOLD FRANZENS UNIVERSITÄT INNSBRUCK, INNSBRUCK, AT UNIVERSIDADE DE VIGO, VIGO, ES UNIVERSITE VALAHIA TARGOVISTE, TARGOVISTE, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 57780 € APPROVED BUDGET: 93280 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 19-28/10/2007 110 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27949-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-7 TITLE: BIOMAR - Biodiversité Marine SUBJECT AREA: OCEANOGRAPHY DESCRIPTION: La variété des milieux littoraux accessibles à basses mers combinée à une grande richesse floristique et faunistique, ainsi que les compétences et infrastructures de pointe permettent d'organiser à la Station Biologique de Roscoff un enseignement intensif estival sur la biodiversité marine décliné en 3 options : 1, Diversité des algues marines (12 jours); 2, Zoologie et Ecologie marine (26 jours); 3, Génomique Fonctionnelle des Organismes Marins (12 jours) ; cet enseignement de niveau master fournira aux étudiants : 1) une connaissance actuelle de la classification et de la phylogénie des organismes marins et les bases indispensables à l'identification des espèces côtières MancheAtlantique, 2) des connaissances approfondies en biologie et écologie des espèces observées, ainsi que sur la biodiversité et le fonctionnement des milieux côtiers, 3) des compétences pour aborder les relations entre les organismes marins et leur environnement à l'aide d'outils innovants de génomique fonctionnelle. Les enseignements comprennent des travaux de terrain, des travaux pratiques et expérimentaux au laboratoire. La démarche adoptée permet aux étudiants d'acquérir les bases nécessaires à une spécialisation dans les sciences de l'environnement marin. Le travail individuel et collectif des étudiants est concrétisé par la réalisation d'une base de données interactive sur la biodiversité marine. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE - PARIS 6 PLACE JUSSIEU 4 FR-75005 PARIS CEDEX 05 Phone: +33 1 44 27 35 01 Fax: +33 1 44 27 74 84 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Clotilde NICOLLE PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA, GIRONA, ES UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, ES UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO, AVEIRO, PT UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA, PAVIA, IT UNIVERSITÉ CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN, LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, BE UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TRIESTE, TRIESTE, IT UNIVERSITEIT GENT, GENT, BE UNIVERSITÉ LIBRE DE BRUXELLES, BRUXELLES, BE UNIVERSITÉ DE MONS-HAINAUT, MONS, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 31632 € APPROVED BUDGET: 45360 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 1/07/2007-19/08/2007 111 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27949-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: Biological Quality of Marine Water BIOMA SUBJECT AREA: PUBLIC HEALTH DESCRIPTION: De nombreuses directives nationales et/ou communautaires contraignent les pays européens à contrôler de façon rigoureuse la qualité de leurs eaux continentales et marines. Ces directives concernent tout à la fois la qualité sanitaire des eaux de baignade et la qualité biologique des eaux marines "sensus largo" telle que comprise par exemple dans la récente Directive Cadre sur l'Eau émanant de la Communauté Européenne. Cette surveillance s'applique donc naturellement à des compartiments biologiques variés présentant des cinétiques d'évolution et des échelles différentes. Une approche pratique couplée à la dispense d'un savoir académique de pointe (spécialistes internationaux) permettra aux stagiaires d'aborder des thèmes aussi diversifiés que la notion de bio indicateurs, de structuration d'écosystème, de réponses aux perturbations, de nature et de comportement d'agents pathogènes en mer. Les stagiaires réaliseront des prélèvements en mer, des analyses faunistiques et microbiologiques, des mesures de facteurs hydrologiques et édaphiques auxquels s'ajoutera l'utilisation des principales méthodes de stockage et de traitements de données. L'objectif est de former des personnes autonomes et compétentes pouvant réaliser une étude d'impact ou analyser la qualité sanitaire de zones de baignade sur un site du littoral Européen. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE 4 place jussieu FR-75005 PARIS Phone: +33 1 44 27 35 01 Fax: +33 1 44 27 74 84 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Clotilde NICOLLE PARTNERS: • • • • UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA, BARCELONA, ES GÖTEBORG UNIVERSITET, GÖTEBORG, SE UNIVERSITATEA OVIDIUS CONSTANTA, CONSTANTA, RO HELLENIC CENTRE FOR MARINE RESEARCH, HERAKLION, GR GRANT AMOUNT: 19422 € APPROVED BUDGET: 28896 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 1-17/07/2007 112 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 27953-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Entre Danse et Design: Le Geste comme Support Créatif pour un Design Européen SUBJECT AREA: ART AND DESIGN DESCRIPTION: L'enjeu du projet '' Entre danse et design : le geste comme support créatif pour un design européen '' est d'associer des étudiants de troisième année de Licence venant de différents pays d'Europe (Espagne et Italie pour la première année) ainsi que leurs enseignants autour d'une thématique liée à la création contemporaine. Un atelier de 10 jours, auquel participera un artiste invité, confrontera cette thématique au champ plus spécifique des arts appliqués afin d'en nourrir la réflexion, le contenu. Il s'agit, dans une démarche prospective, d'explorer les frontières du design en le confrontant à d'autres disciplines créatives. La diversité culturelle des différents pays partenaires participe pleinement du souci d'enrichissement par '' contamination '' qui anime cette approche transdisciplinaire. Il est envisagé d'orienter la première année vers la confrontation entre design et danse et d'explorer, avec un chorégraphe, les possibilités de dessiner un objet à partir du geste: un moyen de communiquer par delà la question de la langue. Le Atelier Programme Intensif devrait ainsi donner naissance à des objets innovants susceptibles d'être prototypés et médiatisés dans les centres culturels associés au projet (Centre de Développement Chorégraphique à Toulouse, France et/ou Institut français à Valence, Espagne). COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSE LE MIRAIL (TOULOUSE II) 5 Allées Antonio Machado FR-31058 TOULOUSE Phone: +33 561 50 45 99 Fax: +33 561 50 35 20 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Jean-Louis COLL PARTNERS: • • UNIVERSIDAD CARDENAL HERRERA-CEU, VALENCIA, ES UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE, FIRENZE, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 30093 € APPROVED BUDGET: 43457 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 22-31/01/2007 113 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28112-IC-2-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: Labour Movements and Corporate Location Stratégies within European Union SUBJECT AREA: ECONOMICS DESCRIPTION: The project is an intensive program during two weeks, gathering 12 professors from 11 different universities and around 48 students from these universities, representing altogether 10 different countries. The specific theme of this IP deals with human capital and labour force movements and their connection to corporate investment abroad within the EU (enlarged to Romania). Of particular interest for CEECs development and for the nature of activities and employment in western Europe, this topic will be dealt with using lectures given by professors and case study type presentations made by groups of students on the basis of a preparatory work done in their university under the responsibility of their reference professor. The participating students will have completed a level 4 in Economics and will be selected on their potential for research work at level 5 or their future involvement in professional training concerning European Economics. This IP is then integrated into the students training at Master level, their preparatory work being assessed in their own university at level 4 and the outcome of the IP being used and possibly enriched at level 5. This output will be presented on a specific web site to enrich future courses or research programs. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE DE POITIERS Avenue du recteur Pineau 93, BP 623 FR-86022 POITIERS Phone: +33 5 49453148 Fax: +33 5 49453152 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Annie DUBEAU PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA, COIMBRA, PT GEORG-AUGUST-UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN, GÖTTINGEN, DE UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN, ANTWERPEN, BE AARHUS UNIVERSITET, AARHUS C, DK UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI SIENA, SIENA, IT UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI, POLSKA, WARSAW, PL UNIVERSITATEA ''AL. I. CUZA'' IASI, IASI, RO NARODOHOSPODARSKA FAKULTA, ECONOMICKA UNIVERZITA V BRATISLAVA, BRATISLAVA, SK KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA, SEVILLA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 34880 € APPROVED BUDGET: 49840 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 27/08/2007-05/09/2007 114 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28124-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Activités Physiques Adaptées, Intégration et Participation Sociale des Personnes Handicapées SUBJECT AREA: PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SPORT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: Selon la Classification Internationale de Fonctionnement du Handicap et de la Santé (ICIDH) adoptée par l'O.M.S. en 2000, les populations atteintes d'altération, de limitation d'activité, de restriction, de participation sont concernées par l'Activité Physique Adaptée (personnes en situation de handicap, personnes âgées, personnes ayant des troubles de la santé, personnes en rupture sociale, etc.) qui vise à restaurer, développer ou conserver au maximum possible les fonctions corporelles nécessaires à une participation sociale active et intégrée. Notre programme, destiné aux étudiants européens titulaires d'une Licence, Bachelor en Sciences des Sports et du Mouvement, vise à former des professionnels de la conception, de la mise en œuvre et du suivi de programmes en APA. Il s'appuie sur un réseau de partenaires européens experts dans ce domaine et dans celui de la conception d'enseignements à distance. Ainsi, notre programme encourage : - la mobilité des étudiants et des enseignants en Europe ; - l'utilisation des moyens offerts par l'Education Ouverte à Distance et des nouvelles technologies éducatives; - la reconnaissance des ECTS ; - l'harmonisation des contenus de formation, le partenariat et l'élaboration de projets COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE DE PARIS X-NANTERRE (PARIS X) 200 avenue de la République FR-92001 NANTERRE CEDEX Phone: +33 1 40 97 74 88 Fax: +33 1 40 97 71 14 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Régis CHEMAIN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES, BRUXELLES, BE KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE INSTITUT FÜR SPORTWISSENSCHAFT UND SPORT DER UNIVERSITÄT BONN, BONN, DE UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTPELLIER I, MONTPELLIER, FR NATZIONALNA SPORTNA ACADEMIA ''VASIL LEVSKI'', SOFIA, BG UNIVERSITÉ DE LLEIDA-INSTITUT NACIONAL D'EDUCACIO FISICA DE CATALUNYA, LLEIDA, ES LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, LAHTI, FI FREIE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN, BERLIN, DE UNIVERSITÄT DORTMUND, DORTMUND, DE UNIVERSITÉ DE JOSEPH FOURIER-GRENOBLE1, GRENOBLE, FR UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI TORINO, TORINO, IT UNIVERSITÉ DE LAUSANNE, LAUSANNE, CH UNIVERSITÉ HENRI POINCARE DE NANCY 1, NANCY, FR UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI CAGLIARI, MONSERRATO, IT UNIVERSITÉ DE FRANCHE COMTE, BESANCON, FR NORVEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION, OSLO, NO UNIVERSITY PALACKEHO V OLOMOUCI, OLOMOUC, CZ UNIVERSITE PAUL SABATIER-TOULOUSE III, TOULOUSE, FR UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD (LYON I), VILLEURBANNE, FR LIETUVOS KUNO KULTUROS AKADEMIJA, KAUNAS, LT UNIVERSITÉ DE NANCY1. ASSOC.POUR LA PROMOTION DU SPORT CHEZ 115 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 • • • • ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES LES ENFANTS MALADES, VANDOEUVRE LES NANCY, FR UNIVERSITÄT WIEN, WIEN, AT RESNSKY UNIVERSITET ''ANGEL KUNCHEV'', ROUSSE, BG UNIVERSITÉ DE PICARDIE JULES VERNE, AMIENS, FR UNIVERSITÉ V. SEGALEN BORDEAUX 2, PESSAC, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 79890 € APPROVED BUDGET: 109853 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 9/10/2006-17/11/2006 116 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28260-IC-2-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-39 TITLE: Les Défis des Produits de Terroir en Europe SUBJECT AREA: AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS DESCRIPTION: Ce programme intensif vise à apporter aux étudiants une vision claire des enjeux majeurs auxquels sont confrontés les produits de terroir européens, et des stratégies possibles pour asseoir leur développement. Souvent originaires de régions difficiles, et historiquement dédiés à des marchés de proximité, ces produits sont aujourd'hui confrontés à des évolutions d'ordre économique (globalisation des marchés), réglementaire (conditions de production, hygiène), culturel (comportement des consommateurs) ou encore commercial et organisationnel (concentration de la distribution). Ces différents aspects seront étudiés, notamment par l'analyse comparée du développement de différents produits de terroir (quelques produits d'envergure européenne seront ciblés tels que les fromages, les charcuteries, les vins). A l'aube de l'élargissement de la communauté européenne, l'accent sera mis sur l'incidence économique, pour ces produits, de l'arrivée des nouveaux pays. La présence d'étudiants des diverses régions européennes (Europe du Sud, Europe de l'Est) favorisera la confrontation des points de vue et permettra une '' mise à niveau '' des connaissances. COORDINATOR: ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'AGRICULTURE D'ANGERS 55, rue Rabelais, BP 748 FR-49007 ANGERS CEDEX 01 Phone: +33 2 41235506 Fax: +33 2 41235532 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Bruno SALMON-LEGAGNEUR PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSIDAD DE LEON, LEON, ES ESCUELA UNIVERSITARIA DE INGENIERIA TECNICA AGRICOLA ''INEA'' DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID, VALLADOLID, ES UNIVERSITA'DEGLI STUDI DI FOGGIA, FOGGIA, IT UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PARMA, PARMA, IT AKADEMIA ROLNICZA W KRAKOWIE, KRAKOW, PL UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRICOLE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA CLUJ NAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR D'AGRICULTURE DE BEAUVAIS, BEAUVAIS CEDEX, FR INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D'AGRICULTURE DE LILLE, LILLE CEDEX, FR ECOLE SUPÉRIEURE D'AGRICULTURE DE PURPAN, TOULOUSE CEDEX 3, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 16400 € APPROVED BUDGET: 24525 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 5-14/02/2007 117 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28260-IC-2-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-38 TITLE: L'integration Economique Europeenne: Impact sur les Marches Agricoles SUBJECT AREA: AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS DESCRIPTION: Le programme intensif a pour ambition de familiariser 50 étudiants européens en agronomie et agriculture aux enjeux que représente le processus d'intégration économique européen pour les marchés agricoles et agro-alimentaires. Les objectifs spécifiques de ce programme sont les suivants : - - - Traiter la question de l'intégration économique et de l'élargissement du marché unique d'un point de vue politique, institutionnel et macro-économique en considérant l'impact spécifique pour l'agriculture et l'agro-alimentaire. Traiter les questions de l'impact des réformes successives de la Politique Agricole Commune sur les filières, les marchés, pour les entreprises et les consommateurs dans le contexte européen d'élargissements successifs et dans le contexte des négociations commerciales à l'OMC. Familiariser les étudiants avec les structures et les stratégies des agriculteurs et des firmes des différents pays dans le contexte de la construction européenne. L'analyse portera sur l'expérience des élargissements passés et à venir importants du point de vue de la structuration du marché agricole et agro-alimentaire européen. Ce programme doit donner à des étudiants européens de discipline scientifique une base quant à l'évolution de l'environnement du contexte institutionnel propre aux secteurs agricoles et agro-alimentaires dans une Europe qui s'élargit et dont la politique agricole est structurante de l'évolution des agricultures nationales au sein de l'Union. COORDINATOR: ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'AGRICULTURE D'ANGERS Rue Rabelais 55 - BP 30748 FR-49007 ANGERS CEDEX 01 Phone: +33 2 41 23 55 06 Fax: +33 2 41 23 55 32 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Bruno SALMON-LEGAGNEUR PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITEIT, UPPSALA, SE CHRISTELIJKE AGRARISCHE HOGESCHOOL DRONTEN, DRONTEN, NL DEN KGL. VETERINAER - OG LANDBOHOJKSOLE, FREDERIKSBERG C, DK ECOLE SUPÉRIEURE D'AGRICULTURE DE PURPAN, TOULOUSE CEDEX 3, FR INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D'AGRICULTURE DE LILLE, LILLE CEDEX, FR FACHHOCHSCHULE NÜRTINGEN, NÜRTINGEN, DE UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN, WIEN, AT ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE AGRONOMIQUE DE RENNES, RENNES, FR INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR D'AGRICULTURE DE BEAUVAIS, BEAUVAIS CEDEX, FR SZENT ISTVÁN EGYETEM GODOLLO, GODOLLO, HU MENDELOVA ZEMEDELSKA A LESNICKA UNIVERZITA V BRNE, BRNO, CZ UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRONOMICE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA BUCURESTI, BUCURESTI, RO INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR D'AGRICULTURE ET D'AGRO-ALIMENTAIRE RHÔNEALPES, LYON, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 24000 € APPROVED BUDGET: 35445 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 29/01/2007-07/02/2007 118 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28260-IC-3-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-35 TITLE: Pollution des Sols et Réhabilitation des Paysages en Europe SUBJECT AREA: SOIL AND WATER SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: Compte tenu : - des évolutions réglementaires applicables à la gestion des sites et sols pollués dans les différents pays européens, de l'admission de nouveaux Etats membres partenaires de l'IP, l'Estonie et la Pologne, de l'évolution de la sensibilité environnementale et des stratégies désormais appliquées à la gestion des sites dégradés, en particulier la restauration des paysages. Les objectifs de l'IP sont les suivants: - rassembler en un même lieu et un même temps les expertises complémentaires d'enseignants de différents pays européens, former les étudiants à la réhabilitation et au management des zones polluées, accroître la sensibilité et développer une approche intégrée de la protection environnementale dans un contexte européen. COORDINATOR: ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'AGRICULTURE D'ANGERS 55 Rue Rabelais - BP 30748 FR-49007 ANGERS Phone: +33 2 41 23 55 06 Fax: +33 2 41 23 55 32 Email: CONTACT: Bruno SALMON-LEGAGNEUR PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PARMA, PARMA, IT VAN HALL INSTITUUT (RIJKS AGRARISCHE HOGESCHOOL LEEUWARDEN), LEEUWARDEN, NL INTERNATIONALE AGRARISCHE HOGESCHOOL LARENSTEIN, VELP, NL POLITECHNIKA LODZKA, LÓDZ, PL UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN, WIEN, AT EESTI MAAULIKOOL, TARTU, EE ALMA MATER STUDIORUM, BOLOGNA, IT ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'AGRICULTURE D'ANGERS, ANGERS, FR AKADEMIA ROLNICZA IM. AUGUSTA CIESZKOWSKIEGO W POZNANIU, POZNAN, PL ISAB (INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR D'AGRICULTURE DE BEAUVAIS), BEAUVAIS, FR INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR D'AGRICULTURE ET D'AGRO-ALIMENTAIRE RHÔNEALPES, LYON, FR ECOLE SUPÉRIEURE D'AGRICULTURE DE PURPAN, TOULOUSE, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 25500 € APPROVED BUDGET: 36980 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 14-23/05/2007 119 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28263-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-7 TITLE: Conception des Espaces de Travail, Santé, Confort et Prévention des Risques SUBJECT AREA: PUBLIC HEALTH DESCRIPTION: Séminaire atelier pour diffuser et développer le savoir en conception des lieux de travail intégrant la prévention des risques professionnels (PRP) en : - faisant partager à des étudiants, enseignants, entreprises et institutions les expériences de différents pays d'Europe, rendant effective la pluridisciplinarité, montrant l'intérêt économique et social de ce secteur (et opportunité de carrière), dans le développement durable. Public: étudiants architectes et ingénieurs (génies des procédés, mécanique, production, biologique, civil) enseignants désirant se former dans cette approche. Déroulement en 3 étapes (2 semaines intensives suivies d'un travail dans l'institution d'origine). Semaine 1 : analyse de situations et propositions: conférences des acteurs de la PRP, visite de deux entreprises, documentation sélectionnées et aides en lignes Présentation devant un jury-conseil du Projet (analyse, diagnostic, protocole de validation sur maquette fonctionnelle échelle 1). Semaine 2 : Construction des maquettes et tests d'usage; présentation et démonstration d'utilisation devant le jury élargi (enseignants, architectes ingénieurs, extérieurs, préventeurs, journaliste, entreprises) Retour dans l'établissement d'origine, finalisation rapport de capitalisation et présentation de l'ensemble du projet. Résultats escomptés : Enseignement par projet et aspect démonstratif des maquettes grandeur réelle; complémentarité architecte, ingénieur; intégration de la PRP dans les valeurs d'usage et la qualité du projet; rattachement de la PRP à une démarche d'innovation durable, regard neuf et propositions d'évolutions (processus, bâtiments, équipements); établissement d'une structure fédérative entre institutions/université/industrie. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE COMPIEGNE Rue Roger Couttolenc FR-60206 COMPIEGNE CEDEX Phone: +33 3 44 23 43 30 Fax: +33 3 44 23 46 57 Email: CONTACT: Marie-Christine BEHIN PARTNERS: • • • • • UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BUCURESTI, RO ECOLE D'ARCHITECTURE DE CLERMONT-FERRAND, CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR LES GRANDS ATELIERS DE L'ISLE D'ABEAU, VILLEFONTAINE CEDEX 2, FR CHALMERS TEKNISKA HOGSKOLA, GOTEBORG, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 29522 € APPROVED BUDGET: 45596 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 12-21/02/2007 120 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28502-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: Sports - Tourisme - Handicaps. Approche Comparative des Politiques Sociales en Finlande-France-Roumanie SUBJECT AREA: PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SPORT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: La deuxième phase s'oriente sur les politiques sociales appuyées sur les vacances de loisirs sportifs pour handicaps et inadaptés en Finlande. Groupe cible: trente étudiants (3e ou 4e année en sciences du sport), 10 par pays. Principales activités: 1) Une phase de préparation (enseignants des 3 pays) définira les contenus de cours et les objectifs du stage. 2) La session intensive (30 jours) à Tornio comporte: - deux semaines de cours communs en anglais, avec des cours théoriques et pratiques (sports de pleine nature), des visites préparatoires d'institutions à caractère social; - un stage (2 semaines par groupe trinational) d'application en institution avec les enfants handicapés en vacances. 3) Une session de bilan pédagogique proposera les unités d'enseignement à mettre en commun. Résultats escomptés: - Un Rapport annuel des enseignants proposera un bilan de la session et un descriptif de cours à implanter dans les établissements associés aux co-diplômes (contenu, bibliographie de référence, crédits ECTS, modalités de circulation des étudiants). - Un manuel de fiches pédagogiques sur les techniques sportives de loisir en sport adapté sera édité et utilisé par les facultés partenaires. Il sera diffusé également plus largement. - Un Rapport de stage par groupe d'étudiants. - Un rapport d'étude comparatif de recherche franco-finlandais-roumain sur les valeurs du sport. - Un projet d'accord entre partenaires permettant en 3e phase du programme la création d'un co-diplôme de master en sciences du sport sur le thème ''sportscultures-développement''. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE DE NICE - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Parc Valrose FR-06108 NICE Phone: +33 49276529 Fax: +33 49276611 Email: CONTACT: Renee LE BOULANGER PARTNERS: • • • • • • FACULTATEA EDUCATIE FYSICAL SI SPORT PITESTI, PITESTI, RO ACADEMIA NATIONALA DE EDUCATIE FIZICA SI SPORT, BUCURESTI, RO HUMAN POLITECHNIC. HUMANISTINEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOLOU, TORNIO, FI FACULTATEA EDUCATIE FISICAL SI SPORT ORADEA, ORADEA, RO FACULTATEA EDUCATI FISICA SI SPORT TIMISORA, TIMISOARA, RO ''AL.I.CUZA'' UNIVERSITY - IASI, IASI, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 54124 € APPROVED BUDGET: 75498 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 16/04/2007-5/05/2007 121 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28502-IC-3-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Hydro Europe 2007 SUBJECT AREA: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, ECOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Hydro Europe répond à l'attente des milieux professionnels européens public et privé, en matière de formation de cadres en charge de la gestion de projets hydrotechnologiques et environnementaux. Le programme apporte une réponse innovante par ces méthodes faisant appel à l'utilisation des TIC, aux outils de l'@learning et à ceux de la modélisation numérique. Grâce à cette approche, Hydro Europe permet de mutualiser la formation de 7 masters européens des établissements universitaires de Nice, Cottbus, Budapest, Barcelone, Delft, Bruxelles et Lausanne. Pendant la durée du projet fixée à 3 ans, la formation dispensée bénéficiera à 330 apprenants issus des cursus initiaux comme de la formation continue. Les activités d'Hydro Europe axées sur l'acquisition de compétences en matière d'hydroinformatique et de bonnes pratiques en matière de travail collaboratif se déroulent au cours d'un '' face-to-face meeting '' rassemblant tous les participants à Nice pendant une période de 15 jours concluant les travaux de 10 équipes multi-sites réalisés pendant 2 mois à l'aide d'une plateforme collaborative Web. En plus du bénéfice direct pour les participants, les résultats escomptés du projet sont un perfectionnement des méthodes et une intégration pleine et entière dans les cursus des établissements partenaires prédisposant à l'élaboration d'un master conjoint européen. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE DE NICE-SOPIA ANTIPOLIS Parc Valrose FR-06108 NICE Phone: +33 492 76529 Fax: +33 492 76611 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Renée LE BOULANGER PARTNERS: • • • • • • BUDAPEST MUSZAKI ES GAZDASAGTU DOMANYI EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU BRANDERBURGISCHE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT COTTBUS, COTTBUS, DE STUDENTS OF THE EPLF (ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE), LAUSANNE, CH INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE HYDRAULICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING - UNESCO, DELFT, NL UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE CATALUNYA, BARCELONA, ES VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL, BRUSSEL, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 47032 € APPROVED BUDGET: 66043 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 16/02/2007-01/03/2007 122 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28539-IC-3-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: EMC Related to Wireless Communication Systems SUBJECT AREA: ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION: Wireless systems are expanding their applications in communication systems. In particular the 3rd generation (3G) system, like UMTS, is entering into service in all the European countries. Moreover, systems using Bluetooth technology or WLAN are being used in many areas like airports, hospital and offices. Therefore the problem associated to the ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of the communication technology with the electronic system is increasing. Actually in all European Universities basic EMC courses are given in Electrical and Electronic Engineering faculties. Nevertheless topics related to EMC in wireless communication are not yet fully covered by the existing basic courses, essentially because they are at present developed inside the research laboratories. Therefore the main task of this IP is the dissemination of knowledge concerning these aspects and also providing a new approach for the solution of the global problem. The course is devoted to graduated/master level students in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and will be chaired by specialists of many European countries. The course will be organized on a 2 week basis (10 days) for a total of 56 contact hours. 5 or 6 credits will be recognized by participating Universities. The main activities will concern class room teaching, computer exercise and laboratory measurements. Beyond the multicultural aspect, the students will learn to work in a team. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIE DE LILLE BAT A3 FR-59655 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ Phone: +33 3 20434853 Fax: +33 3 20404006 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Béatrice DELPOUVE PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITEIT TWENTE, ENSCHEDE, NL KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL BRUGGE-OOSTENDE, BRUGGE, BE UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE CATALUNYA, BARCELONA, ES ETHNIKO METSOVIO POLYTECHNIO (E.M.P), ATHINA, GR UNIVERSITA POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE, ANCONA, IT POLITECNICO DI TORINO, TORINO, IT UNIVERSITÄT HANNOVER, HANNOVER, DE THE UNIVERSITY OF YORK, YORK, UK UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA ''LA SAPIENZA'', ROMA, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 37662 € APPROVED BUDGET: 53550 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 3-12/09/2007 123 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 210461-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: ''Maths & Bio'' (Mathematics & Biology) SUBJECT AREA: BIOLOGY DESCRIPTION: In all fields of Biology, scientists have now to face a huge amount of biological sequences which cannot be interpreted without the help of mathematical models. Conversely, it is now possible to design experiments for estimating parameters underlying complex models. However, students in biology often lack basics which could help them to develop model based approaches. The aims of the IP are to make students in biology more familiar with mathematics and modelling, and learn how to translate a biological problem into a model. The course is organized with lectures, practicals and conferences, including student presentations, during which participants learn some of the mathematics that are currently used for modelling dynamic systems, stochastic processes, and statistical modelling through relevant biological examples. The course is an integrated part of the teaching program of a network of European graduate schools with PhD students as its target group. There are no prerequisites in Mathematics except a Master degree in Biology. The IP is academically recognized and is attributed 7 ECTS credits. Outputs are publication of teaching material in printed form, CD-Rom, a website, elearning, scientific publications. The IP is supported by the growing interest in graduate schools in the new EU members. COORDINATOR: INSTITUT NATIONAL AGRONOMIQUE DE PARIS GRIGNON 16 rue Claude Bernard FR-75231 PARIS Phone: +331 44 08 17 21 Fax: +331 44 08 72 34 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Jean-Pierre BONVALLET PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITEIT GENT, GENT, BE PFLANZENZÜCHTUNG, STUTTGART, DE UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRICOLE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA DIN CLUJNAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, HELSINKI, FI SLOVENSKA POINOHOSPODARSKA UNIVERZITA V NITRE, NITRA, SK UNIVERSIDAD DE VALENCIA, VALENCIA, ES WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT EN RESEARCH CENTRUM, WAGENINGEN, NL UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SIENA, SIENA, IT UNIVERSITÉ PARIS XI-ORSAY, ORSAY, FR JOHN INNES CENTRE, NORWICH, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 27000 € APPROVED BUDGET: 39075 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 1-10/07/2007 124 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 218726-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Bioéthique en Sciences de la Vie et de l'environnement SUBJECT AREA: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: La bioéthique est un concept apparu après guerre dans le domaine de la médecine, et qui s'est étendu depuis une dizaine d'années à l'ensemble des sciences de la vie et de l'environnement. L'objectif est de développer un enseignement sur la bioéthique à introduire dans les programmes de masters des universités partenaires du consortium. Les groupes ciblés sont des étudiants en master de Sciences biologiques, fondamentales et appliquées: ingénierie agronomique, agroalimentaire et économique, sciences vétérinaires, sciences de la vie et de l'environnement. Les principales activités seront: - La réalisation d'un cours synthétique et pluridisciplinaire sur le thème. La confrontation des points de vue entre étudiants de différentes origines, la mise en commun de réflexions. L'insertion de l'enseignement de bioéthique dans chacun des modules de master des universités partenaires, avec échanges d'enseignants du réseau. Les résultats attendus sont: - La prise en considération d'une formation de bioéthique dans le cadre des études en sciences biologiques. La tentative de construction d'une culture commune et donc, d'une identité européenne par l'harmonisation des considérations bioéthiques. La conduite d'une réflexion urgente et originale sur le thème. COORDINATOR: INSTITUT NATIONAL D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR ET DE RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE ET AGRO-ALIMENTAIRE DE RENNES 65, rue de Saint-Brieuc FR-35042 RENNES Phone: +33 2 2348 5172 Fax: +33 2 2348 5599 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Joëlle CHANCEREL PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRICOLE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA A BANATULUI DIN TIMÍSOARA, TIMÍSOARA, RO UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRONOMICE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA, BUCHAREST, RO ECOLE NATIONALE VETERINAIRE DE NANTES, NANTES CEDEX 3, FR UNIVERSIDADE DE EVORA, EVORA, PT ALEXANDER TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THESSALONIKI, THESSALONIKI, GR AKADEMIA ROLNICZA W LUBLINIE, LUBLIN, PL UNIVERSITÀ DI PISA, PISA, IT SOFIISKI UNIVERSITET ''SVRTI KLIMENT OHRIDSKI'', SOFIA, BG INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE, LE RHEU, FR UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PERUGIA, PERUGIA, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 38400 € APPROVED BUDGET: 54534 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 21/03/2007-2/04/2007 125 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 219676-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: World Market & Quality Issues in Animal Sector SUBJECT AREA: ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DESCRIPTION: La qualité des produits est devenue, à l'éclairage des dernières crises sanitaires et conflits sur les signes de qualité, un élément primordial de la compréhension des marchés internationaux. Ce Programme Intensif sur ''les marchés mondiaux et enjeux de qualité du secteur animal'' a pour objectif d'ouvrir les étudiants européens au lien qu'il y a entre la qualité des productions ou produits et l'évolution des marchés des produits animaux. Notre approche sera internationale ou mondiale chaque fois que possible. Nous ciblons dans cet IP des étudiants de cycle MSc minimum venant à la fois des pays de l'ex UE15 (7 partenaires) et des nouveaux membres de l'UE (5 partenaires). Le Programme sera organisé en alternant conférences-débats, visites sur le terrain et travail de groupe. Les intervenants viendront autant des universités que des entreprises ou institutions professionnelles européennes. Nous avons l'ambition que l'important partenariat universitaire et surtout professionnel de cet IP permette à certains étudiants de trouver un maître de stage voire un employeur lors de cet IP. COORDINATOR: ECOLE SUPÉRIEURE D'AGRICULTURE DE PURPAN 75 voie du T.O.E.C. - B.P. 57611 FR-31076 TOULOUSE CEDEX 3 Phone: +33 0 561153041 Fax: +33 0 561153060 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Sarah PRINCE PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IFREMER, PALAVAS LES FLOTS, FR HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN, BERLIN, DE UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA, BELLATERRA, ES OLLSCOIL NA HEIREANN, CORCAIGH, CORK, IE ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI BOLOGNA, REGGIO EMILIA, IT WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT, WAGENINGEN, NL UNIVERSIDADE DE TRAS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO, VILA-REAL, PT MENDELOVA ZEMEDELSKA A LESNICKA UNIVERZITA V BRNE, BRNO, CZ SZENT ISTVAN EGYETEM GODOLLO, GÖDÖLLO, HU AKADEMIA ROLNICZA WE WROCLAWIU, WROCLAW, PL UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI SLOVENSKA POL'NOHOSPODARSKA UNIVERZITA V NITRE, NITRA, SK INSTITUT TECHNIQUE DU PORC, PARIS CEDEX 12, FR ALLFLEX, VITRÉ CEDEX, FR BRITISH MEAT, FONTAINEBLEAU, FR ROYAL AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, CIRENCESTER, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 23000 € APPROVED BUDGET: 34270 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 4-13/12/2006 126 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 223347-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Landscape Ambassador. Comment Utiliser le Paysage pour un Développement Local et Durable des Zones Périphériques SUBJECT AREA: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION: L'objectif du programme intensif est de contribuer à la création d'un nouveau type d'agent de développement, à la fois expert du paysage, et ayant des qualités de médiateur afin de faciliter l'application concrète de la convention européenne du paysage. Le cours s'adresse à des étudiants ayant un niveau M1 et est réalisé entièrement en anglais. Il se déroule sur un terrain où existe une demande locale. Afin de développer des aptitudes à la médiation paysagère en 10 jours, il combine cours théoriques et applications pratiques, associe des acteurs locaux et mobilise une pédagogie qui implique les étudiants (''active learning'') et privilégie le travail collaboratif et la mutualisation des connaissances. Les principaux caractères innovants de ce projet et les résultats attendus concernent: 1) la réflexion pour la construction d'un mode de collaboration avec les acteurs locaux adapté à la culture européenne; 2) l'articulation entre enseignements pratique et théorique qui permet de s'adapter aux situations locales tout en défendant une vision européenne commune; 3) la capitalisation de la matière produite et des nouvelles méthodes testées avec création d'un site web et d'un réseau d'acteurs locaux. Ce programme est totalement intégré dans la stratégie européenne des institutions participantes. COORDINATOR: ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGÉNIEURS DES TRAVAUX AGRICOLES Site de Marmilhat BP 35 FR-63370 LEMPDES Phone: +33 4 73987028 Fax: +33 4 73981300 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Laure DREVET PARTNERS: • • • • • • UNIVERSIDADE DE EVORA, EVORA, PT UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, BIOTEHNISKA FAKULTETA, LJUBLJANA, SI NYUGAT-MAGYARORSZAGI EGYETEM, SOPRON, HU SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, UPPSALA, SE UNIVERSITETET FOR MILJO- OG BIOVITENSKAP, AAS, NO ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE D'ARCHITECTURE ET DE PAYSAGE DE BORDEAUX, TALENCE CEDEX, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 27275 € APPROVED BUDGET: 39700 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 4-13/11/2006 127 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 223623-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Les Premiers Peuplements de l'Eurasie SUBJECT AREA: ARCHEOLOGY DESCRIPTION: L'enseignement de niveau Master réunira durant deux semaines étudiants, doctorants et enseignants, autour de trois approches: terrain, laboratoire et cours sur les premiers peuplements préhistoriques en Eurasie. Il abordera les migrations, la chronologie et les cultures en relation étroite avec l'évolution et l'impact du milieu. Ce complément de haut niveau des programmes universitaires s'appuiera sur la multidisciplinarité, la complémentarité et l'expérience des partenaires. Le cours intensif se tiendra au CERP de Tautavel qui dispose d'infrastructures de recherche, d'enseignement et de diffusion de la culture scientifique ainsi que de riches collections et d'un musée près d'un grand chantier de fouilles préhistoriques. Les résultats escomptés pour les différents groupes cibles sont: 1) pour les étudiants de master une expérience pratique en milieu international, concrétisant leur parcours académique et orientant leur avenir (professionnel ou doctoral); 2) pour les doctorants un contact avec l'actualité de la recherche offrant des possibilités d'évaluation, d'optimisation et de valorisation de leur recherche doctorale; 3) pour les enseignants une riche opportunité d'actualisation des connaissances scientifiques et une expérience pédagogique originale. Le cours intensif sera concrétisé par l'établissement, auquel participeront les trois groupes cibles, d'un rapport scientifique qui sera largement diffusé, y compris par les moyens modernes des technologies de l'information. COORDINATOR: MUSÉE NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE PARIS 57, rue Cuvier FR-75005 PARIS Phone: +33 1 40795720 Fax: +33 1 40795422 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Pascale DEBEY PARTNERS: • • • • • UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI TARRAGONE, TARRAGONE, ES UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FERRARA, FERRARA, IT INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DE TOMAR, TOMAR, PT CENTRE EUROPÉEN DE RECHERCHES PRÉHISTORIQUES DE TAUTAVEL, TAUTAVEL, FR UNIVERSITE GOETHE, FRANCFORT-SUR-LE-MAIN, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 22075 € APPROVED BUDGET: 32000 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 25/06/2007-09/07/2007 128 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29099-IC-2-2005-1-GR-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: AI&DIS-CRETE - Applied Informatics and Digital Information Systems SUBJECT AREA: ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION: The IP Applied Informatics and Digital Information Systems aims to introduce current and new development in the field of applications of information systems (Data Acquisition Systems, Hardware Systems Design, Signal and Image Processing, Video/Audio Compression, Real-Time Communication and its Quality in IP Products, Digital Broadcasting - Digital Terrestrials Interactive television, Pattern Recognition, Modulation Shams and Baseband Processing in Digital Broadcasting, Real-Time Communication and its Quality in IP Networks). The IP is directed at final year undergraduate students in the area of Informatics, Computer Science, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering and at graduate students in the area of Informatics, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer engineering. COORDINATOR: TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Stavromenos GR-71500 HERAKLION Phone: +30 2810 379 312 Fax: +30 2810 250 548 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Ioannis VLAHOS PARTNERS: • • • • FACHHOCHSCHULE VORARLBERG, DORNBIRN, AT FH-DÜSSELDORF, DÜSSELDORF, DE INGENIORHOJSKOLEN ODENSE TEKNIKUM, ODENSE, DK UNIVERSITATEA ''TRANSILVANIA'' DIN BRASOV, BRASOV, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 26525 € APPROVED BUDGET: 38034 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 3-12/07/2007 129 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29099-IC-2-2005-1-GR-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: OLA-CRETE - Optoelectronics, Lasers and Applications SUBJECT AREA: EDUCATION, TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: The objective of the course is to give undergraduate students a broad introduction on the basic and advanced topics in optoeletronics with a special attention to the applications in traditional and state-of-the-art laser technologies. The target group will be students having a basic background in optoelectronics/solid state physics coming both from the engineering and science careers. The course is intended as a bridge between engineering and physical aspects of optoelectronic and laser science research. We expect the students belonging to both the engineering and the physics careers to benefit of the mutual contamination of views and perspectives. The course is designed to include theoretical sessions of 40 hours and self-learning sessions of about 20 hours in total. The theoretical sessions will alternate the topic of optoelectronics with that of related applications in laser technologies. Seminars on advanced topics in laser physics and optical telecommunication will be given as a complement to the introductory lessons. During the self-learning sessions, students will be asked to solve problems related to the topics discussed in the theoretical lessons. This work will be used for the final evaluation of the students. COORDINATOR: TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE P.O.Box 140, Stavromenos GR-71500 HERAKLION Phone: +30 810 379312 Fax: +30 810 250548 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Ionnis VLAHOS PARTNERS: • • • • UNIVERSITÀ DELL'INSUBRIA, VARESE, IT BRUNEL UNIVERSITY, UXBRIDGE, UK VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, VILNIUS, LT IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, LONDON, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 22919 € APPROVED BUDGET: 33446 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 3-12/07/2007 130 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 31388-IC-1-2005-1-GR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: SYNAPS: Synthesis and Retrosynthesis in the Chemistry of Natural Products SUBJECT AREA: CHEMISTRY DESCRIPTION: The Erasmus Intensive Program hereby described as a crash summer course, intends to educate young European citizens in the subject matter of the Chemistry of Natural Products with emphasis on the Analysis and Synthesis of naturally occurring compounds and their analogues. The candidates for this program are young students of Natural Sciences including Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Food Sciences, and Agricultural Sciences of both advanced undergraduate and graduate level. The program will include in-class teaching of the theoretical background needed, use of electronic databases and software programs related to the subject and demonstration and use of analytical instruments regularly employed in the Natural Products Industry. Participating students will be evaluated on their performance in the program and ECTS credits will be allocated for all courses. The long-term aim of this program is to familiarize Natural Science students with the field of Natural Products and direct interested participants to the Natural Product Industry. COORDINATOR: PANEPISTIMIO KRITIS Rethymno Campus GR-74100 RETHYMNO Phone: +30 28 310 77900 Fax: +30 28 310 77909 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Kostas LAVDAS PARTNERS: • • UNIVERSITÄT LEIPZIG, LEIPZIG, DE UNIVERSITÀ DI FIRENZE, FIRENZE, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 17501 € APPROVED BUDGET: 26002 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 15/07/2007-03/08/2007 131 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 31475-IC-1-2005-1-GR-ERASMUS-IPUC-13 TITLE: Exploring European Identities/Ideologies by means of (re)presentations of Ancient Greek Drama SUBJECT AREA: CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Exploring European Identities/ideologies by means of (re)presentations of Ancient Drama is a two-week inter-disciplinary Intensive Course related to the Epidavros festival. This is a three-year project, taking place at Epidauros, organised by the European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama for graduate students in Theatre Studies and Classics departments. The first course, which will take place in July 2007, will focus on European Theatre Festivals (from the Festival of Dionysus in antiquity to those of Syracuse (INDA), Avignon, Epidauros, and Edinburgh). The Course aims to examine their functionality, their social and art history, from the 5th century BC until today. The course, which consists of lectures by academics and artists, small group working sessions, student presentations and evaluations, aims to bring together scholars and students from different disciplines and different countries, in order to exchange knowledge on the history of Festivals. The second year will be devoted to Text Adaptations and the third will focus on Media. COORDINATOR: ETHNIkO kAI kAPODISTRIAkO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON Panepistimiou street 30 GR-106 79 ATHENS Phone: +30 210 3689767 Fax: +30 210 3608743 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Christos KITTAS PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA, COIMBRA, PT FREIE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN, BERLIN, DE UNIVERSITE DE LA SORBONNE NOUVELLE (PARIS III), PARIS, FR UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, OXFORD, UK UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT, UTRECHT, NL UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN - TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, IE FRIEDRICH ALEXANDER UNIVERSITÄT ERLANGEN-NURNBERG, DE HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, HELSINKI, FI UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI UNIVERSITEIT GENT, GENT, BE ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI, ISTANBUL, TR UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA, PAVIA, IT PAISII HILENDARSKI UNIVERSITY OF PLOVDIV, PLOVDIV, BG UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE, FILOZOFICA FAKULTA, PRAGUE 1, CZ GRANT AMOUNT: 37120 € APPROVED BUDGET: 52826 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01-14/07/2007 132 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 45677-IC-2-2005-1-HU-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: ADVANCEMIN: Recent Advances in Mineral Sciences SUBJECT AREA: MATERIALS SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: The main objective of the IP (3 years) is to provide an overview of emerging, interdisciplinary subjects in Mineral Sciences (MS) by organising three 10 days-long Short Courses (SC) (2006, 2007, 2008). The courses are designed as parts of a 'Euromaster in Mineral Sciences' curriculum (see complementary project 45677-IC-12004-1-HU-ERASMUS-PROGUC-4 approved for 2005/2008). The renewal IP concerns an SC on 'Advanced Technical Mineralogy: Silicate Based Materials' (2007). Target groups: Students (graduate/postgraduate), university teachers, and experts from industry. Main activities: In the second year of the project, the SC topic will be broadened by including advanced theoretical and applied interdisciplinary aspects of MS (such as special ceramics, cements, zeolites etc.) that respond to new needs emerging at European level. The course will be delivered mainly by professors of the partner universities for an international group of students from the partner institutions. Expected outputs: Tailoring of new university courses that could be incorporated in joint programmes of study delivered by partner institutions, especially at the second cycle (Master) level. The production of a university textbook (B5, about 450 pages, English) suitable as reference for other MS-related academic institutions. COORDINATOR: EÖTVÖS LORÁND TUDOMÁNY EGYETEM - ELTE Szerb u. 21-23 HU-1056 BUDAPEST Phone: +36 1 4855246 Fax: +36 1 4855282 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Mozes SZEKELY PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MASARYKOVA UNIVERSITA V BRNÓ, BRNO, CZ ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESEI, ISTANBUL, TR MOSKOVSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITET, MOSKOW, RU TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT BERGAKADEMIE FREIBERG, FREIBERG, DE UNIVERSIDAD DE JAEN, JAEN, ES UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE - PARIS 6 -, PARIS, FR UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA, PAVIA, IT UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PISA, PISA, IT MISKOLCI EGYETEM, MISKOLC, HU VESZPRÉMI EGYETEM, VESZPREM, HU UNIVERSITÄT SALZBURG, SALZBURG, AT UNIWERSYET JAGIELLONSKI, KRAKOW, KRAKOW, PL UNIVERSIDADE DE EVORA, EVORA, PT UNIVERSITY OF LJUBJANA - FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA, ODDELEK ZA PEDAGOGIKO IN ANDRAGOGIKO, LJUBLJANA, SI UNIVERZITA KOMENSKEHO V BRATISLAVE, BRATISLAVA, SK SOFFISKI UNIVERSITET ''SVETI KLIMENT OHRIDSKI''- CENTRE OF INFORMATION SOCIETY TECHNOLOGIES (CIST), SOFIA, BG BABES-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO 133 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 • • • • • • • • • • • • • ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU, SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO, BG SVEUCILISTE U ZAGREBU, CROATIA, HR UNIVERSITÉ DE FRIBOURG, FRIBOURG, CH UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA, SEVILLA, ES UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE, PRAHA 2, CZ FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER UNIVERSITÄT ERLANGEN NURNBERG, ERLANGEN, DE ARISTOTELEIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKI, THESSALONIKI, GR KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE UNIVERSITÄT WIEN, WIEN, AT OULUN YLIOPISTON, OULU, FI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, GALWAY, GALWAY, IE UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO, TORINO, IT THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER, MANCHESTER, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 24614 € APPROVED BUDGET: 36152 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 21-30/09/2007 134 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 45999-IC-2-2005-1-HU-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Religiousness in a Changing World SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS HUMANITIES DESCRIPTION: The IP aims at presenting the subject 'Religious changes and confrontations in Europe' for advanced graduate and doctoral students who, as part of their studies, take a European Sociology or Religious Studies course and whose research focus is on the changes of the religious situation in the region, including its dimensions in sociology and religious studies. The concerning topics are 'Religion and Transformation in the Periphery of Europe', 'Situation of the Islam in Europe', 'Religious aspects in the relationship of the majority and ethnical minorities', 'Challenges of 21st century: modern science vs. religious ethics;' 'Dogmatism vs. Civil Rights', 'Adaptation of eastern religions in the European religious homogeneity', 'Evolution of new religious movements after the political changes of 1989'. The IP uses problem-oriented and communication based didactical means in order to make the students familiar with these rarely inquired issues, during courses and teamwork classes. The presentations will discuss topics of general interest, based on actual cases. Since the IP will be held simultaneously with a cultural meeting of varied religious communities, the joining of their delegates gives a pragmatic dimension to these talks. The meeting of outstanding scholars from various institutions, the presence of the special invitees and the formation of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural classroom to the critical dialogical perspective of mentioned issues, would represent a unique opportunity on the European level, too. The IP is a 3 ECTS credit seminar, has a 12-days duration, from which 10-days educational course, 2-days fieldtrip and will lead to an online publication, with material produced by participants in the programme, as well as pedagogical tools and teaching material. COORDINATOR: SZEGEDI TUDOMANYEGYETEM Dugonics tér 13 HU-6720 SZEGED Phone: +36 62 420895 Fax: +36 62 420895 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Gabriella BALOG MOLNÁR PARTNERS: • • • • • • • MASARYkOVA UNIVERZITA VE BRNE, BRNO, CZ RE-DIAL VALLASTUDOMANYI EGYESULET, SZEGED, HU UNIVERSITÄT WIEN, WIEN, AT UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI, KRAKÓW, PL UNIVERZITA KOMENSKEHO V BRATISLAVE, BRATISLAVA, SK BABES-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA, LJUBLJANA, SI GRANT AMOUNT: 27960 € APPROVED BUDGET: 40280 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 20-29/08/2007 135 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 47059-IC-1-2005-1-HU-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: MultIFoLa: Multiple Intelligences in Teaching Foreign Languages SUBJECT AREA: TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: The MultIFoLa Project draws on and develops the outcomes of former Erasmus Project TiFoLa. Whereas TiFoLa was concerned with the principles of CLIL education (Content and Language Integrated Learning), MultIFoLa focuses on how the principles can be implemented in a way that each learner can reach the maximum of their potential. Participants will develop new, more individualized methods of teaching CLIL lessons by applying the theory of Multiple Intelligences and taking into account learners' social and ethnic background, age, language level, interest in the content and their learning styles. Developing learners' skills for lifelong learning will be fostered by incorporating learner training in the lessons. The isolation of single subjects will be overcome by using several skills traditionally connected to a number of different subjects. The multinational groups of teacher trainees and teachers will prepare CLIL lesson plans for the 10-14 age group with a minimum of 4 learning tasks per lesson plan explicitly aimed at different intelligences. The groups will team-teach these lessons in Austrian CLIL schools. They will produce on a CD-ROM and in print a collection of CLIL lesson plans combined with tasks for Multiple Intelligences, the accompanying teachers' manual and feedback gained about the lessons taught. COORDINATOR: KÁROLI GÁSPÁR REFORMÁTUS EGYETEM Kálvin tér 9 HU-1091 BUDAPEST Phone: +36 1 4559060 Fax: +36 1 4559062 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marta PONGRACZ PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • AKADEMIENVERBUND - PÄDAGOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE DER DIÖZESE ST. PÖLTEN PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE, KREMS, AT TURUN YLIOPISTO, TURKU, FI MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA V BRNE, BRNO, CZ MARNIX ACADEMIE - P.C. HOGESCHOOL LERARENOPLEIDING BASISONDERWIJS, UTRECHT, NL UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, MADRID, ES UNIVERSITATEA ''AL. I. CUZA'', IASI, IASI, RO HOGSKOLEN I NESNA, NESNA, NO AKADEMIA PEDAGOGICZNA IM KEN W KRAKOWIE, KRAKOW, PL ERASMUSHOGESCHOOL BRUSSEL, BRUSSEL, BE KAUNO KOLEGIJA, KAUNAS, LT RIGAS PEDAGOGIJAS UN IZGLITIBAS VADIBAS AUGSTSKOLA, RIGA, LV PANEPISTIMIO KRITIS, RETHYMNON, GR GRANT AMOUNT: 44345 € APPROVED BUDGET: 62461 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 4-14/03/2007 136 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 48668-IC-2-2005-1-HU-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: EDMM - European Digital Media Management Intensive Programme SUBJECT AREA: DESIGN (GRAPHIC DESIGN, IND. DESIGN, FASHION, TEXTILES) DESCRIPTION: Das European Digital Media Management (EDMM) Intensiv Programm erzielt ab auf den Erwerb von modernstem medientechnischen Wissens. Die Studierenden werden von hervorragenden Professoren aus 8 Hochschulen des Erasmus Netzwerkes für Druck- und Medientechnik, während eines dreiwöchigen Kurs unterrichtet, und erlangen so Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten, die an einer einzelnen Hochschule nicht zu vermitteln wären. Das EDMM Programm findet das zweite Mal in Budapest statt und wird zum dritten Mal in anderem Ausbildungsort Europas (Espoo, oder Stuttgart) organisiert. Die besondere Stärke des Programms liegt in dem speziell zusammengestelltem Studiuminhalt, das aus technischen (Publishing on Demand), ästhetischen (European Surface Design) und wirtschaftlichen (Internationale Medien and Environmental Management) Bereichen der Druck- und Medienindustrie ausgewählt ist. Dabei wird die Ressourcen-Einsparung für Nachhaltende Entwicklung, sowie die soziale Verantwortung für Umweltmanagement besonders vorgehoben. Das Fach 'Surface Design' ergänzt die künstlerischen Fähigkeiten mit fundiertem technologischem Wissen. Die Studenten verfolgen beim Erstellen eines Medienproduktes im Betrieb jede einzelne Phase, von der Planung bis zum fertigen Produkt. Sie lernen durch projektorientiertes Studium in Verbindung mit der modernsten Informationstechnologie das Zusammenarbeiten in multinationalen Gruppen. Diese europäische Dimension ist infolge der rasanten Internationalisierung der Medienindustrie dringend notwendig, erhöht die Chancen als Berufseinsteiger und trägt zur Erhöhung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der grafischen Industrie und des angrenzenden Medienbereichs bei. COORDINATOR: BUDAPESTI MÜSZAKI FÖISKOLA Tavaszmezö u. 15-17 HU-1084 BUDAPEST Phone: +36 1 210 26 51 Fax: +36 1 210 26 51 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Mária DUDÁS PARTNERS: • • • • • • • FACHHOCHSCHULE STUTTGART - HOCHSCHULE DER MEDIEN, STUTTGART, DE ARTEVELDE HOGESCHOOL, GENT, BE BERGISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WUPPERTAL, WUPPERTAL, DE AVANS HOGESCHOOL, BREDA, NL LONDON COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION, UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS LONDON, LONDON, UK HOCHSCHULE FÜR TECHNIK, LEIPZIG, DE ESPOON-VANTAAN TEKNILLINEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, ESPOO, FI GRANT AMOUNT: 44567 € APPROVED BUDGET: 62757 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 19/08/2007-04/09/2007 137 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 102188-IC-1-2005-1-HU-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Improving and Exchanging European Management Skills in a Simulated Environment SUBJECT AREA: BUSINESS STUDIES, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: In the intensive programme participating students will play a strategic business game in an international environment. The game will simulate the marketing development for a number of products as it occurs in the real business world over a period of several years. The game will be played in competitive teams made up of members of the different nationalities taking part in the programme. In this way students will become aware of the differences in intercultural communication. Because of the diversity in the composition of these groups, the IP will enhance their cultural, social and professional skills as well as their language competences. The game will be played in different rounds of decision making, thus applying the subject matter they studied during their courses in the home institutions to an international market. On top of this, experts in the field of strategic management from the business world and local international companies will give them advice on how to handle the decision making process. In this way the foreign students will get in contact with local company managers. The IP is presented as an example of good practice for internationalisation by communicating the content and evaluation to partners in international networks of higher education and to the press. COORDINATOR: SZOLNOKI FÖISKOLA Ady Endre utca 9. HU-5000 SZOLNOK Phone: + 36 56 51 17 40 Fax: + 36 56 51 17 41 Email: CONTACT: Csilla SZABO PARTNERS: • • • • • • KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL KEMPEN, GEEL, BE LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, LAHTI, FI LYCÉE TÉZENAS DU MONTCEL, ST ETIENNE, FR KESKI-POHJANMAAN AMMATTIKORKEALKOULU-MELLERSTA OSTERBOTENS, KOKKOLA, FI ECOLE DE COMMERCE EUROPEENNE DE LYON, LYON, FR HOGESCHOOL WEST-VLAANDEREN, BRUGGE, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 45316 € APPROVED BUDGET: 63755 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 14-23/03/2007 138 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28332-IC-2-2005-1-IS-ERASMUS-IPUC-7 TITLE: Small States within an Enlarged European Union SUBJECT AREA: HUMANITIES DESCRIPTION: The aim of this project is to offer a course on small states within the European Union after the latest enlargement, at the host institution, University of Iceland. A curriculum will be created that will focus on how the increased number of small states within the EU changes the focus and emphasis of the EU. The curriculum will also focus on the alliance formation within the EU, the main interests of the small member states and how the increased number of small states affects behaviour in the decision-making process of the EU. The course will bring together the best scientists in the field of Small State Studies in Europe and combine knowledge in a number of discipline: Political Science, Economics, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Public Policy, and Geography. The course yields eight ECTS credits and will be offered to post-graduate students from a total of 12 universities. Each lecture will be recorded and a special virtual learning material based on the IP will be developed. As a result, every lecture is preserved and by the third year of the IP, the partner institutions can either offer this web-based course to students all over Europe as a way of distance learning or incorporate chosen material of the course or the course as a whole into their own curriculum. COORDINATOR: HASKOLI ISLANDS Neshagi IS-107 REYKJAVIK Phone: +354 525 4311 Fax: +354 525 5850 Email: CONTACT: Karitas KVARAN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • MANCHESTER METROPILITAN UNIVERSITY, MANCHESTER, UK UNIVERSITEITET I BERGEN, BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITA TA MALTA, MSIDA, MT SODERTORN, HUDDINGE, SE UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANA, LJUBLJANA, SI KOBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, COPENHAGEN, DK UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN, LEIDEN, NL EKONOMICKÁ UNIVERZITA V BRATISLAVE, BRATISLAVA, SK UNIVERSITAS VILNENSIS, VILNIUS, LT TARTU ÜLIKOOLI PÄRNU KOLLEDZ, TARTU, EE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, LUND, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 35100 € APPROVED BUDGET: 49800 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 24/06/2007-11/09/2007 139 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29134-IC-3-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: ECOPOLIS: Sustainable Planning and Design Principles SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The IP will be dealing with urban and architectural design in the contemporary city. The main aim is to reach a new ecological design philosophy. The IP argues that good sensitive design at the different scales can help cities to improve their built and unbuilt environment in order to create suitable places to live, work and enjoy. The main topic should be focused addressing the aspects on a wider ecological conception with particular regard to better exploring the interactions between urban and architectural design The IP will be organised as a Workshop and will give the opportunity to both students and teachers to deal with new rising topics and principles. It will address specific topics of sustainable urban design in terms of revealing all aspects of ecological design concept and of enhancing the development form: aspects of layout (urban structure and pattern), landscape and mix of uses, aspects of scale (height and massive) and aspects of building appearance (details and materials). It will deal with topics concerning the regeneration of inner and outer urban areas with particular reference to the sustainable and eco-friendly mixed used development. A 'systematic thinking by doing' for regeneration and development in urban areas must be considered the achievement and assessment of quality of design. It will involve students and teachers in an international and comparative examination of changes and transformation in European cities. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE Piazza S. Marco 4 IT-50121 FIRENZE Phone: +39 055 2757666 Fax: +39 055 2757681 Email: CONTACT: Leonardo MORLINO PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE CIÊNCIAS DO TRABALHO E DA EMPRESA, LISBOA, PT SLOVENSKÁ TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA V BRATISLAVE, BRATISLAVA, SK TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT EINDHOVEN, EINDHOVEN, NL UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, NEWCASTLE, UK UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYUA, BARCELONA, ES UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, DUBLIN, DUBLIN, IE UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE, SCOTLAND, UK ETHNIKO METSOVIO POLYTECHNIO (E.M.P), ATHINA, GR GRANT AMOUNT: 38474 € APPROVED BUDGET: 54633 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 4-16/06/2007 140 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29134-IC-2-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: Stochastic Dynamics in Risk Management Procedures SUBJECT AREA: CIVIL ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION: The management of natural hazards and related risks on the built environment is an absolute priority in the field of building and environmental engineering. The present IP proposal aims to deliver to under-graduate students of the last academic years or postgraduate ones during the preparation of a Ph.D. thesis, a complementary and integrative know-how to their academic background and an interdisciplinary vision of the closely interrelated problems, arising from the impact of natural hazards on the anthropic-built environment. The stochastic nature of analysis of all major dynamic phenomena, like floods, hydrological disasters and landslides, earthquakes and wind storms are the major issues the IP will be dealing with. The main characteristic of the programme is therefore the high interdisciplinarity amongst the field of: solid and fluid mechanics, system dynamics, numerical methods, hydraulics & hydrology, water management, pollution, risk mitigation, socio-economic aspects. The IP will be structured through: graphic courses and seminars; training and exercises sessions in groups and general discussion; a technical excursion on a site of a major natural disaster. 3 ECTS credits will be awarded for attendance and for the successful final test. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE Piazza San Marco 4 IT-50121 FIRENZE Phone: +39 055 2757666 Fax: +39 055 2757681 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Leonardo MORLINO PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE, CIVIL ENGINEERING AND GEODESY, SOFIA, BG UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, BIRMINGHAM, UK CESKE VYSOKE TECHNICKE V PRAZE, PRAGUW 6, CZ POLITECNICA OPOLSKA, OPOLE, PL ECOLE SPECIALE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS DU BATIMENT ET DE L'INDUSTRIE, PARIS, FR LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, LULEA, SE UNIVERSITAE TECNICA 'GH. ASACHI'', IASI, RO ARISTOTELEIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS, THESSALONIKI, GR TECHNISCHE UNIV. CAROLO -WILHELMINA ZU BRAUNSCHWEIG, BRAUNSCHWEIG, DE UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA DE CONSTRUCTII BUCURESTI, BUCHAREST, RO RUHR-UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM, BOCHUM, DE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN, DRESDEN, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 31741 € APPROVED BUDGET: 45655 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 1-10/05/2007 141 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29207-IC-2-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Il Consenso all'integrazione Europea: Formazione e Sviluppo Storico SUBJECT AREA: HISTORY L'objectif principal du projet, pour la deuxième année, reste la mise à point d'un parcours ''intégré'' de l'enseignement de la construction européenne, c'est-à-dire d'une approche didactique capable de se servir- en les coordonnant - des différentes méthodologies issues des communautés scientifiques nationales, dans la perspective de la création d'une espace européenne de l'instruction supérieure, en accord avec la déclaration de Bologna (juin 1999). Les bénéficiaires directs de ce programme seront: DESCRIPTION: i) les étudiants universitaires des onze Universités qui adhérent au projet (2 étudiants par Université, pour un total de 22 étudiants); ii) les étudiants inscrits au Master en European Studies ''Le processus de construction européenne'' (20/25 participants de différentes nationalités). Au total la participation des étudiants (undergraduate et postgraduate) sera assurée au nombre de 50 unités. Les activités principales seront soit les cours et les séminaires qui se tiendront à l'Université de Sienne, soit l'élaboration de matériel didactique commun (aussi sous la forme de CD Rom), dans le but de disséminer cette expérience didactique dans les cours en European Studies d'autres Universités. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SIENA Via San Vigilio 6 IT-53100 SIENA Phone: +39 0577 232403 Fax: +39 0577 232392 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marco FERRARI PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSIDADE DOS ACORES, ACORES, PT UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTPELLIER 1, MONTPELLIER CEDEX, FR PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES - ATHENS, ATHENS, GR UNIVERSITY OF WALES - SWANSEA, SWANSEA, UK UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA, COIMBRA, PT UNIVERSITÄT HANNOVER, HANNOVER, DE UNIVERSITATEA DIN ORADEA, ORADEA, RO UNIVERSITE ROBERT SCHUMAN INSTITUT DES HAUTES ETUDES EUROPÉENNES, STRASBOURG, FR UNIWERSYET JAGIELLONSKI, KRAKOW, KRAKOW, PL UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA, SALAMANCA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 25868 € APPROVED BUDGET: 36324 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 1-28/09/2007 142 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29316-IC-2-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: BAM: Bioethics Applied to the Multicultural Aspects of Biomedicine SUBJECT AREA: PHILOSOPHY DESCRIPTION: This IP aims to develop a problem-based knowledge in Bioethics applied to emerging problems in today's and tomorrow's medical practice and biomedical research in a multicultural and multiethnical Society. Bioethics is not a series of dogmas learneable in textbooks, so it is best learned by reasoning and discussing among peers and with Teachers. Discussion among University Teachers and Students from different European Countries is the best environment for cultural growth and better reciprocal understanding. The participation of several Countries all characterized by strong historical backgrounds, including the Charles University of Prague, will guarantee the dissemination of Bioethics in the Enlargement Area, will promote discussion in nations facing new approaches and will promote further Bioethics teaching in undergraduate courses. The target audience are Health Sciences students. During 2 weeks, 5-6 Students and 2-3 Teachers from each University will participate to: interactive activities; simulated cases discussions; problem-based learning on most relevant case-studies; round-table and plenary discussions; lectures from Teachers and Professionals involved in emerging biomedical technologies; quality evaluation of all activities. A Website will be constructed. A CD/DVD with the IP content will be widely distributed. In perspective our Students, in due time involved in Health-related professions, will disseminate a significant Bioethical awareness, spreading the message among Colleagues and Students and throughout their professional activities. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI UDINE Via delle Scienze 208 IT-33100 UDINE Phone: +39 0432 558346 Fax: +39 0432 558342 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Franca BATTIGELLI PARTNERS: • • • • • VRIJE UNIVERSITY, AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE MADRID, MADRID, ES KARLOVA UNIVERSITA, 3. LEKARSKA FAKULTA, PRAHA 10, CZ UNIVERSITE PARIS XII VAL DE MARNE, CRÉTEIL, CEDEX, FR UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI ''MAGNA GRAECIA'' DI CATANZARO, CATANZARO, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 27837 € APPROVED BUDGET: 40450 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 9-19/07/2007 143 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29342-IC-1-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-4 TITLE: European Summer School in Screen Translation SUBJECT AREA: TRANSLATION, INTERPRETATION DESCRIPTION: The objective of this course is to provide a full immersion course in both practical aspects and research in Screen Translation. Screen Translation is an enormous market in the EU, providing translations not only for big screen and television products, but also for the huge DVD and videogames market and countless hypertexts for the World Wide Web. With the need for numerous and at the same time speedy translations the market requires an ever growing number of highly trained professionals in the areas not only of dubbing and subtitling (the two dominant forms of Screen Translation in Europe) but also in voice-over, the techniques used in documentaries. The course is aimed at both undergraduate and postgraduate students who wish to embark upon a career in the European Screen Translation industry, as well as those who are interested in researching the field. The course will consist of hands-on practical workshops in subtitling (both live for film festivals and recorded), dubbing and adaptation and voice over in which they will translate `real' materials (e.g. a film, an episode of a cartoon etc.) and also theoretical, research based seminars. Having been exposed to and practised the rudiments of subtitling, dubbing and voice over, participants should be qualified to enter the market at apprenticeship stage. Those wishing to embark on research will have been exposed to major issues in the area. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA Via Zamboni 33 IT-40123 BOLOGNA Phone: +39 051 2097228 Fax: +39 051 2097301 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Lilla Maria CRISAFULLI PARTNERS: • • • • • ROEHAMPTON UNIVERSITY, LONDON, UK UNIVERSITÄT DES SAARLANDES, SAARBRÜCKEN, DE UNIVERSIDAD DE OVIEDO, OVIEDO, ES INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE LEIRIA, LEIRIA, PT HOGESCHOOL ANTWERPEN, ANTWERPEN, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 22552 € APPROVED BUDGET: 33070 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 20-29/05/2007 144 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29342-IC-1-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: E.S.S.P.A. - European Summer School in Policy Analysis SUBJECT AREA: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION: ESSPA aims to fill a gap in the catalogue of courses in contemporary policy analysis in Europe, where the analysis of public policy is underrepresented in the universities' curricula. Although policy theory is generally part of public administration curricula, policy analysis is usually absent. Whenever is taught, it's often based on welfare economic or public choice approaches to public policy. ESSPA aims to teach about 20 young scholars, working on policy analytic subjects, a wide range of theoretical approaches, methods of analysis, exemplars of problem formulation/analytic technique, develop dissertation projects, and stimulate closer academic co-operation between researchers in policy science. The general objectives are to bring awareness of advanced policy theory and analytic methods to young scholars, develop exemplars and formats for teaching contemporary policy analysis in political science and public administration curricula, disseminate best practices in policy analysis that combine theoretical insights, solid empirical work, and relevant, informed advice. The expected outputs of this IP are to contribute substantially to fill a gap in the teaching of public policy in Europe, bring together a faculty of policy instructors that covers a wide range of topics and approaches in policy research, and provide students of public policy with a unique opportunity to experience a broad, in-depth exposure to policy research. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA Via Zamboni, 33 IT-40123 BOLOGNA Phone: + 39 51 209 72 28 Fax: + 39 51 209 93 51 Email: CONTACT: Maria Lilla CRISAFULLI PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS, LT UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, BIRMINGHAM, UK FAKULTA SOCIALNYCH A EKONOMICKYCH VIED, UNIVERZITA KOMENSKÉHO BRATISLAVA, BRATISLAVA, SK MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA, BRNO, CZ UNIVERSITÄT KASSEL, KASSEL, DE UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN, LEIDEN, NL ROSKILDE UNIVERSITETSCENTER, ROSKILDE, DK UNIVERSITÄT WIEN, WIEN, AT GRANT AMOUNT: 17940 € APPROVED BUDGET: 26920 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 16-25/07/2007 145 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29342-IC-1-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Sustainable Spatial Planning and Water Management SUBJECT AREA: URBAN PLANNING DESCRIPTION: From academic year 2005/06 to academic year 2007/2008, the Intensive Program concerns the theme ''Sustainable Spatial Planning and Water Management''. The water flood catastrophe in Eastern Europe in August 2002 showed the dramatic effects that a flood event could generate over human activities in the areas involved. The theme has a strong international character, because the flooding water cannot be managed inside the national boundaries, but it needs an integrated management and an international coordinated planning process. This is a goal of the European directives. In March 2006, the Intensive Program will take place in Hanover about the theme ''Sustainable urban planning and Good Ecological potential''. In 2007 it will take place in Bologna and in 2008 in Bristol. In Bologna, the IP will deal with the theme ''Sustainable Spatial Planning and Flooding protection''. The aim is to prepare the students to define sustainability conditions of urban transformations and to identify critical conditions and opportunities connected to water resources, with specific reference to urban contexts. This goal will be pursued through: - the preliminary analysis of case studies to be undergone autonomously by the national groups; the comparison between achieved results in the workshop opening phase; the contribution of the teachers from the participating universities, of local researchers and public officers who will introduce the case study (referring to an area in the town of Cesena) that will be developed by international work groups. The event should find solution based upon the comparison between best practices in the member states and it will be discussed during workshop events and seminars to which members of the Universities, external professionals and members of the local administration will participate. In the following year, the theme ''Urban Containment and water'' (2007/08 in Bristol) will be analysed. COORDINATOR: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA Via Cartoleria, 5 IT-4126 BOLOGNA Phone: +39 051 209 7228 Fax: +39 051 264 722 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Lilla Maria CRISAFULLI PARTNERS: • • • • UNIVERSITÄT HANNOVER, HANNOVER, DE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND, BRISTOL, BRISTOL, UK UNIVERSITE FRANÇOIS RABELAIS (TOURS), TOURS, FR RADBOUD UNIVERSITEIT NIJMEGEN, NIJMEGEN, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 24237 € APPROVED BUDGET: 35650 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 14-24/03/2007 146 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29342-IC-1-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: DIAC : Democracy, Inclusion and Active Citizenship - A Multidisciplinary Approach SUBJECT AREA: HUMANITIES DESCRIPTION: Recently there has been an explosion of interest and literature on civic passivity, distrust of other people and of political institutions, the predominance of narrow private interests and declining participation in politics and institutions of civil society. The answers to these situations have ranged from the critique of predominant diminished picture of political citizenship to the alternative solutions in the form of communitarism stressing of communal ties, social solidarity and citizen virtue, new forms of active citizenship, civic education, and human rights. The aim of the IP is to investigate, formulate and communicate on the possible answers to the above situation. The IP will address three main topics in the three subsequent years : a) Democracy and its enemies? b) Inclusion of minorities in the democratic systems c) New forms of political participation The beneficiaries of the IP are 38 advanced undergraduate students from different disciplines belonging to the participating universities. The programme consists of lectures, workshops/seminars, reading, and a final essay. The structure of the sessions is aimed at providing a strong multidisciplinary perspective. Each day is characterised by lectures/workshops in two of the six disciplines dealt with in the school: Anthropology, Political Science, Sociology, History, Law and Legal Philosophy. COORDINATOR: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA Via Cartoleri 5 IT-40100 BOLOGNA Phone: +39 051 2097228 Fax: +39 051 209301 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Lilla Maria CRISAFULLI PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • AARHUS UNIVERSITET, AARHUS, DK UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN, ANTWERPEN, BE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, CORK, CORK, IE UNERVERSITA LEIPZIG, LEIPZIG, DE UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI LUNDS UNIVERSITER, LUND, SE VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, VILNIUS, LT KARL-FRANZENS-UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ, GRAZ, AT MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA, BRNO, CZ HASKOLI ISLANDS, REYKJAVIK, IS QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY OF BELFAST, BELFAST, UK UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT, UTRECHT, NL UNIVERSITÉ DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE, VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 35574 € APPROVED BUDGET: 50766 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 1-10/07/2007 147 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29363-IC-1-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Parties and Democracy in 21st Century Europe SUBJECT AREA: POLITICAL SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: This IP will focus upon an important and pressing topic of scholarly interest and public concern, namely the capacity of a form of democracy based on elections, parties and mandated representation to function in 21st century Europe. The problems in the contemporary functioning of this form of democracy are manifold, and include those of adjusting to multi-level governance, of building democratic representation and generating input-oriented legitimacy at the level of the enlarged European Union, and of seeking representation through agencies which are no longer widely trusted or accepted. The IP builds upon long-standing cooperation between a Europe-wide group of political scientists with considerable expertise in the area of parties, representation, democracy and the EU. The rationale lies above all in the desire to bring this expertise together to provide an opportunity for multinational learning on the part of a number of advanced (primarily PhD) graduate students with an academic interest in how political actors and organized interests seek to address the challenges of multi-level governance and political legitimacy. These political problems need to be addressed urgently, particularly given the difficulties and the public scepticism revealed by the EU constitution-building process, and need to come into future curricula. This IP will enhance the qualifications of these graduate students and help them build new programmes for teaching and research. COORDINATOR: EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE Via De Roccettini 9 IT-I-50016(FI) FIESOLE Phone: +39 055 468 53 32 Fax: +39 055 468 54 44 Email: CONTACT: Andreas FRIJDAL PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN, LEIDEN, NL KOZEP-EUROPAI EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERSITÄT MANNHEIM, MANNHEIM, DE VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL KEELE UNIVERSITY, KEELE, UK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, AARHUS, DK UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX, BRIGHTON, UK UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE, FIRENZE, IT UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA, BELLATERRA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 18521 € APPROVED BUDGET: 29305 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 10-20/09/2007 148 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 58916-IC-2-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Summer school on ''ADC & DAC Metrology'' SUBJECT AREA: ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION: Despite the wide diffusion of the digital world, the real world still is and will always continue to be a fundamentally analogue place. To bring digital processing and its benefits to bear on real-world applications, the analogue signal of interest must be translated into a format a digital computer can utilize. This is the function of the Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC). After processing by a digital computer, the resulting digital stream of information must be returned to its analogue form by a Digital-to-Analogue Converter (DAC). Analogue once again, the information can be 'consumed' by the human senses. It is clear that the ADCs and the DACs are the bottleneck to pass from the analogue world to the digital one and from the digital world to the analogue one, respectively. Therefore, particular attention has to be paid to these components both from the design point of view and from the metrological characterisation point of view. The aims of the Summer School are to stimulate the discussion and interest about the problems related with the modelling and testing of ADCs and DACs and to create European working teams operating on high quality industrial and/or research projects. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÀ DEL SANNIO - BENEVENTO Piazza Roma IT-82100 BENEVENTO Phone: +39 08 24305817 Fax: +39 08 24305840 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Pasquale DAPONTE PARTNERS: • • • • • • • CEKE VYSOKÉ UCENI TECHNIKÉ V PRAZE, PRAHA, CZ TECHNICKA UNIVERZITA V KOSICICH, KOSICE, SK BUDAPESTI MUSZAKI ES GAZDASAGTUDOMANYI EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU KUNGLIAGA TEKNISKA HOGSKOLAN, STOCkHOLM, SE INSTITUTO SUPERIORE TECNICO, LISBOA, PT UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DELLA CALABRIA, ARCAVACATA DI RENDE, IT POLITECHNIKA WARSZAWSKA, WARSAW, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 18278 € APPROVED BUDGET: 26705 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 17-28/06/2007 149 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 62277-IC-1-2005-1-IT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Spatial Development Planning (SDP). The Metropolitan Area of Milano. SUBJECT AREA: URBAN PLANNING DESCRIPTION: The main purpose of the Intensive Programme (IP) is to teach students about urban sociology, regional and urban economics, geography and planning with an understanding of the different processes, institutions and actors at play in the metropolitan area. Different urban development patterns, planning strategies and policies will be presented and analyzed in detail in order to stimulate critical learning within a comparative framework. The proposed IP focuses on three major development projects in the metropolitan area of Milan: i) the Bicocca quarter, the redevelopment of a cluster of old industrial sites on the northern fringe of the city into a higher-education, R&D, cultural and residential area; ii) the relocation of a large exhibition infrastructure (FIERA DI MILANO) from the core to the periphery of the metropolitan area; iii) the development and consolidation of a green belt across the northern border of the city (PARCO NORD). These three projects are representative of major transformational trends affecting metropolitan areas in Europe; their analysis will enable critical discussion of key issues including land use and rent, transportation, and environmental sustainability, as well as different planning tools and strategies. This IP specifically targets 2nd level degree (4th and 5th year of college) and Master students. Course materials and results of case studies will be further disseminated by teachers and students upon returning to their home university, indirectly benefiting larger groups. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITA DI MILANO - BICOCCA Via temolo 4 IT-20126 MILANO Phone: +39 02 6448 8339 Fax: +39 02 6448 6012 Email: CONTACT: Maria Luisa LAVITRANO PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE, UK UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE, VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ, FR KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT, UTRECHT, NL UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO, AVEIRO, PT HAROKOPIO PANEPISTIMIO, ATHENS, GR ORTA DOGU TEKNIK UNIVERSITESI, ANKARA, TR UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO, SAN SEBASTIAN, ES KUNGL TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN, STOCKHOLM, SE TEKNILLINEN KORKEAKOULU, ESPOO, FI GRANT AMOUNT: 27152 € APPROVED BUDGET: 38870 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 10-21/04/2007 150 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28700-IC-1-2005-1-LI-ERASMUS-IPUC-8 TITLE: Building Anatomy: Wood Constructions SUBJECT AREA: ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION: Nachdem im letzten Jahr in Slowenien mit derselben Partnerschaft das Potential von Seilkonstruktionen im regionalen Bauen ausgelotet wurde und in diesem Sommer in Barcelona die Leistungsfähigkeit von katalanischen Gewölben erprobt wird, sollen im nächsten Jahr die Eigenheiten des norwegischen Holzbaus im Zentrum der Arbeit stehen. Ziel des Erasmus Intensivprogramms ' Bauanatomie: Tektonik im Holzbau' ist es, die Möglichkeiten der Wiederbelebung und Weiterentwicklung konstruktiver und tektonischer Grundlagen im Bauen mit Holz zu untersuchen. Damit versucht die Partnerschaft dem Verlust der konstruktiven Baukultur entgegen zu wirken und auf deren Bedeutung als Basis von jedem Bauprozess in der Architektur zu pochen: die materielle Logik der Baustoffe muss als Generator des architektonischen Entwurfs herangezogen werden. Dazu werden die regionalen, traditionellen Konstruktionsformen intensiv studiert und im Hinblick auf ihr Potential für eine moderne, konstruktive Baukultur diskutiert. Referate von Dozenten und Experten zur Themenstellung im eigenen Land sollen zusammen mit Beiträgen von Studierenden die theoretische Basis für die nachfolgende Projektarbeit aufbauen. Mittels der Arbeit an Modellen und Prototypen im Maßstab 1:1 werden Strategien festgelegt, die zur Errichtung einer konkreten baulichen Struktur in Hitra, einer kleinen, 140km von der Universität von Trondheim entfernten Ortschaft an der Küste mit einer lebendigen Holzbautradition, führen sollen. Das 10-tägige Intensivprogramm richtet sich vorrangig an Architekturstudenten im Masterstudium der teilnehmenden Hochschulen. Das übergreifende Thema der konstruktiven Tektonik wird in drei Jahren in drei verschiedenen Ländern mit den unterschiedlichsten Baukulturen bearbeitet und in einer Serie von Broschüren dokumentiert, welche schließlich zu einer Publikationen von internationalem Interesse zusammengeführt werden. COORDINATOR: HOCHSCHULE LIECHTENSTEIN Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse LI-9490 VADUZ Phone: +423 265 1102 Fax: +423 265 1265 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Christoph JENNY PARTNERS: • • • • • UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUÑA, SANT CUGAT DEL VALLÈS, ES DINENSINO,C.R.L. - UNIVERSIDADE MODERNA, SETUBAL, PT NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, TRONDHEIM, NO KONGELIGE DANSKE AKADEMI FOR DE SKONNE KUNSTER, KØBENHAVN, DK GRANT AMOUNT: 27435 € APPROVED BUDGET: 39580 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 7-16/07/2007 151 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28700-IC-1-2005-1-LI-ERASMUS-IPUC-7 TITLE: Investment Funds in Europe: Regulation, Innovation and Management Issues SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS BUSINESS STUDIES, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: The European fund industry currently manages over EUR 5 trillion of assets. The EC expressed in the "Green Paper on the Enhancement of the EU Framework for Investment Funds" (2005) the perception that "Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS)" legislation could function better. According to the EC, the fund industry does not exploit its full European potential, UCITS III have to be implemented more efficiently, and cost-efficiency generally has to be improved. Besides the discussion of these critical points, we will also focus on current problems in innovation and management issues. This will be effectuated in the form of student presentations, company visits and meetings with investment fund professionals, inputlectures, and the integration of a portfolio management game. The partnership between the four universities is deliberate and selected by hand: UK as a very big market, Liechtenstein with a new and very liberal law, Latvia and Malta as two new member countries with a huge market potential. We want to implement this programme over three years, each year with a new focus but with close relations to the preceding year, thus after the third year we would gain a unique general view on markets, products and problems. COORDINATOR: HOCHSCHULE LIECHTENSTEIN Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse LI-9490 VADUZ Phone: +423 265 1169 Fax: +423 265 1151 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marco MENICHETTI PARTNERS: • • • LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, RIGA, LV UNIVERSITA TA MALTA, MSIDA, MT LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY, LOUGHBOROUGH, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 19981 € APPROVED BUDGET: 30670 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 9-18/04/2007 152 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 61388-IC-1-2005-1-LT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Intensive Course on Diversity Management SUBJECT AREA: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, EUROPEAN STUDIES, AREA STUDIES DESCRIPTION: The aims of the project are the following: - - to present the participants some relevant topics and theory related to the regulation and management of diversity and to the prevention, management and/or resolution of crises and conflicts, to develop perceptions and analytical skills of the participants, to present and train the participants in the application of methods and techniques for the management of diversity and for the prevention, management and/or resolution of conflict. In order to develop the above mentioned topics 1 intensive course of 2 weeks will be organised in Kaunas (Lithuania) Vytautas Magnus University. The training is organized in working groups based on simulations and role-play. The approach is multidisciplinary and assures the analysis of the subject from different points of view. The topic chosen highly contributes to respond to new needs and challenges emerging with European enlargement and integration of new countries. The course is attended by 35 post-graduated students coming from Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Austria and Lithuania. The teaching staff is composed by prominent professors of different nationalities and experiences. The main results are the exchange of views and the gain of new perspective and knowledge among the participants on diversity management. COORDINATOR: VYTAUTO DIDZIOJO UNIVERSITETAS Laisves al. 53 LT-44248 KAUNAS Phone: +370 37 323175 Fax: +370 37 225662 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Kestutis PUKELIS PARTNERS: • • • • • UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI BOLOGNA, BOLOGNA, IT BERZSENYI DÁNIEL FÖISKOLA, SZOMBATHELY, HU UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, LJUBLJANA, SI KARL-FRANZENS- UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ, GRAZ, AT UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI VERONA, VERONA, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 28049 € APPROVED BUDGET: 40398 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 3-13/07/2007 153 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 62651-IC-2-2005-1-LT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: MUSTUFE. Play Music, Study and Enjoy - The International Festival of Chamber Music SUBJECT AREA: MUSIC AND MUSICOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Chamber music is one of the fields which allow the establishment of the newest teaching methods and the exchange of performers' experience. Initiators of this project came up with the idea of an ''International Chamber Music Festival'' as means of integrating study programs, renewing teaching methods, and exchanging concert experience. The target groups of this IP are undergraduate students of music performance at higher musical education institutions. Participants will form chamber ensembles at their institutions and will have to prepare a musical programme which will be performed during the first week concerts of IP. They also will have to prepare the different parts of the works, which were included in the festival concert repertoire. During the event, these musical compositions will be practiced with new partners, and consulted by foreign teachers. During second week of the IP prepared works will be performed by international chamber ensembles. Project will allow participants to collect international music literature and to gain experience of applying different teaching methods. The study programs will be enriched with works of composers from different countries; students will improve their international co-operation and concert-performing skills, which will be useful in their work later on when they become professional performers or teachers. COORDINATOR: KLAIPEDOS UNIVERSITETAS H. Manto 84 LT-92294 KLAIPEDA Phone: +370 46 398951 Fax: +370 46 398952 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Inga PIPINYTE PARTNERS: • • • • • • SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLAN, JAKOBSTAD, FI HOGESCOOL GENT, GENT, BE UNIVERZITA KARLOVA - PEDAGOGICKA FAKULTA, PRAHA 1, CZ ÇUKUROVA ÛNIVERSITESI, DEVLET KONSERVATUVARI, BALCALI/ADANA, TR REAL CONSERVATORIO SUPERIOR DE MÚSICA ''VICTORIA EUGENIA'' DE GRANADA, GRANADA, ES STICHTING ARTEZ, ZWOLLE, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 38769 € APPROVED BUDGET: 55025 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 16-25/04/2007 154 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 66622-IC-2-2005-1-LV-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: NEPME - New Perspectives in Music Education SUBJECT AREA: MUSIC AND MUSICOLOGY DESCRIPTION: The subject area of the project is Music and Musicology and Education and Teacher training. The purpose of the project is to improve the quality of higher education in music. It is a way of getting to know different societies, cultures and educational approaches and a way to encourage creativity, intercultural dialoge and knowledge of the cultural heritage of the nations of Europe. The target group are undergraduate music students. The main activities are: 1) to create intensive courses for students; 2) to develop different innovative methods of teaching and learning music and promote students and staff mobility; 3) to implement the new approaches and methods within the study process; 4) to organize a concert of the students acting in the project, that presents different cultures, approaches, and attitudes. The expected outputs: students´ reports, videos, hard material package, issued music materials and summarized materials for the teaching aid. The proposed effects are the development of new approaches, innovative teaching methods, experience exchange and observations and comparative analysis of educational systems and policies of partner countries in the sphere of music education. The project is intended as a long-term transnational collaboration. COORDINATOR: LIEPAJAS PEDAGOGIJAS AKADEMIJA Liela Str. 14 LV-3401 LIEPAJA Phone: +371 34 07762 Fax: +371 34 07762 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Egita SIEkA PARTNERS: • • UNIVERSITÄT HILDESHEIM, HILDESHEIM, DE VAXJO UNIVERSITET, VAXJO, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 24565 € APPROVED BUDGET: 35754 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 6-15/05/2007 155 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28798-IC-2-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Transnational, National and Regional Identities in Contemporary Southeast Asia SUBJECT AREA: NON-EC LANGUAGES DESCRIPTION: This project aims at providing advanced students at the Master's level in the participating institutions with an intensive programme (IP) offering coverage of subjects and approaches not readily obtained at their home institutions. The theme of the IP is 'Transnational, national and regional identities in contemporary Southeast Asia'. Through lectures, tutorials and discussions, the students will gain a thorough knowledge and understanding of a wide range of aspects of contemporary identities in Southeast Asia societies. At the conclusion of the IP, they are required to write an essay on a related topic focusing on either a specific country in Southeast Asia or a common theme in the region. The IP highlights the dynamic and rapidly changing nature of society in today's Southeast Asia against its rich cultural background as reflected in language and literary tradition as well as in arts and official policies. Special attention is given to the relationship between Southeast Asia and the European Union. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN P.O. Box 9500 NL-2300 RA LEIDEN Phone: +31 71 5273334 Fax: +31 71 5277298 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Hendrik Jan HOBBES PARTNERS: • • • • • • INSTITUT NATIONAL DES LANGUES ET CIVILISATIONS ORIENTALES, PARIS CEDEX 07, FR HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN, BERLIN, DE UNIVERSITÉ DE LA ROCHELLE, LA ROCHELLE CEDEX 9, FR UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG, HAMBURG, DE UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI ''L'ORIENTALE'', NAPOLI, IT JOHANN WOLFGANG GOETHE UNIVERSITÄT FRANKFURT AM MAIN, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 19470 € APPROVED BUDGET: 28960 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 30/04/2007-09/05/2007 156 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28826-IC-2-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-5 TITLE: Quality Management in International Production Chains of Fresh Plant Produce (QMHortChains) SUBJECT AREA: HORTICULTURE DESCRIPTION: Horticulture is an economically strong sector of agriculture in many European countries. Il developed from locally oriented production areas near dense population areas towards European or even global production chains. Perishable horticultural products are transported all over the world, while quality of the product at consumer's level is most important for market share and survival. MSc students with specialization in Horticulture from nine different universities in Europe will gather in Leuven to learn the basic principles behind Quality management in Fresh Plant Produce in the context of International Production Chains. They will revitalize and renew knowledge about preand post harvest physiology of plants and plant produce, regulations and certification systems, organisation of international horticultural production chains, European and Belgium horticulture and their opportunities in world-wide production chains, and other topics via lectures, excursions, intensive group work and presentations. The course (6 ECTS) can be broken down in a preparation period, when students prepare a poster and oral presentation (1.5 ECTS), the actual IP in Warsaw (3 ECTS) and an exam project (1.5 ECTS), which must be finalized by international teams working together and supervised using modern communication media on the internet. COORDINATOR: WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT Costerweg 50 NL-6701 BH WAGENINGEN Phone: +31 317 483 389 Fax: +31 317 485 123 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Bert BOERRIGTER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • UNIVERSIDADE DE TRAS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO, VILA REAL, PT HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, HELSINkI, FI DEN kGL; VETERINAER-OG LANBOHOSkOLE, TAASTRUP, DK SZkOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSkIEGO, WARSAWA, PL KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, HEVERLEE, BE UNIVERSITÄT HANNOVER, HANNOVER, DE INSTITUT NATIONAL D'HORTICULTURE, ANGERS, FR SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, ALNARP, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 37166 € APPROVED BUDGET: 59555 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 30/04/2007-09/05/2007 157 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28843-IC-2-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Idaea-2, Joint Intensive Course of the International Masters Programme in European Studies SUBJECT AREA: HISTORY DESCRIPTION: The intensive programme, Idaea-2, is an integral part of IMPREST, the International Masters Programme in European Studies. IMPREST is a one-year (60 ECTS), joint Master's degree programme in European Studies, offered by a geographically balanced consortium of five universities. In the second semester a joint intensive course, lasting two weeks, is held, which brings together all students enrolled in the programme and a considerable number of staff members of the 5 partner institutions. The intensive course is organised annually. Its main theme changes from year to year. The second course will be held at Universiteit Maastricht and its special theme is "the European public sphere". The course (2 ECTS) is meant to give the MA-programme a real common core, which enhances the 'sense of community' of students and staff involved in the programme. It enables students and staff to work together in multinational groups, to gain new perspectives on the public sphere, and to disseminate the practice of advanced problem-based learning. With the course IMPRESTalso prepares a distance learning module on the European public sphere, which will be integrated into the regular study programme. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT P.O. BOX 616 NL-6200 MD MAASTRICHT Phone: +31 43 388 31 58 Fax: +31 43 388 48 61 Email: CONTACT: Janko BONNINK PARTNERS: • • • • JAGIELLONIAN UNIVERSITY, KRAKOW, PL T.C. DOGUS UNIVERSITESI, KADIKOY/ISTANBUL, TR RHEINISCH-WESTFÄLISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN, AACHEN, DE UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH, PORTSMOUTH, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 33425 € APPROVED BUDGET: 47900 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 19-29/03/2007 158 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28917-IC-2-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-13 TITLE: Visions of Europe SUBJECT AREA: PHOTOGRAPHY, CINEMATOGRAPHY DESCRIPTION: Objectives: The Intensive Programme `Visions of Europe' aims at the co-operation between three different European media-schools. The outcome of this project will be three thematically connected documentaries in which the reflection on the new European Union will be the main theme. The exchange of ideas and obtaining journalistic experience are the most important parts of the project. The project will be multi-disciplinary and will have a journalistic point of view. The film schools of Lithuania and Poland will have the possibility to learn from a more journalistic angle, so as to complement the traditional artistic attitude, which is often the norm at these film schools. Working in an international environment, producing films for a real public, will prepare students for the labour market. Target groups: Young students who are interested in new media, with a special interest and willingness to produce documentaries of a high professional level. Main activities: The project will consist of three phases in each year of the IP. Each phase has one central activity. The activities are divided as follows: Phase 1: exchange of ideas, research and produce editorial concepts Phase 2: shooting the film Phase 3: editing of the documentaries and further exchange of editorial views and skills Expected outputs: - Stimulation of editorial and film skills. - Students gain experience of diverse journalistic perspectives. - Three thematically connected documentaries, which will together form one documentary. The content of these documentaries will focus on important aspects of life in the New Europe. COORDINATOR: HOGESCHOOL VOOR DE KUNSTEN UTRECHT P.O. Box 1520 NL-3500 BM UTRECHT Phone: +31 30 2349495 Fax: +31 30 2349484 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marijke DELEMARRE PARTNERS: • • UNIWERSYTET SLASKI, kATOWICE, PL VILNIAUS DAILES AKADEMIJA, VILNIUS, LT GRANT AMOUNT: 14991 € APPROVED BUDGET: 22655 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 11/03/2007-01/04/2007 159 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28918-IC-2-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-5 TITLE: D&K Democracy & Knowledge SUBJECT AREA: PHILOSOPHY DESCRIPTION: Top (post-)graduate students from five philosophy departments at Essex, Krakow (Jagiellonski), Louvain la Neuve, Nice and Tilburg acquire competence in analysing ethical, political, and epistemological aspects of the relation between democracy and knowledge in an interdisciplinary seminar setting, supported by a state of the art distance learning environment. Students complement their skills in reading philosophical texts by developing new ones: arguing principled views on key issues within EU policy making. Focussing on (Member State related) case studies derived from EU policy, the specific competences of the various institutes are brought to bear on conceptual interdependencies and tensions between democracy and knowledge. The IP becomes a standard international and interdisciplinary 6 ECTS module in their (research) Master's programmes. Materials and methodology are made available (textbook, workbook and website). Students from other institutes will be invited to participate at their own expenses. The number of MA and PhD theses in this field will increase, and their supervision will profit from coordinated exchange of staff. This IP builds on a longstanding agreement of cooperation between the five institutes including studentand staff exchange, acquisition of funds and quality assessment. A special task force recruited from the five will manage the project. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT VAN TILBURG P.O.Box 90153 NL-5000 TILBURG Phone: +31 13 466 3451 Fax: +31 13 466 2217 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Petra BERGSMA PARTNERS: • • • • UNIVERSITE DE NICE SOPIA ANTIPOLIS, NICE, FR UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX, ESSEX, UK UNIWERSYTET JAGIELONSKI, KRAKOW, PL UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN LA NEUVE, LOUVAIN LA NEUVE, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 24650 € APPROVED BUDGET: 35534 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 2-13/07/2007 160 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28972-IC-2-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-16 TITLE: Gender and Culture and Citizenship. A European Summerschool in Comparative and Interdisciplinary Gender & Women's Studies SUBJECT AREA: HUMANITIES DESCRIPTION: This new IP is a three-year project offering an annual two-week intensive course in the interdisciplinary field of Women's Studies, jointly developed by Utrecht University (NL), Ljubljana Graduate School (SI) and Linköping University (SE). The target group of the IP are MA and PhD students. The IP consists of two main 'clusters', each one complementing and building on the others. It starts with an introductory programme introducing students to the epistemological, methodological and thematic issues central to the interdisciplinary field of Women's Studies in Europe, and the basic themes of the course. The key methodological terms are: interdisciplinarity, intersectionality, technology and multiculturalism. This IP will also implement a pilot-activity to test the use of the ICT's for teaching purposes in the field of gender. It will build on the valuable experience gathered in NOISE joint teaching and on the experience gathered by the ICT working group of the Thematic Network ATHENA. On-line workshops will be taught, embedded in theories of new media and globalisation, as related to issues of power, access and visibility, taking into consideration the different axes of power at stake: gender, ethnicity, nationality, economical division, in a European context. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT Heidelberglaan 8 NL-3584 CS UTRECHT Phone: +31 30 2532385 Fax: +31 30 2537550 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Wessel MEIJER PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GRANT AMOUNT: THE UNIVERSITY OF YORK, YORK, UK UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO BICOCCA, MILANO, IT UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE, PRAHA, CZ UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN, ANTWERPEN, BE ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA, BOLOGNA, IT UNIVERSITA DELLA CALABRIA, ARCAVACATA DI RENDE, IT INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN'S STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER, LANCASTER, UK LINKÖPING UNIVERSITET, LINKÖPING, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, REYKJAVIK, IS HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, HELSINKI, FI UNIVERSITÄT BIELEFELD, BIELEFELD, DE INSTITUTUM STUDIORUM HUMANITATIS, LJUBLJANA, SI UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, MADRID, ES UNIVERSITA LA SAPIENZA DI ROMA, ROMA, IT LUNDS UNIVERSITET, LUND, SE ABO AKADEMI UNIVERSITY, ABO, FI SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, ODENSE, DK UNIVERSITY OF HULL, HULL, UK ARISTOTELEIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS, THESSALONIKIS, GR UNIWERSYTET LODZKI, LODZ, PL 27467 € 161 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 APPROVED BUDGET: 39956 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 03-16/09/2007 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES 162 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28991-IC-1-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: A European Perspective on Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities and Elderly SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS MEDICAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: Priorities in the European policies concerning persons with disabilities are social inclusion and accessibility, in particularly to the work and education area. (Action Plan EC, 2003). All over the world, but particularly in developmental countries and in East and Central Europe there is a high unemployment rate of persons with disabilities and a clear correlation between poverty, no access to education, and unemployment of those persons. This intensive course will focus on the contribution of occupational therapy and allied health disciplines to social inclusion and (self)employment strategies for persons with disabilities in different European countries through the development of community based rehabilitation projects. The expected outcome is an intensive training course for teachers, students and workers on community based occupational therapy, 8 projects focusing on social inclusion, project reports and guidelines. The course will consist of a preparation period in the home country, an intensive course of two weeks in Ankara, TR with involvement of experts from Australia, Canada and Georgia, and a contact period (including project writing, implementation of the project and reporting). In total 15 ECTS or 30 ECTS. The target group will be 15 teachers and 28 students and 4 workers in the field of occupational therapy and community based rehabilitation. The indirect target groups are users and clients (organisations/communities). Ministry of Labour, education and social services. COORDINATOR: HOGESCHOOL VAN AMSTERDAM Spui 25-27 /PO Box 931 NL-1000 AX AMSTERDAM Phone: + 31 20 52 58 121 Fax: + 31 20 52 58 110 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Leonard VAN DER HOUT PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • RUSENSKI UNIVERSITET ANGEL KUNCHEV, ROUSSE, BG TALLINNA TERVISHOIU KORGKOOL, TALLINNA, EE RÎGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITÂTE, RIGA, LV VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, VILNIUS, LT UNIVERSIDAD DE VIC; ESCOLA UNIVERSITARIA DE CIENCES DE LA SALUT, VIC (BARCELONA), ES BOURNEMOUTH UNIVERSITY, BOURNEMOUTH - DORSET, UK ANKARA BÜYÜKSEHIR BELEDIYESI AILE VE ÇOCUK HIZMETLERI SUBE MÜDÜRLÜGÜ, YENISEHIR/ANKARA, TR HACETTEPE ÜNIVERSITESI, FIZIK TEDAVI VE REHABILITASYON YUKSEKOLKULU, ANKARA, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 32684 € APPROVED BUDGET: 46579 € 163 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES 9-19/10/2007 ACTIVITY DURATION: REFERENCE: 28991-IC-2-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: FSRA - Food Safety and Risk Assessment: Scientists and Consumers SUBJECT AREA: FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Food safety and Risk Assessment is a 10 days course, which is addressing consumer concerns about food risks, risk communication strategies, the key stages of risk assessment, the framework of risk analysis and food safety systems with their legal aspects. These areas are being covered from a European context, with due attention to national and cultural differences in risk perception and communication practice in the various countries. Target groups are undergraduate and postgraduate students in Human Nutrition, Food Science and related fields. Teaching activities include key lectures and class discussions. Students' projects and presentations are dealing with consumer concerns in EU countries, case studies on willingness-to-pay for food safety, agencies of food safety policy, and cases of chemical and microbiological risk assessment. A web-based course platform is available for teaching materials, presentations and students documents. All materials and reporting are in English. Students who successfully complete the assessment are awarded 6 ECTS credits. COORDINATOR: HOGESCHOOL VAN AMSTERDAM Dr. Meurerlaan 8 NL-1067 SM AMSTERDAM Phone: +31 20 5923486 Fax: +31 20 5953445 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Hester ZEEMAN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • GLASGOW CALEDONIAN UNIVERSITY, GLASGOW, UK TECHNOLOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THESSALONIKI, THESSALONIKI, GR UNIVERSITÉ DES SCIENCES ET DE TECHNOLOGIE DE LILLE 1, VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ CEDEX, FR HOGESCHOOL VAN ARNHEM EN NIJMEGEN, NIJMEGEN, NL UMEA UNIVERSITET, UMEA, SE UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA ISSA-UN / INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE SECRETARIADO Y ADMINISTRACION, PAMPLONA, ES HOCHSCHULE NIEDERRHEIN, KREFELD, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 35229 € APPROVED BUDGET: 49973 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 06-15/11/2006 164 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29015-IC-1-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: Difference or Discrimination? The challenges of a Multicultural Europe SUBJECT AREA: HUMANITIES DESCRIPTION: This project aims at offering students enrolled in the Euroculture programme the opportunity: a) to acquire academic knowledge about how differences between individuals and groups in European society have been dealt with in the past, as well as their impact in European policies today b) to address the differences within European societies through studies of social class, religion, ethnicity, gender, and physical ability c) to consider how these differences structure European societies and the challenges they pose to a genuinely democratic policy. Students will write a paper on one of the following interdisciplinary sub-themes: 1) 2) 3) 4) Changing attitudes toward gender differences in European societies Religious tolerance and intolerance Myths and realities of social, cultural, linguistic and physical diversity Political and legal definitions of the citizen: the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion The IP combines round-table discussions with scholars and actors in European policies today, with interactive methodologies involving student-run workshops and encounters with professionals at the Council of Europe and the Centre for European Studies in Strasbourg in line with the project-oriented approach of the Eurocompetences module. The IP program will produce a CD-ROM with student papers and students will produce posters that are the product of their encounters. COORDINATOR: RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN Broerstraat 5 NL-9712 GRONINGEN Phone: +31 50363 7231 Fax: +31 50 363 7100 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Regine VAN GRONINGEN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • UNIVERSITE MARC BLOCH (STRASBOURG II), STRASBOURG, FR UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI W KRAKOWIE, KRAKOW, PL UNIVERZITA PALACKEHO V OLOMOUC, OLOMOUC, CZ GEORG-AUGUST UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN, GÖTTINGEN, DE UNIVERSIDAD DE DEUSTO, SAN SEBEASTIAN, ES UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUI DI UDINE, UDINE, IT UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, UPPSALA, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 51987 € APPROVED BUDGET: 72650 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 10-19/06/2007 165 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29019-IC-2-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-41 TITLE: School Music in a European Perspective SUBJECT AREA: MUSIC AND MUSICOLOGY DESCRIPTION: This application is the 2nd of a cycle of 3 IP's in the field of School music (teacher training programmes music) for students and professors of different conservatories within Europe. During these IP's, students and professors discuss and study: - structure and content of school music programmes at the participating conservatories - the different (interdisciplinary) school music didactics and methodologies - the characteristics of the different workfields in the participating European countries. There will be a large emphasis on the link between theory and practice: during the IP, students will carry out interdisciplinary school music projects and assignments at (international) schools. Large part of the assignments will be prepared before the actual IP during the regular curricula of the participating institutions. To enhance the European perspective, the 3 consecutive IP's will be organised in 3 different European countries. The second IP will be hosted by the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Leipzig, Germany. Objectives: - a better insight in the differences between the school music programmes at higher education level in European Commission - a better insight in content, structure, (interdisciplinary) pedagogical and didactical approaches within school music - gaining practical experiences within the different European workfields school music by carrying out (multidisciplinary) music projects at international schools - training English language skills and intercultural competencies The target groups are tudents at undergraduate level in the 3rd or 4th year of their training programme. Teachers at the departments of school music. The main activities will be project work in international groups, lectures, assignments, written and oral presentations, music performances, excursions to schools and cultural institutions, carrying out school music projects. The expected outputs are presentations of characteristic workfields in school music within Europe. COORDINATOR: HANZEHOGESCHOOL GRONINGEN Postbus 30030 NL-9700 RM GRONINGEN Phone: +31 50 5954641 Fax: +31 50 5955678 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Pieternella E. VAN DER WERF PARTNERS: • • • • • MUSIKHÖGSKOLAN I MALMÖ, LUNDS UNIVERSITET, MALMÖ, SE NORGES MUSIKHOGSKOLE, OSLO, NO HOCHSCHULE FÜR MUSIK UND THEATER LEIPZIG, LEIPZIG, DE UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO, AVEIRO, PT EESTI MUUSIKA - JA TEATRIAKADEEMIA, TALLINN, EE GRANT AMOUNT: 32303 € APPROVED BUDGET: 53070 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 25/03/2007-03/04/2007 166 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29019-IC-2-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-40 TITLE: Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Healthcare Practice SUBJECT AREA: PUBLIC HEALTH DESCRIPTION: The notion that more attention should be paid to interdisciplinary cooperation in healthcare is gaining more and more ground. In this IP, students and staff from various fields of study in healthcare - Nursing, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Medical Imaging/Radiology, Nutrition & Dietetics, Oral Hygiene -from 9 universities are brought together to work on this theme. COORDINATOR: HANZEHOGESCHOOL GRONINGEN P.O. Box 3037 NL-9701 DA GRONINGEN Phone: +31 50 5954641 Fax: +31 50 5954999 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Pieternella VAN DER WERF PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • KAUNO MEDICINOS UNIVERSITETAS, kAUNAS, LT MALMO HOGSKOLA, MALMO, SE MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA V BRNE, BRNO, CZ KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE RIGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITATE, RIGA, LV JIHOCESKA UNIVERZITA V CESKYCH BUDELOVICICH, CESKE BUDEJOVICE, CZ HOGSkOLEN OSLO, OSLO, NO NAPIER UNIVERSITY, EDINBURGH, UK HOGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, PORSGRUNN, NO LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, LAHTI, FI OSTRAVSKÁ UNIVERZITA, OSTRAVA, CZ GRANT AMOUNT: 55949 € APPROVED BUDGET: 77932 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 22-31/01/2007 167 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29019-IC-3-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-39 TITLE: Biomedical Engineering in a European Perspective SUBJECT AREA: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION: This IP aims to give Engineering students an intensive training in the field of Biomedical Engineering. During a 3-week IP, students from 8 European countries work in international project groups on the design of innovative biomedical devices. The programme not only involves the technical aspects of Biomedical Engineering, but also includes economical, ethical and safety aspects, viewed from the perspectives of the different participating European countries. Objectives: - students gain a better insight in the technical, economical, ethical and safety aspects of Biomedical Engineering - students are able to integrate these aspects in the design and production of biomedical devices which are certified to be marketed on the EU-market - training of presentation skills English - training of e-learning techniques in an international environment - training of intercultural competencies The target group are students having completed at least two years of Engineering studies (bachelor's level) The main Activities are project work in international groups, assignments, written and oral presentations, e-learning, discussions, excursions, lectures on related topics by professors and experts from industry, training presentation skills in English, training intercultural communicative skills. The expected outputs are study material (readers and handouts) in English, the integration of IP in the curricula, student reports containing outcome of the assignments and learning experiences and the evaluation and final report, containing guidelines for organisation of next IP and dissemination of results. COORDINATOR: HANZEHOGESCHOOL GRONINGEN Postbus 30030 NL-9700 RM GRONINGEN Phone: +31 50 5954641 Fax: +31 50 5955678 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Pieternella VAN DER WERF PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • FACHHOCHSCHULE OLDENBURG/OSTFRIESLAND/WILHELMSHAVEN, WILHELMSHAVEN, DE GALWAY MAYO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, GALWAY, IE INGENIØRHØJSKOLEN ODENSE TEKNIKUM, ODENSE, DK KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL SINT-LIEVEN, GENT, BE BUDAPESTI MÜSZAKI FÖISKOLA, BUDAPEST, HU HOCHSCHULE BREMERHAVEN, BREMERHAVEN, DE UNIVERSITATEA ''POLITEHNICA'' DIN TIMISOARA, TIMÍSOARA, RO KEELE UNIVERSITY, STOKE-ON-TRENT, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 50102 € APPROVED BUDGET: 70137 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 26/08/2007-10/09/2007 168 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 48645-IC-3-2005-1-NL-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: To a Europe of Values: Transparency in Communication/PR, Media and Society SUBJECT AREA: SOCIAL SCIENCES DESCRIPTION: The aim of this IP is to contribute to the development and awareness of future journalists and communication specialists in light of the European integration process. Communication/PR and the media play an important role in the change processes. Specific professional strategies are needed. The IP will provide for real cross-cultural competence learning experiences, for students as well as for lecturers. Special features in this IP are the communication with minorities and the cooperation between ''Western'' institutions and universities from ''new'' countries (Romania and Turkey). Yearly there will be a two-week conference for students and staff members, organized in one of the participating countries: Hungary, the Netherlands, Romania or Turkey. The topics are the European professional standards of communication/PR and the media; universal and non-universal values in different cultures; relationship between the press and public information offices; transparency in society in general and transparency in the communication between PR-officers and journalists; human rights, role of authorities, religion and minority groups; social, psychological, historical, and language aspects of cross-cultural and change communication. COORDINATOR: CHRISTELIJKE HOGESCHOOL EDE Oude Kerkweg 100 NL-6717 JS EDE Phone: +31 318 696300 Fax: +31 318 696396 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Dirk VAN SCHEPEN PARTNERS: • • • • KAROLI GASPAR REFORMATUS EGYETEM, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERSITATEA ''BABES-BOLYAI'' DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI, ISTANBUL, TR UNIVERSITATEA DE VEST, TIMISOARA, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 37739 € APPROVED BUDGET: 53653 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 01-14/07/2007 169 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 48004-IC-1-2005-1-PL-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Bridging the City - Water in Architecture, Urban Spaces and Planning SUBJECT AREA: ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION: The program is focused on processes of 'bridging of the city' and will use interdisciplinary approach for exploring the role of water in social, cultural, architectural and urban regeneration strategies. Bringing together different backgrounds and competencies will give a basis for creating a highly integrated programme, that will cover environmental issues, spatial and cultural strategies of connecting the city, and give opportunity to get skills in using innovative technologies for water related architectural projects, with a particular indication on compliances between media, nature and technology and the role of their mutual relationships for water-based urban landscapes. Target groups are students involved in architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning and local actors which will be directly involved in the workshops consisting of both seminars, lectures, projects and participative field work. The IP location will be in Gda'sk, and 'in a three years perspective' in Leipzig/Weimar and Covilha. The programme will be delivered by partner institutions in a genuinely integrated manner so guaranteeing the high quality of the prepared materials. Apart from improving comparability of studies, we expect to produce outputs in educational concepts that will be integrated in didactic practices of involved universities providing students with state of art competencies. COORDINATOR: POLITECHNIKA GDANSKA Narutowicza 11/12 PL-80 952 GDANSK Phone: +48 58 3471783 Fax: +48 58 3471780 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marek BIZIUK PARTNERS: • • • BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT WEIMAR, WEIMAR, DE SLOVENSKA TECHNICKA UNIVERZITA, BRATISLAVA, SK UNIVERSIDADE DA BEIRA INTERIOR, COVILHA, COVILHA, PT GRANT AMOUNT: 27132 € APPROVED BUDGET: 47944 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 25/06/2007-05/07/2007 170 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29184-IC-1-2005-1-PT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Lisbon Summer Academy on Legal Issues on Globalisation SUBJECT AREA: INTERNATIONAL LAW DESCRIPTION: Globalisation has put forward new challenges. Lawyers are required to deal appropriately with them. Focusing on Legal Issues on Globalisation, the 2007 Lisbon Summer Course hence aims at the study of a subject, transversal by nature, yet not satisfactorily dealt with by universities at an undergraduate level. By doing so, it provides European university students with the opportunity to access knowledge which, despite its cruciality in modern times, might otherwise not be rendered available to them. Good examples of those innovative contents are immigration, terrorism, fundamental rights, information policy and internet-related issues. Moreover, the trans-national profile of the envisaged domain area demands the adoption of a non-single state perspective favoured by the combination of expertise from different European countries which, through moot courts and active class discussions based on the Socratic method, enables the strengthening of a European way of reasoning characterized by the underlining of human dignity, freedom and democracy. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA PORTUGUESA Palma de Cima PT-1649-023 LISBOA Phone: +351 21 726 58 38 Fax: +351 21 726 05 46 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Luisa FARIA PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITÄT HANNOVER, HANNOVER, DE KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE UNIVERSITÄT LEIPZIG, LEIPZIG, DE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, STOCKHOLM, SE UNIVERSITE DE ROUEN, ROUEN, FR UNIVERSITÉ DE FRIBOURG, FRIBOURG, CH RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN, GRONINGEN, NL UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, MADRID, ES UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON, SOUTHAMPTON, UK UNIVERSITÄT WIEN, WIEN, AT GRANT AMOUNT: 30422 € APPROVED BUDGET: 43696 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 16-25/07/2007 171 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29236-IC-3-2005-1-PT-ERASMUS-IPUC-3 TITLE: Total Quality Cultural Heritage Management SUBJECT AREA: MUSEUM STUDIES, CONSERVATION DESCRIPTION: Cultural Heritage stands at the core of European integration, in its diversity, as has been recognised after Mastricht. The need to study, protect and disseminate the knowledge on this major heritage has long been recognised in all European countries, as it has been by international bodies like UNESCO. Currently, several University diplomas are offered in Europe that deal with cultural heritage management. Also, in the last twenty years, the concept of cultural heritage became wider, integrating not only major architectural and artistic sites, but also 'minor' archaeological and ethnographic remains, entire landscapes and, now, even immaterial memories. At the same time, making these remains accessible to the public, for cultural or economic reasons, became a major activity in our societies. Running cultural heritage contexts (sites, landscapes, museums) open to the public is now a growing field of work, and it stands as one of the areas where job creation is growing and helping in fighting European unemployment. Yet, the quality in managing these contexts is still to be introduced as a key concept in the management plans. This is crucial for the ultimate preservation of this Heritage, as it is for the nature of the transmitted information in those contexts. The Universities engaged in this IP are aware of the need to integrate a core module on total quality management into the diplomas they already offer, that deal with cultural heritage management issues. This module can't be taken but at a European scale, because it is currently still being introduced, precisely at a European scale. The IP is a teaching module, built within several curricula, corresponding up to 3 ECTS credits, following the flexibility boosted by the Bologna agreements. It aims at bringing together students and staff from various European Universities dealing with cultural heritage management, paying a major attention to quality assessment. Students will discuss and train competences. COORDINATOR: INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE TOMAR Av. Cândido Madureira, 13 PT-2300 531 TOMAR Phone: +351 249 346363 Fax: +351 249 346366 Email: CONTACT: Luiz OOSTERBEEK PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI BARI, BARI, IT UNIVERSITATEA DE ARTE DIN BUCURESTI, BUCURESTI, RO GIEM-UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI, TARRAGONA, ES MUSÉUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE, PARIS, FR UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FERRARA, FERRARA, IT LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECÎBAS UNIVERSITÂTE, JELGAVA, LV HÖGSKOLAN PÅ GOTLAND, VISBY, SE BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, BRNO, CZ GRANT AMOUNT: 29956 € APPROVED BUDGET: 43275 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 20-31/03/2007 172 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 47360-IC-1-2005-1-PT-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Europe, Intercultural Learning and Youth Work SUBJECT AREA: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, EUROPEAN STUDIES, AREA STUDIES DESCRIPTION: The project was born from the willingness of European trainers from both Universities and NGO's to make a bridge between formal and non-formal education in the training of social and youth workers. More precisely, the 3 main objectives of the project are: - to promote a better understanding of the new European Dimension and how it corelates with Youth and Social Work. to support Intercultural Learning as a fundamental process for integration to encourage the use of Non Formal Education methods in Youth and Social Work For this purpose, the intensive programme will use formal and non-formal educational methods (simulation game, group building activities, role plays) to focus on areas such as the diversity of youth work training in Europe, European Youth Programmes, stereotypes and prejudices, the role of youth workers towards intercultural groups etc. These training sessions will be completed with visits of national structures working in the area of Youth and Social Work. In terms of outputs, the main idea is that students, teachers and trainers contribute to the creation of an interactive website (and a DVD) containing information on the running of the IP, projects and good practices, methods for social/youth workers, job opportunities abroad, information about the European programmes etc. COORDINATOR: INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DE SANTAREM Apartado 279 Complexo Andaluz PT-2001-904 SANTAREM Phone: +351 243 309 520 Fax: +351 243 309 539 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Lurdes ASSEIRO PARTNERS: • • • • • • UNVERSITÉ DE RENNES 1, RENNES, FR HOGESCHOOL WEST-VLAANDEREN VAH, KORTRIJK, BE MAIS-ANIMAÇÀO E INOVAÇÀO SOCIAL, LISBON, PT V.Z.W. OELALAA!, BUIZINGEN, BE ASSOCIATION LUCIOLE, MALANSAC, FR STRIM ASSOCIATION, KRAKOW, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 22122 € APPROVED BUDGET: 32163 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 17-26/02/2007 173 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 45820-IC-1-2005-1-RO-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: Children's European Citizenship: Information and Participation (CeCiP) SUBJECT AREA: EDUCATION, TEACHER TRAINING DESCRIPTION: The CeCiP project intends to organize a summer school IP, aiming to set up a common teaching and learning experience in the field of children's European citizenship in order to integrate it in the national and European study programmes at the partner universities. The summer school will be organized through partnerships between Eastern and Western European universities. The motivation and objectives are to contribute to make children's European citizenship, their right to information and participation in the knowledge-based society a reality. CeCiP aims to develop complex levels of knowledge based on the understanding between cultures across Europe. The direct target groups are postgraduate and excellent undergraduate students (from social sciences, communication, and public administration). The indirect target group is the citizen child of Europe. The main activities of the project are: - courses and tutorials, web-based exercises a workshop on participatory research with children and a cultural activity in order to improve the understanding of different identities and diversity. The expected outputs of the programme are: - a training manual published an e-syllabus developed, a web-campaign for children's and young people's rights drafted and students' projects elaborated. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITATEA ALEXANDRU LOAN CUZA IASI Bd. Carol I, Nr. 11 RO-700500 IASI Phone: + 40 232 201022 Fax: + 40 232 201022 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Henry LUCHIAN PARTNERS: • • • • FREIE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN, BERLIN, DE UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, MADRID, ES UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, EDINBURGH, UK UNIVERSITATEA ''BABES-BOLYAI'' CLUJ-NAPOCA, CLUJ-NAPOCA, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 25830 € APPROVED BUDGET: 37440 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 16-25/07/2007 174 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29350-IC-2-2005-1-SE-ERASMUS-IPUC-6 TITLE: TLCE: Turkic Languages and Cultures in Europe SUBJECT AREA: GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE LITERATURE DESCRIPTION: The aim of the IP ''Turkic Languages and Cultures in Europe'' (TLCE) is to provide a European perspective on Turkic studies, disseminate knowledge on modern and older Turkic languages and cultures of Europe and the early history of the Turkic peoples on European territory. The contribution of Turkic languages and cultures to the present European linguistic and cultural diversity is emphasized. The curriculum designed by pooling transnational expertise in Turkic studies includes an introductory lecture on the methods, traditions and aims of Turcological studies and lectures on the languages and cultures of the following areas: Volga region (Tatar, Bashkir, Chuvash), the Caucasian area (Karachay-Balkar, Noghay, Kumyk, Azeri), the Mediterranean area (Turkish and Balkan Turkish), the Black Sea area (Turkish dialects, Gagauz, Crimean Tatar), NorthWestern Europe and the Baltic area (Karaim, Tatar). The students get the opportunity to establish international networks and meet leading experts. The IP is jointly implemented by the partner universities. The first IP was held at Szeged University, Hungary, in 2005 with the participation of 27 students and 11 teachers from the seven partner universities. The venue in 2006/07 is Bogaziçi University, Istanbul. Teaching materials are developed and disseminated in traditional publications and by using IT technology. COORDINATOR: UPPSALA UNIVERSITET BOX 265 SE-751 05 UPPSALA Phone: +46 18 471 1906 Fax: +46 18 471 1600 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Robert BERONIUS PARTNERS: • • • • • • BASKENT UNIVERSITESI, ANKARA, TR SZEGEDI TUDOMANYEGYETEM, SZEGED, HU UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, OSLO, NO JOHANN WOLFGANG GOETHE UNIVERSITÄT, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, DE JOHANNES-GUTENBERG-UNIVERSITÄT MAINZ, MAINZ, DE BOGAZIÇI ÜNIVERSITESI, ISTANBUL, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 24197 € APPROVED BUDGET: 35263 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 1-10/02/2007 175 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 29459-IC-2-2005-1-SE-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Performance, Personal Growth and Communal Learning (PPCL) SUBJECT AREA: PUBLIC HEALTH DESCRIPTION: This Intensive Programme is a project of 12 European universities in the field of Sport and Exercise Psychology. The aims of the programme are to establish a common language for sport scientists and psychologists to be used in the multidisciplinary areas of public health and sport and to reach an in-depth understanding of the most important topics in the psychology of sport, exercise and health. Themes of performance enhancement and personal growth are covered during the IP. In addition, special attention is given to the thematic area of communal level learning in the area of sport and exercise. That means that social level process phenomenon like team dynamics, team building, goal setting, and supporting good learning atmosphere are emphasised both in practice and in theory during the IP. Students taking part in the IP will be graduates completing a European Master's Degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology. The IP will be organised in Trikala and it is the core element of the European Master's programme, because it is the only component that gathers together the experts and the students of the network universities for a joint European learning experience. COORDINATOR: LUNDS UNIVERSITET SANDGATAN3 SE-221 00 LUND Phone: +46 46 222 1559 Fax: +46 46 222 4111 Email: CONTACT: Mathias JOHANSSON PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • VRIJE UNIVERSITÄT AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL HÖGSKOLAN I HALMSTAD, HALMSTAD, SE NORGES IDRETTSHOGSKOLE, OSLO, NO UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTPELLIER I, MONTPELLIER, FR UNIVERSITAT AUTOMA DE BARCELONA, BELLATERRA, ES UNIVERSISTY OF JYVASKYLA, JYVASKYLA, FI TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LISBON, CRUZ QUEBRADA, PT KOBENHAVNS UNIVERSITEIT, COPENHAGEN, DK UNIVERSITÄT LEIPZIG, LEIPZIG, DE PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS, VOLOS, GR KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 30366 € APPROVED BUDGET: 43679 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 29/01/2007-07/02/2007 176 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 60869-IC-1-2005-1-SI-ERASMUS-IPUC-2 TITLE: AECP - Alternatives for Ecological (Organic) Crop Production and Participation (CeCiP) SUBJECT AREA: AGRICULTURE DESCRIPTION: One of the best means to protect the environment, food quality and food safety is ecological (organic) agriculture, but part of field crop production is very extensive and need further develoment. Curricula of this IP (similar, but expanded from 2005 – there were 11 partner instituions, 17 partner institutions will contribute in the proposed IP) involves a multidisciplinary approach (in this moment is no available integrated – multidisciplinary teaching programmes of ecological agriculture, agro-economy and food science and technology). Therefore this IP will improve comprehensive background for students primarily in agriculture and also in interdisciplinary study programmes in economy, food technology and politics. The objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of ecology, agronomy, economy, food safety and food technology interaction in ecological field crop production. We aim to train critically reflective scientist in the new situations of ecological field crop production development, providing an extensive scientific and ethnical education, to implement new production systems with best plant nutrition and environmental protection, new food technologies and management of food products, food safety and preservation in order to ensure the dietetics and quality of the consumer products; to develop future environmental protection using modern ecological-economicallyagriculture production systems, food product innovations and their impact on food safety and quality and to present students the increasing possibilites of alternatives in the field crop sciences. The study programme involves the following modules: Production and economy potentials of small and large ecological farms with field crop production (comparing EU and new associated countries): (i) availability, request for ecological field crop products, etc, Priority and weakness of ecological field crop production in farms with and without animal production, their effects on nutrition responsibility, plant nutrition management, organic compounds in the soils, microbiological activity in the soils, weed management, etc., priorities of biodiversity and importance of alternative crop for crop rotation, intercropping systems of field crops and one species cultivar mixtures; (ii) insurance of food safety and ecological agriculture, comparing nutritional value of major and more than 30 alternative crops; acceptance of additives, micro-organisms, etc. according EU standards for ecological products; (iii)biological and climatic possibilites for growth of alternative crops in Europe, alternatives of field crop production systems including bioplant protection of alternative crops; food products derived from major and alternative ecological field crops, management of organic field crops in small farms, associations and food enterprises. Organization of this IP was proposed by European Network of Organic agriculture Teachers (ENOAT) COORDINATOR: UNIVERZA V MARIBORU Vrbanska 30 SI-2000 MARIBOR Phone: + 386 2 25 05 830 Fax: + 386 2 22 96 071 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Franc BAVEC PARTNERS: • • UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN, AT UNIVERSITEIT GENT, BE 177 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES JIHOCESKE UNIVERZITI V CESKYCH BUDEJOVICICH, CESKE BUDEJOVICE, CZ DEN KGL VETERINÆR- OG LANDBOHØJSKOLE, FREDERIKSBERG C, DK HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, MIKKELI, FI ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'AGRICULTURE D'ANGERS, ANGERS CEDEX 01, FR ETABLISSEMENT NATIONAL D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR AGRONOMIQUE DE DIJON - E.N.E.S.A.D., DIJON, FR BUDAPESTI CORVINUS EGYTEM, BUDAPEST, HU UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO, IT UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DELLA TUSCIA, VITERBO, IT WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITEIT, WAGENINGEN, NL SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO, WARSZAWA, PL UNIVERSIDADE DOS ACORES, PT UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRONOMICE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA BUCURESTI, RO SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, UPPSALA, SE UNIVERSITY OF WALES, ABERYSTWYTH, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 63218 € APPROVED BUDGET: 84012 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 22/06/2007-07/07/2007 178 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 220824-IC-2-2005-1-TR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: IDSS (Interaction Design Summer School): Creative Thinking for Miniature Art SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS ART AND DESIGN DESCRIPTION: Interaction design education is quite new area; it is implemented by different methods in almost each European country and is also named differently such as interaction design, interactive media design, information design, communication design etc. Starting this point of view, the main goal of this renewal proposal is to design an intensive summer school to support corporations, similar standards and improvements in interaction design education around Europe. Creative thinking for interaction design is the fundamental topic of this summer school. During their studies in Istanbul, students will be expected to demonstrate their creative and conceptual interaction design ideas, collaborating advanced information and communication technology (ICT) with Miniature Art as a specific content problem. At the end of this intensive program, the main expected outputs are: 1) to explore guiding experiences for standardization of curriculum and syllabus in interaction design education and their developments at the university departments in Europe, 2) to support faculty development on interaction design education and 3) to improve the design experiences of students who continues their education, considering expected quality of designer in European Markets 4) to obtain experiences developing similar intensive summer program in following years. COORDINATOR: KADIR HAS ÜNIVERSITESI Cibali Merkez Campus TR-34083 ISTANBUL Phone: +90 212 5336532 Fax: +90 212 5336515 Email: CONTACT: Nukhet TAN PARTNERS: • • • HOGESSCHOOL FOR DE KUNSTEN UTRECHT, UTRECHT, NL MALARDALENS HOGSKOLA, ESKILSTUNA, SE FH JOANNEUM GESELLSCHAFT MBH, GRAZ, AT GRANT AMOUNT: 24255 € APPROVED BUDGET: 35340 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 2-11/07/2007 179 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 221208-IC-1-2005-1-TR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: EWSAD 2007 - European Winter School in Architectural Design SUBJECT AREA: URBAN PLANNING DESCRIPTION: It is a fact that architectural design education has become the focus of an extremely complicated set of issues and conscientious debates.Therefore, to extend and challenge educational understanding in architecture it becomes crucial to exchange pedagogical practices. Besides students and staff exchange, main objective of this IP is to materialize the pedagogical practice exchange. This IP aims to make both students and professors experience the mutual benefit of staying in a different cultural, social, and academic environment, fresh input of new approaches and/or renewed interpretations of content and methods regarding architectural education, better understanding of the place of their own school within the international context the improvement of their linguistic skills, cultural and personal enrichment both for students and academics. Also this IP project will create a significant and special medium for discussing and developing new approaches and methodologies in design education. The IP is dedicated to the constitution of an elective course module entitled as EWSAD European Winter School in Architectural Design of 3 ECTS to be integrated in the curriculum of architectural education of the partnering institutions during the vacancy between the first and second semester. The major innovation of this IP is providing for the experience of an alternative design exercise within the polyphony in approaches and views on the teaching practices, teaching strategies and pedagogic methods of the subject area of architectural design. COORDINATOR: GAZI UNIVERSITY Fen-Edebiyat Fakultesi, Istatistik Bolumu TR-06500 ANKARA Phone: + 90 312 2126030 2846 Fax: + 90 312 2122279 Email: CONTACT: Resat KASAP PARTNERS: • • • • • • FH BOCHUM, UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES, BOCHUM, DE POLITECNICO DI MILANO, MILANO, IT POLITECHNIKA SZCZECINSKA WYDZIAL BUDOWNICTWA I ARCHITEKTURY INSTYTUT ARCHITEKTURY I PLANOWANIA PRZESTRZENNEGO ZAKLAD TEO, SZCZECIN, PL UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, FAKULTETA ZA ARCHITEKTURO, LJUBLJANA, SI UNIVERSITÉ DE PARIS-SORBONNE (PARIS IV), PARIS, FR HOCHSCHULE LIECHTENSTEIN, VADUZ, LI GRANT AMOUNT: 41645 € APPROVED BUDGET: 58360 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 29/01/2007-10/02/2007 180 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28205-IC-3-2005-1-UK-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: COPIZ3 - An Intensive Programme in European Integrated Coastal Zone Management SUBJECT AREA: REGIONAL PLANNING DESCRIPTION: This project will deliver an Intensive Programme focused on the European dimensions of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. A particular theme will be the consideration of European coastal management and sustainable development issues in an established EU member state. There are two target groups of the IP: 1) undergraduates from Southampton Solent University, Swansea Institute, Akdeniz University and the University of Madrid. 2) Masters and doctorate students from Akdeniz University, Swansea Institute, University of Malta and University College, Cork and the University of Madrid. Contextual academic materials and logistical information will be provided on a dedicated IP website. The IP will be conducted using participatory learning and teaching methods, including problem-based learning, with emphasis on field-based study. Students will be required to undertake a specific research project during the IP and present this at a concluding conference. The research outputs of the IP will be used to compile an online virtual field course. This will provide an ongoing learning resource for participants and non-participants. The pedagogic aspects of the IP will be evaluated and will provide a significant research output. The location of the IP is planned to rotate between partner countries during the three-year funding period. COORDINATOR: SOUTHAMPTON SOLENT UNIVERSITY East Park Terrace UK-SO14 ORD SOUTHAMPTON Phone: +44 2380 219893 Fax: +44 2380 233475 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Margaret JENNESS PARTNERS: • • • • • SWANSEA INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SWANSEA, UK COLAISTE NA HOLLSCOILE CORCAIGH, CORK, IE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN CENTRE ON INSULAR DYNAMICS, VALLETTA, MT UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID, MADRID, ES AKDENIZ UNIVERSITY, ANTALYA, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 48423 € APPROVED BUDGET: 67564 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 25/06/2007-05/07/2007 181 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28275-IC-1-2005-1-UK-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Integrating Notions of Society for Health Educational Transformation SUBJECT AREA: NURSERY, MIDWIFERY, PHYSIOTHERAPY DESCRIPTION: Napier University (Edinburgh) and its partners have chosen the theme of identity as the vehicle to look at health, nursing and multidisciplinary ways of working. The Concept of identity provides a way of looking at the lifecycle in broad cross-cultural perspectives and against a backdrop of faith, socio-economic and cultural institutions across Europe. In recent years European policy and legislation have tried to address issues of social justice and health inequalities. Therefore the IP proposal would like to revisit the understandings of modernity which contrast with traditional understandings of fixed life stages and identities in health. However practice as well as theory argues for a more fluid approach which recognises a multiplicity of factors combining to determine the individual life course such as poverty, education, age, sexuality, disability, ethnicity, gender, faith, spirituality and religion. This is will be looked at across the life cycle which contains the following identities of transition such as Early Years, Children & Young People, Working Life, Later Life, and Communities. The IP is also keen to explore the life cycle of health care from Promotion, prevent, care, treatment to recovery. Napier University (Edinburgh) as a host for the IP prides itself on Community Development. Lifelong Learning is about supporting people in communities within and out with the academic institution in a sustained manner to identify and understand issues that are important to them and then providing learning that helps them to take action on those issues. The IP is about working with individuals or with groups, and can involve people of any age. The overall aim is to add to people's quality of life and through this, build stronger and healthier communities. COORDINATOR: NAPIER UNIVERSITY East Craig, Craighouse Campus, Craighouse Road UK-EH10 5LG EDINBURGH Phone: +44 131 455 64 63 Fax: +44 131 455 36 42 Email: CONTACT: Ted FINCH PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • HANZEHOGESCHOOL GRONINGEN, GRONINGEN, NL LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, LAHTI, FI KAUNO MEDICINOS UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS, LT MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, MALMÖ, SE HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, PORSGRUNN, NO OSTRAVSKÁ UNIVERZITA, OSTRAVA, CZ HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY, HALMSTAD, SE RÎGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITÂTE, RIGA, LV FACHHOCHSCHULE FRANKFURT AM MAIN - UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, DE NOORDELIJKE HOGESCHOOL LEEUWARDEN, LEEUWARDEN, NL MEDITSINSKI KOLEJ KUM MEDITSINSKI UNIVERSITET PLOVDIV, PLOVDIV, BG GRANT AMOUNT: 72330 € APPROVED BUDGET: 99774 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 14-23/05/2007 182 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28629-IC-2-2005-1-UK-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: MCMPS: Mathematical and Computational Models in the Psychological Sciences SUBJECT AREA: OTHERS MATHEMATICS, INFORMATICS DESCRIPTION: Twelve institutions from different European Universities have joined to create an Intensive Programme on ''Mathematical and Computational Models in the Psychological Sciences (MCMPS)''. The objectives of this interdisciplinary programme are: a) to communicate theoretical ideas across disciplines, b) to meet new demands from technological developments in the field and c) to educate and train students on emerging research topics and techniques. It also aims to bridge the gap between psychological sciences, mathematics, and computer science and to provide a multipliscinary platform for scholarly communication, learning and interaction on a European level. The seminar comprises three phases of study: preparatory studies, residential seminar and evaluation and dissemination. The residential seminar functions as a ''model classroom'' and feedback is used to improve content and design of web tutorials and teaching material in preparatory studies. All aspects of distance learning will be open to interested people irrespective of nationality, age, gender and socio-economic background. It is hoped that the IP will set an example for interdisciplinary curriculum development, open access, and freedom of information at European HE institutions and will act as a vehicle to communicate mathematical and computational insights to a larger community. COORDINATOR: THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW The Square, 1 UK-G12 8QQ GLASGOW Phone: +44 141 330 42 41 Fax: +44 141 330 40 45 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Linda BUCHAN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • • • • • DEBRECENI EGYETEM, DEBRECEN, HU UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, MADRID, ES INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF BREMEN, BREMEN, DE UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA, LISBOA, PT TARTU ULIkOOL, TARTU, EE UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI PADOVA, PADOVA, IT KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, LEUVEN, BE CARL VON OSSIETZKY-UNIVERSITÄT OLDENBURG, OLDENBURG, DE KARL FRANZENS UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ, GRAZ, AT EBERHARD-KARLS UNIVERSITÄT TUBINGEN, TUBINGEN, DE UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, NL GRANT AMOUNT: 33357 € APPROVED BUDGET: 47076 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 19-28/01/2007 183 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28652-IC-3-2005-1-UK-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Comparative Study of International Healthcare Perspectives across Europe SUBJECT AREA: NURSING, MIDWIFERY, PHYSIOTHERAPY DESCRIPTION: The IP proposal is structured around the delivery of a module accredited by the 3 institutions involved, successful completion of which will contribute 7.5 ECTS to each participating student's degree programme. The module has been specifically designed to encourage the students to look at wider European healthcare issues, consider, in detail, a pre-agreed specific area (such as Mental Health), and undertake, as the main assessment for the module, a comparative study of the specific area in the 3 countries involved. Objectives: - discuss the organisation of health care within a European and international context, - compare and contrast pan European approaches to a specific area of health care, critically discuss socio-cultural perspectives of health for individuals and organisations, - analyse findings from field visits in the host country as a basis of comparison with situation in student's home country. Activities: During the 2 week IP, the students will undertake lectures from a team of specialists from each institution either ''face to face'' or by video conferencing, have small structured group sessions with fellow students and undertake a series of field visits to health care facilities in the host country (Scotland). Outputs: Students will be continually assessed throughout the IP and will complete a detailed comparative study on return to their home institution. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITY OF PAISLEY High Street UK-PA1 2BE PAISLEY Phone: +44 141 848 3335 Fax: +44 141 848 3333 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Norman MACMILLAN PARTNERS: • • TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULOU, TURKU, FI VAXJO UNIVERSITET, VAXJO, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 37735 € APPROVED BUDGET: 52980 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 20/02/2007-12/03/2007 184 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28772-IC-1-2005-1-UK-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: Making Business Work in the New Europe - Learning from the Baltic Sea Region SUBJECT AREA: BUSINESS STUDIES, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: The IP explores selected business practices and environmental factors affecting cross border trade and investments within the Baltic region in some depth. The aim is to identify unique features and constraints of business as well as mapping how the longterm process of institutional change is likely to influence those practices in the area of management, financing and the importance of corporate culture. It emphasises an active participation of specific target groups. These include the students and academic staff, firms and institutions that will be targeted for the preparation, implementation and diffusion of each topic, in each one of the seven countries involved. Academics from each university have taken responsibility for the preparation of a particular theme, will link their research to the experiences of companies and institutions to ensure that academic perspectives are related and tested by the reality faced by the business sector. Consequently, the IP will focus in the discussion of these findings and in the identification of crucial problems to be further explored in the second year. It is expected that the project will involve academic, inter-institutional and business outcomes, including publications and discussions that will provide useful information and ideas for all parties involved. COORDINATOR: SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY Borough Road 103 UK-SE1 0AA LONDON Phone: +44 20 7815 6718 Fax: +44 20 7815 6199 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Mark WILSON PARTNERS: • • • • • • SIAULIAI UNIVERSITY, SIAULIAI, LT TURUN KAUPPAKORKEAKOULU, TURKU - ÅBO, FI RIGAS TEHNISKA UNIVERSITATE, RIGA, LV TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL, TALLINN, EE KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, KØBENHAVN, DK UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, UMEÅ, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 35662 € APPROVED BUDGET: 50883 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 25/03/2007-03/04/2007 185 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28779-IC-1-2005-1-UK-ERASMUS-IPUC-5 TITLE: EAT - Education and Adventure Tourism SUBJECT AREA: TOURISM, CATERING, HOTEL MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION: This module examines the theory and practice of adventure tourism, making particular reference to 'adventurous' activities in an educational context. It covers forms of environmentally friendly adventure tourism, risk assessments, health and safety issues, leadership skills and physiology of adventure sports. The project is based on a 10-day intensive module delivered to final year undergraduates largely based at Plas Caerdeon, a residential outdoor education field centre in North Wales. The centre is licensed by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority and delivery will utilise the expertise of recognised experts in this field with an emphasis on providing field-based opportunities for direct practical experience of adventurous activities. Aims: - Provide an introduction to the theory and practice of the nature, forms, operation, and management of sustainable adventure tourism in a broad educational context. Provide students with opportunities for direct practical experience of adventurous activities. Develop knowledge and skills, equipping students to pursue vocational qualifications in adventure-based leadership. Develop an informed understanding of Health and Safety legislation and requirements concerning adventure tourism. Transferable skills will be developed before, during and after the intensive fieldwork including: group management, personal responsibilities, leadership skills and styles, communication skills, team dynamics, risk assessment and management COORDINATOR: LIVERPOOL HOPE UNIVERSITY Plas caerdeon education centre UK-LL42 1TH Phone: +44 1341 430276 Fax: +44 1341 430276 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Graham MOGER PARTNERS: • • • HAAGA INSTITUUTIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, HELSINKI, FI UNIVERSITY DEGLI STUDI DI CAGLIARI, CAGLIARI, IT UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCURESTI, BUCURESTI, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 48920 € APPROVED BUDGET: 68560 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 19-28/03/2007 186 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 ERASMUS IP - INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES REFERENCE: 28936-IC-2-2005-1-UK-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 TITLE: ICS - Intensive Programme in Intelligent Computer Systems SUBJECT AREA: INFORMATICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE DESCRIPTION: The objective of the Intensive Programme (IP) is to bring together students and academics from across Europe in order to increase participants' exposure to Intelligent Computer Systems. All institutions and participants involved in the IP already have some knowledge of the subject but none has the breadth of knowledge covered by the span of cognate topics to be covered. For academics, the IP will be an event of mutual benefit, while for students it will seek to stimulate interest in research and practical application of the things learned to help solve real-world problems. The IP is primarily aimed at students in the final year of undergraduate degree and those in their first year of post graduate studies and at academics already working in one sector of the subject. The salience of the material covered in the IP to fulfilling the needs of many employers will enhance the employment prospects of students that participate. Moreover, the IP will provide students the opportunity to discuss with academics the possibilities for continuing and enhancing their studies by becoming involved in joint PhD initiatives that will be established between the participating institutions during the life of the IP. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITY OF GLAMORGAN Llanwit Road UK-CF37 1 DL PONTYPRIDD Phone: +44 1443 48 29 14 Fax: +44 1443 48 27 05 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Susan JOHN PARTNERS: • • • • • • • TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE, HERAKLION, GR ARISTOTELIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS, THESSALONIKI, GR UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID, VALLADOLID, ES VYSOKÉ UCENÍ TECHNICKÉ V BRNE, BRNO, CZ UNIVERSITE DE LA ROCHELLE, LA ROCHELLE CEDEX 9, FR HAUTE ECOLE DE LA PROVINCE DE LIEGE ''RENNEQUIN SUALEM'', LIEGE, BE UNIVERSITATEA ''DUNAREA DE JOS'' DIN GALATI FACULTATEA DE STIINTA CALCULATOARELOR, GALATI, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 41640 € APPROVED BUDGET: 58793 € ACTIVITY DURATION: 7-16/07/2007 187