July 10, 2016 - St. Bernard`s Church • Levittown NY
July 10, 2016 - St. Bernard`s Church • Levittown NY
A community of Faith hope and love Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2016 Let us forever sing your praise! ’ T. B ERNARD S S CATHOLIC CHURCH 516-731-4220 Phone/516-731-4355 Fax Email: Parish@StBernardChurch.org Website: www.StBernardChurch.org MISSION STATEMENT With faith, hope, and love the people of St. Bernard's parish family are on a mission to bring the gospel of Jesus to the Levittown Community and beyond. PASTORAL TEAM Father Ralph Sommer, Pastor Shepherd@StBernardChurch.org ext. 130 Father Joe Nohs, Associate Pastor FrNohsBest@StBernardChurch.org ext. 128 Deacon John Blakeney DeaconJohn@StBernardChurch.org 516-731-4220 Deacon James Flannery Aquinas69@gmail.com 516-731-4220 Deacon Timm Taylor DeaconTimm@StBernardChurch.org 516-731-4220 Father Patrick Abem, Chaplain in Residence patabem@gmail.com ext 124 Mrs. Susan Martin, Director of Religious Education RelEd@StBernardChurch.org 516-731-8511 Phone/516-731-7860 Fax The Religious Education Center is closed on Fridays. Sr. Christine Sammons, O.P., Coordinator of Parish Social Ministry PSM@StBernardChurch.org 516-731-6074 Ms. Sarah Kropac, Coordinator of Youth Ministry skropac@stbernardchurch.org Mrs. Mary Jane Witte, Director of Liturgical Music MJWitte@StBernardChurch.org ext. 142 Ms. Diane Vella, Pastoral Associate DVella@StBernardChurch.org ext. 143 Mrs. Rose Marie Rotondo, Sacristan Sacristan@StBernardChurch.org 516-731-4220 Mr. Len Lanzi, Facilities Manager ext. 120 Mr. Dimas Carbajal, Head of Maintenance Maintenance@StBernardChurch.org ext. 126 CYO Basketball: stbernardcyo.org Spiritual Life Schedule of Masses: Saturday: 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am (Family Mass), 10:30 am, 12 Noon, 5:30 pm (Youth Mass) Weekdays: 8:00 am Holy Days: see website: www.StBernardChurch.org Confessions: Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 pm. Weekdays: After the 8:00 am Mass Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena and Benediction: Monday: Check schedule on page 4. Morning Prayer: Monday through Saturday, 8:30 am, Prayer Room. Books are available. Baptism of Children: We welcome infants and children to our Christian community! Baptisms are held on select Sundays at 1:30 pm. Please contact the parish at least 3 months before an anticipated baptism – even before a new child is born – to ensure enough time to complete the baptism preparation process. Our three-step preparation process includes: 1) at-home reading and preparation by the parents; 2) an intake conversation with a member of our parish staff; and 3) participation with other parents in a Sunday morning gathering, which begins with attendance at our 9:00 am “Family-friendly” Mass. Please call 731-4220 or e-mail parish@StBernardChurch.org to request a Baptism information and preparation packet. Marriages: Church arrangements should be made at least 6 months before the marriage and before making any contracts with restaurants or caterers. Please call the Would you like to join our vibrant community of Faith, Hope Rectory to set up an appointment with a priest, 731-4220. and Love at St. Bernard’s? Sign-up and get to know us at Ministry to the Sick and Aging: If you are, or know of one of our monthly New Parishioner Registration and Wel- someone who is homebound and would like to receive Holy come evenings! For information, call the parish office at Communion, please call the rectory at 731-4220. 516-731-4220, or download a form from our website http:// St. Vincent De Paul Society: 735-3218 www.stbernardchurch.org. Click on “Join St. Bernard’s” on Usher Coordinator: John Lyons (516) 390-5150 or the bottom of the home page form. If you move away, please notify us as well. Jlyons8234@gmail.com Bulletin Deadline: Friday, 5:00 pm, nine days prior to publication. You may email us at Bulletin@StBernardChurch.org or leave a printed copy in the inbox on the bulletin desk in the Parish Office. Thank you for your cooperation! 2 Images E– mail Father Ralph: shepherd@StBernardChurch.org Speaking of Images Have you taken any photos of you or your family at church lately? Since your photos are a record of your life, consider doing so. After all, there are plenty of beach, pool and BBQ photos being added to your family photo collection these days. Why not add an occasional church photo in the mix? Years from now these will be a testament to your faith. So take a pose after Mass at the altar...or outside with one of the priests...or in the church gardens, or even in your pew. Sommer in the Summer If you’ve been meaning to set up a date for a visit from your pastor this summer (have an informal gathering with neighbors or friends) be sure to visit stbernardchurch.org/ sommertime for available dates. The summer months fly by quickly so check out the possibilities this week. Before Jesus came, the Jewish people were forbidden to make images of God. Their religious counterparts among the pagans had created all kinds of statues - some of animals, some of giant humans -- and believed that by worshipping these statues, they would curry favor with the gods. But not the Jewish people. They rightly understood that no human-made image could even begin to reveal who God is. Until Jesus. As Saint Paul says in today’s second reading (Colossians 1:15-20), “Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God.” Yes, to see Jesus is to see God. And to see Jesus is to see a human being. He’s both. So if we’re supposed to be Christ-like by the way in which we live, then we need to show God-like behavior in our humanity. Here’s a little exercise to try in the week ahead. Take three pieces of paper. On the first page, write “Mother” and then write a list of all the qualities (for good or ill) that you saw in your mother when you were growing up (and even now). Do the same on the second page for your father. On the third page, write “God.” List the qualities (also for good or ill) that you have experienced about God. Next, compare the lists. How many words on the God-list match the words on the Mom-list or the Dad-list? How have your parents been images of God to you? This exercise not only reveals how our image of God has been influenced by our parents, but it clues us in on the reality of how WE help form the image of God for our children. The more like Jesus we are, the closer we’ll help our children and grandchildren to come to know God. So when Jesus tells the challenging story of the “Good Samaritan” in today’s gospel (Luke 10:25-37), he’s certainly stretching us past our comfort points to be much more responsive to those in need around us. If we expect generosity in our children’s generation, we can develop that by our own generosity. If we expect our children’s generation to be tolerant, forgiving, inclusive and caring of others, then we can develop that by the example of how we speak about others. (The current political climate is filled with really bad examples -- but we need to be careful that we don’t join in the ugly conversations. The goal is to be Christ-like. Our children are listening.) At the end of our lives, it would be great if we like Jesus were the image of the invisible God. 3 Parish News Gifts of treasure Blood Drive TODAY Sunday, July 10, 2016 8:30 am—2:30 pm Parish Center Sunday collections July 3, 2016 July 6, 2015 $ 12,486.50 $ 529 envelopes 14,339.15 558 envelopes Faith Direct $ 2,388.00 $ 2,059.21 Total Collection $ 14,874.50 Alzheimer’s Disease Support Group at St. Bernard’s Parish Center Tuesday mornings 11:00 am & Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm The purpose of the group is to share current problems and help each other to resolve the issues. Please call Mike Bartholomew at 516-735-1685 for more information. $ 16,398.36 Capital Campaign Goal: Pledged: Collected to date: $1,000,000.00 $1,199,925 $1,119,275 Please continue to fulfill your pledge commitment so that all of the planned projects can be accomplished. Thank you for your continued generosity. Faith Direct Have you enrolled yet? www.faithdirect.net Code = NY272 the Gifts of bread and wine for the weekend of July 9th & July 10th have been requested in loving memory of Mildred McMahon by Cathy & Frank Lawlor Parish calendar Monday, 7:30 pm Tuesday, 10:00 am 11:00 am 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Have you seen Saint Bernard's all new online summertime guide? Go to stbernardchurch.org/ Summer (that's with a capital "S") to see all that's going on in July and August. 4 (Subject to change) July 11 Miraculous Medal Novena, Church July 12 Our Lady of Consolation, Parish Center Alzheimer’s Support Group, Parish Center Zumba Gold, Parish Center Altar Server Funeral Practice, Church Spanish Rosary, Prayer Room AA Meeting, School Room 207 Faith Awakening, Parish Center Sacraments mass intentions This listing may not reflect recent changes or additions. Monday, July 11 8:00 am Angelina Berardi Tuesday, July 12 8:00 am Peter Thearle Wednesday, July 13 8:00 am Edward H. Purtill Thursday, July 14 8:00 am Jack Driscoll- living Friday, July 15 8:00 am Fr. Ralph Sommer Saturday, July 16 8:00 am Carmine Aprigliano, Cynthia Simpson—living, “Together We Can” Youth Group, “The Way” Rosary Group 5:00 pm Raymond Mineo Sunday, July 17 7:30 am John Chung Salomone 9:00 am Loriane Scheck 10:30 am Raymond Mineo, Joseph Caracciola, Joseph McNulty, For All Parishioners 12 Noon John Mahoney 5:30 pm Bridget Dell'Aera Parish calendar Wednesday, 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Thursday, 9:00 am 10:00 am 2:15 pm 6:30 pm Friday, 2:00 pm Saturday, 11:00 am Sunday, 9:00 am 6:30 pm 8:00 pm BANNS OF MARRIAGE Second Time Matthew McCabe, St. James Parish, Seaford Melissa Vasikauskas, St. Bernard Parish, Levittown for the sick of our parish Jack Driscoll Mary Fugina William Torres Joseph Ferrari Anne Kalman Gerry Finlan Cynthia Simpson All names will remain on the list for 4 weeks after you call in. After that time we ask, if necessary, to call again. Thank you for cooperating and God bless all. Please pray for all those on our Long-term Sick List Baby Mason Francis Combs Susan Arena Arlene Barsch Kathleen Biscardi Irene Boyce Jean Caprera Rosemary Clark Ed Costello Roberta Curran Monica DeLaRosa Debra Dowdell Margaret Dowdell Harold Encizo Jim Finlan Linda Fitz Kathleen Flaherty Teresita Gallego Carole Gefken Regina Gorman Colleen Grasing John Guiffre Mike Hach Patricia Hafner Carolyn Hakim Suzanne Hanna Annette Hannon Cynthia Hansen Donna Hare John Hartofil Judy Hupfer Gervas Ignacio Vicki Jacona Steve Jugan Jerome W. Kalkhof Tia Maban Andrew Mahoney Lucy Marconi Gene McDonagh William McDonagh Teresa McDonald Mary McLean Dr. John McLaughlin John McMahon Mary Messina Irmgard Montanino Kerri Orlando Johnny Perdue Rosina Perri Raymond Pfiefer Catherine Pipinou Joan Rampolla Fred Rappa Laureen Quinn-Sturge Deanne Reilly John Rotondo, Jr. John Rotondo, Sr. Federico Rueda Terri Saccente Eve Saint Thomas Saint Keith Sessa Terry Sherwood Cynthia Simpson Norma Steiger David Testa Rosalie Travers Donna Vollaro Theresa Votta (Subject to change) July 13 Awakening Faith, Parish Center Alzheimer’s Support Group, Parish Center CFFR, Parish Center Folk Group, Off-site Mystery of God Video Series, Parish Center Bread of Life Prayer Group, Parish Center July 14 Zumba Gold, Parish Center Shawl Ministry, Parish Center St. Vincent Meeting, Clairvaux House Most Holy Trinity Novena, Prayer Room July 15 Stroke Support, Parish Center July 16 Women’s AA Meeting, Cafeteria July 17 Baptism Mass & Gathering, Church Youth Ministry Meeting, YM Room AA Meeting, Cafeteria Pray for our beloved deceased and those who mourn for them Mario Barris Maria Della Monica 5 Charles Monell Kevin John Skarren YEAR OF MERCY OCT. 2015—NOV. 2016 A Series of Help and Support Pope Francis has proclaimed December 8, 2015November 20, 2016 a Year of Mercy. In celebration, St. Bernard’s will sponsor a series of monthly presentations designed to support families who are facing various challenges in their homes or community. Effective Family Communication: Building Connections, Breaking Barriers Thursday, July 21, 7:30-9:00 p.m., Parish Center—All are welcome! The Bible says, “Let us speak the truth in love.” The first duty of love is to listen. Good communication in the family and beyond is built on listening more carefully and responsively, and acknowledging the feelings and wants that people express in word and mood. People are much more likely to listen if they have been listened to with actively expressed acknowledgments. The open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart! Join Dr. Shelton in this thought-provoking workshop to explore your communication, your ability to listen and to choose words that build connections and break down barriers. Dr. Ray Shelton is a consulting psychologist with the Diocese of Rockville Centre, presenting programs in stress management, communication, parenting, and marriage preparation. In his primary work, he is a Fellow and Director of Professional Development with the National Center for Crisis Management, and has provided consultation, development and training to the law enforcement, emergency services, corporate, industrial, insurance, medical, and education community in the area of Stress Management, Crisis, Trauma and Violence. He serves as the Clinical Director for the Nassau County Fire Service Traumatic Stress Response Team and regularly consults with the news media regarding Traumatic Stress, offering expert commentary for CNN, ABC, FOX, NY Times and Newsday. In addition, Dr. Shelton is an honorably discharged veteran, having served in the US Navy as a Hospital Corpsman. He is also an Eagle Scout. Words of MERCY from Pope Francis: “...The Pope is at your side and supports you.” Over the course of the next year we will feature some thoughts from one of Pope Francis’ talks, homilies or writings. We invite you to think, talk and pray about what it might be saying to you and to our parish about our MISSION as followers of Jesus Christ as we seek with faith, hope and love to bring the Gospel to the Levittown community and beyond. “Whenever a hand reaches out to do good or to show the love of Christ, to dry a tear or bring comfort to the lowly, to show the way to one who is lost or to console a broken heart...to forgive or to offer a new start in God, the Pope is at your side and supports you.” From Pope Francis’ Address at St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Washington DC, September, 2015 Which of the above acts of mercy are you being called to do for someone right now? How will you respond to that call? 6 ADULT FAITH FORMATION Diane Vella, Pastoral Associate July Video Discussion Series Who or what is “God” to you? A benevolent Father in the sky? A kind of all-powerful “superman” figure? A “super cop” who keeps people in line? Is God kind of like Santa Claus, someone you ask to give you good things and hope you get them? Or is God a “force” or “energy” that surrounds you and fills you? Come find out what Christianity really means when it talks about the greatest and most awesome mystery that’s beyond all our wildest ideas and expectations! Explore The MYSTERY OF GOD with Bishop Robert Barron’s Videos Hosted by Deacon John Blakeney 3 Wednesday evenings July 6, 13 and 20, 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Parish Center For information contact Diane Vella at 516-731-4220 or dvella@stbernardchurch.org Becoming Catholic: Does this apply to you or someone you know? Going to church but not baptized? Going to a Catholic church but not Catholic? Going to a Catholic church but not confirmed? Interested in finding out more about loving Jesus as a member of the Catholic Church? Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): A Journey in Faith! Name: _____________________________________________________________Phone: _____________________________ Best time to call: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Place form in collection basket, or contact Diane Vella: 516-731-4220 or dvella@stbernardchurch.org 7 Liturgy corner FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 10, 2016 First Reading: It appears that God’s people have disregarded the Lord’s ways and preferred their own. Moses instructs them to renew their covenant commitment by returning to the Lord “with all your heart and all your soul.” Love of the Lord and fidelity to the commandments are the essential elements of covenant relationship. These are not “too mysterious and remote for you.” They are very near to you, easily accessible in your life’s experience as they are “already in your mouths and in your hearts.” All that is required is for each one to carry them out. The challenge for any disciple centers not so much, on knowing what is right but on having the courage and strength to do what is right. Covenant love relationship demands that we not only “know” but also “do.” things hold together. In Christ, God becomes human, and through his life, Death, and Resurrection, reconciled all things that had gone astray and lost their connection with God. Since the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in Christ, he, through his self-emptying love for all, was able to reestablish God’s peace and harmony that binds the universe together. We are still sorting out what reconciliation of all creation means for us as humans but also for all of God’s created works. Gospel: To understand the essence of the law summarized by an inquiring scholar of the law, Jesus proceeds to recount the parable of the Good Samaritan. For Jesus, loving the neighbor as yourself is the criteria for assessing one’s love of God. Therefore it would have been important to know the exact definition of neighbor so that one could be faithful to the commandment. Jesus’ parable brings his audience to a moment of insight and decision. The definition of neighbor as one who treats another with mercy, breaks down all artificial boundaries that divide us, and rests on the insight that we are to treat one another in the same fashion that God treats all creation. We are called to treat one another with mercy, no matter who the other is or what we think the other deserves. To love God is to treat one another with mercy, reconciliation and love. What decisions will you make? Responsorial Psalm 69: The refrain from this lament psalm, “Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live,” captures well Moses’ instruction to the people in the First Reading. Covenant lover and relationship emboldens the psalmist to turn to the Lord for mercy and help, assured already that the Lord does hear and responds. Second Reading: Colossians extols Christ as “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation,” through whom the universe was created. In Christ, all Saints of the Week Monday, July 11. Saddened by the immoral state of society, St. Benedict of Nursia (480-553/7) left the city to live as a hermit at Subiaco. In time, more and more men were attracted to his charismatic personality as well as his way of life. He eventually moved a group of monks to Monte Cassino, near Naples, where he completed the final version of the rule, now known as The Rule of St. Benedict, on the fundamentals of monastic life, including the day-to-day operation of a monastery. The rule asserts that the primary occupation of the monk is to pray the Divine Office in tandem with a vowed life of stability, obedience, and conversion. The whole of the monastic vocation can be summarized in the opening line of his rule, “Listen carefully.” Wednesday, July 13. St. Henry II (972-1024) was a German king and Holy Roman Emperor, the only German king to be canonized. Henry had considered becoming a priest, but when his father died, he inherited his father’s title of Duke of Bavaria. He became King of Germany in 1002 and married Cunegunda, who is also a saint. He had a reputation for being learned and pious, and was a positive influence in Church-state relationships. Henry is a patron saint of Benedictine oblates and is invoked against infertility, for he and his wife were childless. 8 Liturgy corner Readings for July 10, 2016 - July 17, 2016 Thursday, July 14. St. Kateri Tekakwitha. Virgin. St. Kateria Tekakwitha (1656-1680), called the “Lily of the Mohawks,” Is the first Native American to have been beatified and was recently canonized a saint. Her decision to convert was not received well within her community because Christianity was seen as the religion of the oppressors. St. Kateri was a pious woman who attended daily Mass, fasted twice a week, taught children, and cared for the sick. After she died, a number of miracles and visions were attributed to her intercession. Tekakwitha was canonized in 2012. Sunday, July 10. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Deuteronomy 30:10-14; Colossians 1:15-20; Psalm 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37; Luke 10:25-37. Monday, July 11. Memorial of Saint Benedict, Abbot. Isaiah 1:10-17; Psalm 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23; Matthew 10:34–11:1. Tuesday, July 12. Isaiah 7:1-9; Psalm 48:2-8; Matthew 11:20-24. Wednesday, July 13. Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16; Psalm 94:510, 14-15; Matthew 11:25-27. Thursday, July 14. Memorial of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin. Isaiah 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Psalm 102:13-21; Matthew 11:28-30. Friday, July 15. Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Isaiah 38:1-6, 2122; (Ps) Isaiah 38:10-12, 16; Matthew 12:1-8. Saturday, July 16. Micah 2:1-5; Psalm 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Matthew 12:14-21. Sunday, July 17. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Genesis 18:1-10; Colossians 1:24-28; Psalm 15:2-5; Luke 10:38-42. Friday, July 15. St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. (1221-1274), scholastic theologian and philosopher, was born in Italy and joined the Franciscans in 1243. He studied theology at Paris with his great contemporary, Thomas Aquinas. Also Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Mount Carmel is part of a mountain range in northern Israel, significant to Christians for its biblical association with the prophet Elijah (see I Kings 18). In the Twelfth century, the Carmelites were founded at a site reputed to have been Elijah’s cave. They soon built a monastery here. The Carmelites honor the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The English Carmelite, St. Simon Stock, is believed to have been given the brown scapular by Our Lady, and those who wear it believe they can be sure of her help at the hour of their death. Sourcebook 2016 The Ride Home Vigil of the Feast Day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel will be held on Friday July 15, 2016 This feature is for families to share their thoughts as they travel to and from Church. 6:00 pm Adoration, Rosary, Evening Prayer & Benediction 7:00 pm Mass ( with opportunity to enroll in the Brown Scapular). Fellowship to follow. Holy Family Church 5 Fordham Avenue Hicksville For more information, call 631-421-1324. Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 10, 2016 Gospel: Luke 10:25-37 Adults: When have you gone out of your way to help a stranger in need? Children: Would you help a new student who needed help? Why or why not? 9 Parish social ministry Sr. Christine Sammons, O.P., 731-6074 print clearly. We try to decipher, but often without success. St. Vincent de Paul: We are most grateful to everyone who remembers our low-income Levittown neighbors with food for the pantry or monetary donations, including those given in the poor boxes. Thanks! This week, our needs include: Intentions are included only once, so it is not necessary to write the intention multiple times in a given month. We would like to thank our faithful pray-ers for this gift to the community. Anyone interested in joining the group may contact Sister Christine. Canned vegetables of all kinds Shampoo and conditioner Toilet tissue We are beginning to accept school supplies (shhhh!) if you happen to come across some good bargains! Did you know that… Please remember the poor boxes (the breadboxes of the poor) and to “buy one, get one free!” the United States has made significant progress in addressing food hardship since the Great Recession, but still millions of Americans live in households that struggle to put food on the table, according to a report, How Hungry is America?, released by the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC). The report found one in six Americans (16 percent) said in 2015 that there had been times over the past 12 months that they didn’t have enough money to buy food that they or their families needed. This reflects a three point drop from the 18.9 percent rate in 2013, and the lowest rate since early 2008. The report also looks at food hardship in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 109 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). Despite the improvement, the report reveals that still no corner of the country is immune to hunger. New York State ranks 20th in the nation with 15.7% of residents reporting food insecurity in 2015. Free Photo IDs for Children: County Executive Ed Mangano and Senator Michael Venditto are providing free “Kid Pix” photo identification cards to parents and children. The ID includes a picture, fingerprint, contact information, date of birth, physical description and gender, on a wallet sized ID card. If a child is ever missing, parents can present the card to officials as a helpful tool to help locate the child. Dates: Tuesday, July 12, 11-2 at the Baldwin Public Library, 2385 Grand Ave. Tuesday, July 19, 11-1 at the Bellmore Public Library, 2288 Bedford Ave. Thank you for helping to keep For more information, please call 571-6000. our Levittown neighbors less food-insecure! GRASP: Ministry of Praise: Grief Recovery after a Substance Abuse Passing For more than 12 years, a group of about 30 people have received a letter, and a list of the intentions written in the red Hear Our Prayer book which is located under the spiral staircase on the right side of the church as you enter. Everyone is invited to include intentions in this book. At the end of the month they are compiled and mailed to our Ministers of Praise who have committed themselves to pray daily for the intentions. St. Bernard’s is reaching out to our parishioners who have experienced the tragic loss of a loved one to substance abuse. There are so many layers to having lost someone to drug addiction. You do not need to feel alone. The group will be facilitated by a licensed professional from YES Community Counseling Center. Leave your name, address and telephone number with Sister Christine at (516) 731-6074 by August 1st. Depending on the responses we receive, we will organize the support group. There is hope and healing after an addiction death. You are never alone. Two important reminders: It is important that the intentions be written/ printed clearly. Many intentions are not included because they are written illegibly. Please write/ 10 Parish social ministry St. Bernard’S Center for Religious Education Sr. Christine Sammons, O.P., 731-6074 Mrs. Susan Martin, M.A., Director, 516-731-8511 CD Players Needed The Religious education program is in need of 15 NEW, gently used CD players or monetary donation in order to accompany the musical component of our children's lessons. If you would like to give to our cause, please contact the Office. (Smartin@stbernardchurch.org). May you keep the Lord's song in your hearts! Thank you. Is the Holy Spirit calling you to become a catechist and share faith with His children? We are indebted to those who volunteer yet we are in need of new catechists for the Fall. You must take Virtus (offered on Sept. 13th both 9:30 or 7pm here) complete background check information, and attend our training sessions. There are present openings for Level 4 on Thursday afternoons, Level 6 on Monday evenings and Level 7 on Thursday evenings. This year instead of volunteering for a secular organization, why not give your time and talents to this worthwhile ministry of helping to pass on the faith to future generations. "The harvest is great but the laborers are few." Please contact the Religious Education Office or e mail: Smartin@stbernardchurch.org God bless you! Our "Have Fun, Be Fit" summer program with our Olympic theme, ended on July 1st. The children, counselors and adults were joined by Mrs. Joanne Regan, whose donations in memory of her late husband Kevin provided all costs for the week. Thanks to Justine Scaduto who coordinated the events for a happy, healthy week at St. Bernard's! Catholics For Freedom of Religion - CFFR "Those who value Religious Freedom have cause for great concern" Justice Samuel Alito, June, 2016 Supreme Court (non)-decision: The Supreme Court's decision not to hear a case challenging a Washington State law that forces a family-owned pharmacy to dispense emergency contraceptives, known as Plan B, that aids in destruction of human life, is an "ominous sign" for those who value religious freedom, said Justice Samuel Alito, on June 28, 2016. In 2007, the state passed a law requiring all pharmacies to dispense this objectionable drug. In 2012, a federal court struck down the Washington State law as unconstitutional. The court found "abundant evidence" that the law was designed to force religious pharmacists and pharmacy owners to violate their faith. But, in July, 2015, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed this decision by upholding the law mandating pharmacies to dispense these drugs. The Supreme Court decision of June, 2016, to not hear the case allows the 9th Circuit's ruling to stand. "If this is a sign of how religious liberty cases will be treated in the years ahead, those who value religious freedom have cause for great concern," said Justice Alito. (dailysignal.com, 6/28/16) "Government has a perennial obligation to acknowledge and protect religious liberty as fundamental, no matter the moral and political trends of the moment." Archbishop William Lori, address to Congress 11 Dear Parishioner, Many of our fellow parishioners have contributed to the Catholic Ministries Appeal sponsored by the Diocese of Rockville Centre and for this we are truly grateful. By sharing in the diocesan Catholic Ministries Appeal, you can help us change the lives of more than 600,000 people in the Long Island community. In our own community, needy families are receiving help from our parish social ministry programs, our children are receiving religious education and are being prepared for the Sacraments, and our senior citizens have many services provided for them including affordable housing. As you may know, St. Bernard’s Parish is a vibrant Catholic community that strives daily to meet the spiritual needs of those in our parish and beyond. This year we have been blessed by meeting our goal through their generosity, however, we are asking YOU to prayerfully consider making an offering NOW since every dollar contributed to the Catholic Ministries Appeal gives St. Bernard’s an 80% return that is rebated back to the parish! In this Year of Mercy, designated by Pope Francis, we can point to the good work parish staff and volunteers do each day. Yet we know that there is so much more to do and that is why I am writing to you today. As a parishioner of St. Bernard’s, I use the Catholic Ministries Appeal as a way of personally ministering to the people that I cannot physically give my attention to due to the demands of an 8 to 5 job. I like to think of my donation as “a little piece of me’ that can touch the lives of so many others! Will you join me and many of your fellow parishioners in making a contribution to the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal? Your contribution will help to insure that all of the services and programs that the Diocese of Rockville Centre provides to people at every stage of their lives will continue. It will also give St. Bernard’s a tremendous return on your investment in this extremely worthy cause! Together we can make a tremendous difference in the lives of those around us! Saying “YES” will enhance our diocese and our parish for generations to come! Thank you for your prayers and for all that you do! In thanksgiving to God for all of His blessings, Steve Scarallo Catholic Ministries Coordinator for Saint Bernard's 12 Are you a gifted and talented leader looking for a challenge? St. Bernard’s is looking for a parishioner to assist in recruiting new volunteer ministers and connecting them with appropriate ministries in the parish. This vol- unteer position involves: Consulting with the parish staff regard- ing needs for volunteer ministers Coordinating outreach to potential volunteer ministers Helping people identify their gifts, tal- ents and strengths and connecting them with specific ministries Do you have: Organization skills? “People” skills? Knowledge of and enthusiasm for the life and mission of St. Bernard’s parish? For further information please contact Diane Vella at 516-731-4220 or dvella@stbernardchurch.org 13 14 Father Ralph Sommer is currently booking home visits during the summer. Gather some neighbors or friends and for a lively conversation about God, church, life, families, etc. Serve dessert. To see Father Ralph’s availability and to schedule a visit go to: stbernardchurch.org/summertime. These gatherings can be for adults, college age young adults or even teens or middle school friends. Book early so you don’t miss this opportunity! COME JOIN THE FUN AT HOLY INNOCENTS COLUMBIETTE LUAU SATURDAY JULY 23, 2016 If you’re a teenager with some time to share this summer, why not come help with some projects at Saint Bernard’s? Come for either a morning session (10am-12noon) or an afternoon session (1pm to 3:30). Please RSVP which dates(s) you’d like to attend: Tuesday, July 12 Wednesday, July 13 Tuesday, August 9 Tuesday, August 16 Wednesday, August 17 Tuesday, August 23 RSVP online: stbernardchurch.org/fixup or e-mail Father Ralph: shepherd@stbernardchurch.org 6PM-10PM AT 3581 JEFFRIES ROAD IN LEVITTTOWN $25.00 PER PERSON INCLUDES FOOD, DJ, BEER, WINE, & SODA TICKETS ON SALE AT THE COUNCIL OR CALL EDITH AT 516-993-0643, LORI ANN 516-749-2124 OR MARIE AT 516-735-0037 FOR RESERVATIONS. TICKETS AT THE DOOR ARE $30.00 We will have Roasted Pig!!!! 15 WANTAGH 603 Wantagh Avenue EAST MEADOW 2515 N. Jerusalem Road 516-826-1010 516-731-5550 Serving Proudly the St. Bernard Parish for over 50 Years QUICK EMERGENCY RESPONSE 24 HR. 7 DAYS P H IL C E P A RA N O PLUMBING & HEATING All Leaks Repaired • Floods Pumped Looking for a guy in real estate: You just found one! ALL WORK PERFORMED BY OWNER Highly Recommended By His Customers TRY ME ONCE YOU’LL BE IMPRESSED WITH THE SERVICE 516-454-6557 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE www.ceparanoplumbing.com Serving the Parish Area Cell: 516-417-2869 Lic. Master Plumber Serving all Nassau No Job Too Small Insured Office: 516-809-1000 Licensed Real Estate Agent “Area Specialist” Levittown homeowner and fellow parishioner for 35 years www.housesalesbyneal.com james.neal@cbmoves.com Comforting families Since 1924 ASK ABOUT MY 2 YEAR GUARANTEE Homecare corp. James Neal g xÇw x Ü _É ä x V t Üx Telephone - 516-342-1335 Email -atlchomecare@outlook.com Compassionate home care for your loved one including: Bathing assistance Light Meal Preparation Light House Keeping Doctor Visits Medication Reminders Shopping and more… We treat your loved ones like family. Family Owned and Operated by Timothy J. Dalton and Beth Dalton-Costello LEVITTOWN 2786 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 796-0400 HICKSVILLE 47 Jerusalem Avenue (516) 931-0262 www.thomasfdaltonfuneralhomes.com RAYMOND NARDO HOLY INNOCENTS COUNCIL #3581 ATTORNEY AT LAW 129 Third St., Mineola, NY 11501 Are you Selling Your Home? Do You Need a Will? 516-248-2121 3581 Jeffries Rd., Levittown, N.Y. For Membership info Call (516) 731-9018 ********** Banquet Facility available (516) 735-1724 PAT DOLAN PLUMBING Licensed Master Plumber 798-8943 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE CLASS “A” ROOFING & SIDING ROOFING SPECIALIST “We Live Here, We Worship Here” (516) 826-5514 Lic/Ins Law Office of Roy A. List DIVISION CAR CARE “All Repairs Guaranteed” Wills • Trusts • Elder Law Medicaid Planning • Medicaid Applications 731-8900 Free Consultation 109 Newbridge Road, Hicksville 516-822-4100 Foreign & Domestic N.Y. State Inspections 40 Division Ave. Levittown www.elderlawyersny.com VERNON C. WAGNER FUNERAL HOMES, INC. 655 Old Country Road 125 Old Country Road Hicksville, NY 11714 (516) 935-7100 www.kensfaucetandtoiletrepairs.com KENS FAUCET Now conveniently in East Meadow Plainview, NY 11803 (516) 938-4311 “Our Service Speaks For Itself” John Satriano, ABR, SRES N.Y.S. Lic. R.E. Broker Associate Notary Public Real Estate & TOILET REPAIRS INC. Prevete 3705 Hempstead Turnpike Levittown, New York 11756 Plumbers Licensed Master Plumber All Plumbing Repairs | All Bathroom Leaks including Tile Repair 516-796-2100 serving the Community Since 1990 1 0 % o ff f o r p a ri s hi o ne rs a n d f a mi l y Business (516) 520-3838 Fax (516) 520-5738 Cell (516) 330-9940 “YOU’LL BE AMAZED” CALL FOR FREE Market Analysis Your Personal Realtor - Member Long Island Board of Realtors - Member New York State Association of Realtors - Member National Association of Realtors Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated Office Hours By Appointment MATTURRO DENTAL P.C. General & Cosmetic Dentistry 3601 Hempstead TpkeSuite 422 Levittown, NY 11756 Telephone: (516) 735-7444 Parish Member Supporting Our Community #172 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com Repair or Replace: Faucets • Toilets • Sinks • Drains • Heat Waste & Water Lines - Residential Specialist And Holidays