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‫פרשת תזריע‬
APRIL 9, 2016
The Akivaton
A Monthly Publication by Bnei Akiva Detroit
Yonatan & Merav Edrei
Liad Cohen
Meir Zilberman
B’not Sherut:
Coral Cohen
Reut Eliya
Mazkirei Galil:
Nati Faber
Avi Greenbaum
Wendy Kelman
Rosh Snif Southfield:
David Zwick
Rosh Snif Oak Park:
Josh Kornblum
Jordy Weil
West Bloomfield Shabbaton
Rosh Snif W.B.:
Tal Ershler - Rosh Manhigut
Pnina Schloss
On March 12th, we hosted our 3rd annual Shabbaton in West Bloomfield.
The Shabbaton began with a Ruach filled Kabbalat Shabbat, where we sang
and danced with the community. The theme for the Shabbaton was Chessed.
We ran Peulot about Chessed and heard from a speaker during Seudat
Shlishit. To conclude Shabbat we sang Havdalah with nursing home
residents and Motzei Shabbat we enjoyed basketball and pizza. We are
looking forward to the next Shabbaton in West Bloomfield!■
Rosh Chevraya Alef:
Southfield: 6:20pm
Shabbat Starts: 7:49pm
Oak Park: 5pm
Shabbat Ends: 8:52pm
Newly redesigned!
coming Sunday
West Bloomfield: 3pm
Alter Klausner
David Kresch
Rosh HeyVav:
Natan Klausner
Mikey Stebbins
Rosh Zach:
Jordy Weil
Josh Kornblum
Rosh Manhigut:
Tal Ershler
Rosh Chevraya Bet:
Alex Fischer
Rosh Pirsum:
Asher Stein
Jason Jubas
‫פרשת תזריע‬
APRIL 9, 2016
Hey-Vav Bowling
Michael Stebbins - Rosh Hey-Vav
This past weekend we had a Hey-Vav bowling
event at Langans bowling alley. The kids enjoyed
the bowling, snacks, and the arcade. We can't
wait to have our last two events in May. ■
Zach Shabbaton
Avi Greenbaum - Mazkir Galil
A few weeks ago, Bnei Akiva Detroit drove to
Cleveland, Ohio to join many kids from all
different cities across the Midwest. On Friday, we
went to Force Sports which is a big, indoor-sports
facility. The chanichim played soccer, as well as
all kinds of other sports. We all enjoyed an
incredible Shabbat, with lots of Ruach, learning,
and inspiration. All of our children had a great
time, and for most of them, it was their first
Shabbaton with Bnei Akiva! We look forward to
many more Shabbatonim with your children in
the future!■
• Pizza Party - April 10th
All HS students are invited to Meir’s house at 7pm on Sunday
for a fun and delicious Pizza Party!
• Hey-Vav Mini Golf - May 1st
Details TBA.
Visit for more info
‫פרשת תזריע‬
APRIL 9, 2016
KMCB Shabbaton
Asher Stein - Rosh Pirsum
A great song states: “Hopped off the plane at LAX
with a dream in my cardigan.” Even though Alex,
Tal, and I were not wearing cardigans; we landed
in L.A. this past Thursday with high hopes for the
upcoming KMCB Shabbaton. KMCB is a leadership
training Shabbaton for future leaders of Bnei
Akiva across the U.S. & Canada. Throughout the
Shabbaton we learned valuable leadership skills
and enjoyed the amazing weather, views, and
environment of Los Angeles. The amazing Achdut
we encountered with our peers from across the
country and the many lessons we learned have us
greatly anticipating the upcoming year of Bnei
Seniors’ Shabbaton
Alter Klausner - Rosh Chevraya Alef
This past Shabbat 50 seniors from all around the
region came together at Young Israel of Southfield
for Bnei Akiva's Seniors’ Shabbaton. The theme of
the Shabbaton was how to transition from high
school to a year in Israel and onwards.
StandWithUs, an Israel advocacy organization,
spoke with the participants on facing antisemitism
out in the world. Two Israeli soldiers spoke to us
about the IDF's moral and humane tactics. We also
heard from Esther Posner who spoke of her
experiences in the Holocaust and how we can
incorporate them into our futures. Overall it was
an inspirational and fun Shabbat and an amazing
way to end our Shabbaton careers.■
• Yom Hashoah Program - May 4th
Yonatan & Merav Edrei will be hosting a program at 7pm for HS
students in their home.
• Movie, Pizza Making, & Hadracha Training - May 8th
Is there any better event than pizza, movies, and Bnei Akiva
leadership training? 9th Graders are invited to find out on May
8th. Details TBA.
Visit for more info
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‫פרשת תזריע‬
APRIL 9, 2016
Over the course of the last month, We
brought Hey-Vav to the bowling alley, took a
trip to Cleveland with Zach, brought HS
students together in West Bloomfield, and
hosted our Seniors for a final time. Check
out some photos above!
For more Bnei Akiva Detroit photos visit:
Dvar Torah
Our Mission
Wendy Kelman - Mazkira Galil
Bnei Akiva of the US & Canada
provides high quality religious
In this week’s Parsha, Parshat Tazria, Hashem
instructs Bnei Yisrael about what sacrifices a
woman needs to bring in order to become
Tahor, or pure, after childbirth. It reads: "Upon
the completion ... of her purity ... she shall
bring a sheep.... But if she cannot afford a
sheep, then she shall take two turtledoves or
two young doves ... and she shall become
purified" (Lev. 12:6-8).
Zionist education and programs
for North American Jewish youth
along with their families and
communities. Basing ourselves on
the principles of Torah V’Avodah,
we encourage aliyah, love of the
Jewish people, and love of Israel.
In this pasuk, we see that a woman can reach
the same level of Tahara whether she brings a
sheep or can only afford two doves. One may
ask, how is this possible? Shouldn’t every
woman be commanded to bring the same
thing, and if not, shouldn’t the larger sacrifice
yield a higher level of Tahara?
We can learn a valuable message from this
question. Each person is obligated in
accordance only within his abilities and
receives an identical spiritual purification. Since Hashem is the only one who can provide spiritual
atonement for one’s sins, He determines what can "cleanse" someone of their Tuma, impurity. When
a woman offers the animal which she can afford a cleansing process occurs. If she offers less than
she is able to give, it doesn't occur. The same lesson can be applied when performing Chessed. If
someone is very wealthy and donates millions of dollars to charity, it is certainly a wonderful act.
However, does someone who isn't able to donate as much receive the same merit? Just as the same
spiritual Tahara takes place whether someone brings a sheep or a dove, so too does each person who
strives to give according to his means receive an identical spiritual result.■
16115 Sherfield Place
Southfield, MI 48075
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